1use thiserror::Error;
7pub type Result<T, E = Error> = std::result::Result<T, E>;
9#[derive(Error, Debug)]
10pub enum Error {
11 #[error("Received invalid stream ID")]
12 BadStreamId,
13 #[error("String `{0}` is too long to be encoded on the wire")]
14 StringTooBig(String),
15 #[error("Not enough data in buffer, need {0}")]
16 BufferTooShort(usize),
17 #[error("Got BufferTooShort({0}) from user callback after giving buffer of size {1}")]
18 CallbackRejectedBuffer(usize, usize),
19 #[error("Bad characters in UTF8 String `{0}`")]
20 BadUTF8(String),
21 #[error("Connection closed from the target. Reason: \"{}\"", .0.as_deref().unwrap_or("not given"))]
25 ConnectionClosed(Option<String>),
26 #[error("Version mismatch")]
27 VersionMismatch,
28 #[error("Protocol mismatch")]
29 ProtocolMismatch,
30 #[error("Link speed value 255 is reserved")]
31 InvalidSpeed,
32 #[error("An internal channel closed unexpectedly")]
33 InternalPipeBroken,
34 #[error("Could not find peer with node ID `{0}`")]
35 NoSuchPeer(String),
36 #[error("IO Error")]
37 IO(#[from] std::io::Error),
38 #[error("Loopback connections are unsupported")]
39 LoopbackUnsupported,
42pub(crate) trait ExtendBufferTooShortError {
43 fn extend_buffer_too_short(self, by: usize) -> Self;
46impl<T> ExtendBufferTooShortError for Result<T> {
47 fn extend_buffer_too_short(self, by: usize) -> Self {
48 match self {
49 Err(Error::BufferTooShort(s)) => Err(Error::BufferTooShort(s + by)),
50 other => other,
51 }
52 }