
1/* Copyright 2016 The encode_unicode Developers
2 *
3 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, <LICENSE-APACHE or
4 * http://apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or
5 * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your option. This file may not be
6 * copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
7 */
9use errors::{FromStrError, EmptyStrError, NonAsciiError, InvalidUtf8Slice, InvalidUtf8Array};
10use utf8_iterators::Utf8Iterator;
11use traits::{CharExt, U8UtfExt};
12use utf16_char::Utf16Char;
13extern crate core;
14use self::core::{hash, fmt, str, ptr};
15use self::core::cmp::Ordering;
16use self::core::borrow::Borrow;
17use self::core::ops::Deref;
18use self::core::mem::transmute;
20use self::core::iter::FromIterator;
23use std::ascii::AsciiExt;
25extern crate ascii;
27use self::ascii::{AsciiChar,ToAsciiChar,ToAsciiCharError};
30// I don't think there is any good default value for char, but char does.
32// char doesn't do anything more advanced than u32 for Eq/Ord, so we shouldn't either.
33// The default impl of Ord for arrays works out because longer codepoints
34//     start with more ones, so if they're equal, the length is the same,
35// breaks down for values above 0x1f_ff_ff but those can only be created by unsafe code.
36#[derive(PartialEq,Eq, PartialOrd,Ord)]
41/// An unicode codepoint stored as UTF-8.
43/// It can be borrowed as a `str`, and has the same size as `char`.
44pub struct Utf8Char {
45    bytes: [u8; 4],
49  /////////////////////
50 //conversion traits//
52impl str::FromStr for Utf8Char {
53    type Err = FromStrError;
54    /// Create an `Utf8Char` from a string slice.
55    /// The string must contain exactly one codepoint.
56    ///
57    /// # Examples
58    ///
59    /// ```
60    /// use encode_unicode::error::FromStrError::*;
61    /// use encode_unicode::Utf8Char;
62    /// use std::str::FromStr;
63    ///
64    /// assert_eq!(Utf8Char::from_str("a"), Ok(Utf8Char::from('a')));
65    /// assert_eq!(Utf8Char::from_str("šŸ‚ "), Ok(Utf8Char::from('šŸ‚ ')));
66    /// assert_eq!(Utf8Char::from_str(""), Err(Empty));
67    /// assert_eq!(Utf8Char::from_str("ab"), Err(MultipleCodepoints));
68    /// assert_eq!(Utf8Char::from_str("eĢ"), Err(MultipleCodepoints));// 'e'+u301 combining mark
69    /// ```
70    fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, FromStrError> {
71        if s.is_empty() {
72            Err(FromStrError::Empty)
73        } else if s.len() != 1+s.as_bytes()[0].extra_utf8_bytes_unchecked() {
74            Err(FromStrError::MultipleCodepoints)
75        } else {
76            let mut bytes = [0; 4];
77            bytes[..s.len()].copy_from_slice(s.as_bytes());
78            Ok(Utf8Char{bytes: bytes})
79        }
80    }
82impl From<Utf16Char> for Utf8Char {
83    fn from(utf16: Utf16Char) -> Utf8Char {
84        match utf16.to_tuple() {
85            (a @ 0...0x00_7f, _) => {
86                Utf8Char{ bytes: [a as u8, 0, 0, 0] }
87            },
88            (u @ 0...0x07_ff, _) => {
89                let b = 0x80 |  (u & 0x00_3f) as u8;
90                let a = 0xc0 | ((u & 0x07_c0) >> 6) as u8;
91                Utf8Char{ bytes: [a, b, 0, 0] }
92            },
93            (u, None) => {
94                let c = 0x80 |  (u & 0x00_3f) as u8;
95                let b = 0x80 | ((u & 0x0f_c0) >> 6) as u8;
96                let a = 0xe0 | ((u & 0xf0_00) >> 12) as u8;
97                Utf8Char{ bytes: [a, b, c, 0] }
98            },
99            (f, Some(s)) => {
100                let f = f + (0x01_00_00u32 >> 10) as u16;
101                let d = 0x80 |  (s & 0x00_3f) as u8;
102                let c = 0x80 | ((s & 0x03_c0) >> 6) as u8
103                             | ((f & 0x00_03) << 4) as u8;
104                let b = 0x80 | ((f & 0x00_fc) >> 2) as u8;
105                let a = 0xf0 | ((f & 0x07_00) >> 8) as u8;
106                Utf8Char{ bytes: [a, b, c, d] }
107            }
108        }
109    }
111impl From<char> for Utf8Char {
112    fn from(c: char) -> Self {
113        Utf8Char{ bytes: c.to_utf8_array().0 }
114    }
116impl From<Utf8Char> for char {
117    fn from(uc: Utf8Char) -> char {
118        unsafe{ char::from_utf8_exact_slice_unchecked(&uc.bytes[..uc.len()]) }
119    }
121impl IntoIterator for Utf8Char {
122    type Item=u8;
123    type IntoIter=Utf8Iterator;
124    /// Iterate over the byte values.
125    fn into_iter(self) -> Utf8Iterator {
126        Utf8Iterator::from(self)
127    }
131impl Extend<Utf8Char> for Vec<u8> {
132    fn extend<I:IntoIterator<Item=Utf8Char>>(&mut self,  iter: I) {
133        let iter = iter.into_iter();
134        self.reserve(iter.size_hint().0);
135        for u8c in iter {
136            // twice as fast as self.extend_from_slice(u8c.as_bytes());
137            self.push(u8c.bytes[0]);
138            for &extra in &u8c.bytes[1..] {
139                if extra != 0 {
140                    self.push(extra);
141                }
142            }
143        }
144    }
147impl<'a> Extend<&'a Utf8Char> for Vec<u8> {
148    fn extend<I:IntoIterator<Item=&'a Utf8Char>>(&mut self,  iter: I) {
149        self.extend(iter.into_iter().cloned())
150    }
153impl Extend<Utf8Char> for String {
154    fn extend<I:IntoIterator<Item=Utf8Char>>(&mut self,  iter: I) {
155        unsafe { self.as_mut_vec().extend(iter) }
156    }
159impl<'a> Extend<&'a Utf8Char> for String {
160    fn extend<I:IntoIterator<Item=&'a Utf8Char>>(&mut self,  iter: I) {
161        self.extend(iter.into_iter().cloned())
162    }
165impl FromIterator<Utf8Char> for String {
166    fn from_iter<I:IntoIterator<Item=Utf8Char>>(iter: I) -> String {
167        let mut string = String::new();
168        string.extend(iter);
169        return string;
170    }
173impl<'a> FromIterator<&'a Utf8Char> for String {
174    fn from_iter<I:IntoIterator<Item=&'a Utf8Char>>(iter: I) -> String {
175        iter.into_iter().cloned().collect()
176    }
179impl FromIterator<Utf8Char> for Vec<u8> {
180    fn from_iter<I:IntoIterator<Item=Utf8Char>>(iter: I) -> Self {
181        iter.into_iter().collect::<String>().into_bytes()
182    }
185impl<'a> FromIterator<&'a Utf8Char> for Vec<u8> {
186    fn from_iter<I:IntoIterator<Item=&'a Utf8Char>>(iter: I) -> Self {
187        iter.into_iter().cloned().collect::<String>().into_bytes()
188    }
192  /////////////////
193 //getter traits//
195impl AsRef<[u8]> for Utf8Char {
196    fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8] {
197        &self.bytes[..self.len()]
198    }
200impl AsRef<str> for Utf8Char {
201    fn as_ref(&self) -> &str {
202        unsafe{ str::from_utf8_unchecked( self.as_ref() ) }
203    }
205impl Borrow<[u8]> for Utf8Char {
206    fn borrow(&self) -> &[u8] {
207        self.as_ref()
208    }
210impl Borrow<str> for Utf8Char {
211    fn borrow(&self) -> &str {
212        self.as_ref()
213    }
215impl Deref for Utf8Char {
216    type Target = str;
217    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
218        self.as_ref()
219    }
223  ////////////////
224 //ascii traits//
228impl AsciiExt for Utf8Char {
229    type Owned = Utf8Char;
230    fn is_ascii(&self) -> bool {
231        self.bytes[0].is_ascii()
232    }
233    fn eq_ignore_ascii_case(&self,  other: &Self) -> bool {
234        if self.is_ascii() {self.bytes[0].eq_ignore_ascii_case(&other.bytes[0])}
235        else               {self == other}
236    }
237    fn to_ascii_uppercase(&self) -> Self::Owned {
238        let mut uc = *self;
239        uc.make_ascii_uppercase();
240        uc
241    }
242    fn to_ascii_lowercase(&self) -> Self::Owned {
243        let mut uc = *self;
244        uc.make_ascii_lowercase();
245        uc
246    }
247    fn make_ascii_uppercase(&mut self) {
248        self.bytes[0].make_ascii_uppercase()
249    }
250    fn make_ascii_lowercase(&mut self) {
251        self.bytes[0].make_ascii_lowercase();
252    }
256/// Requires the feature "ascii".
257impl From<AsciiChar> for Utf8Char {
258    fn from(ac: AsciiChar) -> Self {
259        Utf8Char{ bytes: [ac.as_byte(),0,0,0] }
260    }
263/// Requires the feature "ascii".
264impl ToAsciiChar for Utf8Char {
265    fn to_ascii_char(self) -> Result<AsciiChar, ToAsciiCharError> {
266        self.bytes[0].to_ascii_char()
267    }
268    unsafe fn to_ascii_char_unchecked(self) -> AsciiChar {
269        self.bytes[0].to_ascii_char_unchecked()
270    }
274  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
275 //Genaral traits that cannot be derived to emulate char//
277impl hash::Hash for Utf8Char {
278    fn hash<H : hash::Hasher>(&self,  state: &mut H) {
279        self.to_char().hash(state);
280    }
282impl fmt::Debug for Utf8Char {
283    fn fmt(&self,  fmtr: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
284        fmt::Debug::fmt(&self.to_char(), fmtr)
285    }
287impl fmt::Display for Utf8Char {
288    fn fmt(&self,  fmtr: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
289        fmtr.write_str(self.as_str())
290    }
294  ////////////////////////////////
295 //Comparisons with other types//
297impl PartialEq<char> for Utf8Char {
298    fn eq(&self,  u32c: &char) -> bool {
299        *self == Utf8Char::from(*u32c)
300    }
302impl PartialEq<Utf8Char> for char {
303    fn eq(&self,  u8c: &Utf8Char) -> bool {
304        Utf8Char::from(*self) == *u8c
305    }
307impl PartialOrd<char> for Utf8Char {
308    fn partial_cmp(&self,  u32c: &char) -> Option<Ordering> {
309        self.partial_cmp(&Self::from(*u32c))
310    }
312impl PartialOrd<Utf8Char> for char {
313    fn partial_cmp(&self,  u8c: &Utf8Char) -> Option<Ordering> {
314        Utf8Char::from(*self).partial_cmp(u8c)
315    }
318impl PartialEq<Utf16Char> for Utf8Char {
319    fn eq(&self,  u16c: &Utf16Char) -> bool {
320        *self == Self::from(*u16c)
321    }
323impl PartialOrd<Utf16Char> for Utf8Char {
324    fn partial_cmp(&self,  u16c: &Utf16Char) -> Option<Ordering> {
325        self.partial_cmp(&Self::from(*u16c))
326    }
328// The other direction is implemented in utf16_char.rs
330/// Only considers the byte equal if both it and the `Utf8Char` represents ASCII characters.
332/// There is no impl in the opposite direction, as this should only be used to
333/// compare `Utf8Char`s against constants.
335/// # Examples
337/// ```
338/// # use encode_unicode::Utf8Char;
339/// assert!(Utf8Char::from('8') == b'8');
340/// assert!(Utf8Char::from_array([0xf1,0x80,0x80,0x80]).unwrap() != 0xf1);
341/// assert!(Utf8Char::from('\u{ff}') != 0xff);
342/// assert!(Utf8Char::from('\u{80}') != 0x80);
343/// ```
344impl PartialEq<u8> for Utf8Char {
345    fn eq(&self,  byte: &u8) -> bool {
346        self.bytes[0] == *byte  &&  self.bytes[1] == 0
347    }
349#[cfg(feature = "ascii")]
350/// `Utf8Char`s that are not ASCII never compare equal.
351impl PartialEq<AsciiChar> for Utf8Char {
352    #[inline]
353    fn eq(&self,  ascii: &AsciiChar) -> bool {
354        self.bytes[0] == *ascii as u8
355    }
357#[cfg(feature = "ascii")]
358/// `Utf8Char`s that are not ASCII never compare equal.
359impl PartialEq<Utf8Char> for AsciiChar {
360    #[inline]
361    fn eq(&self,  u8c: &Utf8Char) -> bool {
362        u8c == self
363    }
365#[cfg(feature = "ascii")]
366/// `Utf8Char`s that are not ASCII always compare greater.
367impl PartialOrd<AsciiChar> for Utf8Char {
368    #[inline]
369    fn partial_cmp(&self,  ascii: &AsciiChar) -> Option<Ordering> {
370        self.bytes[0].partial_cmp(ascii)
371    }
373#[cfg(feature = "ascii")]
374/// `Utf8Char`s that are not ASCII always compare greater.
375impl PartialOrd<Utf8Char> for AsciiChar {
376    #[inline]
377    fn partial_cmp(&self,  u8c: &Utf8Char) -> Option<Ordering> {
378        self.partial_cmp(&u8c.bytes[0])
379    }
383  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
384 //pub impls that should be together for nicer rustdoc//
386impl Utf8Char {
387    /// Create an `Utf8Char` from the first codepoint in a `str`.
388    ///
389    /// Returns an error if the `str` is empty.
390    ///
391    /// # Examples
392    ///
393    /// ```
394    /// use encode_unicode::Utf8Char;
395    ///
396    /// assert_eq!(Utf8Char::from_str_start("a"), Ok((Utf8Char::from('a'),1)));
397    /// assert_eq!(Utf8Char::from_str_start("ab"), Ok((Utf8Char::from('a'),1)));
398    /// assert_eq!(Utf8Char::from_str_start("šŸ‚  "), Ok((Utf8Char::from('šŸ‚ '),4)));
399    /// assert_eq!(Utf8Char::from_str_start("eĢ"), Ok((Utf8Char::from('e'),1)));// 'e'+u301 combining mark
400    /// assert!(Utf8Char::from_str_start("").is_err());
401    /// ```
402    pub fn from_str_start(src: &str) -> Result<(Self,usize),EmptyStrError> {
403        unsafe {
404            if src.is_empty() {
405                Err(EmptyStrError)
406            } else {
407                Ok(Utf8Char::from_slice_start_unchecked(src.as_bytes()))
408            }
409        }
410    }
411    /// Create an `Utf8Char` of the first codepoint in an UTF-8 slice.  
412    /// Also returns the length of the UTF-8 sequence for the codepoint.
413    ///
414    /// If the slice is from a `str`, use `::from_str_start()` to skip UTF-8 validation.
415    ///
416    /// # Errors
417    ///
418    /// Returns an `Err` if the slice is empty, doesn't start with a valid
419    /// UTF-8 sequence or is too short for the sequence.
420    ///
421    /// # Examples
422    ///
423    /// ```
424    /// use encode_unicode::Utf8Char;
425    /// use encode_unicode::error::InvalidUtf8Slice::*;
426    /// use encode_unicode::error::InvalidUtf8::*;
427    ///
428    /// assert_eq!(Utf8Char::from_slice_start(&[b'A', b'B', b'C']), Ok((Utf8Char::from('A'),1)));
429    /// assert_eq!(Utf8Char::from_slice_start(&[0xdd, 0xbb]), Ok((Utf8Char::from('\u{77b}'),2)));
430    ///
431    /// assert_eq!(Utf8Char::from_slice_start(&[]), Err(TooShort(1)));
432    /// assert_eq!(Utf8Char::from_slice_start(&[0xf0, 0x99]), Err(TooShort(4)));
433    /// assert_eq!(Utf8Char::from_slice_start(&[0xee, b'F', 0x80]), Err(Utf8(NotAContinuationByte(1))));
434    /// assert_eq!(Utf8Char::from_slice_start(&[0xee, 0x99, 0x0f]), Err(Utf8(NotAContinuationByte(2))));
435    /// ```
436    pub fn from_slice_start(src: &[u8]) -> Result<(Self,usize),InvalidUtf8Slice> {
437        char::from_utf8_slice_start(src).map(|(_,len)| {
438            let mut bytes = [0; 4];
439            bytes[..len].copy_from_slice(&src[..len]);
440            (Utf8Char{ bytes: bytes }, len)
441        })
442    }
443    /// A `from_slice_start()` that doesn't validate the codepoint.
444    ///
445    /// # Safety
446    ///
447    /// The slice must be non-empty and start with a valid UTF-8 codepoint.  
448    /// Invalid or incomplete values might cause reads of uninitalized memory.
449    pub unsafe fn from_slice_start_unchecked(src: &[u8]) -> (Self,usize) {
450        let len = 1+src.get_unchecked(0).extra_utf8_bytes_unchecked();
451        let mut bytes = [0; 4];
452        ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(src.as_ptr(), &mut bytes[0] as *mut u8, len);
453        (Utf8Char{ bytes: bytes }, len)
454    }
455    /// Create an `Utf8Char` from a byte array after validating it.
456    ///
457    /// The codepoint must start at the first byte.  
458    /// Unused bytes are set to zero by this function and so can be anything.
459    ///
460    /// # Errors
461    ///
462    /// Returns an `Err` if the array doesn't start with a valid UTF-8 sequence.
463    ///
464    /// # Examples
465    ///
466    /// ```
467    /// use encode_unicode::Utf8Char;
468    /// use encode_unicode::error::InvalidUtf8Array::*;
469    /// use encode_unicode::error::InvalidUtf8::*;
470    /// use encode_unicode::error::InvalidCodepoint::*;
471    ///
472    /// assert_eq!(Utf8Char::from_array([b'A', 0, 0, 0]), Ok(Utf8Char::from('A')));
473    /// assert_eq!(Utf8Char::from_array([0xf4, 0x8b, 0xbb, 0xbb]), Ok(Utf8Char::from('\u{10befb}')));
474    /// assert_eq!(Utf8Char::from_array([b'A', b'B', b'C', b'D']), Ok(Utf8Char::from('A')));
475    /// assert_eq!(Utf8Char::from_array([0, 0, 0xcc, 0xbb]), Ok(Utf8Char::from('\0')));
476    ///
477    /// assert_eq!(Utf8Char::from_array([0xef, b'F', 0x80, 0x80]), Err(Utf8(NotAContinuationByte(1))));
478    /// assert_eq!(Utf8Char::from_array([0xc1, 0x80, 0, 0]), Err(Utf8(OverLong)));
479    /// assert_eq!(Utf8Char::from_array([0xf7, 0xaa, 0x99, 0x88]), Err(Codepoint(TooHigh)));
480    /// ```
481    pub fn from_array(utf8: [u8;4]) -> Result<Self,InvalidUtf8Array> {
482        unsafe {
483            // perform all validation
484            try!(char::from_utf8_array(utf8));
485            let extra = utf8[0].extra_utf8_bytes_unchecked() as u32;
486            // zero unused bytes in one operation by transmuting the arrary to
487            // u32, apply an endian-corrected mask and transmute back
488            let mask = u32::from_le(0xff_ff_ff_ff >> 8*(3-extra));
489            let unused_zeroed = mask  &  transmute::<_,u32>(utf8);
490            Ok(Utf8Char{ bytes: transmute(unused_zeroed) })
491        }
492    }
493    /// Zero-cost constructor.
494    ///
495    /// # Safety
496    ///
497    /// Must represent a valid codepoint,
498    /// starting at the first byte with the unused zeroed.
499    #[inline]
500    pub unsafe fn from_array_unchecked(utf8: [u8;4]) -> Self {
501        Utf8Char{ bytes: utf8 }
502    }
503    /// Create an `Utf8Char` from a single byte.
504    ///
505    /// The byte must be an ASCII character.
506    ///
507    /// # Errors
508    ///
509    /// Returns `NonAsciiError` if the byte greater than 127.
510    ///
511    /// # Examples
512    ///
513    /// ```
514    /// # use encode_unicode::Utf8Char;
515    /// assert_eq!(Utf8Char::from_ascii(b'a').unwrap(), 'a');
516    /// assert!(Utf8Char::from_ascii(128).is_err());
517    /// ```
518    pub fn from_ascii(ascii: u8) -> Result<Self,NonAsciiError> {
519        if ascii as i8 >= 0 {
520            Ok(Utf8Char{ bytes: [ascii, 0, 0, 0] })
521        } else {
522            Err(NonAsciiError)
523        }
524    }
525    /// Create an `Utf8Char` from a single byte without checking that it's a
526    /// valid codepoint on its own, which is only true for ASCII characters.
527    ///
528    /// # Safety
529    ///
530    /// The byte must be less than 128.
531    #[inline]
532    pub unsafe fn from_ascii_unchecked(ascii: u8) -> Self {
533        Utf8Char{ bytes: [ascii, 0, 0, 0] }
534    }
536    /// The number of bytes this character needs.
537    ///
538    /// Is between 1 and 4 (inclusive) and identical to `.as_ref().len()` or
539    /// `.as_char().len_utf8()`.
540    #[inline]
541    pub fn len(self) -> usize {
542        // Invariants of the extra bytes enambles algorithms that
543        // `u8.extra_utf8_bytes_unchecked()` cannot use.
544        // Some of them turned out to require fewer x86 instructions:
546        // Exploits that unused bytes are zero and calculates the number of
547        // trailing zero bytes.
548        // Setting a bit in the first byte prevents the function from returning
549        // 0 for '\0' (which has 32 leading zeros).
550        // trailing and leading is swapped below to optimize for little-endian
551        // architectures.
552        (4 - (u32::to_le(unsafe{transmute(self.bytes)})|1).leading_zeros()/8) as usize
554        // Exploits that the extra bytes have their most significant bit set if
555        // in use.
556        // Takes fewer instructions than the one above if popcnt can be used,
557        // (which it cannot by default,
558        //  set RUSTFLAGS='-C target-cpu=native' to enable)
559        //let all: u32 = unsafe{transmute(self.bytes)};
560        //let msb_mask = u32::from_be(0x00808080);
561        //let add_one = u32::from_be(0x80000000);
562        //((all & msb_mask) | add_one).count_ones() as usize
563    }
564    // There is no .is_emty() because this type is never empty.
566    /// Checks that the codepoint is an ASCII character.
567    pub fn is_ascii(&self) -> bool {
568        self.bytes[0] <= 127
569    }
570    /// Checks that two characters are an ASCII case-insensitive match.
571    ///
572    /// Is equivalent to `a.to_ascii_lowercase() == b.to_ascii_lowercase()`.
573    #[cfg(feature="std")]
574    pub fn eq_ignore_ascii_case(&self,  other: &Self) -> bool {
575        if self.is_ascii() {self.bytes[0].eq_ignore_ascii_case(&other.bytes[0])}
576        else               {self == other}
577    }
578    /// Converts the character to its ASCII upper case equivalent.
579    ///
580    /// ASCII letters 'a' to 'z' are mapped to 'A' to 'Z',
581    /// but non-ASCII letters are unchanged.
582    #[cfg(feature="std")]
583    pub fn to_ascii_uppercase(&self) -> Self {
584        let mut uc = *self;
585        uc.make_ascii_uppercase();
586        uc
587    }
588    /// Converts the character to its ASCII lower case equivalent.
589    ///
590    /// ASCII letters 'A' to 'Z' are mapped to 'a' to 'z',
591    /// but non-ASCII letters are unchanged.
592    #[cfg(feature="std")]
593    pub fn to_ascii_lowercase(&self) -> Self {
594        let mut uc = *self;
595        uc.make_ascii_lowercase();
596        uc
597    }
598    /// Converts the character to its ASCII upper case equivalent in-place.
599    ///
600    /// ASCII letters 'a' to 'z' are mapped to 'A' to 'Z',
601    /// but non-ASCII letters are unchanged.
602    #[inline]
603    #[cfg(feature="std")]
604    pub fn make_ascii_uppercase(&mut self) {
605        self.bytes[0].make_ascii_uppercase()
606    }
607    /// Converts the character to its ASCII lower case equivalent in-place.
608    ///
609    /// ASCII letters 'A' to 'Z' are mapped to 'a' to 'z',
610    /// but non-ASCII letters are unchanged.
611    #[inline]
612    #[cfg(feature="std")]
613    pub fn make_ascii_lowercase(&mut self) {
614        self.bytes[0].make_ascii_lowercase();
615    }
617    /// Convert from UTF-8 to UTF-32
618    pub fn to_char(self) -> char {
619        self.into()
620    }
621    /// Write the internal representation to a slice,
622    /// and then returns the number of bytes written.
623    ///
624    /// # Panics
625    ///
626    /// Will panic the buffer is too small;
627    /// You can get the required length from `.len()`,
628    /// but a buffer of length four is always large enough.
629    pub fn to_slice(self,  dst: &mut[u8]) -> usize {
630        if self.len() > dst.len() {
631            panic!("The provided buffer is too small.");
632        }
633        dst[..self.len()].copy_from_slice(&self.bytes[..self.len()]);
634        self.len()
635    }
636    /// Expose the internal array and the number of used bytes.
637    pub fn to_array(self) -> ([u8;4],usize) {
638        (self.bytes, self.len())
639    }
640    /// Return a `str` view of the array the codepoint is stored as.
641    ///
642    /// Is an unambiguous version of `.as_ref()`.
643    pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str {
644        self.deref()
645    }