1//use deflate_state::DebugCounter;
2use std::{mem, ptr};
34pub const WINDOW_SIZE: usize = 32768;
5pub const WINDOW_MASK: usize = WINDOW_SIZE - 1;
7pub const HASH_BYTES: usize = 3;
8const HASH_SHIFT: u16 = 5;
9const HASH_MASK: u16 = WINDOW_MASK as u16;
1011/// Helper struct to let us allocate both head and prev in the same block.
12struct Tables {
13/// Starts of hash chains (in prev)
14pub head: [u16; WINDOW_SIZE],
15/// Link to previous occurence of this hash value
16pub prev: [u16; WINDOW_SIZE],
1819impl Default for Tables {
21fn default() -> Tables {
22// # Unsafe
23 // This struct is not public and is only used in this module, and
24 // the values are immediately filled in after this struct is
25 // created.
26unsafe {
27 Tables {
28 head: mem::uninitialized(),
29 prev: mem::uninitialized(),
30 }
31 }
32 }
3435impl Tables {
36fn fill_prev(&mut self) {
37assert_eq!(self.head.len(), self.prev.len());
38// # Unsafe
39 //
40 // The arrays are created with the same length statically, so this should be safe.
41 // We use this rather than copy_from_slice as prev starts out unitialized.
42unsafe {
43 ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(self.head.as_ptr(), self.prev.as_mut_ptr(), self.prev.len())
44 }
45 }
4748/// Create and box the hash chains.
49fn create_tables() -> Box<Tables> {
50// Using default here is a trick to get around the lack of box syntax on stable rust.
51 //
52 // Box::new([0u16,n]) ends up creating an temporary array on the stack which is not optimised
53 // but using default, which simply calls `box value` internally allows us to get around this.
54 //
55 // We could use vec instead, but using a boxed array helps the compiler optimise
56 // away bounds checks as `n & WINDOW_MASK < WINDOW_SIZE` will always be true.
57let mut t: Box<Tables> = Box::default();
5859for (n, b) in t.head.iter_mut().enumerate() {
60// # Unsafe
61 //
62 // Using ptr::write here since the values are uninitialised.
63 // u16 is a primitive and doesn't implement drop, so this would be safe either way.
64unsafe {
65 ptr::write(b, n as u16);
66 }
67 }
6869 t.fill_prev();
7071 t
7374/// Returns a new hash value based on the previous value and the next byte
76pub fn update_hash(current_hash: u16, to_insert: u8) -> u16 {
77 update_hash_conf(current_hash, to_insert, HASH_SHIFT, HASH_MASK)
81fn update_hash_conf(current_hash: u16, to_insert: u8, shift: u16, mask: u16) -> u16 {
82 ((current_hash << shift) ^ (to_insert as u16)) & mask
86fn reset_array(arr: &mut [u16; WINDOW_SIZE]) {
87for (n, b) in arr.iter_mut().enumerate() {
88*b = n as u16;
89 }
9192pub struct ChainedHashTable {
93// Current running hash value of the last 3 bytes
94current_hash: u16,
95// Hash chains.
96c: Box<Tables>,
97// Used for testing
98 // count: DebugCounter,
100101impl ChainedHashTable {
102pub fn new() -> ChainedHashTable {
103 ChainedHashTable {
104 current_hash: 0,
105 c: create_tables(),
106//count: DebugCounter::default(),
108 }
111pub fn from_starting_values(v1: u8, v2: u8) -> ChainedHashTable {
112let mut t = ChainedHashTable::new();
113 t.current_hash = update_hash(t.current_hash, v1);
114 t.current_hash = update_hash(t.current_hash, v2);
115 t
116 }
117118/// Resets the hash value and hash chains
119pub fn reset(&mut self) {
120self.current_hash = 0;
121 reset_array(&mut self.c.head);
122 {
123let h = self.c.head;
124let mut c = self.c.prev;
125 c[..].copy_from_slice(&h[..]);
126 }
127/*if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
128 self.count.reset();
129 }*/
131132pub fn add_initial_hash_values(&mut self, v1: u8, v2: u8) {
133self.current_hash = update_hash(self.current_hash, v1);
134self.current_hash = update_hash(self.current_hash, v2);
135 }
136137/// Insert a byte into the hash table
139pub fn add_hash_value(&mut self, position: usize, value: u8) {
140// Check that all bytes are input in order and at the correct positions.
141 // Disabled for now as it breaks when sync flushing.
142 /*debug_assert_eq!(
143 position & WINDOW_MASK,
144 self.count.get() as usize & WINDOW_MASK
145 );*/
147 position < WINDOW_SIZE * 2,
148"Position is larger than 2 * window size! {}",
149 position
150 );
151// Storing the hash in a temporary variable here makes the compiler avoid the
152 // bounds checks in this function.
153let new_hash = update_hash(self.current_hash, value);
154155self.add_with_hash(position, new_hash);
156157// Update the stored hash value with the new hash.
158self.current_hash = new_hash;
159 }
160161/// Directly set the current hash value
163pub fn set_hash(&mut self, hash: u16) {
164self.current_hash = hash;
165 }
166167/// Update the tables directly, providing the hash.
169pub fn add_with_hash(&mut self, position: usize, hash: u16) {
170/*if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
171 self.count.add(1);
172 }*/
173174self.c.prev[position & WINDOW_MASK] = self.c.head[hash as usize];
175176// Ignoring any bits over 16 here is deliberate, as we only concern ourselves about
177 // where in the buffer (which is 64k bytes) we are referring to.
178self.c.head[hash as usize] = position as u16;
179 }
180181// Get the head of the hash chain for the current hash value
183 #[inline]
184pub fn current_head(&self) -> u16 {
185self.c.head[self.current_hash as usize]
186 }
189pub fn current_hash(&self) -> u16 {
191 }
194pub fn get_prev(&self, bytes: usize) -> u16 {
195self.c.prev[bytes & WINDOW_MASK]
196 }
199 #[inline]
200pub fn farthest_next(&self, match_pos: usize, match_len: usize) -> usize {
201let to_check = match_len.saturating_sub(2);
202203let mut n = 0;
204let mut smallest_prev =
206let mut smallest_pos = 0;
207while n < to_check {
208let prev =
209self.get_prev(match_pos + n);
210if prev < smallest_prev {
211 smallest_prev = prev;
212 smallest_pos = n;
213 }
214 n += 1;
215 }
216 smallest_pos
217 }
220fn slide_value(b: u16, pos: u16, bytes: u16) -> u16 {
221if b >= bytes {
222 b - bytes
223 } else {
224 pos
225 }
226 }
229fn slide_table(table: &mut [u16; WINDOW_SIZE], bytes: u16) {
230for (n, b) in table.iter_mut().enumerate() {
231*b = ChainedHashTable::slide_value(*b, n as u16, bytes);
232 }
233 }
234235pub fn slide(&mut self, bytes: usize) {
236/*if cfg!(debug_assertions) && bytes != WINDOW_SIZE {
237 // This should only happen in tests in this file.
238 self.count.reset();
239 }*/
240ChainedHashTable::slide_table(&mut self.c.head, bytes as u16);
241 ChainedHashTable::slide_table(&mut self.c.prev, bytes as u16);
242 }
246pub fn filled_hash_table(data: &[u8]) -> ChainedHashTable {
247assert!(data.len() <= (WINDOW_SIZE * 2) + 2);
248let mut hash_table = ChainedHashTable::from_starting_values(data[0], data[1]);
249for (n, b) in data[2..].iter().enumerate() {
250 hash_table.add_hash_value(n, *b);
251 }
252 hash_table
256mod test {
257use super::{filled_hash_table, ChainedHashTable};
260fn chained_hash() {
261use std::str;
262263let test_string = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do \
264 eiusmod tempor. rum. incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut \
265 enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi \
266 ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. rum. Duis aute irure dolor in \
267 reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla \
268 pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in \
269 culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.";
270271let test_data = test_string.as_bytes();
272273let current_bytes = &test_data[test_data.len() - super::HASH_BYTES..test_data.len()];
274275let num_iters = test_string
276 .matches(str::from_utf8(current_bytes).unwrap())
277 .count();
278279let hash_table = filled_hash_table(test_data);
280281// Test that the positions in the chain are valid
282let mut prev_value = hash_table.get_prev(hash_table.current_head() as usize) as usize;
283let mut count = 0;
284let mut current = hash_table.current_head() as usize;
285while current != prev_value {
286 count += 1;
287 current = prev_value;
288 prev_value = hash_table.get_prev(prev_value) as usize;
289 }
290// There should be at least as many occurences of the hash of the checked bytes as the
291 // numbers of occurences of the checked bytes themselves. As the hashes are not large enough
292 // to store 8 * 3 = 24 bits, there could be more with different input data.
293assert!(count >= num_iters);
294 }
297fn table_unique() {
298let mut test_data = Vec::new();
299 test_data.extend(0u8..255);
300 test_data.extend(255u8..0);
301let hash_table = filled_hash_table(&test_data);
302let prev_pos = hash_table.get_prev(hash_table.current_head() as usize);
303// Since all sequences in the input are unique, there shouldn't be any previous values.
304assert_eq!(prev_pos, hash_table.current_hash());
305 }
308fn table_slide() {
309use std::fs::File;
310use std::io::Read;
311312let window_size = super::WINDOW_SIZE;
313let window_size16 = super::WINDOW_SIZE as u16;
314315let mut input = Vec::new();
316317let mut f = File::open("tests/pg11.txt").unwrap();
318319 f.read_to_end(&mut input).unwrap();
320321let mut hash_table = filled_hash_table(&input[..window_size + 2]);
322323for (n, b) in input[2..window_size + 2].iter().enumerate() {
324 hash_table.add_hash_value(n + window_size, *b);
325 }
326327 hash_table.slide(window_size);
328329 {
330let max_head = hash_table.c.head.iter().max().unwrap();
331// After sliding there should be no hashes referring to values
332 // higher than the window size
333assert!(*max_head < window_size16);
334assert!(*max_head > 0);
335let pos = hash_table.get_prev(hash_table.current_head() as usize);
336// There should be a previous occurence since we inserted the data 3 times
337assert!(pos < window_size16);
338assert!(pos > 0);
339 }
340341for (n, b) in input[2..(window_size / 2)].iter().enumerate() {
342 hash_table.add_hash_value(n + window_size, *b);
343 }
344345// There should hashes referring to values in the upper part of the input window
346 // at this point
347let max_prev = hash_table.c.prev.iter().max().unwrap();
348assert!(*max_prev > window_size16);
349350let mut pos = hash_table.current_head();
351// There should be a previous occurence since we inserted the data 3 times
352assert!(pos > window_size16);
353let end_byte = input[(window_size / 2) - 1 - 2];
354let mut iterations = 0;
355while pos > window_size16 && iterations < 5000 {
356assert_eq!(input[pos as usize & window_size - 1], end_byte);
357358 pos = hash_table.get_prev(pos as usize);
359 iterations += 1;
360 }
361 }
364/// Ensure that the initial hash values are correct.
365fn initial_chains() {
366let t = ChainedHashTable::new();
367for (n, &b) in t.c.head.iter().enumerate() {
368assert_eq!(n, b as usize);
369 }
370for (n, &b) in t.c.prev.iter().enumerate() {
371assert_eq!(n, b as usize);
372 }
373 }