1// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
45/// Export all the lowlevel types in one module to simplify generated code.
6mod lowlevel {
7mod arguments;
8mod command;
9mod response;
1011pub mod write_to;
1213pub use arguments::{Argument, Arguments, DelimitedArguments};
14pub use command::Command;
15pub use response::{HardcodedError, Response};
1718mod generated {
19pub mod translate;
20pub mod types;
2223// Reexport all the highlevel types in one module to simplify generated code.
24mod highlevel {
25pub use crate::generated::types::{Command, Success};
26pub use crate::response::{HardcodedError, Response};
2829mod translate {
30pub use crate::generated::translate::{lower_command, raise_command};
31pub use crate::translate_response::{lower_response, raise_response};
3334mod parser {
35mod arguments_parser;
36pub mod command_grammar;
37pub mod command_parser;
38pub mod common;
39pub mod response_grammar;
40pub mod response_parser;
4243mod response;
44mod serde;
45mod translate_response;
46mod translate_util;
4748// Reexport generated high level types and functions for use by clients.
49pub use generated::translate::*;
50pub use generated::types::*;
51pub use response::*;
52pub use serde::*;