
1// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5mod copy;
6mod delete;
7mod delete_all;
8mod list;
9mod make_directory;
11pub use copy::copy;
12pub use delete::delete;
13pub use delete_all::delete_all;
14pub use list::list;
15pub use make_directory::make_directory;
18pub mod test {
19    use std::collections::HashMap;
21    use fidl::endpoints::{RequestStream, ServerEnd};
22    use fidl::handle::AsyncChannel;
23    use fidl_fuchsia_io as fio;
24    use fidl_fuchsia_sys2::{StorageAdminProxy, StorageAdminRequest};
25    use futures::TryStreamExt;
26    use std::fs::{create_dir, write};
27    use tempfile::tempdir;
29    fn setup_oneshot_fake_storage_admin<R: 'static>(mut handle_request: R) -> StorageAdminProxy
30    where
31        R: FnMut(fidl::endpoints::Request<<StorageAdminProxy as fidl::endpoints::Proxy>::Protocol>),
32    {
33        let (proxy, mut stream) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy_and_stream::<
34            <StorageAdminProxy as fidl::endpoints::Proxy>::Protocol,
35        >();
36        fuchsia_async::Task::local(async move {
37            if let Ok(Some(req)) = stream.try_next().await {
38                handle_request(req);
39            }
40        })
41        .detach();
42        proxy
43    }
45    pub fn node_to_directory(object: ServerEnd<fio::NodeMarker>) -> fio::DirectoryRequestStream {
46        fio::DirectoryRequestStream::from_channel(AsyncChannel::from_channel(object.into_channel()))
47    }
49    pub fn node_to_file(object: ServerEnd<fio::NodeMarker>) -> fio::FileRequestStream {
50        fio::FileRequestStream::from_channel(AsyncChannel::from_channel(object.into_channel()))
51    }
53    pub fn setup_fake_storage_admin(
54        expected_id: &'static str,
55        setup_fake_directory_fn: fn(fio::DirectoryRequestStream),
56    ) -> StorageAdminProxy {
57        setup_oneshot_fake_storage_admin(move |req| match req {
58            StorageAdminRequest::OpenComponentStorageById { id, object, responder, .. } => {
59                assert_eq!(expected_id, id);
60                setup_fake_directory_fn(node_to_directory(object));
61                responder.send(Ok(())).unwrap();
62            }
63            _ => panic!("got unexpected {:?}", req),
64        })
65    }
67    // Create an arbitrary path string with tmp as the root.
68    pub fn create_tmp_path_string() -> String {
69        let tmp_dir = tempdir();
70        let dir = tmp_dir.as_ref().unwrap();
71        let tmp_path = String::from(dir.path().to_str().unwrap());
72        tmp_dir.expect("Could not close file").close().unwrap();
73        return tmp_path;
74    }
76    // Sets up a temporary directory path as the component storage's root.
77    ///
78    /// # Arguments
79    /// * `expected_id`: Original static storage instance id to ensure tests setup and function copy is working with the same component
80    /// * `seed_files`: HashMap of files and their contents that will be populated to a component's storage
81    pub fn setup_fake_storage_admin_with_tmp(
82        expected_id: &'static str,
83        seed_files: HashMap<&'static str, &'static str>,
84    ) -> StorageAdminProxy {
85        setup_oneshot_fake_storage_admin(move |req| match req {
86            StorageAdminRequest::OpenComponentStorageById { id, object, responder, .. } => {
87                assert_eq!(expected_id, id);
88                let tmp_path = create_tmp_path_string();
89                let () = create_dir(&tmp_path).unwrap();
91                for (new_file, new_file_contents) in seed_files.iter() {
92                    let new_file_path = format!("{}/{}", tmp_path, new_file);
93                    write(&new_file_path, new_file_contents).unwrap();
94                }
96                fuchsia_fs::directory::open_channel_in_namespace(
97                    &tmp_path,
98                    fio::PERM_READABLE | fio::PERM_WRITABLE | fio::Flags::PROTOCOL_DIRECTORY,
99                    ServerEnd::new(object.into_channel()),
100                )
101                .unwrap();
102                responder.send(Ok(())).unwrap();
103            }
104            _ => panic!("got unexpected {:?}", req),
105        })
106    }