
1// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5use chrono::naive::NaiveDateTime;
6use objects::{Builder, ObexObjectError as Error, Parser};
7use std::collections::HashSet;
8use std::fmt;
9use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
10use std::str::FromStr;
11use xml::attribute::OwnedAttribute;
12use xml::reader::{ParserConfig, XmlEvent};
13use xml::writer::{EmitterConfig, XmlEvent as XmlWriteEvent};
14use xml::EventWriter;
16use crate::packets::{bool_to_string, str_to_bool, truncate_string, ISO_8601_TIME_FORMAT};
17use crate::MessageType;
19// From MAP v1.4.2 section 3.1.6 Message-Listing Object:
21// <!DTD for the MAP Messages-Listing Object-->
22// <!DOCTYPE MAP-msg-listing [
23// <!ELEMENT MAP-msg-listing ( msg )* >
24// <!ATTLIST MAP-msg-listing version CDATA #FIXED "1.1">
25// <!ELEMENT msg EMPTY>
26// <!ATTLIST msg
27//     handle CDATA #REQUIRED
28//     subject CDATA #REQUIRED
29//     datetime CDATA #REQUIRED
30//     sender_name CDATA #IMPLIED
31//     sender_addressing CDATA #IMPLIED
32//     replyto_addressing CDATA #IMPLIED
33//     recipient_name CDATA #IMPLIED
34//     recipient_addressing CDATA #REQUIRED
35//     type CDATA #REQUIRED
36//     size CDATA #REQUIRED
37//     text (yes|no) "no"
38//     reception_status CDATA #REQUIRED
39//     attachment_size CDATA #REQUIRED
40//     priority (yes|no) "no"
41//     read (yes|no) "no"
42//     sent (yes|no) "no"
43//     protected (yes|no) "no"
44//     delivery_status CDATA #IMPLIED
45//     conversation_id CDATA #REQUIRED
46//     conversation_name CDATA #IMPLIED
47//     direction CDATA #REQUIRED
48//     attachment_mime_types CDATA #IMPLIED
49// >
50// ]>
52const MESSAGE_ELEM: &str = "msg";
53const MESSAGES_LISTING_ELEM: &str = "MAP-msg-listing";
55const VERSION_ATTR: &str = "version";
57const HANDLE_ATTR: &str = "handle";
58const SUBJECT_ATTR: &str = "subject";
59const DATETIME_ATTR: &str = "datetime";
60const SENDER_NAME_ATTR: &str = "sender_name";
61const SENDER_ADDRESSING_ATTR: &str = "sender_addressing";
62const REPLYTO_ADDRESSING_ATTR: &str = "relyto_addressing";
63const RECIPIENT_NAME_ATTR: &str = "recipient_name";
64const RECIPIENT_ADDRESSING_ATTR: &str = "recipient_addressing";
65const TYPE_ATTR: &str = "type";
67// Must have one of these attributes.
68const SIZE_ATTR: &str = "size";
69const TEXT_ATTR: &str = "text";
70const RECEPTION_STATUS_ATTR: &str = "reception_status";
71const ATTACHMENT_SIZE_ATTR: &str = "attachment_size";
72const PRIORITY_ATTR: &str = "priority";
73const READ_ATTR: &str = "read";
74const SENT_ATTR: &str = "sent";
75const PROTECTED_ATTR: &str = "protected";
77// V1.1 specific attributes.
78const DELIVERY_STATUS_ATTR: &str = "delivery_status";
79const CONVERSATION_ID_ATTR: &str = "conversation_id";
80const CONVERSATION_NAME_ATTR: &str = "conversation_name";
81const DIRECTION_ATTR: &str = "direction";
82const ATTACHMENT_MIME_TYPES_ATTR: &str = "attachment_mime_types";
84#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
85pub enum ReceptionStatus {
86    // Complete message has been received by the MSE
87    Complete,
88    // Only a part of the message has been received by the MSE (e.g. fractioned email of
89    // push-service)
90    Fractioned,
91    // Only a notification of the message has been received by the MSE
92    Notification,
95impl fmt::Display for ReceptionStatus {
96    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
97        match self {
98            Self::Complete => write!(f, "complete"),
99            Self::Fractioned => write!(f, "fractioned"),
100            Self::Notification => write!(f, "notification"),
101        }
102    }
105impl FromStr for ReceptionStatus {
106    type Err = Error;
107    fn from_str(src: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
108        match src {
109            "complete" => Ok(Self::Complete),
110            "fractioned" => Ok(Self::Fractioned),
111            "notification" => Ok(Self::Notification),
112            v => Err(Error::invalid_data(v)),
113        }
114    }
117#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
118pub enum DeliveryStatus {
119    Unknown,
120    Delivered,
121    Sent,
124impl fmt::Display for DeliveryStatus {
125    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
126        match self {
127            Self::Unknown => write!(f, "unknown"),
128            Self::Delivered => write!(f, "delivered"),
129            Self::Sent => write!(f, "sent"),
130        }
131    }
134impl FromStr for DeliveryStatus {
135    type Err = Error;
136    fn from_str(src: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
137        match src {
138            "unknown" => Ok(Self::Unknown),
139            "delivered" => Ok(Self::Delivered),
140            "sent" => Ok(Self::Sent),
141            v => Err(Error::invalid_data(v)),
142        }
143    }
146#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
147pub enum Direction {
148    Incoming,
149    Outgoing,
150    OutgoingDraft,
151    OutgoingPending,
154impl fmt::Display for Direction {
155    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
156        match self {
157            Self::Incoming => write!(f, "incoming"),
158            Self::Outgoing => write!(f, "outgoing"),
159            Self::OutgoingDraft => write!(f, "outgoingdraft"),
160            Self::OutgoingPending => write!(f, "outgoingpending"),
161        }
162    }
165impl FromStr for Direction {
166    type Err = Error;
167    fn from_str(src: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
168        match src {
169            "incoming" => Ok(Self::Incoming),
170            "outgoing" => Ok(Self::Outgoing),
171            "outgoingdraft" => Ok(Self::OutgoingDraft),
172            "outgoingpending" => Ok(Self::OutgoingPending),
173            v => Err(Error::invalid_data(v)),
174        }
175    }
178#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
179pub enum MessagesListingVersion {
180    V1_0,
181    V1_1,
184impl fmt::Display for MessagesListingVersion {
185    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
186        match self {
187            Self::V1_0 => write!(f, "1.0"),
188            Self::V1_1 => write!(f, "1.1"),
189        }
190    }
193impl FromStr for MessagesListingVersion {
194    type Err = Error;
195    fn from_str(src: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
196        match src {
197            "1.0" => Ok(Self::V1_0),
198            "1.1" => Ok(Self::V1_1),
199            _v => Err(Error::UnsupportedVersion),
200        }
201    }
204/// List of attributes available for messages-listing v1.0 objects.
205/// See MAP v1.4.2 section for details.
207pub enum AttributeV1_0 {
208    Handle(u64),
209    Subject(String),
210    Datetime(NaiveDateTime),
211    SenderName(String),
212    SenderAddressing(String),
213    ReplyToAddressing(String),
214    RecipientName(String),
215    RecipientAddressing(Vec<String>),
216    Type(MessageType),
217    // At least one of the below attributes shall be supported by the MSE.
218    Size(u64),
219    Text(bool),
220    ReceiptionStatus(ReceptionStatus),
221    AttachmentSize(u64),
222    Priority(bool),
223    Read(bool),
224    Sent(bool),
225    Protected(bool),
228impl Hash for AttributeV1_0 {
229    fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
230        std::mem::discriminant(self).hash(state);
231    }
234/// Note that partial equality for AttributeV1_0 indicates that two attributes
235/// are of the same type, but not necessarily the same value.
236impl PartialEq for AttributeV1_0 {
237    fn eq(&self, other: &AttributeV1_0) -> bool {
238        std::mem::discriminant(self) == std::mem::discriminant(other)
239    }
242impl Eq for AttributeV1_0 {}
244impl TryFrom<&OwnedAttribute> for AttributeV1_0 {
245    type Error = Error;
247    fn try_from(src: &OwnedAttribute) -> Result<Self, Error> {
248        let attr_name =;
249        let attribute = match attr_name {
250            HANDLE_ATTR => {
251                // MAP v1.4.2 section - "handle" is the message handle in hexadecimal representation with up to 16
252                // digits; leading zero digits may be used so the MCE shall accept both handles with and without leading zeros.
253                if src.value.len() > 16 {
254                    return Err(Error::invalid_data(&src.value));
255                }
256                Self::Handle(u64::from_be_bytes(
257                    hex::decode(format!("{:0>16}", src.value.as_str()))
258                        .map_err(|e| Error::invalid_data(e))?
259                        .as_slice()
260                        .try_into()
261                        .unwrap(),
262                ))
263            }
264            SUBJECT_ATTR => {
265                // MAP v1.4.2 section - "subject" parameter shall not exceed 256 bytes.
266                if src.value.len() > 256 {
267                    return Err(Error::invalid_data(&src.value));
268                }
269                Self::Subject(src.value.clone())
270            }
271            DATETIME_ATTR => Self::Datetime(
272                NaiveDateTime::parse_from_str(src.value.as_str(), ISO_8601_TIME_FORMAT)
273                    .map_err(|e| Error::invalid_data(e))?,
274            ),
275            // Below attributes have max byte data length 256 limit. See MAP v1.5.2 section for details.
276            SENDER_NAME_ATTR => Self::SenderName(truncate_string(&src.value, 256)),
277            SENDER_ADDRESSING_ATTR => Self::SenderAddressing(truncate_string(&src.value, 256)),
278            REPLYTO_ADDRESSING_ATTR => Self::ReplyToAddressing(truncate_string(&src.value, 256)),
279            RECIPIENT_NAME_ATTR => Self::RecipientName(truncate_string(&src.value, 256)),
281                // Recipients shall be separated by semicolon.
282                let mut recipients = Vec::new();
283                src.value.split(";").for_each(|r| recipients.push(r.to_string()));
284                Self::RecipientAddressing(recipients)
285            }
286            TYPE_ATTR => Self::Type(str::parse(src.value.as_str())?),
287            SIZE_ATTR | ATTACHMENT_SIZE_ATTR => {
288                let value =
289                    src.value.parse::<u64>().map_err(|_| Error::invalid_data(&src.value))?;
290                if attr_name == SIZE_ATTR {
291                    Self::Size(value)
292                } else
293                /* attr_name == ATTACHMENT_SIZE_ATTR */
294                {
295                    Self::AttachmentSize(value)
296                }
297            }
298            TEXT_ATTR => Self::Text(str_to_bool(&src.value)?),
299            PRIORITY_ATTR => Self::Priority(str_to_bool(&src.value)?),
300            READ_ATTR => Self::Read(str_to_bool(&src.value)?),
301            SENT_ATTR => Self::Sent(str_to_bool(&src.value)?),
302            PROTECTED_ATTR => Self::Protected(str_to_bool(&src.value)?),
303            RECEPTION_STATUS_ATTR => Self::ReceiptionStatus(str::parse(src.value.as_str())?),
304            val => return Err(Error::invalid_data(val)),
305        };
306        Ok(attribute)
307    }
310impl AttributeV1_0 {
311    // Validate the attribute against the message listing version.
312    fn validate(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
313        if let Self::RecipientAddressing(v) = self {
314            if v.len() == 0 {
315                return Err(Error::MissingData(RECIPIENT_ADDRESSING_ATTR.to_string()));
316            }
317        }
318        Ok(())
319    }
321    fn xml_attribute_name(&self) -> &'static str {
322        match self {
323            Self::Handle(_) => HANDLE_ATTR,
324            Self::Subject(_) => SUBJECT_ATTR,
325            Self::Datetime(_) => DATETIME_ATTR,
326            Self::SenderName(_) => SENDER_NAME_ATTR,
327            Self::SenderAddressing(_) => SENDER_ADDRESSING_ATTR,
328            Self::ReplyToAddressing(_) => REPLYTO_ADDRESSING_ATTR,
329            Self::RecipientName(_) => RECIPIENT_NAME_ATTR,
330            Self::RecipientAddressing(_) => RECIPIENT_ADDRESSING_ATTR,
331            Self::Type(_) => TYPE_ATTR,
332            Self::Size(_) => SIZE_ATTR,
333            Self::Text(_) => TEXT_ATTR,
334            Self::ReceiptionStatus(_) => RECEPTION_STATUS_ATTR,
335            Self::AttachmentSize(_) => ATTACHMENT_SIZE_ATTR,
336            Self::Priority(_) => PRIORITY_ATTR,
337            Self::Read(_) => READ_ATTR,
338            Self::Sent(_) => SENT_ATTR,
339            Self::Protected(_) => PROTECTED_ATTR,
340        }
341    }
343    fn xml_attribute_value(&self) -> String {
344        match self {
345            Self::Handle(v) => hex::encode(v.to_be_bytes()),
346            Self::Subject(v) => truncate_string(v, 256),
347            Self::Datetime(v) => v.format(ISO_8601_TIME_FORMAT).to_string(),
348            Self::SenderName(v) => v.clone(),
349            Self::SenderAddressing(v) => v.clone(),
350            Self::ReplyToAddressing(v) => v.clone(),
351            Self::RecipientName(v) => v.clone(),
352            Self::RecipientAddressing(v) => v.join(";"),
353            Self::Type(v) => v.to_string(),
354            Self::Size(v) => v.to_string(),
355            Self::Text(v)
356            | Self::Priority(v)
357            | Self::Read(v)
358            | Self::Sent(v)
359            | Self::Protected(v) => bool_to_string(*v),
360            Self::ReceiptionStatus(v) => v.to_string(),
361            Self::AttachmentSize(v) => v.to_string(),
362        }
363    }
365    fn validate_all(attrs: &HashSet<AttributeV1_0>) -> Result<(), Error> {
366        // See MAP v1.4.2 section for details.
367        // We are checking if the attribute types exist at all in the hashset, so
368        // the values are irrelevant.
369        let required_attrs = vec![
370            AttributeV1_0::Handle(0),
371            AttributeV1_0::Subject(String::new()),
372            AttributeV1_0::Datetime(NaiveDateTime::from_timestamp_opt(0, 0).unwrap()),
373            AttributeV1_0::RecipientAddressing(Vec::new()),
374            AttributeV1_0::Type(MessageType::Email),
375        ];
376        for a in &required_attrs {
377            if !attrs.contains(&a) {
378                return Err(Error::MissingData(a.xml_attribute_name().to_string()));
379            }
380        }
382        // At least one of these types shall be supported by the MSE.
383        let required_oneof: HashSet<AttributeV1_0> = HashSet::from([
384            AttributeV1_0::Size(0),
385            AttributeV1_0::Text(false),
386            AttributeV1_0::ReceiptionStatus(ReceptionStatus::Complete),
387            AttributeV1_0::AttachmentSize(0),
388            AttributeV1_0::Priority(false),
389            AttributeV1_0::Read(false),
390            AttributeV1_0::Sent(false),
391            AttributeV1_0::Protected(false),
392        ]);
393        if attrs.intersection(&required_oneof).next().is_none() {
394            return Err(Error::MissingData(format!(
395                "should have one of {:?}",
396                vec![
397                    SIZE_ATTR,
398                    TEXT_ATTR,
399                    RECEPTION_STATUS_ATTR,
400                    ATTACHMENT_SIZE_ATTR,
401                    PRIORITY_ATTR,
402                    READ_ATTR,
403                    SENT_ATTR,
404                    PROTECTED_ATTR,
405                ]
406            )));
407        }
409        for a in attrs {
410            a.validate()?;
411        }
412        Ok(())
413    }
416/// Additional information unique to messages-listing v1.1.
417/// See MAP v1.4.2 section
419pub enum AttributeV1_1 {
420    DeliveryStatus(DeliveryStatus),
421    ConversationId(u128),
422    ConversationName(String),
423    Direction(Direction),
424    AttachmentMimeTypes(Vec<String>),
427impl Hash for AttributeV1_1 {
428    fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
429        std::mem::discriminant(self).hash(state);
430    }
433/// Note that partial equality for AttributeV1_1 indicates that two attributes
434/// are of the same type, but not necessarily the same value.
435impl PartialEq for AttributeV1_1 {
436    fn eq(&self, other: &AttributeV1_1) -> bool {
437        std::mem::discriminant(self) == std::mem::discriminant(other)
438    }
441impl Eq for AttributeV1_1 {}
443impl TryFrom<&OwnedAttribute> for AttributeV1_1 {
444    type Error = Error;
446    fn try_from(src: &OwnedAttribute) -> Result<Self, Error> {
447        let attr_name =;
448        // See MAP v1.4.2 section Messages-Listing Object.
449        match attr_name {
450            DELIVERY_STATUS_ATTR => Ok(Self::DeliveryStatus(str::parse(src.value.as_str())?)),
451            CONVERSATION_ID_ATTR => {
452                let id = hex::decode(src.value.as_str()).map_err(|e| Error::invalid_data(e))?;
453                if id.len() != 16 {
454                    return Err(Error::invalid_data(&src.value));
455                }
456                let bytes: &[u8; 16] = id[..].try_into().unwrap();
457                Ok(Self::ConversationId(u128::from_be_bytes(*bytes)))
458            }
459            CONVERSATION_NAME_ATTR => Ok(Self::ConversationName(src.value.to_string())),
460            DIRECTION_ATTR => Ok(Self::Direction(str::parse(src.value.as_str())?)),
461            ATTACHMENT_MIME_TYPES_ATTR => {
462                // Mime type shall be separated by comma.
463                let mut mime_types = Vec::new();
464                src.value.split(",").for_each(|t| mime_types.push(t.to_string()));
465                Ok(Self::AttachmentMimeTypes(mime_types))
466            }
467            val => Err(Error::invalid_data(val)),
468        }
469    }
472impl AttributeV1_1 {
473    fn xml_attribute_name(&self) -> &'static str {
474        match self {
475            Self::DeliveryStatus(_) => DELIVERY_STATUS_ATTR,
476            Self::ConversationId(_) => CONVERSATION_ID_ATTR,
477            Self::ConversationName(_) => CONVERSATION_NAME_ATTR,
478            Self::Direction(_) => DIRECTION_ATTR,
479            Self::AttachmentMimeTypes(_) => ATTACHMENT_MIME_TYPES_ATTR,
480        }
481    }
483    fn xml_attribute_value(&self) -> String {
484        match self {
485            Self::DeliveryStatus(v) => v.to_string(),
486            Self::ConversationId(v) => hex::encode_upper(v.to_be_bytes()),
487            Self::ConversationName(v) => v.clone(),
488            Self::Direction(v) => v.to_string(),
489            Self::AttachmentMimeTypes(vals) => vals.join(","),
490        }
491    }
493    fn validate_all(attrs: &HashSet<AttributeV1_1>) -> Result<(), Error> {
494        // See MAP v1.4.2 section for details.
495        let required_attrs: HashSet<AttributeV1_1> = HashSet::from([
496            AttributeV1_1::ConversationId(0),
497            AttributeV1_1::Direction(Direction::Incoming),
498        ]);
499        for a in required_attrs {
500            if !attrs.contains(&a) {
501                return Err(Error::MissingData(a.xml_attribute_name().to_string()));
502            }
503        }
504        Ok(())
505    }
508#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
509pub enum Message {
510    V1_0 { attrs: HashSet<AttributeV1_0> },
511    V1_1 { attrs_v1_0: HashSet<AttributeV1_0>, attrs_v1_1: HashSet<AttributeV1_1> },
514impl Message {
515    /// Creates a new v1.0 message.
516    fn v1_0(attrs: HashSet<AttributeV1_0>) -> Self {
517        Self::V1_0 { attrs }
518    }
520    /// Creates a new v1.1 message.
521    fn v1_1(attrs_v1_0: HashSet<AttributeV1_0>, attrs_v1_1: HashSet<AttributeV1_1>) -> Self {
522        Self::V1_1 { attrs_v1_0, attrs_v1_1 }
523    }
525    fn version(&self) -> MessagesListingVersion {
526        match self {
527            Message::V1_0 { .. } => MessagesListingVersion::V1_0,
528            Message::V1_1 { .. } => MessagesListingVersion::V1_1,
529        }
530    }
532    fn write<W: std::io::Write>(&self, writer: &mut EventWriter<W>) -> Result<(), Error> {
533        let mut builder = XmlWriteEvent::start_element(MESSAGE_ELEM);
534        let mut attributes: Vec<(&str, String)> = Vec::new();
535        match self {
536            Message::V1_0 { attrs } => {
537                attrs.iter().for_each(|a| {
538                    attributes.push((a.xml_attribute_name(), a.xml_attribute_value()))
539                });
540            }
541            Message::V1_1 { attrs_v1_0, attrs_v1_1 } => {
542                attrs_v1_0.iter().for_each(|a| {
543                    attributes.push((a.xml_attribute_name(), a.xml_attribute_value()))
544                });
545                attrs_v1_1.iter().for_each(|a| {
546                    attributes.push((a.xml_attribute_name(), a.xml_attribute_value()))
547                });
548            }
549        };
550        for a in &attributes {
551            builder = builder.attr(a.0, a.1.as_str());
552        }
553        writer.write(builder)?;
554        Ok(writer.write(XmlWriteEvent::end_element())?)
555    }
557    fn validate(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
558        match self {
559            Message::V1_0 { attrs } => {
560                AttributeV1_0::validate_all(attrs)?;
561                match attrs.get(&AttributeV1_0::Type(MessageType::Im)).unwrap() {
562                    AttributeV1_0::Type(t) => {
563                        if *t == MessageType::Im {
564                            return Err(Error::invalid_data(t));
565                        }
566                    }
567                    _ => unreachable!(),
568                };
569            }
570            Message::V1_1 { attrs_v1_0, attrs_v1_1 } => {
571                AttributeV1_0::validate_all(attrs_v1_0)?;
572                AttributeV1_1::validate_all(attrs_v1_1)?;
573            }
574        };
575        Ok(())
576    }
579impl TryFrom<(XmlEvent, MessagesListingVersion)> for Message {
580    type Error = Error;
581    fn try_from(src: (XmlEvent, MessagesListingVersion)) -> Result<Self, Error> {
582        let XmlEvent::StartElement { ref name, ref attributes, .. } = src.0 else {
583            return Err(Error::InvalidData(format!("{:?}", src)));
584        };
585        if name.local_name.as_str() != MESSAGE_ELEM {
586            return Err(Error::invalid_data(&name.local_name));
587        }
588        let mut attrs_v1_0 = HashSet::new();
589        let mut attrs_v1_1 = HashSet::new();
590        attributes.iter().try_for_each(|a| {
591            let new_insert = match AttributeV1_0::try_from(a) {
592                Ok(attr) => attrs_v1_0.insert(attr),
593                Err(e) => match src.1 {
594                    MessagesListingVersion::V1_0 => return Err(e),
595                    MessagesListingVersion::V1_1 => attrs_v1_1.insert(AttributeV1_1::try_from(a)?),
596                },
597            };
598            if !new_insert {
599                return Err(Error::DuplicateData(;
600            }
601            Ok(())
602        })?;
603        Ok(match src.1 {
604            MessagesListingVersion::V1_0 => Message::v1_0(attrs_v1_0),
605            MessagesListingVersion::V1_1 => Message::v1_1(attrs_v1_0, attrs_v1_1),
606        })
607    }
610enum ParsedXmlEvent {
611    DocumentStart,
612    MessagesListingElement,
613    MessageElement(Message),
616#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
617pub struct MessagesListing {
618    version: MessagesListingVersion,
619    messages: Vec<Message>,
622impl MessagesListing {
623    fn new(version: MessagesListingVersion) -> MessagesListing {
624        MessagesListing { version, messages: Vec::new() }
625    }
627    // Given the XML StartElement, checks whether or not it is a valid folder
628    // listing element.
629    fn validate_messages_listing_element(
630        element: XmlEvent,
631    ) -> Result<MessagesListingVersion, Error> {
632        let XmlEvent::StartElement { ref name, ref attributes, .. } = element else {
633            return Err(Error::InvalidData(format!("{:?}", element)));
634        };
636        if name.local_name != MESSAGES_LISTING_ELEM {
637            return Err(Error::invalid_data(&name.local_name));
638        }
640        let version_attr = &attributes
641            .iter()
642            .find(|a| == VERSION_ATTR)
643            .ok_or_else(|| Error::MissingData(VERSION_ATTR.to_string()))?
644            .value;
645        str::parse(version_attr.as_str())
646    }
649impl Parser for MessagesListing {
650    type Error = Error;
652    /// Parses MessagesListing from raw bytes of XML data.
653    fn parse<R: std::io::prelude::Read>(buf: R) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
654        let mut reader = ParserConfig::new()
655            .ignore_comments(true)
656            .whitespace_to_characters(true)
657            .cdata_to_characters(true)
658            .trim_whitespace(true)
659            .create_reader(buf);
660        let mut prev = Vec::new();
662        // Process start of document.
663        match {
664            Ok(XmlEvent::StartDocument { .. }) => {
665                prev.push(ParsedXmlEvent::DocumentStart);
666            }
667            Ok(element) => return Err(Error::InvalidData(format!("{:?}", element))),
668            Err(e) => return Err(Error::ReadXml(e)),
669        };
671        // Process start of folder listing element.
672        let xml_event =;
673        let version = MessagesListing::validate_messages_listing_element(xml_event)?;
675        prev.push(ParsedXmlEvent::MessagesListingElement);
676        let mut messages_listing = MessagesListing::new(version);
678        // Process remaining elements.
679        let mut finished_document = false;
680        let mut finished_messages_listing = false;
681        while !finished_document {
682            // Could be either end of folder listing element,
683            let e =;
684            let invalid_elem_err = Err(Error::InvalidData(format!("{:?}", e)));
685            match e {
686                XmlEvent::StartElement { ref name, .. } => {
687                    match name.local_name.as_str() {
688                        MESSAGE_ELEM => prev.push(ParsedXmlEvent::MessageElement(
689                            (e, messages_listing.version).try_into()?,
690                        )),
691                        _ => return invalid_elem_err,
692                    };
693                }
694                XmlEvent::EndElement { ref name } => {
695                    let Some(parsed_elem) = prev.pop() else {
696                        return invalid_elem_err;
697                    };
698                    match name.local_name.as_str() {
699                        MESSAGES_LISTING_ELEM => {
700                            let ParsedXmlEvent::MessagesListingElement = parsed_elem else {
701                                return Err(Error::MissingData(format!(
702                                    "closing {MESSAGES_LISTING_ELEM}"
703                                )));
704                            };
705                            finished_messages_listing = true;
706                        }
707                        MESSAGE_ELEM => {
708                            let ParsedXmlEvent::MessageElement(m) = parsed_elem else {
709                                return Err(Error::MissingData(format!("closing {MESSAGE_ELEM}")));
710                            };
711                            let _ = m.validate()?;
712                            messages_listing.messages.push(m);
713                        }
714                        _ => return invalid_elem_err,
715                    };
716                }
717                XmlEvent::EndDocument => {
718                    if !finished_messages_listing {
719                        return Err(Error::MissingData(format!("closing {MESSAGES_LISTING_ELEM}")));
720                    }
721                    finished_document = true;
722                }
723                _ => return invalid_elem_err,
724            }
725        }
726        Ok(messages_listing)
727    }
730impl Builder for MessagesListing {
731    type Error = Error;
733    // Returns the document type of the raw bytes of data.
734    fn mime_type(&self) -> String {
735        "application/xml".to_string()
736    }
738    /// Builds self into raw bytes of the specific Document Type.
739    fn build<W: std::io::Write>(&self, buf: W) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
740        let mut w = EmitterConfig::new()
741            .write_document_declaration(true)
742            .perform_indent(true)
743            .create_writer(buf);
745        // Begin `MAP-msg-listing` element.
746        let version = self.version.to_string();
747        let messages_listing = XmlWriteEvent::start_element(MESSAGES_LISTING_ELEM)
748            .attr(VERSION_ATTR, version.as_str());
749        w.write(messages_listing)?;
751        // Validate each message before writing it and ensure that all the messages have the same version.
752        if self.messages.len() > 0 {
753            let mut prev_version = self.messages[0].version();
754            self.messages.iter().try_for_each(|m| {
755                m.validate()?;
756                if m.version() != prev_version {
757                    return Err(Error::invalid_data(m.version()));
758                }
759                prev_version = m.version();
760                Ok(())
761            })?;
762        }
764        // Write each msg element.
765        self.messages.iter().try_for_each(|m| m.write(&mut w))?;
766        // End `MAP-msg-listing` element.
767        Ok(w.write(XmlWriteEvent::end_element())?)
768    }
772mod tests {
773    use super::*;
775    use chrono::{NaiveDate, NaiveTime};
776    use std::fs;
777    use std::io::Cursor;
779    #[fuchsia::test]
780    fn safe_truncate_string() {
781        const TEST_STR: &str = "Löwe 老虎 Léopard";
783        // Case 1. string is less than or equal to max length.
784        let res = truncate_string(&TEST_STR.to_string(), 200);
785        assert_eq!(TEST_STR.to_string(), res);
787        // Case 2. string is greater than the max length, but the max length is on the char boundary.
788        let res = truncate_string(&TEST_STR.to_string(), 6);
789        assert_eq!("Löwe ", res);
790        assert_eq!(6, res.len());
792        // Case 3. string is greater than max length, max length is not on the char boundary.
793        let res = truncate_string(&TEST_STR.to_string(), 8);
794        assert_eq!("Löwe ", res); // truncated to cloest char boundary from desired length.
795        assert_eq!(6, res.len());
796    }
798    #[fuchsia::test]
799    fn parse_empty_messages_listing_success() {
800        const V1_0_TEST_FILE: &str = "/pkg/data/sample_messages_listing_v1_0_1.xml";
801        let bytes = fs::read(V1_0_TEST_FILE).expect("should be ok");
802        let messages_listing = MessagesListing::parse(Cursor::new(bytes)).expect("should be ok");
803        assert_eq!(messages_listing, MessagesListing::new(MessagesListingVersion::V1_0));
805        const V1_1_TEST_FILE: &str = "/pkg/data/sample_messages_listing_v1_1_1.xml";
806        let bytes = fs::read(V1_1_TEST_FILE).expect("should be ok");
807        let messages_listing = MessagesListing::parse(Cursor::new(bytes)).expect("should be ok");
808        assert_eq!(messages_listing, MessagesListing::new(MessagesListingVersion::V1_1));
809    }
811    #[fuchsia::test]
812    fn parse_messages_listing_success() {
813        const V1_0_TEST_FILE: &str = "/pkg/data/sample_messages_listing_v1_0_2.xml";
814        let bytes = fs::read(V1_0_TEST_FILE).expect("should be ok");
815        let messages_listing = MessagesListing::parse(Cursor::new(bytes)).expect("should be ok");
816        assert_eq!(messages_listing.version, MessagesListingVersion::V1_0);
817        assert_eq!(messages_listing.messages.len(), 4);
818        assert_eq!(
819            messages_listing.messages[0],
820            Message::v1_0(HashSet::from([
821                AttributeV1_0::Handle(0x20000100001u64),
822                AttributeV1_0::Subject("Hello".to_string()),
823                AttributeV1_0::Datetime(NaiveDateTime::new(
824                    NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2007, 12, 13).unwrap(),
825                    NaiveTime::from_hms_opt(13, 05, 10).unwrap(),
826                )),
827                AttributeV1_0::SenderName("Jamie".to_string()),
828                AttributeV1_0::SenderAddressing("+1-987-6543210".to_string()),
829                AttributeV1_0::RecipientAddressing(vec!["+1-0123-456789".to_string()]),
830                AttributeV1_0::Type(MessageType::SmsGsm),
831                AttributeV1_0::Size(256u64),
832                AttributeV1_0::AttachmentSize(0u64),
833                AttributeV1_0::Priority(false),
834                AttributeV1_0::Read(true),
835                AttributeV1_0::Sent(false),
836                AttributeV1_0::Protected(false),
837            ]))
838        );
839        assert_eq!(
840            messages_listing.messages[1],
841            Message::v1_0(HashSet::from([
842                AttributeV1_0::Handle(0x20000100002u64),
843                AttributeV1_0::Subject("Guten Tag".to_string()),
844                AttributeV1_0::Datetime(NaiveDateTime::new(
845                    NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2007, 12, 14).unwrap(),
846                    NaiveTime::from_hms_opt(09, 22, 00).unwrap(),
847                )),
848                AttributeV1_0::SenderName("Dmitri".to_string()),
849                AttributeV1_0::SenderAddressing("8765432109".to_string()),
850                AttributeV1_0::RecipientAddressing(vec!["+49-9012-345678".to_string()]),
851                AttributeV1_0::Type(MessageType::SmsGsm),
852                AttributeV1_0::Size(512u64),
853                AttributeV1_0::AttachmentSize(3000u64),
854                AttributeV1_0::Priority(false),
855                AttributeV1_0::Read(false),
856                AttributeV1_0::Sent(true),
857                AttributeV1_0::Protected(false),
858            ]))
859        );
860        assert_eq!(
861            messages_listing.messages[2],
862            Message::v1_0(HashSet::from([
863                AttributeV1_0::Handle(0x20000100003u64),
864                AttributeV1_0::Subject("Ohayougozaimasu".to_string()),
865                AttributeV1_0::Datetime(NaiveDateTime::new(
866                    NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2007, 12, 15).unwrap(),
867                    NaiveTime::from_hms_opt(13, 43, 26).unwrap(),
868                )),
869                AttributeV1_0::SenderName("Andy".to_string()),
870                AttributeV1_0::SenderAddressing("+49-7654-321098".to_string()),
871                AttributeV1_0::RecipientAddressing(vec!["+49-89-01234567".to_string()]),
872                AttributeV1_0::Type(MessageType::SmsGsm),
873                AttributeV1_0::Size(256u64),
874                AttributeV1_0::AttachmentSize(0u64),
875                AttributeV1_0::Priority(false),
876                AttributeV1_0::Read(true),
877                AttributeV1_0::Sent(false),
878                AttributeV1_0::Protected(false),
879            ]))
880        );
881        assert_eq!(
882            messages_listing.messages[3],
883            Message::v1_0(HashSet::from([
884                AttributeV1_0::Handle(0x20000100000u64),
885                AttributeV1_0::Subject("Bonjour".to_string()),
886                AttributeV1_0::Datetime(NaiveDateTime::new(
887                    NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2007, 12, 15).unwrap(),
888                    NaiveTime::from_hms_opt(17, 12, 04).unwrap(),
889                )),
890                AttributeV1_0::SenderName("Marc".to_string()),
891                AttributeV1_0::SenderAddressing("marc@carworkinggroup.bluetooth".to_string()),
892                AttributeV1_0::RecipientAddressing(vec![
893                    "burch@carworkinggroup.bluetoot7".to_string()
894                ]),
895                AttributeV1_0::Type(MessageType::Email),
896                AttributeV1_0::Size(1032u64),
897                AttributeV1_0::AttachmentSize(0u64),
898                AttributeV1_0::Priority(true),
899                AttributeV1_0::Read(true),
900                AttributeV1_0::Sent(false),
901                AttributeV1_0::Protected(true),
902            ]))
903        );
905        const V1_1_TEST_FILE: &str = "/pkg/data/sample_messages_listing_v1_1_2.xml";
906        let bytes = fs::read(V1_1_TEST_FILE).expect("should be ok");
907        let messages_listing = MessagesListing::parse(Cursor::new(bytes)).expect("should be ok");
908        assert_eq!(messages_listing.version, MessagesListingVersion::V1_1);
909        assert_eq!(messages_listing.messages.len(), 2);
910        assert_eq!(
911            messages_listing.messages[0],
912            Message::v1_1(
913                HashSet::from([
914                    AttributeV1_0::Handle(0x20000100001u64),
915                    AttributeV1_0::Subject("Welcome Clara Nicole".to_string()),
916                    AttributeV1_0::Datetime(NaiveDateTime::new(
917                        NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2014, 07, 06).unwrap(),
918                        NaiveTime::from_hms_opt(09, 50, 00).unwrap(),
919                    )),
920                    AttributeV1_0::SenderName("Max".to_string()),
921                    AttributeV1_0::SenderAddressing("".to_string()),
922                    AttributeV1_0::RecipientAddressing(vec!["".to_string()]),
923                    AttributeV1_0::Type(MessageType::Im),
924                    AttributeV1_0::Size(256u64),
925                    AttributeV1_0::AttachmentSize(0u64),
926                    AttributeV1_0::Priority(false),
927                    AttributeV1_0::Read(false),
928                    AttributeV1_0::Sent(false),
929                    AttributeV1_0::Protected(false),
930                ]),
931                HashSet::from([
932                    AttributeV1_1::ConversationId(0xE1E2E3E4F1F2F3F4A1A2A3A4B1B2B3B4),
933                    AttributeV1_1::Direction(Direction::Incoming),
934                ]),
935            )
936        );
937        assert_eq!(
938            messages_listing.messages[1],
939            Message::v1_1(
940                HashSet::from([
941                    AttributeV1_0::Handle(0x20000100002u64),
942                    AttributeV1_0::Subject("What’s the progress Max?".to_string()),
943                    AttributeV1_0::Datetime(NaiveDateTime::new(
944                        NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2014, 07, 05).unwrap(),
945                        NaiveTime::from_hms_opt(09, 22, 00).unwrap(),
946                    )),
947                    AttributeV1_0::SenderName("Jonas".to_string()),
948                    AttributeV1_0::SenderAddressing("".to_string()),
949                    AttributeV1_0::RecipientAddressing(vec!["".to_string()]),
950                    AttributeV1_0::Type(MessageType::Im),
951                    AttributeV1_0::Size(512u64),
952                    AttributeV1_0::AttachmentSize(8671724u64),
953                    AttributeV1_0::Priority(false),
954                    AttributeV1_0::Read(true),
955                    AttributeV1_0::Sent(true),
956                    AttributeV1_0::Protected(false),
957                ]),
958                HashSet::from([
959                    AttributeV1_1::ConversationId(0xE1E2E3E4F1F2F3F4A1A2A3A4B1B2B3B4),
960                    AttributeV1_1::Direction(Direction::Incoming),
961                    AttributeV1_1::AttachmentMimeTypes(vec!["video/mpeg".to_string()]),
962                ]),
963            )
964        );
965    }
967    #[fuchsia::test]
968    fn parse_messages_listing_fail() {
969        let bad_sample_xml_files = vec![
970            "/pkg/data/bad_sample.xml",
971            "/pkg/data/bad_sample_messages_listing_v1_0_1.xml",
972            "/pkg/data/bad_sample_messages_listing_v1_0_2.xml",
973            "/pkg/data/bad_sample_messages_listing_v1_1_1.xml",
974            "/pkg/data/bad_sample_messages_listing_v1_1_2.xml",
975        ];
977        bad_sample_xml_files.iter().for_each(|f| {
978            let bytes = fs::read(f).expect("should be ok");
979            let _ = MessagesListing::parse(Cursor::new(bytes)).expect_err("should have failed");
980        });
981    }
983    #[fuchsia::test]
984    fn build_empty_messages_listing_success() {
985        // v1.0.
986        let empty_messages_listing = MessagesListing::new(MessagesListingVersion::V1_0);
987        let mut buf = Vec::new();
988        assert_eq!(empty_messages_listing.mime_type(), "application/xml");
989 buf).expect("should be ok");
990        assert_eq!(
991            empty_messages_listing,
992            MessagesListing::parse(Cursor::new(buf)).expect("should be ok")
993        );
995        // v1.1.
996        let empty_messages_listing = MessagesListing::new(MessagesListingVersion::V1_1);
997        let mut buf = Vec::new();
998        assert_eq!(empty_messages_listing.mime_type(), "application/xml");
999 buf).expect("should be ok");
1000        assert_eq!(
1001            empty_messages_listing,
1002            MessagesListing::parse(Cursor::new(buf)).expect("should be ok")
1003        );
1004    }
1006    #[fuchsia::test]
1007    fn build_messages_listing_success() {
1008        // v1.0.
1009        let messages_listing = MessagesListing {
1010            version: MessagesListingVersion::V1_0,
1011            messages: vec![Message::v1_0(HashSet::from([
1012                AttributeV1_0::Handle(0x20000100001u64),
1013                AttributeV1_0::Subject("Hello".to_string()),
1014                AttributeV1_0::Datetime(NaiveDateTime::new(
1015                    NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2007, 12, 13).unwrap(),
1016                    NaiveTime::from_hms_opt(13, 05, 10).unwrap(),
1017                )),
1018                AttributeV1_0::SenderName("Jamie".to_string()),
1019                AttributeV1_0::SenderAddressing("+1-987-6543210".to_string()),
1020                AttributeV1_0::RecipientAddressing(vec!["+1-0123-456789".to_string()]),
1021                AttributeV1_0::Type(MessageType::SmsGsm),
1022                AttributeV1_0::Size(256u64),
1023                AttributeV1_0::AttachmentSize(0u64),
1024                AttributeV1_0::Priority(false),
1025                AttributeV1_0::Read(true),
1026                AttributeV1_0::Sent(false),
1027                AttributeV1_0::Protected(false),
1028            ]))],
1029        };
1030        let mut buf = Vec::new();
1031        assert_eq!(messages_listing.mime_type(), "application/xml");
1032 buf).expect("should have succeeded");
1033        assert_eq!(
1034            messages_listing,
1035            MessagesListing::parse(Cursor::new(buf)).expect("should be valid xml")
1036        );
1038        // v1.1.
1039        let messages_listing = MessagesListing {
1040            version: MessagesListingVersion::V1_1,
1041            messages: vec![Message::v1_1(
1042                HashSet::from([
1043                    AttributeV1_0::Handle(0x20000100001u64),
1044                    AttributeV1_0::Subject("Welcome Clara Nicole".to_string()),
1045                    AttributeV1_0::Datetime(NaiveDateTime::new(
1046                        NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2014, 07, 06).unwrap(),
1047                        NaiveTime::from_hms_opt(09, 50, 00).unwrap(),
1048                    )),
1049                    AttributeV1_0::SenderName("Max".to_string()),
1050                    AttributeV1_0::SenderAddressing("".to_string()),
1051                    AttributeV1_0::RecipientAddressing(vec!["".to_string()]),
1052                    AttributeV1_0::Type(MessageType::Im),
1053                    AttributeV1_0::Size(256u64),
1054                    AttributeV1_0::AttachmentSize(0u64),
1055                    AttributeV1_0::Priority(false),
1056                    AttributeV1_0::Read(false),
1057                    AttributeV1_0::Sent(false),
1058                    AttributeV1_0::Protected(false),
1059                ]),
1060                HashSet::from([
1061                    AttributeV1_1::ConversationId(0xE1E2E3E4F1F2F3F4A1A2A3A4B1B2B3B4),
1062                    AttributeV1_1::Direction(Direction::Incoming),
1063                ]),
1064            )],
1065        };
1066        let mut buf = Vec::new();
1067        assert_eq!(messages_listing.mime_type(), "application/xml");
1068 buf).expect("should be ok");
1069        assert_eq!(
1070            messages_listing,
1071            MessagesListing::parse(Cursor::new(buf)).expect("should be ok")
1072        );
1073    }
1075    #[fuchsia::test]
1076    fn build_messages_listing_fail() {
1077        // Inconsistent message versions.
1078        let messages_listing = MessagesListing {
1079            version: MessagesListingVersion::V1_0,
1080            messages: vec![
1081                Message::v1_0(HashSet::from([
1082                    AttributeV1_0::Handle(0x20000100001u64),
1083                    AttributeV1_0::Subject("Hello".to_string()),
1084                    AttributeV1_0::Datetime(NaiveDateTime::new(
1085                        NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2007, 12, 13).unwrap(),
1086                        NaiveTime::from_hms_opt(13, 05, 10).unwrap(),
1087                    )),
1088                    AttributeV1_0::SenderName("Jamie".to_string()),
1089                    AttributeV1_0::SenderAddressing("+1-987-6543210".to_string()),
1090                    AttributeV1_0::RecipientAddressing(vec!["+1-0123-456789".to_string()]),
1091                    AttributeV1_0::Type(MessageType::SmsGsm),
1092                    AttributeV1_0::Size(256u64),
1093                    AttributeV1_0::AttachmentSize(0u64),
1094                    AttributeV1_0::Priority(false),
1095                    AttributeV1_0::Read(true),
1096                    AttributeV1_0::Sent(false),
1097                    AttributeV1_0::Protected(false),
1098                ])),
1099                Message::v1_1(
1100                    HashSet::from([
1101                        AttributeV1_0::Handle(0x20000100001u64),
1102                        AttributeV1_0::Subject("Welcome Clara Nicole".to_string()),
1103                        AttributeV1_0::Datetime(NaiveDateTime::new(
1104                            NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2014, 07, 06).unwrap(),
1105                            NaiveTime::from_hms_opt(09, 50, 00).unwrap(),
1106                        )),
1107                        AttributeV1_0::SenderName("Max".to_string()),
1108                        AttributeV1_0::SenderAddressing("".to_string()),
1109                        AttributeV1_0::RecipientAddressing(vec!["".to_string()]),
1110                        AttributeV1_0::Type(MessageType::Im),
1111                        AttributeV1_0::Size(256u64),
1112                        AttributeV1_0::AttachmentSize(0u64),
1113                        AttributeV1_0::Priority(false),
1114                        AttributeV1_0::Read(false),
1115                        AttributeV1_0::Sent(false),
1116                        AttributeV1_0::Protected(false),
1117                    ]),
1118                    HashSet::from([
1119                        AttributeV1_1::ConversationId(0xE1E2E3E4F1F2F3F4A1A2A3A4B1B2B3B4),
1120                        AttributeV1_1::Direction(Direction::Incoming),
1121                    ]),
1122                ),
1123            ],
1124        };
1125        let mut buf = Vec::new();
1126        assert_eq!(messages_listing.mime_type(), "application/xml");
1127        let _ = buf).expect_err("should have failed");
1128    }