
1// Copyright 2024 The Fuchsia Authors
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5use std::cell::{Ref, RefCell, RefMut};
6use std::cmp::min;
7use std::collections::btree_map::Entry as BTreeMapEntry;
8use std::collections::hash_map::Entry as HashMapEntry;
9use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap, HashSet};
10use std::ops::{Bound, Deref, DerefMut};
11use std::rc::Rc;
13use elliptic_curve::sec1::ToEncodedPoint as _;
14use num_traits::FromPrimitive as _;
15use p256::NistP256;
16use rsa::traits::{PrivateKeyParts as _, PublicKeyParts as _};
17use rsa::{BigUint, RsaPrivateKey};
18use tee_internal::{
19    Attribute, AttributeId, BufferOrValue, EccCurve, Error, HandleFlags, MemRef, ObjectEnumHandle,
20    ObjectHandle, ObjectInfo, Result as TeeResult, Storage as TeeStorage, Type, Usage, ValueFields,
23use thiserror::Error;
25use crate::crypto::Rng;
26use crate::ErrorWithSize;
28type P256SecretKey = elliptic_curve::SecretKey<NistP256>;
30pub struct Storage {
31    persistent_objects: PersistentObjects,
32    transient_objects: TransientObjects,
36// We establish the private convention that all persistent object handles are
37// odd in value, while all transient object handles are even.
40fn is_persistent_handle(object: ObjectHandle) -> bool {
41    *object % 2 == 1
44// We define the inverse of is_persistent_handle() for readability at callsites
45// where we want to more directly check for transience.
46fn is_transient_handle(object: ObjectHandle) -> bool {
47    !is_persistent_handle(object)
51// Key type definitions.
53// See Table 5-9: TEE_AllocateTransientObject Object Types and Key Sizes 4.
56// A representation of a retrieved buffer attribute. Ideally, we'd just use
57// Option<&[u8]>, but some of the APIs we're gluing here like to return vector
58// representations.
59pub enum BufferAttribute<'a> {
60    Slice(&'a [u8]),
61    Vector(Vec<u8>),
64// A internal trait representing the common key operations.
66// TODO(https://fxbug.dev/371213067): Right now it's convenient to give default
67// implementations to generate "unimplemented" stubs for the various key types
68// we don't yet support with minimal boilerplate. When more is
69// supported/implemented, we can remove these defaults.
70pub trait KeyType {
71    fn new(_max_size: u32) -> TeeResult<Self>
72    where
73        Self: Sized, // Not a subtrait to keep KeyType dyn-compatible
74    {
75        unimplemented!()
76    }
78    fn is_valid_size(_size: u32) -> bool
79    where
80        Self: Sized, // Not a subtrait to keep KeyType dyn-compatible
81    {
82        false
83    }
85    fn size(&self) -> u32 {
86        0
87    }
89    fn max_size(&self) -> u32 {
90        0
91    }
93    fn buffer_attribute(&self, _id: AttributeId) -> Option<BufferAttribute<'_>> {
94        None
95    }
97    fn value_attribute(&self, _id: AttributeId) -> Option<ValueFields> {
98        None
99    }
101    fn reset(&mut self) {
102        unimplemented!()
103    }
105    fn populate(&mut self, _attributes: &[Attribute]) -> TeeResult {
106        unimplemented!()
107    }
109    fn generate(&mut self, _size: u32, _params: &[Attribute]) -> TeeResult {
110        unimplemented!()
111    }
114// An error type in service of extract_attributes!() below.
115#[derive(Error, Debug)]
116enum ExtractAttributeError {
117    #[error("{0:?} provided twice")]
118    ProvidedTwice(AttributeId),
120    #[error("Unexpected attribute: {0:?}")]
121    Unexpected(AttributeId),
124// This trait exists only to aid in the definition of extract_attributes!
125// just below, injecting a dose of generics to support both the memory and
126// value attribute cases, which seems hard to do with macro tricks alone.
127trait ExtractAttributeInto<T> {
128    fn extract_into(self, value: &mut T) -> Result<(), ExtractAttributeError>;
131impl<'a> ExtractAttributeInto<&'a [u8]> for &'a Attribute {
132    fn extract_into(self, value: &mut &'a [u8]) -> Result<(), ExtractAttributeError> {
133        if !value.is_empty() {
134            Err(ExtractAttributeError::ProvidedTwice(self.id))
135        } else {
136            *value = self.as_memory_reference().as_slice();
137            Ok(())
138        }
139    }
142impl ExtractAttributeInto<Option<ValueFields>> for &Attribute {
143    fn extract_into(self, value: &mut Option<ValueFields>) -> Result<(), ExtractAttributeError> {
144        if value.is_some() {
145            Err(ExtractAttributeError::ProvidedTwice(self.id))
146        } else {
147            *value = Some(*self.as_value());
148            Ok(())
149        }
150    }
153// Extracts the expected attributes from a list, returning
154// Result<(), ExtractAttributeError>, ensuring that only expected ones are
155// present and nothing expected is duplicated.
157// Example usage:
158// ```
159// let mut mem_attr: &[u8] = &[];
160// let mut val_attr: Option<ValueFields> = None;
161// ...
162// extract_attributes!(
163//     attrs,
164//     AttributeId::A => mem_attr, // If present, will set mem_attr as the A payload
165//     AttributeId::B => val_attr, // If present, will val_attr as the B payload
166//     ...
167// ).unwrap();
168// ```
169macro_rules! extract_attributes {
170    ($attributes:expr, $($id:path => $var:ident),*) => {
171        || -> Result<(), ExtractAttributeError> {
172            for attr in $attributes {
173                match attr.id {
174                    $( $id => attr.extract_into(&mut $var)?, )*
175                    _ => return Err(ExtractAttributeError::Unexpected(attr.id)),
176                }
177            }
178            Ok(())
179        }()
180    };
184pub struct SimpleSymmetricKey<const SIZE_MIN: u32, const SIZE_MAX: u32, const SIZE_MULTIPLE: u32> {
185    pub secret: Vec<u8>, // TEE_ATTR_SECRET_VALUE
188impl<const SIZE_MIN: u32, const SIZE_MAX: u32, const SIZE_MULTIPLE: u32> KeyType
189    for SimpleSymmetricKey<SIZE_MIN, SIZE_MAX, SIZE_MULTIPLE>
191    fn new(max_size: u32) -> TeeResult<Self> {
192        // Would that we could make these static asserts directly in the
193        // definition of the type, or out-of-line next to it.
194        const { assert!((SIZE_MIN % SIZE_MULTIPLE) == 0) };
195        const { assert!((SIZE_MAX % SIZE_MULTIPLE) == 0) };
197        if Self::is_valid_size(max_size) {
198            Ok(Self { secret: Vec::with_capacity((max_size / u8::BITS) as usize) })
199        } else {
200            Err(Error::NotSupported)
201        }
202    }
204    fn is_valid_size(size: u32) -> bool {
205        size >= SIZE_MIN && size <= SIZE_MAX && (size % SIZE_MULTIPLE) == 0
206    }
208    fn size(&self) -> u32 {
209        (self.secret.len() as u32) * u8::BITS
210    }
212    fn max_size(&self) -> u32 {
213        (self.secret.capacity() as u32) * u8::BITS
214    }
216    fn buffer_attribute(&self, id: AttributeId) -> Option<BufferAttribute<'_>> {
217        if id == AttributeId::SecretValue {
218            Some(BufferAttribute::Slice(&self.secret))
219        } else {
220            None
221        }
222    }
224    fn reset(&mut self) {
225        self.secret.clear();
226    }
228    fn populate(&mut self, attributes: &[Attribute]) -> TeeResult {
229        debug_assert!(self.secret.is_empty());
231        let mut secret: &[u8] = &[];
232        extract_attributes!(
233            attributes,
234            AttributeId::SecretValue => secret
235        )
236        .unwrap();
237        assert!(!secret.is_empty(), "Missing attribute for secret value");
239        assert!(secret.len() <= self.secret.capacity());
240        self.secret.extend_from_slice(secret);
241        Ok(())
242    }
244    fn generate(&mut self, size: u32, params: &[Attribute]) -> TeeResult {
245        assert!(Self::is_valid_size(size));
246        assert!(size <= self.max_size());
247        if !params.is_empty() {
248            return Err(Error::BadParameters);
249        }
250        self.secret.resize((size / u8::BITS) as usize, 0);
251        zx::cprng_draw(self.secret.as_mut_slice());
252        Ok(())
253    }
256pub type AesKey = SimpleSymmetricKey<128, 256, 64>; // 128, 192, or 256
257pub type HmacSha1Key = SimpleSymmetricKey<80, 512, 8>;
258pub type HmacSha224Key = SimpleSymmetricKey<112, 512, 8>;
259pub type HmacSha256Key = SimpleSymmetricKey<192, 1024, 8>;
260pub type HmacSha384Key = SimpleSymmetricKey<256, 512, 8>;
261pub type HmacSha512Key = SimpleSymmetricKey<256, 512, 8>;
263pub struct RsaKeypair {
264    private: Option<Rc<RsaPrivateKey>>,
265    max_size: u32,
268impl RsaKeypair {
269    pub fn private_key(&self) -> Rc<RsaPrivateKey> {
270        self.private.as_ref().unwrap().clone()
271    }
274// A deep clone implementation as we don't want to the lifetimes of copied keys
275// to be tied to their originals.
276impl Clone for RsaKeypair {
277    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
278        let max_size = self.max_size;
279        if let Some(private) = &self.private {
280            Self { private: Some(Rc::new(private.deref().clone())), max_size }
281        } else {
282            Self { private: None, max_size }
283        }
284    }
287impl KeyType for RsaKeypair {
288    fn new(max_size: u32) -> TeeResult<Self> {
289        if !Self::is_valid_size(max_size) {
290            return Err(Error::NotSupported);
291        }
292        Ok(Self { private: None, max_size })
293    }
295    fn is_valid_size(size: u32) -> bool {
296        (size % u8::BITS) == 0 && 512 <= size && size <= 4096
297    }
299    fn size(&self) -> u32 {
300        if let Some(private) = &self.private {
301            (private.size() as u32) * u8::BITS
302        } else {
303            0
304        }
305    }
307    fn max_size(&self) -> u32 {
308        self.max_size
309    }
311    fn buffer_attribute(&self, id: AttributeId) -> Option<BufferAttribute<'_>> {
312        let Some(private) = &self.private else {
313            return None;
314        };
315        match id {
316            AttributeId::RsaModulus => Some(BufferAttribute::Vector(private.n().to_bytes_be())),
317            AttributeId::RsaPublicExponent => {
318                Some(BufferAttribute::Vector(private.e().to_bytes_be()))
319            }
320            AttributeId::RsaPrivateExponent => {
321                Some(BufferAttribute::Vector(private.d().to_bytes_be()))
322            }
323            AttributeId::RsaPrime1 => {
324                Some(BufferAttribute::Vector(private.primes()[0].to_bytes_be()))
325            }
326            AttributeId::RsaPrime2 => {
327                Some(BufferAttribute::Vector(private.primes()[1].to_bytes_be()))
328            }
329            AttributeId::RsaExponent1 => {
330                Some(BufferAttribute::Vector(private.dp().unwrap().to_bytes_be()))
331            }
332            AttributeId::RsaExponent2 => {
333                Some(BufferAttribute::Vector(private.dq().unwrap().to_bytes_be()))
334            }
335            AttributeId::RsaCoefficient => {
336                Some(BufferAttribute::Vector(private.crt_coefficient().unwrap().to_bytes_be()))
337            }
338            _ => None,
339        }
340    }
342    fn reset(&mut self) {
343        self.private = None;
344    }
346    fn populate(&mut self, attributes: &[Attribute]) -> TeeResult {
347        assert!(self.private.is_none());
349        let mut modulus: &[u8] = &[];
350        let mut public_exponent: &[u8] = &[];
351        let mut private_exponent: &[u8] = &[];
352        let mut prime1: &[u8] = &[];
353        let mut prime2: &[u8] = &[];
354        let mut exponent1: &[u8] = &[];
355        let mut exponent2: &[u8] = &[];
356        let mut coefficient: &[u8] = &[];
357        extract_attributes!(
358            attributes,
359            AttributeId::RsaModulus => modulus,
360            AttributeId::RsaPublicExponent => public_exponent,
361            AttributeId::RsaPrivateExponent => private_exponent,
362            AttributeId::RsaPrime1 => prime1,
363            AttributeId::RsaPrime2 => prime2,
364            AttributeId::RsaExponent1 => exponent1,
365            AttributeId::RsaExponent2 => exponent2,
366            AttributeId::RsaCoefficient => coefficient
367        )
368        .unwrap();
369        assert!(!modulus.is_empty(), "Missing attribute for RSA modulus");
370        assert!(!public_exponent.is_empty(), "Missing attribute for RSA public exponent");
371        assert!(!private_exponent.is_empty(), "Missing attribute for RSA private exponent");
373        if !prime1.is_empty()
374            || prime2.is_empty()
375            || !exponent1.is_empty()
376            || !exponent2.is_empty()
377            || !coefficient.is_empty()
378        {
379            assert!(
380                !prime1.is_empty(),
381                "TEE_ATTR_RSA_PRIME1 is required if another CRT attribute is provided"
382            );
383            assert!(
384                !prime2.is_empty(),
385                "TEE_ATTR_RSA_PRIME2 is required if another CRT attribute is provided"
386            );
387            assert!(
388                !exponent1.is_empty(),
389                "TEE_ATTR_RSA_EXPONENT1 is required if another CRT attribute is provided"
390            );
391            assert!(
392                !exponent2.is_empty(),
393                "TEE_ATTR_RSA_EXPONENT2 is required if another CRT attribute is provided"
394            );
395            assert!(
396                !coefficient.is_empty(),
397                "TEE_ATTR_RSA_COEFFICIENT is required if another CRT attribute is provided"
398            );
399        }
401        let len: u32 = modulus.len().try_into().unwrap();
402        assert!(u8::BITS * len <= self.max_size());
404        let mut private_key = RsaPrivateKey::from_components(
405            BigUint::from_bytes_be(modulus),
406            BigUint::from_bytes_be(public_exponent),
407            BigUint::from_bytes_be(private_exponent),
408            vec![BigUint::from_bytes_be(prime1), BigUint::from_bytes_be(prime2)],
409        )
410        .map_err(|_| Error::BadParameters)?;
412        // Computes and populates the CRT coefficients accessed below and
413        // possibly in subsequent key use.
414        private_key.precompute().unwrap();
416        if !exponent1.is_empty() {
417            if *private_key.dp().unwrap() != BigUint::from_bytes_be(exponent1) {
418                return Err(Error::BadParameters);
419            }
420            if *private_key.dq().unwrap() != BigUint::from_bytes_be(exponent2) {
421                return Err(Error::BadParameters);
422            }
423            if private_key.crt_coefficient().unwrap() != BigUint::from_bytes_be(coefficient) {
424                return Err(Error::BadParameters);
425            }
426        }
428        self.private = Some(Rc::new(private_key));
429        Ok(())
430    }
432    fn generate(&mut self, size: u32, params: &[Attribute]) -> TeeResult {
433        assert!(Self::is_valid_size(size));
434        assert!(size <= self.max_size());
435        assert!(self.private.is_none());
437        let mut public_exponent: &[u8] = &[];
438        extract_attributes!(params, AttributeId::RsaPublicExponent => public_exponent)
439            .map_err(|_| Error::BadParameters)?;
441        let mut private_key = if public_exponent.is_empty() {
442            RsaPrivateKey::new(&mut Rng {}, size as usize)
443        } else {
444            RsaPrivateKey::new_with_exp(
445                &mut Rng {},
446                size as usize,
447                &BigUint::from_bytes_be(public_exponent),
448            )
449        }
450        .unwrap();
452        // Computes and populates the CRT coefficients accessed below and
453        // possibly in subsequent key use.
454        private_key.precompute().unwrap();
456        self.private = Some(Rc::new(private_key));
458        Ok(())
459    }
463pub struct EccKeypair {
464    secret: Option<Box<P256SecretKey>>,
467// Only NIST P-256 curves are supported at this time.
468impl KeyType for EccKeypair {
469    fn new(max_size: u32) -> TeeResult<Self> {
470        if !Self::is_valid_size(max_size) {
471            return Err(Error::NotSupported);
472        }
473        Ok(Self { secret: None })
474    }
476    fn is_valid_size(size: u32) -> bool {
477        size == 256
478    }
480    fn size(&self) -> u32 {
481        256
482    }
484    fn max_size(&self) -> u32 {
485        256
486    }
488    fn buffer_attribute(&self, id: AttributeId) -> Option<BufferAttribute<'_>> {
489        let Some(secret) = &self.secret else {
490            return None;
491        };
492        match id {
493            AttributeId::EccPrivateValue => {
494                Some(BufferAttribute::Vector(secret.to_be_bytes().as_slice().to_vec()))
495            }
496            AttributeId::EccPublicValueX => Some(BufferAttribute::Vector(
497                secret
498                    .public_key()
499                    .as_affine()
500                    .to_encoded_point(/*compress=*/ false)
501                    .x()
502                    .unwrap()
503                    .as_slice()
504                    .to_vec(),
505            )),
506            AttributeId::EccPublicValueY => Some(BufferAttribute::Vector(
507                secret
508                    .public_key()
509                    .as_affine()
510                    .to_encoded_point(/*compress=*/ false)
511                    .y()
512                    .unwrap()
513                    .as_slice()
514                    .to_vec(),
515            )),
516            _ => None,
517        }
518    }
520    fn value_attribute(&self, id: AttributeId) -> Option<ValueFields> {
521        match id {
522            AttributeId::EccCurve => Some(ValueFields { a: EccCurve::NistP256 as u32, b: 0 }),
523            _ => None,
524        }
525    }
527    fn reset(&mut self) {
528        self.secret = None;
529    }
531    fn populate(&mut self, attributes: &[Attribute]) -> TeeResult {
532        assert!(self.secret.is_none());
534        let mut private_value: &[u8] = &[];
535        let mut public_value_x: &[u8] = &[];
536        let mut public_value_y: &[u8] = &[];
537        let mut curve: Option<ValueFields> = None;
538        extract_attributes!(
539            attributes,
540            AttributeId::EccPrivateValue => private_value,
541            AttributeId::EccPublicValueX => public_value_x,
542            AttributeId::EccPublicValueY => public_value_y,
543            AttributeId::EccCurve => curve
544        )
545        .unwrap();
546        assert!(!private_value.is_empty(), "Missing attribute for ECC private value");
547        assert!(!public_value_x.is_empty(), "Missing attribute for ECC public value X");
548        assert!(!public_value_y.is_empty(), "Missing attribute for ECC public value Y");
549        assert!(curve.is_some(), "Missing attribute for ECC curve");
551        let curve = EccCurve::from_u32(curve.unwrap().a).ok_or(Error::NotSupported)?;
552        if curve != EccCurve::NistP256 {
553            return Err(Error::NotSupported);
554        }
556        let secret = P256SecretKey::from_be_bytes(private_value).unwrap();
558        // Check that provided public parameters coincide with those computed
559        // by the private key abstraction.
560        let point = secret.public_key().as_affine().to_encoded_point(/*compress=*/ false);
561        if point.x().unwrap().as_slice() != public_value_x {
562            return Err(Error::BadParameters);
563        }
564        if point.y().unwrap().as_slice() != public_value_y {
565            return Err(Error::BadParameters);
566        }
567        self.secret = Some(Box::new(secret));
568        Ok(())
569    }
571    fn generate(&mut self, size: u32, params: &[Attribute]) -> TeeResult {
572        assert!(Self::is_valid_size(size));
573        assert!(size <= self.max_size());
574        assert!(self.secret.is_none());
576        let mut curve: Option<ValueFields> = None;
577        extract_attributes!(params, AttributeId::EccCurve => curve)
578            .map_err(|_| Error::BadParameters)?;
579        assert!(curve.is_some(), "Missing attribute for ECC curve");
581        let curve = EccCurve::from_u32(curve.unwrap().a).ok_or(Error::NotSupported)?;
582        if curve != EccCurve::NistP256 {
583            return Err(Error::NotSupported);
584        }
586        self.secret = Some(Box::new(P256SecretKey::random(&mut Rng {})));
587        Ok(())
588    }
592pub struct NoKey {}
594impl KeyType for NoKey {
595    fn new(max_size: u32) -> TeeResult<Self> {
596        if max_size == 0 {
597            Ok(Self {})
598        } else {
599            Err(Error::NotSupported)
600        }
601    }
603    fn is_valid_size(size: u32) -> bool {
604        size == 0
605    }
607    fn reset(&mut self) {}
609    fn populate(&mut self, attributes: &[Attribute]) -> TeeResult {
610        assert!(attributes.is_empty());
611        Ok(())
612    }
614    fn generate(&mut self, size: u32, params: &[Attribute]) -> TeeResult {
615        assert_eq!(size, 0);
616        assert!(params.is_empty());
617        Ok(())
618    }
621/// A cryptographic key (or key pair).
623pub enum Key {
624    Aes(AesKey),
625    HmacSha1(HmacSha1Key),
626    HmacSha224(HmacSha224Key),
627    HmacSha256(HmacSha256Key),
628    HmacSha384(HmacSha384Key),
629    HmacSha512(HmacSha512Key),
630    RsaKeypair(RsaKeypair),
631    EcdsaKeypair(EccKeypair),
632    EcdhKeypair(EccKeypair),
633    Data(NoKey),
636// Reduces boilerplate a little.
637macro_rules! get_key_variant {
638    ($key:ident) => {
639        match $key {
640            Key::Aes(key) => key,
641            Key::HmacSha1(key) => key,
642            Key::HmacSha224(key) => key,
643            Key::HmacSha256(key) => key,
644            Key::HmacSha384(key) => key,
645            Key::HmacSha512(key) => key,
646            Key::RsaKeypair(key) => key,
647            Key::EcdsaKeypair(key) => key,
648            Key::EcdhKeypair(key) => key,
649            Key::Data(key) => key,
650        }
651    };
654impl Key {
655    pub fn new(type_: Type, max_size: u32) -> TeeResult<Key> {
656        match type_ {
657            Type::Aes => AesKey::new(max_size).map(Self::Aes),
658            Type::HmacSha1 => HmacSha1Key::new(max_size).map(Self::HmacSha1),
659            Type::HmacSha224 => HmacSha224Key::new(max_size).map(Self::HmacSha224),
660            Type::HmacSha256 => HmacSha256Key::new(max_size).map(Self::HmacSha256),
661            Type::HmacSha384 => HmacSha384Key::new(max_size).map(Self::HmacSha384),
662            Type::HmacSha512 => HmacSha512Key::new(max_size).map(Self::HmacSha512),
663            Type::RsaKeypair => RsaKeypair::new(max_size).map(Self::RsaKeypair),
664            Type::EcdsaKeypair => EccKeypair::new(max_size).map(Self::EcdsaKeypair),
665            Type::EcdhKeypair => EccKeypair::new(max_size).map(Self::EcdhKeypair),
666            Type::Data => NoKey::new(max_size).map(Self::Data),
667            _ => Err(Error::NotSupported),
668        }
669    }
671    pub fn get_type(&self) -> Type {
672        match self {
673            Key::Aes(_) => Type::Aes,
674            Key::HmacSha1(_) => Type::HmacSha1,
675            Key::HmacSha224(_) => Type::HmacSha224,
676            Key::HmacSha256(_) => Type::HmacSha256,
677            Key::HmacSha384(_) => Type::HmacSha384,
678            Key::HmacSha512(_) => Type::HmacSha512,
679            Key::RsaKeypair(_) => Type::RsaKeypair,
680            Key::EcdsaKeypair(_) => Type::EcdsaKeypair,
681            Key::EcdhKeypair(_) => Type::EcdhKeypair,
682            Key::Data(_) => Type::Data,
683        }
684    }
687impl Deref for Key {
688    type Target = dyn KeyType;
690    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
691        get_key_variant!(self)
692    }
695impl DerefMut for Key {
696    fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
697        get_key_variant!(self)
698    }
701// The common object abstraction implemented by transient and persistent
702// storage objects.
703pub trait Object {
704    fn key(&self) -> &Key;
706    fn usage(&self) -> &Usage;
707    fn usage_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Usage;
709    fn flags(&self) -> &HandleFlags;
711    fn restrict_usage(&mut self, restriction: Usage) {
712        let usage = self.usage_mut();
713        *usage = usage.intersection(restriction)
714    }
716    fn get_info(&self, data_size: usize, data_position: usize) -> ObjectInfo {
717        let all_info_flags = HandleFlags::PERSISTENT
718            | HandleFlags::INITIALIZED
719            | HandleFlags::DATA_ACCESS_READ
720            | HandleFlags::DATA_ACCESS_WRITE
721            | HandleFlags::DATA_ACCESS_WRITE_META
722            | HandleFlags::DATA_SHARE_READ
723            | HandleFlags::DATA_SHARE_WRITE;
724        let flags = self.flags().intersection(all_info_flags);
725        let key_size = self.key().size();
726        let object_size = if key_size > 0 { key_size } else { data_size.try_into().unwrap() };
727        ObjectInfo {
728            object_type: self.key().get_type(),
729            max_object_size: self.key().max_size(),
730            object_size,
731            object_usage: *self.usage(),
732            data_position: data_position,
733            data_size: data_size,
734            handle_flags: flags,
735        }
736    }
739struct TransientObject {
740    key: Key,
741    usage: Usage,
742    flags: HandleFlags,
745impl TransientObject {
746    fn new(key: Key) -> Self {
747        TransientObject { key, usage: Usage::default(), flags: HandleFlags::empty() }
748    }
751impl Object for TransientObject {
752    fn key(&self) -> &Key {
753        &self.key
754    }
756    fn usage(&self) -> &Usage {
757        &self.usage
758    }
759    fn usage_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Usage {
760        &mut self.usage
761    }
763    fn flags(&self) -> &HandleFlags {
764        &self.flags
765    }
768// A class abstraction implementing the transient storage interface.
769struct TransientObjects {
770    by_handle: HashMap<ObjectHandle, Rc<RefCell<TransientObject>>>,
771    next_handle_value: u64,
774impl TransientObjects {
775    fn new() -> Self {
776        Self {
777            by_handle: HashMap::new(),
778            // Always even, per the described convention above - also non-null.
779            next_handle_value: 2,
780        }
781    }
783    fn allocate(&mut self, type_: Type, max_size: u32) -> TeeResult<ObjectHandle> {
784        let key = Key::new(type_, max_size)?;
785        let handle = self.mint_handle();
786        let prev =
787            self.by_handle.insert(handle.clone(), Rc::new(RefCell::new(TransientObject::new(key))));
788        debug_assert!(prev.is_none());
790        Ok(handle)
791    }
793    fn free(&mut self, handle: ObjectHandle) {
794        if handle.is_null() {
795            return;
796        }
797        match self.by_handle.entry(handle) {
798            HashMapEntry::Occupied(entry) => {
799                let _ = entry.remove();
800            }
801            HashMapEntry::Vacant(_) => panic!("{handle:?} is not a valid handle"),
802        }
803    }
805    fn reset(&self, handle: ObjectHandle) {
806        match self.by_handle.get(&handle) {
807            Some(obj) => {
808                let mut obj = obj.borrow_mut();
809                obj.flags.remove(HandleFlags::INITIALIZED);
810                obj.key.reset()
811            }
812            None => panic!("{handle:?} is not a valid handle"),
813        }
814    }
816    fn populate(&self, handle: ObjectHandle, attributes: &[Attribute]) -> TeeResult {
817        match self.by_handle.get(&handle) {
818            Some(obj) => {
819                let mut obj = obj.borrow_mut();
820                assert!(
821                    !obj.flags.contains(HandleFlags::INITIALIZED),
822                    "{handle:?} is already initialized"
823                );
824                obj.flags.insert(HandleFlags::INITIALIZED);
825                obj.key.populate(attributes)
826            }
827            None => panic!("{handle:?} is not a valid handle"),
828        }
829    }
831    fn generate_key(&self, handle: ObjectHandle, size: u32, params: &[Attribute]) -> TeeResult {
832        match self.by_handle.get(&handle) {
833            Some(obj) => {
834                let mut obj = obj.borrow_mut();
835                assert!(
836                    !obj.flags.contains(HandleFlags::INITIALIZED),
837                    "{handle:?} is already initialized"
838                );
839                obj.flags.insert(HandleFlags::INITIALIZED);
840                obj.key.generate(size, params)
841            }
842            None => panic!("{handle:?} is not a valid handle"),
843        }
844    }
846    // Returns a shared reference to the associated object, if `handle` is
847    // valid; panics otherwise.
848    fn get(&self, handle: ObjectHandle) -> Ref<'_, TransientObject> {
849        self.by_handle
850            .get(&handle)
851            .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("{handle:?} is not a valid handle"))
852            .borrow()
853    }
855    // Returns an exclusive reference to the associated object view, if `handle` is
856    // valid; panics otherwise.
857    fn get_mut(&self, handle: ObjectHandle) -> RefMut<'_, TransientObject> {
858        self.by_handle
859            .get(&handle)
860            .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("{handle:?} is not a valid handle"))
861            .borrow_mut()
862    }
864    fn mint_handle(&mut self) -> ObjectHandle {
865        let handle_value = self.next_handle_value;
866        self.next_handle_value += 2;
867        ObjectHandle::from_value(handle_value)
868    }
871struct PersistentObject {
872    key: Key,
873    usage: Usage,
874    base_flags: HandleFlags,
875    data: zx::Vmo,
876    data_size: usize,
877    id: Vec<u8>,
879    // The open handles to this object. Tracking these in this way conveniently
880    // enables their invalidation in the case of object overwriting.
881    handles: HashSet<ObjectHandle>,
884impl Object for PersistentObject {
885    fn key(&self) -> &Key {
886        &self.key
887    }
889    fn usage(&self) -> &Usage {
890        &self.usage
891    }
892    fn usage_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Usage {
893        &mut self.usage
894    }
896    fn flags(&self) -> &HandleFlags {
897        &self.base_flags
898    }
901// A handle's view into a persistent object.
902struct PersistentObjectView {
903    object: Rc<RefCell<PersistentObject>>,
904    flags: HandleFlags,
905    data_position: usize,
908impl PersistentObjectView {
909    fn get_info(&self) -> ObjectInfo {
910        let obj = self.object.borrow();
911        obj.get_info(obj.data_size, self.data_position)
912    }
914    // See read_object_data().
915    fn read_data<'a>(&mut self, buffer: &'a mut [u8]) -> TeeResult<&'a [u8]> {
916        let obj = self.object.borrow();
917        let read_size = min(obj.data_size - self.data_position, buffer.len());
918        let written = &mut buffer[..read_size];
919        if read_size > 0 {
920            obj.data.read(written, self.data_position as u64).unwrap();
921        }
922        self.data_position += read_size;
923        Ok(written)
924    }
926    // See write_object_data().
927    fn write_data(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> TeeResult {
928        if data.is_empty() {
929            return Ok(());
930        }
931        let mut obj = self.object.borrow_mut();
932        let write_end = self.data_position + data.len();
934        if write_end > DATA_MAX_POSITION {
935            return Err(Error::Overflow);
936        }
937        if write_end > obj.data_size {
938            obj.data.set_size(write_end as u64).unwrap();
939            obj.data_size = write_end;
940        }
941        obj.data.write(data, self.data_position as u64).unwrap();
942        self.data_position = write_end;
943        Ok(())
944    }
946    // See truncate_object_data().
947    fn truncate_data(&self, size: usize) -> TeeResult {
948        let mut obj = self.object.borrow_mut();
950        // It's okay to set the size past the position in either direction.
951        // However, the spec does not actually cover the case where the
952        // provided size is is larger than DATA_MAX_POSITION. Since any
953        // part of the data stream past that would be inaccessible; it
954        // should be sensible and harmless to not exceed that in resizing.
955        let size = min(size, DATA_MAX_POSITION);
956        obj.data.set_size(size as u64).unwrap();
957        obj.data_size = size;
958        Ok(())
959    }
961    // See seek_object_data().
962    fn seek_data(&mut self, offset: isize, whence: Whence) -> TeeResult {
963        let start = match whence {
964            Whence::DataSeekCur => self.data_position,
965            Whence::DataSeekEnd => self.object.borrow().data_size,
966            Whence::DataSeekSet => 0,
967        };
968        let new_position = start.saturating_add_signed(offset);
969        if new_position > DATA_MAX_POSITION {
970            Err(Error::Overflow)
971        } else {
972            self.data_position = new_position;
973            Ok(())
974        }
975    }
978// The state of an object enum handle.
979struct EnumState {
980    // None if in the allocated/unstarted state.
981    id: Option<Vec<u8>>,
984// A B-tree since enumeration needs to deal in key (i.e., ID) ordering.
986// Further, the key represents a separately owned copy of the ID; we do this
987// instead of representing the key as an Rc<Vec<u8>> as then we would no
988// longer be able to perform look-up with slices - since Borrow is not
989// implemented for Rc - and would instead have to dynamically allocate a new
990// key for the look-up. Better to not touch the heap when bad inputs are
991// provided.
992type PersistentIdMap = BTreeMap<Vec<u8>, Rc<RefCell<PersistentObject>>>;
994type PersistentHandleMap = HashMap<ObjectHandle, RefCell<PersistentObjectView>>;
995type PersistentEnumHandleMap = HashMap<ObjectEnumHandle, RefCell<EnumState>>;
997// A class abstraction implementing the persistent storage interface.
998struct PersistentObjects {
999    by_id: PersistentIdMap,
1000    by_handle: PersistentHandleMap,
1001    enum_handles: PersistentEnumHandleMap,
1002    next_handle_value: u64,
1003    next_enum_handle_value: u64,
1006impl PersistentObjects {
1007    fn new() -> Self {
1008        Self {
1009            by_id: PersistentIdMap::new(),
1010            by_handle: PersistentHandleMap::new(),
1011            enum_handles: HashMap::new(),
1012            next_handle_value: 1, // Always odd, per the described convention above
1013            next_enum_handle_value: 1,
1014        }
1015    }
1017    fn create(
1018        &mut self,
1019        key: Key,
1020        usage: Usage,
1021        flags: HandleFlags,
1022        id: &[u8],
1023        initial_data: &[u8],
1024    ) -> TeeResult<ObjectHandle> {
1025        assert!(id.len() <= OBJECT_ID_MAX_LEN);
1027        let data = zx::Vmo::create_with_opts(zx::VmoOptions::RESIZABLE, initial_data.len() as u64)
1028            .unwrap();
1029        if !initial_data.is_empty() {
1030            data.write(initial_data, 0).unwrap();
1031        }
1033        let flags = flags.union(HandleFlags::PERSISTENT | HandleFlags::INITIALIZED);
1035        let obj = PersistentObject {
1036            key,
1037            usage,
1038            base_flags: flags,
1039            data,
1040            data_size: initial_data.len(),
1041            id: Vec::from(id),
1042            handles: HashSet::new(),
1043        };
1045        let obj_ref = match self.by_id.get(id) {
1046            // If there's already an object with that ID, then
1047            // DATA_FLAG_OVERWRITE permits overwriting. This results in
1048            // existing handles being invalidated.
1049            Some(obj_ref) => {
1050                if !flags.contains(HandleFlags::DATA_FLAG_OVERWRITE) {
1051                    return Err(Error::AccessConflict);
1052                }
1053                {
1054                    let mut obj_old = obj_ref.borrow_mut();
1055                    for handle in obj_old.handles.iter() {
1056                        let removed = self.by_handle.remove(&handle).is_some();
1057                        debug_assert!(removed);
1058                    }
1059                    *obj_old = obj;
1060                }
1061                obj_ref.clone()
1062            }
1063            None => {
1064                let id = obj.id.clone();
1065                let obj_ref = Rc::new(RefCell::new(obj));
1066                let inserted = self.by_id.insert(id, obj_ref.clone());
1067                debug_assert!(inserted.is_none());
1068                obj_ref
1069            }
1070        };
1071        Ok(self.open_internal(obj_ref, flags))
1072    }
1074    // See open_persistent_object().
1075    fn open(&mut self, id: &[u8], flags: HandleFlags) -> TeeResult<ObjectHandle> {
1076        assert!(id.len() <= OBJECT_ID_MAX_LEN);
1078        let obj_ref = match self.by_id.get(id) {
1079            Some(obj_ref) => Ok(obj_ref),
1080            None => Err(Error::ItemNotFound),
1081        }?;
1083        {
1084            let mut obj = obj_ref.borrow_mut();
1086            // At any given time, the number of object references should be
1087            // greater than or equal to the number of handle map values + the
1088            // number of object ID map values, which should be equal to the #
1089            // of open handles to that object + 1.
1090            debug_assert!(Rc::strong_count(obj_ref) >= obj.handles.len() + 1);
1092            // If we previously closed the last handle to the object and are
1093            // now reopening its first active handle, overwrite the base flags
1094            // with the handle's. The spec doesn't dictate this, but it's hard
1095            // to imagine what else an implementation could or should do in
1096            // this case.
1097            if obj.handles.is_empty() {
1098                obj.base_flags = flags.union(HandleFlags::PERSISTENT | HandleFlags::INITIALIZED);
1099            } else {
1100                let combined = flags.union(obj.base_flags);
1101                let intersection = flags.intersection(obj.base_flags);
1103                // Check for shared read permissions.
1104                if flags.contains(HandleFlags::DATA_ACCESS_READ)
1105                    && !(intersection.contains(HandleFlags::DATA_SHARE_READ))
1106                {
1107                    return Err(Error::AccessConflict);
1108                }
1110                // Check for shared read permission consistency.
1111                if combined.contains(HandleFlags::DATA_SHARE_READ)
1112                    == intersection.contains(HandleFlags::DATA_SHARE_READ)
1113                {
1114                    return Err(Error::AccessConflict);
1115                }
1117                // Check for shared write permissions.
1118                if flags.contains(HandleFlags::DATA_ACCESS_WRITE)
1119                    && !(intersection.contains(HandleFlags::DATA_SHARE_WRITE))
1120                {
1121                    return Err(Error::AccessConflict);
1122                }
1124                // Check for shared write permission consistency.
1125                if combined.contains(HandleFlags::DATA_SHARE_WRITE)
1126                    == intersection.contains(HandleFlags::DATA_SHARE_WRITE)
1127                {
1128                    return Err(Error::AccessConflict);
1129                }
1130            }
1131        }
1133        Ok(self.open_internal(obj_ref.clone(), flags))
1134    }
1136    // The common handle opening subroutine of create() and open(), which
1137    // expects that the operation has been validated.
1138    fn open_internal(
1139        &mut self,
1140        object: Rc<RefCell<PersistentObject>>,
1141        flags: HandleFlags,
1142    ) -> ObjectHandle {
1143        let handle = self.mint_handle();
1144        let inserted = object.borrow_mut().handles.insert(handle);
1145        debug_assert!(inserted);
1146        let view = PersistentObjectView { object, flags, data_position: 0 };
1147        let inserted = self.by_handle.insert(handle, RefCell::new(view)).is_none();
1148        debug_assert!(inserted);
1149        handle
1150    }
1152    fn close(&mut self, handle: ObjectHandle) {
1153        // Note that even if all handle map entries associated with the object
1154        // are removed, the reference to the object in the ID map remains,
1155        // keeping it alive for future open() calls.
1156        match self.by_handle.entry(handle) {
1157            HashMapEntry::Occupied(entry) => {
1158                {
1159                    let view = entry.get().borrow_mut();
1160                    let mut obj = view.object.borrow_mut();
1161                    let removed = obj.handles.remove(&handle);
1162                    debug_assert!(removed);
1163                }
1164                let _ = entry.remove();
1165            }
1166            HashMapEntry::Vacant(_) => panic!("{handle:?} is not a valid handle"),
1167        }
1168    }
1170    // See close_and_delete_persistent_object(). Although unlike that function,
1171    // this one returns Error::AccessDenied if `handle` was not opened with
1173    fn close_and_delete(&mut self, handle: ObjectHandle) -> TeeResult {
1174        // With both maps locked, removal of all entries with the associated
1175        // object handle should amount to dropping that object.
1176        match self.by_handle.entry(handle) {
1177            HashMapEntry::Occupied(entry) => {
1178                {
1179                    let state = entry.get().borrow();
1180                    if !state.flags.contains(HandleFlags::DATA_ACCESS_WRITE_META) {
1181                        return Err(Error::AccessDenied);
1182                    }
1183                    let obj = state.object.borrow();
1184                    debug_assert_eq!(obj.handles.len(), 1);
1185                    let removed = self.by_id.remove(&obj.id).is_some();
1186                    debug_assert!(removed);
1187                }
1188                let _ = entry.remove();
1189                Ok(())
1190            }
1191            HashMapEntry::Vacant(_) => panic!("{handle:?} is not a valid handle"),
1192        }
1193    }
1195    // See rename_persistent_object(). Although unlike that function, this one
1196    // returns Error::AccessDenied if `handle` was not opened with
1198    fn rename(&mut self, handle: ObjectHandle, new_id: &[u8]) -> TeeResult {
1199        match self.by_handle.entry(handle) {
1200            HashMapEntry::Occupied(handle_entry) => {
1201                let state = handle_entry.get().borrow();
1202                if !state.flags.contains(HandleFlags::DATA_ACCESS_WRITE_META) {
1203                    return Err(Error::AccessDenied);
1204                }
1205                let new_id = Vec::from(new_id);
1206                match self.by_id.entry(new_id.clone()) {
1207                    BTreeMapEntry::Occupied(_) => return Err(Error::AccessConflict),
1208                    BTreeMapEntry::Vacant(id_entry) => {
1209                        let _ = id_entry.insert(state.object.clone());
1210                    }
1211                };
1212                let mut obj = state.object.borrow_mut();
1213                let removed = self.by_id.remove(&obj.id);
1214                debug_assert!(removed.is_some());
1215                obj.id = new_id;
1216                Ok(())
1217            }
1218            HashMapEntry::Vacant(_) => panic!("{handle:?} is not a valid handle"),
1219        }
1220    }
1222    // Returns a shared reference to the associated object view, if `handle` is
1223    // valid; panics otherwise.
1224    fn get(&self, handle: ObjectHandle) -> Ref<'_, PersistentObjectView> {
1225        self.by_handle
1226            .get(&handle)
1227            .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("{handle:?} is not a valid handle"))
1228            .borrow()
1229    }
1231    // Returns an exclusive reference to the associated object view, if `handle` is
1232    // valid; panics otherwise.
1233    fn get_mut(&self, handle: ObjectHandle) -> RefMut<'_, PersistentObjectView> {
1234        self.by_handle
1235            .get(&handle)
1236            .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("{handle:?} is not a valid handle"))
1237            .borrow_mut()
1238    }
1240    // See allocate_persistent_object_enumerator().
1241    fn allocate_enumerator(&mut self) -> ObjectEnumHandle {
1242        let enumerator = self.mint_enumerator_handle();
1244        let previous =
1245            self.enum_handles.insert(enumerator.clone(), RefCell::new(EnumState { id: None }));
1246        debug_assert!(previous.is_none());
1247        enumerator
1248    }
1250    // See free_persistent_object_enumerator().
1251    fn free_enumerator(&mut self, enumerator: ObjectEnumHandle) -> () {
1252        match self.enum_handles.entry(enumerator) {
1253            HashMapEntry::Occupied(entry) => {
1254                let _ = entry.remove();
1255            }
1256            HashMapEntry::Vacant(_) => panic!("{enumerator:?} is not a valid enumerator handle"),
1257        }
1258    }
1260    // See reset_persistent_object_enumerator().
1261    fn reset_enumerator(&mut self, enumerator: ObjectEnumHandle) -> () {
1262        match self.enum_handles.get(&enumerator) {
1263            Some(state) => {
1264                state.borrow_mut().id = None;
1265            }
1266            None => panic!("{enumerator:?} is not a valid enumerator handle"),
1267        }
1268    }
1270    // See get_next_persistent_object().
1271    fn get_next_object<'a>(
1272        &self,
1273        enumerator: ObjectEnumHandle,
1274        id_buffer: &'a mut [u8],
1275    ) -> TeeResult<(ObjectInfo, &'a [u8])> {
1276        match self.enum_handles.get(&enumerator) {
1277            Some(state) => {
1278                let mut state = state.borrow_mut();
1279                let next = if state.id.is_none() {
1280                    self.by_id.first_key_value()
1281                } else {
1282                    // Since we're dealing with an ID-keyed B-tree, we can
1283                    // straightforwardly get the first entry with an ID larger
1284                    // than the current.
1285                    let curr_id = state.id.as_ref().unwrap();
1286                    self.by_id.range((Bound::Excluded(curr_id.clone()), Bound::Unbounded)).next()
1287                };
1288                if let Some((id, obj)) = next {
1289                    assert!(id_buffer.len() >= id.len());
1290                    let written = &mut id_buffer[..id.len()];
1291                    written.copy_from_slice(id);
1292                    state.id = Some(id.clone());
1293                    Ok((obj.borrow().get_info(/*data_size=*/ 0, /*data_position=*/ 0), written))
1294                } else {
1295                    Err(Error::ItemNotFound)
1296                }
1297            }
1298            None => panic!("{enumerator:?} is not a valid enumerator handle"),
1299        }
1300    }
1302    fn mint_handle(&mut self) -> ObjectHandle {
1303        // Per the described convention above, always odd. (Initial value is 1.)
1304        let handle_value = self.next_handle_value;
1305        self.next_handle_value += 2;
1306        ObjectHandle::from_value(handle_value)
1307    }
1309    fn mint_enumerator_handle(&mut self) -> ObjectEnumHandle {
1310        let handle_value = self.next_enum_handle_value;
1311        self.next_enum_handle_value += 1;
1312        ObjectEnumHandle::from_value(handle_value)
1313    }
1317// Implementation
1320impl Storage {
1321    pub fn new() -> Self {
1322        Self {
1323            persistent_objects: PersistentObjects::new(),
1324            transient_objects: TransientObjects::new(),
1325        }
1326    }
1328    pub fn get(&self, object: ObjectHandle) -> Rc<RefCell<dyn Object>> {
1329        if is_transient_handle(object) {
1330            self.transient_objects.by_handle.get(&object).unwrap().clone()
1331        } else {
1332            self.persistent_objects.by_handle.get(&object).unwrap().borrow().object.clone()
1333        }
1334    }
1336    /// Returns info about an open object as well of the state of its handle.
1337    ///
1338    /// Panics if `object` is not a valid handle.
1339    pub fn get_object_info(&self, object: ObjectHandle) -> ObjectInfo {
1340        if is_transient_handle(object) {
1341            self.transient_objects
1342                .get(object)
1343                .get_info(/*data_size=*/ 0, /*data_position=*/ 0)
1344        } else {
1345            self.persistent_objects.get(object).get_info()
1346        }
1347    }
1349    /// Restricts the usage of an open object handle.
1350    ///
1351    /// Panics if `object` is not a valid handle.
1352    pub fn restrict_object_usage(&self, object: ObjectHandle, usage: Usage) {
1353        if is_transient_handle(object) {
1354            self.transient_objects.get_mut(object).restrict_usage(usage)
1355        } else {
1356            self.persistent_objects.get(object).object.borrow_mut().restrict_usage(usage)
1357        }
1358    }
1361impl Storage {
1362    /// Returns the requested buffer-type attribute associated with the given
1363    /// object, if any. It is written to the provided buffer and the size of
1364    /// what is written is returned.
1365    ///
1366    /// Returns a wrapped value of Error::ItemNotFound if the object does not have
1367    /// such an attribute.
1368    ///
1369    /// Returns a wrapped value of Error::ShortBuffer if the buffer was too small
1370    /// to read the attribute value into, along with the length of the attribute.
1371    ///
1372    /// Panics if `object` is not a valid handle or if `attribute_id` is not of
1373    /// buffer type.
1374    pub fn get_object_buffer_attribute(
1375        &self,
1376        object: ObjectHandle,
1377        attribute_id: AttributeId,
1378        buffer: &mut [u8],
1379    ) -> Result<usize, ErrorWithSize> {
1380        assert!(!attribute_id.value());
1382        let copy_from_key = |obj: &dyn Object, buffer: &mut [u8]| -> Result<usize, ErrorWithSize> {
1383            if !attribute_id.public() {
1384                assert!(obj.usage().contains(Usage::EXTRACTABLE));
1385            }
1387            let attr = obj.key().buffer_attribute(attribute_id);
1388            let bytes = match &attr {
1389                None => return Err(ErrorWithSize::new(Error::ItemNotFound)),
1390                Some(BufferAttribute::Slice(bytes)) => bytes,
1391                Some(BufferAttribute::Vector(bytes)) => bytes.as_slice(),
1392            };
1393            if buffer.len() < bytes.len() {
1394                Err(ErrorWithSize::short_buffer(bytes.len()))
1395            } else {
1396                let written = &mut buffer[..bytes.len()];
1397                written.copy_from_slice(bytes);
1398                Ok(written.len())
1399            }
1400        };
1402        if is_transient_handle(object) {
1403            copy_from_key(self.transient_objects.get(object).deref(), buffer)
1404        } else {
1405            copy_from_key(
1406                self.persistent_objects.get(object).object.as_ref().borrow().deref(),
1407                buffer,
1408            )
1409        }
1410    }
1412    /// Returns the requested value-type attribute associated with the given
1413    /// object, if any.
1414    ///
1415    /// Returns Error::ItemNotFound if the object does not have such an attribute.
1416    ///
1417    /// Panics if `object` is not a valid handle or if `attribute_id` is not of
1418    /// value type.
1419    pub fn get_object_value_attribute(
1420        &self,
1421        object: ObjectHandle,
1422        attribute_id: AttributeId,
1423    ) -> TeeResult<ValueFields> {
1424        assert!(!attribute_id.value());
1426        let copy_from_key = |obj: &dyn Object| {
1427            if !attribute_id.public() {
1428                assert!(obj.usage().contains(Usage::EXTRACTABLE));
1429            }
1430            if let Some(value) = obj.key().value_attribute(attribute_id) {
1431                Ok(value)
1432            } else {
1433                Err(Error::ItemNotFound)
1434            }
1435        };
1437        if is_transient_handle(object) {
1438            copy_from_key(self.transient_objects.get(object).deref())
1439        } else {
1440            copy_from_key(self.persistent_objects.get(object).object.borrow().deref())
1441        }
1442    }
1444    /// Closes the given object handle.
1445    ///
1446    /// Panics if `object` is neither null or a valid handle.
1447    pub fn close_object(&mut self, object: ObjectHandle) {
1448        if object.is_null() {
1449            return;
1450        }
1452        if is_transient_handle(object) {
1453            self.transient_objects.free(object)
1454        } else {
1455            self.persistent_objects.close(object)
1456        }
1457    }
1459    /// Creates a new transient object of the given type and maximum key size.
1460    ///
1461    /// Returns Error::NotSupported if the type is unsupported or if the
1462    /// maximum key size is itself not a valid key size.
1463    pub fn allocate_transient_object(
1464        &mut self,
1465        object_type: Type,
1466        max_size: u32,
1467    ) -> TeeResult<ObjectHandle> {
1468        self.transient_objects.allocate(object_type, max_size)
1469    }
1471    /// Destroys a transient object.
1472    ///
1473    /// Panics if `object` is not a valid transient object handle.
1474    pub fn free_transient_object(&mut self, object: ObjectHandle) {
1475        assert!(is_transient_handle(object));
1476        self.transient_objects.free(object)
1477    }
1479    /// Resets a transient object back to its uninitialized state.
1480    ///
1481    /// Panics if `object` is not a valid transient object handle.
1482    pub fn reset_transient_object(&mut self, object: ObjectHandle) {
1483        assert!(is_transient_handle(object));
1484        self.transient_objects.reset(object)
1485    }
1487    /// Populates the key information of a transient object from a given list
1488    /// of attributes.
1489    ///
1490    /// Panics if `object` is not a valid transient object handle, or if
1491    /// `attrs` omits required attributes or includes unrelated ones.
1492    pub fn populate_transient_object(
1493        &self,
1494        object: ObjectHandle,
1495        attrs: &[Attribute],
1496    ) -> TeeResult {
1497        assert!(is_transient_handle(object));
1498        self.transient_objects.populate(object, attrs)
1499    }
1502pub fn init_ref_attribute(id: AttributeId, buffer: &mut [u8]) -> Attribute {
1503    assert!(id.memory_reference(), "Attribute ID {id:?} does not represent a memory reference");
1504    Attribute { id, content: BufferOrValue { memref: MemRef::from_mut_slice(buffer) } }
1507pub fn init_value_attribute(id: AttributeId, value: ValueFields) -> Attribute {
1508    assert!(id.value(), "Attribute ID {id:?} does not represent value fields");
1509    Attribute { id, content: BufferOrValue { value } }
1512impl Storage {
1513    pub fn copy_object_attributes(&mut self, _src: ObjectHandle, dest: ObjectHandle) -> TeeResult {
1514        assert!(is_transient_handle(dest));
1515        unimplemented!()
1516    }
1518    /// Generates key information on an uninitialized, transient object, given
1519    /// a key size and the attributes that serve as inputs to the generation
1520    /// process.
1521    ///
1522    /// Panics if `object` is not a valid handle to an uninitialized, transient
1523    /// object, if key size is invalid or larger than the prescribed maximum,
1524    /// or if a mandatory attribute is absent.
1525    pub fn generate_key(
1526        &mut self,
1527        object: ObjectHandle,
1528        key_size: u32,
1529        params: &[Attribute],
1530    ) -> TeeResult {
1531        self.transient_objects.generate_key(object, key_size, params)
1532    }
1534    /// Opens a new handle to an existing persistent object.
1535    ///
1536    /// Returns Error::ItemNotFound: if `storage` does not correspond to a valid
1537    /// storage space, or if no object with `id` is found.
1538    ///
1539    /// Returns Error::AccessConflict if any of the following hold:
1540    ///   - The object is currently open with DATA_ACCESS_WRITE_META;
1541    ///   - The object is currently open and `flags` contains
1542    ///     DATA_ACCESS_WRITE_META
1543    ///   - The object is currently open without DATA_ACCESS_READ_SHARE
1544    ///     and `flags` contains DATA_ACCESS_READ or DATA_ACCESS_READ_SHARE;
1545    ///   - The object is currently open with DATA_ACCESS_READ_SHARE, but `flags`
1546    ///     does not;
1547    ///   - The object is currently open without DATA_ACCESS_WRITE_SHARE and
1548    ///     `flags` contains DATA_ACCESS_WRITE or DATA_ACCESS_WRITE_SHARE;
1549    ///   - The object is currently open with DATA_ACCESS_WRITE_SHARE, but `flags`
1550    ///     does not.
1551    pub fn open_persistent_object(
1552        &mut self,
1553        storage: TeeStorage,
1554        id: &[u8],
1555        flags: HandleFlags,
1556    ) -> TeeResult<ObjectHandle> {
1557        if storage == TeeStorage::Private {
1558            self.persistent_objects.open(id, flags)
1559        } else {
1560            Err(Error::ItemNotFound)
1561        }
1562    }
1564    /// Creates a persistent object and returns a handle to it. The conferred type,
1565    /// usage, and attributes are given indirectly by `attribute_src`; if
1566    /// `attribute_src` is null then the conferred type is Data.
1567    ///
1568    /// Returns Error::ItemNotFound: if `storage` does not correspond to a valid
1569    /// storage spac
1570    ///
1571    /// Returns Error::AccessConflict if the provided ID already exists but
1572    /// `flags` does not contain DATA_FLAG_OVERWRITE.
1573    pub fn create_persistent_object(
1574        &mut self,
1575        storage: TeeStorage,
1576        id: &[u8],
1577        flags: HandleFlags,
1578        attribute_src: ObjectHandle,
1579        initial_data: &[u8],
1580    ) -> TeeResult<ObjectHandle> {
1581        if storage != TeeStorage::Private {
1582            return Err(Error::ItemNotFound);
1583        }
1585        let (key, usage, base_flags) = if attribute_src.is_null() {
1586            (Key::Data(NoKey {}), Usage::default(), HandleFlags::empty())
1587        } else if is_persistent_handle(attribute_src) {
1588            let view = self.persistent_objects.get(attribute_src);
1589            let obj = view.object.borrow();
1590            (obj.key.clone(), obj.usage, obj.base_flags)
1591        } else {
1592            unimplemented!();
1593        };
1594        let flags = base_flags.union(flags);
1595        self.persistent_objects.create(key, usage, flags, id, initial_data)
1596    }
1598    /// Closes the given handle to a persistent object and deletes the object.
1599    ///
1600    /// Panics if `object` is invalid or was not opened with
1602    pub fn close_and_delete_persistent_object(&mut self, object: ObjectHandle) -> TeeResult {
1603        assert!(is_persistent_handle(object));
1604        self.persistent_objects.close_and_delete(object)
1605    }
1607    /// Renames the object's, associating it with a new identifier.
1608    ///
1609    /// Returns Error::AccessConflict if `new_id` is the ID of an existing
1610    /// object.
1611    ///
1612    /// Panics if `object` is invalid or was not opened with
1614    pub fn rename_persistent_object(&mut self, object: ObjectHandle, new_id: &[u8]) -> TeeResult {
1615        assert!(is_persistent_handle(object));
1616        self.persistent_objects.rename(object, new_id)
1617    }
1619    /// Allocates a new object enumerator and returns a handle to it.
1620    pub fn allocate_persistent_object_enumerator(&mut self) -> ObjectEnumHandle {
1621        self.persistent_objects.allocate_enumerator()
1622    }
1624    /// Deallocates an object enumerator.
1625    ///
1626    /// Panics if `enumerator` is not a valid handle.
1627    pub fn free_persistent_object_enumerator(&mut self, enumerator: ObjectEnumHandle) {
1628        self.persistent_objects.free_enumerator(enumerator)
1629    }
1631    /// Resets an object enumerator.
1632    ///
1633    /// Panics if `enumerator` is not a valid handle.
1634    pub fn reset_persistent_object_enumerator(&mut self, enumerator: ObjectEnumHandle) {
1635        self.persistent_objects.reset_enumerator(enumerator)
1636    }
1638    /// Starts an object enumerator's enumeration, or resets it if already started.
1639    ///
1640    /// Returns Error::ItemNotFound if `storage` is unsupported or it there are no
1641    /// objects yet created in that storage space.
1642    ///
1643    /// Panics if `enumerator` is not a valid handle.
1644    pub fn start_persistent_object_enumerator(
1645        &mut self,
1646        enumerator: ObjectEnumHandle,
1647        storage: TeeStorage,
1648    ) -> TeeResult {
1649        if storage == TeeStorage::Private {
1650            self.reset_persistent_object_enumerator(enumerator);
1651            Ok(())
1652        } else {
1653            Err(Error::ItemNotFound)
1654        }
1655    }
1657    /// Returns the info and ID associated with the next object in the enumeration,
1658    /// advancing it in the process. The returns object ID is backed by the
1659    /// provided buffer.
1660    ///
1661    /// Returns Error::ItemNotFound if there are no more objects left to enumerate.
1662    ///
1663    /// Panics if `enumerator` is not a valid handle.
1664    pub fn get_next_persistent_object<'a>(
1665        &self,
1666        enumerator: ObjectEnumHandle,
1667        id_buffer: &'a mut [u8],
1668    ) -> TeeResult<(ObjectInfo, &'a [u8])> {
1669        self.persistent_objects.get_next_object(enumerator, id_buffer)
1670    }
1672    /// Tries to read as much of the object's data stream from the handle's current
1673    /// data position as can fill the provided buffer.
1674    ///
1675    /// Panics if `object` is invalid or does not have read access.
1676    pub fn read_object_data<'a>(
1677        &self,
1678        object: ObjectHandle,
1679        buffer: &'a mut [u8],
1680    ) -> TeeResult<&'a [u8]> {
1681        assert!(is_persistent_handle(object));
1682        self.persistent_objects.get_mut(object).read_data(buffer)
1683    }
1685    /// Writes the provided data to the object's data stream at the handle's
1686    /// data position, advancing that position to the end of the written data.
1687    ///
1688    /// Returns Error::AccessConflict if the object does not have write
1689    /// access.
1690    ///
1691    /// Returns Error::Overflow if writing the data would advance the data
1692    /// position past DATA_MAX_POSITION.
1693    ///
1694    /// Panics if `object` is invalid or does not have write access.
1695    pub fn write_object_data(&self, object: ObjectHandle, buffer: &[u8]) -> TeeResult {
1696        assert!(is_persistent_handle(object));
1697        self.persistent_objects.get_mut(object).write_data(buffer)
1698    }
1700    /// Truncates or zero-extends the object's data stream to provided size.
1701    /// This does not affect any handle's data position.
1702    ///
1703    /// Returns Error::Overflow if `size` is larger than DATA_MAX_POSITION.
1704    ///
1705    /// Panics if `object` is invalid or does not have write access.
1706    pub fn truncate_object_data(&self, object: ObjectHandle, size: usize) -> TeeResult {
1707        assert!(is_persistent_handle(object));
1708        self.persistent_objects.get(object).truncate_data(size)
1709    }
1711    /// Updates the handle's data positition, seeking at an offset from a
1712    /// position given by a whence value. The new position saturates at 0.
1713    ///
1714    /// Returns Error::Overflow if the would-be position exceeds
1715    /// DATA_MAX_POSITION.
1716    ///
1717    /// Panics if `object` is invalid.
1718    pub fn seek_data_object(
1719        &self,
1720        object: ObjectHandle,
1721        offset: isize,
1722        whence: Whence,
1723    ) -> TeeResult {
1724        assert!(is_persistent_handle(object));
1725        self.persistent_objects.get_mut(object).seek_data(offset, whence)
1726    }
1729// TODO(https://fxbug.dev/376093162): Add TransientObjects testing.
1730// TODO(https://fxbug.dev/376093162): Add PersistentObjects testing.