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// Copyright 2024 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Abstractions to expose netstack3 core state to human inspection in bindings.
//! This module mostly exists to abstract the dependency to Fuchsia inspect via
//! a trait, so we don't have to expose all of the internal core types to
//! bindings for it to perform the inspection.
use alloc::format;
use alloc::string::String;
use core::fmt::{Debug, Display};
use net_types::ip::IpAddress;
use net_types::{AddrAndPortFormatter, ZonedAddr};
use crate::counters::Counter;
/// A trait abstracting a state inspector.
/// This trait follows roughly the same shape as the API provided by the
/// fuchsia_inspect crate, but we abstract it out so not to take the dependency.
/// Given we have the trait, we can fill it in with some helpful default
/// implementations for common types that are exposed as well, like IP addresses
/// and such.
pub trait Inspector: Sized {
/// The type given to record contained children.
type ChildInspector<'a>: Inspector;
/// Records a nested inspector with `name` calling `f` with the nested child
/// to be filled in.
/// This is used to group and contextualize data.
fn record_child<F: FnOnce(&mut Self::ChildInspector<'_>)>(&mut self, name: &str, f: F);
/// Records a child without a name.
/// The `Inpector` is expected to keep track of the number of unnamed
/// children and allocate names appropriately from that.
fn record_unnamed_child<F: FnOnce(&mut Self::ChildInspector<'_>)>(&mut self, f: F);
/// Records a child whose name is the display implementation of `T`.
fn record_display_child<T: Display, F: FnOnce(&mut Self::ChildInspector<'_>)>(
&mut self,
name: T,
f: F,
) {
self.record_child(&format!("{name}"), f)
/// Records a child whose name is the Debug implementation of `T`.
fn record_debug_child<T: Debug, F: FnOnce(&mut Self::ChildInspector<'_>)>(
&mut self,
name: T,
f: F,
) {
self.record_child(&format!("{name:?}"), f)
/// Records anything that can be represented by a usize.
fn record_usize<T: Into<usize>>(&mut self, name: &str, value: T);
/// Records anything that can be represented by a u64.
fn record_uint<T: Into<u64>>(&mut self, name: &str, value: T);
/// Records anything that can be represented by a i64.
fn record_int<T: Into<i64>>(&mut self, name: &str, value: T);
/// Records anything that can be represented by a f64.
fn record_double<T: Into<f64>>(&mut self, name: &str, value: T);
/// Records a str value.
fn record_str(&mut self, name: &str, value: &str);
/// Records an owned string.
fn record_string(&mut self, name: &str, value: String);
/// Records a boolean.
fn record_bool(&mut self, name: &str, value: bool);
/// Records a counter.
fn record_counter(&mut self, name: &str, value: &Counter) {
self.record_uint(name, value.get())
/// Records a `value` that implements `Display` as its display string.
fn record_display<T: Display>(&mut self, name: &str, value: T) {
self.record_string(name, format!("{value}"))
/// Records a `value` that implements `Debug` as its debug string.
fn record_debug<T: Debug>(&mut self, name: &str, value: T) {
self.record_string(name, format!("{value:?}"))
/// Records an IP address.
fn record_ip_addr<A: IpAddress>(&mut self, name: &str, value: A) {
self.record_display(name, value)
/// Records a `ZonedAddr` and it's port, mapping the zone into an
/// inspectable device identifier.
fn record_zoned_addr_with_port<I: InspectorDeviceExt<D>, A: IpAddress, D, P: Display>(
&mut self,
name: &str,
addr: ZonedAddr<A, D>,
port: P,
) {
AddrAndPortFormatter::<_, _, A::Version>::new(
addr.map_zone(|device| I::device_identifier_as_address_zone(device)),
/// Records the local address of a socket.
fn record_local_socket_addr<I: InspectorDeviceExt<D>, A: IpAddress, D, P: Display>(
&mut self,
addr_with_port: Option<(ZonedAddr<A, D>, P)>,
) {
const NAME: &str = "LocalAddress";
if let Some((addr, port)) = addr_with_port {
self.record_zoned_addr_with_port::<I, _, _, _>(NAME, addr, port);
} else {
self.record_str(NAME, "[NOT BOUND]")
/// Records the remote address of a socket.
fn record_remote_socket_addr<I: InspectorDeviceExt<D>, A: IpAddress, D, P: Display>(
&mut self,
addr_with_port: Option<(ZonedAddr<A, D>, P)>,
) {
const NAME: &str = "RemoteAddress";
if let Some((addr, port)) = addr_with_port {
self.record_zoned_addr_with_port::<I, _, _, _>(NAME, addr, port);
} else {
self.record_str(NAME, "[NOT CONNECTED]")
/// Records an implementor of [`InspectableValue`].
fn record_inspectable_value<V: InspectableValue>(&mut self, name: &str, value: &V) {
value.record(name, self)
/// Delegates more fields to be added by an [`Inspectable`] implementation.
fn delegate_inspectable<V: Inspectable>(&mut self, value: &V) {
/// A trait that allows a type to record its fields to an `inspector`.
/// This trait is used for types that are exposed to [`Inspector`]s many times
/// so recording them can be deduplicated.
pub trait Inspectable {
/// Records this value into `inspector`.
fn record<I: Inspector>(&self, inspector: &mut I);
impl Inspectable for () {
fn record<I: Inspector>(&self, _inspector: &mut I) {}
/// A trait that marks a type as inspectable.
/// This trait is used for types that are exposed to [`Inspector`]s many times
/// so recording them can be deduplicated.
/// This type differs from [`Inspectable`] in that it receives a `name`
/// parameter. This is typically used for types that record a single entry.
pub trait InspectableValue {
/// Records this value into `inspector`.
fn record<I: Inspector>(&self, name: &str, inspector: &mut I);
/// An extension to `Inspector` that allows transforming and recording device
/// identifiers.
/// How to record device IDs is delegated to bindings via this trait, so we
/// don't need to propagate `InspectableValue` implementations everywhere in
/// core unnecessarily.
pub trait InspectorDeviceExt<D> {
/// Records an entry named `name` with value `device`.
fn record_device<I: Inspector>(inspector: &mut I, name: &str, device: &D);
/// Returns the `Display` representation of the IPv6 scoped address zone
/// associated with `D`.
fn device_identifier_as_address_zone(device: D) -> impl Display;