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// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Service-wide MessageHub definition.
//! The service mod defines a MessageHub (and associated Address, Payload, and
//! Role namespaces) to facilitate service-wide communication. All
//! communication, both intra-component and inter-component, should be sent
//! through this hub. The address space of this MessageHub allows any component
//! to be reached when given a public address. The Role space allows granular
//! message filtering and audience targeting.
//! The static Address and Role definitions below provide a way to reference
//! such values at build time. However, many use-cases that rely on these
//! features can be done through values generated at runtime instead. Care
//! should be taken before expanding either enumeration.
//! Currently, service communication happens in a number of domain-specific
//! message hubs located in the internal mod. Communication from these hubs
//! should migrate here over time.
use crate::base::SettingType;
use crate::handler::{base as handler, setting_handler as controller};
use crate::message::message_hub;
use crate::{agent, event, job, storage};
pub struct MessageHub;
impl MessageHub {
pub(crate) fn create_hub() -> message::Delegate {
pub(crate) mod message {
use crate::message::{base, delegate, message_client, messenger, receptor};
pub(crate) type Delegate = delegate::Delegate;
pub(crate) type Audience = base::Audience;
pub(crate) type Messenger = messenger::MessengerClient;
pub(crate) type MessageError = base::MessageError;
pub(crate) type MessageEvent = base::MessageEvent;
pub(crate) type MessageClient = message_client::MessageClient;
pub(crate) type MessengerType = base::MessengerType;
pub(crate) type Receptor = receptor::Receptor;
pub(crate) type Signature = base::Signature;
/// The `Address` enumeration defines a namespace for entities that can be
/// reached by a predefined name. Care should be taken when adding new child
/// namespaces here. Each address can only belong to a single entity.
/// Most communication can be instead facilitated with a messenger's signature,
/// which is available at messenger creation time.
#[derive(PartialEq, Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum Address {
/// This value is reserved for testing purposes.
/// The types of data that can be sent through the service `MessageHub`. This
/// enumeration is meant to provide a top level definition. Further definitions
/// for particular domains should be located in the appropriate mod.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum Payload {
/// The Setting type captures communication pertaining to settings,
/// including requests to access/change settings and the associated
/// responses.
/// The communication to and from a controller to handle requests and
/// lifetime.
/// Agent payloads contain communication between the agent authority and individual agents.
/// Event payloads contain data about events that occur throughout the system.
/// Job payloads contain information related to new sources of jobs to be executed.
/// Storage payloads contain read and write requests to storage and their responses.
/// This value is reserved for testing purposes.
pub(crate) mod test {
use crate::audio::types::AudioInfo;
use crate::payload_convert;
/// This payload should be expanded to include any sort of data that tests would send that is
/// outside the scope of production payloads.
#[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum Payload {
// Conversions for Handler Payload.
payload_convert!(Test, Payload);
/// A trait implemented by payloads for extracting the payload and associated
/// [`message::MessageClient`] from a [`crate::message::base::MessageEvent`].
pub(crate) trait TryFromWithClient<T>: Sized {
type Error;
fn try_from_with_client(value: T) -> Result<(Self, message::MessageClient), Self::Error>;
/// The payload_convert macro helps convert between the domain-specific payloads
/// (variants of [`Payload`]) and the [`Payload`] container(to/from) & MessageHub
/// MessageEvent (from). The first matcher is the [`Payload`] variant name where
/// the payload type can be found. Note that this is the direct variant name
/// and not fully qualified. The second matcher is the domain-specific payload
/// type.
/// The macro implements the following in a mod called convert:
/// - Into from domain Payload to service MessageHub Payload
/// - TryFrom from service MessageHub Payload to domain Payload
/// - TryFromWithClient from service MessageHub MessageEvent to domain Payload
/// and client.
/// - TryFromWithClient from a service MessageHub MessageEvent option to domain
/// Payload and client.
macro_rules! payload_convert {
($service_payload_type:ident, $payload_type:ty) => {
pub(super) mod convert {
use super::*;
use $crate::service;
use $crate::service::TryFromWithClient;
impl From<$payload_type> for service::Payload {
fn from(payload: $payload_type) -> service::Payload {
paste::paste! {
impl TryFrom<service::Payload> for $payload_type {
type Error = String;
fn try_from(value: service::Payload) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
paste::paste! {
match value {
service::Payload::[<$service_payload_type>](payload) => Ok(payload),
_=> Err(format!("unexpected payload encountered: {:?}", value)),
impl TryFrom<service::message::MessageEvent> for $payload_type {
type Error = String;
fn try_from(value: service::message::MessageEvent) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
paste::paste! {
if let service::message::MessageEvent::Message(payload, _) = value {
} else {
Err(String::from("wrong message type"))
impl TryFromWithClient<service::message::MessageEvent> for $payload_type {
type Error = String;
fn try_from_with_client(
value: service::message::MessageEvent,
) -> Result<(Self, service::message::MessageClient), Self::Error> {
if let service::message::MessageEvent::Message(payload, client) = value {
Ok((Payload::try_from(payload)?, client))
} else {
Err(String::from("wrong message type"))
pub(crate) async fn build_event_listener(delegate: &message::Delegate) -> message::Receptor {
delegate.create_sink().await.expect("Should be able to retrieve receptor").1