
1// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5use fuchsia_async::{self as fasync, ReadableHandle, ReadableState};
7use futures::Stream;
8use std::pin::Pin;
9use std::task::{ready, Context, Poll};
10use thiserror::Error;
12const NEWLINE: u8 = b'\n';
14/// Splits the bytes from a streaming socket into newlines suitable for forwarding to LogSink.
15/// Returned chunks may not be complete newlines if single lines are over the size limit for a log
16/// message.
18/// This implementation prioritizes standing memory usage over the number of copies or allocations
19/// made. Log forwarding is not particularly throughput sensitive, but keeping around lots of large
20/// buffers takes up memory.
21pub struct NewlineChunker {
22    socket: fasync::Socket,
23    buffer: Vec<u8>,
24    is_terminated: bool,
25    max_message_size: usize,
26    trim_newlines: bool,
29impl NewlineChunker {
30    /// Creates a `NewlineChunker` that does not include the trailing `\n` in each line.
31    pub fn new(socket: fasync::Socket, max_message_size: usize) -> Self {
32        Self { socket, buffer: vec![], is_terminated: false, max_message_size, trim_newlines: true }
33    }
35    /// Creates a `NewlineChunker` that includes the trailing `\n` in each line.
36    pub fn new_with_newlines(socket: fasync::Socket, max_message_size: usize) -> Self {
37        Self {
38            socket,
39            buffer: vec![],
40            is_terminated: false,
41            max_message_size,
42            trim_newlines: false,
43        }
44    }
46    /// Removes and returns the next line or maximum-size chunk from the head of the buffer if
47    /// available.
48    fn next_chunk_from_buffer(&mut self) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
49        let new_tail_start =
50            if let Some(mut newline_pos) = self.buffer.iter().position(|&b| b == NEWLINE) {
51                // start the tail 1 past the last newline encountered
52                while let Some(&NEWLINE) = self.buffer.get(newline_pos + 1) {
53                    newline_pos += 1;
54                }
55                newline_pos + 1
56            } else if self.buffer.len() >= self.max_message_size {
57                // we have to check the length *after* looking for newlines in case a single socket
58                // read was larger than the max size but contained newlines in the first
59                // self.max_message_size bytes
60                self.max_message_size
61            } else {
62                // no newlines, and the bytes in the buffer are too few to force chunking
63                return None;
64            };
66        // the tail becomes the head for the next chunk
67        let new_tail = self.buffer.split_off(new_tail_start);
68        let mut next_chunk = std::mem::replace(&mut self.buffer, new_tail);
70        if self.trim_newlines {
71            // remove the newlines from the end of the chunk we're returning
72            while let Some(&NEWLINE) = next_chunk.last() {
73                next_chunk.pop();
74            }
75        }
77        Some(next_chunk)
78    }
80    fn end_of_stream(&mut self) -> Poll<Option<Vec<u8>>> {
81        if !self.buffer.is_empty() {
82            // the buffer is under the forced chunk size because the first return didn't happen
83            Poll::Ready(Some(std::mem::replace(&mut self.buffer, vec![])))
84        } else {
85            // end the stream
86            self.is_terminated = true;
87            Poll::Ready(None)
88        }
89    }
92impl Stream for NewlineChunker {
93    type Item = Result<Vec<u8>, NewlineChunkerError>;
95    fn poll_next(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
96        let this = self.get_mut();
98        if this.is_terminated {
99            return Poll::Ready(None);
100        }
102        // first check to see if previous socket reads have left us with lines in the buffer
103        if let Some(chunk) = this.next_chunk_from_buffer() {
104            return Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(chunk)));
105        }
107        loop {
108            // we don't have a chunk to return, poll for reading the socket
109            let readable_state = futures::ready!(this.socket.poll_readable(cx))
110                .map_err(NewlineChunkerError::PollReadable)?;
112            // find out how much buffer we should make available
113            let bytes_in_socket = this
114                .socket
115                .as_ref()
116                .outstanding_read_bytes()
117                .map_err(NewlineChunkerError::OutstandingReadBytes)?;
118            if bytes_in_socket == 0 {
119                if readable_state == ReadableState::MaybeReadableAndClosed {
120                    return this.end_of_stream().map(|buf|;
121                }
122                // if there are no bytes available this socket should not be considered readable
123                ready!(this.socket.need_readable(cx).map_err(NewlineChunkerError::NeedReadable)?);
124                continue;
125            }
127            // don't make the buffer bigger than necessary to get a chunk out
128            let bytes_to_read = std::cmp::min(bytes_in_socket, this.max_message_size);
129            let prev_len = this.buffer.len();
131            // grow the size of the buffer to make space for the pending read, if it fails we'll
132            // need to shrink it back down before any subsequent calls to poll_next
133            this.buffer.resize(prev_len + bytes_to_read, 0);
135            let bytes_read = match this.socket.as_ref().read(&mut this.buffer[prev_len..]) {
136                Ok(b) => b,
137                Err(zx::Status::PEER_CLOSED) => return this.end_of_stream().map(|buf|,
138                Err(zx::Status::SHOULD_WAIT) => {
139                    // reset the size of the buffer to exclude the 0's we wrote above
140                    this.buffer.truncate(prev_len);
141                    return Poll::Ready(Some(Err(NewlineChunkerError::ShouldWait)));
142                }
143                Err(status) => {
144                    // reset the size of the buffer to exclude the 0's we wrote above
145                    this.buffer.truncate(prev_len);
146                    return Poll::Ready(Some(Err(NewlineChunkerError::ReadSocket(status))));
147                }
148            };
150            // handle possible short reads
151            this.buffer.truncate(prev_len + bytes_read);
153            // we got something out of the socket
154            if let Some(chunk) = this.next_chunk_from_buffer() {
155                // and its enough for a chunk
156                return Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(chunk)));
157            } else {
158                // it is not enough for a chunk, request notification when there's more
159                ready!(this.socket.need_readable(cx).map_err(NewlineChunkerError::NeedReadable)?);
160            }
161        }
162    }
165#[derive(Debug, Error)]
166pub enum NewlineChunkerError {
167    #[error("got SHOULD_WAIT from socket read after confirming outstanding_read_bytes > 0")]
168    ShouldWait,
170    #[error("failed to read from socket")]
171    ReadSocket(#[source] zx::Status),
173    #[error("failed to get readable state for socket")]
174    PollReadable(#[source] zx::Status),
176    #[error("failed to register readable signal for socket")]
177    NeedReadable(#[source] zx::Status),
179    #[error("failed to get number of outstanding readable bytes in socket")]
180    OutstandingReadBytes(#[source] zx::Status),
184mod tests {
185    use super::*;
186    use futures::StreamExt;
188    #[fuchsia::test]
189    async fn parse_bytes_with_newline() {
190        let (s1, s2) = zx::Socket::create_stream();
191        let s1 = fasync::Socket::from_socket(s1);
192        let mut chunker = NewlineChunker::new(s1, 100);
193        s2.write(b"test\n").expect("Failed to write");
194        assert_eq!(, b"test".to_vec());
195    }
197    #[fuchsia::test]
198    async fn parse_bytes_with_many_newlines() {
199        let (s1, s2) = zx::Socket::create_stream();
200        let s1 = fasync::Socket::from_socket(s1);
201        let mut chunker = NewlineChunker::new(s1, 100);
202        s2.write(b"test1\ntest2\ntest3\n").expect("Failed to write");
203        assert_eq!(, b"test1".to_vec());
204        assert_eq!(, b"test2".to_vec());
205        assert_eq!(, b"test3".to_vec());
206        std::mem::drop(s2);
207        assert!(;
208    }
210    #[fuchsia::test]
211    async fn parse_bytes_with_newlines_included() {
212        let (s1, s2) = zx::Socket::create_stream();
213        let s1 = fasync::Socket::from_socket(s1);
214        let mut chunker = NewlineChunker::new_with_newlines(s1, 100);
215        s2.write(b"test1\ntest2\ntest3\n").expect("Failed to write");
216        assert_eq!(, b"test1\n".to_vec());
217        assert_eq!(, b"test2\n".to_vec());
218        assert_eq!(, b"test3\n".to_vec());
219    }
221    #[fuchsia::test]
222    async fn max_message_size() {
223        let (s1, s2) = zx::Socket::create_stream();
224        let s1 = fasync::Socket::from_socket(s1);
225        let mut chunker = NewlineChunker::new(s1, 2);
226        s2.write(b"test\n").expect("Failed to write");
227        assert_eq!(, b"te".to_vec());
228        assert_eq!(, b"st".to_vec());
229    }