use std::cmp::{max, min};
use std::ops::{Index, IndexMut, Range};
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use std::{io, mem, ptr, str};
use log::{debug, trace};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use unicode_width::UnicodeWidthChar;
use crate::ansi::{
self, Attr, CharsetIndex, Color, CursorStyle, Handler, NamedColor, StandardCharset, TermInfo,
use crate::clipboard::{Clipboard, ClipboardType};
use crate::config::{Config, VisualBellAnimation, DEFAULT_NAME};
use crate::event::{Event, EventListener};
use crate::grid::{
BidirectionalIterator, DisplayIter, Grid, GridCell, IndexRegion, Indexed, Scroll,
use crate::index::{self, Column, IndexRange, Line, Point};
use crate::selection::{Selection, SelectionRange};
use crate::term::cell::{Cell, Flags, LineLength};
use crate::term::color::Rgb;
pub mod cell;
pub mod color;
const BRACKET_PAIRS: [(char, char); 4] = [('(', ')'), ('[', ']'), ('{', '}'), ('<', '>')];
const TITLE_STACK_MAX_DEPTH: usize = 4096;
pub trait Search {
fn semantic_search_left(&self, _: Point<usize>) -> Point<usize>;
fn semantic_search_right(&self, _: Point<usize>) -> Point<usize>;
fn line_search_left(&self, _: Point<usize>) -> Point<usize>;
fn line_search_right(&self, _: Point<usize>) -> Point<usize>;
fn bracket_search(&self, _: Point<usize>) -> Option<Point<usize>>;
impl<T> Search for Term<T> {
fn semantic_search_left(&self, mut point: Point<usize>) -> Point<usize> {
point.line = min(point.line, self.grid.len() - 1);
let mut iter = self.grid.iter_from(point);
let last_col = self.grid.num_cols() - Column(1);
while let Some(cell) = iter.prev() {
if !cell.flags.intersects(Flags::WIDE_CHAR | Flags::WIDE_CHAR_SPACER)
&& self.semantic_escape_chars.contains(cell.c)
if iter.point().col == last_col && !cell.flags.contains(Flags::WRAPLINE) {
break; }
point = iter.point();
fn semantic_search_right(&self, mut point: Point<usize>) -> Point<usize> {
point.line = min(point.line, self.grid.len() - 1);
let mut iter = self.grid.iter_from(point);
let last_col = self.grid.num_cols() - 1;
while let Some(cell) = {
if !cell.flags.intersects(Flags::WIDE_CHAR | Flags::WIDE_CHAR_SPACER)
&& self.semantic_escape_chars.contains(cell.c)
point = iter.point();
if point.col == last_col && !cell.flags.contains(Flags::WRAPLINE) {
break; }
fn line_search_left(&self, mut point: Point<usize>) -> Point<usize> {
while point.line + 1 < self.grid.len()
&& self.grid[point.line + 1][self.grid.num_cols() - 1].flags.contains(Flags::WRAPLINE)
point.line += 1;
point.col = Column(0);
fn line_search_right(&self, mut point: Point<usize>) -> Point<usize> {
while self.grid[point.line][self.grid.num_cols() - 1].flags.contains(Flags::WRAPLINE) {
point.line -= 1;
point.col = self.grid.num_cols() - 1;
fn bracket_search(&self, point: Point<usize>) -> Option<Point<usize>> {
let start_char = self.grid[point.line][point.col].c;
let (forwards, end_char) = BRACKET_PAIRS.iter().find_map(|(open, close)| {
if open == &start_char {
Some((true, *close))
} else if close == &start_char {
Some((false, *open))
} else {
let mut iter = self.grid.iter_from(point);
let mut skip_pairs = 0;
loop {
let cell = if forwards { } else { iter.prev() };
let c = match cell {
Some(cell) => cell.c,
None => break,
if c == end_char && skip_pairs == 0 {
return Some(iter.point());
} else if c == start_char {
skip_pairs += 1;
} else if c == end_char {
skip_pairs -= 1;
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Copy, Clone, Hash, Deserialize)]
pub struct CursorKey {
pub style: CursorStyle,
pub is_wide: bool,
pub struct RenderableCellsIter<'a, C> {
inner: DisplayIter<'a, Cell>,
grid: &'a Grid<Cell>,
cursor: &'a Point,
cursor_offset: usize,
cursor_key: Option<CursorKey>,
cursor_style: CursorStyle,
config: &'a Config<C>,
colors: &'a color::List,
selection: Option<SelectionRange<Line>>,
impl<'a, C> RenderableCellsIter<'a, C> {
fn new<'b, T>(
term: &'b Term<T>,
config: &'b Config<C>,
selection: Option<SelectionRange>,
mut cursor_style: CursorStyle,
) -> RenderableCellsIter<'b, C> {
let grid = &term.grid;
let num_cols = grid.num_cols();
let num_lines = grid.num_lines();
let cursor_offset = grid.line_to_offset(term.cursor.point.line);
let inner = grid.display_iter();
let selection_range = selection.and_then(|span| {
let (limit_start, limit_end) = if span.is_block {
(span.start.col, span.end.col)
} else {
(Column(0), num_cols - 1)
let start = term.buffer_to_visible(span.start);
let end = term.buffer_to_visible(span.end);
let (mut start, mut end) = match (start, end) {
(Some(start), Some(end)) => (start, end),
(Some(start), None) => {
let end = Point::new(num_lines.0 - 1, num_cols - 1);
(start, end)
(None, Some(end)) => {
let start = Point::new(0, Column(0));
(start, end)
(None, None) => return None,
start.col = max(limit_start, start.col);
end.col = min(limit_end, end.col);
Some(SelectionRange::new(start.into(), end.into(), span.is_block))
let cursor = &term.cursor.point;
let cursor_visible = term.mode.contains(TermMode::SHOW_CURSOR) && grid.contains(cursor);
let cursor_key = if cursor_visible {
let is_wide =
grid[cursor].flags.contains(Flags::WIDE_CHAR) && (cursor.col + 1) < num_cols;
Some(CursorKey { style: cursor_style, is_wide })
} else {
cursor_style = CursorStyle::Hidden;
RenderableCellsIter {
selection: selection_range,
colors: &term.colors,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum RenderableCellContent {
Chars([char; cell::MAX_ZEROWIDTH_CHARS + 1]),
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct RenderableCell {
pub line: Line,
pub column: Column,
pub inner: RenderableCellContent,
pub fg: Rgb,
pub bg: Rgb,
pub bg_alpha: f32,
pub flags: Flags,
impl RenderableCell {
fn new<C>(
config: &Config<C>,
colors: &color::List,
cell: Indexed<Cell>,
selected: bool,
) -> Self {
let mut fg_rgb = Self::compute_fg_rgb(config, colors, cell.fg, cell.flags);
let mut bg_rgb = Self::compute_bg_rgb(colors,;
let mut bg_alpha = Self::compute_bg_alpha(;
let selection_background = config.colors.selection.background;
if let (true, Some(col)) = (selected, selection_background) {
bg_rgb = col;
bg_alpha = 1.0;
} else if selected ^ cell.inverse() {
if fg_rgb == bg_rgb && !cell.flags.contains(Flags::HIDDEN) {
fg_rgb = colors[NamedColor::Background];
bg_rgb = colors[NamedColor::Foreground];
} else {
mem::swap(&mut fg_rgb, &mut bg_rgb);
bg_alpha = 1.0;
if let (true, Some(col)) = (selected, config.colors.selection.text) {
fg_rgb = col;
RenderableCell {
line: cell.line,
column: cell.column,
inner: RenderableCellContent::Chars(cell.chars()),
fg: fg_rgb,
bg: bg_rgb,
flags: cell.flags,
fn compute_fg_rgb<C>(config: &Config<C>, colors: &color::List, fg: Color, flags: Flags) -> Rgb {
match fg {
Color::Spec(rgb) => rgb,
Color::Named(ansi) => {
match (config.draw_bold_text_with_bright_colors(), flags & Flags::DIM_BOLD) {
(_, Flags::DIM_BOLD)
if ansi == NamedColor::Foreground
&& config.colors.primary.bright_foreground.is_none() =>
(true, Flags::BOLD) => colors[ansi.to_bright()],
(_, Flags::DIM) | (false, Flags::DIM_BOLD) => colors[ansi.to_dim()],
_ => colors[ansi],
Color::Indexed(idx) => {
let idx = match (
flags & Flags::DIM_BOLD,
) {
(true, Flags::BOLD, 0..=7) => idx as usize + 8,
(false, Flags::DIM, 8..=15) => idx as usize - 8,
(false, Flags::DIM, 0..=7) => idx as usize + 260,
_ => idx as usize,
fn compute_bg_alpha(bg: Color) -> f32 {
if bg == Color::Named(NamedColor::Background) {
} else {
fn compute_bg_rgb(colors: &color::List, bg: Color) -> Rgb {
match bg {
Color::Spec(rgb) => rgb,
Color::Named(ansi) => colors[ansi],
Color::Indexed(idx) => colors[idx],
impl<'a, C> Iterator for RenderableCellsIter<'a, C> {
type Item = RenderableCell;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
loop {
if self.cursor_offset == self.inner.offset() && self.inner.column() == self.cursor.col {
let selected = self
.map(|range| range.contains(self.cursor.col, self.cursor.line))
if let Some(cursor_key) = self.cursor_key.take() {
let cell = Indexed {
inner: self.grid[self.cursor],
column: self.cursor.col,
line: self.inner.line(),
let mut renderable_cell =
RenderableCell::new(self.config, self.colors, cell, selected);
renderable_cell.inner = RenderableCellContent::Cursor(cursor_key);
if let Some(color) = self.config.cursor_cursor_color() {
renderable_cell.fg = RenderableCell::compute_bg_rgb(self.colors, color);
return Some(renderable_cell);
} else {
let mut cell =
RenderableCell::new(self.config, self.colors,, selected);
if self.cursor_style == CursorStyle::Block {
std::mem::swap(&mut, &mut cell.fg);
if let Some(color) = self.config.cursor_text_color() {
cell.fg = color;
return Some(cell);
} else {
let cell =;
let selected = self
.map(|range| range.contains(cell.column, cell.line))
if !cell.is_empty() || selected {
return Some(RenderableCell::new(self.config, self.colors, cell, selected));
pub mod mode {
#![allow(clippy::bad_bit_mask)] use bitflags::bitflags;
bitflags! {
pub struct TermMode: u16 {
const SHOW_CURSOR = 0b0000_0000_0000_0001;
const APP_CURSOR = 0b0000_0000_0000_0010;
const APP_KEYPAD = 0b0000_0000_0000_0100;
const MOUSE_REPORT_CLICK = 0b0000_0000_0000_1000;
const BRACKETED_PASTE = 0b0000_0000_0001_0000;
const SGR_MOUSE = 0b0000_0000_0010_0000;
const MOUSE_MOTION = 0b0000_0000_0100_0000;
const LINE_WRAP = 0b0000_0000_1000_0000;
const LINE_FEED_NEW_LINE = 0b0000_0001_0000_0000;
const ORIGIN = 0b0000_0010_0000_0000;
const INSERT = 0b0000_0100_0000_0000;
const FOCUS_IN_OUT = 0b0000_1000_0000_0000;
const ALT_SCREEN = 0b0001_0000_0000_0000;
const MOUSE_DRAG = 0b0010_0000_0000_0000;
const MOUSE_MODE = 0b0010_0000_0100_1000;
const UTF8_MOUSE = 0b0100_0000_0000_0000;
const ALTERNATE_SCROLL = 0b1000_0000_0000_0000;
const ANY = 0b1111_1111_1111_1111;
const NONE = 0;
impl Default for TermMode {
fn default() -> TermMode {
pub use crate::term::mode::TermMode;
trait CharsetMapping {
fn map(&self, c: char) -> char {
impl CharsetMapping for StandardCharset {
fn map(&self, c: char) -> char {
match *self {
StandardCharset::Ascii => c,
StandardCharset::SpecialCharacterAndLineDrawing => match c {
'`' => '◆',
'a' => '▒',
'b' => '\t',
'c' => '\u{000c}',
'd' => '\r',
'e' => '\n',
'f' => '°',
'g' => '±',
'h' => '\u{2424}',
'i' => '\u{000b}',
'j' => '┘',
'k' => '┐',
'l' => '┌',
'm' => '└',
'n' => '┼',
'o' => '⎺',
'p' => '⎻',
'q' => '─',
'r' => '⎼',
's' => '⎽',
't' => '├',
'u' => '┤',
'v' => '┴',
'w' => '┬',
'x' => '│',
'y' => '≤',
'z' => '≥',
'{' => 'π',
'|' => '≠',
'}' => '£',
'~' => '·',
_ => c,
#[derive(Default, Copy, Clone)]
struct Charsets([StandardCharset; 4]);
impl Index<CharsetIndex> for Charsets {
type Output = StandardCharset;
fn index(&self, index: CharsetIndex) -> &StandardCharset {
&self.0[index as usize]
impl IndexMut<CharsetIndex> for Charsets {
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: CharsetIndex) -> &mut StandardCharset {
&mut self.0[index as usize]
#[derive(Default, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Cursor {
pub point: Point,
template: Cell,
charsets: Charsets,
pub struct VisualBell {
animation: VisualBellAnimation,
duration: Duration,
start_time: Option<Instant>,
fn cubic_bezier(p0: f64, p1: f64, p2: f64, p3: f64, x: f64) -> f64 {
(1.0 - x).powi(3) * p0
+ 3.0 * (1.0 - x).powi(2) * x * p1
+ 3.0 * (1.0 - x) * x.powi(2) * p2
+ x.powi(3) * p3
impl VisualBell {
pub fn new<C>(config: &Config<C>) -> VisualBell {
let visual_bell_config = &config.visual_bell;
VisualBell {
animation: visual_bell_config.animation,
duration: visual_bell_config.duration(),
start_time: None,
pub fn ring(&mut self) -> f64 {
let now = Instant::now();
self.start_time = Some(now);
pub fn intensity(&self) -> f64 {
pub fn completed(&mut self) -> bool {
match self.start_time {
Some(earlier) => {
if Instant::now().duration_since(earlier) >= self.duration {
self.start_time = None;
None => true,
pub fn intensity_at_instant(&self, instant: Instant) -> f64 {
if self.duration == Duration::from_secs(0) {
return 0.0;
match self.start_time {
None => 0.0,
Some(earlier) => {
if instant < earlier {
return 0.0;
let elapsed = instant.duration_since(earlier);
let elapsed_f =
elapsed.as_secs() as f64 + f64::from(elapsed.subsec_nanos()) / 1e9f64;
let duration_f = self.duration.as_secs() as f64
+ f64::from(self.duration.subsec_nanos()) / 1e9f64;
let time = (elapsed_f / duration_f).min(1.0);
let inverse_intensity = match self.animation {
VisualBellAnimation::Ease | VisualBellAnimation::EaseOut => {
cubic_bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1.0, time)
VisualBellAnimation::EaseOutSine => cubic_bezier(0.39, 0.575, 0.565, 1.0, time),
VisualBellAnimation::EaseOutQuad => cubic_bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94, time),
VisualBellAnimation::EaseOutCubic => {
cubic_bezier(0.215, 0.61, 0.355, 1.0, time)
VisualBellAnimation::EaseOutQuart => cubic_bezier(0.165, 0.84, 0.44, 1.0, time),
VisualBellAnimation::EaseOutQuint => cubic_bezier(0.23, 1.0, 0.32, 1.0, time),
VisualBellAnimation::EaseOutExpo => cubic_bezier(0.19, 1.0, 0.22, 1.0, time),
VisualBellAnimation::EaseOutCirc => cubic_bezier(0.075, 0.82, 0.165, 1.0, time),
VisualBellAnimation::Linear => time,
1.0 - inverse_intensity
pub fn update_config<C>(&mut self, config: &Config<C>) {
let visual_bell_config = &config.visual_bell;
self.animation = visual_bell_config.animation;
self.duration = visual_bell_config.duration();
pub struct Term<T> {
pub is_focused: bool,
grid: Grid<Cell>,
input_needs_wrap: bool,
alt_grid: Grid<Cell>,
alt: bool,
cursor: Cursor,
active_charset: CharsetIndex,
tabs: TabStops,
mode: TermMode,
scroll_region: Range<Line>,
pub dirty: bool,
pub visual_bell: VisualBell,
cursor_save: Cursor,
cursor_save_alt: Cursor,
semantic_escape_chars: String,
colors: color::List,
color_modified: [bool; color::COUNT],
original_colors: color::List,
cursor_style: Option<CursorStyle>,
default_cursor_style: CursorStyle,
dynamic_title: bool,
tabspaces: usize,
clipboard: Clipboard,
event_proxy: T,
title: String,
title_stack: Vec<String>,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct SizeInfo {
pub width: f32,
pub height: f32,
pub cell_width: f32,
pub cell_height: f32,
pub padding_x: f32,
pub padding_y: f32,
pub dpr: f64,
impl SizeInfo {
pub fn lines(&self) -> Line {
Line(((self.height - 2. * self.padding_y) / self.cell_height) as usize)
pub fn cols(&self) -> Column {
Column(((self.width - 2. * self.padding_x) / self.cell_width) as usize)
pub fn contains_point(&self, x: usize, y: usize) -> bool {
x < (self.width - self.padding_x) as usize
&& x >= self.padding_x as usize
&& y < (self.height - self.padding_y) as usize
&& y >= self.padding_y as usize
pub fn pixels_to_coords(&self, x: usize, y: usize) -> Point {
let col = Column(x.saturating_sub(self.padding_x as usize) / (self.cell_width as usize));
let line = Line(y.saturating_sub(self.padding_y as usize) / (self.cell_height as usize));
Point {
line: min(line, Line(self.lines().saturating_sub(1))),
col: min(col, Column(self.cols().saturating_sub(1))),
impl<T> Term<T> {
pub fn selection(&self) -> &Option<Selection> {
pub fn selection_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Option<Selection> {
&mut self.grid.selection
pub fn scroll_display(&mut self, scroll: Scroll)
T: EventListener,
self.dirty = true;
pub fn new<C>(
config: &Config<C>,
size: &SizeInfo,
clipboard: Clipboard,
event_proxy: T,
) -> Term<T> {
let num_cols = size.cols();
let num_lines = size.lines();
let history_size = config.scrolling.history() as usize;
let grid = Grid::new(num_lines, num_cols, history_size, Cell::default());
let alt = Grid::new(num_lines, num_cols, 0 , Cell::default());
let tabspaces = config.tabspaces();
let tabs = TabStops::new(grid.num_cols(), tabspaces);
let scroll_region = Line(0)..grid.num_lines();
let colors = color::List::from(&config.colors);
Term {
dirty: false,
visual_bell: VisualBell::new(config),
input_needs_wrap: false,
alt_grid: alt,
alt: false,
active_charset: Default::default(),
cursor: Default::default(),
cursor_save: Default::default(),
cursor_save_alt: Default::default(),
mode: Default::default(),
color_modified: [false; color::COUNT],
original_colors: colors,
semantic_escape_chars: config.selection.semantic_escape_chars().to_owned(),
cursor_style: None,
dynamic_title: config.dynamic_title(),
is_focused: true,
title: config.window.title.clone(),
title_stack: Vec::new(),
pub fn update_config<C>(&mut self, config: &Config<C>) {
self.semantic_escape_chars = config.selection.semantic_escape_chars().to_owned();
for i in 0..color::COUNT {
if !self.color_modified[i] {
self.colors[i] = self.original_colors[i];
if let Some(0) = config.scrolling.faux_multiplier() {
self.default_cursor_style =;
self.dynamic_title = config.dynamic_title();
self.grid.update_history(config.scrolling.history() as usize);
pub fn selection_to_string(&self) -> Option<String> {
let selection = self.grid.selection.clone()?;
let SelectionRange { start, end, is_block } = selection.to_range(self)?;
let mut res = String::new();
if is_block {
for line in (end.line + 1..=start.line).rev() {
res += &(self.line_to_string(line, start.col..end.col) + "\n");
res += &self.line_to_string(end.line, start.col..end.col);
} else {
res = self.bounds_to_string(start, end);
pub fn bounds_to_string(&self, start: Point<usize>, end: Point<usize>) -> String {
let mut res = String::new();
for line in (end.line..=start.line).rev() {
let start_col = if line == start.line { start.col } else { Column(0) };
let end_col = if line == end.line { end.col } else { self.cols() - 1 };
res += &self.line_to_string(line, start_col..end_col);
fn line_to_string(&self, line: usize, cols: Range<Column>) -> String {
let mut text = String::new();
let grid_line = &self.grid[line];
let line_length = grid_line.line_length();
let line_end = min(line_length, cols.end + 1);
let mut tab_mode = false;
for col in IndexRange::from(cols.start..line_end) {
let cell = grid_line[col];
if tab_mode {
if self.tabs[col] {
tab_mode = false;
} else {
if cell.c == '\t' {
tab_mode = true;
if !cell.flags.contains(Flags::WIDE_CHAR_SPACER) {
for c in (&cell.chars()[1..]).iter().take_while(|c| **c != ' ') {
if cols.end >= self.cols() - 1
&& (line_end == Column(0)
|| !self.grid[line][line_end - 1].flags.contains(Flags::WRAPLINE))
pub fn visible_to_buffer(&self, point: Point) -> Point<usize> {
pub fn buffer_to_visible(&self, point: impl Into<Point<usize>>) -> Option<Point<usize>> {
pub fn grid(&self) -> &Grid<Cell> {
pub fn grid_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Grid<Cell> {
&mut self.grid
pub fn renderable_cells<'b, C>(&'b self, config: &'b Config<C>) -> RenderableCellsIter<'_, C> {
let selection = self.grid.selection.as_ref().and_then(|s| s.to_range(self));
let cursor = if self.is_focused || !config.cursor.unfocused_hollow() {
} else {
RenderableCellsIter::new(&self, config, selection, cursor)
pub fn resize(&mut self, size: &SizeInfo) {
let old_cols = self.grid.num_cols();
let old_lines = self.grid.num_lines();
let mut num_cols = size.cols();
let mut num_lines = size.lines();
if old_cols == num_cols && old_lines == num_lines {
debug!("Term::resize dimensions unchanged");
self.grid.selection = None;
self.alt_grid.selection = None;
if num_cols <= Column(1) {
num_cols = Column(2);
if num_lines <= Line(1) {
num_lines = Line(2);
if self.cursor.point.line >= num_lines {
let lines = self.cursor.point.line - num_lines + 1;
let template = Cell { bg:, ..Cell::default() };
self.grid.scroll_up(&(Line(0)..old_lines), lines, &template);
if self.cursor_save_alt.point.line >= num_lines {
let lines = self.cursor_save_alt.point.line - num_lines + 1;
let template = Cell { bg:, ..Cell::default() };
self.alt_grid.scroll_up(&(Line(0)..old_lines), lines, &template);
if num_lines > old_lines && !self.mode.contains(TermMode::ALT_SCREEN) {
let growage = min(num_lines - old_lines, Line(self.grid.history_size()));
self.cursor.point.line += growage;
debug!("New num_cols is {} and num_lines is {}", num_cols, num_lines);
let is_alt = self.mode.contains(TermMode::ALT_SCREEN);
let alt_cursor_point =
if is_alt { &mut self.cursor_save.point } else { &mut self.cursor_save_alt.point };
self.grid.resize(!is_alt, num_lines, num_cols, &mut self.cursor.point, &Cell::default());
self.alt_grid.resize(is_alt, num_lines, num_cols, alt_cursor_point, &Cell::default());
self.scroll_region = Line(0)..self.grid.num_lines();
self.cursor.point.col = min(self.cursor.point.col, num_cols - 1);
self.cursor.point.line = min(self.cursor.point.line, num_lines - 1);
self.cursor_save.point.col = min(self.cursor_save.point.col, num_cols - 1);
self.cursor_save.point.line = min(self.cursor_save.point.line, num_lines - 1);
self.cursor_save_alt.point.col = min(self.cursor_save_alt.point.col, num_cols - 1);
self.cursor_save_alt.point.line = min(self.cursor_save_alt.point.line, num_lines - 1);
self.tabs = TabStops::new(self.grid.num_cols(), self.tabspaces);
pub fn mode(&self) -> &TermMode {
pub fn cursor(&self) -> &Cursor {
pub fn swap_alt(&mut self) {
if self.alt {
let template = self.cursor.template;
self.grid.region_mut(..).each(|c| c.reset(&template));
self.alt = !self.alt;
std::mem::swap(&mut self.grid, &mut self.alt_grid);
fn scroll_down_relative(&mut self, origin: Line, mut lines: Line) {
trace!("Scrolling down relative: origin={}, lines={}", origin, lines);
lines = min(lines, self.scroll_region.end - self.scroll_region.start);
lines = min(lines, self.scroll_region.end - origin);
let template = Cell { bg:, ..Cell::default() };
self.grid.scroll_down(&(origin..self.scroll_region.end), lines, &template);
fn scroll_up_relative(&mut self, origin: Line, lines: Line) {
trace!("Scrolling up relative: origin={}, lines={}", origin, lines);
let lines = min(lines, self.scroll_region.end - self.scroll_region.start);
let template = Cell { bg:, ..Cell::default() };
self.grid.scroll_up(&(origin..self.scroll_region.end), lines, &template);
fn deccolm(&mut self)
T: EventListener,
self.set_scrolling_region(1, self.grid.num_lines().0);
let template = self.cursor.template;
self.grid.region_mut(..).each(|c| c.reset(&template));
pub fn background_color(&self) -> Rgb {
pub fn exit(&mut self)
T: EventListener,
pub fn clipboard(&mut self) -> &mut Clipboard {
&mut self.clipboard
fn wrapline(&mut self)
T: EventListener,
if !self.mode.contains(TermMode::LINE_WRAP) {
trace!("Wrapping input");
if (self.cursor.point.line + 1) >= self.scroll_region.end {
} else {
self.cursor.point.line += 1;
self.cursor.point.col = Column(0);
self.input_needs_wrap = false;
fn write_at_cursor(&mut self, c: char) -> &mut Cell
T: EventListener,
let cell = &mut self.grid[&self.cursor.point];
*cell = self.cursor.template;
cell.c = self.cursor.charsets[self.active_charset].map(c);
impl<T> TermInfo for Term<T> {
fn lines(&self) -> Line {
fn cols(&self) -> Column {
impl<T: EventListener> Handler for Term<T> {
fn set_title(&mut self, title: &str) {
if self.dynamic_title {
trace!("Setting window title to '{}'", title);
self.title = title.into();
fn set_title(&mut self, title: &str) {
if self.dynamic_title {
trace!("Setting window title to '{}'", title);
let title = if !tty::is_conpty() && title.starts_with(' ') {
format!("Alacritty {}", title.trim())
} else {
self.title = title.clone();
fn input(&mut self, c: char) {
let width = match c.width() {
Some(width) => width,
None => return,
if width == 0 {
let mut col = self.cursor.point.col.0.saturating_sub(1);
let line = self.cursor.point.line;
if self.grid[line][Column(col)].flags.contains(Flags::WIDE_CHAR_SPACER) {
col = col.saturating_sub(1);
if self.input_needs_wrap {
let num_cols = self.grid.num_cols();
if self.mode.contains(TermMode::INSERT) && self.cursor.point.col + width < num_cols {
let line = self.cursor.point.line;
let col = self.cursor.point.col;
let line = &mut self.grid[line];
let src = line[col..].as_ptr();
let dst = line[(col + width)..].as_mut_ptr();
unsafe {
ptr::copy(src, dst, (num_cols - col - width).0);
if width == 1 {
} else {
if self.cursor.point.col + 1 >= num_cols {
self.write_at_cursor(' ').flags.insert(Flags::WIDE_CHAR_SPACER);
self.cursor.point.col += 1;
self.write_at_cursor(' ').flags.insert(Flags::WIDE_CHAR_SPACER);
if self.cursor.point.col + 1 < num_cols {
self.cursor.point.col += 1;
} else {
self.input_needs_wrap = true;
fn decaln(&mut self) {
let template = Cell { c: 'E', ..Cell::default() };
self.grid.region_mut(..).each(|c| c.reset(&template));
fn goto(&mut self, line: Line, col: Column) {
trace!("Going to: line={}, col={}", line, col);
let (y_offset, max_y) = if self.mode.contains(TermMode::ORIGIN) {
(self.scroll_region.start, self.scroll_region.end - 1)
} else {
(Line(0), self.grid.num_lines() - 1)
self.cursor.point.line = min(line + y_offset, max_y);
self.cursor.point.col = min(col, self.grid.num_cols() - 1);
self.input_needs_wrap = false;
fn goto_line(&mut self, line: Line) {
trace!("Going to line: {}", line);
self.goto(line, self.cursor.point.col)
fn goto_col(&mut self, col: Column) {
trace!("Going to column: {}", col);
self.goto(self.cursor.point.line, col)
fn insert_blank(&mut self, count: Column) {
let count = min(count, self.grid.num_cols() - self.cursor.point.col);
let source = self.cursor.point.col;
let destination = self.cursor.point.col + count;
let num_cells = (self.grid.num_cols() - destination).0;
let line = &mut self.grid[self.cursor.point.line];
unsafe {
let src = line[source..].as_ptr();
let dst = line[destination..].as_mut_ptr();
ptr::copy(src, dst, num_cells);
for c in &mut line[source..destination] {
fn move_up(&mut self, lines: Line) {
trace!("Moving up: {}", lines);
let move_to = Line(self.cursor.point.line.0.saturating_sub(lines.0));
self.goto(move_to, self.cursor.point.col)
fn move_down(&mut self, lines: Line) {
trace!("Moving down: {}", lines);
let move_to = self.cursor.point.line + lines;
self.goto(move_to, self.cursor.point.col)
fn move_forward(&mut self, cols: Column) {
trace!("Moving forward: {}", cols);
self.cursor.point.col = min(self.cursor.point.col + cols, self.grid.num_cols() - 1);
self.input_needs_wrap = false;
fn move_backward(&mut self, cols: Column) {
trace!("Moving backward: {}", cols);
self.cursor.point.col -= min(self.cursor.point.col, cols);
self.input_needs_wrap = false;
fn identify_terminal<W: io::Write>(&mut self, writer: &mut W) {
trace!("Reporting terminal identity");
let _ = writer.write_all(b"\x1b[?6c");
fn device_status<W: io::Write>(&mut self, writer: &mut W, arg: usize) {
trace!("Reporting device status: {}", arg);
match arg {
5 => {
let _ = writer.write_all(b"\x1b[0n");
6 => {
let pos = self.cursor.point;
let response = format!("\x1b[{};{}R", pos.line + 1, pos.col + 1);
let _ = writer.write_all(response.as_bytes());
_ => debug!("unknown device status query: {}", arg),
fn move_down_and_cr(&mut self, lines: Line) {
trace!("Moving down and cr: {}", lines);
let move_to = self.cursor.point.line + lines;
self.goto(move_to, Column(0))
fn move_up_and_cr(&mut self, lines: Line) {
trace!("Moving up and cr: {}", lines);
let move_to = Line(self.cursor.point.line.0.saturating_sub(lines.0));
self.goto(move_to, Column(0))
fn put_tab(&mut self, mut count: i64) {
trace!("Putting tab: {}", count);
while self.cursor.point.col < self.grid.num_cols() && count != 0 {
count -= 1;
let cell = &mut self.grid[&self.cursor.point];
if cell.c == ' ' {
cell.c = self.cursor.charsets[self.active_charset].map('\t');
loop {
if (self.cursor.point.col + 1) == self.grid.num_cols() {
self.cursor.point.col += 1;
if self.tabs[self.cursor.point.col] {
self.input_needs_wrap = false;
fn backspace(&mut self) {
if self.cursor.point.col > Column(0) {
self.cursor.point.col -= 1;
self.input_needs_wrap = false;
fn carriage_return(&mut self) {
trace!("Carriage return");
self.cursor.point.col = Column(0);
self.input_needs_wrap = false;
fn linefeed(&mut self) {
let next = self.cursor.point.line + 1;
if next == self.scroll_region.end {
} else if next < self.grid.num_lines() {
self.cursor.point.line += 1;
fn bell(&mut self) {
fn substitute(&mut self) {
trace!("[unimplemented] Substitute");
fn newline(&mut self) {
if self.mode.contains(TermMode::LINE_FEED_NEW_LINE) {
fn set_horizontal_tabstop(&mut self) {
trace!("Setting horizontal tabstop");
let column = self.cursor.point.col;
self.tabs[column] = true;
fn scroll_up(&mut self, lines: Line) {
let origin = self.scroll_region.start;
self.scroll_up_relative(origin, lines);
fn scroll_down(&mut self, lines: Line) {
let origin = self.scroll_region.start;
self.scroll_down_relative(origin, lines);
fn insert_blank_lines(&mut self, lines: Line) {
trace!("Inserting blank {} lines", lines);
if self.scroll_region.contains(&self.cursor.point.line) {
let origin = self.cursor.point.line;
self.scroll_down_relative(origin, lines);
fn delete_lines(&mut self, lines: Line) {
let origin = self.cursor.point.line;
let lines = min(self.lines() - origin, lines);
trace!("Deleting {} lines", lines);
if lines.0 > 0 && self.scroll_region.contains(&self.cursor.point.line) {
self.scroll_up_relative(origin, lines);
fn erase_chars(&mut self, count: Column) {
trace!("Erasing chars: count={}, col={}", count, self.cursor.point.col);
let start = self.cursor.point.col;
let end = min(start + count, self.grid.num_cols());
let row = &mut self.grid[self.cursor.point.line];
for c in &mut row[start..end] {
fn delete_chars(&mut self, count: Column) {
let cols = self.grid.num_cols();
let count = min(count, cols);
let start = self.cursor.point.col;
let end = min(start + count, cols - 1);
let n = (cols - end).0;
let line = &mut self.grid[self.cursor.point.line];
unsafe {
let src = line[end..].as_ptr();
let dst = line[start..].as_mut_ptr();
ptr::copy(src, dst, n);
let end = cols - count;
for c in &mut line[end..] {
fn move_backward_tabs(&mut self, count: i64) {
trace!("Moving backward {} tabs", count);
for _ in 0..count {
let mut col = self.cursor.point.col;
for i in (0..(col.0)).rev() {
if self.tabs[index::Column(i)] {
col = index::Column(i);
self.cursor.point.col = col;
fn move_forward_tabs(&mut self, count: i64) {
trace!("[unimplemented] Moving forward {} tabs", count);
fn save_cursor_position(&mut self) {
trace!("Saving cursor position");
let cursor = if self.alt { &mut self.cursor_save_alt } else { &mut self.cursor_save };
*cursor = self.cursor;
fn restore_cursor_position(&mut self) {
trace!("Restoring cursor position");
let source = if self.alt { &self.cursor_save_alt } else { &self.cursor_save };
self.cursor = *source;
self.cursor.point.line = min(self.cursor.point.line, self.grid.num_lines() - 1);
self.cursor.point.col = min(self.cursor.point.col, self.grid.num_cols() - 1);
fn clear_line(&mut self, mode: ansi::LineClearMode) {
trace!("Clearing line: {:?}", mode);
let col = self.cursor.point.col;
match mode {
ansi::LineClearMode::Right => {
let row = &mut self.grid[self.cursor.point.line];
for cell in &mut row[col..] {
ansi::LineClearMode::Left => {
let row = &mut self.grid[self.cursor.point.line];
for cell in &mut row[..=col] {
ansi::LineClearMode::All => {
let row = &mut self.grid[self.cursor.point.line];
for cell in &mut row[..] {
fn set_color(&mut self, index: usize, color: Rgb) {
trace!("Setting color[{}] = {:?}", index, color);
self.colors[index] = color;
self.color_modified[index] = true;
fn dynamic_color_sequence<W: io::Write>(&mut self, writer: &mut W, code: u8, index: usize) {
trace!("Writing escape sequence for dynamic color code {}: color[{}]", code, index);
let color = self.colors[index];
let response = format!(
code, color.r, color.g, color.b
let _ = writer.write_all(response.as_bytes());
fn reset_color(&mut self, index: usize) {
trace!("Resetting color[{}]", index);
self.colors[index] = self.original_colors[index];
self.color_modified[index] = false;
fn set_clipboard(&mut self, clipboard: u8, base64: &[u8]) {
let clipboard_type = match clipboard {
b'c' => ClipboardType::Clipboard,
b'p' | b's' => ClipboardType::Selection,
_ => return,
if let Ok(bytes) = base64::decode(base64) {
if let Ok(text) = str::from_utf8(&bytes) {, text);
fn write_clipboard<W: io::Write>(&mut self, clipboard: u8, writer: &mut W) {
let clipboard_type = match clipboard {
b'c' => ClipboardType::Clipboard,
b'p' | b's' => ClipboardType::Selection,
_ => return,
let text = self.clipboard.load(clipboard_type);
let base64 = base64::encode(&text);
let escape = format!("\x1b]52;{};{}\x07", clipboard as char, base64);
let _ = writer.write_all(escape.as_bytes());
fn clear_screen(&mut self, mode: ansi::ClearMode) {
trace!("Clearing screen: {:?}", mode);
let template = self.cursor.template;
self.grid.selection = None;
match mode {
ansi::ClearMode::Above => {
if self.cursor.point.line > Line(1) {
.each(|cell| cell.reset(&template));
let end = min(self.cursor.point.col + 1, self.grid.num_cols());
for cell in &mut self.grid[self.cursor.point.line][..end] {
ansi::ClearMode::Below => {
for cell in &mut self.grid[self.cursor.point.line][self.cursor.point.col..] {
if self.cursor.point.line < self.grid.num_lines() - 1 {
.region_mut((self.cursor.point.line + 1)..)
.each(|cell| cell.reset(&template));
ansi::ClearMode::All => {
if self.mode.contains(TermMode::ALT_SCREEN) {
self.grid.region_mut(..).each(|c| c.reset(&template));
} else {
let template = Cell { bg:, ..Cell::default() };
ansi::ClearMode::Saved => self.grid.clear_history(),
fn clear_tabs(&mut self, mode: ansi::TabulationClearMode) {
trace!("Clearing tabs: {:?}", mode);
match mode {
ansi::TabulationClearMode::Current => {
let column = self.cursor.point.col;
self.tabs[column] = false;
ansi::TabulationClearMode::All => {
fn reset_state(&mut self) {
if self.alt {
self.input_needs_wrap = false;
self.cursor = Default::default();
self.active_charset = Default::default();
self.mode = Default::default();
self.cursor_save = Default::default();
self.cursor_save_alt = Default::default();
self.colors = self.original_colors;
self.color_modified = [false; color::COUNT];
self.cursor_style = None;
self.scroll_region = Line(0)..self.grid.num_lines();
self.title = DEFAULT_NAME.to_string();
fn reverse_index(&mut self) {
trace!("Reversing index");
if self.cursor.point.line == self.scroll_region.start {
} else {
self.cursor.point.line -= min(self.cursor.point.line, Line(1));
fn terminal_attribute(&mut self, attr: Attr) {
trace!("Setting attribute: {:?}", attr);
match attr {
Attr::Foreground(color) => self.cursor.template.fg = color,
Attr::Background(color) => = color,
Attr::Reset => {
self.cursor.template.fg = Color::Named(NamedColor::Foreground); = Color::Named(NamedColor::Background);
self.cursor.template.flags = Flags::empty();
Attr::Reverse => self.cursor.template.flags.insert(Flags::INVERSE),
Attr::CancelReverse => self.cursor.template.flags.remove(Flags::INVERSE),
Attr::Bold => self.cursor.template.flags.insert(Flags::BOLD),
Attr::CancelBold => self.cursor.template.flags.remove(Flags::BOLD),
Attr::Dim => self.cursor.template.flags.insert(Flags::DIM),
Attr::CancelBoldDim => self.cursor.template.flags.remove(Flags::BOLD | Flags::DIM),
Attr::Italic => self.cursor.template.flags.insert(Flags::ITALIC),
Attr::CancelItalic => self.cursor.template.flags.remove(Flags::ITALIC),
Attr::Underline => self.cursor.template.flags.insert(Flags::UNDERLINE),
Attr::CancelUnderline => self.cursor.template.flags.remove(Flags::UNDERLINE),
Attr::Hidden => self.cursor.template.flags.insert(Flags::HIDDEN),
Attr::CancelHidden => self.cursor.template.flags.remove(Flags::HIDDEN),
Attr::Strike => self.cursor.template.flags.insert(Flags::STRIKEOUT),
Attr::CancelStrike => self.cursor.template.flags.remove(Flags::STRIKEOUT),
_ => {
debug!("Term got unhandled attr: {:?}", attr);
fn set_mode(&mut self, mode: ansi::Mode) {
trace!("Setting mode: {:?}", mode);
match mode {
ansi::Mode::SwapScreenAndSetRestoreCursor => {
if !self.alt {
ansi::Mode::ShowCursor => self.mode.insert(TermMode::SHOW_CURSOR),
ansi::Mode::CursorKeys => self.mode.insert(TermMode::APP_CURSOR),
ansi::Mode::ReportMouseClicks => {
ansi::Mode::ReportCellMouseMotion => {
ansi::Mode::ReportAllMouseMotion => {
ansi::Mode::ReportFocusInOut => self.mode.insert(TermMode::FOCUS_IN_OUT),
ansi::Mode::BracketedPaste => self.mode.insert(TermMode::BRACKETED_PASTE),
ansi::Mode::SgrMouse => {
ansi::Mode::Utf8Mouse => {
ansi::Mode::AlternateScroll => self.mode.insert(TermMode::ALTERNATE_SCROLL),
ansi::Mode::LineWrap => self.mode.insert(TermMode::LINE_WRAP),
ansi::Mode::LineFeedNewLine => self.mode.insert(TermMode::LINE_FEED_NEW_LINE),
ansi::Mode::Origin => self.mode.insert(TermMode::ORIGIN),
ansi::Mode::DECCOLM => self.deccolm(),
ansi::Mode::Insert => self.mode.insert(TermMode::INSERT), ansi::Mode::BlinkingCursor => {
trace!("... unimplemented mode");
fn unset_mode(&mut self, mode: ansi::Mode) {
trace!("Unsetting mode: {:?}", mode);
match mode {
ansi::Mode::SwapScreenAndSetRestoreCursor => {
if self.alt {
ansi::Mode::ShowCursor => self.mode.remove(TermMode::SHOW_CURSOR),
ansi::Mode::CursorKeys => self.mode.remove(TermMode::APP_CURSOR),
ansi::Mode::ReportMouseClicks => {
ansi::Mode::ReportCellMouseMotion => {
ansi::Mode::ReportAllMouseMotion => {
ansi::Mode::ReportFocusInOut => self.mode.remove(TermMode::FOCUS_IN_OUT),
ansi::Mode::BracketedPaste => self.mode.remove(TermMode::BRACKETED_PASTE),
ansi::Mode::SgrMouse => self.mode.remove(TermMode::SGR_MOUSE),
ansi::Mode::Utf8Mouse => self.mode.remove(TermMode::UTF8_MOUSE),
ansi::Mode::AlternateScroll => self.mode.remove(TermMode::ALTERNATE_SCROLL),
ansi::Mode::LineWrap => self.mode.remove(TermMode::LINE_WRAP),
ansi::Mode::LineFeedNewLine => self.mode.remove(TermMode::LINE_FEED_NEW_LINE),
ansi::Mode::Origin => self.mode.remove(TermMode::ORIGIN),
ansi::Mode::DECCOLM => self.deccolm(),
ansi::Mode::Insert => self.mode.remove(TermMode::INSERT),
ansi::Mode::BlinkingCursor => {
trace!("... unimplemented mode");
fn set_scrolling_region(&mut self, top: usize, bottom: usize) {
if top >= bottom {
debug!("Invalid scrolling region: ({};{})", top, bottom);
let start = Line(top - 1);
let end = Line(bottom);
trace!("Setting scrolling region: ({};{})", start, end);
self.scroll_region.start = min(start, self.grid.num_lines());
self.scroll_region.end = min(end, self.grid.num_lines());
self.goto(Line(0), Column(0));
fn set_keypad_application_mode(&mut self) {
trace!("Setting keypad application mode");
fn unset_keypad_application_mode(&mut self) {
trace!("Unsetting keypad application mode");
fn configure_charset(&mut self, index: CharsetIndex, charset: StandardCharset) {
trace!("Configuring charset {:?} as {:?}", index, charset);
self.cursor.charsets[index] = charset;
fn set_active_charset(&mut self, index: CharsetIndex) {
trace!("Setting active charset {:?}", index);
self.active_charset = index;
fn set_cursor_style(&mut self, style: Option<CursorStyle>) {
trace!("Setting cursor style {:?}", style);
self.cursor_style = style;
fn push_title(&mut self) {
trace!("Pushing '{}' onto title stack", self.title);
if self.title_stack.len() >= TITLE_STACK_MAX_DEPTH {
let removed = self.title_stack.remove(0);
"Removing '{}' from bottom of title stack that exceeds its maximum depth",
fn pop_title(&mut self) {
trace!("Attempting to pop title from stack...");
if let Some(popped) = self.title_stack.pop() {
trace!("Title '{}' popped from stack", popped);
struct TabStops {
tabs: Vec<bool>,
impl TabStops {
fn new(num_cols: Column, tabspaces: usize) -> TabStops {
TabStops {
tabs: IndexRange::from(Column(0)..num_cols)
.map(|i| (*i as usize) % tabspaces == 0)
fn clear_all(&mut self) {
unsafe {
ptr::write_bytes(self.tabs.as_mut_ptr(), 0, self.tabs.len());
impl Index<Column> for TabStops {
type Output = bool;
fn index(&self, index: Column) -> &bool {
impl IndexMut<Column> for TabStops {
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: Column) -> &mut bool {
mod tests {
use std::mem;
use crate::ansi::{self, CharsetIndex, Handler, StandardCharset};
use crate::clipboard::Clipboard;
use crate::config::MockConfig;
use crate::event::{Event, EventListener};
use crate::grid::{Grid, Scroll};
use crate::index::{Column, Line, Point, Side};
use crate::selection::Selection;
use crate::term::cell::{Cell, Flags};
use crate::term::{SizeInfo, Term};
struct Mock;
impl EventListener for Mock {
fn send_event(&self, _event: Event) {}
fn semantic_selection_works() {
let size = SizeInfo {
width: 21.0,
height: 51.0,
cell_width: 3.0,
cell_height: 3.0,
padding_x: 0.0,
padding_y: 0.0,
dpr: 1.0,
let mut term = Term::new(&MockConfig::default(), &size, Clipboard::new_nop(), Mock);
let mut grid: Grid<Cell> = Grid::new(Line(3), Column(5), 0, Cell::default());
for i in 0..5 {
for j in 0..2 {
grid[Line(j)][Column(i)].c = 'a';
grid[Line(0)][Column(0)].c = '"';
grid[Line(0)][Column(3)].c = '"';
grid[Line(1)][Column(2)].c = '"';
let mut escape_chars = String::from("\"");
mem::swap(&mut term.grid, &mut grid);
mem::swap(&mut term.semantic_escape_chars, &mut escape_chars);
*term.selection_mut() = Some(Selection::semantic(Point { line: 2, col: Column(1) }));
assert_eq!(term.selection_to_string(), Some(String::from("aa")));
*term.selection_mut() = Some(Selection::semantic(Point { line: 2, col: Column(4) }));
assert_eq!(term.selection_to_string(), Some(String::from("aaa")));
*term.selection_mut() = Some(Selection::semantic(Point { line: 1, col: Column(1) }));
assert_eq!(term.selection_to_string(), Some(String::from("aaa")));
fn line_selection_works() {
let size = SizeInfo {
width: 21.0,
height: 51.0,
cell_width: 3.0,
cell_height: 3.0,
padding_x: 0.0,
padding_y: 0.0,
dpr: 1.0,
let mut term = Term::new(&MockConfig::default(), &size, Clipboard::new_nop(), Mock);
let mut grid: Grid<Cell> = Grid::new(Line(1), Column(5), 0, Cell::default());
for i in 0..5 {
grid[Line(0)][Column(i)].c = 'a';
grid[Line(0)][Column(0)].c = '"';
grid[Line(0)][Column(3)].c = '"';
mem::swap(&mut term.grid, &mut grid);
*term.selection_mut() = Some(Selection::lines(Point { line: 0, col: Column(3) }));
assert_eq!(term.selection_to_string(), Some(String::from("\"aa\"a\n")));
fn selecting_empty_line() {
let size = SizeInfo {
width: 21.0,
height: 51.0,
cell_width: 3.0,
cell_height: 3.0,
padding_x: 0.0,
padding_y: 0.0,
dpr: 1.0,
let mut term = Term::new(&MockConfig::default(), &size, Clipboard::new_nop(), Mock);
let mut grid: Grid<Cell> = Grid::new(Line(3), Column(3), 0, Cell::default());
for l in 0..3 {
if l != 1 {
for c in 0..3 {
grid[Line(l)][Column(c)].c = 'a';
mem::swap(&mut term.grid, &mut grid);
let mut selection = Selection::simple(Point { line: 2, col: Column(0) }, Side::Left);
selection.update(Point { line: 0, col: Column(2) }, Side::Right);
*term.selection_mut() = Some(selection);
assert_eq!(term.selection_to_string(), Some("aaa\n\naaa\n".into()));
fn grid_serde() {
let template = Cell::default();
let grid: Grid<Cell> = Grid::new(Line(24), Column(80), 0, template);
let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&grid).expect("ser");
let deserialized = serde_json::from_str::<Grid<Cell>>(&serialized).expect("de");
assert_eq!(deserialized, grid);
fn input_line_drawing_character() {
let size = SizeInfo {
width: 21.0,
height: 51.0,
cell_width: 3.0,
cell_height: 3.0,
padding_x: 0.0,
padding_y: 0.0,
dpr: 1.0,
let mut term = Term::new(&MockConfig::default(), &size, Clipboard::new_nop(), Mock);
let cursor = Point::new(Line(0), Column(0));
term.configure_charset(CharsetIndex::G0, StandardCharset::SpecialCharacterAndLineDrawing);
assert_eq!(term.grid()[&cursor].c, '▒');
fn clear_saved_lines() {
let size = SizeInfo {
width: 21.0,
height: 51.0,
cell_width: 3.0,
cell_height: 3.0,
padding_x: 0.0,
padding_y: 0.0,
dpr: 1.0,
let mut term = Term::new(&MockConfig::default(), &size, Clipboard::new_nop(), Mock);
term.grid.scroll_up(&(Line(0)..Line(1)), Line(1), &Cell::default());
let mut scrolled_grid = term.grid.clone();
assert_eq!(term.grid, scrolled_grid);
fn window_title() {
let size = SizeInfo {
width: 21.0,
height: 51.0,
cell_width: 3.0,
cell_height: 3.0,
padding_x: 0.0,
padding_y: 0.0,
dpr: 1.0,
let mut term = Term::new(&MockConfig::default(), &size, Clipboard::new_nop(), Mock);
term.title = "Test".to_string();
assert_eq!(term.title, "Test");
term.title = "Next".to_string();
assert_eq!(term.title, "Next");
assert_eq!(term.title_stack.get(0).unwrap(), "Test");
assert_eq!(term.title, "Test");
for _ in 0..4097 {
assert_eq!(term.title_stack.len(), 4096);
assert_eq!(term.title, "Alacritty");
#[cfg(all(test, feature = "bench"))]
mod benches {
extern crate serde_json as json;
extern crate test;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Read;
use std::mem;
use std::path::Path;
use crate::clipboard::Clipboard;
use crate::config::MockConfig;
use crate::event::{Event, EventListener};
use crate::grid::Grid;
use super::cell::Cell;
use super::{SizeInfo, Term};
struct Mock;
impl EventListener for Mock {
fn send_event(&self, _event: Event) {}
fn read_string<P>(path: P) -> String
P: AsRef<Path>,
let mut res = String::new();
File::open(path.as_ref()).unwrap().read_to_string(&mut res).unwrap();
fn render_iter(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
let serialized_grid = read_string(concat!(
let serialized_size = read_string(concat!(
let mut grid: Grid<Cell> = json::from_str(&serialized_grid).unwrap();
let size: SizeInfo = json::from_str(&serialized_size).unwrap();
let config = MockConfig::default();
let mut terminal = Term::new(&config, &size, Clipboard::new_nop(), Mock);
mem::swap(&mut terminal.grid, &mut grid);
b.iter(|| {
let iter = terminal.renderable_cells(&config);
for cell in iter {