use aes_gcm_siv::aead::Aead;
use aes_gcm_siv::{Aes128GcmSiv, Aes256GcmSiv, Key, KeyInit};
use itertools::Itertools;
use serde::{Deserialize, Deserializer, Serialize, Serializer};
use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
use std::os::fd::{FromRawFd as _, IntoRawFd as _};
use thiserror::Error;
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct KeyBag {
version: u16,
keys: HashMap<KeySlot, WrappedKey>,
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum OpenError {
#[error("Path to keybag was invalid")]
#[error("Failed to open the keybag: {0:?}")]
FailedToOpen(#[from] std::io::Error),
#[error("Keybag failed to parse due to {0}")]
#[error("Keybag was of wrong version (have {0} want {1})")]
KeyBagVersionMismatch(u16, u16),
#[error("Failed to persist keybag")]
impl From<OpenError> for zx::Status {
fn from(error: OpenError) -> zx::Status {
match error {
OpenError::InvalidPath => zx::Status::INVALID_ARGS,
OpenError::FailedToOpen(..) => zx::Status::IO,
OpenError::KeyBagInvalid(..) => zx::Status::IO_DATA_INTEGRITY,
OpenError::KeyBagVersionMismatch(..) => zx::Status::NOT_SUPPORTED,
OpenError::FailedToPersist => zx::Status::IO,
#[derive(Error, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Error {
#[error("Failed to persist keybag")]
#[error("Key at given slot not found")]
#[error("Key slot is already in use")]
impl From<Error> for zx::Status {
fn from(error: Error) -> zx::Status {
match error {
Error::FailedToPersist => zx::Status::IO,
Error::SlotNotFound => zx::Status::NOT_FOUND,
Error::SlotAlreadyUsed => zx::Status::ALREADY_EXISTS,
Error::Internal => zx::Status::INTERNAL,
#[derive(Error, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum UnwrapError {
#[error("Key at given slot not found")]
#[error("Failed to unwrap the key, most likely due to the wrong wrapping key")]
impl From<UnwrapError> for zx::Status {
fn from(error: UnwrapError) -> zx::Status {
match error {
UnwrapError::SlotNotFound => zx::Status::NOT_FOUND,
UnwrapError::AccessDenied => zx::Status::ACCESS_DENIED,
impl Default for KeyBag {
fn default() -> Self {
Self { version: CURRENT_VERSION, keys: Default::default() }
pub struct KeyBagManager {
key_bag: KeyBag,
dir: openat::Dir,
path: String,
pub const AES128_KEY_SIZE: usize = 16;
pub const AES256_KEY_SIZE: usize = 32;
const CURRENT_VERSION: u16 = 1;
const AES256_GCM_SIV_NONCE_SIZE: usize = 12;
const WRAPPED_AES256_KEY_SIZE: usize = AES256_KEY_SIZE + 16;
pub type KeySlot = u16;
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug)]
pub enum WrappedKey {
Aes128GcmSivWrapped(Nonce, KeyBytes),
Aes256GcmSivWrapped(Nonce, KeyBytes),
macro_rules! impl_serde {
($T:ty) => {
impl Serialize for $T {
fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
S: Serializer,
.format_with("", |item, f| f(&format_args!("{:02x}", item)))
impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for $T {
fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
D: Deserializer<'de>,
<String>::deserialize(deserializer).and_then(|s| {
let mut this = Self::default();
let decoded = hex::decode(s).map_err(|_| {
serde::de::Error::custom("failed to parse byte string".to_owned())
if decoded.len() != this.0.len() {
return Err(serde::de::Error::custom(format!(
"Invalid length (have {} want {})",
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct Nonce([u8; AES256_GCM_SIV_NONCE_SIZE]);
impl Nonce {
fn as_crypto_nonce(&self) -> &aes_gcm_siv::Nonce {
pub struct KeyBytes([u8; WRAPPED_AES256_KEY_SIZE]);
impl Deref for KeyBytes {
type Target = [u8; WRAPPED_AES256_KEY_SIZE];
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl DerefMut for KeyBytes {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
&mut self.0
impl TryFrom<Vec<u8>> for KeyBytes {
type Error = Vec<u8>;
fn try_from(value: Vec<u8>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
if value.len() == WRAPPED_AES256_KEY_SIZE {
let mut key = KeyBytes::default();
} else {
impl Default for KeyBytes {
fn default() -> Self {
Self([0u8; WRAPPED_AES256_KEY_SIZE])
#[derive(Default, PartialEq)]
pub struct Aes256Key([u8; AES256_KEY_SIZE]);
impl Aes256Key {
pub const fn create(data: [u8; AES256_KEY_SIZE]) -> Self {
impl Deref for Aes256Key {
type Target = [u8; AES256_KEY_SIZE];
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl DerefMut for Aes256Key {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
&mut self.0
impl Debug for Aes256Key {
fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
pub enum WrappingKey {
Aes128([u8; AES128_KEY_SIZE]),
Aes256([u8; AES256_KEY_SIZE]),
fn generate_key() -> Aes256Key {
let mut key = Aes256Key::default();
zx::cprng_draw(&mut key.0);
fn generate_nonce() -> Nonce {
let mut nonce = Nonce::default();
zx::cprng_draw(&mut nonce.0);
impl KeyBagManager {
pub fn open(
directory: std::os::fd::OwnedFd,
path: &std::path::Path,
) -> Result<Option<Self>, OpenError> {
let dir = unsafe { openat::Dir::from_raw_fd(directory.into_raw_fd()) };
let path_str = path.to_str().map(str::to_string).ok_or(OpenError::InvalidPath)?;
match dir.metadata(path) {
Err(e) => {
if e.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound {
return Ok(None);
} else {
return Err(e.into());
Ok(m) if m.len() == 0 => return Ok(None),
_ => (),
let reader = std::io::BufReader::new(dir.open_file(path)?);
let key_bag: KeyBag =
serde_json::from_reader(reader).map_err(|e| OpenError::KeyBagInvalid(e.to_string()))?;
if key_bag.version != CURRENT_VERSION {
return Err(OpenError::KeyBagVersionMismatch(key_bag.version, CURRENT_VERSION));
Ok(Some(Self { key_bag, dir, path: path_str }))
pub fn create(
directory: std::os::fd::OwnedFd,
path: &std::path::Path,
) -> Result<Self, OpenError> {
let dir = unsafe { openat::Dir::from_raw_fd(directory.into_raw_fd()) };
let path_str = path.to_str().map(str::to_string).ok_or(OpenError::InvalidPath)?;
let mut this = Self { key_bag: KeyBag::default(), dir, path: path_str };
this.commit().map_err(|_| OpenError::FailedToPersist)?;
return Ok(this);
pub fn new_key(
&mut self,
slot: KeySlot,
wrapping_key: &WrappingKey,
) -> Result<Aes256Key, Error> {
let key = match self.key_bag.keys.entry(slot) {
Entry::Occupied(_) => return Err(Error::SlotAlreadyUsed),
Entry::Vacant(v) => {
let key = generate_key();
let nonce = generate_nonce();
let entry = match wrapping_key {
WrappingKey::Aes128(bytes) => {
let cipher = Aes128GcmSiv::new(Key::<Aes128GcmSiv>::from_slice(bytes));
let wrapped = cipher
.encrypt(nonce.as_crypto_nonce(), &key.0[..])
.map_err(|_| Error::Internal)
.and_then(|k| k.try_into().map_err(|_| Error::Internal))?;
WrappedKey::Aes128GcmSivWrapped(nonce, wrapped)
WrappingKey::Aes256(bytes) => {
let cipher = Aes256GcmSiv::new(Key::<Aes256GcmSiv>::from_slice(bytes));
let wrapped = cipher
.encrypt(nonce.as_crypto_nonce(), &key.0[..])
.map_err(|_| Error::Internal)
.and_then(|k| k.try_into().map_err(|_| Error::Internal))?;
WrappedKey::Aes256GcmSivWrapped(nonce, wrapped)
self.commit().map(|_| key)
pub fn remove_key(&mut self, slot: KeySlot) -> Result<(), Error> {
if let None = self.key_bag.keys.remove(&slot) {
return Err(Error::SlotNotFound);
pub fn unwrap_key(
slot: KeySlot,
wrapping_key: &WrappingKey,
) -> Result<Aes256Key, UnwrapError> {
let key = self.key_bag.keys.get(&slot).ok_or(UnwrapError::SlotNotFound)?;
let (nonce, bytes) = match key {
WrappedKey::Aes128GcmSivWrapped(nonce, bytes) => (nonce, bytes),
WrappedKey::Aes256GcmSivWrapped(nonce, bytes) => (nonce, bytes),
let decrypt_res = match wrapping_key {
WrappingKey::Aes128(wrap_bytes) => {
let cipher = Aes128GcmSiv::new(Key::<Aes128GcmSiv>::from_slice(wrap_bytes));
cipher.decrypt(nonce.as_crypto_nonce(), &bytes[..])
WrappingKey::Aes256(wrap_bytes) => {
let cipher = Aes256GcmSiv::new(Key::<Aes256GcmSiv>::from_slice(wrap_bytes));
cipher.decrypt(nonce.as_crypto_nonce(), &bytes[..])
match decrypt_res {
Ok(unwrapped) => {
let mut key = Aes256Key([0u8; 32]);
Err(_) => Err(UnwrapError::AccessDenied),
fn commit(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
let path = std::path::Path::new(&self.path);
let tmp_path = path.with_extension("tmp");
let _ = self.dir.remove_file(&tmp_path);
let tmpfile = std::io::BufWriter::new(
self.dir.write_file(&tmp_path, 0).map_err(|_| Error::FailedToPersist)?,
serde_json::to_writer(tmpfile, &self.key_bag).map_err(|_| Error::FailedToPersist)?;
self.dir.local_rename(&tmp_path, path).map_err(|_| Error::FailedToPersist)?;
mod tests {
use super::{Aes256Key, Error, KeyBagManager, UnwrapError, WrappingKey};
use assert_matches::assert_matches;
use std::os::fd::{FromRawFd as _, IntoRawFd as _, OwnedFd};
use tempfile::NamedTempFile;
fn open_dir(path: impl openat::AsPath) -> OwnedFd {
let dir = openat::Dir::open(path).unwrap();
unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(dir.into_raw_fd()) }
fn nonexistent_keybag() {
let owned_path = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap().into_temp_path();
let path: &std::path::Path = owned_path.as_ref();
std::fs::remove_file(path).expect("unlink failed");
let dir = open_dir(path.parent().unwrap());
let keybag = KeyBagManager::create(dir, path).expect("Open nonexistent keybag failed");
fn empty_keybag() {
let owned_path = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap().into_temp_path();
let path: &std::path::Path = owned_path.as_ref();
let dir = open_dir(path.parent().unwrap());
let keybag = KeyBagManager::create(dir, path).expect("Open empty keybag failed");
fn add_remove_key() {
let owned_path = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap().into_temp_path();
let path: &std::path::Path = owned_path.as_ref();
let dir = open_dir(path.parent().unwrap());
let mut keybag = KeyBagManager::create(dir, path).expect("Open empty keybag failed");
let key = WrappingKey::Aes256([0u8; 32]);
keybag.new_key(0, &key).expect("new key failed");
keybag.new_key(0, &key).expect_err("new key on used slot failed")
let dir = open_dir(path.parent().unwrap());
let mut keybag = KeyBagManager::open(dir, path)
.expect("Open keybag failed")
.expect("keybag not found");
keybag.remove_key(0).expect("remove_key failed");
keybag.remove_key(1).expect_err("remove_key with invalid key specified failed")
let dir = open_dir(path.parent().unwrap());
let keybag =
KeyBagManager::open(dir, path).expect("Open keybag failed").expect("keybag not found");
fn unwrap_key() {
let owned_path = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap().into_temp_path();
let path: &std::path::Path = owned_path.as_ref();
let dir = open_dir(path.parent().unwrap());
let mut keybag = KeyBagManager::create(dir, path).expect("Open empty keybag failed");
let key = WrappingKey::Aes256([3u8; 32]);
let key2 = WrappingKey::Aes128([0xffu8; 16]);
keybag.new_key(0, &key).expect("new_key failed");
keybag.new_key(1, &key2).expect("new_key failed");
keybag.new_key(2, &key).expect("new_key failed");
assert_matches!(keybag.unwrap_key(0, &key), Ok(_));
assert_eq!(keybag.unwrap_key(1, &key), Err(UnwrapError::AccessDenied));
assert_matches!(keybag.unwrap_key(2, &key), Ok(_));
assert_eq!(keybag.unwrap_key(3, &key), Err(UnwrapError::SlotNotFound));
assert_eq!(keybag.unwrap_key(0, &key2), Err(UnwrapError::AccessDenied));
assert_matches!(keybag.unwrap_key(1, &key2), Ok(_));
assert_eq!(keybag.unwrap_key(2, &key2), Err(UnwrapError::AccessDenied));
assert_eq!(keybag.unwrap_key(3, &key2), Err(UnwrapError::SlotNotFound));
fn from_testdata() {
let path = std::path::Path::new("/pkg/data/key_bag.json");
let dir = open_dir(path.parent().unwrap());
let keybag =
KeyBagManager::open(dir, path).expect("Open keybag failed").expect("keybag not found");
let mut expected = Aes256Key::default();
let key = WrappingKey::Aes256([0u8; 32]);
assert_eq!(keybag.unwrap_key(0, &key).as_ref().map(|s| &s.0), Ok(&expected.0));
assert_eq!(keybag.unwrap_key(1, &key), Err(UnwrapError::AccessDenied));
assert_eq!(keybag.unwrap_key(2, &key), Ok(expected));
assert_eq!(keybag.unwrap_key(3, &key), Err(UnwrapError::SlotNotFound));