
1// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5//! Utilities for safely operating on memory shared between untrusting
6//! processes.
8//! `shared-buffer` provides support for safely operating on memory buffers
9//! which are shared with another process which is untrusted. The Rust memory
10//! model assumes that only code running in the current process - and thus
11//! either trusted or generated by Rust itself - operates on a given region of
12//! memory. As a result, simply treating a region of memory to which another,
13//! untrusted process has read or write access as equivalent to normal process
14//! memory is unsafe. This crate provides the `SharedBuffer` type, which has
15//! methods that allow safe access to such memory.
17//! Examples of issues that could arise if shared memory were treated as normal
18//! memory include:
19//! - Unintentionally leaking sensitive values to another process
20//! - Allowing other processes to cause an invalid sequence of memory to be
21//!   interpreted as a given type
23// NOTES(joshlf) on implementation: We need to worry about the following issues:
24// - If another process has write access to a given region of memory, then
25//   arbitrary writes may happen at any time. Thus, it is never safe to access
26//   this memory through any Rust type other than a raw pointer, or else the
27//   compiler might allow operations or make optimizations based on the
28//   assumption that the memory is either owned (in the case of a mutable
29//   reference) or immutable (in the case of an immutable reference). In either
30//   of these cases, any such allowance or optimization would be unsound. For
31//   example, the compiler might decide that, after having written a T to a
32//   particular memory location, it is safe to read that memory location and
33//   treat it as a T. This would cause undefined behavior if the other process
34//   modified that memory location in the meantime. Perhaps more fundamentally,
35//   both mutable and immutable references guarantee that nobody else is
36//   modifying this memory other than me (and not even me, in the case of an
37//   immutable reference). On this basis alone, it is clear that neither
38//   reference is compatible with foreign write access to the referent.
39// - If another process has read access to a given region of memory, then it
40//   cannot affect the correctness of a Rust program. However, it can do things
41//   that do not technically violate correctness, but are still undesirable. The
42//   canonical example is reading memory which contains sensitive information.
43//   Even if the programmer were to construct a mutable reference to such memory
44//   and write a value to it which the programmer intended to be shared with the
45//   other process, the compiler might use the fact that it had exclusive access
46//   to the memory (so says the mutable reference...) to store any arbitrary
47//   value in the memory temporarily. So long as it's not observable from the
48//   Rust program, it preserves the semantics of the program. Of course, it *is*
49//   observable from the other process, and there are no guarantees on what the
50//   compiler might decide to store there, including any value currently in your
51//   memory space, including particularly sensitive values. As a result, while
52//   read-only access doesn't violate the correctness of a Rust program, it's
53//   still worth handling carefully.
55// In order to address both of these issues, our approach is simple: never treat
56// the memory as anything other than a raw pointer. Do not construct any
57// references, mutable or immutable, even temporarily, and even if they are
58// never used. This basically boils down to only accessing the memory using the
59// various functions from core::ptr which operate directly on raw pointers.
61// NOTE(joshlf):
62// - Since you must assume that the other process might be writing to the
63//   memory, there's no technical requirement to have exclusive access. E.g., we
64//   could safely implement Clone, have write and write_at take immutable
65//   references, etc. (see here for a discussion of the soundness of using
66//   copy_nonoverlapping simultaneously in multiple threads:
68//   However, this would be confusing because it would depart from the Rust
69//   idiom. Instead, we provide SharedBuffer, which has ownership semantics
70//   analogous to Vec, and SharedBufferSlice and SharedBufferSliceMut, which
71//   have reference semantics analogous to immutable and mutable slice
72//   references. Similarly, write, write_at, and release_writes take mutable
73//   references.
74//   Clone and provide slicing methods. There's no point not to.
75// - Since all access to these buffers must go through the methods of
76//   SharedBuffer, correct code may not construct a reference to this memory.
77//   Thus, the references to dst and src passed to read, read_at, write, and
78//   write_at cannot overlap with the buffer itself, and so it's safe to use
79//   ptr::copy_nonoverlapping.
80// - Note on volatility and observability: The memory in a SharedBuffer is
81//   either allocated by this process and then sent to another process, or
82//   allocated by another process and sent to this process. However, on Fuchsia,
83//   what's actually shared is a VMO, which is then mapped into the address
84//   space. While LLVM is almost certainly guaranteed to treat this call as
85//   opaque, and thus to be unable to prove to itself that the returned memory
86//   is not shared, it is worth hedging against that reasoning being wrong. If
87//   LLVM were, for some reason, to decide that mapping a VMO resulted in
88//   uniquely owned memory, it would be able to reason that writes to that
89//   memory could never be observed by other threads, and so if the writes were
90//   not observed by the _current_ thread, they could be elided altogether since
91//   they could have no effect. In order to hedge against this possibility, and
92//   to ensure that LLVM definitely cannot take this line of reasoning, we
93//   volatile write the pointer when we first construct the SharedBuffer. LLVM
94//   must conclude that it doesn't know who else is using the memory once a
95//   pointer to it has been written in a volatile manner, and so must assume
96//   that all future writes must be observable. This single volatile write which
97//   happens at most once per message (although more likely once when the
98//   connection is first established) has minimal performance overhead.
100// TODO(joshlf):
101// - Create a variant for read-only memory
102// - Create a variant for write-only memory?
106use core::marker::PhantomData;
107use core::ops::{Bound, Range, RangeBounds};
108use core::ptr;
109use core::sync::atomic::{fence, Ordering};
111// A buffer with no ownership or reference semantics. It is the caller's
112// responsibility to wrap this type in a type which provides ownership or
113// reference semantics, and to only call methods when apporpriate.
115struct SharedBufferInner {
116    // invariant: '(buf as usize) + len' doesn't overflow usize
117    buf: *mut u8,
118    len: usize,
121impl SharedBufferInner {
122    fn read_at(&self, offset: usize, dst: &mut [u8]) -> usize {
123        if let Some(to_copy) = overlap(offset, dst.len(), self.len) {
124            // Since overlap returned Some, we're guaranteed that 'offset +
125            // to_copy <= self.len'. That in turn means that, so long as the
126            // invariant holds that '(self.buf as usize) + self.len' doesn't
127            // overflow usize, then this call to offset_from won't overflow, and
128            // neither will the call to copy_nonoverlapping.
129            let base = offset_from(self.buf, offset);
130            unsafe { ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(base, dst.as_mut_ptr(), to_copy) };
131            to_copy
132        } else {
133            panic!("byte offset {} out of range for SharedBuffer of length {}", offset, self.len);
134        }
135    }
137    fn write_at(&self, offset: usize, src: &[u8]) -> usize {
138        if let Some(to_copy) = overlap(offset, src.len(), self.len) {
139            // Since overlap returned Some, we're guaranteed that 'offset +
140            // to_copy <= self.len'. That in turn means that, so long as the
141            // invariant holds that '(self.buf as usize) + self.len' doesn't
142            // overflow usize, then this call to offset_from won't overflow, and
143            // neither will the call to copy_nonoverlapping.
144            let base = offset_from(self.buf, offset);
145            unsafe { ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(src.as_ptr(), base, to_copy) };
146            to_copy
147        } else {
148            panic!("byte offset {} out of range for SharedBuffer of length {}", offset, self.len);
149        }
150    }
152    fn slice<R: RangeBounds<usize>>(&self, range: R) -> SharedBufferInner {
153        let range = canonicalize_range_infallible(self.len, range);
154        SharedBufferInner { buf: offset_from(self.buf, range.start), len: range.end - range.start }
155    }
157    fn split_at(&self, idx: usize) -> (SharedBufferInner, SharedBufferInner) {
158        assert!(idx <= self.len, "split index out of bounds");
159        let a = SharedBufferInner { buf: self.buf, len: idx };
160        let b = SharedBufferInner { buf: offset_from(self.buf, idx), len: self.len - idx };
161        (a, b)
162    }
165// Verifies that 'offset' is in range of range_len (that 'offset <= range_len'),
166// and returns the amount of overlap between a copy of length 'copy_len'
167// starting at 'offset' and a buffer of length 'range_len'. The number it
168// returns is guaranteed to be less than or equal to 'range_len'.
170// overlap is guaranteed to be correct for any three usize values.
171fn overlap(offset: usize, copy_len: usize, range_len: usize) -> Option<usize> {
172    if offset > range_len {
173        None
174    } else if offset.checked_add(copy_len).map(|sum| sum <= range_len).unwrap_or(false) {
175        // if 'offset + copy_len' overflows usize, then 'offset + copy_len >
176        // range_len', so we unwrap_or(false)
177        Some(copy_len)
178    } else {
179        Some(range_len - offset)
180    }
183// Like the offset method on primitive pointers, but for unsigned offsets. Both
184// the 'offset' and 'add' methods on primitive pointers have the limitation that
185// the offset cannot overflow an isize or else it will cause UB. offset_from
186// function has no such restriction.
188// The caller must guarantee that '(ptr as usize) + offset' doesn't overflow
189// usize.
190fn offset_from(ptr: *mut u8, offset: usize) -> *mut u8 {
191    // just in case our logic is wrong, better to catch it at runtime than
192    // invoke UB
193    (ptr as usize).checked_add(offset).unwrap() as *mut u8
196// Return the inclusive equivalent of the bound.
197fn canonicalize_lower_bound(bound: Bound<&usize>) -> usize {
198    match bound {
199        Bound::Included(x) => *x,
200        Bound::Excluded(x) => *x + 1,
201        Bound::Unbounded => 0,
202    }
204// Return the exclusive equivalent of the bound, verifying that it is in range
205// of len.
206fn canonicalize_upper_bound(len: usize, bound: Bound<&usize>) -> Option<usize> {
207    let bound = match bound {
208        Bound::Included(x) => *x + 1,
209        Bound::Excluded(x) => *x,
210        Bound::Unbounded => len,
211    };
212    if bound > len {
213        return None;
214    }
215    Some(bound)
217// Return the inclusive-exclusive equivalent of the bound, verifying that it is
218// in range of len, and panicking if it is not or if the range is nonsensical.
219fn canonicalize_range_infallible<R: RangeBounds<usize>>(len: usize, range: R) -> Range<usize> {
220    let lower = canonicalize_lower_bound(range.start_bound());
221    let upper =
222        canonicalize_upper_bound(len, range.end_bound()).expect("slice range out of bounds");
223    assert!(lower <= upper, "invalid range");
224    lower..upper
227/// A shared region of memory.
229/// A `SharedBuffer` is a view into a region of memory to which another process
230/// has access. It provides methods to access this memory in a way that
231/// preserves memory safety. From the perspective of the current process, it
232/// owns its memory (analogous to a `Vec`).
234/// Since the buffer is shared by an untrusted process, it is never valid to
235/// assume that a given region of the buffer will not change in between method
236/// calls. Even if no thread in this process wrote anything to the buffer, the
237/// other process might have.
239/// # Unmapping
241/// `SharedBuffer`s do nothing when dropped. In order to avoid leaking memory,
242/// use the `consume` method to consume the `SharedBuffer` and get back the
243/// underlying pointer and length, and unmap the memory manually.
245pub struct SharedBuffer {
246    inner: SharedBufferInner,
249impl SharedBuffer {
250    /// Create a new `SharedBuffer` from a raw buffer.
251    ///
252    /// `new` creates a new `SharedBuffer` from the provided buffer and lenth,
253    /// taking ownership of the memory.
254    ///
255    /// # Safety
256    ///
257    /// Memory in a shared buffer must never be accessed except through the
258    /// methods of `SharedBuffer`. It must not be treated as normal memory, and
259    /// pointers to it must not be passed to unsafe code which is designed to
260    /// operate on normal memory. It must be guaranteed that, for the lifetime
261    /// of the `SharedBuffer`, the memory region is mapped, readable, and
262    /// writable.
263    ///
264    /// If any of these guarantees are violated, it may cause undefined
265    /// behavior.
266    #[inline]
267    pub unsafe fn new(buf: *mut u8, len: usize) -> SharedBuffer {
268        // Write the pointer and the length using a volatile write so that LLVM
269        // must assume that the memory has escaped, and that all future writes
270        // to it are observable. See the NOTE above for more details.
271        let mut scratch = (ptr::null_mut(), 0);
272        ptr::write_volatile(&mut scratch, (buf, len));
274        // Acquire any writes to the buffer that happened in a different thread
275        // or process already so they are visible without having to call the
276        // acquire_writes method.
277        fence(Ordering::Acquire);
278        SharedBuffer { inner: SharedBufferInner { buf, len } }
279    }
281    /// Read bytes from the buffer.
282    ///
283    /// Read up to `dst.len()` bytes from the buffer, returning how many bytes
284    /// were read. The only thing that can cause fewer bytes to be read than
285    /// requested is if `dst` is larger than the buffer itself.
286    ///
287    /// A call to `read` is only guaranteed to happen after an operation in
288    /// another thread or process if the mechanism used to signal the other
289    /// process has well-defined memory ordering semantics. Otherwise, the
290    /// `acquire_writes` method must be called before `read` and after receiving
291    /// a signal from the other process in order to provide such ordering
292    /// guarantees. In practice, this means that `acquire_writes` should be the
293    /// first read operation that happens after receiving a signal from another
294    /// process that the memory may be read. See the `acquire_writes`
295    /// documentation for more details.
296    #[inline]
297    pub fn read(&self, dst: &mut [u8]) -> usize {
298        self.inner.read_at(0, dst)
299    }
301    /// Read bytes from the buffer at an offset.
302    ///
303    /// Read up to `dst.len()` bytes starting at `offset` into the buffer,
304    /// returning how many bytes were read. The only thing that can cause fewer
305    /// bytes to be read than requested is if there are fewer than `dst.len()`
306    /// bytes available starting at `offset` within the buffer.
307    ///
308    /// A call to `read_at` is only guaranteed to happen after an operation in
309    /// another thread or process if the mechanism used to signal the other
310    /// process has well-defined memory ordering semantics. Otherwise, the
311    /// `acquire_writes` method must be called before `read_at` and after
312    /// receiving a signal from the other process in order to provide such
313    /// ordering guarantees. In practice, this means that `acquire_writes`
314    /// should be the first read operation that happens after receiving a signal
315    /// from another process that the memory may be read. See the
316    /// `acquire_writes` documentation for more details.
317    ///
318    /// # Panics
319    ///
320    /// `read_at` panics if `offset` is greater than the length of the buffer.
321    #[inline]
322    pub fn read_at(&self, offset: usize, dst: &mut [u8]) -> usize {
323        self.inner.read_at(offset, dst)
324    }
326    /// Write bytes to the buffer.
327    ///
328    /// Write up to `src.len()` bytes into the buffer, returning how many bytes
329    /// were written. The only thing that can cause fewer bytes to be written
330    /// than requested is if `src` is larger than the buffer itself.
331    ///
332    /// A call to `write` is only guaranteed to happen before an operation in
333    /// another thread or process if the mechanism used to signal the other
334    /// process has well-defined memory ordering semantics. Otherwise, the
335    /// `release_writes` method must be called after `write` and before
336    /// signalling the other process in order to provide such ordering
337    /// guarantees. In practice, this means that `release_writes` should be the
338    /// last write operation that happens before signalling another process that
339    /// the memory may be read. See the `release_writes` documentation for more
340    /// details.
341    #[inline]
342    pub fn write(&self, src: &[u8]) -> usize {
343        self.inner.write_at(0, src)
344    }
346    /// Write bytes to the buffer at an offset.
347    ///
348    /// Write up to `src.len()` bytes starting at `offset` into the buffer,
349    /// returning how many bytes were written. The only thing that can cause
350    /// fewer bytes to be written than requested is if there are fewer than
351    /// `src.len()` bytes available starting at `offset` within the buffer.
352    ///
353    /// A call to `write_at` is only guaranteed to happen before an operation in
354    /// another thread or process if the mechanism used to signal the other
355    /// process has well-defined memory ordering semantics. Otherwise, the
356    /// `release_writes` method must be called after `write_at` and before
357    /// signalling the other process in order to provide such ordering
358    /// guarantees. In practice, this means that `release_writes` should be the
359    /// last write operation that happens before signalling another process that
360    /// the memory may be read. See the `release_writes` documentation for more
361    /// details.
362    ///
363    /// # Panics
364    ///
365    /// `write_at` panics if `offset` is greater than the length of the buffer.
366    #[inline]
367    pub fn write_at(&self, offset: usize, src: &[u8]) -> usize {
368        self.inner.write_at(offset, src)
369    }
371    /// Acquire all writes performed by the other process.
372    ///
373    /// On some systems (such as Fuchsia, currently), the communication
374    /// mechanism used for signalling a process that memory is readable does not
375    /// have well-defined synchronization semantics. On those systems, this
376    /// method MUST be called after receiving such a signal, or else writes
377    /// performed before that signal are not guaranteed to be observed by this
378    /// process.
379    ///
380    /// `acquire_writes` acquires any writes performed on this buffer or any
381    /// slice within the buffer.
382    ///
383    /// # Note on Fuchsia
384    ///
385    /// Zircon, the Fuchsia kernel, will likely eventually have well-defined
386    /// semantics around the synchronization behavior of various syscalls. Once
387    /// that happens, calling this method in Fuchsia programs may become
388    /// optional. This work is tracked in [].
389    ///
390    /// []: #
391    // TODO(joshlf): Replace with link once issues are public.
392    #[inline]
393    pub fn acquire_writes(&self) {
394        fence(Ordering::Acquire);
395    }
397    /// Release all writes performed so far.
398    ///
399    /// On some systems (such as Fuchsia, currently), the communication
400    /// mechanism used for signalling the other process that memory is readable
401    /// does not have well-defined synchronization semantics. On those systems,
402    /// this method MUST be called before such signalling, or else writes
403    /// performed before that signal are not guaranteed to be observed by the
404    /// other process.
405    ///
406    /// `release_writes` releases any writes performed on this buffer or any
407    /// slice within the buffer.
408    ///
409    /// # Note on Fuchsia
410    ///
411    /// Zircon, the Fuchsia kernel, will likely eventually have well-defined
412    /// semantics around the synchronization behavior of various syscalls. Once
413    /// that happens, calling this method in Fuchsia programs may become
414    /// optional. This work is tracked in [].
415    ///
416    /// []: #
417    // TODO(joshlf): Replace with link once issues are public.
418    #[inline]
419    pub fn release_writes(&mut self) {
420        fence(Ordering::Release);
421    }
423    /// The number of bytes in this `SharedBuffer`.
424    #[inline]
425    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
426        self.inner.len
427    }
429    /// Create a slice of the original `SharedBuffer`.
430    ///
431    /// Just like the slicing operation on array and slice references, `slice`
432    /// constructs a `SharedBufferSlice` which points to the same memory as the
433    /// original `SharedBuffer`, but starting and index `from` (inclusive) and
434    /// ending at index `to` (exclusive).
435    ///
436    /// # Panics
437    ///
438    /// `slice` panics if `range` is out of bounds of `self` or if `range` is
439    /// nonsensical (its lower bound is larger than its upper bound).
440    #[inline]
441    pub fn slice<'a, R: RangeBounds<usize>>(&'a self, range: R) -> SharedBufferSlice<'a> {
442        SharedBufferSlice { inner: self.inner.slice(range), _marker: PhantomData }
443    }
445    /// Create a mutable slice of the original `SharedBuffer`.
446    ///
447    /// Just like the mutable slicing operation on array and slice references,
448    /// `slice_mut` constructs a `SharedBufferSliceMut` which points to the same
449    /// memory as the original `SharedBuffer`, but starting and index `from`
450    /// (inclusive) and ending at index `to` (exclusive).
451    ///
452    /// # Panics
453    ///
454    /// `slice_mut` panics if `range` is out of bounds of `self` or if `range`
455    /// is nonsensical (its lower bound is larger than its upper bound).
456    #[inline]
457    pub fn slice_mut<'a, R: RangeBounds<usize>>(
458        &'a mut self,
459        range: R,
460    ) -> SharedBufferSliceMut<'a> {
461        SharedBufferSliceMut { inner: self.inner.slice(range), _marker: PhantomData }
462    }
464    /// Create two non-overlapping slices of the original `SharedBuffer`.
465    ///
466    /// Just like the `split_at` method on array and slice references,
467    /// `split_at` constructs one `SharedBufferSlice` which represents bytes
468    /// `[0, idx)`, and one which represents bytes `[idx, len)`, where `len` is
469    /// the length of the buffer.
470    ///
471    /// # Panics
472    ///
473    /// `split_at` panics if `idx > self.len()`.
474    #[inline]
475    pub fn split_at<'a>(&'a self, idx: usize) -> (SharedBufferSlice<'a>, SharedBufferSlice<'a>) {
476        let (a, b) = self.inner.split_at(idx);
477        let a = SharedBufferSlice { inner: a, _marker: PhantomData };
478        let b = SharedBufferSlice { inner: b, _marker: PhantomData };
479        (a, b)
480    }
482    /// Create two non-overlapping mutable slices of the original `SharedBuffer`.
483    ///
484    /// Just like the `split_at_mut` method on array and slice references,
485    /// `split_at_miut` constructs one `SharedBufferSliceMut` which represents
486    /// bytes `[0, idx)`, and one which represents bytes `[idx, len)`, where
487    /// `len` is the length of the buffer.
488    ///
489    /// # Panics
490    ///
491    /// `split_at_mut` panics if `idx > self.len()`.
492    #[inline]
493    pub fn split_at_mut<'a>(
494        &'a mut self,
495        idx: usize,
496    ) -> (SharedBufferSliceMut<'a>, SharedBufferSliceMut<'a>) {
497        let (a, b) = self.inner.split_at(idx);
498        let a = SharedBufferSliceMut { inner: a, _marker: PhantomData };
499        let b = SharedBufferSliceMut { inner: b, _marker: PhantomData };
500        (a, b)
501    }
503    /// Get the buffer pointer and length so that the memory can be freed.
504    ///
505    /// This method is an alternative to calling `consume` if relinquishing
506    /// ownership of the object is infeasible (for example, when the object is a
507    /// struct field and thus can't be moved out of the struct). Since it allows
508    /// the object to continue existing, it must be used with care (see the
509    /// "Safety" section below).
510    ///
511    /// # Safety
512    ///
513    /// The returned pointer must *only* be used to free the memory. Since the
514    /// memory is shared by another process, using it as a normal raw pointer to
515    /// normal memory owned by this process is unsound.
516    ///
517    /// If the pointer is used for this purpose, then the caller must ensure
518    /// that no methods will be called on the object after the call to
519    /// `as_ptr_len`. The only scenario in which the object may be used again is
520    /// if the caller does nothing at all with the return value of this method
521    /// (although that would be kind of pointless...).
522    pub fn as_ptr_len(&mut self) -> (*mut u8, usize) {
523        (self.inner.buf, self.inner.len)
524    }
526    /// Consume the `SharedBuffer`, returning the underlying buffer pointer and
527    /// length.
528    ///
529    /// Since `SharedBuffer`s do nothing on drop, the only way to ensure that
530    /// resources are not leaked is to `consume` a `SharedBuffer` and then unmap
531    /// the memory manually.
532    #[inline]
533    pub fn consume(self) -> (*mut u8, usize) {
534        (self.inner.buf, self.inner.len)
535    }
538impl Drop for SharedBuffer {
539    fn drop(&mut self) {
540        // Release any writes performed after the last call to
541        // self.release_writes().
542        fence(Ordering::Release);
543    }
546/// An immutable slice into a `SharedBuffer`.
548/// A `SharedBufferSlice` is created with `SharedBuffer::slice`,
549/// `SharedBufferSlice::slice`, or `SharedBufferSliceMut::slice`.
551pub struct SharedBufferSlice<'a> {
552    inner: SharedBufferInner,
553    _marker: PhantomData<&'a ()>,
556impl<'a> SharedBufferSlice<'a> {
557    /// Read bytes from the buffer.
558    ///
559    /// Read up to `dst.len()` bytes from the buffer, returning how many bytes
560    /// were read. The only thing that can cause fewer bytes to be read than
561    /// requested is if `dst` is larger than the buffer itself.
562    ///
563    /// A call to `read` is only guaranteed to happen after an operation in
564    /// another thread or process if the mechanism used to signal the other
565    /// process has well-defined memory ordering semantics. Otherwise, the
566    /// `acquire_writes` method must be called before `read` and after receiving
567    /// a signal from the other process in order to provide such ordering
568    /// guarantees. In practice, this means that `acquire_writes` should be the
569    /// first read operation that happens after receiving a signal from another
570    /// process that the memory may be read. See the `acquire_writes`
571    /// documentation for more details.
572    #[inline]
573    pub fn read(&self, dst: &mut [u8]) -> usize {
574        self.inner.read_at(0, dst)
575    }
577    /// Read bytes from the buffer at an offset.
578    ///
579    /// Read up to `dst.len()` bytes starting at `offset` into the buffer,
580    /// returning how many bytes were read. The only thing that can cause fewer
581    /// bytes to be read than requested is if there are fewer than `dst.len()`
582    /// bytes available starting at `offset` within the buffer.
583    ///
584    /// A call to `read_at` is only guaranteed to happen after an operation in
585    /// another thread or process if the mechanism used to signal the other
586    /// process has well-defined memory ordering semantics. Otherwise, the
587    /// `acquire_writes` method must be called before `read_at` and after
588    /// receiving a signal from the other process in order to provide such
589    /// ordering guarantees. In practice, this means that `acquire_writes`
590    /// should be the first read operation that happens after receiving a signal
591    /// from another process that the memory may be read. See the
592    /// `acquire_writes` documentation for more details.
593    ///
594    /// # Panics
595    ///
596    /// `read_at` panics if `offset` is greater than the length of the buffer.
597    #[inline]
598    pub fn read_at(&self, offset: usize, dst: &mut [u8]) -> usize {
599        self.inner.read_at(offset, dst)
600    }
602    /// Acquire all writes performed by the other process.
603    ///
604    /// On some systems (such as Fuchsia, currently), the communication
605    /// mechanism used for signalling a process that memory is readable does not
606    /// have well-defined synchronization semantics. On those systems, this
607    /// method MUST be called after receiving such a signal, or else writes
608    /// performed before that signal are not guaranteed to be observed by this
609    /// process.
610    ///
611    /// `acquire_writes` acquires any writes performed on this buffer or any
612    /// slice within the buffer.
613    ///
614    /// # Note on Fuchsia
615    ///
616    /// Zircon, the Fuchsia kernel, will likely eventually have well-defined
617    /// semantics around the synchronization behavior of various syscalls. Once
618    /// that happens, calling this method in Fuchsia programs may become
619    /// optional. This work is tracked in [].
620    ///
621    /// []: #
622    // TODO(joshlf): Replace with link once issues are public.
623    #[inline]
624    pub fn acquire_writes(&self) {
625        fence(Ordering::Acquire);
626    }
628    /// Create a sub-slice of this `SharedBufferSlice`.
629    ///
630    /// Just like the slicing operation on array and slice references, `slice`
631    /// constructs a new `SharedBufferSlice` which points to the same memory as
632    /// the original, but starting and index `from` (inclusive) and ending at
633    /// index `to` (exclusive).
634    ///
635    /// # Panics
636    ///
637    /// `slice` panics if `range` is out of bounds of `self` or if `range` is
638    /// nonsensical (its lower bound is larger than its upper bound).
639    #[inline]
640    pub fn slice<R: RangeBounds<usize>>(&self, range: R) -> SharedBufferSlice<'a> {
641        SharedBufferSlice { inner: self.inner.slice(range), _marker: PhantomData }
642    }
644    /// Split this `SharedBufferSlice` in two.
645    ///
646    /// Just like the `split_at` method on array and slice references,
647    /// `split_at` constructs one `SharedBufferSlice` which represents bytes
648    /// `[0, idx)`, and one which represents bytes `[idx, len)`, where `len` is
649    /// the length of the buffer slice.
650    ///
651    /// # Panics
652    ///
653    /// `split_at` panics if `idx > self.len()`.
654    #[inline]
655    pub fn split_at(&self, idx: usize) -> (SharedBufferSlice<'a>, SharedBufferSlice<'a>) {
656        let (a, b) = self.inner.split_at(idx);
657        let a = SharedBufferSlice { inner: a, _marker: PhantomData };
658        let b = SharedBufferSlice { inner: b, _marker: PhantomData };
659        (a, b)
660    }
662    /// The number of bytes in this `SharedBufferSlice`.
663    #[inline]
664    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
665        self.inner.len
666    }
669/// A mutable slice into a `SharedBuffer`.
671/// A `SharedBufferSliceMut` is created with `SharedBuffer::slice_mut` or
672/// `SharedBufferSliceMut::slice_mut`.
674pub struct SharedBufferSliceMut<'a> {
675    inner: SharedBufferInner,
676    _marker: PhantomData<&'a ()>,
679impl<'a> SharedBufferSliceMut<'a> {
680    /// Read bytes from the buffer.
681    ///
682    /// Read up to `dst.len()` bytes from the buffer, returning how many bytes
683    /// were read. The only thing that can cause fewer bytes to be read than
684    /// requested is if `dst` is larger than the buffer itself.
685    ///
686    /// A call to `read` is only guaranteed to happen after an operation in
687    /// another thread or process if the mechanism used to signal the other
688    /// process has well-defined memory ordering semantics. Otherwise, the
689    /// `acquire_writes` method must be called before `read` and after receiving
690    /// a signal from the other process in order to provide such ordering
691    /// guarantees. In practice, this means that `acquire_writes` should be the
692    /// first read operation that happens after receiving a signal from another
693    /// process that the memory may be read. See the `acquire_writes`
694    /// documentation for more details.
695    #[inline]
696    pub fn read(&self, dst: &mut [u8]) -> usize {
697        self.inner.read_at(0, dst)
698    }
700    /// Read bytes from the buffer at an offset.
701    ///
702    /// Read up to `dst.len()` bytes starting at `offset` into the buffer,
703    /// returning how many bytes were read. The only thing that can cause fewer
704    /// bytes to be read than requested is if there are fewer than `dst.len()`
705    /// bytes available starting at `offset` within the buffer.
706    ///
707    /// A call to `read_at` is only guaranteed to happen after an operation in
708    /// another thread or process if the mechanism used to signal the other
709    /// process has well-defined memory ordering semantics. Otherwise, the
710    /// `acquire_writes` method must be called before `read_at` and after
711    /// receiving a signal from the other process in order to provide such
712    /// ordering guarantees. In practice, this means that `acquire_writes`
713    /// should be the first read operation that happens after receiving a signal
714    /// from another process that the memory may be read. See the
715    /// `acquire_writes` documentation for more details.
716    ///
717    /// # Panics
718    ///
719    /// `read_at` panics if `offset` is greater than the length of the buffer.
720    #[inline]
721    pub fn read_at(&self, offset: usize, dst: &mut [u8]) -> usize {
722        self.inner.read_at(offset, dst)
723    }
725    /// Write bytes to the buffer.
726    ///
727    /// Write up to `src.len()` bytes into the buffer, returning how many bytes
728    /// were written. The only thing that can cause fewer bytes to be written
729    /// than requested is if `src` is larger than the buffer itself.
730    ///
731    /// A call to `write` is only guaranteed to happen before an operation in
732    /// another thread or process if the mechanism used to signal the other
733    /// process has well-defined memory ordering semantics. Otherwise, the
734    /// `release_writes` method must be called after `write` and before
735    /// signalling the other process in order to provide such ordering
736    /// guarantees. In practice, this means that `release_writes` should be the
737    /// last write operation that happens before signalling another process that
738    /// the memory may be read. See the `release_writes` documentation for more
739    /// details.
740    #[inline]
741    pub fn write(&self, src: &[u8]) -> usize {
742        self.inner.write_at(0, src)
743    }
745    /// Write bytes to the buffer at an offset.
746    ///
747    /// Write up to `src.len()` bytes starting at `offset` into the buffer,
748    /// returning how many bytes were written. The only thing that can cause
749    /// fewer bytes to be written than requested is if there are fewer than
750    /// `src.len()` bytes available starting at `offset` within the buffer.
751    ///
752    /// A call to `write_at` is only guaranteed to happen before an operation in
753    /// another thread or process if the mechanism used to signal the other
754    /// process has well-defined memory ordering semantics. Otherwise, the
755    /// `release_writes` method must be called after `write_at` and before
756    /// signalling the other process in order to provide such ordering
757    /// guarantees. In practice, this means that `release_writes` should be the
758    /// last write operation that happens before signalling another process that
759    /// the memory may be read. See the `release_writes` documentation for more
760    /// details.
761    ///
762    /// # Panics
763    ///
764    /// `write_at` panics if `offset` is greater than the length of the buffer.
765    #[inline]
766    pub fn write_at(&self, offset: usize, src: &[u8]) -> usize {
767        self.inner.write_at(offset, src)
768    }
770    /// Acquire all writes performed by the other process.
771    ///
772    /// On some systems (such as Fuchsia, currently), the communication
773    /// mechanism used for signalling a process that memory is readable does not
774    /// have well-defined synchronization semantics. On those systems, this
775    /// method MUST be called after receiving such a signal, or else writes
776    /// performed before that signal are not guaranteed to be observed by this
777    /// process.
778    ///
779    /// `acquire_writes` acquires any writes performed on this buffer or any
780    /// slice within the buffer.
781    ///
782    /// # Note on Fuchsia
783    ///
784    /// Zircon, the Fuchsia kernel, will likely eventually have well-defined
785    /// semantics around the synchronization behavior of various syscalls. Once
786    /// that happens, calling this method in Fuchsia programs may become
787    /// optional. This work is tracked in [].
788    ///
789    /// []: #
790    // TODO(joshlf): Replace with link once issues are public.
791    #[inline]
792    pub fn acquire_writes(&self) {
793        fence(Ordering::Acquire);
794    }
796    /// Atomically release all writes performed so far.
797    ///
798    /// On some systems (such as Fuchsia, currently), the communication
799    /// mechanism used for signalling the other process that memory is readable
800    /// does not have well-defined synchronization semantics. On those systems,
801    /// this method MUST be called before such signalling, or else writes
802    /// performed before that signal are not guaranteed to be observed by the
803    /// other process.
804    ///
805    /// `release_writes` releases any writes performed on this slice or any
806    /// sub-slice of this slice.
807    ///
808    /// # Note on Fuchsia
809    ///
810    /// Zircon, the Fuchsia kernel, will likely eventually have well-defined
811    /// semantics around the synchronization behavior of various syscalls. Once
812    /// that happens, calling this method in Fuchsia programs may become
813    /// optional. This work is tracked in [].
814    ///
815    /// []: #
816    // TODO(joshlf): Replace with link once issues are public.
817    #[inline]
818    pub fn release_writes(&mut self) {
819        fence(Ordering::Release);
820    }
822    /// Create a sub-slice of this `SharedBufferSliceMut`.
823    ///
824    /// Just like the slicing operation on array and slice references, `slice`
825    /// constructs a new `SharedBufferSlice` which points to the same memory as
826    /// the original, but starting and index `from` (inclusive) and ending at
827    /// index `to` (exclusive).
828    ///
829    /// # Panics
830    ///
831    /// `slice` panics if `range` is out of bounds of `self` or if `range` is
832    /// nonsensical (its lower bound is larger than its upper bound).
833    #[inline]
834    pub fn slice<R: RangeBounds<usize>>(&self, range: R) -> SharedBufferSlice<'a> {
835        SharedBufferSlice { inner: self.inner.slice(range), _marker: PhantomData }
836    }
838    /// Create a mutable slice of the original `SharedBufferSliceMut`.
839    ///
840    /// Just like the mutable slicing operation on array and slice references,
841    /// `slice_mut` constructs a new `SharedBufferSliceMut` which points to the
842    /// same memory as the original, but starting and index `from` (inclusive)
843    /// and ending at index `to` (exclusive).
844    ///
845    /// # Panics
846    ///
847    /// `slice_mut` panics if `range` is out of bounds of `self` or if `range`
848    /// is nonsensical (its lower bound is larger than its upper bound).
849    #[inline]
850    pub fn slice_mut<R: RangeBounds<usize>>(&mut self, range: R) -> SharedBufferSliceMut<'a> {
851        SharedBufferSliceMut { inner: self.inner.slice(range), _marker: PhantomData }
852    }
854    /// Split this `SharedBufferSliceMut` into two immutable slices.
855    ///
856    /// Just like the `split_at` method on array and slice references,
857    /// `split_at` constructs one `SharedBufferSlice` which represents bytes
858    /// `[0, idx)`, and one which represents bytes `[idx, len)`, where `len` is
859    /// the length of the buffer slice.
860    ///
861    /// # Panics
862    ///
863    /// `split_at` panics if `idx > self.len()`.
864    #[inline]
865    pub fn split_at(&self, idx: usize) -> (SharedBufferSlice<'a>, SharedBufferSlice<'a>) {
866        let (a, b) = self.inner.split_at(idx);
867        let a = SharedBufferSlice { inner: a, _marker: PhantomData };
868        let b = SharedBufferSlice { inner: b, _marker: PhantomData };
869        (a, b)
870    }
872    /// Split this `SharedBufferSliceMut` in two.
873    ///
874    /// Just like the `split_at_mut` method on array and slice references,
875    /// `split_at` constructs one `SharedBufferSliceMut` which represents bytes
876    /// `[0, idx)`, and one which represents bytes `[idx, len)`, where `len` is
877    /// the length of the buffer slice.
878    ///
879    /// # Panics
880    ///
881    /// `split_at_mut` panics if `idx > self.len()`.
882    #[inline]
883    pub fn split_at_mut(
884        &mut self,
885        idx: usize,
886    ) -> (SharedBufferSliceMut<'a>, SharedBufferSliceMut<'a>) {
887        let (a, b) = self.inner.split_at(idx);
888        let a = SharedBufferSliceMut { inner: a, _marker: PhantomData };
889        let b = SharedBufferSliceMut { inner: b, _marker: PhantomData };
890        (a, b)
891    }
893    /// The number of bytes in this `SharedBufferSlice`.
894    #[inline]
895    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
896        self.inner.len
897    }
900// Send and Sync implementations. Send and Sync are definitely safe since
901// SharedBufferXXX are all written under the assumption that a remote process is
902// concurrently modifying the memory. However, we aim to provide a Rust-like API
903// with lifetimes and an immutable/mutable distinction, so the real question is
904// whether Send and Sync make sense by analogy to normal Rust types. Insofar as
905// SharedBuffer is analogous to [u8], SharedBufferSlice is analogous to &[u8],
906// and SharedBufferSliceMut is analogous to &mut [u8], the answer is yes - all
907// of those types implement both Send and Sync.
909unsafe impl Send for SharedBuffer {}
910unsafe impl Sync for SharedBuffer {}
911unsafe impl<'a> Send for SharedBufferSlice<'a> {}
912unsafe impl<'a> Sync for SharedBufferSlice<'a> {}
913unsafe impl<'a> Send for SharedBufferSliceMut<'a> {}
914unsafe impl<'a> Sync for SharedBufferSliceMut<'a> {}
917mod tests {
918    use core::{mem, ptr};
920    use super::{overlap, SharedBuffer};
922    // use the referent as the backing memory for a SharedBuffer
923    unsafe fn buf_from_ref<T>(x: &mut T) -> SharedBuffer {
924        let size = mem::size_of::<T>();
925        SharedBuffer::new(x as *mut _ as *mut u8, size)
926    }
928    #[test]
929    fn test_buf() {
930        // initialize some memory and turn it into a SharedBuffer
931        const ONE: [u8; 8] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
932        let mut buf_memory = ONE;
933        let buf = unsafe { buf_from_ref(&mut buf_memory) };
935        // we read the same initial contents back
936        let mut bytes = [0u8; 8];
937        assert_eq!( bytes[..]), 8);
938        assert_eq!(bytes, ONE);
940        // when we write new contents, we read those back
941        const TWO: [u8; 8] = [7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0];
942        assert_eq!(buf.write(&TWO[..]), 8);
943        assert_eq!( bytes[..]), 8);
944        assert_eq!(bytes, TWO);
946        // even with a bigger buffer, we still only read 8 bytes
947        let mut bytes = [0u8; 16];
948        assert_eq!( bytes[..]), 8);
949        // starting at offset 4, there are only 4 bytes left, so we only read 4
950        // bytes
951        assert_eq!(buf.read_at(4, &mut bytes[..]), 4);
952    }
954    #[test]
955    fn test_slice() {
956        // various slices give us the lengths we expect
957        let buf = unsafe { SharedBuffer::new(ptr::null_mut(), 10) };
958        let tmp = buf.slice(..);
959        assert_eq!(tmp.len(), 10);
960        let tmp = buf.slice(..10);
961        assert_eq!(tmp.len(), 10);
962        let tmp = buf.slice(5..10);
963        assert_eq!(tmp.len(), 5);
964        let tmp = buf.slice(0..0);
965        assert_eq!(tmp.len(), 0);
966        let tmp = buf.slice(10..10);
967        assert_eq!(tmp.len(), 0);
969        // initialize some memory and turn it into a SharedBuffer
970        const INIT: [u8; 8] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
971        let mut buf_memory = INIT;
972        let buf = unsafe { buf_from_ref(&mut buf_memory) };
974        // we read the same initial contents back
975        let mut bytes = [0u8; 8];
976        assert_eq!(buf.read_at(0, &mut bytes[..]), 8);
977        assert_eq!(bytes, INIT);
979        // create a slice to the second half of the SharedBuffer
980        let buf2 = buf.slice(4..8);
982        // now we read back only the second half of the original SharedBuffer
983        bytes = [0; 8];
984        assert_eq!( bytes[..]), 4);
985        assert_eq!(bytes, [4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
986    }
988    #[test]
989    fn test_split() {
990        // various splits give us the lengths we expect
991        let buf = unsafe { SharedBuffer::new(ptr::null_mut(), 10) };
992        let (tmp1, tmp2) = buf.split_at(10);
993        assert_eq!(tmp1.len(), 10);
994        assert_eq!(tmp2.len(), 0);
995        let (tmp1, tmp2) = buf.split_at(5);
996        assert_eq!(tmp1.len(), 5);
997        assert_eq!(tmp2.len(), 5);
998        let (tmp1, tmp2) = buf.split_at(0);
999        assert_eq!(tmp1.len(), 0);
1000        assert_eq!(tmp2.len(), 10);
1002        // initialize some memory and turn it into a SharedBuffer
1003        const INIT: [u8; 8] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
1004        let mut buf_memory = INIT;
1005        let mut buf = unsafe { buf_from_ref(&mut buf_memory) };
1007        // we read the same initial contents back
1008        let mut bytes = [0u8; 8];
1009        assert_eq!(buf.read_at(0, &mut bytes[..]), 8);
1010        assert_eq!(bytes, INIT);
1012        // split in two equal-sized halves
1013        let (buf1, buf2) = buf.split_at_mut(4);
1015        // now we read back the halves separately
1016        bytes = [0; 8];
1017        assert_eq!( bytes[..4]), 4);
1018        assert_eq!( bytes[4..]), 4);
1019        assert_eq!(bytes, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]);
1021        // use the mutable slices to write to the buffer
1022        assert_eq!(buf1.write(&[7, 6, 5, 4]), 4);
1023        assert_eq!(buf2.write(&[3, 2, 1, 0]), 4);
1025        // split again into equal-sized quarters
1026        let ((buf1, buf2), (buf3, buf4)) = (buf1.split_at(2), buf2.split_at(2));
1028        // now we read back the quarters separately
1029        bytes = [0; 8];
1030        assert_eq!( bytes[..2]), 2);
1031        assert_eq!( bytes[2..4]), 2);
1032        assert_eq!( bytes[4..6]), 2);
1033        assert_eq!( bytes[6..]), 2);
1034        assert_eq!(bytes, [7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]);
1035    }
1037    #[test]
1038    fn test_overlap() {
1039        // overlap(offset, copy_len, range_len)
1041        // first branch: offset > range_len
1042        assert_eq!(overlap(10, 4, 8), None);
1044        // middle branch: offset + copy_len <= range_len
1045        assert_eq!(overlap(0, 4, 8), Some(4));
1046        assert_eq!(overlap(4, 4, 8), Some(4));
1048        // middle branch: 'offset + copy_len' overflows usize
1049        assert_eq!(overlap(4, ::core::usize::MAX, 8), Some(4));
1051        // last branch: else
1052        assert_eq!(overlap(6, 4, 8), Some(2));
1053        assert_eq!(overlap(8, 4, 8), Some(0));
1054    }
1056    #[test]
1057    #[should_panic]
1058    fn test_panic_read_at() {
1059        let buf = unsafe { SharedBuffer::new(ptr::null_mut(), 10) };
1060        // "byte offset 11 out of range for SharedBuffer of length 10"
1061        buf.read_at(11, &mut [][..]);
1062    }
1064    #[test]
1065    #[should_panic]
1066    fn test_panic_write_at() {
1067        let buf = unsafe { SharedBuffer::new(ptr::null_mut(), 10) };
1068        // "byte offset 11 out of range for SharedBuffer of length 10"
1069        buf.write_at(11, &[][..]);
1070    }
1072    #[test]
1073    #[should_panic]
1074    fn test_panic_slice_1() {
1075        let buf = unsafe { SharedBuffer::new(ptr::null_mut(), 10) };
1076        // "byte index 11 out of range for SharedBuffer of length 10"
1077        buf.slice(0..11);
1078    }
1080    #[test]
1081    #[should_panic]
1082    fn test_panic_slice_2() {
1083        let buf = unsafe { SharedBuffer::new(ptr::null_mut(), 10) };
1084        // "slice starts at byte 6 but ends at byte 5"
1085        #[allow(clippy::reversed_empty_ranges)]
1086        buf.slice(6..5);
1087    }