
1// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5//! Defines trait abstractions for platform dependencies of the DHCP client
6//! core, and provides fake implementations of these dependencies for testing
7//! purposes.
9use diagnostics_traits::InspectableInstant;
10use fuchsia_async as fasync;
11use rand::Rng;
13/// Provides access to random number generation.
14pub trait RngProvider {
15    /// The random number generator being provided.
16    type RNG: Rng + ?Sized;
18    /// Get access to a random number generator.
19    fn get_rng(&mut self) -> &mut Self::RNG;
22impl RngProvider for rand::rngs::StdRng {
23    type RNG = Self;
24    fn get_rng(&mut self) -> &mut Self::RNG {
25        self
26    }
29#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Debug)]
30/// Contains information about a datagram received on a socket.
31pub struct DatagramInfo<T> {
32    /// The length in bytes of the datagram received on the socket.
33    pub length: usize,
34    /// The address associated with the datagram received on the socket
35    /// (usually, the address from which the datagram was received).
36    pub address: T,
39#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
40/// Errors encountered while performing a socket operation.
41pub enum SocketError {
42    /// Failure while attempting to open a socket.
43    #[error("failed to open socket: {0}")]
44    FailedToOpen(anyhow::Error),
45    /// Tried to bind a socket on a nonexistent interface.
46    #[error("tried to bind socket on nonexistent interface")]
47    NoInterface,
48    /// The hardware type of the interface is unsupported.
49    #[error("unsupported hardware type")]
50    UnsupportedHardwareType,
51    /// The host we are attempting to send to is unreachable.
52    #[error("host unreachable")]
53    HostUnreachable,
54    /// The network is unreachable.
55    #[error("network unreachable")]
56    NetworkUnreachable,
57    /// Other IO errors observed on socket operations.
58    #[error("socket error: {0}")]
59    Other(std::io::Error),
62/// Abstracts sending and receiving datagrams on a socket.
63// `async_fn_in_trait` is stabilized, but currently emits a lint warning when
64// used in pub traits due to the inability to specify Send or Sync bounds on
65// the Future returned by the async fn. We suppress this lint as the DHCP client
66// uses only a local executor and thus doesn't require Send + Sync.
68pub trait Socket<T> {
69    /// Sends a datagram containing the contents of `buf` to `addr`.
70    async fn send_to(&self, buf: &[u8], addr: T) -> Result<(), SocketError>;
72    /// Receives a datagram into `buf`, returning the number of bytes received
73    /// and the address the datagram was received from.
74    async fn recv_from(&self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<DatagramInfo<T>, SocketError>;
77/// Provides access to AF_PACKET sockets.
78// `async_fn_in_trait` is stabilized, but currently emits a lint warning when
79// used in pub traits due to the inability to specify Send or Sync bounds on
80// the Future returned by the async fn. We suppress this lint as the DHCP client
81// uses only a local executor and thus doesn't require Send + Sync.
83pub trait PacketSocketProvider {
84    /// The type of sockets provided by this `PacketSocketProvider`.
85    type Sock: Socket<net_types::ethernet::Mac>;
87    /// Gets a packet socket bound to the device on which the DHCP client
88    /// protocol is being performed. The packet socket should already be bound
89    /// to the appropriate device and protocol number.
90    async fn get_packet_socket(&self) -> Result<Self::Sock, SocketError>;
93/// Provides access to UDP sockets.
94// `async_fn_in_trait` is stabilized, but currently emits a lint warning when
95// used in pub traits due to the inability to specify Send or Sync bounds on
96// the Future returned by the async fn. We suppress this lint as the DHCP client
97// uses only a local executor and thus doesn't require Send + Sync.
99pub trait UdpSocketProvider {
100    /// The type of sockets provided by this `UdpSocketProvider`.
101    type Sock: Socket<std::net::SocketAddr>;
103    /// Gets a UDP socket bound to the given address. The UDP socket should be
104    /// allowed to send broadcast packets.
105    async fn bind_new_udp_socket(
106        &self,
107        bound_addr: std::net::SocketAddr,
108    ) -> Result<Self::Sock, SocketError>;
111/// A type representing an instant in time.
112pub trait Instant:
113    Sized + Ord + Copy + Clone + std::fmt::Debug + Send + Sync + InspectableInstant
115    /// Returns the time `self + duration`. Panics if `self + duration` would
116    /// overflow the underlying instant storage type.
117    fn add(&self, duration: std::time::Duration) -> Self;
119    /// Returns the instant halfway between `self` and `other`.
120    fn average(&self, other: Self) -> Self;
123impl Instant for fasync::MonotonicInstant {
124    fn add(&self, duration: std::time::Duration) -> Self {
125        // On host builds, fasync::MonotonicDuration is simply an alias for
126        // std::time::Duration, making the `duration.into()` appear useless.
127        #[allow(clippy::useless_conversion)]
128        {
129            *self + duration.into()
130        }
131    }
133    fn average(&self, other: Self) -> Self {
134        let lower = *self.min(&other);
135        let higher = *self.max(&other);
136        lower + (higher - lower) / 2
137    }
140/// Provides access to system-time-related operations.
141// `async_fn_in_trait` is stabilized, but currently emits a lint warning when
142// used in pub traits due to the inability to specify Send or Sync bounds on
143// the Future returned by the async fn. We suppress this lint as the DHCP client
144// uses only a local executor and thus doesn't require Send + Sync.
146pub trait Clock {
147    /// The type representing monotonic system time.
148    type Instant: Instant;
150    /// Completes once the monotonic system time is at or after the given time.
151    async fn wait_until(&self, time: Self::Instant);
153    /// Gets the monotonic system time.
154    fn now(&self) -> Self::Instant;
158pub(crate) mod testutil {
159    use super::*;
160    use diagnostics_traits::InstantPropertyName;
161    use futures::channel::{mpsc, oneshot};
162    use futures::lock::Mutex;
163    use futures::StreamExt as _;
164    use rand::SeedableRng as _;
165    use std::cell::RefCell;
166    use std::cmp::Reverse;
167    use std::collections::BTreeMap;
168    use std::future::Future;
169    use std::ops::{Deref as _, DerefMut as _};
170    use std::rc::Rc;
172    /// Provides a seedable implementation of `RngProvider` using `StdRng`.
173    pub(crate) struct FakeRngProvider {
174        std_rng: rand::rngs::StdRng,
175    }
177    impl FakeRngProvider {
178        pub(crate) fn new(seed: u64) -> Self {
179            Self { std_rng: rand::rngs::StdRng::seed_from_u64(seed) }
180        }
181    }
183    impl RngProvider for FakeRngProvider {
184        type RNG = rand::rngs::StdRng;
185        fn get_rng(&mut self) -> &mut Self::RNG {
186            &mut self.std_rng
187        }
188    }
190    /// Provides a fake implementation of `Socket` using `mpsc` channels.
191    ///
192    /// Simply forwards pairs of (payload, address) over the channel. This means
193    /// that the "sent to" address from the sender side is actually observed as
194    /// the "received from" address on the receiver side.
195    pub(crate) struct FakeSocket<T> {
196        sender: mpsc::UnboundedSender<(Vec<u8>, T)>,
197        receiver: Mutex<mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<(Vec<u8>, T)>>,
198    }
200    impl<T> FakeSocket<T> {
201        pub(crate) fn new_pair() -> (FakeSocket<T>, FakeSocket<T>) {
202            let (send_a, recv_a) = mpsc::unbounded();
203            let (send_b, recv_b) = mpsc::unbounded();
204            (
205                FakeSocket { sender: send_a, receiver: Mutex::new(recv_b) },
206                FakeSocket { sender: send_b, receiver: Mutex::new(recv_a) },
207            )
208        }
209    }
211    impl<T: Send> Socket<T> for FakeSocket<T> {
212        async fn send_to(&self, buf: &[u8], addr: T) -> Result<(), SocketError> {
213            let FakeSocket { sender, receiver: _ } = self;
214            sender.clone().unbounded_send((buf.to_vec(), addr)).expect("unbounded_send error");
215            Ok(())
216        }
218        async fn recv_from(&self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<DatagramInfo<T>, SocketError> {
219            let FakeSocket { receiver, sender: _ } = self;
220            let mut receiver = receiver.lock().await;
221            let (bytes, addr) = receiver.next().await.expect("TestSocket receiver closed");
222            if buf.len() < bytes.len() {
223                panic!("TestSocket receiver would produce short read")
224            }
225            (buf[..bytes.len()]).copy_from_slice(&bytes);
226            Ok(DatagramInfo { length: bytes.len(), address: addr })
227        }
228    }
230    impl<T, U> Socket<U> for T
231    where
232        T: AsRef<FakeSocket<U>>,
233        U: Send + 'static,
234    {
235        async fn send_to(&self, buf: &[u8], addr: U) -> Result<(), SocketError> {
236            self.as_ref().send_to(buf, addr).await
237        }
239        async fn recv_from(&self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<DatagramInfo<U>, SocketError> {
240            self.as_ref().recv_from(buf).await
241        }
242    }
244    /// Fake socket provider implementation that vends out copies of
245    /// the same `FakeSocket`.
246    ///
247    /// These copies will compete to receive and send on the same underlying
248    /// `mpsc` channels.
249    pub(crate) struct FakeSocketProvider<T, E> {
250        /// The socket being vended out.
251        pub(crate) socket: Rc<FakeSocket<T>>,
253        /// If present, used to notify tests when the client binds new sockets.
254        pub(crate) bound_events: Option<mpsc::UnboundedSender<E>>,
255    }
257    impl<T, E> FakeSocketProvider<T, E> {
258        pub(crate) fn new(socket: FakeSocket<T>) -> Self {
259            Self { socket: Rc::new(socket), bound_events: None }
260        }
262        pub(crate) fn new_with_events(
263            socket: FakeSocket<T>,
264            bound_events: mpsc::UnboundedSender<E>,
265        ) -> Self {
266            Self { socket: Rc::new(socket), bound_events: Some(bound_events) }
267        }
268    }
270    impl PacketSocketProvider for FakeSocketProvider<net_types::ethernet::Mac, ()> {
271        type Sock = Rc<FakeSocket<net_types::ethernet::Mac>>;
272        async fn get_packet_socket(&self) -> Result<Self::Sock, SocketError> {
273            let Self { socket, bound_events } = self;
274            if let Some(bound_events) = bound_events {
275                bound_events.unbounded_send(()).expect("events receiver should not be dropped");
276            }
277            Ok(socket.clone())
278        }
279    }
281    impl UdpSocketProvider for FakeSocketProvider<std::net::SocketAddr, std::net::SocketAddr> {
282        type Sock = Rc<FakeSocket<std::net::SocketAddr>>;
283        async fn bind_new_udp_socket(
284            &self,
285            bound_addr: std::net::SocketAddr,
286        ) -> Result<Self::Sock, SocketError> {
287            let Self { socket, bound_events } = self;
288            if let Some(bound_events) = bound_events {
289                bound_events
290                    .unbounded_send(bound_addr)
291                    .expect("events receiver should not be dropped");
292            }
293            Ok(socket.clone())
294        }
295    }
297    #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, PartialOrd, Ord)]
298    pub(crate) struct TestInstant(pub(crate) std::time::Duration);
300    impl InspectableInstant for TestInstant {
301        fn record<I: diagnostics_traits::Inspector>(
302            &self,
303            name: InstantPropertyName,
304            inspector: &mut I,
305        ) {
306            inspector.record_debug(name.into(), self);
307        }
308    }
310    impl Instant for TestInstant {
311        fn add(&self, duration: std::time::Duration) -> Self {
312            Self(self.0.checked_add(duration).unwrap())
313        }
315        fn average(&self, other: Self) -> Self {
316            let lower = self.0.min(other.0);
317            let higher = self.0.max(other.0);
318            Self(lower + (higher - lower) / 2)
319        }
320    }
322    /// Fake implementation of `Time` that uses `std::time::Duration` as its
323    /// `Instant` type.
324    pub(crate) struct FakeTimeController {
325        pub(super) timer_heap:
326            BTreeMap<std::cmp::Reverse<std::time::Duration>, Vec<oneshot::Sender<()>>>,
327        pub(super) current_time: std::time::Duration,
328    }
330    impl FakeTimeController {
331        pub(crate) fn new() -> Rc<RefCell<FakeTimeController>> {
332            Rc::new(RefCell::new(FakeTimeController {
333                timer_heap: BTreeMap::default(),
334                current_time: std::time::Duration::default(),
335            }))
336        }
337    }
339    /// Advances the "current time" encoded by `ctl` by `duration`. Any timers
340    /// that were set at or before the resulting "current time" will fire.
341    pub(crate) fn advance(ctl: &Rc<RefCell<FakeTimeController>>, duration: std::time::Duration) {
342        let timers_to_fire = {
343            let mut ctl = ctl.borrow_mut();
344            let FakeTimeController { timer_heap, current_time } = ctl.deref_mut();
345            let next_time = *current_time + duration;
346            *current_time = next_time;
347            timer_heap.split_off(&std::cmp::Reverse(next_time))
348        };
349        for (_, senders) in timers_to_fire {
350            for sender in senders {
351                match sender.send(()) {
352                    Ok(()) => (),
353                    Err(()) => {
354                        // ignore, it's fine for the client core to drop a timer
355                        // to cancel it
356                    }
357                }
358            }
359        }
360    }
362    pub(crate) fn run_until_next_timers_fire<F>(
363        executor: &mut fasync::TestExecutor,
364        time: &Rc<RefCell<FakeTimeController>>,
365        main_future: &mut F,
366    ) -> std::task::Poll<F::Output>
367    where
368        F: Future + Unpin,
369    {
370        let poll: std::task::Poll<_> = executor.run_until_stalled(main_future);
371        if poll.is_ready() {
372            return poll;
373        }
375        {
376            let mut time = time.borrow_mut();
377            let FakeTimeController { timer_heap, current_time } = time.deref_mut();
379            // NOTE: the timer heap is ordered by Reverse<Duration> in order to
380            // facilitate the implementation of `advance()` by making
381            // `BTreeMap::split_off` have the right edge-case behavior. This
382            // makes it easy to get it first_entry vs last_entry mixed up here,
383            // though.
384            let earliest_entry = timer_heap.last_entry().expect("no timers installed");
386            let (Reverse(instant), senders) = earliest_entry.remove_entry();
387            *current_time = instant;
388            for sender in senders {
389                match sender.send(()) {
390                    Ok(()) => (),
391                    Err(()) => {
392                        // ignore, it's fine for the client core to drop a timer
393                        // to cancel it
394                    }
395                }
396            }
397        }
399        executor.run_until_stalled(main_future)
400    }
402    impl Clock for Rc<RefCell<FakeTimeController>> {
403        type Instant = TestInstant;
405        fn now(&self) -> Self::Instant {
406            let ctl = self.borrow_mut();
407            let FakeTimeController { timer_heap: _, current_time } = ctl.deref();
408            TestInstant(*current_time)
409        }
411        async fn wait_until(&self, TestInstant(time): Self::Instant) {
412            log::info!("registering timer at {:?}", time);
413            let receiver = {
414                let mut ctl = self.borrow_mut();
415                let FakeTimeController { timer_heap, current_time } = ctl.deref_mut();
416                if *current_time >= time {
417                    return;
418                }
419                let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
420                timer_heap.entry(std::cmp::Reverse(time)).or_default().push(sender);
421                receiver
422            };
423            receiver.await.expect("shouldn't be cancelled")
424        }
425    }
429mod test {
430    use super::testutil::*;
431    use super::*;
432    use fuchsia_async as fasync;
433    use futures::channel::mpsc;
434    use futures::{FutureExt, StreamExt};
435    use net_declare::std_socket_addr;
436    use std::pin::pin;
438    #[test]
439    fn test_rng() {
440        let make_sequence = |seed| {
441            let mut rng = FakeRngProvider::new(seed);
442            std::iter::from_fn(|| Some(rng.get_rng().gen::<u32>())).take(5).collect::<Vec<_>>()
443        };
444        assert_eq!(
445            make_sequence(42),
446            make_sequence(42),
447            "should provide identical sequences with same seed"
448        );
449        assert_ne!(
450            make_sequence(42),
451            make_sequence(999999),
452            "should provide different sequences with different seeds"
453        );
454    }
456    #[fasync::run_singlethreaded(test)]
457    async fn test_socket() {
458        let (a, b) = FakeSocket::new_pair();
459        let to_send = [
460            (b"hello".to_vec(), "".to_string()),
461            (b"test".to_vec(), "".to_string()),
462            (b"socket".to_vec(), "".to_string()),
463        ];
465        let mut buf = [0u8; 10];
466        for (msg, addr) in &to_send {
467            a.send_to(msg, addr.clone()).await.unwrap();
469            let DatagramInfo { length: n, address: received_addr } =
470                b.recv_from(&mut buf).await.unwrap();
471            assert_eq!(&received_addr, addr);
472            assert_eq!(&buf[..n], msg);
473        }
475        let (a, b) = (b, a);
476        for (msg, addr) in &to_send {
477            a.send_to(msg, addr.clone()).await.unwrap();
479            let DatagramInfo { length: n, address: received_addr } =
480                b.recv_from(&mut buf).await.unwrap();
481            assert_eq!(&received_addr, addr);
482            assert_eq!(&buf[..n], msg);
483        }
484    }
486    #[fasync::run_singlethreaded(test)]
487    #[should_panic]
488    async fn test_socket_panics_on_short_read() {
489        let (a, b) = FakeSocket::new_pair();
491        let mut buf = [0u8; 10];
492        let message = b"this message is way longer than 10 bytes";
493        a.send_to(message, "".to_string()).await.unwrap();
495        // Should panic here.
496        let _: Result<_, _> = b.recv_from(&mut buf).await;
497    }
499    #[fasync::run_singlethreaded(test)]
500    async fn test_fake_udp_socket_provider() {
501        let (a, b) = FakeSocket::new_pair();
502        let (events_sender, mut events_receiver) = mpsc::unbounded();
503        let provider = FakeSocketProvider::new_with_events(b, events_sender);
504        const ADDR_1: std::net::SocketAddr = std_socket_addr!("");
505        const ADDR_2: std::net::SocketAddr = std_socket_addr!("");
506        const ADDR_3: std::net::SocketAddr = std_socket_addr!("");
507        let b_1 = provider.bind_new_udp_socket(ADDR_1).await.expect("get packet socket");
508        assert_eq!(
509            events_receiver
510                .next()
511                .now_or_never()
512                .expect("should have received bound event")
513                .expect("stream should not have ended"),
514            ADDR_1
515        );
517        let b_2 = provider.bind_new_udp_socket(ADDR_2).await.expect("get packet socket");
518        assert_eq!(
519            events_receiver
520                .next()
521                .now_or_never()
522                .expect("should have received bound event")
523                .expect("stream should not have ended"),
524            ADDR_2
525        );
527        a.send_to(b"hello", ADDR_3).await.unwrap();
528        a.send_to(b"world", ADDR_3).await.unwrap();
530        let mut buf = [0u8; 5];
531        let DatagramInfo { length, address } = b_1.recv_from(&mut buf).await.unwrap();
532        assert_eq!(&buf[..length], b"hello");
533        assert_eq!(address, ADDR_3);
535        let DatagramInfo { length, address } = b_2.recv_from(&mut buf).await.unwrap();
536        assert_eq!(&buf[..length], b"world");
537        assert_eq!(address, ADDR_3);
538    }
540    #[fasync::run_singlethreaded(test)]
541    async fn test_fake_packet_socket_provider() {
542        let (a, b) = FakeSocket::new_pair();
543        let (events_sender, mut events_receiver) = mpsc::unbounded();
544        let provider = FakeSocketProvider::new_with_events(b, events_sender);
545        let b_1 = provider.get_packet_socket().await.expect("get packet socket");
546        events_receiver
547            .next()
548            .now_or_never()
549            .expect("should have received bound event")
550            .expect("stream should not have ended");
552        let b_2 = provider.get_packet_socket().await.expect("get packet socket");
553        events_receiver
554            .next()
555            .now_or_never()
556            .expect("should have received bound event")
557            .expect("stream should not have ended");
559        const ADDRESS: net_types::ethernet::Mac = net_declare::net_mac!("01:02:03:04:05:06");
561        a.send_to(b"hello", ADDRESS).await.unwrap();
563        a.send_to(b"world", ADDRESS).await.unwrap();
565        let mut buf = [0u8; 5];
566        let DatagramInfo { length, address } = b_1.recv_from(&mut buf).await.unwrap();
567        assert_eq!(&buf[..length], b"hello");
568        assert_eq!(address, ADDRESS);
570        let DatagramInfo { length, address } = b_2.recv_from(&mut buf).await.unwrap();
571        assert_eq!(&buf[..length], b"world");
572        assert_eq!(address, ADDRESS);
573    }
575    #[test]
576    fn test_time_controller() {
577        let time_ctl = FakeTimeController::new();
578        assert!(time_ctl.borrow().timer_heap.is_empty());
579        assert_eq!(time_ctl.borrow().current_time, std::time::Duration::from_secs(0));
580        assert_eq!(time_ctl.now(), TestInstant(std::time::Duration::from_secs(0)));
582        let mut timer_registered_before_should_fire_1 =
583            pin!(time_ctl.wait_until(TestInstant(std::time::Duration::from_secs(1))));
584        let mut timer_registered_before_should_fire_2 =
585            pin!(time_ctl.wait_until(TestInstant(std::time::Duration::from_secs(1))));
587        let mut timer_should_not_fire =
588            pin!(time_ctl.wait_until(TestInstant(std::time::Duration::from_secs(10))));
590        // Poll the timer futures once so that they have the chance to
591        // register themselves in our timer heap.
592        {
593            let waker = futures::task::noop_waker();
594            let mut context = futures::task::Context::from_waker(&waker);
595            assert_eq!(
596                timer_registered_before_should_fire_1.poll_unpin(&mut context),
597                futures::task::Poll::Pending
598            );
599            assert_eq!(
600                timer_registered_before_should_fire_2.poll_unpin(&mut context),
601                futures::task::Poll::Pending
602            );
603            assert_eq!(
604                timer_should_not_fire.poll_unpin(&mut context),
605                futures::task::Poll::Pending
606            );
607        }
609        {
610            let time_ctl = time_ctl.borrow_mut();
611            let entries = time_ctl.timer_heap.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
612            assert_eq!(entries.len(), 2);
614            let (time, senders) = entries[0];
615            assert_eq!(time, &std::cmp::Reverse(std::time::Duration::from_secs(10)));
616            assert_eq!(senders.len(), 1);
618            let (time, senders) = entries[1];
619            assert_eq!(time, &std::cmp::Reverse(std::time::Duration::from_secs(1)));
620            assert_eq!(senders.len(), 2);
621        }
623        advance(&time_ctl, std::time::Duration::from_secs(1));
625        assert_eq!(time_ctl.now(), TestInstant(std::time::Duration::from_secs(1)));
626        {
627            let time_ctl = time_ctl.borrow_mut();
628            let entries = time_ctl.timer_heap.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
629            assert_eq!(entries.len(), 1);
630            let (time, senders) = entries[0];
631            assert_eq!(time, &std::cmp::Reverse(std::time::Duration::from_secs(10)));
632            assert_eq!(senders.len(), 1);
633        }
635        assert_eq!(timer_registered_before_should_fire_1.now_or_never(), Some(()));
636        assert_eq!(timer_registered_before_should_fire_2.now_or_never(), Some(()));
637        assert_eq!(timer_should_not_fire.now_or_never(), None);
639        let timer_set_in_past = time_ctl.wait_until(TestInstant(std::time::Duration::from_secs(0)));
640        assert_eq!(timer_set_in_past.now_or_never(), Some(()));
642        let timer_set_for_present = time_ctl.wait_until(time_ctl.now());
643        assert_eq!(timer_set_for_present.now_or_never(), Some(()));
644    }