1// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
45//! This module contains an AST for AT command responses.
7//! The format of these is not specifed in any one place in the spec, but they are
8//! described thoughout HFP 1.8.
910use crate::lowlevel::arguments;
11use crate::lowlevel::write_to::WriteTo;
12use std::io;
1314/// Responses and indications.
15#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
16pub enum Response {
17/// The success indication. Its format is described in HFP v1.8 Section 4.34.1, and it is
18 /// used throughout the spec.
20/// The error indication. Its format is described in HFP v1.8 Section 4.34.1, and it is
21 /// used throughout the spec.
23/// A set of hardcoded specific error indications. They are described in HFP v1.8 Section 4.34.2.
25/// Error codes used with the +CME ERROR indication. Described in HFP v1.8 4.34.2
27/// All other non-error responses. These are described throughout the HFP v1.8 spec.
28Success { name: String, is_extension: bool, arguments: arguments::DelimitedArguments },
29/// Raw bytes to use as a response. Should only be used for testing and development
3233impl WriteTo for Response {
34fn write_to<W: io::Write>(&self, sink: &mut W) -> io::Result<()> {
35// Responses are delimited on both sides by CRLF.
37match self {
38 Response::Ok => sink.write_all(b"OK")?,
39 Response::Error => sink.write_all(b"ERROR")?,
40 Response::HardcodedError(error) => error.write_to(sink)?,
41 Response::CmeError(error_code) => {
42 sink.write_all(b"+CME ERROR: ")?;
43 sink.write_all(error_code.to_string().as_bytes())?;
44 }
45 Response::Success { name, is_extension, arguments } => {
46if *is_extension {
47 sink.write_all(b"+")?
49 sink.write_all(name.as_bytes())?;
50 arguments.write_to(sink)?;
51 }
52 Response::RawBytes(bytes) => sink.write_all(bytes)?,
53 };
54// Responses are delimited on both sides by CRLF.
56 }
5859// Hardecoded error indications described in HFP v1.8 Section 4.34.2
60#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
61pub enum HardcodedError {
62 NoCarrier,
63 Busy,
64 NoAnswer,
65 Delayed,
66 Blacklist,
6869impl WriteTo for HardcodedError {
70fn write_to<W: io::Write>(&self, sink: &mut W) -> io::Result<()> {
71match self {
72 HardcodedError::NoCarrier => sink.write_all(b"NO CARRIER"),
73 HardcodedError::Busy => sink.write_all(b"BUSY"),
74 HardcodedError::NoAnswer => sink.write_all(b"NO ANSWER"),
75 HardcodedError::Delayed => sink.write_all(b"DELAYED"),
76 HardcodedError::Blacklist => sink.write_all(b"BLACKLIST"),
77 }
78 }