mod amsdu;
mod fields;
mod msdu;
pub use amsdu::*;
pub use fields::*;
pub use msdu::*;
pub mod harness {
use super::*;
use itertools::{EitherOrBoth, Itertools};
use std::fmt::Debug;
use zerocopy::SplitByteSlice;
pub fn assert_msdus_exactly_one_eq<M, E>(
msdus: impl IntoIterator<Item = Msdu<M>>,
expected: Msdu<E>,
) where
M: SplitByteSlice + Debug,
E: SplitByteSlice + Debug,
let mut msdus = msdus.into_iter().peekable();
let Msdu { dst_addr, src_addr, llc_frame } ="expected exactly one MSDU, but got zero");
assert_eq!(dst_addr, expected.dst_addr);
assert_eq!(src_addr, expected.src_addr);
assert_eq!(llc_frame.hdr.protocol_id, expected.llc_frame.hdr.protocol_id);
assert_eq!(&*llc_frame.body, &*expected.llc_frame.body);
if msdus.peek().is_some() {
"expected exactly one MSDU, but got more\n{}",
format!("unexpected MSDU: {:x?}","\n"))
pub fn assert_msdus_llc_frame_eq<M, E>(
msdus: impl IntoIterator<Item = Msdu<M>>,
expected: impl IntoIterator<Item = LlcFrame<E>>,
) where
M: SplitByteSlice + Debug,
E: SplitByteSlice + Debug,
let mut msdus = msdus.into_iter().zip_longest(expected).peekable();
while let Some(EitherOrBoth::Both(Msdu { llc_frame, .. }, expected)) = msdus.peek() {
assert_eq!(llc_frame.hdr.protocol_id, expected.hdr.protocol_id);
assert_eq!(&*llc_frame.body, &*expected.body);;
if let Some(zipped) = msdus.peek() {
let difference = if zipped.is_left() { "more" } else { "fewer" };
"expected some number of MSDUs, but got {}\n{}",
.map(|zipped| match zipped {
EitherOrBoth::Left(msdu) =>
format!("unexpected MSDU: {:x?}", msdu.into_body()),
EitherOrBoth::Right(expected) =>
format!("expected MSDU (not found): {:x?}", expected.into_body()),
_ => unreachable!(),
mod tests {
use crate::test_utils::fake_frames::*;
use crate::{assert_variant, mac};
fn parse_data_frame() {
let bytes = make_data_frame_single_llc(None, None);
mac::DataFrame::parse(bytes.as_slice(), false),
Some(mac::DataFrame { fixed_fields, addr4, qos_ctrl, ht_ctrl, body }) => {
assert_eq!(0b00000000_10001000, { fixed_fields.frame_ctrl.0 });
assert_eq!(0x0202, { fixed_fields.duration });
assert_eq!(mac::MacAddr::from([3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3]), fixed_fields.addr1);
assert_eq!(mac::MacAddr::from([4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4]), fixed_fields.addr2);
assert_eq!(mac::MacAddr::from([5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5]), fixed_fields.addr3);
assert_eq!(0x0606, { fixed_fields.seq_ctrl.0 });
assert_eq!(qos_ctrl.expect("qos_ctrl not present").get().0, 0x0101);
assert_eq!(&body[..], &[7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 9, 10, 11, 11, 11]);
"failed to parse data frame",
fn parse_data_frame_with_padding() {
let bytes = make_data_frame_with_padding();
mac::DataFrame::parse(bytes.as_slice(), true),
Some(mac::DataFrame { qos_ctrl, body, .. }) => {
assert_eq!(qos_ctrl.expect("qos_ctrl not present").get().0, 0x0101);
assert_eq!(&body[..], &[7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 9, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11]);
"failed to parse padded data frame",