use {
buffer::{BufferFuture, BufferRef, MutableBufferRef},
buffer_allocator::{BufferAllocator, BufferSource},
anyhow::{ensure, Error},
std::{ops::Range, os::unix::fs::FileExt},
pub struct FileBackedDevice {
allocator: BufferAllocator,
file: std::fs::File,
block_count: u64,
block_size: u32,
const TRANSFER_HEAP_SIZE: usize = 32 * 1024 * 1024;
impl FileBackedDevice {
pub fn new(file: std::fs::File, block_size: u32) -> Self {
let size = file.metadata().unwrap().len();
assert!(block_size > 0 && size > 0);
Self::new_with_block_count(file, block_size, size / block_size as u64)
pub fn new_with_block_count(file: std::fs::File, block_size: u32, block_count: u64) -> Self {
let allocator =
BufferAllocator::new(block_size as usize, BufferSource::new(TRANSFER_HEAP_SIZE));
Self { allocator, file, block_count, block_size }
impl Device for FileBackedDevice {
fn allocate_buffer(&self, size: usize) -> BufferFuture<'_> {
fn block_size(&self) -> u32 {
fn block_count(&self) -> u64 {
async fn read(&self, offset: u64, mut buffer: MutableBufferRef<'_>) -> Result<(), Error> {
assert_eq!(offset % self.block_size() as u64, 0);
assert_eq!(buffer.range().start % self.block_size() as usize, 0);
assert_eq!(buffer.len() % self.block_size() as usize, 0);
ensure!(offset + buffer.len() as u64 <= self.size(), "Reading past end of file");
self.file.read_exact_at(buffer.as_mut_slice(), offset)?;
async fn write_with_opts(
offset: u64,
buffer: BufferRef<'_>,
_opts: WriteOptions,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
assert_eq!(offset % self.block_size() as u64, 0);
assert_eq!(buffer.range().start % self.block_size() as usize, 0);
assert_eq!(buffer.len() % self.block_size() as usize, 0);
ensure!(offset + buffer.len() as u64 <= self.size(), "Writing past end of file");
self.file.write_all_at(buffer.as_slice(), offset)?;
async fn trim(&self, range: Range<u64>) -> Result<(), Error> {
assert_eq!(range.start % self.block_size() as u64, 0);
assert_eq!(range.end % self.block_size() as u64, 0);
const BUF: [u8; 8192] = [0xab; 8192];
let mut offset = range.start;
while offset < range.end {
let len = std::cmp::min(BUF.len(), range.end as usize - offset as usize);
self.file.write_at(&BUF[..len], offset)?;
offset += len as u64;
async fn close(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
async fn flush(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
fn is_read_only(&self) -> bool {
fn supports_trim(&self) -> bool {
mod tests {
use crate::file_backed_device::FileBackedDevice;
use crate::Device;
use std::fs::{File, OpenOptions};
use std::path::PathBuf;
fn create_file() -> (PathBuf, File) {
let mut temp_path = std::env::temp_dir();
temp_path.push(format!("file_{:x}", rand::random::<u64>()));
let (pathbuf, file) = (
.unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("create {:?} failed: {:?}", temp_path.as_path(), e)),
file.set_len(1024 * 1024).expect("Failed to truncate file");
(pathbuf, file)
async fn test_lifecycle() {
let (_path, file) = create_file();
let device = FileBackedDevice::new(file, 512);
let _buf = device.allocate_buffer(8192).await;
device.close().await.expect("Close failed");
async fn test_read_write() {
let (_path, file) = create_file();
let device = FileBackedDevice::new(file, 512);
let mut buf1 = device.allocate_buffer(8192).await;
let mut buf2 = device.allocate_buffer(8192).await;
buf1.as_mut_slice().fill(0xaa as u8);
buf2.as_mut_slice().fill(0xbb as u8);
device.write(65536, buf1.as_ref()).await.expect("Write failed");
device.write(65536 + 8192, buf2.as_ref()).await.expect("Write failed");
let mut buf = device.allocate_buffer(16384).await;, buf.as_mut()).await.expect("Read failed");
assert_eq!(buf.as_slice()[..8192], vec![0xaa as u8; 8192]);
assert_eq!(buf.as_slice()[8192..], vec![0xbb as u8; 8192]);
device.close().await.expect("Close failed");
async fn test_read_write_past_end_of_file_fails() {
let (_path, file) = create_file();
let device = FileBackedDevice::new(file, 512);
let mut buf = device.allocate_buffer(8192).await;
let offset = (device.size() as usize - buf.len() + device.block_size() as usize) as u64;
buf.as_mut_slice().fill(0xaa as u8);
device.write(offset, buf.as_ref()).await.expect_err("Write should have failed");, buf.as_mut()).await.expect_err("Read should have failed");
device.close().await.expect("Close failed");
async fn test_writes_persist() {
let (path, file) = create_file();
let device = FileBackedDevice::new(file, 512);
let mut buf1 = device.allocate_buffer(8192).await;
let mut buf2 = device.allocate_buffer(8192).await;
buf1.as_mut_slice().fill(0xaa as u8);
buf2.as_mut_slice().fill(0xbb as u8);
device.write(65536, buf1.as_ref()).await.expect("Write failed");
device.write(65536 + 8192, buf2.as_ref()).await.expect("Write failed");
device.close().await.expect("Close failed");
let file = File::open(path.as_path()).expect("Open failed");
let device = FileBackedDevice::new(file, 512);
let mut buf = device.allocate_buffer(16384).await;, buf.as_mut()).await.expect("Read failed");
assert_eq!(buf.as_slice()[..8192], vec![0xaa as u8; 8192]);
assert_eq!(buf.as_slice()[8192..], vec![0xbb as u8; 8192]);
device.close().await.expect("Close failed");