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// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::prelude_internal::*;
use std::os::raw::c_int;
/// Methods from the [OpenThread "CLI" Module](
pub trait Cli {
/// Functional equivalent of [`otsys::otCliInputLine`](crate::otsys::otCliInputLine).
fn cli_input_line(&self, line: &CStr);
/// Functional equivalent of [`otsys::otCliInit`](crate::otsys::otCliInit).
fn cli_init<'a, F>(&self, output_callback: F)
F: FnMut(&CStr) + 'a;
impl<T: Cli + ot::Boxable> Cli for ot::Box<T> {
fn cli_input_line(&self, line: &CStr) {
fn cli_init<'a, F>(&self, output_callback: F)
F: FnMut(&CStr) + 'a,
impl Cli for Instance {
fn cli_input_line(&self, line: &CStr) {
unsafe { otCliInputLine(line.as_ptr() as *mut c_char) }
fn cli_init<'a, F>(&self, f: F)
F: FnMut(&CStr) + 'a,
unsafe extern "C" fn _ot_cli_output_callback(
context: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
line: *const c_char,
_: *mut otsys::__va_list_tag,
) -> c_int {
let line = CStr::from_ptr(line);
trace!("_ot_cli_output_callback: {:?}", line);
// Reconstitute a reference to our instance
let instance = Instance::ref_from_ot_ptr(context as *mut otInstance).unwrap();
// Get a reference to our instance backing.
let backing = instance.borrow_backing();
// Remove our line sender from the cell in the backing.
// We will replace it once we are done.
let mut sender_option = backing.cli_output_fn.replace(None);
if let Some(sender) = sender_option.as_mut() {
} else {
info!("_ot_cli_output_callback: Nothing to handle CLI output");
// Put the sender back into the backing so that we can
// use it again later.
if let Some(new_sender) = backing.cli_output_fn.replace(sender_option) {
// In this case someone called the init function while
// they were in the callback. We want to restore that
// callback.
// Put our sender closure in a box.
// This will go into the backing.
let fn_box = Box::new(f) as Box<dyn FnMut(&CStr) + 'a>;
// Prepare a function pointer for our callback closure.
let cb: otCliOutputCallback = Some(_ot_cli_output_callback);
// Go ahead and get our context pointer ready for the callback.
// In this case our context pointer is the `otInstance` pointer.
let fn_ptr = self.as_ot_ptr() as *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void;
unsafe {
// Make sure our object eventually gets cleaned up.
// Here we must also transmute our closure to have a 'static
// lifetime.
// SAFETY: We need to do this because the borrow checker
// cannot infer the proper lifetime for the
// singleton instance backing, but this is guaranteed
// by the API.
let prev_callback =
Option<Box<dyn FnMut(&'_ CStr) + 'a>>,
Option<Box<dyn FnMut(&'_ CStr) + 'static>>,
// Check to see if there was a previous callback registered.
// We only want to call `otCliInit()` if there was no
// previously registered callback.
if prev_callback.is_none() {
// SAFETY: This must only be called once.
otCliInit(self.as_ot_ptr(), cb, fn_ptr);