db.rsuse super::{data, data_import_from_chromiumos};
use fidl_fuchsia_input_report as fidl_input_report;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use std::collections::HashMap;
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub(crate) struct MouseModel {
pub(crate) identifier: &'static str,
pub(crate) vendor_id: &'static str,
pub(crate) product_id: &'static str,
pub(crate) counts_per_mm: u32,
const MM_PER_INCH: f32 = 25.4;
pub(crate) const DEFAULT_COUNTS_PER_MM: u32 = (1000.0 / MM_PER_INCH) as u32;
impl MouseModel {
fn new(
vendor_id: &'static str,
product_id: &'static str,
counts_per_inch: u32,
identifier: &'static str,
) -> Self {
MouseModel {
counts_per_mm: ((counts_per_inch as f32) / MM_PER_INCH) as u32,
struct VendorProducts {
default_model: Option<MouseModel>,
patterns: Vec<(glob::Pattern, MouseModel)>,
exact_models: HashMap<String, MouseModel>,
impl VendorProducts {
fn new() -> Self {
Self { default_model: None, patterns: vec![], exact_models: HashMap::new() }
fn add(&mut self, model: MouseModel) {
if model.product_id == "*" {
assert_eq!(self.default_model, None);
self.default_model = Some(model);
} else if model.product_id.ends_with("*") {
let pattern =
glob::Pattern::new(model.product_id).expect("product id is not a valid glob");
self.patterns.push((pattern, model));
} else {
self.exact_models.insert(model.product_id.to_string(), model);
fn get(&self, product_id: u32) -> Option<MouseModel> {
let pid = to_hex(product_id);
if let Some(m) = self.exact_models.get(&pid) {
return Some(m.clone());
if let Some((_, m)) = self.patterns.iter().find(|(p, _)| p.matches(&pid)) {
return Some(m.clone());
lazy_static! {
static ref DB: HashMap<String, VendorProducts> = {
let mut models: Vec<MouseModel> = Vec::new();
for m in data::MODELS {
models.push(MouseModel::new(m.0, m.1, m.2, m.3));
for m in data_import_from_chromiumos::MODELS {
models.push(MouseModel::new(m.0, m.1, m.2, m.3));
let mut db: HashMap<String, VendorProducts> = HashMap::new();
for m in models {
let vendor_id = m.vendor_id.to_owned();
match db.get_mut(&vendor_id) {
Some(v) => {
None => {
let mut v = VendorProducts::new();
db.insert(vendor_id, v);
const DEFAULT_MODEL: MouseModel = MouseModel {
identifier: "default mouse",
vendor_id: "*",
product_id: "*",
counts_per_mm: DEFAULT_COUNTS_PER_MM,
pub(crate) fn get_mouse_model(
device_info: Option<fidl_input_report::DeviceInformation>,
) -> MouseModel {
match device_info {
None => DEFAULT_MODEL.clone(),
Some(device_info) => {
let vid = to_hex(device_info.vendor_id.unwrap_or_default());
match DB.get(&vid) {
Some(v) => match v.get(device_info.product_id.unwrap_or_default()) {
Some(m) => m,
None => DEFAULT_MODEL.clone(),
None => DEFAULT_MODEL.clone(),
fn to_hex(id: u32) -> String {
format!("{:04x}", id)
mod test {
use super::super::{data, data_import_from_chromiumos};
use super::*;
use regex::Regex;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use test_case::test_case;
#[test_case("*", "*", 1000, "default mouse" =>
MouseModel {
vendor_id: "*",
identifier: "default mouse",
product_id: "*",
counts_per_mm: DEFAULT_COUNTS_PER_MM,
}; "default mouse")]
#[test_case("0001", "*", 1000, "any mouse of vendor" =>
MouseModel {
vendor_id: "0001",
identifier: "any mouse of vendor",
product_id: "*",
counts_per_mm: DEFAULT_COUNTS_PER_MM,
}; "any mouse of vendor")]
#[test_case("0001", "001*", 1000, "pattern product_id" =>
MouseModel {
vendor_id: "0001",
identifier: "pattern product_id",
product_id: "001*",
counts_per_mm: DEFAULT_COUNTS_PER_MM,
}; "pattern product_id")]
#[test_case("0001", "0002", 1000, "exact model" =>
MouseModel {
vendor_id: "0001",
identifier: "exact model",
product_id: "0002",
counts_per_mm: DEFAULT_COUNTS_PER_MM,
}; "exact model")]
fn test_mouse_model_new(
vendor_id: &'static str,
product_id: &'static str,
cpi: u32,
identifier: &'static str,
) -> MouseModel {
MouseModel::new(vendor_id, product_id, cpi, identifier)
#[test_case(0x046d, 0xc24c =>
MouseModel::new("046d", "c24c", 4000, "Logitech G400s")
; "Known mouse")]
#[test_case(0x046d, 0xc401 =>
MouseModel::new("046d", "c40*", 600, "Logitech Trackballs*")
; "pattern match")]
#[test_case(0x05ac, 0x0000 =>
MouseModel::new("05ac", "*", 373, "Apple mice (other)")
; "any match")]
#[test_case(0x046d, 0x0aaf =>
MouseModel::new("*", "*", 1000, "default mouse")
; "Unknown device: this is a microphone")]
fn test_get_mouse_model(vendor_id: u32, product_id: u32) -> MouseModel {
get_mouse_model(Some(fidl_input_report::DeviceInformation {
vendor_id: Some(vendor_id),
product_id: Some(product_id),
version: Some(0),
polling_rate: Some(0),
fn test_get_mouse_model_none() {
pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(get_mouse_model(None), DEFAULT_MODEL);
fn no_duplicated_mouse_model() {
let mut models: HashSet<(&'static str, &'static str)> = HashSet::new();
let mut check_duplication =
|filename: &'static str, list: &[(&'static str, &'static str, u32, &'static str)]| {
for m in list {
let new_inserted = models.insert((m.0, m.1));
if !new_inserted {
"found duplicated mouse model in {}: vendor: {}, product: {}",
filename, m.0, m.1
check_duplication("data_import_from_chromiumos", &data_import_from_chromiumos::MODELS);
check_duplication("data", &data::MODELS);
#[test_case(&data_import_from_chromiumos::MODELS; "data_import_from_chromiumos")]
#[test_case(&data::MODELS; "data")]
fn validate_vendor_id_product_id(models: &[(&'static str, &'static str, u32, &'static str)]) {
let vendor_id_re = Regex::new(r"^[0-9a-f]{4}$").unwrap();
let product_id_re = Regex::new(r"^[0-9a-f]{3}[0-9a-f\*]$").unwrap();
for m in models {
assert!(vendor_id_re.is_match(m.0), "vendor id should be 4 low case hex digit");
if m.1 != "*" {
r#"product id should be "* only" or "3 low case hex digit with ending *" or "4 low case hex digit""#