1use super::arrays::FsUseType;
6use super::extensible_bitmap::{MAP_NODE_BITS, MAX_BITMAP_ITEMS};
7use super::metadata::{
11use super::symbols::{ClassDefault, ClassDefaultRange};
13use bstr::BString;
14use thiserror::Error;
16#[derive(Clone, Debug, Error, PartialEq)]
18pub enum ParseError {
19 #[error("expected MLS-enabled flag ({CONFIG_MLS_FLAG:#032b}), but found {found_config:#032b}")]
20 ConfigMissingMlsFlag { found_config: u32 },
21 #[error("expected handle-unknown config at most 1 bit set (mask {CONFIG_HANDLE_UNKNOWN_MASK:#032b}), but found {masked_bits:#032b}")]
22 InvalidHandleUnknownConfigurationBits { masked_bits: u32 },
23 #[error("expected end of policy, but found {num_bytes} additional bytes")]
24 TrailingBytes { num_bytes: usize },
25 #[error("expected data item of type {type_name} ({type_size} bytes), but found {num_bytes}")]
26 MissingData { type_name: &'static str, type_size: usize, num_bytes: usize },
27 #[error("expected {num_items} data item(s) of type {type_name} ({type_size} bytes), but found {num_bytes}")]
28 MissingSliceData {
29 type_name: &'static str,
30 type_size: usize,
31 num_items: usize,
32 num_bytes: usize,
33 },
34 #[error("required parsing routine not implemented")]
35 NotImplemented,
38#[derive(Debug, Error, PartialEq)]
40pub enum ValidateError {
41 #[error("expected selinux magic value {SELINUX_MAGIC:#x}, but found {found_magic:#x}")]
42 InvalidMagic { found_magic: u32 },
43 #[error("expected signature length in range [0, {POLICYDB_STRING_MAX_LENGTH}], but found {found_length}")]
44 InvalidSignatureLength { found_length: u32 },
45 #[error("expected signature {POLICYDB_SIGNATURE:?}, but found {:?}", bstr::BStr::new(found_signature.as_slice()))]
46 InvalidSignature { found_signature: Vec<u8> },
47 #[error("expected policy version in range [{POLICYDB_VERSION_MIN}, {POLICYDB_VERSION_MAX}], but found {found_policy_version}")]
48 InvalidPolicyVersion { found_policy_version: u32 },
49 #[error("expected extensible bitmap item size to be exactly {MAP_NODE_BITS}, but found {found_size}")]
50 InvalidExtensibleBitmapItemSize { found_size: u32 },
51 #[error("expected extensible bitmap item high bit to be multiple of {found_size}, but found {found_high_bit}")]
52 MisalignedExtensibleBitmapHighBit { found_size: u32, found_high_bit: u32 },
53 #[error("expected extensible bitmap item high bit to be at most items_count + items_size = {found_count} + {found_size}, but found {found_high_bit}")]
54 InvalidExtensibleBitmapHighBit { found_size: u32, found_high_bit: u32, found_count: u32 },
55 #[error("expected extensible bitmap item count to be in range [0, {MAX_BITMAP_ITEMS}], but found {found_count}")]
56 InvalidExtensibleBitmapCount { found_count: u32 },
57 #[error("found extensible bitmap item count = 0, but high count != 0")]
58 ExtensibleBitmapNonZeroHighBitAndZeroCount,
59 #[error("expected extensible bitmap item start bit to be multiple of item size {found_size}, but found {found_start_bit}")]
60 MisalignedExtensibleBitmapItemStartBit { found_start_bit: u32, found_size: u32 },
61 #[error("expected extensible bitmap items to be in sorted order, but found item starting at {found_start_bit} after item that ends at {min_start}")]
62 OutOfOrderExtensibleBitmapItems { found_start_bit: u32, min_start: u32 },
63 #[error("expected extensible bitmap items to refer to bits in range [0, {found_high_bit}), but found item that ends at {found_items_end}")]
64 ExtensibleBitmapItemOverflow { found_items_end: u32, found_high_bit: u32 },
65 #[error(
66 "expected class default binary value to be one of {}, {}, or {}, but found {value}",
68 ClassDefault::DEFAULT_SOURCE,
69 ClassDefault::DEFAULT_TARGET
70 )]
71 InvalidClassDefault { value: u32 },
72 #[error(
73 "expected class default binary value to be one of {:?}, but found {value}",
74 [ClassDefaultRange::DEFAULT_UNSPECIFIED,
75 ClassDefaultRange::DEFAULT_SOURCE_LOW,
76 ClassDefaultRange::DEFAULT_SOURCE_HIGH,
77 ClassDefaultRange::DEFAULT_SOURCE_LOW_HIGH,
78 ClassDefaultRange::DEFAULT_TARGET_LOW,
79 ClassDefaultRange::DEFAULT_TARGET_HIGH,
80 ClassDefaultRange::DEFAULT_TARGET_LOW_HIGH,
82 )]
83 InvalidClassDefaultRange { value: u32 },
84 #[error("missing initial SID {initial_sid:?}")]
85 MissingInitialSid { initial_sid: crate::InitialSid },
86 #[error(
87 "invalid SELinux fs_use type; expected one of {:?}, but found {value}",
88 [FsUseType::Xattr as u32,
89 FsUseType::Trans as u32,
90 FsUseType::Task as u32]
91 )]
92 InvalidFsUseType { value: u32 },
93 #[error("non-optional Id field is zero")]
94 NonOptionalIdIsZero,
95 #[error("required validation routine not implemented")]
96 NotImplemented,
97 #[error("undefined {kind} Id value {id}")]
98 UnknownId { kind: &'static str, id: String },
99 #[error("invalid MLS range: {low}-{high}")]
100 InvalidMlsRange { low: BString, high: BString },
101 #[error("invalid extended permissions type: {type_}")]
102 InvalidExtendedPermissionsType { type_: u8 },