1// WARNING: This file is machine generated by fidlgen.
4#![allow(unused_parens, unused_mut, unused_imports, nonstandard_style)]
6use bitflags::bitflags;
7use fidl::client::QueryResponseFut;
8use fidl::encoding::{MessageBufFor, ProxyChannelBox, ResourceDialect};
9use fidl::endpoints::{ControlHandle as _, Responder as _};
10pub use fidl_fuchsia_sysmem2_common::*;
11use futures::future::{self, MaybeDone, TryFutureExt};
12use zx_status;
14#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
15pub struct AllocatorAllocateNonSharedCollectionRequest {
16 pub collection_request: Option<fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionMarker>>,
17 #[doc(hidden)]
18 pub __source_breaking: fidl::marker::SourceBreaking,
21impl fidl::Standalone<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
22 for AllocatorAllocateNonSharedCollectionRequest
26#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
27pub struct AllocatorAllocateSharedCollectionRequest {
28 pub token_request: Option<fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>>,
29 #[doc(hidden)]
30 pub __source_breaking: fidl::marker::SourceBreaking,
33impl fidl::Standalone<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
34 for AllocatorAllocateSharedCollectionRequest
38#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
39pub struct AllocatorBindSharedCollectionRequest {
40 pub token: Option<fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>>,
41 pub buffer_collection_request: Option<fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionMarker>>,
42 #[doc(hidden)]
43 pub __source_breaking: fidl::marker::SourceBreaking,
46impl fidl::Standalone<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
47 for AllocatorBindSharedCollectionRequest
51#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
52pub struct AllocatorGetVmoInfoRequest {
53 /// `vmo` is required to be set; ownership is transferred to the server
54 /// so in most cases a client will duplicate a handle and transfer the
55 /// duplicate via this field.
56 pub vmo: Option<fidl::Vmo>,
57 #[doc(hidden)]
58 pub __source_breaking: fidl::marker::SourceBreaking,
61impl fidl::Standalone<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
62 for AllocatorGetVmoInfoRequest
66#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
67pub struct AllocatorGetVmoInfoResponse {
68 pub buffer_collection_id: Option<u64>,
69 pub buffer_index: Option<u64>,
70 pub close_weak_asap: Option<fidl::EventPair>,
71 #[doc(hidden)]
72 pub __source_breaking: fidl::marker::SourceBreaking,
75impl fidl::Standalone<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
76 for AllocatorGetVmoInfoResponse
80#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
81pub struct BufferCollectionAttachLifetimeTrackingRequest {
82 pub server_end: Option<fidl::EventPair>,
83 pub buffers_remaining: Option<u32>,
84 #[doc(hidden)]
85 pub __source_breaking: fidl::marker::SourceBreaking,
88impl fidl::Standalone<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
89 for BufferCollectionAttachLifetimeTrackingRequest
93#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
94pub struct BufferCollectionAttachTokenRequest {
95 pub rights_attenuation_mask: Option<fidl::Rights>,
96 pub token_request: Option<fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>>,
97 #[doc(hidden)]
98 pub __source_breaking: fidl::marker::SourceBreaking,
101impl fidl::Standalone<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
102 for BufferCollectionAttachTokenRequest
106/// Information about a buffer collection and its buffers.
107#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
108pub struct BufferCollectionInfo {
109 /// These settings apply to all the buffers in the initial buffer
110 /// allocation.
111 ///
112 /// This field will always be set by sysmem.
113 pub settings: Option<SingleBufferSettings>,
114 /// VMO handles (and vmo_usable_start offset) for each buffer in the
115 /// collection.
116 ///
117 /// The size of this vector is the buffer_count (buffer_count is not sent
118 /// separately).
119 ///
120 /// All buffer VMO handles have identical size and access rights. The size
121 /// is in settings.buffer_settings.size_bytes.
122 ///
123 /// The VMO access rights are determined based on the usages which the
124 /// client specified when allocating the buffer collection. For example, a
125 /// client which expressed a read-only usage will receive VMOs without write
126 /// rights. In addition, the rights can be attenuated by the parameter to
127 /// BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate() calls.
128 ///
129 /// This field will always have VmoBuffer(s) in it, even if the participant
130 /// specifies usage whieh does not require VMO handles. This permits such a
131 /// participant to know the vmo_usable_start values, in case that's of any
132 /// use to the participant.
133 ///
134 /// This field will always be set by sysmem, even if the participant doesn't
135 /// specify any buffer usage (but the [`fuchsia.sysmem2/VmoBuffer.vmo`]
136 /// sub-field within this field won't be set in that case).
137 pub buffers: Option<Vec<VmoBuffer>>,
138 /// This number is unique among all logical buffer collections per boot.
139 ///
140 /// This ID number will be the same for all BufferCollectionToken(s),
141 /// BufferCollection(s), and BufferCollectionTokenGroup(s) associated with
142 /// the same logical buffer collection (derived from the same root token
143 /// created with fuchsia.sysmem2.Allocator.CreateSharedCollection, or with
144 /// CreateNonSharedCollection).
145 ///
146 /// The same ID can be retrieved from a BufferCollectionToken,
147 /// BufferCollection, or BufferCollectionTokenGroup using
148 /// GetBufferCollectionId (at the cost of a round-trip to sysmem and back).
149 ///
150 /// This field will always be set by sysmem.
151 pub buffer_collection_id: Option<u64>,
152 #[doc(hidden)]
153 pub __source_breaking: fidl::marker::SourceBreaking,
156impl fidl::Standalone<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect> for BufferCollectionInfo {}
158#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
159pub struct BufferCollectionSetConstraintsRequest {
160 pub constraints: Option<BufferCollectionConstraints>,
161 #[doc(hidden)]
162 pub __source_breaking: fidl::marker::SourceBreaking,
165impl fidl::Standalone<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
166 for BufferCollectionSetConstraintsRequest
170#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
171pub struct BufferCollectionTokenCreateBufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest {
172 pub group_request: Option<fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionTokenGroupMarker>>,
173 #[doc(hidden)]
174 pub __source_breaking: fidl::marker::SourceBreaking,
177impl fidl::Standalone<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
178 for BufferCollectionTokenCreateBufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest
182#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
183pub struct BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateRequest {
184 pub rights_attenuation_mask: Option<fidl::Rights>,
185 pub token_request: Option<fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>>,
186 #[doc(hidden)]
187 pub __source_breaking: fidl::marker::SourceBreaking,
190impl fidl::Standalone<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
191 for BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateRequest
195#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
196pub struct BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildRequest {
197 /// Must be set.
198 pub token_request: Option<fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>>,
199 /// If not set, the default is `ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS`.
200 pub rights_attenuation_mask: Option<fidl::Rights>,
201 #[doc(hidden)]
202 pub __source_breaking: fidl::marker::SourceBreaking,
205impl fidl::Standalone<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
206 for BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildRequest
210#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
211pub struct BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildrenSyncResponse {
212 pub tokens: Option<Vec<fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>>>,
213 #[doc(hidden)]
214 pub __source_breaking: fidl::marker::SourceBreaking,
217impl fidl::Standalone<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
218 for BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildrenSyncResponse
222#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
223pub struct BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateSyncResponse {
224 pub tokens: Option<Vec<fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>>>,
225 #[doc(hidden)]
226 pub __source_breaking: fidl::marker::SourceBreaking,
229impl fidl::Standalone<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
230 for BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateSyncResponse
234#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
235pub struct BufferCollectionWaitForAllBuffersAllocatedResponse {
236 pub buffer_collection_info: Option<BufferCollectionInfo>,
237 #[doc(hidden)]
238 pub __source_breaking: fidl::marker::SourceBreaking,
241impl fidl::Standalone<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
242 for BufferCollectionWaitForAllBuffersAllocatedResponse
246#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
247pub struct NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest {
248 /// This field must be set. This evenpair end will be closed after the
249 /// `Node` is closed or failed and the node's buffer counts are no
250 /// longer in effect in the logical buffer collection.
251 pub server_end: Option<fidl::EventPair>,
252 #[doc(hidden)]
253 pub __source_breaking: fidl::marker::SourceBreaking,
256impl fidl::Standalone<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
257 for NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest
261#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
262pub struct NodeIsAlternateForRequest {
263 pub node_ref: Option<fidl::Event>,
264 #[doc(hidden)]
265 pub __source_breaking: fidl::marker::SourceBreaking,
268impl fidl::Standalone<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect> for NodeIsAlternateForRequest {}
270#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
271pub struct NodeSetWeakOkRequest {
272 pub for_child_nodes_also: Option<bool>,
273 #[doc(hidden)]
274 pub __source_breaking: fidl::marker::SourceBreaking,
277impl fidl::Standalone<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect> for NodeSetWeakOkRequest {}
279#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
280pub struct NodeGetNodeRefResponse {
281 pub node_ref: Option<fidl::Event>,
282 #[doc(hidden)]
283 pub __source_breaking: fidl::marker::SourceBreaking,
286impl fidl::Standalone<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect> for NodeGetNodeRefResponse {}
288#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
289pub struct VmoBuffer {
290 /// `vmo` can be un-set if a participant has only
291 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferUsage.none`] set to `NONE_USAGE` (explicitly or
292 /// implicitly by [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`]
293 /// without `constraints` set).
294 pub vmo: Option<fidl::Vmo>,
295 /// Offset within the VMO of the first usable byte. Must be < the VMO's size
296 /// in bytes, and leave sufficient room for BufferMemorySettings.size_bytes
297 /// before the end of the VMO.
298 ///
299 /// Currently sysmem will always set this field to 0, and in future, sysmem
300 /// won't set this field to a non-zero value unless all participants have
301 /// explicitly indicated support for non-zero vmo_usable_start (this
302 /// mechanism does not exist as of this comment). A participant that hasn't
303 /// explicitly indicated support for non-zero vmo_usable_start (all current
304 /// clients) should implicitly assume this field is set to 0 without
305 /// actually checking this field.
306 pub vmo_usable_start: Option<u64>,
307 /// This field is set iff `vmo` is a sysmem weak VMO handle. The client must
308 /// keep `close_weak_asap` around for as long as `vmo`, and must notice
309 /// `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED`. If that signal occurs, the client must close
310 /// `vmo` asap. Not doing so is considered a VMO leak by the client and in
311 /// that case sysmem will eventually complain loudly via syslog (currently
312 /// 5s later).
313 pub close_weak_asap: Option<fidl::EventPair>,
314 #[doc(hidden)]
315 pub __source_breaking: fidl::marker::SourceBreaking,
318impl fidl::Standalone<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect> for VmoBuffer {}
320#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
321pub struct AllocatorMarker;
323impl fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker for AllocatorMarker {
324 type Proxy = AllocatorProxy;
325 type RequestStream = AllocatorRequestStream;
326 #[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
327 type SynchronousProxy = AllocatorSynchronousProxy;
329 const DEBUG_NAME: &'static str = "fuchsia.sysmem2.Allocator";
331impl fidl::endpoints::DiscoverableProtocolMarker for AllocatorMarker {}
332pub type AllocatorGetVmoInfoResult = Result<AllocatorGetVmoInfoResponse, Error>;
334pub trait AllocatorProxyInterface: Send + Sync {
335 fn r#allocate_non_shared_collection(
336 &self,
337 payload: AllocatorAllocateNonSharedCollectionRequest,
338 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
339 fn r#allocate_shared_collection(
340 &self,
341 payload: AllocatorAllocateSharedCollectionRequest,
342 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
343 fn r#bind_shared_collection(
344 &self,
345 payload: AllocatorBindSharedCollectionRequest,
346 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
347 type ValidateBufferCollectionTokenResponseFut: std::future::Future<
348 Output = Result<AllocatorValidateBufferCollectionTokenResponse, fidl::Error>,
349 > + Send;
350 fn r#validate_buffer_collection_token(
351 &self,
352 payload: &AllocatorValidateBufferCollectionTokenRequest,
353 ) -> Self::ValidateBufferCollectionTokenResponseFut;
354 fn r#set_debug_client_info(
355 &self,
356 payload: &AllocatorSetDebugClientInfoRequest,
357 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
358 type GetVmoInfoResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<AllocatorGetVmoInfoResult, fidl::Error>>
359 + Send;
360 fn r#get_vmo_info(&self, payload: AllocatorGetVmoInfoRequest) -> Self::GetVmoInfoResponseFut;
363#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
364pub struct AllocatorSynchronousProxy {
365 client: fidl::client::sync::Client,
368#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
369impl fidl::endpoints::SynchronousProxy for AllocatorSynchronousProxy {
370 type Proxy = AllocatorProxy;
371 type Protocol = AllocatorMarker;
373 fn from_channel(inner: fidl::Channel) -> Self {
374 Self::new(inner)
375 }
377 fn into_channel(self) -> fidl::Channel {
378 self.client.into_channel()
379 }
381 fn as_channel(&self) -> &fidl::Channel {
382 self.client.as_channel()
383 }
386#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
387impl AllocatorSynchronousProxy {
388 pub fn new(channel: fidl::Channel) -> Self {
389 let protocol_name = <AllocatorMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME;
390 Self { client: fidl::client::sync::Client::new(channel, protocol_name) }
391 }
393 pub fn into_channel(self) -> fidl::Channel {
394 self.client.into_channel()
395 }
397 /// Waits until an event arrives and returns it. It is safe for other
398 /// threads to make concurrent requests while waiting for an event.
399 pub fn wait_for_event(
400 &self,
401 deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
402 ) -> Result<AllocatorEvent, fidl::Error> {
403 AllocatorEvent::decode(self.client.wait_for_event(deadline)?)
404 }
406 /// Allocates a buffer collection on behalf of a single client (aka
407 /// initiator) who is also the only participant (from the point of view of
408 /// sysmem).
409 ///
410 /// This call exists mainly for temp/testing purposes. This call skips the
411 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] stage, so there's no way to
412 /// allow another participant to specify its constraints.
413 ///
414 /// Real clients are encouraged to use
415 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.AllocateSharedCollection`] instead, and to
416 /// let relevant participants directly convey their own constraints to
417 /// sysmem by sending `BufferCollectionToken`s to those participants.
418 ///
419 /// + request `collection_request` The server end of the
420 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`].
421 pub fn r#allocate_non_shared_collection(
422 &self,
423 mut payload: AllocatorAllocateNonSharedCollectionRequest,
424 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
425 self.client.send::<AllocatorAllocateNonSharedCollectionRequest>(
426 &mut payload,
427 0x5ca681f025a80e44,
428 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
429 )
430 }
432 /// Creates a root [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`].
433 ///
434 /// The `BufferCollectionToken` can be "duplicated" for distribution to
435 /// participants by using
436 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate`]. Each
437 /// `BufferCollectionToken` can be converted into a
438 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2.BufferCollection`] using
439 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`].
440 ///
441 /// Buffer constraints can be set via
442 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`].
443 ///
444 /// Success/failure to populate the buffer collection with buffers can be
445 /// determined from
446 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`].
447 ///
448 /// Closing the client end of a `BufferCollectionToken` or
449 /// `BufferCollection` (without `Release` first) will fail all client ends
450 /// in the same failure domain, which by default is all client ends of the
451 /// buffer collection. See
452 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetDispensable`] and
453 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`] for ways to create
454 /// separate failure domains within a buffer collection.
455 pub fn r#allocate_shared_collection(
456 &self,
457 mut payload: AllocatorAllocateSharedCollectionRequest,
458 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
459 self.client.send::<AllocatorAllocateSharedCollectionRequest>(
460 &mut payload,
461 0x11a19ff51f0b49c1,
462 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
463 )
464 }
466 /// Convert a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] into a
467 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`].
468 ///
469 /// At the time of sending this message, the buffer collection hasn't yet
470 /// been populated with buffers - the participant must first also send
471 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] via the
472 /// `BufferCollection` client end.
473 ///
474 /// All `BufferCollectionToken`(s) duplicated from a root
475 /// `BufferCollectionToken` (created via `AllocateSharedCollection`) must be
476 /// "turned in" via `BindSharedCollection` (or `Release`ed), and all
477 /// existing `BufferCollection` client ends must have sent `SetConstraints`
478 /// before the logical BufferCollection will be populated with buffers (or
479 /// will fail if the overall set of constraints can't be satisfied).
480 ///
481 /// + request `token` The client endpoint of a channel whose server end was
482 /// sent to sysmem using
483 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.AllocateSharedCollection`] or whose server
484 /// end was sent to sysmem using
485 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate`]. The token is
486 /// being "turned in" in exchange for a
487 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`].
488 /// + request `buffer_collection_request` The server end of a
489 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] channel. The sender retains the
490 /// client end. The `BufferCollection` channel is a single participant's
491 /// connection to the logical buffer collection. Typically there will be
492 /// other participants with their own `BufferCollection` channel to the
493 /// logical buffer collection.
494 pub fn r#bind_shared_collection(
495 &self,
496 mut payload: AllocatorBindSharedCollectionRequest,
497 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
498 self.client.send::<AllocatorBindSharedCollectionRequest>(
499 &mut payload,
500 0x550916b0dc1d5b4e,
501 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
502 )
503 }
505 /// Checks whether a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] is known to
506 /// the sysmem server.
507 ///
508 /// With this call, the client can determine whether an incoming token is a
509 /// real sysmem token that is known to the sysmem server, without any risk
510 /// of getting stuck waiting forever on a potentially fake token to complete
511 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.DuplicateSync`] or
512 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Sync`] (or any other two-way
513 /// FIDL message). In cases where the client trusts the source of the token
514 /// to provide a real token, this call is not typically needed outside of
515 /// debugging.
516 ///
517 /// If the validate fails sometimes but succeeds other times, the source of
518 /// the token may itself not be calling
519 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Sync`] or
520 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Sync`] after creating/duplicating the
521 /// token but before sending the token to the current client. It may be more
522 /// convenient for the source to use
523 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.DuplicateSync`] to duplicate
524 /// token(s), since that call has the sync step built in. Or, the buffer
525 /// collection may be failing before this call is processed by the sysmem
526 /// server, as buffer collection failure cleans up sysmem's tracking of
527 /// associated tokens.
528 ///
529 /// This call has no effect on any token.
530 ///
531 /// + request `token_server_koid` The koid of the server end of a channel
532 /// that might be a BufferCollectionToken channel. This can be obtained
533 /// via `zx_object_get_info` `ZX_INFO_HANDLE_BASIC` `related_koid`.
534 /// - response `is_known` true means sysmem knew of the token at the time
535 /// sysmem processed the request, but doesn't guarantee that the token is
536 /// still valid by the time the client receives the reply. What it does
537 /// guarantee is that the token at least was a real token, so a two-way
538 /// call to the token won't stall forever (will fail or succeed fairly
539 /// quickly, not stall). This can already be known implicitly if the
540 /// source of the token can be trusted to provide a real token. A false
541 /// value means the token wasn't known to sysmem at the time sysmem
542 /// processed this call, but the token may have previously been valid, or
543 /// may yet become valid. Or if the sender of the token isn't trusted to
544 /// provide a real token, the token may be fake. It's the responsibility
545 /// of the sender to sync with sysmem to ensure that previously
546 /// created/duplicated token(s) are known to sysmem, before sending the
547 /// token(s) to other participants.
548 pub fn r#validate_buffer_collection_token(
549 &self,
550 mut payload: &AllocatorValidateBufferCollectionTokenRequest,
551 ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
552 ) -> Result<AllocatorValidateBufferCollectionTokenResponse, fidl::Error> {
553 let _response = self.client.send_query::<
554 AllocatorValidateBufferCollectionTokenRequest,
555 fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<AllocatorValidateBufferCollectionTokenResponse>,
556 >(
557 payload,
558 0x4c5ee91b02a7e68d,
559 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
560 ___deadline,
561 )?
562 .into_result::<AllocatorMarker>("validate_buffer_collection_token")?;
563 Ok(_response)
564 }
566 /// Set information about the current client that can be used by sysmem to
567 /// help diagnose leaking memory and allocation stalls waiting for a
568 /// participant to send [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`].
569 ///
570 /// This sets the debug client info on all [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`](s)
571 /// subsequently created by this this [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator`]
572 /// including any [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`](s) created via
573 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] (in the absence of
574 /// any prior call to [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`],
575 /// these `BufferCollection`(s) have the same initial debug client info as
576 /// the token turned in to create the `BufferCollection`).
577 ///
578 /// This info can be subsequently overridden on a per-`Node` basis by
579 /// sending [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`].
580 ///
581 /// Sending [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`] once per
582 /// `Allocator` is the most efficient way to ensure that all
583 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`](s) will have at least some debug client info
584 /// set, and is also more efficient than separately sending the same debug
585 /// client info via [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`] for each
586 /// created [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`].
587 ///
588 /// + request `name` This can be an arbitrary string, but the current
589 /// process name (see `fsl::GetCurrentProcessName`) is a good default.
590 /// + request `id` This can be an arbitrary id, but the current process ID
591 /// (see `fsl::GetCurrentProcessKoid`) is a good default.
592 pub fn r#set_debug_client_info(
593 &self,
594 mut payload: &AllocatorSetDebugClientInfoRequest,
595 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
596 self.client.send::<AllocatorSetDebugClientInfoRequest>(
597 payload,
598 0x6f68f19a3f509c4d,
599 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
600 )
601 }
603 /// Given a handle to a sysmem-provided VMO, this returns additional info
604 /// about the corresponding sysmem logical buffer.
605 ///
606 /// Most callers will duplicate a VMO handle first and send the duplicate to
607 /// this call.
608 ///
609 /// If the client has created a child VMO of a sysmem-provided VMO, that
610 /// child VMO isn't considered a "sysmem VMO" for purposes of this call.
611 ///
612 /// + request `vmo` A handle to a sysmem-provided VMO (or see errors).
613 /// - response `buffer_collection_id` The buffer collection ID, which is
614 /// unique per logical buffer collection per boot.
615 /// - response `buffer_index` The buffer index of the buffer within the
616 /// buffer collection. This is the same as the index of the buffer within
617 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionInfo.buffers`]. The `buffer_index`
618 /// is the same for all sysmem-delivered VMOs corresponding to the same
619 /// logical buffer, even if the VMO koids differ. The `buffer_index` is
620 /// only unique across buffers of a buffer collection. For a given buffer,
621 /// the combination of `buffer_collection_id` and `buffer_index` is unique
622 /// per boot.
623 /// - response `close_weak_asap` Iff `vmo` is a handle to a weak sysmem VMO,
624 /// the `close_weak_asap` field will be set in the response. This handle
625 /// will signal `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` when all weak VMO handles to
626 /// the buffer should be closed as soon as possible. This is signalled
627 /// shortly after all strong sysmem VMOs to the buffer are closed
628 /// (including any held indirectly via strong `BufferCollectionToken` or
629 /// strong `BufferCollection`). Failure to close all weak sysmem VMO
630 /// handles to the buffer quickly upon `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` is
631 /// considered a VMO leak caused by the client still holding a weak sysmem
632 /// VMO handle and results in loud complaints to the log by sysmem. The
633 /// buffers of a collection can be freed independently of each other. The
634 /// `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` may already be signalled before the
635 /// response arrives at the client. A client that isn't prepared to handle
636 /// weak sysmem VMOs, on seeing this field set, can close all handles to
637 /// the buffer and fail any associated request.
638 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.NOT_FOUND]` - the vmo isn't a sysmem
639 /// VMO. Both strong and weak sysmem VMOs can be passed to this call, and
640 /// the VMO handle passed in to this call itself keeps the VMO's info
641 /// alive for purposes of responding to this call. Because of this,
642 /// ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND errors are unambiguous (even if there are no other
643 /// handles to the VMO when calling; even if other handles are closed
644 /// before the GetVmoInfo response arrives at the client).
645 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.HANDLE_ACCESS_DENIED]` The vmo isn't
646 /// capable of being used with GetVmoInfo due to rights/capability
647 /// attenuation. The VMO needs to be usable with [`zx_vmo_get_info`] with
648 /// topic [`ZX_INFO_HANDLE_BASIC`].
649 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.UNSPECIFIED]` The request failed for an
650 /// unspecified reason. See the log for more info.
651 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.PROTOCOL_DEVIATION]` The vmo field
652 /// wasn't set, or there was some other problem with the request field(s).
653 pub fn r#get_vmo_info(
654 &self,
655 mut payload: AllocatorGetVmoInfoRequest,
656 ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
657 ) -> Result<AllocatorGetVmoInfoResult, fidl::Error> {
658 let _response = self.client.send_query::<
659 AllocatorGetVmoInfoRequest,
660 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<AllocatorGetVmoInfoResponse, Error>,
661 >(
662 &mut payload,
663 0x21a881120aa0ddf9,
664 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
665 ___deadline,
666 )?
667 .into_result::<AllocatorMarker>("get_vmo_info")?;
668 Ok(|x| x))
669 }
672#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
673pub struct AllocatorProxy {
674 client: fidl::client::Client<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>,
677impl fidl::endpoints::Proxy for AllocatorProxy {
678 type Protocol = AllocatorMarker;
680 fn from_channel(inner: ::fidl::AsyncChannel) -> Self {
681 Self::new(inner)
682 }
684 fn into_channel(self) -> Result<::fidl::AsyncChannel, Self> {
685 self.client.into_channel().map_err(|client| Self { client })
686 }
688 fn as_channel(&self) -> &::fidl::AsyncChannel {
689 self.client.as_channel()
690 }
693impl AllocatorProxy {
694 /// Create a new Proxy for fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.
695 pub fn new(channel: ::fidl::AsyncChannel) -> Self {
696 let protocol_name = <AllocatorMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME;
697 Self { client: fidl::client::Client::new(channel, protocol_name) }
698 }
700 /// Get a Stream of events from the remote end of the protocol.
701 ///
702 /// # Panics
703 ///
704 /// Panics if the event stream was already taken.
705 pub fn take_event_stream(&self) -> AllocatorEventStream {
706 AllocatorEventStream { event_receiver: self.client.take_event_receiver() }
707 }
709 /// Allocates a buffer collection on behalf of a single client (aka
710 /// initiator) who is also the only participant (from the point of view of
711 /// sysmem).
712 ///
713 /// This call exists mainly for temp/testing purposes. This call skips the
714 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] stage, so there's no way to
715 /// allow another participant to specify its constraints.
716 ///
717 /// Real clients are encouraged to use
718 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.AllocateSharedCollection`] instead, and to
719 /// let relevant participants directly convey their own constraints to
720 /// sysmem by sending `BufferCollectionToken`s to those participants.
721 ///
722 /// + request `collection_request` The server end of the
723 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`].
724 pub fn r#allocate_non_shared_collection(
725 &self,
726 mut payload: AllocatorAllocateNonSharedCollectionRequest,
727 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
728 AllocatorProxyInterface::r#allocate_non_shared_collection(self, payload)
729 }
731 /// Creates a root [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`].
732 ///
733 /// The `BufferCollectionToken` can be "duplicated" for distribution to
734 /// participants by using
735 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate`]. Each
736 /// `BufferCollectionToken` can be converted into a
737 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2.BufferCollection`] using
738 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`].
739 ///
740 /// Buffer constraints can be set via
741 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`].
742 ///
743 /// Success/failure to populate the buffer collection with buffers can be
744 /// determined from
745 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`].
746 ///
747 /// Closing the client end of a `BufferCollectionToken` or
748 /// `BufferCollection` (without `Release` first) will fail all client ends
749 /// in the same failure domain, which by default is all client ends of the
750 /// buffer collection. See
751 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetDispensable`] and
752 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`] for ways to create
753 /// separate failure domains within a buffer collection.
754 pub fn r#allocate_shared_collection(
755 &self,
756 mut payload: AllocatorAllocateSharedCollectionRequest,
757 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
758 AllocatorProxyInterface::r#allocate_shared_collection(self, payload)
759 }
761 /// Convert a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] into a
762 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`].
763 ///
764 /// At the time of sending this message, the buffer collection hasn't yet
765 /// been populated with buffers - the participant must first also send
766 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] via the
767 /// `BufferCollection` client end.
768 ///
769 /// All `BufferCollectionToken`(s) duplicated from a root
770 /// `BufferCollectionToken` (created via `AllocateSharedCollection`) must be
771 /// "turned in" via `BindSharedCollection` (or `Release`ed), and all
772 /// existing `BufferCollection` client ends must have sent `SetConstraints`
773 /// before the logical BufferCollection will be populated with buffers (or
774 /// will fail if the overall set of constraints can't be satisfied).
775 ///
776 /// + request `token` The client endpoint of a channel whose server end was
777 /// sent to sysmem using
778 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.AllocateSharedCollection`] or whose server
779 /// end was sent to sysmem using
780 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate`]. The token is
781 /// being "turned in" in exchange for a
782 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`].
783 /// + request `buffer_collection_request` The server end of a
784 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] channel. The sender retains the
785 /// client end. The `BufferCollection` channel is a single participant's
786 /// connection to the logical buffer collection. Typically there will be
787 /// other participants with their own `BufferCollection` channel to the
788 /// logical buffer collection.
789 pub fn r#bind_shared_collection(
790 &self,
791 mut payload: AllocatorBindSharedCollectionRequest,
792 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
793 AllocatorProxyInterface::r#bind_shared_collection(self, payload)
794 }
796 /// Checks whether a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] is known to
797 /// the sysmem server.
798 ///
799 /// With this call, the client can determine whether an incoming token is a
800 /// real sysmem token that is known to the sysmem server, without any risk
801 /// of getting stuck waiting forever on a potentially fake token to complete
802 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.DuplicateSync`] or
803 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Sync`] (or any other two-way
804 /// FIDL message). In cases where the client trusts the source of the token
805 /// to provide a real token, this call is not typically needed outside of
806 /// debugging.
807 ///
808 /// If the validate fails sometimes but succeeds other times, the source of
809 /// the token may itself not be calling
810 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Sync`] or
811 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Sync`] after creating/duplicating the
812 /// token but before sending the token to the current client. It may be more
813 /// convenient for the source to use
814 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.DuplicateSync`] to duplicate
815 /// token(s), since that call has the sync step built in. Or, the buffer
816 /// collection may be failing before this call is processed by the sysmem
817 /// server, as buffer collection failure cleans up sysmem's tracking of
818 /// associated tokens.
819 ///
820 /// This call has no effect on any token.
821 ///
822 /// + request `token_server_koid` The koid of the server end of a channel
823 /// that might be a BufferCollectionToken channel. This can be obtained
824 /// via `zx_object_get_info` `ZX_INFO_HANDLE_BASIC` `related_koid`.
825 /// - response `is_known` true means sysmem knew of the token at the time
826 /// sysmem processed the request, but doesn't guarantee that the token is
827 /// still valid by the time the client receives the reply. What it does
828 /// guarantee is that the token at least was a real token, so a two-way
829 /// call to the token won't stall forever (will fail or succeed fairly
830 /// quickly, not stall). This can already be known implicitly if the
831 /// source of the token can be trusted to provide a real token. A false
832 /// value means the token wasn't known to sysmem at the time sysmem
833 /// processed this call, but the token may have previously been valid, or
834 /// may yet become valid. Or if the sender of the token isn't trusted to
835 /// provide a real token, the token may be fake. It's the responsibility
836 /// of the sender to sync with sysmem to ensure that previously
837 /// created/duplicated token(s) are known to sysmem, before sending the
838 /// token(s) to other participants.
839 pub fn r#validate_buffer_collection_token(
840 &self,
841 mut payload: &AllocatorValidateBufferCollectionTokenRequest,
842 ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
843 AllocatorValidateBufferCollectionTokenResponse,
844 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
845 > {
846 AllocatorProxyInterface::r#validate_buffer_collection_token(self, payload)
847 }
849 /// Set information about the current client that can be used by sysmem to
850 /// help diagnose leaking memory and allocation stalls waiting for a
851 /// participant to send [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`].
852 ///
853 /// This sets the debug client info on all [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`](s)
854 /// subsequently created by this this [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator`]
855 /// including any [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`](s) created via
856 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] (in the absence of
857 /// any prior call to [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`],
858 /// these `BufferCollection`(s) have the same initial debug client info as
859 /// the token turned in to create the `BufferCollection`).
860 ///
861 /// This info can be subsequently overridden on a per-`Node` basis by
862 /// sending [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`].
863 ///
864 /// Sending [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`] once per
865 /// `Allocator` is the most efficient way to ensure that all
866 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`](s) will have at least some debug client info
867 /// set, and is also more efficient than separately sending the same debug
868 /// client info via [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`] for each
869 /// created [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`].
870 ///
871 /// + request `name` This can be an arbitrary string, but the current
872 /// process name (see `fsl::GetCurrentProcessName`) is a good default.
873 /// + request `id` This can be an arbitrary id, but the current process ID
874 /// (see `fsl::GetCurrentProcessKoid`) is a good default.
875 pub fn r#set_debug_client_info(
876 &self,
877 mut payload: &AllocatorSetDebugClientInfoRequest,
878 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
879 AllocatorProxyInterface::r#set_debug_client_info(self, payload)
880 }
882 /// Given a handle to a sysmem-provided VMO, this returns additional info
883 /// about the corresponding sysmem logical buffer.
884 ///
885 /// Most callers will duplicate a VMO handle first and send the duplicate to
886 /// this call.
887 ///
888 /// If the client has created a child VMO of a sysmem-provided VMO, that
889 /// child VMO isn't considered a "sysmem VMO" for purposes of this call.
890 ///
891 /// + request `vmo` A handle to a sysmem-provided VMO (or see errors).
892 /// - response `buffer_collection_id` The buffer collection ID, which is
893 /// unique per logical buffer collection per boot.
894 /// - response `buffer_index` The buffer index of the buffer within the
895 /// buffer collection. This is the same as the index of the buffer within
896 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionInfo.buffers`]. The `buffer_index`
897 /// is the same for all sysmem-delivered VMOs corresponding to the same
898 /// logical buffer, even if the VMO koids differ. The `buffer_index` is
899 /// only unique across buffers of a buffer collection. For a given buffer,
900 /// the combination of `buffer_collection_id` and `buffer_index` is unique
901 /// per boot.
902 /// - response `close_weak_asap` Iff `vmo` is a handle to a weak sysmem VMO,
903 /// the `close_weak_asap` field will be set in the response. This handle
904 /// will signal `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` when all weak VMO handles to
905 /// the buffer should be closed as soon as possible. This is signalled
906 /// shortly after all strong sysmem VMOs to the buffer are closed
907 /// (including any held indirectly via strong `BufferCollectionToken` or
908 /// strong `BufferCollection`). Failure to close all weak sysmem VMO
909 /// handles to the buffer quickly upon `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` is
910 /// considered a VMO leak caused by the client still holding a weak sysmem
911 /// VMO handle and results in loud complaints to the log by sysmem. The
912 /// buffers of a collection can be freed independently of each other. The
913 /// `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` may already be signalled before the
914 /// response arrives at the client. A client that isn't prepared to handle
915 /// weak sysmem VMOs, on seeing this field set, can close all handles to
916 /// the buffer and fail any associated request.
917 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.NOT_FOUND]` - the vmo isn't a sysmem
918 /// VMO. Both strong and weak sysmem VMOs can be passed to this call, and
919 /// the VMO handle passed in to this call itself keeps the VMO's info
920 /// alive for purposes of responding to this call. Because of this,
921 /// ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND errors are unambiguous (even if there are no other
922 /// handles to the VMO when calling; even if other handles are closed
923 /// before the GetVmoInfo response arrives at the client).
924 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.HANDLE_ACCESS_DENIED]` The vmo isn't
925 /// capable of being used with GetVmoInfo due to rights/capability
926 /// attenuation. The VMO needs to be usable with [`zx_vmo_get_info`] with
927 /// topic [`ZX_INFO_HANDLE_BASIC`].
928 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.UNSPECIFIED]` The request failed for an
929 /// unspecified reason. See the log for more info.
930 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.PROTOCOL_DEVIATION]` The vmo field
931 /// wasn't set, or there was some other problem with the request field(s).
932 pub fn r#get_vmo_info(
933 &self,
934 mut payload: AllocatorGetVmoInfoRequest,
935 ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
936 AllocatorGetVmoInfoResult,
937 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
938 > {
939 AllocatorProxyInterface::r#get_vmo_info(self, payload)
940 }
943impl AllocatorProxyInterface for AllocatorProxy {
944 fn r#allocate_non_shared_collection(
945 &self,
946 mut payload: AllocatorAllocateNonSharedCollectionRequest,
947 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
948 self.client.send::<AllocatorAllocateNonSharedCollectionRequest>(
949 &mut payload,
950 0x5ca681f025a80e44,
951 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
952 )
953 }
955 fn r#allocate_shared_collection(
956 &self,
957 mut payload: AllocatorAllocateSharedCollectionRequest,
958 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
959 self.client.send::<AllocatorAllocateSharedCollectionRequest>(
960 &mut payload,
961 0x11a19ff51f0b49c1,
962 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
963 )
964 }
966 fn r#bind_shared_collection(
967 &self,
968 mut payload: AllocatorBindSharedCollectionRequest,
969 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
970 self.client.send::<AllocatorBindSharedCollectionRequest>(
971 &mut payload,
972 0x550916b0dc1d5b4e,
973 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
974 )
975 }
977 type ValidateBufferCollectionTokenResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
978 AllocatorValidateBufferCollectionTokenResponse,
979 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
980 >;
981 fn r#validate_buffer_collection_token(
982 &self,
983 mut payload: &AllocatorValidateBufferCollectionTokenRequest,
984 ) -> Self::ValidateBufferCollectionTokenResponseFut {
985 fn _decode(
986 mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
987 ) -> Result<AllocatorValidateBufferCollectionTokenResponse, fidl::Error> {
988 let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
989 fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<AllocatorValidateBufferCollectionTokenResponse>,
990 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
991 0x4c5ee91b02a7e68d,
992 >(_buf?)?
993 .into_result::<AllocatorMarker>("validate_buffer_collection_token")?;
994 Ok(_response)
995 }
996 self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
997 AllocatorValidateBufferCollectionTokenRequest,
998 AllocatorValidateBufferCollectionTokenResponse,
999 >(
1000 payload,
1001 0x4c5ee91b02a7e68d,
1002 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
1003 _decode,
1004 )
1005 }
1007 fn r#set_debug_client_info(
1008 &self,
1009 mut payload: &AllocatorSetDebugClientInfoRequest,
1010 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
1011 self.client.send::<AllocatorSetDebugClientInfoRequest>(
1012 payload,
1013 0x6f68f19a3f509c4d,
1014 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
1015 )
1016 }
1018 type GetVmoInfoResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
1019 AllocatorGetVmoInfoResult,
1020 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
1021 >;
1022 fn r#get_vmo_info(
1023 &self,
1024 mut payload: AllocatorGetVmoInfoRequest,
1025 ) -> Self::GetVmoInfoResponseFut {
1026 fn _decode(
1027 mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
1028 ) -> Result<AllocatorGetVmoInfoResult, fidl::Error> {
1029 let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
1030 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<AllocatorGetVmoInfoResponse, Error>,
1031 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
1032 0x21a881120aa0ddf9,
1033 >(_buf?)?
1034 .into_result::<AllocatorMarker>("get_vmo_info")?;
1035 Ok(|x| x))
1036 }
1037 self.client.send_query_and_decode::<AllocatorGetVmoInfoRequest, AllocatorGetVmoInfoResult>(
1038 &mut payload,
1039 0x21a881120aa0ddf9,
1040 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
1041 _decode,
1042 )
1043 }
1046pub struct AllocatorEventStream {
1047 event_receiver: fidl::client::EventReceiver<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>,
1050impl std::marker::Unpin for AllocatorEventStream {}
1052impl futures::stream::FusedStream for AllocatorEventStream {
1053 fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool {
1054 self.event_receiver.is_terminated()
1055 }
1058impl futures::Stream for AllocatorEventStream {
1059 type Item = Result<AllocatorEvent, fidl::Error>;
1061 fn poll_next(
1062 mut self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
1063 cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
1064 ) -> std::task::Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
1065 match futures::ready!(futures::stream::StreamExt::poll_next_unpin(
1066 &mut self.event_receiver,
1067 cx
1068 )?) {
1069 Some(buf) => std::task::Poll::Ready(Some(AllocatorEvent::decode(buf))),
1070 None => std::task::Poll::Ready(None),
1071 }
1072 }
1076pub enum AllocatorEvent {
1077 #[non_exhaustive]
1078 _UnknownEvent {
1079 /// Ordinal of the event that was sent.
1080 ordinal: u64,
1081 },
1084impl AllocatorEvent {
1085 /// Decodes a message buffer as a [`AllocatorEvent`].
1086 fn decode(
1087 mut buf: <fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc,
1088 ) -> Result<AllocatorEvent, fidl::Error> {
1089 let (bytes, _handles) = buf.split_mut();
1090 let (tx_header, _body_bytes) = fidl::encoding::decode_transaction_header(bytes)?;
1091 debug_assert_eq!(tx_header.tx_id, 0);
1092 match tx_header.ordinal {
1093 _ if tx_header.dynamic_flags().contains(fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE) => {
1094 Ok(AllocatorEvent::_UnknownEvent { ordinal: tx_header.ordinal })
1095 }
1096 _ => Err(fidl::Error::UnknownOrdinal {
1097 ordinal: tx_header.ordinal,
1098 protocol_name: <AllocatorMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME,
1099 }),
1100 }
1101 }
1104/// A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.
1105pub struct AllocatorRequestStream {
1106 inner: std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>,
1107 is_terminated: bool,
1110impl std::marker::Unpin for AllocatorRequestStream {}
1112impl futures::stream::FusedStream for AllocatorRequestStream {
1113 fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool {
1114 self.is_terminated
1115 }
1118impl fidl::endpoints::RequestStream for AllocatorRequestStream {
1119 type Protocol = AllocatorMarker;
1120 type ControlHandle = AllocatorControlHandle;
1122 fn from_channel(channel: ::fidl::AsyncChannel) -> Self {
1123 Self { inner: std::sync::Arc::new(fidl::ServeInner::new(channel)), is_terminated: false }
1124 }
1126 fn control_handle(&self) -> Self::ControlHandle {
1127 AllocatorControlHandle { inner: self.inner.clone() }
1128 }
1130 fn into_inner(
1131 self,
1132 ) -> (::std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>, bool)
1133 {
1134 (self.inner, self.is_terminated)
1135 }
1137 fn from_inner(
1138 inner: std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>,
1139 is_terminated: bool,
1140 ) -> Self {
1141 Self { inner, is_terminated }
1142 }
1145impl futures::Stream for AllocatorRequestStream {
1146 type Item = Result<AllocatorRequest, fidl::Error>;
1148 fn poll_next(
1149 mut self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
1150 cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
1151 ) -> std::task::Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
1152 let this = &mut *self;
1153 if this.inner.check_shutdown(cx) {
1154 this.is_terminated = true;
1155 return std::task::Poll::Ready(None);
1156 }
1157 if this.is_terminated {
1158 panic!("polled AllocatorRequestStream after completion");
1159 }
1160 fidl::encoding::with_tls_decode_buf::<_, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>(
1161 |bytes, handles| {
1162 match, bytes, handles) {
1163 std::task::Poll::Ready(Ok(())) => {}
1164 std::task::Poll::Pending => return std::task::Poll::Pending,
1165 std::task::Poll::Ready(Err(zx_status::Status::PEER_CLOSED)) => {
1166 this.is_terminated = true;
1167 return std::task::Poll::Ready(None);
1168 }
1169 std::task::Poll::Ready(Err(e)) => {
1170 return std::task::Poll::Ready(Some(Err(fidl::Error::ServerRequestRead(
1171 e.into(),
1172 ))))
1173 }
1174 }
1176 // A message has been received from the channel
1177 let (header, _body_bytes) = fidl::encoding::decode_transaction_header(bytes)?;
1179 std::task::Poll::Ready(Some(match header.ordinal {
1180 0x5ca681f025a80e44 => {
1181 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
1182 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
1183 AllocatorAllocateNonSharedCollectionRequest,
1184 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
1185 );
1186 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<AllocatorAllocateNonSharedCollectionRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
1187 let control_handle = AllocatorControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
1188 Ok(AllocatorRequest::AllocateNonSharedCollection {
1189 payload: req,
1190 control_handle,
1191 })
1192 }
1193 0x11a19ff51f0b49c1 => {
1194 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
1195 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
1196 AllocatorAllocateSharedCollectionRequest,
1197 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
1198 );
1199 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<AllocatorAllocateSharedCollectionRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
1200 let control_handle = AllocatorControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
1201 Ok(AllocatorRequest::AllocateSharedCollection {
1202 payload: req,
1203 control_handle,
1204 })
1205 }
1206 0x550916b0dc1d5b4e => {
1207 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
1208 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
1209 AllocatorBindSharedCollectionRequest,
1210 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
1211 );
1212 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<AllocatorBindSharedCollectionRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
1213 let control_handle = AllocatorControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
1214 Ok(AllocatorRequest::BindSharedCollection { payload: req, control_handle })
1215 }
1216 0x4c5ee91b02a7e68d => {
1217 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
1218 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
1219 AllocatorValidateBufferCollectionTokenRequest,
1220 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
1221 );
1222 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<AllocatorValidateBufferCollectionTokenRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
1223 let control_handle = AllocatorControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
1224 Ok(AllocatorRequest::ValidateBufferCollectionToken {
1225 payload: req,
1226 responder: AllocatorValidateBufferCollectionTokenResponder {
1227 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
1228 tx_id: header.tx_id,
1229 },
1230 })
1231 }
1232 0x6f68f19a3f509c4d => {
1233 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
1234 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
1235 AllocatorSetDebugClientInfoRequest,
1236 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
1237 );
1238 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<AllocatorSetDebugClientInfoRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
1239 let control_handle = AllocatorControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
1240 Ok(AllocatorRequest::SetDebugClientInfo { payload: req, control_handle })
1241 }
1242 0x21a881120aa0ddf9 => {
1243 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
1244 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
1245 AllocatorGetVmoInfoRequest,
1246 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
1247 );
1248 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<AllocatorGetVmoInfoRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
1249 let control_handle = AllocatorControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
1250 Ok(AllocatorRequest::GetVmoInfo {
1251 payload: req,
1252 responder: AllocatorGetVmoInfoResponder {
1253 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
1254 tx_id: header.tx_id,
1255 },
1256 })
1257 }
1258 _ if header.tx_id == 0
1259 && header
1260 .dynamic_flags()
1261 .contains(fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE) =>
1262 {
1263 Ok(AllocatorRequest::_UnknownMethod {
1264 ordinal: header.ordinal,
1265 control_handle: AllocatorControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() },
1266 method_type: fidl::MethodType::OneWay,
1267 })
1268 }
1269 _ if header
1270 .dynamic_flags()
1271 .contains(fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE) =>
1272 {
1273 this.inner.send_framework_err(
1274 fidl::encoding::FrameworkErr::UnknownMethod,
1275 header.tx_id,
1276 header.ordinal,
1277 header.dynamic_flags(),
1278 (bytes, handles),
1279 )?;
1280 Ok(AllocatorRequest::_UnknownMethod {
1281 ordinal: header.ordinal,
1282 control_handle: AllocatorControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() },
1283 method_type: fidl::MethodType::TwoWay,
1284 })
1285 }
1286 _ => Err(fidl::Error::UnknownOrdinal {
1287 ordinal: header.ordinal,
1288 protocol_name:
1289 <AllocatorMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME,
1290 }),
1291 }))
1292 },
1293 )
1294 }
1297/// Allocates system memory buffers.
1299/// Epitaphs are not used in this protocol.
1301pub enum AllocatorRequest {
1302 /// Allocates a buffer collection on behalf of a single client (aka
1303 /// initiator) who is also the only participant (from the point of view of
1304 /// sysmem).
1305 ///
1306 /// This call exists mainly for temp/testing purposes. This call skips the
1307 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] stage, so there's no way to
1308 /// allow another participant to specify its constraints.
1309 ///
1310 /// Real clients are encouraged to use
1311 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.AllocateSharedCollection`] instead, and to
1312 /// let relevant participants directly convey their own constraints to
1313 /// sysmem by sending `BufferCollectionToken`s to those participants.
1314 ///
1315 /// + request `collection_request` The server end of the
1316 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`].
1317 AllocateNonSharedCollection {
1318 payload: AllocatorAllocateNonSharedCollectionRequest,
1319 control_handle: AllocatorControlHandle,
1320 },
1321 /// Creates a root [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`].
1322 ///
1323 /// The `BufferCollectionToken` can be "duplicated" for distribution to
1324 /// participants by using
1325 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate`]. Each
1326 /// `BufferCollectionToken` can be converted into a
1327 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2.BufferCollection`] using
1328 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`].
1329 ///
1330 /// Buffer constraints can be set via
1331 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`].
1332 ///
1333 /// Success/failure to populate the buffer collection with buffers can be
1334 /// determined from
1335 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`].
1336 ///
1337 /// Closing the client end of a `BufferCollectionToken` or
1338 /// `BufferCollection` (without `Release` first) will fail all client ends
1339 /// in the same failure domain, which by default is all client ends of the
1340 /// buffer collection. See
1341 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetDispensable`] and
1342 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`] for ways to create
1343 /// separate failure domains within a buffer collection.
1344 AllocateSharedCollection {
1345 payload: AllocatorAllocateSharedCollectionRequest,
1346 control_handle: AllocatorControlHandle,
1347 },
1348 /// Convert a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] into a
1349 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`].
1350 ///
1351 /// At the time of sending this message, the buffer collection hasn't yet
1352 /// been populated with buffers - the participant must first also send
1353 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] via the
1354 /// `BufferCollection` client end.
1355 ///
1356 /// All `BufferCollectionToken`(s) duplicated from a root
1357 /// `BufferCollectionToken` (created via `AllocateSharedCollection`) must be
1358 /// "turned in" via `BindSharedCollection` (or `Release`ed), and all
1359 /// existing `BufferCollection` client ends must have sent `SetConstraints`
1360 /// before the logical BufferCollection will be populated with buffers (or
1361 /// will fail if the overall set of constraints can't be satisfied).
1362 ///
1363 /// + request `token` The client endpoint of a channel whose server end was
1364 /// sent to sysmem using
1365 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.AllocateSharedCollection`] or whose server
1366 /// end was sent to sysmem using
1367 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate`]. The token is
1368 /// being "turned in" in exchange for a
1369 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`].
1370 /// + request `buffer_collection_request` The server end of a
1371 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] channel. The sender retains the
1372 /// client end. The `BufferCollection` channel is a single participant's
1373 /// connection to the logical buffer collection. Typically there will be
1374 /// other participants with their own `BufferCollection` channel to the
1375 /// logical buffer collection.
1376 BindSharedCollection {
1377 payload: AllocatorBindSharedCollectionRequest,
1378 control_handle: AllocatorControlHandle,
1379 },
1380 /// Checks whether a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] is known to
1381 /// the sysmem server.
1382 ///
1383 /// With this call, the client can determine whether an incoming token is a
1384 /// real sysmem token that is known to the sysmem server, without any risk
1385 /// of getting stuck waiting forever on a potentially fake token to complete
1386 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.DuplicateSync`] or
1387 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Sync`] (or any other two-way
1388 /// FIDL message). In cases where the client trusts the source of the token
1389 /// to provide a real token, this call is not typically needed outside of
1390 /// debugging.
1391 ///
1392 /// If the validate fails sometimes but succeeds other times, the source of
1393 /// the token may itself not be calling
1394 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Sync`] or
1395 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Sync`] after creating/duplicating the
1396 /// token but before sending the token to the current client. It may be more
1397 /// convenient for the source to use
1398 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.DuplicateSync`] to duplicate
1399 /// token(s), since that call has the sync step built in. Or, the buffer
1400 /// collection may be failing before this call is processed by the sysmem
1401 /// server, as buffer collection failure cleans up sysmem's tracking of
1402 /// associated tokens.
1403 ///
1404 /// This call has no effect on any token.
1405 ///
1406 /// + request `token_server_koid` The koid of the server end of a channel
1407 /// that might be a BufferCollectionToken channel. This can be obtained
1408 /// via `zx_object_get_info` `ZX_INFO_HANDLE_BASIC` `related_koid`.
1409 /// - response `is_known` true means sysmem knew of the token at the time
1410 /// sysmem processed the request, but doesn't guarantee that the token is
1411 /// still valid by the time the client receives the reply. What it does
1412 /// guarantee is that the token at least was a real token, so a two-way
1413 /// call to the token won't stall forever (will fail or succeed fairly
1414 /// quickly, not stall). This can already be known implicitly if the
1415 /// source of the token can be trusted to provide a real token. A false
1416 /// value means the token wasn't known to sysmem at the time sysmem
1417 /// processed this call, but the token may have previously been valid, or
1418 /// may yet become valid. Or if the sender of the token isn't trusted to
1419 /// provide a real token, the token may be fake. It's the responsibility
1420 /// of the sender to sync with sysmem to ensure that previously
1421 /// created/duplicated token(s) are known to sysmem, before sending the
1422 /// token(s) to other participants.
1423 ValidateBufferCollectionToken {
1424 payload: AllocatorValidateBufferCollectionTokenRequest,
1425 responder: AllocatorValidateBufferCollectionTokenResponder,
1426 },
1427 /// Set information about the current client that can be used by sysmem to
1428 /// help diagnose leaking memory and allocation stalls waiting for a
1429 /// participant to send [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`].
1430 ///
1431 /// This sets the debug client info on all [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`](s)
1432 /// subsequently created by this this [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator`]
1433 /// including any [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`](s) created via
1434 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] (in the absence of
1435 /// any prior call to [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`],
1436 /// these `BufferCollection`(s) have the same initial debug client info as
1437 /// the token turned in to create the `BufferCollection`).
1438 ///
1439 /// This info can be subsequently overridden on a per-`Node` basis by
1440 /// sending [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`].
1441 ///
1442 /// Sending [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`] once per
1443 /// `Allocator` is the most efficient way to ensure that all
1444 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`](s) will have at least some debug client info
1445 /// set, and is also more efficient than separately sending the same debug
1446 /// client info via [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`] for each
1447 /// created [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`].
1448 ///
1449 /// + request `name` This can be an arbitrary string, but the current
1450 /// process name (see `fsl::GetCurrentProcessName`) is a good default.
1451 /// + request `id` This can be an arbitrary id, but the current process ID
1452 /// (see `fsl::GetCurrentProcessKoid`) is a good default.
1453 SetDebugClientInfo {
1454 payload: AllocatorSetDebugClientInfoRequest,
1455 control_handle: AllocatorControlHandle,
1456 },
1457 /// Given a handle to a sysmem-provided VMO, this returns additional info
1458 /// about the corresponding sysmem logical buffer.
1459 ///
1460 /// Most callers will duplicate a VMO handle first and send the duplicate to
1461 /// this call.
1462 ///
1463 /// If the client has created a child VMO of a sysmem-provided VMO, that
1464 /// child VMO isn't considered a "sysmem VMO" for purposes of this call.
1465 ///
1466 /// + request `vmo` A handle to a sysmem-provided VMO (or see errors).
1467 /// - response `buffer_collection_id` The buffer collection ID, which is
1468 /// unique per logical buffer collection per boot.
1469 /// - response `buffer_index` The buffer index of the buffer within the
1470 /// buffer collection. This is the same as the index of the buffer within
1471 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionInfo.buffers`]. The `buffer_index`
1472 /// is the same for all sysmem-delivered VMOs corresponding to the same
1473 /// logical buffer, even if the VMO koids differ. The `buffer_index` is
1474 /// only unique across buffers of a buffer collection. For a given buffer,
1475 /// the combination of `buffer_collection_id` and `buffer_index` is unique
1476 /// per boot.
1477 /// - response `close_weak_asap` Iff `vmo` is a handle to a weak sysmem VMO,
1478 /// the `close_weak_asap` field will be set in the response. This handle
1479 /// will signal `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` when all weak VMO handles to
1480 /// the buffer should be closed as soon as possible. This is signalled
1481 /// shortly after all strong sysmem VMOs to the buffer are closed
1482 /// (including any held indirectly via strong `BufferCollectionToken` or
1483 /// strong `BufferCollection`). Failure to close all weak sysmem VMO
1484 /// handles to the buffer quickly upon `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` is
1485 /// considered a VMO leak caused by the client still holding a weak sysmem
1486 /// VMO handle and results in loud complaints to the log by sysmem. The
1487 /// buffers of a collection can be freed independently of each other. The
1488 /// `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` may already be signalled before the
1489 /// response arrives at the client. A client that isn't prepared to handle
1490 /// weak sysmem VMOs, on seeing this field set, can close all handles to
1491 /// the buffer and fail any associated request.
1492 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.NOT_FOUND]` - the vmo isn't a sysmem
1493 /// VMO. Both strong and weak sysmem VMOs can be passed to this call, and
1494 /// the VMO handle passed in to this call itself keeps the VMO's info
1495 /// alive for purposes of responding to this call. Because of this,
1496 /// ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND errors are unambiguous (even if there are no other
1497 /// handles to the VMO when calling; even if other handles are closed
1498 /// before the GetVmoInfo response arrives at the client).
1499 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.HANDLE_ACCESS_DENIED]` The vmo isn't
1500 /// capable of being used with GetVmoInfo due to rights/capability
1501 /// attenuation. The VMO needs to be usable with [`zx_vmo_get_info`] with
1502 /// topic [`ZX_INFO_HANDLE_BASIC`].
1503 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.UNSPECIFIED]` The request failed for an
1504 /// unspecified reason. See the log for more info.
1505 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.PROTOCOL_DEVIATION]` The vmo field
1506 /// wasn't set, or there was some other problem with the request field(s).
1507 GetVmoInfo { payload: AllocatorGetVmoInfoRequest, responder: AllocatorGetVmoInfoResponder },
1508 /// An interaction was received which does not match any known method.
1509 #[non_exhaustive]
1510 _UnknownMethod {
1511 /// Ordinal of the method that was called.
1512 ordinal: u64,
1513 control_handle: AllocatorControlHandle,
1514 method_type: fidl::MethodType,
1515 },
1518impl AllocatorRequest {
1519 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
1520 pub fn into_allocate_non_shared_collection(
1521 self,
1522 ) -> Option<(AllocatorAllocateNonSharedCollectionRequest, AllocatorControlHandle)> {
1523 if let AllocatorRequest::AllocateNonSharedCollection { payload, control_handle } = self {
1524 Some((payload, control_handle))
1525 } else {
1526 None
1527 }
1528 }
1530 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
1531 pub fn into_allocate_shared_collection(
1532 self,
1533 ) -> Option<(AllocatorAllocateSharedCollectionRequest, AllocatorControlHandle)> {
1534 if let AllocatorRequest::AllocateSharedCollection { payload, control_handle } = self {
1535 Some((payload, control_handle))
1536 } else {
1537 None
1538 }
1539 }
1541 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
1542 pub fn into_bind_shared_collection(
1543 self,
1544 ) -> Option<(AllocatorBindSharedCollectionRequest, AllocatorControlHandle)> {
1545 if let AllocatorRequest::BindSharedCollection { payload, control_handle } = self {
1546 Some((payload, control_handle))
1547 } else {
1548 None
1549 }
1550 }
1552 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
1553 pub fn into_validate_buffer_collection_token(
1554 self,
1555 ) -> Option<(
1556 AllocatorValidateBufferCollectionTokenRequest,
1557 AllocatorValidateBufferCollectionTokenResponder,
1558 )> {
1559 if let AllocatorRequest::ValidateBufferCollectionToken { payload, responder } = self {
1560 Some((payload, responder))
1561 } else {
1562 None
1563 }
1564 }
1566 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
1567 pub fn into_set_debug_client_info(
1568 self,
1569 ) -> Option<(AllocatorSetDebugClientInfoRequest, AllocatorControlHandle)> {
1570 if let AllocatorRequest::SetDebugClientInfo { payload, control_handle } = self {
1571 Some((payload, control_handle))
1572 } else {
1573 None
1574 }
1575 }
1577 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
1578 pub fn into_get_vmo_info(
1579 self,
1580 ) -> Option<(AllocatorGetVmoInfoRequest, AllocatorGetVmoInfoResponder)> {
1581 if let AllocatorRequest::GetVmoInfo { payload, responder } = self {
1582 Some((payload, responder))
1583 } else {
1584 None
1585 }
1586 }
1588 /// Name of the method defined in FIDL
1589 pub fn method_name(&self) -> &'static str {
1590 match *self {
1591 AllocatorRequest::AllocateNonSharedCollection { .. } => {
1592 "allocate_non_shared_collection"
1593 }
1594 AllocatorRequest::AllocateSharedCollection { .. } => "allocate_shared_collection",
1595 AllocatorRequest::BindSharedCollection { .. } => "bind_shared_collection",
1596 AllocatorRequest::ValidateBufferCollectionToken { .. } => {
1597 "validate_buffer_collection_token"
1598 }
1599 AllocatorRequest::SetDebugClientInfo { .. } => "set_debug_client_info",
1600 AllocatorRequest::GetVmoInfo { .. } => "get_vmo_info",
1601 AllocatorRequest::_UnknownMethod { method_type: fidl::MethodType::OneWay, .. } => {
1602 "unknown one-way method"
1603 }
1604 AllocatorRequest::_UnknownMethod { method_type: fidl::MethodType::TwoWay, .. } => {
1605 "unknown two-way method"
1606 }
1607 }
1608 }
1611#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
1612pub struct AllocatorControlHandle {
1613 inner: std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>,
1616impl fidl::endpoints::ControlHandle for AllocatorControlHandle {
1617 fn shutdown(&self) {
1618 self.inner.shutdown()
1619 }
1620 fn shutdown_with_epitaph(&self, status: zx_status::Status) {
1621 self.inner.shutdown_with_epitaph(status)
1622 }
1624 fn is_closed(&self) -> bool {
1626 }
1627 fn on_closed(&self) -> fidl::OnSignalsRef<'_> {
1629 }
1631 #[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
1632 fn signal_peer(
1633 &self,
1634 clear_mask: zx::Signals,
1635 set_mask: zx::Signals,
1636 ) -> Result<(), zx_status::Status> {
1637 use fidl::Peered;
1638, set_mask)
1639 }
1642impl AllocatorControlHandle {}
1644#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
1646pub struct AllocatorValidateBufferCollectionTokenResponder {
1647 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<AllocatorControlHandle>,
1648 tx_id: u32,
1651/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`AllocatorControlHandle::shutdown`])
1652/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
1653/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
1654impl std::ops::Drop for AllocatorValidateBufferCollectionTokenResponder {
1655 fn drop(&mut self) {
1656 self.control_handle.shutdown();
1657 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
1658 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
1659 }
1662impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for AllocatorValidateBufferCollectionTokenResponder {
1663 type ControlHandle = AllocatorControlHandle;
1665 fn control_handle(&self) -> &AllocatorControlHandle {
1666 &self.control_handle
1667 }
1669 fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
1670 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
1671 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
1672 // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
1673 std::mem::forget(self);
1674 }
1677impl AllocatorValidateBufferCollectionTokenResponder {
1678 /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
1679 ///
1680 /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
1681 pub fn send(
1682 self,
1683 mut payload: &AllocatorValidateBufferCollectionTokenResponse,
1684 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
1685 let _result = self.send_raw(payload);
1686 if _result.is_err() {
1687 self.control_handle.shutdown();
1688 }
1689 self.drop_without_shutdown();
1690 _result
1691 }
1693 /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
1694 pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
1695 self,
1696 mut payload: &AllocatorValidateBufferCollectionTokenResponse,
1697 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
1698 let _result = self.send_raw(payload);
1699 self.drop_without_shutdown();
1700 _result
1701 }
1703 fn send_raw(
1704 &self,
1705 mut payload: &AllocatorValidateBufferCollectionTokenResponse,
1706 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
1707 self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<
1708 AllocatorValidateBufferCollectionTokenResponse,
1709 >>(
1710 fidl::encoding::Flexible::new(payload),
1711 self.tx_id,
1712 0x4c5ee91b02a7e68d,
1713 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
1714 )
1715 }
1718#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
1720pub struct AllocatorGetVmoInfoResponder {
1721 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<AllocatorControlHandle>,
1722 tx_id: u32,
1725/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`AllocatorControlHandle::shutdown`])
1726/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
1727/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
1728impl std::ops::Drop for AllocatorGetVmoInfoResponder {
1729 fn drop(&mut self) {
1730 self.control_handle.shutdown();
1731 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
1732 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
1733 }
1736impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for AllocatorGetVmoInfoResponder {
1737 type ControlHandle = AllocatorControlHandle;
1739 fn control_handle(&self) -> &AllocatorControlHandle {
1740 &self.control_handle
1741 }
1743 fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
1744 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
1745 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
1746 // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
1747 std::mem::forget(self);
1748 }
1751impl AllocatorGetVmoInfoResponder {
1752 /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
1753 ///
1754 /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
1755 pub fn send(
1756 self,
1757 mut result: Result<AllocatorGetVmoInfoResponse, Error>,
1758 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
1759 let _result = self.send_raw(result);
1760 if _result.is_err() {
1761 self.control_handle.shutdown();
1762 }
1763 self.drop_without_shutdown();
1764 _result
1765 }
1767 /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
1768 pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
1769 self,
1770 mut result: Result<AllocatorGetVmoInfoResponse, Error>,
1771 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
1772 let _result = self.send_raw(result);
1773 self.drop_without_shutdown();
1774 _result
1775 }
1777 fn send_raw(
1778 &self,
1779 mut result: Result<AllocatorGetVmoInfoResponse, Error>,
1780 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
1781 self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<
1782 AllocatorGetVmoInfoResponse,
1783 Error,
1784 >>(
1785 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResult::new(result.as_mut().map_err(|e| *e)),
1786 self.tx_id,
1787 0x21a881120aa0ddf9,
1788 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
1789 )
1790 }
1793#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
1794pub struct BufferCollectionMarker;
1796impl fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker for BufferCollectionMarker {
1797 type Proxy = BufferCollectionProxy;
1798 type RequestStream = BufferCollectionRequestStream;
1799 #[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
1800 type SynchronousProxy = BufferCollectionSynchronousProxy;
1802 const DEBUG_NAME: &'static str = "(anonymous) BufferCollection";
1804pub type BufferCollectionWaitForAllBuffersAllocatedResult =
1805 Result<BufferCollectionWaitForAllBuffersAllocatedResponse, Error>;
1806pub type BufferCollectionCheckAllBuffersAllocatedResult = Result<(), Error>;
1808pub trait BufferCollectionProxyInterface: Send + Sync {
1809 type SyncResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<(), fidl::Error>> + Send;
1810 fn r#sync(&self) -> Self::SyncResponseFut;
1811 fn r#release(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
1812 fn r#set_name(&self, payload: &NodeSetNameRequest) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
1813 fn r#set_debug_client_info(
1814 &self,
1815 payload: &NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest,
1816 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
1817 fn r#set_debug_timeout_log_deadline(
1818 &self,
1819 payload: &NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest,
1820 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
1821 fn r#set_verbose_logging(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
1822 type GetNodeRefResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<NodeGetNodeRefResponse, fidl::Error>>
1823 + Send;
1824 fn r#get_node_ref(&self) -> Self::GetNodeRefResponseFut;
1825 type IsAlternateForResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<NodeIsAlternateForResult, fidl::Error>>
1826 + Send;
1827 fn r#is_alternate_for(
1828 &self,
1829 payload: NodeIsAlternateForRequest,
1830 ) -> Self::IsAlternateForResponseFut;
1831 type GetBufferCollectionIdResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse, fidl::Error>>
1832 + Send;
1833 fn r#get_buffer_collection_id(&self) -> Self::GetBufferCollectionIdResponseFut;
1834 fn r#set_weak(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
1835 fn r#set_weak_ok(&self, payload: NodeSetWeakOkRequest) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
1836 fn r#attach_node_tracking(
1837 &self,
1838 payload: NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest,
1839 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
1840 fn r#set_constraints(
1841 &self,
1842 payload: BufferCollectionSetConstraintsRequest,
1843 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
1844 type WaitForAllBuffersAllocatedResponseFut: std::future::Future<
1845 Output = Result<BufferCollectionWaitForAllBuffersAllocatedResult, fidl::Error>,
1846 > + Send;
1847 fn r#wait_for_all_buffers_allocated(&self) -> Self::WaitForAllBuffersAllocatedResponseFut;
1848 type CheckAllBuffersAllocatedResponseFut: std::future::Future<
1849 Output = Result<BufferCollectionCheckAllBuffersAllocatedResult, fidl::Error>,
1850 > + Send;
1851 fn r#check_all_buffers_allocated(&self) -> Self::CheckAllBuffersAllocatedResponseFut;
1852 fn r#attach_token(
1853 &self,
1854 payload: BufferCollectionAttachTokenRequest,
1855 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
1856 fn r#attach_lifetime_tracking(
1857 &self,
1858 payload: BufferCollectionAttachLifetimeTrackingRequest,
1859 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
1862#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
1863pub struct BufferCollectionSynchronousProxy {
1864 client: fidl::client::sync::Client,
1867#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
1868impl fidl::endpoints::SynchronousProxy for BufferCollectionSynchronousProxy {
1869 type Proxy = BufferCollectionProxy;
1870 type Protocol = BufferCollectionMarker;
1872 fn from_channel(inner: fidl::Channel) -> Self {
1873 Self::new(inner)
1874 }
1876 fn into_channel(self) -> fidl::Channel {
1877 self.client.into_channel()
1878 }
1880 fn as_channel(&self) -> &fidl::Channel {
1881 self.client.as_channel()
1882 }
1885#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
1886impl BufferCollectionSynchronousProxy {
1887 pub fn new(channel: fidl::Channel) -> Self {
1888 let protocol_name = <BufferCollectionMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME;
1889 Self { client: fidl::client::sync::Client::new(channel, protocol_name) }
1890 }
1892 pub fn into_channel(self) -> fidl::Channel {
1893 self.client.into_channel()
1894 }
1896 /// Waits until an event arrives and returns it. It is safe for other
1897 /// threads to make concurrent requests while waiting for an event.
1898 pub fn wait_for_event(
1899 &self,
1900 deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
1901 ) -> Result<BufferCollectionEvent, fidl::Error> {
1902 BufferCollectionEvent::decode(self.client.wait_for_event(deadline)?)
1903 }
1905 /// Ensure that previous messages have been received server side. This is
1906 /// particularly useful after previous messages that created new tokens,
1907 /// because a token must be known to the sysmem server before sending the
1908 /// token to another participant.
1909 ///
1910 /// Calling [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Sync`] on a token that
1911 /// isn't/wasn't a valid token risks the `Sync` stalling forever. See
1912 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.ValidateBufferCollectionToken`] for one way
1913 /// to mitigate the possibility of a hostile/fake
1914 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] at the cost of one round trip.
1915 /// Another way is to pass the token to
1916 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator/BindSharedCollection`], which also validates
1917 /// the token as part of exchanging it for a
1918 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] channel, and
1919 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Sync`] can then be used without risk
1920 /// of stalling.
1921 ///
1922 /// After creating one or more [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`](s)
1923 /// and then starting and completing a `Sync`, it's then safe to send the
1924 /// `BufferCollectionToken` client ends to other participants knowing the
1925 /// server will recognize the tokens when they're sent by the other
1926 /// participants to sysmem in a
1927 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] message. This is an
1928 /// efficient way to create tokens while avoiding unnecessary round trips.
1929 ///
1930 /// Other options include waiting for each
1931 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate`] to complete
1932 /// individually (using separate call to `Sync` after each), or calling
1933 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Sync`] after a token has been
1934 /// converted to a `BufferCollection` via
1935 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`], or using
1936 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.DuplicateSync`] which includes
1937 /// the sync step and can create multiple tokens at once.
1938 pub fn r#sync(&self, ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
1939 let _response = self.client.send_query::<
1940 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
1941 fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct>,
1942 >(
1943 (),
1944 0x11ac2555cf575b54,
1945 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
1946 ___deadline,
1947 )?
1948 .into_result::<BufferCollectionMarker>("sync")?;
1949 Ok(_response)
1950 }
1952 /// ###### On a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] channel:
1953 ///
1954 /// Normally a participant will convert a `BufferCollectionToken` into a
1955 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`], but a participant can instead send
1956 /// `Release` via the token (and then close the channel immediately or
1957 /// shortly later in response to server closing the server end), which
1958 /// avoids causing buffer collection failure. Without a prior `Release`,
1959 /// closing the `BufferCollectionToken` client end will cause buffer
1960 /// collection failure.
1961 ///
1962 /// ###### On a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] channel:
1963 ///
1964 /// By default the server handles unexpected closure of a
1965 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] client end (without `Release`
1966 /// first) by failing the buffer collection. Partly this is to expedite
1967 /// closing VMO handles to reclaim memory when any participant fails. If a
1968 /// participant would like to cleanly close a `BufferCollection` without
1969 /// causing buffer collection failure, the participant can send `Release`
1970 /// before closing the `BufferCollection` client end. The `Release` can
1971 /// occur before or after `SetConstraints`. If before `SetConstraints`, the
1972 /// buffer collection won't require constraints from this node in order to
1973 /// allocate. If after `SetConstraints`, the constraints are retained and
1974 /// aggregated, despite the lack of `BufferCollection` connection at the
1975 /// time of constraints aggregation.
1976 ///
1977 /// ###### On a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`] channel:
1978 ///
1979 /// By default, unexpected closure of a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` client
1980 /// end (without `Release` first) will trigger failure of the buffer
1981 /// collection. To close a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` channel without
1982 /// failing the buffer collection, ensure that AllChildrenPresent() has been
1983 /// sent, and send `Release` before closing the `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`
1984 /// client end.
1985 ///
1986 /// If `Release` occurs before
1987 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup.AllChildrenPresent], the
1988 /// buffer collection will fail (triggered by reception of `Release` without
1989 /// prior `AllChildrenPresent`). This is intentionally not analogous to how
1990 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Release`] without
1991 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] first doesn't cause
1992 /// buffer collection failure. For a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`, clean
1993 /// close requires `AllChildrenPresent` (if not already sent), then
1994 /// `Release`, then close client end.
1995 ///
1996 /// If `Release` occurs after `AllChildrenPresent`, the children and all
1997 /// their constraints remain intact (just as they would if the
1998 /// `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` channel had remained open), and the client
1999 /// end close doesn't trigger buffer collection failure.
2000 ///
2001 /// ###### On all [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] channels (any of the above):
2002 ///
2003 /// For brevity, the per-channel-protocol paragraphs above ignore the
2004 /// separate failure domain created by
2005 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.SetDispensable`] or
2006 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`]. When a client end
2007 /// unexpectedly closes (without `Release` first) and that client end is
2008 /// under a failure domain, instead of failing the whole buffer collection,
2009 /// the failure domain is failed, but the buffer collection itself is
2010 /// isolated from failure of the failure domain. Such failure domains can be
2011 /// nested, in which case only the inner-most failure domain in which the
2012 /// `Node` resides fails.
2013 pub fn r#release(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
2014 self.client.send::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(
2015 (),
2016 0x6a5cae7d6d6e04c6,
2017 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
2018 )
2019 }
2021 /// Set a name for VMOs in this buffer collection.
2022 ///
2023 /// If the name doesn't fit in ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN, the name of the vmo itself
2024 /// will be truncated to fit. The name of the vmo will be suffixed with the
2025 /// buffer index within the collection (if the suffix fits within
2026 /// ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN). The name specified here (without truncation) will be
2027 /// listed in the inspect data.
2028 ///
2029 /// The name only affects VMOs allocated after the name is set; this call
2030 /// does not rename existing VMOs. If multiple clients set different names
2031 /// then the larger priority value will win. Setting a new name with the
2032 /// same priority as a prior name doesn't change the name.
2033 ///
2034 /// All table fields are currently required.
2035 ///
2036 /// + request `priority` The name is only set if this is the first `SetName`
2037 /// or if `priority` is greater than any previous `priority` value in
2038 /// prior `SetName` calls across all `Node`(s) of this buffer collection.
2039 /// + request `name` The name for VMOs created under this buffer collection.
2040 pub fn r#set_name(&self, mut payload: &NodeSetNameRequest) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
2041 self.client.send::<NodeSetNameRequest>(
2042 payload,
2043 0xb41f1624f48c1e9,
2044 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
2045 )
2046 }
2048 /// Set information about the current client that can be used by sysmem to
2049 /// help diagnose leaking memory and allocation stalls waiting for a
2050 /// participant to send [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`].
2051 ///
2052 /// This sets the debug client info on this [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] and all
2053 /// `Node`(s) derived from this `Node`, unless overriden by
2054 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`] or a later
2055 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`].
2056 ///
2057 /// Sending [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`] once per
2058 /// `Allocator` is the most efficient way to ensure that all
2059 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`](s) will have at least some debug client info
2060 /// set, and is also more efficient than separately sending the same debug
2061 /// client info via [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`] for each
2062 /// created [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`].
2063 ///
2064 /// Also used when verbose logging is enabled (see `SetVerboseLogging`) to
2065 /// indicate which client is closing their channel first, leading to subtree
2066 /// failure (which can be normal if the purpose of the subtree is over, but
2067 /// if happening earlier than expected, the client-channel-specific name can
2068 /// help diagnose where the failure is first coming from, from sysmem's
2069 /// point of view).
2070 ///
2071 /// All table fields are currently required.
2072 ///
2073 /// + request `name` This can be an arbitrary string, but the current
2074 /// process name (see `fsl::GetCurrentProcessName`) is a good default.
2075 /// + request `id` This can be an arbitrary id, but the current process ID
2076 /// (see `fsl::GetCurrentProcessKoid`) is a good default.
2077 pub fn r#set_debug_client_info(
2078 &self,
2079 mut payload: &NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest,
2080 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
2081 self.client.send::<NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest>(
2082 payload,
2083 0x5cde8914608d99b1,
2084 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
2085 )
2086 }
2088 /// Sysmem logs a warning if sysmem hasn't seen
2089 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] from all clients
2090 /// within 5 seconds after creation of a new collection.
2091 ///
2092 /// Clients can call this method to change when the log is printed. If
2093 /// multiple client set the deadline, it's unspecified which deadline will
2094 /// take effect.
2095 ///
2096 /// In most cases the default works well.
2097 ///
2098 /// All table fields are currently required.
2099 ///
2100 /// + request `deadline` The time at which sysmem will start trying to log
2101 /// the warning, unless all constraints are with sysmem by then.
2102 pub fn r#set_debug_timeout_log_deadline(
2103 &self,
2104 mut payload: &NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest,
2105 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
2106 self.client.send::<NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest>(
2107 payload,
2108 0x716b0af13d5c0806,
2109 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
2110 )
2111 }
2113 /// This enables verbose logging for the buffer collection.
2114 ///
2115 /// Verbose logging includes constraints set via
2116 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] from each client
2117 /// along with info set via [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`] (or
2118 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`]) and the structure of
2119 /// the tree of `Node`(s).
2120 ///
2121 /// Normally sysmem prints only a single line complaint when aggregation
2122 /// fails, with just the specific detailed reason that aggregation failed,
2123 /// with little surrounding context. While this is often enough to diagnose
2124 /// a problem if only a small change was made and everything was working
2125 /// before the small change, it's often not particularly helpful for getting
2126 /// a new buffer collection to work for the first time. Especially with
2127 /// more complex trees of nodes, involving things like
2128 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`],
2129 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.SetDispensable`],
2130 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`] nodes, and associated
2131 /// subtrees of nodes, verbose logging may help in diagnosing what the tree
2132 /// looks like and why it's failing a logical allocation, or why a tree or
2133 /// subtree is failing sooner than expected.
2134 ///
2135 /// The intent of the extra logging is to be acceptable from a performance
2136 /// point of view, under the assumption that verbose logging is only enabled
2137 /// on a low number of buffer collections. If we're not tracking down a bug,
2138 /// we shouldn't send this message.
2139 pub fn r#set_verbose_logging(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
2140 self.client.send::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(
2141 (),
2142 0x5209c77415b4dfad,
2143 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
2144 )
2145 }
2147 /// This gets a handle that can be used as a parameter to
2148 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.IsAlternateFor`] called on any
2149 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`]. This handle is only for use as proof that the
2150 /// client obtained this handle from this `Node`.
2151 ///
2152 /// Because this is a get not a set, no [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.Sync`] is
2153 /// needed between the `GetNodeRef` and the call to `IsAlternateFor`,
2154 /// despite the two calls typically being on different channels.
2155 ///
2156 /// See also [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.IsAlternateFor`].
2157 ///
2158 /// All table fields are currently required.
2159 ///
2160 /// - response `node_ref` This handle can be sent via `IsAlternateFor` on a
2161 /// different `Node` channel, to prove that the client obtained the handle
2162 /// from this `Node`.
2163 pub fn r#get_node_ref(
2164 &self,
2165 ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
2166 ) -> Result<NodeGetNodeRefResponse, fidl::Error> {
2167 let _response = self.client.send_query::<
2168 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
2169 fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<NodeGetNodeRefResponse>,
2170 >(
2171 (),
2172 0x5b3d0e51614df053,
2173 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
2174 ___deadline,
2175 )?
2176 .into_result::<BufferCollectionMarker>("get_node_ref")?;
2177 Ok(_response)
2178 }
2180 /// Check whether the calling [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] is in a subtree
2181 /// rooted at a different child token of a common parent
2182 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`], in relation to the
2183 /// passed-in `node_ref`.
2184 ///
2185 /// This call is for assisting with admission control de-duplication, and
2186 /// with debugging.
2187 ///
2188 /// The `node_ref` must be obtained using
2189 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.GetNodeRef`].
2190 ///
2191 /// The `node_ref` can be a duplicated handle; it's not necessary to call
2192 /// `GetNodeRef` for every call to [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.IsAlternateFor`].
2193 ///
2194 /// If a calling token may not actually be a valid token at all due to a
2195 /// potentially hostile/untrusted provider of the token, call
2196 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.ValidateBufferCollectionToken`] first
2197 /// instead of potentially getting stuck indefinitely if `IsAlternateFor`
2198 /// never responds due to a calling token not being a real token (not really
2199 /// talking to sysmem). Another option is to call
2200 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] with this token first
2201 /// which also validates the token along with converting it to a
2202 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`], then call `IsAlternateFor`.
2203 ///
2204 /// All table fields are currently required.
2205 ///
2206 /// - response `is_alternate`
2207 /// - true: The first parent node in common between the calling node and
2208 /// the `node_ref` `Node` is a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`. This means
2209 /// that the calling `Node` and the `node_ref` `Node` will not have both
2210 /// their constraints apply - rather sysmem will choose one or the other
2211 /// of the constraints - never both. This is because only one child of
2212 /// a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` is selected during logical
2213 /// allocation, with only that one child's subtree contributing to
2214 /// constraints aggregation.
2215 /// - false: The first parent node in common between the calling `Node`
2216 /// and the `node_ref` `Node` is not a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`.
2217 /// Currently, this means the first parent node in common is a
2218 /// `BufferCollectionToken` or `BufferCollection` (regardless of not
2219 /// `Release`ed). This means that the calling `Node` and the `node_ref`
2220 /// `Node` may have both their constraints apply during constraints
2221 /// aggregation of the logical allocation, if both `Node`(s) are
2222 /// selected by any parent `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`(s) involved. In
2223 /// this case, there is no `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` that will
2224 /// directly prevent the two `Node`(s) from both being selected and
2225 /// their constraints both aggregated, but even when false, one or both
2226 /// `Node`(s) may still be eliminated from consideration if one or both
2227 /// `Node`(s) has a direct or indirect parent
2228 /// `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` which selects a child subtree other
2229 /// than the subtree containing the calling `Node` or `node_ref` `Node`.
2230 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.NOT_FOUND]` The node_ref wasn't
2231 /// associated with the same buffer collection as the calling `Node`.
2232 /// Another reason for this error is if the `node_ref` is an
2233 /// [`zx.Handle.EVENT`] handle with sufficient rights, but isn't actually
2234 /// a real `node_ref` obtained from `GetNodeRef`.
2235 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.PROTOCOL_DEVIATION]` The caller passed a
2236 /// `node_ref` that isn't a [`zx.Handle:EVENT`] handle , or doesn't have
2237 /// the needed rights expected on a real `node_ref`.
2238 /// * No other failing status codes are returned by this call. However,
2239 /// sysmem may add additional codes in future, so the client should have
2240 /// sensible default handling for any failing status code.
2241 pub fn r#is_alternate_for(
2242 &self,
2243 mut payload: NodeIsAlternateForRequest,
2244 ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
2245 ) -> Result<NodeIsAlternateForResult, fidl::Error> {
2246 let _response = self.client.send_query::<
2247 NodeIsAlternateForRequest,
2248 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<NodeIsAlternateForResponse, Error>,
2249 >(
2250 &mut payload,
2251 0x3a58e00157e0825,
2252 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
2253 ___deadline,
2254 )?
2255 .into_result::<BufferCollectionMarker>("is_alternate_for")?;
2256 Ok(|x| x))
2257 }
2259 /// Get the buffer collection ID. This ID is also available from
2260 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.GetVmoInfo`] (along with the `buffer_index`
2261 /// within the collection).
2262 ///
2263 /// This call is mainly useful in situations where we can't convey a
2264 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] or
2265 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] directly, but can only convey a VMO
2266 /// handle, which can be joined back up with a `BufferCollection` client end
2267 /// that was created via a different path. Prefer to convey a
2268 /// `BufferCollectionToken` or `BufferCollection` directly when feasible.
2269 ///
2270 /// Trusting a `buffer_collection_id` value from a source other than sysmem
2271 /// is analogous to trusting a koid value from a source other than zircon.
2272 /// Both should be avoided unless really necessary, and both require
2273 /// caution. In some situations it may be reasonable to refer to a
2274 /// pre-established `BufferCollection` by `buffer_collection_id` via a
2275 /// protocol for efficiency reasons, but an incoming value purporting to be
2276 /// a `buffer_collection_id` is not sufficient alone to justify granting the
2277 /// sender of the `buffer_collection_id` any capability. The sender must
2278 /// first prove to a receiver that the sender has/had a VMO or has/had a
2279 /// `BufferCollectionToken` to the same collection by sending a handle that
2280 /// sysmem confirms is a valid sysmem handle and which sysmem maps to the
2281 /// `buffer_collection_id` value. The receiver should take care to avoid
2282 /// assuming that a sender had a `BufferCollectionToken` in cases where the
2283 /// sender has only proven that the sender had a VMO.
2284 ///
2285 /// - response `buffer_collection_id` This ID is unique per buffer
2286 /// collection per boot. Each buffer is uniquely identified by the
2287 /// `buffer_collection_id` and `buffer_index` together.
2288 pub fn r#get_buffer_collection_id(
2289 &self,
2290 ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
2291 ) -> Result<NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse, fidl::Error> {
2292 let _response = self.client.send_query::<
2293 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
2294 fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse>,
2295 >(
2296 (),
2297 0x77d19a494b78ba8c,
2298 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
2299 ___deadline,
2300 )?
2301 .into_result::<BufferCollectionMarker>("get_buffer_collection_id")?;
2302 Ok(_response)
2303 }
2305 /// Sets the current [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] and all child `Node`(s)
2306 /// created after this message to weak, which means that a client's `Node`
2307 /// client end (or a child created after this message) is not alone
2308 /// sufficient to keep allocated VMOs alive.
2309 ///
2310 /// All VMOs obtained from weak `Node`(s) are weak sysmem VMOs. See also
2311 /// `close_weak_asap`.
2312 ///
2313 /// This message is only permitted before the `Node` becomes ready for
2314 /// allocation (else the server closes the channel with `ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE`):
2315 /// * `BufferCollectionToken`: any time
2316 /// * `BufferCollection`: before `SetConstraints`
2317 /// * `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`: before `AllChildrenPresent`
2318 ///
2319 /// Currently, no conversion from strong `Node` to weak `Node` after ready
2320 /// for allocation is provided, but a client can simulate that by creating
2321 /// an additional `Node` before allocation and setting that additional
2322 /// `Node` to weak, and then potentially at some point later sending
2323 /// `Release` and closing the client end of the client's strong `Node`, but
2324 /// keeping the client's weak `Node`.
2325 ///
2326 /// Zero strong `Node`(s) and zero strong VMO handles will result in buffer
2327 /// collection failure (all `Node` client end(s) will see
2328 /// `ZX_CHANNEL_PEER_CLOSED` and all `close_weak_asap` `client_end`(s) will
2329 /// see `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED`), but sysmem (intentionally) won't notice
2330 /// this situation until all `Node`(s) are ready for allocation. For initial
2331 /// allocation to succeed, at least one strong `Node` is required to exist
2332 /// at allocation time, but after that client receives VMO handles, that
2333 /// client can `BufferCollection.Release` and close the client end without
2334 /// causing this type of failure.
2335 ///
2336 /// This implies [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetWeakOk`] as well, but does not
2337 /// imply `SetWeakOk` with `for_children_also` true, which can be sent
2338 /// separately as appropriate.
2339 pub fn r#set_weak(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
2340 self.client.send::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(
2341 (),
2342 0x22dd3ea514eeffe1,
2343 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
2344 )
2345 }
2347 /// This indicates to sysmem that the client is prepared to pay attention to
2348 /// `close_weak_asap`.
2349 ///
2350 /// If sent, this message must be before
2351 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`].
2352 ///
2353 /// All participants using a weak [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] must
2354 /// send this message before `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`, or a parent
2355 /// `Node` must have sent [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetWeakOk`] with
2356 /// `for_child_nodes_also` true, else the `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated` will
2357 /// trigger buffer collection failure.
2358 ///
2359 /// This message is necessary because weak sysmem VMOs have not always been
2360 /// a thing, so older clients are not aware of the need to pay attention to
2361 /// `close_weak_asap` `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` and close all remaining
2362 /// sysmem weak VMO handles asap. By having this message and requiring
2363 /// participants to indicate their acceptance of this aspect of the overall
2364 /// protocol, we avoid situations where an older client is delivered a weak
2365 /// VMO without any way for sysmem to get that VMO to close quickly later
2366 /// (and on a per-buffer basis).
2367 ///
2368 /// A participant that doesn't handle `close_weak_asap` and also doesn't
2369 /// retrieve any VMO handles via `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated` doesn't need
2370 /// to send `SetWeakOk` (and doesn't need to have a parent `Node` send
2371 /// `SetWeakOk` with `for_child_nodes_also` true either). However, if that
2372 /// same participant has a child/delegate which does retrieve VMOs, that
2373 /// child/delegate will need to send `SetWeakOk` before
2374 /// `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`.
2375 ///
2376 /// + request `for_child_nodes_also` If present and true, this means direct
2377 /// child nodes of this node created after this message plus all
2378 /// descendants of those nodes will behave as if `SetWeakOk` was sent on
2379 /// those nodes. Any child node of this node that was created before this
2380 /// message is not included. This setting is "sticky" in the sense that a
2381 /// subsequent `SetWeakOk` without this bool set to true does not reset
2382 /// the server-side bool. If this creates a problem for a participant, a
2383 /// workaround is to `SetWeakOk` with `for_child_nodes_also` true on child
2384 /// tokens instead, as appropriate. A participant should only set
2385 /// `for_child_nodes_also` true if the participant can really promise to
2386 /// obey `close_weak_asap` both for its own weak VMO handles, and for all
2387 /// weak VMO handles held by participants holding the corresponding child
2388 /// `Node`(s). When `for_child_nodes_also` is set, descendent `Node`(s)
2389 /// which are using sysmem(1) can be weak, despite the clients of those
2390 /// sysmem1 `Node`(s) not having any direct way to `SetWeakOk` or any
2391 /// direct way to find out about `close_weak_asap`. This only applies to
2392 /// descendents of this `Node` which are using sysmem(1), not to this
2393 /// `Node` when converted directly from a sysmem2 token to a sysmem(1)
2394 /// token, which will fail allocation unless an ancestor of this `Node`
2395 /// specified `for_child_nodes_also` true.
2396 pub fn r#set_weak_ok(&self, mut payload: NodeSetWeakOkRequest) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
2397 self.client.send::<NodeSetWeakOkRequest>(
2398 &mut payload,
2399 0x38a44fc4d7724be9,
2400 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
2401 )
2402 }
2404 /// The server_end will be closed after this `Node` and any child nodes have
2405 /// have released their buffer counts, making those counts available for
2406 /// reservation by a different `Node` via
2407 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`].
2408 ///
2409 /// The `Node` buffer counts may not be released until the entire tree of
2410 /// `Node`(s) is closed or failed, because
2411 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Release`] followed by channel close
2412 /// does not immediately un-reserve the `Node` buffer counts. Instead, the
2413 /// `Node` buffer counts remain reserved until the orphaned node is later
2414 /// cleaned up.
2415 ///
2416 /// If the `Node` exceeds a fairly large number of attached eventpair server
2417 /// ends, a log message will indicate this and the `Node` (and the
2418 /// appropriate) sub-tree will fail.
2419 ///
2420 /// The `server_end` will remain open when
2421 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] converts a
2422 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] into a
2423 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`].
2424 ///
2425 /// This message can also be used with a
2426 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`].
2427 pub fn r#attach_node_tracking(
2428 &self,
2429 mut payload: NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest,
2430 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
2431 self.client.send::<NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest>(
2432 &mut payload,
2433 0x3f22f2a293d3cdac,
2434 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
2435 )
2436 }
2438 /// Provide [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionConstraints`] to the buffer
2439 /// collection.
2440 ///
2441 /// A participant may only call
2442 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] up to once per
2443 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`].
2444 ///
2445 /// For buffer allocation to be attempted, all holders of a
2446 /// `BufferCollection` client end need to call `SetConstraints` before
2447 /// sysmem will attempt to allocate buffers.
2448 ///
2449 /// + request `constraints` These are the constraints on the buffer
2450 /// collection imposed by the sending client/participant. The
2451 /// `constraints` field is not required to be set. If not set, the client
2452 /// is not setting any actual constraints, but is indicating that the
2453 /// client has no constraints to set. A client that doesn't set the
2454 /// `constraints` field won't receive any VMO handles, but can still find
2455 /// out how many buffers were allocated and can still refer to buffers by
2456 /// their `buffer_index`.
2457 pub fn r#set_constraints(
2458 &self,
2459 mut payload: BufferCollectionSetConstraintsRequest,
2460 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
2461 self.client.send::<BufferCollectionSetConstraintsRequest>(
2462 &mut payload,
2463 0x1fde0f19d650197b,
2464 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
2465 )
2466 }
2468 /// Wait until all buffers are allocated.
2469 ///
2470 /// This FIDL call completes when buffers have been allocated, or completes
2471 /// with some failure detail if allocation has been attempted but failed.
2472 ///
2473 /// The following must occur before buffers will be allocated:
2474 /// * All [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`](s) of the buffer
2475 /// collection must be turned in via `BindSharedCollection` to get a
2476 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] (for brevity, this is assuming
2477 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`] isn't being used),
2478 /// or have had [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Release`] sent
2479 /// to them.
2480 /// * All [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`](s) of the buffer collection
2481 /// must have had [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`]
2482 /// sent to them, or had [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Release`]
2483 /// sent to them.
2484 ///
2485 /// - result `buffer_collection_info` The VMO handles and other related
2486 /// info.
2487 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.NO_MEMORY]` The request is valid but
2488 /// cannot be fulfilled due to resource exhaustion.
2489 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.PROTOCOL_DEVIATION`] The request is
2490 /// malformed.
2491 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.CONSTRAINTS_INTERSECTION_EMPTY`] The
2492 /// request is valid but cannot be satisfied, perhaps due to hardware
2493 /// limitations. This can happen if participants have incompatible
2494 /// constraints (empty intersection, roughly speaking). See the log for
2495 /// more info. In cases where a participant could potentially be treated
2496 /// as optional, see [`BufferCollectionTokenGroup`]. When using
2497 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`], this will be the
2498 /// error code if there aren't enough buffers in the pre-existing
2499 /// collection to satisfy the constraints set on the attached token and
2500 /// any sub-tree of tokens derived from the attached token.
2501 pub fn r#wait_for_all_buffers_allocated(
2502 &self,
2503 ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
2504 ) -> Result<BufferCollectionWaitForAllBuffersAllocatedResult, fidl::Error> {
2505 let _response = self
2506 .client
2507 .send_query::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload, fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<
2508 BufferCollectionWaitForAllBuffersAllocatedResponse,
2509 Error,
2510 >>(
2511 (), 0x62300344b61404e, fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE, ___deadline
2512 )?
2513 .into_result::<BufferCollectionMarker>("wait_for_all_buffers_allocated")?;
2514 Ok(|x| x))
2515 }
2517 /// Checks whether all the buffers have been allocated, in a polling
2518 /// fashion.
2519 ///
2520 /// * If the buffer collection has been allocated, returns success.
2521 /// * If the buffer collection failed allocation, returns the same
2522 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Error`] as
2523 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection/WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`] would
2524 /// return.
2525 /// * error [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.PENDING`] The buffer collection hasn't
2526 /// attempted allocation yet. This means that WaitForAllBuffersAllocated
2527 /// would not respond quickly.
2528 pub fn r#check_all_buffers_allocated(
2529 &self,
2530 ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
2531 ) -> Result<BufferCollectionCheckAllBuffersAllocatedResult, fidl::Error> {
2532 let _response = self.client.send_query::<
2533 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
2534 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct, Error>,
2535 >(
2536 (),
2537 0x35a5fe77ce939c10,
2538 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
2539 ___deadline,
2540 )?
2541 .into_result::<BufferCollectionMarker>("check_all_buffers_allocated")?;
2542 Ok(|x| x))
2543 }
2545 /// Create a new token to add a new participant to an existing logical
2546 /// buffer collection, if the existing collection's buffer counts,
2547 /// constraints, and participants allow.
2548 ///
2549 /// This can be useful in replacing a failed participant, and/or in
2550 /// adding/re-adding a participant after buffers have already been
2551 /// allocated.
2552 ///
2553 /// When [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`] is used, the sub
2554 /// tree rooted at the attached [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`]
2555 /// goes through the normal procedure of setting constraints or closing
2556 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`](s), and then appearing to allocate buffers from
2557 /// clients' point of view, despite the possibility that all the buffers
2558 /// were actually allocated previously. This process is called "logical
2559 /// allocation". Most instances of "allocation" in docs for other messages
2560 /// can also be read as "allocation or logical allocation" while remaining
2561 /// valid, but we just say "allocation" in most places for brevity/clarity
2562 /// of explanation, with the details of "logical allocation" left for the
2563 /// docs here on `AttachToken`.
2564 ///
2565 /// Failure of an attached `Node` does not propagate to the parent of the
2566 /// attached `Node`. More generally, failure of a child `Node` is blocked
2567 /// from reaching its parent `Node` if the child is attached, or if the
2568 /// child is dispensable and the failure occurred after logical allocation
2569 /// (see [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.SetDispensable`]).
2570 ///
2571 /// A participant may in some scenarios choose to initially use a
2572 /// dispensable token for a given instance of a delegate participant, and
2573 /// then later if the first instance of that delegate participant fails, a
2574 /// new second instance of that delegate participant my be given a token
2575 /// created with `AttachToken`.
2576 ///
2577 /// From the point of view of the [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`]
2578 /// client end, the token acts like any other token. The client can
2579 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate`] the token as needed,
2580 /// and can send the token to a different process/participant. The
2581 /// `BufferCollectionToken` `Node` should be converted to a
2582 /// `BufferCollection` `Node` as normal by sending
2583 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`], or can be closed
2584 /// without causing subtree failure by sending
2585 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Release`]. Assuming the former,
2586 /// the [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] message or
2587 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Release`] message should be sent to
2588 /// the `BufferCollection`.
2589 ///
2590 /// Within the subtree, a success result from
2591 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`] means
2592 /// the subtree participants' constraints were satisfiable using the
2593 /// already-existing buffer collection, the already-established
2594 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionInfo`] including image format
2595 /// constraints, and the already-existing other participants (already added
2596 /// via successful logical allocation) and their specified buffer counts in
2597 /// their constraints. A failure result means the new participants'
2598 /// constraints cannot be satisfied using the existing buffer collection and
2599 /// its already-added participants. Creating a new collection instead may
2600 /// allow all participants' constraints to be satisfied, assuming
2601 /// `SetDispensable` is used in place of `AttachToken`, or a normal token is
2602 /// used.
2603 ///
2604 /// A token created with `AttachToken` performs constraints aggregation with
2605 /// all constraints currently in effect on the buffer collection, plus the
2606 /// attached token under consideration plus child tokens under the attached
2607 /// token which are not themselves an attached token or under such a token.
2608 /// Further subtrees under this subtree are considered for logical
2609 /// allocation only after this subtree has completed logical allocation.
2610 ///
2611 /// Assignment of existing buffers to participants'
2612 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionConstraints.min_buffer_count_for_camping`]
2613 /// etc is first-come first-served, but a child can't logically allocate
2614 /// before all its parents have sent `SetConstraints`.
2615 ///
2616 /// See also [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.SetDispensable`], which
2617 /// in contrast to `AttachToken`, has the created token `Node` + child
2618 /// `Node`(s) (in the created subtree but not in any subtree under this
2619 /// subtree) participate in constraints aggregation along with its parent
2620 /// during the parent's allocation or logical allocation.
2621 ///
2622 /// Similar to [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate`], the
2623 /// newly created token needs to be [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.Sync`]ed to
2624 /// sysmem before the new token can be passed to `BindSharedCollection`. The
2625 /// `Sync` of the new token can be accomplished with
2626 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Sync`] after converting the created
2627 /// `BufferCollectionToken` to a `BufferCollection`. Alternately,
2628 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Sync`] on the new token also
2629 /// works. Or using [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.DuplicateSync`]
2630 /// works. As usual, a `BufferCollectionToken.Sync` can be started after any
2631 /// `BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate` messages have been sent via the newly
2632 /// created token, to also sync those additional tokens to sysmem using a
2633 /// single round-trip.
2634 ///
2635 /// All table fields are currently required.
2636 ///
2637 /// + request `rights_attentuation_mask` This allows attenuating the VMO
2638 /// rights of the subtree. These values for `rights_attenuation_mask`
2639 /// result in no attenuation (note that 0 is not on this list):
2640 /// + ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS (preferred)
2641 /// + 0xFFFFFFFF (this is reasonable when an attenuation mask is computed)
2642 /// + request `token_request` The server end of the `BufferCollectionToken`
2643 /// channel. The client retains the client end.
2644 pub fn r#attach_token(
2645 &self,
2646 mut payload: BufferCollectionAttachTokenRequest,
2647 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
2648 self.client.send::<BufferCollectionAttachTokenRequest>(
2649 &mut payload,
2650 0x46ac7d0008492982,
2651 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
2652 )
2653 }
2655 /// Set up an eventpair to be signalled (`ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED`) when
2656 /// buffers have been allocated and only the specified number of buffers (or
2657 /// fewer) remain in the buffer collection.
2658 ///
2659 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachLifetimeTracking`] allows a
2660 /// client to wait until an old buffer collection is fully or mostly
2661 /// deallocated before attempting allocation of a new buffer collection. The
2662 /// eventpair is only signalled when the buffers of this collection have
2663 /// been fully deallocated (not just un-referenced by clients, but all the
2664 /// memory consumed by those buffers has been fully reclaimed/recycled), or
2665 /// when allocation or logical allocation fails for the tree or subtree
2666 /// including this [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`].
2667 ///
2668 /// The eventpair won't be signalled until allocation or logical allocation
2669 /// has completed; until then, the collection's current buffer count is
2670 /// ignored.
2671 ///
2672 /// If logical allocation fails for an attached subtree (using
2673 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`]), the server end of the
2674 /// eventpair will close during that failure regardless of the number of
2675 /// buffers potenitally allocated in the overall buffer collection. This is
2676 /// for logical allocation consistency with normal allocation.
2677 ///
2678 /// The lifetime signalled by this event includes asynchronous cleanup of
2679 /// allocated buffers, and this asynchronous cleanup cannot occur until all
2680 /// holders of VMO handles to the buffers have closed those VMO handles.
2681 /// Therefore, clients should take care not to become blocked forever
2682 /// waiting for `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` to be signalled if any of the
2683 /// participants using the logical buffer collection (including the waiter
2684 /// itself) are less trusted, less reliable, or potentially blocked by the
2685 /// wait itself. Waiting asynchronously is recommended. Setting a deadline
2686 /// for the client wait may be prudent, depending on details of how the
2687 /// collection and/or its VMOs are used or shared. Failure to allocate a
2688 /// new/replacement buffer collection is better than getting stuck forever.
2689 ///
2690 /// The sysmem server itself intentionally does not perform any waiting on
2691 /// already-failed collections' VMOs to finish cleaning up before attempting
2692 /// a new allocation, and the sysmem server intentionally doesn't retry
2693 /// allocation if a new allocation fails due to out of memory, even if that
2694 /// failure is potentially due to continued existence of an old collection's
2695 /// VMOs. This `AttachLifetimeTracking` message is how an initiator can
2696 /// mitigate too much overlap of old VMO lifetimes with new VMO lifetimes,
2697 /// as long as the waiting client is careful to not create a deadlock.
2698 ///
2699 /// Continued existence of old collections that are still cleaning up is not
2700 /// the only reason that a new allocation may fail due to insufficient
2701 /// memory, even if the new allocation is allocating physically contiguous
2702 /// buffers. Overall system memory pressure can also be the cause of failure
2703 /// to allocate a new collection. See also
2704 /// [`fuchsia.memorypressure/Provider`].
2705 ///
2706 /// `AttachLifetimeTracking` is meant to be compatible with other protocols
2707 /// with a similar `AttachLifetimeTracking` message; duplicates of the same
2708 /// `eventpair` handle (server end) can be sent via more than one
2709 /// `AttachLifetimeTracking` message to different protocols, and the
2710 /// `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` will be signalled for the client end when all
2711 /// the conditions are met (all holders of duplicates have closed their
2712 /// server end handle(s)). Also, thanks to how eventpair endponts work, the
2713 /// client end can (also) be duplicated without preventing the
2714 /// `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` signal.
2715 ///
2716 /// The server intentionally doesn't "trust" any signals set on the
2717 /// `server_end`. This mechanism intentionally uses only
2718 /// `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` set on the client end, which can't be set
2719 /// "early", and is only set when all handles to the server end eventpair
2720 /// are closed. No meaning is associated with any of the other signals, and
2721 /// clients should ignore any other signal bits on either end of the
2722 /// `eventpair`.
2723 ///
2724 /// The `server_end` may lack `ZX_RIGHT_SIGNAL` or `ZX_RIGHT_SIGNAL_PEER`,
2725 /// but must have `ZX_RIGHT_DUPLICATE` (and must have `ZX_RIGHT_TRANSFER` to
2726 /// transfer without causing `BufferCollection` channel failure).
2727 ///
2728 /// All table fields are currently required.
2729 ///
2730 /// + request `server_end` This eventpair handle will be closed by the
2731 /// sysmem server when buffers have been allocated initially and the
2732 /// number of buffers is then less than or equal to `buffers_remaining`.
2733 /// + request `buffers_remaining` Wait for all but `buffers_remaining` (or
2734 /// fewer) buffers to be fully deallocated. A number greater than zero can
2735 /// be useful in situations where a known number of buffers are
2736 /// intentionally not closed so that the data can continue to be used,
2737 /// such as for keeping the last available video frame displayed in the UI
2738 /// even if the video stream was using protected output buffers. It's
2739 /// outside the scope of the `BufferCollection` interface (at least for
2740 /// now) to determine how many buffers may be held without closing, but
2741 /// it'll typically be in the range 0-2.
2742 pub fn r#attach_lifetime_tracking(
2743 &self,
2744 mut payload: BufferCollectionAttachLifetimeTrackingRequest,
2745 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
2746 self.client.send::<BufferCollectionAttachLifetimeTrackingRequest>(
2747 &mut payload,
2748 0x3ecb510113116dcf,
2749 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
2750 )
2751 }
2754#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
2755pub struct BufferCollectionProxy {
2756 client: fidl::client::Client<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>,
2759impl fidl::endpoints::Proxy for BufferCollectionProxy {
2760 type Protocol = BufferCollectionMarker;
2762 fn from_channel(inner: ::fidl::AsyncChannel) -> Self {
2763 Self::new(inner)
2764 }
2766 fn into_channel(self) -> Result<::fidl::AsyncChannel, Self> {
2767 self.client.into_channel().map_err(|client| Self { client })
2768 }
2770 fn as_channel(&self) -> &::fidl::AsyncChannel {
2771 self.client.as_channel()
2772 }
2775impl BufferCollectionProxy {
2776 /// Create a new Proxy for fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.
2777 pub fn new(channel: ::fidl::AsyncChannel) -> Self {
2778 let protocol_name = <BufferCollectionMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME;
2779 Self { client: fidl::client::Client::new(channel, protocol_name) }
2780 }
2782 /// Get a Stream of events from the remote end of the protocol.
2783 ///
2784 /// # Panics
2785 ///
2786 /// Panics if the event stream was already taken.
2787 pub fn take_event_stream(&self) -> BufferCollectionEventStream {
2788 BufferCollectionEventStream { event_receiver: self.client.take_event_receiver() }
2789 }
2791 /// Ensure that previous messages have been received server side. This is
2792 /// particularly useful after previous messages that created new tokens,
2793 /// because a token must be known to the sysmem server before sending the
2794 /// token to another participant.
2795 ///
2796 /// Calling [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Sync`] on a token that
2797 /// isn't/wasn't a valid token risks the `Sync` stalling forever. See
2798 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.ValidateBufferCollectionToken`] for one way
2799 /// to mitigate the possibility of a hostile/fake
2800 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] at the cost of one round trip.
2801 /// Another way is to pass the token to
2802 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator/BindSharedCollection`], which also validates
2803 /// the token as part of exchanging it for a
2804 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] channel, and
2805 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Sync`] can then be used without risk
2806 /// of stalling.
2807 ///
2808 /// After creating one or more [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`](s)
2809 /// and then starting and completing a `Sync`, it's then safe to send the
2810 /// `BufferCollectionToken` client ends to other participants knowing the
2811 /// server will recognize the tokens when they're sent by the other
2812 /// participants to sysmem in a
2813 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] message. This is an
2814 /// efficient way to create tokens while avoiding unnecessary round trips.
2815 ///
2816 /// Other options include waiting for each
2817 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate`] to complete
2818 /// individually (using separate call to `Sync` after each), or calling
2819 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Sync`] after a token has been
2820 /// converted to a `BufferCollection` via
2821 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`], or using
2822 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.DuplicateSync`] which includes
2823 /// the sync step and can create multiple tokens at once.
2824 pub fn r#sync(
2825 &self,
2826 ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<(), fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect> {
2827 BufferCollectionProxyInterface::r#sync(self)
2828 }
2830 /// ###### On a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] channel:
2831 ///
2832 /// Normally a participant will convert a `BufferCollectionToken` into a
2833 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`], but a participant can instead send
2834 /// `Release` via the token (and then close the channel immediately or
2835 /// shortly later in response to server closing the server end), which
2836 /// avoids causing buffer collection failure. Without a prior `Release`,
2837 /// closing the `BufferCollectionToken` client end will cause buffer
2838 /// collection failure.
2839 ///
2840 /// ###### On a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] channel:
2841 ///
2842 /// By default the server handles unexpected closure of a
2843 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] client end (without `Release`
2844 /// first) by failing the buffer collection. Partly this is to expedite
2845 /// closing VMO handles to reclaim memory when any participant fails. If a
2846 /// participant would like to cleanly close a `BufferCollection` without
2847 /// causing buffer collection failure, the participant can send `Release`
2848 /// before closing the `BufferCollection` client end. The `Release` can
2849 /// occur before or after `SetConstraints`. If before `SetConstraints`, the
2850 /// buffer collection won't require constraints from this node in order to
2851 /// allocate. If after `SetConstraints`, the constraints are retained and
2852 /// aggregated, despite the lack of `BufferCollection` connection at the
2853 /// time of constraints aggregation.
2854 ///
2855 /// ###### On a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`] channel:
2856 ///
2857 /// By default, unexpected closure of a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` client
2858 /// end (without `Release` first) will trigger failure of the buffer
2859 /// collection. To close a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` channel without
2860 /// failing the buffer collection, ensure that AllChildrenPresent() has been
2861 /// sent, and send `Release` before closing the `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`
2862 /// client end.
2863 ///
2864 /// If `Release` occurs before
2865 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup.AllChildrenPresent], the
2866 /// buffer collection will fail (triggered by reception of `Release` without
2867 /// prior `AllChildrenPresent`). This is intentionally not analogous to how
2868 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Release`] without
2869 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] first doesn't cause
2870 /// buffer collection failure. For a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`, clean
2871 /// close requires `AllChildrenPresent` (if not already sent), then
2872 /// `Release`, then close client end.
2873 ///
2874 /// If `Release` occurs after `AllChildrenPresent`, the children and all
2875 /// their constraints remain intact (just as they would if the
2876 /// `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` channel had remained open), and the client
2877 /// end close doesn't trigger buffer collection failure.
2878 ///
2879 /// ###### On all [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] channels (any of the above):
2880 ///
2881 /// For brevity, the per-channel-protocol paragraphs above ignore the
2882 /// separate failure domain created by
2883 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.SetDispensable`] or
2884 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`]. When a client end
2885 /// unexpectedly closes (without `Release` first) and that client end is
2886 /// under a failure domain, instead of failing the whole buffer collection,
2887 /// the failure domain is failed, but the buffer collection itself is
2888 /// isolated from failure of the failure domain. Such failure domains can be
2889 /// nested, in which case only the inner-most failure domain in which the
2890 /// `Node` resides fails.
2891 pub fn r#release(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
2892 BufferCollectionProxyInterface::r#release(self)
2893 }
2895 /// Set a name for VMOs in this buffer collection.
2896 ///
2897 /// If the name doesn't fit in ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN, the name of the vmo itself
2898 /// will be truncated to fit. The name of the vmo will be suffixed with the
2899 /// buffer index within the collection (if the suffix fits within
2900 /// ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN). The name specified here (without truncation) will be
2901 /// listed in the inspect data.
2902 ///
2903 /// The name only affects VMOs allocated after the name is set; this call
2904 /// does not rename existing VMOs. If multiple clients set different names
2905 /// then the larger priority value will win. Setting a new name with the
2906 /// same priority as a prior name doesn't change the name.
2907 ///
2908 /// All table fields are currently required.
2909 ///
2910 /// + request `priority` The name is only set if this is the first `SetName`
2911 /// or if `priority` is greater than any previous `priority` value in
2912 /// prior `SetName` calls across all `Node`(s) of this buffer collection.
2913 /// + request `name` The name for VMOs created under this buffer collection.
2914 pub fn r#set_name(&self, mut payload: &NodeSetNameRequest) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
2915 BufferCollectionProxyInterface::r#set_name(self, payload)
2916 }
2918 /// Set information about the current client that can be used by sysmem to
2919 /// help diagnose leaking memory and allocation stalls waiting for a
2920 /// participant to send [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`].
2921 ///
2922 /// This sets the debug client info on this [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] and all
2923 /// `Node`(s) derived from this `Node`, unless overriden by
2924 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`] or a later
2925 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`].
2926 ///
2927 /// Sending [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`] once per
2928 /// `Allocator` is the most efficient way to ensure that all
2929 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`](s) will have at least some debug client info
2930 /// set, and is also more efficient than separately sending the same debug
2931 /// client info via [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`] for each
2932 /// created [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`].
2933 ///
2934 /// Also used when verbose logging is enabled (see `SetVerboseLogging`) to
2935 /// indicate which client is closing their channel first, leading to subtree
2936 /// failure (which can be normal if the purpose of the subtree is over, but
2937 /// if happening earlier than expected, the client-channel-specific name can
2938 /// help diagnose where the failure is first coming from, from sysmem's
2939 /// point of view).
2940 ///
2941 /// All table fields are currently required.
2942 ///
2943 /// + request `name` This can be an arbitrary string, but the current
2944 /// process name (see `fsl::GetCurrentProcessName`) is a good default.
2945 /// + request `id` This can be an arbitrary id, but the current process ID
2946 /// (see `fsl::GetCurrentProcessKoid`) is a good default.
2947 pub fn r#set_debug_client_info(
2948 &self,
2949 mut payload: &NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest,
2950 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
2951 BufferCollectionProxyInterface::r#set_debug_client_info(self, payload)
2952 }
2954 /// Sysmem logs a warning if sysmem hasn't seen
2955 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] from all clients
2956 /// within 5 seconds after creation of a new collection.
2957 ///
2958 /// Clients can call this method to change when the log is printed. If
2959 /// multiple client set the deadline, it's unspecified which deadline will
2960 /// take effect.
2961 ///
2962 /// In most cases the default works well.
2963 ///
2964 /// All table fields are currently required.
2965 ///
2966 /// + request `deadline` The time at which sysmem will start trying to log
2967 /// the warning, unless all constraints are with sysmem by then.
2968 pub fn r#set_debug_timeout_log_deadline(
2969 &self,
2970 mut payload: &NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest,
2971 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
2972 BufferCollectionProxyInterface::r#set_debug_timeout_log_deadline(self, payload)
2973 }
2975 /// This enables verbose logging for the buffer collection.
2976 ///
2977 /// Verbose logging includes constraints set via
2978 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] from each client
2979 /// along with info set via [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`] (or
2980 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`]) and the structure of
2981 /// the tree of `Node`(s).
2982 ///
2983 /// Normally sysmem prints only a single line complaint when aggregation
2984 /// fails, with just the specific detailed reason that aggregation failed,
2985 /// with little surrounding context. While this is often enough to diagnose
2986 /// a problem if only a small change was made and everything was working
2987 /// before the small change, it's often not particularly helpful for getting
2988 /// a new buffer collection to work for the first time. Especially with
2989 /// more complex trees of nodes, involving things like
2990 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`],
2991 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.SetDispensable`],
2992 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`] nodes, and associated
2993 /// subtrees of nodes, verbose logging may help in diagnosing what the tree
2994 /// looks like and why it's failing a logical allocation, or why a tree or
2995 /// subtree is failing sooner than expected.
2996 ///
2997 /// The intent of the extra logging is to be acceptable from a performance
2998 /// point of view, under the assumption that verbose logging is only enabled
2999 /// on a low number of buffer collections. If we're not tracking down a bug,
3000 /// we shouldn't send this message.
3001 pub fn r#set_verbose_logging(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3002 BufferCollectionProxyInterface::r#set_verbose_logging(self)
3003 }
3005 /// This gets a handle that can be used as a parameter to
3006 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.IsAlternateFor`] called on any
3007 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`]. This handle is only for use as proof that the
3008 /// client obtained this handle from this `Node`.
3009 ///
3010 /// Because this is a get not a set, no [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.Sync`] is
3011 /// needed between the `GetNodeRef` and the call to `IsAlternateFor`,
3012 /// despite the two calls typically being on different channels.
3013 ///
3014 /// See also [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.IsAlternateFor`].
3015 ///
3016 /// All table fields are currently required.
3017 ///
3018 /// - response `node_ref` This handle can be sent via `IsAlternateFor` on a
3019 /// different `Node` channel, to prove that the client obtained the handle
3020 /// from this `Node`.
3021 pub fn r#get_node_ref(
3022 &self,
3023 ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
3024 NodeGetNodeRefResponse,
3025 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
3026 > {
3027 BufferCollectionProxyInterface::r#get_node_ref(self)
3028 }
3030 /// Check whether the calling [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] is in a subtree
3031 /// rooted at a different child token of a common parent
3032 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`], in relation to the
3033 /// passed-in `node_ref`.
3034 ///
3035 /// This call is for assisting with admission control de-duplication, and
3036 /// with debugging.
3037 ///
3038 /// The `node_ref` must be obtained using
3039 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.GetNodeRef`].
3040 ///
3041 /// The `node_ref` can be a duplicated handle; it's not necessary to call
3042 /// `GetNodeRef` for every call to [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.IsAlternateFor`].
3043 ///
3044 /// If a calling token may not actually be a valid token at all due to a
3045 /// potentially hostile/untrusted provider of the token, call
3046 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.ValidateBufferCollectionToken`] first
3047 /// instead of potentially getting stuck indefinitely if `IsAlternateFor`
3048 /// never responds due to a calling token not being a real token (not really
3049 /// talking to sysmem). Another option is to call
3050 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] with this token first
3051 /// which also validates the token along with converting it to a
3052 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`], then call `IsAlternateFor`.
3053 ///
3054 /// All table fields are currently required.
3055 ///
3056 /// - response `is_alternate`
3057 /// - true: The first parent node in common between the calling node and
3058 /// the `node_ref` `Node` is a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`. This means
3059 /// that the calling `Node` and the `node_ref` `Node` will not have both
3060 /// their constraints apply - rather sysmem will choose one or the other
3061 /// of the constraints - never both. This is because only one child of
3062 /// a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` is selected during logical
3063 /// allocation, with only that one child's subtree contributing to
3064 /// constraints aggregation.
3065 /// - false: The first parent node in common between the calling `Node`
3066 /// and the `node_ref` `Node` is not a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`.
3067 /// Currently, this means the first parent node in common is a
3068 /// `BufferCollectionToken` or `BufferCollection` (regardless of not
3069 /// `Release`ed). This means that the calling `Node` and the `node_ref`
3070 /// `Node` may have both their constraints apply during constraints
3071 /// aggregation of the logical allocation, if both `Node`(s) are
3072 /// selected by any parent `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`(s) involved. In
3073 /// this case, there is no `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` that will
3074 /// directly prevent the two `Node`(s) from both being selected and
3075 /// their constraints both aggregated, but even when false, one or both
3076 /// `Node`(s) may still be eliminated from consideration if one or both
3077 /// `Node`(s) has a direct or indirect parent
3078 /// `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` which selects a child subtree other
3079 /// than the subtree containing the calling `Node` or `node_ref` `Node`.
3080 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.NOT_FOUND]` The node_ref wasn't
3081 /// associated with the same buffer collection as the calling `Node`.
3082 /// Another reason for this error is if the `node_ref` is an
3083 /// [`zx.Handle.EVENT`] handle with sufficient rights, but isn't actually
3084 /// a real `node_ref` obtained from `GetNodeRef`.
3085 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.PROTOCOL_DEVIATION]` The caller passed a
3086 /// `node_ref` that isn't a [`zx.Handle:EVENT`] handle , or doesn't have
3087 /// the needed rights expected on a real `node_ref`.
3088 /// * No other failing status codes are returned by this call. However,
3089 /// sysmem may add additional codes in future, so the client should have
3090 /// sensible default handling for any failing status code.
3091 pub fn r#is_alternate_for(
3092 &self,
3093 mut payload: NodeIsAlternateForRequest,
3094 ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
3095 NodeIsAlternateForResult,
3096 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
3097 > {
3098 BufferCollectionProxyInterface::r#is_alternate_for(self, payload)
3099 }
3101 /// Get the buffer collection ID. This ID is also available from
3102 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.GetVmoInfo`] (along with the `buffer_index`
3103 /// within the collection).
3104 ///
3105 /// This call is mainly useful in situations where we can't convey a
3106 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] or
3107 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] directly, but can only convey a VMO
3108 /// handle, which can be joined back up with a `BufferCollection` client end
3109 /// that was created via a different path. Prefer to convey a
3110 /// `BufferCollectionToken` or `BufferCollection` directly when feasible.
3111 ///
3112 /// Trusting a `buffer_collection_id` value from a source other than sysmem
3113 /// is analogous to trusting a koid value from a source other than zircon.
3114 /// Both should be avoided unless really necessary, and both require
3115 /// caution. In some situations it may be reasonable to refer to a
3116 /// pre-established `BufferCollection` by `buffer_collection_id` via a
3117 /// protocol for efficiency reasons, but an incoming value purporting to be
3118 /// a `buffer_collection_id` is not sufficient alone to justify granting the
3119 /// sender of the `buffer_collection_id` any capability. The sender must
3120 /// first prove to a receiver that the sender has/had a VMO or has/had a
3121 /// `BufferCollectionToken` to the same collection by sending a handle that
3122 /// sysmem confirms is a valid sysmem handle and which sysmem maps to the
3123 /// `buffer_collection_id` value. The receiver should take care to avoid
3124 /// assuming that a sender had a `BufferCollectionToken` in cases where the
3125 /// sender has only proven that the sender had a VMO.
3126 ///
3127 /// - response `buffer_collection_id` This ID is unique per buffer
3128 /// collection per boot. Each buffer is uniquely identified by the
3129 /// `buffer_collection_id` and `buffer_index` together.
3130 pub fn r#get_buffer_collection_id(
3131 &self,
3132 ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
3133 NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse,
3134 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
3135 > {
3136 BufferCollectionProxyInterface::r#get_buffer_collection_id(self)
3137 }
3139 /// Sets the current [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] and all child `Node`(s)
3140 /// created after this message to weak, which means that a client's `Node`
3141 /// client end (or a child created after this message) is not alone
3142 /// sufficient to keep allocated VMOs alive.
3143 ///
3144 /// All VMOs obtained from weak `Node`(s) are weak sysmem VMOs. See also
3145 /// `close_weak_asap`.
3146 ///
3147 /// This message is only permitted before the `Node` becomes ready for
3148 /// allocation (else the server closes the channel with `ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE`):
3149 /// * `BufferCollectionToken`: any time
3150 /// * `BufferCollection`: before `SetConstraints`
3151 /// * `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`: before `AllChildrenPresent`
3152 ///
3153 /// Currently, no conversion from strong `Node` to weak `Node` after ready
3154 /// for allocation is provided, but a client can simulate that by creating
3155 /// an additional `Node` before allocation and setting that additional
3156 /// `Node` to weak, and then potentially at some point later sending
3157 /// `Release` and closing the client end of the client's strong `Node`, but
3158 /// keeping the client's weak `Node`.
3159 ///
3160 /// Zero strong `Node`(s) and zero strong VMO handles will result in buffer
3161 /// collection failure (all `Node` client end(s) will see
3162 /// `ZX_CHANNEL_PEER_CLOSED` and all `close_weak_asap` `client_end`(s) will
3163 /// see `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED`), but sysmem (intentionally) won't notice
3164 /// this situation until all `Node`(s) are ready for allocation. For initial
3165 /// allocation to succeed, at least one strong `Node` is required to exist
3166 /// at allocation time, but after that client receives VMO handles, that
3167 /// client can `BufferCollection.Release` and close the client end without
3168 /// causing this type of failure.
3169 ///
3170 /// This implies [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetWeakOk`] as well, but does not
3171 /// imply `SetWeakOk` with `for_children_also` true, which can be sent
3172 /// separately as appropriate.
3173 pub fn r#set_weak(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3174 BufferCollectionProxyInterface::r#set_weak(self)
3175 }
3177 /// This indicates to sysmem that the client is prepared to pay attention to
3178 /// `close_weak_asap`.
3179 ///
3180 /// If sent, this message must be before
3181 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`].
3182 ///
3183 /// All participants using a weak [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] must
3184 /// send this message before `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`, or a parent
3185 /// `Node` must have sent [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetWeakOk`] with
3186 /// `for_child_nodes_also` true, else the `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated` will
3187 /// trigger buffer collection failure.
3188 ///
3189 /// This message is necessary because weak sysmem VMOs have not always been
3190 /// a thing, so older clients are not aware of the need to pay attention to
3191 /// `close_weak_asap` `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` and close all remaining
3192 /// sysmem weak VMO handles asap. By having this message and requiring
3193 /// participants to indicate their acceptance of this aspect of the overall
3194 /// protocol, we avoid situations where an older client is delivered a weak
3195 /// VMO without any way for sysmem to get that VMO to close quickly later
3196 /// (and on a per-buffer basis).
3197 ///
3198 /// A participant that doesn't handle `close_weak_asap` and also doesn't
3199 /// retrieve any VMO handles via `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated` doesn't need
3200 /// to send `SetWeakOk` (and doesn't need to have a parent `Node` send
3201 /// `SetWeakOk` with `for_child_nodes_also` true either). However, if that
3202 /// same participant has a child/delegate which does retrieve VMOs, that
3203 /// child/delegate will need to send `SetWeakOk` before
3204 /// `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`.
3205 ///
3206 /// + request `for_child_nodes_also` If present and true, this means direct
3207 /// child nodes of this node created after this message plus all
3208 /// descendants of those nodes will behave as if `SetWeakOk` was sent on
3209 /// those nodes. Any child node of this node that was created before this
3210 /// message is not included. This setting is "sticky" in the sense that a
3211 /// subsequent `SetWeakOk` without this bool set to true does not reset
3212 /// the server-side bool. If this creates a problem for a participant, a
3213 /// workaround is to `SetWeakOk` with `for_child_nodes_also` true on child
3214 /// tokens instead, as appropriate. A participant should only set
3215 /// `for_child_nodes_also` true if the participant can really promise to
3216 /// obey `close_weak_asap` both for its own weak VMO handles, and for all
3217 /// weak VMO handles held by participants holding the corresponding child
3218 /// `Node`(s). When `for_child_nodes_also` is set, descendent `Node`(s)
3219 /// which are using sysmem(1) can be weak, despite the clients of those
3220 /// sysmem1 `Node`(s) not having any direct way to `SetWeakOk` or any
3221 /// direct way to find out about `close_weak_asap`. This only applies to
3222 /// descendents of this `Node` which are using sysmem(1), not to this
3223 /// `Node` when converted directly from a sysmem2 token to a sysmem(1)
3224 /// token, which will fail allocation unless an ancestor of this `Node`
3225 /// specified `for_child_nodes_also` true.
3226 pub fn r#set_weak_ok(&self, mut payload: NodeSetWeakOkRequest) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3227 BufferCollectionProxyInterface::r#set_weak_ok(self, payload)
3228 }
3230 /// The server_end will be closed after this `Node` and any child nodes have
3231 /// have released their buffer counts, making those counts available for
3232 /// reservation by a different `Node` via
3233 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`].
3234 ///
3235 /// The `Node` buffer counts may not be released until the entire tree of
3236 /// `Node`(s) is closed or failed, because
3237 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Release`] followed by channel close
3238 /// does not immediately un-reserve the `Node` buffer counts. Instead, the
3239 /// `Node` buffer counts remain reserved until the orphaned node is later
3240 /// cleaned up.
3241 ///
3242 /// If the `Node` exceeds a fairly large number of attached eventpair server
3243 /// ends, a log message will indicate this and the `Node` (and the
3244 /// appropriate) sub-tree will fail.
3245 ///
3246 /// The `server_end` will remain open when
3247 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] converts a
3248 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] into a
3249 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`].
3250 ///
3251 /// This message can also be used with a
3252 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`].
3253 pub fn r#attach_node_tracking(
3254 &self,
3255 mut payload: NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest,
3256 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3257 BufferCollectionProxyInterface::r#attach_node_tracking(self, payload)
3258 }
3260 /// Provide [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionConstraints`] to the buffer
3261 /// collection.
3262 ///
3263 /// A participant may only call
3264 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] up to once per
3265 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`].
3266 ///
3267 /// For buffer allocation to be attempted, all holders of a
3268 /// `BufferCollection` client end need to call `SetConstraints` before
3269 /// sysmem will attempt to allocate buffers.
3270 ///
3271 /// + request `constraints` These are the constraints on the buffer
3272 /// collection imposed by the sending client/participant. The
3273 /// `constraints` field is not required to be set. If not set, the client
3274 /// is not setting any actual constraints, but is indicating that the
3275 /// client has no constraints to set. A client that doesn't set the
3276 /// `constraints` field won't receive any VMO handles, but can still find
3277 /// out how many buffers were allocated and can still refer to buffers by
3278 /// their `buffer_index`.
3279 pub fn r#set_constraints(
3280 &self,
3281 mut payload: BufferCollectionSetConstraintsRequest,
3282 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3283 BufferCollectionProxyInterface::r#set_constraints(self, payload)
3284 }
3286 /// Wait until all buffers are allocated.
3287 ///
3288 /// This FIDL call completes when buffers have been allocated, or completes
3289 /// with some failure detail if allocation has been attempted but failed.
3290 ///
3291 /// The following must occur before buffers will be allocated:
3292 /// * All [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`](s) of the buffer
3293 /// collection must be turned in via `BindSharedCollection` to get a
3294 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] (for brevity, this is assuming
3295 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`] isn't being used),
3296 /// or have had [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Release`] sent
3297 /// to them.
3298 /// * All [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`](s) of the buffer collection
3299 /// must have had [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`]
3300 /// sent to them, or had [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Release`]
3301 /// sent to them.
3302 ///
3303 /// - result `buffer_collection_info` The VMO handles and other related
3304 /// info.
3305 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.NO_MEMORY]` The request is valid but
3306 /// cannot be fulfilled due to resource exhaustion.
3307 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.PROTOCOL_DEVIATION`] The request is
3308 /// malformed.
3309 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.CONSTRAINTS_INTERSECTION_EMPTY`] The
3310 /// request is valid but cannot be satisfied, perhaps due to hardware
3311 /// limitations. This can happen if participants have incompatible
3312 /// constraints (empty intersection, roughly speaking). See the log for
3313 /// more info. In cases where a participant could potentially be treated
3314 /// as optional, see [`BufferCollectionTokenGroup`]. When using
3315 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`], this will be the
3316 /// error code if there aren't enough buffers in the pre-existing
3317 /// collection to satisfy the constraints set on the attached token and
3318 /// any sub-tree of tokens derived from the attached token.
3319 pub fn r#wait_for_all_buffers_allocated(
3320 &self,
3321 ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
3322 BufferCollectionWaitForAllBuffersAllocatedResult,
3323 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
3324 > {
3325 BufferCollectionProxyInterface::r#wait_for_all_buffers_allocated(self)
3326 }
3328 /// Checks whether all the buffers have been allocated, in a polling
3329 /// fashion.
3330 ///
3331 /// * If the buffer collection has been allocated, returns success.
3332 /// * If the buffer collection failed allocation, returns the same
3333 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Error`] as
3334 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection/WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`] would
3335 /// return.
3336 /// * error [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.PENDING`] The buffer collection hasn't
3337 /// attempted allocation yet. This means that WaitForAllBuffersAllocated
3338 /// would not respond quickly.
3339 pub fn r#check_all_buffers_allocated(
3340 &self,
3341 ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
3342 BufferCollectionCheckAllBuffersAllocatedResult,
3343 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
3344 > {
3345 BufferCollectionProxyInterface::r#check_all_buffers_allocated(self)
3346 }
3348 /// Create a new token to add a new participant to an existing logical
3349 /// buffer collection, if the existing collection's buffer counts,
3350 /// constraints, and participants allow.
3351 ///
3352 /// This can be useful in replacing a failed participant, and/or in
3353 /// adding/re-adding a participant after buffers have already been
3354 /// allocated.
3355 ///
3356 /// When [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`] is used, the sub
3357 /// tree rooted at the attached [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`]
3358 /// goes through the normal procedure of setting constraints or closing
3359 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`](s), and then appearing to allocate buffers from
3360 /// clients' point of view, despite the possibility that all the buffers
3361 /// were actually allocated previously. This process is called "logical
3362 /// allocation". Most instances of "allocation" in docs for other messages
3363 /// can also be read as "allocation or logical allocation" while remaining
3364 /// valid, but we just say "allocation" in most places for brevity/clarity
3365 /// of explanation, with the details of "logical allocation" left for the
3366 /// docs here on `AttachToken`.
3367 ///
3368 /// Failure of an attached `Node` does not propagate to the parent of the
3369 /// attached `Node`. More generally, failure of a child `Node` is blocked
3370 /// from reaching its parent `Node` if the child is attached, or if the
3371 /// child is dispensable and the failure occurred after logical allocation
3372 /// (see [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.SetDispensable`]).
3373 ///
3374 /// A participant may in some scenarios choose to initially use a
3375 /// dispensable token for a given instance of a delegate participant, and
3376 /// then later if the first instance of that delegate participant fails, a
3377 /// new second instance of that delegate participant my be given a token
3378 /// created with `AttachToken`.
3379 ///
3380 /// From the point of view of the [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`]
3381 /// client end, the token acts like any other token. The client can
3382 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate`] the token as needed,
3383 /// and can send the token to a different process/participant. The
3384 /// `BufferCollectionToken` `Node` should be converted to a
3385 /// `BufferCollection` `Node` as normal by sending
3386 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`], or can be closed
3387 /// without causing subtree failure by sending
3388 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Release`]. Assuming the former,
3389 /// the [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] message or
3390 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Release`] message should be sent to
3391 /// the `BufferCollection`.
3392 ///
3393 /// Within the subtree, a success result from
3394 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`] means
3395 /// the subtree participants' constraints were satisfiable using the
3396 /// already-existing buffer collection, the already-established
3397 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionInfo`] including image format
3398 /// constraints, and the already-existing other participants (already added
3399 /// via successful logical allocation) and their specified buffer counts in
3400 /// their constraints. A failure result means the new participants'
3401 /// constraints cannot be satisfied using the existing buffer collection and
3402 /// its already-added participants. Creating a new collection instead may
3403 /// allow all participants' constraints to be satisfied, assuming
3404 /// `SetDispensable` is used in place of `AttachToken`, or a normal token is
3405 /// used.
3406 ///
3407 /// A token created with `AttachToken` performs constraints aggregation with
3408 /// all constraints currently in effect on the buffer collection, plus the
3409 /// attached token under consideration plus child tokens under the attached
3410 /// token which are not themselves an attached token or under such a token.
3411 /// Further subtrees under this subtree are considered for logical
3412 /// allocation only after this subtree has completed logical allocation.
3413 ///
3414 /// Assignment of existing buffers to participants'
3415 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionConstraints.min_buffer_count_for_camping`]
3416 /// etc is first-come first-served, but a child can't logically allocate
3417 /// before all its parents have sent `SetConstraints`.
3418 ///
3419 /// See also [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.SetDispensable`], which
3420 /// in contrast to `AttachToken`, has the created token `Node` + child
3421 /// `Node`(s) (in the created subtree but not in any subtree under this
3422 /// subtree) participate in constraints aggregation along with its parent
3423 /// during the parent's allocation or logical allocation.
3424 ///
3425 /// Similar to [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate`], the
3426 /// newly created token needs to be [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.Sync`]ed to
3427 /// sysmem before the new token can be passed to `BindSharedCollection`. The
3428 /// `Sync` of the new token can be accomplished with
3429 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Sync`] after converting the created
3430 /// `BufferCollectionToken` to a `BufferCollection`. Alternately,
3431 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Sync`] on the new token also
3432 /// works. Or using [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.DuplicateSync`]
3433 /// works. As usual, a `BufferCollectionToken.Sync` can be started after any
3434 /// `BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate` messages have been sent via the newly
3435 /// created token, to also sync those additional tokens to sysmem using a
3436 /// single round-trip.
3437 ///
3438 /// All table fields are currently required.
3439 ///
3440 /// + request `rights_attentuation_mask` This allows attenuating the VMO
3441 /// rights of the subtree. These values for `rights_attenuation_mask`
3442 /// result in no attenuation (note that 0 is not on this list):
3443 /// + ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS (preferred)
3444 /// + 0xFFFFFFFF (this is reasonable when an attenuation mask is computed)
3445 /// + request `token_request` The server end of the `BufferCollectionToken`
3446 /// channel. The client retains the client end.
3447 pub fn r#attach_token(
3448 &self,
3449 mut payload: BufferCollectionAttachTokenRequest,
3450 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3451 BufferCollectionProxyInterface::r#attach_token(self, payload)
3452 }
3454 /// Set up an eventpair to be signalled (`ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED`) when
3455 /// buffers have been allocated and only the specified number of buffers (or
3456 /// fewer) remain in the buffer collection.
3457 ///
3458 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachLifetimeTracking`] allows a
3459 /// client to wait until an old buffer collection is fully or mostly
3460 /// deallocated before attempting allocation of a new buffer collection. The
3461 /// eventpair is only signalled when the buffers of this collection have
3462 /// been fully deallocated (not just un-referenced by clients, but all the
3463 /// memory consumed by those buffers has been fully reclaimed/recycled), or
3464 /// when allocation or logical allocation fails for the tree or subtree
3465 /// including this [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`].
3466 ///
3467 /// The eventpair won't be signalled until allocation or logical allocation
3468 /// has completed; until then, the collection's current buffer count is
3469 /// ignored.
3470 ///
3471 /// If logical allocation fails for an attached subtree (using
3472 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`]), the server end of the
3473 /// eventpair will close during that failure regardless of the number of
3474 /// buffers potenitally allocated in the overall buffer collection. This is
3475 /// for logical allocation consistency with normal allocation.
3476 ///
3477 /// The lifetime signalled by this event includes asynchronous cleanup of
3478 /// allocated buffers, and this asynchronous cleanup cannot occur until all
3479 /// holders of VMO handles to the buffers have closed those VMO handles.
3480 /// Therefore, clients should take care not to become blocked forever
3481 /// waiting for `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` to be signalled if any of the
3482 /// participants using the logical buffer collection (including the waiter
3483 /// itself) are less trusted, less reliable, or potentially blocked by the
3484 /// wait itself. Waiting asynchronously is recommended. Setting a deadline
3485 /// for the client wait may be prudent, depending on details of how the
3486 /// collection and/or its VMOs are used or shared. Failure to allocate a
3487 /// new/replacement buffer collection is better than getting stuck forever.
3488 ///
3489 /// The sysmem server itself intentionally does not perform any waiting on
3490 /// already-failed collections' VMOs to finish cleaning up before attempting
3491 /// a new allocation, and the sysmem server intentionally doesn't retry
3492 /// allocation if a new allocation fails due to out of memory, even if that
3493 /// failure is potentially due to continued existence of an old collection's
3494 /// VMOs. This `AttachLifetimeTracking` message is how an initiator can
3495 /// mitigate too much overlap of old VMO lifetimes with new VMO lifetimes,
3496 /// as long as the waiting client is careful to not create a deadlock.
3497 ///
3498 /// Continued existence of old collections that are still cleaning up is not
3499 /// the only reason that a new allocation may fail due to insufficient
3500 /// memory, even if the new allocation is allocating physically contiguous
3501 /// buffers. Overall system memory pressure can also be the cause of failure
3502 /// to allocate a new collection. See also
3503 /// [`fuchsia.memorypressure/Provider`].
3504 ///
3505 /// `AttachLifetimeTracking` is meant to be compatible with other protocols
3506 /// with a similar `AttachLifetimeTracking` message; duplicates of the same
3507 /// `eventpair` handle (server end) can be sent via more than one
3508 /// `AttachLifetimeTracking` message to different protocols, and the
3509 /// `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` will be signalled for the client end when all
3510 /// the conditions are met (all holders of duplicates have closed their
3511 /// server end handle(s)). Also, thanks to how eventpair endponts work, the
3512 /// client end can (also) be duplicated without preventing the
3513 /// `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` signal.
3514 ///
3515 /// The server intentionally doesn't "trust" any signals set on the
3516 /// `server_end`. This mechanism intentionally uses only
3517 /// `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` set on the client end, which can't be set
3518 /// "early", and is only set when all handles to the server end eventpair
3519 /// are closed. No meaning is associated with any of the other signals, and
3520 /// clients should ignore any other signal bits on either end of the
3521 /// `eventpair`.
3522 ///
3523 /// The `server_end` may lack `ZX_RIGHT_SIGNAL` or `ZX_RIGHT_SIGNAL_PEER`,
3524 /// but must have `ZX_RIGHT_DUPLICATE` (and must have `ZX_RIGHT_TRANSFER` to
3525 /// transfer without causing `BufferCollection` channel failure).
3526 ///
3527 /// All table fields are currently required.
3528 ///
3529 /// + request `server_end` This eventpair handle will be closed by the
3530 /// sysmem server when buffers have been allocated initially and the
3531 /// number of buffers is then less than or equal to `buffers_remaining`.
3532 /// + request `buffers_remaining` Wait for all but `buffers_remaining` (or
3533 /// fewer) buffers to be fully deallocated. A number greater than zero can
3534 /// be useful in situations where a known number of buffers are
3535 /// intentionally not closed so that the data can continue to be used,
3536 /// such as for keeping the last available video frame displayed in the UI
3537 /// even if the video stream was using protected output buffers. It's
3538 /// outside the scope of the `BufferCollection` interface (at least for
3539 /// now) to determine how many buffers may be held without closing, but
3540 /// it'll typically be in the range 0-2.
3541 pub fn r#attach_lifetime_tracking(
3542 &self,
3543 mut payload: BufferCollectionAttachLifetimeTrackingRequest,
3544 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3545 BufferCollectionProxyInterface::r#attach_lifetime_tracking(self, payload)
3546 }
3549impl BufferCollectionProxyInterface for BufferCollectionProxy {
3550 type SyncResponseFut =
3551 fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<(), fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>;
3552 fn r#sync(&self) -> Self::SyncResponseFut {
3553 fn _decode(
3554 mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
3555 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3556 let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
3557 fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct>,
3558 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
3559 0x11ac2555cf575b54,
3560 >(_buf?)?
3561 .into_result::<BufferCollectionMarker>("sync")?;
3562 Ok(_response)
3563 }
3564 self.client.send_query_and_decode::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload, ()>(
3565 (),
3566 0x11ac2555cf575b54,
3567 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
3568 _decode,
3569 )
3570 }
3572 fn r#release(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3573 self.client.send::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(
3574 (),
3575 0x6a5cae7d6d6e04c6,
3576 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
3577 )
3578 }
3580 fn r#set_name(&self, mut payload: &NodeSetNameRequest) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3581 self.client.send::<NodeSetNameRequest>(
3582 payload,
3583 0xb41f1624f48c1e9,
3584 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
3585 )
3586 }
3588 fn r#set_debug_client_info(
3589 &self,
3590 mut payload: &NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest,
3591 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3592 self.client.send::<NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest>(
3593 payload,
3594 0x5cde8914608d99b1,
3595 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
3596 )
3597 }
3599 fn r#set_debug_timeout_log_deadline(
3600 &self,
3601 mut payload: &NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest,
3602 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3603 self.client.send::<NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest>(
3604 payload,
3605 0x716b0af13d5c0806,
3606 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
3607 )
3608 }
3610 fn r#set_verbose_logging(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3611 self.client.send::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(
3612 (),
3613 0x5209c77415b4dfad,
3614 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
3615 )
3616 }
3618 type GetNodeRefResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
3619 NodeGetNodeRefResponse,
3620 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
3621 >;
3622 fn r#get_node_ref(&self) -> Self::GetNodeRefResponseFut {
3623 fn _decode(
3624 mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
3625 ) -> Result<NodeGetNodeRefResponse, fidl::Error> {
3626 let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
3627 fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<NodeGetNodeRefResponse>,
3628 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
3629 0x5b3d0e51614df053,
3630 >(_buf?)?
3631 .into_result::<BufferCollectionMarker>("get_node_ref")?;
3632 Ok(_response)
3633 }
3634 self.client.send_query_and_decode::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload, NodeGetNodeRefResponse>(
3635 (),
3636 0x5b3d0e51614df053,
3637 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
3638 _decode,
3639 )
3640 }
3642 type IsAlternateForResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
3643 NodeIsAlternateForResult,
3644 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
3645 >;
3646 fn r#is_alternate_for(
3647 &self,
3648 mut payload: NodeIsAlternateForRequest,
3649 ) -> Self::IsAlternateForResponseFut {
3650 fn _decode(
3651 mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
3652 ) -> Result<NodeIsAlternateForResult, fidl::Error> {
3653 let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
3654 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<NodeIsAlternateForResponse, Error>,
3655 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
3656 0x3a58e00157e0825,
3657 >(_buf?)?
3658 .into_result::<BufferCollectionMarker>("is_alternate_for")?;
3659 Ok(|x| x))
3660 }
3661 self.client.send_query_and_decode::<NodeIsAlternateForRequest, NodeIsAlternateForResult>(
3662 &mut payload,
3663 0x3a58e00157e0825,
3664 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
3665 _decode,
3666 )
3667 }
3669 type GetBufferCollectionIdResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
3670 NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse,
3671 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
3672 >;
3673 fn r#get_buffer_collection_id(&self) -> Self::GetBufferCollectionIdResponseFut {
3674 fn _decode(
3675 mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
3676 ) -> Result<NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse, fidl::Error> {
3677 let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
3678 fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse>,
3679 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
3680 0x77d19a494b78ba8c,
3681 >(_buf?)?
3682 .into_result::<BufferCollectionMarker>("get_buffer_collection_id")?;
3683 Ok(_response)
3684 }
3685 self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
3686 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
3687 NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse,
3688 >(
3689 (),
3690 0x77d19a494b78ba8c,
3691 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
3692 _decode,
3693 )
3694 }
3696 fn r#set_weak(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3697 self.client.send::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(
3698 (),
3699 0x22dd3ea514eeffe1,
3700 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
3701 )
3702 }
3704 fn r#set_weak_ok(&self, mut payload: NodeSetWeakOkRequest) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3705 self.client.send::<NodeSetWeakOkRequest>(
3706 &mut payload,
3707 0x38a44fc4d7724be9,
3708 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
3709 )
3710 }
3712 fn r#attach_node_tracking(
3713 &self,
3714 mut payload: NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest,
3715 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3716 self.client.send::<NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest>(
3717 &mut payload,
3718 0x3f22f2a293d3cdac,
3719 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
3720 )
3721 }
3723 fn r#set_constraints(
3724 &self,
3725 mut payload: BufferCollectionSetConstraintsRequest,
3726 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3727 self.client.send::<BufferCollectionSetConstraintsRequest>(
3728 &mut payload,
3729 0x1fde0f19d650197b,
3730 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
3731 )
3732 }
3734 type WaitForAllBuffersAllocatedResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
3735 BufferCollectionWaitForAllBuffersAllocatedResult,
3736 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
3737 >;
3738 fn r#wait_for_all_buffers_allocated(&self) -> Self::WaitForAllBuffersAllocatedResponseFut {
3739 fn _decode(
3740 mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
3741 ) -> Result<BufferCollectionWaitForAllBuffersAllocatedResult, fidl::Error> {
3742 let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
3743 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<
3744 BufferCollectionWaitForAllBuffersAllocatedResponse,
3745 Error,
3746 >,
3747 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
3748 0x62300344b61404e,
3749 >(_buf?)?
3750 .into_result::<BufferCollectionMarker>("wait_for_all_buffers_allocated")?;
3751 Ok(|x| x))
3752 }
3753 self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
3754 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
3755 BufferCollectionWaitForAllBuffersAllocatedResult,
3756 >(
3757 (),
3758 0x62300344b61404e,
3759 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
3760 _decode,
3761 )
3762 }
3764 type CheckAllBuffersAllocatedResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
3765 BufferCollectionCheckAllBuffersAllocatedResult,
3766 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
3767 >;
3768 fn r#check_all_buffers_allocated(&self) -> Self::CheckAllBuffersAllocatedResponseFut {
3769 fn _decode(
3770 mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
3771 ) -> Result<BufferCollectionCheckAllBuffersAllocatedResult, fidl::Error> {
3772 let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
3773 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct, Error>,
3774 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
3775 0x35a5fe77ce939c10,
3776 >(_buf?)?
3777 .into_result::<BufferCollectionMarker>("check_all_buffers_allocated")?;
3778 Ok(|x| x))
3779 }
3780 self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
3781 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
3782 BufferCollectionCheckAllBuffersAllocatedResult,
3783 >(
3784 (),
3785 0x35a5fe77ce939c10,
3786 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
3787 _decode,
3788 )
3789 }
3791 fn r#attach_token(
3792 &self,
3793 mut payload: BufferCollectionAttachTokenRequest,
3794 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3795 self.client.send::<BufferCollectionAttachTokenRequest>(
3796 &mut payload,
3797 0x46ac7d0008492982,
3798 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
3799 )
3800 }
3802 fn r#attach_lifetime_tracking(
3803 &self,
3804 mut payload: BufferCollectionAttachLifetimeTrackingRequest,
3805 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3806 self.client.send::<BufferCollectionAttachLifetimeTrackingRequest>(
3807 &mut payload,
3808 0x3ecb510113116dcf,
3809 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
3810 )
3811 }
3814pub struct BufferCollectionEventStream {
3815 event_receiver: fidl::client::EventReceiver<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>,
3818impl std::marker::Unpin for BufferCollectionEventStream {}
3820impl futures::stream::FusedStream for BufferCollectionEventStream {
3821 fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool {
3822 self.event_receiver.is_terminated()
3823 }
3826impl futures::Stream for BufferCollectionEventStream {
3827 type Item = Result<BufferCollectionEvent, fidl::Error>;
3829 fn poll_next(
3830 mut self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
3831 cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
3832 ) -> std::task::Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
3833 match futures::ready!(futures::stream::StreamExt::poll_next_unpin(
3834 &mut self.event_receiver,
3835 cx
3836 )?) {
3837 Some(buf) => std::task::Poll::Ready(Some(BufferCollectionEvent::decode(buf))),
3838 None => std::task::Poll::Ready(None),
3839 }
3840 }
3844pub enum BufferCollectionEvent {
3845 #[non_exhaustive]
3846 _UnknownEvent {
3847 /// Ordinal of the event that was sent.
3848 ordinal: u64,
3849 },
3852impl BufferCollectionEvent {
3853 /// Decodes a message buffer as a [`BufferCollectionEvent`].
3854 fn decode(
3855 mut buf: <fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc,
3856 ) -> Result<BufferCollectionEvent, fidl::Error> {
3857 let (bytes, _handles) = buf.split_mut();
3858 let (tx_header, _body_bytes) = fidl::encoding::decode_transaction_header(bytes)?;
3859 debug_assert_eq!(tx_header.tx_id, 0);
3860 match tx_header.ordinal {
3861 _ if tx_header.dynamic_flags().contains(fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE) => {
3862 Ok(BufferCollectionEvent::_UnknownEvent { ordinal: tx_header.ordinal })
3863 }
3864 _ => Err(fidl::Error::UnknownOrdinal {
3865 ordinal: tx_header.ordinal,
3866 protocol_name:
3867 <BufferCollectionMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME,
3868 }),
3869 }
3870 }
3873/// A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.
3874pub struct BufferCollectionRequestStream {
3875 inner: std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>,
3876 is_terminated: bool,
3879impl std::marker::Unpin for BufferCollectionRequestStream {}
3881impl futures::stream::FusedStream for BufferCollectionRequestStream {
3882 fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool {
3883 self.is_terminated
3884 }
3887impl fidl::endpoints::RequestStream for BufferCollectionRequestStream {
3888 type Protocol = BufferCollectionMarker;
3889 type ControlHandle = BufferCollectionControlHandle;
3891 fn from_channel(channel: ::fidl::AsyncChannel) -> Self {
3892 Self { inner: std::sync::Arc::new(fidl::ServeInner::new(channel)), is_terminated: false }
3893 }
3895 fn control_handle(&self) -> Self::ControlHandle {
3896 BufferCollectionControlHandle { inner: self.inner.clone() }
3897 }
3899 fn into_inner(
3900 self,
3901 ) -> (::std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>, bool)
3902 {
3903 (self.inner, self.is_terminated)
3904 }
3906 fn from_inner(
3907 inner: std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>,
3908 is_terminated: bool,
3909 ) -> Self {
3910 Self { inner, is_terminated }
3911 }
3914impl futures::Stream for BufferCollectionRequestStream {
3915 type Item = Result<BufferCollectionRequest, fidl::Error>;
3917 fn poll_next(
3918 mut self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
3919 cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
3920 ) -> std::task::Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
3921 let this = &mut *self;
3922 if this.inner.check_shutdown(cx) {
3923 this.is_terminated = true;
3924 return std::task::Poll::Ready(None);
3925 }
3926 if this.is_terminated {
3927 panic!("polled BufferCollectionRequestStream after completion");
3928 }
3929 fidl::encoding::with_tls_decode_buf::<_, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>(
3930 |bytes, handles| {
3931 match, bytes, handles) {
3932 std::task::Poll::Ready(Ok(())) => {}
3933 std::task::Poll::Pending => return std::task::Poll::Pending,
3934 std::task::Poll::Ready(Err(zx_status::Status::PEER_CLOSED)) => {
3935 this.is_terminated = true;
3936 return std::task::Poll::Ready(None);
3937 }
3938 std::task::Poll::Ready(Err(e)) => {
3939 return std::task::Poll::Ready(Some(Err(fidl::Error::ServerRequestRead(
3940 e.into(),
3941 ))))
3942 }
3943 }
3945 // A message has been received from the channel
3946 let (header, _body_bytes) = fidl::encoding::decode_transaction_header(bytes)?;
3948 std::task::Poll::Ready(Some(match header.ordinal {
3949 0x11ac2555cf575b54 => {
3950 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
3951 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
3952 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
3953 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
3954 );
3955 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
3956 let control_handle =
3957 BufferCollectionControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
3958 Ok(BufferCollectionRequest::Sync {
3959 responder: BufferCollectionSyncResponder {
3960 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
3961 tx_id: header.tx_id,
3962 },
3963 })
3964 }
3965 0x6a5cae7d6d6e04c6 => {
3966 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
3967 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
3968 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
3969 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
3970 );
3971 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
3972 let control_handle =
3973 BufferCollectionControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
3974 Ok(BufferCollectionRequest::Release { control_handle })
3975 }
3976 0xb41f1624f48c1e9 => {
3977 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
3978 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
3979 NodeSetNameRequest,
3980 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
3981 );
3982 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<NodeSetNameRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
3983 let control_handle =
3984 BufferCollectionControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
3985 Ok(BufferCollectionRequest::SetName { payload: req, control_handle })
3986 }
3987 0x5cde8914608d99b1 => {
3988 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
3989 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
3990 NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest,
3991 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
3992 );
3993 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
3994 let control_handle =
3995 BufferCollectionControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
3996 Ok(BufferCollectionRequest::SetDebugClientInfo {
3997 payload: req,
3998 control_handle,
3999 })
4000 }
4001 0x716b0af13d5c0806 => {
4002 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
4003 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
4004 NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest,
4005 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
4006 );
4007 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
4008 let control_handle =
4009 BufferCollectionControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
4010 Ok(BufferCollectionRequest::SetDebugTimeoutLogDeadline {
4011 payload: req,
4012 control_handle,
4013 })
4014 }
4015 0x5209c77415b4dfad => {
4016 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
4017 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
4018 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
4019 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
4020 );
4021 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
4022 let control_handle =
4023 BufferCollectionControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
4024 Ok(BufferCollectionRequest::SetVerboseLogging { control_handle })
4025 }
4026 0x5b3d0e51614df053 => {
4027 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
4028 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
4029 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
4030 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
4031 );
4032 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
4033 let control_handle =
4034 BufferCollectionControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
4035 Ok(BufferCollectionRequest::GetNodeRef {
4036 responder: BufferCollectionGetNodeRefResponder {
4037 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
4038 tx_id: header.tx_id,
4039 },
4040 })
4041 }
4042 0x3a58e00157e0825 => {
4043 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
4044 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
4045 NodeIsAlternateForRequest,
4046 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
4047 );
4048 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<NodeIsAlternateForRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
4049 let control_handle =
4050 BufferCollectionControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
4051 Ok(BufferCollectionRequest::IsAlternateFor {
4052 payload: req,
4053 responder: BufferCollectionIsAlternateForResponder {
4054 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
4055 tx_id: header.tx_id,
4056 },
4057 })
4058 }
4059 0x77d19a494b78ba8c => {
4060 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
4061 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
4062 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
4063 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
4064 );
4065 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
4066 let control_handle =
4067 BufferCollectionControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
4068 Ok(BufferCollectionRequest::GetBufferCollectionId {
4069 responder: BufferCollectionGetBufferCollectionIdResponder {
4070 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
4071 tx_id: header.tx_id,
4072 },
4073 })
4074 }
4075 0x22dd3ea514eeffe1 => {
4076 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
4077 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
4078 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
4079 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
4080 );
4081 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
4082 let control_handle =
4083 BufferCollectionControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
4084 Ok(BufferCollectionRequest::SetWeak { control_handle })
4085 }
4086 0x38a44fc4d7724be9 => {
4087 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
4088 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
4089 NodeSetWeakOkRequest,
4090 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
4091 );
4092 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<NodeSetWeakOkRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
4093 let control_handle =
4094 BufferCollectionControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
4095 Ok(BufferCollectionRequest::SetWeakOk { payload: req, control_handle })
4096 }
4097 0x3f22f2a293d3cdac => {
4098 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
4099 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
4100 NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest,
4101 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
4102 );
4103 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
4104 let control_handle =
4105 BufferCollectionControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
4106 Ok(BufferCollectionRequest::AttachNodeTracking {
4107 payload: req,
4108 control_handle,
4109 })
4110 }
4111 0x1fde0f19d650197b => {
4112 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
4113 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
4114 BufferCollectionSetConstraintsRequest,
4115 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
4116 );
4117 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<BufferCollectionSetConstraintsRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
4118 let control_handle =
4119 BufferCollectionControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
4120 Ok(BufferCollectionRequest::SetConstraints { payload: req, control_handle })
4121 }
4122 0x62300344b61404e => {
4123 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
4124 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
4125 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
4126 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
4127 );
4128 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
4129 let control_handle =
4130 BufferCollectionControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
4131 Ok(BufferCollectionRequest::WaitForAllBuffersAllocated {
4132 responder: BufferCollectionWaitForAllBuffersAllocatedResponder {
4133 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
4134 tx_id: header.tx_id,
4135 },
4136 })
4137 }
4138 0x35a5fe77ce939c10 => {
4139 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
4140 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
4141 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
4142 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
4143 );
4144 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
4145 let control_handle =
4146 BufferCollectionControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
4147 Ok(BufferCollectionRequest::CheckAllBuffersAllocated {
4148 responder: BufferCollectionCheckAllBuffersAllocatedResponder {
4149 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
4150 tx_id: header.tx_id,
4151 },
4152 })
4153 }
4154 0x46ac7d0008492982 => {
4155 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
4156 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
4157 BufferCollectionAttachTokenRequest,
4158 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
4159 );
4160 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<BufferCollectionAttachTokenRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
4161 let control_handle =
4162 BufferCollectionControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
4163 Ok(BufferCollectionRequest::AttachToken { payload: req, control_handle })
4164 }
4165 0x3ecb510113116dcf => {
4166 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
4167 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
4168 BufferCollectionAttachLifetimeTrackingRequest,
4169 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
4170 );
4171 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<BufferCollectionAttachLifetimeTrackingRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
4172 let control_handle =
4173 BufferCollectionControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
4174 Ok(BufferCollectionRequest::AttachLifetimeTracking {
4175 payload: req,
4176 control_handle,
4177 })
4178 }
4179 _ if header.tx_id == 0
4180 && header
4181 .dynamic_flags()
4182 .contains(fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE) =>
4183 {
4184 Ok(BufferCollectionRequest::_UnknownMethod {
4185 ordinal: header.ordinal,
4186 control_handle: BufferCollectionControlHandle {
4187 inner: this.inner.clone(),
4188 },
4189 method_type: fidl::MethodType::OneWay,
4190 })
4191 }
4192 _ if header
4193 .dynamic_flags()
4194 .contains(fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE) =>
4195 {
4196 this.inner.send_framework_err(
4197 fidl::encoding::FrameworkErr::UnknownMethod,
4198 header.tx_id,
4199 header.ordinal,
4200 header.dynamic_flags(),
4201 (bytes, handles),
4202 )?;
4203 Ok(BufferCollectionRequest::_UnknownMethod {
4204 ordinal: header.ordinal,
4205 control_handle: BufferCollectionControlHandle {
4206 inner: this.inner.clone(),
4207 },
4208 method_type: fidl::MethodType::TwoWay,
4209 })
4210 }
4211 _ => Err(fidl::Error::UnknownOrdinal {
4212 ordinal: header.ordinal,
4213 protocol_name:
4214 <BufferCollectionMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME,
4215 }),
4216 }))
4217 },
4218 )
4219 }
4222/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] is a connection directly from a
4223/// participant to sysmem re. a buffer collection; often the buffer collection
4224/// is shared with other participants which have their own `BufferCollection`
4225/// client end(s) associated with the same buffer collection. In other words,
4226/// an instance of the `BufferCollection` interface is a view of a buffer
4227/// collection, not the buffer collection itself.
4229/// The `BufferCollection` connection exists to facilitate async indication of
4230/// when the buffer collection has been populated with buffers.
4232/// Also, the channel's closure by the sysmem server is an indication to the
4233/// client that the client should close all VMO handles that were obtained from
4234/// the `BufferCollection` ASAP.
4236/// Some buffer collections can use enough memory that it can be worth avoiding
4237/// allocation overlap (in time) using
4238/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachLifetimeTracking`] so that the
4239/// initiator can tell when enough buffers of the buffer collection have been
4240/// fully deallocated prior to the initiator allocating a new buffer collection.
4242/// Epitaphs are not used in this protocol.
4244pub enum BufferCollectionRequest {
4245 /// Ensure that previous messages have been received server side. This is
4246 /// particularly useful after previous messages that created new tokens,
4247 /// because a token must be known to the sysmem server before sending the
4248 /// token to another participant.
4249 ///
4250 /// Calling [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Sync`] on a token that
4251 /// isn't/wasn't a valid token risks the `Sync` stalling forever. See
4252 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.ValidateBufferCollectionToken`] for one way
4253 /// to mitigate the possibility of a hostile/fake
4254 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] at the cost of one round trip.
4255 /// Another way is to pass the token to
4256 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator/BindSharedCollection`], which also validates
4257 /// the token as part of exchanging it for a
4258 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] channel, and
4259 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Sync`] can then be used without risk
4260 /// of stalling.
4261 ///
4262 /// After creating one or more [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`](s)
4263 /// and then starting and completing a `Sync`, it's then safe to send the
4264 /// `BufferCollectionToken` client ends to other participants knowing the
4265 /// server will recognize the tokens when they're sent by the other
4266 /// participants to sysmem in a
4267 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] message. This is an
4268 /// efficient way to create tokens while avoiding unnecessary round trips.
4269 ///
4270 /// Other options include waiting for each
4271 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate`] to complete
4272 /// individually (using separate call to `Sync` after each), or calling
4273 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Sync`] after a token has been
4274 /// converted to a `BufferCollection` via
4275 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`], or using
4276 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.DuplicateSync`] which includes
4277 /// the sync step and can create multiple tokens at once.
4278 Sync { responder: BufferCollectionSyncResponder },
4279 /// ###### On a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] channel:
4280 ///
4281 /// Normally a participant will convert a `BufferCollectionToken` into a
4282 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`], but a participant can instead send
4283 /// `Release` via the token (and then close the channel immediately or
4284 /// shortly later in response to server closing the server end), which
4285 /// avoids causing buffer collection failure. Without a prior `Release`,
4286 /// closing the `BufferCollectionToken` client end will cause buffer
4287 /// collection failure.
4288 ///
4289 /// ###### On a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] channel:
4290 ///
4291 /// By default the server handles unexpected closure of a
4292 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] client end (without `Release`
4293 /// first) by failing the buffer collection. Partly this is to expedite
4294 /// closing VMO handles to reclaim memory when any participant fails. If a
4295 /// participant would like to cleanly close a `BufferCollection` without
4296 /// causing buffer collection failure, the participant can send `Release`
4297 /// before closing the `BufferCollection` client end. The `Release` can
4298 /// occur before or after `SetConstraints`. If before `SetConstraints`, the
4299 /// buffer collection won't require constraints from this node in order to
4300 /// allocate. If after `SetConstraints`, the constraints are retained and
4301 /// aggregated, despite the lack of `BufferCollection` connection at the
4302 /// time of constraints aggregation.
4303 ///
4304 /// ###### On a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`] channel:
4305 ///
4306 /// By default, unexpected closure of a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` client
4307 /// end (without `Release` first) will trigger failure of the buffer
4308 /// collection. To close a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` channel without
4309 /// failing the buffer collection, ensure that AllChildrenPresent() has been
4310 /// sent, and send `Release` before closing the `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`
4311 /// client end.
4312 ///
4313 /// If `Release` occurs before
4314 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup.AllChildrenPresent], the
4315 /// buffer collection will fail (triggered by reception of `Release` without
4316 /// prior `AllChildrenPresent`). This is intentionally not analogous to how
4317 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Release`] without
4318 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] first doesn't cause
4319 /// buffer collection failure. For a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`, clean
4320 /// close requires `AllChildrenPresent` (if not already sent), then
4321 /// `Release`, then close client end.
4322 ///
4323 /// If `Release` occurs after `AllChildrenPresent`, the children and all
4324 /// their constraints remain intact (just as they would if the
4325 /// `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` channel had remained open), and the client
4326 /// end close doesn't trigger buffer collection failure.
4327 ///
4328 /// ###### On all [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] channels (any of the above):
4329 ///
4330 /// For brevity, the per-channel-protocol paragraphs above ignore the
4331 /// separate failure domain created by
4332 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.SetDispensable`] or
4333 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`]. When a client end
4334 /// unexpectedly closes (without `Release` first) and that client end is
4335 /// under a failure domain, instead of failing the whole buffer collection,
4336 /// the failure domain is failed, but the buffer collection itself is
4337 /// isolated from failure of the failure domain. Such failure domains can be
4338 /// nested, in which case only the inner-most failure domain in which the
4339 /// `Node` resides fails.
4340 Release { control_handle: BufferCollectionControlHandle },
4341 /// Set a name for VMOs in this buffer collection.
4342 ///
4343 /// If the name doesn't fit in ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN, the name of the vmo itself
4344 /// will be truncated to fit. The name of the vmo will be suffixed with the
4345 /// buffer index within the collection (if the suffix fits within
4346 /// ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN). The name specified here (without truncation) will be
4347 /// listed in the inspect data.
4348 ///
4349 /// The name only affects VMOs allocated after the name is set; this call
4350 /// does not rename existing VMOs. If multiple clients set different names
4351 /// then the larger priority value will win. Setting a new name with the
4352 /// same priority as a prior name doesn't change the name.
4353 ///
4354 /// All table fields are currently required.
4355 ///
4356 /// + request `priority` The name is only set if this is the first `SetName`
4357 /// or if `priority` is greater than any previous `priority` value in
4358 /// prior `SetName` calls across all `Node`(s) of this buffer collection.
4359 /// + request `name` The name for VMOs created under this buffer collection.
4360 SetName { payload: NodeSetNameRequest, control_handle: BufferCollectionControlHandle },
4361 /// Set information about the current client that can be used by sysmem to
4362 /// help diagnose leaking memory and allocation stalls waiting for a
4363 /// participant to send [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`].
4364 ///
4365 /// This sets the debug client info on this [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] and all
4366 /// `Node`(s) derived from this `Node`, unless overriden by
4367 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`] or a later
4368 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`].
4369 ///
4370 /// Sending [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`] once per
4371 /// `Allocator` is the most efficient way to ensure that all
4372 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`](s) will have at least some debug client info
4373 /// set, and is also more efficient than separately sending the same debug
4374 /// client info via [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`] for each
4375 /// created [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`].
4376 ///
4377 /// Also used when verbose logging is enabled (see `SetVerboseLogging`) to
4378 /// indicate which client is closing their channel first, leading to subtree
4379 /// failure (which can be normal if the purpose of the subtree is over, but
4380 /// if happening earlier than expected, the client-channel-specific name can
4381 /// help diagnose where the failure is first coming from, from sysmem's
4382 /// point of view).
4383 ///
4384 /// All table fields are currently required.
4385 ///
4386 /// + request `name` This can be an arbitrary string, but the current
4387 /// process name (see `fsl::GetCurrentProcessName`) is a good default.
4388 /// + request `id` This can be an arbitrary id, but the current process ID
4389 /// (see `fsl::GetCurrentProcessKoid`) is a good default.
4390 SetDebugClientInfo {
4391 payload: NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest,
4392 control_handle: BufferCollectionControlHandle,
4393 },
4394 /// Sysmem logs a warning if sysmem hasn't seen
4395 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] from all clients
4396 /// within 5 seconds after creation of a new collection.
4397 ///
4398 /// Clients can call this method to change when the log is printed. If
4399 /// multiple client set the deadline, it's unspecified which deadline will
4400 /// take effect.
4401 ///
4402 /// In most cases the default works well.
4403 ///
4404 /// All table fields are currently required.
4405 ///
4406 /// + request `deadline` The time at which sysmem will start trying to log
4407 /// the warning, unless all constraints are with sysmem by then.
4408 SetDebugTimeoutLogDeadline {
4409 payload: NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest,
4410 control_handle: BufferCollectionControlHandle,
4411 },
4412 /// This enables verbose logging for the buffer collection.
4413 ///
4414 /// Verbose logging includes constraints set via
4415 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] from each client
4416 /// along with info set via [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`] (or
4417 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`]) and the structure of
4418 /// the tree of `Node`(s).
4419 ///
4420 /// Normally sysmem prints only a single line complaint when aggregation
4421 /// fails, with just the specific detailed reason that aggregation failed,
4422 /// with little surrounding context. While this is often enough to diagnose
4423 /// a problem if only a small change was made and everything was working
4424 /// before the small change, it's often not particularly helpful for getting
4425 /// a new buffer collection to work for the first time. Especially with
4426 /// more complex trees of nodes, involving things like
4427 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`],
4428 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.SetDispensable`],
4429 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`] nodes, and associated
4430 /// subtrees of nodes, verbose logging may help in diagnosing what the tree
4431 /// looks like and why it's failing a logical allocation, or why a tree or
4432 /// subtree is failing sooner than expected.
4433 ///
4434 /// The intent of the extra logging is to be acceptable from a performance
4435 /// point of view, under the assumption that verbose logging is only enabled
4436 /// on a low number of buffer collections. If we're not tracking down a bug,
4437 /// we shouldn't send this message.
4438 SetVerboseLogging { control_handle: BufferCollectionControlHandle },
4439 /// This gets a handle that can be used as a parameter to
4440 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.IsAlternateFor`] called on any
4441 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`]. This handle is only for use as proof that the
4442 /// client obtained this handle from this `Node`.
4443 ///
4444 /// Because this is a get not a set, no [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.Sync`] is
4445 /// needed between the `GetNodeRef` and the call to `IsAlternateFor`,
4446 /// despite the two calls typically being on different channels.
4447 ///
4448 /// See also [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.IsAlternateFor`].
4449 ///
4450 /// All table fields are currently required.
4451 ///
4452 /// - response `node_ref` This handle can be sent via `IsAlternateFor` on a
4453 /// different `Node` channel, to prove that the client obtained the handle
4454 /// from this `Node`.
4455 GetNodeRef { responder: BufferCollectionGetNodeRefResponder },
4456 /// Check whether the calling [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] is in a subtree
4457 /// rooted at a different child token of a common parent
4458 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`], in relation to the
4459 /// passed-in `node_ref`.
4460 ///
4461 /// This call is for assisting with admission control de-duplication, and
4462 /// with debugging.
4463 ///
4464 /// The `node_ref` must be obtained using
4465 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.GetNodeRef`].
4466 ///
4467 /// The `node_ref` can be a duplicated handle; it's not necessary to call
4468 /// `GetNodeRef` for every call to [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.IsAlternateFor`].
4469 ///
4470 /// If a calling token may not actually be a valid token at all due to a
4471 /// potentially hostile/untrusted provider of the token, call
4472 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.ValidateBufferCollectionToken`] first
4473 /// instead of potentially getting stuck indefinitely if `IsAlternateFor`
4474 /// never responds due to a calling token not being a real token (not really
4475 /// talking to sysmem). Another option is to call
4476 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] with this token first
4477 /// which also validates the token along with converting it to a
4478 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`], then call `IsAlternateFor`.
4479 ///
4480 /// All table fields are currently required.
4481 ///
4482 /// - response `is_alternate`
4483 /// - true: The first parent node in common between the calling node and
4484 /// the `node_ref` `Node` is a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`. This means
4485 /// that the calling `Node` and the `node_ref` `Node` will not have both
4486 /// their constraints apply - rather sysmem will choose one or the other
4487 /// of the constraints - never both. This is because only one child of
4488 /// a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` is selected during logical
4489 /// allocation, with only that one child's subtree contributing to
4490 /// constraints aggregation.
4491 /// - false: The first parent node in common between the calling `Node`
4492 /// and the `node_ref` `Node` is not a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`.
4493 /// Currently, this means the first parent node in common is a
4494 /// `BufferCollectionToken` or `BufferCollection` (regardless of not
4495 /// `Release`ed). This means that the calling `Node` and the `node_ref`
4496 /// `Node` may have both their constraints apply during constraints
4497 /// aggregation of the logical allocation, if both `Node`(s) are
4498 /// selected by any parent `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`(s) involved. In
4499 /// this case, there is no `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` that will
4500 /// directly prevent the two `Node`(s) from both being selected and
4501 /// their constraints both aggregated, but even when false, one or both
4502 /// `Node`(s) may still be eliminated from consideration if one or both
4503 /// `Node`(s) has a direct or indirect parent
4504 /// `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` which selects a child subtree other
4505 /// than the subtree containing the calling `Node` or `node_ref` `Node`.
4506 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.NOT_FOUND]` The node_ref wasn't
4507 /// associated with the same buffer collection as the calling `Node`.
4508 /// Another reason for this error is if the `node_ref` is an
4509 /// [`zx.Handle.EVENT`] handle with sufficient rights, but isn't actually
4510 /// a real `node_ref` obtained from `GetNodeRef`.
4511 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.PROTOCOL_DEVIATION]` The caller passed a
4512 /// `node_ref` that isn't a [`zx.Handle:EVENT`] handle , or doesn't have
4513 /// the needed rights expected on a real `node_ref`.
4514 /// * No other failing status codes are returned by this call. However,
4515 /// sysmem may add additional codes in future, so the client should have
4516 /// sensible default handling for any failing status code.
4517 IsAlternateFor {
4518 payload: NodeIsAlternateForRequest,
4519 responder: BufferCollectionIsAlternateForResponder,
4520 },
4521 /// Get the buffer collection ID. This ID is also available from
4522 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.GetVmoInfo`] (along with the `buffer_index`
4523 /// within the collection).
4524 ///
4525 /// This call is mainly useful in situations where we can't convey a
4526 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] or
4527 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] directly, but can only convey a VMO
4528 /// handle, which can be joined back up with a `BufferCollection` client end
4529 /// that was created via a different path. Prefer to convey a
4530 /// `BufferCollectionToken` or `BufferCollection` directly when feasible.
4531 ///
4532 /// Trusting a `buffer_collection_id` value from a source other than sysmem
4533 /// is analogous to trusting a koid value from a source other than zircon.
4534 /// Both should be avoided unless really necessary, and both require
4535 /// caution. In some situations it may be reasonable to refer to a
4536 /// pre-established `BufferCollection` by `buffer_collection_id` via a
4537 /// protocol for efficiency reasons, but an incoming value purporting to be
4538 /// a `buffer_collection_id` is not sufficient alone to justify granting the
4539 /// sender of the `buffer_collection_id` any capability. The sender must
4540 /// first prove to a receiver that the sender has/had a VMO or has/had a
4541 /// `BufferCollectionToken` to the same collection by sending a handle that
4542 /// sysmem confirms is a valid sysmem handle and which sysmem maps to the
4543 /// `buffer_collection_id` value. The receiver should take care to avoid
4544 /// assuming that a sender had a `BufferCollectionToken` in cases where the
4545 /// sender has only proven that the sender had a VMO.
4546 ///
4547 /// - response `buffer_collection_id` This ID is unique per buffer
4548 /// collection per boot. Each buffer is uniquely identified by the
4549 /// `buffer_collection_id` and `buffer_index` together.
4550 GetBufferCollectionId { responder: BufferCollectionGetBufferCollectionIdResponder },
4551 /// Sets the current [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] and all child `Node`(s)
4552 /// created after this message to weak, which means that a client's `Node`
4553 /// client end (or a child created after this message) is not alone
4554 /// sufficient to keep allocated VMOs alive.
4555 ///
4556 /// All VMOs obtained from weak `Node`(s) are weak sysmem VMOs. See also
4557 /// `close_weak_asap`.
4558 ///
4559 /// This message is only permitted before the `Node` becomes ready for
4560 /// allocation (else the server closes the channel with `ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE`):
4561 /// * `BufferCollectionToken`: any time
4562 /// * `BufferCollection`: before `SetConstraints`
4563 /// * `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`: before `AllChildrenPresent`
4564 ///
4565 /// Currently, no conversion from strong `Node` to weak `Node` after ready
4566 /// for allocation is provided, but a client can simulate that by creating
4567 /// an additional `Node` before allocation and setting that additional
4568 /// `Node` to weak, and then potentially at some point later sending
4569 /// `Release` and closing the client end of the client's strong `Node`, but
4570 /// keeping the client's weak `Node`.
4571 ///
4572 /// Zero strong `Node`(s) and zero strong VMO handles will result in buffer
4573 /// collection failure (all `Node` client end(s) will see
4574 /// `ZX_CHANNEL_PEER_CLOSED` and all `close_weak_asap` `client_end`(s) will
4575 /// see `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED`), but sysmem (intentionally) won't notice
4576 /// this situation until all `Node`(s) are ready for allocation. For initial
4577 /// allocation to succeed, at least one strong `Node` is required to exist
4578 /// at allocation time, but after that client receives VMO handles, that
4579 /// client can `BufferCollection.Release` and close the client end without
4580 /// causing this type of failure.
4581 ///
4582 /// This implies [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetWeakOk`] as well, but does not
4583 /// imply `SetWeakOk` with `for_children_also` true, which can be sent
4584 /// separately as appropriate.
4585 SetWeak { control_handle: BufferCollectionControlHandle },
4586 /// This indicates to sysmem that the client is prepared to pay attention to
4587 /// `close_weak_asap`.
4588 ///
4589 /// If sent, this message must be before
4590 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`].
4591 ///
4592 /// All participants using a weak [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] must
4593 /// send this message before `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`, or a parent
4594 /// `Node` must have sent [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetWeakOk`] with
4595 /// `for_child_nodes_also` true, else the `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated` will
4596 /// trigger buffer collection failure.
4597 ///
4598 /// This message is necessary because weak sysmem VMOs have not always been
4599 /// a thing, so older clients are not aware of the need to pay attention to
4600 /// `close_weak_asap` `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` and close all remaining
4601 /// sysmem weak VMO handles asap. By having this message and requiring
4602 /// participants to indicate their acceptance of this aspect of the overall
4603 /// protocol, we avoid situations where an older client is delivered a weak
4604 /// VMO without any way for sysmem to get that VMO to close quickly later
4605 /// (and on a per-buffer basis).
4606 ///
4607 /// A participant that doesn't handle `close_weak_asap` and also doesn't
4608 /// retrieve any VMO handles via `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated` doesn't need
4609 /// to send `SetWeakOk` (and doesn't need to have a parent `Node` send
4610 /// `SetWeakOk` with `for_child_nodes_also` true either). However, if that
4611 /// same participant has a child/delegate which does retrieve VMOs, that
4612 /// child/delegate will need to send `SetWeakOk` before
4613 /// `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`.
4614 ///
4615 /// + request `for_child_nodes_also` If present and true, this means direct
4616 /// child nodes of this node created after this message plus all
4617 /// descendants of those nodes will behave as if `SetWeakOk` was sent on
4618 /// those nodes. Any child node of this node that was created before this
4619 /// message is not included. This setting is "sticky" in the sense that a
4620 /// subsequent `SetWeakOk` without this bool set to true does not reset
4621 /// the server-side bool. If this creates a problem for a participant, a
4622 /// workaround is to `SetWeakOk` with `for_child_nodes_also` true on child
4623 /// tokens instead, as appropriate. A participant should only set
4624 /// `for_child_nodes_also` true if the participant can really promise to
4625 /// obey `close_weak_asap` both for its own weak VMO handles, and for all
4626 /// weak VMO handles held by participants holding the corresponding child
4627 /// `Node`(s). When `for_child_nodes_also` is set, descendent `Node`(s)
4628 /// which are using sysmem(1) can be weak, despite the clients of those
4629 /// sysmem1 `Node`(s) not having any direct way to `SetWeakOk` or any
4630 /// direct way to find out about `close_weak_asap`. This only applies to
4631 /// descendents of this `Node` which are using sysmem(1), not to this
4632 /// `Node` when converted directly from a sysmem2 token to a sysmem(1)
4633 /// token, which will fail allocation unless an ancestor of this `Node`
4634 /// specified `for_child_nodes_also` true.
4635 SetWeakOk { payload: NodeSetWeakOkRequest, control_handle: BufferCollectionControlHandle },
4636 /// The server_end will be closed after this `Node` and any child nodes have
4637 /// have released their buffer counts, making those counts available for
4638 /// reservation by a different `Node` via
4639 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`].
4640 ///
4641 /// The `Node` buffer counts may not be released until the entire tree of
4642 /// `Node`(s) is closed or failed, because
4643 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Release`] followed by channel close
4644 /// does not immediately un-reserve the `Node` buffer counts. Instead, the
4645 /// `Node` buffer counts remain reserved until the orphaned node is later
4646 /// cleaned up.
4647 ///
4648 /// If the `Node` exceeds a fairly large number of attached eventpair server
4649 /// ends, a log message will indicate this and the `Node` (and the
4650 /// appropriate) sub-tree will fail.
4651 ///
4652 /// The `server_end` will remain open when
4653 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] converts a
4654 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] into a
4655 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`].
4656 ///
4657 /// This message can also be used with a
4658 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`].
4659 AttachNodeTracking {
4660 payload: NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest,
4661 control_handle: BufferCollectionControlHandle,
4662 },
4663 /// Provide [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionConstraints`] to the buffer
4664 /// collection.
4665 ///
4666 /// A participant may only call
4667 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] up to once per
4668 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`].
4669 ///
4670 /// For buffer allocation to be attempted, all holders of a
4671 /// `BufferCollection` client end need to call `SetConstraints` before
4672 /// sysmem will attempt to allocate buffers.
4673 ///
4674 /// + request `constraints` These are the constraints on the buffer
4675 /// collection imposed by the sending client/participant. The
4676 /// `constraints` field is not required to be set. If not set, the client
4677 /// is not setting any actual constraints, but is indicating that the
4678 /// client has no constraints to set. A client that doesn't set the
4679 /// `constraints` field won't receive any VMO handles, but can still find
4680 /// out how many buffers were allocated and can still refer to buffers by
4681 /// their `buffer_index`.
4682 SetConstraints {
4683 payload: BufferCollectionSetConstraintsRequest,
4684 control_handle: BufferCollectionControlHandle,
4685 },
4686 /// Wait until all buffers are allocated.
4687 ///
4688 /// This FIDL call completes when buffers have been allocated, or completes
4689 /// with some failure detail if allocation has been attempted but failed.
4690 ///
4691 /// The following must occur before buffers will be allocated:
4692 /// * All [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`](s) of the buffer
4693 /// collection must be turned in via `BindSharedCollection` to get a
4694 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] (for brevity, this is assuming
4695 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`] isn't being used),
4696 /// or have had [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Release`] sent
4697 /// to them.
4698 /// * All [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`](s) of the buffer collection
4699 /// must have had [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`]
4700 /// sent to them, or had [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Release`]
4701 /// sent to them.
4702 ///
4703 /// - result `buffer_collection_info` The VMO handles and other related
4704 /// info.
4705 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.NO_MEMORY]` The request is valid but
4706 /// cannot be fulfilled due to resource exhaustion.
4707 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.PROTOCOL_DEVIATION`] The request is
4708 /// malformed.
4709 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.CONSTRAINTS_INTERSECTION_EMPTY`] The
4710 /// request is valid but cannot be satisfied, perhaps due to hardware
4711 /// limitations. This can happen if participants have incompatible
4712 /// constraints (empty intersection, roughly speaking). See the log for
4713 /// more info. In cases where a participant could potentially be treated
4714 /// as optional, see [`BufferCollectionTokenGroup`]. When using
4715 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`], this will be the
4716 /// error code if there aren't enough buffers in the pre-existing
4717 /// collection to satisfy the constraints set on the attached token and
4718 /// any sub-tree of tokens derived from the attached token.
4719 WaitForAllBuffersAllocated { responder: BufferCollectionWaitForAllBuffersAllocatedResponder },
4720 /// Checks whether all the buffers have been allocated, in a polling
4721 /// fashion.
4722 ///
4723 /// * If the buffer collection has been allocated, returns success.
4724 /// * If the buffer collection failed allocation, returns the same
4725 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Error`] as
4726 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection/WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`] would
4727 /// return.
4728 /// * error [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.PENDING`] The buffer collection hasn't
4729 /// attempted allocation yet. This means that WaitForAllBuffersAllocated
4730 /// would not respond quickly.
4731 CheckAllBuffersAllocated { responder: BufferCollectionCheckAllBuffersAllocatedResponder },
4732 /// Create a new token to add a new participant to an existing logical
4733 /// buffer collection, if the existing collection's buffer counts,
4734 /// constraints, and participants allow.
4735 ///
4736 /// This can be useful in replacing a failed participant, and/or in
4737 /// adding/re-adding a participant after buffers have already been
4738 /// allocated.
4739 ///
4740 /// When [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`] is used, the sub
4741 /// tree rooted at the attached [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`]
4742 /// goes through the normal procedure of setting constraints or closing
4743 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`](s), and then appearing to allocate buffers from
4744 /// clients' point of view, despite the possibility that all the buffers
4745 /// were actually allocated previously. This process is called "logical
4746 /// allocation". Most instances of "allocation" in docs for other messages
4747 /// can also be read as "allocation or logical allocation" while remaining
4748 /// valid, but we just say "allocation" in most places for brevity/clarity
4749 /// of explanation, with the details of "logical allocation" left for the
4750 /// docs here on `AttachToken`.
4751 ///
4752 /// Failure of an attached `Node` does not propagate to the parent of the
4753 /// attached `Node`. More generally, failure of a child `Node` is blocked
4754 /// from reaching its parent `Node` if the child is attached, or if the
4755 /// child is dispensable and the failure occurred after logical allocation
4756 /// (see [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.SetDispensable`]).
4757 ///
4758 /// A participant may in some scenarios choose to initially use a
4759 /// dispensable token for a given instance of a delegate participant, and
4760 /// then later if the first instance of that delegate participant fails, a
4761 /// new second instance of that delegate participant my be given a token
4762 /// created with `AttachToken`.
4763 ///
4764 /// From the point of view of the [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`]
4765 /// client end, the token acts like any other token. The client can
4766 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate`] the token as needed,
4767 /// and can send the token to a different process/participant. The
4768 /// `BufferCollectionToken` `Node` should be converted to a
4769 /// `BufferCollection` `Node` as normal by sending
4770 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`], or can be closed
4771 /// without causing subtree failure by sending
4772 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Release`]. Assuming the former,
4773 /// the [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] message or
4774 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Release`] message should be sent to
4775 /// the `BufferCollection`.
4776 ///
4777 /// Within the subtree, a success result from
4778 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`] means
4779 /// the subtree participants' constraints were satisfiable using the
4780 /// already-existing buffer collection, the already-established
4781 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionInfo`] including image format
4782 /// constraints, and the already-existing other participants (already added
4783 /// via successful logical allocation) and their specified buffer counts in
4784 /// their constraints. A failure result means the new participants'
4785 /// constraints cannot be satisfied using the existing buffer collection and
4786 /// its already-added participants. Creating a new collection instead may
4787 /// allow all participants' constraints to be satisfied, assuming
4788 /// `SetDispensable` is used in place of `AttachToken`, or a normal token is
4789 /// used.
4790 ///
4791 /// A token created with `AttachToken` performs constraints aggregation with
4792 /// all constraints currently in effect on the buffer collection, plus the
4793 /// attached token under consideration plus child tokens under the attached
4794 /// token which are not themselves an attached token or under such a token.
4795 /// Further subtrees under this subtree are considered for logical
4796 /// allocation only after this subtree has completed logical allocation.
4797 ///
4798 /// Assignment of existing buffers to participants'
4799 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionConstraints.min_buffer_count_for_camping`]
4800 /// etc is first-come first-served, but a child can't logically allocate
4801 /// before all its parents have sent `SetConstraints`.
4802 ///
4803 /// See also [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.SetDispensable`], which
4804 /// in contrast to `AttachToken`, has the created token `Node` + child
4805 /// `Node`(s) (in the created subtree but not in any subtree under this
4806 /// subtree) participate in constraints aggregation along with its parent
4807 /// during the parent's allocation or logical allocation.
4808 ///
4809 /// Similar to [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate`], the
4810 /// newly created token needs to be [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.Sync`]ed to
4811 /// sysmem before the new token can be passed to `BindSharedCollection`. The
4812 /// `Sync` of the new token can be accomplished with
4813 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Sync`] after converting the created
4814 /// `BufferCollectionToken` to a `BufferCollection`. Alternately,
4815 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Sync`] on the new token also
4816 /// works. Or using [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.DuplicateSync`]
4817 /// works. As usual, a `BufferCollectionToken.Sync` can be started after any
4818 /// `BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate` messages have been sent via the newly
4819 /// created token, to also sync those additional tokens to sysmem using a
4820 /// single round-trip.
4821 ///
4822 /// All table fields are currently required.
4823 ///
4824 /// + request `rights_attentuation_mask` This allows attenuating the VMO
4825 /// rights of the subtree. These values for `rights_attenuation_mask`
4826 /// result in no attenuation (note that 0 is not on this list):
4827 /// + ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS (preferred)
4828 /// + 0xFFFFFFFF (this is reasonable when an attenuation mask is computed)
4829 /// + request `token_request` The server end of the `BufferCollectionToken`
4830 /// channel. The client retains the client end.
4831 AttachToken {
4832 payload: BufferCollectionAttachTokenRequest,
4833 control_handle: BufferCollectionControlHandle,
4834 },
4835 /// Set up an eventpair to be signalled (`ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED`) when
4836 /// buffers have been allocated and only the specified number of buffers (or
4837 /// fewer) remain in the buffer collection.
4838 ///
4839 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachLifetimeTracking`] allows a
4840 /// client to wait until an old buffer collection is fully or mostly
4841 /// deallocated before attempting allocation of a new buffer collection. The
4842 /// eventpair is only signalled when the buffers of this collection have
4843 /// been fully deallocated (not just un-referenced by clients, but all the
4844 /// memory consumed by those buffers has been fully reclaimed/recycled), or
4845 /// when allocation or logical allocation fails for the tree or subtree
4846 /// including this [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`].
4847 ///
4848 /// The eventpair won't be signalled until allocation or logical allocation
4849 /// has completed; until then, the collection's current buffer count is
4850 /// ignored.
4851 ///
4852 /// If logical allocation fails for an attached subtree (using
4853 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`]), the server end of the
4854 /// eventpair will close during that failure regardless of the number of
4855 /// buffers potenitally allocated in the overall buffer collection. This is
4856 /// for logical allocation consistency with normal allocation.
4857 ///
4858 /// The lifetime signalled by this event includes asynchronous cleanup of
4859 /// allocated buffers, and this asynchronous cleanup cannot occur until all
4860 /// holders of VMO handles to the buffers have closed those VMO handles.
4861 /// Therefore, clients should take care not to become blocked forever
4862 /// waiting for `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` to be signalled if any of the
4863 /// participants using the logical buffer collection (including the waiter
4864 /// itself) are less trusted, less reliable, or potentially blocked by the
4865 /// wait itself. Waiting asynchronously is recommended. Setting a deadline
4866 /// for the client wait may be prudent, depending on details of how the
4867 /// collection and/or its VMOs are used or shared. Failure to allocate a
4868 /// new/replacement buffer collection is better than getting stuck forever.
4869 ///
4870 /// The sysmem server itself intentionally does not perform any waiting on
4871 /// already-failed collections' VMOs to finish cleaning up before attempting
4872 /// a new allocation, and the sysmem server intentionally doesn't retry
4873 /// allocation if a new allocation fails due to out of memory, even if that
4874 /// failure is potentially due to continued existence of an old collection's
4875 /// VMOs. This `AttachLifetimeTracking` message is how an initiator can
4876 /// mitigate too much overlap of old VMO lifetimes with new VMO lifetimes,
4877 /// as long as the waiting client is careful to not create a deadlock.
4878 ///
4879 /// Continued existence of old collections that are still cleaning up is not
4880 /// the only reason that a new allocation may fail due to insufficient
4881 /// memory, even if the new allocation is allocating physically contiguous
4882 /// buffers. Overall system memory pressure can also be the cause of failure
4883 /// to allocate a new collection. See also
4884 /// [`fuchsia.memorypressure/Provider`].
4885 ///
4886 /// `AttachLifetimeTracking` is meant to be compatible with other protocols
4887 /// with a similar `AttachLifetimeTracking` message; duplicates of the same
4888 /// `eventpair` handle (server end) can be sent via more than one
4889 /// `AttachLifetimeTracking` message to different protocols, and the
4890 /// `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` will be signalled for the client end when all
4891 /// the conditions are met (all holders of duplicates have closed their
4892 /// server end handle(s)). Also, thanks to how eventpair endponts work, the
4893 /// client end can (also) be duplicated without preventing the
4894 /// `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` signal.
4895 ///
4896 /// The server intentionally doesn't "trust" any signals set on the
4897 /// `server_end`. This mechanism intentionally uses only
4898 /// `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` set on the client end, which can't be set
4899 /// "early", and is only set when all handles to the server end eventpair
4900 /// are closed. No meaning is associated with any of the other signals, and
4901 /// clients should ignore any other signal bits on either end of the
4902 /// `eventpair`.
4903 ///
4904 /// The `server_end` may lack `ZX_RIGHT_SIGNAL` or `ZX_RIGHT_SIGNAL_PEER`,
4905 /// but must have `ZX_RIGHT_DUPLICATE` (and must have `ZX_RIGHT_TRANSFER` to
4906 /// transfer without causing `BufferCollection` channel failure).
4907 ///
4908 /// All table fields are currently required.
4909 ///
4910 /// + request `server_end` This eventpair handle will be closed by the
4911 /// sysmem server when buffers have been allocated initially and the
4912 /// number of buffers is then less than or equal to `buffers_remaining`.
4913 /// + request `buffers_remaining` Wait for all but `buffers_remaining` (or
4914 /// fewer) buffers to be fully deallocated. A number greater than zero can
4915 /// be useful in situations where a known number of buffers are
4916 /// intentionally not closed so that the data can continue to be used,
4917 /// such as for keeping the last available video frame displayed in the UI
4918 /// even if the video stream was using protected output buffers. It's
4919 /// outside the scope of the `BufferCollection` interface (at least for
4920 /// now) to determine how many buffers may be held without closing, but
4921 /// it'll typically be in the range 0-2.
4922 AttachLifetimeTracking {
4923 payload: BufferCollectionAttachLifetimeTrackingRequest,
4924 control_handle: BufferCollectionControlHandle,
4925 },
4926 /// An interaction was received which does not match any known method.
4927 #[non_exhaustive]
4928 _UnknownMethod {
4929 /// Ordinal of the method that was called.
4930 ordinal: u64,
4931 control_handle: BufferCollectionControlHandle,
4932 method_type: fidl::MethodType,
4933 },
4936impl BufferCollectionRequest {
4937 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
4938 pub fn into_sync(self) -> Option<(BufferCollectionSyncResponder)> {
4939 if let BufferCollectionRequest::Sync { responder } = self {
4940 Some((responder))
4941 } else {
4942 None
4943 }
4944 }
4946 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
4947 pub fn into_release(self) -> Option<(BufferCollectionControlHandle)> {
4948 if let BufferCollectionRequest::Release { control_handle } = self {
4949 Some((control_handle))
4950 } else {
4951 None
4952 }
4953 }
4955 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
4956 pub fn into_set_name(self) -> Option<(NodeSetNameRequest, BufferCollectionControlHandle)> {
4957 if let BufferCollectionRequest::SetName { payload, control_handle } = self {
4958 Some((payload, control_handle))
4959 } else {
4960 None
4961 }
4962 }
4964 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
4965 pub fn into_set_debug_client_info(
4966 self,
4967 ) -> Option<(NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest, BufferCollectionControlHandle)> {
4968 if let BufferCollectionRequest::SetDebugClientInfo { payload, control_handle } = self {
4969 Some((payload, control_handle))
4970 } else {
4971 None
4972 }
4973 }
4975 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
4976 pub fn into_set_debug_timeout_log_deadline(
4977 self,
4978 ) -> Option<(NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest, BufferCollectionControlHandle)> {
4979 if let BufferCollectionRequest::SetDebugTimeoutLogDeadline { payload, control_handle } =
4980 self
4981 {
4982 Some((payload, control_handle))
4983 } else {
4984 None
4985 }
4986 }
4988 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
4989 pub fn into_set_verbose_logging(self) -> Option<(BufferCollectionControlHandle)> {
4990 if let BufferCollectionRequest::SetVerboseLogging { control_handle } = self {
4991 Some((control_handle))
4992 } else {
4993 None
4994 }
4995 }
4997 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
4998 pub fn into_get_node_ref(self) -> Option<(BufferCollectionGetNodeRefResponder)> {
4999 if let BufferCollectionRequest::GetNodeRef { responder } = self {
5000 Some((responder))
5001 } else {
5002 None
5003 }
5004 }
5006 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
5007 pub fn into_is_alternate_for(
5008 self,
5009 ) -> Option<(NodeIsAlternateForRequest, BufferCollectionIsAlternateForResponder)> {
5010 if let BufferCollectionRequest::IsAlternateFor { payload, responder } = self {
5011 Some((payload, responder))
5012 } else {
5013 None
5014 }
5015 }
5017 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
5018 pub fn into_get_buffer_collection_id(
5019 self,
5020 ) -> Option<(BufferCollectionGetBufferCollectionIdResponder)> {
5021 if let BufferCollectionRequest::GetBufferCollectionId { responder } = self {
5022 Some((responder))
5023 } else {
5024 None
5025 }
5026 }
5028 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
5029 pub fn into_set_weak(self) -> Option<(BufferCollectionControlHandle)> {
5030 if let BufferCollectionRequest::SetWeak { control_handle } = self {
5031 Some((control_handle))
5032 } else {
5033 None
5034 }
5035 }
5037 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
5038 pub fn into_set_weak_ok(self) -> Option<(NodeSetWeakOkRequest, BufferCollectionControlHandle)> {
5039 if let BufferCollectionRequest::SetWeakOk { payload, control_handle } = self {
5040 Some((payload, control_handle))
5041 } else {
5042 None
5043 }
5044 }
5046 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
5047 pub fn into_attach_node_tracking(
5048 self,
5049 ) -> Option<(NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest, BufferCollectionControlHandle)> {
5050 if let BufferCollectionRequest::AttachNodeTracking { payload, control_handle } = self {
5051 Some((payload, control_handle))
5052 } else {
5053 None
5054 }
5055 }
5057 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
5058 pub fn into_set_constraints(
5059 self,
5060 ) -> Option<(BufferCollectionSetConstraintsRequest, BufferCollectionControlHandle)> {
5061 if let BufferCollectionRequest::SetConstraints { payload, control_handle } = self {
5062 Some((payload, control_handle))
5063 } else {
5064 None
5065 }
5066 }
5068 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
5069 pub fn into_wait_for_all_buffers_allocated(
5070 self,
5071 ) -> Option<(BufferCollectionWaitForAllBuffersAllocatedResponder)> {
5072 if let BufferCollectionRequest::WaitForAllBuffersAllocated { responder } = self {
5073 Some((responder))
5074 } else {
5075 None
5076 }
5077 }
5079 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
5080 pub fn into_check_all_buffers_allocated(
5081 self,
5082 ) -> Option<(BufferCollectionCheckAllBuffersAllocatedResponder)> {
5083 if let BufferCollectionRequest::CheckAllBuffersAllocated { responder } = self {
5084 Some((responder))
5085 } else {
5086 None
5087 }
5088 }
5090 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
5091 pub fn into_attach_token(
5092 self,
5093 ) -> Option<(BufferCollectionAttachTokenRequest, BufferCollectionControlHandle)> {
5094 if let BufferCollectionRequest::AttachToken { payload, control_handle } = self {
5095 Some((payload, control_handle))
5096 } else {
5097 None
5098 }
5099 }
5101 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
5102 pub fn into_attach_lifetime_tracking(
5103 self,
5104 ) -> Option<(BufferCollectionAttachLifetimeTrackingRequest, BufferCollectionControlHandle)>
5105 {
5106 if let BufferCollectionRequest::AttachLifetimeTracking { payload, control_handle } = self {
5107 Some((payload, control_handle))
5108 } else {
5109 None
5110 }
5111 }
5113 /// Name of the method defined in FIDL
5114 pub fn method_name(&self) -> &'static str {
5115 match *self {
5116 BufferCollectionRequest::Sync { .. } => "sync",
5117 BufferCollectionRequest::Release { .. } => "release",
5118 BufferCollectionRequest::SetName { .. } => "set_name",
5119 BufferCollectionRequest::SetDebugClientInfo { .. } => "set_debug_client_info",
5120 BufferCollectionRequest::SetDebugTimeoutLogDeadline { .. } => {
5121 "set_debug_timeout_log_deadline"
5122 }
5123 BufferCollectionRequest::SetVerboseLogging { .. } => "set_verbose_logging",
5124 BufferCollectionRequest::GetNodeRef { .. } => "get_node_ref",
5125 BufferCollectionRequest::IsAlternateFor { .. } => "is_alternate_for",
5126 BufferCollectionRequest::GetBufferCollectionId { .. } => "get_buffer_collection_id",
5127 BufferCollectionRequest::SetWeak { .. } => "set_weak",
5128 BufferCollectionRequest::SetWeakOk { .. } => "set_weak_ok",
5129 BufferCollectionRequest::AttachNodeTracking { .. } => "attach_node_tracking",
5130 BufferCollectionRequest::SetConstraints { .. } => "set_constraints",
5131 BufferCollectionRequest::WaitForAllBuffersAllocated { .. } => {
5132 "wait_for_all_buffers_allocated"
5133 }
5134 BufferCollectionRequest::CheckAllBuffersAllocated { .. } => {
5135 "check_all_buffers_allocated"
5136 }
5137 BufferCollectionRequest::AttachToken { .. } => "attach_token",
5138 BufferCollectionRequest::AttachLifetimeTracking { .. } => "attach_lifetime_tracking",
5139 BufferCollectionRequest::_UnknownMethod {
5140 method_type: fidl::MethodType::OneWay,
5141 ..
5142 } => "unknown one-way method",
5143 BufferCollectionRequest::_UnknownMethod {
5144 method_type: fidl::MethodType::TwoWay,
5145 ..
5146 } => "unknown two-way method",
5147 }
5148 }
5151#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
5152pub struct BufferCollectionControlHandle {
5153 inner: std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>,
5156impl fidl::endpoints::ControlHandle for BufferCollectionControlHandle {
5157 fn shutdown(&self) {
5158 self.inner.shutdown()
5159 }
5160 fn shutdown_with_epitaph(&self, status: zx_status::Status) {
5161 self.inner.shutdown_with_epitaph(status)
5162 }
5164 fn is_closed(&self) -> bool {
5166 }
5167 fn on_closed(&self) -> fidl::OnSignalsRef<'_> {
5169 }
5171 #[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
5172 fn signal_peer(
5173 &self,
5174 clear_mask: zx::Signals,
5175 set_mask: zx::Signals,
5176 ) -> Result<(), zx_status::Status> {
5177 use fidl::Peered;
5178, set_mask)
5179 }
5182impl BufferCollectionControlHandle {}
5184#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
5186pub struct BufferCollectionSyncResponder {
5187 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<BufferCollectionControlHandle>,
5188 tx_id: u32,
5191/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`BufferCollectionControlHandle::shutdown`])
5192/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
5193/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
5194impl std::ops::Drop for BufferCollectionSyncResponder {
5195 fn drop(&mut self) {
5196 self.control_handle.shutdown();
5197 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
5198 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
5199 }
5202impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for BufferCollectionSyncResponder {
5203 type ControlHandle = BufferCollectionControlHandle;
5205 fn control_handle(&self) -> &BufferCollectionControlHandle {
5206 &self.control_handle
5207 }
5209 fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
5210 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
5211 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
5212 // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
5213 std::mem::forget(self);
5214 }
5217impl BufferCollectionSyncResponder {
5218 /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
5219 ///
5220 /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
5221 pub fn send(self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5222 let _result = self.send_raw();
5223 if _result.is_err() {
5224 self.control_handle.shutdown();
5225 }
5226 self.drop_without_shutdown();
5227 _result
5228 }
5230 /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
5231 pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5232 let _result = self.send_raw();
5233 self.drop_without_shutdown();
5234 _result
5235 }
5237 fn send_raw(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5238 self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct>>(
5239 fidl::encoding::Flexible::new(()),
5240 self.tx_id,
5241 0x11ac2555cf575b54,
5242 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
5243 )
5244 }
5247#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
5249pub struct BufferCollectionGetNodeRefResponder {
5250 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<BufferCollectionControlHandle>,
5251 tx_id: u32,
5254/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`BufferCollectionControlHandle::shutdown`])
5255/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
5256/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
5257impl std::ops::Drop for BufferCollectionGetNodeRefResponder {
5258 fn drop(&mut self) {
5259 self.control_handle.shutdown();
5260 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
5261 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
5262 }
5265impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for BufferCollectionGetNodeRefResponder {
5266 type ControlHandle = BufferCollectionControlHandle;
5268 fn control_handle(&self) -> &BufferCollectionControlHandle {
5269 &self.control_handle
5270 }
5272 fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
5273 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
5274 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
5275 // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
5276 std::mem::forget(self);
5277 }
5280impl BufferCollectionGetNodeRefResponder {
5281 /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
5282 ///
5283 /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
5284 pub fn send(self, mut payload: NodeGetNodeRefResponse) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5285 let _result = self.send_raw(payload);
5286 if _result.is_err() {
5287 self.control_handle.shutdown();
5288 }
5289 self.drop_without_shutdown();
5290 _result
5291 }
5293 /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
5294 pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
5295 self,
5296 mut payload: NodeGetNodeRefResponse,
5297 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5298 let _result = self.send_raw(payload);
5299 self.drop_without_shutdown();
5300 _result
5301 }
5303 fn send_raw(&self, mut payload: NodeGetNodeRefResponse) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5304 self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<NodeGetNodeRefResponse>>(
5305 fidl::encoding::Flexible::new(&mut payload),
5306 self.tx_id,
5307 0x5b3d0e51614df053,
5308 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
5309 )
5310 }
5313#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
5315pub struct BufferCollectionIsAlternateForResponder {
5316 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<BufferCollectionControlHandle>,
5317 tx_id: u32,
5320/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`BufferCollectionControlHandle::shutdown`])
5321/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
5322/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
5323impl std::ops::Drop for BufferCollectionIsAlternateForResponder {
5324 fn drop(&mut self) {
5325 self.control_handle.shutdown();
5326 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
5327 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
5328 }
5331impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for BufferCollectionIsAlternateForResponder {
5332 type ControlHandle = BufferCollectionControlHandle;
5334 fn control_handle(&self) -> &BufferCollectionControlHandle {
5335 &self.control_handle
5336 }
5338 fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
5339 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
5340 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
5341 // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
5342 std::mem::forget(self);
5343 }
5346impl BufferCollectionIsAlternateForResponder {
5347 /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
5348 ///
5349 /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
5350 pub fn send(
5351 self,
5352 mut result: Result<&NodeIsAlternateForResponse, Error>,
5353 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5354 let _result = self.send_raw(result);
5355 if _result.is_err() {
5356 self.control_handle.shutdown();
5357 }
5358 self.drop_without_shutdown();
5359 _result
5360 }
5362 /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
5363 pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
5364 self,
5365 mut result: Result<&NodeIsAlternateForResponse, Error>,
5366 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5367 let _result = self.send_raw(result);
5368 self.drop_without_shutdown();
5369 _result
5370 }
5372 fn send_raw(
5373 &self,
5374 mut result: Result<&NodeIsAlternateForResponse, Error>,
5375 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5376 self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<
5377 NodeIsAlternateForResponse,
5378 Error,
5379 >>(
5380 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResult::new(result),
5381 self.tx_id,
5382 0x3a58e00157e0825,
5383 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
5384 )
5385 }
5388#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
5390pub struct BufferCollectionGetBufferCollectionIdResponder {
5391 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<BufferCollectionControlHandle>,
5392 tx_id: u32,
5395/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`BufferCollectionControlHandle::shutdown`])
5396/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
5397/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
5398impl std::ops::Drop for BufferCollectionGetBufferCollectionIdResponder {
5399 fn drop(&mut self) {
5400 self.control_handle.shutdown();
5401 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
5402 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
5403 }
5406impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for BufferCollectionGetBufferCollectionIdResponder {
5407 type ControlHandle = BufferCollectionControlHandle;
5409 fn control_handle(&self) -> &BufferCollectionControlHandle {
5410 &self.control_handle
5411 }
5413 fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
5414 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
5415 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
5416 // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
5417 std::mem::forget(self);
5418 }
5421impl BufferCollectionGetBufferCollectionIdResponder {
5422 /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
5423 ///
5424 /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
5425 pub fn send(self, mut payload: &NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5426 let _result = self.send_raw(payload);
5427 if _result.is_err() {
5428 self.control_handle.shutdown();
5429 }
5430 self.drop_without_shutdown();
5431 _result
5432 }
5434 /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
5435 pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
5436 self,
5437 mut payload: &NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse,
5438 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5439 let _result = self.send_raw(payload);
5440 self.drop_without_shutdown();
5441 _result
5442 }
5444 fn send_raw(&self, mut payload: &NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5445 self.control_handle
5446 .inner
5447 .send::<fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse>>(
5448 fidl::encoding::Flexible::new(payload),
5449 self.tx_id,
5450 0x77d19a494b78ba8c,
5451 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
5452 )
5453 }
5456#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
5458pub struct BufferCollectionWaitForAllBuffersAllocatedResponder {
5459 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<BufferCollectionControlHandle>,
5460 tx_id: u32,
5463/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`BufferCollectionControlHandle::shutdown`])
5464/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
5465/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
5466impl std::ops::Drop for BufferCollectionWaitForAllBuffersAllocatedResponder {
5467 fn drop(&mut self) {
5468 self.control_handle.shutdown();
5469 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
5470 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
5471 }
5474impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for BufferCollectionWaitForAllBuffersAllocatedResponder {
5475 type ControlHandle = BufferCollectionControlHandle;
5477 fn control_handle(&self) -> &BufferCollectionControlHandle {
5478 &self.control_handle
5479 }
5481 fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
5482 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
5483 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
5484 // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
5485 std::mem::forget(self);
5486 }
5489impl BufferCollectionWaitForAllBuffersAllocatedResponder {
5490 /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
5491 ///
5492 /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
5493 pub fn send(
5494 self,
5495 mut result: Result<BufferCollectionWaitForAllBuffersAllocatedResponse, Error>,
5496 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5497 let _result = self.send_raw(result);
5498 if _result.is_err() {
5499 self.control_handle.shutdown();
5500 }
5501 self.drop_without_shutdown();
5502 _result
5503 }
5505 /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
5506 pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
5507 self,
5508 mut result: Result<BufferCollectionWaitForAllBuffersAllocatedResponse, Error>,
5509 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5510 let _result = self.send_raw(result);
5511 self.drop_without_shutdown();
5512 _result
5513 }
5515 fn send_raw(
5516 &self,
5517 mut result: Result<BufferCollectionWaitForAllBuffersAllocatedResponse, Error>,
5518 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5519 self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<
5520 BufferCollectionWaitForAllBuffersAllocatedResponse,
5521 Error,
5522 >>(
5523 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResult::new(result.as_mut().map_err(|e| *e)),
5524 self.tx_id,
5525 0x62300344b61404e,
5526 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
5527 )
5528 }
5531#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
5533pub struct BufferCollectionCheckAllBuffersAllocatedResponder {
5534 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<BufferCollectionControlHandle>,
5535 tx_id: u32,
5538/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`BufferCollectionControlHandle::shutdown`])
5539/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
5540/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
5541impl std::ops::Drop for BufferCollectionCheckAllBuffersAllocatedResponder {
5542 fn drop(&mut self) {
5543 self.control_handle.shutdown();
5544 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
5545 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
5546 }
5549impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for BufferCollectionCheckAllBuffersAllocatedResponder {
5550 type ControlHandle = BufferCollectionControlHandle;
5552 fn control_handle(&self) -> &BufferCollectionControlHandle {
5553 &self.control_handle
5554 }
5556 fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
5557 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
5558 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
5559 // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
5560 std::mem::forget(self);
5561 }
5564impl BufferCollectionCheckAllBuffersAllocatedResponder {
5565 /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
5566 ///
5567 /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
5568 pub fn send(self, mut result: Result<(), Error>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5569 let _result = self.send_raw(result);
5570 if _result.is_err() {
5571 self.control_handle.shutdown();
5572 }
5573 self.drop_without_shutdown();
5574 _result
5575 }
5577 /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
5578 pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(self, mut result: Result<(), Error>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5579 let _result = self.send_raw(result);
5580 self.drop_without_shutdown();
5581 _result
5582 }
5584 fn send_raw(&self, mut result: Result<(), Error>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5585 self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<
5586 fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct,
5587 Error,
5588 >>(
5589 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResult::new(result),
5590 self.tx_id,
5591 0x35a5fe77ce939c10,
5592 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
5593 )
5594 }
5597#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
5598pub struct BufferCollectionTokenMarker;
5600impl fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker for BufferCollectionTokenMarker {
5601 type Proxy = BufferCollectionTokenProxy;
5602 type RequestStream = BufferCollectionTokenRequestStream;
5603 #[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
5604 type SynchronousProxy = BufferCollectionTokenSynchronousProxy;
5606 const DEBUG_NAME: &'static str = "(anonymous) BufferCollectionToken";
5609pub trait BufferCollectionTokenProxyInterface: Send + Sync {
5610 type SyncResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<(), fidl::Error>> + Send;
5611 fn r#sync(&self) -> Self::SyncResponseFut;
5612 fn r#release(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
5613 fn r#set_name(&self, payload: &NodeSetNameRequest) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
5614 fn r#set_debug_client_info(
5615 &self,
5616 payload: &NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest,
5617 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
5618 fn r#set_debug_timeout_log_deadline(
5619 &self,
5620 payload: &NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest,
5621 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
5622 fn r#set_verbose_logging(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
5623 type GetNodeRefResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<NodeGetNodeRefResponse, fidl::Error>>
5624 + Send;
5625 fn r#get_node_ref(&self) -> Self::GetNodeRefResponseFut;
5626 type IsAlternateForResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<NodeIsAlternateForResult, fidl::Error>>
5627 + Send;
5628 fn r#is_alternate_for(
5629 &self,
5630 payload: NodeIsAlternateForRequest,
5631 ) -> Self::IsAlternateForResponseFut;
5632 type GetBufferCollectionIdResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse, fidl::Error>>
5633 + Send;
5634 fn r#get_buffer_collection_id(&self) -> Self::GetBufferCollectionIdResponseFut;
5635 fn r#set_weak(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
5636 fn r#set_weak_ok(&self, payload: NodeSetWeakOkRequest) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
5637 fn r#attach_node_tracking(
5638 &self,
5639 payload: NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest,
5640 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
5641 type DuplicateSyncResponseFut: std::future::Future<
5642 Output = Result<BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateSyncResponse, fidl::Error>,
5643 > + Send;
5644 fn r#duplicate_sync(
5645 &self,
5646 payload: &BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateSyncRequest,
5647 ) -> Self::DuplicateSyncResponseFut;
5648 fn r#duplicate(
5649 &self,
5650 payload: BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateRequest,
5651 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
5652 fn r#set_dispensable(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
5653 fn r#create_buffer_collection_token_group(
5654 &self,
5655 payload: BufferCollectionTokenCreateBufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest,
5656 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
5659#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
5660pub struct BufferCollectionTokenSynchronousProxy {
5661 client: fidl::client::sync::Client,
5664#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
5665impl fidl::endpoints::SynchronousProxy for BufferCollectionTokenSynchronousProxy {
5666 type Proxy = BufferCollectionTokenProxy;
5667 type Protocol = BufferCollectionTokenMarker;
5669 fn from_channel(inner: fidl::Channel) -> Self {
5670 Self::new(inner)
5671 }
5673 fn into_channel(self) -> fidl::Channel {
5674 self.client.into_channel()
5675 }
5677 fn as_channel(&self) -> &fidl::Channel {
5678 self.client.as_channel()
5679 }
5682#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
5683impl BufferCollectionTokenSynchronousProxy {
5684 pub fn new(channel: fidl::Channel) -> Self {
5685 let protocol_name =
5686 <BufferCollectionTokenMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME;
5687 Self { client: fidl::client::sync::Client::new(channel, protocol_name) }
5688 }
5690 pub fn into_channel(self) -> fidl::Channel {
5691 self.client.into_channel()
5692 }
5694 /// Waits until an event arrives and returns it. It is safe for other
5695 /// threads to make concurrent requests while waiting for an event.
5696 pub fn wait_for_event(
5697 &self,
5698 deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
5699 ) -> Result<BufferCollectionTokenEvent, fidl::Error> {
5700 BufferCollectionTokenEvent::decode(self.client.wait_for_event(deadline)?)
5701 }
5703 /// Ensure that previous messages have been received server side. This is
5704 /// particularly useful after previous messages that created new tokens,
5705 /// because a token must be known to the sysmem server before sending the
5706 /// token to another participant.
5707 ///
5708 /// Calling [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Sync`] on a token that
5709 /// isn't/wasn't a valid token risks the `Sync` stalling forever. See
5710 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.ValidateBufferCollectionToken`] for one way
5711 /// to mitigate the possibility of a hostile/fake
5712 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] at the cost of one round trip.
5713 /// Another way is to pass the token to
5714 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator/BindSharedCollection`], which also validates
5715 /// the token as part of exchanging it for a
5716 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] channel, and
5717 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Sync`] can then be used without risk
5718 /// of stalling.
5719 ///
5720 /// After creating one or more [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`](s)
5721 /// and then starting and completing a `Sync`, it's then safe to send the
5722 /// `BufferCollectionToken` client ends to other participants knowing the
5723 /// server will recognize the tokens when they're sent by the other
5724 /// participants to sysmem in a
5725 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] message. This is an
5726 /// efficient way to create tokens while avoiding unnecessary round trips.
5727 ///
5728 /// Other options include waiting for each
5729 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate`] to complete
5730 /// individually (using separate call to `Sync` after each), or calling
5731 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Sync`] after a token has been
5732 /// converted to a `BufferCollection` via
5733 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`], or using
5734 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.DuplicateSync`] which includes
5735 /// the sync step and can create multiple tokens at once.
5736 pub fn r#sync(&self, ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5737 let _response = self.client.send_query::<
5738 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
5739 fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct>,
5740 >(
5741 (),
5742 0x11ac2555cf575b54,
5743 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
5744 ___deadline,
5745 )?
5746 .into_result::<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>("sync")?;
5747 Ok(_response)
5748 }
5750 /// ###### On a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] channel:
5751 ///
5752 /// Normally a participant will convert a `BufferCollectionToken` into a
5753 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`], but a participant can instead send
5754 /// `Release` via the token (and then close the channel immediately or
5755 /// shortly later in response to server closing the server end), which
5756 /// avoids causing buffer collection failure. Without a prior `Release`,
5757 /// closing the `BufferCollectionToken` client end will cause buffer
5758 /// collection failure.
5759 ///
5760 /// ###### On a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] channel:
5761 ///
5762 /// By default the server handles unexpected closure of a
5763 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] client end (without `Release`
5764 /// first) by failing the buffer collection. Partly this is to expedite
5765 /// closing VMO handles to reclaim memory when any participant fails. If a
5766 /// participant would like to cleanly close a `BufferCollection` without
5767 /// causing buffer collection failure, the participant can send `Release`
5768 /// before closing the `BufferCollection` client end. The `Release` can
5769 /// occur before or after `SetConstraints`. If before `SetConstraints`, the
5770 /// buffer collection won't require constraints from this node in order to
5771 /// allocate. If after `SetConstraints`, the constraints are retained and
5772 /// aggregated, despite the lack of `BufferCollection` connection at the
5773 /// time of constraints aggregation.
5774 ///
5775 /// ###### On a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`] channel:
5776 ///
5777 /// By default, unexpected closure of a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` client
5778 /// end (without `Release` first) will trigger failure of the buffer
5779 /// collection. To close a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` channel without
5780 /// failing the buffer collection, ensure that AllChildrenPresent() has been
5781 /// sent, and send `Release` before closing the `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`
5782 /// client end.
5783 ///
5784 /// If `Release` occurs before
5785 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup.AllChildrenPresent], the
5786 /// buffer collection will fail (triggered by reception of `Release` without
5787 /// prior `AllChildrenPresent`). This is intentionally not analogous to how
5788 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Release`] without
5789 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] first doesn't cause
5790 /// buffer collection failure. For a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`, clean
5791 /// close requires `AllChildrenPresent` (if not already sent), then
5792 /// `Release`, then close client end.
5793 ///
5794 /// If `Release` occurs after `AllChildrenPresent`, the children and all
5795 /// their constraints remain intact (just as they would if the
5796 /// `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` channel had remained open), and the client
5797 /// end close doesn't trigger buffer collection failure.
5798 ///
5799 /// ###### On all [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] channels (any of the above):
5800 ///
5801 /// For brevity, the per-channel-protocol paragraphs above ignore the
5802 /// separate failure domain created by
5803 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.SetDispensable`] or
5804 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`]. When a client end
5805 /// unexpectedly closes (without `Release` first) and that client end is
5806 /// under a failure domain, instead of failing the whole buffer collection,
5807 /// the failure domain is failed, but the buffer collection itself is
5808 /// isolated from failure of the failure domain. Such failure domains can be
5809 /// nested, in which case only the inner-most failure domain in which the
5810 /// `Node` resides fails.
5811 pub fn r#release(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5812 self.client.send::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(
5813 (),
5814 0x6a5cae7d6d6e04c6,
5815 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
5816 )
5817 }
5819 /// Set a name for VMOs in this buffer collection.
5820 ///
5821 /// If the name doesn't fit in ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN, the name of the vmo itself
5822 /// will be truncated to fit. The name of the vmo will be suffixed with the
5823 /// buffer index within the collection (if the suffix fits within
5824 /// ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN). The name specified here (without truncation) will be
5825 /// listed in the inspect data.
5826 ///
5827 /// The name only affects VMOs allocated after the name is set; this call
5828 /// does not rename existing VMOs. If multiple clients set different names
5829 /// then the larger priority value will win. Setting a new name with the
5830 /// same priority as a prior name doesn't change the name.
5831 ///
5832 /// All table fields are currently required.
5833 ///
5834 /// + request `priority` The name is only set if this is the first `SetName`
5835 /// or if `priority` is greater than any previous `priority` value in
5836 /// prior `SetName` calls across all `Node`(s) of this buffer collection.
5837 /// + request `name` The name for VMOs created under this buffer collection.
5838 pub fn r#set_name(&self, mut payload: &NodeSetNameRequest) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5839 self.client.send::<NodeSetNameRequest>(
5840 payload,
5841 0xb41f1624f48c1e9,
5842 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
5843 )
5844 }
5846 /// Set information about the current client that can be used by sysmem to
5847 /// help diagnose leaking memory and allocation stalls waiting for a
5848 /// participant to send [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`].
5849 ///
5850 /// This sets the debug client info on this [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] and all
5851 /// `Node`(s) derived from this `Node`, unless overriden by
5852 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`] or a later
5853 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`].
5854 ///
5855 /// Sending [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`] once per
5856 /// `Allocator` is the most efficient way to ensure that all
5857 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`](s) will have at least some debug client info
5858 /// set, and is also more efficient than separately sending the same debug
5859 /// client info via [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`] for each
5860 /// created [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`].
5861 ///
5862 /// Also used when verbose logging is enabled (see `SetVerboseLogging`) to
5863 /// indicate which client is closing their channel first, leading to subtree
5864 /// failure (which can be normal if the purpose of the subtree is over, but
5865 /// if happening earlier than expected, the client-channel-specific name can
5866 /// help diagnose where the failure is first coming from, from sysmem's
5867 /// point of view).
5868 ///
5869 /// All table fields are currently required.
5870 ///
5871 /// + request `name` This can be an arbitrary string, but the current
5872 /// process name (see `fsl::GetCurrentProcessName`) is a good default.
5873 /// + request `id` This can be an arbitrary id, but the current process ID
5874 /// (see `fsl::GetCurrentProcessKoid`) is a good default.
5875 pub fn r#set_debug_client_info(
5876 &self,
5877 mut payload: &NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest,
5878 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5879 self.client.send::<NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest>(
5880 payload,
5881 0x5cde8914608d99b1,
5882 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
5883 )
5884 }
5886 /// Sysmem logs a warning if sysmem hasn't seen
5887 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] from all clients
5888 /// within 5 seconds after creation of a new collection.
5889 ///
5890 /// Clients can call this method to change when the log is printed. If
5891 /// multiple client set the deadline, it's unspecified which deadline will
5892 /// take effect.
5893 ///
5894 /// In most cases the default works well.
5895 ///
5896 /// All table fields are currently required.
5897 ///
5898 /// + request `deadline` The time at which sysmem will start trying to log
5899 /// the warning, unless all constraints are with sysmem by then.
5900 pub fn r#set_debug_timeout_log_deadline(
5901 &self,
5902 mut payload: &NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest,
5903 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5904 self.client.send::<NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest>(
5905 payload,
5906 0x716b0af13d5c0806,
5907 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
5908 )
5909 }
5911 /// This enables verbose logging for the buffer collection.
5912 ///
5913 /// Verbose logging includes constraints set via
5914 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] from each client
5915 /// along with info set via [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`] (or
5916 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`]) and the structure of
5917 /// the tree of `Node`(s).
5918 ///
5919 /// Normally sysmem prints only a single line complaint when aggregation
5920 /// fails, with just the specific detailed reason that aggregation failed,
5921 /// with little surrounding context. While this is often enough to diagnose
5922 /// a problem if only a small change was made and everything was working
5923 /// before the small change, it's often not particularly helpful for getting
5924 /// a new buffer collection to work for the first time. Especially with
5925 /// more complex trees of nodes, involving things like
5926 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`],
5927 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.SetDispensable`],
5928 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`] nodes, and associated
5929 /// subtrees of nodes, verbose logging may help in diagnosing what the tree
5930 /// looks like and why it's failing a logical allocation, or why a tree or
5931 /// subtree is failing sooner than expected.
5932 ///
5933 /// The intent of the extra logging is to be acceptable from a performance
5934 /// point of view, under the assumption that verbose logging is only enabled
5935 /// on a low number of buffer collections. If we're not tracking down a bug,
5936 /// we shouldn't send this message.
5937 pub fn r#set_verbose_logging(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5938 self.client.send::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(
5939 (),
5940 0x5209c77415b4dfad,
5941 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
5942 )
5943 }
5945 /// This gets a handle that can be used as a parameter to
5946 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.IsAlternateFor`] called on any
5947 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`]. This handle is only for use as proof that the
5948 /// client obtained this handle from this `Node`.
5949 ///
5950 /// Because this is a get not a set, no [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.Sync`] is
5951 /// needed between the `GetNodeRef` and the call to `IsAlternateFor`,
5952 /// despite the two calls typically being on different channels.
5953 ///
5954 /// See also [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.IsAlternateFor`].
5955 ///
5956 /// All table fields are currently required.
5957 ///
5958 /// - response `node_ref` This handle can be sent via `IsAlternateFor` on a
5959 /// different `Node` channel, to prove that the client obtained the handle
5960 /// from this `Node`.
5961 pub fn r#get_node_ref(
5962 &self,
5963 ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
5964 ) -> Result<NodeGetNodeRefResponse, fidl::Error> {
5965 let _response = self.client.send_query::<
5966 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
5967 fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<NodeGetNodeRefResponse>,
5968 >(
5969 (),
5970 0x5b3d0e51614df053,
5971 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
5972 ___deadline,
5973 )?
5974 .into_result::<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>("get_node_ref")?;
5975 Ok(_response)
5976 }
5978 /// Check whether the calling [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] is in a subtree
5979 /// rooted at a different child token of a common parent
5980 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`], in relation to the
5981 /// passed-in `node_ref`.
5982 ///
5983 /// This call is for assisting with admission control de-duplication, and
5984 /// with debugging.
5985 ///
5986 /// The `node_ref` must be obtained using
5987 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.GetNodeRef`].
5988 ///
5989 /// The `node_ref` can be a duplicated handle; it's not necessary to call
5990 /// `GetNodeRef` for every call to [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.IsAlternateFor`].
5991 ///
5992 /// If a calling token may not actually be a valid token at all due to a
5993 /// potentially hostile/untrusted provider of the token, call
5994 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.ValidateBufferCollectionToken`] first
5995 /// instead of potentially getting stuck indefinitely if `IsAlternateFor`
5996 /// never responds due to a calling token not being a real token (not really
5997 /// talking to sysmem). Another option is to call
5998 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] with this token first
5999 /// which also validates the token along with converting it to a
6000 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`], then call `IsAlternateFor`.
6001 ///
6002 /// All table fields are currently required.
6003 ///
6004 /// - response `is_alternate`
6005 /// - true: The first parent node in common between the calling node and
6006 /// the `node_ref` `Node` is a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`. This means
6007 /// that the calling `Node` and the `node_ref` `Node` will not have both
6008 /// their constraints apply - rather sysmem will choose one or the other
6009 /// of the constraints - never both. This is because only one child of
6010 /// a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` is selected during logical
6011 /// allocation, with only that one child's subtree contributing to
6012 /// constraints aggregation.
6013 /// - false: The first parent node in common between the calling `Node`
6014 /// and the `node_ref` `Node` is not a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`.
6015 /// Currently, this means the first parent node in common is a
6016 /// `BufferCollectionToken` or `BufferCollection` (regardless of not
6017 /// `Release`ed). This means that the calling `Node` and the `node_ref`
6018 /// `Node` may have both their constraints apply during constraints
6019 /// aggregation of the logical allocation, if both `Node`(s) are
6020 /// selected by any parent `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`(s) involved. In
6021 /// this case, there is no `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` that will
6022 /// directly prevent the two `Node`(s) from both being selected and
6023 /// their constraints both aggregated, but even when false, one or both
6024 /// `Node`(s) may still be eliminated from consideration if one or both
6025 /// `Node`(s) has a direct or indirect parent
6026 /// `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` which selects a child subtree other
6027 /// than the subtree containing the calling `Node` or `node_ref` `Node`.
6028 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.NOT_FOUND]` The node_ref wasn't
6029 /// associated with the same buffer collection as the calling `Node`.
6030 /// Another reason for this error is if the `node_ref` is an
6031 /// [`zx.Handle.EVENT`] handle with sufficient rights, but isn't actually
6032 /// a real `node_ref` obtained from `GetNodeRef`.
6033 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.PROTOCOL_DEVIATION]` The caller passed a
6034 /// `node_ref` that isn't a [`zx.Handle:EVENT`] handle , or doesn't have
6035 /// the needed rights expected on a real `node_ref`.
6036 /// * No other failing status codes are returned by this call. However,
6037 /// sysmem may add additional codes in future, so the client should have
6038 /// sensible default handling for any failing status code.
6039 pub fn r#is_alternate_for(
6040 &self,
6041 mut payload: NodeIsAlternateForRequest,
6042 ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
6043 ) -> Result<NodeIsAlternateForResult, fidl::Error> {
6044 let _response = self.client.send_query::<
6045 NodeIsAlternateForRequest,
6046 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<NodeIsAlternateForResponse, Error>,
6047 >(
6048 &mut payload,
6049 0x3a58e00157e0825,
6050 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
6051 ___deadline,
6052 )?
6053 .into_result::<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>("is_alternate_for")?;
6054 Ok(|x| x))
6055 }
6057 /// Get the buffer collection ID. This ID is also available from
6058 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.GetVmoInfo`] (along with the `buffer_index`
6059 /// within the collection).
6060 ///
6061 /// This call is mainly useful in situations where we can't convey a
6062 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] or
6063 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] directly, but can only convey a VMO
6064 /// handle, which can be joined back up with a `BufferCollection` client end
6065 /// that was created via a different path. Prefer to convey a
6066 /// `BufferCollectionToken` or `BufferCollection` directly when feasible.
6067 ///
6068 /// Trusting a `buffer_collection_id` value from a source other than sysmem
6069 /// is analogous to trusting a koid value from a source other than zircon.
6070 /// Both should be avoided unless really necessary, and both require
6071 /// caution. In some situations it may be reasonable to refer to a
6072 /// pre-established `BufferCollection` by `buffer_collection_id` via a
6073 /// protocol for efficiency reasons, but an incoming value purporting to be
6074 /// a `buffer_collection_id` is not sufficient alone to justify granting the
6075 /// sender of the `buffer_collection_id` any capability. The sender must
6076 /// first prove to a receiver that the sender has/had a VMO or has/had a
6077 /// `BufferCollectionToken` to the same collection by sending a handle that
6078 /// sysmem confirms is a valid sysmem handle and which sysmem maps to the
6079 /// `buffer_collection_id` value. The receiver should take care to avoid
6080 /// assuming that a sender had a `BufferCollectionToken` in cases where the
6081 /// sender has only proven that the sender had a VMO.
6082 ///
6083 /// - response `buffer_collection_id` This ID is unique per buffer
6084 /// collection per boot. Each buffer is uniquely identified by the
6085 /// `buffer_collection_id` and `buffer_index` together.
6086 pub fn r#get_buffer_collection_id(
6087 &self,
6088 ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
6089 ) -> Result<NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse, fidl::Error> {
6090 let _response = self.client.send_query::<
6091 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
6092 fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse>,
6093 >(
6094 (),
6095 0x77d19a494b78ba8c,
6096 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
6097 ___deadline,
6098 )?
6099 .into_result::<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>("get_buffer_collection_id")?;
6100 Ok(_response)
6101 }
6103 /// Sets the current [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] and all child `Node`(s)
6104 /// created after this message to weak, which means that a client's `Node`
6105 /// client end (or a child created after this message) is not alone
6106 /// sufficient to keep allocated VMOs alive.
6107 ///
6108 /// All VMOs obtained from weak `Node`(s) are weak sysmem VMOs. See also
6109 /// `close_weak_asap`.
6110 ///
6111 /// This message is only permitted before the `Node` becomes ready for
6112 /// allocation (else the server closes the channel with `ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE`):
6113 /// * `BufferCollectionToken`: any time
6114 /// * `BufferCollection`: before `SetConstraints`
6115 /// * `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`: before `AllChildrenPresent`
6116 ///
6117 /// Currently, no conversion from strong `Node` to weak `Node` after ready
6118 /// for allocation is provided, but a client can simulate that by creating
6119 /// an additional `Node` before allocation and setting that additional
6120 /// `Node` to weak, and then potentially at some point later sending
6121 /// `Release` and closing the client end of the client's strong `Node`, but
6122 /// keeping the client's weak `Node`.
6123 ///
6124 /// Zero strong `Node`(s) and zero strong VMO handles will result in buffer
6125 /// collection failure (all `Node` client end(s) will see
6126 /// `ZX_CHANNEL_PEER_CLOSED` and all `close_weak_asap` `client_end`(s) will
6127 /// see `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED`), but sysmem (intentionally) won't notice
6128 /// this situation until all `Node`(s) are ready for allocation. For initial
6129 /// allocation to succeed, at least one strong `Node` is required to exist
6130 /// at allocation time, but after that client receives VMO handles, that
6131 /// client can `BufferCollection.Release` and close the client end without
6132 /// causing this type of failure.
6133 ///
6134 /// This implies [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetWeakOk`] as well, but does not
6135 /// imply `SetWeakOk` with `for_children_also` true, which can be sent
6136 /// separately as appropriate.
6137 pub fn r#set_weak(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
6138 self.client.send::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(
6139 (),
6140 0x22dd3ea514eeffe1,
6141 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
6142 )
6143 }
6145 /// This indicates to sysmem that the client is prepared to pay attention to
6146 /// `close_weak_asap`.
6147 ///
6148 /// If sent, this message must be before
6149 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`].
6150 ///
6151 /// All participants using a weak [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] must
6152 /// send this message before `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`, or a parent
6153 /// `Node` must have sent [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetWeakOk`] with
6154 /// `for_child_nodes_also` true, else the `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated` will
6155 /// trigger buffer collection failure.
6156 ///
6157 /// This message is necessary because weak sysmem VMOs have not always been
6158 /// a thing, so older clients are not aware of the need to pay attention to
6159 /// `close_weak_asap` `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` and close all remaining
6160 /// sysmem weak VMO handles asap. By having this message and requiring
6161 /// participants to indicate their acceptance of this aspect of the overall
6162 /// protocol, we avoid situations where an older client is delivered a weak
6163 /// VMO without any way for sysmem to get that VMO to close quickly later
6164 /// (and on a per-buffer basis).
6165 ///
6166 /// A participant that doesn't handle `close_weak_asap` and also doesn't
6167 /// retrieve any VMO handles via `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated` doesn't need
6168 /// to send `SetWeakOk` (and doesn't need to have a parent `Node` send
6169 /// `SetWeakOk` with `for_child_nodes_also` true either). However, if that
6170 /// same participant has a child/delegate which does retrieve VMOs, that
6171 /// child/delegate will need to send `SetWeakOk` before
6172 /// `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`.
6173 ///
6174 /// + request `for_child_nodes_also` If present and true, this means direct
6175 /// child nodes of this node created after this message plus all
6176 /// descendants of those nodes will behave as if `SetWeakOk` was sent on
6177 /// those nodes. Any child node of this node that was created before this
6178 /// message is not included. This setting is "sticky" in the sense that a
6179 /// subsequent `SetWeakOk` without this bool set to true does not reset
6180 /// the server-side bool. If this creates a problem for a participant, a
6181 /// workaround is to `SetWeakOk` with `for_child_nodes_also` true on child
6182 /// tokens instead, as appropriate. A participant should only set
6183 /// `for_child_nodes_also` true if the participant can really promise to
6184 /// obey `close_weak_asap` both for its own weak VMO handles, and for all
6185 /// weak VMO handles held by participants holding the corresponding child
6186 /// `Node`(s). When `for_child_nodes_also` is set, descendent `Node`(s)
6187 /// which are using sysmem(1) can be weak, despite the clients of those
6188 /// sysmem1 `Node`(s) not having any direct way to `SetWeakOk` or any
6189 /// direct way to find out about `close_weak_asap`. This only applies to
6190 /// descendents of this `Node` which are using sysmem(1), not to this
6191 /// `Node` when converted directly from a sysmem2 token to a sysmem(1)
6192 /// token, which will fail allocation unless an ancestor of this `Node`
6193 /// specified `for_child_nodes_also` true.
6194 pub fn r#set_weak_ok(&self, mut payload: NodeSetWeakOkRequest) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
6195 self.client.send::<NodeSetWeakOkRequest>(
6196 &mut payload,
6197 0x38a44fc4d7724be9,
6198 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
6199 )
6200 }
6202 /// The server_end will be closed after this `Node` and any child nodes have
6203 /// have released their buffer counts, making those counts available for
6204 /// reservation by a different `Node` via
6205 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`].
6206 ///
6207 /// The `Node` buffer counts may not be released until the entire tree of
6208 /// `Node`(s) is closed or failed, because
6209 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Release`] followed by channel close
6210 /// does not immediately un-reserve the `Node` buffer counts. Instead, the
6211 /// `Node` buffer counts remain reserved until the orphaned node is later
6212 /// cleaned up.
6213 ///
6214 /// If the `Node` exceeds a fairly large number of attached eventpair server
6215 /// ends, a log message will indicate this and the `Node` (and the
6216 /// appropriate) sub-tree will fail.
6217 ///
6218 /// The `server_end` will remain open when
6219 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] converts a
6220 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] into a
6221 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`].
6222 ///
6223 /// This message can also be used with a
6224 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`].
6225 pub fn r#attach_node_tracking(
6226 &self,
6227 mut payload: NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest,
6228 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
6229 self.client.send::<NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest>(
6230 &mut payload,
6231 0x3f22f2a293d3cdac,
6232 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
6233 )
6234 }
6236 /// Create additional [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`](s) from this
6237 /// one, referring to the same buffer collection.
6238 ///
6239 /// The created tokens are children of this token in the
6240 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] heirarchy.
6241 ///
6242 /// This method can be used to add more participants, by transferring the
6243 /// newly created tokens to additional participants.
6244 ///
6245 /// A new token will be returned for each entry in the
6246 /// `rights_attenuation_masks` array.
6247 ///
6248 /// If the called token may not actually be a valid token due to a
6249 /// potentially hostile/untrusted provider of the token, consider using
6250 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.ValidateBufferCollectionToken`] first
6251 /// instead of potentially getting stuck indefinitely if
6252 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.DuplicateSync`] never responds
6253 /// due to the calling token not being a real token.
6254 ///
6255 /// In contrast to [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate`], no
6256 /// separate [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.Sync`] is needed after calling this
6257 /// method, because the sync step is included in this call, at the cost of a
6258 /// round trip during this call.
6259 ///
6260 /// All tokens must be turned in to sysmem via
6261 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] or
6262 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.Release`] for a `BufferCollection` to
6263 /// successfully allocate buffers (or to logically allocate buffers in the
6264 /// case of subtrees involving
6265 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.AttachToken`]).
6266 ///
6267 /// All table fields are currently required.
6268 ///
6269 /// + request `rights_attenuation_mask` In each entry of
6270 /// `rights_attenuation_masks`, rights bits that are zero will be absent
6271 /// in the buffer VMO rights obtainable via the corresponding returned
6272 /// token. This allows an initiator or intermediary participant to
6273 /// attenuate the rights available to a participant. This does not allow a
6274 /// participant to gain rights that the participant doesn't already have.
6275 /// The value `ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS` can be used to specify that no
6276 /// attenuation should be applied.
6277 /// - response `tokens` The client ends of each newly created token.
6278 pub fn r#duplicate_sync(
6279 &self,
6280 mut payload: &BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateSyncRequest,
6281 ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
6282 ) -> Result<BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateSyncResponse, fidl::Error> {
6283 let _response = self.client.send_query::<
6284 BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateSyncRequest,
6285 fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateSyncResponse>,
6286 >(
6287 payload,
6288 0x1c1af9919d1ca45c,
6289 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
6290 ___deadline,
6291 )?
6292 .into_result::<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>("duplicate_sync")?;
6293 Ok(_response)
6294 }
6296 /// Create an additional [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] from this
6297 /// one, referring to the same buffer collection.
6298 ///
6299 /// The created token is a child of this token in the
6300 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] heirarchy.
6301 ///
6302 /// This method can be used to add a participant, by transferring the newly
6303 /// created token to another participant.
6304 ///
6305 /// This one-way message can be used instead of the two-way
6306 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.DuplicateSync`] FIDL call in
6307 /// performance sensitive cases where it would be undesireable to wait for
6308 /// sysmem to respond to
6309 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.DuplicateSync`] or when the
6310 /// client code isn't structured to make it easy to duplicate all the needed
6311 /// tokens at once.
6312 ///
6313 /// After sending one or more `Duplicate` messages, and before sending the
6314 /// newly created child tokens to other participants (or to other
6315 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator`] channels), the client must send a
6316 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.Sync`] and wait for the `Sync` response. The
6317 /// `Sync` call can be made on the token, or on the `BufferCollection`
6318 /// obtained by passing this token to `BindSharedCollection`. Either will
6319 /// ensure that the server knows about the tokens created via `Duplicate`
6320 /// before the other participant sends the token to the server via separate
6321 /// `Allocator` channel.
6322 ///
6323 /// All tokens must be turned in via
6324 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] or
6325 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.Release`] for a `BufferCollection` to
6326 /// successfully allocate buffers.
6327 ///
6328 /// All table fields are currently required.
6329 ///
6330 /// + request `rights_attenuation_mask` The rights bits that are zero in
6331 /// this mask will be absent in the buffer VMO rights obtainable via the
6332 /// client end of `token_request`. This allows an initiator or
6333 /// intermediary participant to attenuate the rights available to a
6334 /// delegate participant. This does not allow a participant to gain rights
6335 /// that the participant doesn't already have. The value
6336 /// `ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS` can be used to specify that no attenuation
6337 /// should be applied.
6338 /// + These values for rights_attenuation_mask result in no attenuation:
6339 /// + `ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS` (preferred)
6340 /// + 0xFFFFFFFF (this is reasonable when an attenuation mask is
6341 /// computed)
6342 /// + 0 (deprecated - do not use 0 - an ERROR will go to the log)
6343 /// + request `token_request` is the server end of a `BufferCollectionToken`
6344 /// channel. The client end of this channel acts as another participant in
6345 /// the shared buffer collection.
6346 pub fn r#duplicate(
6347 &self,
6348 mut payload: BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateRequest,
6349 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
6350 self.client.send::<BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateRequest>(
6351 &mut payload,
6352 0x73e78f92ee7fb887,
6353 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
6354 )
6355 }
6357 /// Set this [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] to dispensable.
6358 ///
6359 /// When the `BufferCollectionToken` is converted to a
6360 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`], the dispensable status applies to
6361 /// the `BufferCollection` also.
6362 ///
6363 /// Normally, if a client closes a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`]
6364 /// client end without having sent
6365 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Release`] first, the
6366 /// `BufferCollection` [`fuchisa.sysmem2/Node`] will fail, which also
6367 /// propagates failure to the parent [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] and so on up
6368 /// to the root `Node`, which fails the whole buffer collection. In
6369 /// contrast, a dispensable `Node` can fail after buffers are allocated
6370 /// without causing failure of its parent in the [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`]
6371 /// heirarchy.
6372 ///
6373 /// The dispensable `Node` participates in constraints aggregation along
6374 /// with its parent before buffer allocation. If the dispensable `Node`
6375 /// fails before buffers are allocated, the failure propagates to the
6376 /// dispensable `Node`'s parent.
6377 ///
6378 /// After buffers are allocated, failure of the dispensable `Node` (or any
6379 /// child of the dispensable `Node`) does not propagate to the dispensable
6380 /// `Node`'s parent. Failure does propagate from a normal child of a
6381 /// dispensable `Node` to the dispensable `Node`. Failure of a child is
6382 /// blocked from reaching its parent if the child is attached using
6383 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`], or if the child is
6384 /// dispensable and the failure occurred after allocation.
6385 ///
6386 /// A dispensable `Node` can be used in cases where a participant needs to
6387 /// provide constraints, but after buffers are allocated, the participant
6388 /// can fail without causing buffer collection failure from the parent
6389 /// `Node`'s point of view.
6390 ///
6391 /// In contrast, `BufferCollection.AttachToken` can be used to create a
6392 /// `BufferCollectionToken` which does not participate in constraints
6393 /// aggregation with its parent `Node`, and whose failure at any time does
6394 /// not propagate to its parent `Node`, and whose potential delay providing
6395 /// constraints does not prevent the parent `Node` from completing its
6396 /// buffer allocation.
6397 ///
6398 /// An initiator (creator of the root `Node` using
6399 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.AllocateSharedCollection`]) may in some
6400 /// scenarios choose to initially use a dispensable `Node` for a first
6401 /// instance of a participant, and then later if the first instance of that
6402 /// participant fails, a new second instance of that participant my be given
6403 /// a `BufferCollectionToken` created with `AttachToken`.
6404 ///
6405 /// Normally a client will `SetDispensable` on a `BufferCollectionToken`
6406 /// shortly before sending the dispensable `BufferCollectionToken` to a
6407 /// delegate participant. Because `SetDispensable` prevents propagation of
6408 /// child `Node` failure to parent `Node`(s), if the client was relying on
6409 /// noticing child failure via failure of the parent `Node` retained by the
6410 /// client, the client may instead need to notice failure via other means.
6411 /// If other means aren't available/convenient, the client can instead
6412 /// retain the dispensable `Node` and create a child `Node` under that to
6413 /// send to the delegate participant, retaining this `Node` in order to
6414 /// notice failure of the subtree rooted at this `Node` via this `Node`'s
6415 /// ZX_CHANNEL_PEER_CLOSED signal, and take whatever action is appropriate
6416 /// (e.g. starting a new instance of the delegate participant and handing it
6417 /// a `BufferCollectionToken` created using
6418 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`], or propagate failure
6419 /// and clean up in a client-specific way).
6420 ///
6421 /// While it is possible (and potentially useful) to `SetDispensable` on a
6422 /// direct child of a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` `Node`, it isn't possible
6423 /// to later replace a failed dispensable `Node` that was a direct child of
6424 /// a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` with a new token using `AttachToken`
6425 /// (since there's no `AttachToken` on a group). Instead, to enable
6426 /// `AttachToken` replacement in this case, create an additional
6427 /// non-dispensable token that's a direct child of the group and make the
6428 /// existing dispensable token a child of the additional token. This way,
6429 /// the additional token that is a direct child of the group has
6430 /// `BufferCollection.AttachToken` which can be used to replace the failed
6431 /// dispensable token.
6432 ///
6433 /// `SetDispensable` on an already-dispensable token is idempotent.
6434 pub fn r#set_dispensable(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
6435 self.client.send::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(
6436 (),
6437 0x228acf979254df8b,
6438 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
6439 )
6440 }
6442 /// Create a logical OR among a set of tokens, called a
6443 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`].
6444 ///
6445 /// Most sysmem clients and many participants don't need to care about this
6446 /// message or about `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`(s). However, in some cases
6447 /// a participant wants to attempt to include one set of delegate
6448 /// participants, but if constraints don't combine successfully that way,
6449 /// fall back to a different (possibly overlapping) set of delegate
6450 /// participants, and/or fall back to a less demanding strategy (in terms of
6451 /// how strict the [`fuchisa.sysmem2/BufferCollectionConstraints`] are,
6452 /// across all involved delegate participants). In such cases, a
6453 /// `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` is useful.
6454 ///
6455 /// A `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` is used to create a 1 of N OR among N
6456 /// child [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`](s). The child tokens
6457 /// which are not selected during aggregation will fail (close), which a
6458 /// potential participant should notice when their `BufferCollection`
6459 /// channel client endpoint sees PEER_CLOSED, allowing the participant to
6460 /// clean up the speculative usage that didn't end up happening (this is
6461 /// simimlar to a normal `BufferCollection` server end closing on failure to
6462 /// allocate a logical buffer collection or later async failure of a buffer
6463 /// collection).
6464 ///
6465 /// See comments on protocol `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`.
6466 ///
6467 /// Any `rights_attenuation_mask` or `AttachToken`/`SetDispensable` to be
6468 /// applied to the whole group can be achieved with a
6469 /// `BufferCollectionToken` for this purpose as a direct parent of the
6470 /// `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`.
6471 ///
6472 /// All table fields are currently required.
6473 ///
6474 /// + request `group_request` The server end of a
6475 /// `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` channel to be served by sysmem.
6476 pub fn r#create_buffer_collection_token_group(
6477 &self,
6478 mut payload: BufferCollectionTokenCreateBufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest,
6479 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
6480 self.client.send::<BufferCollectionTokenCreateBufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest>(
6481 &mut payload,
6482 0x30f8d48e77bd36f2,
6483 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
6484 )
6485 }
6488#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
6489pub struct BufferCollectionTokenProxy {
6490 client: fidl::client::Client<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>,
6493impl fidl::endpoints::Proxy for BufferCollectionTokenProxy {
6494 type Protocol = BufferCollectionTokenMarker;
6496 fn from_channel(inner: ::fidl::AsyncChannel) -> Self {
6497 Self::new(inner)
6498 }
6500 fn into_channel(self) -> Result<::fidl::AsyncChannel, Self> {
6501 self.client.into_channel().map_err(|client| Self { client })
6502 }
6504 fn as_channel(&self) -> &::fidl::AsyncChannel {
6505 self.client.as_channel()
6506 }
6509impl BufferCollectionTokenProxy {
6510 /// Create a new Proxy for fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.
6511 pub fn new(channel: ::fidl::AsyncChannel) -> Self {
6512 let protocol_name =
6513 <BufferCollectionTokenMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME;
6514 Self { client: fidl::client::Client::new(channel, protocol_name) }
6515 }
6517 /// Get a Stream of events from the remote end of the protocol.
6518 ///
6519 /// # Panics
6520 ///
6521 /// Panics if the event stream was already taken.
6522 pub fn take_event_stream(&self) -> BufferCollectionTokenEventStream {
6523 BufferCollectionTokenEventStream { event_receiver: self.client.take_event_receiver() }
6524 }
6526 /// Ensure that previous messages have been received server side. This is
6527 /// particularly useful after previous messages that created new tokens,
6528 /// because a token must be known to the sysmem server before sending the
6529 /// token to another participant.
6530 ///
6531 /// Calling [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Sync`] on a token that
6532 /// isn't/wasn't a valid token risks the `Sync` stalling forever. See
6533 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.ValidateBufferCollectionToken`] for one way
6534 /// to mitigate the possibility of a hostile/fake
6535 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] at the cost of one round trip.
6536 /// Another way is to pass the token to
6537 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator/BindSharedCollection`], which also validates
6538 /// the token as part of exchanging it for a
6539 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] channel, and
6540 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Sync`] can then be used without risk
6541 /// of stalling.
6542 ///
6543 /// After creating one or more [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`](s)
6544 /// and then starting and completing a `Sync`, it's then safe to send the
6545 /// `BufferCollectionToken` client ends to other participants knowing the
6546 /// server will recognize the tokens when they're sent by the other
6547 /// participants to sysmem in a
6548 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] message. This is an
6549 /// efficient way to create tokens while avoiding unnecessary round trips.
6550 ///
6551 /// Other options include waiting for each
6552 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate`] to complete
6553 /// individually (using separate call to `Sync` after each), or calling
6554 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Sync`] after a token has been
6555 /// converted to a `BufferCollection` via
6556 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`], or using
6557 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.DuplicateSync`] which includes
6558 /// the sync step and can create multiple tokens at once.
6559 pub fn r#sync(
6560 &self,
6561 ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<(), fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect> {
6562 BufferCollectionTokenProxyInterface::r#sync(self)
6563 }
6565 /// ###### On a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] channel:
6566 ///
6567 /// Normally a participant will convert a `BufferCollectionToken` into a
6568 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`], but a participant can instead send
6569 /// `Release` via the token (and then close the channel immediately or
6570 /// shortly later in response to server closing the server end), which
6571 /// avoids causing buffer collection failure. Without a prior `Release`,
6572 /// closing the `BufferCollectionToken` client end will cause buffer
6573 /// collection failure.
6574 ///
6575 /// ###### On a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] channel:
6576 ///
6577 /// By default the server handles unexpected closure of a
6578 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] client end (without `Release`
6579 /// first) by failing the buffer collection. Partly this is to expedite
6580 /// closing VMO handles to reclaim memory when any participant fails. If a
6581 /// participant would like to cleanly close a `BufferCollection` without
6582 /// causing buffer collection failure, the participant can send `Release`
6583 /// before closing the `BufferCollection` client end. The `Release` can
6584 /// occur before or after `SetConstraints`. If before `SetConstraints`, the
6585 /// buffer collection won't require constraints from this node in order to
6586 /// allocate. If after `SetConstraints`, the constraints are retained and
6587 /// aggregated, despite the lack of `BufferCollection` connection at the
6588 /// time of constraints aggregation.
6589 ///
6590 /// ###### On a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`] channel:
6591 ///
6592 /// By default, unexpected closure of a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` client
6593 /// end (without `Release` first) will trigger failure of the buffer
6594 /// collection. To close a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` channel without
6595 /// failing the buffer collection, ensure that AllChildrenPresent() has been
6596 /// sent, and send `Release` before closing the `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`
6597 /// client end.
6598 ///
6599 /// If `Release` occurs before
6600 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup.AllChildrenPresent], the
6601 /// buffer collection will fail (triggered by reception of `Release` without
6602 /// prior `AllChildrenPresent`). This is intentionally not analogous to how
6603 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Release`] without
6604 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] first doesn't cause
6605 /// buffer collection failure. For a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`, clean
6606 /// close requires `AllChildrenPresent` (if not already sent), then
6607 /// `Release`, then close client end.
6608 ///
6609 /// If `Release` occurs after `AllChildrenPresent`, the children and all
6610 /// their constraints remain intact (just as they would if the
6611 /// `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` channel had remained open), and the client
6612 /// end close doesn't trigger buffer collection failure.
6613 ///
6614 /// ###### On all [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] channels (any of the above):
6615 ///
6616 /// For brevity, the per-channel-protocol paragraphs above ignore the
6617 /// separate failure domain created by
6618 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.SetDispensable`] or
6619 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`]. When a client end
6620 /// unexpectedly closes (without `Release` first) and that client end is
6621 /// under a failure domain, instead of failing the whole buffer collection,
6622 /// the failure domain is failed, but the buffer collection itself is
6623 /// isolated from failure of the failure domain. Such failure domains can be
6624 /// nested, in which case only the inner-most failure domain in which the
6625 /// `Node` resides fails.
6626 pub fn r#release(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
6627 BufferCollectionTokenProxyInterface::r#release(self)
6628 }
6630 /// Set a name for VMOs in this buffer collection.
6631 ///
6632 /// If the name doesn't fit in ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN, the name of the vmo itself
6633 /// will be truncated to fit. The name of the vmo will be suffixed with the
6634 /// buffer index within the collection (if the suffix fits within
6635 /// ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN). The name specified here (without truncation) will be
6636 /// listed in the inspect data.
6637 ///
6638 /// The name only affects VMOs allocated after the name is set; this call
6639 /// does not rename existing VMOs. If multiple clients set different names
6640 /// then the larger priority value will win. Setting a new name with the
6641 /// same priority as a prior name doesn't change the name.
6642 ///
6643 /// All table fields are currently required.
6644 ///
6645 /// + request `priority` The name is only set if this is the first `SetName`
6646 /// or if `priority` is greater than any previous `priority` value in
6647 /// prior `SetName` calls across all `Node`(s) of this buffer collection.
6648 /// + request `name` The name for VMOs created under this buffer collection.
6649 pub fn r#set_name(&self, mut payload: &NodeSetNameRequest) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
6650 BufferCollectionTokenProxyInterface::r#set_name(self, payload)
6651 }
6653 /// Set information about the current client that can be used by sysmem to
6654 /// help diagnose leaking memory and allocation stalls waiting for a
6655 /// participant to send [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`].
6656 ///
6657 /// This sets the debug client info on this [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] and all
6658 /// `Node`(s) derived from this `Node`, unless overriden by
6659 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`] or a later
6660 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`].
6661 ///
6662 /// Sending [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`] once per
6663 /// `Allocator` is the most efficient way to ensure that all
6664 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`](s) will have at least some debug client info
6665 /// set, and is also more efficient than separately sending the same debug
6666 /// client info via [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`] for each
6667 /// created [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`].
6668 ///
6669 /// Also used when verbose logging is enabled (see `SetVerboseLogging`) to
6670 /// indicate which client is closing their channel first, leading to subtree
6671 /// failure (which can be normal if the purpose of the subtree is over, but
6672 /// if happening earlier than expected, the client-channel-specific name can
6673 /// help diagnose where the failure is first coming from, from sysmem's
6674 /// point of view).
6675 ///
6676 /// All table fields are currently required.
6677 ///
6678 /// + request `name` This can be an arbitrary string, but the current
6679 /// process name (see `fsl::GetCurrentProcessName`) is a good default.
6680 /// + request `id` This can be an arbitrary id, but the current process ID
6681 /// (see `fsl::GetCurrentProcessKoid`) is a good default.
6682 pub fn r#set_debug_client_info(
6683 &self,
6684 mut payload: &NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest,
6685 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
6686 BufferCollectionTokenProxyInterface::r#set_debug_client_info(self, payload)
6687 }
6689 /// Sysmem logs a warning if sysmem hasn't seen
6690 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] from all clients
6691 /// within 5 seconds after creation of a new collection.
6692 ///
6693 /// Clients can call this method to change when the log is printed. If
6694 /// multiple client set the deadline, it's unspecified which deadline will
6695 /// take effect.
6696 ///
6697 /// In most cases the default works well.
6698 ///
6699 /// All table fields are currently required.
6700 ///
6701 /// + request `deadline` The time at which sysmem will start trying to log
6702 /// the warning, unless all constraints are with sysmem by then.
6703 pub fn r#set_debug_timeout_log_deadline(
6704 &self,
6705 mut payload: &NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest,
6706 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
6707 BufferCollectionTokenProxyInterface::r#set_debug_timeout_log_deadline(self, payload)
6708 }
6710 /// This enables verbose logging for the buffer collection.
6711 ///
6712 /// Verbose logging includes constraints set via
6713 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] from each client
6714 /// along with info set via [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`] (or
6715 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`]) and the structure of
6716 /// the tree of `Node`(s).
6717 ///
6718 /// Normally sysmem prints only a single line complaint when aggregation
6719 /// fails, with just the specific detailed reason that aggregation failed,
6720 /// with little surrounding context. While this is often enough to diagnose
6721 /// a problem if only a small change was made and everything was working
6722 /// before the small change, it's often not particularly helpful for getting
6723 /// a new buffer collection to work for the first time. Especially with
6724 /// more complex trees of nodes, involving things like
6725 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`],
6726 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.SetDispensable`],
6727 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`] nodes, and associated
6728 /// subtrees of nodes, verbose logging may help in diagnosing what the tree
6729 /// looks like and why it's failing a logical allocation, or why a tree or
6730 /// subtree is failing sooner than expected.
6731 ///
6732 /// The intent of the extra logging is to be acceptable from a performance
6733 /// point of view, under the assumption that verbose logging is only enabled
6734 /// on a low number of buffer collections. If we're not tracking down a bug,
6735 /// we shouldn't send this message.
6736 pub fn r#set_verbose_logging(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
6737 BufferCollectionTokenProxyInterface::r#set_verbose_logging(self)
6738 }
6740 /// This gets a handle that can be used as a parameter to
6741 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.IsAlternateFor`] called on any
6742 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`]. This handle is only for use as proof that the
6743 /// client obtained this handle from this `Node`.
6744 ///
6745 /// Because this is a get not a set, no [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.Sync`] is
6746 /// needed between the `GetNodeRef` and the call to `IsAlternateFor`,
6747 /// despite the two calls typically being on different channels.
6748 ///
6749 /// See also [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.IsAlternateFor`].
6750 ///
6751 /// All table fields are currently required.
6752 ///
6753 /// - response `node_ref` This handle can be sent via `IsAlternateFor` on a
6754 /// different `Node` channel, to prove that the client obtained the handle
6755 /// from this `Node`.
6756 pub fn r#get_node_ref(
6757 &self,
6758 ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
6759 NodeGetNodeRefResponse,
6760 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
6761 > {
6762 BufferCollectionTokenProxyInterface::r#get_node_ref(self)
6763 }
6765 /// Check whether the calling [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] is in a subtree
6766 /// rooted at a different child token of a common parent
6767 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`], in relation to the
6768 /// passed-in `node_ref`.
6769 ///
6770 /// This call is for assisting with admission control de-duplication, and
6771 /// with debugging.
6772 ///
6773 /// The `node_ref` must be obtained using
6774 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.GetNodeRef`].
6775 ///
6776 /// The `node_ref` can be a duplicated handle; it's not necessary to call
6777 /// `GetNodeRef` for every call to [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.IsAlternateFor`].
6778 ///
6779 /// If a calling token may not actually be a valid token at all due to a
6780 /// potentially hostile/untrusted provider of the token, call
6781 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.ValidateBufferCollectionToken`] first
6782 /// instead of potentially getting stuck indefinitely if `IsAlternateFor`
6783 /// never responds due to a calling token not being a real token (not really
6784 /// talking to sysmem). Another option is to call
6785 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] with this token first
6786 /// which also validates the token along with converting it to a
6787 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`], then call `IsAlternateFor`.
6788 ///
6789 /// All table fields are currently required.
6790 ///
6791 /// - response `is_alternate`
6792 /// - true: The first parent node in common between the calling node and
6793 /// the `node_ref` `Node` is a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`. This means
6794 /// that the calling `Node` and the `node_ref` `Node` will not have both
6795 /// their constraints apply - rather sysmem will choose one or the other
6796 /// of the constraints - never both. This is because only one child of
6797 /// a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` is selected during logical
6798 /// allocation, with only that one child's subtree contributing to
6799 /// constraints aggregation.
6800 /// - false: The first parent node in common between the calling `Node`
6801 /// and the `node_ref` `Node` is not a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`.
6802 /// Currently, this means the first parent node in common is a
6803 /// `BufferCollectionToken` or `BufferCollection` (regardless of not
6804 /// `Release`ed). This means that the calling `Node` and the `node_ref`
6805 /// `Node` may have both their constraints apply during constraints
6806 /// aggregation of the logical allocation, if both `Node`(s) are
6807 /// selected by any parent `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`(s) involved. In
6808 /// this case, there is no `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` that will
6809 /// directly prevent the two `Node`(s) from both being selected and
6810 /// their constraints both aggregated, but even when false, one or both
6811 /// `Node`(s) may still be eliminated from consideration if one or both
6812 /// `Node`(s) has a direct or indirect parent
6813 /// `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` which selects a child subtree other
6814 /// than the subtree containing the calling `Node` or `node_ref` `Node`.
6815 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.NOT_FOUND]` The node_ref wasn't
6816 /// associated with the same buffer collection as the calling `Node`.
6817 /// Another reason for this error is if the `node_ref` is an
6818 /// [`zx.Handle.EVENT`] handle with sufficient rights, but isn't actually
6819 /// a real `node_ref` obtained from `GetNodeRef`.
6820 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.PROTOCOL_DEVIATION]` The caller passed a
6821 /// `node_ref` that isn't a [`zx.Handle:EVENT`] handle , or doesn't have
6822 /// the needed rights expected on a real `node_ref`.
6823 /// * No other failing status codes are returned by this call. However,
6824 /// sysmem may add additional codes in future, so the client should have
6825 /// sensible default handling for any failing status code.
6826 pub fn r#is_alternate_for(
6827 &self,
6828 mut payload: NodeIsAlternateForRequest,
6829 ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
6830 NodeIsAlternateForResult,
6831 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
6832 > {
6833 BufferCollectionTokenProxyInterface::r#is_alternate_for(self, payload)
6834 }
6836 /// Get the buffer collection ID. This ID is also available from
6837 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.GetVmoInfo`] (along with the `buffer_index`
6838 /// within the collection).
6839 ///
6840 /// This call is mainly useful in situations where we can't convey a
6841 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] or
6842 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] directly, but can only convey a VMO
6843 /// handle, which can be joined back up with a `BufferCollection` client end
6844 /// that was created via a different path. Prefer to convey a
6845 /// `BufferCollectionToken` or `BufferCollection` directly when feasible.
6846 ///
6847 /// Trusting a `buffer_collection_id` value from a source other than sysmem
6848 /// is analogous to trusting a koid value from a source other than zircon.
6849 /// Both should be avoided unless really necessary, and both require
6850 /// caution. In some situations it may be reasonable to refer to a
6851 /// pre-established `BufferCollection` by `buffer_collection_id` via a
6852 /// protocol for efficiency reasons, but an incoming value purporting to be
6853 /// a `buffer_collection_id` is not sufficient alone to justify granting the
6854 /// sender of the `buffer_collection_id` any capability. The sender must
6855 /// first prove to a receiver that the sender has/had a VMO or has/had a
6856 /// `BufferCollectionToken` to the same collection by sending a handle that
6857 /// sysmem confirms is a valid sysmem handle and which sysmem maps to the
6858 /// `buffer_collection_id` value. The receiver should take care to avoid
6859 /// assuming that a sender had a `BufferCollectionToken` in cases where the
6860 /// sender has only proven that the sender had a VMO.
6861 ///
6862 /// - response `buffer_collection_id` This ID is unique per buffer
6863 /// collection per boot. Each buffer is uniquely identified by the
6864 /// `buffer_collection_id` and `buffer_index` together.
6865 pub fn r#get_buffer_collection_id(
6866 &self,
6867 ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
6868 NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse,
6869 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
6870 > {
6871 BufferCollectionTokenProxyInterface::r#get_buffer_collection_id(self)
6872 }
6874 /// Sets the current [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] and all child `Node`(s)
6875 /// created after this message to weak, which means that a client's `Node`
6876 /// client end (or a child created after this message) is not alone
6877 /// sufficient to keep allocated VMOs alive.
6878 ///
6879 /// All VMOs obtained from weak `Node`(s) are weak sysmem VMOs. See also
6880 /// `close_weak_asap`.
6881 ///
6882 /// This message is only permitted before the `Node` becomes ready for
6883 /// allocation (else the server closes the channel with `ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE`):
6884 /// * `BufferCollectionToken`: any time
6885 /// * `BufferCollection`: before `SetConstraints`
6886 /// * `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`: before `AllChildrenPresent`
6887 ///
6888 /// Currently, no conversion from strong `Node` to weak `Node` after ready
6889 /// for allocation is provided, but a client can simulate that by creating
6890 /// an additional `Node` before allocation and setting that additional
6891 /// `Node` to weak, and then potentially at some point later sending
6892 /// `Release` and closing the client end of the client's strong `Node`, but
6893 /// keeping the client's weak `Node`.
6894 ///
6895 /// Zero strong `Node`(s) and zero strong VMO handles will result in buffer
6896 /// collection failure (all `Node` client end(s) will see
6897 /// `ZX_CHANNEL_PEER_CLOSED` and all `close_weak_asap` `client_end`(s) will
6898 /// see `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED`), but sysmem (intentionally) won't notice
6899 /// this situation until all `Node`(s) are ready for allocation. For initial
6900 /// allocation to succeed, at least one strong `Node` is required to exist
6901 /// at allocation time, but after that client receives VMO handles, that
6902 /// client can `BufferCollection.Release` and close the client end without
6903 /// causing this type of failure.
6904 ///
6905 /// This implies [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetWeakOk`] as well, but does not
6906 /// imply `SetWeakOk` with `for_children_also` true, which can be sent
6907 /// separately as appropriate.
6908 pub fn r#set_weak(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
6909 BufferCollectionTokenProxyInterface::r#set_weak(self)
6910 }
6912 /// This indicates to sysmem that the client is prepared to pay attention to
6913 /// `close_weak_asap`.
6914 ///
6915 /// If sent, this message must be before
6916 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`].
6917 ///
6918 /// All participants using a weak [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] must
6919 /// send this message before `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`, or a parent
6920 /// `Node` must have sent [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetWeakOk`] with
6921 /// `for_child_nodes_also` true, else the `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated` will
6922 /// trigger buffer collection failure.
6923 ///
6924 /// This message is necessary because weak sysmem VMOs have not always been
6925 /// a thing, so older clients are not aware of the need to pay attention to
6926 /// `close_weak_asap` `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` and close all remaining
6927 /// sysmem weak VMO handles asap. By having this message and requiring
6928 /// participants to indicate their acceptance of this aspect of the overall
6929 /// protocol, we avoid situations where an older client is delivered a weak
6930 /// VMO without any way for sysmem to get that VMO to close quickly later
6931 /// (and on a per-buffer basis).
6932 ///
6933 /// A participant that doesn't handle `close_weak_asap` and also doesn't
6934 /// retrieve any VMO handles via `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated` doesn't need
6935 /// to send `SetWeakOk` (and doesn't need to have a parent `Node` send
6936 /// `SetWeakOk` with `for_child_nodes_also` true either). However, if that
6937 /// same participant has a child/delegate which does retrieve VMOs, that
6938 /// child/delegate will need to send `SetWeakOk` before
6939 /// `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`.
6940 ///
6941 /// + request `for_child_nodes_also` If present and true, this means direct
6942 /// child nodes of this node created after this message plus all
6943 /// descendants of those nodes will behave as if `SetWeakOk` was sent on
6944 /// those nodes. Any child node of this node that was created before this
6945 /// message is not included. This setting is "sticky" in the sense that a
6946 /// subsequent `SetWeakOk` without this bool set to true does not reset
6947 /// the server-side bool. If this creates a problem for a participant, a
6948 /// workaround is to `SetWeakOk` with `for_child_nodes_also` true on child
6949 /// tokens instead, as appropriate. A participant should only set
6950 /// `for_child_nodes_also` true if the participant can really promise to
6951 /// obey `close_weak_asap` both for its own weak VMO handles, and for all
6952 /// weak VMO handles held by participants holding the corresponding child
6953 /// `Node`(s). When `for_child_nodes_also` is set, descendent `Node`(s)
6954 /// which are using sysmem(1) can be weak, despite the clients of those
6955 /// sysmem1 `Node`(s) not having any direct way to `SetWeakOk` or any
6956 /// direct way to find out about `close_weak_asap`. This only applies to
6957 /// descendents of this `Node` which are using sysmem(1), not to this
6958 /// `Node` when converted directly from a sysmem2 token to a sysmem(1)
6959 /// token, which will fail allocation unless an ancestor of this `Node`
6960 /// specified `for_child_nodes_also` true.
6961 pub fn r#set_weak_ok(&self, mut payload: NodeSetWeakOkRequest) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
6962 BufferCollectionTokenProxyInterface::r#set_weak_ok(self, payload)
6963 }
6965 /// The server_end will be closed after this `Node` and any child nodes have
6966 /// have released their buffer counts, making those counts available for
6967 /// reservation by a different `Node` via
6968 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`].
6969 ///
6970 /// The `Node` buffer counts may not be released until the entire tree of
6971 /// `Node`(s) is closed or failed, because
6972 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Release`] followed by channel close
6973 /// does not immediately un-reserve the `Node` buffer counts. Instead, the
6974 /// `Node` buffer counts remain reserved until the orphaned node is later
6975 /// cleaned up.
6976 ///
6977 /// If the `Node` exceeds a fairly large number of attached eventpair server
6978 /// ends, a log message will indicate this and the `Node` (and the
6979 /// appropriate) sub-tree will fail.
6980 ///
6981 /// The `server_end` will remain open when
6982 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] converts a
6983 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] into a
6984 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`].
6985 ///
6986 /// This message can also be used with a
6987 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`].
6988 pub fn r#attach_node_tracking(
6989 &self,
6990 mut payload: NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest,
6991 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
6992 BufferCollectionTokenProxyInterface::r#attach_node_tracking(self, payload)
6993 }
6995 /// Create additional [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`](s) from this
6996 /// one, referring to the same buffer collection.
6997 ///
6998 /// The created tokens are children of this token in the
6999 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] heirarchy.
7000 ///
7001 /// This method can be used to add more participants, by transferring the
7002 /// newly created tokens to additional participants.
7003 ///
7004 /// A new token will be returned for each entry in the
7005 /// `rights_attenuation_masks` array.
7006 ///
7007 /// If the called token may not actually be a valid token due to a
7008 /// potentially hostile/untrusted provider of the token, consider using
7009 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.ValidateBufferCollectionToken`] first
7010 /// instead of potentially getting stuck indefinitely if
7011 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.DuplicateSync`] never responds
7012 /// due to the calling token not being a real token.
7013 ///
7014 /// In contrast to [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate`], no
7015 /// separate [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.Sync`] is needed after calling this
7016 /// method, because the sync step is included in this call, at the cost of a
7017 /// round trip during this call.
7018 ///
7019 /// All tokens must be turned in to sysmem via
7020 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] or
7021 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.Release`] for a `BufferCollection` to
7022 /// successfully allocate buffers (or to logically allocate buffers in the
7023 /// case of subtrees involving
7024 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.AttachToken`]).
7025 ///
7026 /// All table fields are currently required.
7027 ///
7028 /// + request `rights_attenuation_mask` In each entry of
7029 /// `rights_attenuation_masks`, rights bits that are zero will be absent
7030 /// in the buffer VMO rights obtainable via the corresponding returned
7031 /// token. This allows an initiator or intermediary participant to
7032 /// attenuate the rights available to a participant. This does not allow a
7033 /// participant to gain rights that the participant doesn't already have.
7034 /// The value `ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS` can be used to specify that no
7035 /// attenuation should be applied.
7036 /// - response `tokens` The client ends of each newly created token.
7037 pub fn r#duplicate_sync(
7038 &self,
7039 mut payload: &BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateSyncRequest,
7040 ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
7041 BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateSyncResponse,
7042 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7043 > {
7044 BufferCollectionTokenProxyInterface::r#duplicate_sync(self, payload)
7045 }
7047 /// Create an additional [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] from this
7048 /// one, referring to the same buffer collection.
7049 ///
7050 /// The created token is a child of this token in the
7051 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] heirarchy.
7052 ///
7053 /// This method can be used to add a participant, by transferring the newly
7054 /// created token to another participant.
7055 ///
7056 /// This one-way message can be used instead of the two-way
7057 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.DuplicateSync`] FIDL call in
7058 /// performance sensitive cases where it would be undesireable to wait for
7059 /// sysmem to respond to
7060 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.DuplicateSync`] or when the
7061 /// client code isn't structured to make it easy to duplicate all the needed
7062 /// tokens at once.
7063 ///
7064 /// After sending one or more `Duplicate` messages, and before sending the
7065 /// newly created child tokens to other participants (or to other
7066 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator`] channels), the client must send a
7067 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.Sync`] and wait for the `Sync` response. The
7068 /// `Sync` call can be made on the token, or on the `BufferCollection`
7069 /// obtained by passing this token to `BindSharedCollection`. Either will
7070 /// ensure that the server knows about the tokens created via `Duplicate`
7071 /// before the other participant sends the token to the server via separate
7072 /// `Allocator` channel.
7073 ///
7074 /// All tokens must be turned in via
7075 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] or
7076 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.Release`] for a `BufferCollection` to
7077 /// successfully allocate buffers.
7078 ///
7079 /// All table fields are currently required.
7080 ///
7081 /// + request `rights_attenuation_mask` The rights bits that are zero in
7082 /// this mask will be absent in the buffer VMO rights obtainable via the
7083 /// client end of `token_request`. This allows an initiator or
7084 /// intermediary participant to attenuate the rights available to a
7085 /// delegate participant. This does not allow a participant to gain rights
7086 /// that the participant doesn't already have. The value
7087 /// `ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS` can be used to specify that no attenuation
7088 /// should be applied.
7089 /// + These values for rights_attenuation_mask result in no attenuation:
7090 /// + `ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS` (preferred)
7091 /// + 0xFFFFFFFF (this is reasonable when an attenuation mask is
7092 /// computed)
7093 /// + 0 (deprecated - do not use 0 - an ERROR will go to the log)
7094 /// + request `token_request` is the server end of a `BufferCollectionToken`
7095 /// channel. The client end of this channel acts as another participant in
7096 /// the shared buffer collection.
7097 pub fn r#duplicate(
7098 &self,
7099 mut payload: BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateRequest,
7100 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
7101 BufferCollectionTokenProxyInterface::r#duplicate(self, payload)
7102 }
7104 /// Set this [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] to dispensable.
7105 ///
7106 /// When the `BufferCollectionToken` is converted to a
7107 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`], the dispensable status applies to
7108 /// the `BufferCollection` also.
7109 ///
7110 /// Normally, if a client closes a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`]
7111 /// client end without having sent
7112 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Release`] first, the
7113 /// `BufferCollection` [`fuchisa.sysmem2/Node`] will fail, which also
7114 /// propagates failure to the parent [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] and so on up
7115 /// to the root `Node`, which fails the whole buffer collection. In
7116 /// contrast, a dispensable `Node` can fail after buffers are allocated
7117 /// without causing failure of its parent in the [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`]
7118 /// heirarchy.
7119 ///
7120 /// The dispensable `Node` participates in constraints aggregation along
7121 /// with its parent before buffer allocation. If the dispensable `Node`
7122 /// fails before buffers are allocated, the failure propagates to the
7123 /// dispensable `Node`'s parent.
7124 ///
7125 /// After buffers are allocated, failure of the dispensable `Node` (or any
7126 /// child of the dispensable `Node`) does not propagate to the dispensable
7127 /// `Node`'s parent. Failure does propagate from a normal child of a
7128 /// dispensable `Node` to the dispensable `Node`. Failure of a child is
7129 /// blocked from reaching its parent if the child is attached using
7130 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`], or if the child is
7131 /// dispensable and the failure occurred after allocation.
7132 ///
7133 /// A dispensable `Node` can be used in cases where a participant needs to
7134 /// provide constraints, but after buffers are allocated, the participant
7135 /// can fail without causing buffer collection failure from the parent
7136 /// `Node`'s point of view.
7137 ///
7138 /// In contrast, `BufferCollection.AttachToken` can be used to create a
7139 /// `BufferCollectionToken` which does not participate in constraints
7140 /// aggregation with its parent `Node`, and whose failure at any time does
7141 /// not propagate to its parent `Node`, and whose potential delay providing
7142 /// constraints does not prevent the parent `Node` from completing its
7143 /// buffer allocation.
7144 ///
7145 /// An initiator (creator of the root `Node` using
7146 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.AllocateSharedCollection`]) may in some
7147 /// scenarios choose to initially use a dispensable `Node` for a first
7148 /// instance of a participant, and then later if the first instance of that
7149 /// participant fails, a new second instance of that participant my be given
7150 /// a `BufferCollectionToken` created with `AttachToken`.
7151 ///
7152 /// Normally a client will `SetDispensable` on a `BufferCollectionToken`
7153 /// shortly before sending the dispensable `BufferCollectionToken` to a
7154 /// delegate participant. Because `SetDispensable` prevents propagation of
7155 /// child `Node` failure to parent `Node`(s), if the client was relying on
7156 /// noticing child failure via failure of the parent `Node` retained by the
7157 /// client, the client may instead need to notice failure via other means.
7158 /// If other means aren't available/convenient, the client can instead
7159 /// retain the dispensable `Node` and create a child `Node` under that to
7160 /// send to the delegate participant, retaining this `Node` in order to
7161 /// notice failure of the subtree rooted at this `Node` via this `Node`'s
7162 /// ZX_CHANNEL_PEER_CLOSED signal, and take whatever action is appropriate
7163 /// (e.g. starting a new instance of the delegate participant and handing it
7164 /// a `BufferCollectionToken` created using
7165 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`], or propagate failure
7166 /// and clean up in a client-specific way).
7167 ///
7168 /// While it is possible (and potentially useful) to `SetDispensable` on a
7169 /// direct child of a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` `Node`, it isn't possible
7170 /// to later replace a failed dispensable `Node` that was a direct child of
7171 /// a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` with a new token using `AttachToken`
7172 /// (since there's no `AttachToken` on a group). Instead, to enable
7173 /// `AttachToken` replacement in this case, create an additional
7174 /// non-dispensable token that's a direct child of the group and make the
7175 /// existing dispensable token a child of the additional token. This way,
7176 /// the additional token that is a direct child of the group has
7177 /// `BufferCollection.AttachToken` which can be used to replace the failed
7178 /// dispensable token.
7179 ///
7180 /// `SetDispensable` on an already-dispensable token is idempotent.
7181 pub fn r#set_dispensable(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
7182 BufferCollectionTokenProxyInterface::r#set_dispensable(self)
7183 }
7185 /// Create a logical OR among a set of tokens, called a
7186 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`].
7187 ///
7188 /// Most sysmem clients and many participants don't need to care about this
7189 /// message or about `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`(s). However, in some cases
7190 /// a participant wants to attempt to include one set of delegate
7191 /// participants, but if constraints don't combine successfully that way,
7192 /// fall back to a different (possibly overlapping) set of delegate
7193 /// participants, and/or fall back to a less demanding strategy (in terms of
7194 /// how strict the [`fuchisa.sysmem2/BufferCollectionConstraints`] are,
7195 /// across all involved delegate participants). In such cases, a
7196 /// `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` is useful.
7197 ///
7198 /// A `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` is used to create a 1 of N OR among N
7199 /// child [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`](s). The child tokens
7200 /// which are not selected during aggregation will fail (close), which a
7201 /// potential participant should notice when their `BufferCollection`
7202 /// channel client endpoint sees PEER_CLOSED, allowing the participant to
7203 /// clean up the speculative usage that didn't end up happening (this is
7204 /// simimlar to a normal `BufferCollection` server end closing on failure to
7205 /// allocate a logical buffer collection or later async failure of a buffer
7206 /// collection).
7207 ///
7208 /// See comments on protocol `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`.
7209 ///
7210 /// Any `rights_attenuation_mask` or `AttachToken`/`SetDispensable` to be
7211 /// applied to the whole group can be achieved with a
7212 /// `BufferCollectionToken` for this purpose as a direct parent of the
7213 /// `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`.
7214 ///
7215 /// All table fields are currently required.
7216 ///
7217 /// + request `group_request` The server end of a
7218 /// `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` channel to be served by sysmem.
7219 pub fn r#create_buffer_collection_token_group(
7220 &self,
7221 mut payload: BufferCollectionTokenCreateBufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest,
7222 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
7223 BufferCollectionTokenProxyInterface::r#create_buffer_collection_token_group(self, payload)
7224 }
7227impl BufferCollectionTokenProxyInterface for BufferCollectionTokenProxy {
7228 type SyncResponseFut =
7229 fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<(), fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>;
7230 fn r#sync(&self) -> Self::SyncResponseFut {
7231 fn _decode(
7232 mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
7233 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
7234 let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
7235 fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct>,
7236 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7237 0x11ac2555cf575b54,
7238 >(_buf?)?
7239 .into_result::<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>("sync")?;
7240 Ok(_response)
7241 }
7242 self.client.send_query_and_decode::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload, ()>(
7243 (),
7244 0x11ac2555cf575b54,
7245 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
7246 _decode,
7247 )
7248 }
7250 fn r#release(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
7251 self.client.send::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(
7252 (),
7253 0x6a5cae7d6d6e04c6,
7254 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
7255 )
7256 }
7258 fn r#set_name(&self, mut payload: &NodeSetNameRequest) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
7259 self.client.send::<NodeSetNameRequest>(
7260 payload,
7261 0xb41f1624f48c1e9,
7262 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
7263 )
7264 }
7266 fn r#set_debug_client_info(
7267 &self,
7268 mut payload: &NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest,
7269 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
7270 self.client.send::<NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest>(
7271 payload,
7272 0x5cde8914608d99b1,
7273 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
7274 )
7275 }
7277 fn r#set_debug_timeout_log_deadline(
7278 &self,
7279 mut payload: &NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest,
7280 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
7281 self.client.send::<NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest>(
7282 payload,
7283 0x716b0af13d5c0806,
7284 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
7285 )
7286 }
7288 fn r#set_verbose_logging(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
7289 self.client.send::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(
7290 (),
7291 0x5209c77415b4dfad,
7292 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
7293 )
7294 }
7296 type GetNodeRefResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
7297 NodeGetNodeRefResponse,
7298 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7299 >;
7300 fn r#get_node_ref(&self) -> Self::GetNodeRefResponseFut {
7301 fn _decode(
7302 mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
7303 ) -> Result<NodeGetNodeRefResponse, fidl::Error> {
7304 let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
7305 fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<NodeGetNodeRefResponse>,
7306 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7307 0x5b3d0e51614df053,
7308 >(_buf?)?
7309 .into_result::<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>("get_node_ref")?;
7310 Ok(_response)
7311 }
7312 self.client.send_query_and_decode::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload, NodeGetNodeRefResponse>(
7313 (),
7314 0x5b3d0e51614df053,
7315 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
7316 _decode,
7317 )
7318 }
7320 type IsAlternateForResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
7321 NodeIsAlternateForResult,
7322 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7323 >;
7324 fn r#is_alternate_for(
7325 &self,
7326 mut payload: NodeIsAlternateForRequest,
7327 ) -> Self::IsAlternateForResponseFut {
7328 fn _decode(
7329 mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
7330 ) -> Result<NodeIsAlternateForResult, fidl::Error> {
7331 let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
7332 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<NodeIsAlternateForResponse, Error>,
7333 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7334 0x3a58e00157e0825,
7335 >(_buf?)?
7336 .into_result::<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>("is_alternate_for")?;
7337 Ok(|x| x))
7338 }
7339 self.client.send_query_and_decode::<NodeIsAlternateForRequest, NodeIsAlternateForResult>(
7340 &mut payload,
7341 0x3a58e00157e0825,
7342 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
7343 _decode,
7344 )
7345 }
7347 type GetBufferCollectionIdResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
7348 NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse,
7349 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7350 >;
7351 fn r#get_buffer_collection_id(&self) -> Self::GetBufferCollectionIdResponseFut {
7352 fn _decode(
7353 mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
7354 ) -> Result<NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse, fidl::Error> {
7355 let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
7356 fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse>,
7357 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7358 0x77d19a494b78ba8c,
7359 >(_buf?)?
7360 .into_result::<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>("get_buffer_collection_id")?;
7361 Ok(_response)
7362 }
7363 self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
7364 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
7365 NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse,
7366 >(
7367 (),
7368 0x77d19a494b78ba8c,
7369 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
7370 _decode,
7371 )
7372 }
7374 fn r#set_weak(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
7375 self.client.send::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(
7376 (),
7377 0x22dd3ea514eeffe1,
7378 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
7379 )
7380 }
7382 fn r#set_weak_ok(&self, mut payload: NodeSetWeakOkRequest) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
7383 self.client.send::<NodeSetWeakOkRequest>(
7384 &mut payload,
7385 0x38a44fc4d7724be9,
7386 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
7387 )
7388 }
7390 fn r#attach_node_tracking(
7391 &self,
7392 mut payload: NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest,
7393 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
7394 self.client.send::<NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest>(
7395 &mut payload,
7396 0x3f22f2a293d3cdac,
7397 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
7398 )
7399 }
7401 type DuplicateSyncResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
7402 BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateSyncResponse,
7403 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7404 >;
7405 fn r#duplicate_sync(
7406 &self,
7407 mut payload: &BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateSyncRequest,
7408 ) -> Self::DuplicateSyncResponseFut {
7409 fn _decode(
7410 mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
7411 ) -> Result<BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateSyncResponse, fidl::Error> {
7412 let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
7413 fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateSyncResponse>,
7414 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7415 0x1c1af9919d1ca45c,
7416 >(_buf?)?
7417 .into_result::<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>("duplicate_sync")?;
7418 Ok(_response)
7419 }
7420 self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
7421 BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateSyncRequest,
7422 BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateSyncResponse,
7423 >(
7424 payload,
7425 0x1c1af9919d1ca45c,
7426 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
7427 _decode,
7428 )
7429 }
7431 fn r#duplicate(
7432 &self,
7433 mut payload: BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateRequest,
7434 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
7435 self.client.send::<BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateRequest>(
7436 &mut payload,
7437 0x73e78f92ee7fb887,
7438 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
7439 )
7440 }
7442 fn r#set_dispensable(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
7443 self.client.send::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(
7444 (),
7445 0x228acf979254df8b,
7446 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
7447 )
7448 }
7450 fn r#create_buffer_collection_token_group(
7451 &self,
7452 mut payload: BufferCollectionTokenCreateBufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest,
7453 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
7454 self.client.send::<BufferCollectionTokenCreateBufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest>(
7455 &mut payload,
7456 0x30f8d48e77bd36f2,
7457 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
7458 )
7459 }
7462pub struct BufferCollectionTokenEventStream {
7463 event_receiver: fidl::client::EventReceiver<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>,
7466impl std::marker::Unpin for BufferCollectionTokenEventStream {}
7468impl futures::stream::FusedStream for BufferCollectionTokenEventStream {
7469 fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool {
7470 self.event_receiver.is_terminated()
7471 }
7474impl futures::Stream for BufferCollectionTokenEventStream {
7475 type Item = Result<BufferCollectionTokenEvent, fidl::Error>;
7477 fn poll_next(
7478 mut self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
7479 cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
7480 ) -> std::task::Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
7481 match futures::ready!(futures::stream::StreamExt::poll_next_unpin(
7482 &mut self.event_receiver,
7483 cx
7484 )?) {
7485 Some(buf) => std::task::Poll::Ready(Some(BufferCollectionTokenEvent::decode(buf))),
7486 None => std::task::Poll::Ready(None),
7487 }
7488 }
7492pub enum BufferCollectionTokenEvent {
7493 #[non_exhaustive]
7494 _UnknownEvent {
7495 /// Ordinal of the event that was sent.
7496 ordinal: u64,
7497 },
7500impl BufferCollectionTokenEvent {
7501 /// Decodes a message buffer as a [`BufferCollectionTokenEvent`].
7502 fn decode(
7503 mut buf: <fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc,
7504 ) -> Result<BufferCollectionTokenEvent, fidl::Error> {
7505 let (bytes, _handles) = buf.split_mut();
7506 let (tx_header, _body_bytes) = fidl::encoding::decode_transaction_header(bytes)?;
7507 debug_assert_eq!(tx_header.tx_id, 0);
7508 match tx_header.ordinal {
7509 _ if tx_header.dynamic_flags().contains(fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE) => {
7510 Ok(BufferCollectionTokenEvent::_UnknownEvent { ordinal: tx_header.ordinal })
7511 }
7512 _ => Err(fidl::Error::UnknownOrdinal {
7513 ordinal: tx_header.ordinal,
7514 protocol_name:
7515 <BufferCollectionTokenMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME,
7516 }),
7517 }
7518 }
7521/// A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.
7522pub struct BufferCollectionTokenRequestStream {
7523 inner: std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>,
7524 is_terminated: bool,
7527impl std::marker::Unpin for BufferCollectionTokenRequestStream {}
7529impl futures::stream::FusedStream for BufferCollectionTokenRequestStream {
7530 fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool {
7531 self.is_terminated
7532 }
7535impl fidl::endpoints::RequestStream for BufferCollectionTokenRequestStream {
7536 type Protocol = BufferCollectionTokenMarker;
7537 type ControlHandle = BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle;
7539 fn from_channel(channel: ::fidl::AsyncChannel) -> Self {
7540 Self { inner: std::sync::Arc::new(fidl::ServeInner::new(channel)), is_terminated: false }
7541 }
7543 fn control_handle(&self) -> Self::ControlHandle {
7544 BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle { inner: self.inner.clone() }
7545 }
7547 fn into_inner(
7548 self,
7549 ) -> (::std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>, bool)
7550 {
7551 (self.inner, self.is_terminated)
7552 }
7554 fn from_inner(
7555 inner: std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>,
7556 is_terminated: bool,
7557 ) -> Self {
7558 Self { inner, is_terminated }
7559 }
7562impl futures::Stream for BufferCollectionTokenRequestStream {
7563 type Item = Result<BufferCollectionTokenRequest, fidl::Error>;
7565 fn poll_next(
7566 mut self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
7567 cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
7568 ) -> std::task::Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
7569 let this = &mut *self;
7570 if this.inner.check_shutdown(cx) {
7571 this.is_terminated = true;
7572 return std::task::Poll::Ready(None);
7573 }
7574 if this.is_terminated {
7575 panic!("polled BufferCollectionTokenRequestStream after completion");
7576 }
7577 fidl::encoding::with_tls_decode_buf::<_, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>(
7578 |bytes, handles| {
7579 match, bytes, handles) {
7580 std::task::Poll::Ready(Ok(())) => {}
7581 std::task::Poll::Pending => return std::task::Poll::Pending,
7582 std::task::Poll::Ready(Err(zx_status::Status::PEER_CLOSED)) => {
7583 this.is_terminated = true;
7584 return std::task::Poll::Ready(None);
7585 }
7586 std::task::Poll::Ready(Err(e)) => {
7587 return std::task::Poll::Ready(Some(Err(fidl::Error::ServerRequestRead(
7588 e.into(),
7589 ))))
7590 }
7591 }
7593 // A message has been received from the channel
7594 let (header, _body_bytes) = fidl::encoding::decode_transaction_header(bytes)?;
7596 std::task::Poll::Ready(Some(match header.ordinal {
7597 0x11ac2555cf575b54 => {
7598 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
7599 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect);
7600 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
7601 let control_handle = BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle {
7602 inner: this.inner.clone(),
7603 };
7604 Ok(BufferCollectionTokenRequest::Sync {
7605 responder: BufferCollectionTokenSyncResponder {
7606 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
7607 tx_id: header.tx_id,
7608 },
7609 })
7610 }
7611 0x6a5cae7d6d6e04c6 => {
7612 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
7613 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect);
7614 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
7615 let control_handle = BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle {
7616 inner: this.inner.clone(),
7617 };
7618 Ok(BufferCollectionTokenRequest::Release {
7619 control_handle,
7620 })
7621 }
7622 0xb41f1624f48c1e9 => {
7623 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
7624 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(NodeSetNameRequest, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect);
7625 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<NodeSetNameRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
7626 let control_handle = BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle {
7627 inner: this.inner.clone(),
7628 };
7629 Ok(BufferCollectionTokenRequest::SetName {payload: req,
7630 control_handle,
7631 })
7632 }
7633 0x5cde8914608d99b1 => {
7634 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
7635 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect);
7636 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
7637 let control_handle = BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle {
7638 inner: this.inner.clone(),
7639 };
7640 Ok(BufferCollectionTokenRequest::SetDebugClientInfo {payload: req,
7641 control_handle,
7642 })
7643 }
7644 0x716b0af13d5c0806 => {
7645 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
7646 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect);
7647 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
7648 let control_handle = BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle {
7649 inner: this.inner.clone(),
7650 };
7651 Ok(BufferCollectionTokenRequest::SetDebugTimeoutLogDeadline {payload: req,
7652 control_handle,
7653 })
7654 }
7655 0x5209c77415b4dfad => {
7656 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
7657 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect);
7658 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
7659 let control_handle = BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle {
7660 inner: this.inner.clone(),
7661 };
7662 Ok(BufferCollectionTokenRequest::SetVerboseLogging {
7663 control_handle,
7664 })
7665 }
7666 0x5b3d0e51614df053 => {
7667 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
7668 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect);
7669 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
7670 let control_handle = BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle {
7671 inner: this.inner.clone(),
7672 };
7673 Ok(BufferCollectionTokenRequest::GetNodeRef {
7674 responder: BufferCollectionTokenGetNodeRefResponder {
7675 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
7676 tx_id: header.tx_id,
7677 },
7678 })
7679 }
7680 0x3a58e00157e0825 => {
7681 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
7682 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(NodeIsAlternateForRequest, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect);
7683 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<NodeIsAlternateForRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
7684 let control_handle = BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle {
7685 inner: this.inner.clone(),
7686 };
7687 Ok(BufferCollectionTokenRequest::IsAlternateFor {payload: req,
7688 responder: BufferCollectionTokenIsAlternateForResponder {
7689 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
7690 tx_id: header.tx_id,
7691 },
7692 })
7693 }
7694 0x77d19a494b78ba8c => {
7695 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
7696 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect);
7697 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
7698 let control_handle = BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle {
7699 inner: this.inner.clone(),
7700 };
7701 Ok(BufferCollectionTokenRequest::GetBufferCollectionId {
7702 responder: BufferCollectionTokenGetBufferCollectionIdResponder {
7703 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
7704 tx_id: header.tx_id,
7705 },
7706 })
7707 }
7708 0x22dd3ea514eeffe1 => {
7709 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
7710 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect);
7711 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
7712 let control_handle = BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle {
7713 inner: this.inner.clone(),
7714 };
7715 Ok(BufferCollectionTokenRequest::SetWeak {
7716 control_handle,
7717 })
7718 }
7719 0x38a44fc4d7724be9 => {
7720 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
7721 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(NodeSetWeakOkRequest, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect);
7722 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<NodeSetWeakOkRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
7723 let control_handle = BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle {
7724 inner: this.inner.clone(),
7725 };
7726 Ok(BufferCollectionTokenRequest::SetWeakOk {payload: req,
7727 control_handle,
7728 })
7729 }
7730 0x3f22f2a293d3cdac => {
7731 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
7732 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect);
7733 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
7734 let control_handle = BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle {
7735 inner: this.inner.clone(),
7736 };
7737 Ok(BufferCollectionTokenRequest::AttachNodeTracking {payload: req,
7738 control_handle,
7739 })
7740 }
7741 0x1c1af9919d1ca45c => {
7742 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
7743 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateSyncRequest, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect);
7744 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateSyncRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
7745 let control_handle = BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle {
7746 inner: this.inner.clone(),
7747 };
7748 Ok(BufferCollectionTokenRequest::DuplicateSync {payload: req,
7749 responder: BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateSyncResponder {
7750 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
7751 tx_id: header.tx_id,
7752 },
7753 })
7754 }
7755 0x73e78f92ee7fb887 => {
7756 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
7757 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateRequest, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect);
7758 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
7759 let control_handle = BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle {
7760 inner: this.inner.clone(),
7761 };
7762 Ok(BufferCollectionTokenRequest::Duplicate {payload: req,
7763 control_handle,
7764 })
7765 }
7766 0x228acf979254df8b => {
7767 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
7768 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect);
7769 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
7770 let control_handle = BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle {
7771 inner: this.inner.clone(),
7772 };
7773 Ok(BufferCollectionTokenRequest::SetDispensable {
7774 control_handle,
7775 })
7776 }
7777 0x30f8d48e77bd36f2 => {
7778 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
7779 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(BufferCollectionTokenCreateBufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect);
7780 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<BufferCollectionTokenCreateBufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
7781 let control_handle = BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle {
7782 inner: this.inner.clone(),
7783 };
7784 Ok(BufferCollectionTokenRequest::CreateBufferCollectionTokenGroup {payload: req,
7785 control_handle,
7786 })
7787 }
7788 _ if header.tx_id == 0 && header.dynamic_flags().contains(fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE) => {
7789 Ok(BufferCollectionTokenRequest::_UnknownMethod {
7790 ordinal: header.ordinal,
7791 control_handle: BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() },
7792 method_type: fidl::MethodType::OneWay,
7793 })
7794 }
7795 _ if header.dynamic_flags().contains(fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE) => {
7796 this.inner.send_framework_err(
7797 fidl::encoding::FrameworkErr::UnknownMethod,
7798 header.tx_id,
7799 header.ordinal,
7800 header.dynamic_flags(),
7801 (bytes, handles),
7802 )?;
7803 Ok(BufferCollectionTokenRequest::_UnknownMethod {
7804 ordinal: header.ordinal,
7805 control_handle: BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() },
7806 method_type: fidl::MethodType::TwoWay,
7807 })
7808 }
7809 _ => Err(fidl::Error::UnknownOrdinal {
7810 ordinal: header.ordinal,
7811 protocol_name: <BufferCollectionTokenMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME,
7812 }),
7813 }))
7814 },
7815 )
7816 }
7819/// A [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] is not a buffer collection, but
7820/// rather is a way to identify a specific potential shared buffer collection,
7821/// and a way to distribute that potential shared buffer collection to
7822/// additional participants prior to the buffer collection allocating any
7823/// buffers.
7825/// Epitaphs are not used in this protocol.
7827/// We use a channel for the `BufferCollectionToken` instead of a single
7828/// `eventpair` (pair) because this way we can detect error conditions like a
7829/// participant failing mid-create.
7831pub enum BufferCollectionTokenRequest {
7832 /// Ensure that previous messages have been received server side. This is
7833 /// particularly useful after previous messages that created new tokens,
7834 /// because a token must be known to the sysmem server before sending the
7835 /// token to another participant.
7836 ///
7837 /// Calling [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Sync`] on a token that
7838 /// isn't/wasn't a valid token risks the `Sync` stalling forever. See
7839 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.ValidateBufferCollectionToken`] for one way
7840 /// to mitigate the possibility of a hostile/fake
7841 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] at the cost of one round trip.
7842 /// Another way is to pass the token to
7843 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator/BindSharedCollection`], which also validates
7844 /// the token as part of exchanging it for a
7845 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] channel, and
7846 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Sync`] can then be used without risk
7847 /// of stalling.
7848 ///
7849 /// After creating one or more [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`](s)
7850 /// and then starting and completing a `Sync`, it's then safe to send the
7851 /// `BufferCollectionToken` client ends to other participants knowing the
7852 /// server will recognize the tokens when they're sent by the other
7853 /// participants to sysmem in a
7854 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] message. This is an
7855 /// efficient way to create tokens while avoiding unnecessary round trips.
7856 ///
7857 /// Other options include waiting for each
7858 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate`] to complete
7859 /// individually (using separate call to `Sync` after each), or calling
7860 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Sync`] after a token has been
7861 /// converted to a `BufferCollection` via
7862 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`], or using
7863 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.DuplicateSync`] which includes
7864 /// the sync step and can create multiple tokens at once.
7865 Sync { responder: BufferCollectionTokenSyncResponder },
7866 /// ###### On a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] channel:
7867 ///
7868 /// Normally a participant will convert a `BufferCollectionToken` into a
7869 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`], but a participant can instead send
7870 /// `Release` via the token (and then close the channel immediately or
7871 /// shortly later in response to server closing the server end), which
7872 /// avoids causing buffer collection failure. Without a prior `Release`,
7873 /// closing the `BufferCollectionToken` client end will cause buffer
7874 /// collection failure.
7875 ///
7876 /// ###### On a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] channel:
7877 ///
7878 /// By default the server handles unexpected closure of a
7879 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] client end (without `Release`
7880 /// first) by failing the buffer collection. Partly this is to expedite
7881 /// closing VMO handles to reclaim memory when any participant fails. If a
7882 /// participant would like to cleanly close a `BufferCollection` without
7883 /// causing buffer collection failure, the participant can send `Release`
7884 /// before closing the `BufferCollection` client end. The `Release` can
7885 /// occur before or after `SetConstraints`. If before `SetConstraints`, the
7886 /// buffer collection won't require constraints from this node in order to
7887 /// allocate. If after `SetConstraints`, the constraints are retained and
7888 /// aggregated, despite the lack of `BufferCollection` connection at the
7889 /// time of constraints aggregation.
7890 ///
7891 /// ###### On a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`] channel:
7892 ///
7893 /// By default, unexpected closure of a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` client
7894 /// end (without `Release` first) will trigger failure of the buffer
7895 /// collection. To close a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` channel without
7896 /// failing the buffer collection, ensure that AllChildrenPresent() has been
7897 /// sent, and send `Release` before closing the `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`
7898 /// client end.
7899 ///
7900 /// If `Release` occurs before
7901 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup.AllChildrenPresent], the
7902 /// buffer collection will fail (triggered by reception of `Release` without
7903 /// prior `AllChildrenPresent`). This is intentionally not analogous to how
7904 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Release`] without
7905 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] first doesn't cause
7906 /// buffer collection failure. For a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`, clean
7907 /// close requires `AllChildrenPresent` (if not already sent), then
7908 /// `Release`, then close client end.
7909 ///
7910 /// If `Release` occurs after `AllChildrenPresent`, the children and all
7911 /// their constraints remain intact (just as they would if the
7912 /// `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` channel had remained open), and the client
7913 /// end close doesn't trigger buffer collection failure.
7914 ///
7915 /// ###### On all [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] channels (any of the above):
7916 ///
7917 /// For brevity, the per-channel-protocol paragraphs above ignore the
7918 /// separate failure domain created by
7919 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.SetDispensable`] or
7920 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`]. When a client end
7921 /// unexpectedly closes (without `Release` first) and that client end is
7922 /// under a failure domain, instead of failing the whole buffer collection,
7923 /// the failure domain is failed, but the buffer collection itself is
7924 /// isolated from failure of the failure domain. Such failure domains can be
7925 /// nested, in which case only the inner-most failure domain in which the
7926 /// `Node` resides fails.
7927 Release { control_handle: BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle },
7928 /// Set a name for VMOs in this buffer collection.
7929 ///
7930 /// If the name doesn't fit in ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN, the name of the vmo itself
7931 /// will be truncated to fit. The name of the vmo will be suffixed with the
7932 /// buffer index within the collection (if the suffix fits within
7933 /// ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN). The name specified here (without truncation) will be
7934 /// listed in the inspect data.
7935 ///
7936 /// The name only affects VMOs allocated after the name is set; this call
7937 /// does not rename existing VMOs. If multiple clients set different names
7938 /// then the larger priority value will win. Setting a new name with the
7939 /// same priority as a prior name doesn't change the name.
7940 ///
7941 /// All table fields are currently required.
7942 ///
7943 /// + request `priority` The name is only set if this is the first `SetName`
7944 /// or if `priority` is greater than any previous `priority` value in
7945 /// prior `SetName` calls across all `Node`(s) of this buffer collection.
7946 /// + request `name` The name for VMOs created under this buffer collection.
7947 SetName { payload: NodeSetNameRequest, control_handle: BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle },
7948 /// Set information about the current client that can be used by sysmem to
7949 /// help diagnose leaking memory and allocation stalls waiting for a
7950 /// participant to send [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`].
7951 ///
7952 /// This sets the debug client info on this [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] and all
7953 /// `Node`(s) derived from this `Node`, unless overriden by
7954 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`] or a later
7955 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`].
7956 ///
7957 /// Sending [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`] once per
7958 /// `Allocator` is the most efficient way to ensure that all
7959 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`](s) will have at least some debug client info
7960 /// set, and is also more efficient than separately sending the same debug
7961 /// client info via [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`] for each
7962 /// created [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`].
7963 ///
7964 /// Also used when verbose logging is enabled (see `SetVerboseLogging`) to
7965 /// indicate which client is closing their channel first, leading to subtree
7966 /// failure (which can be normal if the purpose of the subtree is over, but
7967 /// if happening earlier than expected, the client-channel-specific name can
7968 /// help diagnose where the failure is first coming from, from sysmem's
7969 /// point of view).
7970 ///
7971 /// All table fields are currently required.
7972 ///
7973 /// + request `name` This can be an arbitrary string, but the current
7974 /// process name (see `fsl::GetCurrentProcessName`) is a good default.
7975 /// + request `id` This can be an arbitrary id, but the current process ID
7976 /// (see `fsl::GetCurrentProcessKoid`) is a good default.
7977 SetDebugClientInfo {
7978 payload: NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest,
7979 control_handle: BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle,
7980 },
7981 /// Sysmem logs a warning if sysmem hasn't seen
7982 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] from all clients
7983 /// within 5 seconds after creation of a new collection.
7984 ///
7985 /// Clients can call this method to change when the log is printed. If
7986 /// multiple client set the deadline, it's unspecified which deadline will
7987 /// take effect.
7988 ///
7989 /// In most cases the default works well.
7990 ///
7991 /// All table fields are currently required.
7992 ///
7993 /// + request `deadline` The time at which sysmem will start trying to log
7994 /// the warning, unless all constraints are with sysmem by then.
7995 SetDebugTimeoutLogDeadline {
7996 payload: NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest,
7997 control_handle: BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle,
7998 },
7999 /// This enables verbose logging for the buffer collection.
8000 ///
8001 /// Verbose logging includes constraints set via
8002 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] from each client
8003 /// along with info set via [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`] (or
8004 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`]) and the structure of
8005 /// the tree of `Node`(s).
8006 ///
8007 /// Normally sysmem prints only a single line complaint when aggregation
8008 /// fails, with just the specific detailed reason that aggregation failed,
8009 /// with little surrounding context. While this is often enough to diagnose
8010 /// a problem if only a small change was made and everything was working
8011 /// before the small change, it's often not particularly helpful for getting
8012 /// a new buffer collection to work for the first time. Especially with
8013 /// more complex trees of nodes, involving things like
8014 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`],
8015 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.SetDispensable`],
8016 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`] nodes, and associated
8017 /// subtrees of nodes, verbose logging may help in diagnosing what the tree
8018 /// looks like and why it's failing a logical allocation, or why a tree or
8019 /// subtree is failing sooner than expected.
8020 ///
8021 /// The intent of the extra logging is to be acceptable from a performance
8022 /// point of view, under the assumption that verbose logging is only enabled
8023 /// on a low number of buffer collections. If we're not tracking down a bug,
8024 /// we shouldn't send this message.
8025 SetVerboseLogging { control_handle: BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle },
8026 /// This gets a handle that can be used as a parameter to
8027 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.IsAlternateFor`] called on any
8028 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`]. This handle is only for use as proof that the
8029 /// client obtained this handle from this `Node`.
8030 ///
8031 /// Because this is a get not a set, no [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.Sync`] is
8032 /// needed between the `GetNodeRef` and the call to `IsAlternateFor`,
8033 /// despite the two calls typically being on different channels.
8034 ///
8035 /// See also [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.IsAlternateFor`].
8036 ///
8037 /// All table fields are currently required.
8038 ///
8039 /// - response `node_ref` This handle can be sent via `IsAlternateFor` on a
8040 /// different `Node` channel, to prove that the client obtained the handle
8041 /// from this `Node`.
8042 GetNodeRef { responder: BufferCollectionTokenGetNodeRefResponder },
8043 /// Check whether the calling [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] is in a subtree
8044 /// rooted at a different child token of a common parent
8045 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`], in relation to the
8046 /// passed-in `node_ref`.
8047 ///
8048 /// This call is for assisting with admission control de-duplication, and
8049 /// with debugging.
8050 ///
8051 /// The `node_ref` must be obtained using
8052 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.GetNodeRef`].
8053 ///
8054 /// The `node_ref` can be a duplicated handle; it's not necessary to call
8055 /// `GetNodeRef` for every call to [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.IsAlternateFor`].
8056 ///
8057 /// If a calling token may not actually be a valid token at all due to a
8058 /// potentially hostile/untrusted provider of the token, call
8059 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.ValidateBufferCollectionToken`] first
8060 /// instead of potentially getting stuck indefinitely if `IsAlternateFor`
8061 /// never responds due to a calling token not being a real token (not really
8062 /// talking to sysmem). Another option is to call
8063 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] with this token first
8064 /// which also validates the token along with converting it to a
8065 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`], then call `IsAlternateFor`.
8066 ///
8067 /// All table fields are currently required.
8068 ///
8069 /// - response `is_alternate`
8070 /// - true: The first parent node in common between the calling node and
8071 /// the `node_ref` `Node` is a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`. This means
8072 /// that the calling `Node` and the `node_ref` `Node` will not have both
8073 /// their constraints apply - rather sysmem will choose one or the other
8074 /// of the constraints - never both. This is because only one child of
8075 /// a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` is selected during logical
8076 /// allocation, with only that one child's subtree contributing to
8077 /// constraints aggregation.
8078 /// - false: The first parent node in common between the calling `Node`
8079 /// and the `node_ref` `Node` is not a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`.
8080 /// Currently, this means the first parent node in common is a
8081 /// `BufferCollectionToken` or `BufferCollection` (regardless of not
8082 /// `Release`ed). This means that the calling `Node` and the `node_ref`
8083 /// `Node` may have both their constraints apply during constraints
8084 /// aggregation of the logical allocation, if both `Node`(s) are
8085 /// selected by any parent `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`(s) involved. In
8086 /// this case, there is no `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` that will
8087 /// directly prevent the two `Node`(s) from both being selected and
8088 /// their constraints both aggregated, but even when false, one or both
8089 /// `Node`(s) may still be eliminated from consideration if one or both
8090 /// `Node`(s) has a direct or indirect parent
8091 /// `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` which selects a child subtree other
8092 /// than the subtree containing the calling `Node` or `node_ref` `Node`.
8093 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.NOT_FOUND]` The node_ref wasn't
8094 /// associated with the same buffer collection as the calling `Node`.
8095 /// Another reason for this error is if the `node_ref` is an
8096 /// [`zx.Handle.EVENT`] handle with sufficient rights, but isn't actually
8097 /// a real `node_ref` obtained from `GetNodeRef`.
8098 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.PROTOCOL_DEVIATION]` The caller passed a
8099 /// `node_ref` that isn't a [`zx.Handle:EVENT`] handle , or doesn't have
8100 /// the needed rights expected on a real `node_ref`.
8101 /// * No other failing status codes are returned by this call. However,
8102 /// sysmem may add additional codes in future, so the client should have
8103 /// sensible default handling for any failing status code.
8104 IsAlternateFor {
8105 payload: NodeIsAlternateForRequest,
8106 responder: BufferCollectionTokenIsAlternateForResponder,
8107 },
8108 /// Get the buffer collection ID. This ID is also available from
8109 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.GetVmoInfo`] (along with the `buffer_index`
8110 /// within the collection).
8111 ///
8112 /// This call is mainly useful in situations where we can't convey a
8113 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] or
8114 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] directly, but can only convey a VMO
8115 /// handle, which can be joined back up with a `BufferCollection` client end
8116 /// that was created via a different path. Prefer to convey a
8117 /// `BufferCollectionToken` or `BufferCollection` directly when feasible.
8118 ///
8119 /// Trusting a `buffer_collection_id` value from a source other than sysmem
8120 /// is analogous to trusting a koid value from a source other than zircon.
8121 /// Both should be avoided unless really necessary, and both require
8122 /// caution. In some situations it may be reasonable to refer to a
8123 /// pre-established `BufferCollection` by `buffer_collection_id` via a
8124 /// protocol for efficiency reasons, but an incoming value purporting to be
8125 /// a `buffer_collection_id` is not sufficient alone to justify granting the
8126 /// sender of the `buffer_collection_id` any capability. The sender must
8127 /// first prove to a receiver that the sender has/had a VMO or has/had a
8128 /// `BufferCollectionToken` to the same collection by sending a handle that
8129 /// sysmem confirms is a valid sysmem handle and which sysmem maps to the
8130 /// `buffer_collection_id` value. The receiver should take care to avoid
8131 /// assuming that a sender had a `BufferCollectionToken` in cases where the
8132 /// sender has only proven that the sender had a VMO.
8133 ///
8134 /// - response `buffer_collection_id` This ID is unique per buffer
8135 /// collection per boot. Each buffer is uniquely identified by the
8136 /// `buffer_collection_id` and `buffer_index` together.
8137 GetBufferCollectionId { responder: BufferCollectionTokenGetBufferCollectionIdResponder },
8138 /// Sets the current [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] and all child `Node`(s)
8139 /// created after this message to weak, which means that a client's `Node`
8140 /// client end (or a child created after this message) is not alone
8141 /// sufficient to keep allocated VMOs alive.
8142 ///
8143 /// All VMOs obtained from weak `Node`(s) are weak sysmem VMOs. See also
8144 /// `close_weak_asap`.
8145 ///
8146 /// This message is only permitted before the `Node` becomes ready for
8147 /// allocation (else the server closes the channel with `ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE`):
8148 /// * `BufferCollectionToken`: any time
8149 /// * `BufferCollection`: before `SetConstraints`
8150 /// * `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`: before `AllChildrenPresent`
8151 ///
8152 /// Currently, no conversion from strong `Node` to weak `Node` after ready
8153 /// for allocation is provided, but a client can simulate that by creating
8154 /// an additional `Node` before allocation and setting that additional
8155 /// `Node` to weak, and then potentially at some point later sending
8156 /// `Release` and closing the client end of the client's strong `Node`, but
8157 /// keeping the client's weak `Node`.
8158 ///
8159 /// Zero strong `Node`(s) and zero strong VMO handles will result in buffer
8160 /// collection failure (all `Node` client end(s) will see
8161 /// `ZX_CHANNEL_PEER_CLOSED` and all `close_weak_asap` `client_end`(s) will
8162 /// see `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED`), but sysmem (intentionally) won't notice
8163 /// this situation until all `Node`(s) are ready for allocation. For initial
8164 /// allocation to succeed, at least one strong `Node` is required to exist
8165 /// at allocation time, but after that client receives VMO handles, that
8166 /// client can `BufferCollection.Release` and close the client end without
8167 /// causing this type of failure.
8168 ///
8169 /// This implies [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetWeakOk`] as well, but does not
8170 /// imply `SetWeakOk` with `for_children_also` true, which can be sent
8171 /// separately as appropriate.
8172 SetWeak { control_handle: BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle },
8173 /// This indicates to sysmem that the client is prepared to pay attention to
8174 /// `close_weak_asap`.
8175 ///
8176 /// If sent, this message must be before
8177 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`].
8178 ///
8179 /// All participants using a weak [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] must
8180 /// send this message before `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`, or a parent
8181 /// `Node` must have sent [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetWeakOk`] with
8182 /// `for_child_nodes_also` true, else the `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated` will
8183 /// trigger buffer collection failure.
8184 ///
8185 /// This message is necessary because weak sysmem VMOs have not always been
8186 /// a thing, so older clients are not aware of the need to pay attention to
8187 /// `close_weak_asap` `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` and close all remaining
8188 /// sysmem weak VMO handles asap. By having this message and requiring
8189 /// participants to indicate their acceptance of this aspect of the overall
8190 /// protocol, we avoid situations where an older client is delivered a weak
8191 /// VMO without any way for sysmem to get that VMO to close quickly later
8192 /// (and on a per-buffer basis).
8193 ///
8194 /// A participant that doesn't handle `close_weak_asap` and also doesn't
8195 /// retrieve any VMO handles via `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated` doesn't need
8196 /// to send `SetWeakOk` (and doesn't need to have a parent `Node` send
8197 /// `SetWeakOk` with `for_child_nodes_also` true either). However, if that
8198 /// same participant has a child/delegate which does retrieve VMOs, that
8199 /// child/delegate will need to send `SetWeakOk` before
8200 /// `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`.
8201 ///
8202 /// + request `for_child_nodes_also` If present and true, this means direct
8203 /// child nodes of this node created after this message plus all
8204 /// descendants of those nodes will behave as if `SetWeakOk` was sent on
8205 /// those nodes. Any child node of this node that was created before this
8206 /// message is not included. This setting is "sticky" in the sense that a
8207 /// subsequent `SetWeakOk` without this bool set to true does not reset
8208 /// the server-side bool. If this creates a problem for a participant, a
8209 /// workaround is to `SetWeakOk` with `for_child_nodes_also` true on child
8210 /// tokens instead, as appropriate. A participant should only set
8211 /// `for_child_nodes_also` true if the participant can really promise to
8212 /// obey `close_weak_asap` both for its own weak VMO handles, and for all
8213 /// weak VMO handles held by participants holding the corresponding child
8214 /// `Node`(s). When `for_child_nodes_also` is set, descendent `Node`(s)
8215 /// which are using sysmem(1) can be weak, despite the clients of those
8216 /// sysmem1 `Node`(s) not having any direct way to `SetWeakOk` or any
8217 /// direct way to find out about `close_weak_asap`. This only applies to
8218 /// descendents of this `Node` which are using sysmem(1), not to this
8219 /// `Node` when converted directly from a sysmem2 token to a sysmem(1)
8220 /// token, which will fail allocation unless an ancestor of this `Node`
8221 /// specified `for_child_nodes_also` true.
8222 SetWeakOk { payload: NodeSetWeakOkRequest, control_handle: BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle },
8223 /// The server_end will be closed after this `Node` and any child nodes have
8224 /// have released their buffer counts, making those counts available for
8225 /// reservation by a different `Node` via
8226 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`].
8227 ///
8228 /// The `Node` buffer counts may not be released until the entire tree of
8229 /// `Node`(s) is closed or failed, because
8230 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Release`] followed by channel close
8231 /// does not immediately un-reserve the `Node` buffer counts. Instead, the
8232 /// `Node` buffer counts remain reserved until the orphaned node is later
8233 /// cleaned up.
8234 ///
8235 /// If the `Node` exceeds a fairly large number of attached eventpair server
8236 /// ends, a log message will indicate this and the `Node` (and the
8237 /// appropriate) sub-tree will fail.
8238 ///
8239 /// The `server_end` will remain open when
8240 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] converts a
8241 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] into a
8242 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`].
8243 ///
8244 /// This message can also be used with a
8245 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`].
8246 AttachNodeTracking {
8247 payload: NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest,
8248 control_handle: BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle,
8249 },
8250 /// Create additional [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`](s) from this
8251 /// one, referring to the same buffer collection.
8252 ///
8253 /// The created tokens are children of this token in the
8254 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] heirarchy.
8255 ///
8256 /// This method can be used to add more participants, by transferring the
8257 /// newly created tokens to additional participants.
8258 ///
8259 /// A new token will be returned for each entry in the
8260 /// `rights_attenuation_masks` array.
8261 ///
8262 /// If the called token may not actually be a valid token due to a
8263 /// potentially hostile/untrusted provider of the token, consider using
8264 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.ValidateBufferCollectionToken`] first
8265 /// instead of potentially getting stuck indefinitely if
8266 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.DuplicateSync`] never responds
8267 /// due to the calling token not being a real token.
8268 ///
8269 /// In contrast to [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate`], no
8270 /// separate [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.Sync`] is needed after calling this
8271 /// method, because the sync step is included in this call, at the cost of a
8272 /// round trip during this call.
8273 ///
8274 /// All tokens must be turned in to sysmem via
8275 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] or
8276 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.Release`] for a `BufferCollection` to
8277 /// successfully allocate buffers (or to logically allocate buffers in the
8278 /// case of subtrees involving
8279 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.AttachToken`]).
8280 ///
8281 /// All table fields are currently required.
8282 ///
8283 /// + request `rights_attenuation_mask` In each entry of
8284 /// `rights_attenuation_masks`, rights bits that are zero will be absent
8285 /// in the buffer VMO rights obtainable via the corresponding returned
8286 /// token. This allows an initiator or intermediary participant to
8287 /// attenuate the rights available to a participant. This does not allow a
8288 /// participant to gain rights that the participant doesn't already have.
8289 /// The value `ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS` can be used to specify that no
8290 /// attenuation should be applied.
8291 /// - response `tokens` The client ends of each newly created token.
8292 DuplicateSync {
8293 payload: BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateSyncRequest,
8294 responder: BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateSyncResponder,
8295 },
8296 /// Create an additional [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] from this
8297 /// one, referring to the same buffer collection.
8298 ///
8299 /// The created token is a child of this token in the
8300 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] heirarchy.
8301 ///
8302 /// This method can be used to add a participant, by transferring the newly
8303 /// created token to another participant.
8304 ///
8305 /// This one-way message can be used instead of the two-way
8306 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.DuplicateSync`] FIDL call in
8307 /// performance sensitive cases where it would be undesireable to wait for
8308 /// sysmem to respond to
8309 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.DuplicateSync`] or when the
8310 /// client code isn't structured to make it easy to duplicate all the needed
8311 /// tokens at once.
8312 ///
8313 /// After sending one or more `Duplicate` messages, and before sending the
8314 /// newly created child tokens to other participants (or to other
8315 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator`] channels), the client must send a
8316 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.Sync`] and wait for the `Sync` response. The
8317 /// `Sync` call can be made on the token, or on the `BufferCollection`
8318 /// obtained by passing this token to `BindSharedCollection`. Either will
8319 /// ensure that the server knows about the tokens created via `Duplicate`
8320 /// before the other participant sends the token to the server via separate
8321 /// `Allocator` channel.
8322 ///
8323 /// All tokens must be turned in via
8324 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] or
8325 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.Release`] for a `BufferCollection` to
8326 /// successfully allocate buffers.
8327 ///
8328 /// All table fields are currently required.
8329 ///
8330 /// + request `rights_attenuation_mask` The rights bits that are zero in
8331 /// this mask will be absent in the buffer VMO rights obtainable via the
8332 /// client end of `token_request`. This allows an initiator or
8333 /// intermediary participant to attenuate the rights available to a
8334 /// delegate participant. This does not allow a participant to gain rights
8335 /// that the participant doesn't already have. The value
8336 /// `ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS` can be used to specify that no attenuation
8337 /// should be applied.
8338 /// + These values for rights_attenuation_mask result in no attenuation:
8339 /// + `ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS` (preferred)
8340 /// + 0xFFFFFFFF (this is reasonable when an attenuation mask is
8341 /// computed)
8342 /// + 0 (deprecated - do not use 0 - an ERROR will go to the log)
8343 /// + request `token_request` is the server end of a `BufferCollectionToken`
8344 /// channel. The client end of this channel acts as another participant in
8345 /// the shared buffer collection.
8346 Duplicate {
8347 payload: BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateRequest,
8348 control_handle: BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle,
8349 },
8350 /// Set this [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] to dispensable.
8351 ///
8352 /// When the `BufferCollectionToken` is converted to a
8353 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`], the dispensable status applies to
8354 /// the `BufferCollection` also.
8355 ///
8356 /// Normally, if a client closes a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`]
8357 /// client end without having sent
8358 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Release`] first, the
8359 /// `BufferCollection` [`fuchisa.sysmem2/Node`] will fail, which also
8360 /// propagates failure to the parent [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] and so on up
8361 /// to the root `Node`, which fails the whole buffer collection. In
8362 /// contrast, a dispensable `Node` can fail after buffers are allocated
8363 /// without causing failure of its parent in the [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`]
8364 /// heirarchy.
8365 ///
8366 /// The dispensable `Node` participates in constraints aggregation along
8367 /// with its parent before buffer allocation. If the dispensable `Node`
8368 /// fails before buffers are allocated, the failure propagates to the
8369 /// dispensable `Node`'s parent.
8370 ///
8371 /// After buffers are allocated, failure of the dispensable `Node` (or any
8372 /// child of the dispensable `Node`) does not propagate to the dispensable
8373 /// `Node`'s parent. Failure does propagate from a normal child of a
8374 /// dispensable `Node` to the dispensable `Node`. Failure of a child is
8375 /// blocked from reaching its parent if the child is attached using
8376 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`], or if the child is
8377 /// dispensable and the failure occurred after allocation.
8378 ///
8379 /// A dispensable `Node` can be used in cases where a participant needs to
8380 /// provide constraints, but after buffers are allocated, the participant
8381 /// can fail without causing buffer collection failure from the parent
8382 /// `Node`'s point of view.
8383 ///
8384 /// In contrast, `BufferCollection.AttachToken` can be used to create a
8385 /// `BufferCollectionToken` which does not participate in constraints
8386 /// aggregation with its parent `Node`, and whose failure at any time does
8387 /// not propagate to its parent `Node`, and whose potential delay providing
8388 /// constraints does not prevent the parent `Node` from completing its
8389 /// buffer allocation.
8390 ///
8391 /// An initiator (creator of the root `Node` using
8392 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.AllocateSharedCollection`]) may in some
8393 /// scenarios choose to initially use a dispensable `Node` for a first
8394 /// instance of a participant, and then later if the first instance of that
8395 /// participant fails, a new second instance of that participant my be given
8396 /// a `BufferCollectionToken` created with `AttachToken`.
8397 ///
8398 /// Normally a client will `SetDispensable` on a `BufferCollectionToken`
8399 /// shortly before sending the dispensable `BufferCollectionToken` to a
8400 /// delegate participant. Because `SetDispensable` prevents propagation of
8401 /// child `Node` failure to parent `Node`(s), if the client was relying on
8402 /// noticing child failure via failure of the parent `Node` retained by the
8403 /// client, the client may instead need to notice failure via other means.
8404 /// If other means aren't available/convenient, the client can instead
8405 /// retain the dispensable `Node` and create a child `Node` under that to
8406 /// send to the delegate participant, retaining this `Node` in order to
8407 /// notice failure of the subtree rooted at this `Node` via this `Node`'s
8408 /// ZX_CHANNEL_PEER_CLOSED signal, and take whatever action is appropriate
8409 /// (e.g. starting a new instance of the delegate participant and handing it
8410 /// a `BufferCollectionToken` created using
8411 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`], or propagate failure
8412 /// and clean up in a client-specific way).
8413 ///
8414 /// While it is possible (and potentially useful) to `SetDispensable` on a
8415 /// direct child of a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` `Node`, it isn't possible
8416 /// to later replace a failed dispensable `Node` that was a direct child of
8417 /// a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` with a new token using `AttachToken`
8418 /// (since there's no `AttachToken` on a group). Instead, to enable
8419 /// `AttachToken` replacement in this case, create an additional
8420 /// non-dispensable token that's a direct child of the group and make the
8421 /// existing dispensable token a child of the additional token. This way,
8422 /// the additional token that is a direct child of the group has
8423 /// `BufferCollection.AttachToken` which can be used to replace the failed
8424 /// dispensable token.
8425 ///
8426 /// `SetDispensable` on an already-dispensable token is idempotent.
8427 SetDispensable { control_handle: BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle },
8428 /// Create a logical OR among a set of tokens, called a
8429 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`].
8430 ///
8431 /// Most sysmem clients and many participants don't need to care about this
8432 /// message or about `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`(s). However, in some cases
8433 /// a participant wants to attempt to include one set of delegate
8434 /// participants, but if constraints don't combine successfully that way,
8435 /// fall back to a different (possibly overlapping) set of delegate
8436 /// participants, and/or fall back to a less demanding strategy (in terms of
8437 /// how strict the [`fuchisa.sysmem2/BufferCollectionConstraints`] are,
8438 /// across all involved delegate participants). In such cases, a
8439 /// `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` is useful.
8440 ///
8441 /// A `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` is used to create a 1 of N OR among N
8442 /// child [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`](s). The child tokens
8443 /// which are not selected during aggregation will fail (close), which a
8444 /// potential participant should notice when their `BufferCollection`
8445 /// channel client endpoint sees PEER_CLOSED, allowing the participant to
8446 /// clean up the speculative usage that didn't end up happening (this is
8447 /// simimlar to a normal `BufferCollection` server end closing on failure to
8448 /// allocate a logical buffer collection or later async failure of a buffer
8449 /// collection).
8450 ///
8451 /// See comments on protocol `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`.
8452 ///
8453 /// Any `rights_attenuation_mask` or `AttachToken`/`SetDispensable` to be
8454 /// applied to the whole group can be achieved with a
8455 /// `BufferCollectionToken` for this purpose as a direct parent of the
8456 /// `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`.
8457 ///
8458 /// All table fields are currently required.
8459 ///
8460 /// + request `group_request` The server end of a
8461 /// `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` channel to be served by sysmem.
8462 CreateBufferCollectionTokenGroup {
8463 payload: BufferCollectionTokenCreateBufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest,
8464 control_handle: BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle,
8465 },
8466 /// An interaction was received which does not match any known method.
8467 #[non_exhaustive]
8468 _UnknownMethod {
8469 /// Ordinal of the method that was called.
8470 ordinal: u64,
8471 control_handle: BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle,
8472 method_type: fidl::MethodType,
8473 },
8476impl BufferCollectionTokenRequest {
8477 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
8478 pub fn into_sync(self) -> Option<(BufferCollectionTokenSyncResponder)> {
8479 if let BufferCollectionTokenRequest::Sync { responder } = self {
8480 Some((responder))
8481 } else {
8482 None
8483 }
8484 }
8486 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
8487 pub fn into_release(self) -> Option<(BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle)> {
8488 if let BufferCollectionTokenRequest::Release { control_handle } = self {
8489 Some((control_handle))
8490 } else {
8491 None
8492 }
8493 }
8495 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
8496 pub fn into_set_name(self) -> Option<(NodeSetNameRequest, BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle)> {
8497 if let BufferCollectionTokenRequest::SetName { payload, control_handle } = self {
8498 Some((payload, control_handle))
8499 } else {
8500 None
8501 }
8502 }
8504 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
8505 pub fn into_set_debug_client_info(
8506 self,
8507 ) -> Option<(NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest, BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle)> {
8508 if let BufferCollectionTokenRequest::SetDebugClientInfo { payload, control_handle } = self {
8509 Some((payload, control_handle))
8510 } else {
8511 None
8512 }
8513 }
8515 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
8516 pub fn into_set_debug_timeout_log_deadline(
8517 self,
8518 ) -> Option<(NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest, BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle)> {
8519 if let BufferCollectionTokenRequest::SetDebugTimeoutLogDeadline {
8520 payload,
8521 control_handle,
8522 } = self
8523 {
8524 Some((payload, control_handle))
8525 } else {
8526 None
8527 }
8528 }
8530 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
8531 pub fn into_set_verbose_logging(self) -> Option<(BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle)> {
8532 if let BufferCollectionTokenRequest::SetVerboseLogging { control_handle } = self {
8533 Some((control_handle))
8534 } else {
8535 None
8536 }
8537 }
8539 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
8540 pub fn into_get_node_ref(self) -> Option<(BufferCollectionTokenGetNodeRefResponder)> {
8541 if let BufferCollectionTokenRequest::GetNodeRef { responder } = self {
8542 Some((responder))
8543 } else {
8544 None
8545 }
8546 }
8548 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
8549 pub fn into_is_alternate_for(
8550 self,
8551 ) -> Option<(NodeIsAlternateForRequest, BufferCollectionTokenIsAlternateForResponder)> {
8552 if let BufferCollectionTokenRequest::IsAlternateFor { payload, responder } = self {
8553 Some((payload, responder))
8554 } else {
8555 None
8556 }
8557 }
8559 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
8560 pub fn into_get_buffer_collection_id(
8561 self,
8562 ) -> Option<(BufferCollectionTokenGetBufferCollectionIdResponder)> {
8563 if let BufferCollectionTokenRequest::GetBufferCollectionId { responder } = self {
8564 Some((responder))
8565 } else {
8566 None
8567 }
8568 }
8570 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
8571 pub fn into_set_weak(self) -> Option<(BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle)> {
8572 if let BufferCollectionTokenRequest::SetWeak { control_handle } = self {
8573 Some((control_handle))
8574 } else {
8575 None
8576 }
8577 }
8579 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
8580 pub fn into_set_weak_ok(
8581 self,
8582 ) -> Option<(NodeSetWeakOkRequest, BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle)> {
8583 if let BufferCollectionTokenRequest::SetWeakOk { payload, control_handle } = self {
8584 Some((payload, control_handle))
8585 } else {
8586 None
8587 }
8588 }
8590 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
8591 pub fn into_attach_node_tracking(
8592 self,
8593 ) -> Option<(NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest, BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle)> {
8594 if let BufferCollectionTokenRequest::AttachNodeTracking { payload, control_handle } = self {
8595 Some((payload, control_handle))
8596 } else {
8597 None
8598 }
8599 }
8601 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
8602 pub fn into_duplicate_sync(
8603 self,
8604 ) -> Option<(
8605 BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateSyncRequest,
8606 BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateSyncResponder,
8607 )> {
8608 if let BufferCollectionTokenRequest::DuplicateSync { payload, responder } = self {
8609 Some((payload, responder))
8610 } else {
8611 None
8612 }
8613 }
8615 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
8616 pub fn into_duplicate(
8617 self,
8618 ) -> Option<(BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateRequest, BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle)> {
8619 if let BufferCollectionTokenRequest::Duplicate { payload, control_handle } = self {
8620 Some((payload, control_handle))
8621 } else {
8622 None
8623 }
8624 }
8626 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
8627 pub fn into_set_dispensable(self) -> Option<(BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle)> {
8628 if let BufferCollectionTokenRequest::SetDispensable { control_handle } = self {
8629 Some((control_handle))
8630 } else {
8631 None
8632 }
8633 }
8635 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
8636 pub fn into_create_buffer_collection_token_group(
8637 self,
8638 ) -> Option<(
8639 BufferCollectionTokenCreateBufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest,
8640 BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle,
8641 )> {
8642 if let BufferCollectionTokenRequest::CreateBufferCollectionTokenGroup {
8643 payload,
8644 control_handle,
8645 } = self
8646 {
8647 Some((payload, control_handle))
8648 } else {
8649 None
8650 }
8651 }
8653 /// Name of the method defined in FIDL
8654 pub fn method_name(&self) -> &'static str {
8655 match *self {
8656 BufferCollectionTokenRequest::Sync { .. } => "sync",
8657 BufferCollectionTokenRequest::Release { .. } => "release",
8658 BufferCollectionTokenRequest::SetName { .. } => "set_name",
8659 BufferCollectionTokenRequest::SetDebugClientInfo { .. } => "set_debug_client_info",
8660 BufferCollectionTokenRequest::SetDebugTimeoutLogDeadline { .. } => {
8661 "set_debug_timeout_log_deadline"
8662 }
8663 BufferCollectionTokenRequest::SetVerboseLogging { .. } => "set_verbose_logging",
8664 BufferCollectionTokenRequest::GetNodeRef { .. } => "get_node_ref",
8665 BufferCollectionTokenRequest::IsAlternateFor { .. } => "is_alternate_for",
8666 BufferCollectionTokenRequest::GetBufferCollectionId { .. } => {
8667 "get_buffer_collection_id"
8668 }
8669 BufferCollectionTokenRequest::SetWeak { .. } => "set_weak",
8670 BufferCollectionTokenRequest::SetWeakOk { .. } => "set_weak_ok",
8671 BufferCollectionTokenRequest::AttachNodeTracking { .. } => "attach_node_tracking",
8672 BufferCollectionTokenRequest::DuplicateSync { .. } => "duplicate_sync",
8673 BufferCollectionTokenRequest::Duplicate { .. } => "duplicate",
8674 BufferCollectionTokenRequest::SetDispensable { .. } => "set_dispensable",
8675 BufferCollectionTokenRequest::CreateBufferCollectionTokenGroup { .. } => {
8676 "create_buffer_collection_token_group"
8677 }
8678 BufferCollectionTokenRequest::_UnknownMethod {
8679 method_type: fidl::MethodType::OneWay,
8680 ..
8681 } => "unknown one-way method",
8682 BufferCollectionTokenRequest::_UnknownMethod {
8683 method_type: fidl::MethodType::TwoWay,
8684 ..
8685 } => "unknown two-way method",
8686 }
8687 }
8690#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
8691pub struct BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle {
8692 inner: std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>,
8695impl fidl::endpoints::ControlHandle for BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle {
8696 fn shutdown(&self) {
8697 self.inner.shutdown()
8698 }
8699 fn shutdown_with_epitaph(&self, status: zx_status::Status) {
8700 self.inner.shutdown_with_epitaph(status)
8701 }
8703 fn is_closed(&self) -> bool {
8705 }
8706 fn on_closed(&self) -> fidl::OnSignalsRef<'_> {
8708 }
8710 #[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
8711 fn signal_peer(
8712 &self,
8713 clear_mask: zx::Signals,
8714 set_mask: zx::Signals,
8715 ) -> Result<(), zx_status::Status> {
8716 use fidl::Peered;
8717, set_mask)
8718 }
8721impl BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle {}
8723#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
8725pub struct BufferCollectionTokenSyncResponder {
8726 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle>,
8727 tx_id: u32,
8730/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle::shutdown`])
8731/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
8732/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
8733impl std::ops::Drop for BufferCollectionTokenSyncResponder {
8734 fn drop(&mut self) {
8735 self.control_handle.shutdown();
8736 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
8737 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
8738 }
8741impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for BufferCollectionTokenSyncResponder {
8742 type ControlHandle = BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle;
8744 fn control_handle(&self) -> &BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle {
8745 &self.control_handle
8746 }
8748 fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
8749 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
8750 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
8751 // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
8752 std::mem::forget(self);
8753 }
8756impl BufferCollectionTokenSyncResponder {
8757 /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
8758 ///
8759 /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
8760 pub fn send(self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8761 let _result = self.send_raw();
8762 if _result.is_err() {
8763 self.control_handle.shutdown();
8764 }
8765 self.drop_without_shutdown();
8766 _result
8767 }
8769 /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
8770 pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8771 let _result = self.send_raw();
8772 self.drop_without_shutdown();
8773 _result
8774 }
8776 fn send_raw(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8777 self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct>>(
8778 fidl::encoding::Flexible::new(()),
8779 self.tx_id,
8780 0x11ac2555cf575b54,
8781 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
8782 )
8783 }
8786#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
8788pub struct BufferCollectionTokenGetNodeRefResponder {
8789 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle>,
8790 tx_id: u32,
8793/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle::shutdown`])
8794/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
8795/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
8796impl std::ops::Drop for BufferCollectionTokenGetNodeRefResponder {
8797 fn drop(&mut self) {
8798 self.control_handle.shutdown();
8799 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
8800 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
8801 }
8804impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for BufferCollectionTokenGetNodeRefResponder {
8805 type ControlHandle = BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle;
8807 fn control_handle(&self) -> &BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle {
8808 &self.control_handle
8809 }
8811 fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
8812 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
8813 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
8814 // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
8815 std::mem::forget(self);
8816 }
8819impl BufferCollectionTokenGetNodeRefResponder {
8820 /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
8821 ///
8822 /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
8823 pub fn send(self, mut payload: NodeGetNodeRefResponse) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8824 let _result = self.send_raw(payload);
8825 if _result.is_err() {
8826 self.control_handle.shutdown();
8827 }
8828 self.drop_without_shutdown();
8829 _result
8830 }
8832 /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
8833 pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
8834 self,
8835 mut payload: NodeGetNodeRefResponse,
8836 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8837 let _result = self.send_raw(payload);
8838 self.drop_without_shutdown();
8839 _result
8840 }
8842 fn send_raw(&self, mut payload: NodeGetNodeRefResponse) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8843 self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<NodeGetNodeRefResponse>>(
8844 fidl::encoding::Flexible::new(&mut payload),
8845 self.tx_id,
8846 0x5b3d0e51614df053,
8847 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
8848 )
8849 }
8852#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
8854pub struct BufferCollectionTokenIsAlternateForResponder {
8855 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle>,
8856 tx_id: u32,
8859/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle::shutdown`])
8860/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
8861/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
8862impl std::ops::Drop for BufferCollectionTokenIsAlternateForResponder {
8863 fn drop(&mut self) {
8864 self.control_handle.shutdown();
8865 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
8866 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
8867 }
8870impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for BufferCollectionTokenIsAlternateForResponder {
8871 type ControlHandle = BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle;
8873 fn control_handle(&self) -> &BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle {
8874 &self.control_handle
8875 }
8877 fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
8878 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
8879 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
8880 // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
8881 std::mem::forget(self);
8882 }
8885impl BufferCollectionTokenIsAlternateForResponder {
8886 /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
8887 ///
8888 /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
8889 pub fn send(
8890 self,
8891 mut result: Result<&NodeIsAlternateForResponse, Error>,
8892 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8893 let _result = self.send_raw(result);
8894 if _result.is_err() {
8895 self.control_handle.shutdown();
8896 }
8897 self.drop_without_shutdown();
8898 _result
8899 }
8901 /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
8902 pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
8903 self,
8904 mut result: Result<&NodeIsAlternateForResponse, Error>,
8905 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8906 let _result = self.send_raw(result);
8907 self.drop_without_shutdown();
8908 _result
8909 }
8911 fn send_raw(
8912 &self,
8913 mut result: Result<&NodeIsAlternateForResponse, Error>,
8914 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8915 self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<
8916 NodeIsAlternateForResponse,
8917 Error,
8918 >>(
8919 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResult::new(result),
8920 self.tx_id,
8921 0x3a58e00157e0825,
8922 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
8923 )
8924 }
8927#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
8929pub struct BufferCollectionTokenGetBufferCollectionIdResponder {
8930 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle>,
8931 tx_id: u32,
8934/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle::shutdown`])
8935/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
8936/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
8937impl std::ops::Drop for BufferCollectionTokenGetBufferCollectionIdResponder {
8938 fn drop(&mut self) {
8939 self.control_handle.shutdown();
8940 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
8941 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
8942 }
8945impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for BufferCollectionTokenGetBufferCollectionIdResponder {
8946 type ControlHandle = BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle;
8948 fn control_handle(&self) -> &BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle {
8949 &self.control_handle
8950 }
8952 fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
8953 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
8954 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
8955 // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
8956 std::mem::forget(self);
8957 }
8960impl BufferCollectionTokenGetBufferCollectionIdResponder {
8961 /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
8962 ///
8963 /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
8964 pub fn send(self, mut payload: &NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8965 let _result = self.send_raw(payload);
8966 if _result.is_err() {
8967 self.control_handle.shutdown();
8968 }
8969 self.drop_without_shutdown();
8970 _result
8971 }
8973 /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
8974 pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
8975 self,
8976 mut payload: &NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse,
8977 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8978 let _result = self.send_raw(payload);
8979 self.drop_without_shutdown();
8980 _result
8981 }
8983 fn send_raw(&self, mut payload: &NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8984 self.control_handle
8985 .inner
8986 .send::<fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse>>(
8987 fidl::encoding::Flexible::new(payload),
8988 self.tx_id,
8989 0x77d19a494b78ba8c,
8990 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
8991 )
8992 }
8995#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
8997pub struct BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateSyncResponder {
8998 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle>,
8999 tx_id: u32,
9002/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle::shutdown`])
9003/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
9004/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
9005impl std::ops::Drop for BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateSyncResponder {
9006 fn drop(&mut self) {
9007 self.control_handle.shutdown();
9008 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
9009 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
9010 }
9013impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateSyncResponder {
9014 type ControlHandle = BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle;
9016 fn control_handle(&self) -> &BufferCollectionTokenControlHandle {
9017 &self.control_handle
9018 }
9020 fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
9021 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
9022 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
9023 // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
9024 std::mem::forget(self);
9025 }
9028impl BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateSyncResponder {
9029 /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
9030 ///
9031 /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
9032 pub fn send(
9033 self,
9034 mut payload: BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateSyncResponse,
9035 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
9036 let _result = self.send_raw(payload);
9037 if _result.is_err() {
9038 self.control_handle.shutdown();
9039 }
9040 self.drop_without_shutdown();
9041 _result
9042 }
9044 /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
9045 pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
9046 self,
9047 mut payload: BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateSyncResponse,
9048 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
9049 let _result = self.send_raw(payload);
9050 self.drop_without_shutdown();
9051 _result
9052 }
9054 fn send_raw(
9055 &self,
9056 mut payload: BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateSyncResponse,
9057 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
9058 self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<
9059 BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateSyncResponse,
9060 >>(
9061 fidl::encoding::Flexible::new(&mut payload),
9062 self.tx_id,
9063 0x1c1af9919d1ca45c,
9064 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
9065 )
9066 }
9069#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
9070pub struct BufferCollectionTokenGroupMarker;
9072impl fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker for BufferCollectionTokenGroupMarker {
9073 type Proxy = BufferCollectionTokenGroupProxy;
9074 type RequestStream = BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequestStream;
9075 #[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
9076 type SynchronousProxy = BufferCollectionTokenGroupSynchronousProxy;
9078 const DEBUG_NAME: &'static str = "(anonymous) BufferCollectionTokenGroup";
9081pub trait BufferCollectionTokenGroupProxyInterface: Send + Sync {
9082 type SyncResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<(), fidl::Error>> + Send;
9083 fn r#sync(&self) -> Self::SyncResponseFut;
9084 fn r#release(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
9085 fn r#set_name(&self, payload: &NodeSetNameRequest) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
9086 fn r#set_debug_client_info(
9087 &self,
9088 payload: &NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest,
9089 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
9090 fn r#set_debug_timeout_log_deadline(
9091 &self,
9092 payload: &NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest,
9093 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
9094 fn r#set_verbose_logging(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
9095 type GetNodeRefResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<NodeGetNodeRefResponse, fidl::Error>>
9096 + Send;
9097 fn r#get_node_ref(&self) -> Self::GetNodeRefResponseFut;
9098 type IsAlternateForResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<NodeIsAlternateForResult, fidl::Error>>
9099 + Send;
9100 fn r#is_alternate_for(
9101 &self,
9102 payload: NodeIsAlternateForRequest,
9103 ) -> Self::IsAlternateForResponseFut;
9104 type GetBufferCollectionIdResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse, fidl::Error>>
9105 + Send;
9106 fn r#get_buffer_collection_id(&self) -> Self::GetBufferCollectionIdResponseFut;
9107 fn r#set_weak(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
9108 fn r#set_weak_ok(&self, payload: NodeSetWeakOkRequest) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
9109 fn r#attach_node_tracking(
9110 &self,
9111 payload: NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest,
9112 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
9113 fn r#create_child(
9114 &self,
9115 payload: BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildRequest,
9116 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
9117 type CreateChildrenSyncResponseFut: std::future::Future<
9118 Output = Result<BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildrenSyncResponse, fidl::Error>,
9119 > + Send;
9120 fn r#create_children_sync(
9121 &self,
9122 payload: &BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildrenSyncRequest,
9123 ) -> Self::CreateChildrenSyncResponseFut;
9124 fn r#all_children_present(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
9127#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
9128pub struct BufferCollectionTokenGroupSynchronousProxy {
9129 client: fidl::client::sync::Client,
9132#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
9133impl fidl::endpoints::SynchronousProxy for BufferCollectionTokenGroupSynchronousProxy {
9134 type Proxy = BufferCollectionTokenGroupProxy;
9135 type Protocol = BufferCollectionTokenGroupMarker;
9137 fn from_channel(inner: fidl::Channel) -> Self {
9138 Self::new(inner)
9139 }
9141 fn into_channel(self) -> fidl::Channel {
9142 self.client.into_channel()
9143 }
9145 fn as_channel(&self) -> &fidl::Channel {
9146 self.client.as_channel()
9147 }
9150#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
9151impl BufferCollectionTokenGroupSynchronousProxy {
9152 pub fn new(channel: fidl::Channel) -> Self {
9153 let protocol_name =
9154 <BufferCollectionTokenGroupMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME;
9155 Self { client: fidl::client::sync::Client::new(channel, protocol_name) }
9156 }
9158 pub fn into_channel(self) -> fidl::Channel {
9159 self.client.into_channel()
9160 }
9162 /// Waits until an event arrives and returns it. It is safe for other
9163 /// threads to make concurrent requests while waiting for an event.
9164 pub fn wait_for_event(
9165 &self,
9166 deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
9167 ) -> Result<BufferCollectionTokenGroupEvent, fidl::Error> {
9168 BufferCollectionTokenGroupEvent::decode(self.client.wait_for_event(deadline)?)
9169 }
9171 /// Ensure that previous messages have been received server side. This is
9172 /// particularly useful after previous messages that created new tokens,
9173 /// because a token must be known to the sysmem server before sending the
9174 /// token to another participant.
9175 ///
9176 /// Calling [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Sync`] on a token that
9177 /// isn't/wasn't a valid token risks the `Sync` stalling forever. See
9178 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.ValidateBufferCollectionToken`] for one way
9179 /// to mitigate the possibility of a hostile/fake
9180 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] at the cost of one round trip.
9181 /// Another way is to pass the token to
9182 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator/BindSharedCollection`], which also validates
9183 /// the token as part of exchanging it for a
9184 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] channel, and
9185 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Sync`] can then be used without risk
9186 /// of stalling.
9187 ///
9188 /// After creating one or more [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`](s)
9189 /// and then starting and completing a `Sync`, it's then safe to send the
9190 /// `BufferCollectionToken` client ends to other participants knowing the
9191 /// server will recognize the tokens when they're sent by the other
9192 /// participants to sysmem in a
9193 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] message. This is an
9194 /// efficient way to create tokens while avoiding unnecessary round trips.
9195 ///
9196 /// Other options include waiting for each
9197 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate`] to complete
9198 /// individually (using separate call to `Sync` after each), or calling
9199 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Sync`] after a token has been
9200 /// converted to a `BufferCollection` via
9201 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`], or using
9202 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.DuplicateSync`] which includes
9203 /// the sync step and can create multiple tokens at once.
9204 pub fn r#sync(&self, ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
9205 let _response = self.client.send_query::<
9206 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
9207 fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct>,
9208 >(
9209 (),
9210 0x11ac2555cf575b54,
9211 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
9212 ___deadline,
9213 )?
9214 .into_result::<BufferCollectionTokenGroupMarker>("sync")?;
9215 Ok(_response)
9216 }
9218 /// ###### On a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] channel:
9219 ///
9220 /// Normally a participant will convert a `BufferCollectionToken` into a
9221 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`], but a participant can instead send
9222 /// `Release` via the token (and then close the channel immediately or
9223 /// shortly later in response to server closing the server end), which
9224 /// avoids causing buffer collection failure. Without a prior `Release`,
9225 /// closing the `BufferCollectionToken` client end will cause buffer
9226 /// collection failure.
9227 ///
9228 /// ###### On a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] channel:
9229 ///
9230 /// By default the server handles unexpected closure of a
9231 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] client end (without `Release`
9232 /// first) by failing the buffer collection. Partly this is to expedite
9233 /// closing VMO handles to reclaim memory when any participant fails. If a
9234 /// participant would like to cleanly close a `BufferCollection` without
9235 /// causing buffer collection failure, the participant can send `Release`
9236 /// before closing the `BufferCollection` client end. The `Release` can
9237 /// occur before or after `SetConstraints`. If before `SetConstraints`, the
9238 /// buffer collection won't require constraints from this node in order to
9239 /// allocate. If after `SetConstraints`, the constraints are retained and
9240 /// aggregated, despite the lack of `BufferCollection` connection at the
9241 /// time of constraints aggregation.
9242 ///
9243 /// ###### On a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`] channel:
9244 ///
9245 /// By default, unexpected closure of a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` client
9246 /// end (without `Release` first) will trigger failure of the buffer
9247 /// collection. To close a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` channel without
9248 /// failing the buffer collection, ensure that AllChildrenPresent() has been
9249 /// sent, and send `Release` before closing the `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`
9250 /// client end.
9251 ///
9252 /// If `Release` occurs before
9253 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup.AllChildrenPresent], the
9254 /// buffer collection will fail (triggered by reception of `Release` without
9255 /// prior `AllChildrenPresent`). This is intentionally not analogous to how
9256 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Release`] without
9257 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] first doesn't cause
9258 /// buffer collection failure. For a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`, clean
9259 /// close requires `AllChildrenPresent` (if not already sent), then
9260 /// `Release`, then close client end.
9261 ///
9262 /// If `Release` occurs after `AllChildrenPresent`, the children and all
9263 /// their constraints remain intact (just as they would if the
9264 /// `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` channel had remained open), and the client
9265 /// end close doesn't trigger buffer collection failure.
9266 ///
9267 /// ###### On all [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] channels (any of the above):
9268 ///
9269 /// For brevity, the per-channel-protocol paragraphs above ignore the
9270 /// separate failure domain created by
9271 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.SetDispensable`] or
9272 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`]. When a client end
9273 /// unexpectedly closes (without `Release` first) and that client end is
9274 /// under a failure domain, instead of failing the whole buffer collection,
9275 /// the failure domain is failed, but the buffer collection itself is
9276 /// isolated from failure of the failure domain. Such failure domains can be
9277 /// nested, in which case only the inner-most failure domain in which the
9278 /// `Node` resides fails.
9279 pub fn r#release(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
9280 self.client.send::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(
9281 (),
9282 0x6a5cae7d6d6e04c6,
9283 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
9284 )
9285 }
9287 /// Set a name for VMOs in this buffer collection.
9288 ///
9289 /// If the name doesn't fit in ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN, the name of the vmo itself
9290 /// will be truncated to fit. The name of the vmo will be suffixed with the
9291 /// buffer index within the collection (if the suffix fits within
9292 /// ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN). The name specified here (without truncation) will be
9293 /// listed in the inspect data.
9294 ///
9295 /// The name only affects VMOs allocated after the name is set; this call
9296 /// does not rename existing VMOs. If multiple clients set different names
9297 /// then the larger priority value will win. Setting a new name with the
9298 /// same priority as a prior name doesn't change the name.
9299 ///
9300 /// All table fields are currently required.
9301 ///
9302 /// + request `priority` The name is only set if this is the first `SetName`
9303 /// or if `priority` is greater than any previous `priority` value in
9304 /// prior `SetName` calls across all `Node`(s) of this buffer collection.
9305 /// + request `name` The name for VMOs created under this buffer collection.
9306 pub fn r#set_name(&self, mut payload: &NodeSetNameRequest) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
9307 self.client.send::<NodeSetNameRequest>(
9308 payload,
9309 0xb41f1624f48c1e9,
9310 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
9311 )
9312 }
9314 /// Set information about the current client that can be used by sysmem to
9315 /// help diagnose leaking memory and allocation stalls waiting for a
9316 /// participant to send [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`].
9317 ///
9318 /// This sets the debug client info on this [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] and all
9319 /// `Node`(s) derived from this `Node`, unless overriden by
9320 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`] or a later
9321 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`].
9322 ///
9323 /// Sending [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`] once per
9324 /// `Allocator` is the most efficient way to ensure that all
9325 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`](s) will have at least some debug client info
9326 /// set, and is also more efficient than separately sending the same debug
9327 /// client info via [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`] for each
9328 /// created [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`].
9329 ///
9330 /// Also used when verbose logging is enabled (see `SetVerboseLogging`) to
9331 /// indicate which client is closing their channel first, leading to subtree
9332 /// failure (which can be normal if the purpose of the subtree is over, but
9333 /// if happening earlier than expected, the client-channel-specific name can
9334 /// help diagnose where the failure is first coming from, from sysmem's
9335 /// point of view).
9336 ///
9337 /// All table fields are currently required.
9338 ///
9339 /// + request `name` This can be an arbitrary string, but the current
9340 /// process name (see `fsl::GetCurrentProcessName`) is a good default.
9341 /// + request `id` This can be an arbitrary id, but the current process ID
9342 /// (see `fsl::GetCurrentProcessKoid`) is a good default.
9343 pub fn r#set_debug_client_info(
9344 &self,
9345 mut payload: &NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest,
9346 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
9347 self.client.send::<NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest>(
9348 payload,
9349 0x5cde8914608d99b1,
9350 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
9351 )
9352 }
9354 /// Sysmem logs a warning if sysmem hasn't seen
9355 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] from all clients
9356 /// within 5 seconds after creation of a new collection.
9357 ///
9358 /// Clients can call this method to change when the log is printed. If
9359 /// multiple client set the deadline, it's unspecified which deadline will
9360 /// take effect.
9361 ///
9362 /// In most cases the default works well.
9363 ///
9364 /// All table fields are currently required.
9365 ///
9366 /// + request `deadline` The time at which sysmem will start trying to log
9367 /// the warning, unless all constraints are with sysmem by then.
9368 pub fn r#set_debug_timeout_log_deadline(
9369 &self,
9370 mut payload: &NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest,
9371 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
9372 self.client.send::<NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest>(
9373 payload,
9374 0x716b0af13d5c0806,
9375 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
9376 )
9377 }
9379 /// This enables verbose logging for the buffer collection.
9380 ///
9381 /// Verbose logging includes constraints set via
9382 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] from each client
9383 /// along with info set via [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`] (or
9384 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`]) and the structure of
9385 /// the tree of `Node`(s).
9386 ///
9387 /// Normally sysmem prints only a single line complaint when aggregation
9388 /// fails, with just the specific detailed reason that aggregation failed,
9389 /// with little surrounding context. While this is often enough to diagnose
9390 /// a problem if only a small change was made and everything was working
9391 /// before the small change, it's often not particularly helpful for getting
9392 /// a new buffer collection to work for the first time. Especially with
9393 /// more complex trees of nodes, involving things like
9394 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`],
9395 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.SetDispensable`],
9396 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`] nodes, and associated
9397 /// subtrees of nodes, verbose logging may help in diagnosing what the tree
9398 /// looks like and why it's failing a logical allocation, or why a tree or
9399 /// subtree is failing sooner than expected.
9400 ///
9401 /// The intent of the extra logging is to be acceptable from a performance
9402 /// point of view, under the assumption that verbose logging is only enabled
9403 /// on a low number of buffer collections. If we're not tracking down a bug,
9404 /// we shouldn't send this message.
9405 pub fn r#set_verbose_logging(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
9406 self.client.send::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(
9407 (),
9408 0x5209c77415b4dfad,
9409 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
9410 )
9411 }
9413 /// This gets a handle that can be used as a parameter to
9414 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.IsAlternateFor`] called on any
9415 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`]. This handle is only for use as proof that the
9416 /// client obtained this handle from this `Node`.
9417 ///
9418 /// Because this is a get not a set, no [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.Sync`] is
9419 /// needed between the `GetNodeRef` and the call to `IsAlternateFor`,
9420 /// despite the two calls typically being on different channels.
9421 ///
9422 /// See also [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.IsAlternateFor`].
9423 ///
9424 /// All table fields are currently required.
9425 ///
9426 /// - response `node_ref` This handle can be sent via `IsAlternateFor` on a
9427 /// different `Node` channel, to prove that the client obtained the handle
9428 /// from this `Node`.
9429 pub fn r#get_node_ref(
9430 &self,
9431 ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
9432 ) -> Result<NodeGetNodeRefResponse, fidl::Error> {
9433 let _response = self.client.send_query::<
9434 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
9435 fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<NodeGetNodeRefResponse>,
9436 >(
9437 (),
9438 0x5b3d0e51614df053,
9439 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
9440 ___deadline,
9441 )?
9442 .into_result::<BufferCollectionTokenGroupMarker>("get_node_ref")?;
9443 Ok(_response)
9444 }
9446 /// Check whether the calling [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] is in a subtree
9447 /// rooted at a different child token of a common parent
9448 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`], in relation to the
9449 /// passed-in `node_ref`.
9450 ///
9451 /// This call is for assisting with admission control de-duplication, and
9452 /// with debugging.
9453 ///
9454 /// The `node_ref` must be obtained using
9455 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.GetNodeRef`].
9456 ///
9457 /// The `node_ref` can be a duplicated handle; it's not necessary to call
9458 /// `GetNodeRef` for every call to [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.IsAlternateFor`].
9459 ///
9460 /// If a calling token may not actually be a valid token at all due to a
9461 /// potentially hostile/untrusted provider of the token, call
9462 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.ValidateBufferCollectionToken`] first
9463 /// instead of potentially getting stuck indefinitely if `IsAlternateFor`
9464 /// never responds due to a calling token not being a real token (not really
9465 /// talking to sysmem). Another option is to call
9466 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] with this token first
9467 /// which also validates the token along with converting it to a
9468 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`], then call `IsAlternateFor`.
9469 ///
9470 /// All table fields are currently required.
9471 ///
9472 /// - response `is_alternate`
9473 /// - true: The first parent node in common between the calling node and
9474 /// the `node_ref` `Node` is a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`. This means
9475 /// that the calling `Node` and the `node_ref` `Node` will not have both
9476 /// their constraints apply - rather sysmem will choose one or the other
9477 /// of the constraints - never both. This is because only one child of
9478 /// a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` is selected during logical
9479 /// allocation, with only that one child's subtree contributing to
9480 /// constraints aggregation.
9481 /// - false: The first parent node in common between the calling `Node`
9482 /// and the `node_ref` `Node` is not a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`.
9483 /// Currently, this means the first parent node in common is a
9484 /// `BufferCollectionToken` or `BufferCollection` (regardless of not
9485 /// `Release`ed). This means that the calling `Node` and the `node_ref`
9486 /// `Node` may have both their constraints apply during constraints
9487 /// aggregation of the logical allocation, if both `Node`(s) are
9488 /// selected by any parent `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`(s) involved. In
9489 /// this case, there is no `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` that will
9490 /// directly prevent the two `Node`(s) from both being selected and
9491 /// their constraints both aggregated, but even when false, one or both
9492 /// `Node`(s) may still be eliminated from consideration if one or both
9493 /// `Node`(s) has a direct or indirect parent
9494 /// `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` which selects a child subtree other
9495 /// than the subtree containing the calling `Node` or `node_ref` `Node`.
9496 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.NOT_FOUND]` The node_ref wasn't
9497 /// associated with the same buffer collection as the calling `Node`.
9498 /// Another reason for this error is if the `node_ref` is an
9499 /// [`zx.Handle.EVENT`] handle with sufficient rights, but isn't actually
9500 /// a real `node_ref` obtained from `GetNodeRef`.
9501 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.PROTOCOL_DEVIATION]` The caller passed a
9502 /// `node_ref` that isn't a [`zx.Handle:EVENT`] handle , or doesn't have
9503 /// the needed rights expected on a real `node_ref`.
9504 /// * No other failing status codes are returned by this call. However,
9505 /// sysmem may add additional codes in future, so the client should have
9506 /// sensible default handling for any failing status code.
9507 pub fn r#is_alternate_for(
9508 &self,
9509 mut payload: NodeIsAlternateForRequest,
9510 ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
9511 ) -> Result<NodeIsAlternateForResult, fidl::Error> {
9512 let _response = self.client.send_query::<
9513 NodeIsAlternateForRequest,
9514 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<NodeIsAlternateForResponse, Error>,
9515 >(
9516 &mut payload,
9517 0x3a58e00157e0825,
9518 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
9519 ___deadline,
9520 )?
9521 .into_result::<BufferCollectionTokenGroupMarker>("is_alternate_for")?;
9522 Ok(|x| x))
9523 }
9525 /// Get the buffer collection ID. This ID is also available from
9526 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.GetVmoInfo`] (along with the `buffer_index`
9527 /// within the collection).
9528 ///
9529 /// This call is mainly useful in situations where we can't convey a
9530 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] or
9531 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] directly, but can only convey a VMO
9532 /// handle, which can be joined back up with a `BufferCollection` client end
9533 /// that was created via a different path. Prefer to convey a
9534 /// `BufferCollectionToken` or `BufferCollection` directly when feasible.
9535 ///
9536 /// Trusting a `buffer_collection_id` value from a source other than sysmem
9537 /// is analogous to trusting a koid value from a source other than zircon.
9538 /// Both should be avoided unless really necessary, and both require
9539 /// caution. In some situations it may be reasonable to refer to a
9540 /// pre-established `BufferCollection` by `buffer_collection_id` via a
9541 /// protocol for efficiency reasons, but an incoming value purporting to be
9542 /// a `buffer_collection_id` is not sufficient alone to justify granting the
9543 /// sender of the `buffer_collection_id` any capability. The sender must
9544 /// first prove to a receiver that the sender has/had a VMO or has/had a
9545 /// `BufferCollectionToken` to the same collection by sending a handle that
9546 /// sysmem confirms is a valid sysmem handle and which sysmem maps to the
9547 /// `buffer_collection_id` value. The receiver should take care to avoid
9548 /// assuming that a sender had a `BufferCollectionToken` in cases where the
9549 /// sender has only proven that the sender had a VMO.
9550 ///
9551 /// - response `buffer_collection_id` This ID is unique per buffer
9552 /// collection per boot. Each buffer is uniquely identified by the
9553 /// `buffer_collection_id` and `buffer_index` together.
9554 pub fn r#get_buffer_collection_id(
9555 &self,
9556 ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
9557 ) -> Result<NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse, fidl::Error> {
9558 let _response = self.client.send_query::<
9559 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
9560 fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse>,
9561 >(
9562 (),
9563 0x77d19a494b78ba8c,
9564 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
9565 ___deadline,
9566 )?
9567 .into_result::<BufferCollectionTokenGroupMarker>("get_buffer_collection_id")?;
9568 Ok(_response)
9569 }
9571 /// Sets the current [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] and all child `Node`(s)
9572 /// created after this message to weak, which means that a client's `Node`
9573 /// client end (or a child created after this message) is not alone
9574 /// sufficient to keep allocated VMOs alive.
9575 ///
9576 /// All VMOs obtained from weak `Node`(s) are weak sysmem VMOs. See also
9577 /// `close_weak_asap`.
9578 ///
9579 /// This message is only permitted before the `Node` becomes ready for
9580 /// allocation (else the server closes the channel with `ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE`):
9581 /// * `BufferCollectionToken`: any time
9582 /// * `BufferCollection`: before `SetConstraints`
9583 /// * `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`: before `AllChildrenPresent`
9584 ///
9585 /// Currently, no conversion from strong `Node` to weak `Node` after ready
9586 /// for allocation is provided, but a client can simulate that by creating
9587 /// an additional `Node` before allocation and setting that additional
9588 /// `Node` to weak, and then potentially at some point later sending
9589 /// `Release` and closing the client end of the client's strong `Node`, but
9590 /// keeping the client's weak `Node`.
9591 ///
9592 /// Zero strong `Node`(s) and zero strong VMO handles will result in buffer
9593 /// collection failure (all `Node` client end(s) will see
9594 /// `ZX_CHANNEL_PEER_CLOSED` and all `close_weak_asap` `client_end`(s) will
9595 /// see `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED`), but sysmem (intentionally) won't notice
9596 /// this situation until all `Node`(s) are ready for allocation. For initial
9597 /// allocation to succeed, at least one strong `Node` is required to exist
9598 /// at allocation time, but after that client receives VMO handles, that
9599 /// client can `BufferCollection.Release` and close the client end without
9600 /// causing this type of failure.
9601 ///
9602 /// This implies [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetWeakOk`] as well, but does not
9603 /// imply `SetWeakOk` with `for_children_also` true, which can be sent
9604 /// separately as appropriate.
9605 pub fn r#set_weak(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
9606 self.client.send::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(
9607 (),
9608 0x22dd3ea514eeffe1,
9609 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
9610 )
9611 }
9613 /// This indicates to sysmem that the client is prepared to pay attention to
9614 /// `close_weak_asap`.
9615 ///
9616 /// If sent, this message must be before
9617 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`].
9618 ///
9619 /// All participants using a weak [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] must
9620 /// send this message before `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`, or a parent
9621 /// `Node` must have sent [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetWeakOk`] with
9622 /// `for_child_nodes_also` true, else the `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated` will
9623 /// trigger buffer collection failure.
9624 ///
9625 /// This message is necessary because weak sysmem VMOs have not always been
9626 /// a thing, so older clients are not aware of the need to pay attention to
9627 /// `close_weak_asap` `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` and close all remaining
9628 /// sysmem weak VMO handles asap. By having this message and requiring
9629 /// participants to indicate their acceptance of this aspect of the overall
9630 /// protocol, we avoid situations where an older client is delivered a weak
9631 /// VMO without any way for sysmem to get that VMO to close quickly later
9632 /// (and on a per-buffer basis).
9633 ///
9634 /// A participant that doesn't handle `close_weak_asap` and also doesn't
9635 /// retrieve any VMO handles via `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated` doesn't need
9636 /// to send `SetWeakOk` (and doesn't need to have a parent `Node` send
9637 /// `SetWeakOk` with `for_child_nodes_also` true either). However, if that
9638 /// same participant has a child/delegate which does retrieve VMOs, that
9639 /// child/delegate will need to send `SetWeakOk` before
9640 /// `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`.
9641 ///
9642 /// + request `for_child_nodes_also` If present and true, this means direct
9643 /// child nodes of this node created after this message plus all
9644 /// descendants of those nodes will behave as if `SetWeakOk` was sent on
9645 /// those nodes. Any child node of this node that was created before this
9646 /// message is not included. This setting is "sticky" in the sense that a
9647 /// subsequent `SetWeakOk` without this bool set to true does not reset
9648 /// the server-side bool. If this creates a problem for a participant, a
9649 /// workaround is to `SetWeakOk` with `for_child_nodes_also` true on child
9650 /// tokens instead, as appropriate. A participant should only set
9651 /// `for_child_nodes_also` true if the participant can really promise to
9652 /// obey `close_weak_asap` both for its own weak VMO handles, and for all
9653 /// weak VMO handles held by participants holding the corresponding child
9654 /// `Node`(s). When `for_child_nodes_also` is set, descendent `Node`(s)
9655 /// which are using sysmem(1) can be weak, despite the clients of those
9656 /// sysmem1 `Node`(s) not having any direct way to `SetWeakOk` or any
9657 /// direct way to find out about `close_weak_asap`. This only applies to
9658 /// descendents of this `Node` which are using sysmem(1), not to this
9659 /// `Node` when converted directly from a sysmem2 token to a sysmem(1)
9660 /// token, which will fail allocation unless an ancestor of this `Node`
9661 /// specified `for_child_nodes_also` true.
9662 pub fn r#set_weak_ok(&self, mut payload: NodeSetWeakOkRequest) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
9663 self.client.send::<NodeSetWeakOkRequest>(
9664 &mut payload,
9665 0x38a44fc4d7724be9,
9666 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
9667 )
9668 }
9670 /// The server_end will be closed after this `Node` and any child nodes have
9671 /// have released their buffer counts, making those counts available for
9672 /// reservation by a different `Node` via
9673 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`].
9674 ///
9675 /// The `Node` buffer counts may not be released until the entire tree of
9676 /// `Node`(s) is closed or failed, because
9677 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Release`] followed by channel close
9678 /// does not immediately un-reserve the `Node` buffer counts. Instead, the
9679 /// `Node` buffer counts remain reserved until the orphaned node is later
9680 /// cleaned up.
9681 ///
9682 /// If the `Node` exceeds a fairly large number of attached eventpair server
9683 /// ends, a log message will indicate this and the `Node` (and the
9684 /// appropriate) sub-tree will fail.
9685 ///
9686 /// The `server_end` will remain open when
9687 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] converts a
9688 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] into a
9689 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`].
9690 ///
9691 /// This message can also be used with a
9692 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`].
9693 pub fn r#attach_node_tracking(
9694 &self,
9695 mut payload: NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest,
9696 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
9697 self.client.send::<NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest>(
9698 &mut payload,
9699 0x3f22f2a293d3cdac,
9700 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
9701 )
9702 }
9704 /// Create a child [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`]. Only one child
9705 /// (including its children) will be selected during allocation (or logical
9706 /// allocation).
9707 ///
9708 /// Before passing the client end of this token to
9709 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`], completion of
9710 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.Sync`] after
9711 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup.CreateChild`] is required.
9712 /// Or the client can use
9713 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup.CreateChildrenSync`] which
9714 /// essentially includes the `Sync`.
9715 ///
9716 /// Sending CreateChild after AllChildrenPresent is not permitted; this will
9717 /// fail the group's subtree and close the connection.
9718 ///
9719 /// After all children have been created, send AllChildrenPresent.
9720 ///
9721 /// + request `token_request` The server end of the new token channel.
9722 /// + request `rights_attenuation_mask` If ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS, the created
9723 /// token allows the holder to get the same rights to buffers as the
9724 /// parent token (of the group) had. When the value isn't
9725 /// ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS, the value is interpretted as a bitmask with 0
9726 /// bits ensuring those rights are attentuated, so 0xFFFFFFFF is a synonym
9727 /// for ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS. The value 0 is not allowed and intentionally
9728 /// causes subtree failure.
9729 pub fn r#create_child(
9730 &self,
9731 mut payload: BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildRequest,
9732 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
9733 self.client.send::<BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildRequest>(
9734 &mut payload,
9735 0x41a0075d419f30c5,
9736 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
9737 )
9738 }
9740 /// Create 1 or more child tokens at once, synchronously. In contrast to
9741 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup.CreateChild`], no
9742 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.Sync`] is required before passing the client end
9743 /// of a returned token to
9744 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator/BindSharedCollection`].
9745 ///
9746 /// The lower-index child tokens are higher priority (attempted sooner) than
9747 /// higher-index child tokens.
9748 ///
9749 /// As per all child tokens, successful aggregation will choose exactly one
9750 /// child among all created children (across all children created across
9751 /// potentially multiple calls to
9752 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup.CreateChild`] and
9753 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup.CreateChildrenSync`]).
9754 ///
9755 /// The maximum permissible total number of children per group, and total
9756 /// number of nodes in an overall tree (from the root) are capped to limits
9757 /// which are not configurable via these protocols.
9758 ///
9759 /// Sending CreateChildrenSync after AllChildrenPresent is not permitted;
9760 /// this will fail the group's subtree and close the connection.
9761 ///
9762 /// After all children have been created, send AllChildrenPresent.
9763 ///
9764 /// + request `rights_attentuation_masks` The size of the
9765 /// `rights_attentuation_masks` determines the number of created child
9766 /// tokens. The value ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS doesn't attenuate any rights.
9767 /// The value 0xFFFFFFFF is a synonym for ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS. For any
9768 /// other value, each 0 bit in the mask attenuates that right.
9769 /// - response `tokens` The created child tokens.
9770 pub fn r#create_children_sync(
9771 &self,
9772 mut payload: &BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildrenSyncRequest,
9773 ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
9774 ) -> Result<BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildrenSyncResponse, fidl::Error> {
9775 let _response = self.client.send_query::<
9776 BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildrenSyncRequest,
9777 fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildrenSyncResponse>,
9778 >(
9779 payload,
9780 0x15dea448c536070a,
9781 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
9782 ___deadline,
9783 )?
9784 .into_result::<BufferCollectionTokenGroupMarker>("create_children_sync")?;
9785 Ok(_response)
9786 }
9788 /// Indicate that no more children will be created.
9789 ///
9790 /// After creating all children, the client should send
9791 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup.AllChildrenPresent`] to
9792 /// inform sysmem that no more children will be created, so that sysmem can
9793 /// know when it's ok to start aggregating constraints.
9794 ///
9795 /// Sending CreateChild after AllChildrenPresent is not permitted; this will
9796 /// fail the group's subtree and close the connection.
9797 ///
9798 /// If [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.Release`] is to be sent, it should be sent
9799 /// after `AllChildrenPresent`, else failure of the group's subtree will be
9800 /// triggered. This is intentionally not analogous to how `Release` without
9801 /// prior [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] doesn't cause
9802 /// subtree failure.
9803 pub fn r#all_children_present(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
9804 self.client.send::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(
9805 (),
9806 0x5c327e4a23391312,
9807 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
9808 )
9809 }
9812#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
9813pub struct BufferCollectionTokenGroupProxy {
9814 client: fidl::client::Client<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>,
9817impl fidl::endpoints::Proxy for BufferCollectionTokenGroupProxy {
9818 type Protocol = BufferCollectionTokenGroupMarker;
9820 fn from_channel(inner: ::fidl::AsyncChannel) -> Self {
9821 Self::new(inner)
9822 }
9824 fn into_channel(self) -> Result<::fidl::AsyncChannel, Self> {
9825 self.client.into_channel().map_err(|client| Self { client })
9826 }
9828 fn as_channel(&self) -> &::fidl::AsyncChannel {
9829 self.client.as_channel()
9830 }
9833impl BufferCollectionTokenGroupProxy {
9834 /// Create a new Proxy for fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup.
9835 pub fn new(channel: ::fidl::AsyncChannel) -> Self {
9836 let protocol_name =
9837 <BufferCollectionTokenGroupMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME;
9838 Self { client: fidl::client::Client::new(channel, protocol_name) }
9839 }
9841 /// Get a Stream of events from the remote end of the protocol.
9842 ///
9843 /// # Panics
9844 ///
9845 /// Panics if the event stream was already taken.
9846 pub fn take_event_stream(&self) -> BufferCollectionTokenGroupEventStream {
9847 BufferCollectionTokenGroupEventStream { event_receiver: self.client.take_event_receiver() }
9848 }
9850 /// Ensure that previous messages have been received server side. This is
9851 /// particularly useful after previous messages that created new tokens,
9852 /// because a token must be known to the sysmem server before sending the
9853 /// token to another participant.
9854 ///
9855 /// Calling [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Sync`] on a token that
9856 /// isn't/wasn't a valid token risks the `Sync` stalling forever. See
9857 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.ValidateBufferCollectionToken`] for one way
9858 /// to mitigate the possibility of a hostile/fake
9859 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] at the cost of one round trip.
9860 /// Another way is to pass the token to
9861 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator/BindSharedCollection`], which also validates
9862 /// the token as part of exchanging it for a
9863 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] channel, and
9864 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Sync`] can then be used without risk
9865 /// of stalling.
9866 ///
9867 /// After creating one or more [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`](s)
9868 /// and then starting and completing a `Sync`, it's then safe to send the
9869 /// `BufferCollectionToken` client ends to other participants knowing the
9870 /// server will recognize the tokens when they're sent by the other
9871 /// participants to sysmem in a
9872 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] message. This is an
9873 /// efficient way to create tokens while avoiding unnecessary round trips.
9874 ///
9875 /// Other options include waiting for each
9876 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate`] to complete
9877 /// individually (using separate call to `Sync` after each), or calling
9878 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Sync`] after a token has been
9879 /// converted to a `BufferCollection` via
9880 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`], or using
9881 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.DuplicateSync`] which includes
9882 /// the sync step and can create multiple tokens at once.
9883 pub fn r#sync(
9884 &self,
9885 ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<(), fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect> {
9886 BufferCollectionTokenGroupProxyInterface::r#sync(self)
9887 }
9889 /// ###### On a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] channel:
9890 ///
9891 /// Normally a participant will convert a `BufferCollectionToken` into a
9892 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`], but a participant can instead send
9893 /// `Release` via the token (and then close the channel immediately or
9894 /// shortly later in response to server closing the server end), which
9895 /// avoids causing buffer collection failure. Without a prior `Release`,
9896 /// closing the `BufferCollectionToken` client end will cause buffer
9897 /// collection failure.
9898 ///
9899 /// ###### On a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] channel:
9900 ///
9901 /// By default the server handles unexpected closure of a
9902 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] client end (without `Release`
9903 /// first) by failing the buffer collection. Partly this is to expedite
9904 /// closing VMO handles to reclaim memory when any participant fails. If a
9905 /// participant would like to cleanly close a `BufferCollection` without
9906 /// causing buffer collection failure, the participant can send `Release`
9907 /// before closing the `BufferCollection` client end. The `Release` can
9908 /// occur before or after `SetConstraints`. If before `SetConstraints`, the
9909 /// buffer collection won't require constraints from this node in order to
9910 /// allocate. If after `SetConstraints`, the constraints are retained and
9911 /// aggregated, despite the lack of `BufferCollection` connection at the
9912 /// time of constraints aggregation.
9913 ///
9914 /// ###### On a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`] channel:
9915 ///
9916 /// By default, unexpected closure of a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` client
9917 /// end (without `Release` first) will trigger failure of the buffer
9918 /// collection. To close a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` channel without
9919 /// failing the buffer collection, ensure that AllChildrenPresent() has been
9920 /// sent, and send `Release` before closing the `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`
9921 /// client end.
9922 ///
9923 /// If `Release` occurs before
9924 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup.AllChildrenPresent], the
9925 /// buffer collection will fail (triggered by reception of `Release` without
9926 /// prior `AllChildrenPresent`). This is intentionally not analogous to how
9927 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Release`] without
9928 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] first doesn't cause
9929 /// buffer collection failure. For a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`, clean
9930 /// close requires `AllChildrenPresent` (if not already sent), then
9931 /// `Release`, then close client end.
9932 ///
9933 /// If `Release` occurs after `AllChildrenPresent`, the children and all
9934 /// their constraints remain intact (just as they would if the
9935 /// `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` channel had remained open), and the client
9936 /// end close doesn't trigger buffer collection failure.
9937 ///
9938 /// ###### On all [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] channels (any of the above):
9939 ///
9940 /// For brevity, the per-channel-protocol paragraphs above ignore the
9941 /// separate failure domain created by
9942 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.SetDispensable`] or
9943 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`]. When a client end
9944 /// unexpectedly closes (without `Release` first) and that client end is
9945 /// under a failure domain, instead of failing the whole buffer collection,
9946 /// the failure domain is failed, but the buffer collection itself is
9947 /// isolated from failure of the failure domain. Such failure domains can be
9948 /// nested, in which case only the inner-most failure domain in which the
9949 /// `Node` resides fails.
9950 pub fn r#release(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
9951 BufferCollectionTokenGroupProxyInterface::r#release(self)
9952 }
9954 /// Set a name for VMOs in this buffer collection.
9955 ///
9956 /// If the name doesn't fit in ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN, the name of the vmo itself
9957 /// will be truncated to fit. The name of the vmo will be suffixed with the
9958 /// buffer index within the collection (if the suffix fits within
9959 /// ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN). The name specified here (without truncation) will be
9960 /// listed in the inspect data.
9961 ///
9962 /// The name only affects VMOs allocated after the name is set; this call
9963 /// does not rename existing VMOs. If multiple clients set different names
9964 /// then the larger priority value will win. Setting a new name with the
9965 /// same priority as a prior name doesn't change the name.
9966 ///
9967 /// All table fields are currently required.
9968 ///
9969 /// + request `priority` The name is only set if this is the first `SetName`
9970 /// or if `priority` is greater than any previous `priority` value in
9971 /// prior `SetName` calls across all `Node`(s) of this buffer collection.
9972 /// + request `name` The name for VMOs created under this buffer collection.
9973 pub fn r#set_name(&self, mut payload: &NodeSetNameRequest) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
9974 BufferCollectionTokenGroupProxyInterface::r#set_name(self, payload)
9975 }
9977 /// Set information about the current client that can be used by sysmem to
9978 /// help diagnose leaking memory and allocation stalls waiting for a
9979 /// participant to send [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`].
9980 ///
9981 /// This sets the debug client info on this [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] and all
9982 /// `Node`(s) derived from this `Node`, unless overriden by
9983 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`] or a later
9984 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`].
9985 ///
9986 /// Sending [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`] once per
9987 /// `Allocator` is the most efficient way to ensure that all
9988 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`](s) will have at least some debug client info
9989 /// set, and is also more efficient than separately sending the same debug
9990 /// client info via [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`] for each
9991 /// created [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`].
9992 ///
9993 /// Also used when verbose logging is enabled (see `SetVerboseLogging`) to
9994 /// indicate which client is closing their channel first, leading to subtree
9995 /// failure (which can be normal if the purpose of the subtree is over, but
9996 /// if happening earlier than expected, the client-channel-specific name can
9997 /// help diagnose where the failure is first coming from, from sysmem's
9998 /// point of view).
9999 ///
10000 /// All table fields are currently required.
10001 ///
10002 /// + request `name` This can be an arbitrary string, but the current
10003 /// process name (see `fsl::GetCurrentProcessName`) is a good default.
10004 /// + request `id` This can be an arbitrary id, but the current process ID
10005 /// (see `fsl::GetCurrentProcessKoid`) is a good default.
10006 pub fn r#set_debug_client_info(
10007 &self,
10008 mut payload: &NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest,
10009 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
10010 BufferCollectionTokenGroupProxyInterface::r#set_debug_client_info(self, payload)
10011 }
10013 /// Sysmem logs a warning if sysmem hasn't seen
10014 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] from all clients
10015 /// within 5 seconds after creation of a new collection.
10016 ///
10017 /// Clients can call this method to change when the log is printed. If
10018 /// multiple client set the deadline, it's unspecified which deadline will
10019 /// take effect.
10020 ///
10021 /// In most cases the default works well.
10022 ///
10023 /// All table fields are currently required.
10024 ///
10025 /// + request `deadline` The time at which sysmem will start trying to log
10026 /// the warning, unless all constraints are with sysmem by then.
10027 pub fn r#set_debug_timeout_log_deadline(
10028 &self,
10029 mut payload: &NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest,
10030 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
10031 BufferCollectionTokenGroupProxyInterface::r#set_debug_timeout_log_deadline(self, payload)
10032 }
10034 /// This enables verbose logging for the buffer collection.
10035 ///
10036 /// Verbose logging includes constraints set via
10037 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] from each client
10038 /// along with info set via [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`] (or
10039 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`]) and the structure of
10040 /// the tree of `Node`(s).
10041 ///
10042 /// Normally sysmem prints only a single line complaint when aggregation
10043 /// fails, with just the specific detailed reason that aggregation failed,
10044 /// with little surrounding context. While this is often enough to diagnose
10045 /// a problem if only a small change was made and everything was working
10046 /// before the small change, it's often not particularly helpful for getting
10047 /// a new buffer collection to work for the first time. Especially with
10048 /// more complex trees of nodes, involving things like
10049 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`],
10050 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.SetDispensable`],
10051 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`] nodes, and associated
10052 /// subtrees of nodes, verbose logging may help in diagnosing what the tree
10053 /// looks like and why it's failing a logical allocation, or why a tree or
10054 /// subtree is failing sooner than expected.
10055 ///
10056 /// The intent of the extra logging is to be acceptable from a performance
10057 /// point of view, under the assumption that verbose logging is only enabled
10058 /// on a low number of buffer collections. If we're not tracking down a bug,
10059 /// we shouldn't send this message.
10060 pub fn r#set_verbose_logging(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
10061 BufferCollectionTokenGroupProxyInterface::r#set_verbose_logging(self)
10062 }
10064 /// This gets a handle that can be used as a parameter to
10065 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.IsAlternateFor`] called on any
10066 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`]. This handle is only for use as proof that the
10067 /// client obtained this handle from this `Node`.
10068 ///
10069 /// Because this is a get not a set, no [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.Sync`] is
10070 /// needed between the `GetNodeRef` and the call to `IsAlternateFor`,
10071 /// despite the two calls typically being on different channels.
10072 ///
10073 /// See also [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.IsAlternateFor`].
10074 ///
10075 /// All table fields are currently required.
10076 ///
10077 /// - response `node_ref` This handle can be sent via `IsAlternateFor` on a
10078 /// different `Node` channel, to prove that the client obtained the handle
10079 /// from this `Node`.
10080 pub fn r#get_node_ref(
10081 &self,
10082 ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
10083 NodeGetNodeRefResponse,
10084 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
10085 > {
10086 BufferCollectionTokenGroupProxyInterface::r#get_node_ref(self)
10087 }
10089 /// Check whether the calling [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] is in a subtree
10090 /// rooted at a different child token of a common parent
10091 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`], in relation to the
10092 /// passed-in `node_ref`.
10093 ///
10094 /// This call is for assisting with admission control de-duplication, and
10095 /// with debugging.
10096 ///
10097 /// The `node_ref` must be obtained using
10098 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.GetNodeRef`].
10099 ///
10100 /// The `node_ref` can be a duplicated handle; it's not necessary to call
10101 /// `GetNodeRef` for every call to [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.IsAlternateFor`].
10102 ///
10103 /// If a calling token may not actually be a valid token at all due to a
10104 /// potentially hostile/untrusted provider of the token, call
10105 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.ValidateBufferCollectionToken`] first
10106 /// instead of potentially getting stuck indefinitely if `IsAlternateFor`
10107 /// never responds due to a calling token not being a real token (not really
10108 /// talking to sysmem). Another option is to call
10109 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] with this token first
10110 /// which also validates the token along with converting it to a
10111 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`], then call `IsAlternateFor`.
10112 ///
10113 /// All table fields are currently required.
10114 ///
10115 /// - response `is_alternate`
10116 /// - true: The first parent node in common between the calling node and
10117 /// the `node_ref` `Node` is a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`. This means
10118 /// that the calling `Node` and the `node_ref` `Node` will not have both
10119 /// their constraints apply - rather sysmem will choose one or the other
10120 /// of the constraints - never both. This is because only one child of
10121 /// a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` is selected during logical
10122 /// allocation, with only that one child's subtree contributing to
10123 /// constraints aggregation.
10124 /// - false: The first parent node in common between the calling `Node`
10125 /// and the `node_ref` `Node` is not a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`.
10126 /// Currently, this means the first parent node in common is a
10127 /// `BufferCollectionToken` or `BufferCollection` (regardless of not
10128 /// `Release`ed). This means that the calling `Node` and the `node_ref`
10129 /// `Node` may have both their constraints apply during constraints
10130 /// aggregation of the logical allocation, if both `Node`(s) are
10131 /// selected by any parent `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`(s) involved. In
10132 /// this case, there is no `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` that will
10133 /// directly prevent the two `Node`(s) from both being selected and
10134 /// their constraints both aggregated, but even when false, one or both
10135 /// `Node`(s) may still be eliminated from consideration if one or both
10136 /// `Node`(s) has a direct or indirect parent
10137 /// `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` which selects a child subtree other
10138 /// than the subtree containing the calling `Node` or `node_ref` `Node`.
10139 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.NOT_FOUND]` The node_ref wasn't
10140 /// associated with the same buffer collection as the calling `Node`.
10141 /// Another reason for this error is if the `node_ref` is an
10142 /// [`zx.Handle.EVENT`] handle with sufficient rights, but isn't actually
10143 /// a real `node_ref` obtained from `GetNodeRef`.
10144 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.PROTOCOL_DEVIATION]` The caller passed a
10145 /// `node_ref` that isn't a [`zx.Handle:EVENT`] handle , or doesn't have
10146 /// the needed rights expected on a real `node_ref`.
10147 /// * No other failing status codes are returned by this call. However,
10148 /// sysmem may add additional codes in future, so the client should have
10149 /// sensible default handling for any failing status code.
10150 pub fn r#is_alternate_for(
10151 &self,
10152 mut payload: NodeIsAlternateForRequest,
10153 ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
10154 NodeIsAlternateForResult,
10155 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
10156 > {
10157 BufferCollectionTokenGroupProxyInterface::r#is_alternate_for(self, payload)
10158 }
10160 /// Get the buffer collection ID. This ID is also available from
10161 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.GetVmoInfo`] (along with the `buffer_index`
10162 /// within the collection).
10163 ///
10164 /// This call is mainly useful in situations where we can't convey a
10165 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] or
10166 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] directly, but can only convey a VMO
10167 /// handle, which can be joined back up with a `BufferCollection` client end
10168 /// that was created via a different path. Prefer to convey a
10169 /// `BufferCollectionToken` or `BufferCollection` directly when feasible.
10170 ///
10171 /// Trusting a `buffer_collection_id` value from a source other than sysmem
10172 /// is analogous to trusting a koid value from a source other than zircon.
10173 /// Both should be avoided unless really necessary, and both require
10174 /// caution. In some situations it may be reasonable to refer to a
10175 /// pre-established `BufferCollection` by `buffer_collection_id` via a
10176 /// protocol for efficiency reasons, but an incoming value purporting to be
10177 /// a `buffer_collection_id` is not sufficient alone to justify granting the
10178 /// sender of the `buffer_collection_id` any capability. The sender must
10179 /// first prove to a receiver that the sender has/had a VMO or has/had a
10180 /// `BufferCollectionToken` to the same collection by sending a handle that
10181 /// sysmem confirms is a valid sysmem handle and which sysmem maps to the
10182 /// `buffer_collection_id` value. The receiver should take care to avoid
10183 /// assuming that a sender had a `BufferCollectionToken` in cases where the
10184 /// sender has only proven that the sender had a VMO.
10185 ///
10186 /// - response `buffer_collection_id` This ID is unique per buffer
10187 /// collection per boot. Each buffer is uniquely identified by the
10188 /// `buffer_collection_id` and `buffer_index` together.
10189 pub fn r#get_buffer_collection_id(
10190 &self,
10191 ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
10192 NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse,
10193 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
10194 > {
10195 BufferCollectionTokenGroupProxyInterface::r#get_buffer_collection_id(self)
10196 }
10198 /// Sets the current [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] and all child `Node`(s)
10199 /// created after this message to weak, which means that a client's `Node`
10200 /// client end (or a child created after this message) is not alone
10201 /// sufficient to keep allocated VMOs alive.
10202 ///
10203 /// All VMOs obtained from weak `Node`(s) are weak sysmem VMOs. See also
10204 /// `close_weak_asap`.
10205 ///
10206 /// This message is only permitted before the `Node` becomes ready for
10207 /// allocation (else the server closes the channel with `ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE`):
10208 /// * `BufferCollectionToken`: any time
10209 /// * `BufferCollection`: before `SetConstraints`
10210 /// * `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`: before `AllChildrenPresent`
10211 ///
10212 /// Currently, no conversion from strong `Node` to weak `Node` after ready
10213 /// for allocation is provided, but a client can simulate that by creating
10214 /// an additional `Node` before allocation and setting that additional
10215 /// `Node` to weak, and then potentially at some point later sending
10216 /// `Release` and closing the client end of the client's strong `Node`, but
10217 /// keeping the client's weak `Node`.
10218 ///
10219 /// Zero strong `Node`(s) and zero strong VMO handles will result in buffer
10220 /// collection failure (all `Node` client end(s) will see
10221 /// `ZX_CHANNEL_PEER_CLOSED` and all `close_weak_asap` `client_end`(s) will
10222 /// see `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED`), but sysmem (intentionally) won't notice
10223 /// this situation until all `Node`(s) are ready for allocation. For initial
10224 /// allocation to succeed, at least one strong `Node` is required to exist
10225 /// at allocation time, but after that client receives VMO handles, that
10226 /// client can `BufferCollection.Release` and close the client end without
10227 /// causing this type of failure.
10228 ///
10229 /// This implies [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetWeakOk`] as well, but does not
10230 /// imply `SetWeakOk` with `for_children_also` true, which can be sent
10231 /// separately as appropriate.
10232 pub fn r#set_weak(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
10233 BufferCollectionTokenGroupProxyInterface::r#set_weak(self)
10234 }
10236 /// This indicates to sysmem that the client is prepared to pay attention to
10237 /// `close_weak_asap`.
10238 ///
10239 /// If sent, this message must be before
10240 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`].
10241 ///
10242 /// All participants using a weak [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] must
10243 /// send this message before `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`, or a parent
10244 /// `Node` must have sent [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetWeakOk`] with
10245 /// `for_child_nodes_also` true, else the `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated` will
10246 /// trigger buffer collection failure.
10247 ///
10248 /// This message is necessary because weak sysmem VMOs have not always been
10249 /// a thing, so older clients are not aware of the need to pay attention to
10250 /// `close_weak_asap` `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` and close all remaining
10251 /// sysmem weak VMO handles asap. By having this message and requiring
10252 /// participants to indicate their acceptance of this aspect of the overall
10253 /// protocol, we avoid situations where an older client is delivered a weak
10254 /// VMO without any way for sysmem to get that VMO to close quickly later
10255 /// (and on a per-buffer basis).
10256 ///
10257 /// A participant that doesn't handle `close_weak_asap` and also doesn't
10258 /// retrieve any VMO handles via `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated` doesn't need
10259 /// to send `SetWeakOk` (and doesn't need to have a parent `Node` send
10260 /// `SetWeakOk` with `for_child_nodes_also` true either). However, if that
10261 /// same participant has a child/delegate which does retrieve VMOs, that
10262 /// child/delegate will need to send `SetWeakOk` before
10263 /// `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`.
10264 ///
10265 /// + request `for_child_nodes_also` If present and true, this means direct
10266 /// child nodes of this node created after this message plus all
10267 /// descendants of those nodes will behave as if `SetWeakOk` was sent on
10268 /// those nodes. Any child node of this node that was created before this
10269 /// message is not included. This setting is "sticky" in the sense that a
10270 /// subsequent `SetWeakOk` without this bool set to true does not reset
10271 /// the server-side bool. If this creates a problem for a participant, a
10272 /// workaround is to `SetWeakOk` with `for_child_nodes_also` true on child
10273 /// tokens instead, as appropriate. A participant should only set
10274 /// `for_child_nodes_also` true if the participant can really promise to
10275 /// obey `close_weak_asap` both for its own weak VMO handles, and for all
10276 /// weak VMO handles held by participants holding the corresponding child
10277 /// `Node`(s). When `for_child_nodes_also` is set, descendent `Node`(s)
10278 /// which are using sysmem(1) can be weak, despite the clients of those
10279 /// sysmem1 `Node`(s) not having any direct way to `SetWeakOk` or any
10280 /// direct way to find out about `close_weak_asap`. This only applies to
10281 /// descendents of this `Node` which are using sysmem(1), not to this
10282 /// `Node` when converted directly from a sysmem2 token to a sysmem(1)
10283 /// token, which will fail allocation unless an ancestor of this `Node`
10284 /// specified `for_child_nodes_also` true.
10285 pub fn r#set_weak_ok(&self, mut payload: NodeSetWeakOkRequest) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
10286 BufferCollectionTokenGroupProxyInterface::r#set_weak_ok(self, payload)
10287 }
10289 /// The server_end will be closed after this `Node` and any child nodes have
10290 /// have released their buffer counts, making those counts available for
10291 /// reservation by a different `Node` via
10292 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`].
10293 ///
10294 /// The `Node` buffer counts may not be released until the entire tree of
10295 /// `Node`(s) is closed or failed, because
10296 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Release`] followed by channel close
10297 /// does not immediately un-reserve the `Node` buffer counts. Instead, the
10298 /// `Node` buffer counts remain reserved until the orphaned node is later
10299 /// cleaned up.
10300 ///
10301 /// If the `Node` exceeds a fairly large number of attached eventpair server
10302 /// ends, a log message will indicate this and the `Node` (and the
10303 /// appropriate) sub-tree will fail.
10304 ///
10305 /// The `server_end` will remain open when
10306 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] converts a
10307 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] into a
10308 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`].
10309 ///
10310 /// This message can also be used with a
10311 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`].
10312 pub fn r#attach_node_tracking(
10313 &self,
10314 mut payload: NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest,
10315 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
10316 BufferCollectionTokenGroupProxyInterface::r#attach_node_tracking(self, payload)
10317 }
10319 /// Create a child [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`]. Only one child
10320 /// (including its children) will be selected during allocation (or logical
10321 /// allocation).
10322 ///
10323 /// Before passing the client end of this token to
10324 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`], completion of
10325 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.Sync`] after
10326 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup.CreateChild`] is required.
10327 /// Or the client can use
10328 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup.CreateChildrenSync`] which
10329 /// essentially includes the `Sync`.
10330 ///
10331 /// Sending CreateChild after AllChildrenPresent is not permitted; this will
10332 /// fail the group's subtree and close the connection.
10333 ///
10334 /// After all children have been created, send AllChildrenPresent.
10335 ///
10336 /// + request `token_request` The server end of the new token channel.
10337 /// + request `rights_attenuation_mask` If ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS, the created
10338 /// token allows the holder to get the same rights to buffers as the
10339 /// parent token (of the group) had. When the value isn't
10340 /// ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS, the value is interpretted as a bitmask with 0
10341 /// bits ensuring those rights are attentuated, so 0xFFFFFFFF is a synonym
10342 /// for ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS. The value 0 is not allowed and intentionally
10343 /// causes subtree failure.
10344 pub fn r#create_child(
10345 &self,
10346 mut payload: BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildRequest,
10347 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
10348 BufferCollectionTokenGroupProxyInterface::r#create_child(self, payload)
10349 }
10351 /// Create 1 or more child tokens at once, synchronously. In contrast to
10352 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup.CreateChild`], no
10353 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.Sync`] is required before passing the client end
10354 /// of a returned token to
10355 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator/BindSharedCollection`].
10356 ///
10357 /// The lower-index child tokens are higher priority (attempted sooner) than
10358 /// higher-index child tokens.
10359 ///
10360 /// As per all child tokens, successful aggregation will choose exactly one
10361 /// child among all created children (across all children created across
10362 /// potentially multiple calls to
10363 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup.CreateChild`] and
10364 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup.CreateChildrenSync`]).
10365 ///
10366 /// The maximum permissible total number of children per group, and total
10367 /// number of nodes in an overall tree (from the root) are capped to limits
10368 /// which are not configurable via these protocols.
10369 ///
10370 /// Sending CreateChildrenSync after AllChildrenPresent is not permitted;
10371 /// this will fail the group's subtree and close the connection.
10372 ///
10373 /// After all children have been created, send AllChildrenPresent.
10374 ///
10375 /// + request `rights_attentuation_masks` The size of the
10376 /// `rights_attentuation_masks` determines the number of created child
10377 /// tokens. The value ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS doesn't attenuate any rights.
10378 /// The value 0xFFFFFFFF is a synonym for ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS. For any
10379 /// other value, each 0 bit in the mask attenuates that right.
10380 /// - response `tokens` The created child tokens.
10381 pub fn r#create_children_sync(
10382 &self,
10383 mut payload: &BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildrenSyncRequest,
10384 ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
10385 BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildrenSyncResponse,
10386 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
10387 > {
10388 BufferCollectionTokenGroupProxyInterface::r#create_children_sync(self, payload)
10389 }
10391 /// Indicate that no more children will be created.
10392 ///
10393 /// After creating all children, the client should send
10394 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup.AllChildrenPresent`] to
10395 /// inform sysmem that no more children will be created, so that sysmem can
10396 /// know when it's ok to start aggregating constraints.
10397 ///
10398 /// Sending CreateChild after AllChildrenPresent is not permitted; this will
10399 /// fail the group's subtree and close the connection.
10400 ///
10401 /// If [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.Release`] is to be sent, it should be sent
10402 /// after `AllChildrenPresent`, else failure of the group's subtree will be
10403 /// triggered. This is intentionally not analogous to how `Release` without
10404 /// prior [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] doesn't cause
10405 /// subtree failure.
10406 pub fn r#all_children_present(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
10407 BufferCollectionTokenGroupProxyInterface::r#all_children_present(self)
10408 }
10411impl BufferCollectionTokenGroupProxyInterface for BufferCollectionTokenGroupProxy {
10412 type SyncResponseFut =
10413 fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<(), fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>;
10414 fn r#sync(&self) -> Self::SyncResponseFut {
10415 fn _decode(
10416 mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
10417 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
10418 let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
10419 fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct>,
10420 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
10421 0x11ac2555cf575b54,
10422 >(_buf?)?
10423 .into_result::<BufferCollectionTokenGroupMarker>("sync")?;
10424 Ok(_response)
10425 }
10426 self.client.send_query_and_decode::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload, ()>(
10427 (),
10428 0x11ac2555cf575b54,
10429 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
10430 _decode,
10431 )
10432 }
10434 fn r#release(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
10435 self.client.send::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(
10436 (),
10437 0x6a5cae7d6d6e04c6,
10438 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
10439 )
10440 }
10442 fn r#set_name(&self, mut payload: &NodeSetNameRequest) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
10443 self.client.send::<NodeSetNameRequest>(
10444 payload,
10445 0xb41f1624f48c1e9,
10446 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
10447 )
10448 }
10450 fn r#set_debug_client_info(
10451 &self,
10452 mut payload: &NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest,
10453 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
10454 self.client.send::<NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest>(
10455 payload,
10456 0x5cde8914608d99b1,
10457 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
10458 )
10459 }
10461 fn r#set_debug_timeout_log_deadline(
10462 &self,
10463 mut payload: &NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest,
10464 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
10465 self.client.send::<NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest>(
10466 payload,
10467 0x716b0af13d5c0806,
10468 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
10469 )
10470 }
10472 fn r#set_verbose_logging(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
10473 self.client.send::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(
10474 (),
10475 0x5209c77415b4dfad,
10476 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
10477 )
10478 }
10480 type GetNodeRefResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
10481 NodeGetNodeRefResponse,
10482 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
10483 >;
10484 fn r#get_node_ref(&self) -> Self::GetNodeRefResponseFut {
10485 fn _decode(
10486 mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
10487 ) -> Result<NodeGetNodeRefResponse, fidl::Error> {
10488 let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
10489 fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<NodeGetNodeRefResponse>,
10490 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
10491 0x5b3d0e51614df053,
10492 >(_buf?)?
10493 .into_result::<BufferCollectionTokenGroupMarker>("get_node_ref")?;
10494 Ok(_response)
10495 }
10496 self.client.send_query_and_decode::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload, NodeGetNodeRefResponse>(
10497 (),
10498 0x5b3d0e51614df053,
10499 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
10500 _decode,
10501 )
10502 }
10504 type IsAlternateForResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
10505 NodeIsAlternateForResult,
10506 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
10507 >;
10508 fn r#is_alternate_for(
10509 &self,
10510 mut payload: NodeIsAlternateForRequest,
10511 ) -> Self::IsAlternateForResponseFut {
10512 fn _decode(
10513 mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
10514 ) -> Result<NodeIsAlternateForResult, fidl::Error> {
10515 let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
10516 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<NodeIsAlternateForResponse, Error>,
10517 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
10518 0x3a58e00157e0825,
10519 >(_buf?)?
10520 .into_result::<BufferCollectionTokenGroupMarker>("is_alternate_for")?;
10521 Ok(|x| x))
10522 }
10523 self.client.send_query_and_decode::<NodeIsAlternateForRequest, NodeIsAlternateForResult>(
10524 &mut payload,
10525 0x3a58e00157e0825,
10526 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
10527 _decode,
10528 )
10529 }
10531 type GetBufferCollectionIdResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
10532 NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse,
10533 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
10534 >;
10535 fn r#get_buffer_collection_id(&self) -> Self::GetBufferCollectionIdResponseFut {
10536 fn _decode(
10537 mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
10538 ) -> Result<NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse, fidl::Error> {
10539 let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
10540 fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse>,
10541 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
10542 0x77d19a494b78ba8c,
10543 >(_buf?)?
10544 .into_result::<BufferCollectionTokenGroupMarker>("get_buffer_collection_id")?;
10545 Ok(_response)
10546 }
10547 self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
10548 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
10549 NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse,
10550 >(
10551 (),
10552 0x77d19a494b78ba8c,
10553 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
10554 _decode,
10555 )
10556 }
10558 fn r#set_weak(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
10559 self.client.send::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(
10560 (),
10561 0x22dd3ea514eeffe1,
10562 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
10563 )
10564 }
10566 fn r#set_weak_ok(&self, mut payload: NodeSetWeakOkRequest) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
10567 self.client.send::<NodeSetWeakOkRequest>(
10568 &mut payload,
10569 0x38a44fc4d7724be9,
10570 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
10571 )
10572 }
10574 fn r#attach_node_tracking(
10575 &self,
10576 mut payload: NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest,
10577 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
10578 self.client.send::<NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest>(
10579 &mut payload,
10580 0x3f22f2a293d3cdac,
10581 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
10582 )
10583 }
10585 fn r#create_child(
10586 &self,
10587 mut payload: BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildRequest,
10588 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
10589 self.client.send::<BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildRequest>(
10590 &mut payload,
10591 0x41a0075d419f30c5,
10592 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
10593 )
10594 }
10596 type CreateChildrenSyncResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
10597 BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildrenSyncResponse,
10598 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
10599 >;
10600 fn r#create_children_sync(
10601 &self,
10602 mut payload: &BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildrenSyncRequest,
10603 ) -> Self::CreateChildrenSyncResponseFut {
10604 fn _decode(
10605 mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
10606 ) -> Result<BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildrenSyncResponse, fidl::Error> {
10607 let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
10608 fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildrenSyncResponse>,
10609 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
10610 0x15dea448c536070a,
10611 >(_buf?)?
10612 .into_result::<BufferCollectionTokenGroupMarker>("create_children_sync")?;
10613 Ok(_response)
10614 }
10615 self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
10616 BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildrenSyncRequest,
10617 BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildrenSyncResponse,
10618 >(
10619 payload,
10620 0x15dea448c536070a,
10621 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
10622 _decode,
10623 )
10624 }
10626 fn r#all_children_present(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
10627 self.client.send::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(
10628 (),
10629 0x5c327e4a23391312,
10630 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
10631 )
10632 }
10635pub struct BufferCollectionTokenGroupEventStream {
10636 event_receiver: fidl::client::EventReceiver<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>,
10639impl std::marker::Unpin for BufferCollectionTokenGroupEventStream {}
10641impl futures::stream::FusedStream for BufferCollectionTokenGroupEventStream {
10642 fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool {
10643 self.event_receiver.is_terminated()
10644 }
10647impl futures::Stream for BufferCollectionTokenGroupEventStream {
10648 type Item = Result<BufferCollectionTokenGroupEvent, fidl::Error>;
10650 fn poll_next(
10651 mut self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
10652 cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
10653 ) -> std::task::Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
10654 match futures::ready!(futures::stream::StreamExt::poll_next_unpin(
10655 &mut self.event_receiver,
10656 cx
10657 )?) {
10658 Some(buf) => std::task::Poll::Ready(Some(BufferCollectionTokenGroupEvent::decode(buf))),
10659 None => std::task::Poll::Ready(None),
10660 }
10661 }
10665pub enum BufferCollectionTokenGroupEvent {
10666 #[non_exhaustive]
10667 _UnknownEvent {
10668 /// Ordinal of the event that was sent.
10669 ordinal: u64,
10670 },
10673impl BufferCollectionTokenGroupEvent {
10674 /// Decodes a message buffer as a [`BufferCollectionTokenGroupEvent`].
10675 fn decode(
10676 mut buf: <fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc,
10677 ) -> Result<BufferCollectionTokenGroupEvent, fidl::Error> {
10678 let (bytes, _handles) = buf.split_mut();
10679 let (tx_header, _body_bytes) = fidl::encoding::decode_transaction_header(bytes)?;
10680 debug_assert_eq!(tx_header.tx_id, 0);
10681 match tx_header.ordinal {
10682 _ if tx_header.dynamic_flags().contains(fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE) => {
10683 Ok(BufferCollectionTokenGroupEvent::_UnknownEvent {
10684 ordinal: tx_header.ordinal,
10685 })
10686 }
10687 _ => Err(fidl::Error::UnknownOrdinal {
10688 ordinal: tx_header.ordinal,
10689 protocol_name: <BufferCollectionTokenGroupMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME,
10690 })
10691 }
10692 }
10695/// A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup.
10696pub struct BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequestStream {
10697 inner: std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>,
10698 is_terminated: bool,
10701impl std::marker::Unpin for BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequestStream {}
10703impl futures::stream::FusedStream for BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequestStream {
10704 fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool {
10705 self.is_terminated
10706 }
10709impl fidl::endpoints::RequestStream for BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequestStream {
10710 type Protocol = BufferCollectionTokenGroupMarker;
10711 type ControlHandle = BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle;
10713 fn from_channel(channel: ::fidl::AsyncChannel) -> Self {
10714 Self { inner: std::sync::Arc::new(fidl::ServeInner::new(channel)), is_terminated: false }
10715 }
10717 fn control_handle(&self) -> Self::ControlHandle {
10718 BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle { inner: self.inner.clone() }
10719 }
10721 fn into_inner(
10722 self,
10723 ) -> (::std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>, bool)
10724 {
10725 (self.inner, self.is_terminated)
10726 }
10728 fn from_inner(
10729 inner: std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>,
10730 is_terminated: bool,
10731 ) -> Self {
10732 Self { inner, is_terminated }
10733 }
10736impl futures::Stream for BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequestStream {
10737 type Item = Result<BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest, fidl::Error>;
10739 fn poll_next(
10740 mut self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
10741 cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
10742 ) -> std::task::Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
10743 let this = &mut *self;
10744 if this.inner.check_shutdown(cx) {
10745 this.is_terminated = true;
10746 return std::task::Poll::Ready(None);
10747 }
10748 if this.is_terminated {
10749 panic!("polled BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequestStream after completion");
10750 }
10751 fidl::encoding::with_tls_decode_buf::<_, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>(
10752 |bytes, handles| {
10753 match, bytes, handles) {
10754 std::task::Poll::Ready(Ok(())) => {}
10755 std::task::Poll::Pending => return std::task::Poll::Pending,
10756 std::task::Poll::Ready(Err(zx_status::Status::PEER_CLOSED)) => {
10757 this.is_terminated = true;
10758 return std::task::Poll::Ready(None);
10759 }
10760 std::task::Poll::Ready(Err(e)) => {
10761 return std::task::Poll::Ready(Some(Err(fidl::Error::ServerRequestRead(
10762 e.into(),
10763 ))))
10764 }
10765 }
10767 // A message has been received from the channel
10768 let (header, _body_bytes) = fidl::encoding::decode_transaction_header(bytes)?;
10770 std::task::Poll::Ready(Some(match header.ordinal {
10771 0x11ac2555cf575b54 => {
10772 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
10773 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect);
10774 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
10775 let control_handle = BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle {
10776 inner: this.inner.clone(),
10777 };
10778 Ok(BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::Sync {
10779 responder: BufferCollectionTokenGroupSyncResponder {
10780 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
10781 tx_id: header.tx_id,
10782 },
10783 })
10784 }
10785 0x6a5cae7d6d6e04c6 => {
10786 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
10787 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect);
10788 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
10789 let control_handle = BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle {
10790 inner: this.inner.clone(),
10791 };
10792 Ok(BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::Release {
10793 control_handle,
10794 })
10795 }
10796 0xb41f1624f48c1e9 => {
10797 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
10798 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(NodeSetNameRequest, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect);
10799 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<NodeSetNameRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
10800 let control_handle = BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle {
10801 inner: this.inner.clone(),
10802 };
10803 Ok(BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::SetName {payload: req,
10804 control_handle,
10805 })
10806 }
10807 0x5cde8914608d99b1 => {
10808 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
10809 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect);
10810 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
10811 let control_handle = BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle {
10812 inner: this.inner.clone(),
10813 };
10814 Ok(BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::SetDebugClientInfo {payload: req,
10815 control_handle,
10816 })
10817 }
10818 0x716b0af13d5c0806 => {
10819 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
10820 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect);
10821 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
10822 let control_handle = BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle {
10823 inner: this.inner.clone(),
10824 };
10825 Ok(BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::SetDebugTimeoutLogDeadline {payload: req,
10826 control_handle,
10827 })
10828 }
10829 0x5209c77415b4dfad => {
10830 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
10831 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect);
10832 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
10833 let control_handle = BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle {
10834 inner: this.inner.clone(),
10835 };
10836 Ok(BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::SetVerboseLogging {
10837 control_handle,
10838 })
10839 }
10840 0x5b3d0e51614df053 => {
10841 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
10842 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect);
10843 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
10844 let control_handle = BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle {
10845 inner: this.inner.clone(),
10846 };
10847 Ok(BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::GetNodeRef {
10848 responder: BufferCollectionTokenGroupGetNodeRefResponder {
10849 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
10850 tx_id: header.tx_id,
10851 },
10852 })
10853 }
10854 0x3a58e00157e0825 => {
10855 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
10856 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(NodeIsAlternateForRequest, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect);
10857 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<NodeIsAlternateForRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
10858 let control_handle = BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle {
10859 inner: this.inner.clone(),
10860 };
10861 Ok(BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::IsAlternateFor {payload: req,
10862 responder: BufferCollectionTokenGroupIsAlternateForResponder {
10863 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
10864 tx_id: header.tx_id,
10865 },
10866 })
10867 }
10868 0x77d19a494b78ba8c => {
10869 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
10870 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect);
10871 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
10872 let control_handle = BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle {
10873 inner: this.inner.clone(),
10874 };
10875 Ok(BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::GetBufferCollectionId {
10876 responder: BufferCollectionTokenGroupGetBufferCollectionIdResponder {
10877 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
10878 tx_id: header.tx_id,
10879 },
10880 })
10881 }
10882 0x22dd3ea514eeffe1 => {
10883 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
10884 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect);
10885 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
10886 let control_handle = BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle {
10887 inner: this.inner.clone(),
10888 };
10889 Ok(BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::SetWeak {
10890 control_handle,
10891 })
10892 }
10893 0x38a44fc4d7724be9 => {
10894 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
10895 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(NodeSetWeakOkRequest, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect);
10896 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<NodeSetWeakOkRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
10897 let control_handle = BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle {
10898 inner: this.inner.clone(),
10899 };
10900 Ok(BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::SetWeakOk {payload: req,
10901 control_handle,
10902 })
10903 }
10904 0x3f22f2a293d3cdac => {
10905 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
10906 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect);
10907 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
10908 let control_handle = BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle {
10909 inner: this.inner.clone(),
10910 };
10911 Ok(BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::AttachNodeTracking {payload: req,
10912 control_handle,
10913 })
10914 }
10915 0x41a0075d419f30c5 => {
10916 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
10917 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildRequest, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect);
10918 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
10919 let control_handle = BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle {
10920 inner: this.inner.clone(),
10921 };
10922 Ok(BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::CreateChild {payload: req,
10923 control_handle,
10924 })
10925 }
10926 0x15dea448c536070a => {
10927 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
10928 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildrenSyncRequest, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect);
10929 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildrenSyncRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
10930 let control_handle = BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle {
10931 inner: this.inner.clone(),
10932 };
10933 Ok(BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::CreateChildrenSync {payload: req,
10934 responder: BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildrenSyncResponder {
10935 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
10936 tx_id: header.tx_id,
10937 },
10938 })
10939 }
10940 0x5c327e4a23391312 => {
10941 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
10942 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect);
10943 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
10944 let control_handle = BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle {
10945 inner: this.inner.clone(),
10946 };
10947 Ok(BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::AllChildrenPresent {
10948 control_handle,
10949 })
10950 }
10951 _ if header.tx_id == 0 && header.dynamic_flags().contains(fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE) => {
10952 Ok(BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::_UnknownMethod {
10953 ordinal: header.ordinal,
10954 control_handle: BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() },
10955 method_type: fidl::MethodType::OneWay,
10956 })
10957 }
10958 _ if header.dynamic_flags().contains(fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE) => {
10959 this.inner.send_framework_err(
10960 fidl::encoding::FrameworkErr::UnknownMethod,
10961 header.tx_id,
10962 header.ordinal,
10963 header.dynamic_flags(),
10964 (bytes, handles),
10965 )?;
10966 Ok(BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::_UnknownMethod {
10967 ordinal: header.ordinal,
10968 control_handle: BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() },
10969 method_type: fidl::MethodType::TwoWay,
10970 })
10971 }
10972 _ => Err(fidl::Error::UnknownOrdinal {
10973 ordinal: header.ordinal,
10974 protocol_name: <BufferCollectionTokenGroupMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME,
10975 }),
10976 }))
10977 },
10978 )
10979 }
10982/// The sysmem implementation is consistent with a logical / conceptual model of
10983/// allocation / logical allocation as follows:
10985/// As usual, a logical allocation considers either the root and all nodes with
10986/// connectivity to the root that don't transit a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`]
10987/// created with [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`], or a subtree
10988/// rooted at an `AttachToken` `Node` and all `Node`(s) with connectivity to
10989/// that subtree that don't transit another `AttachToken`. This is called the
10990/// logical allocation pruned subtree, or pruned subtree for short.
10992/// During constraints aggregation, each
10993/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`] will select a single child
10994/// `Node` among its direct children. The rest of the children will appear to
10995/// fail the logical allocation, while the selected child may succeed.
10997/// When more than one `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` exists in the overall
10998/// logical allocation pruned subtree, the relative priority between two groups
10999/// is equivalent to their ordering in a DFS pre-order iteration of the tree,
11000/// with parents higher priority than children, and left children higher
11001/// priority than right children.
11003/// When a particular child of a group is selected (whether provisionally during
11004/// a constraints aggregation attempt, or as a final selection), the
11005/// non-selection of other children of the group will "hide" any other groups
11006/// under those non-selected children.
11008/// Within a logical allocation, aggregation is attempted first by provisionally
11009/// selecting child 0 of the highest-priority group, and child 0 of the next
11010/// highest-priority group that isn't hidden by the provisional selections so
11011/// far, etc.
11013/// If that aggregation attempt fails, aggregation will be attempted with the
11014/// ordinal 0 child of all the same groups except the lowest priority non-hidden
11015/// group which will provisionally select its ordinal 1 child (and then child 2
11016/// and so on). If a new lowest-priority group is un-hidden as provisional
11017/// selections are updated, that newly un-hidden lowest-priority group has all
11018/// its children considered in order, before changing the provisional selection
11019/// in the former lowest-priority group. In terms of result, this is equivalent
11020/// to systematic enumeration of all possible combinations of choices in a
11021/// counting-like order updating the lowest-priority group the most often and
11022/// the highest-priority group the least often. Rather than actually attempting
11023/// aggregation with all the combinations, we can skip over combinations which
11024/// are redundant/equivalent due to hiding without any change to the result.
11026/// Attempted constraint aggregations of enumerated non-equivalent combinations
11027/// of choices continue in this manner until either (a) all aggregation attempts
11028/// fail in which case the overall logical allocation fails, or (b) until an
11029/// attempted aggregation succeeds, in which case buffer allocation (if needed;
11030/// if this is the pruned subtree rooted at the overall root `Node`) is
11031/// attempted once. If buffer allocation based on the first successful
11032/// constraints aggregation fails, the overall logical allocation fails (there
11033/// is no buffer allocation retry / re-attempt). If buffer allocation succeeds
11034/// (or is not needed due to being a pruned subtree that doesn't include the
11035/// root), the logical allocation succeeds.
11037/// If this prioritization scheme cannot reasonably work for your usage of
11038/// sysmem, please don't hesitate to contact sysmem folks to discuss potentially
11039/// adding a way to achieve what you need.
11041/// Please avoid creating a large number of `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`(s) per
11042/// logical allocation, especially with large number of children overall, and
11043/// especially in cases where aggregation may reasonably be expected to often
11044/// fail using ordinal 0 children and possibly with later children as well.
11045/// Sysmem mitigates potentially high time complexity of evaluating too many
11046/// child combinations/selections across too many groups by simply failing
11047/// logical allocation beyond a certain (fairly high, but not huge) max number
11048/// of considered group child combinations/selections. More advanced (and more
11049/// complicated) mitigation is not anticipated to be practically necessary or
11050/// worth the added complexity. Please contact sysmem folks if the max limit is
11051/// getting hit or if you anticipate it getting hit, to discuss potential
11052/// options.
11054/// Prefer to use multiple [`fuchsia.sysmem2/ImageFormatConstraints`] in a
11055/// single [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionConstraints`] when feasible (when a
11056/// participant just needs to express the ability to work with more than a
11057/// single [`fuchsia.images2/PixelFormat`], with sysmem choosing which
11058/// `PixelFormat` to use among those supported by all participants).
11060/// Similar to [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] and
11061/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`], closure of the
11062/// `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` channel without sending
11063/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.Release`] first will cause buffer collection failure
11064/// (or subtree failure if using
11065/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.SetDispensable`] or
11066/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`] and the
11067/// `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` is part of a subtree under such a node that
11068/// doesn't propagate failure to its parent).
11070/// Epitaphs are not used in this protocol.
11072pub enum BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest {
11073 /// Ensure that previous messages have been received server side. This is
11074 /// particularly useful after previous messages that created new tokens,
11075 /// because a token must be known to the sysmem server before sending the
11076 /// token to another participant.
11077 ///
11078 /// Calling [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Sync`] on a token that
11079 /// isn't/wasn't a valid token risks the `Sync` stalling forever. See
11080 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.ValidateBufferCollectionToken`] for one way
11081 /// to mitigate the possibility of a hostile/fake
11082 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] at the cost of one round trip.
11083 /// Another way is to pass the token to
11084 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator/BindSharedCollection`], which also validates
11085 /// the token as part of exchanging it for a
11086 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] channel, and
11087 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Sync`] can then be used without risk
11088 /// of stalling.
11089 ///
11090 /// After creating one or more [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`](s)
11091 /// and then starting and completing a `Sync`, it's then safe to send the
11092 /// `BufferCollectionToken` client ends to other participants knowing the
11093 /// server will recognize the tokens when they're sent by the other
11094 /// participants to sysmem in a
11095 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] message. This is an
11096 /// efficient way to create tokens while avoiding unnecessary round trips.
11097 ///
11098 /// Other options include waiting for each
11099 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate`] to complete
11100 /// individually (using separate call to `Sync` after each), or calling
11101 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Sync`] after a token has been
11102 /// converted to a `BufferCollection` via
11103 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`], or using
11104 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.DuplicateSync`] which includes
11105 /// the sync step and can create multiple tokens at once.
11106 Sync { responder: BufferCollectionTokenGroupSyncResponder },
11107 /// ###### On a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] channel:
11108 ///
11109 /// Normally a participant will convert a `BufferCollectionToken` into a
11110 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`], but a participant can instead send
11111 /// `Release` via the token (and then close the channel immediately or
11112 /// shortly later in response to server closing the server end), which
11113 /// avoids causing buffer collection failure. Without a prior `Release`,
11114 /// closing the `BufferCollectionToken` client end will cause buffer
11115 /// collection failure.
11116 ///
11117 /// ###### On a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] channel:
11118 ///
11119 /// By default the server handles unexpected closure of a
11120 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] client end (without `Release`
11121 /// first) by failing the buffer collection. Partly this is to expedite
11122 /// closing VMO handles to reclaim memory when any participant fails. If a
11123 /// participant would like to cleanly close a `BufferCollection` without
11124 /// causing buffer collection failure, the participant can send `Release`
11125 /// before closing the `BufferCollection` client end. The `Release` can
11126 /// occur before or after `SetConstraints`. If before `SetConstraints`, the
11127 /// buffer collection won't require constraints from this node in order to
11128 /// allocate. If after `SetConstraints`, the constraints are retained and
11129 /// aggregated, despite the lack of `BufferCollection` connection at the
11130 /// time of constraints aggregation.
11131 ///
11132 /// ###### On a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`] channel:
11133 ///
11134 /// By default, unexpected closure of a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` client
11135 /// end (without `Release` first) will trigger failure of the buffer
11136 /// collection. To close a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` channel without
11137 /// failing the buffer collection, ensure that AllChildrenPresent() has been
11138 /// sent, and send `Release` before closing the `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`
11139 /// client end.
11140 ///
11141 /// If `Release` occurs before
11142 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup.AllChildrenPresent], the
11143 /// buffer collection will fail (triggered by reception of `Release` without
11144 /// prior `AllChildrenPresent`). This is intentionally not analogous to how
11145 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Release`] without
11146 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] first doesn't cause
11147 /// buffer collection failure. For a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`, clean
11148 /// close requires `AllChildrenPresent` (if not already sent), then
11149 /// `Release`, then close client end.
11150 ///
11151 /// If `Release` occurs after `AllChildrenPresent`, the children and all
11152 /// their constraints remain intact (just as they would if the
11153 /// `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` channel had remained open), and the client
11154 /// end close doesn't trigger buffer collection failure.
11155 ///
11156 /// ###### On all [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] channels (any of the above):
11157 ///
11158 /// For brevity, the per-channel-protocol paragraphs above ignore the
11159 /// separate failure domain created by
11160 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.SetDispensable`] or
11161 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`]. When a client end
11162 /// unexpectedly closes (without `Release` first) and that client end is
11163 /// under a failure domain, instead of failing the whole buffer collection,
11164 /// the failure domain is failed, but the buffer collection itself is
11165 /// isolated from failure of the failure domain. Such failure domains can be
11166 /// nested, in which case only the inner-most failure domain in which the
11167 /// `Node` resides fails.
11168 Release { control_handle: BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle },
11169 /// Set a name for VMOs in this buffer collection.
11170 ///
11171 /// If the name doesn't fit in ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN, the name of the vmo itself
11172 /// will be truncated to fit. The name of the vmo will be suffixed with the
11173 /// buffer index within the collection (if the suffix fits within
11174 /// ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN). The name specified here (without truncation) will be
11175 /// listed in the inspect data.
11176 ///
11177 /// The name only affects VMOs allocated after the name is set; this call
11178 /// does not rename existing VMOs. If multiple clients set different names
11179 /// then the larger priority value will win. Setting a new name with the
11180 /// same priority as a prior name doesn't change the name.
11181 ///
11182 /// All table fields are currently required.
11183 ///
11184 /// + request `priority` The name is only set if this is the first `SetName`
11185 /// or if `priority` is greater than any previous `priority` value in
11186 /// prior `SetName` calls across all `Node`(s) of this buffer collection.
11187 /// + request `name` The name for VMOs created under this buffer collection.
11188 SetName { payload: NodeSetNameRequest, control_handle: BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle },
11189 /// Set information about the current client that can be used by sysmem to
11190 /// help diagnose leaking memory and allocation stalls waiting for a
11191 /// participant to send [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`].
11192 ///
11193 /// This sets the debug client info on this [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] and all
11194 /// `Node`(s) derived from this `Node`, unless overriden by
11195 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`] or a later
11196 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`].
11197 ///
11198 /// Sending [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`] once per
11199 /// `Allocator` is the most efficient way to ensure that all
11200 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`](s) will have at least some debug client info
11201 /// set, and is also more efficient than separately sending the same debug
11202 /// client info via [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`] for each
11203 /// created [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`].
11204 ///
11205 /// Also used when verbose logging is enabled (see `SetVerboseLogging`) to
11206 /// indicate which client is closing their channel first, leading to subtree
11207 /// failure (which can be normal if the purpose of the subtree is over, but
11208 /// if happening earlier than expected, the client-channel-specific name can
11209 /// help diagnose where the failure is first coming from, from sysmem's
11210 /// point of view).
11211 ///
11212 /// All table fields are currently required.
11213 ///
11214 /// + request `name` This can be an arbitrary string, but the current
11215 /// process name (see `fsl::GetCurrentProcessName`) is a good default.
11216 /// + request `id` This can be an arbitrary id, but the current process ID
11217 /// (see `fsl::GetCurrentProcessKoid`) is a good default.
11218 SetDebugClientInfo {
11219 payload: NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest,
11220 control_handle: BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle,
11221 },
11222 /// Sysmem logs a warning if sysmem hasn't seen
11223 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] from all clients
11224 /// within 5 seconds after creation of a new collection.
11225 ///
11226 /// Clients can call this method to change when the log is printed. If
11227 /// multiple client set the deadline, it's unspecified which deadline will
11228 /// take effect.
11229 ///
11230 /// In most cases the default works well.
11231 ///
11232 /// All table fields are currently required.
11233 ///
11234 /// + request `deadline` The time at which sysmem will start trying to log
11235 /// the warning, unless all constraints are with sysmem by then.
11236 SetDebugTimeoutLogDeadline {
11237 payload: NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest,
11238 control_handle: BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle,
11239 },
11240 /// This enables verbose logging for the buffer collection.
11241 ///
11242 /// Verbose logging includes constraints set via
11243 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] from each client
11244 /// along with info set via [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`] (or
11245 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`]) and the structure of
11246 /// the tree of `Node`(s).
11247 ///
11248 /// Normally sysmem prints only a single line complaint when aggregation
11249 /// fails, with just the specific detailed reason that aggregation failed,
11250 /// with little surrounding context. While this is often enough to diagnose
11251 /// a problem if only a small change was made and everything was working
11252 /// before the small change, it's often not particularly helpful for getting
11253 /// a new buffer collection to work for the first time. Especially with
11254 /// more complex trees of nodes, involving things like
11255 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`],
11256 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.SetDispensable`],
11257 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`] nodes, and associated
11258 /// subtrees of nodes, verbose logging may help in diagnosing what the tree
11259 /// looks like and why it's failing a logical allocation, or why a tree or
11260 /// subtree is failing sooner than expected.
11261 ///
11262 /// The intent of the extra logging is to be acceptable from a performance
11263 /// point of view, under the assumption that verbose logging is only enabled
11264 /// on a low number of buffer collections. If we're not tracking down a bug,
11265 /// we shouldn't send this message.
11266 SetVerboseLogging { control_handle: BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle },
11267 /// This gets a handle that can be used as a parameter to
11268 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.IsAlternateFor`] called on any
11269 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`]. This handle is only for use as proof that the
11270 /// client obtained this handle from this `Node`.
11271 ///
11272 /// Because this is a get not a set, no [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.Sync`] is
11273 /// needed between the `GetNodeRef` and the call to `IsAlternateFor`,
11274 /// despite the two calls typically being on different channels.
11275 ///
11276 /// See also [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.IsAlternateFor`].
11277 ///
11278 /// All table fields are currently required.
11279 ///
11280 /// - response `node_ref` This handle can be sent via `IsAlternateFor` on a
11281 /// different `Node` channel, to prove that the client obtained the handle
11282 /// from this `Node`.
11283 GetNodeRef { responder: BufferCollectionTokenGroupGetNodeRefResponder },
11284 /// Check whether the calling [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] is in a subtree
11285 /// rooted at a different child token of a common parent
11286 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`], in relation to the
11287 /// passed-in `node_ref`.
11288 ///
11289 /// This call is for assisting with admission control de-duplication, and
11290 /// with debugging.
11291 ///
11292 /// The `node_ref` must be obtained using
11293 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.GetNodeRef`].
11294 ///
11295 /// The `node_ref` can be a duplicated handle; it's not necessary to call
11296 /// `GetNodeRef` for every call to [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.IsAlternateFor`].
11297 ///
11298 /// If a calling token may not actually be a valid token at all due to a
11299 /// potentially hostile/untrusted provider of the token, call
11300 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.ValidateBufferCollectionToken`] first
11301 /// instead of potentially getting stuck indefinitely if `IsAlternateFor`
11302 /// never responds due to a calling token not being a real token (not really
11303 /// talking to sysmem). Another option is to call
11304 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] with this token first
11305 /// which also validates the token along with converting it to a
11306 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`], then call `IsAlternateFor`.
11307 ///
11308 /// All table fields are currently required.
11309 ///
11310 /// - response `is_alternate`
11311 /// - true: The first parent node in common between the calling node and
11312 /// the `node_ref` `Node` is a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`. This means
11313 /// that the calling `Node` and the `node_ref` `Node` will not have both
11314 /// their constraints apply - rather sysmem will choose one or the other
11315 /// of the constraints - never both. This is because only one child of
11316 /// a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` is selected during logical
11317 /// allocation, with only that one child's subtree contributing to
11318 /// constraints aggregation.
11319 /// - false: The first parent node in common between the calling `Node`
11320 /// and the `node_ref` `Node` is not a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`.
11321 /// Currently, this means the first parent node in common is a
11322 /// `BufferCollectionToken` or `BufferCollection` (regardless of not
11323 /// `Release`ed). This means that the calling `Node` and the `node_ref`
11324 /// `Node` may have both their constraints apply during constraints
11325 /// aggregation of the logical allocation, if both `Node`(s) are
11326 /// selected by any parent `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`(s) involved. In
11327 /// this case, there is no `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` that will
11328 /// directly prevent the two `Node`(s) from both being selected and
11329 /// their constraints both aggregated, but even when false, one or both
11330 /// `Node`(s) may still be eliminated from consideration if one or both
11331 /// `Node`(s) has a direct or indirect parent
11332 /// `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` which selects a child subtree other
11333 /// than the subtree containing the calling `Node` or `node_ref` `Node`.
11334 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.NOT_FOUND]` The node_ref wasn't
11335 /// associated with the same buffer collection as the calling `Node`.
11336 /// Another reason for this error is if the `node_ref` is an
11337 /// [`zx.Handle.EVENT`] handle with sufficient rights, but isn't actually
11338 /// a real `node_ref` obtained from `GetNodeRef`.
11339 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.PROTOCOL_DEVIATION]` The caller passed a
11340 /// `node_ref` that isn't a [`zx.Handle:EVENT`] handle , or doesn't have
11341 /// the needed rights expected on a real `node_ref`.
11342 /// * No other failing status codes are returned by this call. However,
11343 /// sysmem may add additional codes in future, so the client should have
11344 /// sensible default handling for any failing status code.
11345 IsAlternateFor {
11346 payload: NodeIsAlternateForRequest,
11347 responder: BufferCollectionTokenGroupIsAlternateForResponder,
11348 },
11349 /// Get the buffer collection ID. This ID is also available from
11350 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.GetVmoInfo`] (along with the `buffer_index`
11351 /// within the collection).
11352 ///
11353 /// This call is mainly useful in situations where we can't convey a
11354 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] or
11355 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] directly, but can only convey a VMO
11356 /// handle, which can be joined back up with a `BufferCollection` client end
11357 /// that was created via a different path. Prefer to convey a
11358 /// `BufferCollectionToken` or `BufferCollection` directly when feasible.
11359 ///
11360 /// Trusting a `buffer_collection_id` value from a source other than sysmem
11361 /// is analogous to trusting a koid value from a source other than zircon.
11362 /// Both should be avoided unless really necessary, and both require
11363 /// caution. In some situations it may be reasonable to refer to a
11364 /// pre-established `BufferCollection` by `buffer_collection_id` via a
11365 /// protocol for efficiency reasons, but an incoming value purporting to be
11366 /// a `buffer_collection_id` is not sufficient alone to justify granting the
11367 /// sender of the `buffer_collection_id` any capability. The sender must
11368 /// first prove to a receiver that the sender has/had a VMO or has/had a
11369 /// `BufferCollectionToken` to the same collection by sending a handle that
11370 /// sysmem confirms is a valid sysmem handle and which sysmem maps to the
11371 /// `buffer_collection_id` value. The receiver should take care to avoid
11372 /// assuming that a sender had a `BufferCollectionToken` in cases where the
11373 /// sender has only proven that the sender had a VMO.
11374 ///
11375 /// - response `buffer_collection_id` This ID is unique per buffer
11376 /// collection per boot. Each buffer is uniquely identified by the
11377 /// `buffer_collection_id` and `buffer_index` together.
11378 GetBufferCollectionId { responder: BufferCollectionTokenGroupGetBufferCollectionIdResponder },
11379 /// Sets the current [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] and all child `Node`(s)
11380 /// created after this message to weak, which means that a client's `Node`
11381 /// client end (or a child created after this message) is not alone
11382 /// sufficient to keep allocated VMOs alive.
11383 ///
11384 /// All VMOs obtained from weak `Node`(s) are weak sysmem VMOs. See also
11385 /// `close_weak_asap`.
11386 ///
11387 /// This message is only permitted before the `Node` becomes ready for
11388 /// allocation (else the server closes the channel with `ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE`):
11389 /// * `BufferCollectionToken`: any time
11390 /// * `BufferCollection`: before `SetConstraints`
11391 /// * `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`: before `AllChildrenPresent`
11392 ///
11393 /// Currently, no conversion from strong `Node` to weak `Node` after ready
11394 /// for allocation is provided, but a client can simulate that by creating
11395 /// an additional `Node` before allocation and setting that additional
11396 /// `Node` to weak, and then potentially at some point later sending
11397 /// `Release` and closing the client end of the client's strong `Node`, but
11398 /// keeping the client's weak `Node`.
11399 ///
11400 /// Zero strong `Node`(s) and zero strong VMO handles will result in buffer
11401 /// collection failure (all `Node` client end(s) will see
11402 /// `ZX_CHANNEL_PEER_CLOSED` and all `close_weak_asap` `client_end`(s) will
11403 /// see `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED`), but sysmem (intentionally) won't notice
11404 /// this situation until all `Node`(s) are ready for allocation. For initial
11405 /// allocation to succeed, at least one strong `Node` is required to exist
11406 /// at allocation time, but after that client receives VMO handles, that
11407 /// client can `BufferCollection.Release` and close the client end without
11408 /// causing this type of failure.
11409 ///
11410 /// This implies [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetWeakOk`] as well, but does not
11411 /// imply `SetWeakOk` with `for_children_also` true, which can be sent
11412 /// separately as appropriate.
11413 SetWeak { control_handle: BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle },
11414 /// This indicates to sysmem that the client is prepared to pay attention to
11415 /// `close_weak_asap`.
11416 ///
11417 /// If sent, this message must be before
11418 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`].
11419 ///
11420 /// All participants using a weak [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] must
11421 /// send this message before `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`, or a parent
11422 /// `Node` must have sent [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetWeakOk`] with
11423 /// `for_child_nodes_also` true, else the `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated` will
11424 /// trigger buffer collection failure.
11425 ///
11426 /// This message is necessary because weak sysmem VMOs have not always been
11427 /// a thing, so older clients are not aware of the need to pay attention to
11428 /// `close_weak_asap` `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` and close all remaining
11429 /// sysmem weak VMO handles asap. By having this message and requiring
11430 /// participants to indicate their acceptance of this aspect of the overall
11431 /// protocol, we avoid situations where an older client is delivered a weak
11432 /// VMO without any way for sysmem to get that VMO to close quickly later
11433 /// (and on a per-buffer basis).
11434 ///
11435 /// A participant that doesn't handle `close_weak_asap` and also doesn't
11436 /// retrieve any VMO handles via `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated` doesn't need
11437 /// to send `SetWeakOk` (and doesn't need to have a parent `Node` send
11438 /// `SetWeakOk` with `for_child_nodes_also` true either). However, if that
11439 /// same participant has a child/delegate which does retrieve VMOs, that
11440 /// child/delegate will need to send `SetWeakOk` before
11441 /// `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`.
11442 ///
11443 /// + request `for_child_nodes_also` If present and true, this means direct
11444 /// child nodes of this node created after this message plus all
11445 /// descendants of those nodes will behave as if `SetWeakOk` was sent on
11446 /// those nodes. Any child node of this node that was created before this
11447 /// message is not included. This setting is "sticky" in the sense that a
11448 /// subsequent `SetWeakOk` without this bool set to true does not reset
11449 /// the server-side bool. If this creates a problem for a participant, a
11450 /// workaround is to `SetWeakOk` with `for_child_nodes_also` true on child
11451 /// tokens instead, as appropriate. A participant should only set
11452 /// `for_child_nodes_also` true if the participant can really promise to
11453 /// obey `close_weak_asap` both for its own weak VMO handles, and for all
11454 /// weak VMO handles held by participants holding the corresponding child
11455 /// `Node`(s). When `for_child_nodes_also` is set, descendent `Node`(s)
11456 /// which are using sysmem(1) can be weak, despite the clients of those
11457 /// sysmem1 `Node`(s) not having any direct way to `SetWeakOk` or any
11458 /// direct way to find out about `close_weak_asap`. This only applies to
11459 /// descendents of this `Node` which are using sysmem(1), not to this
11460 /// `Node` when converted directly from a sysmem2 token to a sysmem(1)
11461 /// token, which will fail allocation unless an ancestor of this `Node`
11462 /// specified `for_child_nodes_also` true.
11463 SetWeakOk {
11464 payload: NodeSetWeakOkRequest,
11465 control_handle: BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle,
11466 },
11467 /// The server_end will be closed after this `Node` and any child nodes have
11468 /// have released their buffer counts, making those counts available for
11469 /// reservation by a different `Node` via
11470 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`].
11471 ///
11472 /// The `Node` buffer counts may not be released until the entire tree of
11473 /// `Node`(s) is closed or failed, because
11474 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Release`] followed by channel close
11475 /// does not immediately un-reserve the `Node` buffer counts. Instead, the
11476 /// `Node` buffer counts remain reserved until the orphaned node is later
11477 /// cleaned up.
11478 ///
11479 /// If the `Node` exceeds a fairly large number of attached eventpair server
11480 /// ends, a log message will indicate this and the `Node` (and the
11481 /// appropriate) sub-tree will fail.
11482 ///
11483 /// The `server_end` will remain open when
11484 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] converts a
11485 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] into a
11486 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`].
11487 ///
11488 /// This message can also be used with a
11489 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`].
11490 AttachNodeTracking {
11491 payload: NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest,
11492 control_handle: BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle,
11493 },
11494 /// Create a child [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`]. Only one child
11495 /// (including its children) will be selected during allocation (or logical
11496 /// allocation).
11497 ///
11498 /// Before passing the client end of this token to
11499 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`], completion of
11500 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.Sync`] after
11501 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup.CreateChild`] is required.
11502 /// Or the client can use
11503 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup.CreateChildrenSync`] which
11504 /// essentially includes the `Sync`.
11505 ///
11506 /// Sending CreateChild after AllChildrenPresent is not permitted; this will
11507 /// fail the group's subtree and close the connection.
11508 ///
11509 /// After all children have been created, send AllChildrenPresent.
11510 ///
11511 /// + request `token_request` The server end of the new token channel.
11512 /// + request `rights_attenuation_mask` If ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS, the created
11513 /// token allows the holder to get the same rights to buffers as the
11514 /// parent token (of the group) had. When the value isn't
11515 /// ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS, the value is interpretted as a bitmask with 0
11516 /// bits ensuring those rights are attentuated, so 0xFFFFFFFF is a synonym
11517 /// for ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS. The value 0 is not allowed and intentionally
11518 /// causes subtree failure.
11519 CreateChild {
11520 payload: BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildRequest,
11521 control_handle: BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle,
11522 },
11523 /// Create 1 or more child tokens at once, synchronously. In contrast to
11524 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup.CreateChild`], no
11525 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.Sync`] is required before passing the client end
11526 /// of a returned token to
11527 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator/BindSharedCollection`].
11528 ///
11529 /// The lower-index child tokens are higher priority (attempted sooner) than
11530 /// higher-index child tokens.
11531 ///
11532 /// As per all child tokens, successful aggregation will choose exactly one
11533 /// child among all created children (across all children created across
11534 /// potentially multiple calls to
11535 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup.CreateChild`] and
11536 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup.CreateChildrenSync`]).
11537 ///
11538 /// The maximum permissible total number of children per group, and total
11539 /// number of nodes in an overall tree (from the root) are capped to limits
11540 /// which are not configurable via these protocols.
11541 ///
11542 /// Sending CreateChildrenSync after AllChildrenPresent is not permitted;
11543 /// this will fail the group's subtree and close the connection.
11544 ///
11545 /// After all children have been created, send AllChildrenPresent.
11546 ///
11547 /// + request `rights_attentuation_masks` The size of the
11548 /// `rights_attentuation_masks` determines the number of created child
11549 /// tokens. The value ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS doesn't attenuate any rights.
11550 /// The value 0xFFFFFFFF is a synonym for ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS. For any
11551 /// other value, each 0 bit in the mask attenuates that right.
11552 /// - response `tokens` The created child tokens.
11553 CreateChildrenSync {
11554 payload: BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildrenSyncRequest,
11555 responder: BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildrenSyncResponder,
11556 },
11557 /// Indicate that no more children will be created.
11558 ///
11559 /// After creating all children, the client should send
11560 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup.AllChildrenPresent`] to
11561 /// inform sysmem that no more children will be created, so that sysmem can
11562 /// know when it's ok to start aggregating constraints.
11563 ///
11564 /// Sending CreateChild after AllChildrenPresent is not permitted; this will
11565 /// fail the group's subtree and close the connection.
11566 ///
11567 /// If [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.Release`] is to be sent, it should be sent
11568 /// after `AllChildrenPresent`, else failure of the group's subtree will be
11569 /// triggered. This is intentionally not analogous to how `Release` without
11570 /// prior [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] doesn't cause
11571 /// subtree failure.
11572 AllChildrenPresent { control_handle: BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle },
11573 /// An interaction was received which does not match any known method.
11574 #[non_exhaustive]
11575 _UnknownMethod {
11576 /// Ordinal of the method that was called.
11577 ordinal: u64,
11578 control_handle: BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle,
11579 method_type: fidl::MethodType,
11580 },
11583impl BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest {
11584 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
11585 pub fn into_sync(self) -> Option<(BufferCollectionTokenGroupSyncResponder)> {
11586 if let BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::Sync { responder } = self {
11587 Some((responder))
11588 } else {
11589 None
11590 }
11591 }
11593 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
11594 pub fn into_release(self) -> Option<(BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle)> {
11595 if let BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::Release { control_handle } = self {
11596 Some((control_handle))
11597 } else {
11598 None
11599 }
11600 }
11602 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
11603 pub fn into_set_name(
11604 self,
11605 ) -> Option<(NodeSetNameRequest, BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle)> {
11606 if let BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::SetName { payload, control_handle } = self {
11607 Some((payload, control_handle))
11608 } else {
11609 None
11610 }
11611 }
11613 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
11614 pub fn into_set_debug_client_info(
11615 self,
11616 ) -> Option<(NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest, BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle)> {
11617 if let BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::SetDebugClientInfo { payload, control_handle } =
11618 self
11619 {
11620 Some((payload, control_handle))
11621 } else {
11622 None
11623 }
11624 }
11626 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
11627 pub fn into_set_debug_timeout_log_deadline(
11628 self,
11629 ) -> Option<(NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest, BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle)>
11630 {
11631 if let BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::SetDebugTimeoutLogDeadline {
11632 payload,
11633 control_handle,
11634 } = self
11635 {
11636 Some((payload, control_handle))
11637 } else {
11638 None
11639 }
11640 }
11642 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
11643 pub fn into_set_verbose_logging(self) -> Option<(BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle)> {
11644 if let BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::SetVerboseLogging { control_handle } = self {
11645 Some((control_handle))
11646 } else {
11647 None
11648 }
11649 }
11651 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
11652 pub fn into_get_node_ref(self) -> Option<(BufferCollectionTokenGroupGetNodeRefResponder)> {
11653 if let BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::GetNodeRef { responder } = self {
11654 Some((responder))
11655 } else {
11656 None
11657 }
11658 }
11660 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
11661 pub fn into_is_alternate_for(
11662 self,
11663 ) -> Option<(NodeIsAlternateForRequest, BufferCollectionTokenGroupIsAlternateForResponder)>
11664 {
11665 if let BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::IsAlternateFor { payload, responder } = self {
11666 Some((payload, responder))
11667 } else {
11668 None
11669 }
11670 }
11672 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
11673 pub fn into_get_buffer_collection_id(
11674 self,
11675 ) -> Option<(BufferCollectionTokenGroupGetBufferCollectionIdResponder)> {
11676 if let BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::GetBufferCollectionId { responder } = self {
11677 Some((responder))
11678 } else {
11679 None
11680 }
11681 }
11683 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
11684 pub fn into_set_weak(self) -> Option<(BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle)> {
11685 if let BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::SetWeak { control_handle } = self {
11686 Some((control_handle))
11687 } else {
11688 None
11689 }
11690 }
11692 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
11693 pub fn into_set_weak_ok(
11694 self,
11695 ) -> Option<(NodeSetWeakOkRequest, BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle)> {
11696 if let BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::SetWeakOk { payload, control_handle } = self {
11697 Some((payload, control_handle))
11698 } else {
11699 None
11700 }
11701 }
11703 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
11704 pub fn into_attach_node_tracking(
11705 self,
11706 ) -> Option<(NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest, BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle)> {
11707 if let BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::AttachNodeTracking { payload, control_handle } =
11708 self
11709 {
11710 Some((payload, control_handle))
11711 } else {
11712 None
11713 }
11714 }
11716 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
11717 pub fn into_create_child(
11718 self,
11719 ) -> Option<(
11720 BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildRequest,
11721 BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle,
11722 )> {
11723 if let BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::CreateChild { payload, control_handle } = self {
11724 Some((payload, control_handle))
11725 } else {
11726 None
11727 }
11728 }
11730 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
11731 pub fn into_create_children_sync(
11732 self,
11733 ) -> Option<(
11734 BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildrenSyncRequest,
11735 BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildrenSyncResponder,
11736 )> {
11737 if let BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::CreateChildrenSync { payload, responder } = self {
11738 Some((payload, responder))
11739 } else {
11740 None
11741 }
11742 }
11744 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
11745 pub fn into_all_children_present(self) -> Option<(BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle)> {
11746 if let BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::AllChildrenPresent { control_handle } = self {
11747 Some((control_handle))
11748 } else {
11749 None
11750 }
11751 }
11753 /// Name of the method defined in FIDL
11754 pub fn method_name(&self) -> &'static str {
11755 match *self {
11756 BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::Sync { .. } => "sync",
11757 BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::Release { .. } => "release",
11758 BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::SetName { .. } => "set_name",
11759 BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::SetDebugClientInfo { .. } => "set_debug_client_info",
11760 BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::SetDebugTimeoutLogDeadline { .. } => {
11761 "set_debug_timeout_log_deadline"
11762 }
11763 BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::SetVerboseLogging { .. } => "set_verbose_logging",
11764 BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::GetNodeRef { .. } => "get_node_ref",
11765 BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::IsAlternateFor { .. } => "is_alternate_for",
11766 BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::GetBufferCollectionId { .. } => {
11767 "get_buffer_collection_id"
11768 }
11769 BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::SetWeak { .. } => "set_weak",
11770 BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::SetWeakOk { .. } => "set_weak_ok",
11771 BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::AttachNodeTracking { .. } => "attach_node_tracking",
11772 BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::CreateChild { .. } => "create_child",
11773 BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::CreateChildrenSync { .. } => "create_children_sync",
11774 BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::AllChildrenPresent { .. } => "all_children_present",
11775 BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::_UnknownMethod {
11776 method_type: fidl::MethodType::OneWay,
11777 ..
11778 } => "unknown one-way method",
11779 BufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest::_UnknownMethod {
11780 method_type: fidl::MethodType::TwoWay,
11781 ..
11782 } => "unknown two-way method",
11783 }
11784 }
11787#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
11788pub struct BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle {
11789 inner: std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>,
11792impl fidl::endpoints::ControlHandle for BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle {
11793 fn shutdown(&self) {
11794 self.inner.shutdown()
11795 }
11796 fn shutdown_with_epitaph(&self, status: zx_status::Status) {
11797 self.inner.shutdown_with_epitaph(status)
11798 }
11800 fn is_closed(&self) -> bool {
11802 }
11803 fn on_closed(&self) -> fidl::OnSignalsRef<'_> {
11805 }
11807 #[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
11808 fn signal_peer(
11809 &self,
11810 clear_mask: zx::Signals,
11811 set_mask: zx::Signals,
11812 ) -> Result<(), zx_status::Status> {
11813 use fidl::Peered;
11814, set_mask)
11815 }
11818impl BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle {}
11820#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
11822pub struct BufferCollectionTokenGroupSyncResponder {
11823 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle>,
11824 tx_id: u32,
11827/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle::shutdown`])
11828/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
11829/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
11830impl std::ops::Drop for BufferCollectionTokenGroupSyncResponder {
11831 fn drop(&mut self) {
11832 self.control_handle.shutdown();
11833 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
11834 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
11835 }
11838impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for BufferCollectionTokenGroupSyncResponder {
11839 type ControlHandle = BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle;
11841 fn control_handle(&self) -> &BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle {
11842 &self.control_handle
11843 }
11845 fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
11846 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
11847 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
11848 // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
11849 std::mem::forget(self);
11850 }
11853impl BufferCollectionTokenGroupSyncResponder {
11854 /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
11855 ///
11856 /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
11857 pub fn send(self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
11858 let _result = self.send_raw();
11859 if _result.is_err() {
11860 self.control_handle.shutdown();
11861 }
11862 self.drop_without_shutdown();
11863 _result
11864 }
11866 /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
11867 pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
11868 let _result = self.send_raw();
11869 self.drop_without_shutdown();
11870 _result
11871 }
11873 fn send_raw(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
11874 self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct>>(
11875 fidl::encoding::Flexible::new(()),
11876 self.tx_id,
11877 0x11ac2555cf575b54,
11878 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
11879 )
11880 }
11883#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
11885pub struct BufferCollectionTokenGroupGetNodeRefResponder {
11886 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle>,
11887 tx_id: u32,
11890/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle::shutdown`])
11891/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
11892/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
11893impl std::ops::Drop for BufferCollectionTokenGroupGetNodeRefResponder {
11894 fn drop(&mut self) {
11895 self.control_handle.shutdown();
11896 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
11897 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
11898 }
11901impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for BufferCollectionTokenGroupGetNodeRefResponder {
11902 type ControlHandle = BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle;
11904 fn control_handle(&self) -> &BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle {
11905 &self.control_handle
11906 }
11908 fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
11909 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
11910 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
11911 // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
11912 std::mem::forget(self);
11913 }
11916impl BufferCollectionTokenGroupGetNodeRefResponder {
11917 /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
11918 ///
11919 /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
11920 pub fn send(self, mut payload: NodeGetNodeRefResponse) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
11921 let _result = self.send_raw(payload);
11922 if _result.is_err() {
11923 self.control_handle.shutdown();
11924 }
11925 self.drop_without_shutdown();
11926 _result
11927 }
11929 /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
11930 pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
11931 self,
11932 mut payload: NodeGetNodeRefResponse,
11933 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
11934 let _result = self.send_raw(payload);
11935 self.drop_without_shutdown();
11936 _result
11937 }
11939 fn send_raw(&self, mut payload: NodeGetNodeRefResponse) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
11940 self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<NodeGetNodeRefResponse>>(
11941 fidl::encoding::Flexible::new(&mut payload),
11942 self.tx_id,
11943 0x5b3d0e51614df053,
11944 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
11945 )
11946 }
11949#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
11951pub struct BufferCollectionTokenGroupIsAlternateForResponder {
11952 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle>,
11953 tx_id: u32,
11956/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle::shutdown`])
11957/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
11958/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
11959impl std::ops::Drop for BufferCollectionTokenGroupIsAlternateForResponder {
11960 fn drop(&mut self) {
11961 self.control_handle.shutdown();
11962 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
11963 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
11964 }
11967impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for BufferCollectionTokenGroupIsAlternateForResponder {
11968 type ControlHandle = BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle;
11970 fn control_handle(&self) -> &BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle {
11971 &self.control_handle
11972 }
11974 fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
11975 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
11976 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
11977 // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
11978 std::mem::forget(self);
11979 }
11982impl BufferCollectionTokenGroupIsAlternateForResponder {
11983 /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
11984 ///
11985 /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
11986 pub fn send(
11987 self,
11988 mut result: Result<&NodeIsAlternateForResponse, Error>,
11989 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
11990 let _result = self.send_raw(result);
11991 if _result.is_err() {
11992 self.control_handle.shutdown();
11993 }
11994 self.drop_without_shutdown();
11995 _result
11996 }
11998 /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
11999 pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
12000 self,
12001 mut result: Result<&NodeIsAlternateForResponse, Error>,
12002 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
12003 let _result = self.send_raw(result);
12004 self.drop_without_shutdown();
12005 _result
12006 }
12008 fn send_raw(
12009 &self,
12010 mut result: Result<&NodeIsAlternateForResponse, Error>,
12011 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
12012 self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<
12013 NodeIsAlternateForResponse,
12014 Error,
12015 >>(
12016 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResult::new(result),
12017 self.tx_id,
12018 0x3a58e00157e0825,
12019 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
12020 )
12021 }
12024#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
12026pub struct BufferCollectionTokenGroupGetBufferCollectionIdResponder {
12027 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle>,
12028 tx_id: u32,
12031/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle::shutdown`])
12032/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
12033/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
12034impl std::ops::Drop for BufferCollectionTokenGroupGetBufferCollectionIdResponder {
12035 fn drop(&mut self) {
12036 self.control_handle.shutdown();
12037 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
12038 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
12039 }
12042impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for BufferCollectionTokenGroupGetBufferCollectionIdResponder {
12043 type ControlHandle = BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle;
12045 fn control_handle(&self) -> &BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle {
12046 &self.control_handle
12047 }
12049 fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
12050 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
12051 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
12052 // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
12053 std::mem::forget(self);
12054 }
12057impl BufferCollectionTokenGroupGetBufferCollectionIdResponder {
12058 /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
12059 ///
12060 /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
12061 pub fn send(self, mut payload: &NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
12062 let _result = self.send_raw(payload);
12063 if _result.is_err() {
12064 self.control_handle.shutdown();
12065 }
12066 self.drop_without_shutdown();
12067 _result
12068 }
12070 /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
12071 pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
12072 self,
12073 mut payload: &NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse,
12074 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
12075 let _result = self.send_raw(payload);
12076 self.drop_without_shutdown();
12077 _result
12078 }
12080 fn send_raw(&self, mut payload: &NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
12081 self.control_handle
12082 .inner
12083 .send::<fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse>>(
12084 fidl::encoding::Flexible::new(payload),
12085 self.tx_id,
12086 0x77d19a494b78ba8c,
12087 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
12088 )
12089 }
12092#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
12094pub struct BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildrenSyncResponder {
12095 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle>,
12096 tx_id: u32,
12099/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle::shutdown`])
12100/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
12101/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
12102impl std::ops::Drop for BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildrenSyncResponder {
12103 fn drop(&mut self) {
12104 self.control_handle.shutdown();
12105 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
12106 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
12107 }
12110impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildrenSyncResponder {
12111 type ControlHandle = BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle;
12113 fn control_handle(&self) -> &BufferCollectionTokenGroupControlHandle {
12114 &self.control_handle
12115 }
12117 fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
12118 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
12119 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
12120 // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
12121 std::mem::forget(self);
12122 }
12125impl BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildrenSyncResponder {
12126 /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
12127 ///
12128 /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
12129 pub fn send(
12130 self,
12131 mut payload: BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildrenSyncResponse,
12132 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
12133 let _result = self.send_raw(payload);
12134 if _result.is_err() {
12135 self.control_handle.shutdown();
12136 }
12137 self.drop_without_shutdown();
12138 _result
12139 }
12141 /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
12142 pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
12143 self,
12144 mut payload: BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildrenSyncResponse,
12145 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
12146 let _result = self.send_raw(payload);
12147 self.drop_without_shutdown();
12148 _result
12149 }
12151 fn send_raw(
12152 &self,
12153 mut payload: BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildrenSyncResponse,
12154 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
12155 self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<
12156 BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildrenSyncResponse,
12157 >>(
12158 fidl::encoding::Flexible::new(&mut payload),
12159 self.tx_id,
12160 0x15dea448c536070a,
12161 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
12162 )
12163 }
12166#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
12167pub struct NodeMarker;
12169impl fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker for NodeMarker {
12170 type Proxy = NodeProxy;
12171 type RequestStream = NodeRequestStream;
12172 #[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
12173 type SynchronousProxy = NodeSynchronousProxy;
12175 const DEBUG_NAME: &'static str = "(anonymous) Node";
12177pub type NodeIsAlternateForResult = Result<NodeIsAlternateForResponse, Error>;
12179pub trait NodeProxyInterface: Send + Sync {
12180 type SyncResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<(), fidl::Error>> + Send;
12181 fn r#sync(&self) -> Self::SyncResponseFut;
12182 fn r#release(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
12183 fn r#set_name(&self, payload: &NodeSetNameRequest) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
12184 fn r#set_debug_client_info(
12185 &self,
12186 payload: &NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest,
12187 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
12188 fn r#set_debug_timeout_log_deadline(
12189 &self,
12190 payload: &NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest,
12191 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
12192 fn r#set_verbose_logging(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
12193 type GetNodeRefResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<NodeGetNodeRefResponse, fidl::Error>>
12194 + Send;
12195 fn r#get_node_ref(&self) -> Self::GetNodeRefResponseFut;
12196 type IsAlternateForResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<NodeIsAlternateForResult, fidl::Error>>
12197 + Send;
12198 fn r#is_alternate_for(
12199 &self,
12200 payload: NodeIsAlternateForRequest,
12201 ) -> Self::IsAlternateForResponseFut;
12202 type GetBufferCollectionIdResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse, fidl::Error>>
12203 + Send;
12204 fn r#get_buffer_collection_id(&self) -> Self::GetBufferCollectionIdResponseFut;
12205 fn r#set_weak(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
12206 fn r#set_weak_ok(&self, payload: NodeSetWeakOkRequest) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
12207 fn r#attach_node_tracking(
12208 &self,
12209 payload: NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest,
12210 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
12213#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
12214pub struct NodeSynchronousProxy {
12215 client: fidl::client::sync::Client,
12218#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
12219impl fidl::endpoints::SynchronousProxy for NodeSynchronousProxy {
12220 type Proxy = NodeProxy;
12221 type Protocol = NodeMarker;
12223 fn from_channel(inner: fidl::Channel) -> Self {
12224 Self::new(inner)
12225 }
12227 fn into_channel(self) -> fidl::Channel {
12228 self.client.into_channel()
12229 }
12231 fn as_channel(&self) -> &fidl::Channel {
12232 self.client.as_channel()
12233 }
12236#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
12237impl NodeSynchronousProxy {
12238 pub fn new(channel: fidl::Channel) -> Self {
12239 let protocol_name = <NodeMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME;
12240 Self { client: fidl::client::sync::Client::new(channel, protocol_name) }
12241 }
12243 pub fn into_channel(self) -> fidl::Channel {
12244 self.client.into_channel()
12245 }
12247 /// Waits until an event arrives and returns it. It is safe for other
12248 /// threads to make concurrent requests while waiting for an event.
12249 pub fn wait_for_event(&self, deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant) -> Result<NodeEvent, fidl::Error> {
12250 NodeEvent::decode(self.client.wait_for_event(deadline)?)
12251 }
12253 /// Ensure that previous messages have been received server side. This is
12254 /// particularly useful after previous messages that created new tokens,
12255 /// because a token must be known to the sysmem server before sending the
12256 /// token to another participant.
12257 ///
12258 /// Calling [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Sync`] on a token that
12259 /// isn't/wasn't a valid token risks the `Sync` stalling forever. See
12260 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.ValidateBufferCollectionToken`] for one way
12261 /// to mitigate the possibility of a hostile/fake
12262 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] at the cost of one round trip.
12263 /// Another way is to pass the token to
12264 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator/BindSharedCollection`], which also validates
12265 /// the token as part of exchanging it for a
12266 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] channel, and
12267 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Sync`] can then be used without risk
12268 /// of stalling.
12269 ///
12270 /// After creating one or more [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`](s)
12271 /// and then starting and completing a `Sync`, it's then safe to send the
12272 /// `BufferCollectionToken` client ends to other participants knowing the
12273 /// server will recognize the tokens when they're sent by the other
12274 /// participants to sysmem in a
12275 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] message. This is an
12276 /// efficient way to create tokens while avoiding unnecessary round trips.
12277 ///
12278 /// Other options include waiting for each
12279 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate`] to complete
12280 /// individually (using separate call to `Sync` after each), or calling
12281 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Sync`] after a token has been
12282 /// converted to a `BufferCollection` via
12283 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`], or using
12284 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.DuplicateSync`] which includes
12285 /// the sync step and can create multiple tokens at once.
12286 pub fn r#sync(&self, ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
12287 let _response = self.client.send_query::<
12288 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
12289 fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct>,
12290 >(
12291 (),
12292 0x11ac2555cf575b54,
12293 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
12294 ___deadline,
12295 )?
12296 .into_result::<NodeMarker>("sync")?;
12297 Ok(_response)
12298 }
12300 /// ###### On a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] channel:
12301 ///
12302 /// Normally a participant will convert a `BufferCollectionToken` into a
12303 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`], but a participant can instead send
12304 /// `Release` via the token (and then close the channel immediately or
12305 /// shortly later in response to server closing the server end), which
12306 /// avoids causing buffer collection failure. Without a prior `Release`,
12307 /// closing the `BufferCollectionToken` client end will cause buffer
12308 /// collection failure.
12309 ///
12310 /// ###### On a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] channel:
12311 ///
12312 /// By default the server handles unexpected closure of a
12313 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] client end (without `Release`
12314 /// first) by failing the buffer collection. Partly this is to expedite
12315 /// closing VMO handles to reclaim memory when any participant fails. If a
12316 /// participant would like to cleanly close a `BufferCollection` without
12317 /// causing buffer collection failure, the participant can send `Release`
12318 /// before closing the `BufferCollection` client end. The `Release` can
12319 /// occur before or after `SetConstraints`. If before `SetConstraints`, the
12320 /// buffer collection won't require constraints from this node in order to
12321 /// allocate. If after `SetConstraints`, the constraints are retained and
12322 /// aggregated, despite the lack of `BufferCollection` connection at the
12323 /// time of constraints aggregation.
12324 ///
12325 /// ###### On a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`] channel:
12326 ///
12327 /// By default, unexpected closure of a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` client
12328 /// end (without `Release` first) will trigger failure of the buffer
12329 /// collection. To close a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` channel without
12330 /// failing the buffer collection, ensure that AllChildrenPresent() has been
12331 /// sent, and send `Release` before closing the `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`
12332 /// client end.
12333 ///
12334 /// If `Release` occurs before
12335 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup.AllChildrenPresent], the
12336 /// buffer collection will fail (triggered by reception of `Release` without
12337 /// prior `AllChildrenPresent`). This is intentionally not analogous to how
12338 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Release`] without
12339 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] first doesn't cause
12340 /// buffer collection failure. For a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`, clean
12341 /// close requires `AllChildrenPresent` (if not already sent), then
12342 /// `Release`, then close client end.
12343 ///
12344 /// If `Release` occurs after `AllChildrenPresent`, the children and all
12345 /// their constraints remain intact (just as they would if the
12346 /// `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` channel had remained open), and the client
12347 /// end close doesn't trigger buffer collection failure.
12348 ///
12349 /// ###### On all [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] channels (any of the above):
12350 ///
12351 /// For brevity, the per-channel-protocol paragraphs above ignore the
12352 /// separate failure domain created by
12353 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.SetDispensable`] or
12354 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`]. When a client end
12355 /// unexpectedly closes (without `Release` first) and that client end is
12356 /// under a failure domain, instead of failing the whole buffer collection,
12357 /// the failure domain is failed, but the buffer collection itself is
12358 /// isolated from failure of the failure domain. Such failure domains can be
12359 /// nested, in which case only the inner-most failure domain in which the
12360 /// `Node` resides fails.
12361 pub fn r#release(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
12362 self.client.send::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(
12363 (),
12364 0x6a5cae7d6d6e04c6,
12365 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
12366 )
12367 }
12369 /// Set a name for VMOs in this buffer collection.
12370 ///
12371 /// If the name doesn't fit in ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN, the name of the vmo itself
12372 /// will be truncated to fit. The name of the vmo will be suffixed with the
12373 /// buffer index within the collection (if the suffix fits within
12374 /// ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN). The name specified here (without truncation) will be
12375 /// listed in the inspect data.
12376 ///
12377 /// The name only affects VMOs allocated after the name is set; this call
12378 /// does not rename existing VMOs. If multiple clients set different names
12379 /// then the larger priority value will win. Setting a new name with the
12380 /// same priority as a prior name doesn't change the name.
12381 ///
12382 /// All table fields are currently required.
12383 ///
12384 /// + request `priority` The name is only set if this is the first `SetName`
12385 /// or if `priority` is greater than any previous `priority` value in
12386 /// prior `SetName` calls across all `Node`(s) of this buffer collection.
12387 /// + request `name` The name for VMOs created under this buffer collection.
12388 pub fn r#set_name(&self, mut payload: &NodeSetNameRequest) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
12389 self.client.send::<NodeSetNameRequest>(
12390 payload,
12391 0xb41f1624f48c1e9,
12392 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
12393 )
12394 }
12396 /// Set information about the current client that can be used by sysmem to
12397 /// help diagnose leaking memory and allocation stalls waiting for a
12398 /// participant to send [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`].
12399 ///
12400 /// This sets the debug client info on this [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] and all
12401 /// `Node`(s) derived from this `Node`, unless overriden by
12402 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`] or a later
12403 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`].
12404 ///
12405 /// Sending [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`] once per
12406 /// `Allocator` is the most efficient way to ensure that all
12407 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`](s) will have at least some debug client info
12408 /// set, and is also more efficient than separately sending the same debug
12409 /// client info via [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`] for each
12410 /// created [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`].
12411 ///
12412 /// Also used when verbose logging is enabled (see `SetVerboseLogging`) to
12413 /// indicate which client is closing their channel first, leading to subtree
12414 /// failure (which can be normal if the purpose of the subtree is over, but
12415 /// if happening earlier than expected, the client-channel-specific name can
12416 /// help diagnose where the failure is first coming from, from sysmem's
12417 /// point of view).
12418 ///
12419 /// All table fields are currently required.
12420 ///
12421 /// + request `name` This can be an arbitrary string, but the current
12422 /// process name (see `fsl::GetCurrentProcessName`) is a good default.
12423 /// + request `id` This can be an arbitrary id, but the current process ID
12424 /// (see `fsl::GetCurrentProcessKoid`) is a good default.
12425 pub fn r#set_debug_client_info(
12426 &self,
12427 mut payload: &NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest,
12428 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
12429 self.client.send::<NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest>(
12430 payload,
12431 0x5cde8914608d99b1,
12432 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
12433 )
12434 }
12436 /// Sysmem logs a warning if sysmem hasn't seen
12437 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] from all clients
12438 /// within 5 seconds after creation of a new collection.
12439 ///
12440 /// Clients can call this method to change when the log is printed. If
12441 /// multiple client set the deadline, it's unspecified which deadline will
12442 /// take effect.
12443 ///
12444 /// In most cases the default works well.
12445 ///
12446 /// All table fields are currently required.
12447 ///
12448 /// + request `deadline` The time at which sysmem will start trying to log
12449 /// the warning, unless all constraints are with sysmem by then.
12450 pub fn r#set_debug_timeout_log_deadline(
12451 &self,
12452 mut payload: &NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest,
12453 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
12454 self.client.send::<NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest>(
12455 payload,
12456 0x716b0af13d5c0806,
12457 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
12458 )
12459 }
12461 /// This enables verbose logging for the buffer collection.
12462 ///
12463 /// Verbose logging includes constraints set via
12464 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] from each client
12465 /// along with info set via [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`] (or
12466 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`]) and the structure of
12467 /// the tree of `Node`(s).
12468 ///
12469 /// Normally sysmem prints only a single line complaint when aggregation
12470 /// fails, with just the specific detailed reason that aggregation failed,
12471 /// with little surrounding context. While this is often enough to diagnose
12472 /// a problem if only a small change was made and everything was working
12473 /// before the small change, it's often not particularly helpful for getting
12474 /// a new buffer collection to work for the first time. Especially with
12475 /// more complex trees of nodes, involving things like
12476 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`],
12477 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.SetDispensable`],
12478 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`] nodes, and associated
12479 /// subtrees of nodes, verbose logging may help in diagnosing what the tree
12480 /// looks like and why it's failing a logical allocation, or why a tree or
12481 /// subtree is failing sooner than expected.
12482 ///
12483 /// The intent of the extra logging is to be acceptable from a performance
12484 /// point of view, under the assumption that verbose logging is only enabled
12485 /// on a low number of buffer collections. If we're not tracking down a bug,
12486 /// we shouldn't send this message.
12487 pub fn r#set_verbose_logging(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
12488 self.client.send::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(
12489 (),
12490 0x5209c77415b4dfad,
12491 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
12492 )
12493 }
12495 /// This gets a handle that can be used as a parameter to
12496 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.IsAlternateFor`] called on any
12497 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`]. This handle is only for use as proof that the
12498 /// client obtained this handle from this `Node`.
12499 ///
12500 /// Because this is a get not a set, no [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.Sync`] is
12501 /// needed between the `GetNodeRef` and the call to `IsAlternateFor`,
12502 /// despite the two calls typically being on different channels.
12503 ///
12504 /// See also [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.IsAlternateFor`].
12505 ///
12506 /// All table fields are currently required.
12507 ///
12508 /// - response `node_ref` This handle can be sent via `IsAlternateFor` on a
12509 /// different `Node` channel, to prove that the client obtained the handle
12510 /// from this `Node`.
12511 pub fn r#get_node_ref(
12512 &self,
12513 ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
12514 ) -> Result<NodeGetNodeRefResponse, fidl::Error> {
12515 let _response = self.client.send_query::<
12516 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
12517 fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<NodeGetNodeRefResponse>,
12518 >(
12519 (),
12520 0x5b3d0e51614df053,
12521 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
12522 ___deadline,
12523 )?
12524 .into_result::<NodeMarker>("get_node_ref")?;
12525 Ok(_response)
12526 }
12528 /// Check whether the calling [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] is in a subtree
12529 /// rooted at a different child token of a common parent
12530 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`], in relation to the
12531 /// passed-in `node_ref`.
12532 ///
12533 /// This call is for assisting with admission control de-duplication, and
12534 /// with debugging.
12535 ///
12536 /// The `node_ref` must be obtained using
12537 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.GetNodeRef`].
12538 ///
12539 /// The `node_ref` can be a duplicated handle; it's not necessary to call
12540 /// `GetNodeRef` for every call to [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.IsAlternateFor`].
12541 ///
12542 /// If a calling token may not actually be a valid token at all due to a
12543 /// potentially hostile/untrusted provider of the token, call
12544 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.ValidateBufferCollectionToken`] first
12545 /// instead of potentially getting stuck indefinitely if `IsAlternateFor`
12546 /// never responds due to a calling token not being a real token (not really
12547 /// talking to sysmem). Another option is to call
12548 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] with this token first
12549 /// which also validates the token along with converting it to a
12550 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`], then call `IsAlternateFor`.
12551 ///
12552 /// All table fields are currently required.
12553 ///
12554 /// - response `is_alternate`
12555 /// - true: The first parent node in common between the calling node and
12556 /// the `node_ref` `Node` is a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`. This means
12557 /// that the calling `Node` and the `node_ref` `Node` will not have both
12558 /// their constraints apply - rather sysmem will choose one or the other
12559 /// of the constraints - never both. This is because only one child of
12560 /// a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` is selected during logical
12561 /// allocation, with only that one child's subtree contributing to
12562 /// constraints aggregation.
12563 /// - false: The first parent node in common between the calling `Node`
12564 /// and the `node_ref` `Node` is not a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`.
12565 /// Currently, this means the first parent node in common is a
12566 /// `BufferCollectionToken` or `BufferCollection` (regardless of not
12567 /// `Release`ed). This means that the calling `Node` and the `node_ref`
12568 /// `Node` may have both their constraints apply during constraints
12569 /// aggregation of the logical allocation, if both `Node`(s) are
12570 /// selected by any parent `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`(s) involved. In
12571 /// this case, there is no `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` that will
12572 /// directly prevent the two `Node`(s) from both being selected and
12573 /// their constraints both aggregated, but even when false, one or both
12574 /// `Node`(s) may still be eliminated from consideration if one or both
12575 /// `Node`(s) has a direct or indirect parent
12576 /// `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` which selects a child subtree other
12577 /// than the subtree containing the calling `Node` or `node_ref` `Node`.
12578 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.NOT_FOUND]` The node_ref wasn't
12579 /// associated with the same buffer collection as the calling `Node`.
12580 /// Another reason for this error is if the `node_ref` is an
12581 /// [`zx.Handle.EVENT`] handle with sufficient rights, but isn't actually
12582 /// a real `node_ref` obtained from `GetNodeRef`.
12583 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.PROTOCOL_DEVIATION]` The caller passed a
12584 /// `node_ref` that isn't a [`zx.Handle:EVENT`] handle , or doesn't have
12585 /// the needed rights expected on a real `node_ref`.
12586 /// * No other failing status codes are returned by this call. However,
12587 /// sysmem may add additional codes in future, so the client should have
12588 /// sensible default handling for any failing status code.
12589 pub fn r#is_alternate_for(
12590 &self,
12591 mut payload: NodeIsAlternateForRequest,
12592 ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
12593 ) -> Result<NodeIsAlternateForResult, fidl::Error> {
12594 let _response = self.client.send_query::<
12595 NodeIsAlternateForRequest,
12596 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<NodeIsAlternateForResponse, Error>,
12597 >(
12598 &mut payload,
12599 0x3a58e00157e0825,
12600 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
12601 ___deadline,
12602 )?
12603 .into_result::<NodeMarker>("is_alternate_for")?;
12604 Ok(|x| x))
12605 }
12607 /// Get the buffer collection ID. This ID is also available from
12608 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.GetVmoInfo`] (along with the `buffer_index`
12609 /// within the collection).
12610 ///
12611 /// This call is mainly useful in situations where we can't convey a
12612 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] or
12613 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] directly, but can only convey a VMO
12614 /// handle, which can be joined back up with a `BufferCollection` client end
12615 /// that was created via a different path. Prefer to convey a
12616 /// `BufferCollectionToken` or `BufferCollection` directly when feasible.
12617 ///
12618 /// Trusting a `buffer_collection_id` value from a source other than sysmem
12619 /// is analogous to trusting a koid value from a source other than zircon.
12620 /// Both should be avoided unless really necessary, and both require
12621 /// caution. In some situations it may be reasonable to refer to a
12622 /// pre-established `BufferCollection` by `buffer_collection_id` via a
12623 /// protocol for efficiency reasons, but an incoming value purporting to be
12624 /// a `buffer_collection_id` is not sufficient alone to justify granting the
12625 /// sender of the `buffer_collection_id` any capability. The sender must
12626 /// first prove to a receiver that the sender has/had a VMO or has/had a
12627 /// `BufferCollectionToken` to the same collection by sending a handle that
12628 /// sysmem confirms is a valid sysmem handle and which sysmem maps to the
12629 /// `buffer_collection_id` value. The receiver should take care to avoid
12630 /// assuming that a sender had a `BufferCollectionToken` in cases where the
12631 /// sender has only proven that the sender had a VMO.
12632 ///
12633 /// - response `buffer_collection_id` This ID is unique per buffer
12634 /// collection per boot. Each buffer is uniquely identified by the
12635 /// `buffer_collection_id` and `buffer_index` together.
12636 pub fn r#get_buffer_collection_id(
12637 &self,
12638 ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
12639 ) -> Result<NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse, fidl::Error> {
12640 let _response = self.client.send_query::<
12641 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
12642 fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse>,
12643 >(
12644 (),
12645 0x77d19a494b78ba8c,
12646 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
12647 ___deadline,
12648 )?
12649 .into_result::<NodeMarker>("get_buffer_collection_id")?;
12650 Ok(_response)
12651 }
12653 /// Sets the current [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] and all child `Node`(s)
12654 /// created after this message to weak, which means that a client's `Node`
12655 /// client end (or a child created after this message) is not alone
12656 /// sufficient to keep allocated VMOs alive.
12657 ///
12658 /// All VMOs obtained from weak `Node`(s) are weak sysmem VMOs. See also
12659 /// `close_weak_asap`.
12660 ///
12661 /// This message is only permitted before the `Node` becomes ready for
12662 /// allocation (else the server closes the channel with `ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE`):
12663 /// * `BufferCollectionToken`: any time
12664 /// * `BufferCollection`: before `SetConstraints`
12665 /// * `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`: before `AllChildrenPresent`
12666 ///
12667 /// Currently, no conversion from strong `Node` to weak `Node` after ready
12668 /// for allocation is provided, but a client can simulate that by creating
12669 /// an additional `Node` before allocation and setting that additional
12670 /// `Node` to weak, and then potentially at some point later sending
12671 /// `Release` and closing the client end of the client's strong `Node`, but
12672 /// keeping the client's weak `Node`.
12673 ///
12674 /// Zero strong `Node`(s) and zero strong VMO handles will result in buffer
12675 /// collection failure (all `Node` client end(s) will see
12676 /// `ZX_CHANNEL_PEER_CLOSED` and all `close_weak_asap` `client_end`(s) will
12677 /// see `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED`), but sysmem (intentionally) won't notice
12678 /// this situation until all `Node`(s) are ready for allocation. For initial
12679 /// allocation to succeed, at least one strong `Node` is required to exist
12680 /// at allocation time, but after that client receives VMO handles, that
12681 /// client can `BufferCollection.Release` and close the client end without
12682 /// causing this type of failure.
12683 ///
12684 /// This implies [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetWeakOk`] as well, but does not
12685 /// imply `SetWeakOk` with `for_children_also` true, which can be sent
12686 /// separately as appropriate.
12687 pub fn r#set_weak(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
12688 self.client.send::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(
12689 (),
12690 0x22dd3ea514eeffe1,
12691 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
12692 )
12693 }
12695 /// This indicates to sysmem that the client is prepared to pay attention to
12696 /// `close_weak_asap`.
12697 ///
12698 /// If sent, this message must be before
12699 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`].
12700 ///
12701 /// All participants using a weak [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] must
12702 /// send this message before `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`, or a parent
12703 /// `Node` must have sent [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetWeakOk`] with
12704 /// `for_child_nodes_also` true, else the `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated` will
12705 /// trigger buffer collection failure.
12706 ///
12707 /// This message is necessary because weak sysmem VMOs have not always been
12708 /// a thing, so older clients are not aware of the need to pay attention to
12709 /// `close_weak_asap` `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` and close all remaining
12710 /// sysmem weak VMO handles asap. By having this message and requiring
12711 /// participants to indicate their acceptance of this aspect of the overall
12712 /// protocol, we avoid situations where an older client is delivered a weak
12713 /// VMO without any way for sysmem to get that VMO to close quickly later
12714 /// (and on a per-buffer basis).
12715 ///
12716 /// A participant that doesn't handle `close_weak_asap` and also doesn't
12717 /// retrieve any VMO handles via `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated` doesn't need
12718 /// to send `SetWeakOk` (and doesn't need to have a parent `Node` send
12719 /// `SetWeakOk` with `for_child_nodes_also` true either). However, if that
12720 /// same participant has a child/delegate which does retrieve VMOs, that
12721 /// child/delegate will need to send `SetWeakOk` before
12722 /// `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`.
12723 ///
12724 /// + request `for_child_nodes_also` If present and true, this means direct
12725 /// child nodes of this node created after this message plus all
12726 /// descendants of those nodes will behave as if `SetWeakOk` was sent on
12727 /// those nodes. Any child node of this node that was created before this
12728 /// message is not included. This setting is "sticky" in the sense that a
12729 /// subsequent `SetWeakOk` without this bool set to true does not reset
12730 /// the server-side bool. If this creates a problem for a participant, a
12731 /// workaround is to `SetWeakOk` with `for_child_nodes_also` true on child
12732 /// tokens instead, as appropriate. A participant should only set
12733 /// `for_child_nodes_also` true if the participant can really promise to
12734 /// obey `close_weak_asap` both for its own weak VMO handles, and for all
12735 /// weak VMO handles held by participants holding the corresponding child
12736 /// `Node`(s). When `for_child_nodes_also` is set, descendent `Node`(s)
12737 /// which are using sysmem(1) can be weak, despite the clients of those
12738 /// sysmem1 `Node`(s) not having any direct way to `SetWeakOk` or any
12739 /// direct way to find out about `close_weak_asap`. This only applies to
12740 /// descendents of this `Node` which are using sysmem(1), not to this
12741 /// `Node` when converted directly from a sysmem2 token to a sysmem(1)
12742 /// token, which will fail allocation unless an ancestor of this `Node`
12743 /// specified `for_child_nodes_also` true.
12744 pub fn r#set_weak_ok(&self, mut payload: NodeSetWeakOkRequest) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
12745 self.client.send::<NodeSetWeakOkRequest>(
12746 &mut payload,
12747 0x38a44fc4d7724be9,
12748 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
12749 )
12750 }
12752 /// The server_end will be closed after this `Node` and any child nodes have
12753 /// have released their buffer counts, making those counts available for
12754 /// reservation by a different `Node` via
12755 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`].
12756 ///
12757 /// The `Node` buffer counts may not be released until the entire tree of
12758 /// `Node`(s) is closed or failed, because
12759 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Release`] followed by channel close
12760 /// does not immediately un-reserve the `Node` buffer counts. Instead, the
12761 /// `Node` buffer counts remain reserved until the orphaned node is later
12762 /// cleaned up.
12763 ///
12764 /// If the `Node` exceeds a fairly large number of attached eventpair server
12765 /// ends, a log message will indicate this and the `Node` (and the
12766 /// appropriate) sub-tree will fail.
12767 ///
12768 /// The `server_end` will remain open when
12769 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] converts a
12770 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] into a
12771 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`].
12772 ///
12773 /// This message can also be used with a
12774 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`].
12775 pub fn r#attach_node_tracking(
12776 &self,
12777 mut payload: NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest,
12778 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
12779 self.client.send::<NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest>(
12780 &mut payload,
12781 0x3f22f2a293d3cdac,
12782 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
12783 )
12784 }
12787#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
12788pub struct NodeProxy {
12789 client: fidl::client::Client<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>,
12792impl fidl::endpoints::Proxy for NodeProxy {
12793 type Protocol = NodeMarker;
12795 fn from_channel(inner: ::fidl::AsyncChannel) -> Self {
12796 Self::new(inner)
12797 }
12799 fn into_channel(self) -> Result<::fidl::AsyncChannel, Self> {
12800 self.client.into_channel().map_err(|client| Self { client })
12801 }
12803 fn as_channel(&self) -> &::fidl::AsyncChannel {
12804 self.client.as_channel()
12805 }
12808impl NodeProxy {
12809 /// Create a new Proxy for fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.
12810 pub fn new(channel: ::fidl::AsyncChannel) -> Self {
12811 let protocol_name = <NodeMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME;
12812 Self { client: fidl::client::Client::new(channel, protocol_name) }
12813 }
12815 /// Get a Stream of events from the remote end of the protocol.
12816 ///
12817 /// # Panics
12818 ///
12819 /// Panics if the event stream was already taken.
12820 pub fn take_event_stream(&self) -> NodeEventStream {
12821 NodeEventStream { event_receiver: self.client.take_event_receiver() }
12822 }
12824 /// Ensure that previous messages have been received server side. This is
12825 /// particularly useful after previous messages that created new tokens,
12826 /// because a token must be known to the sysmem server before sending the
12827 /// token to another participant.
12828 ///
12829 /// Calling [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Sync`] on a token that
12830 /// isn't/wasn't a valid token risks the `Sync` stalling forever. See
12831 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.ValidateBufferCollectionToken`] for one way
12832 /// to mitigate the possibility of a hostile/fake
12833 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] at the cost of one round trip.
12834 /// Another way is to pass the token to
12835 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator/BindSharedCollection`], which also validates
12836 /// the token as part of exchanging it for a
12837 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] channel, and
12838 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Sync`] can then be used without risk
12839 /// of stalling.
12840 ///
12841 /// After creating one or more [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`](s)
12842 /// and then starting and completing a `Sync`, it's then safe to send the
12843 /// `BufferCollectionToken` client ends to other participants knowing the
12844 /// server will recognize the tokens when they're sent by the other
12845 /// participants to sysmem in a
12846 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] message. This is an
12847 /// efficient way to create tokens while avoiding unnecessary round trips.
12848 ///
12849 /// Other options include waiting for each
12850 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate`] to complete
12851 /// individually (using separate call to `Sync` after each), or calling
12852 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Sync`] after a token has been
12853 /// converted to a `BufferCollection` via
12854 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`], or using
12855 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.DuplicateSync`] which includes
12856 /// the sync step and can create multiple tokens at once.
12857 pub fn r#sync(
12858 &self,
12859 ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<(), fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect> {
12860 NodeProxyInterface::r#sync(self)
12861 }
12863 /// ###### On a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] channel:
12864 ///
12865 /// Normally a participant will convert a `BufferCollectionToken` into a
12866 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`], but a participant can instead send
12867 /// `Release` via the token (and then close the channel immediately or
12868 /// shortly later in response to server closing the server end), which
12869 /// avoids causing buffer collection failure. Without a prior `Release`,
12870 /// closing the `BufferCollectionToken` client end will cause buffer
12871 /// collection failure.
12872 ///
12873 /// ###### On a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] channel:
12874 ///
12875 /// By default the server handles unexpected closure of a
12876 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] client end (without `Release`
12877 /// first) by failing the buffer collection. Partly this is to expedite
12878 /// closing VMO handles to reclaim memory when any participant fails. If a
12879 /// participant would like to cleanly close a `BufferCollection` without
12880 /// causing buffer collection failure, the participant can send `Release`
12881 /// before closing the `BufferCollection` client end. The `Release` can
12882 /// occur before or after `SetConstraints`. If before `SetConstraints`, the
12883 /// buffer collection won't require constraints from this node in order to
12884 /// allocate. If after `SetConstraints`, the constraints are retained and
12885 /// aggregated, despite the lack of `BufferCollection` connection at the
12886 /// time of constraints aggregation.
12887 ///
12888 /// ###### On a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`] channel:
12889 ///
12890 /// By default, unexpected closure of a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` client
12891 /// end (without `Release` first) will trigger failure of the buffer
12892 /// collection. To close a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` channel without
12893 /// failing the buffer collection, ensure that AllChildrenPresent() has been
12894 /// sent, and send `Release` before closing the `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`
12895 /// client end.
12896 ///
12897 /// If `Release` occurs before
12898 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup.AllChildrenPresent], the
12899 /// buffer collection will fail (triggered by reception of `Release` without
12900 /// prior `AllChildrenPresent`). This is intentionally not analogous to how
12901 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Release`] without
12902 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] first doesn't cause
12903 /// buffer collection failure. For a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`, clean
12904 /// close requires `AllChildrenPresent` (if not already sent), then
12905 /// `Release`, then close client end.
12906 ///
12907 /// If `Release` occurs after `AllChildrenPresent`, the children and all
12908 /// their constraints remain intact (just as they would if the
12909 /// `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` channel had remained open), and the client
12910 /// end close doesn't trigger buffer collection failure.
12911 ///
12912 /// ###### On all [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] channels (any of the above):
12913 ///
12914 /// For brevity, the per-channel-protocol paragraphs above ignore the
12915 /// separate failure domain created by
12916 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.SetDispensable`] or
12917 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`]. When a client end
12918 /// unexpectedly closes (without `Release` first) and that client end is
12919 /// under a failure domain, instead of failing the whole buffer collection,
12920 /// the failure domain is failed, but the buffer collection itself is
12921 /// isolated from failure of the failure domain. Such failure domains can be
12922 /// nested, in which case only the inner-most failure domain in which the
12923 /// `Node` resides fails.
12924 pub fn r#release(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
12925 NodeProxyInterface::r#release(self)
12926 }
12928 /// Set a name for VMOs in this buffer collection.
12929 ///
12930 /// If the name doesn't fit in ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN, the name of the vmo itself
12931 /// will be truncated to fit. The name of the vmo will be suffixed with the
12932 /// buffer index within the collection (if the suffix fits within
12933 /// ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN). The name specified here (without truncation) will be
12934 /// listed in the inspect data.
12935 ///
12936 /// The name only affects VMOs allocated after the name is set; this call
12937 /// does not rename existing VMOs. If multiple clients set different names
12938 /// then the larger priority value will win. Setting a new name with the
12939 /// same priority as a prior name doesn't change the name.
12940 ///
12941 /// All table fields are currently required.
12942 ///
12943 /// + request `priority` The name is only set if this is the first `SetName`
12944 /// or if `priority` is greater than any previous `priority` value in
12945 /// prior `SetName` calls across all `Node`(s) of this buffer collection.
12946 /// + request `name` The name for VMOs created under this buffer collection.
12947 pub fn r#set_name(&self, mut payload: &NodeSetNameRequest) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
12948 NodeProxyInterface::r#set_name(self, payload)
12949 }
12951 /// Set information about the current client that can be used by sysmem to
12952 /// help diagnose leaking memory and allocation stalls waiting for a
12953 /// participant to send [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`].
12954 ///
12955 /// This sets the debug client info on this [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] and all
12956 /// `Node`(s) derived from this `Node`, unless overriden by
12957 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`] or a later
12958 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`].
12959 ///
12960 /// Sending [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`] once per
12961 /// `Allocator` is the most efficient way to ensure that all
12962 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`](s) will have at least some debug client info
12963 /// set, and is also more efficient than separately sending the same debug
12964 /// client info via [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`] for each
12965 /// created [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`].
12966 ///
12967 /// Also used when verbose logging is enabled (see `SetVerboseLogging`) to
12968 /// indicate which client is closing their channel first, leading to subtree
12969 /// failure (which can be normal if the purpose of the subtree is over, but
12970 /// if happening earlier than expected, the client-channel-specific name can
12971 /// help diagnose where the failure is first coming from, from sysmem's
12972 /// point of view).
12973 ///
12974 /// All table fields are currently required.
12975 ///
12976 /// + request `name` This can be an arbitrary string, but the current
12977 /// process name (see `fsl::GetCurrentProcessName`) is a good default.
12978 /// + request `id` This can be an arbitrary id, but the current process ID
12979 /// (see `fsl::GetCurrentProcessKoid`) is a good default.
12980 pub fn r#set_debug_client_info(
12981 &self,
12982 mut payload: &NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest,
12983 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
12984 NodeProxyInterface::r#set_debug_client_info(self, payload)
12985 }
12987 /// Sysmem logs a warning if sysmem hasn't seen
12988 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] from all clients
12989 /// within 5 seconds after creation of a new collection.
12990 ///
12991 /// Clients can call this method to change when the log is printed. If
12992 /// multiple client set the deadline, it's unspecified which deadline will
12993 /// take effect.
12994 ///
12995 /// In most cases the default works well.
12996 ///
12997 /// All table fields are currently required.
12998 ///
12999 /// + request `deadline` The time at which sysmem will start trying to log
13000 /// the warning, unless all constraints are with sysmem by then.
13001 pub fn r#set_debug_timeout_log_deadline(
13002 &self,
13003 mut payload: &NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest,
13004 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
13005 NodeProxyInterface::r#set_debug_timeout_log_deadline(self, payload)
13006 }
13008 /// This enables verbose logging for the buffer collection.
13009 ///
13010 /// Verbose logging includes constraints set via
13011 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] from each client
13012 /// along with info set via [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`] (or
13013 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`]) and the structure of
13014 /// the tree of `Node`(s).
13015 ///
13016 /// Normally sysmem prints only a single line complaint when aggregation
13017 /// fails, with just the specific detailed reason that aggregation failed,
13018 /// with little surrounding context. While this is often enough to diagnose
13019 /// a problem if only a small change was made and everything was working
13020 /// before the small change, it's often not particularly helpful for getting
13021 /// a new buffer collection to work for the first time. Especially with
13022 /// more complex trees of nodes, involving things like
13023 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`],
13024 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.SetDispensable`],
13025 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`] nodes, and associated
13026 /// subtrees of nodes, verbose logging may help in diagnosing what the tree
13027 /// looks like and why it's failing a logical allocation, or why a tree or
13028 /// subtree is failing sooner than expected.
13029 ///
13030 /// The intent of the extra logging is to be acceptable from a performance
13031 /// point of view, under the assumption that verbose logging is only enabled
13032 /// on a low number of buffer collections. If we're not tracking down a bug,
13033 /// we shouldn't send this message.
13034 pub fn r#set_verbose_logging(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
13035 NodeProxyInterface::r#set_verbose_logging(self)
13036 }
13038 /// This gets a handle that can be used as a parameter to
13039 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.IsAlternateFor`] called on any
13040 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`]. This handle is only for use as proof that the
13041 /// client obtained this handle from this `Node`.
13042 ///
13043 /// Because this is a get not a set, no [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.Sync`] is
13044 /// needed between the `GetNodeRef` and the call to `IsAlternateFor`,
13045 /// despite the two calls typically being on different channels.
13046 ///
13047 /// See also [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.IsAlternateFor`].
13048 ///
13049 /// All table fields are currently required.
13050 ///
13051 /// - response `node_ref` This handle can be sent via `IsAlternateFor` on a
13052 /// different `Node` channel, to prove that the client obtained the handle
13053 /// from this `Node`.
13054 pub fn r#get_node_ref(
13055 &self,
13056 ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
13057 NodeGetNodeRefResponse,
13058 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13059 > {
13060 NodeProxyInterface::r#get_node_ref(self)
13061 }
13063 /// Check whether the calling [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] is in a subtree
13064 /// rooted at a different child token of a common parent
13065 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`], in relation to the
13066 /// passed-in `node_ref`.
13067 ///
13068 /// This call is for assisting with admission control de-duplication, and
13069 /// with debugging.
13070 ///
13071 /// The `node_ref` must be obtained using
13072 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.GetNodeRef`].
13073 ///
13074 /// The `node_ref` can be a duplicated handle; it's not necessary to call
13075 /// `GetNodeRef` for every call to [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.IsAlternateFor`].
13076 ///
13077 /// If a calling token may not actually be a valid token at all due to a
13078 /// potentially hostile/untrusted provider of the token, call
13079 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.ValidateBufferCollectionToken`] first
13080 /// instead of potentially getting stuck indefinitely if `IsAlternateFor`
13081 /// never responds due to a calling token not being a real token (not really
13082 /// talking to sysmem). Another option is to call
13083 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] with this token first
13084 /// which also validates the token along with converting it to a
13085 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`], then call `IsAlternateFor`.
13086 ///
13087 /// All table fields are currently required.
13088 ///
13089 /// - response `is_alternate`
13090 /// - true: The first parent node in common between the calling node and
13091 /// the `node_ref` `Node` is a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`. This means
13092 /// that the calling `Node` and the `node_ref` `Node` will not have both
13093 /// their constraints apply - rather sysmem will choose one or the other
13094 /// of the constraints - never both. This is because only one child of
13095 /// a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` is selected during logical
13096 /// allocation, with only that one child's subtree contributing to
13097 /// constraints aggregation.
13098 /// - false: The first parent node in common between the calling `Node`
13099 /// and the `node_ref` `Node` is not a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`.
13100 /// Currently, this means the first parent node in common is a
13101 /// `BufferCollectionToken` or `BufferCollection` (regardless of not
13102 /// `Release`ed). This means that the calling `Node` and the `node_ref`
13103 /// `Node` may have both their constraints apply during constraints
13104 /// aggregation of the logical allocation, if both `Node`(s) are
13105 /// selected by any parent `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`(s) involved. In
13106 /// this case, there is no `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` that will
13107 /// directly prevent the two `Node`(s) from both being selected and
13108 /// their constraints both aggregated, but even when false, one or both
13109 /// `Node`(s) may still be eliminated from consideration if one or both
13110 /// `Node`(s) has a direct or indirect parent
13111 /// `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` which selects a child subtree other
13112 /// than the subtree containing the calling `Node` or `node_ref` `Node`.
13113 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.NOT_FOUND]` The node_ref wasn't
13114 /// associated with the same buffer collection as the calling `Node`.
13115 /// Another reason for this error is if the `node_ref` is an
13116 /// [`zx.Handle.EVENT`] handle with sufficient rights, but isn't actually
13117 /// a real `node_ref` obtained from `GetNodeRef`.
13118 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.PROTOCOL_DEVIATION]` The caller passed a
13119 /// `node_ref` that isn't a [`zx.Handle:EVENT`] handle , or doesn't have
13120 /// the needed rights expected on a real `node_ref`.
13121 /// * No other failing status codes are returned by this call. However,
13122 /// sysmem may add additional codes in future, so the client should have
13123 /// sensible default handling for any failing status code.
13124 pub fn r#is_alternate_for(
13125 &self,
13126 mut payload: NodeIsAlternateForRequest,
13127 ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
13128 NodeIsAlternateForResult,
13129 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13130 > {
13131 NodeProxyInterface::r#is_alternate_for(self, payload)
13132 }
13134 /// Get the buffer collection ID. This ID is also available from
13135 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.GetVmoInfo`] (along with the `buffer_index`
13136 /// within the collection).
13137 ///
13138 /// This call is mainly useful in situations where we can't convey a
13139 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] or
13140 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] directly, but can only convey a VMO
13141 /// handle, which can be joined back up with a `BufferCollection` client end
13142 /// that was created via a different path. Prefer to convey a
13143 /// `BufferCollectionToken` or `BufferCollection` directly when feasible.
13144 ///
13145 /// Trusting a `buffer_collection_id` value from a source other than sysmem
13146 /// is analogous to trusting a koid value from a source other than zircon.
13147 /// Both should be avoided unless really necessary, and both require
13148 /// caution. In some situations it may be reasonable to refer to a
13149 /// pre-established `BufferCollection` by `buffer_collection_id` via a
13150 /// protocol for efficiency reasons, but an incoming value purporting to be
13151 /// a `buffer_collection_id` is not sufficient alone to justify granting the
13152 /// sender of the `buffer_collection_id` any capability. The sender must
13153 /// first prove to a receiver that the sender has/had a VMO or has/had a
13154 /// `BufferCollectionToken` to the same collection by sending a handle that
13155 /// sysmem confirms is a valid sysmem handle and which sysmem maps to the
13156 /// `buffer_collection_id` value. The receiver should take care to avoid
13157 /// assuming that a sender had a `BufferCollectionToken` in cases where the
13158 /// sender has only proven that the sender had a VMO.
13159 ///
13160 /// - response `buffer_collection_id` This ID is unique per buffer
13161 /// collection per boot. Each buffer is uniquely identified by the
13162 /// `buffer_collection_id` and `buffer_index` together.
13163 pub fn r#get_buffer_collection_id(
13164 &self,
13165 ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
13166 NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse,
13167 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13168 > {
13169 NodeProxyInterface::r#get_buffer_collection_id(self)
13170 }
13172 /// Sets the current [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] and all child `Node`(s)
13173 /// created after this message to weak, which means that a client's `Node`
13174 /// client end (or a child created after this message) is not alone
13175 /// sufficient to keep allocated VMOs alive.
13176 ///
13177 /// All VMOs obtained from weak `Node`(s) are weak sysmem VMOs. See also
13178 /// `close_weak_asap`.
13179 ///
13180 /// This message is only permitted before the `Node` becomes ready for
13181 /// allocation (else the server closes the channel with `ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE`):
13182 /// * `BufferCollectionToken`: any time
13183 /// * `BufferCollection`: before `SetConstraints`
13184 /// * `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`: before `AllChildrenPresent`
13185 ///
13186 /// Currently, no conversion from strong `Node` to weak `Node` after ready
13187 /// for allocation is provided, but a client can simulate that by creating
13188 /// an additional `Node` before allocation and setting that additional
13189 /// `Node` to weak, and then potentially at some point later sending
13190 /// `Release` and closing the client end of the client's strong `Node`, but
13191 /// keeping the client's weak `Node`.
13192 ///
13193 /// Zero strong `Node`(s) and zero strong VMO handles will result in buffer
13194 /// collection failure (all `Node` client end(s) will see
13195 /// `ZX_CHANNEL_PEER_CLOSED` and all `close_weak_asap` `client_end`(s) will
13196 /// see `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED`), but sysmem (intentionally) won't notice
13197 /// this situation until all `Node`(s) are ready for allocation. For initial
13198 /// allocation to succeed, at least one strong `Node` is required to exist
13199 /// at allocation time, but after that client receives VMO handles, that
13200 /// client can `BufferCollection.Release` and close the client end without
13201 /// causing this type of failure.
13202 ///
13203 /// This implies [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetWeakOk`] as well, but does not
13204 /// imply `SetWeakOk` with `for_children_also` true, which can be sent
13205 /// separately as appropriate.
13206 pub fn r#set_weak(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
13207 NodeProxyInterface::r#set_weak(self)
13208 }
13210 /// This indicates to sysmem that the client is prepared to pay attention to
13211 /// `close_weak_asap`.
13212 ///
13213 /// If sent, this message must be before
13214 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`].
13215 ///
13216 /// All participants using a weak [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] must
13217 /// send this message before `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`, or a parent
13218 /// `Node` must have sent [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetWeakOk`] with
13219 /// `for_child_nodes_also` true, else the `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated` will
13220 /// trigger buffer collection failure.
13221 ///
13222 /// This message is necessary because weak sysmem VMOs have not always been
13223 /// a thing, so older clients are not aware of the need to pay attention to
13224 /// `close_weak_asap` `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` and close all remaining
13225 /// sysmem weak VMO handles asap. By having this message and requiring
13226 /// participants to indicate their acceptance of this aspect of the overall
13227 /// protocol, we avoid situations where an older client is delivered a weak
13228 /// VMO without any way for sysmem to get that VMO to close quickly later
13229 /// (and on a per-buffer basis).
13230 ///
13231 /// A participant that doesn't handle `close_weak_asap` and also doesn't
13232 /// retrieve any VMO handles via `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated` doesn't need
13233 /// to send `SetWeakOk` (and doesn't need to have a parent `Node` send
13234 /// `SetWeakOk` with `for_child_nodes_also` true either). However, if that
13235 /// same participant has a child/delegate which does retrieve VMOs, that
13236 /// child/delegate will need to send `SetWeakOk` before
13237 /// `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`.
13238 ///
13239 /// + request `for_child_nodes_also` If present and true, this means direct
13240 /// child nodes of this node created after this message plus all
13241 /// descendants of those nodes will behave as if `SetWeakOk` was sent on
13242 /// those nodes. Any child node of this node that was created before this
13243 /// message is not included. This setting is "sticky" in the sense that a
13244 /// subsequent `SetWeakOk` without this bool set to true does not reset
13245 /// the server-side bool. If this creates a problem for a participant, a
13246 /// workaround is to `SetWeakOk` with `for_child_nodes_also` true on child
13247 /// tokens instead, as appropriate. A participant should only set
13248 /// `for_child_nodes_also` true if the participant can really promise to
13249 /// obey `close_weak_asap` both for its own weak VMO handles, and for all
13250 /// weak VMO handles held by participants holding the corresponding child
13251 /// `Node`(s). When `for_child_nodes_also` is set, descendent `Node`(s)
13252 /// which are using sysmem(1) can be weak, despite the clients of those
13253 /// sysmem1 `Node`(s) not having any direct way to `SetWeakOk` or any
13254 /// direct way to find out about `close_weak_asap`. This only applies to
13255 /// descendents of this `Node` which are using sysmem(1), not to this
13256 /// `Node` when converted directly from a sysmem2 token to a sysmem(1)
13257 /// token, which will fail allocation unless an ancestor of this `Node`
13258 /// specified `for_child_nodes_also` true.
13259 pub fn r#set_weak_ok(&self, mut payload: NodeSetWeakOkRequest) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
13260 NodeProxyInterface::r#set_weak_ok(self, payload)
13261 }
13263 /// The server_end will be closed after this `Node` and any child nodes have
13264 /// have released their buffer counts, making those counts available for
13265 /// reservation by a different `Node` via
13266 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`].
13267 ///
13268 /// The `Node` buffer counts may not be released until the entire tree of
13269 /// `Node`(s) is closed or failed, because
13270 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Release`] followed by channel close
13271 /// does not immediately un-reserve the `Node` buffer counts. Instead, the
13272 /// `Node` buffer counts remain reserved until the orphaned node is later
13273 /// cleaned up.
13274 ///
13275 /// If the `Node` exceeds a fairly large number of attached eventpair server
13276 /// ends, a log message will indicate this and the `Node` (and the
13277 /// appropriate) sub-tree will fail.
13278 ///
13279 /// The `server_end` will remain open when
13280 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] converts a
13281 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] into a
13282 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`].
13283 ///
13284 /// This message can also be used with a
13285 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`].
13286 pub fn r#attach_node_tracking(
13287 &self,
13288 mut payload: NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest,
13289 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
13290 NodeProxyInterface::r#attach_node_tracking(self, payload)
13291 }
13294impl NodeProxyInterface for NodeProxy {
13295 type SyncResponseFut =
13296 fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<(), fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>;
13297 fn r#sync(&self) -> Self::SyncResponseFut {
13298 fn _decode(
13299 mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
13300 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
13301 let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
13302 fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct>,
13303 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13304 0x11ac2555cf575b54,
13305 >(_buf?)?
13306 .into_result::<NodeMarker>("sync")?;
13307 Ok(_response)
13308 }
13309 self.client.send_query_and_decode::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload, ()>(
13310 (),
13311 0x11ac2555cf575b54,
13312 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
13313 _decode,
13314 )
13315 }
13317 fn r#release(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
13318 self.client.send::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(
13319 (),
13320 0x6a5cae7d6d6e04c6,
13321 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
13322 )
13323 }
13325 fn r#set_name(&self, mut payload: &NodeSetNameRequest) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
13326 self.client.send::<NodeSetNameRequest>(
13327 payload,
13328 0xb41f1624f48c1e9,
13329 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
13330 )
13331 }
13333 fn r#set_debug_client_info(
13334 &self,
13335 mut payload: &NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest,
13336 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
13337 self.client.send::<NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest>(
13338 payload,
13339 0x5cde8914608d99b1,
13340 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
13341 )
13342 }
13344 fn r#set_debug_timeout_log_deadline(
13345 &self,
13346 mut payload: &NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest,
13347 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
13348 self.client.send::<NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest>(
13349 payload,
13350 0x716b0af13d5c0806,
13351 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
13352 )
13353 }
13355 fn r#set_verbose_logging(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
13356 self.client.send::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(
13357 (),
13358 0x5209c77415b4dfad,
13359 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
13360 )
13361 }
13363 type GetNodeRefResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
13364 NodeGetNodeRefResponse,
13365 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13366 >;
13367 fn r#get_node_ref(&self) -> Self::GetNodeRefResponseFut {
13368 fn _decode(
13369 mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
13370 ) -> Result<NodeGetNodeRefResponse, fidl::Error> {
13371 let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
13372 fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<NodeGetNodeRefResponse>,
13373 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13374 0x5b3d0e51614df053,
13375 >(_buf?)?
13376 .into_result::<NodeMarker>("get_node_ref")?;
13377 Ok(_response)
13378 }
13379 self.client.send_query_and_decode::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload, NodeGetNodeRefResponse>(
13380 (),
13381 0x5b3d0e51614df053,
13382 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
13383 _decode,
13384 )
13385 }
13387 type IsAlternateForResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
13388 NodeIsAlternateForResult,
13389 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13390 >;
13391 fn r#is_alternate_for(
13392 &self,
13393 mut payload: NodeIsAlternateForRequest,
13394 ) -> Self::IsAlternateForResponseFut {
13395 fn _decode(
13396 mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
13397 ) -> Result<NodeIsAlternateForResult, fidl::Error> {
13398 let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
13399 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<NodeIsAlternateForResponse, Error>,
13400 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13401 0x3a58e00157e0825,
13402 >(_buf?)?
13403 .into_result::<NodeMarker>("is_alternate_for")?;
13404 Ok(|x| x))
13405 }
13406 self.client.send_query_and_decode::<NodeIsAlternateForRequest, NodeIsAlternateForResult>(
13407 &mut payload,
13408 0x3a58e00157e0825,
13409 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
13410 _decode,
13411 )
13412 }
13414 type GetBufferCollectionIdResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
13415 NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse,
13416 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13417 >;
13418 fn r#get_buffer_collection_id(&self) -> Self::GetBufferCollectionIdResponseFut {
13419 fn _decode(
13420 mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
13421 ) -> Result<NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse, fidl::Error> {
13422 let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
13423 fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse>,
13424 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13425 0x77d19a494b78ba8c,
13426 >(_buf?)?
13427 .into_result::<NodeMarker>("get_buffer_collection_id")?;
13428 Ok(_response)
13429 }
13430 self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
13431 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
13432 NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse,
13433 >(
13434 (),
13435 0x77d19a494b78ba8c,
13436 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
13437 _decode,
13438 )
13439 }
13441 fn r#set_weak(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
13442 self.client.send::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(
13443 (),
13444 0x22dd3ea514eeffe1,
13445 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
13446 )
13447 }
13449 fn r#set_weak_ok(&self, mut payload: NodeSetWeakOkRequest) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
13450 self.client.send::<NodeSetWeakOkRequest>(
13451 &mut payload,
13452 0x38a44fc4d7724be9,
13453 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
13454 )
13455 }
13457 fn r#attach_node_tracking(
13458 &self,
13459 mut payload: NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest,
13460 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
13461 self.client.send::<NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest>(
13462 &mut payload,
13463 0x3f22f2a293d3cdac,
13464 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
13465 )
13466 }
13469pub struct NodeEventStream {
13470 event_receiver: fidl::client::EventReceiver<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>,
13473impl std::marker::Unpin for NodeEventStream {}
13475impl futures::stream::FusedStream for NodeEventStream {
13476 fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool {
13477 self.event_receiver.is_terminated()
13478 }
13481impl futures::Stream for NodeEventStream {
13482 type Item = Result<NodeEvent, fidl::Error>;
13484 fn poll_next(
13485 mut self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
13486 cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
13487 ) -> std::task::Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
13488 match futures::ready!(futures::stream::StreamExt::poll_next_unpin(
13489 &mut self.event_receiver,
13490 cx
13491 )?) {
13492 Some(buf) => std::task::Poll::Ready(Some(NodeEvent::decode(buf))),
13493 None => std::task::Poll::Ready(None),
13494 }
13495 }
13499pub enum NodeEvent {
13500 #[non_exhaustive]
13501 _UnknownEvent {
13502 /// Ordinal of the event that was sent.
13503 ordinal: u64,
13504 },
13507impl NodeEvent {
13508 /// Decodes a message buffer as a [`NodeEvent`].
13509 fn decode(
13510 mut buf: <fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc,
13511 ) -> Result<NodeEvent, fidl::Error> {
13512 let (bytes, _handles) = buf.split_mut();
13513 let (tx_header, _body_bytes) = fidl::encoding::decode_transaction_header(bytes)?;
13514 debug_assert_eq!(tx_header.tx_id, 0);
13515 match tx_header.ordinal {
13516 _ if tx_header.dynamic_flags().contains(fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE) => {
13517 Ok(NodeEvent::_UnknownEvent { ordinal: tx_header.ordinal })
13518 }
13519 _ => Err(fidl::Error::UnknownOrdinal {
13520 ordinal: tx_header.ordinal,
13521 protocol_name: <NodeMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME,
13522 }),
13523 }
13524 }
13527/// A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.
13528pub struct NodeRequestStream {
13529 inner: std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>,
13530 is_terminated: bool,
13533impl std::marker::Unpin for NodeRequestStream {}
13535impl futures::stream::FusedStream for NodeRequestStream {
13536 fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool {
13537 self.is_terminated
13538 }
13541impl fidl::endpoints::RequestStream for NodeRequestStream {
13542 type Protocol = NodeMarker;
13543 type ControlHandle = NodeControlHandle;
13545 fn from_channel(channel: ::fidl::AsyncChannel) -> Self {
13546 Self { inner: std::sync::Arc::new(fidl::ServeInner::new(channel)), is_terminated: false }
13547 }
13549 fn control_handle(&self) -> Self::ControlHandle {
13550 NodeControlHandle { inner: self.inner.clone() }
13551 }
13553 fn into_inner(
13554 self,
13555 ) -> (::std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>, bool)
13556 {
13557 (self.inner, self.is_terminated)
13558 }
13560 fn from_inner(
13561 inner: std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>,
13562 is_terminated: bool,
13563 ) -> Self {
13564 Self { inner, is_terminated }
13565 }
13568impl futures::Stream for NodeRequestStream {
13569 type Item = Result<NodeRequest, fidl::Error>;
13571 fn poll_next(
13572 mut self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
13573 cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
13574 ) -> std::task::Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
13575 let this = &mut *self;
13576 if this.inner.check_shutdown(cx) {
13577 this.is_terminated = true;
13578 return std::task::Poll::Ready(None);
13579 }
13580 if this.is_terminated {
13581 panic!("polled NodeRequestStream after completion");
13582 }
13583 fidl::encoding::with_tls_decode_buf::<_, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>(
13584 |bytes, handles| {
13585 match, bytes, handles) {
13586 std::task::Poll::Ready(Ok(())) => {}
13587 std::task::Poll::Pending => return std::task::Poll::Pending,
13588 std::task::Poll::Ready(Err(zx_status::Status::PEER_CLOSED)) => {
13589 this.is_terminated = true;
13590 return std::task::Poll::Ready(None);
13591 }
13592 std::task::Poll::Ready(Err(e)) => {
13593 return std::task::Poll::Ready(Some(Err(fidl::Error::ServerRequestRead(
13594 e.into(),
13595 ))))
13596 }
13597 }
13599 // A message has been received from the channel
13600 let (header, _body_bytes) = fidl::encoding::decode_transaction_header(bytes)?;
13602 std::task::Poll::Ready(Some(match header.ordinal {
13603 0x11ac2555cf575b54 => {
13604 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
13605 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
13606 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
13607 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
13608 );
13609 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
13610 let control_handle = NodeControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
13611 Ok(NodeRequest::Sync {
13612 responder: NodeSyncResponder {
13613 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
13614 tx_id: header.tx_id,
13615 },
13616 })
13617 }
13618 0x6a5cae7d6d6e04c6 => {
13619 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
13620 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
13621 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
13622 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
13623 );
13624 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
13625 let control_handle = NodeControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
13626 Ok(NodeRequest::Release { control_handle })
13627 }
13628 0xb41f1624f48c1e9 => {
13629 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
13630 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
13631 NodeSetNameRequest,
13632 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
13633 );
13634 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<NodeSetNameRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
13635 let control_handle = NodeControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
13636 Ok(NodeRequest::SetName { payload: req, control_handle })
13637 }
13638 0x5cde8914608d99b1 => {
13639 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
13640 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
13641 NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest,
13642 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
13643 );
13644 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
13645 let control_handle = NodeControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
13646 Ok(NodeRequest::SetDebugClientInfo { payload: req, control_handle })
13647 }
13648 0x716b0af13d5c0806 => {
13649 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
13650 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
13651 NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest,
13652 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
13653 );
13654 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
13655 let control_handle = NodeControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
13656 Ok(NodeRequest::SetDebugTimeoutLogDeadline { payload: req, control_handle })
13657 }
13658 0x5209c77415b4dfad => {
13659 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
13660 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
13661 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
13662 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
13663 );
13664 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
13665 let control_handle = NodeControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
13666 Ok(NodeRequest::SetVerboseLogging { control_handle })
13667 }
13668 0x5b3d0e51614df053 => {
13669 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
13670 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
13671 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
13672 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
13673 );
13674 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
13675 let control_handle = NodeControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
13676 Ok(NodeRequest::GetNodeRef {
13677 responder: NodeGetNodeRefResponder {
13678 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
13679 tx_id: header.tx_id,
13680 },
13681 })
13682 }
13683 0x3a58e00157e0825 => {
13684 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
13685 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
13686 NodeIsAlternateForRequest,
13687 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
13688 );
13689 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<NodeIsAlternateForRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
13690 let control_handle = NodeControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
13691 Ok(NodeRequest::IsAlternateFor {
13692 payload: req,
13693 responder: NodeIsAlternateForResponder {
13694 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
13695 tx_id: header.tx_id,
13696 },
13697 })
13698 }
13699 0x77d19a494b78ba8c => {
13700 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
13701 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
13702 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
13703 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
13704 );
13705 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
13706 let control_handle = NodeControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
13707 Ok(NodeRequest::GetBufferCollectionId {
13708 responder: NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponder {
13709 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
13710 tx_id: header.tx_id,
13711 },
13712 })
13713 }
13714 0x22dd3ea514eeffe1 => {
13715 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
13716 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
13717 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
13718 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
13719 );
13720 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
13721 let control_handle = NodeControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
13722 Ok(NodeRequest::SetWeak { control_handle })
13723 }
13724 0x38a44fc4d7724be9 => {
13725 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
13726 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
13727 NodeSetWeakOkRequest,
13728 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
13729 );
13730 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<NodeSetWeakOkRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
13731 let control_handle = NodeControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
13732 Ok(NodeRequest::SetWeakOk { payload: req, control_handle })
13733 }
13734 0x3f22f2a293d3cdac => {
13735 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
13736 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
13737 NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest,
13738 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
13739 );
13740 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
13741 let control_handle = NodeControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
13742 Ok(NodeRequest::AttachNodeTracking { payload: req, control_handle })
13743 }
13744 _ if header.tx_id == 0
13745 && header
13746 .dynamic_flags()
13747 .contains(fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE) =>
13748 {
13749 Ok(NodeRequest::_UnknownMethod {
13750 ordinal: header.ordinal,
13751 control_handle: NodeControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() },
13752 method_type: fidl::MethodType::OneWay,
13753 })
13754 }
13755 _ if header
13756 .dynamic_flags()
13757 .contains(fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE) =>
13758 {
13759 this.inner.send_framework_err(
13760 fidl::encoding::FrameworkErr::UnknownMethod,
13761 header.tx_id,
13762 header.ordinal,
13763 header.dynamic_flags(),
13764 (bytes, handles),
13765 )?;
13766 Ok(NodeRequest::_UnknownMethod {
13767 ordinal: header.ordinal,
13768 control_handle: NodeControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() },
13769 method_type: fidl::MethodType::TwoWay,
13770 })
13771 }
13772 _ => Err(fidl::Error::UnknownOrdinal {
13773 ordinal: header.ordinal,
13774 protocol_name: <NodeMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME,
13775 }),
13776 }))
13777 },
13778 )
13779 }
13782/// This protocol is the parent protocol for all nodes in the tree established
13783/// by [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] creation and
13784/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`] creation, including
13785/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`](s) which have since been converted
13786/// to a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] channel.
13788/// Epitaphs are not used in this protocol.
13790pub enum NodeRequest {
13791 /// Ensure that previous messages have been received server side. This is
13792 /// particularly useful after previous messages that created new tokens,
13793 /// because a token must be known to the sysmem server before sending the
13794 /// token to another participant.
13795 ///
13796 /// Calling [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Sync`] on a token that
13797 /// isn't/wasn't a valid token risks the `Sync` stalling forever. See
13798 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.ValidateBufferCollectionToken`] for one way
13799 /// to mitigate the possibility of a hostile/fake
13800 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] at the cost of one round trip.
13801 /// Another way is to pass the token to
13802 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator/BindSharedCollection`], which also validates
13803 /// the token as part of exchanging it for a
13804 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] channel, and
13805 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Sync`] can then be used without risk
13806 /// of stalling.
13807 ///
13808 /// After creating one or more [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`](s)
13809 /// and then starting and completing a `Sync`, it's then safe to send the
13810 /// `BufferCollectionToken` client ends to other participants knowing the
13811 /// server will recognize the tokens when they're sent by the other
13812 /// participants to sysmem in a
13813 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] message. This is an
13814 /// efficient way to create tokens while avoiding unnecessary round trips.
13815 ///
13816 /// Other options include waiting for each
13817 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate`] to complete
13818 /// individually (using separate call to `Sync` after each), or calling
13819 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Sync`] after a token has been
13820 /// converted to a `BufferCollection` via
13821 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`], or using
13822 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.DuplicateSync`] which includes
13823 /// the sync step and can create multiple tokens at once.
13824 Sync { responder: NodeSyncResponder },
13825 /// ###### On a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] channel:
13826 ///
13827 /// Normally a participant will convert a `BufferCollectionToken` into a
13828 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`], but a participant can instead send
13829 /// `Release` via the token (and then close the channel immediately or
13830 /// shortly later in response to server closing the server end), which
13831 /// avoids causing buffer collection failure. Without a prior `Release`,
13832 /// closing the `BufferCollectionToken` client end will cause buffer
13833 /// collection failure.
13834 ///
13835 /// ###### On a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] channel:
13836 ///
13837 /// By default the server handles unexpected closure of a
13838 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] client end (without `Release`
13839 /// first) by failing the buffer collection. Partly this is to expedite
13840 /// closing VMO handles to reclaim memory when any participant fails. If a
13841 /// participant would like to cleanly close a `BufferCollection` without
13842 /// causing buffer collection failure, the participant can send `Release`
13843 /// before closing the `BufferCollection` client end. The `Release` can
13844 /// occur before or after `SetConstraints`. If before `SetConstraints`, the
13845 /// buffer collection won't require constraints from this node in order to
13846 /// allocate. If after `SetConstraints`, the constraints are retained and
13847 /// aggregated, despite the lack of `BufferCollection` connection at the
13848 /// time of constraints aggregation.
13849 ///
13850 /// ###### On a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`] channel:
13851 ///
13852 /// By default, unexpected closure of a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` client
13853 /// end (without `Release` first) will trigger failure of the buffer
13854 /// collection. To close a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` channel without
13855 /// failing the buffer collection, ensure that AllChildrenPresent() has been
13856 /// sent, and send `Release` before closing the `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`
13857 /// client end.
13858 ///
13859 /// If `Release` occurs before
13860 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup.AllChildrenPresent], the
13861 /// buffer collection will fail (triggered by reception of `Release` without
13862 /// prior `AllChildrenPresent`). This is intentionally not analogous to how
13863 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Release`] without
13864 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] first doesn't cause
13865 /// buffer collection failure. For a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`, clean
13866 /// close requires `AllChildrenPresent` (if not already sent), then
13867 /// `Release`, then close client end.
13868 ///
13869 /// If `Release` occurs after `AllChildrenPresent`, the children and all
13870 /// their constraints remain intact (just as they would if the
13871 /// `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` channel had remained open), and the client
13872 /// end close doesn't trigger buffer collection failure.
13873 ///
13874 /// ###### On all [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] channels (any of the above):
13875 ///
13876 /// For brevity, the per-channel-protocol paragraphs above ignore the
13877 /// separate failure domain created by
13878 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.SetDispensable`] or
13879 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`]. When a client end
13880 /// unexpectedly closes (without `Release` first) and that client end is
13881 /// under a failure domain, instead of failing the whole buffer collection,
13882 /// the failure domain is failed, but the buffer collection itself is
13883 /// isolated from failure of the failure domain. Such failure domains can be
13884 /// nested, in which case only the inner-most failure domain in which the
13885 /// `Node` resides fails.
13886 Release { control_handle: NodeControlHandle },
13887 /// Set a name for VMOs in this buffer collection.
13888 ///
13889 /// If the name doesn't fit in ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN, the name of the vmo itself
13890 /// will be truncated to fit. The name of the vmo will be suffixed with the
13891 /// buffer index within the collection (if the suffix fits within
13892 /// ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN). The name specified here (without truncation) will be
13893 /// listed in the inspect data.
13894 ///
13895 /// The name only affects VMOs allocated after the name is set; this call
13896 /// does not rename existing VMOs. If multiple clients set different names
13897 /// then the larger priority value will win. Setting a new name with the
13898 /// same priority as a prior name doesn't change the name.
13899 ///
13900 /// All table fields are currently required.
13901 ///
13902 /// + request `priority` The name is only set if this is the first `SetName`
13903 /// or if `priority` is greater than any previous `priority` value in
13904 /// prior `SetName` calls across all `Node`(s) of this buffer collection.
13905 /// + request `name` The name for VMOs created under this buffer collection.
13906 SetName { payload: NodeSetNameRequest, control_handle: NodeControlHandle },
13907 /// Set information about the current client that can be used by sysmem to
13908 /// help diagnose leaking memory and allocation stalls waiting for a
13909 /// participant to send [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`].
13910 ///
13911 /// This sets the debug client info on this [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] and all
13912 /// `Node`(s) derived from this `Node`, unless overriden by
13913 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`] or a later
13914 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`].
13915 ///
13916 /// Sending [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`] once per
13917 /// `Allocator` is the most efficient way to ensure that all
13918 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`](s) will have at least some debug client info
13919 /// set, and is also more efficient than separately sending the same debug
13920 /// client info via [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`] for each
13921 /// created [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`].
13922 ///
13923 /// Also used when verbose logging is enabled (see `SetVerboseLogging`) to
13924 /// indicate which client is closing their channel first, leading to subtree
13925 /// failure (which can be normal if the purpose of the subtree is over, but
13926 /// if happening earlier than expected, the client-channel-specific name can
13927 /// help diagnose where the failure is first coming from, from sysmem's
13928 /// point of view).
13929 ///
13930 /// All table fields are currently required.
13931 ///
13932 /// + request `name` This can be an arbitrary string, but the current
13933 /// process name (see `fsl::GetCurrentProcessName`) is a good default.
13934 /// + request `id` This can be an arbitrary id, but the current process ID
13935 /// (see `fsl::GetCurrentProcessKoid`) is a good default.
13936 SetDebugClientInfo { payload: NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest, control_handle: NodeControlHandle },
13937 /// Sysmem logs a warning if sysmem hasn't seen
13938 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] from all clients
13939 /// within 5 seconds after creation of a new collection.
13940 ///
13941 /// Clients can call this method to change when the log is printed. If
13942 /// multiple client set the deadline, it's unspecified which deadline will
13943 /// take effect.
13944 ///
13945 /// In most cases the default works well.
13946 ///
13947 /// All table fields are currently required.
13948 ///
13949 /// + request `deadline` The time at which sysmem will start trying to log
13950 /// the warning, unless all constraints are with sysmem by then.
13951 SetDebugTimeoutLogDeadline {
13952 payload: NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest,
13953 control_handle: NodeControlHandle,
13954 },
13955 /// This enables verbose logging for the buffer collection.
13956 ///
13957 /// Verbose logging includes constraints set via
13958 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] from each client
13959 /// along with info set via [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`] (or
13960 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`]) and the structure of
13961 /// the tree of `Node`(s).
13962 ///
13963 /// Normally sysmem prints only a single line complaint when aggregation
13964 /// fails, with just the specific detailed reason that aggregation failed,
13965 /// with little surrounding context. While this is often enough to diagnose
13966 /// a problem if only a small change was made and everything was working
13967 /// before the small change, it's often not particularly helpful for getting
13968 /// a new buffer collection to work for the first time. Especially with
13969 /// more complex trees of nodes, involving things like
13970 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`],
13971 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.SetDispensable`],
13972 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`] nodes, and associated
13973 /// subtrees of nodes, verbose logging may help in diagnosing what the tree
13974 /// looks like and why it's failing a logical allocation, or why a tree or
13975 /// subtree is failing sooner than expected.
13976 ///
13977 /// The intent of the extra logging is to be acceptable from a performance
13978 /// point of view, under the assumption that verbose logging is only enabled
13979 /// on a low number of buffer collections. If we're not tracking down a bug,
13980 /// we shouldn't send this message.
13981 SetVerboseLogging { control_handle: NodeControlHandle },
13982 /// This gets a handle that can be used as a parameter to
13983 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.IsAlternateFor`] called on any
13984 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`]. This handle is only for use as proof that the
13985 /// client obtained this handle from this `Node`.
13986 ///
13987 /// Because this is a get not a set, no [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.Sync`] is
13988 /// needed between the `GetNodeRef` and the call to `IsAlternateFor`,
13989 /// despite the two calls typically being on different channels.
13990 ///
13991 /// See also [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.IsAlternateFor`].
13992 ///
13993 /// All table fields are currently required.
13994 ///
13995 /// - response `node_ref` This handle can be sent via `IsAlternateFor` on a
13996 /// different `Node` channel, to prove that the client obtained the handle
13997 /// from this `Node`.
13998 GetNodeRef { responder: NodeGetNodeRefResponder },
13999 /// Check whether the calling [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] is in a subtree
14000 /// rooted at a different child token of a common parent
14001 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`], in relation to the
14002 /// passed-in `node_ref`.
14003 ///
14004 /// This call is for assisting with admission control de-duplication, and
14005 /// with debugging.
14006 ///
14007 /// The `node_ref` must be obtained using
14008 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.GetNodeRef`].
14009 ///
14010 /// The `node_ref` can be a duplicated handle; it's not necessary to call
14011 /// `GetNodeRef` for every call to [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.IsAlternateFor`].
14012 ///
14013 /// If a calling token may not actually be a valid token at all due to a
14014 /// potentially hostile/untrusted provider of the token, call
14015 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.ValidateBufferCollectionToken`] first
14016 /// instead of potentially getting stuck indefinitely if `IsAlternateFor`
14017 /// never responds due to a calling token not being a real token (not really
14018 /// talking to sysmem). Another option is to call
14019 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] with this token first
14020 /// which also validates the token along with converting it to a
14021 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`], then call `IsAlternateFor`.
14022 ///
14023 /// All table fields are currently required.
14024 ///
14025 /// - response `is_alternate`
14026 /// - true: The first parent node in common between the calling node and
14027 /// the `node_ref` `Node` is a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`. This means
14028 /// that the calling `Node` and the `node_ref` `Node` will not have both
14029 /// their constraints apply - rather sysmem will choose one or the other
14030 /// of the constraints - never both. This is because only one child of
14031 /// a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` is selected during logical
14032 /// allocation, with only that one child's subtree contributing to
14033 /// constraints aggregation.
14034 /// - false: The first parent node in common between the calling `Node`
14035 /// and the `node_ref` `Node` is not a `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`.
14036 /// Currently, this means the first parent node in common is a
14037 /// `BufferCollectionToken` or `BufferCollection` (regardless of not
14038 /// `Release`ed). This means that the calling `Node` and the `node_ref`
14039 /// `Node` may have both their constraints apply during constraints
14040 /// aggregation of the logical allocation, if both `Node`(s) are
14041 /// selected by any parent `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`(s) involved. In
14042 /// this case, there is no `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` that will
14043 /// directly prevent the two `Node`(s) from both being selected and
14044 /// their constraints both aggregated, but even when false, one or both
14045 /// `Node`(s) may still be eliminated from consideration if one or both
14046 /// `Node`(s) has a direct or indirect parent
14047 /// `BufferCollectionTokenGroup` which selects a child subtree other
14048 /// than the subtree containing the calling `Node` or `node_ref` `Node`.
14049 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.NOT_FOUND]` The node_ref wasn't
14050 /// associated with the same buffer collection as the calling `Node`.
14051 /// Another reason for this error is if the `node_ref` is an
14052 /// [`zx.Handle.EVENT`] handle with sufficient rights, but isn't actually
14053 /// a real `node_ref` obtained from `GetNodeRef`.
14054 /// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.PROTOCOL_DEVIATION]` The caller passed a
14055 /// `node_ref` that isn't a [`zx.Handle:EVENT`] handle , or doesn't have
14056 /// the needed rights expected on a real `node_ref`.
14057 /// * No other failing status codes are returned by this call. However,
14058 /// sysmem may add additional codes in future, so the client should have
14059 /// sensible default handling for any failing status code.
14060 IsAlternateFor { payload: NodeIsAlternateForRequest, responder: NodeIsAlternateForResponder },
14061 /// Get the buffer collection ID. This ID is also available from
14062 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.GetVmoInfo`] (along with the `buffer_index`
14063 /// within the collection).
14064 ///
14065 /// This call is mainly useful in situations where we can't convey a
14066 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] or
14067 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] directly, but can only convey a VMO
14068 /// handle, which can be joined back up with a `BufferCollection` client end
14069 /// that was created via a different path. Prefer to convey a
14070 /// `BufferCollectionToken` or `BufferCollection` directly when feasible.
14071 ///
14072 /// Trusting a `buffer_collection_id` value from a source other than sysmem
14073 /// is analogous to trusting a koid value from a source other than zircon.
14074 /// Both should be avoided unless really necessary, and both require
14075 /// caution. In some situations it may be reasonable to refer to a
14076 /// pre-established `BufferCollection` by `buffer_collection_id` via a
14077 /// protocol for efficiency reasons, but an incoming value purporting to be
14078 /// a `buffer_collection_id` is not sufficient alone to justify granting the
14079 /// sender of the `buffer_collection_id` any capability. The sender must
14080 /// first prove to a receiver that the sender has/had a VMO or has/had a
14081 /// `BufferCollectionToken` to the same collection by sending a handle that
14082 /// sysmem confirms is a valid sysmem handle and which sysmem maps to the
14083 /// `buffer_collection_id` value. The receiver should take care to avoid
14084 /// assuming that a sender had a `BufferCollectionToken` in cases where the
14085 /// sender has only proven that the sender had a VMO.
14086 ///
14087 /// - response `buffer_collection_id` This ID is unique per buffer
14088 /// collection per boot. Each buffer is uniquely identified by the
14089 /// `buffer_collection_id` and `buffer_index` together.
14090 GetBufferCollectionId { responder: NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponder },
14091 /// Sets the current [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`] and all child `Node`(s)
14092 /// created after this message to weak, which means that a client's `Node`
14093 /// client end (or a child created after this message) is not alone
14094 /// sufficient to keep allocated VMOs alive.
14095 ///
14096 /// All VMOs obtained from weak `Node`(s) are weak sysmem VMOs. See also
14097 /// `close_weak_asap`.
14098 ///
14099 /// This message is only permitted before the `Node` becomes ready for
14100 /// allocation (else the server closes the channel with `ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE`):
14101 /// * `BufferCollectionToken`: any time
14102 /// * `BufferCollection`: before `SetConstraints`
14103 /// * `BufferCollectionTokenGroup`: before `AllChildrenPresent`
14104 ///
14105 /// Currently, no conversion from strong `Node` to weak `Node` after ready
14106 /// for allocation is provided, but a client can simulate that by creating
14107 /// an additional `Node` before allocation and setting that additional
14108 /// `Node` to weak, and then potentially at some point later sending
14109 /// `Release` and closing the client end of the client's strong `Node`, but
14110 /// keeping the client's weak `Node`.
14111 ///
14112 /// Zero strong `Node`(s) and zero strong VMO handles will result in buffer
14113 /// collection failure (all `Node` client end(s) will see
14114 /// `ZX_CHANNEL_PEER_CLOSED` and all `close_weak_asap` `client_end`(s) will
14115 /// see `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED`), but sysmem (intentionally) won't notice
14116 /// this situation until all `Node`(s) are ready for allocation. For initial
14117 /// allocation to succeed, at least one strong `Node` is required to exist
14118 /// at allocation time, but after that client receives VMO handles, that
14119 /// client can `BufferCollection.Release` and close the client end without
14120 /// causing this type of failure.
14121 ///
14122 /// This implies [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetWeakOk`] as well, but does not
14123 /// imply `SetWeakOk` with `for_children_also` true, which can be sent
14124 /// separately as appropriate.
14125 SetWeak { control_handle: NodeControlHandle },
14126 /// This indicates to sysmem that the client is prepared to pay attention to
14127 /// `close_weak_asap`.
14128 ///
14129 /// If sent, this message must be before
14130 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`].
14131 ///
14132 /// All participants using a weak [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] must
14133 /// send this message before `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`, or a parent
14134 /// `Node` must have sent [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetWeakOk`] with
14135 /// `for_child_nodes_also` true, else the `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated` will
14136 /// trigger buffer collection failure.
14137 ///
14138 /// This message is necessary because weak sysmem VMOs have not always been
14139 /// a thing, so older clients are not aware of the need to pay attention to
14140 /// `close_weak_asap` `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` and close all remaining
14141 /// sysmem weak VMO handles asap. By having this message and requiring
14142 /// participants to indicate their acceptance of this aspect of the overall
14143 /// protocol, we avoid situations where an older client is delivered a weak
14144 /// VMO without any way for sysmem to get that VMO to close quickly later
14145 /// (and on a per-buffer basis).
14146 ///
14147 /// A participant that doesn't handle `close_weak_asap` and also doesn't
14148 /// retrieve any VMO handles via `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated` doesn't need
14149 /// to send `SetWeakOk` (and doesn't need to have a parent `Node` send
14150 /// `SetWeakOk` with `for_child_nodes_also` true either). However, if that
14151 /// same participant has a child/delegate which does retrieve VMOs, that
14152 /// child/delegate will need to send `SetWeakOk` before
14153 /// `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`.
14154 ///
14155 /// + request `for_child_nodes_also` If present and true, this means direct
14156 /// child nodes of this node created after this message plus all
14157 /// descendants of those nodes will behave as if `SetWeakOk` was sent on
14158 /// those nodes. Any child node of this node that was created before this
14159 /// message is not included. This setting is "sticky" in the sense that a
14160 /// subsequent `SetWeakOk` without this bool set to true does not reset
14161 /// the server-side bool. If this creates a problem for a participant, a
14162 /// workaround is to `SetWeakOk` with `for_child_nodes_also` true on child
14163 /// tokens instead, as appropriate. A participant should only set
14164 /// `for_child_nodes_also` true if the participant can really promise to
14165 /// obey `close_weak_asap` both for its own weak VMO handles, and for all
14166 /// weak VMO handles held by participants holding the corresponding child
14167 /// `Node`(s). When `for_child_nodes_also` is set, descendent `Node`(s)
14168 /// which are using sysmem(1) can be weak, despite the clients of those
14169 /// sysmem1 `Node`(s) not having any direct way to `SetWeakOk` or any
14170 /// direct way to find out about `close_weak_asap`. This only applies to
14171 /// descendents of this `Node` which are using sysmem(1), not to this
14172 /// `Node` when converted directly from a sysmem2 token to a sysmem(1)
14173 /// token, which will fail allocation unless an ancestor of this `Node`
14174 /// specified `for_child_nodes_also` true.
14175 SetWeakOk { payload: NodeSetWeakOkRequest, control_handle: NodeControlHandle },
14176 /// The server_end will be closed after this `Node` and any child nodes have
14177 /// have released their buffer counts, making those counts available for
14178 /// reservation by a different `Node` via
14179 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`].
14180 ///
14181 /// The `Node` buffer counts may not be released until the entire tree of
14182 /// `Node`(s) is closed or failed, because
14183 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Release`] followed by channel close
14184 /// does not immediately un-reserve the `Node` buffer counts. Instead, the
14185 /// `Node` buffer counts remain reserved until the orphaned node is later
14186 /// cleaned up.
14187 ///
14188 /// If the `Node` exceeds a fairly large number of attached eventpair server
14189 /// ends, a log message will indicate this and the `Node` (and the
14190 /// appropriate) sub-tree will fail.
14191 ///
14192 /// The `server_end` will remain open when
14193 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] converts a
14194 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] into a
14195 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`].
14196 ///
14197 /// This message can also be used with a
14198 /// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`].
14199 AttachNodeTracking { payload: NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest, control_handle: NodeControlHandle },
14200 /// An interaction was received which does not match any known method.
14201 #[non_exhaustive]
14202 _UnknownMethod {
14203 /// Ordinal of the method that was called.
14204 ordinal: u64,
14205 control_handle: NodeControlHandle,
14206 method_type: fidl::MethodType,
14207 },
14210impl NodeRequest {
14211 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
14212 pub fn into_sync(self) -> Option<(NodeSyncResponder)> {
14213 if let NodeRequest::Sync { responder } = self {
14214 Some((responder))
14215 } else {
14216 None
14217 }
14218 }
14220 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
14221 pub fn into_release(self) -> Option<(NodeControlHandle)> {
14222 if let NodeRequest::Release { control_handle } = self {
14223 Some((control_handle))
14224 } else {
14225 None
14226 }
14227 }
14229 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
14230 pub fn into_set_name(self) -> Option<(NodeSetNameRequest, NodeControlHandle)> {
14231 if let NodeRequest::SetName { payload, control_handle } = self {
14232 Some((payload, control_handle))
14233 } else {
14234 None
14235 }
14236 }
14238 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
14239 pub fn into_set_debug_client_info(
14240 self,
14241 ) -> Option<(NodeSetDebugClientInfoRequest, NodeControlHandle)> {
14242 if let NodeRequest::SetDebugClientInfo { payload, control_handle } = self {
14243 Some((payload, control_handle))
14244 } else {
14245 None
14246 }
14247 }
14249 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
14250 pub fn into_set_debug_timeout_log_deadline(
14251 self,
14252 ) -> Option<(NodeSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineRequest, NodeControlHandle)> {
14253 if let NodeRequest::SetDebugTimeoutLogDeadline { payload, control_handle } = self {
14254 Some((payload, control_handle))
14255 } else {
14256 None
14257 }
14258 }
14260 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
14261 pub fn into_set_verbose_logging(self) -> Option<(NodeControlHandle)> {
14262 if let NodeRequest::SetVerboseLogging { control_handle } = self {
14263 Some((control_handle))
14264 } else {
14265 None
14266 }
14267 }
14269 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
14270 pub fn into_get_node_ref(self) -> Option<(NodeGetNodeRefResponder)> {
14271 if let NodeRequest::GetNodeRef { responder } = self {
14272 Some((responder))
14273 } else {
14274 None
14275 }
14276 }
14278 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
14279 pub fn into_is_alternate_for(
14280 self,
14281 ) -> Option<(NodeIsAlternateForRequest, NodeIsAlternateForResponder)> {
14282 if let NodeRequest::IsAlternateFor { payload, responder } = self {
14283 Some((payload, responder))
14284 } else {
14285 None
14286 }
14287 }
14289 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
14290 pub fn into_get_buffer_collection_id(self) -> Option<(NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponder)> {
14291 if let NodeRequest::GetBufferCollectionId { responder } = self {
14292 Some((responder))
14293 } else {
14294 None
14295 }
14296 }
14298 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
14299 pub fn into_set_weak(self) -> Option<(NodeControlHandle)> {
14300 if let NodeRequest::SetWeak { control_handle } = self {
14301 Some((control_handle))
14302 } else {
14303 None
14304 }
14305 }
14307 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
14308 pub fn into_set_weak_ok(self) -> Option<(NodeSetWeakOkRequest, NodeControlHandle)> {
14309 if let NodeRequest::SetWeakOk { payload, control_handle } = self {
14310 Some((payload, control_handle))
14311 } else {
14312 None
14313 }
14314 }
14316 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
14317 pub fn into_attach_node_tracking(
14318 self,
14319 ) -> Option<(NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest, NodeControlHandle)> {
14320 if let NodeRequest::AttachNodeTracking { payload, control_handle } = self {
14321 Some((payload, control_handle))
14322 } else {
14323 None
14324 }
14325 }
14327 /// Name of the method defined in FIDL
14328 pub fn method_name(&self) -> &'static str {
14329 match *self {
14330 NodeRequest::Sync { .. } => "sync",
14331 NodeRequest::Release { .. } => "release",
14332 NodeRequest::SetName { .. } => "set_name",
14333 NodeRequest::SetDebugClientInfo { .. } => "set_debug_client_info",
14334 NodeRequest::SetDebugTimeoutLogDeadline { .. } => "set_debug_timeout_log_deadline",
14335 NodeRequest::SetVerboseLogging { .. } => "set_verbose_logging",
14336 NodeRequest::GetNodeRef { .. } => "get_node_ref",
14337 NodeRequest::IsAlternateFor { .. } => "is_alternate_for",
14338 NodeRequest::GetBufferCollectionId { .. } => "get_buffer_collection_id",
14339 NodeRequest::SetWeak { .. } => "set_weak",
14340 NodeRequest::SetWeakOk { .. } => "set_weak_ok",
14341 NodeRequest::AttachNodeTracking { .. } => "attach_node_tracking",
14342 NodeRequest::_UnknownMethod { method_type: fidl::MethodType::OneWay, .. } => {
14343 "unknown one-way method"
14344 }
14345 NodeRequest::_UnknownMethod { method_type: fidl::MethodType::TwoWay, .. } => {
14346 "unknown two-way method"
14347 }
14348 }
14349 }
14352#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
14353pub struct NodeControlHandle {
14354 inner: std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>,
14357impl fidl::endpoints::ControlHandle for NodeControlHandle {
14358 fn shutdown(&self) {
14359 self.inner.shutdown()
14360 }
14361 fn shutdown_with_epitaph(&self, status: zx_status::Status) {
14362 self.inner.shutdown_with_epitaph(status)
14363 }
14365 fn is_closed(&self) -> bool {
14367 }
14368 fn on_closed(&self) -> fidl::OnSignalsRef<'_> {
14370 }
14372 #[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
14373 fn signal_peer(
14374 &self,
14375 clear_mask: zx::Signals,
14376 set_mask: zx::Signals,
14377 ) -> Result<(), zx_status::Status> {
14378 use fidl::Peered;
14379, set_mask)
14380 }
14383impl NodeControlHandle {}
14385#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
14387pub struct NodeSyncResponder {
14388 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<NodeControlHandle>,
14389 tx_id: u32,
14392/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`NodeControlHandle::shutdown`])
14393/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
14394/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
14395impl std::ops::Drop for NodeSyncResponder {
14396 fn drop(&mut self) {
14397 self.control_handle.shutdown();
14398 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
14399 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
14400 }
14403impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for NodeSyncResponder {
14404 type ControlHandle = NodeControlHandle;
14406 fn control_handle(&self) -> &NodeControlHandle {
14407 &self.control_handle
14408 }
14410 fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
14411 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
14412 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
14413 // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
14414 std::mem::forget(self);
14415 }
14418impl NodeSyncResponder {
14419 /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
14420 ///
14421 /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
14422 pub fn send(self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
14423 let _result = self.send_raw();
14424 if _result.is_err() {
14425 self.control_handle.shutdown();
14426 }
14427 self.drop_without_shutdown();
14428 _result
14429 }
14431 /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
14432 pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
14433 let _result = self.send_raw();
14434 self.drop_without_shutdown();
14435 _result
14436 }
14438 fn send_raw(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
14439 self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct>>(
14440 fidl::encoding::Flexible::new(()),
14441 self.tx_id,
14442 0x11ac2555cf575b54,
14443 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
14444 )
14445 }
14448#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
14450pub struct NodeGetNodeRefResponder {
14451 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<NodeControlHandle>,
14452 tx_id: u32,
14455/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`NodeControlHandle::shutdown`])
14456/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
14457/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
14458impl std::ops::Drop for NodeGetNodeRefResponder {
14459 fn drop(&mut self) {
14460 self.control_handle.shutdown();
14461 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
14462 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
14463 }
14466impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for NodeGetNodeRefResponder {
14467 type ControlHandle = NodeControlHandle;
14469 fn control_handle(&self) -> &NodeControlHandle {
14470 &self.control_handle
14471 }
14473 fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
14474 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
14475 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
14476 // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
14477 std::mem::forget(self);
14478 }
14481impl NodeGetNodeRefResponder {
14482 /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
14483 ///
14484 /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
14485 pub fn send(self, mut payload: NodeGetNodeRefResponse) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
14486 let _result = self.send_raw(payload);
14487 if _result.is_err() {
14488 self.control_handle.shutdown();
14489 }
14490 self.drop_without_shutdown();
14491 _result
14492 }
14494 /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
14495 pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
14496 self,
14497 mut payload: NodeGetNodeRefResponse,
14498 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
14499 let _result = self.send_raw(payload);
14500 self.drop_without_shutdown();
14501 _result
14502 }
14504 fn send_raw(&self, mut payload: NodeGetNodeRefResponse) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
14505 self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<NodeGetNodeRefResponse>>(
14506 fidl::encoding::Flexible::new(&mut payload),
14507 self.tx_id,
14508 0x5b3d0e51614df053,
14509 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
14510 )
14511 }
14514#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
14516pub struct NodeIsAlternateForResponder {
14517 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<NodeControlHandle>,
14518 tx_id: u32,
14521/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`NodeControlHandle::shutdown`])
14522/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
14523/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
14524impl std::ops::Drop for NodeIsAlternateForResponder {
14525 fn drop(&mut self) {
14526 self.control_handle.shutdown();
14527 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
14528 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
14529 }
14532impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for NodeIsAlternateForResponder {
14533 type ControlHandle = NodeControlHandle;
14535 fn control_handle(&self) -> &NodeControlHandle {
14536 &self.control_handle
14537 }
14539 fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
14540 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
14541 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
14542 // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
14543 std::mem::forget(self);
14544 }
14547impl NodeIsAlternateForResponder {
14548 /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
14549 ///
14550 /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
14551 pub fn send(
14552 self,
14553 mut result: Result<&NodeIsAlternateForResponse, Error>,
14554 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
14555 let _result = self.send_raw(result);
14556 if _result.is_err() {
14557 self.control_handle.shutdown();
14558 }
14559 self.drop_without_shutdown();
14560 _result
14561 }
14563 /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
14564 pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
14565 self,
14566 mut result: Result<&NodeIsAlternateForResponse, Error>,
14567 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
14568 let _result = self.send_raw(result);
14569 self.drop_without_shutdown();
14570 _result
14571 }
14573 fn send_raw(
14574 &self,
14575 mut result: Result<&NodeIsAlternateForResponse, Error>,
14576 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
14577 self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<
14578 NodeIsAlternateForResponse,
14579 Error,
14580 >>(
14581 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResult::new(result),
14582 self.tx_id,
14583 0x3a58e00157e0825,
14584 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
14585 )
14586 }
14589#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
14591pub struct NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponder {
14592 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<NodeControlHandle>,
14593 tx_id: u32,
14596/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`NodeControlHandle::shutdown`])
14597/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
14598/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
14599impl std::ops::Drop for NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponder {
14600 fn drop(&mut self) {
14601 self.control_handle.shutdown();
14602 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
14603 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
14604 }
14607impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponder {
14608 type ControlHandle = NodeControlHandle;
14610 fn control_handle(&self) -> &NodeControlHandle {
14611 &self.control_handle
14612 }
14614 fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
14615 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
14616 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
14617 // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
14618 std::mem::forget(self);
14619 }
14622impl NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponder {
14623 /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
14624 ///
14625 /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
14626 pub fn send(self, mut payload: &NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
14627 let _result = self.send_raw(payload);
14628 if _result.is_err() {
14629 self.control_handle.shutdown();
14630 }
14631 self.drop_without_shutdown();
14632 _result
14633 }
14635 /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
14636 pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
14637 self,
14638 mut payload: &NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse,
14639 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
14640 let _result = self.send_raw(payload);
14641 self.drop_without_shutdown();
14642 _result
14643 }
14645 fn send_raw(&self, mut payload: &NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
14646 self.control_handle
14647 .inner
14648 .send::<fidl::encoding::FlexibleType<NodeGetBufferCollectionIdResponse>>(
14649 fidl::encoding::Flexible::new(payload),
14650 self.tx_id,
14651 0x77d19a494b78ba8c,
14652 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
14653 )
14654 }
14657#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
14658pub struct SecureMemMarker;
14660impl fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker for SecureMemMarker {
14661 type Proxy = SecureMemProxy;
14662 type RequestStream = SecureMemRequestStream;
14663 #[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
14664 type SynchronousProxy = SecureMemSynchronousProxy;
14666 const DEBUG_NAME: &'static str = "(anonymous) SecureMem";
14668pub type SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapsResult =
14669 Result<SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponse, Error>;
14670pub type SecureMemGetDynamicSecureHeapsResult =
14671 Result<SecureMemGetDynamicSecureHeapsResponse, Error>;
14672pub type SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapPropertiesResult =
14673 Result<SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapPropertiesResponse, Error>;
14674pub type SecureMemAddSecureHeapPhysicalRangeResult = Result<(), Error>;
14675pub type SecureMemDeleteSecureHeapPhysicalRangeResult = Result<(), Error>;
14676pub type SecureMemModifySecureHeapPhysicalRangeResult = Result<(), Error>;
14677pub type SecureMemZeroSubRangeResult = Result<(), Error>;
14679pub trait SecureMemProxyInterface: Send + Sync {
14680 type GetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapsResult, fidl::Error>>
14681 + Send;
14682 fn r#get_physical_secure_heaps(&self) -> Self::GetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponseFut;
14683 type GetDynamicSecureHeapsResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<SecureMemGetDynamicSecureHeapsResult, fidl::Error>>
14684 + Send;
14685 fn r#get_dynamic_secure_heaps(&self) -> Self::GetDynamicSecureHeapsResponseFut;
14686 type GetPhysicalSecureHeapPropertiesResponseFut: std::future::Future<
14687 Output = Result<SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapPropertiesResult, fidl::Error>,
14688 > + Send;
14689 fn r#get_physical_secure_heap_properties(
14690 &self,
14691 payload: &SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapPropertiesRequest,
14692 ) -> Self::GetPhysicalSecureHeapPropertiesResponseFut;
14693 type AddSecureHeapPhysicalRangeResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<SecureMemAddSecureHeapPhysicalRangeResult, fidl::Error>>
14694 + Send;
14695 fn r#add_secure_heap_physical_range(
14696 &self,
14697 payload: &SecureMemAddSecureHeapPhysicalRangeRequest,
14698 ) -> Self::AddSecureHeapPhysicalRangeResponseFut;
14699 type DeleteSecureHeapPhysicalRangeResponseFut: std::future::Future<
14700 Output = Result<SecureMemDeleteSecureHeapPhysicalRangeResult, fidl::Error>,
14701 > + Send;
14702 fn r#delete_secure_heap_physical_range(
14703 &self,
14704 payload: &SecureMemDeleteSecureHeapPhysicalRangeRequest,
14705 ) -> Self::DeleteSecureHeapPhysicalRangeResponseFut;
14706 type ModifySecureHeapPhysicalRangeResponseFut: std::future::Future<
14707 Output = Result<SecureMemModifySecureHeapPhysicalRangeResult, fidl::Error>,
14708 > + Send;
14709 fn r#modify_secure_heap_physical_range(
14710 &self,
14711 payload: &SecureMemModifySecureHeapPhysicalRangeRequest,
14712 ) -> Self::ModifySecureHeapPhysicalRangeResponseFut;
14713 type ZeroSubRangeResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<SecureMemZeroSubRangeResult, fidl::Error>>
14714 + Send;
14715 fn r#zero_sub_range(
14716 &self,
14717 payload: &SecureMemZeroSubRangeRequest,
14718 ) -> Self::ZeroSubRangeResponseFut;
14721#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
14722pub struct SecureMemSynchronousProxy {
14723 client: fidl::client::sync::Client,
14726#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
14727impl fidl::endpoints::SynchronousProxy for SecureMemSynchronousProxy {
14728 type Proxy = SecureMemProxy;
14729 type Protocol = SecureMemMarker;
14731 fn from_channel(inner: fidl::Channel) -> Self {
14732 Self::new(inner)
14733 }
14735 fn into_channel(self) -> fidl::Channel {
14736 self.client.into_channel()
14737 }
14739 fn as_channel(&self) -> &fidl::Channel {
14740 self.client.as_channel()
14741 }
14744#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
14745impl SecureMemSynchronousProxy {
14746 pub fn new(channel: fidl::Channel) -> Self {
14747 let protocol_name = <SecureMemMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME;
14748 Self { client: fidl::client::sync::Client::new(channel, protocol_name) }
14749 }
14751 pub fn into_channel(self) -> fidl::Channel {
14752 self.client.into_channel()
14753 }
14755 /// Waits until an event arrives and returns it. It is safe for other
14756 /// threads to make concurrent requests while waiting for an event.
14757 pub fn wait_for_event(
14758 &self,
14759 deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
14760 ) -> Result<SecureMemEvent, fidl::Error> {
14761 SecureMemEvent::decode(self.client.wait_for_event(deadline)?)
14762 }
14764 /// Gets the physical address and length of any secure heap whose physical
14765 /// range is configured via the TEE.
14766 ///
14767 /// Presently, these will be fixed physical addresses and lengths, with the
14768 /// location plumbed via the TEE.
14769 ///
14770 /// This is preferred over ['fuchsia.hardware.sysmem.Sysmem/RegisterHeap']
14771 /// when there isn't any special heap-specific per-VMO setup or teardown
14772 /// required.
14773 ///
14774 /// The physical range must be secured/protected by the TEE before the
14775 /// securemem driver responds to this request with success.
14776 ///
14777 /// Sysmem should only call this once. Returning zero heaps is not a
14778 /// failure.
14779 ///
14780 /// Errors:
14781 /// * PROTOCOL_DEVIATION - called more than once.
14782 /// * UNSPECIFIED - generic internal error (such as in communication
14783 /// with TEE which doesn't generate zx_status_t errors).
14784 /// * other errors are allowed; any other errors should be treated the same
14785 /// as UNSPECIFIED.
14786 pub fn r#get_physical_secure_heaps(
14787 &self,
14788 ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
14789 ) -> Result<SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapsResult, fidl::Error> {
14790 let _response = self.client.send_query::<
14791 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
14792 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponse, Error>,
14793 >(
14794 (),
14795 0x38716300592073e3,
14796 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
14797 ___deadline,
14798 )?
14799 .into_result::<SecureMemMarker>("get_physical_secure_heaps")?;
14800 Ok(|x| x))
14801 }
14803 /// Gets information about any secure heaps whose physical pages are not
14804 /// configured by the TEE, but by sysmem.
14805 ///
14806 /// Sysmem should only call this once. Returning zero heaps is not a
14807 /// failure.
14808 ///
14809 /// Errors:
14810 /// * PROTOCOL_DEVIATION - called more than once.
14811 /// * UNSPECIFIED - generic internal error (such as in communication
14812 /// with TEE which doesn't generate zx_status_t errors).
14813 /// * other errors are allowed; any other errors should be treated the same
14814 /// as UNSPECIFIED.
14815 pub fn r#get_dynamic_secure_heaps(
14816 &self,
14817 ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
14818 ) -> Result<SecureMemGetDynamicSecureHeapsResult, fidl::Error> {
14819 let _response = self.client.send_query::<
14820 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
14821 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<SecureMemGetDynamicSecureHeapsResponse, Error>,
14822 >(
14823 (),
14824 0x1190847f99952834,
14825 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
14826 ___deadline,
14827 )?
14828 .into_result::<SecureMemMarker>("get_dynamic_secure_heaps")?;
14829 Ok(|x| x))
14830 }
14832 /// This request from sysmem to the securemem driver gets the properties of
14833 /// a protected/secure heap.
14834 ///
14835 /// This only handles heaps with a single contiguous physical extent.
14836 ///
14837 /// The heap's entire physical range is indicated in case this request needs
14838 /// some physical space to auto-detect how many ranges are REE-usable. Any
14839 /// temporary HW protection ranges will be deleted before this request
14840 /// completes.
14841 ///
14842 /// Errors:
14843 /// * UNSPECIFIED - generic internal error (such as in communication
14844 /// with TEE which doesn't generate zx_status_t errors).
14845 /// * other errors are allowed; any other errors should be treated the same
14846 /// as UNSPECIFIED.
14847 pub fn r#get_physical_secure_heap_properties(
14848 &self,
14849 mut payload: &SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapPropertiesRequest,
14850 ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
14851 ) -> Result<SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapPropertiesResult, fidl::Error> {
14852 let _response = self.client.send_query::<
14853 SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapPropertiesRequest,
14854 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapPropertiesResponse, Error>,
14855 >(
14856 payload,
14857 0xc6f06889009c7bc,
14858 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
14859 ___deadline,
14860 )?
14861 .into_result::<SecureMemMarker>("get_physical_secure_heap_properties")?;
14862 Ok(|x| x))
14863 }
14865 /// This request from sysmem to the securemem driver conveys a physical
14866 /// range to add, for a heap whose physical range(s) are set up via
14867 /// sysmem.
14868 ///
14869 /// Only sysmem can call this because only sysmem is handed the client end
14870 /// of a FIDL channel serving this protocol, via RegisterSecureMem(). The
14871 /// securemem driver is the server end of this protocol.
14872 ///
14873 /// The securemem driver must configure all the covered offsets as protected
14874 /// before responding to this message with success.
14875 ///
14876 /// On failure, the securemem driver must ensure the protected range was not
14877 /// created.
14878 ///
14879 /// Sysmem must only call this up to once if dynamic_protection_ranges
14880 /// false.
14881 ///
14882 /// If dynamic_protection_ranges is true, sysmem can call this multiple
14883 /// times as long as the current number of ranges never exceeds
14884 /// max_protected_range_count.
14885 ///
14886 /// The caller must not attempt to add a range that matches an
14887 /// already-existing range. Added ranges can overlap each other as long as
14888 /// no two ranges match exactly.
14889 ///
14890 /// Errors:
14891 /// * PROTOCOL_DEVIATION - called more than once when
14892 /// !dynamic_protection_ranges. Adding a heap that would cause overall
14893 /// heap count to exceed max_protected_range_count. Unexpected heap, or
14894 /// range that doesn't conform to protected_range_granularity. See log.
14895 /// * UNSPECIFIED - generic internal error (such as in communication
14896 /// with TEE which doesn't generate zx_status_t errors).
14897 /// * other errors are possible, such as from communication failures or
14898 /// server propagation of failures.
14899 pub fn r#add_secure_heap_physical_range(
14900 &self,
14901 mut payload: &SecureMemAddSecureHeapPhysicalRangeRequest,
14902 ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
14903 ) -> Result<SecureMemAddSecureHeapPhysicalRangeResult, fidl::Error> {
14904 let _response = self.client.send_query::<
14905 SecureMemAddSecureHeapPhysicalRangeRequest,
14906 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct, Error>,
14907 >(
14908 payload,
14909 0x35f695b9b6c7217a,
14910 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
14911 ___deadline,
14912 )?
14913 .into_result::<SecureMemMarker>("add_secure_heap_physical_range")?;
14914 Ok(|x| x))
14915 }
14917 /// This request from sysmem to the securemem driver conveys a physical
14918 /// range to delete, for a heap whose physical range(s) are set up via
14919 /// sysmem.
14920 ///
14921 /// Only sysmem can call this because only sysmem is handed the client end
14922 /// of a FIDL channel serving this protocol, via RegisterSecureMem(). The
14923 /// securemem driver is the server end of this protocol.
14924 ///
14925 /// The securemem driver must configure all the covered offsets as not
14926 /// protected before responding to this message with success.
14927 ///
14928 /// On failure, the securemem driver must ensure the protected range was not
14929 /// deleted.
14930 ///
14931 /// Sysmem must not call this if dynamic_protection_ranges false.
14932 ///
14933 /// If dynamic_protection_ranges is true, sysmem can call this repeatedly,
14934 /// on various ranges that exist at the time of the call.
14935 ///
14936 /// If any portion of the range being deleted is not also covered by another
14937 /// protected range, then any ongoing DMA to any part of the entire range
14938 /// may be interrupted / may fail, potentially in a way that's disruptive to
14939 /// the entire system (bus lockup or similar, depending on device details).
14940 /// Therefore, the caller must ensure that no ongoing DMA is occurring to
14941 /// any portion of the range being deleted, unless the caller has other
14942 /// active ranges covering every block of the range being deleted. Ongoing
14943 /// DMA to/from blocks outside the range being deleted is never impacted by
14944 /// the deletion.
14945 ///
14946 /// Errors:
14947 /// * PROTOCOL_DEVIATION - called when !dynamic_protection_ranges.
14948 /// Unexpected heap, or range that doesn't conform to
14949 /// protected_range_granularity.
14950 /// * UNSPECIFIED - generic internal error (such as in communication
14951 /// with TEE which doesn't generate zx_status_t errors).
14952 /// * NOT_FOUND - the specified range is not found.
14953 /// * other errors are possible, such as from communication failures or
14954 /// server propagation of failures.
14955 pub fn r#delete_secure_heap_physical_range(
14956 &self,
14957 mut payload: &SecureMemDeleteSecureHeapPhysicalRangeRequest,
14958 ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
14959 ) -> Result<SecureMemDeleteSecureHeapPhysicalRangeResult, fidl::Error> {
14960 let _response = self.client.send_query::<
14961 SecureMemDeleteSecureHeapPhysicalRangeRequest,
14962 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct, Error>,
14963 >(
14964 payload,
14965 0xeaa58c650264c9e,
14966 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
14967 ___deadline,
14968 )?
14969 .into_result::<SecureMemMarker>("delete_secure_heap_physical_range")?;
14970 Ok(|x| x))
14971 }
14973 /// This request from sysmem to the securemem driver conveys a physical
14974 /// range to modify and its new base and length, for a heap whose physical
14975 /// range(s) are set up via sysmem.
14976 ///
14977 /// Only sysmem can call this because only sysmem is handed the client end
14978 /// of a FIDL channel serving this protocol, via RegisterSecureMem(). The
14979 /// securemem driver is the server end of this protocol.
14980 ///
14981 /// The securemem driver must configure the range to cover only the new
14982 /// offsets before responding to this message with success.
14983 ///
14984 /// On failure, the securemem driver must ensure the range was not changed.
14985 ///
14986 /// Sysmem must not call this if dynamic_protection_ranges false. Sysmem
14987 /// must not call this if !is_mod_protected_range_available.
14988 ///
14989 /// If dynamic_protection_ranges is true, sysmem can call this repeatedly,
14990 /// on various ranges that exist at the time of the call.
14991 ///
14992 /// The range must only be modified at one end or the other, but not both.
14993 /// If the range is getting shorter, and the un-covered blocks are not
14994 /// covered by other active ranges, any ongoing DMA to the entire range
14995 /// that's geting shorter may fail in a way that disrupts the entire system
14996 /// (bus lockup or similar), so the caller must ensure that no DMA is
14997 /// ongoing to any portion of a range that is getting shorter, unless the
14998 /// blocks being un-covered by the modification to this range are all
14999 /// covered by other active ranges, in which case no disruption to ongoing
15000 /// DMA will occur.
15001 ///
15002 /// If a range is modified to become <= zero length, the range is deleted.
15003 ///
15004 /// Errors:
15005 /// * PROTOCOL_DEVIATION - called when !dynamic_protection_ranges.
15006 /// Unexpected heap, or old_range or new_range that doesn't conform to
15007 /// protected_range_granularity, or old_range and new_range differ in
15008 /// both begin and end (disallowed).
15009 /// * UNSPECIFIED - generic internal error (such as in communication
15010 /// with TEE which doesn't generate zx_status_t errors).
15011 /// * NOT_FOUND - the specified range is not found.
15012 /// * other errors are possible, such as from communication failures or
15013 /// server propagation of failures.
15014 pub fn r#modify_secure_heap_physical_range(
15015 &self,
15016 mut payload: &SecureMemModifySecureHeapPhysicalRangeRequest,
15017 ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
15018 ) -> Result<SecureMemModifySecureHeapPhysicalRangeResult, fidl::Error> {
15019 let _response = self.client.send_query::<
15020 SecureMemModifySecureHeapPhysicalRangeRequest,
15021 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct, Error>,
15022 >(
15023 payload,
15024 0x60b7448aa1187734,
15025 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
15026 ___deadline,
15027 )?
15028 .into_result::<SecureMemMarker>("modify_secure_heap_physical_range")?;
15029 Ok(|x| x))
15030 }
15032 /// Zero a sub-range of a currently-existing physical range added via
15033 /// AddSecureHeapPhysicalRange(). The sub-range must be fully covered by
15034 /// exactly one physical range, and must not overlap with any other
15035 /// physical range.
15036 ///
15037 /// is_covering_range_explicit - When true, the covering range must be one
15038 /// of the ranges explicitly created via AddSecureHeapPhysicalRange(),
15039 /// possibly modified since. When false, the covering range must not
15040 /// be one of the ranges explicitly created via
15041 /// AddSecureHeapPhysicalRange(), but the covering range must exist as
15042 /// a covering range not created via AddSecureHeapPhysicalRange(). The
15043 /// covering range is typically the entire physical range (or a range
15044 /// which covers even more) of a heap configured by the TEE and whose
15045 /// configuration is conveyed to sysmem via GetPhysicalSecureHeaps().
15046 ///
15047 /// Ongoing DMA is not disrupted by this request.
15048 ///
15049 /// Errors:
15050 /// * PROTOCOL_DEVIATION - called when !dynamic_protection_ranges.
15051 /// Unexpected heap.
15052 /// * UNSPECIFIED - generic internal error (such as in communication
15053 /// with TEE which doesn't generate zx_status_t errors).
15054 /// * other errors are possible, such as from communication failures or
15055 /// server propagation of failures.
15056 pub fn r#zero_sub_range(
15057 &self,
15058 mut payload: &SecureMemZeroSubRangeRequest,
15059 ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
15060 ) -> Result<SecureMemZeroSubRangeResult, fidl::Error> {
15061 let _response = self.client.send_query::<
15062 SecureMemZeroSubRangeRequest,
15063 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct, Error>,
15064 >(
15065 payload,
15066 0x5b25b7901a385ce5,
15067 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
15068 ___deadline,
15069 )?
15070 .into_result::<SecureMemMarker>("zero_sub_range")?;
15071 Ok(|x| x))
15072 }
15075#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
15076pub struct SecureMemProxy {
15077 client: fidl::client::Client<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>,
15080impl fidl::endpoints::Proxy for SecureMemProxy {
15081 type Protocol = SecureMemMarker;
15083 fn from_channel(inner: ::fidl::AsyncChannel) -> Self {
15084 Self::new(inner)
15085 }
15087 fn into_channel(self) -> Result<::fidl::AsyncChannel, Self> {
15088 self.client.into_channel().map_err(|client| Self { client })
15089 }
15091 fn as_channel(&self) -> &::fidl::AsyncChannel {
15092 self.client.as_channel()
15093 }
15096impl SecureMemProxy {
15097 /// Create a new Proxy for fuchsia.sysmem2/SecureMem.
15098 pub fn new(channel: ::fidl::AsyncChannel) -> Self {
15099 let protocol_name = <SecureMemMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME;
15100 Self { client: fidl::client::Client::new(channel, protocol_name) }
15101 }
15103 /// Get a Stream of events from the remote end of the protocol.
15104 ///
15105 /// # Panics
15106 ///
15107 /// Panics if the event stream was already taken.
15108 pub fn take_event_stream(&self) -> SecureMemEventStream {
15109 SecureMemEventStream { event_receiver: self.client.take_event_receiver() }
15110 }
15112 /// Gets the physical address and length of any secure heap whose physical
15113 /// range is configured via the TEE.
15114 ///
15115 /// Presently, these will be fixed physical addresses and lengths, with the
15116 /// location plumbed via the TEE.
15117 ///
15118 /// This is preferred over ['fuchsia.hardware.sysmem.Sysmem/RegisterHeap']
15119 /// when there isn't any special heap-specific per-VMO setup or teardown
15120 /// required.
15121 ///
15122 /// The physical range must be secured/protected by the TEE before the
15123 /// securemem driver responds to this request with success.
15124 ///
15125 /// Sysmem should only call this once. Returning zero heaps is not a
15126 /// failure.
15127 ///
15128 /// Errors:
15129 /// * PROTOCOL_DEVIATION - called more than once.
15130 /// * UNSPECIFIED - generic internal error (such as in communication
15131 /// with TEE which doesn't generate zx_status_t errors).
15132 /// * other errors are allowed; any other errors should be treated the same
15133 /// as UNSPECIFIED.
15134 pub fn r#get_physical_secure_heaps(
15135 &self,
15136 ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
15137 SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapsResult,
15138 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
15139 > {
15140 SecureMemProxyInterface::r#get_physical_secure_heaps(self)
15141 }
15143 /// Gets information about any secure heaps whose physical pages are not
15144 /// configured by the TEE, but by sysmem.
15145 ///
15146 /// Sysmem should only call this once. Returning zero heaps is not a
15147 /// failure.
15148 ///
15149 /// Errors:
15150 /// * PROTOCOL_DEVIATION - called more than once.
15151 /// * UNSPECIFIED - generic internal error (such as in communication
15152 /// with TEE which doesn't generate zx_status_t errors).
15153 /// * other errors are allowed; any other errors should be treated the same
15154 /// as UNSPECIFIED.
15155 pub fn r#get_dynamic_secure_heaps(
15156 &self,
15157 ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
15158 SecureMemGetDynamicSecureHeapsResult,
15159 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
15160 > {
15161 SecureMemProxyInterface::r#get_dynamic_secure_heaps(self)
15162 }
15164 /// This request from sysmem to the securemem driver gets the properties of
15165 /// a protected/secure heap.
15166 ///
15167 /// This only handles heaps with a single contiguous physical extent.
15168 ///
15169 /// The heap's entire physical range is indicated in case this request needs
15170 /// some physical space to auto-detect how many ranges are REE-usable. Any
15171 /// temporary HW protection ranges will be deleted before this request
15172 /// completes.
15173 ///
15174 /// Errors:
15175 /// * UNSPECIFIED - generic internal error (such as in communication
15176 /// with TEE which doesn't generate zx_status_t errors).
15177 /// * other errors are allowed; any other errors should be treated the same
15178 /// as UNSPECIFIED.
15179 pub fn r#get_physical_secure_heap_properties(
15180 &self,
15181 mut payload: &SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapPropertiesRequest,
15182 ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
15183 SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapPropertiesResult,
15184 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
15185 > {
15186 SecureMemProxyInterface::r#get_physical_secure_heap_properties(self, payload)
15187 }
15189 /// This request from sysmem to the securemem driver conveys a physical
15190 /// range to add, for a heap whose physical range(s) are set up via
15191 /// sysmem.
15192 ///
15193 /// Only sysmem can call this because only sysmem is handed the client end
15194 /// of a FIDL channel serving this protocol, via RegisterSecureMem(). The
15195 /// securemem driver is the server end of this protocol.
15196 ///
15197 /// The securemem driver must configure all the covered offsets as protected
15198 /// before responding to this message with success.
15199 ///
15200 /// On failure, the securemem driver must ensure the protected range was not
15201 /// created.
15202 ///
15203 /// Sysmem must only call this up to once if dynamic_protection_ranges
15204 /// false.
15205 ///
15206 /// If dynamic_protection_ranges is true, sysmem can call this multiple
15207 /// times as long as the current number of ranges never exceeds
15208 /// max_protected_range_count.
15209 ///
15210 /// The caller must not attempt to add a range that matches an
15211 /// already-existing range. Added ranges can overlap each other as long as
15212 /// no two ranges match exactly.
15213 ///
15214 /// Errors:
15215 /// * PROTOCOL_DEVIATION - called more than once when
15216 /// !dynamic_protection_ranges. Adding a heap that would cause overall
15217 /// heap count to exceed max_protected_range_count. Unexpected heap, or
15218 /// range that doesn't conform to protected_range_granularity. See log.
15219 /// * UNSPECIFIED - generic internal error (such as in communication
15220 /// with TEE which doesn't generate zx_status_t errors).
15221 /// * other errors are possible, such as from communication failures or
15222 /// server propagation of failures.
15223 pub fn r#add_secure_heap_physical_range(
15224 &self,
15225 mut payload: &SecureMemAddSecureHeapPhysicalRangeRequest,
15226 ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
15227 SecureMemAddSecureHeapPhysicalRangeResult,
15228 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
15229 > {
15230 SecureMemProxyInterface::r#add_secure_heap_physical_range(self, payload)
15231 }
15233 /// This request from sysmem to the securemem driver conveys a physical
15234 /// range to delete, for a heap whose physical range(s) are set up via
15235 /// sysmem.
15236 ///
15237 /// Only sysmem can call this because only sysmem is handed the client end
15238 /// of a FIDL channel serving this protocol, via RegisterSecureMem(). The
15239 /// securemem driver is the server end of this protocol.
15240 ///
15241 /// The securemem driver must configure all the covered offsets as not
15242 /// protected before responding to this message with success.
15243 ///
15244 /// On failure, the securemem driver must ensure the protected range was not
15245 /// deleted.
15246 ///
15247 /// Sysmem must not call this if dynamic_protection_ranges false.
15248 ///
15249 /// If dynamic_protection_ranges is true, sysmem can call this repeatedly,
15250 /// on various ranges that exist at the time of the call.
15251 ///
15252 /// If any portion of the range being deleted is not also covered by another
15253 /// protected range, then any ongoing DMA to any part of the entire range
15254 /// may be interrupted / may fail, potentially in a way that's disruptive to
15255 /// the entire system (bus lockup or similar, depending on device details).
15256 /// Therefore, the caller must ensure that no ongoing DMA is occurring to
15257 /// any portion of the range being deleted, unless the caller has other
15258 /// active ranges covering every block of the range being deleted. Ongoing
15259 /// DMA to/from blocks outside the range being deleted is never impacted by
15260 /// the deletion.
15261 ///
15262 /// Errors:
15263 /// * PROTOCOL_DEVIATION - called when !dynamic_protection_ranges.
15264 /// Unexpected heap, or range that doesn't conform to
15265 /// protected_range_granularity.
15266 /// * UNSPECIFIED - generic internal error (such as in communication
15267 /// with TEE which doesn't generate zx_status_t errors).
15268 /// * NOT_FOUND - the specified range is not found.
15269 /// * other errors are possible, such as from communication failures or
15270 /// server propagation of failures.
15271 pub fn r#delete_secure_heap_physical_range(
15272 &self,
15273 mut payload: &SecureMemDeleteSecureHeapPhysicalRangeRequest,
15274 ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
15275 SecureMemDeleteSecureHeapPhysicalRangeResult,
15276 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
15277 > {
15278 SecureMemProxyInterface::r#delete_secure_heap_physical_range(self, payload)
15279 }
15281 /// This request from sysmem to the securemem driver conveys a physical
15282 /// range to modify and its new base and length, for a heap whose physical
15283 /// range(s) are set up via sysmem.
15284 ///
15285 /// Only sysmem can call this because only sysmem is handed the client end
15286 /// of a FIDL channel serving this protocol, via RegisterSecureMem(). The
15287 /// securemem driver is the server end of this protocol.
15288 ///
15289 /// The securemem driver must configure the range to cover only the new
15290 /// offsets before responding to this message with success.
15291 ///
15292 /// On failure, the securemem driver must ensure the range was not changed.
15293 ///
15294 /// Sysmem must not call this if dynamic_protection_ranges false. Sysmem
15295 /// must not call this if !is_mod_protected_range_available.
15296 ///
15297 /// If dynamic_protection_ranges is true, sysmem can call this repeatedly,
15298 /// on various ranges that exist at the time of the call.
15299 ///
15300 /// The range must only be modified at one end or the other, but not both.
15301 /// If the range is getting shorter, and the un-covered blocks are not
15302 /// covered by other active ranges, any ongoing DMA to the entire range
15303 /// that's geting shorter may fail in a way that disrupts the entire system
15304 /// (bus lockup or similar), so the caller must ensure that no DMA is
15305 /// ongoing to any portion of a range that is getting shorter, unless the
15306 /// blocks being un-covered by the modification to this range are all
15307 /// covered by other active ranges, in which case no disruption to ongoing
15308 /// DMA will occur.
15309 ///
15310 /// If a range is modified to become <= zero length, the range is deleted.
15311 ///
15312 /// Errors:
15313 /// * PROTOCOL_DEVIATION - called when !dynamic_protection_ranges.
15314 /// Unexpected heap, or old_range or new_range that doesn't conform to
15315 /// protected_range_granularity, or old_range and new_range differ in
15316 /// both begin and end (disallowed).
15317 /// * UNSPECIFIED - generic internal error (such as in communication
15318 /// with TEE which doesn't generate zx_status_t errors).
15319 /// * NOT_FOUND - the specified range is not found.
15320 /// * other errors are possible, such as from communication failures or
15321 /// server propagation of failures.
15322 pub fn r#modify_secure_heap_physical_range(
15323 &self,
15324 mut payload: &SecureMemModifySecureHeapPhysicalRangeRequest,
15325 ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
15326 SecureMemModifySecureHeapPhysicalRangeResult,
15327 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
15328 > {
15329 SecureMemProxyInterface::r#modify_secure_heap_physical_range(self, payload)
15330 }
15332 /// Zero a sub-range of a currently-existing physical range added via
15333 /// AddSecureHeapPhysicalRange(). The sub-range must be fully covered by
15334 /// exactly one physical range, and must not overlap with any other
15335 /// physical range.
15336 ///
15337 /// is_covering_range_explicit - When true, the covering range must be one
15338 /// of the ranges explicitly created via AddSecureHeapPhysicalRange(),
15339 /// possibly modified since. When false, the covering range must not
15340 /// be one of the ranges explicitly created via
15341 /// AddSecureHeapPhysicalRange(), but the covering range must exist as
15342 /// a covering range not created via AddSecureHeapPhysicalRange(). The
15343 /// covering range is typically the entire physical range (or a range
15344 /// which covers even more) of a heap configured by the TEE and whose
15345 /// configuration is conveyed to sysmem via GetPhysicalSecureHeaps().
15346 ///
15347 /// Ongoing DMA is not disrupted by this request.
15348 ///
15349 /// Errors:
15350 /// * PROTOCOL_DEVIATION - called when !dynamic_protection_ranges.
15351 /// Unexpected heap.
15352 /// * UNSPECIFIED - generic internal error (such as in communication
15353 /// with TEE which doesn't generate zx_status_t errors).
15354 /// * other errors are possible, such as from communication failures or
15355 /// server propagation of failures.
15356 pub fn r#zero_sub_range(
15357 &self,
15358 mut payload: &SecureMemZeroSubRangeRequest,
15359 ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
15360 SecureMemZeroSubRangeResult,
15361 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
15362 > {
15363 SecureMemProxyInterface::r#zero_sub_range(self, payload)
15364 }
15367impl SecureMemProxyInterface for SecureMemProxy {
15368 type GetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
15369 SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapsResult,
15370 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
15371 >;
15372 fn r#get_physical_secure_heaps(&self) -> Self::GetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponseFut {
15373 fn _decode(
15374 mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
15375 ) -> Result<SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapsResult, fidl::Error> {
15376 let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
15377 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponse, Error>,
15378 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
15379 0x38716300592073e3,
15380 >(_buf?)?
15381 .into_result::<SecureMemMarker>("get_physical_secure_heaps")?;
15382 Ok(|x| x))
15383 }
15384 self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
15385 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
15386 SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapsResult,
15387 >(
15388 (),
15389 0x38716300592073e3,
15390 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
15391 _decode,
15392 )
15393 }
15395 type GetDynamicSecureHeapsResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
15396 SecureMemGetDynamicSecureHeapsResult,
15397 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
15398 >;
15399 fn r#get_dynamic_secure_heaps(&self) -> Self::GetDynamicSecureHeapsResponseFut {
15400 fn _decode(
15401 mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
15402 ) -> Result<SecureMemGetDynamicSecureHeapsResult, fidl::Error> {
15403 let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
15404 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<SecureMemGetDynamicSecureHeapsResponse, Error>,
15405 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
15406 0x1190847f99952834,
15407 >(_buf?)?
15408 .into_result::<SecureMemMarker>("get_dynamic_secure_heaps")?;
15409 Ok(|x| x))
15410 }
15411 self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
15412 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
15413 SecureMemGetDynamicSecureHeapsResult,
15414 >(
15415 (),
15416 0x1190847f99952834,
15417 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
15418 _decode,
15419 )
15420 }
15422 type GetPhysicalSecureHeapPropertiesResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
15423 SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapPropertiesResult,
15424 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
15425 >;
15426 fn r#get_physical_secure_heap_properties(
15427 &self,
15428 mut payload: &SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapPropertiesRequest,
15429 ) -> Self::GetPhysicalSecureHeapPropertiesResponseFut {
15430 fn _decode(
15431 mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
15432 ) -> Result<SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapPropertiesResult, fidl::Error> {
15433 let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
15434 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<
15435 SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapPropertiesResponse,
15436 Error,
15437 >,
15438 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
15439 0xc6f06889009c7bc,
15440 >(_buf?)?
15441 .into_result::<SecureMemMarker>("get_physical_secure_heap_properties")?;
15442 Ok(|x| x))
15443 }
15444 self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
15445 SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapPropertiesRequest,
15446 SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapPropertiesResult,
15447 >(
15448 payload,
15449 0xc6f06889009c7bc,
15450 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
15451 _decode,
15452 )
15453 }
15455 type AddSecureHeapPhysicalRangeResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
15456 SecureMemAddSecureHeapPhysicalRangeResult,
15457 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
15458 >;
15459 fn r#add_secure_heap_physical_range(
15460 &self,
15461 mut payload: &SecureMemAddSecureHeapPhysicalRangeRequest,
15462 ) -> Self::AddSecureHeapPhysicalRangeResponseFut {
15463 fn _decode(
15464 mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
15465 ) -> Result<SecureMemAddSecureHeapPhysicalRangeResult, fidl::Error> {
15466 let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
15467 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct, Error>,
15468 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
15469 0x35f695b9b6c7217a,
15470 >(_buf?)?
15471 .into_result::<SecureMemMarker>("add_secure_heap_physical_range")?;
15472 Ok(|x| x))
15473 }
15474 self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
15475 SecureMemAddSecureHeapPhysicalRangeRequest,
15476 SecureMemAddSecureHeapPhysicalRangeResult,
15477 >(
15478 payload,
15479 0x35f695b9b6c7217a,
15480 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
15481 _decode,
15482 )
15483 }
15485 type DeleteSecureHeapPhysicalRangeResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
15486 SecureMemDeleteSecureHeapPhysicalRangeResult,
15487 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
15488 >;
15489 fn r#delete_secure_heap_physical_range(
15490 &self,
15491 mut payload: &SecureMemDeleteSecureHeapPhysicalRangeRequest,
15492 ) -> Self::DeleteSecureHeapPhysicalRangeResponseFut {
15493 fn _decode(
15494 mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
15495 ) -> Result<SecureMemDeleteSecureHeapPhysicalRangeResult, fidl::Error> {
15496 let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
15497 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct, Error>,
15498 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
15499 0xeaa58c650264c9e,
15500 >(_buf?)?
15501 .into_result::<SecureMemMarker>("delete_secure_heap_physical_range")?;
15502 Ok(|x| x))
15503 }
15504 self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
15505 SecureMemDeleteSecureHeapPhysicalRangeRequest,
15506 SecureMemDeleteSecureHeapPhysicalRangeResult,
15507 >(
15508 payload,
15509 0xeaa58c650264c9e,
15510 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
15511 _decode,
15512 )
15513 }
15515 type ModifySecureHeapPhysicalRangeResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
15516 SecureMemModifySecureHeapPhysicalRangeResult,
15517 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
15518 >;
15519 fn r#modify_secure_heap_physical_range(
15520 &self,
15521 mut payload: &SecureMemModifySecureHeapPhysicalRangeRequest,
15522 ) -> Self::ModifySecureHeapPhysicalRangeResponseFut {
15523 fn _decode(
15524 mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
15525 ) -> Result<SecureMemModifySecureHeapPhysicalRangeResult, fidl::Error> {
15526 let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
15527 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct, Error>,
15528 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
15529 0x60b7448aa1187734,
15530 >(_buf?)?
15531 .into_result::<SecureMemMarker>("modify_secure_heap_physical_range")?;
15532 Ok(|x| x))
15533 }
15534 self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
15535 SecureMemModifySecureHeapPhysicalRangeRequest,
15536 SecureMemModifySecureHeapPhysicalRangeResult,
15537 >(
15538 payload,
15539 0x60b7448aa1187734,
15540 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
15541 _decode,
15542 )
15543 }
15545 type ZeroSubRangeResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
15546 SecureMemZeroSubRangeResult,
15547 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
15548 >;
15549 fn r#zero_sub_range(
15550 &self,
15551 mut payload: &SecureMemZeroSubRangeRequest,
15552 ) -> Self::ZeroSubRangeResponseFut {
15553 fn _decode(
15554 mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
15555 ) -> Result<SecureMemZeroSubRangeResult, fidl::Error> {
15556 let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
15557 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct, Error>,
15558 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
15559 0x5b25b7901a385ce5,
15560 >(_buf?)?
15561 .into_result::<SecureMemMarker>("zero_sub_range")?;
15562 Ok(|x| x))
15563 }
15564 self.client
15565 .send_query_and_decode::<SecureMemZeroSubRangeRequest, SecureMemZeroSubRangeResult>(
15566 payload,
15567 0x5b25b7901a385ce5,
15568 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
15569 _decode,
15570 )
15571 }
15574pub struct SecureMemEventStream {
15575 event_receiver: fidl::client::EventReceiver<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>,
15578impl std::marker::Unpin for SecureMemEventStream {}
15580impl futures::stream::FusedStream for SecureMemEventStream {
15581 fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool {
15582 self.event_receiver.is_terminated()
15583 }
15586impl futures::Stream for SecureMemEventStream {
15587 type Item = Result<SecureMemEvent, fidl::Error>;
15589 fn poll_next(
15590 mut self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
15591 cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
15592 ) -> std::task::Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
15593 match futures::ready!(futures::stream::StreamExt::poll_next_unpin(
15594 &mut self.event_receiver,
15595 cx
15596 )?) {
15597 Some(buf) => std::task::Poll::Ready(Some(SecureMemEvent::decode(buf))),
15598 None => std::task::Poll::Ready(None),
15599 }
15600 }
15604pub enum SecureMemEvent {
15605 #[non_exhaustive]
15606 _UnknownEvent {
15607 /// Ordinal of the event that was sent.
15608 ordinal: u64,
15609 },
15612impl SecureMemEvent {
15613 /// Decodes a message buffer as a [`SecureMemEvent`].
15614 fn decode(
15615 mut buf: <fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc,
15616 ) -> Result<SecureMemEvent, fidl::Error> {
15617 let (bytes, _handles) = buf.split_mut();
15618 let (tx_header, _body_bytes) = fidl::encoding::decode_transaction_header(bytes)?;
15619 debug_assert_eq!(tx_header.tx_id, 0);
15620 match tx_header.ordinal {
15621 _ if tx_header.dynamic_flags().contains(fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE) => {
15622 Ok(SecureMemEvent::_UnknownEvent { ordinal: tx_header.ordinal })
15623 }
15624 _ => Err(fidl::Error::UnknownOrdinal {
15625 ordinal: tx_header.ordinal,
15626 protocol_name: <SecureMemMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME,
15627 }),
15628 }
15629 }
15632/// A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.sysmem2/SecureMem.
15633pub struct SecureMemRequestStream {
15634 inner: std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>,
15635 is_terminated: bool,
15638impl std::marker::Unpin for SecureMemRequestStream {}
15640impl futures::stream::FusedStream for SecureMemRequestStream {
15641 fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool {
15642 self.is_terminated
15643 }
15646impl fidl::endpoints::RequestStream for SecureMemRequestStream {
15647 type Protocol = SecureMemMarker;
15648 type ControlHandle = SecureMemControlHandle;
15650 fn from_channel(channel: ::fidl::AsyncChannel) -> Self {
15651 Self { inner: std::sync::Arc::new(fidl::ServeInner::new(channel)), is_terminated: false }
15652 }
15654 fn control_handle(&self) -> Self::ControlHandle {
15655 SecureMemControlHandle { inner: self.inner.clone() }
15656 }
15658 fn into_inner(
15659 self,
15660 ) -> (::std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>, bool)
15661 {
15662 (self.inner, self.is_terminated)
15663 }
15665 fn from_inner(
15666 inner: std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>,
15667 is_terminated: bool,
15668 ) -> Self {
15669 Self { inner, is_terminated }
15670 }
15673impl futures::Stream for SecureMemRequestStream {
15674 type Item = Result<SecureMemRequest, fidl::Error>;
15676 fn poll_next(
15677 mut self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
15678 cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
15679 ) -> std::task::Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
15680 let this = &mut *self;
15681 if this.inner.check_shutdown(cx) {
15682 this.is_terminated = true;
15683 return std::task::Poll::Ready(None);
15684 }
15685 if this.is_terminated {
15686 panic!("polled SecureMemRequestStream after completion");
15687 }
15688 fidl::encoding::with_tls_decode_buf::<_, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>(
15689 |bytes, handles| {
15690 match, bytes, handles) {
15691 std::task::Poll::Ready(Ok(())) => {}
15692 std::task::Poll::Pending => return std::task::Poll::Pending,
15693 std::task::Poll::Ready(Err(zx_status::Status::PEER_CLOSED)) => {
15694 this.is_terminated = true;
15695 return std::task::Poll::Ready(None);
15696 }
15697 std::task::Poll::Ready(Err(e)) => {
15698 return std::task::Poll::Ready(Some(Err(fidl::Error::ServerRequestRead(
15699 e.into(),
15700 ))))
15701 }
15702 }
15704 // A message has been received from the channel
15705 let (header, _body_bytes) = fidl::encoding::decode_transaction_header(bytes)?;
15707 std::task::Poll::Ready(Some(match header.ordinal {
15708 0x38716300592073e3 => {
15709 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
15710 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
15711 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
15712 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
15713 );
15714 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
15715 let control_handle = SecureMemControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
15716 Ok(SecureMemRequest::GetPhysicalSecureHeaps {
15717 responder: SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponder {
15718 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
15719 tx_id: header.tx_id,
15720 },
15721 })
15722 }
15723 0x1190847f99952834 => {
15724 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
15725 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
15726 fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
15727 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
15728 );
15729 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
15730 let control_handle = SecureMemControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
15731 Ok(SecureMemRequest::GetDynamicSecureHeaps {
15732 responder: SecureMemGetDynamicSecureHeapsResponder {
15733 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
15734 tx_id: header.tx_id,
15735 },
15736 })
15737 }
15738 0xc6f06889009c7bc => {
15739 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
15740 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
15741 SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapPropertiesRequest,
15742 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
15743 );
15744 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapPropertiesRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
15745 let control_handle = SecureMemControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
15746 Ok(SecureMemRequest::GetPhysicalSecureHeapProperties {
15747 payload: req,
15748 responder: SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapPropertiesResponder {
15749 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
15750 tx_id: header.tx_id,
15751 },
15752 })
15753 }
15754 0x35f695b9b6c7217a => {
15755 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
15756 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
15757 SecureMemAddSecureHeapPhysicalRangeRequest,
15758 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
15759 );
15760 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<SecureMemAddSecureHeapPhysicalRangeRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
15761 let control_handle = SecureMemControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
15762 Ok(SecureMemRequest::AddSecureHeapPhysicalRange {
15763 payload: req,
15764 responder: SecureMemAddSecureHeapPhysicalRangeResponder {
15765 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
15766 tx_id: header.tx_id,
15767 },
15768 })
15769 }
15770 0xeaa58c650264c9e => {
15771 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
15772 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
15773 SecureMemDeleteSecureHeapPhysicalRangeRequest,
15774 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
15775 );
15776 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<SecureMemDeleteSecureHeapPhysicalRangeRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
15777 let control_handle = SecureMemControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
15778 Ok(SecureMemRequest::DeleteSecureHeapPhysicalRange {
15779 payload: req,
15780 responder: SecureMemDeleteSecureHeapPhysicalRangeResponder {
15781 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
15782 tx_id: header.tx_id,
15783 },
15784 })
15785 }
15786 0x60b7448aa1187734 => {
15787 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
15788 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
15789 SecureMemModifySecureHeapPhysicalRangeRequest,
15790 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
15791 );
15792 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<SecureMemModifySecureHeapPhysicalRangeRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
15793 let control_handle = SecureMemControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
15794 Ok(SecureMemRequest::ModifySecureHeapPhysicalRange {
15795 payload: req,
15796 responder: SecureMemModifySecureHeapPhysicalRangeResponder {
15797 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
15798 tx_id: header.tx_id,
15799 },
15800 })
15801 }
15802 0x5b25b7901a385ce5 => {
15803 header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
15804 let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
15805 SecureMemZeroSubRangeRequest,
15806 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
15807 );
15808 fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<SecureMemZeroSubRangeRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
15809 let control_handle = SecureMemControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
15810 Ok(SecureMemRequest::ZeroSubRange {
15811 payload: req,
15812 responder: SecureMemZeroSubRangeResponder {
15813 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
15814 tx_id: header.tx_id,
15815 },
15816 })
15817 }
15818 _ if header.tx_id == 0
15819 && header
15820 .dynamic_flags()
15821 .contains(fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE) =>
15822 {
15823 Ok(SecureMemRequest::_UnknownMethod {
15824 ordinal: header.ordinal,
15825 control_handle: SecureMemControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() },
15826 method_type: fidl::MethodType::OneWay,
15827 })
15828 }
15829 _ if header
15830 .dynamic_flags()
15831 .contains(fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE) =>
15832 {
15833 this.inner.send_framework_err(
15834 fidl::encoding::FrameworkErr::UnknownMethod,
15835 header.tx_id,
15836 header.ordinal,
15837 header.dynamic_flags(),
15838 (bytes, handles),
15839 )?;
15840 Ok(SecureMemRequest::_UnknownMethod {
15841 ordinal: header.ordinal,
15842 control_handle: SecureMemControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() },
15843 method_type: fidl::MethodType::TwoWay,
15844 })
15845 }
15846 _ => Err(fidl::Error::UnknownOrdinal {
15847 ordinal: header.ordinal,
15848 protocol_name:
15849 <SecureMemMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME,
15850 }),
15851 }))
15852 },
15853 )
15854 }
15857/// SecureMem
15859/// The client is sysmem. The server is securemem driver.
15861/// TEE - Trusted Execution Environment.
15863/// REE - Rich Execution Environment.
15865/// Enables sysmem to call the securemem driver to get any secure heaps
15866/// configured via the TEE (or via the securemem driver), and set any physical
15867/// secure heaps configured via sysmem.
15869/// Presently, dynamically-allocated secure heaps are configured via sysmem, as
15870/// it starts quite early during boot and can successfully reserve contiguous
15871/// physical memory. Presently, fixed-location secure heaps are configured via
15872/// TEE, as the plumbing goes from the bootloader to the TEE. However, this
15873/// protocol intentionally doesn't care which heaps are dynamically-allocated
15874/// and which are fixed-location.
15876pub enum SecureMemRequest {
15877 /// Gets the physical address and length of any secure heap whose physical
15878 /// range is configured via the TEE.
15879 ///
15880 /// Presently, these will be fixed physical addresses and lengths, with the
15881 /// location plumbed via the TEE.
15882 ///
15883 /// This is preferred over ['fuchsia.hardware.sysmem.Sysmem/RegisterHeap']
15884 /// when there isn't any special heap-specific per-VMO setup or teardown
15885 /// required.
15886 ///
15887 /// The physical range must be secured/protected by the TEE before the
15888 /// securemem driver responds to this request with success.
15889 ///
15890 /// Sysmem should only call this once. Returning zero heaps is not a
15891 /// failure.
15892 ///
15893 /// Errors:
15894 /// * PROTOCOL_DEVIATION - called more than once.
15895 /// * UNSPECIFIED - generic internal error (such as in communication
15896 /// with TEE which doesn't generate zx_status_t errors).
15897 /// * other errors are allowed; any other errors should be treated the same
15898 /// as UNSPECIFIED.
15899 GetPhysicalSecureHeaps { responder: SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponder },
15900 /// Gets information about any secure heaps whose physical pages are not
15901 /// configured by the TEE, but by sysmem.
15902 ///
15903 /// Sysmem should only call this once. Returning zero heaps is not a
15904 /// failure.
15905 ///
15906 /// Errors:
15907 /// * PROTOCOL_DEVIATION - called more than once.
15908 /// * UNSPECIFIED - generic internal error (such as in communication
15909 /// with TEE which doesn't generate zx_status_t errors).
15910 /// * other errors are allowed; any other errors should be treated the same
15911 /// as UNSPECIFIED.
15912 GetDynamicSecureHeaps { responder: SecureMemGetDynamicSecureHeapsResponder },
15913 /// This request from sysmem to the securemem driver gets the properties of
15914 /// a protected/secure heap.
15915 ///
15916 /// This only handles heaps with a single contiguous physical extent.
15917 ///
15918 /// The heap's entire physical range is indicated in case this request needs
15919 /// some physical space to auto-detect how many ranges are REE-usable. Any
15920 /// temporary HW protection ranges will be deleted before this request
15921 /// completes.
15922 ///
15923 /// Errors:
15924 /// * UNSPECIFIED - generic internal error (such as in communication
15925 /// with TEE which doesn't generate zx_status_t errors).
15926 /// * other errors are allowed; any other errors should be treated the same
15927 /// as UNSPECIFIED.
15928 GetPhysicalSecureHeapProperties {
15929 payload: SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapPropertiesRequest,
15930 responder: SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapPropertiesResponder,
15931 },
15932 /// This request from sysmem to the securemem driver conveys a physical
15933 /// range to add, for a heap whose physical range(s) are set up via
15934 /// sysmem.
15935 ///
15936 /// Only sysmem can call this because only sysmem is handed the client end
15937 /// of a FIDL channel serving this protocol, via RegisterSecureMem(). The
15938 /// securemem driver is the server end of this protocol.
15939 ///
15940 /// The securemem driver must configure all the covered offsets as protected
15941 /// before responding to this message with success.
15942 ///
15943 /// On failure, the securemem driver must ensure the protected range was not
15944 /// created.
15945 ///
15946 /// Sysmem must only call this up to once if dynamic_protection_ranges
15947 /// false.
15948 ///
15949 /// If dynamic_protection_ranges is true, sysmem can call this multiple
15950 /// times as long as the current number of ranges never exceeds
15951 /// max_protected_range_count.
15952 ///
15953 /// The caller must not attempt to add a range that matches an
15954 /// already-existing range. Added ranges can overlap each other as long as
15955 /// no two ranges match exactly.
15956 ///
15957 /// Errors:
15958 /// * PROTOCOL_DEVIATION - called more than once when
15959 /// !dynamic_protection_ranges. Adding a heap that would cause overall
15960 /// heap count to exceed max_protected_range_count. Unexpected heap, or
15961 /// range that doesn't conform to protected_range_granularity. See log.
15962 /// * UNSPECIFIED - generic internal error (such as in communication
15963 /// with TEE which doesn't generate zx_status_t errors).
15964 /// * other errors are possible, such as from communication failures or
15965 /// server propagation of failures.
15966 AddSecureHeapPhysicalRange {
15967 payload: SecureMemAddSecureHeapPhysicalRangeRequest,
15968 responder: SecureMemAddSecureHeapPhysicalRangeResponder,
15969 },
15970 /// This request from sysmem to the securemem driver conveys a physical
15971 /// range to delete, for a heap whose physical range(s) are set up via
15972 /// sysmem.
15973 ///
15974 /// Only sysmem can call this because only sysmem is handed the client end
15975 /// of a FIDL channel serving this protocol, via RegisterSecureMem(). The
15976 /// securemem driver is the server end of this protocol.
15977 ///
15978 /// The securemem driver must configure all the covered offsets as not
15979 /// protected before responding to this message with success.
15980 ///
15981 /// On failure, the securemem driver must ensure the protected range was not
15982 /// deleted.
15983 ///
15984 /// Sysmem must not call this if dynamic_protection_ranges false.
15985 ///
15986 /// If dynamic_protection_ranges is true, sysmem can call this repeatedly,
15987 /// on various ranges that exist at the time of the call.
15988 ///
15989 /// If any portion of the range being deleted is not also covered by another
15990 /// protected range, then any ongoing DMA to any part of the entire range
15991 /// may be interrupted / may fail, potentially in a way that's disruptive to
15992 /// the entire system (bus lockup or similar, depending on device details).
15993 /// Therefore, the caller must ensure that no ongoing DMA is occurring to
15994 /// any portion of the range being deleted, unless the caller has other
15995 /// active ranges covering every block of the range being deleted. Ongoing
15996 /// DMA to/from blocks outside the range being deleted is never impacted by
15997 /// the deletion.
15998 ///
15999 /// Errors:
16000 /// * PROTOCOL_DEVIATION - called when !dynamic_protection_ranges.
16001 /// Unexpected heap, or range that doesn't conform to
16002 /// protected_range_granularity.
16003 /// * UNSPECIFIED - generic internal error (such as in communication
16004 /// with TEE which doesn't generate zx_status_t errors).
16005 /// * NOT_FOUND - the specified range is not found.
16006 /// * other errors are possible, such as from communication failures or
16007 /// server propagation of failures.
16008 DeleteSecureHeapPhysicalRange {
16009 payload: SecureMemDeleteSecureHeapPhysicalRangeRequest,
16010 responder: SecureMemDeleteSecureHeapPhysicalRangeResponder,
16011 },
16012 /// This request from sysmem to the securemem driver conveys a physical
16013 /// range to modify and its new base and length, for a heap whose physical
16014 /// range(s) are set up via sysmem.
16015 ///
16016 /// Only sysmem can call this because only sysmem is handed the client end
16017 /// of a FIDL channel serving this protocol, via RegisterSecureMem(). The
16018 /// securemem driver is the server end of this protocol.
16019 ///
16020 /// The securemem driver must configure the range to cover only the new
16021 /// offsets before responding to this message with success.
16022 ///
16023 /// On failure, the securemem driver must ensure the range was not changed.
16024 ///
16025 /// Sysmem must not call this if dynamic_protection_ranges false. Sysmem
16026 /// must not call this if !is_mod_protected_range_available.
16027 ///
16028 /// If dynamic_protection_ranges is true, sysmem can call this repeatedly,
16029 /// on various ranges that exist at the time of the call.
16030 ///
16031 /// The range must only be modified at one end or the other, but not both.
16032 /// If the range is getting shorter, and the un-covered blocks are not
16033 /// covered by other active ranges, any ongoing DMA to the entire range
16034 /// that's geting shorter may fail in a way that disrupts the entire system
16035 /// (bus lockup or similar), so the caller must ensure that no DMA is
16036 /// ongoing to any portion of a range that is getting shorter, unless the
16037 /// blocks being un-covered by the modification to this range are all
16038 /// covered by other active ranges, in which case no disruption to ongoing
16039 /// DMA will occur.
16040 ///
16041 /// If a range is modified to become <= zero length, the range is deleted.
16042 ///
16043 /// Errors:
16044 /// * PROTOCOL_DEVIATION - called when !dynamic_protection_ranges.
16045 /// Unexpected heap, or old_range or new_range that doesn't conform to
16046 /// protected_range_granularity, or old_range and new_range differ in
16047 /// both begin and end (disallowed).
16048 /// * UNSPECIFIED - generic internal error (such as in communication
16049 /// with TEE which doesn't generate zx_status_t errors).
16050 /// * NOT_FOUND - the specified range is not found.
16051 /// * other errors are possible, such as from communication failures or
16052 /// server propagation of failures.
16053 ModifySecureHeapPhysicalRange {
16054 payload: SecureMemModifySecureHeapPhysicalRangeRequest,
16055 responder: SecureMemModifySecureHeapPhysicalRangeResponder,
16056 },
16057 /// Zero a sub-range of a currently-existing physical range added via
16058 /// AddSecureHeapPhysicalRange(). The sub-range must be fully covered by
16059 /// exactly one physical range, and must not overlap with any other
16060 /// physical range.
16061 ///
16062 /// is_covering_range_explicit - When true, the covering range must be one
16063 /// of the ranges explicitly created via AddSecureHeapPhysicalRange(),
16064 /// possibly modified since. When false, the covering range must not
16065 /// be one of the ranges explicitly created via
16066 /// AddSecureHeapPhysicalRange(), but the covering range must exist as
16067 /// a covering range not created via AddSecureHeapPhysicalRange(). The
16068 /// covering range is typically the entire physical range (or a range
16069 /// which covers even more) of a heap configured by the TEE and whose
16070 /// configuration is conveyed to sysmem via GetPhysicalSecureHeaps().
16071 ///
16072 /// Ongoing DMA is not disrupted by this request.
16073 ///
16074 /// Errors:
16075 /// * PROTOCOL_DEVIATION - called when !dynamic_protection_ranges.
16076 /// Unexpected heap.
16077 /// * UNSPECIFIED - generic internal error (such as in communication
16078 /// with TEE which doesn't generate zx_status_t errors).
16079 /// * other errors are possible, such as from communication failures or
16080 /// server propagation of failures.
16081 ZeroSubRange {
16082 payload: SecureMemZeroSubRangeRequest,
16083 responder: SecureMemZeroSubRangeResponder,
16084 },
16085 /// An interaction was received which does not match any known method.
16086 #[non_exhaustive]
16087 _UnknownMethod {
16088 /// Ordinal of the method that was called.
16089 ordinal: u64,
16090 control_handle: SecureMemControlHandle,
16091 method_type: fidl::MethodType,
16092 },
16095impl SecureMemRequest {
16096 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
16097 pub fn into_get_physical_secure_heaps(
16098 self,
16099 ) -> Option<(SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponder)> {
16100 if let SecureMemRequest::GetPhysicalSecureHeaps { responder } = self {
16101 Some((responder))
16102 } else {
16103 None
16104 }
16105 }
16107 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
16108 pub fn into_get_dynamic_secure_heaps(
16109 self,
16110 ) -> Option<(SecureMemGetDynamicSecureHeapsResponder)> {
16111 if let SecureMemRequest::GetDynamicSecureHeaps { responder } = self {
16112 Some((responder))
16113 } else {
16114 None
16115 }
16116 }
16118 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
16119 pub fn into_get_physical_secure_heap_properties(
16120 self,
16121 ) -> Option<(
16122 SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapPropertiesRequest,
16123 SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapPropertiesResponder,
16124 )> {
16125 if let SecureMemRequest::GetPhysicalSecureHeapProperties { payload, responder } = self {
16126 Some((payload, responder))
16127 } else {
16128 None
16129 }
16130 }
16132 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
16133 pub fn into_add_secure_heap_physical_range(
16134 self,
16135 ) -> Option<(
16136 SecureMemAddSecureHeapPhysicalRangeRequest,
16137 SecureMemAddSecureHeapPhysicalRangeResponder,
16138 )> {
16139 if let SecureMemRequest::AddSecureHeapPhysicalRange { payload, responder } = self {
16140 Some((payload, responder))
16141 } else {
16142 None
16143 }
16144 }
16146 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
16147 pub fn into_delete_secure_heap_physical_range(
16148 self,
16149 ) -> Option<(
16150 SecureMemDeleteSecureHeapPhysicalRangeRequest,
16151 SecureMemDeleteSecureHeapPhysicalRangeResponder,
16152 )> {
16153 if let SecureMemRequest::DeleteSecureHeapPhysicalRange { payload, responder } = self {
16154 Some((payload, responder))
16155 } else {
16156 None
16157 }
16158 }
16160 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
16161 pub fn into_modify_secure_heap_physical_range(
16162 self,
16163 ) -> Option<(
16164 SecureMemModifySecureHeapPhysicalRangeRequest,
16165 SecureMemModifySecureHeapPhysicalRangeResponder,
16166 )> {
16167 if let SecureMemRequest::ModifySecureHeapPhysicalRange { payload, responder } = self {
16168 Some((payload, responder))
16169 } else {
16170 None
16171 }
16172 }
16174 #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
16175 pub fn into_zero_sub_range(
16176 self,
16177 ) -> Option<(SecureMemZeroSubRangeRequest, SecureMemZeroSubRangeResponder)> {
16178 if let SecureMemRequest::ZeroSubRange { payload, responder } = self {
16179 Some((payload, responder))
16180 } else {
16181 None
16182 }
16183 }
16185 /// Name of the method defined in FIDL
16186 pub fn method_name(&self) -> &'static str {
16187 match *self {
16188 SecureMemRequest::GetPhysicalSecureHeaps { .. } => "get_physical_secure_heaps",
16189 SecureMemRequest::GetDynamicSecureHeaps { .. } => "get_dynamic_secure_heaps",
16190 SecureMemRequest::GetPhysicalSecureHeapProperties { .. } => {
16191 "get_physical_secure_heap_properties"
16192 }
16193 SecureMemRequest::AddSecureHeapPhysicalRange { .. } => "add_secure_heap_physical_range",
16194 SecureMemRequest::DeleteSecureHeapPhysicalRange { .. } => {
16195 "delete_secure_heap_physical_range"
16196 }
16197 SecureMemRequest::ModifySecureHeapPhysicalRange { .. } => {
16198 "modify_secure_heap_physical_range"
16199 }
16200 SecureMemRequest::ZeroSubRange { .. } => "zero_sub_range",
16201 SecureMemRequest::_UnknownMethod { method_type: fidl::MethodType::OneWay, .. } => {
16202 "unknown one-way method"
16203 }
16204 SecureMemRequest::_UnknownMethod { method_type: fidl::MethodType::TwoWay, .. } => {
16205 "unknown two-way method"
16206 }
16207 }
16208 }
16211#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
16212pub struct SecureMemControlHandle {
16213 inner: std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>,
16216impl fidl::endpoints::ControlHandle for SecureMemControlHandle {
16217 fn shutdown(&self) {
16218 self.inner.shutdown()
16219 }
16220 fn shutdown_with_epitaph(&self, status: zx_status::Status) {
16221 self.inner.shutdown_with_epitaph(status)
16222 }
16224 fn is_closed(&self) -> bool {
16226 }
16227 fn on_closed(&self) -> fidl::OnSignalsRef<'_> {
16229 }
16231 #[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
16232 fn signal_peer(
16233 &self,
16234 clear_mask: zx::Signals,
16235 set_mask: zx::Signals,
16236 ) -> Result<(), zx_status::Status> {
16237 use fidl::Peered;
16238, set_mask)
16239 }
16242impl SecureMemControlHandle {}
16244#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
16246pub struct SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponder {
16247 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<SecureMemControlHandle>,
16248 tx_id: u32,
16251/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`SecureMemControlHandle::shutdown`])
16252/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
16253/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
16254impl std::ops::Drop for SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponder {
16255 fn drop(&mut self) {
16256 self.control_handle.shutdown();
16257 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
16258 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
16259 }
16262impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponder {
16263 type ControlHandle = SecureMemControlHandle;
16265 fn control_handle(&self) -> &SecureMemControlHandle {
16266 &self.control_handle
16267 }
16269 fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
16270 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
16271 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
16272 // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
16273 std::mem::forget(self);
16274 }
16277impl SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponder {
16278 /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
16279 ///
16280 /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
16281 pub fn send(
16282 self,
16283 mut result: Result<&SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponse, Error>,
16284 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
16285 let _result = self.send_raw(result);
16286 if _result.is_err() {
16287 self.control_handle.shutdown();
16288 }
16289 self.drop_without_shutdown();
16290 _result
16291 }
16293 /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
16294 pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
16295 self,
16296 mut result: Result<&SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponse, Error>,
16297 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
16298 let _result = self.send_raw(result);
16299 self.drop_without_shutdown();
16300 _result
16301 }
16303 fn send_raw(
16304 &self,
16305 mut result: Result<&SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponse, Error>,
16306 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
16307 self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<
16308 SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponse,
16309 Error,
16310 >>(
16311 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResult::new(result),
16312 self.tx_id,
16313 0x38716300592073e3,
16314 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
16315 )
16316 }
16319#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
16321pub struct SecureMemGetDynamicSecureHeapsResponder {
16322 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<SecureMemControlHandle>,
16323 tx_id: u32,
16326/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`SecureMemControlHandle::shutdown`])
16327/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
16328/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
16329impl std::ops::Drop for SecureMemGetDynamicSecureHeapsResponder {
16330 fn drop(&mut self) {
16331 self.control_handle.shutdown();
16332 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
16333 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
16334 }
16337impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for SecureMemGetDynamicSecureHeapsResponder {
16338 type ControlHandle = SecureMemControlHandle;
16340 fn control_handle(&self) -> &SecureMemControlHandle {
16341 &self.control_handle
16342 }
16344 fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
16345 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
16346 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
16347 // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
16348 std::mem::forget(self);
16349 }
16352impl SecureMemGetDynamicSecureHeapsResponder {
16353 /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
16354 ///
16355 /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
16356 pub fn send(
16357 self,
16358 mut result: Result<&SecureMemGetDynamicSecureHeapsResponse, Error>,
16359 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
16360 let _result = self.send_raw(result);
16361 if _result.is_err() {
16362 self.control_handle.shutdown();
16363 }
16364 self.drop_without_shutdown();
16365 _result
16366 }
16368 /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
16369 pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
16370 self,
16371 mut result: Result<&SecureMemGetDynamicSecureHeapsResponse, Error>,
16372 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
16373 let _result = self.send_raw(result);
16374 self.drop_without_shutdown();
16375 _result
16376 }
16378 fn send_raw(
16379 &self,
16380 mut result: Result<&SecureMemGetDynamicSecureHeapsResponse, Error>,
16381 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
16382 self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<
16383 SecureMemGetDynamicSecureHeapsResponse,
16384 Error,
16385 >>(
16386 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResult::new(result),
16387 self.tx_id,
16388 0x1190847f99952834,
16389 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
16390 )
16391 }
16394#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
16396pub struct SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapPropertiesResponder {
16397 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<SecureMemControlHandle>,
16398 tx_id: u32,
16401/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`SecureMemControlHandle::shutdown`])
16402/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
16403/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
16404impl std::ops::Drop for SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapPropertiesResponder {
16405 fn drop(&mut self) {
16406 self.control_handle.shutdown();
16407 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
16408 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
16409 }
16412impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapPropertiesResponder {
16413 type ControlHandle = SecureMemControlHandle;
16415 fn control_handle(&self) -> &SecureMemControlHandle {
16416 &self.control_handle
16417 }
16419 fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
16420 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
16421 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
16422 // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
16423 std::mem::forget(self);
16424 }
16427impl SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapPropertiesResponder {
16428 /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
16429 ///
16430 /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
16431 pub fn send(
16432 self,
16433 mut result: Result<&SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapPropertiesResponse, Error>,
16434 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
16435 let _result = self.send_raw(result);
16436 if _result.is_err() {
16437 self.control_handle.shutdown();
16438 }
16439 self.drop_without_shutdown();
16440 _result
16441 }
16443 /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
16444 pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
16445 self,
16446 mut result: Result<&SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapPropertiesResponse, Error>,
16447 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
16448 let _result = self.send_raw(result);
16449 self.drop_without_shutdown();
16450 _result
16451 }
16453 fn send_raw(
16454 &self,
16455 mut result: Result<&SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapPropertiesResponse, Error>,
16456 ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
16457 self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<
16458 SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapPropertiesResponse,
16459 Error,
16460 >>(
16461 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResult::new(result),
16462 self.tx_id,
16463 0xc6f06889009c7bc,
16464 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
16465 )
16466 }
16469#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
16471pub struct SecureMemAddSecureHeapPhysicalRangeResponder {
16472 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<SecureMemControlHandle>,
16473 tx_id: u32,
16476/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`SecureMemControlHandle::shutdown`])
16477/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
16478/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
16479impl std::ops::Drop for SecureMemAddSecureHeapPhysicalRangeResponder {
16480 fn drop(&mut self) {
16481 self.control_handle.shutdown();
16482 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
16483 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
16484 }
16487impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for SecureMemAddSecureHeapPhysicalRangeResponder {
16488 type ControlHandle = SecureMemControlHandle;
16490 fn control_handle(&self) -> &SecureMemControlHandle {
16491 &self.control_handle
16492 }
16494 fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
16495 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
16496 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
16497 // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
16498 std::mem::forget(self);
16499 }
16502impl SecureMemAddSecureHeapPhysicalRangeResponder {
16503 /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
16504 ///
16505 /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
16506 pub fn send(self, mut result: Result<(), Error>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
16507 let _result = self.send_raw(result);
16508 if _result.is_err() {
16509 self.control_handle.shutdown();
16510 }
16511 self.drop_without_shutdown();
16512 _result
16513 }
16515 /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
16516 pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(self, mut result: Result<(), Error>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
16517 let _result = self.send_raw(result);
16518 self.drop_without_shutdown();
16519 _result
16520 }
16522 fn send_raw(&self, mut result: Result<(), Error>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
16523 self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<
16524 fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct,
16525 Error,
16526 >>(
16527 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResult::new(result),
16528 self.tx_id,
16529 0x35f695b9b6c7217a,
16530 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
16531 )
16532 }
16535#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
16537pub struct SecureMemDeleteSecureHeapPhysicalRangeResponder {
16538 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<SecureMemControlHandle>,
16539 tx_id: u32,
16542/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`SecureMemControlHandle::shutdown`])
16543/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
16544/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
16545impl std::ops::Drop for SecureMemDeleteSecureHeapPhysicalRangeResponder {
16546 fn drop(&mut self) {
16547 self.control_handle.shutdown();
16548 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
16549 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
16550 }
16553impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for SecureMemDeleteSecureHeapPhysicalRangeResponder {
16554 type ControlHandle = SecureMemControlHandle;
16556 fn control_handle(&self) -> &SecureMemControlHandle {
16557 &self.control_handle
16558 }
16560 fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
16561 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
16562 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
16563 // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
16564 std::mem::forget(self);
16565 }
16568impl SecureMemDeleteSecureHeapPhysicalRangeResponder {
16569 /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
16570 ///
16571 /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
16572 pub fn send(self, mut result: Result<(), Error>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
16573 let _result = self.send_raw(result);
16574 if _result.is_err() {
16575 self.control_handle.shutdown();
16576 }
16577 self.drop_without_shutdown();
16578 _result
16579 }
16581 /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
16582 pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(self, mut result: Result<(), Error>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
16583 let _result = self.send_raw(result);
16584 self.drop_without_shutdown();
16585 _result
16586 }
16588 fn send_raw(&self, mut result: Result<(), Error>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
16589 self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<
16590 fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct,
16591 Error,
16592 >>(
16593 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResult::new(result),
16594 self.tx_id,
16595 0xeaa58c650264c9e,
16596 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
16597 )
16598 }
16601#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
16603pub struct SecureMemModifySecureHeapPhysicalRangeResponder {
16604 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<SecureMemControlHandle>,
16605 tx_id: u32,
16608/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`SecureMemControlHandle::shutdown`])
16609/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
16610/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
16611impl std::ops::Drop for SecureMemModifySecureHeapPhysicalRangeResponder {
16612 fn drop(&mut self) {
16613 self.control_handle.shutdown();
16614 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
16615 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
16616 }
16619impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for SecureMemModifySecureHeapPhysicalRangeResponder {
16620 type ControlHandle = SecureMemControlHandle;
16622 fn control_handle(&self) -> &SecureMemControlHandle {
16623 &self.control_handle
16624 }
16626 fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
16627 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
16628 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
16629 // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
16630 std::mem::forget(self);
16631 }
16634impl SecureMemModifySecureHeapPhysicalRangeResponder {
16635 /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
16636 ///
16637 /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
16638 pub fn send(self, mut result: Result<(), Error>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
16639 let _result = self.send_raw(result);
16640 if _result.is_err() {
16641 self.control_handle.shutdown();
16642 }
16643 self.drop_without_shutdown();
16644 _result
16645 }
16647 /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
16648 pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(self, mut result: Result<(), Error>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
16649 let _result = self.send_raw(result);
16650 self.drop_without_shutdown();
16651 _result
16652 }
16654 fn send_raw(&self, mut result: Result<(), Error>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
16655 self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<
16656 fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct,
16657 Error,
16658 >>(
16659 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResult::new(result),
16660 self.tx_id,
16661 0x60b7448aa1187734,
16662 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
16663 )
16664 }
16667#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
16669pub struct SecureMemZeroSubRangeResponder {
16670 control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<SecureMemControlHandle>,
16671 tx_id: u32,
16674/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`SecureMemControlHandle::shutdown`])
16675/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
16676/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
16677impl std::ops::Drop for SecureMemZeroSubRangeResponder {
16678 fn drop(&mut self) {
16679 self.control_handle.shutdown();
16680 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
16681 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
16682 }
16685impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for SecureMemZeroSubRangeResponder {
16686 type ControlHandle = SecureMemControlHandle;
16688 fn control_handle(&self) -> &SecureMemControlHandle {
16689 &self.control_handle
16690 }
16692 fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
16693 // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
16694 unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
16695 // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
16696 std::mem::forget(self);
16697 }
16700impl SecureMemZeroSubRangeResponder {
16701 /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
16702 ///
16703 /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
16704 pub fn send(self, mut result: Result<(), Error>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
16705 let _result = self.send_raw(result);
16706 if _result.is_err() {
16707 self.control_handle.shutdown();
16708 }
16709 self.drop_without_shutdown();
16710 _result
16711 }
16713 /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
16714 pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(self, mut result: Result<(), Error>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
16715 let _result = self.send_raw(result);
16716 self.drop_without_shutdown();
16717 _result
16718 }
16720 fn send_raw(&self, mut result: Result<(), Error>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
16721 self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::FlexibleResultType<
16722 fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct,
16723 Error,
16724 >>(
16725 fidl::encoding::FlexibleResult::new(result),
16726 self.tx_id,
16727 0x5b25b7901a385ce5,
16728 fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::FLEXIBLE,
16729 )
16730 }
16733mod internal {
16734 use super::*;
16736 impl AllocatorAllocateNonSharedCollectionRequest {
16737 #[inline(always)]
16738 fn max_ordinal_present(&self) -> u64 {
16739 if let Some(_) = self.collection_request {
16740 return 1;
16741 }
16742 0
16743 }
16744 }
16746 impl fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker for AllocatorAllocateNonSharedCollectionRequest {
16747 type Borrowed<'a> = &'a mut Self;
16748 fn take_or_borrow<'a>(
16749 value: &'a mut <Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned,
16750 ) -> Self::Borrowed<'a> {
16751 value
16752 }
16753 }
16755 unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for AllocatorAllocateNonSharedCollectionRequest {
16756 type Owned = Self;
16758 #[inline(always)]
16759 fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
16760 8
16761 }
16763 #[inline(always)]
16764 fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
16765 16
16766 }
16767 }
16769 unsafe impl
16770 fidl::encoding::Encode<
16771 AllocatorAllocateNonSharedCollectionRequest,
16772 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
16773 > for &mut AllocatorAllocateNonSharedCollectionRequest
16774 {
16775 unsafe fn encode(
16776 self,
16777 encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<
16778 '_,
16779 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
16780 >,
16781 offset: usize,
16782 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
16783 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
16784 encoder.debug_check_bounds::<AllocatorAllocateNonSharedCollectionRequest>(offset);
16785 // Vector header
16786 let max_ordinal: u64 = self.max_ordinal_present();
16787 encoder.write_num(max_ordinal, offset);
16788 encoder.write_num(fidl::encoding::ALLOC_PRESENT_U64, offset + 8);
16789 // Calling encoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
16790 if max_ordinal == 0 {
16791 return Ok(());
16792 }
16793 depth.increment()?;
16794 let envelope_size = 8;
16795 let bytes_len = max_ordinal as usize * envelope_size;
16796 #[allow(unused_variables)]
16797 let offset = encoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len);
16798 let mut _prev_end_offset: usize = 0;
16799 if 1 > max_ordinal {
16800 return Ok(());
16801 }
16803 // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
16804 // are envelope_size bytes.
16805 let cur_offset: usize = (1 - 1) * envelope_size;
16807 // Zero reserved fields.
16808 encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
16810 // Safety:
16811 // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
16812 // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
16813 // envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
16814 fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<fidl::encoding::Endpoint<fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionMarker>>, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>(
16815 self.collection_request.as_mut().map(<fidl::encoding::Endpoint<fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionMarker>> as fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker>::take_or_borrow),
16816 encoder, offset + cur_offset, depth
16817 )?;
16819 _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
16821 Ok(())
16822 }
16823 }
16825 impl fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
16826 for AllocatorAllocateNonSharedCollectionRequest
16827 {
16828 #[inline(always)]
16829 fn new_empty() -> Self {
16830 Self::default()
16831 }
16833 unsafe fn decode(
16834 &mut self,
16835 decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<
16836 '_,
16837 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
16838 >,
16839 offset: usize,
16840 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
16841 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
16842 decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
16843 let len = match fidl::encoding::decode_vector_header(decoder, offset)? {
16844 None => return Err(fidl::Error::NotNullable),
16845 Some(len) => len,
16846 };
16847 // Calling decoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
16848 if len == 0 {
16849 return Ok(());
16850 };
16851 depth.increment()?;
16852 let envelope_size = 8;
16853 let bytes_len = len * envelope_size;
16854 let offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len)?;
16855 // Decode the envelope for each type.
16856 let mut _next_ordinal_to_read = 0;
16857 let mut next_offset = offset;
16858 let end_offset = offset + bytes_len;
16859 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
16860 if next_offset >= end_offset {
16861 return Ok(());
16862 }
16864 // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
16865 while _next_ordinal_to_read < 1 {
16866 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
16867 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
16868 next_offset += envelope_size;
16869 }
16871 let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
16872 let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
16873 if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
16874 fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
16875 {
16876 let member_inline_size = <fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
16877 fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionMarker>,
16878 > as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(
16879 decoder.context
16880 );
16881 if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
16882 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
16883 }
16884 let inner_offset;
16885 let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
16886 if inlined {
16887 decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
16888 inner_offset = next_offset;
16889 } else {
16890 inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
16891 inner_depth.increment()?;
16892 }
16893 let val_ref = self.collection_request.get_or_insert_with(|| {
16894 fidl::new_empty!(
16895 fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
16896 fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionMarker>,
16897 >,
16898 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
16899 )
16900 });
16901 fidl::decode!(
16902 fidl::encoding::Endpoint<fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionMarker>>,
16903 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
16904 val_ref,
16905 decoder,
16906 inner_offset,
16907 inner_depth
16908 )?;
16909 if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
16910 {
16911 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
16912 }
16913 if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
16914 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
16915 }
16916 }
16918 next_offset += envelope_size;
16920 // Decode the remaining unknown envelopes.
16921 while next_offset < end_offset {
16922 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
16923 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
16924 next_offset += envelope_size;
16925 }
16927 Ok(())
16928 }
16929 }
16931 impl AllocatorAllocateSharedCollectionRequest {
16932 #[inline(always)]
16933 fn max_ordinal_present(&self) -> u64 {
16934 if let Some(_) = self.token_request {
16935 return 1;
16936 }
16937 0
16938 }
16939 }
16941 impl fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker for AllocatorAllocateSharedCollectionRequest {
16942 type Borrowed<'a> = &'a mut Self;
16943 fn take_or_borrow<'a>(
16944 value: &'a mut <Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned,
16945 ) -> Self::Borrowed<'a> {
16946 value
16947 }
16948 }
16950 unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for AllocatorAllocateSharedCollectionRequest {
16951 type Owned = Self;
16953 #[inline(always)]
16954 fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
16955 8
16956 }
16958 #[inline(always)]
16959 fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
16960 16
16961 }
16962 }
16964 unsafe impl
16965 fidl::encoding::Encode<
16966 AllocatorAllocateSharedCollectionRequest,
16967 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
16968 > for &mut AllocatorAllocateSharedCollectionRequest
16969 {
16970 unsafe fn encode(
16971 self,
16972 encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<
16973 '_,
16974 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
16975 >,
16976 offset: usize,
16977 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
16978 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
16979 encoder.debug_check_bounds::<AllocatorAllocateSharedCollectionRequest>(offset);
16980 // Vector header
16981 let max_ordinal: u64 = self.max_ordinal_present();
16982 encoder.write_num(max_ordinal, offset);
16983 encoder.write_num(fidl::encoding::ALLOC_PRESENT_U64, offset + 8);
16984 // Calling encoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
16985 if max_ordinal == 0 {
16986 return Ok(());
16987 }
16988 depth.increment()?;
16989 let envelope_size = 8;
16990 let bytes_len = max_ordinal as usize * envelope_size;
16991 #[allow(unused_variables)]
16992 let offset = encoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len);
16993 let mut _prev_end_offset: usize = 0;
16994 if 1 > max_ordinal {
16995 return Ok(());
16996 }
16998 // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
16999 // are envelope_size bytes.
17000 let cur_offset: usize = (1 - 1) * envelope_size;
17002 // Zero reserved fields.
17003 encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
17005 // Safety:
17006 // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
17007 // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
17008 // envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
17009 fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<
17010 fidl::encoding::Endpoint<fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>>,
17011 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
17012 >(
17013 self.token_request.as_mut().map(
17014 <fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
17015 fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>,
17016 > as fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker>::take_or_borrow,
17017 ),
17018 encoder,
17019 offset + cur_offset,
17020 depth,
17021 )?;
17023 _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
17025 Ok(())
17026 }
17027 }
17029 impl fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
17030 for AllocatorAllocateSharedCollectionRequest
17031 {
17032 #[inline(always)]
17033 fn new_empty() -> Self {
17034 Self::default()
17035 }
17037 unsafe fn decode(
17038 &mut self,
17039 decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<
17040 '_,
17041 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
17042 >,
17043 offset: usize,
17044 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
17045 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
17046 decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
17047 let len = match fidl::encoding::decode_vector_header(decoder, offset)? {
17048 None => return Err(fidl::Error::NotNullable),
17049 Some(len) => len,
17050 };
17051 // Calling decoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
17052 if len == 0 {
17053 return Ok(());
17054 };
17055 depth.increment()?;
17056 let envelope_size = 8;
17057 let bytes_len = len * envelope_size;
17058 let offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len)?;
17059 // Decode the envelope for each type.
17060 let mut _next_ordinal_to_read = 0;
17061 let mut next_offset = offset;
17062 let end_offset = offset + bytes_len;
17063 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
17064 if next_offset >= end_offset {
17065 return Ok(());
17066 }
17068 // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
17069 while _next_ordinal_to_read < 1 {
17070 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
17071 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
17072 next_offset += envelope_size;
17073 }
17075 let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
17076 let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
17077 if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
17078 fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
17079 {
17080 let member_inline_size = <fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
17081 fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>,
17082 > as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(
17083 decoder.context
17084 );
17085 if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
17086 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
17087 }
17088 let inner_offset;
17089 let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
17090 if inlined {
17091 decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
17092 inner_offset = next_offset;
17093 } else {
17094 inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
17095 inner_depth.increment()?;
17096 }
17097 let val_ref = self.token_request.get_or_insert_with(|| {
17098 fidl::new_empty!(
17099 fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
17100 fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>,
17101 >,
17102 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
17103 )
17104 });
17105 fidl::decode!(
17106 fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
17107 fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>,
17108 >,
17109 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
17110 val_ref,
17111 decoder,
17112 inner_offset,
17113 inner_depth
17114 )?;
17115 if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
17116 {
17117 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
17118 }
17119 if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
17120 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
17121 }
17122 }
17124 next_offset += envelope_size;
17126 // Decode the remaining unknown envelopes.
17127 while next_offset < end_offset {
17128 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
17129 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
17130 next_offset += envelope_size;
17131 }
17133 Ok(())
17134 }
17135 }
17137 impl AllocatorBindSharedCollectionRequest {
17138 #[inline(always)]
17139 fn max_ordinal_present(&self) -> u64 {
17140 if let Some(_) = self.buffer_collection_request {
17141 return 2;
17142 }
17143 if let Some(_) = self.token {
17144 return 1;
17145 }
17146 0
17147 }
17148 }
17150 impl fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker for AllocatorBindSharedCollectionRequest {
17151 type Borrowed<'a> = &'a mut Self;
17152 fn take_or_borrow<'a>(
17153 value: &'a mut <Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned,
17154 ) -> Self::Borrowed<'a> {
17155 value
17156 }
17157 }
17159 unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for AllocatorBindSharedCollectionRequest {
17160 type Owned = Self;
17162 #[inline(always)]
17163 fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
17164 8
17165 }
17167 #[inline(always)]
17168 fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
17169 16
17170 }
17171 }
17173 unsafe impl
17174 fidl::encoding::Encode<
17175 AllocatorBindSharedCollectionRequest,
17176 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
17177 > for &mut AllocatorBindSharedCollectionRequest
17178 {
17179 unsafe fn encode(
17180 self,
17181 encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<
17182 '_,
17183 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
17184 >,
17185 offset: usize,
17186 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
17187 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
17188 encoder.debug_check_bounds::<AllocatorBindSharedCollectionRequest>(offset);
17189 // Vector header
17190 let max_ordinal: u64 = self.max_ordinal_present();
17191 encoder.write_num(max_ordinal, offset);
17192 encoder.write_num(fidl::encoding::ALLOC_PRESENT_U64, offset + 8);
17193 // Calling encoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
17194 if max_ordinal == 0 {
17195 return Ok(());
17196 }
17197 depth.increment()?;
17198 let envelope_size = 8;
17199 let bytes_len = max_ordinal as usize * envelope_size;
17200 #[allow(unused_variables)]
17201 let offset = encoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len);
17202 let mut _prev_end_offset: usize = 0;
17203 if 1 > max_ordinal {
17204 return Ok(());
17205 }
17207 // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
17208 // are envelope_size bytes.
17209 let cur_offset: usize = (1 - 1) * envelope_size;
17211 // Zero reserved fields.
17212 encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
17214 // Safety:
17215 // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
17216 // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
17217 // envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
17218 fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<
17219 fidl::encoding::Endpoint<fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>>,
17220 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
17221 >(
17222 self.token.as_mut().map(
17223 <fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
17224 fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>,
17225 > as fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker>::take_or_borrow,
17226 ),
17227 encoder,
17228 offset + cur_offset,
17229 depth,
17230 )?;
17232 _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
17233 if 2 > max_ordinal {
17234 return Ok(());
17235 }
17237 // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
17238 // are envelope_size bytes.
17239 let cur_offset: usize = (2 - 1) * envelope_size;
17241 // Zero reserved fields.
17242 encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
17244 // Safety:
17245 // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
17246 // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
17247 // envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
17248 fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<fidl::encoding::Endpoint<fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionMarker>>, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>(
17249 self.buffer_collection_request.as_mut().map(<fidl::encoding::Endpoint<fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionMarker>> as fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker>::take_or_borrow),
17250 encoder, offset + cur_offset, depth
17251 )?;
17253 _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
17255 Ok(())
17256 }
17257 }
17259 impl fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
17260 for AllocatorBindSharedCollectionRequest
17261 {
17262 #[inline(always)]
17263 fn new_empty() -> Self {
17264 Self::default()
17265 }
17267 unsafe fn decode(
17268 &mut self,
17269 decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<
17270 '_,
17271 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
17272 >,
17273 offset: usize,
17274 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
17275 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
17276 decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
17277 let len = match fidl::encoding::decode_vector_header(decoder, offset)? {
17278 None => return Err(fidl::Error::NotNullable),
17279 Some(len) => len,
17280 };
17281 // Calling decoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
17282 if len == 0 {
17283 return Ok(());
17284 };
17285 depth.increment()?;
17286 let envelope_size = 8;
17287 let bytes_len = len * envelope_size;
17288 let offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len)?;
17289 // Decode the envelope for each type.
17290 let mut _next_ordinal_to_read = 0;
17291 let mut next_offset = offset;
17292 let end_offset = offset + bytes_len;
17293 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
17294 if next_offset >= end_offset {
17295 return Ok(());
17296 }
17298 // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
17299 while _next_ordinal_to_read < 1 {
17300 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
17301 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
17302 next_offset += envelope_size;
17303 }
17305 let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
17306 let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
17307 if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
17308 fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
17309 {
17310 let member_inline_size = <fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
17311 fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>,
17312 > as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(
17313 decoder.context
17314 );
17315 if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
17316 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
17317 }
17318 let inner_offset;
17319 let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
17320 if inlined {
17321 decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
17322 inner_offset = next_offset;
17323 } else {
17324 inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
17325 inner_depth.increment()?;
17326 }
17327 let val_ref = self.token.get_or_insert_with(|| {
17328 fidl::new_empty!(
17329 fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
17330 fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>,
17331 >,
17332 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
17333 )
17334 });
17335 fidl::decode!(
17336 fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
17337 fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>,
17338 >,
17339 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
17340 val_ref,
17341 decoder,
17342 inner_offset,
17343 inner_depth
17344 )?;
17345 if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
17346 {
17347 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
17348 }
17349 if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
17350 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
17351 }
17352 }
17354 next_offset += envelope_size;
17355 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
17356 if next_offset >= end_offset {
17357 return Ok(());
17358 }
17360 // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
17361 while _next_ordinal_to_read < 2 {
17362 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
17363 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
17364 next_offset += envelope_size;
17365 }
17367 let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
17368 let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
17369 if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
17370 fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
17371 {
17372 let member_inline_size = <fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
17373 fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionMarker>,
17374 > as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(
17375 decoder.context
17376 );
17377 if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
17378 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
17379 }
17380 let inner_offset;
17381 let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
17382 if inlined {
17383 decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
17384 inner_offset = next_offset;
17385 } else {
17386 inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
17387 inner_depth.increment()?;
17388 }
17389 let val_ref = self.buffer_collection_request.get_or_insert_with(|| {
17390 fidl::new_empty!(
17391 fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
17392 fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionMarker>,
17393 >,
17394 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
17395 )
17396 });
17397 fidl::decode!(
17398 fidl::encoding::Endpoint<fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionMarker>>,
17399 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
17400 val_ref,
17401 decoder,
17402 inner_offset,
17403 inner_depth
17404 )?;
17405 if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
17406 {
17407 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
17408 }
17409 if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
17410 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
17411 }
17412 }
17414 next_offset += envelope_size;
17416 // Decode the remaining unknown envelopes.
17417 while next_offset < end_offset {
17418 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
17419 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
17420 next_offset += envelope_size;
17421 }
17423 Ok(())
17424 }
17425 }
17427 impl AllocatorGetVmoInfoRequest {
17428 #[inline(always)]
17429 fn max_ordinal_present(&self) -> u64 {
17430 if let Some(_) = self.vmo {
17431 return 1;
17432 }
17433 0
17434 }
17435 }
17437 impl fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker for AllocatorGetVmoInfoRequest {
17438 type Borrowed<'a> = &'a mut Self;
17439 fn take_or_borrow<'a>(
17440 value: &'a mut <Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned,
17441 ) -> Self::Borrowed<'a> {
17442 value
17443 }
17444 }
17446 unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for AllocatorGetVmoInfoRequest {
17447 type Owned = Self;
17449 #[inline(always)]
17450 fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
17451 8
17452 }
17454 #[inline(always)]
17455 fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
17456 16
17457 }
17458 }
17460 unsafe impl
17461 fidl::encoding::Encode<
17462 AllocatorGetVmoInfoRequest,
17463 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
17464 > for &mut AllocatorGetVmoInfoRequest
17465 {
17466 unsafe fn encode(
17467 self,
17468 encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<
17469 '_,
17470 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
17471 >,
17472 offset: usize,
17473 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
17474 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
17475 encoder.debug_check_bounds::<AllocatorGetVmoInfoRequest>(offset);
17476 // Vector header
17477 let max_ordinal: u64 = self.max_ordinal_present();
17478 encoder.write_num(max_ordinal, offset);
17479 encoder.write_num(fidl::encoding::ALLOC_PRESENT_U64, offset + 8);
17480 // Calling encoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
17481 if max_ordinal == 0 {
17482 return Ok(());
17483 }
17484 depth.increment()?;
17485 let envelope_size = 8;
17486 let bytes_len = max_ordinal as usize * envelope_size;
17487 #[allow(unused_variables)]
17488 let offset = encoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len);
17489 let mut _prev_end_offset: usize = 0;
17490 if 1 > max_ordinal {
17491 return Ok(());
17492 }
17494 // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
17495 // are envelope_size bytes.
17496 let cur_offset: usize = (1 - 1) * envelope_size;
17498 // Zero reserved fields.
17499 encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
17501 // Safety:
17502 // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
17503 // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
17504 // envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
17505 fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<
17506 fidl::encoding::HandleType<
17507 fidl::Vmo,
17508 { fidl::ObjectType::VMO.into_raw() },
17509 2147483648,
17510 >,
17511 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
17512 >(
17513 self.vmo.as_mut().map(
17514 <fidl::encoding::HandleType<
17515 fidl::Vmo,
17516 { fidl::ObjectType::VMO.into_raw() },
17517 2147483648,
17518 > as fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker>::take_or_borrow,
17519 ),
17520 encoder,
17521 offset + cur_offset,
17522 depth,
17523 )?;
17525 _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
17527 Ok(())
17528 }
17529 }
17531 impl fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
17532 for AllocatorGetVmoInfoRequest
17533 {
17534 #[inline(always)]
17535 fn new_empty() -> Self {
17536 Self::default()
17537 }
17539 unsafe fn decode(
17540 &mut self,
17541 decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<
17542 '_,
17543 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
17544 >,
17545 offset: usize,
17546 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
17547 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
17548 decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
17549 let len = match fidl::encoding::decode_vector_header(decoder, offset)? {
17550 None => return Err(fidl::Error::NotNullable),
17551 Some(len) => len,
17552 };
17553 // Calling decoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
17554 if len == 0 {
17555 return Ok(());
17556 };
17557 depth.increment()?;
17558 let envelope_size = 8;
17559 let bytes_len = len * envelope_size;
17560 let offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len)?;
17561 // Decode the envelope for each type.
17562 let mut _next_ordinal_to_read = 0;
17563 let mut next_offset = offset;
17564 let end_offset = offset + bytes_len;
17565 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
17566 if next_offset >= end_offset {
17567 return Ok(());
17568 }
17570 // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
17571 while _next_ordinal_to_read < 1 {
17572 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
17573 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
17574 next_offset += envelope_size;
17575 }
17577 let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
17578 let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
17579 if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
17580 fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
17581 {
17582 let member_inline_size = <fidl::encoding::HandleType<
17583 fidl::Vmo,
17584 { fidl::ObjectType::VMO.into_raw() },
17585 2147483648,
17586 > as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(
17587 decoder.context
17588 );
17589 if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
17590 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
17591 }
17592 let inner_offset;
17593 let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
17594 if inlined {
17595 decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
17596 inner_offset = next_offset;
17597 } else {
17598 inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
17599 inner_depth.increment()?;
17600 }
17601 let val_ref =
17602 self.vmo.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::HandleType<fidl::Vmo, { fidl::ObjectType::VMO.into_raw() }, 2147483648>, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect));
17603 fidl::decode!(fidl::encoding::HandleType<fidl::Vmo, { fidl::ObjectType::VMO.into_raw() }, 2147483648>, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
17604 if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
17605 {
17606 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
17607 }
17608 if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
17609 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
17610 }
17611 }
17613 next_offset += envelope_size;
17615 // Decode the remaining unknown envelopes.
17616 while next_offset < end_offset {
17617 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
17618 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
17619 next_offset += envelope_size;
17620 }
17622 Ok(())
17623 }
17624 }
17626 impl AllocatorGetVmoInfoResponse {
17627 #[inline(always)]
17628 fn max_ordinal_present(&self) -> u64 {
17629 if let Some(_) = self.close_weak_asap {
17630 return 3;
17631 }
17632 if let Some(_) = self.buffer_index {
17633 return 2;
17634 }
17635 if let Some(_) = self.buffer_collection_id {
17636 return 1;
17637 }
17638 0
17639 }
17640 }
17642 impl fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker for AllocatorGetVmoInfoResponse {
17643 type Borrowed<'a> = &'a mut Self;
17644 fn take_or_borrow<'a>(
17645 value: &'a mut <Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned,
17646 ) -> Self::Borrowed<'a> {
17647 value
17648 }
17649 }
17651 unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for AllocatorGetVmoInfoResponse {
17652 type Owned = Self;
17654 #[inline(always)]
17655 fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
17656 8
17657 }
17659 #[inline(always)]
17660 fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
17661 16
17662 }
17663 }
17665 unsafe impl
17666 fidl::encoding::Encode<
17667 AllocatorGetVmoInfoResponse,
17668 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
17669 > for &mut AllocatorGetVmoInfoResponse
17670 {
17671 unsafe fn encode(
17672 self,
17673 encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<
17674 '_,
17675 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
17676 >,
17677 offset: usize,
17678 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
17679 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
17680 encoder.debug_check_bounds::<AllocatorGetVmoInfoResponse>(offset);
17681 // Vector header
17682 let max_ordinal: u64 = self.max_ordinal_present();
17683 encoder.write_num(max_ordinal, offset);
17684 encoder.write_num(fidl::encoding::ALLOC_PRESENT_U64, offset + 8);
17685 // Calling encoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
17686 if max_ordinal == 0 {
17687 return Ok(());
17688 }
17689 depth.increment()?;
17690 let envelope_size = 8;
17691 let bytes_len = max_ordinal as usize * envelope_size;
17692 #[allow(unused_variables)]
17693 let offset = encoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len);
17694 let mut _prev_end_offset: usize = 0;
17695 if 1 > max_ordinal {
17696 return Ok(());
17697 }
17699 // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
17700 // are envelope_size bytes.
17701 let cur_offset: usize = (1 - 1) * envelope_size;
17703 // Zero reserved fields.
17704 encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
17706 // Safety:
17707 // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
17708 // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
17709 // envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
17710 fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<
17711 u64,
17712 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
17713 >(
17714 self.buffer_collection_id
17715 .as_ref()
17716 .map(<u64 as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
17717 encoder,
17718 offset + cur_offset,
17719 depth,
17720 )?;
17722 _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
17723 if 2 > max_ordinal {
17724 return Ok(());
17725 }
17727 // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
17728 // are envelope_size bytes.
17729 let cur_offset: usize = (2 - 1) * envelope_size;
17731 // Zero reserved fields.
17732 encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
17734 // Safety:
17735 // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
17736 // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
17737 // envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
17738 fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<
17739 u64,
17740 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
17741 >(
17742 self.buffer_index.as_ref().map(<u64 as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
17743 encoder,
17744 offset + cur_offset,
17745 depth,
17746 )?;
17748 _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
17749 if 3 > max_ordinal {
17750 return Ok(());
17751 }
17753 // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
17754 // are envelope_size bytes.
17755 let cur_offset: usize = (3 - 1) * envelope_size;
17757 // Zero reserved fields.
17758 encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
17760 // Safety:
17761 // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
17762 // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
17763 // envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
17764 fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<
17765 fidl::encoding::HandleType<
17766 fidl::EventPair,
17767 { fidl::ObjectType::EVENTPAIR.into_raw() },
17768 2147483648,
17769 >,
17770 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
17771 >(
17772 self.close_weak_asap.as_mut().map(
17773 <fidl::encoding::HandleType<
17774 fidl::EventPair,
17775 { fidl::ObjectType::EVENTPAIR.into_raw() },
17776 2147483648,
17777 > as fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker>::take_or_borrow,
17778 ),
17779 encoder,
17780 offset + cur_offset,
17781 depth,
17782 )?;
17784 _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
17786 Ok(())
17787 }
17788 }
17790 impl fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
17791 for AllocatorGetVmoInfoResponse
17792 {
17793 #[inline(always)]
17794 fn new_empty() -> Self {
17795 Self::default()
17796 }
17798 unsafe fn decode(
17799 &mut self,
17800 decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<
17801 '_,
17802 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
17803 >,
17804 offset: usize,
17805 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
17806 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
17807 decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
17808 let len = match fidl::encoding::decode_vector_header(decoder, offset)? {
17809 None => return Err(fidl::Error::NotNullable),
17810 Some(len) => len,
17811 };
17812 // Calling decoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
17813 if len == 0 {
17814 return Ok(());
17815 };
17816 depth.increment()?;
17817 let envelope_size = 8;
17818 let bytes_len = len * envelope_size;
17819 let offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len)?;
17820 // Decode the envelope for each type.
17821 let mut _next_ordinal_to_read = 0;
17822 let mut next_offset = offset;
17823 let end_offset = offset + bytes_len;
17824 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
17825 if next_offset >= end_offset {
17826 return Ok(());
17827 }
17829 // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
17830 while _next_ordinal_to_read < 1 {
17831 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
17832 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
17833 next_offset += envelope_size;
17834 }
17836 let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
17837 let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
17838 if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
17839 fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
17840 {
17841 let member_inline_size =
17842 <u64 as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
17843 if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
17844 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
17845 }
17846 let inner_offset;
17847 let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
17848 if inlined {
17849 decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
17850 inner_offset = next_offset;
17851 } else {
17852 inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
17853 inner_depth.increment()?;
17854 }
17855 let val_ref = self.buffer_collection_id.get_or_insert_with(|| {
17856 fidl::new_empty!(u64, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect)
17857 });
17858 fidl::decode!(
17859 u64,
17860 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
17861 val_ref,
17862 decoder,
17863 inner_offset,
17864 inner_depth
17865 )?;
17866 if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
17867 {
17868 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
17869 }
17870 if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
17871 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
17872 }
17873 }
17875 next_offset += envelope_size;
17876 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
17877 if next_offset >= end_offset {
17878 return Ok(());
17879 }
17881 // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
17882 while _next_ordinal_to_read < 2 {
17883 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
17884 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
17885 next_offset += envelope_size;
17886 }
17888 let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
17889 let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
17890 if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
17891 fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
17892 {
17893 let member_inline_size =
17894 <u64 as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
17895 if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
17896 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
17897 }
17898 let inner_offset;
17899 let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
17900 if inlined {
17901 decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
17902 inner_offset = next_offset;
17903 } else {
17904 inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
17905 inner_depth.increment()?;
17906 }
17907 let val_ref = self.buffer_index.get_or_insert_with(|| {
17908 fidl::new_empty!(u64, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect)
17909 });
17910 fidl::decode!(
17911 u64,
17912 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
17913 val_ref,
17914 decoder,
17915 inner_offset,
17916 inner_depth
17917 )?;
17918 if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
17919 {
17920 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
17921 }
17922 if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
17923 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
17924 }
17925 }
17927 next_offset += envelope_size;
17928 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
17929 if next_offset >= end_offset {
17930 return Ok(());
17931 }
17933 // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
17934 while _next_ordinal_to_read < 3 {
17935 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
17936 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
17937 next_offset += envelope_size;
17938 }
17940 let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
17941 let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
17942 if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
17943 fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
17944 {
17945 let member_inline_size = <fidl::encoding::HandleType<
17946 fidl::EventPair,
17947 { fidl::ObjectType::EVENTPAIR.into_raw() },
17948 2147483648,
17949 > as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(
17950 decoder.context
17951 );
17952 if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
17953 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
17954 }
17955 let inner_offset;
17956 let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
17957 if inlined {
17958 decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
17959 inner_offset = next_offset;
17960 } else {
17961 inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
17962 inner_depth.increment()?;
17963 }
17964 let val_ref =
17965 self.close_weak_asap.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::HandleType<fidl::EventPair, { fidl::ObjectType::EVENTPAIR.into_raw() }, 2147483648>, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect));
17966 fidl::decode!(fidl::encoding::HandleType<fidl::EventPair, { fidl::ObjectType::EVENTPAIR.into_raw() }, 2147483648>, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
17967 if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
17968 {
17969 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
17970 }
17971 if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
17972 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
17973 }
17974 }
17976 next_offset += envelope_size;
17978 // Decode the remaining unknown envelopes.
17979 while next_offset < end_offset {
17980 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
17981 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
17982 next_offset += envelope_size;
17983 }
17985 Ok(())
17986 }
17987 }
17989 impl BufferCollectionAttachLifetimeTrackingRequest {
17990 #[inline(always)]
17991 fn max_ordinal_present(&self) -> u64 {
17992 if let Some(_) = self.buffers_remaining {
17993 return 2;
17994 }
17995 if let Some(_) = self.server_end {
17996 return 1;
17997 }
17998 0
17999 }
18000 }
18002 impl fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker for BufferCollectionAttachLifetimeTrackingRequest {
18003 type Borrowed<'a> = &'a mut Self;
18004 fn take_or_borrow<'a>(
18005 value: &'a mut <Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned,
18006 ) -> Self::Borrowed<'a> {
18007 value
18008 }
18009 }
18011 unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for BufferCollectionAttachLifetimeTrackingRequest {
18012 type Owned = Self;
18014 #[inline(always)]
18015 fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
18016 8
18017 }
18019 #[inline(always)]
18020 fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
18021 16
18022 }
18023 }
18025 unsafe impl
18026 fidl::encoding::Encode<
18027 BufferCollectionAttachLifetimeTrackingRequest,
18028 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
18029 > for &mut BufferCollectionAttachLifetimeTrackingRequest
18030 {
18031 unsafe fn encode(
18032 self,
18033 encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<
18034 '_,
18035 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
18036 >,
18037 offset: usize,
18038 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
18039 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
18040 encoder.debug_check_bounds::<BufferCollectionAttachLifetimeTrackingRequest>(offset);
18041 // Vector header
18042 let max_ordinal: u64 = self.max_ordinal_present();
18043 encoder.write_num(max_ordinal, offset);
18044 encoder.write_num(fidl::encoding::ALLOC_PRESENT_U64, offset + 8);
18045 // Calling encoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
18046 if max_ordinal == 0 {
18047 return Ok(());
18048 }
18049 depth.increment()?;
18050 let envelope_size = 8;
18051 let bytes_len = max_ordinal as usize * envelope_size;
18052 #[allow(unused_variables)]
18053 let offset = encoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len);
18054 let mut _prev_end_offset: usize = 0;
18055 if 1 > max_ordinal {
18056 return Ok(());
18057 }
18059 // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
18060 // are envelope_size bytes.
18061 let cur_offset: usize = (1 - 1) * envelope_size;
18063 // Zero reserved fields.
18064 encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
18066 // Safety:
18067 // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
18068 // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
18069 // envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
18070 fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<
18071 fidl::encoding::HandleType<
18072 fidl::EventPair,
18073 { fidl::ObjectType::EVENTPAIR.into_raw() },
18074 2147483648,
18075 >,
18076 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
18077 >(
18078 self.server_end.as_mut().map(
18079 <fidl::encoding::HandleType<
18080 fidl::EventPair,
18081 { fidl::ObjectType::EVENTPAIR.into_raw() },
18082 2147483648,
18083 > as fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker>::take_or_borrow,
18084 ),
18085 encoder,
18086 offset + cur_offset,
18087 depth,
18088 )?;
18090 _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
18091 if 2 > max_ordinal {
18092 return Ok(());
18093 }
18095 // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
18096 // are envelope_size bytes.
18097 let cur_offset: usize = (2 - 1) * envelope_size;
18099 // Zero reserved fields.
18100 encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
18102 // Safety:
18103 // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
18104 // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
18105 // envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
18106 fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<
18107 u32,
18108 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
18109 >(
18110 self.buffers_remaining
18111 .as_ref()
18112 .map(<u32 as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
18113 encoder,
18114 offset + cur_offset,
18115 depth,
18116 )?;
18118 _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
18120 Ok(())
18121 }
18122 }
18124 impl fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
18125 for BufferCollectionAttachLifetimeTrackingRequest
18126 {
18127 #[inline(always)]
18128 fn new_empty() -> Self {
18129 Self::default()
18130 }
18132 unsafe fn decode(
18133 &mut self,
18134 decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<
18135 '_,
18136 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
18137 >,
18138 offset: usize,
18139 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
18140 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
18141 decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
18142 let len = match fidl::encoding::decode_vector_header(decoder, offset)? {
18143 None => return Err(fidl::Error::NotNullable),
18144 Some(len) => len,
18145 };
18146 // Calling decoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
18147 if len == 0 {
18148 return Ok(());
18149 };
18150 depth.increment()?;
18151 let envelope_size = 8;
18152 let bytes_len = len * envelope_size;
18153 let offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len)?;
18154 // Decode the envelope for each type.
18155 let mut _next_ordinal_to_read = 0;
18156 let mut next_offset = offset;
18157 let end_offset = offset + bytes_len;
18158 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18159 if next_offset >= end_offset {
18160 return Ok(());
18161 }
18163 // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
18164 while _next_ordinal_to_read < 1 {
18165 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
18166 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18167 next_offset += envelope_size;
18168 }
18170 let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
18171 let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
18172 if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
18173 fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
18174 {
18175 let member_inline_size = <fidl::encoding::HandleType<
18176 fidl::EventPair,
18177 { fidl::ObjectType::EVENTPAIR.into_raw() },
18178 2147483648,
18179 > as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(
18180 decoder.context
18181 );
18182 if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
18183 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
18184 }
18185 let inner_offset;
18186 let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
18187 if inlined {
18188 decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
18189 inner_offset = next_offset;
18190 } else {
18191 inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
18192 inner_depth.increment()?;
18193 }
18194 let val_ref =
18195 self.server_end.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::HandleType<fidl::EventPair, { fidl::ObjectType::EVENTPAIR.into_raw() }, 2147483648>, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect));
18196 fidl::decode!(fidl::encoding::HandleType<fidl::EventPair, { fidl::ObjectType::EVENTPAIR.into_raw() }, 2147483648>, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
18197 if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
18198 {
18199 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
18200 }
18201 if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
18202 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
18203 }
18204 }
18206 next_offset += envelope_size;
18207 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18208 if next_offset >= end_offset {
18209 return Ok(());
18210 }
18212 // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
18213 while _next_ordinal_to_read < 2 {
18214 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
18215 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18216 next_offset += envelope_size;
18217 }
18219 let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
18220 let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
18221 if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
18222 fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
18223 {
18224 let member_inline_size =
18225 <u32 as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
18226 if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
18227 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
18228 }
18229 let inner_offset;
18230 let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
18231 if inlined {
18232 decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
18233 inner_offset = next_offset;
18234 } else {
18235 inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
18236 inner_depth.increment()?;
18237 }
18238 let val_ref = self.buffers_remaining.get_or_insert_with(|| {
18239 fidl::new_empty!(u32, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect)
18240 });
18241 fidl::decode!(
18242 u32,
18243 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
18244 val_ref,
18245 decoder,
18246 inner_offset,
18247 inner_depth
18248 )?;
18249 if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
18250 {
18251 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
18252 }
18253 if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
18254 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
18255 }
18256 }
18258 next_offset += envelope_size;
18260 // Decode the remaining unknown envelopes.
18261 while next_offset < end_offset {
18262 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18263 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
18264 next_offset += envelope_size;
18265 }
18267 Ok(())
18268 }
18269 }
18271 impl BufferCollectionAttachTokenRequest {
18272 #[inline(always)]
18273 fn max_ordinal_present(&self) -> u64 {
18274 if let Some(_) = self.token_request {
18275 return 2;
18276 }
18277 if let Some(_) = self.rights_attenuation_mask {
18278 return 1;
18279 }
18280 0
18281 }
18282 }
18284 impl fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker for BufferCollectionAttachTokenRequest {
18285 type Borrowed<'a> = &'a mut Self;
18286 fn take_or_borrow<'a>(
18287 value: &'a mut <Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned,
18288 ) -> Self::Borrowed<'a> {
18289 value
18290 }
18291 }
18293 unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for BufferCollectionAttachTokenRequest {
18294 type Owned = Self;
18296 #[inline(always)]
18297 fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
18298 8
18299 }
18301 #[inline(always)]
18302 fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
18303 16
18304 }
18305 }
18307 unsafe impl
18308 fidl::encoding::Encode<
18309 BufferCollectionAttachTokenRequest,
18310 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
18311 > for &mut BufferCollectionAttachTokenRequest
18312 {
18313 unsafe fn encode(
18314 self,
18315 encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<
18316 '_,
18317 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
18318 >,
18319 offset: usize,
18320 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
18321 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
18322 encoder.debug_check_bounds::<BufferCollectionAttachTokenRequest>(offset);
18323 // Vector header
18324 let max_ordinal: u64 = self.max_ordinal_present();
18325 encoder.write_num(max_ordinal, offset);
18326 encoder.write_num(fidl::encoding::ALLOC_PRESENT_U64, offset + 8);
18327 // Calling encoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
18328 if max_ordinal == 0 {
18329 return Ok(());
18330 }
18331 depth.increment()?;
18332 let envelope_size = 8;
18333 let bytes_len = max_ordinal as usize * envelope_size;
18334 #[allow(unused_variables)]
18335 let offset = encoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len);
18336 let mut _prev_end_offset: usize = 0;
18337 if 1 > max_ordinal {
18338 return Ok(());
18339 }
18341 // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
18342 // are envelope_size bytes.
18343 let cur_offset: usize = (1 - 1) * envelope_size;
18345 // Zero reserved fields.
18346 encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
18348 // Safety:
18349 // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
18350 // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
18351 // envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
18352 fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<
18353 fidl::Rights,
18354 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
18355 >(
18356 self.rights_attenuation_mask
18357 .as_ref()
18358 .map(<fidl::Rights as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
18359 encoder,
18360 offset + cur_offset,
18361 depth,
18362 )?;
18364 _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
18365 if 2 > max_ordinal {
18366 return Ok(());
18367 }
18369 // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
18370 // are envelope_size bytes.
18371 let cur_offset: usize = (2 - 1) * envelope_size;
18373 // Zero reserved fields.
18374 encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
18376 // Safety:
18377 // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
18378 // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
18379 // envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
18380 fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<
18381 fidl::encoding::Endpoint<fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>>,
18382 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
18383 >(
18384 self.token_request.as_mut().map(
18385 <fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
18386 fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>,
18387 > as fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker>::take_or_borrow,
18388 ),
18389 encoder,
18390 offset + cur_offset,
18391 depth,
18392 )?;
18394 _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
18396 Ok(())
18397 }
18398 }
18400 impl fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
18401 for BufferCollectionAttachTokenRequest
18402 {
18403 #[inline(always)]
18404 fn new_empty() -> Self {
18405 Self::default()
18406 }
18408 unsafe fn decode(
18409 &mut self,
18410 decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<
18411 '_,
18412 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
18413 >,
18414 offset: usize,
18415 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
18416 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
18417 decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
18418 let len = match fidl::encoding::decode_vector_header(decoder, offset)? {
18419 None => return Err(fidl::Error::NotNullable),
18420 Some(len) => len,
18421 };
18422 // Calling decoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
18423 if len == 0 {
18424 return Ok(());
18425 };
18426 depth.increment()?;
18427 let envelope_size = 8;
18428 let bytes_len = len * envelope_size;
18429 let offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len)?;
18430 // Decode the envelope for each type.
18431 let mut _next_ordinal_to_read = 0;
18432 let mut next_offset = offset;
18433 let end_offset = offset + bytes_len;
18434 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18435 if next_offset >= end_offset {
18436 return Ok(());
18437 }
18439 // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
18440 while _next_ordinal_to_read < 1 {
18441 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
18442 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18443 next_offset += envelope_size;
18444 }
18446 let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
18447 let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
18448 if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
18449 fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
18450 {
18451 let member_inline_size =
18452 <fidl::Rights as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
18453 if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
18454 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
18455 }
18456 let inner_offset;
18457 let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
18458 if inlined {
18459 decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
18460 inner_offset = next_offset;
18461 } else {
18462 inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
18463 inner_depth.increment()?;
18464 }
18465 let val_ref = self.rights_attenuation_mask.get_or_insert_with(|| {
18466 fidl::new_empty!(fidl::Rights, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect)
18467 });
18468 fidl::decode!(
18469 fidl::Rights,
18470 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
18471 val_ref,
18472 decoder,
18473 inner_offset,
18474 inner_depth
18475 )?;
18476 if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
18477 {
18478 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
18479 }
18480 if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
18481 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
18482 }
18483 }
18485 next_offset += envelope_size;
18486 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18487 if next_offset >= end_offset {
18488 return Ok(());
18489 }
18491 // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
18492 while _next_ordinal_to_read < 2 {
18493 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
18494 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18495 next_offset += envelope_size;
18496 }
18498 let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
18499 let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
18500 if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
18501 fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
18502 {
18503 let member_inline_size = <fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
18504 fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>,
18505 > as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(
18506 decoder.context
18507 );
18508 if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
18509 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
18510 }
18511 let inner_offset;
18512 let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
18513 if inlined {
18514 decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
18515 inner_offset = next_offset;
18516 } else {
18517 inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
18518 inner_depth.increment()?;
18519 }
18520 let val_ref = self.token_request.get_or_insert_with(|| {
18521 fidl::new_empty!(
18522 fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
18523 fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>,
18524 >,
18525 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
18526 )
18527 });
18528 fidl::decode!(
18529 fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
18530 fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>,
18531 >,
18532 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
18533 val_ref,
18534 decoder,
18535 inner_offset,
18536 inner_depth
18537 )?;
18538 if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
18539 {
18540 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
18541 }
18542 if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
18543 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
18544 }
18545 }
18547 next_offset += envelope_size;
18549 // Decode the remaining unknown envelopes.
18550 while next_offset < end_offset {
18551 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18552 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
18553 next_offset += envelope_size;
18554 }
18556 Ok(())
18557 }
18558 }
18560 impl BufferCollectionInfo {
18561 #[inline(always)]
18562 fn max_ordinal_present(&self) -> u64 {
18563 if let Some(_) = self.buffer_collection_id {
18564 return 3;
18565 }
18566 if let Some(_) = self.buffers {
18567 return 2;
18568 }
18569 if let Some(_) = self.settings {
18570 return 1;
18571 }
18572 0
18573 }
18574 }
18576 impl fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker for BufferCollectionInfo {
18577 type Borrowed<'a> = &'a mut Self;
18578 fn take_or_borrow<'a>(
18579 value: &'a mut <Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned,
18580 ) -> Self::Borrowed<'a> {
18581 value
18582 }
18583 }
18585 unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for BufferCollectionInfo {
18586 type Owned = Self;
18588 #[inline(always)]
18589 fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
18590 8
18591 }
18593 #[inline(always)]
18594 fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
18595 16
18596 }
18597 }
18599 unsafe impl
18600 fidl::encoding::Encode<BufferCollectionInfo, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
18601 for &mut BufferCollectionInfo
18602 {
18603 unsafe fn encode(
18604 self,
18605 encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<
18606 '_,
18607 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
18608 >,
18609 offset: usize,
18610 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
18611 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
18612 encoder.debug_check_bounds::<BufferCollectionInfo>(offset);
18613 // Vector header
18614 let max_ordinal: u64 = self.max_ordinal_present();
18615 encoder.write_num(max_ordinal, offset);
18616 encoder.write_num(fidl::encoding::ALLOC_PRESENT_U64, offset + 8);
18617 // Calling encoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
18618 if max_ordinal == 0 {
18619 return Ok(());
18620 }
18621 depth.increment()?;
18622 let envelope_size = 8;
18623 let bytes_len = max_ordinal as usize * envelope_size;
18624 #[allow(unused_variables)]
18625 let offset = encoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len);
18626 let mut _prev_end_offset: usize = 0;
18627 if 1 > max_ordinal {
18628 return Ok(());
18629 }
18631 // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
18632 // are envelope_size bytes.
18633 let cur_offset: usize = (1 - 1) * envelope_size;
18635 // Zero reserved fields.
18636 encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
18638 // Safety:
18639 // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
18640 // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
18641 // envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
18642 fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<
18643 SingleBufferSettings,
18644 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
18645 >(
18646 self.settings
18647 .as_ref()
18648 .map(<SingleBufferSettings as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
18649 encoder,
18650 offset + cur_offset,
18651 depth,
18652 )?;
18654 _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
18655 if 2 > max_ordinal {
18656 return Ok(());
18657 }
18659 // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
18660 // are envelope_size bytes.
18661 let cur_offset: usize = (2 - 1) * envelope_size;
18663 // Zero reserved fields.
18664 encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
18666 // Safety:
18667 // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
18668 // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
18669 // envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
18670 fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<fidl::encoding::Vector<VmoBuffer, 128>, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>(
18671 self.buffers.as_mut().map(<fidl::encoding::Vector<VmoBuffer, 128> as fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker>::take_or_borrow),
18672 encoder, offset + cur_offset, depth
18673 )?;
18675 _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
18676 if 3 > max_ordinal {
18677 return Ok(());
18678 }
18680 // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
18681 // are envelope_size bytes.
18682 let cur_offset: usize = (3 - 1) * envelope_size;
18684 // Zero reserved fields.
18685 encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
18687 // Safety:
18688 // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
18689 // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
18690 // envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
18691 fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<
18692 u64,
18693 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
18694 >(
18695 self.buffer_collection_id
18696 .as_ref()
18697 .map(<u64 as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
18698 encoder,
18699 offset + cur_offset,
18700 depth,
18701 )?;
18703 _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
18705 Ok(())
18706 }
18707 }
18709 impl fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
18710 for BufferCollectionInfo
18711 {
18712 #[inline(always)]
18713 fn new_empty() -> Self {
18714 Self::default()
18715 }
18717 unsafe fn decode(
18718 &mut self,
18719 decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<
18720 '_,
18721 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
18722 >,
18723 offset: usize,
18724 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
18725 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
18726 decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
18727 let len = match fidl::encoding::decode_vector_header(decoder, offset)? {
18728 None => return Err(fidl::Error::NotNullable),
18729 Some(len) => len,
18730 };
18731 // Calling decoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
18732 if len == 0 {
18733 return Ok(());
18734 };
18735 depth.increment()?;
18736 let envelope_size = 8;
18737 let bytes_len = len * envelope_size;
18738 let offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len)?;
18739 // Decode the envelope for each type.
18740 let mut _next_ordinal_to_read = 0;
18741 let mut next_offset = offset;
18742 let end_offset = offset + bytes_len;
18743 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18744 if next_offset >= end_offset {
18745 return Ok(());
18746 }
18748 // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
18749 while _next_ordinal_to_read < 1 {
18750 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
18751 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18752 next_offset += envelope_size;
18753 }
18755 let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
18756 let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
18757 if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
18758 fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
18759 {
18760 let member_inline_size =
18761 <SingleBufferSettings as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(
18762 decoder.context,
18763 );
18764 if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
18765 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
18766 }
18767 let inner_offset;
18768 let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
18769 if inlined {
18770 decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
18771 inner_offset = next_offset;
18772 } else {
18773 inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
18774 inner_depth.increment()?;
18775 }
18776 let val_ref = self.settings.get_or_insert_with(|| {
18777 fidl::new_empty!(
18778 SingleBufferSettings,
18779 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
18780 )
18781 });
18782 fidl::decode!(
18783 SingleBufferSettings,
18784 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
18785 val_ref,
18786 decoder,
18787 inner_offset,
18788 inner_depth
18789 )?;
18790 if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
18791 {
18792 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
18793 }
18794 if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
18795 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
18796 }
18797 }
18799 next_offset += envelope_size;
18800 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18801 if next_offset >= end_offset {
18802 return Ok(());
18803 }
18805 // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
18806 while _next_ordinal_to_read < 2 {
18807 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
18808 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18809 next_offset += envelope_size;
18810 }
18812 let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
18813 let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
18814 if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
18815 fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
18816 {
18817 let member_inline_size = <fidl::encoding::Vector<VmoBuffer, 128> as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
18818 if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
18819 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
18820 }
18821 let inner_offset;
18822 let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
18823 if inlined {
18824 decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
18825 inner_offset = next_offset;
18826 } else {
18827 inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
18828 inner_depth.increment()?;
18829 }
18830 let val_ref =
18831 self.buffers.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::Vector<VmoBuffer, 128>, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect));
18832 fidl::decode!(fidl::encoding::Vector<VmoBuffer, 128>, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
18833 if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
18834 {
18835 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
18836 }
18837 if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
18838 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
18839 }
18840 }
18842 next_offset += envelope_size;
18843 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18844 if next_offset >= end_offset {
18845 return Ok(());
18846 }
18848 // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
18849 while _next_ordinal_to_read < 3 {
18850 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
18851 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18852 next_offset += envelope_size;
18853 }
18855 let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
18856 let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
18857 if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
18858 fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
18859 {
18860 let member_inline_size =
18861 <u64 as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
18862 if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
18863 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
18864 }
18865 let inner_offset;
18866 let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
18867 if inlined {
18868 decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
18869 inner_offset = next_offset;
18870 } else {
18871 inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
18872 inner_depth.increment()?;
18873 }
18874 let val_ref = self.buffer_collection_id.get_or_insert_with(|| {
18875 fidl::new_empty!(u64, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect)
18876 });
18877 fidl::decode!(
18878 u64,
18879 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
18880 val_ref,
18881 decoder,
18882 inner_offset,
18883 inner_depth
18884 )?;
18885 if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
18886 {
18887 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
18888 }
18889 if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
18890 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
18891 }
18892 }
18894 next_offset += envelope_size;
18896 // Decode the remaining unknown envelopes.
18897 while next_offset < end_offset {
18898 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18899 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
18900 next_offset += envelope_size;
18901 }
18903 Ok(())
18904 }
18905 }
18907 impl BufferCollectionSetConstraintsRequest {
18908 #[inline(always)]
18909 fn max_ordinal_present(&self) -> u64 {
18910 if let Some(_) = self.constraints {
18911 return 1;
18912 }
18913 0
18914 }
18915 }
18917 impl fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker for BufferCollectionSetConstraintsRequest {
18918 type Borrowed<'a> = &'a mut Self;
18919 fn take_or_borrow<'a>(
18920 value: &'a mut <Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned,
18921 ) -> Self::Borrowed<'a> {
18922 value
18923 }
18924 }
18926 unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for BufferCollectionSetConstraintsRequest {
18927 type Owned = Self;
18929 #[inline(always)]
18930 fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
18931 8
18932 }
18934 #[inline(always)]
18935 fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
18936 16
18937 }
18938 }
18940 unsafe impl
18941 fidl::encoding::Encode<
18942 BufferCollectionSetConstraintsRequest,
18943 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
18944 > for &mut BufferCollectionSetConstraintsRequest
18945 {
18946 unsafe fn encode(
18947 self,
18948 encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<
18949 '_,
18950 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
18951 >,
18952 offset: usize,
18953 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
18954 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
18955 encoder.debug_check_bounds::<BufferCollectionSetConstraintsRequest>(offset);
18956 // Vector header
18957 let max_ordinal: u64 = self.max_ordinal_present();
18958 encoder.write_num(max_ordinal, offset);
18959 encoder.write_num(fidl::encoding::ALLOC_PRESENT_U64, offset + 8);
18960 // Calling encoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
18961 if max_ordinal == 0 {
18962 return Ok(());
18963 }
18964 depth.increment()?;
18965 let envelope_size = 8;
18966 let bytes_len = max_ordinal as usize * envelope_size;
18967 #[allow(unused_variables)]
18968 let offset = encoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len);
18969 let mut _prev_end_offset: usize = 0;
18970 if 1 > max_ordinal {
18971 return Ok(());
18972 }
18974 // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
18975 // are envelope_size bytes.
18976 let cur_offset: usize = (1 - 1) * envelope_size;
18978 // Zero reserved fields.
18979 encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
18981 // Safety:
18982 // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
18983 // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
18984 // envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
18985 fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<
18986 BufferCollectionConstraints,
18987 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
18988 >(
18989 self.constraints
18990 .as_ref()
18991 .map(<BufferCollectionConstraints as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
18992 encoder,
18993 offset + cur_offset,
18994 depth,
18995 )?;
18997 _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
18999 Ok(())
19000 }
19001 }
19003 impl fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
19004 for BufferCollectionSetConstraintsRequest
19005 {
19006 #[inline(always)]
19007 fn new_empty() -> Self {
19008 Self::default()
19009 }
19011 unsafe fn decode(
19012 &mut self,
19013 decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<
19014 '_,
19015 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
19016 >,
19017 offset: usize,
19018 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
19019 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
19020 decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
19021 let len = match fidl::encoding::decode_vector_header(decoder, offset)? {
19022 None => return Err(fidl::Error::NotNullable),
19023 Some(len) => len,
19024 };
19025 // Calling decoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
19026 if len == 0 {
19027 return Ok(());
19028 };
19029 depth.increment()?;
19030 let envelope_size = 8;
19031 let bytes_len = len * envelope_size;
19032 let offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len)?;
19033 // Decode the envelope for each type.
19034 let mut _next_ordinal_to_read = 0;
19035 let mut next_offset = offset;
19036 let end_offset = offset + bytes_len;
19037 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
19038 if next_offset >= end_offset {
19039 return Ok(());
19040 }
19042 // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
19043 while _next_ordinal_to_read < 1 {
19044 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
19045 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
19046 next_offset += envelope_size;
19047 }
19049 let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
19050 let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
19051 if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
19052 fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
19053 {
19054 let member_inline_size =
19055 <BufferCollectionConstraints as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(
19056 decoder.context,
19057 );
19058 if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
19059 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
19060 }
19061 let inner_offset;
19062 let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
19063 if inlined {
19064 decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
19065 inner_offset = next_offset;
19066 } else {
19067 inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
19068 inner_depth.increment()?;
19069 }
19070 let val_ref = self.constraints.get_or_insert_with(|| {
19071 fidl::new_empty!(
19072 BufferCollectionConstraints,
19073 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
19074 )
19075 });
19076 fidl::decode!(
19077 BufferCollectionConstraints,
19078 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
19079 val_ref,
19080 decoder,
19081 inner_offset,
19082 inner_depth
19083 )?;
19084 if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
19085 {
19086 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
19087 }
19088 if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
19089 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
19090 }
19091 }
19093 next_offset += envelope_size;
19095 // Decode the remaining unknown envelopes.
19096 while next_offset < end_offset {
19097 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
19098 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
19099 next_offset += envelope_size;
19100 }
19102 Ok(())
19103 }
19104 }
19106 impl BufferCollectionTokenCreateBufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest {
19107 #[inline(always)]
19108 fn max_ordinal_present(&self) -> u64 {
19109 if let Some(_) = self.group_request {
19110 return 1;
19111 }
19112 0
19113 }
19114 }
19116 impl fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker
19117 for BufferCollectionTokenCreateBufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest
19118 {
19119 type Borrowed<'a> = &'a mut Self;
19120 fn take_or_borrow<'a>(
19121 value: &'a mut <Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned,
19122 ) -> Self::Borrowed<'a> {
19123 value
19124 }
19125 }
19127 unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker
19128 for BufferCollectionTokenCreateBufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest
19129 {
19130 type Owned = Self;
19132 #[inline(always)]
19133 fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
19134 8
19135 }
19137 #[inline(always)]
19138 fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
19139 16
19140 }
19141 }
19143 unsafe impl
19144 fidl::encoding::Encode<
19145 BufferCollectionTokenCreateBufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest,
19146 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
19147 > for &mut BufferCollectionTokenCreateBufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest
19148 {
19149 unsafe fn encode(
19150 self,
19151 encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<
19152 '_,
19153 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
19154 >,
19155 offset: usize,
19156 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
19157 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
19158 encoder
19159 .debug_check_bounds::<BufferCollectionTokenCreateBufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest>(
19160 offset,
19161 );
19162 // Vector header
19163 let max_ordinal: u64 = self.max_ordinal_present();
19164 encoder.write_num(max_ordinal, offset);
19165 encoder.write_num(fidl::encoding::ALLOC_PRESENT_U64, offset + 8);
19166 // Calling encoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
19167 if max_ordinal == 0 {
19168 return Ok(());
19169 }
19170 depth.increment()?;
19171 let envelope_size = 8;
19172 let bytes_len = max_ordinal as usize * envelope_size;
19173 #[allow(unused_variables)]
19174 let offset = encoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len);
19175 let mut _prev_end_offset: usize = 0;
19176 if 1 > max_ordinal {
19177 return Ok(());
19178 }
19180 // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
19181 // are envelope_size bytes.
19182 let cur_offset: usize = (1 - 1) * envelope_size;
19184 // Zero reserved fields.
19185 encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
19187 // Safety:
19188 // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
19189 // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
19190 // envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
19191 fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<
19192 fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
19193 fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionTokenGroupMarker>,
19194 >,
19195 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
19196 >(
19197 self.group_request.as_mut().map(
19198 <fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
19199 fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionTokenGroupMarker>,
19200 > as fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker>::take_or_borrow,
19201 ),
19202 encoder,
19203 offset + cur_offset,
19204 depth,
19205 )?;
19207 _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
19209 Ok(())
19210 }
19211 }
19213 impl fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
19214 for BufferCollectionTokenCreateBufferCollectionTokenGroupRequest
19215 {
19216 #[inline(always)]
19217 fn new_empty() -> Self {
19218 Self::default()
19219 }
19221 unsafe fn decode(
19222 &mut self,
19223 decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<
19224 '_,
19225 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
19226 >,
19227 offset: usize,
19228 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
19229 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
19230 decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
19231 let len = match fidl::encoding::decode_vector_header(decoder, offset)? {
19232 None => return Err(fidl::Error::NotNullable),
19233 Some(len) => len,
19234 };
19235 // Calling decoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
19236 if len == 0 {
19237 return Ok(());
19238 };
19239 depth.increment()?;
19240 let envelope_size = 8;
19241 let bytes_len = len * envelope_size;
19242 let offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len)?;
19243 // Decode the envelope for each type.
19244 let mut _next_ordinal_to_read = 0;
19245 let mut next_offset = offset;
19246 let end_offset = offset + bytes_len;
19247 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
19248 if next_offset >= end_offset {
19249 return Ok(());
19250 }
19252 // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
19253 while _next_ordinal_to_read < 1 {
19254 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
19255 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
19256 next_offset += envelope_size;
19257 }
19259 let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
19260 let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
19261 if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
19262 fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
19263 {
19264 let member_inline_size = <fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
19265 fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionTokenGroupMarker>,
19266 > as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(
19267 decoder.context
19268 );
19269 if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
19270 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
19271 }
19272 let inner_offset;
19273 let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
19274 if inlined {
19275 decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
19276 inner_offset = next_offset;
19277 } else {
19278 inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
19279 inner_depth.increment()?;
19280 }
19281 let val_ref = self.group_request.get_or_insert_with(|| {
19282 fidl::new_empty!(
19283 fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
19284 fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionTokenGroupMarker>,
19285 >,
19286 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
19287 )
19288 });
19289 fidl::decode!(
19290 fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
19291 fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionTokenGroupMarker>,
19292 >,
19293 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
19294 val_ref,
19295 decoder,
19296 inner_offset,
19297 inner_depth
19298 )?;
19299 if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
19300 {
19301 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
19302 }
19303 if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
19304 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
19305 }
19306 }
19308 next_offset += envelope_size;
19310 // Decode the remaining unknown envelopes.
19311 while next_offset < end_offset {
19312 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
19313 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
19314 next_offset += envelope_size;
19315 }
19317 Ok(())
19318 }
19319 }
19321 impl BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateRequest {
19322 #[inline(always)]
19323 fn max_ordinal_present(&self) -> u64 {
19324 if let Some(_) = self.token_request {
19325 return 2;
19326 }
19327 if let Some(_) = self.rights_attenuation_mask {
19328 return 1;
19329 }
19330 0
19331 }
19332 }
19334 impl fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker for BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateRequest {
19335 type Borrowed<'a> = &'a mut Self;
19336 fn take_or_borrow<'a>(
19337 value: &'a mut <Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned,
19338 ) -> Self::Borrowed<'a> {
19339 value
19340 }
19341 }
19343 unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateRequest {
19344 type Owned = Self;
19346 #[inline(always)]
19347 fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
19348 8
19349 }
19351 #[inline(always)]
19352 fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
19353 16
19354 }
19355 }
19357 unsafe impl
19358 fidl::encoding::Encode<
19359 BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateRequest,
19360 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
19361 > for &mut BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateRequest
19362 {
19363 unsafe fn encode(
19364 self,
19365 encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<
19366 '_,
19367 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
19368 >,
19369 offset: usize,
19370 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
19371 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
19372 encoder.debug_check_bounds::<BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateRequest>(offset);
19373 // Vector header
19374 let max_ordinal: u64 = self.max_ordinal_present();
19375 encoder.write_num(max_ordinal, offset);
19376 encoder.write_num(fidl::encoding::ALLOC_PRESENT_U64, offset + 8);
19377 // Calling encoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
19378 if max_ordinal == 0 {
19379 return Ok(());
19380 }
19381 depth.increment()?;
19382 let envelope_size = 8;
19383 let bytes_len = max_ordinal as usize * envelope_size;
19384 #[allow(unused_variables)]
19385 let offset = encoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len);
19386 let mut _prev_end_offset: usize = 0;
19387 if 1 > max_ordinal {
19388 return Ok(());
19389 }
19391 // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
19392 // are envelope_size bytes.
19393 let cur_offset: usize = (1 - 1) * envelope_size;
19395 // Zero reserved fields.
19396 encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
19398 // Safety:
19399 // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
19400 // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
19401 // envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
19402 fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<
19403 fidl::Rights,
19404 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
19405 >(
19406 self.rights_attenuation_mask
19407 .as_ref()
19408 .map(<fidl::Rights as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
19409 encoder,
19410 offset + cur_offset,
19411 depth,
19412 )?;
19414 _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
19415 if 2 > max_ordinal {
19416 return Ok(());
19417 }
19419 // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
19420 // are envelope_size bytes.
19421 let cur_offset: usize = (2 - 1) * envelope_size;
19423 // Zero reserved fields.
19424 encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
19426 // Safety:
19427 // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
19428 // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
19429 // envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
19430 fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<
19431 fidl::encoding::Endpoint<fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>>,
19432 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
19433 >(
19434 self.token_request.as_mut().map(
19435 <fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
19436 fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>,
19437 > as fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker>::take_or_borrow,
19438 ),
19439 encoder,
19440 offset + cur_offset,
19441 depth,
19442 )?;
19444 _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
19446 Ok(())
19447 }
19448 }
19450 impl fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
19451 for BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateRequest
19452 {
19453 #[inline(always)]
19454 fn new_empty() -> Self {
19455 Self::default()
19456 }
19458 unsafe fn decode(
19459 &mut self,
19460 decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<
19461 '_,
19462 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
19463 >,
19464 offset: usize,
19465 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
19466 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
19467 decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
19468 let len = match fidl::encoding::decode_vector_header(decoder, offset)? {
19469 None => return Err(fidl::Error::NotNullable),
19470 Some(len) => len,
19471 };
19472 // Calling decoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
19473 if len == 0 {
19474 return Ok(());
19475 };
19476 depth.increment()?;
19477 let envelope_size = 8;
19478 let bytes_len = len * envelope_size;
19479 let offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len)?;
19480 // Decode the envelope for each type.
19481 let mut _next_ordinal_to_read = 0;
19482 let mut next_offset = offset;
19483 let end_offset = offset + bytes_len;
19484 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
19485 if next_offset >= end_offset {
19486 return Ok(());
19487 }
19489 // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
19490 while _next_ordinal_to_read < 1 {
19491 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
19492 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
19493 next_offset += envelope_size;
19494 }
19496 let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
19497 let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
19498 if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
19499 fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
19500 {
19501 let member_inline_size =
19502 <fidl::Rights as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
19503 if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
19504 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
19505 }
19506 let inner_offset;
19507 let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
19508 if inlined {
19509 decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
19510 inner_offset = next_offset;
19511 } else {
19512 inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
19513 inner_depth.increment()?;
19514 }
19515 let val_ref = self.rights_attenuation_mask.get_or_insert_with(|| {
19516 fidl::new_empty!(fidl::Rights, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect)
19517 });
19518 fidl::decode!(
19519 fidl::Rights,
19520 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
19521 val_ref,
19522 decoder,
19523 inner_offset,
19524 inner_depth
19525 )?;
19526 if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
19527 {
19528 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
19529 }
19530 if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
19531 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
19532 }
19533 }
19535 next_offset += envelope_size;
19536 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
19537 if next_offset >= end_offset {
19538 return Ok(());
19539 }
19541 // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
19542 while _next_ordinal_to_read < 2 {
19543 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
19544 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
19545 next_offset += envelope_size;
19546 }
19548 let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
19549 let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
19550 if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
19551 fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
19552 {
19553 let member_inline_size = <fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
19554 fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>,
19555 > as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(
19556 decoder.context
19557 );
19558 if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
19559 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
19560 }
19561 let inner_offset;
19562 let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
19563 if inlined {
19564 decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
19565 inner_offset = next_offset;
19566 } else {
19567 inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
19568 inner_depth.increment()?;
19569 }
19570 let val_ref = self.token_request.get_or_insert_with(|| {
19571 fidl::new_empty!(
19572 fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
19573 fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>,
19574 >,
19575 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
19576 )
19577 });
19578 fidl::decode!(
19579 fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
19580 fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>,
19581 >,
19582 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
19583 val_ref,
19584 decoder,
19585 inner_offset,
19586 inner_depth
19587 )?;
19588 if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
19589 {
19590 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
19591 }
19592 if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
19593 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
19594 }
19595 }
19597 next_offset += envelope_size;
19599 // Decode the remaining unknown envelopes.
19600 while next_offset < end_offset {
19601 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
19602 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
19603 next_offset += envelope_size;
19604 }
19606 Ok(())
19607 }
19608 }
19610 impl BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildRequest {
19611 #[inline(always)]
19612 fn max_ordinal_present(&self) -> u64 {
19613 if let Some(_) = self.rights_attenuation_mask {
19614 return 2;
19615 }
19616 if let Some(_) = self.token_request {
19617 return 1;
19618 }
19619 0
19620 }
19621 }
19623 impl fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker for BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildRequest {
19624 type Borrowed<'a> = &'a mut Self;
19625 fn take_or_borrow<'a>(
19626 value: &'a mut <Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned,
19627 ) -> Self::Borrowed<'a> {
19628 value
19629 }
19630 }
19632 unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildRequest {
19633 type Owned = Self;
19635 #[inline(always)]
19636 fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
19637 8
19638 }
19640 #[inline(always)]
19641 fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
19642 16
19643 }
19644 }
19646 unsafe impl
19647 fidl::encoding::Encode<
19648 BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildRequest,
19649 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
19650 > for &mut BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildRequest
19651 {
19652 unsafe fn encode(
19653 self,
19654 encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<
19655 '_,
19656 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
19657 >,
19658 offset: usize,
19659 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
19660 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
19661 encoder.debug_check_bounds::<BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildRequest>(offset);
19662 // Vector header
19663 let max_ordinal: u64 = self.max_ordinal_present();
19664 encoder.write_num(max_ordinal, offset);
19665 encoder.write_num(fidl::encoding::ALLOC_PRESENT_U64, offset + 8);
19666 // Calling encoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
19667 if max_ordinal == 0 {
19668 return Ok(());
19669 }
19670 depth.increment()?;
19671 let envelope_size = 8;
19672 let bytes_len = max_ordinal as usize * envelope_size;
19673 #[allow(unused_variables)]
19674 let offset = encoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len);
19675 let mut _prev_end_offset: usize = 0;
19676 if 1 > max_ordinal {
19677 return Ok(());
19678 }
19680 // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
19681 // are envelope_size bytes.
19682 let cur_offset: usize = (1 - 1) * envelope_size;
19684 // Zero reserved fields.
19685 encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
19687 // Safety:
19688 // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
19689 // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
19690 // envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
19691 fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<
19692 fidl::encoding::Endpoint<fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>>,
19693 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
19694 >(
19695 self.token_request.as_mut().map(
19696 <fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
19697 fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>,
19698 > as fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker>::take_or_borrow,
19699 ),
19700 encoder,
19701 offset + cur_offset,
19702 depth,
19703 )?;
19705 _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
19706 if 2 > max_ordinal {
19707 return Ok(());
19708 }
19710 // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
19711 // are envelope_size bytes.
19712 let cur_offset: usize = (2 - 1) * envelope_size;
19714 // Zero reserved fields.
19715 encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
19717 // Safety:
19718 // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
19719 // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
19720 // envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
19721 fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<
19722 fidl::Rights,
19723 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
19724 >(
19725 self.rights_attenuation_mask
19726 .as_ref()
19727 .map(<fidl::Rights as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
19728 encoder,
19729 offset + cur_offset,
19730 depth,
19731 )?;
19733 _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
19735 Ok(())
19736 }
19737 }
19739 impl fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
19740 for BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildRequest
19741 {
19742 #[inline(always)]
19743 fn new_empty() -> Self {
19744 Self::default()
19745 }
19747 unsafe fn decode(
19748 &mut self,
19749 decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<
19750 '_,
19751 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
19752 >,
19753 offset: usize,
19754 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
19755 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
19756 decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
19757 let len = match fidl::encoding::decode_vector_header(decoder, offset)? {
19758 None => return Err(fidl::Error::NotNullable),
19759 Some(len) => len,
19760 };
19761 // Calling decoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
19762 if len == 0 {
19763 return Ok(());
19764 };
19765 depth.increment()?;
19766 let envelope_size = 8;
19767 let bytes_len = len * envelope_size;
19768 let offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len)?;
19769 // Decode the envelope for each type.
19770 let mut _next_ordinal_to_read = 0;
19771 let mut next_offset = offset;
19772 let end_offset = offset + bytes_len;
19773 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
19774 if next_offset >= end_offset {
19775 return Ok(());
19776 }
19778 // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
19779 while _next_ordinal_to_read < 1 {
19780 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
19781 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
19782 next_offset += envelope_size;
19783 }
19785 let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
19786 let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
19787 if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
19788 fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
19789 {
19790 let member_inline_size = <fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
19791 fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>,
19792 > as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(
19793 decoder.context
19794 );
19795 if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
19796 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
19797 }
19798 let inner_offset;
19799 let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
19800 if inlined {
19801 decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
19802 inner_offset = next_offset;
19803 } else {
19804 inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
19805 inner_depth.increment()?;
19806 }
19807 let val_ref = self.token_request.get_or_insert_with(|| {
19808 fidl::new_empty!(
19809 fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
19810 fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>,
19811 >,
19812 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
19813 )
19814 });
19815 fidl::decode!(
19816 fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
19817 fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>,
19818 >,
19819 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
19820 val_ref,
19821 decoder,
19822 inner_offset,
19823 inner_depth
19824 )?;
19825 if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
19826 {
19827 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
19828 }
19829 if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
19830 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
19831 }
19832 }
19834 next_offset += envelope_size;
19835 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
19836 if next_offset >= end_offset {
19837 return Ok(());
19838 }
19840 // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
19841 while _next_ordinal_to_read < 2 {
19842 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
19843 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
19844 next_offset += envelope_size;
19845 }
19847 let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
19848 let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
19849 if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
19850 fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
19851 {
19852 let member_inline_size =
19853 <fidl::Rights as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
19854 if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
19855 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
19856 }
19857 let inner_offset;
19858 let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
19859 if inlined {
19860 decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
19861 inner_offset = next_offset;
19862 } else {
19863 inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
19864 inner_depth.increment()?;
19865 }
19866 let val_ref = self.rights_attenuation_mask.get_or_insert_with(|| {
19867 fidl::new_empty!(fidl::Rights, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect)
19868 });
19869 fidl::decode!(
19870 fidl::Rights,
19871 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
19872 val_ref,
19873 decoder,
19874 inner_offset,
19875 inner_depth
19876 )?;
19877 if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
19878 {
19879 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
19880 }
19881 if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
19882 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
19883 }
19884 }
19886 next_offset += envelope_size;
19888 // Decode the remaining unknown envelopes.
19889 while next_offset < end_offset {
19890 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
19891 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
19892 next_offset += envelope_size;
19893 }
19895 Ok(())
19896 }
19897 }
19899 impl BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildrenSyncResponse {
19900 #[inline(always)]
19901 fn max_ordinal_present(&self) -> u64 {
19902 if let Some(_) = self.tokens {
19903 return 1;
19904 }
19905 0
19906 }
19907 }
19909 impl fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker for BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildrenSyncResponse {
19910 type Borrowed<'a> = &'a mut Self;
19911 fn take_or_borrow<'a>(
19912 value: &'a mut <Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned,
19913 ) -> Self::Borrowed<'a> {
19914 value
19915 }
19916 }
19918 unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildrenSyncResponse {
19919 type Owned = Self;
19921 #[inline(always)]
19922 fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
19923 8
19924 }
19926 #[inline(always)]
19927 fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
19928 16
19929 }
19930 }
19932 unsafe impl
19933 fidl::encoding::Encode<
19934 BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildrenSyncResponse,
19935 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
19936 > for &mut BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildrenSyncResponse
19937 {
19938 unsafe fn encode(
19939 self,
19940 encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<
19941 '_,
19942 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
19943 >,
19944 offset: usize,
19945 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
19946 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
19947 encoder
19948 .debug_check_bounds::<BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildrenSyncResponse>(offset);
19949 // Vector header
19950 let max_ordinal: u64 = self.max_ordinal_present();
19951 encoder.write_num(max_ordinal, offset);
19952 encoder.write_num(fidl::encoding::ALLOC_PRESENT_U64, offset + 8);
19953 // Calling encoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
19954 if max_ordinal == 0 {
19955 return Ok(());
19956 }
19957 depth.increment()?;
19958 let envelope_size = 8;
19959 let bytes_len = max_ordinal as usize * envelope_size;
19960 #[allow(unused_variables)]
19961 let offset = encoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len);
19962 let mut _prev_end_offset: usize = 0;
19963 if 1 > max_ordinal {
19964 return Ok(());
19965 }
19967 // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
19968 // are envelope_size bytes.
19969 let cur_offset: usize = (1 - 1) * envelope_size;
19971 // Zero reserved fields.
19972 encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
19974 // Safety:
19975 // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
19976 // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
19977 // envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
19978 fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<
19979 fidl::encoding::Vector<
19980 fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
19981 fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>,
19982 >,
19983 64,
19984 >,
19985 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
19986 >(
19987 self.tokens.as_mut().map(
19988 <fidl::encoding::Vector<
19989 fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
19990 fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>,
19991 >,
19992 64,
19993 > as fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker>::take_or_borrow,
19994 ),
19995 encoder,
19996 offset + cur_offset,
19997 depth,
19998 )?;
20000 _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
20002 Ok(())
20003 }
20004 }
20006 impl fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
20007 for BufferCollectionTokenGroupCreateChildrenSyncResponse
20008 {
20009 #[inline(always)]
20010 fn new_empty() -> Self {
20011 Self::default()
20012 }
20014 unsafe fn decode(
20015 &mut self,
20016 decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<
20017 '_,
20018 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
20019 >,
20020 offset: usize,
20021 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
20022 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
20023 decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
20024 let len = match fidl::encoding::decode_vector_header(decoder, offset)? {
20025 None => return Err(fidl::Error::NotNullable),
20026 Some(len) => len,
20027 };
20028 // Calling decoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
20029 if len == 0 {
20030 return Ok(());
20031 };
20032 depth.increment()?;
20033 let envelope_size = 8;
20034 let bytes_len = len * envelope_size;
20035 let offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len)?;
20036 // Decode the envelope for each type.
20037 let mut _next_ordinal_to_read = 0;
20038 let mut next_offset = offset;
20039 let end_offset = offset + bytes_len;
20040 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
20041 if next_offset >= end_offset {
20042 return Ok(());
20043 }
20045 // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
20046 while _next_ordinal_to_read < 1 {
20047 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
20048 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
20049 next_offset += envelope_size;
20050 }
20052 let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
20053 let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
20054 if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
20055 fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
20056 {
20057 let member_inline_size = <fidl::encoding::Vector<
20058 fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
20059 fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>,
20060 >,
20061 64,
20062 > as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(
20063 decoder.context
20064 );
20065 if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
20066 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
20067 }
20068 let inner_offset;
20069 let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
20070 if inlined {
20071 decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
20072 inner_offset = next_offset;
20073 } else {
20074 inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
20075 inner_depth.increment()?;
20076 }
20077 let val_ref = self.tokens.get_or_insert_with(|| {
20078 fidl::new_empty!(
20079 fidl::encoding::Vector<
20080 fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
20081 fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>,
20082 >,
20083 64,
20084 >,
20085 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
20086 )
20087 });
20088 fidl::decode!(
20089 fidl::encoding::Vector<
20090 fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
20091 fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>,
20092 >,
20093 64,
20094 >,
20095 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
20096 val_ref,
20097 decoder,
20098 inner_offset,
20099 inner_depth
20100 )?;
20101 if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
20102 {
20103 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
20104 }
20105 if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
20106 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
20107 }
20108 }
20110 next_offset += envelope_size;
20112 // Decode the remaining unknown envelopes.
20113 while next_offset < end_offset {
20114 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
20115 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
20116 next_offset += envelope_size;
20117 }
20119 Ok(())
20120 }
20121 }
20123 impl BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateSyncResponse {
20124 #[inline(always)]
20125 fn max_ordinal_present(&self) -> u64 {
20126 if let Some(_) = self.tokens {
20127 return 1;
20128 }
20129 0
20130 }
20131 }
20133 impl fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker for BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateSyncResponse {
20134 type Borrowed<'a> = &'a mut Self;
20135 fn take_or_borrow<'a>(
20136 value: &'a mut <Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned,
20137 ) -> Self::Borrowed<'a> {
20138 value
20139 }
20140 }
20142 unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateSyncResponse {
20143 type Owned = Self;
20145 #[inline(always)]
20146 fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
20147 8
20148 }
20150 #[inline(always)]
20151 fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
20152 16
20153 }
20154 }
20156 unsafe impl
20157 fidl::encoding::Encode<
20158 BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateSyncResponse,
20159 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
20160 > for &mut BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateSyncResponse
20161 {
20162 unsafe fn encode(
20163 self,
20164 encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<
20165 '_,
20166 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
20167 >,
20168 offset: usize,
20169 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
20170 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
20171 encoder.debug_check_bounds::<BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateSyncResponse>(offset);
20172 // Vector header
20173 let max_ordinal: u64 = self.max_ordinal_present();
20174 encoder.write_num(max_ordinal, offset);
20175 encoder.write_num(fidl::encoding::ALLOC_PRESENT_U64, offset + 8);
20176 // Calling encoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
20177 if max_ordinal == 0 {
20178 return Ok(());
20179 }
20180 depth.increment()?;
20181 let envelope_size = 8;
20182 let bytes_len = max_ordinal as usize * envelope_size;
20183 #[allow(unused_variables)]
20184 let offset = encoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len);
20185 let mut _prev_end_offset: usize = 0;
20186 if 1 > max_ordinal {
20187 return Ok(());
20188 }
20190 // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
20191 // are envelope_size bytes.
20192 let cur_offset: usize = (1 - 1) * envelope_size;
20194 // Zero reserved fields.
20195 encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
20197 // Safety:
20198 // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
20199 // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
20200 // envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
20201 fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<
20202 fidl::encoding::Vector<
20203 fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
20204 fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>,
20205 >,
20206 64,
20207 >,
20208 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
20209 >(
20210 self.tokens.as_mut().map(
20211 <fidl::encoding::Vector<
20212 fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
20213 fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>,
20214 >,
20215 64,
20216 > as fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker>::take_or_borrow,
20217 ),
20218 encoder,
20219 offset + cur_offset,
20220 depth,
20221 )?;
20223 _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
20225 Ok(())
20226 }
20227 }
20229 impl fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
20230 for BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateSyncResponse
20231 {
20232 #[inline(always)]
20233 fn new_empty() -> Self {
20234 Self::default()
20235 }
20237 unsafe fn decode(
20238 &mut self,
20239 decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<
20240 '_,
20241 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
20242 >,
20243 offset: usize,
20244 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
20245 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
20246 decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
20247 let len = match fidl::encoding::decode_vector_header(decoder, offset)? {
20248 None => return Err(fidl::Error::NotNullable),
20249 Some(len) => len,
20250 };
20251 // Calling decoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
20252 if len == 0 {
20253 return Ok(());
20254 };
20255 depth.increment()?;
20256 let envelope_size = 8;
20257 let bytes_len = len * envelope_size;
20258 let offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len)?;
20259 // Decode the envelope for each type.
20260 let mut _next_ordinal_to_read = 0;
20261 let mut next_offset = offset;
20262 let end_offset = offset + bytes_len;
20263 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
20264 if next_offset >= end_offset {
20265 return Ok(());
20266 }
20268 // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
20269 while _next_ordinal_to_read < 1 {
20270 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
20271 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
20272 next_offset += envelope_size;
20273 }
20275 let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
20276 let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
20277 if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
20278 fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
20279 {
20280 let member_inline_size = <fidl::encoding::Vector<
20281 fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
20282 fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>,
20283 >,
20284 64,
20285 > as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(
20286 decoder.context
20287 );
20288 if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
20289 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
20290 }
20291 let inner_offset;
20292 let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
20293 if inlined {
20294 decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
20295 inner_offset = next_offset;
20296 } else {
20297 inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
20298 inner_depth.increment()?;
20299 }
20300 let val_ref = self.tokens.get_or_insert_with(|| {
20301 fidl::new_empty!(
20302 fidl::encoding::Vector<
20303 fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
20304 fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>,
20305 >,
20306 64,
20307 >,
20308 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
20309 )
20310 });
20311 fidl::decode!(
20312 fidl::encoding::Vector<
20313 fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
20314 fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<BufferCollectionTokenMarker>,
20315 >,
20316 64,
20317 >,
20318 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
20319 val_ref,
20320 decoder,
20321 inner_offset,
20322 inner_depth
20323 )?;
20324 if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
20325 {
20326 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
20327 }
20328 if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
20329 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
20330 }
20331 }
20333 next_offset += envelope_size;
20335 // Decode the remaining unknown envelopes.
20336 while next_offset < end_offset {
20337 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
20338 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
20339 next_offset += envelope_size;
20340 }
20342 Ok(())
20343 }
20344 }
20346 impl BufferCollectionWaitForAllBuffersAllocatedResponse {
20347 #[inline(always)]
20348 fn max_ordinal_present(&self) -> u64 {
20349 if let Some(_) = self.buffer_collection_info {
20350 return 1;
20351 }
20352 0
20353 }
20354 }
20356 impl fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker for BufferCollectionWaitForAllBuffersAllocatedResponse {
20357 type Borrowed<'a> = &'a mut Self;
20358 fn take_or_borrow<'a>(
20359 value: &'a mut <Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned,
20360 ) -> Self::Borrowed<'a> {
20361 value
20362 }
20363 }
20365 unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for BufferCollectionWaitForAllBuffersAllocatedResponse {
20366 type Owned = Self;
20368 #[inline(always)]
20369 fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
20370 8
20371 }
20373 #[inline(always)]
20374 fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
20375 16
20376 }
20377 }
20379 unsafe impl
20380 fidl::encoding::Encode<
20381 BufferCollectionWaitForAllBuffersAllocatedResponse,
20382 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
20383 > for &mut BufferCollectionWaitForAllBuffersAllocatedResponse
20384 {
20385 unsafe fn encode(
20386 self,
20387 encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<
20388 '_,
20389 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
20390 >,
20391 offset: usize,
20392 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
20393 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
20394 encoder
20395 .debug_check_bounds::<BufferCollectionWaitForAllBuffersAllocatedResponse>(offset);
20396 // Vector header
20397 let max_ordinal: u64 = self.max_ordinal_present();
20398 encoder.write_num(max_ordinal, offset);
20399 encoder.write_num(fidl::encoding::ALLOC_PRESENT_U64, offset + 8);
20400 // Calling encoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
20401 if max_ordinal == 0 {
20402 return Ok(());
20403 }
20404 depth.increment()?;
20405 let envelope_size = 8;
20406 let bytes_len = max_ordinal as usize * envelope_size;
20407 #[allow(unused_variables)]
20408 let offset = encoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len);
20409 let mut _prev_end_offset: usize = 0;
20410 if 1 > max_ordinal {
20411 return Ok(());
20412 }
20414 // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
20415 // are envelope_size bytes.
20416 let cur_offset: usize = (1 - 1) * envelope_size;
20418 // Zero reserved fields.
20419 encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
20421 // Safety:
20422 // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
20423 // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
20424 // envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
20425 fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<
20426 BufferCollectionInfo,
20427 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
20428 >(
20429 self.buffer_collection_info.as_mut().map(
20430 <BufferCollectionInfo as fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker>::take_or_borrow,
20431 ),
20432 encoder,
20433 offset + cur_offset,
20434 depth,
20435 )?;
20437 _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
20439 Ok(())
20440 }
20441 }
20443 impl fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
20444 for BufferCollectionWaitForAllBuffersAllocatedResponse
20445 {
20446 #[inline(always)]
20447 fn new_empty() -> Self {
20448 Self::default()
20449 }
20451 unsafe fn decode(
20452 &mut self,
20453 decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<
20454 '_,
20455 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
20456 >,
20457 offset: usize,
20458 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
20459 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
20460 decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
20461 let len = match fidl::encoding::decode_vector_header(decoder, offset)? {
20462 None => return Err(fidl::Error::NotNullable),
20463 Some(len) => len,
20464 };
20465 // Calling decoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
20466 if len == 0 {
20467 return Ok(());
20468 };
20469 depth.increment()?;
20470 let envelope_size = 8;
20471 let bytes_len = len * envelope_size;
20472 let offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len)?;
20473 // Decode the envelope for each type.
20474 let mut _next_ordinal_to_read = 0;
20475 let mut next_offset = offset;
20476 let end_offset = offset + bytes_len;
20477 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
20478 if next_offset >= end_offset {
20479 return Ok(());
20480 }
20482 // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
20483 while _next_ordinal_to_read < 1 {
20484 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
20485 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
20486 next_offset += envelope_size;
20487 }
20489 let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
20490 let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
20491 if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
20492 fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
20493 {
20494 let member_inline_size =
20495 <BufferCollectionInfo as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(
20496 decoder.context,
20497 );
20498 if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
20499 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
20500 }
20501 let inner_offset;
20502 let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
20503 if inlined {
20504 decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
20505 inner_offset = next_offset;
20506 } else {
20507 inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
20508 inner_depth.increment()?;
20509 }
20510 let val_ref = self.buffer_collection_info.get_or_insert_with(|| {
20511 fidl::new_empty!(
20512 BufferCollectionInfo,
20513 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
20514 )
20515 });
20516 fidl::decode!(
20517 BufferCollectionInfo,
20518 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
20519 val_ref,
20520 decoder,
20521 inner_offset,
20522 inner_depth
20523 )?;
20524 if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
20525 {
20526 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
20527 }
20528 if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
20529 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
20530 }
20531 }
20533 next_offset += envelope_size;
20535 // Decode the remaining unknown envelopes.
20536 while next_offset < end_offset {
20537 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
20538 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
20539 next_offset += envelope_size;
20540 }
20542 Ok(())
20543 }
20544 }
20546 impl NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest {
20547 #[inline(always)]
20548 fn max_ordinal_present(&self) -> u64 {
20549 if let Some(_) = self.server_end {
20550 return 1;
20551 }
20552 0
20553 }
20554 }
20556 impl fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker for NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest {
20557 type Borrowed<'a> = &'a mut Self;
20558 fn take_or_borrow<'a>(
20559 value: &'a mut <Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned,
20560 ) -> Self::Borrowed<'a> {
20561 value
20562 }
20563 }
20565 unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest {
20566 type Owned = Self;
20568 #[inline(always)]
20569 fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
20570 8
20571 }
20573 #[inline(always)]
20574 fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
20575 16
20576 }
20577 }
20579 unsafe impl
20580 fidl::encoding::Encode<
20581 NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest,
20582 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
20583 > for &mut NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest
20584 {
20585 unsafe fn encode(
20586 self,
20587 encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<
20588 '_,
20589 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
20590 >,
20591 offset: usize,
20592 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
20593 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
20594 encoder.debug_check_bounds::<NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest>(offset);
20595 // Vector header
20596 let max_ordinal: u64 = self.max_ordinal_present();
20597 encoder.write_num(max_ordinal, offset);
20598 encoder.write_num(fidl::encoding::ALLOC_PRESENT_U64, offset + 8);
20599 // Calling encoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
20600 if max_ordinal == 0 {
20601 return Ok(());
20602 }
20603 depth.increment()?;
20604 let envelope_size = 8;
20605 let bytes_len = max_ordinal as usize * envelope_size;
20606 #[allow(unused_variables)]
20607 let offset = encoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len);
20608 let mut _prev_end_offset: usize = 0;
20609 if 1 > max_ordinal {
20610 return Ok(());
20611 }
20613 // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
20614 // are envelope_size bytes.
20615 let cur_offset: usize = (1 - 1) * envelope_size;
20617 // Zero reserved fields.
20618 encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
20620 // Safety:
20621 // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
20622 // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
20623 // envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
20624 fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<
20625 fidl::encoding::HandleType<
20626 fidl::EventPair,
20627 { fidl::ObjectType::EVENTPAIR.into_raw() },
20628 2147483648,
20629 >,
20630 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
20631 >(
20632 self.server_end.as_mut().map(
20633 <fidl::encoding::HandleType<
20634 fidl::EventPair,
20635 { fidl::ObjectType::EVENTPAIR.into_raw() },
20636 2147483648,
20637 > as fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker>::take_or_borrow,
20638 ),
20639 encoder,
20640 offset + cur_offset,
20641 depth,
20642 )?;
20644 _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
20646 Ok(())
20647 }
20648 }
20650 impl fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
20651 for NodeAttachNodeTrackingRequest
20652 {
20653 #[inline(always)]
20654 fn new_empty() -> Self {
20655 Self::default()
20656 }
20658 unsafe fn decode(
20659 &mut self,
20660 decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<
20661 '_,
20662 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
20663 >,
20664 offset: usize,
20665 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
20666 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
20667 decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
20668 let len = match fidl::encoding::decode_vector_header(decoder, offset)? {
20669 None => return Err(fidl::Error::NotNullable),
20670 Some(len) => len,
20671 };
20672 // Calling decoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
20673 if len == 0 {
20674 return Ok(());
20675 };
20676 depth.increment()?;
20677 let envelope_size = 8;
20678 let bytes_len = len * envelope_size;
20679 let offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len)?;
20680 // Decode the envelope for each type.
20681 let mut _next_ordinal_to_read = 0;
20682 let mut next_offset = offset;
20683 let end_offset = offset + bytes_len;
20684 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
20685 if next_offset >= end_offset {
20686 return Ok(());
20687 }
20689 // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
20690 while _next_ordinal_to_read < 1 {
20691 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
20692 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
20693 next_offset += envelope_size;
20694 }
20696 let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
20697 let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
20698 if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
20699 fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
20700 {
20701 let member_inline_size = <fidl::encoding::HandleType<
20702 fidl::EventPair,
20703 { fidl::ObjectType::EVENTPAIR.into_raw() },
20704 2147483648,
20705 > as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(
20706 decoder.context
20707 );
20708 if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
20709 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
20710 }
20711 let inner_offset;
20712 let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
20713 if inlined {
20714 decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
20715 inner_offset = next_offset;
20716 } else {
20717 inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
20718 inner_depth.increment()?;
20719 }
20720 let val_ref =
20721 self.server_end.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::HandleType<fidl::EventPair, { fidl::ObjectType::EVENTPAIR.into_raw() }, 2147483648>, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect));
20722 fidl::decode!(fidl::encoding::HandleType<fidl::EventPair, { fidl::ObjectType::EVENTPAIR.into_raw() }, 2147483648>, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
20723 if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
20724 {
20725 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
20726 }
20727 if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
20728 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
20729 }
20730 }
20732 next_offset += envelope_size;
20734 // Decode the remaining unknown envelopes.
20735 while next_offset < end_offset {
20736 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
20737 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
20738 next_offset += envelope_size;
20739 }
20741 Ok(())
20742 }
20743 }
20745 impl NodeIsAlternateForRequest {
20746 #[inline(always)]
20747 fn max_ordinal_present(&self) -> u64 {
20748 if let Some(_) = self.node_ref {
20749 return 1;
20750 }
20751 0
20752 }
20753 }
20755 impl fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker for NodeIsAlternateForRequest {
20756 type Borrowed<'a> = &'a mut Self;
20757 fn take_or_borrow<'a>(
20758 value: &'a mut <Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned,
20759 ) -> Self::Borrowed<'a> {
20760 value
20761 }
20762 }
20764 unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for NodeIsAlternateForRequest {
20765 type Owned = Self;
20767 #[inline(always)]
20768 fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
20769 8
20770 }
20772 #[inline(always)]
20773 fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
20774 16
20775 }
20776 }
20778 unsafe impl
20779 fidl::encoding::Encode<
20780 NodeIsAlternateForRequest,
20781 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
20782 > for &mut NodeIsAlternateForRequest
20783 {
20784 unsafe fn encode(
20785 self,
20786 encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<
20787 '_,
20788 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
20789 >,
20790 offset: usize,
20791 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
20792 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
20793 encoder.debug_check_bounds::<NodeIsAlternateForRequest>(offset);
20794 // Vector header
20795 let max_ordinal: u64 = self.max_ordinal_present();
20796 encoder.write_num(max_ordinal, offset);
20797 encoder.write_num(fidl::encoding::ALLOC_PRESENT_U64, offset + 8);
20798 // Calling encoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
20799 if max_ordinal == 0 {
20800 return Ok(());
20801 }
20802 depth.increment()?;
20803 let envelope_size = 8;
20804 let bytes_len = max_ordinal as usize * envelope_size;
20805 #[allow(unused_variables)]
20806 let offset = encoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len);
20807 let mut _prev_end_offset: usize = 0;
20808 if 1 > max_ordinal {
20809 return Ok(());
20810 }
20812 // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
20813 // are envelope_size bytes.
20814 let cur_offset: usize = (1 - 1) * envelope_size;
20816 // Zero reserved fields.
20817 encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
20819 // Safety:
20820 // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
20821 // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
20822 // envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
20823 fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<
20824 fidl::encoding::HandleType<
20825 fidl::Event,
20826 { fidl::ObjectType::EVENT.into_raw() },
20827 2147483648,
20828 >,
20829 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
20830 >(
20831 self.node_ref.as_mut().map(
20832 <fidl::encoding::HandleType<
20833 fidl::Event,
20834 { fidl::ObjectType::EVENT.into_raw() },
20835 2147483648,
20836 > as fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker>::take_or_borrow,
20837 ),
20838 encoder,
20839 offset + cur_offset,
20840 depth,
20841 )?;
20843 _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
20845 Ok(())
20846 }
20847 }
20849 impl fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
20850 for NodeIsAlternateForRequest
20851 {
20852 #[inline(always)]
20853 fn new_empty() -> Self {
20854 Self::default()
20855 }
20857 unsafe fn decode(
20858 &mut self,
20859 decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<
20860 '_,
20861 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
20862 >,
20863 offset: usize,
20864 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
20865 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
20866 decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
20867 let len = match fidl::encoding::decode_vector_header(decoder, offset)? {
20868 None => return Err(fidl::Error::NotNullable),
20869 Some(len) => len,
20870 };
20871 // Calling decoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
20872 if len == 0 {
20873 return Ok(());
20874 };
20875 depth.increment()?;
20876 let envelope_size = 8;
20877 let bytes_len = len * envelope_size;
20878 let offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len)?;
20879 // Decode the envelope for each type.
20880 let mut _next_ordinal_to_read = 0;
20881 let mut next_offset = offset;
20882 let end_offset = offset + bytes_len;
20883 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
20884 if next_offset >= end_offset {
20885 return Ok(());
20886 }
20888 // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
20889 while _next_ordinal_to_read < 1 {
20890 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
20891 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
20892 next_offset += envelope_size;
20893 }
20895 let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
20896 let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
20897 if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
20898 fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
20899 {
20900 let member_inline_size = <fidl::encoding::HandleType<
20901 fidl::Event,
20902 { fidl::ObjectType::EVENT.into_raw() },
20903 2147483648,
20904 > as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(
20905 decoder.context
20906 );
20907 if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
20908 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
20909 }
20910 let inner_offset;
20911 let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
20912 if inlined {
20913 decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
20914 inner_offset = next_offset;
20915 } else {
20916 inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
20917 inner_depth.increment()?;
20918 }
20919 let val_ref =
20920 self.node_ref.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::HandleType<fidl::Event, { fidl::ObjectType::EVENT.into_raw() }, 2147483648>, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect));
20921 fidl::decode!(fidl::encoding::HandleType<fidl::Event, { fidl::ObjectType::EVENT.into_raw() }, 2147483648>, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
20922 if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
20923 {
20924 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
20925 }
20926 if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
20927 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
20928 }
20929 }
20931 next_offset += envelope_size;
20933 // Decode the remaining unknown envelopes.
20934 while next_offset < end_offset {
20935 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
20936 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
20937 next_offset += envelope_size;
20938 }
20940 Ok(())
20941 }
20942 }
20944 impl NodeSetWeakOkRequest {
20945 #[inline(always)]
20946 fn max_ordinal_present(&self) -> u64 {
20947 if let Some(_) = self.for_child_nodes_also {
20948 return 1;
20949 }
20950 0
20951 }
20952 }
20954 impl fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker for NodeSetWeakOkRequest {
20955 type Borrowed<'a> = &'a mut Self;
20956 fn take_or_borrow<'a>(
20957 value: &'a mut <Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned,
20958 ) -> Self::Borrowed<'a> {
20959 value
20960 }
20961 }
20963 unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for NodeSetWeakOkRequest {
20964 type Owned = Self;
20966 #[inline(always)]
20967 fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
20968 8
20969 }
20971 #[inline(always)]
20972 fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
20973 16
20974 }
20975 }
20977 unsafe impl
20978 fidl::encoding::Encode<NodeSetWeakOkRequest, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
20979 for &mut NodeSetWeakOkRequest
20980 {
20981 unsafe fn encode(
20982 self,
20983 encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<
20984 '_,
20985 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
20986 >,
20987 offset: usize,
20988 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
20989 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
20990 encoder.debug_check_bounds::<NodeSetWeakOkRequest>(offset);
20991 // Vector header
20992 let max_ordinal: u64 = self.max_ordinal_present();
20993 encoder.write_num(max_ordinal, offset);
20994 encoder.write_num(fidl::encoding::ALLOC_PRESENT_U64, offset + 8);
20995 // Calling encoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
20996 if max_ordinal == 0 {
20997 return Ok(());
20998 }
20999 depth.increment()?;
21000 let envelope_size = 8;
21001 let bytes_len = max_ordinal as usize * envelope_size;
21002 #[allow(unused_variables)]
21003 let offset = encoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len);
21004 let mut _prev_end_offset: usize = 0;
21005 if 1 > max_ordinal {
21006 return Ok(());
21007 }
21009 // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
21010 // are envelope_size bytes.
21011 let cur_offset: usize = (1 - 1) * envelope_size;
21013 // Zero reserved fields.
21014 encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
21016 // Safety:
21017 // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
21018 // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
21019 // envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
21020 fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<
21021 bool,
21022 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
21023 >(
21024 self.for_child_nodes_also
21025 .as_ref()
21026 .map(<bool as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
21027 encoder,
21028 offset + cur_offset,
21029 depth,
21030 )?;
21032 _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
21034 Ok(())
21035 }
21036 }
21038 impl fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
21039 for NodeSetWeakOkRequest
21040 {
21041 #[inline(always)]
21042 fn new_empty() -> Self {
21043 Self::default()
21044 }
21046 unsafe fn decode(
21047 &mut self,
21048 decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<
21049 '_,
21050 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
21051 >,
21052 offset: usize,
21053 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
21054 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
21055 decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
21056 let len = match fidl::encoding::decode_vector_header(decoder, offset)? {
21057 None => return Err(fidl::Error::NotNullable),
21058 Some(len) => len,
21059 };
21060 // Calling decoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
21061 if len == 0 {
21062 return Ok(());
21063 };
21064 depth.increment()?;
21065 let envelope_size = 8;
21066 let bytes_len = len * envelope_size;
21067 let offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len)?;
21068 // Decode the envelope for each type.
21069 let mut _next_ordinal_to_read = 0;
21070 let mut next_offset = offset;
21071 let end_offset = offset + bytes_len;
21072 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
21073 if next_offset >= end_offset {
21074 return Ok(());
21075 }
21077 // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
21078 while _next_ordinal_to_read < 1 {
21079 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
21080 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
21081 next_offset += envelope_size;
21082 }
21084 let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
21085 let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
21086 if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
21087 fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
21088 {
21089 let member_inline_size =
21090 <bool as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
21091 if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
21092 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
21093 }
21094 let inner_offset;
21095 let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
21096 if inlined {
21097 decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
21098 inner_offset = next_offset;
21099 } else {
21100 inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
21101 inner_depth.increment()?;
21102 }
21103 let val_ref = self.for_child_nodes_also.get_or_insert_with(|| {
21104 fidl::new_empty!(bool, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect)
21105 });
21106 fidl::decode!(
21107 bool,
21108 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
21109 val_ref,
21110 decoder,
21111 inner_offset,
21112 inner_depth
21113 )?;
21114 if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
21115 {
21116 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
21117 }
21118 if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
21119 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
21120 }
21121 }
21123 next_offset += envelope_size;
21125 // Decode the remaining unknown envelopes.
21126 while next_offset < end_offset {
21127 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
21128 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
21129 next_offset += envelope_size;
21130 }
21132 Ok(())
21133 }
21134 }
21136 impl NodeGetNodeRefResponse {
21137 #[inline(always)]
21138 fn max_ordinal_present(&self) -> u64 {
21139 if let Some(_) = self.node_ref {
21140 return 1;
21141 }
21142 0
21143 }
21144 }
21146 impl fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker for NodeGetNodeRefResponse {
21147 type Borrowed<'a> = &'a mut Self;
21148 fn take_or_borrow<'a>(
21149 value: &'a mut <Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned,
21150 ) -> Self::Borrowed<'a> {
21151 value
21152 }
21153 }
21155 unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for NodeGetNodeRefResponse {
21156 type Owned = Self;
21158 #[inline(always)]
21159 fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
21160 8
21161 }
21163 #[inline(always)]
21164 fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
21165 16
21166 }
21167 }
21169 unsafe impl
21170 fidl::encoding::Encode<
21171 NodeGetNodeRefResponse,
21172 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
21173 > for &mut NodeGetNodeRefResponse
21174 {
21175 unsafe fn encode(
21176 self,
21177 encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<
21178 '_,
21179 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
21180 >,
21181 offset: usize,
21182 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
21183 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
21184 encoder.debug_check_bounds::<NodeGetNodeRefResponse>(offset);
21185 // Vector header
21186 let max_ordinal: u64 = self.max_ordinal_present();
21187 encoder.write_num(max_ordinal, offset);
21188 encoder.write_num(fidl::encoding::ALLOC_PRESENT_U64, offset + 8);
21189 // Calling encoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
21190 if max_ordinal == 0 {
21191 return Ok(());
21192 }
21193 depth.increment()?;
21194 let envelope_size = 8;
21195 let bytes_len = max_ordinal as usize * envelope_size;
21196 #[allow(unused_variables)]
21197 let offset = encoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len);
21198 let mut _prev_end_offset: usize = 0;
21199 if 1 > max_ordinal {
21200 return Ok(());
21201 }
21203 // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
21204 // are envelope_size bytes.
21205 let cur_offset: usize = (1 - 1) * envelope_size;
21207 // Zero reserved fields.
21208 encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
21210 // Safety:
21211 // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
21212 // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
21213 // envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
21214 fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<
21215 fidl::encoding::HandleType<
21216 fidl::Event,
21217 { fidl::ObjectType::EVENT.into_raw() },
21218 2147483648,
21219 >,
21220 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
21221 >(
21222 self.node_ref.as_mut().map(
21223 <fidl::encoding::HandleType<
21224 fidl::Event,
21225 { fidl::ObjectType::EVENT.into_raw() },
21226 2147483648,
21227 > as fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker>::take_or_borrow,
21228 ),
21229 encoder,
21230 offset + cur_offset,
21231 depth,
21232 )?;
21234 _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
21236 Ok(())
21237 }
21238 }
21240 impl fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
21241 for NodeGetNodeRefResponse
21242 {
21243 #[inline(always)]
21244 fn new_empty() -> Self {
21245 Self::default()
21246 }
21248 unsafe fn decode(
21249 &mut self,
21250 decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<
21251 '_,
21252 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
21253 >,
21254 offset: usize,
21255 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
21256 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
21257 decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
21258 let len = match fidl::encoding::decode_vector_header(decoder, offset)? {
21259 None => return Err(fidl::Error::NotNullable),
21260 Some(len) => len,
21261 };
21262 // Calling decoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
21263 if len == 0 {
21264 return Ok(());
21265 };
21266 depth.increment()?;
21267 let envelope_size = 8;
21268 let bytes_len = len * envelope_size;
21269 let offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len)?;
21270 // Decode the envelope for each type.
21271 let mut _next_ordinal_to_read = 0;
21272 let mut next_offset = offset;
21273 let end_offset = offset + bytes_len;
21274 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
21275 if next_offset >= end_offset {
21276 return Ok(());
21277 }
21279 // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
21280 while _next_ordinal_to_read < 1 {
21281 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
21282 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
21283 next_offset += envelope_size;
21284 }
21286 let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
21287 let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
21288 if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
21289 fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
21290 {
21291 let member_inline_size = <fidl::encoding::HandleType<
21292 fidl::Event,
21293 { fidl::ObjectType::EVENT.into_raw() },
21294 2147483648,
21295 > as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(
21296 decoder.context
21297 );
21298 if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
21299 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
21300 }
21301 let inner_offset;
21302 let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
21303 if inlined {
21304 decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
21305 inner_offset = next_offset;
21306 } else {
21307 inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
21308 inner_depth.increment()?;
21309 }
21310 let val_ref =
21311 self.node_ref.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::HandleType<fidl::Event, { fidl::ObjectType::EVENT.into_raw() }, 2147483648>, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect));
21312 fidl::decode!(fidl::encoding::HandleType<fidl::Event, { fidl::ObjectType::EVENT.into_raw() }, 2147483648>, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
21313 if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
21314 {
21315 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
21316 }
21317 if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
21318 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
21319 }
21320 }
21322 next_offset += envelope_size;
21324 // Decode the remaining unknown envelopes.
21325 while next_offset < end_offset {
21326 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
21327 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
21328 next_offset += envelope_size;
21329 }
21331 Ok(())
21332 }
21333 }
21335 impl VmoBuffer {
21336 #[inline(always)]
21337 fn max_ordinal_present(&self) -> u64 {
21338 if let Some(_) = self.close_weak_asap {
21339 return 3;
21340 }
21341 if let Some(_) = self.vmo_usable_start {
21342 return 2;
21343 }
21344 if let Some(_) = self.vmo {
21345 return 1;
21346 }
21347 0
21348 }
21349 }
21351 impl fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker for VmoBuffer {
21352 type Borrowed<'a> = &'a mut Self;
21353 fn take_or_borrow<'a>(
21354 value: &'a mut <Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned,
21355 ) -> Self::Borrowed<'a> {
21356 value
21357 }
21358 }
21360 unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for VmoBuffer {
21361 type Owned = Self;
21363 #[inline(always)]
21364 fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
21365 8
21366 }
21368 #[inline(always)]
21369 fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
21370 16
21371 }
21372 }
21374 unsafe impl fidl::encoding::Encode<VmoBuffer, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
21375 for &mut VmoBuffer
21376 {
21377 unsafe fn encode(
21378 self,
21379 encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<
21380 '_,
21381 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
21382 >,
21383 offset: usize,
21384 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
21385 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
21386 encoder.debug_check_bounds::<VmoBuffer>(offset);
21387 // Vector header
21388 let max_ordinal: u64 = self.max_ordinal_present();
21389 encoder.write_num(max_ordinal, offset);
21390 encoder.write_num(fidl::encoding::ALLOC_PRESENT_U64, offset + 8);
21391 // Calling encoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
21392 if max_ordinal == 0 {
21393 return Ok(());
21394 }
21395 depth.increment()?;
21396 let envelope_size = 8;
21397 let bytes_len = max_ordinal as usize * envelope_size;
21398 #[allow(unused_variables)]
21399 let offset = encoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len);
21400 let mut _prev_end_offset: usize = 0;
21401 if 1 > max_ordinal {
21402 return Ok(());
21403 }
21405 // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
21406 // are envelope_size bytes.
21407 let cur_offset: usize = (1 - 1) * envelope_size;
21409 // Zero reserved fields.
21410 encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
21412 // Safety:
21413 // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
21414 // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
21415 // envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
21416 fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<
21417 fidl::encoding::HandleType<
21418 fidl::Vmo,
21419 { fidl::ObjectType::VMO.into_raw() },
21420 2147483648,
21421 >,
21422 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
21423 >(
21424 self.vmo.as_mut().map(
21425 <fidl::encoding::HandleType<
21426 fidl::Vmo,
21427 { fidl::ObjectType::VMO.into_raw() },
21428 2147483648,
21429 > as fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker>::take_or_borrow,
21430 ),
21431 encoder,
21432 offset + cur_offset,
21433 depth,
21434 )?;
21436 _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
21437 if 2 > max_ordinal {
21438 return Ok(());
21439 }
21441 // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
21442 // are envelope_size bytes.
21443 let cur_offset: usize = (2 - 1) * envelope_size;
21445 // Zero reserved fields.
21446 encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
21448 // Safety:
21449 // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
21450 // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
21451 // envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
21452 fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<
21453 u64,
21454 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
21455 >(
21456 self.vmo_usable_start
21457 .as_ref()
21458 .map(<u64 as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
21459 encoder,
21460 offset + cur_offset,
21461 depth,
21462 )?;
21464 _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
21465 if 3 > max_ordinal {
21466 return Ok(());
21467 }
21469 // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
21470 // are envelope_size bytes.
21471 let cur_offset: usize = (3 - 1) * envelope_size;
21473 // Zero reserved fields.
21474 encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
21476 // Safety:
21477 // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
21478 // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
21479 // envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
21480 fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<
21481 fidl::encoding::HandleType<
21482 fidl::EventPair,
21483 { fidl::ObjectType::EVENTPAIR.into_raw() },
21484 2147483648,
21485 >,
21486 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
21487 >(
21488 self.close_weak_asap.as_mut().map(
21489 <fidl::encoding::HandleType<
21490 fidl::EventPair,
21491 { fidl::ObjectType::EVENTPAIR.into_raw() },
21492 2147483648,
21493 > as fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker>::take_or_borrow,
21494 ),
21495 encoder,
21496 offset + cur_offset,
21497 depth,
21498 )?;
21500 _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
21502 Ok(())
21503 }
21504 }
21506 impl fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect> for VmoBuffer {
21507 #[inline(always)]
21508 fn new_empty() -> Self {
21509 Self::default()
21510 }
21512 unsafe fn decode(
21513 &mut self,
21514 decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<
21515 '_,
21516 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
21517 >,
21518 offset: usize,
21519 mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
21520 ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
21521 decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
21522 let len = match fidl::encoding::decode_vector_header(decoder, offset)? {
21523 None => return Err(fidl::Error::NotNullable),
21524 Some(len) => len,
21525 };
21526 // Calling decoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
21527 if len == 0 {
21528 return Ok(());
21529 };
21530 depth.increment()?;
21531 let envelope_size = 8;
21532 let bytes_len = len * envelope_size;
21533 let offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len)?;
21534 // Decode the envelope for each type.
21535 let mut _next_ordinal_to_read = 0;
21536 let mut next_offset = offset;
21537 let end_offset = offset + bytes_len;
21538 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
21539 if next_offset >= end_offset {
21540 return Ok(());
21541 }
21543 // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
21544 while _next_ordinal_to_read < 1 {
21545 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
21546 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
21547 next_offset += envelope_size;
21548 }
21550 let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
21551 let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
21552 if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
21553 fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
21554 {
21555 let member_inline_size = <fidl::encoding::HandleType<
21556 fidl::Vmo,
21557 { fidl::ObjectType::VMO.into_raw() },
21558 2147483648,
21559 > as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(
21560 decoder.context
21561 );
21562 if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
21563 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
21564 }
21565 let inner_offset;
21566 let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
21567 if inlined {
21568 decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
21569 inner_offset = next_offset;
21570 } else {
21571 inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
21572 inner_depth.increment()?;
21573 }
21574 let val_ref =
21575 self.vmo.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::HandleType<fidl::Vmo, { fidl::ObjectType::VMO.into_raw() }, 2147483648>, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect));
21576 fidl::decode!(fidl::encoding::HandleType<fidl::Vmo, { fidl::ObjectType::VMO.into_raw() }, 2147483648>, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
21577 if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
21578 {
21579 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
21580 }
21581 if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
21582 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
21583 }
21584 }
21586 next_offset += envelope_size;
21587 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
21588 if next_offset >= end_offset {
21589 return Ok(());
21590 }
21592 // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
21593 while _next_ordinal_to_read < 2 {
21594 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
21595 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
21596 next_offset += envelope_size;
21597 }
21599 let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
21600 let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
21601 if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
21602 fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
21603 {
21604 let member_inline_size =
21605 <u64 as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
21606 if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
21607 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
21608 }
21609 let inner_offset;
21610 let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
21611 if inlined {
21612 decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
21613 inner_offset = next_offset;
21614 } else {
21615 inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
21616 inner_depth.increment()?;
21617 }
21618 let val_ref = self.vmo_usable_start.get_or_insert_with(|| {
21619 fidl::new_empty!(u64, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect)
21620 });
21621 fidl::decode!(
21622 u64,
21623 fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
21624 val_ref,
21625 decoder,
21626 inner_offset,
21627 inner_depth
21628 )?;
21629 if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
21630 {
21631 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
21632 }
21633 if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
21634 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
21635 }
21636 }
21638 next_offset += envelope_size;
21639 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
21640 if next_offset >= end_offset {
21641 return Ok(());
21642 }
21644 // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
21645 while _next_ordinal_to_read < 3 {
21646 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
21647 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
21648 next_offset += envelope_size;
21649 }
21651 let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
21652 let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
21653 if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
21654 fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
21655 {
21656 let member_inline_size = <fidl::encoding::HandleType<
21657 fidl::EventPair,
21658 { fidl::ObjectType::EVENTPAIR.into_raw() },
21659 2147483648,
21660 > as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(
21661 decoder.context
21662 );
21663 if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
21664 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
21665 }
21666 let inner_offset;
21667 let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
21668 if inlined {
21669 decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
21670 inner_offset = next_offset;
21671 } else {
21672 inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
21673 inner_depth.increment()?;
21674 }
21675 let val_ref =
21676 self.close_weak_asap.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::HandleType<fidl::EventPair, { fidl::ObjectType::EVENTPAIR.into_raw() }, 2147483648>, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect));
21677 fidl::decode!(fidl::encoding::HandleType<fidl::EventPair, { fidl::ObjectType::EVENTPAIR.into_raw() }, 2147483648>, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
21678 if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
21679 {
21680 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
21681 }
21682 if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
21683 return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
21684 }
21685 }
21687 next_offset += envelope_size;
21689 // Decode the remaining unknown envelopes.
21690 while next_offset < end_offset {
21691 _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
21692 fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
21693 next_offset += envelope_size;
21694 }
21696 Ok(())
21697 }
21698 }