
1// Copyright 2024 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5//! Safe bindings for the driver runtime dispatcher stable ABI
7use fdf_sys::*;
9use core::cell::UnsafeCell;
10use core::ffi;
11use core::future::Future;
12use core::marker::PhantomData;
13use core::mem::ManuallyDrop;
14use core::ptr::{addr_of_mut, null_mut, NonNull};
15use core::task::Context;
16use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
18use zx::Status;
20use futures::future::{BoxFuture, FutureExt};
21use futures::task::{waker_ref, ArcWake};
23pub use fdf_sys::fdf_dispatcher_t;
25pub trait ShutdownObserverFn: FnOnce(DispatcherRef<'_>) + Send + Sync + 'static {}
26impl<T> ShutdownObserverFn for T where T: FnOnce(DispatcherRef<'_>) + Send + Sync + 'static {}
28/// A builder for [`Dispatcher`]s
30pub struct DispatcherBuilder {
31    #[doc(hidden)]
32    pub options: u32,
33    #[doc(hidden)]
34    pub name: String,
35    #[doc(hidden)]
36    pub scheduler_role: String,
37    #[doc(hidden)]
38    pub shutdown_observer: Option<ShutdownObserver>,
41impl DispatcherBuilder {
43    pub(crate) const UNSYNCHRONIZED: u32 = 0b01;
45    pub(crate) const ALLOW_THREAD_BLOCKING: u32 = 0b10;
47    /// Creates a new [`DispatcherBuilder`] that can be used to configure a new dispatcher.
48    /// For more information on the threading-related flags for the dispatcher, see
49    /// https://fuchsia.dev/fuchsia-src/concepts/drivers/driver-dispatcher-and-threads
50    pub fn new() -> Self {
51        Self::default()
52    }
54    /// Sets whether parallel callbacks in the callbacks set in the dispatcher are allowed. May
55    /// not be set with [`Self::allow_thread_blocking`].
56    ///
57    /// See https://fuchsia.dev/fuchsia-src/concepts/drivers/driver-dispatcher-and-threads
58    /// for more information on the threading model of driver dispatchers.
59    pub fn unsynchronized(mut self) -> Self {
60        assert!(
61            !self.allows_thread_blocking(),
62            "you may not create an unsynchronized dispatcher that allows synchronous calls"
63        );
64        self.options = self.options | Self::UNSYNCHRONIZED;
65        self
66    }
68    /// Whether or not this is an unsynchronized dispatcher
69    pub fn is_unsynchronized(&self) -> bool {
70        (self.options & Self::UNSYNCHRONIZED) == Self::UNSYNCHRONIZED
71    }
73    /// This dispatcher may not share zircon threads with other drivers. May not be set with
74    /// [`Self::unsynchronized`].
75    ///
76    /// See https://fuchsia.dev/fuchsia-src/concepts/drivers/driver-dispatcher-and-threads
77    /// for more information on the threading model of driver dispatchers.
78    pub fn allow_thread_blocking(mut self) -> Self {
79        assert!(
80            !self.is_unsynchronized(),
81            "you may not create an unsynchronized dispatcher that allows synchronous calls"
82        );
83        self.options = self.options | Self::ALLOW_THREAD_BLOCKING;
84        self
85    }
87    // Whether or not this dispatcher allows synchronous calls
88    pub fn allows_thread_blocking(&self) -> bool {
89        (self.options & Self::ALLOW_THREAD_BLOCKING) == Self::ALLOW_THREAD_BLOCKING
90    }
92    /// A descriptive name for this dispatcher that is used in debug output and process
93    /// lists.
94    pub fn name(mut self, name: &str) -> Self {
95        self.name = name.to_string();
96        self
97    }
99    /// A hint string for the runtime that may or may not impact the priority the work scheduled
100    /// by this dispatcher is handled at. It may or may not impact the ability for other drivers
101    /// to share zircon threads with the dispatcher.
102    pub fn scheduler_role(mut self, role: &str) -> Self {
103        self.scheduler_role = role.to_string();
104        self
105    }
107    /// A callback to be called before after the dispatcher has completed asynchronous shutdown.
108    pub fn shutdown_observer<F: ShutdownObserverFn>(mut self, shutdown_observer: F) -> Self {
109        self.shutdown_observer = Some(ShutdownObserver::new(shutdown_observer));
110        self
111    }
113    /// Create the dispatcher as configured by this object. This must be called from a
114    /// thread managed by the driver runtime. The dispatcher returned is owned by the caller,
115    /// and will initiate asynchronous shutdown when the object is dropped unless
116    /// [`Dispatcher::release`] is called on it to convert it into an unowned [`DispatcherRef`].
117    pub fn create(self) -> Result<Dispatcher, Status> {
118        let mut out_dispatcher = null_mut();
119        let options = self.options;
120        let name = self.name.as_ptr() as *mut ffi::c_char;
121        let name_len = self.name.len();
122        let scheduler_role = self.scheduler_role.as_ptr() as *mut ffi::c_char;
123        let scheduler_role_len = self.scheduler_role.len();
124        let observer =
125            self.shutdown_observer.unwrap_or_else(|| ShutdownObserver::new(|_| {})).into_ptr();
126        // SAFETY: all arguments point to memory that will be available for the duration
127        // of the call, except `observer`, which will be available until it is unallocated
128        // by the dispatcher exit handler.
129        Status::ok(unsafe {
130            fdf_dispatcher_create(
131                options,
132                name,
133                name_len,
134                scheduler_role,
135                scheduler_role_len,
136                observer,
137                &mut out_dispatcher,
138            )
139        })?;
140        // SAFETY: `out_dispatcher` is valid by construction if `fdf_dispatcher_create` returns
141        // ZX_OK.
142        Ok(Dispatcher(unsafe { NonNull::new_unchecked(out_dispatcher) }))
143    }
145    /// As with [`Self::create`], this creates a new dispatcher as configured by this object, but
146    /// instead of returning an owned reference it immediately releases the reference to be
147    /// managed by the driver runtime.
148    pub fn create_released(self) -> Result<DispatcherRef<'static>, Status> {
149        self.create().map(Dispatcher::release)
150    }
154pub struct Dispatcher(pub(crate) NonNull<fdf_dispatcher_t>);
156// SAFETY: The api of fdf_dispatcher_t is thread safe.
157unsafe impl Send for Dispatcher {}
158unsafe impl Sync for Dispatcher {}
160impl Dispatcher {
161    /// Creates a dispatcher ref from a raw handle.
162    ///
163    /// # Safety
164    ///
165    /// Caller is responsible for ensuring that the given handle is valid and
166    /// not owned by any other wrapper that will free it at an arbitrary
167    /// time.
168    pub unsafe fn from_raw(handle: NonNull<fdf_dispatcher_t>) -> Self {
169        Self(handle)
170    }
172    #[doc(hidden)]
173    pub fn inner<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a NonNull<fdf_dispatcher_t> {
174        &self.0
175    }
177    fn get_raw_flags(&self) -> u32 {
178        // SAFETY: the inner fdf_dispatcher_t is valid by construction
179        unsafe { fdf_dispatcher_get_options(self.0.as_ptr()) }
180    }
182    /// Whether this dispatcher's tasks and futures can run on multiple threads at the same time.
183    pub fn is_unsynchronized(&self) -> bool {
184        (self.get_raw_flags() & DispatcherBuilder::UNSYNCHRONIZED) != 0
185    }
187    /// Whether this dispatcher is allowed to call blocking functions or not
188    pub fn allows_thread_blocking(&self) -> bool {
189        (self.get_raw_flags() & DispatcherBuilder::ALLOW_THREAD_BLOCKING) != 0
190    }
192    pub fn post_task_sync(&self, p: impl TaskCallback) -> Result<(), Status> {
193        // SAFETY: the fdf dispatcher is valid by construction and can provide an async dispatcher.
194        let async_dispatcher = unsafe { fdf_dispatcher_get_async_dispatcher(self.0.as_ptr()) };
195        let task_arc = Arc::new(UnsafeCell::new(TaskFunc {
196            task: async_task { handler: Some(TaskFunc::call), ..Default::default() },
197            func: Box::new(p),
198        }));
200        let task_cell = Arc::into_raw(task_arc);
201        // SAFETY: we need a raw mut pointer to give to async_post_task. From
202        // when we call that function to when the task is cancelled or the
203        // callback is called, the driver runtime owns the contents of that
204        // object and we will not manipulate it. So even though the Arc only
205        // gives us a shared reference, it's fine to give the runtime a
206        // mutable pointer to it.
207        let res = unsafe {
208            let task_ptr = addr_of_mut!((*UnsafeCell::raw_get(task_cell)).task);
209            async_post_task(async_dispatcher, task_ptr)
210        };
211        if res != ZX_OK {
212            // SAFETY: `TaskFunc::call` will never be called now so dispose of
213            // the long-lived reference we just created.
214            unsafe { Arc::decrement_strong_count(task_cell) }
215            Err(Status::from_raw(res))
216        } else {
217            Ok(())
218        }
219    }
221    pub fn spawn_task(
222        &self,
223        future: impl Future<Output = ()> + 'static + Send,
224    ) -> Result<(), Status> {
225        let task = Arc::new(Task {
226            future: Mutex::new(Some(future.boxed())),
227            dispatcher: ManuallyDrop::new(Dispatcher(self.0)),
228        });
229        task.queue()
230    }
232    /// Releases ownership over this dispatcher and returns a [`DispatcherRef`]
233    /// that can be used to access it. The lifetime of this reference is static because it will
234    /// exist so long as this current driver is loaded, but the driver runtime will shut it down
235    /// when the driver is unloaded.
236    pub fn release(self) -> DispatcherRef<'static> {
237        DispatcherRef(ManuallyDrop::new(self), PhantomData)
238    }
240    /// Returns a [`DispatcherRef`] that references this dispatcher with a lifetime constrained by
241    /// `self`.
242    pub fn as_dispatcher_ref(&self) -> DispatcherRef<'_> {
243        DispatcherRef(ManuallyDrop::new(Dispatcher(self.0)), PhantomData)
244    }
247impl Drop for Dispatcher {
248    fn drop(&mut self) {
249        // SAFETY: we only ever provide an owned `Dispatcher` to one owner, so when
250        // that one is dropped we can invoke the shutdown of the dispatcher
251        unsafe { fdf_dispatcher_shutdown_async(self.0.as_mut()) }
252    }
255/// An unowned reference to a driver runtime dispatcher such as is produced by calling
256/// [`Dispatcher::release`]. When this object goes out of scope it won't shut down the dispatcher,
257/// leaving that up to the driver runtime or another owner.
259pub struct DispatcherRef<'a>(ManuallyDrop<Dispatcher>, PhantomData<&'a Dispatcher>);
261impl<'a> DispatcherRef<'a> {
262    /// Creates a dispatcher ref from a raw handle.
263    ///
264    /// # Safety
265    ///
266    /// Caller is responsible for ensuring that the given handle is valid for
267    /// the lifetime `'a`.
268    pub unsafe fn from_raw(handle: NonNull<fdf_dispatcher_t>) -> Self {
269        // SAFETY: Caller promises the handle is valid.
270        Self(ManuallyDrop::new(unsafe { Dispatcher::from_raw(handle) }), PhantomData)
271    }
274impl<'a> Clone for DispatcherRef<'a> {
275    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
276        Self(ManuallyDrop::new(Dispatcher(self.0 .0)), PhantomData)
277    }
280impl<'a> core::ops::Deref for DispatcherRef<'a> {
281    type Target = Dispatcher;
282    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
283        &self.0
284    }
287impl<'a> core::ops::DerefMut for DispatcherRef<'a> {
288    fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
289        &mut self.0
290    }
293pub trait TaskCallback: FnOnce(Status) + 'static + Send + Sync {}
294impl<T> TaskCallback for T where T: FnOnce(Status) + 'static + Send + Sync {}
296struct Task {
297    future: Mutex<Option<BoxFuture<'static, ()>>>,
298    dispatcher: ManuallyDrop<Dispatcher>,
301impl ArcWake for Task {
302    fn wake_by_ref(arc_self: &Arc<Self>) {
303        match arc_self.queue() {
304            Err(e) if e == Status::from_raw(ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE) => {
305                // the dispatcher is shutting down so drop the future, if there
306                // is one, to cancel it.
307                let mut future_slot = arc_self.future.lock().unwrap();
308                core::mem::drop(future_slot.take());
309            }
310            res => res.expect("Unexpected error waking dispatcher task"),
311        }
312    }
315impl Task {
316    /// Posts a task to progress the currently stored future. The task will
317    /// consume the future if the future is ready after the next poll.
318    /// Otherwise, the future is kept to be polled again after being woken.
319    fn queue(self: &Arc<Self>) -> Result<(), Status> {
320        let arc_self = self.clone();
321        self.dispatcher
322            .post_task_sync(move |status| {
323                let mut future_slot = arc_self.future.lock().unwrap();
324                // if we're cancelled, drop the future we're waiting on.
325                if status != Status::from_raw(ZX_OK) {
326                    core::mem::drop(future_slot.take());
327                    return;
328                }
330                let Some(mut future) = future_slot.take() else {
331                    return;
332                };
333                let waker = waker_ref(&arc_self);
334                let context = &mut Context::from_waker(&waker);
335                if future.as_mut().poll(context).is_pending() {
336                    *future_slot = Some(future);
337                }
338            })
339            .map(|_| ())
340    }
344struct TaskFunc {
345    task: async_task,
346    func: Box<dyn TaskCallback>,
349impl TaskFunc {
350    extern "C" fn call(_dispatcher: *mut async_dispatcher, task: *mut async_task, status: i32) {
351        // SAFETY: the async api promises that this function will only be called
352        // up to once, so we can reconstitute the `Arc` and let it get dropped.
353        let task = unsafe { Arc::from_raw(task as *const UnsafeCell<Self>) };
354        // SAFETY: if we can't get a mut ref from the arc, then the task is already
355        // being cancelled, so we don't want to call it.
356        if let Some(task) = Arc::try_unwrap(task).ok() {
357            (task.into_inner().func)(Status::from_raw(status));
358        }
359    }
362/// A shutdown observer for [`fdf_dispatcher_create`] that can call any kind of callback instead of
363/// just a C-compatible function when a dispatcher is shutdown.
365/// # Safety
367/// This object relies on a specific layout to allow it to be cast between a
368/// `*mut fdf_dispatcher_shutdown_observer` and a `*mut ShutdownObserver`. To that end,
369/// it is important that this struct stay both `#[repr(C)]` and that `observer` be its first member.
372pub struct ShutdownObserver {
373    observer: fdf_dispatcher_shutdown_observer,
374    shutdown_fn: Box<dyn ShutdownObserverFn>,
377impl ShutdownObserver {
378    /// Creates a new [`ShutdownObserver`] with `f` as the callback to run when a dispatcher
379    /// finishes shutting down.
380    pub fn new<F: ShutdownObserverFn>(f: F) -> Self {
381        let shutdown_fn = Box::new(f);
382        Self {
383            observer: fdf_dispatcher_shutdown_observer { handler: Some(Self::handler) },
384            shutdown_fn,
385        }
386    }
388    /// Turns this object into a stable pointer suitable for passing to [`fdf_dispatcher_create`]
389    /// by wrapping it in a [`Box`] and leaking it to be reconstituded by [`Self::handler`] when
390    /// the dispatcher is shut down.
391    pub fn into_ptr(self) -> *mut fdf_dispatcher_shutdown_observer {
392        // Note: this relies on the assumption that `self.observer` is at the beginning of the
393        // struct.
394        Box::leak(Box::new(self)) as *mut _ as *mut _
395    }
397    /// The callback that is registered with the dispatcher that will be called when the dispatcher
398    /// is shut down.
399    ///
400    /// # Safety
401    ///
402    /// This function should only ever be called by the driver runtime at dispatcher shutdown
403    /// time, must only ever be called once for any given [`ShutdownObserver`] object, and
404    /// that [`ShutdownObserver`] object must have previously been made into a pointer by
405    /// [`Self::into_ptr`].
406    unsafe extern "C" fn handler(
407        dispatcher: *mut fdf_dispatcher_t,
408        observer: *mut fdf_dispatcher_shutdown_observer_t,
409    ) {
410        // SAFETY: The driver framework promises to only call this function once, so we can
411        // safely take ownership of the [`Box`] and deallocate it when this function ends.
412        let observer = unsafe { Box::from_raw(observer as *mut ShutdownObserver) };
413        // SAFETY: `dispatcher` is the dispatcher being shut down, so it can't be non-null.
414        let dispatcher_ref = DispatcherRef(
415            ManuallyDrop::new(Dispatcher(unsafe { NonNull::new_unchecked(dispatcher) })),
416            PhantomData,
417        );
418        (observer.shutdown_fn)(dispatcher_ref);
419        // SAFETY: we only shutdown the dispatcher when the dispatcher is dropped, and we only ever
420        // instantiate one owned copy of `Dispatcher` for a given dispatcher.
421        unsafe { fdf_dispatcher_destroy(dispatcher) };
422    }
425pub mod test {
426    use core::ffi::{c_char, c_void};
427    use core::ptr::null_mut;
428    use std::sync::{mpsc, Once};
430    use super::*;
432    static GLOBAL_DRIVER_ENV: Once = Once::new();
434    pub fn ensure_driver_env() {
435        GLOBAL_DRIVER_ENV.call_once(|| {
436            // SAFETY: calling fdf_env_start, which does not have any soundness
437            // concerns for rust code, and this is only used in tests.
438            unsafe {
439                assert_eq!(fdf_env_start(0), ZX_OK);
440            }
441        });
442    }
443    pub fn with_raw_dispatcher<T>(name: &str, p: impl for<'a> FnOnce(&Arc<Dispatcher>) -> T) -> T {
444        with_raw_dispatcher_flags(name, DispatcherBuilder::ALLOW_THREAD_BLOCKING, p)
445    }
447    pub(crate) fn with_raw_dispatcher_flags<T>(
448        name: &str,
449        flags: u32,
450        p: impl for<'a> FnOnce(&Arc<Dispatcher>) -> T,
451    ) -> T {
452        ensure_driver_env();
454        let (shutdown_tx, shutdown_rx) = mpsc::channel();
455        let mut dispatcher = null_mut();
456        let mut observer = ShutdownObserver::new(move |dispatcher| {
457            // SAFETY: we verify that the dispatcher has no tasks left queued in it,
458            // just because this is testing code.
459            assert!(!unsafe { fdf_env_dispatcher_has_queued_tasks(dispatcher.0 .0.as_ptr()) });
460            shutdown_tx.send(()).unwrap();
461        })
462        .into_ptr();
463        let driver_ptr = &mut observer as *mut _ as *mut c_void;
464        // SAFETY: The pointers we pass to this function are all stable for the
465        // duration of this function, and are not available to copy or clone to
466        // client code (only through a ref to the non-`Clone`` `Dispatcher`
467        // wrapper).
468        let res = unsafe {
469            fdf_env_dispatcher_create_with_owner(
470                driver_ptr,
471                flags,
472                name.as_ptr() as *const c_char,
473                name.len(),
474                "".as_ptr() as *const c_char,
475                0 as usize,
476                observer,
477                &mut dispatcher,
478            )
479        };
480        assert_eq!(res, ZX_OK);
481        let dispatcher = Arc::new(Dispatcher(NonNull::new(dispatcher).unwrap()));
483        let res = p(&dispatcher);
485        // this initiates the dispatcher shutdown on a driver runtime
486        // thread. When all tasks on the dispatcher have completed, the wait
487        // on the shutdown_rx below will end and we can tear it down.
488        let weak_dispatcher = Arc::downgrade(&dispatcher);
489        drop(dispatcher);
490        shutdown_rx.recv().unwrap();
491        assert_eq!(
492            0,
493            weak_dispatcher.strong_count(),
494            "a dispatcher reference escaped the test body"
495        );
497        res
498    }
502mod tests {
503    use super::test::*;
504    use super::*;
506    use std::sync::mpsc;
508    use futures::channel::mpsc as async_mpsc;
509    use futures::{SinkExt, StreamExt};
511    #[test]
512    fn start_test_dispatcher() {
513        with_raw_dispatcher("testing", |dispatcher| {
514            println!("hello {dispatcher:?}");
515        })
516    }
518    #[test]
519    fn post_task_on_dispatcher() {
520        with_raw_dispatcher("testing task", |dispatcher| {
521            let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel();
522            dispatcher
523                .post_task_sync(move |status| {
524                    assert_eq!(status, Status::from_raw(ZX_OK));
525                    tx.send(status).unwrap();
526                })
527                .unwrap();
528            assert_eq!(rx.recv().unwrap(), Status::from_raw(ZX_OK));
529        });
530    }
532    #[test]
533    fn post_task_on_subdispatcher() {
534        let (shutdown_tx, shutdown_rx) = mpsc::channel();
535        with_raw_dispatcher("testing task top level", move |dispatcher| {
536            let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel();
537            let (inner_tx, inner_rx) = mpsc::channel();
538            dispatcher
539                .post_task_sync(move |status| {
540                    assert_eq!(status, Status::from_raw(ZX_OK));
541                    let inner = DispatcherBuilder::new()
542                        .name("testing task second level")
543                        .scheduler_role("")
544                        .allow_thread_blocking()
545                        .shutdown_observer(move |_dispatcher| {
546                            println!("shutdown observer called");
547                            shutdown_tx.send(1).unwrap();
548                        })
549                        .create()
550                        .unwrap();
551                    inner
552                        .post_task_sync(move |status| {
553                            assert_eq!(status, Status::from_raw(ZX_OK));
554                            tx.send(status).unwrap();
555                        })
556                        .unwrap();
557                    // we want to make sure the inner dispatcher lives long
558                    // enough to run the task, so we sent it out to the outer
559                    // closure.
560                    inner_tx.send(inner).unwrap();
561                })
562                .unwrap();
563            assert_eq!(rx.recv().unwrap(), Status::from_raw(ZX_OK));
564            inner_rx.recv().unwrap();
565        });
566        assert_eq!(shutdown_rx.recv().unwrap(), 1);
567    }
569    async fn ping(mut tx: async_mpsc::Sender<u8>, mut rx: async_mpsc::Receiver<u8>) {
570        println!("starting ping!");
571        tx.send(0).await.unwrap();
572        while let Some(next) = rx.next().await {
573            println!("ping! {next}");
574            tx.send(next + 1).await.unwrap();
575        }
576    }
578    async fn pong(
579        fin_tx: std::sync::mpsc::Sender<()>,
580        mut tx: async_mpsc::Sender<u8>,
581        mut rx: async_mpsc::Receiver<u8>,
582    ) {
583        println!("starting pong!");
584        while let Some(next) = rx.next().await {
585            println!("pong! {next}");
586            if next > 10 {
587                println!("bye!");
588                break;
589            }
590            tx.send(next + 1).await.unwrap();
591        }
592        fin_tx.send(()).unwrap();
593    }
595    #[test]
596    fn async_ping_pong() {
597        with_raw_dispatcher("async ping pong", |dispatcher| {
598            let (fin_tx, fin_rx) = mpsc::channel();
599            let (ping_tx, pong_rx) = async_mpsc::channel(10);
600            let (pong_tx, ping_rx) = async_mpsc::channel(10);
601            dispatcher.spawn_task(ping(ping_tx, ping_rx)).unwrap();
602            dispatcher.spawn_task(pong(fin_tx, pong_tx, pong_rx)).unwrap();
604            fin_rx.recv().expect("to receive final value");
605        });
606    }
608    async fn slow_pong(
609        fin_tx: std::sync::mpsc::Sender<()>,
610        mut tx: async_mpsc::Sender<u8>,
611        mut rx: async_mpsc::Receiver<u8>,
612    ) {
613        use zx::MonotonicDuration;
614        println!("starting pong!");
615        while let Some(next) = rx.next().await {
616            println!("pong! {next}");
617            fuchsia_async::Timer::new(fuchsia_async::MonotonicInstant::after(
618                MonotonicDuration::from_seconds(1),
619            ))
620            .await;
621            if next > 10 {
622                println!("bye!");
623                break;
624            }
625            tx.send(next + 1).await.unwrap();
626        }
627        fin_tx.send(()).unwrap();
628    }
630    #[test]
631    fn mixed_executor_async_ping_pong() {
632        with_raw_dispatcher("async ping pong", |dispatcher| {
633            let (fin_tx, fin_rx) = mpsc::channel();
634            let (ping_tx, pong_rx) = async_mpsc::channel(10);
635            let (pong_tx, ping_rx) = async_mpsc::channel(10);
637            // spawn ping on the driver dispatcher
638            dispatcher.spawn_task(ping(ping_tx, ping_rx)).unwrap();
640            // and run pong on the fuchsia_async executor
641            let mut executor = fuchsia_async::LocalExecutor::new();
642            executor.run_singlethreaded(slow_pong(fin_tx, pong_tx, pong_rx));
644            fin_rx.recv().expect("to receive final value");
645        });
646    }