
1// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5use packet_encoding::{Decodable, Encodable};
6use std::collections::BTreeMap;
8use crate::error::{Error, PacketError};
9use crate::header::{ConnectionIdentifier, Header, HeaderIdentifier, SingleResponseMode};
11/// Maintains a collection of OBEX Headers that are sent & received in an OBEX packet.
12/// See OBEX 1.5 Section 3.4 for the ordering requirements and definitions of the supported Header
13/// types.
14#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
15pub struct HeaderSet {
16    ids: BTreeMap<HeaderIdentifier, Header>,
19impl HeaderSet {
20    pub fn new() -> Self {
21        Self { ids: BTreeMap::new() }
22    }
24    pub fn from_headers(headers: Vec<Header>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
25        let mut set = Self::new();
26        for header in headers {
27            set.add(header)?;
28        }
29        Ok(set)
30    }
32    pub fn from_header(header: Header) -> Self {
33        Self::from_headers(vec![header]).expect("single header always valid")
34    }
36    /// Returns true if the provided `id` must be encoded in a particular order in the OBEX packet.
37    fn is_special_encoding_id(id: &HeaderIdentifier) -> bool {
38        use HeaderIdentifier::*;
39        match id {
40            ConnectionId | Target | Body | EndOfBody => true,
41            _ => false,
42        }
43    }
45    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
46        self.ids.is_empty()
47    }
49    pub fn contains_header(&self, id: &HeaderIdentifier) -> bool {
50        self.ids.contains_key(id)
51    }
53    #[cfg(test)]
54    pub fn contains_headers(&self, ids: &Vec<HeaderIdentifier>) -> bool {
55        for id in ids {
56            if !self.contains_header(id) {
57                return false;
58            }
59        }
60        true
61    }
63    pub fn get(&self, id: &HeaderIdentifier) -> Option<&Header> {
64        self.ids.get(id)
65    }
67    /// Attempts to add the `header` to the HeaderSet.
68    /// Returns `Ok` if the header was successfully added, Error if the header is incompatible with
69    /// the existing headers in the set or if a different value already exists for the requested
70    /// `header`.
71    pub fn add(&mut self, header: Header) -> Result<(), Error> {
72        let id = header.identifier();
73        // Cannot add the same header to the collection. If the underlying value is the same then
74        // `add` is a no-op.
75        match self.get(&id) {
76            Some(h) if *h == header => return Ok(()),
77            Some(_h) => return Err(Error::AlreadyExists(id)),
78            None => {}
79        }
81        // Check for any incompatibilities.
82        // Listed on a per-header bases in OBEX 1.5 Section 2.2.
83        use HeaderIdentifier::*;
84        match id {
85            ConnectionId if self.contains_header(&Target) => {
86                return Err(Error::IncompatibleHeaders(ConnectionId, Target));
87            }
88            Target if self.contains_header(&ConnectionId) => {
89                return Err(Error::IncompatibleHeaders(Target, ConnectionId));
90            }
91            Body if self.contains_header(&EndOfBody) => {
92                return Err(Error::IncompatibleHeaders(Body, EndOfBody));
93            }
94            EndOfBody if self.contains_header(&Body) => {
95                return Err(Error::IncompatibleHeaders(EndOfBody, Body));
96            }
97            _ => {}
98        }
99        let _ = self.ids.insert(id, header);
100        Ok(())
101    }
103    /// Attempts to combine `HeaderSet`s together by modifying the current collection. Returns Ok on
104    /// success, Error otherwise.
105    pub fn try_append(&mut self, other: HeaderSet) -> Result<(), Error> {
106        for (_, header) in other.ids.into_iter() {
107            self.add(header)?;
108        }
109        Ok(())
110    }
112    /// Removes and returns the payload for the Body Header from the set.
113    /// If `final_` is set, then the EndOfBody header payload is returned.
114    /// Returns Error if the expected Header is not present in the collection.
115    pub fn remove_body(&mut self, final_: bool) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> {
116        if final_ {
117            let Some(Header::EndOfBody(end_of_body)) = self.remove(&HeaderIdentifier::EndOfBody)
118            else {
119                return Err(PacketError::data("missing end of body header").into());
120            };
121            Ok(end_of_body)
122        } else {
123            let Some(Header::Body(body)) = self.remove(&HeaderIdentifier::Body) else {
124                return Err(PacketError::data("missing body header").into());
125            };
126            Ok(body)
127        }
128    }
130    /// Removes and returns the specified Header from the collection. Returns None if the Header is
131    /// not present.
132    pub fn remove(&mut self, id: &HeaderIdentifier) -> Option<Header> {
133        self.ids.remove(id)
134    }
136    /// Attempts to add the `SingleResponseMode` Header to the current `HeaderSet`.
137    /// `local` is the supported mode of the local transport.
138    /// Returns the SingleResponseMode value that was added to the set on success, Error if it
139    /// couldn't be added or there was an incompatibility between the current set and `local`
140    /// preferences.
141    pub fn try_add_srm(&mut self, local: SingleResponseMode) -> Result<SingleResponseMode, Error> {
142        // The current set has a preference for SRM. Verify it is compatible with the `local` mode.
143        if let Some(Header::SingleResponseMode(srm)) =
144            self.get(&HeaderIdentifier::SingleResponseMode)
145        {
146            // Current set requests to enable SRM, but it is not supported locally.
147            if *srm == SingleResponseMode::Enable && local != SingleResponseMode::Enable {
148                return Err(Error::SrmNotSupported);
149            }
150            // Otherwise, the mode currently specified in the headers is compatible.
151            return Ok(*srm);
152        }
154        // Current set has no preference - default to the `local` preference.
155        if local == SingleResponseMode::Enable {
156            self.add(SingleResponseMode::Enable.into())?;
157        }
158        Ok(local)
159    }
161    pub fn try_add_connection_id(
162        &mut self,
163        id: &Option<ConnectionIdentifier>,
164    ) -> Result<(), Error> {
165        if let Some(id) = id {
166            self.add(Header::ConnectionId(*id))?;
167        }
168        Ok(())
169    }
172impl Encodable for HeaderSet {
173    type Error = PacketError;
175    fn encoded_len(&self) -> usize {
176        self.ids.iter().map(|(_, h)| h.encoded_len()).sum()
177    }
179    fn encode(&self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
180        if buf.len() < self.encoded_len() {
181            return Err(PacketError::BufferTooSmall);
182        }
184        let mut start_idx = 0;
185        // The ConnectionId and Target headers must be the first in the packet.
186        // See OBEX 1.5 Sections 2.2.7 & 2.2.11.
187        if let Some(header) = self.get(&HeaderIdentifier::ConnectionId) {
188            header.encode(&mut buf[start_idx..])?;
189            start_idx += header.encoded_len();
190        }
191        if let Some(header) = self.get(&HeaderIdentifier::Target) {
192            header.encode(&mut buf[start_idx..])?;
193            start_idx += header.encoded_len();
194        }
196        // TODO( Encode ActionId immediately after ConnectionId when the ACTION
197        // operation is supported. See OBEX 1.5 Section 2.2.20.
199        // TODO( Encode Session Parameters before other headers when Reliable
200        // Sessions are supported. See OBEX 1.5 Section 2.2.18.
202        // TODO( Encode SRMP after the SRM header when the SRMP feature is
203        // supported. See OBEX 1.5 Sections 2.2.23, 2.2.24.
205        // All other headers can be encoded in any order.
206        for (id, header) in &self.ids {
207            if !Self::is_special_encoding_id(&id) {
208                header.encode(&mut buf[start_idx..])?;
209                start_idx += header.encoded_len();
210            }
211        }
213        // The Body/EndOfBody header must be the last header in the packet.
214        if let Some(header) = self.get(&HeaderIdentifier::Body) {
215            header.encode(&mut buf[start_idx..])?;
216            start_idx += header.encoded_len();
217        }
218        if let Some(header) = self.get(&HeaderIdentifier::EndOfBody) {
219            header.encode(&mut buf[start_idx..])?;
220        }
222        Ok(())
223    }
226impl Decodable for HeaderSet {
227    type Error = PacketError;
229    fn decode(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
230        let mut headers = Self::new();
231        let mut start_idx = 0;
232        while start_idx < buf.len() {
233            let header = Header::decode(&buf[start_idx..])?;
234            start_idx += header.encoded_len();
235            headers.add(header).map_err(|e| PacketError::data(format!("{e:?}")))?;
236        }
237        Ok(headers)
238    }
243pub fn expect_body(headers: &HeaderSet, expected: Vec<u8>) {
244    match headers.get(&HeaderIdentifier::Body).expect("contains body") {
245        Header::Body(v) => assert_eq!(v, &expected),
246        x => panic!("Expected body, got: {x:?}"),
247    }
252pub fn expect_end_of_body(headers: &HeaderSet, expected: Vec<u8>) {
253    match headers.get(&HeaderIdentifier::EndOfBody).expect("contains end of body") {
254        Header::EndOfBody(v) => assert_eq!(v, &expected),
255        x => panic!("Expected end of body, got: {x:?}"),
256    }
260mod tests {
261    use super::*;
263    use assert_matches::assert_matches;
265    #[fuchsia::test]
266    fn add_duplicate_header_is_ok() {
267        let mut headers = HeaderSet::new();
268        let header = Header::ConnectionId(ConnectionIdentifier(1));
269        headers.add(header.clone()).expect("can add header");
270        assert!(headers.contains_header(&HeaderIdentifier::ConnectionId));
271        // Adding the same exact header (ID & Value) is OK. It's a no-op.
272        assert_matches!(headers.add(header), Ok(_));
273        assert!(headers.contains_header(&HeaderIdentifier::ConnectionId));
274    }
276    #[fuchsia::test]
277    fn add_existing_header_is_error() {
278        let mut headers = HeaderSet::new();
279        headers.add(Header::ConnectionId(ConnectionIdentifier(2))).expect("can add header");
280        assert!(headers.contains_header(&HeaderIdentifier::ConnectionId));
281        // Adding the same header but with a different value is an error.
282        assert_matches!(
283            headers.add(Header::ConnectionId(ConnectionIdentifier(3))),
284            Err(Error::AlreadyExists(HeaderIdentifier::ConnectionId))
285        );
286    }
288    #[fuchsia::test]
289    fn try_append_success() {
290        let mut headers1 = HeaderSet::from_header(Header::name("foo"));
291        let headers2 = HeaderSet::from_header(Header::Description("bar".into()));
292        let () = headers1.try_append(headers2).expect("valid headers");
293        assert!(headers1.contains_header(&HeaderIdentifier::Name));
294        assert!(headers1.contains_header(&HeaderIdentifier::Description));
295    }
297    #[fuchsia::test]
298    fn try_append_error() {
299        let mut headers1 = HeaderSet::from_header(Header::name("foo"));
300        let headers2 = HeaderSet::from_header(Header::name("bar"));
301        assert_matches!(headers1.try_append(headers2), Err(Error::AlreadyExists(_)));
302    }
304    #[fuchsia::test]
305    fn add_incompatible_header_is_error() {
306        // Target cannot be added when ConnectionId exists.
307        let mut headers = HeaderSet::from_header(Header::ConnectionId(ConnectionIdentifier(2)));
308        assert_matches!(
309            headers.add(Header::Target("123".into())),
310            Err(Error::IncompatibleHeaders(..))
311        );
313        // Body cannot be added when EndOfBody exists.
314        let mut headers = HeaderSet::from_header(Header::EndOfBody(vec![1]));
315        assert_matches!(headers.add(Header::Body(vec![2])), Err(Error::IncompatibleHeaders(..)));
317        // EndOfBody cannot be added when Body exists.
318        let mut headers = HeaderSet::from_header(Header::Body(vec![1]));
319        assert_matches!(
320            headers.add(Header::EndOfBody(vec![2])),
321            Err(Error::IncompatibleHeaders(..))
322        );
323    }
325    #[fuchsia::test]
326    fn remove_headers() {
327        let mut headers =
328            HeaderSet::from_headers(vec![Header::Count(123), Header::name("123")]).unwrap();
329        assert!(headers.contains_header(&HeaderIdentifier::Count));
330        assert!(headers.contains_header(&HeaderIdentifier::Name));
331        assert!(headers.remove(&HeaderIdentifier::Count).is_some());
332        assert!(!headers.contains_header(&HeaderIdentifier::Count));
333        assert!(headers.remove(&HeaderIdentifier::Count).is_none());
334        assert!(headers.remove(&HeaderIdentifier::Name).is_some());
335        assert!(!headers.contains_header(&HeaderIdentifier::Name));
336    }
338    #[fuchsia::test]
339    fn remove_body_headers() {
340        let mut body_header = HeaderSet::from_header(Header::Body(vec![1, 2]));
341        let mut end_of_body_header = HeaderSet::from_header(Header::EndOfBody(vec![7, 8, 9]));
343        let eob = end_of_body_header.remove_body(true).expect("end of body exists");
344        assert_eq!(eob, vec![7, 8, 9]);
345        // Trying to get it again is an Error since it no longer exists in the collection.
346        assert_matches!(
347            end_of_body_header.remove_body(true),
348            Err(Error::Packet(PacketError::Data(_)))
349        );
351        let b = body_header.remove_body(false).expect("body exists");
352        assert_eq!(b, vec![1, 2]);
353        // Trying to get it again is an Error since it no longer exists in the collection.
354        assert_matches!(body_header.remove_body(false), Err(Error::Packet(PacketError::Data(_))));
356        // Body exists, but user wants EOB.
357        let mut headers = HeaderSet::from_headers(vec![Header::Body(vec![1])]).unwrap();
358        assert_matches!(headers.remove_body(true), Err(Error::Packet(PacketError::Data(_))));
360        // EOB exists, but user wants Body.
361        let mut headers = HeaderSet::from_headers(vec![Header::EndOfBody(vec![1])]).unwrap();
362        assert_matches!(headers.remove_body(false), Err(Error::Packet(PacketError::Data(_))));
363    }
365    #[fuchsia::test]
366    fn try_add_srm_success() {
367        // Trying to add SRM when it is supported locally should add the SRM Header to the
368        // collection.
369        let mut headers = HeaderSet::new();
370        let result = headers.try_add_srm(SingleResponseMode::Enable).expect("can add SRM");
371        assert_eq!(result, SingleResponseMode::Enable);
372        assert_matches!(
373            headers.get(&HeaderIdentifier::SingleResponseMode),
374            Some(Header::SingleResponseMode(SingleResponseMode::Enable))
375        );
376        // Trying to add SRM when it isn't supported locally shouldn't add the SRM to the
377        // collection.
378        let mut headers = HeaderSet::new();
379        let result = headers.try_add_srm(SingleResponseMode::Disable).expect("can add SRM");
380        assert_eq!(result, SingleResponseMode::Disable);
381        assert_matches!(headers.get(&HeaderIdentifier::SingleResponseMode), None);
382        // Trying to add SRM when it is already enabled in the collection and is supported locally
383        // should be a no-op.
384        let mut headers = HeaderSet::from_header(SingleResponseMode::Enable.into());
385        let result = headers.try_add_srm(SingleResponseMode::Enable).expect("can add SRM");
386        assert_eq!(result, SingleResponseMode::Enable);
387        assert_matches!(
388            headers.get(&HeaderIdentifier::SingleResponseMode),
389            Some(Header::SingleResponseMode(SingleResponseMode::Enable))
390        );
391        // Trying to add SRM when it already disabled in the collection and isn't supported locally
392        // should be a no-op.
393        let mut headers = HeaderSet::from_header(SingleResponseMode::Disable.into());
394        let result = headers.try_add_srm(SingleResponseMode::Disable).expect("can add SRM");
395        assert_eq!(result, SingleResponseMode::Disable);
396        assert_matches!(
397            headers.get(&HeaderIdentifier::SingleResponseMode),
398            Some(Header::SingleResponseMode(SingleResponseMode::Disable))
399        );
400        // Trying to add SRM when it already disabled in the collection and is supported locally
401        // should default to disabled.
402        let mut headers = HeaderSet::from_header(SingleResponseMode::Disable.into());
403        let result = headers.try_add_srm(SingleResponseMode::Enable).expect("can add SRM");
404        assert_eq!(result, SingleResponseMode::Disable);
405        assert_matches!(
406            headers.get(&HeaderIdentifier::SingleResponseMode),
407            Some(Header::SingleResponseMode(SingleResponseMode::Disable))
408        );
409    }
411    #[fuchsia::test]
412    fn try_add_srm_error() {
413        // Trying to add SRM when it already enabled in the collection and isn't supported locally
414        // is an Error. The collection itself is not modified.
415        let mut headers = HeaderSet::from_header(SingleResponseMode::Enable.into());
416        let result = headers.try_add_srm(SingleResponseMode::Disable);
417        assert_matches!(result, Err(Error::SrmNotSupported));
418        assert_matches!(
419            headers.get(&HeaderIdentifier::SingleResponseMode),
420            Some(Header::SingleResponseMode(SingleResponseMode::Enable))
421        );
422    }
424    #[fuchsia::test]
425    fn try_add_connection_id_success() {
426        let mut headers = HeaderSet::new();
428        // No ID is a no-op.
429        let () = headers.try_add_connection_id(&None).expect("success");
430        assert!(!headers.contains_header(&HeaderIdentifier::ConnectionId));
432        let () = headers.try_add_connection_id(&Some(ConnectionIdentifier(11))).expect("success");
433        assert!(headers.contains_header(&HeaderIdentifier::ConnectionId));
434    }
436    #[fuchsia::test]
437    fn try_add_connection_id_error() {
438        // Trying to add the ID to a set that already contains one is an error.
439        let mut headers = HeaderSet::from_header(Header::ConnectionId(ConnectionIdentifier(10)));
440        assert_matches!(
441            headers.try_add_connection_id(&Some(ConnectionIdentifier(11))),
442            Err(Error::AlreadyExists(_))
443        );
445        // Trying to add the ID to a set with a Target header is an error.
446        let mut headers = HeaderSet::from_header(Header::Target("foo".into()));
447        assert_matches!(
448            headers.try_add_connection_id(&Some(ConnectionIdentifier(1))),
449            Err(Error::IncompatibleHeaders(..))
450        );
451    }
453    #[fuchsia::test]
454    fn encode_header_set() {
455        let headers = HeaderSet::from_headers(vec![
456            Header::ConnectionId(ConnectionIdentifier(1)),
457            Header::EndOfBody(vec![1, 2, 3]),
458        ])
459        .expect("can build header set");
461        // The total length should be the sum of the lengths of each Header in the set.
462        assert_eq!(headers.encoded_len(), 11);
463        let mut buf = vec![0; headers.encoded_len()];
464        headers.encode(&mut buf[..]).expect("can encode headers");
465        let expected_buf = [0xcb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x49, 0x00, 0x06, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03];
466        assert_eq!(buf, expected_buf);
467    }
469    #[fuchsia::test]
470    fn encode_header_set_enforces_ordering() {
471        let headers = HeaderSet::from_headers(vec![
472            Header::Body(vec![1, 2, 3]),
473            Header::name("2"),
474            Header::ConnectionId(ConnectionIdentifier(1)),
475            Header::SingleResponseMode(SingleResponseMode::Enable),
476        ])
477        .expect("can build header set");
479        assert_eq!(headers.encoded_len(), 20);
480        let mut buf = vec![0; headers.encoded_len()];
481        headers.encode(&mut buf[..]).expect("can encode headers");
482        // The higher priority headers will always be encoded first. For all others, the order is
483        // arbitrary - currently based on `HeaderIdentifier` integer value to make encoding
484        // deterministic. The lower priority headers will always be encoded last.
485        let expected_buf = [
486            0xcb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, // ConnectionId
487            0x01, 0x00, 0x07, 0x00, 0x32, 0x00, 0x00, // Name
488            0x97, 0x01, // SingleResponseMode
489            0x48, 0x00, 0x06, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, // Body
490        ];
491        assert_eq!(buf, expected_buf);
492    }
494    #[fuchsia::test]
495    fn decode_header_set() {
496        let buf = [
497            0x05, 0x00, 0x09, 0x00, 0x68, 0x00, 0x65, 0x00,
498            0x00, // Description = "he" (String)
499            0xd6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x05, // Permissions = 5 (u32)
500            0x97, 0x01, // SRM = Enabled = 1 (u8)
501        ];
502        let headers = HeaderSet::decode(&buf[..]).expect("can decode into headers");
503        let expected_body = Header::Description("he".into());
504        let expected_permissions = Header::Permissions(5);
505        let expected_srm = Header::SingleResponseMode(SingleResponseMode::Enable);
506        let expected_headers =
507            HeaderSet::from_headers(vec![expected_body, expected_permissions, expected_srm])
508                .unwrap();
509        assert_eq!(headers, expected_headers);
510    }
512    #[fuchsia::test]
513    fn decode_partial_header_set_error() {
514        // Decoding should fail if one of the headers is invalidly formatted.
515        let buf = [
516            0xd6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x09, // Permissions = 9 (u32)
517            0x97, 0x01, // SRM = 1 (u8)
518            0xc4, 0x00, // Time4Byte but missing remaining bytes.
519        ];
520        let headers = HeaderSet::decode(&buf[..]);
521        assert_matches!(headers, Err(PacketError::BufferTooSmall));
522    }