use ::routing::error::{ComponentInstanceError, RoutingError};
use ::routing::policy::PolicyError;
use ::routing::resolving::ResolverError;
use anyhow::Error;
use clonable_error::ClonableError;
use cm_config::CompatibilityCheckError;
use cm_rust::UseDecl;
use cm_types::{Name, Url};
use component_id_index::InstanceId;
use moniker::{ChildName, ExtendedMoniker, Moniker, MonikerError};
use router_error::{Explain, RouterError};
use sandbox::ConversionError;
use serve_processargs::BuildNamespaceError;
use std::sync::Arc;
use thiserror::Error;
use {fidl_fuchsia_component as fcomponent, fidl_fuchsia_sys2 as fsys};
#[derive(Debug, Error, Clone)]
pub enum ModelError {
#[error("bad path")]
MonikerError {
err: MonikerError,
#[error("expected a component instance moniker")]
RoutingError {
err: RoutingError,
"opening path `{path}`, in storage directory for `{moniker}` backed by `{source_moniker}`: {err}",
OpenStorageFailed {
source_moniker: ExtendedMoniker,
moniker: Moniker,
path: String,
err: zx::Status,
StorageError {
err: StorageError,
ComponentInstanceError {
err: ComponentInstanceError,
#[error("service dir VFS for component {moniker}:\n\t{err}")]
ServiceDirError {
moniker: Moniker,
err: VfsError,
#[error("opening directory `{relative_path}` for component `{moniker}` failed")]
OpenDirectoryError { moniker: Moniker, relative_path: String },
#[error("events: {err}")]
EventsError {
err: EventsError,
PolicyError {
err: PolicyError,
#[error("component id index: {err}")]
ComponentIdIndexError {
err: component_id_index::IndexError,
ActionError {
err: ActionError,
#[error("resolve: {err}")]
ResolveActionError {
err: ResolveActionError,
#[error("start: {err}")]
StartActionError {
err: StartActionError,
#[error("open outgoing dir: {err}")]
OpenOutgoingDirError {
err: OpenOutgoingDirError,
#[error("router: {err}")]
RouterError {
err: RouterError,
#[error("capability provider: {err}")]
CapabilityProviderError {
err: CapabilityProviderError,
#[error("open: {err}")]
OpenError {
err: OpenError,
impl ModelError {
pub fn instance_not_found(moniker: Moniker) -> ModelError {
pub fn open_directory_error(moniker: Moniker, relative_path: impl Into<String>) -> ModelError {
ModelError::OpenDirectoryError { moniker, relative_path: relative_path.into() }
impl Explain for ModelError {
fn as_zx_status(&self) -> zx::Status {
match self {
ModelError::RoutingError { err } => err.as_zx_status(),
ModelError::PolicyError { err } => err.as_zx_status(),
ModelError::StartActionError { err } => err.as_zx_status(),
ModelError::ComponentInstanceError { err } => err.as_zx_status(),
ModelError::OpenOutgoingDirError { err } => err.as_zx_status(),
ModelError::RouterError { err } => err.as_zx_status(),
ModelError::CapabilityProviderError { err } => err.as_zx_status(),
_ => zx::Status::INTERNAL,
#[derive(Debug, Error, Clone)]
pub enum StructuredConfigError {
#[error("component has a config schema but resolver did not provide values")]
#[error("failed to resolve component's config:\n\t{_0}")]
ConfigResolutionFailed(#[source] config_encoder::ResolutionError),
#[error("couldn't create vmo: {_0}")]
VmoCreateFailed(#[source] zx::Status),
#[error("failed to match values for key `{key}`")]
ValueMismatch { key: String },
#[error("failed to find values for key `{key}`")]
KeyNotFound { key: String },
#[error("failed to route structured config values:\n\t{_0}")]
RoutingError(#[from] router_error::RouterError),
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)]
pub enum VfsError {
#[error("failed to add node `{name}`: {status}")]
AddNodeError { name: String, status: zx::Status },
#[error("failed to remove node `{name}`: {status}")]
RemoveNodeError { name: String, status: zx::Status },
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum RebootError {
#[error("failed to connect to admin protocol in root component's exposed dir:\n\t{0}")]
ConnectToAdminFailed(#[source] anyhow::Error),
#[error("StateControl Admin FIDL:\n\t{0}")]
FidlError(#[from] fidl::Error),
#[error("StateControl Admin: {0}")]
#[error("opening root component's exposed dir: {0}")]
OpenRootExposedDirFailed(#[from] OpenExposedDirError),
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum OpenExposedDirError {
#[error("instance is not resolved")]
#[error("instance was destroyed")]
#[error("open error: {0}")]
Open(#[from] zx::Status),
impl Explain for OpenExposedDirError {
fn as_zx_status(&self) -> zx::Status {
match self {
Self::InstanceNotResolved => zx::Status::NOT_FOUND,
Self::InstanceDestroyed => zx::Status::NOT_FOUND,
Self::Open(status) => *status,
impl From<OpenExposedDirError> for fsys::OpenError {
fn from(value: OpenExposedDirError) -> Self {
match value {
OpenExposedDirError::InstanceNotResolved => fsys::OpenError::InstanceNotResolved,
OpenExposedDirError::InstanceDestroyed => fsys::OpenError::InstanceDestroyed,
OpenExposedDirError::Open(_) => fsys::OpenError::FidlError,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)]
pub enum OpenOutgoingDirError {
#[error("instance is not resolved")]
#[error("instance is non-executable")]
#[error("failed to open: {0}")]
Open(#[from] zx::Status),
#[error("fidl IPC to protocol in outgoing directory:\n\t{0}")]
impl Explain for OpenOutgoingDirError {
fn as_zx_status(&self) -> zx::Status {
match self {
Self::InstanceNotResolved => zx::Status::NOT_FOUND,
Self::InstanceNonExecutable => zx::Status::NOT_FOUND,
Self::Open(err) => *err,
Self::Fidl(_) => zx::Status::NOT_FOUND,
impl From<OpenOutgoingDirError> for fsys::OpenError {
fn from(value: OpenOutgoingDirError) -> Self {
match value {
OpenOutgoingDirError::InstanceNotResolved => fsys::OpenError::InstanceNotResolved,
OpenOutgoingDirError::InstanceNonExecutable => fsys::OpenError::NoSuchDir,
OpenOutgoingDirError::Open(_) => fsys::OpenError::FidlError,
OpenOutgoingDirError::Fidl(_) => fsys::OpenError::FidlError,
impl From<OpenOutgoingDirError> for RouterError {
fn from(value: OpenOutgoingDirError) -> Self {
#[derive(Debug, Error, Clone)]
pub enum AddDynamicChildError {
#[error("component collection not found with name `{name}`")]
CollectionNotFound { name: String },
"numbered handles can only be provided when adding components to a single-run collection"
#[error("name length is longer than the allowed max of {max_len}")]
NameTooLong { max_len: usize },
#[error("collection `{collection_name}` does not allow dynamic offers")]
DynamicOffersNotAllowed { collection_name: String },
ActionError {
err: ActionError,
#[error("invalid dictionary")]
"dictionary entry for capability `{capability_name}` conflicts with existing static route"
StaticRouteConflict { capability_name: Name },
AddChildError {
err: AddChildError,
impl Into<fcomponent::Error> for AddDynamicChildError {
fn into(self) -> fcomponent::Error {
match self {
AddDynamicChildError::CollectionNotFound { .. } => {
AddDynamicChildError::NumberedHandleNotInSingleRunCollection => {
AddDynamicChildError::AddChildError {
err: AddChildError::InstanceAlreadyExists { .. },
} => fcomponent::Error::InstanceAlreadyExists,
AddDynamicChildError::DynamicOffersNotAllowed { .. } => {
AddDynamicChildError::ActionError { err } => err.into(),
AddDynamicChildError::InvalidDictionary { .. } => fcomponent::Error::InvalidArguments,
AddDynamicChildError::StaticRouteConflict { .. } => fcomponent::Error::InvalidArguments,
AddDynamicChildError::NameTooLong { .. } => fcomponent::Error::InvalidArguments,
AddDynamicChildError::AddChildError {
AddChildError::DynamicCapabilityError { err: DynamicCapabilityError::Cycle { .. } },
} => fcomponent::Error::InvalidArguments,
AddDynamicChildError::AddChildError {
err: AddChildError::DynamicCapabilityError { .. },
} => fcomponent::Error::InvalidArguments,
AddDynamicChildError::AddChildError { err: AddChildError::ChildNameInvalid { .. } } => {
impl Into<fsys::CreateError> for AddDynamicChildError {
fn into(self) -> fsys::CreateError {
match self {
AddDynamicChildError::CollectionNotFound { .. } => {
AddDynamicChildError::AddChildError {
err: AddChildError::InstanceAlreadyExists { .. },
} => fsys::CreateError::InstanceAlreadyExists,
AddDynamicChildError::DynamicOffersNotAllowed { .. } => {
AddDynamicChildError::ActionError { .. } => fsys::CreateError::Internal,
AddDynamicChildError::InvalidDictionary { .. } => fsys::CreateError::Internal,
AddDynamicChildError::StaticRouteConflict { .. } => fsys::CreateError::Internal,
AddDynamicChildError::NameTooLong { .. } => fsys::CreateError::BadChildDecl,
AddDynamicChildError::AddChildError {
err: AddChildError::DynamicCapabilityError { .. },
} => fsys::CreateError::BadDynamicOffer,
AddDynamicChildError::AddChildError { err: AddChildError::ChildNameInvalid { .. } } => {
AddDynamicChildError::NumberedHandleNotInSingleRunCollection => {
#[derive(Debug, Error, Clone)]
pub enum AddChildError {
#[error("component instance `{child}` in realm `{moniker}` already exists")]
InstanceAlreadyExists { moniker: Moniker, child: ChildName },
DynamicCapabilityError {
err: DynamicCapabilityError,
#[error("invalid child name: {err}")]
ChildNameInvalid {
err: MonikerError,
#[derive(Debug, Error, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum DynamicCapabilityError {
#[error("a dynamic capability was not valid:\n\t{err}")]
Invalid {
err: cm_fidl_validator::error::ErrorList,
#[error("dynamic offer would create a cycle:\n\t{err}")]
Cycle {
err: cm_fidl_validator::error::ErrorList,
#[error("source for dynamic offer not found:\n\t{:?}", offer)]
SourceNotFound { offer: cm_rust::OfferDecl },
#[error("unknown offer type in dynamic offers")]
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Error)]
pub enum ActionError {
#[error("discover: {err}")]
DiscoverError {
err: DiscoverActionError,
#[error("resolve: {err}")]
ResolveError {
err: ResolveActionError,
#[error("unresolve: {err}")]
UnresolveError {
err: UnresolveActionError,
#[error("start: {err}")]
StartError {
err: StartActionError,
#[error("stop: {err}")]
StopError {
err: StopActionError,
#[error("destroy: {err}")]
DestroyError {
err: DestroyActionError,
impl Explain for ActionError {
fn as_zx_status(&self) -> zx::Status {
match self {
ActionError::DiscoverError { .. } => zx::Status::INTERNAL,
ActionError::ResolveError { err } => err.as_zx_status(),
ActionError::UnresolveError { .. } => zx::Status::INTERNAL,
ActionError::StartError { err } => err.as_zx_status(),
ActionError::StopError { .. } => zx::Status::INTERNAL,
ActionError::DestroyError { .. } => zx::Status::INTERNAL,
impl From<ActionError> for RouterError {
fn from(value: ActionError) -> Self {
impl From<ActionError> for fcomponent::Error {
fn from(err: ActionError) -> Self {
match err {
ActionError::DiscoverError { .. } => fcomponent::Error::Internal,
ActionError::ResolveError { .. } => fcomponent::Error::Internal,
ActionError::UnresolveError { .. } => fcomponent::Error::Internal,
ActionError::StartError { err } => err.into(),
ActionError::StopError { err } => err.into(),
ActionError::DestroyError { err } => err.into(),
impl From<ActionError> for fsys::ResolveError {
fn from(err: ActionError) -> Self {
match err {
ActionError::ResolveError { err } => err.into(),
_ => fsys::ResolveError::Internal,
impl From<ActionError> for fsys::UnresolveError {
fn from(err: ActionError) -> Self {
match err {
ActionError::UnresolveError { err } => err.into(),
_ => fsys::UnresolveError::Internal,
impl From<ActionError> for fsys::StartError {
fn from(err: ActionError) -> Self {
match err {
ActionError::StartError { err } => err.into(),
_ => fsys::StartError::Internal,
impl From<ActionError> for fsys::StopError {
fn from(err: ActionError) -> Self {
match err {
ActionError::StopError { err } => err.into(),
_ => fsys::StopError::Internal,
impl From<ActionError> for fsys::DestroyError {
fn from(err: ActionError) -> Self {
match err {
ActionError::DestroyError { err } => err.into(),
_ => fsys::DestroyError::Internal,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Error)]
pub enum DiscoverActionError {
#[error("`{moniker}` was destroyed")]
InstanceDestroyed { moniker: Moniker },
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Error)]
pub enum ResolveActionError {
#[error("discover during resolve: {err}")]
DiscoverActionError {
err: DiscoverActionError,
#[error("`{moniker}` was shut down")]
InstanceShutDown { moniker: Moniker },
#[error("`{moniker}` was destroyed")]
InstanceDestroyed { moniker: Moniker },
#[error("could not parse component address for `{url}` at `{moniker}`:\n\t{err}")]
ComponentAddressParseError {
url: Url,
moniker: Moniker,
err: ResolverError,
#[error("resolve failed for `{url}`:\n\t{err}")]
ResolverError {
url: Url,
err: ResolverError,
#[error("expose dir for `{moniker}`:\n\t{err}")]
ExposeDirError {
moniker: Moniker,
err: VfsError,
#[error("adding static child `{child_name}`:\n\t{err}")]
AddStaticChildError {
child_name: String,
err: AddChildError,
#[error("structured config: {err}")]
StructuredConfigError {
err: StructuredConfigError,
#[error("creating package dir proxy: {err}")]
PackageDirProxyCreateError {
err: fidl::Error,
#[error("ABI compatibility check for `{url}`: {err}")]
AbiCompatibilityError {
url: Url,
err: CompatibilityCheckError,
Policy(#[from] PolicyError),
#[error("`{moniker}` was interrupted")]
Aborted { moniker: Moniker },
impl ResolveActionError {
fn as_zx_status(&self) -> zx::Status {
match self {
ResolveActionError::DiscoverActionError { .. }
| ResolveActionError::InstanceShutDown { .. }
| ResolveActionError::InstanceDestroyed { .. }
| ResolveActionError::ComponentAddressParseError { .. }
| ResolveActionError::AbiCompatibilityError { .. } => zx::Status::NOT_FOUND,
ResolveActionError::ExposeDirError { .. }
| ResolveActionError::AddStaticChildError { .. }
| ResolveActionError::StructuredConfigError { .. }
| ResolveActionError::Aborted { .. }
| ResolveActionError::PackageDirProxyCreateError { .. } => zx::Status::INTERNAL,
ResolveActionError::ResolverError { err, .. } => err.as_zx_status(),
ResolveActionError::Policy(err) => err.as_zx_status(),
impl Into<fsys::ResolveError> for ResolveActionError {
fn into(self) -> fsys::ResolveError {
match self {
ResolveActionError::ResolverError {
err: ResolverError::PackageNotFound(_), ..
} => fsys::ResolveError::PackageNotFound,
ResolveActionError::ResolverError {
err: ResolverError::ManifestNotFound(_), ..
} => fsys::ResolveError::ManifestNotFound,
ResolveActionError::InstanceShutDown { .. }
| ResolveActionError::InstanceDestroyed { .. } => fsys::ResolveError::InstanceNotFound,
ResolveActionError::ExposeDirError { .. }
| ResolveActionError::ResolverError { .. }
| ResolveActionError::StructuredConfigError { .. }
| ResolveActionError::ComponentAddressParseError { .. }
| ResolveActionError::AddStaticChildError { .. }
| ResolveActionError::DiscoverActionError { .. }
| ResolveActionError::AbiCompatibilityError { .. }
| ResolveActionError::Aborted { .. }
| ResolveActionError::PackageDirProxyCreateError { .. } => fsys::ResolveError::Internal,
ResolveActionError::Policy(_) => fsys::ResolveError::PolicyError,
impl Into<fsys::StartError> for ResolveActionError {
fn into(self) -> fsys::StartError {
match self {
ResolveActionError::ResolverError {
err: ResolverError::PackageNotFound(_), ..
} => fsys::StartError::PackageNotFound,
ResolveActionError::ResolverError {
err: ResolverError::ManifestNotFound(_), ..
} => fsys::StartError::ManifestNotFound,
ResolveActionError::InstanceShutDown { .. }
| ResolveActionError::InstanceDestroyed { .. } => fsys::StartError::InstanceNotFound,
ResolveActionError::ExposeDirError { .. }
| ResolveActionError::ResolverError { .. }
| ResolveActionError::StructuredConfigError { .. }
| ResolveActionError::ComponentAddressParseError { .. }
| ResolveActionError::AddStaticChildError { .. }
| ResolveActionError::DiscoverActionError { .. }
| ResolveActionError::AbiCompatibilityError { .. }
| ResolveActionError::Aborted { .. }
| ResolveActionError::PackageDirProxyCreateError { .. } => fsys::StartError::Internal,
ResolveActionError::Policy(_) => fsys::StartError::PolicyError,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Error)]
pub enum PkgDirError {
#[error("no pkg dir found for component")]
#[error("opening pkg dir failed: {err}")]
OpenFailed {
err: zx::Status,
impl PkgDirError {
fn as_zx_status(&self) -> zx::Status {
match self {
Self::NoPkgDir => zx::Status::NOT_FOUND,
Self::OpenFailed { err } => *err,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Error)]
pub enum ComponentProviderError {
#[error("starting source instance:\n\t{err}")]
SourceStartError {
err: ActionError,
#[error("opening source instance's outgoing dir:\n\t{err}")]
OpenOutgoingDirError {
err: OpenOutgoingDirError,
impl ComponentProviderError {
pub fn as_zx_status(&self) -> zx::Status {
match self {
Self::SourceStartError { err } => err.as_zx_status(),
Self::OpenOutgoingDirError { err } => err.as_zx_status(),
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Error)]
pub enum CapabilityProviderError {
#[error("bad path")]
ComponentInstanceError {
err: ComponentInstanceError,
PkgDirError {
err: PkgDirError,
#[error("event source: {0}")]
EventSourceError(#[from] EventSourceError),
ComponentProviderError {
err: ComponentProviderError,
#[error("component_manager namespace: {err}")]
CmNamespaceError {
err: ClonableError,
#[error("router: {err}")]
RouterError {
err: RouterError,
RoutingError(#[from] RoutingError),
#[error("opening vfs failed: {0}")]
VfsOpenError(#[source] zx::Status),
impl CapabilityProviderError {
pub fn as_zx_status(&self) -> zx::Status {
match self {
Self::BadPath => zx::Status::INVALID_ARGS,
Self::ComponentInstanceError { err } => err.as_zx_status(),
Self::CmNamespaceError { .. } => zx::Status::INTERNAL,
Self::PkgDirError { err } => err.as_zx_status(),
Self::EventSourceError(err) => err.as_zx_status(),
Self::ComponentProviderError { err } => err.as_zx_status(),
Self::RouterError { err } => err.as_zx_status(),
Self::RoutingError(err) => err.as_zx_status(),
Self::VfsOpenError(err) => *err,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Error)]
pub enum OpenError {
#[error("failed to get default capability provider: {err}")]
GetDefaultProviderError {
err: Box<ModelError>,
#[error("no capability provider found")]
#[error("capability provider: {err}")]
CapabilityProviderError {
err: CapabilityProviderError,
#[error("opening storage capability: {err}")]
OpenStorageError {
err: Box<ModelError>,
#[error("timed out opening capability")]
#[error("capability does not support opening: {0}")]
impl Explain for OpenError {
fn as_zx_status(&self) -> zx::Status {
match self {
Self::GetDefaultProviderError { err } => err.as_zx_status(),
Self::OpenStorageError { err } => err.as_zx_status(),
Self::CapabilityProviderError { err } => err.as_zx_status(),
Self::CapabilityProviderNotFound => zx::Status::NOT_FOUND,
Self::Timeout => zx::Status::TIMED_OUT,
Self::DoesNotSupportOpen(_) => zx::Status::NOT_SUPPORTED,
impl From<OpenError> for RouterError {
fn from(value: OpenError) -> Self {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Error)]
pub enum StartActionError {
#[error("`{moniker}` was shut down")]
InstanceShutDown { moniker: Moniker },
#[error("`{moniker}` was destroyed")]
InstanceDestroyed { moniker: Moniker },
#[error("`{moniker}` couldn't resolve during start: {err}")]
ResolveActionError {
moniker: Moniker,
err: Box<ActionError>,
#[error("runner for `{moniker}` `{runner}` couldn't resolve: {err}")]
ResolveRunnerError {
moniker: Moniker,
runner: Name,
err: Box<RouterError>,
"`{moniker}` uses `\"on_terminate\": \"reboot\"` but is disallowed by policy:\n\t{err}"
RebootOnTerminateForbidden {
moniker: Moniker,
err: PolicyError,
#[error("creating program input dictionary for `{moniker}`")]
InputDictionaryError { moniker: Moniker },
#[error("creating namespace: {0}")]
CreateNamespaceError(#[from] CreateNamespaceError),
#[error("starting program for `{moniker}`: {err}")]
StartProgramError {
moniker: Moniker,
err: StartError,
#[error("structured configuration for `{moniker}`: {err}")]
StructuredConfigError {
moniker: Moniker,
err: StructuredConfigError,
#[error("starting eager child of `{moniker}`: {err}")]
EagerStartError {
moniker: Moniker,
err: Box<ActionError>,
#[error("`{moniker}` was interrupted")]
Aborted { moniker: Moniker },
impl StartActionError {
fn as_zx_status(&self) -> zx::Status {
match self {
StartActionError::InstanceDestroyed { .. } | Self::InstanceShutDown { .. } => {
StartActionError::StartProgramError { .. }
| StartActionError::StructuredConfigError { .. }
| StartActionError::EagerStartError { .. } => zx::Status::INTERNAL,
StartActionError::RebootOnTerminateForbidden { err, .. } => err.as_zx_status(),
StartActionError::ResolveRunnerError { err, .. } => err.as_zx_status(),
StartActionError::CreateNamespaceError(err) => err.as_zx_status(),
StartActionError::InputDictionaryError { .. } => zx::Status::NOT_FOUND,
StartActionError::ResolveActionError { err, .. } => err.as_zx_status(),
StartActionError::Aborted { .. } => zx::Status::NOT_FOUND,
impl Into<fsys::StartError> for StartActionError {
fn into(self) -> fsys::StartError {
match self {
StartActionError::ResolveActionError { err, .. } => (*err).into(),
StartActionError::InstanceDestroyed { .. } => fsys::StartError::InstanceNotFound,
StartActionError::InstanceShutDown { .. } => fsys::StartError::InstanceNotFound,
_ => fsys::StartError::Internal,
impl Into<fcomponent::Error> for StartActionError {
fn into(self) -> fcomponent::Error {
match self {
StartActionError::ResolveActionError { .. } => fcomponent::Error::InstanceCannotResolve,
StartActionError::RebootOnTerminateForbidden { .. } => fcomponent::Error::AccessDenied,
StartActionError::InstanceShutDown { .. } => fcomponent::Error::InstanceDied,
StartActionError::InstanceDestroyed { .. } => fcomponent::Error::InstanceDied,
_ => fcomponent::Error::InstanceCannotStart,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Error)]
pub enum StopActionError {
#[error("stopping program: {0}")]
ProgramStopError(#[source] StopError),
#[error("failed to get top instance")]
#[error("failed to get parent instance")]
#[error("failed to destroy dynamic children: {err}")]
DestroyDynamicChildrenFailed { err: Box<ActionError> },
#[error("resolution during stop: {err}")]
ResolveActionError {
err: Box<ActionError>,
#[error("started while shutdown was ongoing")]
impl Into<fsys::StopError> for StopActionError {
fn into(self) -> fsys::StopError {
impl Into<fcomponent::Error> for StopActionError {
fn into(self) -> fcomponent::Error {
impl PartialEq for StopActionError {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
match (self, other) {
(StopActionError::ProgramStopError(_), StopActionError::ProgramStopError(_)) => true,
(StopActionError::GetTopInstanceFailed, StopActionError::GetTopInstanceFailed) => true,
(StopActionError::GetParentFailed, StopActionError::GetParentFailed) => true,
StopActionError::DestroyDynamicChildrenFailed { .. },
StopActionError::DestroyDynamicChildrenFailed { .. },
) => true,
StopActionError::ResolveActionError { .. },
StopActionError::ResolveActionError { .. },
) => true,
_ => false,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Error)]
pub enum DestroyActionError {
#[error("discover during destroy: {}", err)]
DiscoverActionError {
err: DiscoverActionError,
#[error("shutdown during destroy: {}", err)]
ShutdownFailed {
err: Box<ActionError>,
#[error("could not find `{moniker}`")]
InstanceNotFound { moniker: Moniker },
#[error("`{moniker}` is not resolved")]
InstanceNotResolved { moniker: Moniker },
impl Into<fcomponent::Error> for DestroyActionError {
fn into(self) -> fcomponent::Error {
match self {
DestroyActionError::InstanceNotFound { .. } => fcomponent::Error::InstanceNotFound,
_ => fcomponent::Error::Internal,
impl Into<fsys::DestroyError> for DestroyActionError {
fn into(self) -> fsys::DestroyError {
match self {
DestroyActionError::InstanceNotFound { .. } => fsys::DestroyError::InstanceNotFound,
DestroyActionError::InstanceNotResolved { .. } => {
_ => fsys::DestroyError::Internal,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Error)]
pub enum UnresolveActionError {
#[error("shutdown during unresolve: {err}")]
ShutdownFailed {
err: StopActionError,
#[error("`{moniker}` cannot be unresolved while it is running")]
InstanceRunning { moniker: Moniker },
#[error("`{moniker}` was destroyed")]
InstanceDestroyed { moniker: Moniker },
impl Into<fsys::UnresolveError> for UnresolveActionError {
fn into(self) -> fsys::UnresolveError {
match self {
UnresolveActionError::InstanceDestroyed { .. } => {
_ => fsys::UnresolveError::Internal,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Error)]
pub enum CreateNamespaceError {
#[error("failed to clone pkg dir for {moniker}: {err}")]
ClonePkgDirFailed {
moniker: Moniker,
err: fuchsia_fs::node::CloneError,
"use decl without path cannot be installed into the namespace for {moniker}: {decl:?}"
UseDeclWithoutPath { moniker: Moniker, decl: UseDecl },
#[error("instance not in index: {0}")]
InstanceNotInInstanceIdIndex(#[from] RoutingError),
#[error("building namespace for {moniker}: {err}")]
BuildNamespaceError {
moniker: Moniker,
err: serve_processargs::BuildNamespaceError,
#[error("failed to convert namespace into directory for {moniker}: {err}")]
ConvertToDirectory {
moniker: Moniker,
err: ClonableError,
ComponentInstanceError(#[from] ComponentInstanceError),
impl CreateNamespaceError {
fn as_zx_status(&self) -> zx::Status {
match self {
Self::ClonePkgDirFailed { .. } => zx::Status::INTERNAL,
Self::UseDeclWithoutPath { .. } => zx::Status::NOT_FOUND,
Self::InstanceNotInInstanceIdIndex(err) => err.as_zx_status(),
Self::BuildNamespaceError { .. } => zx::Status::NOT_FOUND,
Self::ConvertToDirectory { .. } => zx::Status::INTERNAL,
Self::ComponentInstanceError(err) => err.as_zx_status(),
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Error)]
pub enum EventSourceError {
ComponentInstance(#[from] ComponentInstanceError),
Model(#[from] Box<ModelError>),
#[error("event stream already consumed")]
impl EventSourceError {
fn as_zx_status(&self) -> zx::Status {
match self {
Self::ComponentInstance(err) => err.as_zx_status(),
Self::Model(err) => err.as_zx_status(),
Self::AlreadyConsumed => zx::Status::INTERNAL,
#[derive(Debug, Error, Clone)]
pub enum EventsError {
#[error("capability_requested event streams cannot be taken twice")]
#[error("model not available")]
#[error("instance shut down")]
#[error("instance destroyed")]
#[error("registry not found")]
#[error("event `{event_name}` appears more than once in a subscription request")]
DuplicateEvent { event_name: Name },
#[error("events not available for subscription: `{names:?}`")]
NotAvailable { names: Vec<Name> },
impl EventsError {
pub fn duplicate_event(event_name: Name) -> Self {
Self::DuplicateEvent { event_name }
pub fn not_available(names: Vec<Name>) -> Self {
Self::NotAvailable { names }
#[derive(Debug, Error, Clone)]
pub enum StorageError {
#[error("opening directory from `{dir_source_moniker:?}` at `{dir_source_path}`:\n\t{err}")]
OpenRoot {
dir_source_moniker: Option<Moniker>,
dir_source_path: cm_types::Path,
err: ClonableError,
"opening isolated storage from `{dir_source_moniker:?}`'s for `{moniker}` at `{dir_source_path}` (instance_id={instance_id:?}):\n\t{err}",
Open {
dir_source_moniker: Option<Moniker>,
dir_source_path: cm_types::Path,
moniker: Moniker,
instance_id: Option<InstanceId>,
err: ClonableError,
"opening isolated storage from `{dir_source_moniker:?}` at `{dir_source_path}` for {instance_id}:\n\t{err}"
OpenById {
dir_source_moniker: Option<Moniker>,
dir_source_path: cm_types::Path,
instance_id: InstanceId,
err: ClonableError,
"removing isolated storage from {dir_source_moniker:?} at `{dir_source_path}` for `{moniker}` (instance_id={instance_id:?}):n\t{err} "
Remove {
dir_source_moniker: Option<Moniker>,
dir_source_path: cm_types::Path,
moniker: Moniker,
instance_id: Option<InstanceId>,
err: ClonableError,
#[error("storage path for `{moniker}` (instance_id={instance_id:?}) is invalid")]
InvalidStoragePath { moniker: Moniker, instance_id: Option<InstanceId> },
impl StorageError {
pub fn open_root(
dir_source_moniker: Option<Moniker>,
dir_source_path: cm_types::Path,
err: impl Into<Error>,
) -> Self {
Self::OpenRoot { dir_source_moniker, dir_source_path, err: err.into().into() }
pub fn open(
dir_source_moniker: Option<Moniker>,
dir_source_path: cm_types::Path,
moniker: Moniker,
instance_id: Option<InstanceId>,
err: impl Into<Error>,
) -> Self {
Self::Open {
err: err.into().into(),
pub fn open_by_id(
dir_source_moniker: Option<Moniker>,
dir_source_path: cm_types::Path,
instance_id: InstanceId,
err: impl Into<Error>,
) -> Self {
Self::OpenById { dir_source_moniker, dir_source_path, instance_id, err: err.into().into() }
pub fn remove(
dir_source_moniker: Option<Moniker>,
dir_source_path: cm_types::Path,
moniker: Moniker,
instance_id: Option<InstanceId>,
err: impl Into<Error>,
) -> Self {
Self::Remove {
err: err.into().into(),
pub fn invalid_storage_path(moniker: Moniker, instance_id: Option<InstanceId>) -> Self {
Self::InvalidStoragePath { moniker, instance_id }
#[derive(Error, Debug, Clone)]
pub enum StartError {
#[error("serving namespace: {0}")]
#[derive(Error, Debug, Clone)]
pub enum StopError {
#[error("internal: {0}")]