
2 * Copyright (C) 2024 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17use crate::binder::{AsNative, FromIBinder, Strong};
18use crate::error::{status_result, Result, StatusCode};
19use crate::proxy::SpIBinder;
20use crate::sys;
22use std::ffi::{c_void, CStr, CString};
23use std::os::raw::c_char;
24use std::sync::Mutex;
26/// Register a new service with the default service manager.
28/// Registers the given binder object with the given identifier. If successful,
29/// this service can then be retrieved using that identifier.
31/// This function will panic if the identifier contains a 0 byte (NUL).
32pub fn add_service(identifier: &str, mut binder: SpIBinder) -> Result<()> {
33    let instance = CString::new(identifier).unwrap();
34    let status =
35    // Safety: `AServiceManager_addService` expects valid `AIBinder` and C
36    // string pointers. Caller retains ownership of both pointers.
37    // `AServiceManager_addService` creates a new strong reference and copies
38    // the string, so both pointers need only be valid until the call returns.
39        unsafe { sys::AServiceManager_addService(binder.as_native_mut(), instance.as_ptr()) };
40    status_result(status)
43/// Register a dynamic service via the LazyServiceRegistrar.
45/// Registers the given binder object with the given identifier. If successful,
46/// this service can then be retrieved using that identifier. The service process
47/// will be shut down once all registered services are no longer in use.
49/// If any service in the process is registered as lazy, all should be, otherwise
50/// the process may be shut down while a service is in use.
52/// This function will panic if the identifier contains a 0 byte (NUL).
53pub fn register_lazy_service(identifier: &str, mut binder: SpIBinder) -> Result<()> {
54    let instance = CString::new(identifier).unwrap();
55    // Safety: `AServiceManager_registerLazyService` expects valid `AIBinder` and C
56    // string pointers. Caller retains ownership of both
57    // pointers. `AServiceManager_registerLazyService` creates a new strong reference
58    // and copies the string, so both pointers need only be valid until the
59    // call returns.
60    let status = unsafe {
61        sys::AServiceManager_registerLazyService(binder.as_native_mut(), instance.as_ptr())
62    };
63    status_result(status)
66/// Prevent a process which registers lazy services from being shut down even when none
67/// of the services is in use.
69/// If persist is true then shut down will be blocked until this function is called again with
70/// persist false. If this is to be the initial state, call this function before calling
71/// register_lazy_service.
73/// Consider using [`LazyServiceGuard`] rather than calling this directly.
74pub fn force_lazy_services_persist(persist: bool) {
75    // Safety: No borrowing or transfer of ownership occurs here.
76    unsafe { sys::AServiceManager_forceLazyServicesPersist(persist) }
79/// An RAII object to ensure a process which registers lazy services is not killed. During the
80/// lifetime of any of these objects the service manager will not kill the process even if none
81/// of its lazy services are in use.
84pub struct LazyServiceGuard {
85    // Prevent construction outside this module.
86    _private: (),
89// Count of how many LazyServiceGuard objects are in existence.
90static GUARD_COUNT: Mutex<u64> = Mutex::new(0);
92impl LazyServiceGuard {
93    /// Create a new LazyServiceGuard to prevent the service manager prematurely killing this
94    /// process.
95    pub fn new() -> Self {
96        let mut count = GUARD_COUNT.lock().unwrap();
97        *count += 1;
98        if *count == 1 {
99            // It's important that we make this call with the mutex held, to make sure
100            // that multiple calls (e.g. if the count goes 1 -> 0 -> 1) are correctly
101            // sequenced. (That also means we can't just use an AtomicU64.)
102            force_lazy_services_persist(true);
103        }
104        Self { _private: () }
105    }
108impl Drop for LazyServiceGuard {
109    fn drop(&mut self) {
110        let mut count = GUARD_COUNT.lock().unwrap();
111        *count -= 1;
112        if *count == 0 {
113            force_lazy_services_persist(false);
114        }
115    }
118impl Clone for LazyServiceGuard {
119    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
120        Self::new()
121    }
124impl Default for LazyServiceGuard {
125    fn default() -> Self {
126        Self::new()
127    }
130/// Determine whether the current thread is currently executing an incoming
131/// transaction.
132pub fn is_handling_transaction() -> bool {
133    // Safety: This method is always safe to call.
134    unsafe { sys::AIBinder_isHandlingTransaction() }
137fn interface_cast<T: FromIBinder + ?Sized>(service: Option<SpIBinder>) -> Result<Strong<T>> {
138    if let Some(service) = service {
139        FromIBinder::try_from(service)
140    } else {
141        Err(StatusCode::NAME_NOT_FOUND)
142    }
145/// Retrieve an existing service, blocking for a few seconds if it doesn't yet
146/// exist.
147#[deprecated = "this polls 5s, use wait_for_service or check_service"]
148pub fn get_service(name: &str) -> Option<SpIBinder> {
149    let name = CString::new(name).ok()?;
150    // Safety: `AServiceManager_getService` returns either a null pointer or a
151    // valid pointer to an owned `AIBinder`. Either of these values is safe to
152    // pass to `SpIBinder::from_raw`.
153    unsafe { SpIBinder::from_raw(sys::AServiceManager_getService(name.as_ptr())) }
156/// Retrieve an existing service. Returns `None` immediately if the service is not available.
157pub fn check_service(name: &str) -> Option<SpIBinder> {
158    let name = CString::new(name).ok()?;
159    // Safety: `AServiceManager_checkService` returns either a null pointer or
160    // a valid pointer to an owned `AIBinder`. Either of these values is safe to
161    // pass to `SpIBinder::from_raw`.
162    unsafe { SpIBinder::from_raw(sys::AServiceManager_checkService(name.as_ptr())) }
165/// Retrieve an existing service, or start it if it is configured as a dynamic
166/// service and isn't yet started.
167pub fn wait_for_service(name: &str) -> Option<SpIBinder> {
168    let name = CString::new(name).ok()?;
169    // Safety: `AServiceManager_waitforService` returns either a null pointer or
170    // a valid pointer to an owned `AIBinder`. Either of these values is safe to
171    // pass to `SpIBinder::from_raw`.
172    unsafe { SpIBinder::from_raw(sys::AServiceManager_waitForService(name.as_ptr())) }
175/// Retrieve an existing service for a particular interface, blocking for a few
176/// seconds if it doesn't yet exist.
177#[deprecated = "this polls 5s, use wait_for_interface or check_interface"]
178pub fn get_interface<T: FromIBinder + ?Sized>(name: &str) -> Result<Strong<T>> {
179    #[allow(deprecated)]
180    interface_cast(get_service(name))
183/// Retrieve an existing service for a particular interface. Returns
184/// `Err(StatusCode::NAME_NOT_FOUND)` immediately if the service is not available.
185pub fn check_interface<T: FromIBinder + ?Sized>(name: &str) -> Result<Strong<T>> {
186    interface_cast(check_service(name))
189/// Retrieve an existing service for a particular interface, or start it if it
190/// is configured as a dynamic service and isn't yet started.
191pub fn wait_for_interface<T: FromIBinder + ?Sized>(name: &str) -> Result<Strong<T>> {
192    interface_cast(wait_for_service(name))
195/// Check if a service is declared (e.g. in a VINTF manifest)
196pub fn is_declared(interface: &str) -> Result<bool> {
197    let interface = CString::new(interface).or(Err(StatusCode::UNEXPECTED_NULL))?;
199    // Safety: `interface` is a valid null-terminated C-style string and is only
200    // borrowed for the lifetime of the call. The `interface` local outlives
201    // this call as it lives for the function scope.
202    unsafe { Ok(sys::AServiceManager_isDeclared(interface.as_ptr())) }
205/// Retrieve all declared instances for a particular interface
207/// For instance, if '' is declared, and ''
208/// is passed here, then ["foo"] would be returned.
209pub fn get_declared_instances(interface: &str) -> Result<Vec<String>> {
210    unsafe extern "C" fn callback(instance: *const c_char, opaque: *mut c_void) {
211        // Safety: opaque was a mutable pointer created below from a Vec of
212        // CString, and outlives this callback. The null handling here is just
213        // to avoid the possibility of unwinding across C code if this crate is
214        // ever compiled with panic=unwind.
215        if let Some(instances) = unsafe { opaque.cast::<Vec<CString>>().as_mut() } {
216            // Safety: instance is a valid null-terminated C string with a
217            // lifetime at least as long as this function, and we immediately
218            // copy it into an owned CString.
219            unsafe {
220                instances.push(CStr::from_ptr(instance).to_owned());
221            }
222        } else {
223            eprintln!("Opaque pointer was null in get_declared_instances callback!");
224        }
225    }
227    let interface = CString::new(interface).or(Err(StatusCode::UNEXPECTED_NULL))?;
228    let mut instances: Vec<CString> = vec![];
229    // Safety: `interface` and `instances` are borrowed for the length of this
230    // call and both outlive the call. `interface` is guaranteed to be a valid
231    // null-terminated C-style string.
232    unsafe {
233        sys::AServiceManager_forEachDeclaredInstance(
234            interface.as_ptr(),
235            &mut instances as *mut _ as *mut c_void,
236            Some(callback),
237        );
238    }
240    instances
241        .into_iter()
242        .map(CString::into_string)
243        .collect::<std::result::Result<Vec<String>, _>>()
244        .map_err(|e| {
245            eprintln!("An interface instance name was not a valid UTF-8 string: {}", e);
246            StatusCode::BAD_VALUE
247        })