use anyhow::{anyhow, Error, Result};
use const_unwrap::const_unwrap_option;
use regex::Regex;
use std::fmt::Display;
use std::io::{Cursor, Seek, SeekFrom, Write};
use std::num::NonZeroU32;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::time::Duration;
use {
fidl_fuchsia_audio as faudio, fidl_fuchsia_audio_controller as fac,
fidl_fuchsia_hardware_audio as fhaudio, fidl_fuchsia_media as fmedia,
pub const DURATION_REGEX: &'static str = r"^(\d+)(h|m|s|ms)$";
pub const BITS_8: NonZeroU32 = const_unwrap_option(NonZeroU32::new(8));
pub const BITS_16: NonZeroU32 = const_unwrap_option(NonZeroU32::new(16));
pub const BITS_24: NonZeroU32 = const_unwrap_option(NonZeroU32::new(24));
pub const BITS_32: NonZeroU32 = const_unwrap_option(NonZeroU32::new(32));
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Format {
pub sample_type: SampleType,
pub frames_per_second: u32,
pub channels: u32,
impl Format {
pub const fn bytes_per_frame(&self) -> u32 {
self.sample_type.size().total_bytes().get() * self.channels
pub fn frames_in_duration(&self, duration: std::time::Duration) -> u64 {
(self.frames_per_second as f64 * duration.as_secs_f64()).ceil() as u64
pub fn wav_header_for_duration(&self, duration: Duration) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> {
let mut cursor_writer = Cursor::new(Vec::<u8>::new());
let _writer = hound::WavWriter::new(&mut cursor_writer, (*self).into())
.map_err(|e| anyhow!("Failed to create WavWriter from spec: {}", e))?;
let bytes_to_capture: u32 =
self.frames_in_duration(duration) as u32 * self.bytes_per_frame();
let total_header_bytes = 44;
let file_size_bytes: u32 = bytes_to_capture as u32 + total_header_bytes - 8;;
impl From<hound::WavSpec> for Format {
fn from(value: hound::WavSpec) -> Self {
Format {
sample_type: (value.sample_format, value.bits_per_sample).into(),
frames_per_second: value.sample_rate,
channels: value.channels as u32,
impl From<fmedia::AudioStreamType> for Format {
fn from(value: fmedia::AudioStreamType) -> Self {
Format {
sample_type: value.sample_format.into(),
frames_per_second: value.frames_per_second,
channels: value.channels,
impl From<Format> for fhaudio::PcmFormat {
fn from(value: Format) -> Self {
Self {
number_of_channels: value.channels as u8,
sample_format: value.sample_type.into(),
bytes_per_sample: value.sample_type.size().total_bytes().get() as u8,
valid_bits_per_sample: value.sample_type.size().valid_bits().get() as u8,
frame_rate: value.frames_per_second,
impl From<Format> for fhaudio::Format {
fn from(value: Format) -> Self {
fhaudio::Format { pcm_format: Some(value.into()), ..Default::default() }
impl From<Format> for faudio::Format {
fn from(value: Format) -> Self {
Self {
sample_type: Some(value.sample_type.into()),
channel_count: Some(value.channels),
frames_per_second: Some(value.frames_per_second),
channel_layout: {
let channel_config = match value.channels {
1 => faudio::ChannelConfig::Mono,
2 => faudio::ChannelConfig::Stereo,
3 => faudio::ChannelConfig::Surround3,
4 => faudio::ChannelConfig::Surround4,
6 => faudio::ChannelConfig::Surround51,
_ => panic!("channel count not representable as a ChannelConfig"),
impl TryFrom<faudio::Format> for Format {
type Error = String;
fn try_from(value: faudio::Format) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let sample_type = value.sample_type.ok_or_else(|| "missing sample_type".to_string())?;
let channel_count =
value.channel_count.ok_or_else(|| "missing channel_count".to_string())?;
let frames_per_second =
value.frames_per_second.ok_or_else(|| "missing frames_per_second".to_string())?;
Ok(Self {
sample_type: SampleType::try_from(sample_type)?,
channels: channel_count,
impl From<Format> for hound::WavSpec {
fn from(value: Format) -> Self {
Self {
channels: value.channels as u16,
sample_format: value.sample_type.into(),
sample_rate: value.frames_per_second,
bits_per_sample: value.sample_type.size().total_bits().get() as u16,
impl From<Format> for fmedia::AudioStreamType {
fn from(value: Format) -> Self {
Self {
sample_format: value.sample_type.into(),
channels: value.channels,
frames_per_second: value.frames_per_second,
impl Display for Format {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{},{},{}ch", self.frames_per_second, self.sample_type, self.channels)
impl FromStr for Format {
type Err = Error;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Error> {
if s.len() == 0 {
return Err(anyhow!("No format specified."));
let splits: Vec<&str> = s.split(",").collect();
if splits.len() != 3 {
return Err(anyhow!(
"Expected 3 comma-separated values: <SampleRate>,<SampleType>,<Channels> but have {}.",
let frame_rate = match splits[0].parse::<u32>() {
Ok(sample_rate) => Ok(sample_rate),
Err(_) => Err(anyhow!("First value (sample rate) should be an integer.")),
let sample_type = match SampleType::from_str(splits[1]) {
Ok(sample_type) => Ok(sample_type),
Err(_) => Err(anyhow!(
"Second value (sample type) should be one of: uint8, int16, int32, float32."
let channels = match splits[2].strip_suffix("ch") {
Some(channels) => match channels.parse::<u32>() {
Ok(channels) => Ok(channels),
Err(_) => Err(anyhow!("Third value (channels) should have form \"<uint>ch\".")),
None => Err(anyhow!("Channel argument should have form \"<uint>ch\".")),
Ok(Self { frames_per_second: frame_rate, sample_type, channels })
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum SampleType {
impl SampleType {
pub const fn size(&self) -> SampleSize {
match self {
Self::Uint8 => SampleSize::from_full_bits(BITS_8),
Self::Int16 => SampleSize::from_full_bits(BITS_16),
Self::Int32 => const_unwrap_option(SampleSize::from_partial_bits(BITS_24, BITS_32)),
Self::Float32 => SampleSize::from_full_bits(BITS_32),
pub const fn silence_value(&self) -> u8 {
match self {
Self::Uint8 => 128,
_ => 0,
impl Display for SampleType {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
let s = match self {
Self::Uint8 => "uint8",
Self::Int16 => "int16",
Self::Int32 => "int32",
Self::Float32 => "float32",
impl FromStr for SampleType {
type Err = anyhow::Error;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Error> {
match s {
"uint8" => Ok(Self::Uint8),
"int16" => Ok(Self::Int16),
"int32" => Ok(Self::Int32),
"float32" => Ok(Self::Float32),
_ => Err(anyhow!("Invalid sampletype: {}.", s)),
impl From<SampleType> for fmedia::AudioSampleFormat {
fn from(item: SampleType) -> fmedia::AudioSampleFormat {
match item {
SampleType::Uint8 => Self::Unsigned8,
SampleType::Int16 => Self::Signed16,
SampleType::Int32 => Self::Signed24In32,
SampleType::Float32 => Self::Float,
impl From<SampleType> for faudio::SampleType {
fn from(value: SampleType) -> Self {
match value {
SampleType::Uint8 => Self::Uint8,
SampleType::Int16 => Self::Int16,
SampleType::Int32 => Self::Int32,
SampleType::Float32 => Self::Float32,
impl From<SampleType> for fhaudio::SampleFormat {
fn from(value: SampleType) -> Self {
match value {
SampleType::Uint8 => Self::PcmUnsigned,
SampleType::Int16 | SampleType::Int32 => Self::PcmSigned,
SampleType::Float32 => Self::PcmFloat,
impl From<SampleType> for hound::SampleFormat {
fn from(value: SampleType) -> Self {
match value {
SampleType::Uint8 | SampleType::Int16 | SampleType::Int32 => Self::Int,
SampleType::Float32 => Self::Float,
impl From<fmedia::AudioSampleFormat> for SampleType {
fn from(item: fmedia::AudioSampleFormat) -> Self {
match item {
fmedia::AudioSampleFormat::Unsigned8 => Self::Uint8,
fmedia::AudioSampleFormat::Signed16 => Self::Int16,
fmedia::AudioSampleFormat::Signed24In32 => Self::Int32,
fmedia::AudioSampleFormat::Float => Self::Float32,
impl TryFrom<faudio::SampleType> for SampleType {
type Error = String;
fn try_from(value: faudio::SampleType) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
match value {
faudio::SampleType::Uint8 => Ok(Self::Uint8),
faudio::SampleType::Int16 => Ok(Self::Int16),
faudio::SampleType::Int32 => Ok(Self::Int32),
faudio::SampleType::Float32 => Ok(Self::Float32),
other => Err(format!("unsupported SampleType: {:?}", other)),
impl From<(hound::SampleFormat, u16 )> for SampleType {
fn from(value: (hound::SampleFormat, u16)) -> Self {
let (sample_format, bits_per_sample) = value;
match sample_format {
hound::SampleFormat::Int => match bits_per_sample {
0..=8 => Self::Uint8,
9..=16 => Self::Int16,
17.. => Self::Int32,
hound::SampleFormat::Float => Self::Float32,
impl TryFrom<(fhaudio::SampleFormat, SampleSize)> for SampleType {
type Error = String;
fn try_from(value: (fhaudio::SampleFormat, SampleSize)) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let (sample_format, sample_size) = value;
let (valid_bits, total_bits) =
(sample_size.valid_bits().get(), sample_size.total_bits().get());
match sample_format {
fhaudio::SampleFormat::PcmUnsigned => match (valid_bits, total_bits) {
(8, 8) => Some(Self::Uint8),
_ => None,
fhaudio::SampleFormat::PcmSigned => match (valid_bits, total_bits) {
(16, 16) => Some(Self::Int16),
(24 | 32, 32) => Some(Self::Int32),
_ => None,
fhaudio::SampleFormat::PcmFloat => match (valid_bits, total_bits) {
(32, 32) => Some(Self::Float32),
_ => None,
.ok_or_else(|| "unsupported sample size".to_string())
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct SampleSize {
valid_bits: NonZeroU32,
total_bits: NonZeroU32,
impl SampleSize {
pub const fn from_full_bits(total_bits: NonZeroU32) -> Self {
Self { valid_bits: total_bits, total_bits }
pub const fn from_partial_bits(valid_bits: NonZeroU32, total_bits: NonZeroU32) -> Option<Self> {
if valid_bits.get() > total_bits.get() {
return None;
Some(Self { valid_bits, total_bits })
pub const fn total_bits(&self) -> NonZeroU32 {
pub const fn total_bytes(&self) -> NonZeroU32 {
pub const fn valid_bits(&self) -> NonZeroU32 {
impl Display for SampleSize {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}in{}", self.valid_bits, self.total_bits)
impl FromStr for SampleSize {
type Err = String;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
let Some((valid_bits_str, total_bits_str)) = s.split_once("in") else {
return Err(format!("Invalid sample size: {}. Expected: <ValidBits>in<TotalBits>", s));
let valid_bits = valid_bits_str
.map_err(|err| format!("Invalid valid bits: {}", err))?;
let total_bits = total_bits_str
.map_err(|err| format!("Invalid total bits: {}", err))?;
let sample_size = Self::from_partial_bits(valid_bits, total_bits).ok_or_else(|| {
"Invalid sample size: {}. Valid bits must be less than or equal to total bits.",
pub fn parse_duration(value: &str) -> Result<Duration, String> {
let re = Regex::new(DURATION_REGEX).map_err(|e| format!("Could not create regex: {}", e))?;
let captures = re
.ok_or_else(|| format!("Durations must be specified in the form {}.", DURATION_REGEX))?;
let number: u64 = captures[1].parse().map_err(|e| format!("Could not parse number: {}", e))?;
let unit = &captures[2];
match unit {
"ms" => Ok(Duration::from_millis(number)),
"s" => Ok(Duration::from_secs(number)),
"m" => Ok(Duration::from_secs(number * 60)),
"h" => Ok(Duration::from_secs(number * 3600)),
_ => Err(format!(
"Invalid duration string \"{}\"; must be of the form {}.",
pub fn str_to_clock(src: &str) -> Result<fac::ClockType, String> {
match src.to_lowercase().as_str() {
"flexible" => Ok(fac::ClockType::Flexible(fac::Flexible)),
"monotonic" => Ok(fac::ClockType::SystemMonotonic(fac::SystemMonotonic)),
_ => {
let splits: Vec<&str> = src.split(",").collect();
if splits[0] == "custom" {
let rate_adjust = match splits[1].parse::<i32>() {
Ok(rate_adjust) => Some(rate_adjust),
Err(_) => None,
let offset = match splits[2].parse::<i32>() {
Ok(offset) => Some(offset),
Err(_) => None,
Ok(fac::ClockType::Custom(fac::CustomClockConfig {
} else {
Err(format!("Invalid clock argument: {}.", src))
pub mod test {
use super::*;
use test_case::test_case;
Format { frames_per_second: 48000, sample_type: SampleType::Uint8, channels: 2 };
Format { frames_per_second: 44100, sample_type: SampleType::Float32, channels: 1 };
fn test_format_display_parse(s: &str, format: Format) {
assert_eq!(s.parse::<Format>().unwrap(), format);
assert_eq!(format.to_string(), s);
#[test_case("44100,float,1ch"; "bad sample type")]
#[test_case("44100"; "missing sample type and channels")]
#[test_case("44100,float32,1"; "invalid channels")]
#[test_case("44100,float32"; "missing channels")]
#[test_case(",,"; "empty components")]
fn test_format_parse_invalid(s: &str) {
SampleSize::from_partial_bits(BITS_16, BITS_32).unwrap();
"16 valid 32 total"
"32 valid 32 total"
fn test_samplesize_display_parse(s: &str, sample_size: SampleSize) {
assert_eq!(s.parse::<SampleSize>().unwrap(), sample_size);
assert_eq!(sample_size.to_string(), s);