
1// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5use crate::errors::FxfsError;
6use crate::lsm_tree::types::{ItemRef, LayerIterator};
7use crate::lsm_tree::Query;
8use crate::object_store::transaction::{lock_keys, LockKey, Mutation, Options};
9use crate::object_store::{
10    ObjectKey, ObjectKeyData, ObjectKind, ObjectStore, ObjectValue, ProjectProperty,
12use anyhow::{ensure, Error};
14impl ObjectStore {
15    /// Adds a mutation to set the project limit as an attribute with `bytes` and `nodes` to root
16    /// node.
17    pub async fn set_project_limit(
18        &self,
19        project_id: u64,
20        bytes: u64,
21        nodes: u64,
22    ) -> Result<(), Error> {
23        ensure!(project_id != 0, FxfsError::OutOfRange);
24        let root_id = self.root_directory_object_id();
25        let mut transaction = self
26            .filesystem()
27            .new_transaction(
28                lock_keys![LockKey::ProjectId {
29                    store_object_id: self.store_object_id,
30                    project_id
31                }],
32                Options::default(),
33            )
34            .await?;
35        transaction.add(
36            self.store_object_id,
37            Mutation::replace_or_insert_object(
38                ObjectKey::project_limit(root_id, project_id),
39                ObjectValue::BytesAndNodes {
40                    bytes: bytes.try_into().map_err(|_| FxfsError::TooBig)?,
41                    nodes: nodes.try_into().map_err(|_| FxfsError::TooBig)?,
42                },
43            ),
44        );
45        transaction.commit().await?;
46        Ok(())
47    }
49    /// Clear the limit for a project by tombstoning the limits and usage attributes for the
50    /// given `project_id`. Fails if the project is still in use by one or more nodes.
51    pub async fn clear_project_limit(&self, project_id: u64) -> Result<(), Error> {
52        let root_id = self.root_directory_object_id();
53        let mut transaction = self
54            .filesystem()
55            .new_transaction(
56                lock_keys![LockKey::ProjectId {
57                    store_object_id: self.store_object_id,
58                    project_id
59                }],
60                Options::default(),
61            )
62            .await?;
63        transaction.add(
64            self.store_object_id,
65            Mutation::replace_or_insert_object(
66                ObjectKey::project_limit(root_id, project_id),
67                ObjectValue::None,
68            ),
69        );
70        transaction.commit().await?;
71        Ok(())
72    }
74    /// Apply a `project_id` to a given node. Fails if node is not found or target project is zero.
75    pub async fn set_project_for_node(&self, node_id: u64, project_id: u64) -> Result<(), Error> {
76        ensure!(project_id != 0, FxfsError::OutOfRange);
77        let root_id = self.root_directory_object_id();
78        let mut transaction = self
79            .filesystem()
80            .new_transaction(
81                lock_keys![LockKey::object(self.store_object_id, node_id)],
82                Options::default(),
83            )
84            .await?;
86        let object_key = ObjectKey::object(node_id);
87        let (kind, mut attributes) =
88            match self.tree().find(&object_key).await?.ok_or(FxfsError::NotFound)?.value {
89                ObjectValue::Object { kind, attributes } => (kind, attributes),
90                _ => return Err(FxfsError::Inconsistent.into()),
91            };
92        // Make sure the object kind makes sense.
93        match kind {
94            ObjectKind::File { .. } | ObjectKind::Directory { .. } => (),
95            // For now, we don't support attributes on symlink objects, so setting a project id
96            // doesn't make sense.
97            ObjectKind::Symlink { .. } => return Err(FxfsError::NotSupported.into()),
98            ObjectKind::Graveyard => return Err(FxfsError::Inconsistent.into()),
99        }
100        let storage_size = attributes.allocated_size.try_into().map_err(|_| FxfsError::TooBig)?;
101        let old_project_id = attributes.project_id;
102        if old_project_id == project_id {
103            return Ok(());
104        }
105        attributes.project_id = project_id;
107        transaction.add(
108            self.store_object_id,
109            Mutation::replace_or_insert_object(
110                object_key,
111                ObjectValue::Object { kind, attributes },
112            ),
113        );
114        transaction.add(
115            self.store_object_id,
116            Mutation::merge_object(
117                ObjectKey::project_usage(root_id, project_id),
118                ObjectValue::BytesAndNodes { bytes: storage_size, nodes: 1 },
119            ),
120        );
121        if old_project_id != 0 {
122            transaction.add(
123                self.store_object_id,
124                Mutation::merge_object(
125                    ObjectKey::project_usage(root_id, old_project_id),
126                    ObjectValue::BytesAndNodes { bytes: -storage_size, nodes: -1 },
127                ),
128            );
129        }
130        transaction.commit().await?;
131        Ok(())
132    }
134    /// Return the project_id associated with the given `node_id`.
135    pub async fn get_project_for_node(&self, node_id: u64) -> Result<u64, Error> {
136        match self.tree().find(&ObjectKey::object(node_id)).await?.ok_or(FxfsError::NotFound)?.value
137        {
138            ObjectValue::Object { attributes, .. } => match attributes.project_id {
139                id => Ok(id),
140            },
141            _ => return Err(FxfsError::Inconsistent.into()),
142        }
143    }
145    /// Remove the project id for a given `node_id`. The call will do nothing and return success
146    /// if the node is found to not be associated with any project.
147    pub async fn clear_project_for_node(&self, node_id: u64) -> Result<(), Error> {
148        let root_id = self.root_directory_object_id();
149        let mut transaction = self
150            .filesystem()
151            .new_transaction(
152                lock_keys![LockKey::object(self.store_object_id, node_id)],
153                Options::default(),
154            )
155            .await?;
157        let object_key = ObjectKey::object(node_id);
158        let (kind, mut attributes) =
159            match self.tree().find(&object_key).await?.ok_or(FxfsError::NotFound)?.value {
160                ObjectValue::Object { kind, attributes } => (kind, attributes),
161                _ => return Err(FxfsError::Inconsistent.into()),
162            };
163        if attributes.project_id == 0 {
164            return Ok(());
165        }
166        // Make sure the object kind makes sense.
167        match kind {
168            ObjectKind::File { .. } | ObjectKind::Directory { .. } => (),
169            // For now, we don't support attributes on symlink objects, so setting a project id
170            // doesn't make sense.
171            ObjectKind::Symlink { .. } => return Err(FxfsError::NotSupported.into()),
172            ObjectKind::Graveyard => return Err(FxfsError::Inconsistent.into()),
173        }
174        let old_project_id = attributes.project_id;
175        attributes.project_id = 0;
176        let storage_size = attributes.allocated_size;
177        transaction.add(
178            self.store_object_id,
179            Mutation::replace_or_insert_object(
180                object_key,
181                ObjectValue::Object { kind, attributes },
182            ),
183        );
184        // Not safe to convert storage_size to i64, as space usage can exceed i64 in size. Not
185        // going to deal with handling such enormous files, fail the request.
186        transaction.add(
187            self.store_object_id,
188            Mutation::merge_object(
189                ObjectKey::project_usage(root_id, old_project_id),
190                ObjectValue::BytesAndNodes {
191                    bytes: -(storage_size.try_into().map_err(|_| FxfsError::TooBig)?),
192                    nodes: -1,
193                },
194            ),
195        );
196        transaction.commit().await?;
197        Ok(())
198    }
200    /// Returns a list of project ids currently tracked with project limits or usage in ascending
201    /// order, beginning after `last_id` and providing up to `max_entries`. If `max_entries` would
202    /// be exceeded then it also returns the final id in the list, for use in the following call to
203    /// resume the listing.
204    pub async fn list_projects(
205        &self,
206        start_id: u64,
207        max_entries: usize,
208    ) -> Result<(Vec<u64>, Option<u64>), Error> {
209        let root_dir_id = self.root_directory_object_id();
210        let layer_set = self.tree().layer_set();
211        let mut merger = layer_set.merger();
212        let mut iter = merger
213            .query(Query::FullRange(&ObjectKey::project_limit(root_dir_id, start_id)))
214            .await?;
215        let mut entries = Vec::new();
216        let mut prev_entry = 0;
217        let mut next_entry = None;
218        while let Some(ItemRef { key: ObjectKey { object_id, data: key_data }, value, .. }) =
219            iter.get()
220        {
221            // We've moved outside the target object id.
222            if *object_id != root_dir_id {
223                break;
224            }
225            match key_data {
226                ObjectKeyData::Project { project_id, .. } => {
227                    // Bypass deleted or repeated entries.
228                    if *value != ObjectValue::None && prev_entry < *project_id {
229                        if entries.len() == max_entries {
230                            next_entry = Some(*project_id);
231                            break;
232                        }
233                        prev_entry = *project_id;
234                        entries.push(*project_id);
235                    }
236                }
237                // We've moved outside the list of Project limits and usages.
238                _ => {
239                    break;
240                }
241            }
242            iter.advance().await?;
243        }
244        // Skip deleted entries
245        Ok((entries, next_entry))
246    }
248    /// Looks up the limit and usage of `project_id` as a pair of bytes and notes. Any of the two
249    /// fields not found will return None for them.
250    pub async fn project_info(
251        &self,
252        project_id: u64,
253    ) -> Result<(Option<(u64, u64)>, Option<(u64, u64)>), Error> {
254        let root_id = self.root_directory_object_id();
255        let layer_set = self.tree().layer_set();
256        let mut merger = layer_set.merger();
257        let mut iter =
258            merger.query(Query::FullRange(&ObjectKey::project_limit(root_id, project_id))).await?;
259        let mut limit = None;
260        let mut usage = None;
261        // The limit should be immediately followed by the usage if both exist.
262        while let Some(ItemRef { key: ObjectKey { object_id, data: key_data }, value, .. }) =
263            iter.get()
264        {
265            // Should be within the bounds of the root dir id.
266            if *object_id != root_id {
267                break;
268            }
269            if let (
270                ObjectKeyData::Project { project_id: found_project_id, property },
271                ObjectValue::BytesAndNodes { bytes, nodes },
272            ) = (key_data, value)
273            {
274                // Outside the range for target project information.
275                if *found_project_id != project_id {
276                    break;
277                }
278                let raw_value: (u64, u64) = (
279                    // Should succeed in conversions since they shouldn't be negative.
280                    (*bytes).try_into().map_err(|_| FxfsError::Inconsistent)?,
281                    (*nodes).try_into().map_err(|_| FxfsError::Inconsistent)?,
282                );
283                match property {
284                    ProjectProperty::Limit => limit = Some(raw_value),
285                    ProjectProperty::Usage => usage = Some(raw_value),
286                }
287            } else {
288                break;
289            }
290            iter.advance().await?;
291        }
292        Ok((limit, usage))
293    }
296// Tests are done end to end from the Fuchsia endpoint and so are in platform/fuchsia/volume.rs