structured_dict.rsuse crate::DictExt;
use cm_types::{IterablePath, Name};
use fidl_fuchsia_component_sandbox as fsandbox;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use sandbox::{Capability, Dict};
use std::fmt;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
trait StructuredDict: Into<Dict> + Default + Clone + fmt::Debug {
fn from_dict(dict: Dict) -> Self;
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct StructuredDictMap<T: StructuredDict> {
inner: Dict,
phantom: PhantomData<T>,
impl<T: StructuredDict> StructuredDict for StructuredDictMap<T> {
fn from_dict(dict: Dict) -> Self {
Self { inner: dict, phantom: Default::default() }
impl<T: StructuredDict> StructuredDictMap<T> {
pub fn insert(&self, key: Name, value: T) -> Result<(), fsandbox::CapabilityStoreError> {
let dict: Dict = value.into();
self.inner.insert(key, dict.into())
pub fn get(&self, key: &Name) -> Option<T> {
self.inner.get(key).expect("structured map entry must be cloneable").map(|cap| {
let Capability::Dictionary(dict) = cap else {
unreachable!("structured map entry must be a dict: {cap:?}");
pub fn remove(&self, key: &Name) -> Option<T> {
self.inner.remove(key).map(|cap| {
let Capability::Dictionary(dict) = cap else {
unreachable!("structured map entry must be a dict: {cap:?}");
pub fn enumerate(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (Name, T)> {
self.inner.enumerate().map(|(key, capability_res)| match capability_res {
Ok(Capability::Dictionary(dict)) => (key, T::from_dict(dict)),
Ok(cap) => unreachable!("structured map entry must be a dict: {cap:?}"),
Err(_) => panic!("structured map entry must be cloneable"),
impl<T: StructuredDict> From<StructuredDictMap<T>> for Dict {
fn from(m: StructuredDictMap<T>) -> Self {
lazy_static! {
static ref PARENT: Name = "parent".parse().unwrap();
static ref ENVIRONMENT: Name = "environment".parse().unwrap();
static ref DEBUG: Name = "debug".parse().unwrap();
static ref RUNNERS: Name = "runners".parse().unwrap();
static ref RESOLVERS: Name = "resolvers".parse().unwrap();
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ComponentInput(Dict);
impl Default for ComponentInput {
fn default() -> Self {
impl StructuredDict for ComponentInput {
fn from_dict(dict: Dict) -> Self {
impl ComponentInput {
pub fn new(environment: ComponentEnvironment) -> Self {
let dict = Dict::new();
dict.insert(PARENT.clone(), Dict::new().into()).ok();
dict.insert(ENVIRONMENT.clone(), Dict::from(environment).into()).ok();
pub fn shallow_copy(&self) -> Result<Self, ()> {
let dict = Dict::new();
dict.insert(PARENT.clone(), self.capabilities().shallow_copy()?.into()).ok();
dict.insert(ENVIRONMENT.clone(), Dict::from(self.environment()).shallow_copy()?.into())
pub fn capabilities(&self) -> Dict {
let cap = self.0.get(&*PARENT).expect("capabilities must be cloneable").unwrap();
let Capability::Dictionary(dict) = cap else {
unreachable!("parent entry must be a dict: {cap:?}");
pub fn environment(&self) -> ComponentEnvironment {
let cap = self.0.get(&*ENVIRONMENT).expect("environment must be cloneable").unwrap();
let Capability::Dictionary(dict) = cap else {
unreachable!("environment entry must be a dict: {cap:?}");
pub fn insert_capability(
path: &impl IterablePath,
capability: Capability,
) -> Result<(), fsandbox::CapabilityStoreError> {
self.capabilities().insert_capability(path, capability.into())
impl From<ComponentInput> for Dict {
fn from(e: ComponentInput) -> Self {
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ComponentEnvironment(Dict);
impl Default for ComponentEnvironment {
fn default() -> Self {
let dict = Dict::new();
dict.insert(DEBUG.clone(), Dict::new().into()).ok();
dict.insert(RUNNERS.clone(), Dict::new().into()).ok();
dict.insert(RESOLVERS.clone(), Dict::new().into()).ok();
impl StructuredDict for ComponentEnvironment {
fn from_dict(dict: Dict) -> Self {
impl ComponentEnvironment {
pub fn new() -> Self {
pub fn debug(&self) -> Dict {
let cap = self.0.get(&*DEBUG).expect("debug must be cloneable").unwrap();
let Capability::Dictionary(dict) = cap else {
unreachable!("debug entry must be a dict: {cap:?}");
pub fn runners(&self) -> Dict {
let cap = self.0.get(&*RUNNERS).expect("runners must be cloneable").unwrap();
let Capability::Dictionary(dict) = cap else {
unreachable!("runners entry must be a dict: {cap:?}");
pub fn resolvers(&self) -> Dict {
let cap = self.0.get(&*RESOLVERS).expect("resolvers must be cloneable").unwrap();
let Capability::Dictionary(dict) = cap else {
unreachable!("resolvers entry must be a dict: {cap:?}");
pub fn shallow_copy(&self) -> Result<Self, ()> {
let dict = Dict::new();
dict.insert(DEBUG.clone(), self.debug().shallow_copy()?.into()).ok();
dict.insert(RUNNERS.clone(), self.runners().shallow_copy()?.into()).ok();
dict.insert(RESOLVERS.clone(), self.resolvers().shallow_copy()?.into()).ok();
impl From<ComponentEnvironment> for Dict {
fn from(e: ComponentEnvironment) -> Self {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use assert_matches::assert_matches;
use sandbox::DictKey;
impl StructuredDict for Dict {
fn from_dict(dict: Dict) -> Self {
async fn structured_dict_map() {
let dict1 = {
let dict = Dict::new();
dict.insert("a".parse().unwrap(), Dict::new().into())
.expect("dict entry already exists");
let dict2 = {
let dict = Dict::new();
dict.insert("b".parse().unwrap(), Dict::new().into())
.expect("dict entry already exists");
let dict2_alt = {
let dict = Dict::new();
dict.insert("c".parse().unwrap(), Dict::new().into())
.expect("dict entry already exists");
let name1 = Name::new("1").unwrap();
let name2 = Name::new("2").unwrap();
let map: StructuredDictMap<Dict> = Default::default();
assert_matches!(map.get(&name1), None);
assert!(map.insert(name1.clone(), dict1).is_ok());
let d = map.get(&name1).unwrap();
let key = DictKey::new("a").unwrap();
assert_matches!(d.get(&key), Ok(Some(_)));
assert!(map.insert(name2.clone(), dict2).is_ok());
let d = map.remove(&name2).unwrap();
assert_matches!(map.remove(&name2), None);
let key = DictKey::new("b").unwrap();
assert_matches!(d.get(&key), Ok(Some(_)));
assert!(map.insert(name2.clone(), dict2_alt).is_ok());
let d = map.get(&name2).unwrap();
let key = DictKey::new("c").unwrap();
assert_matches!(d.get(&key), Ok(Some(_)));