
1// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5//! DNS Server watcher.
7mod stream;
9mod test_util;
11use std::cmp::Ordering;
12use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
14use fidl_fuchsia_net::SocketAddress;
15use fidl_fuchsia_net_name::{
16    DhcpDnsServerSource, Dhcpv6DnsServerSource, DnsServerSource, DnsServer_, NdpDnsServerSource,
17    StaticDnsServerSource,
20pub use self::stream::*;
22/// The default DNS server port.
23pub const DEFAULT_DNS_PORT: u16 = 53;
25/// The DNS servers learned from all sources.
27pub struct DnsServers {
28    /// DNS servers obtained from some default configurations.
29    ///
30    /// These servers will have the lowest priority of all servers.
31    default: Vec<DnsServer_>,
33    /// DNS servers obtained from the netstack.
34    netstack: Vec<DnsServer_>,
36    /// DNS servers obtained from DHCPv4 clients.
37    dhcpv4: HashMap<u64, Vec<DnsServer_>>,
39    /// DNS servers obtained from DHCPv6 clients.
40    dhcpv6: HashMap<u64, Vec<DnsServer_>>,
42    /// DNS servers obtained from NDP clients.
43    ndp: HashMap<u64, Vec<DnsServer_>>,
46impl DnsServers {
47    /// Sets the DNS servers discovered from `source`.
48    // TODO(https://fxbug.dev/42133326): Make sure `servers` only contain servers that could be obtained
49    // from `source`.
50    pub fn set_servers_from_source(
51        &mut self,
52        source: DnsServersUpdateSource,
53        servers: Vec<DnsServer_>,
54    ) {
55        let Self { default, netstack, dhcpv4, dhcpv6, ndp } = self;
57        match source {
58            DnsServersUpdateSource::Default => *default = servers,
59            DnsServersUpdateSource::Netstack => *netstack = servers,
60            DnsServersUpdateSource::Dhcpv4 { interface_id } => {
61                // We discard existing servers since they are being replaced with
62                // `servers` - the old servers are useless to us now.
63                let _: Option<Vec<DnsServer_>> = if servers.is_empty() {
64                    dhcpv4.remove(&interface_id)
65                } else {
66                    dhcpv4.insert(interface_id, servers)
67                };
68            }
69            DnsServersUpdateSource::Dhcpv6 { interface_id } => {
70                // We discard existing servers since they are being replaced with
71                // `servers` - the old servers are useless to us now.
72                let _: Option<Vec<DnsServer_>> = if servers.is_empty() {
73                    dhcpv6.remove(&interface_id)
74                } else {
75                    dhcpv6.insert(interface_id, servers)
76                };
77            }
78            DnsServersUpdateSource::Ndp { interface_id } => {
79                // We discard existing servers since they are being replaced with
80                // `servers` - the old servers are useless to us now.
81                let _: Option<Vec<DnsServer_>> = if servers.is_empty() {
82                    ndp.remove(&interface_id)
83                } else {
84                    ndp.insert(interface_id, servers)
85                };
86            }
87        }
88    }
90    /// Returns a consolidated list of server addresses.
91    ///
92    /// The servers will be returned deduplicated by their address and sorted by the source
93    /// that each server was learned from. The servers will be sorted in most to least
94    /// preferred order, with the most preferred server first. The preference of the servers
95    /// is NDP, DHCPv4, DHCPv6 then Static, where NDP is the most preferred. No ordering is
96    /// guaranteed across servers from different sources of the same source-kind, but ordering
97    /// within a source is maintained.
98    ///
99    /// Example, say we had servers SA1 and SA2 set for DHCPv6 interface A, and SB1 and SB2
100    /// for DHCPv6 interface B. The consolidated list will be either one of [SA1, SA2, SB1, SB2]
101    /// or [SB1, SB2, SA1, SA2]. Notice how the ordering across sources (DHCPv6 interface A vs
102    /// DHCPv6 interface B) is not fixed, but the ordering within the source ([SA1, SA2] for DHCPv6
103    /// interface A and [SB1, SB2] for DHCPv6 interface B) is maintained.
104    ///
105    /// Note, if multiple `DnsServer_`s have the same address but different sources, only
106    /// the `DnsServer_` with the most preferred source will be present in the consolidated
107    /// list of servers.
108    // TODO(https://fxbug.dev/42133571): Consider ordering across sources of the same source-kind based on some
109    // metric.
110    pub fn consolidated(&self) -> Vec<SocketAddress> {
111        self.consolidate_filter_map(|x| x.address)
112    }
114    /// Returns a consolidated list of [`DnsServer_`] structs.
115    ///
116    /// The servers will be returned deduplicated by their address and sorted by the source
117    /// that each server was learned from. The servers will be sorted in most to least
118    /// preferred order, with the most preferred server first. See doc comment on Self::ordering
119    /// for order of preference based on ServerSource.
120    ///
121    /// Example, say we had servers SA1 and SA2 set for DHCPv6 interface A, and SB1 and SB2
122    /// for DHCPv6 interface B. The consolidated list will be either one of [SA1, SA2, SB1, SB2]
123    /// or [SB1, SB2, SA1, SA2]. Notice how the ordering across sources (DHCPv6 interface A vs
124    /// DHCPv6 interface B) is not fixed, but the ordering within the source ([SA1, SA2] for DHCPv6
125    /// interface A and [SB1, SB2] for DHCPv6 interface B) is maintained.
126    ///
127    /// Note, if multiple `DnsServer_`s have the same address but different sources, only
128    /// the `DnsServer_` with the most preferred source will be present in the consolidated
129    /// list of servers.
130    // TODO(https://fxbug.dev/42133571): Consider ordering across sources of the
131    // same source-kind based on some metric.
132    pub fn consolidated_dns_servers(&self) -> Vec<DnsServer_> {
133        self.consolidate_filter_map(|x| Some(x))
134    }
136    /// Returns a consolidated list of servers, with the mapping function `f` applied.
137    ///
138    /// See `consolidated` for details on ordering.
139    fn consolidate_filter_map<T, F: Fn(DnsServer_) -> Option<T>>(&self, f: F) -> Vec<T> {
140        let Self { default, netstack, dhcpv4, dhcpv6, ndp } = self;
141        let mut servers = netstack
142            .iter()
143            .chain(dhcpv4.values().flatten())
144            .chain(ndp.values().flatten())
145            .chain(dhcpv6.values().flatten())
146            .cloned()
147            .collect::<Vec<_>>();
148        // Sorting happens before deduplication to ensure that when multiple sources report the same
149        // address, the highest priority source wins.
150        //
151        // `sort_by` maintains the order of equal elements. This is required to maintain ordering
152        // within a source of DNS servers. `sort_unstable_by` may not preserve this ordering.
153        let () = servers.sort_by(Self::ordering);
154        // Default servers are considered to have the lowest priority so we append them to the end
155        // of the list of sorted dynamically learned servers.
156        let () = servers.extend(default.clone());
157        let mut addresses = HashSet::new();
158        let () = servers.retain(move |s| addresses.insert(s.address));
159        servers.into_iter().filter_map(f).collect()
160    }
162    /// Returns the ordering of [`DnsServer_`]s.
163    ///
164    /// The ordering from most to least preferred is is DHCP, NDP, DHCPv6, then Static. Preference
165    /// is currently informed by a goal of keeping servers discovered via the same internet
166    /// protocol together and preferring network-supplied configurations over product-supplied
167    /// ones.
168    ///
169    /// TODO(https://fxbug.dev/42125772): We currently prioritize IPv4 servers over IPv6 as our DHCPv6
170    /// client does not yet support stateful address assignment. This can result in situations
171    /// where we can discover v6 nameservers that can't be reached as we've not discovered a global
172    /// address.
173    ///
174    /// An unspecified source will be treated as a static address.
175    fn ordering(a: &DnsServer_, b: &DnsServer_) -> Ordering {
176        let ordering = |source| match source {
177            Some(&DnsServerSource::Dhcp(DhcpDnsServerSource { source_interface: _, .. })) => 0,
178            Some(&DnsServerSource::Ndp(NdpDnsServerSource { source_interface: _, .. })) => 1,
179            Some(&DnsServerSource::Dhcpv6(Dhcpv6DnsServerSource {
180                source_interface: _, ..
181            })) => 2,
182            Some(&DnsServerSource::StaticSource(StaticDnsServerSource { .. })) | None => 3,
183        };
184        let a = ordering(a.source.as_ref());
185        let b = ordering(b.source.as_ref());
186        std::cmp::Ord::cmp(&a, &b)
187    }
191mod tests {
192    use super::*;
193    use crate::test_util::constants::*;
195    #[test]
196    fn deduplicate_within_source() {
197        // Simple deduplication and sorting of repeated `DnsServer_`.
198        let servers = DnsServers {
199            default: vec![ndp_server(), ndp_server()],
200            netstack: vec![ndp_server(), static_server(), ndp_server(), static_server()],
201            // `DHCPV4/6_SERVER2` would normally only come from an interface with ID
202            // `DHCPV4/6_SERVER2_INTERFACE_ID`, but we are just testing deduplication
203            // logic here.
204            dhcpv4: [
205                (DHCPV4_SERVER1_INTERFACE_ID, vec![dhcpv4_server1(), dhcpv4_server2()]),
206                (DHCPV4_SERVER2_INTERFACE_ID, vec![dhcpv4_server1(), dhcpv4_server2()]),
207            ]
208            .into_iter()
209            .collect(),
210            dhcpv6: [
211                (DHCPV6_SERVER1_INTERFACE_ID, vec![dhcpv6_server1(), dhcpv6_server2()]),
212                (DHCPV6_SERVER2_INTERFACE_ID, vec![dhcpv6_server1(), dhcpv6_server2()]),
213            ]
214            .into_iter()
215            .collect(),
216            ndp: [(NDP_SERVER_INTERFACE_ID, vec![ndp_server(), ndp_server()])]
217                .into_iter()
218                .collect(),
219        };
220        // Ordering across (the DHCPv6) sources is not guaranteed, but both DHCPv6 sources
221        // have the same set of servers with the same order. With deduplication, we know
222        // we will only see one of the sources' servers.
223        assert_eq!(
224            servers.consolidated(),
225            vec![
226                DHCPV4_SOURCE_SOCKADDR1,
227                DHCPV4_SOURCE_SOCKADDR2,
228                NDP_SOURCE_SOCKADDR,
229                DHCPV6_SOURCE_SOCKADDR1,
230                DHCPV6_SOURCE_SOCKADDR2,
231                STATIC_SOURCE_SOCKADDR,
232            ],
233        );
234    }
236    #[test]
237    fn default_low_prio() {
238        // Default servers should always have low priority, but if the same server
239        // is observed by a higher priority source, then use the higher source for
240        // ordering.
241        let servers = DnsServers {
242            default: vec![static_server(), dhcpv4_server1(), dhcpv6_server1()],
243            netstack: vec![static_server()],
244            dhcpv4: [
245                (DHCPV4_SERVER1_INTERFACE_ID, vec![dhcpv4_server1()]),
246                (DHCPV4_SERVER2_INTERFACE_ID, vec![dhcpv4_server1()]),
247            ]
248            .into_iter()
249            .collect(),
250            dhcpv6: [
251                (DHCPV6_SERVER1_INTERFACE_ID, vec![dhcpv6_server1()]),
252                (DHCPV6_SERVER2_INTERFACE_ID, vec![dhcpv6_server2()]),
253            ]
254            .into_iter()
255            .collect(),
256            ndp: [(NDP_SERVER_INTERFACE_ID, vec![ndp_server()])].into_iter().collect(),
257        };
258        // No ordering is guaranteed across servers from different sources of the same
259        // source-kind.
260        let mut got = servers.consolidated();
261        let mut got = got.drain(..);
262        let want_dhcpv4 = [DHCPV4_SOURCE_SOCKADDR1];
263        assert_eq!(
264            HashSet::from_iter(got.by_ref().take(want_dhcpv4.len())),
265            HashSet::from(want_dhcpv4),
266        );
268        let want_ndp = [NDP_SOURCE_SOCKADDR];
269        assert_eq!(HashSet::from_iter(got.by_ref().take(want_ndp.len())), HashSet::from(want_ndp));
271        let want_dhcpv6 = [DHCPV6_SOURCE_SOCKADDR1, DHCPV6_SOURCE_SOCKADDR2];
272        assert_eq!(
273            HashSet::from_iter(got.by_ref().take(want_dhcpv6.len())),
274            HashSet::from(want_dhcpv6),
275        );
277        let want_rest = [STATIC_SOURCE_SOCKADDR];
278        assert_eq!(got.as_slice(), want_rest);
279    }
281    #[test]
282    fn deduplicate_across_sources() {
283        // Deduplication and sorting of same address across different sources.
285        // DHCPv6 is not as preferred as NDP so this should not be in the consolidated
286        // servers list.
287        let dhcpv6_with_ndp_address = || DnsServer_ {
288            address: Some(NDP_SOURCE_SOCKADDR),
289            source: Some(DnsServerSource::Dhcpv6(Dhcpv6DnsServerSource {
290                source_interface: Some(DHCPV6_SERVER1_INTERFACE_ID),
291                ..Default::default()
292            })),
293            ..Default::default()
294        };
295        let mut dhcpv6 = HashMap::new();
296        assert_matches::assert_matches!(
297            dhcpv6.insert(
298                DHCPV6_SERVER1_INTERFACE_ID,
299                vec![dhcpv6_with_ndp_address(), dhcpv6_server1()]
300            ),
301            None
302        );
303        let mut servers = DnsServers {
304            default: vec![],
305            netstack: vec![dhcpv4_server1(), static_server()],
306            dhcpv4: [(DHCPV4_SERVER1_INTERFACE_ID, vec![dhcpv4_server1()])].into_iter().collect(),
307            dhcpv6: [(
308                DHCPV6_SERVER1_INTERFACE_ID,
309                vec![dhcpv6_with_ndp_address(), dhcpv6_server1()],
310            )]
311            .into_iter()
312            .collect(),
313            ndp: [(NDP_SERVER_INTERFACE_ID, vec![ndp_server(), dhcpv6_with_ndp_address()])]
314                .into_iter()
315                .collect(),
316        };
317        let expected_servers =
318            vec![dhcpv4_server1(), ndp_server(), dhcpv6_server1(), static_server()];
319        assert_eq!(servers.consolidate_filter_map(Some), expected_servers);
320        let expected_sockaddrs = vec![
321            DHCPV4_SOURCE_SOCKADDR1,
322            NDP_SOURCE_SOCKADDR,
323            DHCPV6_SOURCE_SOCKADDR1,
325        ];
326        assert_eq!(servers.consolidated(), expected_sockaddrs);
327        servers.netstack = vec![dhcpv4_server1(), static_server(), dhcpv6_with_ndp_address()];
328        assert_eq!(servers.consolidate_filter_map(Some), expected_servers);
329        assert_eq!(servers.consolidated(), expected_sockaddrs);
331        // NDP is more preferred than DHCPv6 so `dhcpv6_server1()` should not be in the
332        // consolidated list of servers.
333        let ndp_with_dhcpv6_sockaddr1 = || DnsServer_ {
334            address: Some(DHCPV6_SOURCE_SOCKADDR1),
335            source: Some(DnsServerSource::Ndp(NdpDnsServerSource {
336                source_interface: Some(NDP_SERVER_INTERFACE_ID),
337                ..Default::default()
338            })),
339            ..Default::default()
340        };
342        let mut dhcpv6 = HashMap::new();
343        assert_matches::assert_matches!(
344            dhcpv6.insert(DHCPV6_SERVER1_INTERFACE_ID, vec![dhcpv6_server1()]),
345            None
346        );
347        assert_matches::assert_matches!(
348            dhcpv6.insert(DHCPV6_SERVER2_INTERFACE_ID, vec![dhcpv6_server2()]),
349            None
350        );
351        let mut servers = DnsServers {
352            default: vec![],
353            netstack: vec![static_server()],
354            dhcpv4: Default::default(),
355            dhcpv6,
356            ndp: [(NDP_SERVER_INTERFACE_ID, vec![ndp_with_dhcpv6_sockaddr1()])]
357                .into_iter()
358                .collect(),
359        };
360        let expected_servers = vec![ndp_with_dhcpv6_sockaddr1(), dhcpv6_server2(), static_server()];
361        assert_eq!(servers.consolidate_filter_map(Some), expected_servers);
362        let expected_sockaddrs =
364        assert_eq!(servers.consolidated(), expected_sockaddrs);
365        servers.netstack = vec![static_server(), ndp_with_dhcpv6_sockaddr1()];
366        assert_eq!(servers.consolidate_filter_map(Some), expected_servers);
367        assert_eq!(servers.consolidated(), expected_sockaddrs);
368    }
370    #[test]
371    fn test_dns_servers_ordering() {
372        assert_eq!(DnsServers::ordering(&ndp_server(), &ndp_server()), Ordering::Equal);
373        assert_eq!(DnsServers::ordering(&dhcpv4_server1(), &dhcpv4_server1()), Ordering::Equal);
374        assert_eq!(DnsServers::ordering(&dhcpv6_server1(), &dhcpv6_server1()), Ordering::Equal);
375        assert_eq!(DnsServers::ordering(&static_server(), &static_server()), Ordering::Equal);
376        assert_eq!(
377            DnsServers::ordering(&unspecified_source_server(), &unspecified_source_server()),
378            Ordering::Equal
379        );
380        assert_eq!(
381            DnsServers::ordering(&static_server(), &unspecified_source_server()),
382            Ordering::Equal
383        );
385        let servers = [
386            dhcpv4_server1(),
387            ndp_server(),
388            dhcpv6_server1(),
389            static_server(),
390            unspecified_source_server(),
391        ];
392        // We don't compare the last two servers in the list because their ordering is equal
393        // w.r.t. eachother.
394        for (i, a) in servers[..servers.len() - 2].iter().enumerate() {
395            for b in servers[i + 1..].iter() {
396                assert_eq!(DnsServers::ordering(a, b), Ordering::Less);
397            }
398        }
400        let mut servers = vec![dhcpv6_server1(), dhcpv4_server1(), static_server(), ndp_server()];
401        servers.sort_by(DnsServers::ordering);
402        assert_eq!(
403            servers,
404            vec![dhcpv4_server1(), ndp_server(), dhcpv6_server1(), static_server()]
405        );
406    }