
1//! Compress and decompress Zstd streams.
3//! Zstd streams are the main way to compress and decompress data.
4//! They are compatible with the `zstd` command-line tool.
6//! This module provides both `Read` and `Write` interfaces to compressing and
7//! decompressing.
9pub mod read;
10pub mod write;
12mod functions;
13pub mod zio;
16mod tests;
18pub mod raw;
20pub use self::functions::{copy_decode, copy_encode, decode_all, encode_all};
21pub use self::read::Decoder;
22pub use self::write::{AutoFinishEncoder, Encoder};
26/// Common functions for the decoder, both in read and write mode.
27macro_rules! decoder_parameters {
28    () => {
29        /// Sets the maximum back-reference distance.
30        ///
31        /// The actual maximum distance is going to be `2^log_distance`.
32        ///
33        /// This will need to at least match the value set when compressing.
34        pub fn window_log_max(&mut self, log_distance: u32) -> io::Result<()> {
35            self.set_parameter(zstd_safe::DParameter::WindowLogMax(
36                log_distance,
37            ))
38        }
40        #[cfg(feature = "experimental")]
41        #[cfg_attr(feature = "doc-cfg", doc(cfg(feature = "experimental")))]
42        /// Enables or disabled expecting the 4-byte magic header
43        ///
44        /// Only available with the `experimental` feature.
45        ///
46        /// This will need to match the settings used when compressing.
47        pub fn include_magicbytes(
48            &mut self,
49            include_magicbytes: bool,
50        ) -> io::Result<()> {
51            self.set_parameter(zstd_safe::DParameter::Format(
52                if include_magicbytes {
53                    zstd_safe::FrameFormat::One
54                } else {
55                    zstd_safe::FrameFormat::Magicless
56                },
57            ))
58        }
59    };
64/// Common functions for the decoder, both in read and write mode.
65macro_rules! decoder_common {
66    ($readwrite:ident) => {
67        /// Sets a decompression parameter on the decompression stream.
68        pub fn set_parameter(
69            &mut self,
70            parameter: zstd_safe::DParameter,
71        ) -> io::Result<()> {
72            self.$readwrite.operation_mut().set_parameter(parameter)
73        }
75        $crate::decoder_parameters!();
76    };
81/// Parameter-setters for the encoder. Relies on a `set_parameter` method.
82macro_rules! encoder_parameters {
83    () => {
84        /// Controls whether zstd should include a content checksum at the end
85        /// of each frame.
86        pub fn include_checksum(
87            &mut self,
88            include_checksum: bool,
89        ) -> io::Result<()> {
90            self.set_parameter(zstd_safe::CParameter::ChecksumFlag(
91                include_checksum,
92            ))
93        }
95        /// Enables multithreaded compression
96        ///
97        /// * If `n_workers == 0` (default), then multithreaded will be
98        ///   disabled.
99        /// * If `n_workers >= 1`, then compression will be done in separate
100        ///   threads.
101        ///
102        /// So even `n_workers = 1` may increase performance by separating
103        /// IO and compression.
104        ///
105        /// Note: This is only available if the `zstdmt` cargo feature is activated.
106        #[cfg(feature = "zstdmt")]
107        #[cfg_attr(feature = "doc-cfg", doc(cfg(feature = "zstdmt")))]
108        pub fn multithread(&mut self, n_workers: u32) -> io::Result<()> {
109            self.set_parameter(zstd_safe::CParameter::NbWorkers(n_workers))
110        }
112        /// Enables or disables storing of the dict id.
113        ///
114        /// Defaults to true. If false, the behaviour of decoding with a wrong
115        /// dictionary is undefined.
116        pub fn include_dictid(
117            &mut self,
118            include_dictid: bool,
119        ) -> io::Result<()> {
120            self.set_parameter(zstd_safe::CParameter::DictIdFlag(
121                include_dictid,
122            ))
123        }
125        /// Enables or disabled storing of the contentsize.
126        ///
127        /// Note that this only has an effect if the size is given with `set_pledged_src_size`.
128        pub fn include_contentsize(
129            &mut self,
130            include_contentsize: bool,
131        ) -> io::Result<()> {
132            self.set_parameter(zstd_safe::CParameter::ContentSizeFlag(
133                include_contentsize,
134            ))
135        }
136        /// Enables or disables long-distance matching
137        pub fn long_distance_matching(
138            &mut self,
139            long_distance_matching: bool,
140        ) -> io::Result<()> {
141            self.set_parameter(
142                zstd_safe::CParameter::EnableLongDistanceMatching(
143                    long_distance_matching,
144                ),
145            )
146        }
148        /// Sets the maximum back-reference distance.
149        ///
150        /// The actual maximum distance is going to be `2^log_distance`.
151        ///
152        /// Note that decompression will need to use at least the same setting.
153        pub fn window_log(&mut self, log_distance: u32) -> io::Result<()> {
154            self.set_parameter(zstd_safe::CParameter::WindowLog(log_distance))
155        }
157        #[cfg(feature = "experimental")]
158        #[cfg_attr(feature = "doc-cfg", doc(cfg(feature = "experimental")))]
159        /// Enables or disable the magic bytes at the beginning of each frame.
160        ///
161        /// If disabled, include_magicbytes must also be called on the decoder.
162        ///
163        /// Only available with the `experimental` feature.
164        ///
165        /// Note that decompression will need to use the same setting.
166        pub fn include_magicbytes(
167            &mut self,
168            include_magicbytes: bool,
169        ) -> io::Result<()> {
170            self.set_parameter(zstd_safe::CParameter::Format(
171                if include_magicbytes {
172                    zstd_safe::FrameFormat::One
173                } else {
174                    zstd_safe::FrameFormat::Magicless
175                },
176            ))
177        }
178    };
183/// Common functions for the encoder, both in read and write mode.
184macro_rules! encoder_common {
185    ($readwrite:ident) => {
186        /// Sets the given zstd compression parameter.
187        pub fn set_parameter(
188            &mut self,
189            parameter: zstd_safe::CParameter,
190        ) -> io::Result<()> {
191            self.$readwrite.operation_mut().set_parameter(parameter)
192        }
194        /// Sets the expected size of the input.
195        ///
196        /// This affects the compression effectiveness.
197        ///
198        /// It is an error to give an incorrect size (an error will be returned when closing the
199        /// stream if the size does not match what was pledged).
200        ///
201        /// Giving a `None` size means the size is unknown (this is the default).
202        pub fn set_pledged_src_size(
203            &mut self,
204            size: Option<u64>,
205        ) -> io::Result<()> {
206            match size {
207                Some(size) => {
208                    self.$readwrite.operation_mut().set_pledged_src_size(size)
209                }
210                None => self
211                    .$readwrite
212                    .operation_mut()
213                    .set_pledged_src_size(zstd_safe::CONTENTSIZE_UNKNOWN),
214            }
215        }
217        $crate::encoder_parameters!();
218    };