
1// Copyright 2024 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5//! Base type definitions for netstack3 core.
7//! This crate contains definitions common to the other netstack3 core crates
8//! and is the base dependency for most of them.
11#![warn(missing_docs, unreachable_patterns, clippy::useless_conversion, clippy::redundant_clone)]
13extern crate fakealloc as alloc;
15mod context;
16mod convert;
17mod counters;
18mod data_structures;
19mod device;
20mod error;
21mod event;
22mod frame;
23mod inspect;
24mod ip;
25mod matchers;
26mod num;
27mod port_alloc;
28mod resource_references;
29mod rng;
30mod tcp;
31mod time;
32mod uninstantiable;
33mod work_queue;
35pub use context::{BuildableCoreContext, ContextPair, ContextProvider, CtxPair};
36pub use convert::{BidirectionalConverter, OwnedOrRefsBidirectionalConverter};
37pub use counters::{Counter, CounterContext, ResourceCounterContext};
38pub use data_structures::token_bucket::TokenBucket;
39pub use device::address::{
40    AssignedAddrIpExt, IpAddressId, IpDeviceAddr, IpDeviceAddressIdContext, Ipv4DeviceAddr,
41    Ipv6DeviceAddr, WeakIpAddressId,
43pub use device::link::{LinkAddress, LinkDevice, LinkUnicastAddress};
44pub use device::{
45    AnyDevice, Device, DeviceIdAnyCompatContext, DeviceIdContext, DeviceIdentifier, DeviceWithName,
46    EitherDeviceId, StrongDeviceIdentifier, WeakDeviceIdentifier,
48pub use error::{
49    AddressResolutionFailed, ErrorAndSerializer, ExistsError, LocalAddressError, NotFoundError,
50    NotSupportedError, RemoteAddressError, SocketError, ZonedAddressError,
52pub use event::{CoreEventContext, EventContext};
53pub use frame::{
54    CoreTxMetadataContext, FrameDestination, ReceivableFrameMeta, RecvFrameContext,
55    RecvIpFrameMeta, SendFrameContext, SendFrameError, SendFrameErrorReason, SendableFrameMeta,
56    TxMetadataBindingsTypes,
58pub use inspect::{Inspectable, InspectableValue, Inspector, InspectorDeviceExt, InspectorExt};
59pub use ip::{
60    BroadcastIpExt, IcmpErrorCode, IcmpIpExt, Icmpv4ErrorCode, Icmpv6ErrorCode, IpExt,
61    IpTypesIpExt, Mark, MarkDomain, MarkStorage, Marks, Mms, WrapBroadcastMarker,
63pub use matchers::{DeviceNameMatcher, Matcher, SubnetMatcher};
64pub use num::PositiveIsize;
65pub use port_alloc::{simple_randomized_port_alloc, EphemeralPort, PortAllocImpl};
66pub use resource_references::{
67    DeferredResourceRemovalContext, ReferenceNotifiers, ReferenceNotifiersExt,
68    RemoveResourceResult, RemoveResourceResultWithContext,
70pub use rng::RngContext;
71pub use tcp::base::{Control, FragmentedPayload, Mss};
72pub use tcp::segment::{
73    HandshakeOptions, Options, Payload, PayloadLen, SackBlock, SackBlocks, Segment, SegmentHeader,
74    SegmentOptions,
76pub use tcp::seqnum::{SeqNum, UnscaledWindowSize, WindowScale, WindowSize};
77pub use time::local_timer_heap::LocalTimerHeap;
78pub use time::{
79    AtomicInstant, CoreTimerContext, HandleableTimer, Instant, InstantBindingsTypes,
80    InstantContext, IntoCoreTimerCtx, NestedIntoCoreTimerCtx, TimerBindingsTypes, TimerContext,
81    TimerHandler,
83pub use uninstantiable::{Uninstantiable, UninstantiableWrapper};
84pub use work_queue::WorkQueueReport;
86/// Reference counted hash map data structure.
87pub mod ref_counted_hash_map {
88    pub use crate::data_structures::ref_counted_hash_map::{
89        InsertResult, RefCountedHashMap, RefCountedHashSet, RemoveResult,
90    };
93/// Common types and utilities for sockets.
94pub mod socket {
95    mod address;
96    mod base;
97    pub(crate) mod sndbuf;
99    pub use address::{
100        AddrIsMappedError, AddrVecIter, ConnAddr, ConnInfoAddr, ConnIpAddr, DualStackConnIpAddr,
101        DualStackListenerIpAddr, DualStackLocalIp, DualStackRemoteIp, ListenerAddr, ListenerIpAddr,
102        SocketIpAddr, StrictlyZonedAddr,
103    };
104    pub use base::{
105        AddrEntry, AddrVec, Bound, BoundSocketMap, DualStackIpExt, DualStackTuple, EitherStack,
106        FoundSockets, IncompatibleError, InsertError, Inserter, Listener, ListenerAddrInfo,
107        MaybeDualStack, NotDualStackCapableError, RemoveResult, SetDualStackEnabledError, Shutdown,
108        ShutdownType, SocketAddrType, SocketDeviceUpdate, SocketDeviceUpdateNotAllowedError,
109        SocketIpAddrExt, SocketIpExt, SocketMapAddrSpec, SocketMapAddrStateSpec,
110        SocketMapAddrStateUpdateSharingSpec, SocketMapConflictPolicy, SocketMapStateSpec,
111        SocketMapUpdateSharingPolicy, SocketStateEntry, SocketZonedAddrExt, UpdateSharingError,
112    };
113    pub use sndbuf::{
114        SendBufferFullError, SendBufferSpace, SendBufferTracking, SocketWritableListener,
115    };
118/// Defines generic data structures used to implement common application socket
119/// functionality for multiple protocols.
120pub mod socketmap {
121    pub use crate::data_structures::socketmap::{
122        Entry, IterShadows, OccupiedEntry, SocketMap, Tagged, VacantEntry,
123    };
126/// Sync utilities common to netstack3.
127pub mod sync {
128    // TODO( Support single-threaded variants of
129    // types exported from this module.
131    // Exclusively re-exports from the sync crate.
132    pub use netstack3_sync::rc::{
133        DebugReferences, DynDebugReferences, MapNotifier as MapRcNotifier, Notifier as RcNotifier,
134        Primary as PrimaryRc, Strong as StrongRc, Weak as WeakRc,
135    };
136    pub use netstack3_sync::{LockGuard, Mutex, RwLock, RwLockReadGuard, RwLockWriteGuard};
139/// Test utilities provided to all crates.
140#[cfg(any(test, feature = "testutils"))]
141pub mod testutil {
142    mod addr;
143    mod benchmarks;
144    mod fake_bindings;
145    mod fake_core;
146    mod fake_network;
147    mod misc;
148    mod monotonic_id;
150    pub use crate::device::address::testutil::FakeWeakAddressId;
151    pub use crate::device::link::testutil::{FakeLinkAddress, FakeLinkDevice, FakeLinkDeviceId};
152    pub use crate::device::testutil::{
153        FakeDeviceId, FakeReferencyDeviceId, FakeStrongDeviceId, FakeWeakDeviceId,
154        MultipleDevicesId,
155    };
156    pub use crate::event::testutil::FakeEventCtx;
157    pub use crate::frame::testutil::{FakeFrameCtx, FakeTxMetadata, WithFakeFrameContext};
158    pub use crate::rng::testutil::{new_rng, run_with_many_seeds, FakeCryptoRng};
159    pub use crate::socket::sndbuf::testutil::FakeSocketWritableListener;
160    pub use crate::time::testutil::{
161        FakeAtomicInstant, FakeInstant, FakeInstantCtx, FakeTimerCtx, FakeTimerCtxExt, FakeTimerId,
162        InstantAndData, WithFakeTimerContext,
163    };
164    pub use addr::{TestAddrs, TestDualStackIpExt, TestIpExt, TEST_ADDRS_V4, TEST_ADDRS_V6};
165    pub use benchmarks::{Bencher, RealBencher, TestBencher};
166    pub use fake_bindings::FakeBindingsCtx;
167    pub use fake_core::FakeCoreCtx;
168    pub use fake_network::{
169        FakeNetwork, FakeNetworkLinks, FakeNetworkSpec, PendingFrame, PendingFrameData, StepResult,
170    };
171    pub use misc::{assert_empty, set_logger_for_test};
172    pub use monotonic_id::MonotonicIdentifier;
175/// Benchmarks defined in the base crate.
177pub mod benchmarks {
178    /// Adds benchmarks defined in the base crate to the provided benchmarker.
179    pub fn add_benches(b: criterion::Benchmark) -> criterion::Benchmark {
180        crate::data_structures::token_bucket::benchmarks::add_benches(b)
181    }