
1use std::ffi::OsStr;
2use std::fmt;
3use std::fs::{self, FileType};
4use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
6use crate::error::Error;
7use crate::Result;
9/// A directory entry.
11/// This is the type of value that is yielded from the iterators defined in
12/// this crate.
14/// On Unix systems, this type implements the [`DirEntryExt`] trait, which
15/// provides efficient access to the inode number of the directory entry.
17/// # Differences with `std::fs::DirEntry`
19/// This type mostly mirrors the type by the same name in [`std::fs`]. There
20/// are some differences however:
22/// * All recursive directory iterators must inspect the entry's type.
23/// Therefore, the value is stored and its access is guaranteed to be cheap and
24/// successful.
25/// * [`path`] and [`file_name`] return borrowed variants.
26/// * If [`follow_links`] was enabled on the originating iterator, then all
27/// operations except for [`path`] operate on the link target. Otherwise, all
28/// operations operate on the symbolic link.
30/// [`std::fs`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/fs/index.html
31/// [`path`]: #method.path
32/// [`file_name`]: #method.file_name
33/// [`follow_links`]: struct.WalkDir.html#method.follow_links
34/// [`DirEntryExt`]: trait.DirEntryExt.html
35pub struct DirEntry {
36    /// The path as reported by the [`fs::ReadDir`] iterator (even if it's a
37    /// symbolic link).
38    ///
39    /// [`fs::ReadDir`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/fs/struct.ReadDir.html
40    path: PathBuf,
41    /// The file type. Necessary for recursive iteration, so store it.
42    ty: FileType,
43    /// Is set when this entry was created from a symbolic link and the user
44    /// expects the iterator to follow symbolic links.
45    follow_link: bool,
46    /// The depth at which this entry was generated relative to the root.
47    depth: usize,
48    /// The underlying inode number (Unix only).
49    #[cfg(unix)]
50    ino: u64,
51    /// The underlying metadata (Windows only). We store this on Windows
52    /// because this comes for free while reading a directory.
53    ///
54    /// We use this to determine whether an entry is a directory or not, which
55    /// works around a bug in Rust's standard library:
56    /// https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/46484
57    #[cfg(windows)]
58    metadata: fs::Metadata,
61impl DirEntry {
62    /// The full path that this entry represents.
63    ///
64    /// The full path is created by joining the parents of this entry up to the
65    /// root initially given to [`WalkDir::new`] with the file name of this
66    /// entry.
67    ///
68    /// Note that this *always* returns the path reported by the underlying
69    /// directory entry, even when symbolic links are followed. To get the
70    /// target path, use [`path_is_symlink`] to (cheaply) check if this entry
71    /// corresponds to a symbolic link, and [`std::fs::read_link`] to resolve
72    /// the target.
73    ///
74    /// [`WalkDir::new`]: struct.WalkDir.html#method.new
75    /// [`path_is_symlink`]: struct.DirEntry.html#method.path_is_symlink
76    /// [`std::fs::read_link`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/fs/fn.read_link.html
77    pub fn path(&self) -> &Path {
78        &self.path
79    }
81    /// The full path that this entry represents.
82    ///
83    /// Analogous to [`path`], but moves ownership of the path.
84    ///
85    /// [`path`]: struct.DirEntry.html#method.path
86    pub fn into_path(self) -> PathBuf {
87        self.path
88    }
90    /// Returns `true` if and only if this entry was created from a symbolic
91    /// link. This is unaffected by the [`follow_links`] setting.
92    ///
93    /// When `true`, the value returned by the [`path`] method is a
94    /// symbolic link name. To get the full target path, you must call
95    /// [`std::fs::read_link(entry.path())`].
96    ///
97    /// [`path`]: struct.DirEntry.html#method.path
98    /// [`follow_links`]: struct.WalkDir.html#method.follow_links
99    /// [`std::fs::read_link(entry.path())`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/fs/fn.read_link.html
100    pub fn path_is_symlink(&self) -> bool {
101        self.ty.is_symlink() || self.follow_link
102    }
104    /// Return the metadata for the file that this entry points to.
105    ///
106    /// This will follow symbolic links if and only if the [`WalkDir`] value
107    /// has [`follow_links`] enabled.
108    ///
109    /// # Platform behavior
110    ///
111    /// This always calls [`std::fs::symlink_metadata`].
112    ///
113    /// If this entry is a symbolic link and [`follow_links`] is enabled, then
114    /// [`std::fs::metadata`] is called instead.
115    ///
116    /// # Errors
117    ///
118    /// Similar to [`std::fs::metadata`], returns errors for path values that
119    /// the program does not have permissions to access or if the path does not
120    /// exist.
121    ///
122    /// [`WalkDir`]: struct.WalkDir.html
123    /// [`follow_links`]: struct.WalkDir.html#method.follow_links
124    /// [`std::fs::metadata`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/fs/fn.metadata.html
125    /// [`std::fs::symlink_metadata`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/fs/fn.symlink_metadata.html
126    pub fn metadata(&self) -> Result<fs::Metadata> {
127        self.metadata_internal()
128    }
130    #[cfg(windows)]
131    fn metadata_internal(&self) -> Result<fs::Metadata> {
132        if self.follow_link {
133            fs::metadata(&self.path)
134        } else {
135            Ok(self.metadata.clone())
136        }
137        .map_err(|err| Error::from_entry(self, err))
138    }
140    #[cfg(not(windows))]
141    fn metadata_internal(&self) -> Result<fs::Metadata> {
142        if self.follow_link {
143            fs::metadata(&self.path)
144        } else {
145            fs::symlink_metadata(&self.path)
146        }
147        .map_err(|err| Error::from_entry(self, err))
148    }
150    /// Return the file type for the file that this entry points to.
151    ///
152    /// If this is a symbolic link and [`follow_links`] is `true`, then this
153    /// returns the type of the target.
154    ///
155    /// This never makes any system calls.
156    ///
157    /// [`follow_links`]: struct.WalkDir.html#method.follow_links
158    pub fn file_type(&self) -> fs::FileType {
159        self.ty
160    }
162    /// Return the file name of this entry.
163    ///
164    /// If this entry has no file name (e.g., `/`), then the full path is
165    /// returned.
166    pub fn file_name(&self) -> &OsStr {
167        self.path.file_name().unwrap_or_else(|| self.path.as_os_str())
168    }
170    /// Returns the depth at which this entry was created relative to the root.
171    ///
172    /// The smallest depth is `0` and always corresponds to the path given
173    /// to the `new` function on `WalkDir`. Its direct descendents have depth
174    /// `1`, and their descendents have depth `2`, and so on.
175    pub fn depth(&self) -> usize {
176        self.depth
177    }
179    /// Returns true if and only if this entry points to a directory.
180    ///
181    /// This works around a bug in Rust's standard library:
182    /// https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/46484
183    #[cfg(windows)]
184    pub(crate) fn is_dir(&self) -> bool {
185        use std::os::windows::fs::MetadataExt;
186        use winapi::um::winnt::FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY;
187        self.metadata.file_attributes() & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY != 0
188    }
190    /// Returns true if and only if this entry points to a directory.
191    #[cfg(not(windows))]
192    pub(crate) fn is_dir(&self) -> bool {
193        self.ty.is_dir()
194    }
196    #[cfg(windows)]
197    pub(crate) fn from_entry(
198        depth: usize,
199        ent: &fs::DirEntry,
200    ) -> Result<DirEntry> {
201        let path = ent.path();
202        let ty = ent
203            .file_type()
204            .map_err(|err| Error::from_path(depth, path.clone(), err))?;
205        let md = ent
206            .metadata()
207            .map_err(|err| Error::from_path(depth, path.clone(), err))?;
208        Ok(DirEntry {
209            path: path,
210            ty: ty,
211            follow_link: false,
212            depth: depth,
213            metadata: md,
214        })
215    }
217    #[cfg(unix)]
218    pub(crate) fn from_entry(
219        depth: usize,
220        ent: &fs::DirEntry,
221    ) -> Result<DirEntry> {
222        use std::os::unix::fs::DirEntryExt;
224        let ty = ent
225            .file_type()
226            .map_err(|err| Error::from_path(depth, ent.path(), err))?;
227        Ok(DirEntry {
228            path: ent.path(),
229            ty: ty,
230            follow_link: false,
231            depth: depth,
232            ino: ent.ino(),
233        })
234    }
236    #[cfg(not(any(unix, windows)))]
237    pub(crate) fn from_entry(
238        depth: usize,
239        ent: &fs::DirEntry,
240    ) -> Result<DirEntry> {
241        let ty = ent
242            .file_type()
243            .map_err(|err| Error::from_path(depth, ent.path(), err))?;
244        Ok(DirEntry {
245            path: ent.path(),
246            ty: ty,
247            follow_link: false,
248            depth: depth,
249        })
250    }
252    #[cfg(windows)]
253    pub(crate) fn from_path(
254        depth: usize,
255        pb: PathBuf,
256        follow: bool,
257    ) -> Result<DirEntry> {
258        let md = if follow {
259            fs::metadata(&pb)
260                .map_err(|err| Error::from_path(depth, pb.clone(), err))?
261        } else {
262            fs::symlink_metadata(&pb)
263                .map_err(|err| Error::from_path(depth, pb.clone(), err))?
264        };
265        Ok(DirEntry {
266            path: pb,
267            ty: md.file_type(),
268            follow_link: follow,
269            depth: depth,
270            metadata: md,
271        })
272    }
274    #[cfg(unix)]
275    pub(crate) fn from_path(
276        depth: usize,
277        pb: PathBuf,
278        follow: bool,
279    ) -> Result<DirEntry> {
280        use std::os::unix::fs::MetadataExt;
282        let md = if follow {
283            fs::metadata(&pb)
284                .map_err(|err| Error::from_path(depth, pb.clone(), err))?
285        } else {
286            fs::symlink_metadata(&pb)
287                .map_err(|err| Error::from_path(depth, pb.clone(), err))?
288        };
289        Ok(DirEntry {
290            path: pb,
291            ty: md.file_type(),
292            follow_link: follow,
293            depth: depth,
294            ino: md.ino(),
295        })
296    }
298    #[cfg(not(any(unix, windows)))]
299    pub(crate) fn from_path(
300        depth: usize,
301        pb: PathBuf,
302        follow: bool,
303    ) -> Result<DirEntry> {
304        let md = if follow {
305            fs::metadata(&pb)
306                .map_err(|err| Error::from_path(depth, pb.clone(), err))?
307        } else {
308            fs::symlink_metadata(&pb)
309                .map_err(|err| Error::from_path(depth, pb.clone(), err))?
310        };
311        Ok(DirEntry {
312            path: pb,
313            ty: md.file_type(),
314            follow_link: follow,
315            depth: depth,
316        })
317    }
320impl Clone for DirEntry {
321    #[cfg(windows)]
322    fn clone(&self) -> DirEntry {
323        DirEntry {
324            path: self.path.clone(),
325            ty: self.ty,
326            follow_link: self.follow_link,
327            depth: self.depth,
328            metadata: self.metadata.clone(),
329        }
330    }
332    #[cfg(unix)]
333    fn clone(&self) -> DirEntry {
334        DirEntry {
335            path: self.path.clone(),
336            ty: self.ty,
337            follow_link: self.follow_link,
338            depth: self.depth,
339            ino: self.ino,
340        }
341    }
343    #[cfg(not(any(unix, windows)))]
344    fn clone(&self) -> DirEntry {
345        DirEntry {
346            path: self.path.clone(),
347            ty: self.ty,
348            follow_link: self.follow_link,
349            depth: self.depth,
350        }
351    }
354impl fmt::Debug for DirEntry {
355    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
356        write!(f, "DirEntry({:?})", self.path)
357    }
360/// Unix-specific extension methods for `walkdir::DirEntry`
362pub trait DirEntryExt {
363    /// Returns the underlying `d_ino` field in the contained `dirent`
364    /// structure.
365    fn ino(&self) -> u64;
369impl DirEntryExt for DirEntry {
370    /// Returns the underlying `d_ino` field in the contained `dirent`
371    /// structure.
372    fn ino(&self) -> u64 {
373        self.ino
374    }