
1macro_rules! rb_impl_init {
2    ($type:ident) => {
3        impl<T, const N: usize> Default for $type<crate::storage::Array<T, N>> {
4            fn default() -> Self {
5                unsafe { Self::from_raw_parts(crate::utils::uninit_array().into(), usize::default(), usize::default()) }
6            }
7        }
9        impl<T, const N: usize> From<[T; N]> for $type<crate::storage::Array<T, N>> {
10            fn from(value: [T; N]) -> Self {
11                let (read, write) = (0, value.len());
12                unsafe { Self::from_raw_parts(crate::utils::array_to_uninit(value).into(), read, write) }
13            }
14        }
16        #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
17        impl<T> $type<crate::storage::Heap<T>> {
18            /// Creates a new instance of a ring buffer.
19            ///
20            /// *Panics if allocation failed or `capacity` is zero.*
21            pub fn new(capacity: usize) -> Self {
22                Self::try_new(capacity).unwrap()
23            }
24            /// Creates a new instance of a ring buffer returning an error if allocation failed.
25            ///
26            /// *Panics if `capacity` is zero.*
27            pub fn try_new(capacity: usize) -> Result<Self, alloc::collections::TryReserveError> {
28                let mut vec = alloc::vec::Vec::new();
29                vec.try_reserve_exact(capacity)?;
30                Ok(unsafe { Self::from_raw_parts(vec.into(), usize::default(), usize::default()) })
31            }
32        }
34        #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
35        impl<T> From<alloc::vec::Vec<T>> for $type<crate::storage::Heap<T>> {
36            fn from(value: alloc::vec::Vec<T>) -> Self {
37                let (read, write) = (0, value.len());
38                unsafe { Self::from_raw_parts(crate::utils::vec_to_uninit(value).into(), read, write) }
39            }
40        }
42        #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
43        impl<T> From<alloc::boxed::Box<[T]>> for $type<crate::storage::Heap<T>> {
44            fn from(value: alloc::boxed::Box<[T]>) -> Self {
45                let (read, write) = (0, value.len());
46                unsafe { Self::from_raw_parts(crate::utils::boxed_slice_to_uninit(value).into(), read, write) }
47            }
48        }
49    };
52pub(crate) use rb_impl_init;