
1use crate::sync::rwlock::owned_read_guard::OwnedRwLockReadGuard;
2use crate::sync::rwlock::owned_write_guard_mapped::OwnedRwLockMappedWriteGuard;
3use crate::sync::rwlock::RwLock;
4use std::marker::PhantomData;
5use std::sync::Arc;
6use std::{fmt, mem, ops, ptr};
8/// Owned RAII structure used to release the exclusive write access of a lock when
9/// dropped.
11/// This structure is created by the [`write_owned`] method
12/// on [`RwLock`].
14/// [`write_owned`]: method@crate::sync::RwLock::write_owned
15/// [`RwLock`]: struct@crate::sync::RwLock
17pub struct OwnedRwLockWriteGuard<T: ?Sized> {
18    // When changing the fields in this struct, make sure to update the
19    // `skip_drop` method.
20    #[cfg(all(tokio_unstable, feature = "tracing"))]
21    pub(super) resource_span: tracing::Span,
22    pub(super) permits_acquired: u32,
23    pub(super) lock: Arc<RwLock<T>>,
24    pub(super) data: *mut T,
25    pub(super) _p: PhantomData<T>,
28#[allow(dead_code)] // Unused fields are still used in Drop.
29struct Inner<T: ?Sized> {
30    #[cfg(all(tokio_unstable, feature = "tracing"))]
31    resource_span: tracing::Span,
32    permits_acquired: u32,
33    lock: Arc<RwLock<T>>,
34    data: *const T,
37impl<T: ?Sized> OwnedRwLockWriteGuard<T> {
38    fn skip_drop(self) -> Inner<T> {
39        let me = mem::ManuallyDrop::new(self);
40        // SAFETY: This duplicates the values in every field of the guard, then
41        // forgets the originals, so in the end no value is duplicated.
42        unsafe {
43            Inner {
44                #[cfg(all(tokio_unstable, feature = "tracing"))]
45                resource_span: ptr::read(&me.resource_span),
46                permits_acquired: me.permits_acquired,
47                lock: ptr::read(&me.lock),
48                data:,
49            }
50        }
51    }
53    /// Makes a new [`OwnedRwLockMappedWriteGuard`] for a component of the locked
54    /// data.
55    ///
56    /// This operation cannot fail as the `OwnedRwLockWriteGuard` passed in
57    /// already locked the data.
58    ///
59    /// This is an associated function that needs to be used as
60    /// `OwnedRwLockWriteGuard::map(..)`. A method would interfere with methods
61    /// of the same name on the contents of the locked data.
62    ///
63    /// # Examples
64    ///
65    /// ```
66    /// use std::sync::Arc;
67    /// use tokio::sync::{RwLock, OwnedRwLockWriteGuard};
68    ///
69    /// #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
70    /// struct Foo(u32);
71    ///
72    /// # #[tokio::main]
73    /// # async fn main() {
74    /// let lock = Arc::new(RwLock::new(Foo(1)));
75    ///
76    /// {
77    ///     let lock = Arc::clone(&lock);
78    ///     let mut mapped = OwnedRwLockWriteGuard::map(lock.write_owned().await, |f| &mut f.0);
79    ///     *mapped = 2;
80    /// }
81    ///
82    /// assert_eq!(Foo(2), *;
83    /// # }
84    /// ```
85    #[inline]
86    pub fn map<F, U: ?Sized>(mut this: Self, f: F) -> OwnedRwLockMappedWriteGuard<T, U>
87    where
88        F: FnOnce(&mut T) -> &mut U,
89    {
90        let data = f(&mut *this) as *mut U;
91        let this = this.skip_drop();
93        OwnedRwLockMappedWriteGuard {
94            permits_acquired: this.permits_acquired,
95            lock: this.lock,
96            data,
97            _p: PhantomData,
98            #[cfg(all(tokio_unstable, feature = "tracing"))]
99            resource_span: this.resource_span,
100        }
101    }
103    /// Makes a new [`OwnedRwLockReadGuard`] for a component of the locked data.
104    ///
105    /// This operation cannot fail as the `OwnedRwLockWriteGuard` passed in already
106    /// locked the data.
107    ///
108    /// This is an associated function that needs to be used as
109    /// `OwnedRwLockWriteGuard::downgrade_map(..)`. A method would interfere with methods of
110    /// the same name on the contents of the locked data.
111    ///
112    /// Inside of `f`, you retain exclusive access to the data, despite only being given a `&T`. Handing out a
113    /// `&mut T` would result in unsoundness, as you could use interior mutability.
114    ///
115    /// # Examples
116    ///
117    /// ```
118    /// use std::sync::Arc;
119    /// use tokio::sync::{RwLock, OwnedRwLockWriteGuard};
120    ///
121    /// #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
122    /// struct Foo(u32);
123    ///
124    /// # #[tokio::main]
125    /// # async fn main() {
126    /// let lock = Arc::new(RwLock::new(Foo(1)));
127    ///
128    /// let guard = Arc::clone(&lock).write_owned().await;
129    /// let mapped = OwnedRwLockWriteGuard::downgrade_map(guard, |f| &f.0);
130    /// let foo = lock.read_owned().await;
131    /// assert_eq!(foo.0, *mapped);
132    /// # }
133    /// ```
134    #[inline]
135    pub fn downgrade_map<F, U: ?Sized>(this: Self, f: F) -> OwnedRwLockReadGuard<T, U>
136    where
137        F: FnOnce(&T) -> &U,
138    {
139        let data = f(&*this) as *const U;
140        let this = this.skip_drop();
141        let guard = OwnedRwLockReadGuard {
142            lock: this.lock,
143            data,
144            _p: PhantomData,
145            #[cfg(all(tokio_unstable, feature = "tracing"))]
146            resource_span: this.resource_span,
147        };
149        // Release all but one of the permits held by the write guard
150        let to_release = (this.permits_acquired - 1) as usize;
151        guard.lock.s.release(to_release);
153        #[cfg(all(tokio_unstable, feature = "tracing"))]
154        guard.resource_span.in_scope(|| {
155            tracing::trace!(
156            target: "runtime::resource::state_update",
157            write_locked = false,
158            write_locked.op = "override",
159            )
160        });
162        #[cfg(all(tokio_unstable, feature = "tracing"))]
163        guard.resource_span.in_scope(|| {
164            tracing::trace!(
165            target: "runtime::resource::state_update",
166            current_readers = 1,
167            current_readers.op = "add",
168            )
169        });
171        guard
172    }
174    /// Attempts to make a new [`OwnedRwLockMappedWriteGuard`] for a component
175    /// of the locked data. The original guard is returned if the closure
176    /// returns `None`.
177    ///
178    /// This operation cannot fail as the `OwnedRwLockWriteGuard` passed in
179    /// already locked the data.
180    ///
181    /// This is an associated function that needs to be
182    /// used as `OwnedRwLockWriteGuard::try_map(...)`. A method would interfere
183    /// with methods of the same name on the contents of the locked data.
184    ///
185    /// [`RwLockMappedWriteGuard`]: struct@crate::sync::RwLockMappedWriteGuard
186    ///
187    /// # Examples
188    ///
189    /// ```
190    /// use std::sync::Arc;
191    /// use tokio::sync::{RwLock, OwnedRwLockWriteGuard};
192    ///
193    /// #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
194    /// struct Foo(u32);
195    ///
196    /// # #[tokio::main]
197    /// # async fn main() {
198    /// let lock = Arc::new(RwLock::new(Foo(1)));
199    ///
200    /// {
201    ///     let guard = Arc::clone(&lock).write_owned().await;
202    ///     let mut guard = OwnedRwLockWriteGuard::try_map(guard, |f| Some(&mut f.0)).expect("should not fail");
203    ///     *guard = 2;
204    /// }
205    ///
206    /// assert_eq!(Foo(2), *;
207    /// # }
208    /// ```
209    #[inline]
210    pub fn try_map<F, U: ?Sized>(
211        mut this: Self,
212        f: F,
213    ) -> Result<OwnedRwLockMappedWriteGuard<T, U>, Self>
214    where
215        F: FnOnce(&mut T) -> Option<&mut U>,
216    {
217        let data = match f(&mut *this) {
218            Some(data) => data as *mut U,
219            None => return Err(this),
220        };
221        let this = this.skip_drop();
223        Ok(OwnedRwLockMappedWriteGuard {
224            permits_acquired: this.permits_acquired,
225            lock: this.lock,
226            data,
227            _p: PhantomData,
228            #[cfg(all(tokio_unstable, feature = "tracing"))]
229            resource_span: this.resource_span,
230        })
231    }
233    /// Attempts to make a new [`OwnedRwLockReadGuard`] for a component of
234    /// the locked data. The original guard is returned if the closure returns
235    /// `None`.
236    ///
237    /// This operation cannot fail as the `OwnedRwLockWriteGuard` passed in already
238    /// locked the data.
239    ///
240    /// This is an associated function that needs to be
241    /// used as `OwnedRwLockWriteGuard::try_downgrade_map(...)`. A method would interfere with
242    /// methods of the same name on the contents of the locked data.
243    ///
244    /// Inside of `f`, you retain exclusive access to the data, despite only being given a `&T`. Handing out a
245    /// `&mut T` would result in unsoundness, as you could use interior mutability.
246    ///
247    /// If this function returns `Err(...)`, the lock is never unlocked nor downgraded.
248    ///
249    /// # Examples
250    ///
251    /// ```
252    /// use std::sync::Arc;
253    /// use tokio::sync::{RwLock, OwnedRwLockWriteGuard};
254    ///
255    /// #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
256    /// struct Foo(u32);
257    ///
258    /// # #[tokio::main]
259    /// # async fn main() {
260    /// let lock = Arc::new(RwLock::new(Foo(1)));
261    ///
262    /// let guard = Arc::clone(&lock).write_owned().await;
263    /// let guard = OwnedRwLockWriteGuard::try_downgrade_map(guard, |f| Some(&f.0)).expect("should not fail");
264    /// let foo = lock.read_owned().await;
265    /// assert_eq!(foo.0, *guard);
266    /// # }
267    /// ```
268    #[inline]
269    pub fn try_downgrade_map<F, U: ?Sized>(
270        this: Self,
271        f: F,
272    ) -> Result<OwnedRwLockReadGuard<T, U>, Self>
273    where
274        F: FnOnce(&T) -> Option<&U>,
275    {
276        let data = match f(&*this) {
277            Some(data) => data as *const U,
278            None => return Err(this),
279        };
280        let this = this.skip_drop();
281        let guard = OwnedRwLockReadGuard {
282            lock: this.lock,
283            data,
284            _p: PhantomData,
285            #[cfg(all(tokio_unstable, feature = "tracing"))]
286            resource_span: this.resource_span,
287        };
289        // Release all but one of the permits held by the write guard
290        let to_release = (this.permits_acquired - 1) as usize;
291        guard.lock.s.release(to_release);
293        #[cfg(all(tokio_unstable, feature = "tracing"))]
294        guard.resource_span.in_scope(|| {
295            tracing::trace!(
296            target: "runtime::resource::state_update",
297            write_locked = false,
298            write_locked.op = "override",
299            )
300        });
302        #[cfg(all(tokio_unstable, feature = "tracing"))]
303        guard.resource_span.in_scope(|| {
304            tracing::trace!(
305            target: "runtime::resource::state_update",
306            current_readers = 1,
307            current_readers.op = "add",
308            )
309        });
311        Ok(guard)
312    }
314    /// Converts this `OwnedRwLockWriteGuard` into an
315    /// `OwnedRwLockMappedWriteGuard`. This method can be used to store a
316    /// non-mapped guard in a struct field that expects a mapped guard.
317    ///
318    /// This is equivalent to calling `OwnedRwLockWriteGuard::map(guard, |me| me)`.
319    #[inline]
320    pub fn into_mapped(this: Self) -> OwnedRwLockMappedWriteGuard<T> {
321        Self::map(this, |me| me)
322    }
324    /// Atomically downgrades a write lock into a read lock without allowing
325    /// any writers to take exclusive access of the lock in the meantime.
326    ///
327    /// **Note:** This won't *necessarily* allow any additional readers to acquire
328    /// locks, since [`RwLock`] is fair and it is possible that a writer is next
329    /// in line.
330    ///
331    /// Returns an RAII guard which will drop this read access of the `RwLock`
332    /// when dropped.
333    ///
334    /// # Examples
335    ///
336    /// ```
337    /// # use tokio::sync::RwLock;
338    /// # use std::sync::Arc;
339    /// #
340    /// # #[tokio::main]
341    /// # async fn main() {
342    /// let lock = Arc::new(RwLock::new(1));
343    ///
344    /// let n = lock.clone().write_owned().await;
345    ///
346    /// let cloned_lock = lock.clone();
347    /// let handle = tokio::spawn(async move {
348    ///     *cloned_lock.write_owned().await = 2;
349    /// });
350    ///
351    /// let n = n.downgrade();
352    /// assert_eq!(*n, 1, "downgrade is atomic");
353    ///
354    /// drop(n);
355    /// handle.await.unwrap();
356    /// assert_eq!(*, 2, "second writer obtained write lock");
357    /// # }
358    /// ```
359    pub fn downgrade(self) -> OwnedRwLockReadGuard<T> {
360        let this = self.skip_drop();
361        let guard = OwnedRwLockReadGuard {
362            lock: this.lock,
363            data:,
364            _p: PhantomData,
365            #[cfg(all(tokio_unstable, feature = "tracing"))]
366            resource_span: this.resource_span,
367        };
369        // Release all but one of the permits held by the write guard
370        let to_release = (this.permits_acquired - 1) as usize;
371        guard.lock.s.release(to_release);
373        #[cfg(all(tokio_unstable, feature = "tracing"))]
374        guard.resource_span.in_scope(|| {
375            tracing::trace!(
376            target: "runtime::resource::state_update",
377            write_locked = false,
378            write_locked.op = "override",
379            )
380        });
382        #[cfg(all(tokio_unstable, feature = "tracing"))]
383        guard.resource_span.in_scope(|| {
384            tracing::trace!(
385            target: "runtime::resource::state_update",
386            current_readers = 1,
387            current_readers.op = "add",
388            )
389        });
391        guard
392    }
394    /// Returns a reference to the original `Arc<RwLock>`.
395    ///
396    /// # Examples
397    ///
398    /// ```
399    /// use std::sync::Arc;
400    /// use tokio::sync::{RwLock, OwnedRwLockWriteGuard};
401    ///
402    /// # #[tokio::main]
403    /// # async fn main() {
404    /// let lock = Arc::new(RwLock::new(1));
405    ///
406    /// let guard = lock.clone().write_owned().await;
407    /// assert!(Arc::ptr_eq(&lock, OwnedRwLockWriteGuard::rwlock(&guard)));
408    /// # }
409    /// ```
410    pub fn rwlock(this: &Self) -> &Arc<RwLock<T>> {
411        &this.lock
412    }
415impl<T: ?Sized> ops::Deref for OwnedRwLockWriteGuard<T> {
416    type Target = T;
418    fn deref(&self) -> &T {
419        unsafe { &* }
420    }
423impl<T: ?Sized> ops::DerefMut for OwnedRwLockWriteGuard<T> {
424    fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
425        unsafe { &mut * }
426    }
429impl<T: ?Sized> fmt::Debug for OwnedRwLockWriteGuard<T>
431    T: fmt::Debug,
433    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
434        fmt::Debug::fmt(&**self, f)
435    }
438impl<T: ?Sized> fmt::Display for OwnedRwLockWriteGuard<T>
440    T: fmt::Display,
442    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
443        fmt::Display::fmt(&**self, f)
444    }
447impl<T: ?Sized> Drop for OwnedRwLockWriteGuard<T> {
448    fn drop(&mut self) {
449        self.lock.s.release(self.permits_acquired as usize);
451        #[cfg(all(tokio_unstable, feature = "tracing"))]
452        self.resource_span.in_scope(|| {
453            tracing::trace!(
454            target: "runtime::resource::state_update",
455            write_locked = false,
456            write_locked.op = "override",
457            )
458        });
459    }