1// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
45use anyhow::{Context, Result};
6use log::error;
7use std::collections::BTreeMap;
8use std::{ffi, fs, io, mem, str};
9use {
10 intl_model as model, rust_icu_common as ucommon, rust_icu_sys as usys, rust_icu_uloc as uloc,
1213/// The directory where localized resources are kept.
14pub(crate) const ASSETS_DIR: &str = "/pkg/data/assets/locales";
17#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
18pub enum LookupStatus {
19// No error.
20OK = 0,
21/// The value requested is not available.
22Unavailable = 1,
23/// The argument passed in by the user is not valid.
24ArgumentError = 2,
25/// Some internal error happened. Consult logs for details.
26Internal = 111,
2829/// The C API supported by the Lookup module.
31/// The C API is used for FFI interfacing with other languages that support
32/// C ABI FFI.
33trait CApi {
34/// Looks a message up by its unique `message_id`. A nonzero status is
35 /// returned if the message is not found.
36fn string(&self, message_id: u64) -> Result<&ffi::CStr, LookupStatus>;
3839impl From<str::Utf8Error> for LookupStatus {
40fn from(e: str::Utf8Error) -> Self {
41error!("intl: utf-8: {:?}", e);
42 LookupStatus::Unavailable
43 }
4546impl From<anyhow::Error> for LookupStatus {
47fn from(e: anyhow::Error) -> Self {
48error!("intl: general: {:?}", e);
49 LookupStatus::Internal
50 }
5253impl From<ucommon::Error> for LookupStatus {
54fn from(e: ucommon::Error) -> Self {
55error!("intl: icu: {:?}", e);
56 LookupStatus::Internal
57 }
5960/// Instantiates a fake Lookup instance, which is useful for tests that don't
61/// want to make a full end-to-end localization setup.
63/// The fake is simplistic and it is the intention that it provides you with
64/// some default fake behaviors. The behaviors are as follows at the moment,
65/// and more could be added if needed.
67/// - If `locale_ids` contains the string `en-US`, the constructor function
68/// in the FFI layer will return [LookupStatus::Unavailable].
69/// - If the message ID pased to `Lookup::String()` is exactly 1, the fake
70/// returns `Hello {person}!`, so that you can test 1-parameter formatting.
71/// - Otherwise, for an even mesage ID it returns "Hello world!", or for
72/// an odd message ID returns [LookupStatus::Unavailable].
74/// The implementation of the fake itself is done in rust behind a FFI ABI,
75/// see the package //src/lib/intl/lookup/rust for details.
76pub struct FakeLookup {
77 hello: ffi::CString,
78 hello_person: ffi::CString,
8081impl FakeLookup {
82/// Create a new `FakeLookup`.
83pub fn new() -> FakeLookup {
84let hello =
85 ffi::CString::new("Hello world!").expect("CString from known value should never fail");
86let hello_person = ffi::CString::new("Hello {person}!")
87 .expect("CString from known value should never fail");
88 FakeLookup { hello, hello_person }
89 }
9192impl CApi for FakeLookup {
93/// A fake implementation of `string` for testing.
94 ///
95 /// Returns "Hello world" if passed an even `message_id`, and `LookupStatus::UNAVAILABLE` when
96 /// passed an odd message_id. Used to test the FFI.
97fn string(&self, message_id: u64) -> Result<&ffi::CStr, LookupStatus> {
98if message_id == 1 {
99return Ok(self.hello_person.as_c_str());
100 }
101match message_id % 2 == 0 {
102true => Ok(self.hello.as_c_str()),
103false => Err(LookupStatus::Unavailable),
104 }
105 }
107108#[allow(clippy::missing_safety_doc)] // TODO(https://fxbug.dev/42181460)
110pub unsafe extern "C" fn intl_lookup_new_fake_for_test(
111 len: libc::size_t,
112 array: *mut *const libc::c_char,
113 status: *mut i8,
114) -> *const FakeLookup {
115*status = LookupStatus::OK as i8;
116let rsize = len as usize;
117let input: Vec<*const libc::c_char> = Vec::from_raw_parts(array, rsize, rsize);
118// Do not drop the vector we don't own.
119let input = mem::ManuallyDrop::new(input);
120121for raw in input.iter() {
122let cstr = ffi::CStr::from_ptr(*raw).to_str().expect("not a valid UTF-8");
123if cstr == "en-US" {
124*status = LookupStatus::Unavailable as i8;
125return std::ptr::null::<FakeLookup>();
126 }
127 }
128 Box::into_raw(Box::new(FakeLookup::new()))
130#[allow(clippy::missing_safety_doc)] // TODO(https://fxbug.dev/42181460)
132pub unsafe extern "C" fn intl_lookup_delete_fake_for_test(this: *mut FakeLookup) {
133 generic_delete(this);
135136#[allow(clippy::missing_safety_doc)] // TODO(https://fxbug.dev/42181460)
138pub unsafe extern "C" fn intl_lookup_new(
139 len: libc::size_t,
140 array: *mut *const libc::c_char,
141 status: *mut i8,
142) -> *const Lookup {
143*status = LookupStatus::OK as i8;
144let rsize = len as usize;
145let input: Vec<*const libc::c_char> = Vec::from_raw_parts(array, rsize, rsize);
146// Do not drop the vector we don't own.
147let input = mem::ManuallyDrop::new(input);
148149let mut locales = vec![];
150for raw in input.iter() {
151let cstr = ffi::CStr::from_ptr(*raw).to_str();
152match cstr {
153Err(e) => {
154error!("intl::intl_lookup_new::c_str: {:?}", &e);
155let ls: LookupStatus = e.into();
156*status = ls as i8;
157return std::ptr::null::<Lookup>();
158 }
159Ok(s) => {
160 locales.push(s);
161 }
162 }
163 }
164let data = icu_data::Loader::new().expect("icu data loaded");
165let lookup_or = Lookup::new(data, &locales[..]);
166match lookup_or {
167Ok(lookup) => Box::into_raw(Box::new(lookup)),
168Err(e) => {
169error!("intl::intl_lookup_new: {:?}", &e);
170let ls: LookupStatus = e.into();
171*status = ls as i8;
172 std::ptr::null::<Lookup>()
173 }
174 }
176177#[allow(clippy::missing_safety_doc)] // TODO(https://fxbug.dev/42181460)
179pub unsafe extern "C" fn intl_lookup_delete(instance: *mut Lookup) {
180 generic_delete(instance);
182183#[allow(clippy::missing_safety_doc)] // TODO(https://fxbug.dev/42181460)
185pub unsafe extern "C" fn intl_lookup_string_fake_for_test(
186 this: *const FakeLookup,
187 id: u64,
188 status: *mut i8,
189) -> *const libc::c_char {
190 generic_string(this, id, status)
192193unsafe fn generic_string<T: CApi>(this: *const T, id: u64, status: *mut i8) -> *const libc::c_char {
194*status = LookupStatus::OK as i8;
195match this.as_ref().unwrap().string(id) {
196Err(e) => {
197*status = e as i8;
198 std::ptr::null()
199 }
200Ok(s) => s.as_ptr() as *const libc::c_char,
201 }
203204unsafe fn generic_delete<T>(instance: *mut T) {
205let _ = Box::from_raw(instance);
207208#[allow(clippy::missing_safety_doc)] // TODO(https://fxbug.dev/42181460)
210pub unsafe extern "C" fn intl_lookup_string(
211 this: *const Lookup,
212 id: u64,
213 status: *mut i8,
214) -> *const libc::c_char {
215*status = LookupStatus::OK as i8;
216match this.as_ref().unwrap().string(id) {
217Err(e) => {
218*status = e as i8;
219 std::ptr::null()
220 }
221Ok(s) => s.as_ptr() as *const libc::c_char,
222 }
224225// Contains the message catalog ready for external consumption. Specifically,
226// provides C-style messages
227pub struct Catalog {
228 locale_to_message: BTreeMap<String, BTreeMap<u64, ffi::CString>>,
230231impl Catalog {
232fn new() -> Catalog {
233let locale_to_message = BTreeMap::new();
234 Catalog { locale_to_message }
235 }
236237fn add(&mut self, model: model::Model) -> Result<()> {
238let locale_id = model.locale();
239let mut messages: BTreeMap<u64, ffi::CString> = BTreeMap::new();
240for (id, msg) in model.messages() {
241let c_msg = ffi::CString::new(msg.clone())
242 .with_context(|| format!("interior NUL in {:?}", msg))?;
243 messages.insert(*id, c_msg);
244 }
245self.locale_to_message.insert(locale_id.to_string(), messages);
247 }
248249fn get(&self, locale: &str, id: u64) -> Option<&ffi::CStr> {
251 .get(locale)
252 .map(|messages| messages.get(&id))
253 .flatten()
254 .map(|cstring| cstring.as_c_str())
255 }
257258/// Implements localized string lookup.
260/// Requires that the ICU data loader is configured and that the ICU data are registered in the
261/// program's package. See the [rust
262/// documentation](https://fuchsia.dev/fuchsia-src/development/internationalization/icu_data#rust_example)
263/// for detailed instructions.
265/// ```ignore
266/// use intl_lookup::Lookup;
267/// let icu_data = icu_data::Loader::new().expect("icu data loaded");
268/// let l = Lookup::new(icu_data, &vec!["es"])?;
269/// assert_eq!("el stringo", l.str(ftest::MessageIds::StringName as u64)?);
270/// ```
271pub struct Lookup {
272 requested: Vec<uloc::ULoc>,
273 catalog: Catalog,
274// The loader is required to ensure that the unicode locale data is kept
275 // in memory while this Lookup is in use.
277icu_data: icu_data::Loader,
279280impl Lookup {
281/// Creates a new instance of Lookup, with the default ways to look up the
282 /// data.
283pub fn new(icu_data: icu_data::Loader, requested: &[&str]) -> Result<Lookup> {
284let supported_locales =
285 Lookup::get_available_locales().with_context(|| "while creating Lookup")?;
286// Load all available locale maps.
287let catalog = Lookup::load_locales(&supported_locales[..])
288 .with_context(|| "while loading locales")?;
289 Lookup::new_internal(icu_data, requested, &supported_locales, catalog)
290 }
291292// Loads all supported locales from disk.
293fn load_locales(supported: &[impl AsRef<str>]) -> Result<Catalog> {
294let mut catalog = Catalog::new();
295296// In the future we may decide to load only the locales we actually need.
297for locale in supported {
298// Directory names look like: ".../assets/locales/en-US".
299let mut locale_dir_path = std::path::PathBuf::from(ASSETS_DIR);
300 locale_dir_path.push(locale.as_ref());
301302let locale_dir = std::fs::read_dir(&locale_dir_path)
303 .with_context(|| format!("while reading {:?}", &locale_dir_path))?;
304for entry in locale_dir {
305let path = entry?.path();
306let file = fs::File::open(&path)
307 .with_context(|| format!("while trying to open {:?}", &path))?;
308let file = io::BufReader::new(file);
309let model = model::Model::from_json_reader(file)
310 .with_context(|| format!("while reading {:?}", &path))?;
311 catalog.add(model)?;
312 }
313 }
315 }
316317/// Create a new [Lookup] from parts. Only to be used in tests.
319pub fn new_from_parts(
320 icu_data: icu_data::Loader,
321 requested: &[&str],
322 supported: &Vec<String>,
323 catalog: Catalog,
324 ) -> Result<Lookup> {
325 Lookup::new_internal(icu_data, requested, supported, catalog)
326 }
327328fn new_internal(
329 icu_data: icu_data::Loader,
330 requested: &[&str],
331 supported: &Vec<String>,
332 catalog: Catalog,
333 ) -> Result<Lookup> {
334let mut supported_locales = supported
335 .iter()
336 .map(|s: &String| uloc::ULoc::try_from(s.as_str()))
337 .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()
338 .with_context(|| "while determining supported locales")?;
339340// Work around a locale fallback resolution bug
341 // https://unicode-org.atlassian.net/browse/ICU-20931 which has been fixed in ICU 67. This
342 // has to stay in place until Fuchsia starts using ICU version 67.
344let supported_locales = supported_locales;
345346// Compute a fallback for each requested locale, and fail if none is available.
347let mut requested_locales = vec![];
348for locale in requested.iter() {
349let (maybe_accepted_locale, accept_result) = uloc::accept_language(
351 .with_context(|| format!("could not parse as locale: {:}", &locale))?],
352 supported_locales.clone(),
353 )?;
354match accept_result {
355 usys::UAcceptResult::ULOC_ACCEPT_FAILED => {
356// This may happen if the locale is not at all part of the
357 // set of supported locales.
359_ => match maybe_accepted_locale {
360None => {
361return Err(anyhow::anyhow!(
362"no matching locale found for: requested: {:?}, supported: {:?}",
365 ));
366 }
367Some(loc) => {
368 requested_locales.push(loc);
369 }
370 },
371 }
372 }
373// We failed to find locales to request from the list of supported locales.
374if requested_locales.is_empty() {
375return Err(anyhow::anyhow!(
376"no matching locale found for: requested: {:?}, supported: {:?}",
379 ));
380 }
381Ok(Lookup { requested: requested_locales, catalog, icu_data })
382 }
385fn get_available_locales_for_test() -> Result<Vec<String>> {
386 Lookup::get_available_locales()
387 }
388389// Returns the list of locales for which there are resources present in
390 // the locale assets directory. Errors are returned if the locale assets
391 // directory is malformed: since it is prepared at compile time, such an
392 // occurrence means that the program is corrupted.
393fn get_available_locales() -> Result<Vec<String>> {
394let locale_dirs = std::fs::read_dir(ASSETS_DIR)
395 .with_context(|| format!("while reading {}", ASSETS_DIR))?;
396let mut available_locales: Vec<String> = vec![];
397for entry_or in locale_dirs {
398let entry =
399 entry_or.with_context(|| format!("while reading entries in {}", ASSETS_DIR))?;
400// We only ever expect directories corresponding to locale names
401 // to be UTF-8 encoded, so this conversion will normally always
402 // succeed for directories in `ASSETS_DIR`.
403let name = entry.file_name().into_string().map_err(|os_string| {
404anyhow::anyhow!("OS path not convertible to UTF-8: {:?}", os_string)
405 })?;
406let entry_type = entry
407 .file_type()
408 .with_context(|| format!("while looking up file type for: {:?}", name))?;
409if entry_type.is_dir() {
410 available_locales.push(name);
411 }
412 }
414 }
415416/// Looks up the message by its key, a rust API version of [API::string].
417pub fn str(&self, id: u64) -> Result<&str, LookupStatus> {
421 .with_context(|| format!("str(): while looking up id: {}", &id))?)
422 }
424425impl CApi for Lookup {
426/// See the documentation for `API` for details.
427fn string(&self, id: u64) -> Result<&ffi::CStr, LookupStatus> {
428for locale in self.requested.iter() {
429if let Some(s) = self.catalog.get(&locale.to_language_tag(false)?, id) {
430return Ok(s);
431 }
432 }
434 }
438mod tests {
439use super::*;
440use fidl_fuchsia_intl_test as ftest;
441use std::collections::HashSet;
444fn lookup_en() -> Result<(), LookupStatus> {
445let icu_data = icu_data::Loader::new().expect("icu data loaded");
446let l = Lookup::new(icu_data, &vec!["en"])?;
447assert_eq!("text_string", l.string(ftest::MessageIds::StringName as u64)?.to_str()?);
448assert_eq!("text_string_2", l.string(ftest::MessageIds::StringName2 as u64)?.to_str()?);
450 }
453fn lookup_fr() -> Result<(), LookupStatus> {
454let icu_data = icu_data::Loader::new().expect("icu data loaded");
455let l = Lookup::new(icu_data, &vec!["fr"])?;
456assert_eq!("le string", l.string(ftest::MessageIds::StringName as u64)?.to_str()?);
457assert_eq!("le string 2", l.string(ftest::MessageIds::StringName2 as u64)?.to_str()?);
459 }
462fn lookup_es() -> Result<(), LookupStatus> {
463let icu_data = icu_data::Loader::new().expect("icu data loaded");
464let l = Lookup::new(icu_data, &vec!["es"])?;
465assert_eq!("el stringo", l.string(ftest::MessageIds::StringName as u64)?.to_str()?);
466assert_eq!("el stringo 2", l.string(ftest::MessageIds::StringName2 as u64)?.to_str()?);
468 }
469470// When "es" is preferred, use it.
472fn lookup_es_en() -> Result<(), LookupStatus> {
473let icu_data = icu_data::Loader::new().expect("icu data loaded");
474let l = Lookup::new(icu_data, &vec!["es", "en"])?;
475assert_eq!("el stringo", l.string(ftest::MessageIds::StringName as u64)?.to_str()?);
476assert_eq!("el stringo 2", l.string(ftest::MessageIds::StringName2 as u64)?.to_str()?);
478 }
481fn lookup_es_419_fallback() -> Result<(), LookupStatus> {
482let icu_data = icu_data::Loader::new().expect("icu data loaded");
483let l = Lookup::new(icu_data, &vec!["es-419-u-ca-gregorian"]).expect("locale exists");
484assert_eq!("el stringo", l.string(ftest::MessageIds::StringName as u64)?.to_str()?);
485assert_eq!("el stringo 2", l.string(ftest::MessageIds::StringName2 as u64)?.to_str()?);
487 }
490fn nonexistent_locale_rejected() -> Result<()> {
491let icu_data = icu_data::Loader::new().expect("icu data loaded");
492match Lookup::new(icu_data, &vec!["nonexistent-locale"]) {
493Ok(_) => Err(anyhow::anyhow!("unexpectedly accepted nonexistent locale")),
494Err(_) => Ok(()),
495 }
496 }
499fn locale_fallback_accounted_for() -> Result<()> {
500let icu_data = icu_data::Loader::new().expect("icu data loaded");
501// These locales are directly supported by the tests.
502Lookup::new(icu_data.clone(), &vec!["en"])?;
503 Lookup::new(icu_data.clone(), &vec!["fr"])?;
504 Lookup::new(icu_data.clone(), &vec!["es"])?;
505506// The following languages are not directly supported. Instead they
507 // are supported via the locale fallback mechanism.
508509 // Falls back to "en".
510Lookup::new(icu_data.clone(), &vec!["en-US"])?;
511// Falls back to "es".
512Lookup::new(icu_data.clone(), &vec!["es-ES"])?;
513// Falls back to "es", too.
514Lookup::new(icu_data.clone(), &vec!["es-419"])?;
516 }
517518// Exercises the fake behaviors which are part of the fake spec. The fake
519 // behaviors may evolve in the future, but this test gives out the ones that
520 // currently exist.
522fn test_fake_lookup() -> Result<(), LookupStatus> {
523let l = FakeLookup::new();
524assert_eq!("Hello {person}!", l.string(1)?.to_str()?);
525// Fake lookups always return "Hello world!", that's a FakeLookup
526 // feature.
527assert_eq!("Hello world!", l.string(10)?.to_str()?);
528assert_eq!("Hello world!", l.string(12)?.to_str()?);
529assert_eq!(LookupStatus::Unavailable, l.string(11).unwrap_err());
530assert_eq!(LookupStatus::Unavailable, l.string(41).unwrap_err());
532 }
535fn test_real_lookup() -> Result<(), LookupStatus> {
536let icu_data = icu_data::Loader::new().expect("icu data loaded");
537let l = Lookup::new(icu_data, &vec!["es"])?;
538assert_eq!("el stringo", l.str(ftest::MessageIds::StringName as u64)?);
540 }
541542/// Locales have been made part of the resources of the test package.
544fn test_available_locales() -> Result<()> {
545// Iteration order is not deterministic.
546let expected: HashSet<String> = ["es", "en", "fr"].iter().map(|s| s.to_string()).collect();
547assert_eq!(expected, Lookup::get_available_locales_for_test()?.into_iter().collect());
549 }
550551/// If an unsupported locale has been requested, ignore it in the list and
552 /// fall back to something else.
554fn ignore_unavailable_locales() {
555let icu_data = icu_data::Loader::new().expect("icu data loaded");
556let l = Lookup::new(icu_data, &vec!["sr", "es"]).expect("Lookup::new success");
558"el stringo",
559 l.str(ftest::MessageIds::StringName as u64).expect("Lookup::str success")
560 );
561 }
562563/// If there is nothing to fall back to, report an error.
565fn report_unavailable_locales_without_alternative() {
566let icu_data = icu_data::Loader::new().expect("icu data loaded");
567let l = Lookup::new(icu_data, &vec!["sr"]);
569 }