2Utilities for working with I/O using byte strings.
4This module currently only exports a single trait, `BufReadExt`, which provides
5facilities for conveniently and efficiently working with lines as byte strings.
7More APIs may be added in the future.
10use alloc::{vec, vec::Vec};
12use std::io;
14use crate::{ext_slice::ByteSlice, ext_vec::ByteVec};
16/// An extension trait for
17/// [`std::io::BufRead`](
18/// which provides convenience APIs for dealing with byte strings.
19pub trait BufReadExt: io::BufRead {
20 /// Returns an iterator over the lines of this reader, where each line
21 /// is represented as a byte string.
22 ///
23 /// Each item yielded by this iterator is a `io::Result<Vec<u8>>`, where
24 /// an error is yielded if there was a problem reading from the underlying
25 /// reader.
26 ///
27 /// On success, the next line in the iterator is returned. The line does
28 /// *not* contain a trailing `\n` or `\r\n`.
29 ///
30 /// # Examples
31 ///
32 /// Basic usage:
33 ///
34 /// ```
35 /// use std::io;
36 ///
37 /// use bstr::io::BufReadExt;
38 ///
39 /// # fn example() -> Result<(), io::Error> {
40 /// let mut cursor = io::Cursor::new(b"lorem\nipsum\r\ndolor");
41 ///
42 /// let mut lines = vec![];
43 /// for result in cursor.byte_lines() {
44 /// let line = result?;
45 /// lines.push(line);
46 /// }
47 /// assert_eq!(lines.len(), 3);
48 /// assert_eq!(lines[0], "lorem".as_bytes());
49 /// assert_eq!(lines[1], "ipsum".as_bytes());
50 /// assert_eq!(lines[2], "dolor".as_bytes());
51 /// # Ok(()) }; example().unwrap()
52 /// ```
53 fn byte_lines(self) -> ByteLines<Self>
54 where
55 Self: Sized,
56 {
57 ByteLines { buf: self }
58 }
60 /// Returns an iterator over byte-terminated records of this reader, where
61 /// each record is represented as a byte string.
62 ///
63 /// Each item yielded by this iterator is a `io::Result<Vec<u8>>`, where
64 /// an error is yielded if there was a problem reading from the underlying
65 /// reader.
66 ///
67 /// On success, the next record in the iterator is returned. The record
68 /// does *not* contain its trailing terminator.
69 ///
70 /// Note that calling `byte_records(b'\n')` differs from `byte_lines()` in
71 /// that it has no special handling for `\r`.
72 ///
73 /// # Examples
74 ///
75 /// Basic usage:
76 ///
77 /// ```
78 /// use std::io;
79 ///
80 /// use bstr::io::BufReadExt;
81 ///
82 /// # fn example() -> Result<(), io::Error> {
83 /// let mut cursor = io::Cursor::new(b"lorem\x00ipsum\x00dolor");
84 ///
85 /// let mut records = vec![];
86 /// for result in cursor.byte_records(b'\x00') {
87 /// let record = result?;
88 /// records.push(record);
89 /// }
90 /// assert_eq!(records.len(), 3);
91 /// assert_eq!(records[0], "lorem".as_bytes());
92 /// assert_eq!(records[1], "ipsum".as_bytes());
93 /// assert_eq!(records[2], "dolor".as_bytes());
94 /// # Ok(()) }; example().unwrap()
95 /// ```
96 fn byte_records(self, terminator: u8) -> ByteRecords<Self>
97 where
98 Self: Sized,
99 {
100 ByteRecords { terminator, buf: self }
101 }
103 /// Executes the given closure on each line in the underlying reader.
104 ///
105 /// If the closure returns an error (or if the underlying reader returns an
106 /// error), then iteration is stopped and the error is returned. If false
107 /// is returned, then iteration is stopped and no error is returned.
108 ///
109 /// The closure given is called on exactly the same values as yielded by
110 /// the [`byte_lines`](trait.BufReadExt.html#method.byte_lines)
111 /// iterator. Namely, lines do _not_ contain trailing `\n` or `\r\n` bytes.
112 ///
113 /// This routine is useful for iterating over lines as quickly as
114 /// possible. Namely, a single allocation is reused for each line.
115 ///
116 /// # Examples
117 ///
118 /// Basic usage:
119 ///
120 /// ```
121 /// use std::io;
122 ///
123 /// use bstr::io::BufReadExt;
124 ///
125 /// # fn example() -> Result<(), io::Error> {
126 /// let mut cursor = io::Cursor::new(b"lorem\nipsum\r\ndolor");
127 ///
128 /// let mut lines = vec![];
129 /// cursor.for_byte_line(|line| {
130 /// lines.push(line.to_vec());
131 /// Ok(true)
132 /// })?;
133 /// assert_eq!(lines.len(), 3);
134 /// assert_eq!(lines[0], "lorem".as_bytes());
135 /// assert_eq!(lines[1], "ipsum".as_bytes());
136 /// assert_eq!(lines[2], "dolor".as_bytes());
137 /// # Ok(()) }; example().unwrap()
138 /// ```
139 fn for_byte_line<F>(&mut self, mut for_each_line: F) -> io::Result<()>
140 where
141 Self: Sized,
142 F: FnMut(&[u8]) -> io::Result<bool>,
143 {
144 self.for_byte_line_with_terminator(|line| {
145 for_each_line(&trim_line_slice(&line))
146 })
147 }
149 /// Executes the given closure on each byte-terminated record in the
150 /// underlying reader.
151 ///
152 /// If the closure returns an error (or if the underlying reader returns an
153 /// error), then iteration is stopped and the error is returned. If false
154 /// is returned, then iteration is stopped and no error is returned.
155 ///
156 /// The closure given is called on exactly the same values as yielded by
157 /// the [`byte_records`](trait.BufReadExt.html#method.byte_records)
158 /// iterator. Namely, records do _not_ contain a trailing terminator byte.
159 ///
160 /// This routine is useful for iterating over records as quickly as
161 /// possible. Namely, a single allocation is reused for each record.
162 ///
163 /// # Examples
164 ///
165 /// Basic usage:
166 ///
167 /// ```
168 /// use std::io;
169 ///
170 /// use bstr::io::BufReadExt;
171 ///
172 /// # fn example() -> Result<(), io::Error> {
173 /// let mut cursor = io::Cursor::new(b"lorem\x00ipsum\x00dolor");
174 ///
175 /// let mut records = vec![];
176 /// cursor.for_byte_record(b'\x00', |record| {
177 /// records.push(record.to_vec());
178 /// Ok(true)
179 /// })?;
180 /// assert_eq!(records.len(), 3);
181 /// assert_eq!(records[0], "lorem".as_bytes());
182 /// assert_eq!(records[1], "ipsum".as_bytes());
183 /// assert_eq!(records[2], "dolor".as_bytes());
184 /// # Ok(()) }; example().unwrap()
185 /// ```
186 fn for_byte_record<F>(
187 &mut self,
188 terminator: u8,
189 mut for_each_record: F,
190 ) -> io::Result<()>
191 where
192 Self: Sized,
193 F: FnMut(&[u8]) -> io::Result<bool>,
194 {
195 self.for_byte_record_with_terminator(terminator, |chunk| {
196 for_each_record(&trim_record_slice(&chunk, terminator))
197 })
198 }
200 /// Executes the given closure on each line in the underlying reader.
201 ///
202 /// If the closure returns an error (or if the underlying reader returns an
203 /// error), then iteration is stopped and the error is returned. If false
204 /// is returned, then iteration is stopped and no error is returned.
205 ///
206 /// Unlike
207 /// [`for_byte_line`](trait.BufReadExt.html#method.for_byte_line),
208 /// the lines given to the closure *do* include the line terminator, if one
209 /// exists.
210 ///
211 /// This routine is useful for iterating over lines as quickly as
212 /// possible. Namely, a single allocation is reused for each line.
213 ///
214 /// This is identical to `for_byte_record_with_terminator` with a
215 /// terminator of `\n`.
216 ///
217 /// # Examples
218 ///
219 /// Basic usage:
220 ///
221 /// ```
222 /// use std::io;
223 ///
224 /// use bstr::io::BufReadExt;
225 ///
226 /// # fn example() -> Result<(), io::Error> {
227 /// let mut cursor = io::Cursor::new(b"lorem\nipsum\r\ndolor");
228 ///
229 /// let mut lines = vec![];
230 /// cursor.for_byte_line_with_terminator(|line| {
231 /// lines.push(line.to_vec());
232 /// Ok(true)
233 /// })?;
234 /// assert_eq!(lines.len(), 3);
235 /// assert_eq!(lines[0], "lorem\n".as_bytes());
236 /// assert_eq!(lines[1], "ipsum\r\n".as_bytes());
237 /// assert_eq!(lines[2], "dolor".as_bytes());
238 /// # Ok(()) }; example().unwrap()
239 /// ```
240 fn for_byte_line_with_terminator<F>(
241 &mut self,
242 for_each_line: F,
243 ) -> io::Result<()>
244 where
245 Self: Sized,
246 F: FnMut(&[u8]) -> io::Result<bool>,
247 {
248 self.for_byte_record_with_terminator(b'\n', for_each_line)
249 }
251 /// Executes the given closure on each byte-terminated record in the
252 /// underlying reader.
253 ///
254 /// If the closure returns an error (or if the underlying reader returns an
255 /// error), then iteration is stopped and the error is returned. If false
256 /// is returned, then iteration is stopped and no error is returned.
257 ///
258 /// Unlike
259 /// [`for_byte_record`](trait.BufReadExt.html#method.for_byte_record),
260 /// the lines given to the closure *do* include the record terminator, if
261 /// one exists.
262 ///
263 /// This routine is useful for iterating over records as quickly as
264 /// possible. Namely, a single allocation is reused for each record.
265 ///
266 /// # Examples
267 ///
268 /// Basic usage:
269 ///
270 /// ```
271 /// use std::io;
272 ///
273 /// use bstr::{io::BufReadExt, B};
274 ///
275 /// # fn example() -> Result<(), io::Error> {
276 /// let mut cursor = io::Cursor::new(b"lorem\x00ipsum\x00dolor");
277 ///
278 /// let mut records = vec![];
279 /// cursor.for_byte_record_with_terminator(b'\x00', |record| {
280 /// records.push(record.to_vec());
281 /// Ok(true)
282 /// })?;
283 /// assert_eq!(records.len(), 3);
284 /// assert_eq!(records[0], B(b"lorem\x00"));
285 /// assert_eq!(records[1], B("ipsum\x00"));
286 /// assert_eq!(records[2], B("dolor"));
287 /// # Ok(()) }; example().unwrap()
288 /// ```
289 fn for_byte_record_with_terminator<F>(
290 &mut self,
291 terminator: u8,
292 mut for_each_record: F,
293 ) -> io::Result<()>
294 where
295 Self: Sized,
296 F: FnMut(&[u8]) -> io::Result<bool>,
297 {
298 let mut bytes = vec![];
299 let mut res = Ok(());
300 let mut consumed = 0;
301 'outer: loop {
302 // Lend out complete record slices from our buffer
303 {
304 let mut buf = self.fill_buf()?;
305 while let Some(index) = buf.find_byte(terminator) {
306 let (record, rest) = buf.split_at(index + 1);
307 buf = rest;
308 consumed += record.len();
309 match for_each_record(&record) {
310 Ok(false) => break 'outer,
311 Err(err) => {
312 res = Err(err);
313 break 'outer;
314 }
315 _ => (),
316 }
317 }
319 // Copy the final record fragment to our local buffer. This
320 // saves read_until() from re-scanning a buffer we know
321 // contains no remaining terminators.
322 bytes.extend_from_slice(&buf);
323 consumed += buf.len();
324 }
326 self.consume(consumed);
327 consumed = 0;
329 // N.B. read_until uses a different version of memchr that may
330 // be slower than the memchr crate that bstr uses. However, this
331 // should only run for a fairly small number of records, assuming a
332 // decent buffer size.
333 self.read_until(terminator, &mut bytes)?;
334 if bytes.is_empty() || !for_each_record(&bytes)? {
335 break;
336 }
337 bytes.clear();
338 }
339 self.consume(consumed);
340 res
341 }
344impl<B: io::BufRead> BufReadExt for B {}
346/// An iterator over lines from an instance of
347/// [`std::io::BufRead`](
349/// This iterator is generally created by calling the
350/// [`byte_lines`](trait.BufReadExt.html#method.byte_lines)
351/// method on the
352/// [`BufReadExt`](trait.BufReadExt.html)
353/// trait.
355pub struct ByteLines<B> {
356 buf: B,
359/// An iterator over records from an instance of
360/// [`std::io::BufRead`](
362/// A byte record is any sequence of bytes terminated by a particular byte
363/// chosen by the caller. For example, NUL separated byte strings are said to
364/// be NUL-terminated byte records.
366/// This iterator is generally created by calling the
367/// [`byte_records`](trait.BufReadExt.html#method.byte_records)
368/// method on the
369/// [`BufReadExt`](trait.BufReadExt.html)
370/// trait.
372pub struct ByteRecords<B> {
373 buf: B,
374 terminator: u8,
377impl<B: io::BufRead> Iterator for ByteLines<B> {
378 type Item = io::Result<Vec<u8>>;
380 fn next(&mut self) -> Option<io::Result<Vec<u8>>> {
381 let mut bytes = vec![];
382 match self.buf.read_until(b'\n', &mut bytes) {
383 Err(e) => Some(Err(e)),
384 Ok(0) => None,
385 Ok(_) => {
386 trim_line(&mut bytes);
387 Some(Ok(bytes))
388 }
389 }
390 }
393impl<B: io::BufRead> Iterator for ByteRecords<B> {
394 type Item = io::Result<Vec<u8>>;
396 fn next(&mut self) -> Option<io::Result<Vec<u8>>> {
397 let mut bytes = vec![];
398 match self.buf.read_until(self.terminator, &mut bytes) {
399 Err(e) => Some(Err(e)),
400 Ok(0) => None,
401 Ok(_) => {
402 trim_record(&mut bytes, self.terminator);
403 Some(Ok(bytes))
404 }
405 }
406 }
409fn trim_line(line: &mut Vec<u8>) {
410 if line.last_byte() == Some(b'\n') {
411 line.pop_byte();
412 if line.last_byte() == Some(b'\r') {
413 line.pop_byte();
414 }
415 }
418fn trim_line_slice(mut line: &[u8]) -> &[u8] {
419 if line.last_byte() == Some(b'\n') {
420 line = &line[..line.len() - 1];
421 if line.last_byte() == Some(b'\r') {
422 line = &line[..line.len() - 1];
423 }
424 }
425 line
428fn trim_record(record: &mut Vec<u8>, terminator: u8) {
429 if record.last_byte() == Some(terminator) {
430 record.pop_byte();
431 }
434fn trim_record_slice(mut record: &[u8], terminator: u8) -> &[u8] {
435 if record.last_byte() == Some(terminator) {
436 record = &record[..record.len() - 1];
437 }
438 record
441#[cfg(all(test, feature = "std"))]
442mod tests {
443 use crate::bstring::BString;
445 use super::BufReadExt;
447 fn collect_lines<B: AsRef<[u8]>>(slice: B) -> Vec<BString> {
448 let mut lines = vec![];
449 slice
450 .as_ref()
451 .for_byte_line(|line| {
452 lines.push(BString::from(line.to_vec()));
453 Ok(true)
454 })
455 .unwrap();
456 lines
457 }
459 fn collect_lines_term<B: AsRef<[u8]>>(slice: B) -> Vec<BString> {
460 let mut lines = vec![];
461 slice
462 .as_ref()
463 .for_byte_line_with_terminator(|line| {
464 lines.push(BString::from(line.to_vec()));
465 Ok(true)
466 })
467 .unwrap();
468 lines
469 }
471 #[test]
472 fn lines_without_terminator() {
473 assert_eq!(collect_lines(""), Vec::<BString>::new());
475 assert_eq!(collect_lines("\n"), vec![""]);
476 assert_eq!(collect_lines("\n\n"), vec!["", ""]);
477 assert_eq!(collect_lines("a\nb\n"), vec!["a", "b"]);
478 assert_eq!(collect_lines("a\nb"), vec!["a", "b"]);
479 assert_eq!(collect_lines("abc\nxyz\n"), vec!["abc", "xyz"]);
480 assert_eq!(collect_lines("abc\nxyz"), vec!["abc", "xyz"]);
482 assert_eq!(collect_lines("\r\n"), vec![""]);
483 assert_eq!(collect_lines("\r\n\r\n"), vec!["", ""]);
484 assert_eq!(collect_lines("a\r\nb\r\n"), vec!["a", "b"]);
485 assert_eq!(collect_lines("a\r\nb"), vec!["a", "b"]);
486 assert_eq!(collect_lines("abc\r\nxyz\r\n"), vec!["abc", "xyz"]);
487 assert_eq!(collect_lines("abc\r\nxyz"), vec!["abc", "xyz"]);
489 assert_eq!(collect_lines("abc\rxyz"), vec!["abc\rxyz"]);
490 }
492 #[test]
493 fn lines_with_terminator() {
494 assert_eq!(collect_lines_term(""), Vec::<BString>::new());
496 assert_eq!(collect_lines_term("\n"), vec!["\n"]);
497 assert_eq!(collect_lines_term("\n\n"), vec!["\n", "\n"]);
498 assert_eq!(collect_lines_term("a\nb\n"), vec!["a\n", "b\n"]);
499 assert_eq!(collect_lines_term("a\nb"), vec!["a\n", "b"]);
500 assert_eq!(collect_lines_term("abc\nxyz\n"), vec!["abc\n", "xyz\n"]);
501 assert_eq!(collect_lines_term("abc\nxyz"), vec!["abc\n", "xyz"]);
503 assert_eq!(collect_lines_term("\r\n"), vec!["\r\n"]);
504 assert_eq!(collect_lines_term("\r\n\r\n"), vec!["\r\n", "\r\n"]);
505 assert_eq!(collect_lines_term("a\r\nb\r\n"), vec!["a\r\n", "b\r\n"]);
506 assert_eq!(collect_lines_term("a\r\nb"), vec!["a\r\n", "b"]);
507 assert_eq!(
508 collect_lines_term("abc\r\nxyz\r\n"),
509 vec!["abc\r\n", "xyz\r\n"]
510 );
511 assert_eq!(collect_lines_term("abc\r\nxyz"), vec!["abc\r\n", "xyz"]);
513 assert_eq!(collect_lines_term("abc\rxyz"), vec!["abc\rxyz"]);
514 }