
1// Copyright 2024 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5//! A local timer heap for use in netstack3 core.
7use alloc::collections::{binary_heap, hash_map, BinaryHeap, HashMap};
8use core::hash::Hash;
9use core::time::Duration;
11use crate::{CoreTimerContext, Instant, InstantBindingsTypes, TimerBindingsTypes, TimerContext};
13/// A local timer heap that keeps timers for core modules.
15/// `LocalTimerHeap` manages its wakeups through a [`TimerContext`].
17/// `K` is the key that timers are keyed on. `V` is optional sidecar data to be
18/// kept with each timer.
20/// Note that to provide fast timer deletion, `LocalTimerHeap` requires `K` to
21/// be `Clone` and the implementation assumes that the clone is cheap.
23pub struct LocalTimerHeap<K, V, BT: TimerBindingsTypes + InstantBindingsTypes> {
24    next_wakeup: BT::Timer,
25    heap: KeyedHeap<K, V, BT::Instant>,
28impl<K, V, BC> LocalTimerHeap<K, V, BC>
30    K: Hash + Eq + Clone,
31    BC: TimerContext,
33    /// Creates a new `LocalTimerHeap` with wakeup dispatch ID `dispatch_id`.
34    pub fn new(bindings_ctx: &mut BC, dispatch_id: BC::DispatchId) -> Self {
35        let next_wakeup = bindings_ctx.new_timer(dispatch_id);
36        Self { next_wakeup, heap: KeyedHeap::new() }
37    }
39    /// Like [`new`] but uses `CC` to covert the `dispatch_id` to match the type required by `BC`.
40    pub fn new_with_context<D, CC: CoreTimerContext<D, BC>>(
41        bindings_ctx: &mut BC,
42        dispatch_id: D,
43    ) -> Self {
44        Self::new(bindings_ctx, CC::convert_timer(dispatch_id))
45    }
47    /// Schedules `timer` with `value` at or after `at`.
48    ///
49    /// If `timer` was already scheduled, returns the previously scheduled
50    /// instant and the associated value.
51    pub fn schedule_instant(
52        &mut self,
53        bindings_ctx: &mut BC,
54        timer: K,
55        value: V,
56        at: BC::Instant,
57    ) -> Option<(BC::Instant, V)> {
58        let (prev_value, dirty) = self.heap.schedule(timer, value, at);
59        if dirty {
60            self.heal_and_reschedule(bindings_ctx);
61        }
62        prev_value
63    }
65    /// Like [`schedule_instant`] but does the instant math from current time.
66    ///
67    /// # Panics
68    ///
69    /// Panics if the current `BC::Instant` cannot be represented by adding
70    /// duration `after`.
71    pub fn schedule_after(
72        &mut self,
73        bindings_ctx: &mut BC,
74        timer: K,
75        value: V,
76        after: Duration,
77    ) -> Option<(BC::Instant, V)> {
78        let time =;
79        self.schedule_instant(bindings_ctx, timer, value, time)
80    }
82    /// Pops an expired timer from the heap, if any.
83    pub fn pop(&mut self, bindings_ctx: &mut BC) -> Option<(K, V)> {
84        let Self { next_wakeup: _, heap } = self;
85        let (popped, dirty) = heap.pop_if(|t| t <=;
86        if dirty {
87            self.heal_and_reschedule(bindings_ctx);
88        }
89        popped
90    }
92    /// Returns the scheduled instant and associated value for `timer`, if it's
93    /// scheduled.
94    pub fn get(&self, timer: &K) -> Option<(BC::Instant, &V)> {
95|MapEntry { time, value }| (*time, value))
96    }
98    /// Cancels `timer`, returning the scheduled instant and associated value if
99    /// any.
100    pub fn cancel(&mut self, bindings_ctx: &mut BC, timer: &K) -> Option<(BC::Instant, V)> {
101        let (scheduled, dirty) = self.heap.cancel(timer);
102        if dirty {
103            self.heal_and_reschedule(bindings_ctx);
104        }
105        scheduled
106    }
108    /// Gets an iterator over the installed timers.
109    pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&K, &V, &BC::Instant)> {
110|(k, MapEntry { time, value })| (k, value, time))
111    }
113    fn heal_and_reschedule(&mut self, bindings_ctx: &mut BC) {
114        let Self { next_wakeup, heap } = self;
115        let mut new_top = None;
116        let _ = heap.pop_if(|t| {
117            // Extract the next time to fire, but don't pop it from the heap.
118            // This is equivalent to peeking, but it also "heals" the keyed heap
119            // by getting rid of stale entries.
120            new_top = Some(t);
121            false
122        });
123        let _: Option<BC::Instant> = match new_top {
124            Some(time) => bindings_ctx.schedule_timer_instant(time, next_wakeup),
125            None => bindings_ctx.cancel_timer(next_wakeup),
126        };
127    }
129    /// Removes all timers.
130    pub fn clear(&mut self, bindings_ctx: &mut BC) {
131        let Self { next_wakeup, heap } = self;
132        heap.clear();
133        let _: Option<BC::Instant> = bindings_ctx.cancel_timer(next_wakeup);
134    }
136    /// Returns true if there are no timers installed.
137    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
139    }
142/// A timer heap that is keyed on `K`.
144/// This type is used to support [`LocalTimerHeap`].
146struct KeyedHeap<K, V, T> {
147    // Implementation note: The map is the source of truth for the desired
148    // firing time for a timer `K`. The heap has a copy of the scheduled time
149    // that is *always* compared to the map before firing the timer.
150    //
151    // That allows timers to be rescheduled to a later time during `pop`, which
152    // reduces memory utilization for the heap by avoiding the stale entry.
153    map: HashMap<K, MapEntry<T, V>>,
154    heap: BinaryHeap<HeapEntry<T, K>>,
157impl<K: Hash + Eq + Clone, V, T: Instant> KeyedHeap<K, V, T> {
158    fn new() -> Self {
159        Self { map: HashMap::new(), heap: BinaryHeap::new() }
160    }
162    /// Schedules `key` with associated `value` at time `at`.
163    ///
164    /// Returns the previously associated value and firing time for `key` +
165    /// a boolean indicating whether the top of the heap (i.e. the next timer to
166    /// fire) changed with this operation.
167    fn schedule(&mut self, key: K, value: V, at: T) -> (Option<(T, V)>, bool) {
168        let Self { map, heap } = self;
169        // The top of the heap is changed if any of the following is true:
170        // - There were previously no entries in the heap.
171        // - The current top of the heap is the key being changed here.
172        // - The scheduled value is earlier than the current top of the heap.
173        let dirty = heap
174            .peek()
175            .map(|HeapEntry { time, key: top_key }| top_key == &key || at < *time)
176            .unwrap_or(true);
177        let (heap_entry, prev) = match map.entry(key) {
178            hash_map::Entry::Occupied(mut o) => {
179                let MapEntry { time, value } = o.insert(MapEntry { time: at, value });
180                // Only create a new entry if the already scheduled time is
181                // later than the new value.
182                let heap_entry = (at < time).then(|| HeapEntry { time: at, key: o.key().clone() });
183                (heap_entry, Some((time, value)))
184            }
185            hash_map::Entry::Vacant(v) => {
186                let heap_entry = Some(HeapEntry { time: at, key: v.key().clone() });
187                let _: &mut MapEntry<_, _> = v.insert(MapEntry { time: at, value });
188                (heap_entry, None)
189            }
190        };
191        if let Some(heap_entry) = heap_entry {
192            heap.push(heap_entry);
193        }
194        (prev, dirty)
195    }
197    /// Cancels the timer with `key`.
198    ///
199    /// Returns the scheduled instant and value for `key` if it was scheduled +
200    /// a boolean indicating whether the top of the heap (i.e. the next timer to
201    /// fire) changed with this operation.
202    fn cancel(&mut self, key: &K) -> (Option<(T, V)>, bool) {
203        let Self { heap, map } = self;
204        // The front of the heap will be changed if we're cancelling the top.
205        let was_front = heap.peek().is_some_and(|HeapEntry { time: _, key: top }| key == top);
206        let prev = map.remove(key).map(|MapEntry { time, value }| (time, value));
207        (prev, was_front)
208    }
210    /// Heals the heap of stale entries, popping the first valid entry if `f`
211    /// returns `true``.
212    ///
213    /// Returns the popped value if one is found *and* `f` returns true + a
214    /// boolean that is `true` iff the internal heap has changed.
215    ///
216    /// NB: This API is a bit wonky, but unfortunately we can't seem to be able
217    /// to express a type that would be equivalent to `BinaryHeap`'s `PeekMut`.
218    /// This is the next best thing.
219    fn pop_if<F: FnOnce(T) -> bool>(&mut self, f: F) -> (Option<(K, V)>, bool) {
220        let mut changed_heap = false;
221        let popped = loop {
222            let Self { heap, map } = self;
223            let Some(peek_mut) = heap.peek_mut() else {
224                break None;
225            };
226            let HeapEntry { time: heap_time, key } = &*peek_mut;
227            // Always check the map state for the given key, since it's the
228            // source of truth for desired firing time.
230            // NB: We assume here that the key is cheaply cloned and that
231            // cloning it is faster than possibly hashing it more than once.
232            match map.entry(key.clone()) {
233                hash_map::Entry::Vacant(_) => {
234                    // Timer has been canceled. Pop and continue looking.
235                    let _: HeapEntry<_, _> = binary_heap::PeekMut::pop(peek_mut);
236                    changed_heap = true;
237                }
238                hash_map::Entry::Occupied(map_entry) => {
239                    let MapEntry { time: scheduled_for, value: _ } = map_entry.get();
241                    match heap_time.cmp(scheduled_for) {
242                        core::cmp::Ordering::Equal => {
243                            // Map and heap agree on firing time, this is the top of
244                            // the heap.
245                            break f(*scheduled_for).then(|| {
246                                let HeapEntry { time: _, key } =
247                                    binary_heap::PeekMut::pop(peek_mut);
248                                changed_heap = true;
249                                let MapEntry { time: _, value } = map_entry.remove();
250                                (key, value)
251                            });
252                        }
253                        core::cmp::Ordering::Less => {
254                            // When rescheduling a timer, we only touch the heap
255                            // if rescheduling to an earlier time. In this case
256                            // the map is telling us this is scheduled for
257                            // later, so we must put it back in the heap.
258                            let HeapEntry { time: _, key } = binary_heap::PeekMut::pop(peek_mut);
259                            heap.push(HeapEntry { time: *scheduled_for, key });
260                            changed_heap = true;
261                        }
262                        core::cmp::Ordering::Greater => {
263                            // Heap time greater than scheduled time is
264                            // effectively unobservable because any earlier
265                            // entry would've been popped from the heap already
266                            // and thus the entry would be missing from the map.
267                            // Even a catastrophic cancel => reschedule cycle
268                            // can't make us observe this branch given the heap
269                            // ordering properties.
270                            unreachable!(
271                                "observed heap time: {:?} later than the scheduled time {:?}",
272                                heap_time, scheduled_for
273                            );
274                        }
275                    }
276                }
277            }
278        };
279        (popped, changed_heap)
280    }
282    fn clear(&mut self) {
283        let Self { map, heap } = self;
284        map.clear();
285        heap.clear();
286    }
289/// The entry kept in [`LocalTimerHeap`]'s internal hash map.
290#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
291struct MapEntry<T, V> {
292    time: T,
293    value: V,
296/// A reusable struct to place a value and a timestamp in a [`BinaryHeap`].
298/// Its `Ord` implementation is tuned to make [`BinaryHeap`] a min heap.
300struct HeapEntry<T, K> {
301    time: T,
302    key: K,
305// Boilerplate to implement a heap entry.
306impl<T: Instant, K> PartialEq for HeapEntry<T, K> {
307    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
308        self.time == other.time
309    }
312impl<T: Instant, K> Eq for HeapEntry<T, K> {}
314impl<T: Instant, K> Ord for HeapEntry<T, K> {
315    fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> core::cmp::Ordering {
316        // Note that we flip the argument order here to make the `BinaryHeap` a
317        // min heap.
318        Ord::cmp(&other.time, &self.time)
319    }
322impl<T: Instant, K> PartialOrd for HeapEntry<T, K> {
323    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<core::cmp::Ordering> {
324        Some(Ord::cmp(self, other))
325    }
328#[cfg(any(test, feature = "testutils"))]
329mod testutil {
330    use core::fmt::Debug;
331    use core::ops::RangeBounds;
333    use super::*;
335    impl<K, V, BC> LocalTimerHeap<K, V, BC>
336    where
337        K: Hash + Eq + Clone + Debug,
338        V: Debug + Eq + PartialEq,
339        BC: TimerContext,
340    {
341        /// Asserts installed timers with an iterator of `(key, value, instant)`
342        /// tuples.
343        #[track_caller]
344        pub fn assert_timers(&self, timers: impl IntoIterator<Item = (K, V, BC::Instant)>) {
345            let map = timers
346                .into_iter()
347                .map(|(k, value, time)| (k, MapEntry { value, time }))
348                .collect::<HashMap<_, _>>();
349            assert_eq!(&, &map);
350        }
352        /// Like [`LocalTimerHeap::assert_timers`], but asserts based on a
353        /// duration after ``.
354        #[track_caller]
355        pub fn assert_timers_after(
356            &self,
357            bindings_ctx: &mut BC,
358            timers: impl IntoIterator<Item = (K, V, Duration)>,
359        ) {
360            let now =;
361            self.assert_timers(timers.into_iter().map(|(k, v, d)| (k, v, now.panicking_add(d))))
362        }
364        /// Assets that the next time to fire has `key` and `value`.
365        #[track_caller]
366        pub fn assert_top(&mut self, key: &K, value: &V) {
367            // NB: We can't know that the top of the heap holds a valid entry,
368            // so we need to do the slow thing and look in the map for this
369            // assertion.
370            let top = self
371                .heap
372                .map
373                .iter()
374                .min_by_key(|(_key, MapEntry { time, .. })| time)
375                .map(|(key, MapEntry { time: _, value })| (key, value));
376            assert_eq!(top, Some((key, value)));
377        }
379        /// Asserts that the given timer is installed with an instant at the
380        /// provided range.
381        #[track_caller]
382        pub fn assert_range<
383            'a,
384            R: RangeBounds<BC::Instant> + Debug,
385            I: IntoIterator<Item = (&'a K, R)>,
386        >(
387            &'a self,
388            expect: I,
389        ) {
390            for (timer, range) in expect {
391                let time = self
392                    .get(timer)
393                    .map(|(t, _)| t)
394                    .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("timer {timer:?} not present"));
395                assert!(range.contains(&time), "timer {timer:?} is at {time:?} not in {range:?}");
396            }
397        }
399        /// Asserts that the given timer is installed with an instant at the
400        /// provided range, returning its information.
401        #[track_caller]
402        pub fn assert_range_single<'a, R: RangeBounds<BC::Instant> + Debug>(
403            &'a self,
404            timer: &K,
405            range: R,
406        ) -> (BC::Instant, &V) {
407            let (time, value) =
408                self.get(timer).unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("timer {timer:?} not present"));
409            assert!(range.contains(&time), "timer {timer:?} is at {time:?} not in {range:?}");
410            (time, value)
411        }
412    }
416mod tests {
417    use alloc::vec::Vec;
418    use core::convert::Infallible as Never;
420    use crate::testutil::{FakeAtomicInstant, FakeInstant, FakeInstantCtx};
421    use crate::InstantContext;
423    use super::*;
425    #[derive(Default)]
426    struct FakeTimerCtx {
427        instant: FakeInstantCtx,
428    }
430    impl InstantBindingsTypes for FakeTimerCtx {
431        type Instant = FakeInstant;
432        type AtomicInstant = FakeAtomicInstant;
433    }
435    impl InstantContext for FakeTimerCtx {
436        fn now(&self) -> Self::Instant {
438        }
439    }
441    impl TimerBindingsTypes for FakeTimerCtx {
442        type Timer = FakeTimer;
443        type DispatchId = ();
444        type UniqueTimerId = Never;
445    }
447    impl TimerContext for FakeTimerCtx {
448        fn new_timer(&mut self, (): Self::DispatchId) -> Self::Timer {
449            FakeTimer::default()
450        }
452        fn schedule_timer_instant(
453            &mut self,
454            time: Self::Instant,
455            timer: &mut Self::Timer,
456        ) -> Option<Self::Instant> {
457            timer.scheduled.replace(time)
458        }
460        fn cancel_timer(&mut self, timer: &mut Self::Timer) -> Option<Self::Instant> {
461            timer.scheduled.take()
462        }
464        fn scheduled_instant(&self, timer: &mut Self::Timer) -> Option<Self::Instant> {
465            timer.scheduled.clone()
466        }
468        fn unique_timer_id(&self, _: &Self::Timer) -> Self::UniqueTimerId {
469            unimplemented!()
470        }
471    }
473    #[derive(Default, Debug)]
474    struct FakeTimer {
475        scheduled: Option<FakeInstant>,
476    }
478    #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Ord, PartialOrd, Copy, Clone, Hash)]
479    struct TimerId(usize);
481    type LocalTimerHeap = super::LocalTimerHeap<TimerId, (), FakeTimerCtx>;
483    impl LocalTimerHeap {
484        #[track_caller]
485        fn assert_heap_entries<I: IntoIterator<Item = (FakeInstant, TimerId)>>(&self, i: I) {
486            let mut want = i.into_iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
487            want.sort();
488            let mut got = self
489                .heap
490                .heap
491                .iter()
492                .map(|HeapEntry { time, key }| (*time, *key))
493                .collect::<Vec<_>>();
494            got.sort();
495            assert_eq!(got, want);
496        }
498        #[track_caller]
499        fn assert_map_entries<I: IntoIterator<Item = (FakeInstant, TimerId)>>(&self, i: I) {
500            let want = i.into_iter().map(|(t, k)| (k, t)).collect::<HashMap<_, _>>();
501            let got = self
502                .heap
503                .map
504                .iter()
505                .map(|(k, MapEntry { time, value: () })| (*k, *time))
506                .collect::<HashMap<_, _>>();
507            assert_eq!(got, want);
508        }
509    }
511    const TIMER1: TimerId = TimerId(1);
512    const TIMER2: TimerId = TimerId(2);
513    const TIMER3: TimerId = TimerId(3);
515    const T1: FakeInstant = FakeInstant { offset: Duration::from_secs(1) };
516    const T2: FakeInstant = FakeInstant { offset: Duration::from_secs(2) };
517    const T3: FakeInstant = FakeInstant { offset: Duration::from_secs(3) };
518    const T4: FakeInstant = FakeInstant { offset: Duration::from_secs(4) };
520    #[test]
521    fn schedule_instant() {
522        let mut ctx = FakeTimerCtx::default();
523        let mut heap = LocalTimerHeap::new(&mut ctx, ());
524        assert_eq!(heap.next_wakeup.scheduled, None);
525        heap.assert_heap_entries([]);
527        assert_eq!(heap.schedule_instant(&mut ctx, TIMER2, (), T2), None);
528        heap.assert_heap_entries([(T2, TIMER2)]);
529        assert_eq!(heap.next_wakeup.scheduled, Some(T2));
531        assert_eq!(heap.schedule_instant(&mut ctx, TIMER1, (), T1), None);
532        heap.assert_heap_entries([(T1, TIMER1), (T2, TIMER2)]);
533        assert_eq!(heap.next_wakeup.scheduled, Some(T1));
535        assert_eq!(heap.schedule_instant(&mut ctx, TIMER3, (), T3), None);
536        heap.assert_heap_entries([(T1, TIMER1), (T2, TIMER2), (T3, TIMER3)]);
537        assert_eq!(heap.next_wakeup.scheduled, Some(T1));
538    }
540    #[test]
541    fn schedule_after() {
542        let mut ctx = FakeTimerCtx::default();
543        let mut heap = LocalTimerHeap::new(&mut ctx, ());
544        assert_eq!(heap.next_wakeup.scheduled, None);
545        let long_duration = Duration::from_secs(5);
546        let short_duration = Duration::from_secs(1);
548        let long_instant =;
549        let short_instant =;
551        assert_eq!(heap.schedule_after(&mut ctx, TIMER1, (), long_duration), None);
552        assert_eq!(heap.next_wakeup.scheduled, Some(long_instant));
553        heap.assert_heap_entries([(long_instant, TIMER1)]);
554        heap.assert_map_entries([(long_instant, TIMER1)]);
556        assert_eq!(
557            heap.schedule_after(&mut ctx, TIMER1, (), short_duration),
558            Some((long_instant, ()))
559        );
560        assert_eq!(heap.next_wakeup.scheduled, Some(short_instant));
561        heap.assert_heap_entries([(short_instant, TIMER1), (long_instant, TIMER1)]);
562        heap.assert_map_entries([(short_instant, TIMER1)]);
563    }
565    #[test]
566    fn cancel() {
567        let mut ctx = FakeTimerCtx::default();
568        let mut heap = LocalTimerHeap::new(&mut ctx, ());
569        assert_eq!(heap.schedule_instant(&mut ctx, TIMER1, (), T1), None);
570        assert_eq!(heap.schedule_instant(&mut ctx, TIMER2, (), T2), None);
571        assert_eq!(heap.schedule_instant(&mut ctx, TIMER3, (), T3), None);
572        heap.assert_heap_entries([(T1, TIMER1), (T2, TIMER2), (T3, TIMER3)]);
573        assert_eq!(heap.next_wakeup.scheduled, Some(T1));
575        assert_eq!(heap.cancel(&mut ctx, &TIMER1), Some((T1, ())));
576        heap.assert_heap_entries([(T2, TIMER2), (T3, TIMER3)]);
577        heap.assert_map_entries([(T2, TIMER2), (T3, TIMER3)]);
578        assert_eq!(heap.next_wakeup.scheduled, Some(T2));
580        assert_eq!(heap.cancel(&mut ctx, &TIMER1), None);
582        assert_eq!(heap.cancel(&mut ctx, &TIMER3), Some((T3, ())));
583        // Timer3 is still in the heap, hasn't had a chance to cleanup.
584        heap.assert_heap_entries([(T2, TIMER2), (T3, TIMER3)]);
585        heap.assert_map_entries([(T2, TIMER2)]);
586        assert_eq!(heap.next_wakeup.scheduled, Some(T2));
588        assert_eq!(heap.cancel(&mut ctx, &TIMER2), Some((T2, ())));
589        heap.assert_heap_entries([]);
590        heap.assert_map_entries([]);
591        assert_eq!(heap.next_wakeup.scheduled, None);
592    }
594    #[test]
595    fn pop() {
596        let mut ctx = FakeTimerCtx::default();
597        let mut heap = LocalTimerHeap::new(&mut ctx, ());
598        assert_eq!(heap.schedule_instant(&mut ctx, TIMER1, (), T1), None);
599        assert_eq!(heap.schedule_instant(&mut ctx, TIMER2, (), T2), None);
600        assert_eq!(heap.schedule_instant(&mut ctx, TIMER3, (), T3), None);
601        heap.assert_heap_entries([(T1, TIMER1), (T2, TIMER2), (T3, TIMER3)]);
602        heap.assert_map_entries([(T1, TIMER1), (T2, TIMER2), (T3, TIMER3)]);
603        assert_eq!(heap.next_wakeup.scheduled, Some(T1));
605        assert_eq!(heap.pop(&mut ctx), None);
606        heap.assert_heap_entries([(T1, TIMER1), (T2, TIMER2), (T3, TIMER3)]);
607        heap.assert_map_entries([(T1, TIMER1), (T2, TIMER2), (T3, TIMER3)]);
608        assert_eq!(heap.next_wakeup.scheduled, Some(T1));
610        ctx.instant.time = T1;
611        assert_eq!(heap.pop(&mut ctx), Some((TIMER1, ())));
612        heap.assert_heap_entries([(T2, TIMER2), (T3, TIMER3)]);
613        heap.assert_map_entries([(T2, TIMER2), (T3, TIMER3)]);
614        assert_eq!(heap.next_wakeup.scheduled, Some(T2));
615        assert_eq!(heap.pop(&mut ctx), None);
616        assert_eq!(heap.next_wakeup.scheduled, Some(T2));
618        ctx.instant.time = T3;
619        assert_eq!(heap.pop(&mut ctx), Some((TIMER2, ())));
620        heap.assert_heap_entries([(T3, TIMER3)]);
621        heap.assert_map_entries([(T3, TIMER3)]);
623        assert_eq!(heap.next_wakeup.scheduled, Some(T3));
624        assert_eq!(heap.pop(&mut ctx), Some((TIMER3, ())));
625        heap.assert_heap_entries([]);
626        heap.assert_map_entries([]);
627        assert_eq!(heap.next_wakeup.scheduled, None);
629        assert_eq!(heap.pop(&mut ctx), None);
630    }
632    #[test]
633    fn reschedule() {
634        let mut ctx = FakeTimerCtx::default();
635        let mut heap = LocalTimerHeap::new(&mut ctx, ());
636        assert_eq!(heap.schedule_instant(&mut ctx, TIMER1, (), T1), None);
637        assert_eq!(heap.schedule_instant(&mut ctx, TIMER2, (), T2), None);
638        assert_eq!(heap.schedule_instant(&mut ctx, TIMER3, (), T3), None);
639        heap.assert_heap_entries([(T1, TIMER1), (T2, TIMER2), (T3, TIMER3)]);
640        heap.assert_map_entries([(T1, TIMER1), (T2, TIMER2), (T3, TIMER3)]);
641        assert_eq!(heap.next_wakeup.scheduled, Some(T1));
643        assert_eq!(heap.schedule_instant(&mut ctx, TIMER2, (), T4), Some((T2, ())));
644        heap.assert_heap_entries([(T1, TIMER1), (T2, TIMER2), (T3, TIMER3)]);
645        heap.assert_map_entries([(T1, TIMER1), (T4, TIMER2), (T3, TIMER3)]);
647        ctx.instant.time = T4;
648        // Popping TIMER1 makes the heap entry update.
649        assert_eq!(heap.pop(&mut ctx), Some((TIMER1, ())));
650        heap.assert_heap_entries([(T4, TIMER2), (T3, TIMER3)]);
651        heap.assert_map_entries([(T4, TIMER2), (T3, TIMER3)]);
652        assert_eq!(heap.next_wakeup.scheduled, Some(T3));
654        assert_eq!(heap.schedule_instant(&mut ctx, TIMER2, (), T2), Some((T4, ())));
655        heap.assert_heap_entries([(T2, TIMER2), (T4, TIMER2), (T3, TIMER3)]);
656        heap.assert_map_entries([(T2, TIMER2), (T3, TIMER3)]);
657        assert_eq!(heap.next_wakeup.scheduled, Some(T2));
659        assert_eq!(heap.pop(&mut ctx), Some((TIMER2, ())));
660        // Still has stale TIMER2 entry.
661        heap.assert_heap_entries([(T4, TIMER2), (T3, TIMER3)]);
662        heap.assert_map_entries([(T3, TIMER3)]);
663        assert_eq!(heap.next_wakeup.scheduled, Some(T3));
665        assert_eq!(heap.pop(&mut ctx), Some((TIMER3, ())));
666        heap.assert_heap_entries([]);
667        heap.assert_map_entries([]);
668        assert_eq!(heap.next_wakeup.scheduled, None);
669        assert_eq!(heap.pop(&mut ctx), None);
670    }
672    // Regression test for a bug where the timer heap would not reschedule the
673    // next wakeup when it has two timers for the exact same instant at the top.
674    #[test]
675    fn multiple_timers_same_instant() {
676        let mut ctx = FakeTimerCtx::default();
677        let mut heap = LocalTimerHeap::new(&mut ctx, ());
678        assert_eq!(heap.schedule_instant(&mut ctx, TIMER1, (), T1), None);
679        assert_eq!(heap.schedule_instant(&mut ctx, TIMER2, (), T1), None);
680        assert_eq!(heap.next_wakeup.scheduled.take(), Some(T1));
682        ctx.instant.time = T1;
684        // Ordering is not guaranteed, just assert that we're getting timers.
685        assert!(heap.pop(&mut ctx).is_some());
686        assert_eq!(heap.next_wakeup.scheduled, Some(T1));
687        assert!(heap.pop(&mut ctx).is_some());
688        assert_eq!(heap.next_wakeup.scheduled, None);
689        assert_eq!(heap.pop(&mut ctx), None);
690    }
692    #[test]
693    fn clear() {
694        let mut ctx = FakeTimerCtx::default();
695        let mut heap = LocalTimerHeap::new(&mut ctx, ());
696        assert_eq!(heap.schedule_instant(&mut ctx, TIMER1, (), T1), None);
697        assert_eq!(heap.schedule_instant(&mut ctx, TIMER2, (), T1), None);
698        heap.clear(&mut ctx);
699        heap.assert_map_entries([]);
700        assert_eq!(heap.next_wakeup.scheduled, None);
701    }