use fuchsia_inspect::Inspector;
use fuchsia_sync::Mutex;
use futures::future::BoxFuture;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::num::NonZeroU64;
use std::panic::Location;
use std::sync::LazyLock;
static STUB_COUNTS: LazyLock<Mutex<HashMap<Invocation, Counts>>> =
LazyLock::new(|| Mutex::new(HashMap::new()));
macro_rules! track_stub {
(TODO($bug_url:literal), $message:expr, $flags:expr $(,)?) => {{
(TODO($bug_url:literal), $message:expr $(,)?) => {{
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
struct Invocation {
location: &'static Location<'static>,
message: &'static str,
bug: BugRef,
struct Counts {
by_flags: HashMap<Option<u64>, u64>,
pub fn __track_stub_inner(
bug: BugRef,
message: &'static str,
flags: Option<u64>,
location: &'static Location<'static>,
) -> u64 {
let mut counts = STUB_COUNTS.lock();
let message_counts = counts.entry(Invocation { location, message, bug }).or_default();
let context_count = message_counts.by_flags.entry(flags).or_default();
if *context_count == 0 {
match flags {
Some(flags) => {
log::warn!(tag = "track_stub", location:%; "{bug} {message}: 0x{flags:x}");
None => {
log::warn!(tag = "track_stub", location:%; "{bug} {message}");
*context_count += 1;
pub fn track_stub_lazy_node_callback() -> BoxFuture<'static, Result<Inspector, anyhow::Error>> {
Box::pin(async {
let inspector = Inspector::default();
for (Invocation { location, message, bug }, context_counts) in STUB_COUNTS.lock().iter() {
inspector.root().atomic_update(|root| {
root.record_child(*message, |message_node| {
message_node.record_string("file", location.file());
message_node.record_uint("line", location.line().into());
message_node.record_string("bug", bug.to_string());
let mut context_counts = context_counts.by_flags.clone();
if let Some(no_context_count) = context_counts.remove(&None) {
message_node.record_uint("count", no_context_count);
if !context_counts.is_empty() {
message_node.record_child("counts", |counts_node| {
for (context, count) in context_counts {
if let Some(c) = context {
counts_node.record_uint(format!("0x{c:x}"), count);
macro_rules! bug_ref {
($bug_url:literal) => {{
const __REF: $crate::BugRef = match $crate::BugRef::from_str($bug_url) {
Some(b) => b,
None => panic!("bug references must have the form ``"),
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub struct BugRef {
number: u64,
impl BugRef {
#[doc(hidden)] pub const fn from_str(url: &'static str) -> Option<Self> {
let expected_prefix = b"";
let url = str::as_bytes(url);
if url.len() < expected_prefix.len() {
return None;
let (scheme_and_domain, number_str) = url.split_at(expected_prefix.len());
if number_str.is_empty() {
return None;
let mut i = 0;
while i < scheme_and_domain.len() {
if scheme_and_domain[i] != expected_prefix[i] {
return None;
i += 1;
let mut number = 0;
let mut i = 0;
while i < number_str.len() {
number *= 10;
number += match number_str[i] {
b'0' => 0,
b'1' => 1,
b'2' => 2,
b'3' => 3,
b'4' => 4,
b'5' => 5,
b'6' => 6,
b'7' => 7,
b'8' => 8,
b'9' => 9,
_ => return None,
i += 1;
Some(Self { number })
impl From<NonZeroU64> for BugRef {
fn from(value: NonZeroU64) -> Self {
Self { number: value.get() }
impl std::fmt::Display for BugRef {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.number)
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn valid_url_parses() {
assert_eq!(BugRef::from_str("").unwrap().number, 1234567890);
fn missing_prefix_fails() {
assert_eq!(BugRef::from_str("1234567890"), None);
fn missing_number_fails() {
assert_eq!(BugRef::from_str(""), None);
fn short_prefixes_fail() {
assert_eq!(BugRef::from_str("b/1234567890"), None);
assert_eq!(BugRef::from_str("fxb/1234567890"), None);
assert_eq!(BugRef::from_str(""), None);