
1use analysis;
2use program::CommandFactory;
3use report::{BenchmarkId, ReportContext};
4use routine::{Function, Routine};
5use std::cell::RefCell;
6use std::collections::HashSet;
7use std::fmt::Debug;
8use std::marker::Sized;
9use std::process::Command;
10use std::time::Duration;
11use {Bencher, Criterion, DurationExt, PlotConfiguration, Throughput};
13/// Struct containing all of the configuration options for a benchmark.
14pub struct BenchmarkConfig {
15    pub confidence_level: f64,
16    pub measurement_time: Duration,
17    pub noise_threshold: f64,
18    pub nresamples: usize,
19    pub sample_size: usize,
20    pub significance_level: f64,
21    pub warm_up_time: Duration,
24/// Struct representing a partially-complete per-benchmark configuration.
25struct PartialBenchmarkConfig {
26    confidence_level: Option<f64>,
27    measurement_time: Option<Duration>,
28    noise_threshold: Option<f64>,
29    nresamples: Option<usize>,
30    sample_size: Option<usize>,
31    significance_level: Option<f64>,
32    warm_up_time: Option<Duration>,
33    plot_config: PlotConfiguration,
36impl Default for PartialBenchmarkConfig {
37    fn default() -> Self {
38        PartialBenchmarkConfig {
39            confidence_level: None,
40            measurement_time: None,
41            noise_threshold: None,
42            nresamples: None,
43            sample_size: None,
44            significance_level: None,
45            warm_up_time: None,
46            plot_config: PlotConfiguration::default(),
47        }
48    }
51impl PartialBenchmarkConfig {
52    fn to_complete(&self, defaults: &BenchmarkConfig) -> BenchmarkConfig {
53        BenchmarkConfig {
54            confidence_level: self.confidence_level.unwrap_or(defaults.confidence_level),
55            measurement_time: self.measurement_time.unwrap_or(defaults.measurement_time),
56            noise_threshold: self.noise_threshold.unwrap_or(defaults.noise_threshold),
57            nresamples: self.nresamples.unwrap_or(defaults.nresamples),
58            sample_size: self.sample_size.unwrap_or(defaults.sample_size),
59            significance_level: self
60                .significance_level
61                .unwrap_or(defaults.significance_level),
62            warm_up_time: self.warm_up_time.unwrap_or(defaults.warm_up_time),
63        }
64    }
67pub struct NamedRoutine<T> {
68    pub id: String,
69    pub f: Box<RefCell<Routine<T>>>,
72/// Structure representing a benchmark (or group of benchmarks)
73/// which take one parameter.
74pub struct ParameterizedBenchmark<T: Debug> {
75    config: PartialBenchmarkConfig,
76    values: Vec<T>,
77    routines: Vec<NamedRoutine<T>>,
78    throughput: Option<Box<Fn(&T) -> Throughput>>,
81/// Structure representing a benchmark (or group of benchmarks)
82/// which takes no parameters.
83pub struct Benchmark {
84    config: PartialBenchmarkConfig,
85    routines: Vec<NamedRoutine<()>>,
86    throughput: Option<Throughput>,
89/// Common trait for `Benchmark` and `ParameterizedBenchmark`. Not intended to be
90/// used outside of
91pub trait BenchmarkDefinition: Sized {
92    #[doc(hidden)]
93    fn run(self, group_id: &str, c: &Criterion);
96macro_rules! benchmark_config {
97    ($type:tt) => {
99        /// Changes the size of the sample for this benchmark
100        ///
101        /// A bigger sample should yield more accurate results if paired with a sufficiently large
102        /// measurement time.
103        ///
104        /// Sample size must be at least 2.
105        ///
106        /// # Panics
107        ///
108        /// Panics if set to zero or one.
109        pub fn sample_size(mut self, n: usize) -> Self {
110            assert!(n >= 2);
111            if n < 10 {
112                println!("Warning: Sample sizes < 10 will be disallowed in 0.3.0.");
113            }
115            self.config.sample_size = Some(n);
116            self
117        }
119        /// Changes the warm up time for this benchmark
120        ///
121        /// # Panics
122        ///
123        /// Panics if the input duration is zero
124        pub fn warm_up_time(mut self, dur: Duration) -> Self {
125            assert!(dur.to_nanos() > 0);
127            self.config.warm_up_time = Some(dur);
128            self
129        }
131        /// Changes the target measurement time for this benchmark. Criterion will attempt
132        /// to spent approximately this amount of time measuring the benchmark.
133        /// With a longer time, the measurement will become more resilient to transitory peak loads
134        /// caused by external programs.
135        ///
136        /// # Panics
137        ///
138        /// Panics if the input duration in zero
139        pub fn measurement_time(mut self, dur: Duration) -> Self {
140            assert!(dur.to_nanos() > 0);
142            self.config.measurement_time = Some(dur);
143            self
144        }
146        /// Changes the number of resamples for this benchmark
147        ///
148        /// Number of resamples to use for the
149        /// [bootstrap](
150        ///
151        /// A larger number of resamples reduces the random sampling errors, which are inherent to the
152        /// bootstrap method, but also increases the analysis time.
153        ///
154        /// # Panics
155        ///
156        /// Panics if the number of resamples is set to zero
157        pub fn nresamples(mut self, n: usize) -> Self {
158            assert!(n > 0);
160            self.config.nresamples = Some(n);
161            self
162        }
164        /// Changes the noise threshold for this benchmark
165        ///
166        /// This threshold is used to decide if an increase of `X%` in the execution time is considered
167        /// significant or should be flagged as noise
168        ///
169        /// *Note:* A value of `0.02` is equivalent to `2%`
170        ///
171        /// # Panics
172        ///
173        /// Panics is the threshold is set to a negative value
174        pub fn noise_threshold(mut self, threshold: f64) -> Self {
175            assert!(threshold >= 0.0);
177            self.config.noise_threshold = Some(threshold);
178            self
179        }
181        /// Changes the confidence level for this benchmark
182        ///
183        /// The confidence level is used to calculate the
184        /// [confidence intervals]( of the estimated
185        /// statistics
186        ///
187        /// # Panics
188        ///
189        /// Panics if the confidence level is set to a value outside the `(0, 1)` range
190        pub fn confidence_level(mut self, cl: f64) -> Self {
191            assert!(cl > 0.0 && cl < 1.0);
193            self.config.confidence_level = Some(cl);
194            self
195        }
197        /// Changes the [significance level](
198        /// for this benchmark
199        ///
200        /// The significance level is used for
201        /// [hypothesis testing](
202        ///
203        /// # Panics
204        ///
205        /// Panics if the significance level is set to a value outside the `(0, 1)` range
206        pub fn significance_level(mut self, sl: f64) -> Self {
207            assert!(sl > 0.0 && sl < 1.0);
209            self.config.significance_level = Some(sl);
210            self
211        }
213        /// Changes the plot configuration for this benchmark.
214        pub fn plot_config(mut self, new_config: PlotConfiguration) -> Self {
215            self.config.plot_config = new_config;
216            self
217        }
219    }
222impl Benchmark {
223    benchmark_config!(Benchmark);
225    /// Create a new benchmark group and adds the given function to it.
226    ///
227    /// # Example
228    ///
229    /// ```rust
230    /// # #[macro_use] extern crate criterion;
231    /// # use criterion::*;
232    ///
233    /// fn bench(c: &mut Criterion) {
234    ///     // One-time setup goes here
235    ///     c.bench(
236    ///         "my_group",
237    ///         Benchmark::new("my_function", |b| b.iter(|| {
238    ///             // Code to benchmark goes here
239    ///         })),
240    ///     );
241    /// }
242    ///
243    /// criterion_group!(benches, bench);
244    /// criterion_main!(benches);
245    /// ```
246    pub fn new<S, F>(id: S, f: F) -> Benchmark
247    where
248        S: Into<String>,
249        F: FnMut(&mut Bencher) + 'static,
250    {
251        Benchmark {
252            config: PartialBenchmarkConfig::default(),
253            routines: vec![],
254            throughput: None,
255        }
256        .with_function(id, f)
257    }
259    /// Create a new benchmark group and add the given program to it.
260    ///
261    /// The external program must:
262    ///
263    /// * Read the number of iterations from stdin
264    /// * Execute the routine to benchmark that many times
265    /// * Print the elapsed time (in nanoseconds) to stdout
266    ///
267    /// ```rust,no_run
268    /// # use std::io::{self, BufRead};
269    /// # use std::time::Instant;
270    /// # use std::time::Duration;
271    /// # trait DurationExt { fn to_nanos(&self) -> u64 { 0 } }
272    /// # impl DurationExt for Duration {}
273    /// // Example of an external program that implements this protocol
274    ///
275    /// fn main() {
276    ///     let stdin = io::stdin();
277    ///     let ref mut stdin = stdin.lock();
278    ///
279    ///     // For each line in stdin
280    ///     for line in stdin.lines() {
281    ///         // Parse line as the number of iterations
282    ///         let iters: u64 = line.unwrap().trim().parse().unwrap();
283    ///
284    ///         // Setup
285    ///
286    ///         // Benchmark
287    ///         let start = Instant::now();
288    ///         // Execute the routine "iters" times
289    ///         for _ in 0..iters {
290    ///             // Code to benchmark goes here
291    ///         }
292    ///         let elapsed = start.elapsed();
293    ///
294    ///         // Teardown
295    ///
296    ///         // Report elapsed time in nanoseconds to stdout
297    ///         println!("{}", elapsed.to_nanos());
298    ///     }
299    /// }
300    #[deprecated(
301        since = "0.2.6",
302        note = "External program benchmarks were rarely used and are awkward to maintain, so they are scheduled for deletion in 0.3.0"
303    )]
304    #[allow(deprecated)]
305    pub fn new_external<S>(id: S, program: Command) -> Benchmark
306    where
307        S: Into<String>,
308    {
309        Benchmark {
310            config: PartialBenchmarkConfig::default(),
311            routines: vec![],
312            throughput: None,
313        }
314        .with_program(id, program)
315    }
317    /// Add a function to the benchmark group.
318    ///
319    /// # Example:
320    /// ```
321    /// # use criterion::Benchmark;
322    /// Benchmark::new("return 10", |b| b.iter(|| 10))
323    ///     .with_function("return 20", |b| b.iter(|| 20));
324    /// ```
325    pub fn with_function<S, F>(mut self, id: S, mut f: F) -> Benchmark
326    where
327        S: Into<String>,
328        F: FnMut(&mut Bencher) + 'static,
329    {
330        let routine = NamedRoutine {
331            id: id.into(),
332            f: Box::new(RefCell::new(Function::new(move |b, _| f(b)))),
333        };
334        self.routines.push(routine);
335        self
336    }
338    /// Add an external program to the benchmark group.
339    ///
340    /// # Example:
341    /// ```
342    /// # use criterion::Benchmark;
343    /// # use std::process::Command;
344    /// Benchmark::new("internal", |b| b.iter(|| 10))
345    ///     .with_program("external", Command::new("my_external_benchmark"));
346    /// ```
347    #[deprecated(
348        since = "0.2.6",
349        note = "External program benchmarks were rarely used and are awkward to maintain, so they are scheduled for deletion in 0.3.0"
350    )]
351    pub fn with_program<S>(mut self, id: S, program: Command) -> Benchmark
352    where
353        S: Into<String>,
354    {
355        let routine = NamedRoutine {
356            id: id.into(),
357            f: Box::new(RefCell::new(program)),
358        };
359        self.routines.push(routine);
360        self
361    }
363    /// Set the input size for this benchmark group. Used for reporting the
364    /// throughput.
365    ///
366    /// ```
367    /// # use criterion::{Benchmark, Throughput};
368    /// # use std::process::Command;
369    /// Benchmark::new("strlen", |b| b.iter(|| "foo".len()))
370    ///     .throughput(Throughput::Bytes(3));
371    /// ```
372    pub fn throughput(mut self, throughput: Throughput) -> Benchmark {
373        self.throughput = Some(throughput);
374        self
375    }
378impl BenchmarkDefinition for Benchmark {
379    fn run(self, group_id: &str, c: &Criterion) {
380        let report_context = ReportContext {
381            output_directory: c.output_directory.clone(),
382            plotting: c.plotting,
383            plot_config: self.config.plot_config.clone(),
384            test_mode: c.test_mode,
385        };
387        let config = self.config.to_complete(&c.config);
388        let num_routines = self.routines.len();
390        let mut all_ids = vec![];
391        let mut any_matched = false;
392        let mut all_directories = HashSet::new();
393        let mut all_titles = HashSet::new();
395        for routine in self.routines {
396            let function_id = if num_routines == 1 && group_id == {
397                None
398            } else {
399                Some(
400            };
402            let mut id = BenchmarkId::new(
403                group_id.to_owned(),
404                function_id,
405                None,
406                self.throughput.clone(),
407            );
409            id.ensure_directory_name_unique(&all_directories);
410            all_directories.insert(id.as_directory_name().to_owned());
411            id.ensure_title_unique(&all_titles);
412            all_titles.insert(id.as_title().to_owned());
414            if c.filter_matches( {
415                any_matched = true;
416                analysis::common(
417                    &id,
418                    &mut *routine.f.borrow_mut(),
419                    &config,
420                    c,
421                    &report_context,
422                    &(),
423                    self.throughput.clone(),
424                );
425            }
427            all_ids.push(id);
428        }
430        if all_ids.len() > 1 && any_matched && c.profile_time.is_none() && !c.test_mode {
431  , &all_ids);
432        }
433        if any_matched {
434            println!();
435        }
436    }
438impl<T> ParameterizedBenchmark<T>
440    T: Debug + 'static,
442    benchmark_config!(ParameterizedBenchmark);
444    /// Create a new parameterized benchmark group and adds the given function
445    /// to it.
446    /// The function under test must follow the setup - bench - teardown pattern:
447    ///
448    /// # Example
449    ///
450    /// ```rust
451    /// # #[macro_use] extern crate criterion;
452    /// # use criterion::*;
453    ///
454    /// fn bench(c: &mut Criterion) {
455    ///     let parameters = vec![1u64, 2u64, 3u64];
456    ///
457    ///     // One-time setup goes here
458    ///     c.bench(
459    ///         "my_group",
460    ///         ParameterizedBenchmark::new(
461    ///             "my_function",
462    ///             |b, param| b.iter(|| {
463    ///                 // Code to benchmark using param goes here
464    ///             }),
465    ///             parameters
466    ///         )
467    ///     );
468    /// }
469    ///
470    /// criterion_group!(benches, bench);
471    /// criterion_main!(benches);
472    /// ```
473    pub fn new<S, F, I>(id: S, f: F, parameters: I) -> ParameterizedBenchmark<T>
474    where
475        S: Into<String>,
476        F: FnMut(&mut Bencher, &T) + 'static,
477        I: IntoIterator<Item = T>,
478    {
479        ParameterizedBenchmark {
480            config: PartialBenchmarkConfig::default(),
481            values: parameters.into_iter().collect(),
482            routines: vec![],
483            throughput: None,
484        }
485        .with_function(id, f)
486    }
488    /// Create a new parameterized benchmark group and add the given program to it.
489    /// The program under test must implement the following protocol:
490    ///
491    /// * Read the number of iterations from stdin
492    /// * Execute the routine to benchmark that many times
493    /// * Print the elapsed time (in nanoseconds) to stdout
494    ///
495    /// You can pass the argument to the program in any way you choose.
496    ///
497    /// ```rust,no_run
498    /// # use std::io::{self, BufRead};
499    /// # use std::time::Instant;
500    /// # use std::time::Duration;
501    /// # trait DurationExt { fn to_nanos(&self) -> u64 { 0 } }
502    /// # impl DurationExt for Duration {}
503    /// # use std::env;
504    /// // Example of an external program that implements this protocol
505    ///
506    /// fn main() {
507    ///     let stdin = io::stdin();
508    ///     let ref mut stdin = stdin.lock();
509    ///
510    ///     // You might opt to pass the parameter to the external command as
511    ///     // an environment variable, command line argument, file on disk, etc.
512    ///     let parameter = env::var("PARAMETER").unwrap();
513    ///
514    ///     // For each line in stdin
515    ///     for line in stdin.lines() {
516    ///         // Parse line as the number of iterations
517    ///         let iters: u64 = line.unwrap().trim().parse().unwrap();
518    ///
519    ///         // Setup
520    ///
521    ///         // Benchmark
522    ///         let start = Instant::now();
523    ///         // Execute the routine "iters" times
524    ///         for _ in 0..iters {
525    ///             // Code to benchmark using the parameter goes here
526    ///         }
527    ///         let elapsed = start.elapsed();
528    ///
529    ///         // Teardown
530    ///
531    ///         // Report elapsed time in nanoseconds to stdout
532    ///         println!("{}", elapsed.to_nanos());
533    ///     }
534    /// }
535    /// ```
536    #[deprecated(
537        since = "0.2.6",
538        note = "External program benchmarks were rarely used and are awkward to maintain, so they are scheduled for deletion in 0.3.0"
539    )]
540    #[allow(deprecated)]
541    pub fn new_external<S, F, I>(id: S, program: F, parameters: I) -> ParameterizedBenchmark<T>
542    where
543        S: Into<String>,
544        F: FnMut(&T) -> Command + 'static,
545        I: IntoIterator<Item = T>,
546    {
547        ParameterizedBenchmark {
548            config: PartialBenchmarkConfig::default(),
549            routines: vec![],
550            values: parameters.into_iter().collect(),
551            throughput: None,
552        }
553        .with_program(id, program)
554    }
556    pub(crate) fn with_functions(
557        functions: Vec<NamedRoutine<T>>,
558        parameters: Vec<T>,
559    ) -> ParameterizedBenchmark<T> {
560        ParameterizedBenchmark {
561            config: PartialBenchmarkConfig::default(),
562            values: parameters,
563            routines: functions,
564            throughput: None,
565        }
566    }
568    /// Add a function to the benchmark group.
569    ///
570    /// # Example
571    ///
572    /// ```
573    /// # use criterion::ParameterizedBenchmark;
574    /// ParameterizedBenchmark::new("times 10", |b, i| b.iter(|| i * 10), vec![1, 2, 3])
575    ///     .with_function("times 20", |b, i| b.iter(|| i * 20));
576    /// ```
577    pub fn with_function<S, F>(mut self, id: S, f: F) -> ParameterizedBenchmark<T>
578    where
579        S: Into<String>,
580        F: FnMut(&mut Bencher, &T) + 'static,
581    {
582        let routine = NamedRoutine {
583            id: id.into(),
584            f: Box::new(RefCell::new(Function::new(f))),
585        };
586        self.routines.push(routine);
587        self
588    }
590    /// Add an external program to the benchmark group.
591    ///
592    /// # Example
593    ///
594    /// ```
595    /// # use criterion::ParameterizedBenchmark;
596    /// # use std::process::Command;
597    /// ParameterizedBenchmark::new("internal", |b, i| b.iter(|| i * 10), vec![1, 2, 3])
598    ///     .with_program("external", |i| {
599    ///         let mut command = Command::new("my_external_benchmark");
600    ///         command.arg(format!("{:?}", i));
601    ///         command
602    ///     });
603    /// ```
604    #[deprecated(
605        since = "0.2.6",
606        note = "External program benchmarks were rarely used and are awkward to maintain, so they are scheduled for deletion in 0.3.0"
607    )]
608    pub fn with_program<S, F>(mut self, id: S, program: F) -> ParameterizedBenchmark<T>
609    where
610        S: Into<String>,
611        F: FnMut(&T) -> Command + 'static,
612    {
613        let factory = CommandFactory::new(program);
614        let routine = NamedRoutine {
615            id: id.into(),
616            f: Box::new(RefCell::new(factory)),
617        };
618        self.routines.push(routine);
619        self
620    }
622    /// Use the given function to calculate the input size for a given input.
623    ///
624    /// # Example
625    ///
626    /// ```
627    /// # use criterion::{ParameterizedBenchmark, Throughput};
628    /// # use std::process::Command;
629    /// ParameterizedBenchmark::new("strlen", |b, s| b.iter(|| s.len()), vec!["foo", "lorem ipsum"])
630    ///     .throughput(|s| Throughput::Bytes(s.len() as u32));
631    /// ```
632    pub fn throughput<F>(mut self, throughput: F) -> ParameterizedBenchmark<T>
633    where
634        F: Fn(&T) -> Throughput + 'static,
635    {
636        self.throughput = Some(Box::new(throughput));
637        self
638    }
640impl<T> BenchmarkDefinition for ParameterizedBenchmark<T>
642    T: Debug + 'static,
644    fn run(self, group_id: &str, c: &Criterion) {
645        let report_context = ReportContext {
646            output_directory: c.output_directory.clone(),
647            plotting: c.plotting,
648            plot_config: self.config.plot_config.clone(),
649            test_mode: c.test_mode,
650        };
652        let config = self.config.to_complete(&c.config);
653        let num_parameters = self.values.len();
654        let num_routines = self.routines.len();
656        let mut all_ids = vec![];
657        let mut any_matched = false;
658        let mut all_directories = HashSet::new();
659        let mut all_titles = HashSet::new();
661        for routine in self.routines {
662            for value in &self.values {
663                let function_id = if num_routines == 1 && group_id == {
664                    None
665                } else {
666                    Some(
667                };
669                let value_str = if num_parameters == 1 {
670                    None
671                } else {
672                    Some(format!("{:?}", value))
673                };
675                let throughput = self.throughput.as_ref().map(|func| func(value));
676                let mut id = BenchmarkId::new(
677                    group_id.to_owned(),
678                    function_id,
679                    value_str,
680                    throughput.clone(),
681                );
683                id.ensure_directory_name_unique(&all_directories);
684                all_directories.insert(id.as_directory_name().to_owned());
685                id.ensure_title_unique(&all_titles);
686                all_titles.insert(id.as_title().to_owned());
688                if c.filter_matches( {
689                    any_matched = true;
691                    analysis::common(
692                        &id,
693                        &mut *routine.f.borrow_mut(),
694                        &config,
695                        c,
696                        &report_context,
697                        value,
698                        throughput,
699                    );
700                }
702                all_ids.push(id);
703            }
704        }
706        if all_ids.len() > 1 && any_matched && c.profile_time.is_none() && !c.test_mode {
707  , &all_ids);
708        }
709        if any_matched {
710            println!();
711        }
712    }