
1// Copyright 2024 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5//! Declares types and functionality related to queued multicast packets.
7use alloc::collections::{btree_map, BTreeMap};
8use alloc::vec::Vec;
9use arrayvec::ArrayVec;
10use core::time::Duration;
11use derivative::Derivative;
12use net_types::ip::{Ip, IpVersionMarker};
13use netstack3_base::{
14    CoreTimerContext, FrameDestination, Inspectable, Inspector, Instant as _,
15    StrongDeviceIdentifier as _, WeakDeviceIdentifier,
17use packet::{Buf, ParseBufferMut};
18use packet_formats::ip::IpPacket;
19use zerocopy::SplitByteSlice;
21use crate::internal::multicast_forwarding::{
22    MulticastForwardingBindingsContext, MulticastForwardingBindingsTypes,
23    MulticastForwardingTimerId,
25use crate::multicast_forwarding::MulticastRouteKey;
26use crate::IpLayerIpExt;
28/// The number of packets that the stack is willing to queue for a given
29/// [`MulticastRouteKey`] while waiting for an applicable route to be installed.
31/// This value is consistent with the defaults on both Netstack2 and Linux.
32pub(crate) const PACKET_QUEUE_LEN: usize = 3;
34/// The amount of time the stack is willing to queue a packet while waiting
35/// for an applicable route to be installed.
37/// This value is consistent with the defaults on both Netstack2 and Linux.
38const PENDING_ROUTE_EXPIRATION: Duration = Duration::from_secs(10);
40/// The minimum amount of time after a garbage-collection run across the
41/// [`MulticastForwardingPendingPackets`] table that the stack will wait before
42/// performing another garbage-collection.
44/// This value is consistent with the defaults on both Netstack2 and Linux.
45const PENDING_ROUTE_GC_PERIOD: Duration = Duration::from_secs(10);
47/// A table of pending multicast packets that have not yet been forwarded.
49/// Packets are placed in this table when, during forwarding, there is no route
50/// in the [`MulticastRouteTable`] via which to forward them. If/when such a
51/// route is installed, the packets stored here can be forwarded accordingly.
53#[derivative(Debug(bound = ""))]
54pub struct MulticastForwardingPendingPackets<
55    I: IpLayerIpExt,
56    D: WeakDeviceIdentifier,
57    BT: MulticastForwardingBindingsTypes,
58> {
59    table: BTreeMap<MulticastRouteKey<I>, PacketQueue<I, D, BT>>,
60    /// Periodically triggers invocations of [`Self::run_garbage_collection`].
61    ///
62    /// All interactions with the `gc_timer` must uphold the invariant that the
63    /// timer is not scheduled if [`Self::table`] is empty.
64    ///
65    /// Note: When [`Self`] is held by [`MulticastForwardingEnabledState`], it
66    /// is lock protected, which prevents method calls on it from racing. E.g.
67    /// no overlapping calls to [`Self::try_queue_packet`], [`Self::remove`],
68    /// or [`Self::run_garbage_collection`].
69    gc_timer: BT::Timer,
73        I: IpLayerIpExt,
74        D: WeakDeviceIdentifier,
75        BC: MulticastForwardingBindingsContext<I, D::Strong>,
76    > MulticastForwardingPendingPackets<I, D, BC>
78    pub(crate) fn new<CC>(bindings_ctx: &mut BC) -> Self
79    where
80        CC: CoreTimerContext<MulticastForwardingTimerId<I>, BC>,
81    {
82        Self {
83            table: Default::default(),
84            gc_timer: CC::new_timer(
85                bindings_ctx,
86                MulticastForwardingTimerId::PendingPacketsGc(IpVersionMarker::<I>::new()),
87            ),
88        }
89    }
91    /// Attempt to queue the packet in the pending_table.
92    ///
93    /// If the table becomes newly occupied, the GC timer is scheduled.
94    pub(crate) fn try_queue_packet<B>(
95        &mut self,
96        bindings_ctx: &mut BC,
97        key: MulticastRouteKey<I>,
98        packet: &I::Packet<B>,
99        dev: &D::Strong,
100        frame_dst: Option<FrameDestination>,
101    ) -> QueuePacketOutcome
102    where
103        B: SplitByteSlice,
104    {
105        let was_empty = self.table.is_empty();
106        let outcome = match self.table.entry(key) {
107            btree_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
108                let queue = entry.insert(PacketQueue::new(bindings_ctx));
109                queue
110                    .try_push(|| QueuedPacket::new(dev, packet, frame_dst))
111                    .expect("newly instantiated queue must have capacity");
112                QueuePacketOutcome::QueuedInNewQueue
113            }
114            btree_map::Entry::Occupied(mut entry) => {
115                match entry.get_mut().try_push(|| QueuedPacket::new(dev, packet, frame_dst)) {
116                    Ok(()) => QueuePacketOutcome::QueuedInExistingQueue,
117                    Err(PacketQueueFullError) => QueuePacketOutcome::ExistingQueueFull,
118                }
119            }
120        };
122        // If the table is newly non-empty, schedule the GC. The timer must not
123        // already be scheduled (given the invariants on `gc_timer`).
124        if was_empty && !self.table.is_empty() {
125            assert!(bindings_ctx
126                .schedule_timer(PENDING_ROUTE_GC_PERIOD, &mut self.gc_timer)
127                .is_none());
128        }
130        outcome
131    }
133    #[cfg(any(debug_assertions, test))]
134    pub(crate) fn contains(&self, key: &MulticastRouteKey<I>) -> bool {
135        self.table.contains_key(key)
136    }
138    /// Remove the key from the pending table, returning its queue of packets.
139    ///
140    /// If the table becomes newly empty, the GC timer is canceled.
141    pub(crate) fn remove(
142        &mut self,
143        key: &MulticastRouteKey<I>,
144        bindings_ctx: &mut BC,
145    ) -> Option<PacketQueue<I, D, BC>> {
146        let was_empty = self.table.is_empty();
147        let queue = self.table.remove(key);
149        // If the table is newly empty, cancel the GC. Note, we don't assert on
150        // the previous state of the timer, because it's possible cancelation
151        // will race with the timer firing.
152        if !was_empty && self.table.is_empty() {
153            let _: Option<BC::Instant> = bindings_ctx.cancel_timer(&mut self.gc_timer);
154        }
156        queue
157    }
159    /// Removes expired [`PacketQueue`] entries from [`Self`].
160    ///
161    /// Returns the number of packets removed as a result.
162    pub(crate) fn run_garbage_collection(&mut self, bindings_ctx: &mut BC) -> u64 {
163        let now =;
164        let mut removed_count = 0u64;
165        self.table.retain(|_key, packet_queue| {
166            if packet_queue.expires_at > now {
167                true
168            } else {
169                // NB: "as" conversion is safe because queue_len has a maximum
170                // value of `PACKET_QUEUE_LEN`, which fits in a u64.
171                removed_count += packet_queue.queue.len() as u64;
172                false
173            }
174        });
176        // If the table is still not empty, reschedule the GC. Note that we
177        // don't assert on the previous state of the timer, because it's
178        // possible that starting GC raced with a new timer being scheduled.
179        if !self.table.is_empty() {
180            let _: Option<BC::Instant> =
181                bindings_ctx.schedule_timer(PENDING_ROUTE_GC_PERIOD, &mut self.gc_timer);
182        }
184        removed_count
185    }
188impl<I: IpLayerIpExt, D: WeakDeviceIdentifier, BT: MulticastForwardingBindingsTypes> Inspectable
189    for MulticastForwardingPendingPackets<I, D, BT>
191    fn record<II: Inspector>(&self, inspector: &mut II) {
192        let MulticastForwardingPendingPackets { table, gc_timer: _ } = self;
193        // NB: Don't record all routes, as the size of the table may be quite
194        // large, and its contents are dictated by network traffic.
195        inspector.record_usize("NumRoutes", table.len())
196    }
199/// Possible outcomes from calling [`MulticastForwardingPendingPackets::try_queue_packet`].
200#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
201pub(crate) enum QueuePacketOutcome {
202    /// The packet was successfully queued. There was no existing
203    /// [`PacketQueue`] for the given route key, so a new one was instantiated.
204    QueuedInNewQueue,
205    /// The packet was successfully queued. It was added onto an existing
206    /// [`PacketQueue`] for the given route key.
207    QueuedInExistingQueue,
208    /// The packet was not queued. There was an existing [`PacketQueue`] for the
209    /// given route key, but that queue was full.
210    ExistingQueueFull,
213/// A queue of multicast packets that are pending the installation of a route.
215#[derivative(Debug(bound = ""))]
216pub struct PacketQueue<I: Ip, D: WeakDeviceIdentifier, BT: MulticastForwardingBindingsTypes> {
217    queue: ArrayVec<QueuedPacket<I, D>, PACKET_QUEUE_LEN>,
218    /// The time after which the PacketQueue is allowed to be garbage collected.
219    expires_at: BT::Instant,
223        I: IpLayerIpExt,
224        D: WeakDeviceIdentifier,
225        BC: MulticastForwardingBindingsContext<I, D::Strong>,
226    > PacketQueue<I, D, BC>
228    fn new(bindings_ctx: &mut BC) -> Self {
229        Self {
230            queue: Default::default(),
231            expires_at:,
232        }
233    }
235    /// Try to push a packet into the queue, returning an error when full.
236    ///
237    /// Note: the packet is taken as a builder closure, because constructing the
238    /// packet is an expensive operation (requiring a `Vec` allocation). By
239    /// taking a closure we can defer construction until we're certain the queue
240    /// has the free space to hold it.
241    fn try_push(
242        &mut self,
243        packet_builder: impl FnOnce() -> QueuedPacket<I, D>,
244    ) -> Result<(), PacketQueueFullError> {
245        if self.queue.is_full() {
246            return Err(PacketQueueFullError);
247        }
248        self.queue.push(packet_builder());
249        Ok(())
250    }
254struct PacketQueueFullError;
256impl<I: Ip, D: WeakDeviceIdentifier, BT: MulticastForwardingBindingsTypes> IntoIterator
257    for PacketQueue<I, D, BT>
259    type Item = QueuedPacket<I, D>;
260    type IntoIter = <ArrayVec<QueuedPacket<I, D>, PACKET_QUEUE_LEN> as IntoIterator>::IntoIter;
261    fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
262        let Self { queue, expires_at: _ } = self;
263        queue.into_iter()
264    }
267/// An individual multicast packet that's queued.
268#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
269pub struct QueuedPacket<I: Ip, D: WeakDeviceIdentifier> {
270    /// The device on which the packet arrived.
271    pub(crate) device: D,
272    /// The packet.
273    pub(crate) packet: ValidIpPacketBuf<I>,
274    /// The link layer (L2) destination that the packet was sent to, or `None`
275    /// if the packet arrived above the link layer (e.g. a Pure IP device).
276    pub(crate) frame_dst: Option<FrameDestination>,
279impl<I: IpLayerIpExt, D: WeakDeviceIdentifier> QueuedPacket<I, D> {
280    fn new<B: SplitByteSlice>(
281        device: &D::Strong,
282        packet: &I::Packet<B>,
283        frame_dst: Option<FrameDestination>,
284    ) -> Self {
285        QueuedPacket {
286            device: device.downgrade(),
287            packet: ValidIpPacketBuf::new(packet),
288            frame_dst,
289        }
290    }
293/// A buffer containing a known-to-be valid IP packet.
295/// The only constructor of this type takes an `I::Packet`, which is already
296/// parsed & validated.
297#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
298pub(crate) struct ValidIpPacketBuf<I: Ip> {
299    buffer: Buf<Vec<u8>>,
300    _version_marker: IpVersionMarker<I>,
303impl<I: IpLayerIpExt> ValidIpPacketBuf<I> {
304    fn new<B: SplitByteSlice>(packet: &I::Packet<B>) -> Self {
305        Self { buffer: Buf::new(packet.to_vec(), ..), _version_marker: Default::default() }
306    }
308    /// Parses the internal buffer into a mutable IP Packet.
309    ///
310    /// # Panics
311    ///
312    /// This function panics if called multiple times. Parsing moves the cursor
313    /// in the underlying buffer from the start of the IP header to the start
314    /// of the IP body.
315    pub(crate) fn parse_ip_packet_mut(&mut self) -> I::Packet<&mut [u8]> {
316        // NB: Safe to unwrap here because the buffer is known to be valid.
317        self.buffer.parse_mut().unwrap()
318    }
320    pub(crate) fn into_inner(self) -> Buf<Vec<u8>> {
321        let Self { buffer, _version_marker } = self;
322        buffer
323    }
327mod tests {
328    use super::*;
330    use assert_matches::assert_matches;
331    use ip_test_macro::ip_test;
332    use netstack3_base::testutil::{
333        FakeInstant, FakeTimerCtxExt, FakeWeakDeviceId, MultipleDevicesId,
334    };
335    use netstack3_base::{CounterContext, InstantContext, StrongDeviceIdentifier, TimerContext};
336    use packet::ParseBuffer;
337    use static_assertions::const_assert;
338    use test_case::test_case;
340    use crate::internal::multicast_forwarding;
341    use crate::internal::multicast_forwarding::counters::MulticastForwardingCounters;
342    use crate::internal::multicast_forwarding::testutil::{
343        FakeBindingsCtx, FakeCoreCtx, TestIpExt,
344    };
346    #[ip_test(I)]
347    #[test_case(None; "no_frame_dst")]
348    #[test_case(Some(FrameDestination::Multicast); "some_frame_dst")]
349    fn queue_packet<I: TestIpExt>(frame_dst: Option<FrameDestination>) {
350        const DEV: MultipleDevicesId = MultipleDevicesId::A;
351        let key1 = MulticastRouteKey::new(I::SRC1, I::DST1).unwrap();
352        let key2 = MulticastRouteKey::new(I::SRC2, I::DST2).unwrap();
353        let key3 = MulticastRouteKey::new(I::SRC1, I::DST2).unwrap();
355        // NB: technically the packet's addresses only match `key1`, but for the
356        // sake of this test that doesn't cause problems.
357        let buf = multicast_forwarding::testutil::new_ip_packet_buf::<I>(I::SRC1, I::DST1);
358        let mut buf_ref = buf.as_ref();
359        let packet = buf_ref.parse::<I::Packet<_>>().expect("parse should succeed");
361        let mut bindings_ctx = FakeBindingsCtx::<I, MultipleDevicesId>::default();
363        let mut pending_table =
364            MulticastForwardingPendingPackets::<
365                I,
366                <MultipleDevicesId as StrongDeviceIdentifier>::Weak,
367                _,
368            >::new::<FakeCoreCtx<I, MultipleDevicesId>>(&mut bindings_ctx);
370        // The first packet gets a new queue.
371        assert_eq!(
372            pending_table.try_queue_packet(
373                &mut bindings_ctx,
374                key1.clone(),
375                &packet,
376                &DEV,
377                frame_dst
378            ),
379            QueuePacketOutcome::QueuedInNewQueue
380        );
381        // The second - Nth packets uses the existing queue.
382        for _ in 1..PACKET_QUEUE_LEN {
383            assert_eq!(
384                pending_table.try_queue_packet(
385                    &mut bindings_ctx,
386                    key1.clone(),
387                    &packet,
388                    &DEV,
389                    frame_dst
390                ),
391                QueuePacketOutcome::QueuedInExistingQueue
392            );
393        }
394        // The Nth +1 packet is rejected.
395        assert_eq!(
396            pending_table.try_queue_packet(
397                &mut bindings_ctx,
398                key1.clone(),
399                &packet,
400                &DEV,
401                frame_dst
402            ),
403            QueuePacketOutcome::ExistingQueueFull
404        );
406        // A packet with a different key gets a new queue.
407        assert_eq!(
408            pending_table.try_queue_packet(
409                &mut bindings_ctx,
410                key2.clone(),
411                &packet,
412                &DEV,
413                frame_dst
414            ),
415            QueuePacketOutcome::QueuedInNewQueue
416        );
418        // Based on the calls above, `key1` should have a full queue, `key2`
419        // should have a queue with only 1 packet, and `key3` shouldn't have
420        // a queue.
421        let expected_packet = QueuedPacket::new(&DEV, &packet, frame_dst);
422        let queue =
423            pending_table.remove(&key1, &mut bindings_ctx).expect("key1 should have a queue");
424        assert_eq!(queue.queue.len(), PACKET_QUEUE_LEN);
425        for packet in queue.queue.as_slice() {
426            assert_eq!(packet, &expected_packet);
427        }
429        let queue =
430            pending_table.remove(&key2, &mut bindings_ctx).expect("key2 should have a queue");
431        let packet = assert_matches!(&queue.queue[..], [p] => p);
432        assert_eq!(packet, &expected_packet);
434        assert_matches!(pending_table.remove(&key3, &mut bindings_ctx), None);
435    }
437    /// Helper to observe the next scheduled GC for the core_ctx pending table.
438    fn next_gc_time<I: TestIpExt>(
439        core_ctx: &mut FakeCoreCtx<I, MultipleDevicesId>,
440        bindings_ctx: &mut FakeBindingsCtx<I, MultipleDevicesId>,
441    ) -> Option<FakeInstant> {
442        multicast_forwarding::testutil::with_pending_table(core_ctx, |pending_table| {
443            bindings_ctx.scheduled_instant(&mut pending_table.gc_timer)
444        })
445    }
447    /// Helper to queue packet in the core_ctx pending table.
448    fn try_queue_packet<I: TestIpExt>(
449        core_ctx: &mut FakeCoreCtx<I, MultipleDevicesId>,
450        bindings_ctx: &mut FakeBindingsCtx<I, MultipleDevicesId>,
451        key: MulticastRouteKey<I>,
452        dev: &MultipleDevicesId,
453        frame_dst: Option<FrameDestination>,
454    ) -> QueuePacketOutcome {
455        let buf =
456            multicast_forwarding::testutil::new_ip_packet_buf::<I>(key.src_addr(), key.dst_addr());
457        let mut buf_ref = buf.as_ref();
458        let packet = buf_ref.parse::<I::Packet<_>>().expect("parse should succeed");
459        multicast_forwarding::testutil::with_pending_table(core_ctx, |pending_table| {
460            pending_table.try_queue_packet(bindings_ctx, key, &packet, dev, frame_dst)
461        })
462    }
464    /// Helper to remove a packet queue in the core_ctx pending table.
465    fn remove_packet_queue<I: TestIpExt>(
466        core_ctx: &mut FakeCoreCtx<I, MultipleDevicesId>,
467        bindings_ctx: &mut FakeBindingsCtx<I, MultipleDevicesId>,
468        key: &MulticastRouteKey<I>,
469    ) -> Option<
470        PacketQueue<I, FakeWeakDeviceId<MultipleDevicesId>, FakeBindingsCtx<I, MultipleDevicesId>>,
471    > {
472        multicast_forwarding::testutil::with_pending_table(core_ctx, |pending_table| {
473            pending_table.remove(key, bindings_ctx)
474        })
475    }
477    /// Helper to trigger the GC.
478    fn run_gc<I: TestIpExt>(
479        core_ctx: &mut FakeCoreCtx<I, MultipleDevicesId>,
480        bindings_ctx: &mut FakeBindingsCtx<I, MultipleDevicesId>,
481    ) {
482        assert_matches!(
483            &bindings_ctx.trigger_timers_until_instant(, core_ctx)[..],
484            [MulticastForwardingTimerId::PendingPacketsGc(_)]
485        );
486    }
488    #[ip_test(I)]
489    fn garbage_collection<I: TestIpExt>() {
490        const DEV: MultipleDevicesId = MultipleDevicesId::A;
491        const FRAME_DST: Option<FrameDestination> = None;
492        let key1 = MulticastRouteKey::<I>::new(I::SRC1, I::DST1).unwrap();
493        let key2 = MulticastRouteKey::<I>::new(I::SRC2, I::DST2).unwrap();
495        let mut api = multicast_forwarding::testutil::new_api();
496        assert!(api.enable());
497        let (core_ctx, bindings_ctx) = api.contexts();
499        // NB: As written, the test requires that
501        //  2. `PENDING_ROUTE_EXPIRATION > 0`.
502        // If the values are ever changed such that that is not true, the test
503        // will need to be re-written.
504        const_assert!(PENDING_ROUTE_GC_PERIOD.checked_sub(PENDING_ROUTE_EXPIRATION).is_some());
505        const_assert!(!PENDING_ROUTE_EXPIRATION.is_zero());
507        // The GC shouldn't be scheduled with an empty table.
508        assert!(next_gc_time(core_ctx, bindings_ctx).is_none());
509        let counters: &MulticastForwardingCounters<I> = core_ctx.counters();
510        assert_eq!(counters.pending_table_gc.get(), 0);
511        assert_eq!(counters.pending_packet_drops_gc.get(), 0);
513        // Queue a packet, and expect the GC to be scheduled.
514        let expected_first_gc = + PENDING_ROUTE_GC_PERIOD;
515        assert_eq!(
516            try_queue_packet(core_ctx, bindings_ctx, key1.clone(), &DEV, FRAME_DST),
517            QueuePacketOutcome::QueuedInNewQueue
518        );
519        assert_eq!(next_gc_time(core_ctx, bindings_ctx), Some(expected_first_gc));
521        // Sleep until we're ready to GC, and then queue a second packet under a
522        // new key. Expect that the GC timer is still scheduled for the original
523        // instant.
524        bindings_ctx.timers.instant.sleep(PENDING_ROUTE_GC_PERIOD);
525        assert_eq!(
526            try_queue_packet(core_ctx, bindings_ctx, key2.clone(), &DEV, FRAME_DST),
527            QueuePacketOutcome::QueuedInNewQueue
528        );
529        assert_eq!(next_gc_time(core_ctx, bindings_ctx), Some(expected_first_gc));
531        // Run the GC, and verify that it was rescheduled after the fact
532        // (because `key2` still exists in the table).
533        run_gc(core_ctx, bindings_ctx);
534        let expected_second_gc = + PENDING_ROUTE_GC_PERIOD;
535        assert_eq!(next_gc_time(core_ctx, bindings_ctx), Some(expected_second_gc));
537        // Verify that `key1` was removed, but `key2` remains.
538        let counters: &MulticastForwardingCounters<I> = core_ctx.counters();
539        assert_eq!(counters.pending_table_gc.get(), 1);
540        assert_eq!(counters.pending_packet_drops_gc.get(), 1);
541        assert_matches!(remove_packet_queue(core_ctx, bindings_ctx, &key1), None);
542        assert_matches!(remove_packet_queue(core_ctx, bindings_ctx, &key2), Some(_));
544        // Now that we've explicitly removed `key2`, the table is empty and the
545        // GC should have been canceled.
546        assert!(next_gc_time(core_ctx, bindings_ctx).is_none());
548        // Finally, verify that if the GC clears the table, it doesn't
549        // reschedule itself.
550        assert_eq!(
551            try_queue_packet(core_ctx, bindings_ctx, key1.clone(), &DEV, FRAME_DST),
552            QueuePacketOutcome::QueuedInNewQueue
553        );
554        assert_eq!(next_gc_time(core_ctx, bindings_ctx), Some(expected_second_gc));
555        bindings_ctx.timers.instant.sleep(PENDING_ROUTE_GC_PERIOD);
556        run_gc(core_ctx, bindings_ctx);
557        let counters: &MulticastForwardingCounters<I> = core_ctx.counters();
558        assert_eq!(counters.pending_table_gc.get(), 2);
559        assert_eq!(counters.pending_packet_drops_gc.get(), 2);
560        assert_matches!(remove_packet_queue(core_ctx, bindings_ctx, &key1), None);
561        assert!(next_gc_time(core_ctx, bindings_ctx).is_none());
562    }