
1// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
5// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
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11//! Parameterized string expansion
13use self::Param::*;
14use self::States::*;
16use std::iter::repeat;
18#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
19enum States {
20    Nothing,
21    Percent,
22    SetVar,
23    GetVar,
24    PushParam,
25    CharConstant,
26    CharClose,
27    IntConstant(i32),
28    FormatPattern(Flags, FormatState),
29    SeekIfElse(usize),
30    SeekIfElsePercent(usize),
31    SeekIfEnd(usize),
32    SeekIfEndPercent(usize),
35#[derive(Copy, PartialEq, Clone)]
36enum FormatState {
37    Flags,
38    Width,
39    Precision,
42/// Types of parameters a capability can use
45pub enum Param {
46    Number(i32),
47    Words(String),
50impl Default for Param {
51    fn default() -> Self {
52        Param::Number(0)
53    }
56/// An error from interpreting a parameterized string.
57#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
58pub enum Error {
59    /// Data was requested from the stack, but the stack didn't have enough elements.
60    StackUnderflow,
61    /// The type of the element(s) on top of the stack did not match the type that the operator
62    /// wanted.
63    TypeMismatch,
64    /// An unrecognized format option was used.
65    UnrecognizedFormatOption(char),
66    /// An invalid variable name was used.
67    InvalidVariableName(char),
68    /// An invalid parameter index was used.
69    InvalidParameterIndex(char),
70    /// A malformed character constant was used.
71    MalformedCharacterConstant,
72    /// An integer constant was too large (overflowed an i32)
73    IntegerConstantOverflow,
74    /// A malformed integer constant was used.
75    MalformedIntegerConstant,
76    /// A format width constant was too large (overflowed a usize)
77    FormatWidthOverflow,
78    /// A format precision constant was too large (overflowed a usize)
79    FormatPrecisionOverflow,
82impl ::std::fmt::Display for Error {
83    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter) -> ::std::fmt::Result {
84        use std::error::Error;
85        f.write_str(self.description())
86    }
89impl ::std::error::Error for Error {
90    fn description(&self) -> &str {
91        use self::Error::*;
92        match *self {
93            StackUnderflow => "not enough elements on the stack",
94            TypeMismatch => "type mismatch",
95            UnrecognizedFormatOption(_) => "unrecognized format option",
96            InvalidVariableName(_) => "invalid variable name",
97            InvalidParameterIndex(_) => "invalid parameter index",
98            MalformedCharacterConstant => "malformed character constant",
99            IntegerConstantOverflow => "integer constant computation overflowed",
100            MalformedIntegerConstant => "malformed integer constant",
101            FormatWidthOverflow => "format width constant computation overflowed",
102            FormatPrecisionOverflow => "format precision constant computation overflowed",
103        }
104    }
106    fn cause(&self) -> Option<&::std::error::Error> {
107        None
108    }
111/// Container for static and dynamic variable arrays
113pub struct Variables {
114    /// Static variables A-Z
115    sta: [Param; 26],
116    /// Dynamic variables a-z
117    dyn: [Param; 26],
120impl Variables {
121    /// Return a new zero-initialized Variables
122    pub fn new() -> Variables {
123        Default::default()
124    }
127/// Expand a parameterized capability
129/// # Arguments
130/// * `cap`    - string to expand
131/// * `params` - vector of params for %p1 etc
132/// * `vars`   - Variables struct for %Pa etc
134/// To be compatible with ncurses, `vars` should be the same between calls to `expand` for
135/// multiple capabilities for the same terminal.
136pub fn expand(cap: &[u8], params: &[Param], vars: &mut Variables) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> {
137    let mut state = Nothing;
139    // expanded cap will only rarely be larger than the cap itself
140    let mut output = Vec::with_capacity(cap.len());
142    let mut stack: Vec<Param> = Vec::new();
144    // Copy parameters into a local vector for mutability
145    let mut mparams = [
146        Number(0),
147        Number(0),
148        Number(0),
149        Number(0),
150        Number(0),
151        Number(0),
152        Number(0),
153        Number(0),
154        Number(0),
155    ];
156    for (dst, src) in mparams.iter_mut().zip(params.iter()) {
157        *dst = (*src).clone();
158    }
160    for &c in cap.iter() {
161        let cur = c as char;
162        let mut old_state = state;
163        match state {
164            Nothing => {
165                if cur == '%' {
166                    state = Percent;
167                } else {
168                    output.push(c);
169                }
170            }
171            Percent => {
172                match cur {
173                    '%' => {
174                        output.push(c);
175                        state = Nothing
176                    }
177                    'c' => {
178                        match stack.pop() {
179                            // if c is 0, use 0200 (128) for ncurses compatibility
180                            Some(Number(0)) => output.push(128u8),
181                            // Don't check bounds. ncurses just casts and truncates.
182                            Some(Number(c)) => output.push(c as u8),
183                            Some(_) => return Err(Error::TypeMismatch),
184                            None => return Err(Error::StackUnderflow),
185                        }
186                    }
187                    'p' => state = PushParam,
188                    'P' => state = SetVar,
189                    'g' => state = GetVar,
190                    '\'' => state = CharConstant,
191                    '{' => state = IntConstant(0),
192                    'l' => match stack.pop() {
193                        Some(Words(s)) => stack.push(Number(s.len() as i32)),
194                        Some(_) => return Err(Error::TypeMismatch),
195                        None => return Err(Error::StackUnderflow),
196                    },
197                    '+' | '-' | '/' | '*' | '^' | '&' | '|' | 'm' => {
198                        match (stack.pop(), stack.pop()) {
199                            (Some(Number(y)), Some(Number(x))) => stack.push(Number(match cur {
200                                '+' => x + y,
201                                '-' => x - y,
202                                '*' => x * y,
203                                '/' => x / y,
204                                '|' => x | y,
205                                '&' => x & y,
206                                '^' => x ^ y,
207                                'm' => x % y,
208                                _ => unreachable!("logic error"),
209                            })),
210                            (Some(_), Some(_)) => return Err(Error::TypeMismatch),
211                            _ => return Err(Error::StackUnderflow),
212                        }
213                    }
214                    '=' | '>' | '<' | 'A' | 'O' => match (stack.pop(), stack.pop()) {
215                        (Some(Number(y)), Some(Number(x))) => stack.push(Number(if match cur {
216                            '=' => x == y,
217                            '<' => x < y,
218                            '>' => x > y,
219                            'A' => x > 0 && y > 0,
220                            'O' => x > 0 || y > 0,
221                            _ => unreachable!("logic error"),
222                        } {
223                            1
224                        } else {
225                            0
226                        })),
227                        (Some(_), Some(_)) => return Err(Error::TypeMismatch),
228                        _ => return Err(Error::StackUnderflow),
229                    },
230                    '!' | '~' => match stack.pop() {
231                        Some(Number(x)) => stack.push(Number(match cur {
232                            '!' if x > 0 => 0,
233                            '!' => 1,
234                            '~' => !x,
235                            _ => unreachable!("logic error"),
236                        })),
237                        Some(_) => return Err(Error::TypeMismatch),
238                        None => return Err(Error::StackUnderflow),
239                    },
240                    'i' => match (&mparams[0], &mparams[1]) {
241                        (&Number(x), &Number(y)) => {
242                            mparams[0] = Number(x + 1);
243                            mparams[1] = Number(y + 1);
244                        }
245                        (_, _) => return Err(Error::TypeMismatch),
246                    },
248                    // printf-style support for %doxXs
249                    'd' | 'o' | 'x' | 'X' | 's' => {
250                        if let Some(arg) = stack.pop() {
251                            let flags = Flags::default();
252                            let res = format(arg, FormatOp::from_char(cur), flags)?;
253                            output.extend(res);
254                        } else {
255                            return Err(Error::StackUnderflow);
256                        }
257                    }
258                    ':' | '#' | ' ' | '.' | '0'...'9' => {
259                        let mut flags = Flags::default();
260                        let mut fstate = FormatState::Flags;
261                        match cur {
262                            ':' => (),
263                            '#' => flags.alternate = true,
264                            ' ' => flags.space = true,
265                            '.' => fstate = FormatState::Precision,
266                            '0'...'9' => {
267                                flags.width = cur as usize - '0' as usize;
268                                fstate = FormatState::Width;
269                            }
270                            _ => unreachable!("logic error"),
271                        }
272                        state = FormatPattern(flags, fstate);
273                    }
275                    // conditionals
276                    '?' | ';' => (),
277                    't' => match stack.pop() {
278                        Some(Number(0)) => state = SeekIfElse(0),
279                        Some(Number(_)) => (),
280                        Some(_) => return Err(Error::TypeMismatch),
281                        None => return Err(Error::StackUnderflow),
282                    },
283                    'e' => state = SeekIfEnd(0),
284                    c => return Err(Error::UnrecognizedFormatOption(c)),
285                }
286            }
287            PushParam => {
288                // params are 1-indexed
289                stack.push(
290                    mparams[match cur.to_digit(10) {
291                                Some(d) => d as usize - 1,
292                                None => return Err(Error::InvalidParameterIndex(cur)),
293                            }].clone(),
294                );
295            }
296            SetVar => {
297                if cur >= 'A' && cur <= 'Z' {
298                    if let Some(arg) = stack.pop() {
299                        let idx = (cur as u8) - b'A';
300                        vars.sta[idx as usize] = arg;
301                    } else {
302                        return Err(Error::StackUnderflow);
303                    }
304                } else if cur >= 'a' && cur <= 'z' {
305                    if let Some(arg) = stack.pop() {
306                        let idx = (cur as u8) - b'a';
307                        vars.dyn[idx as usize] = arg;
308                    } else {
309                        return Err(Error::StackUnderflow);
310                    }
311                } else {
312                    return Err(Error::InvalidVariableName(cur));
313                }
314            }
315            GetVar => {
316                if cur >= 'A' && cur <= 'Z' {
317                    let idx = (cur as u8) - b'A';
318                    stack.push(vars.sta[idx as usize].clone());
319                } else if cur >= 'a' && cur <= 'z' {
320                    let idx = (cur as u8) - b'a';
321                    stack.push(vars.dyn[idx as usize].clone());
322                } else {
323                    return Err(Error::InvalidVariableName(cur));
324                }
325            }
326            CharConstant => {
327                stack.push(Number(c as i32));
328                state = CharClose;
329            }
330            CharClose => {
331                if cur != '\'' {
332                    return Err(Error::MalformedCharacterConstant);
333                }
334            }
335            IntConstant(i) => {
336                if cur == '}' {
337                    stack.push(Number(i));
338                    state = Nothing;
339                } else if let Some(digit) = cur.to_digit(10) {
340                    match i.checked_mul(10)
341                        .and_then(|i_ten| i_ten.checked_add(digit as i32))
342                    {
343                        Some(i) => {
344                            state = IntConstant(i);
345                            old_state = Nothing;
346                        }
347                        None => return Err(Error::IntegerConstantOverflow),
348                    }
349                } else {
350                    return Err(Error::MalformedIntegerConstant);
351                }
352            }
353            FormatPattern(ref mut flags, ref mut fstate) => {
354                old_state = Nothing;
355                match (*fstate, cur) {
356                    (_, 'd') | (_, 'o') | (_, 'x') | (_, 'X') | (_, 's') => {
357                        if let Some(arg) = stack.pop() {
358                            let res = format(arg, FormatOp::from_char(cur), *flags)?;
359                            output.extend(res);
360                            // will cause state to go to Nothing
361                            old_state = FormatPattern(*flags, *fstate);
362                        } else {
363                            return Err(Error::StackUnderflow);
364                        }
365                    }
366                    (FormatState::Flags, '#') => {
367                        flags.alternate = true;
368                    }
369                    (FormatState::Flags, '-') => {
370                        flags.left = true;
371                    }
372                    (FormatState::Flags, '+') => {
373                        flags.sign = true;
374                    }
375                    (FormatState::Flags, ' ') => {
376                        flags.space = true;
377                    }
378                    (FormatState::Flags, '0'...'9') => {
379                        flags.width = cur as usize - '0' as usize;
380                        *fstate = FormatState::Width;
381                    }
382                    (FormatState::Width, '0'...'9') => {
383                        flags.width = match flags
384                            .width
385                            .checked_mul(10)
386                            .and_then(|w| w.checked_add(cur as usize - '0' as usize))
387                        {
388                            Some(width) => width,
389                            None => return Err(Error::FormatWidthOverflow),
390                        }
391                    }
392                    (FormatState::Width, '.') | (FormatState::Flags, '.') => {
393                        *fstate = FormatState::Precision;
394                    }
395                    (FormatState::Precision, '0'...'9') => {
396                        flags.precision = match flags
397                            .precision
398                            .checked_mul(10)
399                            .and_then(|w| w.checked_add(cur as usize - '0' as usize))
400                        {
401                            Some(precision) => precision,
402                            None => return Err(Error::FormatPrecisionOverflow),
403                        }
404                    }
405                    _ => return Err(Error::UnrecognizedFormatOption(cur)),
406                }
407            }
408            SeekIfElse(level) => {
409                if cur == '%' {
410                    state = SeekIfElsePercent(level);
411                }
412                old_state = Nothing;
413            }
414            SeekIfElsePercent(level) => {
415                if cur == ';' {
416                    if level == 0 {
417                        state = Nothing;
418                    } else {
419                        state = SeekIfElse(level - 1);
420                    }
421                } else if cur == 'e' && level == 0 {
422                    state = Nothing;
423                } else if cur == '?' {
424                    state = SeekIfElse(level + 1);
425                } else {
426                    state = SeekIfElse(level);
427                }
428            }
429            SeekIfEnd(level) => {
430                if cur == '%' {
431                    state = SeekIfEndPercent(level);
432                }
433                old_state = Nothing;
434            }
435            SeekIfEndPercent(level) => {
436                if cur == ';' {
437                    if level == 0 {
438                        state = Nothing;
439                    } else {
440                        state = SeekIfEnd(level - 1);
441                    }
442                } else if cur == '?' {
443                    state = SeekIfEnd(level + 1);
444                } else {
445                    state = SeekIfEnd(level);
446                }
447            }
448        }
449        if state == old_state {
450            state = Nothing;
451        }
452    }
453    Ok(output)
456#[derive(Copy, PartialEq, Clone, Default)]
457struct Flags {
458    width: usize,
459    precision: usize,
460    alternate: bool,
461    left: bool,
462    sign: bool,
463    space: bool,
466#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
467enum FormatOp {
468    Digit,
469    Octal,
470    Hex,
471    HEX,
472    String,
475impl FormatOp {
476    fn from_char(c: char) -> FormatOp {
477        use self::FormatOp::*;
478        match c {
479            'd' => Digit,
480            'o' => Octal,
481            'x' => Hex,
482            'X' => HEX,
483            's' => String,
484            _ => panic!("bad FormatOp char"),
485        }
486    }
489fn format(val: Param, op: FormatOp, flags: Flags) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> {
490    use self::FormatOp::*;
491    let mut s = match val {
492        Number(d) => {
493            match op {
494                Digit => {
495                    if flags.sign {
496                        format!("{:+01$}", d, flags.precision)
497                    } else if d < 0 {
498                        // C doesn't take sign into account in precision calculation.
499                        format!("{:01$}", d, flags.precision + 1)
500                    } else if flags.space {
501                        format!(" {:01$}", d, flags.precision)
502                    } else {
503                        format!("{:01$}", d, flags.precision)
504                    }
505                }
506                Octal => {
507                    if flags.alternate {
508                        // Leading octal zero counts against precision.
509                        format!("0{:01$o}", d, flags.precision.saturating_sub(1))
510                    } else {
511                        format!("{:01$o}", d, flags.precision)
512                    }
513                }
514                Hex => {
515                    if flags.alternate && d != 0 {
516                        format!("0x{:01$x}", d, flags.precision)
517                    } else {
518                        format!("{:01$x}", d, flags.precision)
519                    }
520                }
521                HEX => {
522                    if flags.alternate && d != 0 {
523                        format!("0X{:01$X}", d, flags.precision)
524                    } else {
525                        format!("{:01$X}", d, flags.precision)
526                    }
527                }
528                String => return Err(Error::TypeMismatch),
529            }.into_bytes()
530        }
531        Words(s) => match op {
532            String => {
533                let mut s = s.into_bytes();
534                if flags.precision > 0 && flags.precision < s.len() {
535                    s.truncate(flags.precision);
536                }
537                s
538            }
539            _ => return Err(Error::TypeMismatch),
540        },
541    };
542    if flags.width > s.len() {
543        let n = flags.width - s.len();
544        if flags.left {
545            s.extend(repeat(b' ').take(n));
546        } else {
547            let mut s_ = Vec::with_capacity(flags.width);
548            s_.extend(repeat(b' ').take(n));
549            s_.extend(s.into_iter());
550            s = s_;
551        }
552    }
553    Ok(s)
557mod test {
558    use super::{expand, Variables};
559    use super::Param::{self, Number, Words};
560    use std::result::Result::Ok;
562    #[test]
563    fn test_basic_setabf() {
564        let s = b"\\E[48;5;%p1%dm";
565        assert_eq!(
566            expand(s, &[Number(1)], &mut Variables::new()).unwrap(),
567            "\\E[48;5;1m".bytes().collect::<Vec<_>>()
568        );
569    }
571    #[test]
572    fn test_multiple_int_constants() {
573        assert_eq!(
574            expand(b"%{1}%{2}%d%d", &[], &mut Variables::new()).unwrap(),
575            "21".bytes().collect::<Vec<_>>()
576        );
577    }
579    #[test]
580    fn test_op_i() {
581        let mut vars = Variables::new();
582        assert_eq!(
583            expand(
584                b"%p1%d%p2%d%p3%d%i%p1%d%p2%d%p3%d",
585                &[Number(1), Number(2), Number(3)],
586                &mut vars
587            ),
588            Ok("123233".bytes().collect::<Vec<_>>())
589        );
590        assert_eq!(
591            expand(b"%p1%d%p2%d%i%p1%d%p2%d", &[], &mut vars),
592            Ok("0011".bytes().collect::<Vec<_>>())
593        );
594    }
596    #[test]
597    fn test_param_stack_failure_conditions() {
598        let mut varstruct = Variables::new();
599        let vars = &mut varstruct;
600        fn get_res(
601            fmt: &str,
602            cap: &str,
603            params: &[Param],
604            vars: &mut Variables,
605        ) -> Result<Vec<u8>, super::Error> {
606            let mut u8v: Vec<_> = fmt.bytes().collect();
607            u8v.extend(cap.as_bytes().iter().cloned());
608            expand(&u8v, params, vars)
609        }
611        let caps = ["%d", "%c", "%s", "%Pa", "%l", "%!", "%~"];
612        for &cap in &caps {
613            let res = get_res("", cap, &[], vars);
614            assert!(
615                res.is_err(),
616                "Op {} succeeded incorrectly with 0 stack entries",
617                cap
618            );
619            let p = if cap == "%s" || cap == "%l" {
620                Words("foo".to_owned())
621            } else {
622                Number(97)
623            };
624            let res = get_res("%p1", cap, &[p], vars);
625            assert!(
626                res.is_ok(),
627                "Op {} failed with 1 stack entry: {}",
628                cap,
629                res.err().unwrap()
630            );
631        }
632        let caps = ["%+", "%-", "%*", "%/", "%m", "%&", "%|", "%A", "%O"];
633        for &cap in &caps {
634            let res = expand(cap.as_bytes(), &[], vars);
635            assert!(
636                res.is_err(),
637                "Binop {} succeeded incorrectly with 0 stack entries",
638                cap
639            );
640            let res = get_res("%{1}", cap, &[], vars);
641            assert!(
642                res.is_err(),
643                "Binop {} succeeded incorrectly with 1 stack entry",
644                cap
645            );
646            let res = get_res("%{1}%{2}", cap, &[], vars);
647            assert!(
648                res.is_ok(),
649                "Binop {} failed with 2 stack entries: {}",
650                cap,
651                res.err().unwrap()
652            );
653        }
654    }
656    #[test]
657    fn test_push_bad_param() {
658        assert!(expand(b"%pa", &[], &mut Variables::new()).is_err());
659    }
661    #[test]
662    fn test_comparison_ops() {
663        let v = [
664            ('<', [1u8, 0u8, 0u8]),
665            ('=', [0u8, 1u8, 0u8]),
666            ('>', [0u8, 0u8, 1u8]),
667        ];
668        for &(op, bs) in &v {
669            let s = format!("%{{1}}%{{2}}%{}%d", op);
670            let res = expand(s.as_bytes(), &[], &mut Variables::new());
671            assert!(res.is_ok(), res.err().unwrap());
672            assert_eq!(res.unwrap(), vec![b'0' + bs[0]]);
673            let s = format!("%{{1}}%{{1}}%{}%d", op);
674            let res = expand(s.as_bytes(), &[], &mut Variables::new());
675            assert!(res.is_ok(), res.err().unwrap());
676            assert_eq!(res.unwrap(), vec![b'0' + bs[1]]);
677            let s = format!("%{{2}}%{{1}}%{}%d", op);
678            let res = expand(s.as_bytes(), &[], &mut Variables::new());
679            assert!(res.is_ok(), res.err().unwrap());
680            assert_eq!(res.unwrap(), vec![b'0' + bs[2]]);
681        }
682    }
684    #[test]
685    fn test_conditionals() {
686        let mut vars = Variables::new();
687        let s = b"\\E[%?%p1%{8}%<%t3%p1%d%e%p1%{16}%<%t9%p1%{8}%-%d%e38;5;%p1%d%;m";
688        let res = expand(s, &[Number(1)], &mut vars);
689        assert!(res.is_ok(), res.err().unwrap());
690        assert_eq!(res.unwrap(), "\\E[31m".bytes().collect::<Vec<_>>());
691        let res = expand(s, &[Number(8)], &mut vars);
692        assert!(res.is_ok(), res.err().unwrap());
693        assert_eq!(res.unwrap(), "\\E[90m".bytes().collect::<Vec<_>>());
694        let res = expand(s, &[Number(42)], &mut vars);
695        assert!(res.is_ok(), res.err().unwrap());
696        assert_eq!(res.unwrap(), "\\E[38;5;42m".bytes().collect::<Vec<_>>());
697    }
699    #[test]
700    fn test_format() {
701        let mut varstruct = Variables::new();
702        let vars = &mut varstruct;
703        assert_eq!(
704            expand(
705                b"%p1%s%p2%2s%p3%2s%p4%.2s",
706                &[
707                    Words("foo".to_owned()),
708                    Words("foo".to_owned()),
709                    Words("f".to_owned()),
710                    Words("foo".to_owned())
711                ],
712                vars
713            ),
714            Ok("foofoo ffo".bytes().collect::<Vec<_>>())
715        );
716        assert_eq!(
717            expand(b"%p1%:-4.2s", &[Words("foo".to_owned())], vars),
718            Ok("fo  ".bytes().collect::<Vec<_>>())
719        );
721        assert_eq!(
722            expand(b"%p1%d%p1%.3d%p1%5d%p1%:+d", &[Number(1)], vars),
723            Ok("1001    1+1".bytes().collect::<Vec<_>>())
724        );
725        assert_eq!(
726            expand(
727                b"%p1%o%p1%#o%p2%6.4x%p2%#6.4X",
728                &[Number(15), Number(27)],
729                vars
730            ),
731            Ok("17017  001b0X001B".bytes().collect::<Vec<_>>())
732        );
733    }