
1// WARNING: This file is machine generated by fidlgen.
4#![allow(unused_parens, unused_mut, unused_imports, nonstandard_style)]
6use bitflags::bitflags;
7use fidl::client::QueryResponseFut;
8use fidl::encoding::{MessageBufFor, ProxyChannelBox, ResourceDialect};
9use fidl::endpoints::{ControlHandle as _, Responder as _};
10use futures::future::{self, MaybeDone, TryFutureExt};
11use zx_status;
13/// The total number of attributes that can be set. The custom attributes + the 4
14/// defined attributes, `PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId`. 4 + 127 = 131.
15pub const MAX_ATTRIBUTES: u64 = 131;
17/// The maximum number of possible values an attribute can take on.
18/// Defined by AVRCP 1.6.2 Sec 6.5.2
19pub const MAX_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES: u64 = 255;
21/// The maximum length of an attribute value in the media attributes.
22/// Defined by AVRCP 1.6.2 Sec 6.6.1.
23pub const MAX_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_LENGTH: u64 = 65535;
25/// The maximum number of custom attributes that can be used.
26/// Defined by AVRCP 1.6.2 Appendix F.
27pub const MAX_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES: u64 = 127;
29/// The maximum number of MediaPlayerItems that can be returned from a call to
30/// GetFileSystemItems.
31/// This value is arbitrary and is meant to limit the number of items that can be returned.
32/// AVRCP 1.6.2, Section defines the `Number of Items` parameter as a uint16.
33pub const MAX_FILESYSTEM_ITEMS: u16 = 16;
35/// The maximum number of MediaPlayerItems that can be returned from a call to
36/// GetMediaPlayerItems.
37/// This value is arbitrary and is meant to limit the number of items that can be returned.
38/// AVRCP 1.6.2, Section defines the `Number of Items` parameter as a uint16.
39pub const MAX_MEDIA_PLAYER_ITEMS: u16 = 16;
41/// The maximum number of Notification Event IDs that can be supported by the TG.
42/// 0x0E to 0xFF are reserved for future use.
43/// Defined by AVRCP 1.6.2 Appendix H.
44pub const MAX_NOTIFICATIONS: u8 = 255;
46/// The maximum number of MediaPlayerItems that can be returned from a call to
47/// GetFileSystemItems.
48/// This value is arbitrary and is meant to limit the number of items that can be returned.
49/// AVRCP 1.6.2, Section defines the `Number of Items` parameter as a uint16.
50pub const MAX_NOW_PLAYING_ITEMS: u16 = 16;
52/// The maximum number of MediaAttributeId that can be returned from a call to
53/// GetFileSystemItems or GetNowPlayingItems.
54/// This value based on list of media attributes available as per
55/// AVRCP 1.6.2, 26 Appendix E: list of media attributes.
56pub const MAX_NUM_MEDIA_ATTRIBUTES: u8 = 8;
58bitflags! {
59    /// The Major Player Type associated with a media player.
60    /// Defined by AVRCP 1.6.2 section
61    #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
62    pub struct MajorPlayerType: u8 {
63        const AUDIO = 1;
64        const VIDEO = 2;
65        const BROADCASTING_AUDIO = 4;
66        const BROADCASTING_VIDEO = 8;
67    }
70impl MajorPlayerType {
71    #[deprecated = "Strict bits should not use `has_unknown_bits`"]
72    #[inline(always)]
73    pub fn has_unknown_bits(&self) -> bool {
74        false
75    }
77    #[deprecated = "Strict bits should not use `get_unknown_bits`"]
78    #[inline(always)]
79    pub fn get_unknown_bits(&self) -> u8 {
80        0
81    }
84bitflags! {
85    /// Change notifications that a controller client can register.
86    #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
87    pub struct Notifications: u32 {
88        /// AVRCP `EVENT_PLAYBACK_STATUS_CHANGED` Notification
89        const PLAYBACK_STATUS = 1;
90        /// AVRCP `EVENT_TRACK_CHANGED` Notification
91        const TRACK = 2;
92        /// AVRCP `EVENT_TRACK_POS_CHANGED` Notification
93        const TRACK_POS = 4;
94        /// AVRCP `EVENT_BATT_STATUS_CHANGED` Notification
95        const BATT_STATUS = 8;
96        /// AVRCP `EVENT_SYSTEM_STATUS_CHANGED` Notification
97        const SYSTEM_STATUS = 16;
100        /// AVRCP `EVENT_ADDRESSED_PLAYER_CHANGED` Notification
101        const ADDRESSED_PLAYER = 64;
102        /// AVRCP `EVENT_VOLUME_CHANGED` Notification
103        const VOLUME = 128;
105        const AVAILABLE_PLAYERS = 256;
106        /// Internal connection change event.
107        const CONNECTION = 65536;
108    }
111impl Notifications {
112    #[deprecated = "Strict bits should not use `has_unknown_bits`"]
113    #[inline(always)]
114    pub fn has_unknown_bits(&self) -> bool {
115        false
116    }
118    #[deprecated = "Strict bits should not use `get_unknown_bits`"]
119    #[inline(always)]
120    pub fn get_unknown_bits(&self) -> u32 {
121        0
122    }
125bitflags! {
126    #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
127    pub struct PlayerFeatureBits: u64 {
128        const SELECT = 72057594037927936;
129        const UP = 144115188075855872;
130        const DOWN = 288230376151711744;
131        const LEFT = 576460752303423488;
132        const RIGHT = 1152921504606846976;
133        const RIGHT_UP = 2305843009213693952;
134        const RIGHT_DOWN = 4611686018427387904;
135        const LEFT_UP = 9223372036854775808;
136        const LEFT_DOWN = 281474976710656;
137        const ROOT_MENU = 562949953421312;
138        const SETUP_MENU = 1125899906842624;
139        const CONTENTS_MENU = 2251799813685248;
140        const FAVORITE_MENU = 4503599627370496;
141        const EXIT = 9007199254740992;
142        const ZERO = 18014398509481984;
143        const ONE = 36028797018963968;
144        const TWO = 1099511627776;
145        const THREE = 2199023255552;
146        const FOUR = 4398046511104;
147        const FIVE = 8796093022208;
148        const SIX = 17592186044416;
149        const SEVEN = 35184372088832;
150        const EIGHT = 70368744177664;
151        const NINE = 140737488355328;
152        const DOT = 4294967296;
153        const ENTER = 8589934592;
154        const CLEAR = 17179869184;
155        const CHANNEL_UP = 34359738368;
156        const CHANNEL_DOWN = 68719476736;
157        const PREVIOUS_CHANNEL = 137438953472;
158        const SOUND_SELECT = 274877906944;
159        const INPUT_SELECT = 549755813888;
160        const DISPLAY_INFORMATION = 16777216;
161        const HELP = 33554432;
162        const PAGE_UP = 67108864;
163        const PAGE_DOWN = 134217728;
164        const POWER = 268435456;
165        const VOLUME_UP = 536870912;
166        const VOLUME_DOWN = 1073741824;
167        const MUTE = 2147483648;
168        const PLAY = 65536;
169        const STOP = 131072;
170        const PAUSE = 262144;
171        const RECORD = 524288;
172        const REWIND = 1048576;
173        const FAST_FORWARD = 2097152;
174        const EJECT = 4194304;
175        const FORWARD = 8388608;
176        const BACKWARD = 256;
177        const ANGLE = 512;
178        const SUBPICTURE = 1024;
179        const F1 = 2048;
180        const F2 = 4096;
181        const F3 = 8192;
182        const F4 = 16384;
183        const F5 = 32768;
184        const VENDOR_UNIQUE = 1;
185        const BASIC_GROUP_NAVIGATION = 2;
186        const ADVANCED_CONTROL_PLAYER = 4;
187        const BROWSING = 8;
188        const SEARCHING = 16;
189        const ADD_TO_NOW_PLAYING = 32;
190        const UIDS_UNIQUE_IN_PLAYER_BROWSE_TREE = 64;
191        const ONLY_BROWSABLE_WHEN_ADDRESSED = 128;
192    }
195impl PlayerFeatureBits {
196    #[deprecated = "Strict bits should not use `has_unknown_bits`"]
197    #[inline(always)]
198    pub fn has_unknown_bits(&self) -> bool {
199        false
200    }
202    #[deprecated = "Strict bits should not use `get_unknown_bits`"]
203    #[inline(always)]
204    pub fn get_unknown_bits(&self) -> u64 {
205        0
206    }
209bitflags! {
210    #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
211    pub struct PlayerFeatureBitsExt: u64 {
212        const ONLY_SEARCHABLE_WHEN_ADDRESSED = 72057594037927936;
213        const NOW_PLAYING = 144115188075855872;
214        const UID_PERSISTENCY = 288230376151711744;
215        const NUMBER_OF_ITEMS = 576460752303423488;
216        const COVER_ART = 1152921504606846976;
217    }
220impl PlayerFeatureBitsExt {
221    #[deprecated = "Strict bits should not use `has_unknown_bits`"]
222    #[inline(always)]
223    pub fn has_unknown_bits(&self) -> bool {
224        false
225    }
227    #[deprecated = "Strict bits should not use `get_unknown_bits`"]
228    #[inline(always)]
229    pub fn get_unknown_bits(&self) -> u64 {
230        0
231    }
234bitflags! {
235    /// The Player Sub Type associated with a media player.
236    /// Defined by AVRCP 1.6.2 section
237    #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
238    pub struct PlayerSubType: u32 {
239        const AUDIO_BOOK = 1;
240        const PODCAST = 2;
241    }
244impl PlayerSubType {
245    #[deprecated = "Strict bits should not use `has_unknown_bits`"]
246    #[inline(always)]
247    pub fn has_unknown_bits(&self) -> bool {
248        false
249    }
251    #[deprecated = "Strict bits should not use `get_unknown_bits`"]
252    #[inline(always)]
253    pub fn get_unknown_bits(&self) -> u32 {
254        0
255    }
258/// Defined by AV\C Panel specification.
259#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
261pub enum AvcPanelCommand {
262    Select = 0,
263    Up = 1,
264    Down = 2,
265    Left = 3,
266    Right = 4,
267    RootMenu = 9,
268    ContentsMenu = 11,
269    FavoriteMenu = 12,
270    Exit = 13,
271    OnDemandMenu = 14,
272    AppsMenu = 15,
273    Key0 = 32,
274    Key1 = 33,
275    Key2 = 34,
276    Key3 = 35,
277    Key4 = 36,
278    Key5 = 37,
279    Key6 = 38,
280    Key7 = 39,
281    Key8 = 40,
282    Key9 = 41,
283    Dot = 42,
284    Enter = 43,
285    ChannelUp = 48,
286    ChannelDown = 49,
287    ChannelPrevious = 50,
288    InputSelect = 52,
289    Info = 53,
290    Help = 54,
291    PageUp = 55,
292    PageDown = 56,
293    Lock = 58,
294    Power = 64,
295    VolumeUp = 65,
296    VolumeDown = 66,
297    Mute = 67,
298    Play = 68,
299    Stop = 69,
300    Pause = 70,
301    Record = 71,
302    Rewind = 72,
303    FastForward = 73,
304    Eject = 74,
305    Forward = 75,
306    Backward = 76,
307    List = 77,
308    F1 = 113,
309    F2 = 114,
310    F3 = 115,
311    F4 = 116,
312    F5 = 117,
313    F6 = 118,
314    F7 = 119,
315    F8 = 120,
316    F9 = 121,
317    Red = 122,
318    Green = 123,
319    Blue = 124,
320    Yellow = 125,
323impl AvcPanelCommand {
324    #[inline]
325    pub fn from_primitive(prim: u8) -> Option<Self> {
326        match prim {
327            0 => Some(Self::Select),
328            1 => Some(Self::Up),
329            2 => Some(Self::Down),
330            3 => Some(Self::Left),
331            4 => Some(Self::Right),
332            9 => Some(Self::RootMenu),
333            11 => Some(Self::ContentsMenu),
334            12 => Some(Self::FavoriteMenu),
335            13 => Some(Self::Exit),
336            14 => Some(Self::OnDemandMenu),
337            15 => Some(Self::AppsMenu),
338            32 => Some(Self::Key0),
339            33 => Some(Self::Key1),
340            34 => Some(Self::Key2),
341            35 => Some(Self::Key3),
342            36 => Some(Self::Key4),
343            37 => Some(Self::Key5),
344            38 => Some(Self::Key6),
345            39 => Some(Self::Key7),
346            40 => Some(Self::Key8),
347            41 => Some(Self::Key9),
348            42 => Some(Self::Dot),
349            43 => Some(Self::Enter),
350            48 => Some(Self::ChannelUp),
351            49 => Some(Self::ChannelDown),
352            50 => Some(Self::ChannelPrevious),
353            52 => Some(Self::InputSelect),
354            53 => Some(Self::Info),
355            54 => Some(Self::Help),
356            55 => Some(Self::PageUp),
357            56 => Some(Self::PageDown),
358            58 => Some(Self::Lock),
359            64 => Some(Self::Power),
360            65 => Some(Self::VolumeUp),
361            66 => Some(Self::VolumeDown),
362            67 => Some(Self::Mute),
363            68 => Some(Self::Play),
364            69 => Some(Self::Stop),
365            70 => Some(Self::Pause),
366            71 => Some(Self::Record),
367            72 => Some(Self::Rewind),
368            73 => Some(Self::FastForward),
369            74 => Some(Self::Eject),
370            75 => Some(Self::Forward),
371            76 => Some(Self::Backward),
372            77 => Some(Self::List),
373            113 => Some(Self::F1),
374            114 => Some(Self::F2),
375            115 => Some(Self::F3),
376            116 => Some(Self::F4),
377            117 => Some(Self::F5),
378            118 => Some(Self::F6),
379            119 => Some(Self::F7),
380            120 => Some(Self::F8),
381            121 => Some(Self::F9),
382            122 => Some(Self::Red),
383            123 => Some(Self::Green),
384            124 => Some(Self::Blue),
385            125 => Some(Self::Yellow),
386            _ => None,
387        }
388    }
390    #[inline]
391    pub const fn into_primitive(self) -> u8 {
392        self as u8
393    }
395    #[deprecated = "Strict enums should not use `is_unknown`"]
396    #[inline]
397    pub fn is_unknown(&self) -> bool {
398        false
399    }
402/// Defined by AVRCP 1.6.2 section 6.7.2 (RegisterNotification).
403/// Format for `EVENT_BATT_STATUS_CHANGED`.
404/// Same encoding also defined by 6.5.8 (InformBatteryStatusOfCT).
405#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
407pub enum BatteryStatus {
408    Normal = 0,
409    Warning = 1,
410    Critical = 2,
411    External = 3,
412    FullCharge = 4,
413    Reserved = 5,
416impl BatteryStatus {
417    #[inline]
418    pub fn from_primitive(prim: u8) -> Option<Self> {
419        match prim {
420            0 => Some(Self::Normal),
421            1 => Some(Self::Warning),
422            2 => Some(Self::Critical),
423            3 => Some(Self::External),
424            4 => Some(Self::FullCharge),
425            5 => Some(Self::Reserved),
426            _ => None,
427        }
428    }
430    #[inline]
431    pub const fn into_primitive(self) -> u8 {
432        self as u8
433    }
435    #[deprecated = "Strict enums should not use `is_unknown`"]
436    #[inline]
437    pub fn is_unknown(&self) -> bool {
438        false
439    }
442/// Errors from AVRCP 1.6.2 Section 6.15.3.
443#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
445pub enum BrowseControllerError {
446    UnknownFailure = 1,
447    TimedOut = 2,
448    RemoteNotConnected = 3,
449    CommandNotImplemented = 4,
450    CommandRejected = 5,
451    CommandUnexpected = 6,
452    PacketEncoding = 7,
453    ProtocolError = 8,
454    ConnectionError = 9,
455    UidChanged = 10,
456    InvalidDirection = 11,
457    InvalidId = 12,
458    InvalidScope = 13,
459    RangeOutOfBounds = 14,
460    ItemNotPlayable = 15,
461    MediaInUse = 16,
462    PlayerNotBrowsable = 17,
463    PlayerNotAddressed = 18,
464    NoValidResults = 19,
465    NoAvailablePlayers = 20,
468impl BrowseControllerError {
469    #[inline]
470    pub fn from_primitive(prim: u32) -> Option<Self> {
471        match prim {
472            1 => Some(Self::UnknownFailure),
473            2 => Some(Self::TimedOut),
474            3 => Some(Self::RemoteNotConnected),
475            4 => Some(Self::CommandNotImplemented),
476            5 => Some(Self::CommandRejected),
477            6 => Some(Self::CommandUnexpected),
478            7 => Some(Self::PacketEncoding),
479            8 => Some(Self::ProtocolError),
480            9 => Some(Self::ConnectionError),
481            10 => Some(Self::UidChanged),
482            11 => Some(Self::InvalidDirection),
483            12 => Some(Self::InvalidId),
484            13 => Some(Self::InvalidScope),
485            14 => Some(Self::RangeOutOfBounds),
486            15 => Some(Self::ItemNotPlayable),
487            16 => Some(Self::MediaInUse),
488            17 => Some(Self::PlayerNotBrowsable),
489            18 => Some(Self::PlayerNotAddressed),
490            19 => Some(Self::NoValidResults),
491            20 => Some(Self::NoAvailablePlayers),
492            _ => None,
493        }
494    }
496    #[inline]
497    pub const fn into_primitive(self) -> u32 {
498        self as u32
499    }
501    #[deprecated = "Strict enums should not use `is_unknown`"]
502    #[inline]
503    pub fn is_unknown(&self) -> bool {
504        false
505    }
508/// Status codes for commands sent as the controller.
509#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
511pub enum ControllerError {
512    UnknownFailure = 1,
513    TimedOut = 2,
514    RemoteNotConnected = 3,
515    CommandNotImplemented = 4,
516    CommandRejected = 5,
517    CommandUnexpected = 6,
518    InvalidArguments = 7,
519    PacketEncoding = 8,
520    ProtocolError = 9,
521    ConnectionError = 10,
522    UnexpectedResponse = 11,
525impl ControllerError {
526    #[inline]
527    pub fn from_primitive(prim: u32) -> Option<Self> {
528        match prim {
529            1 => Some(Self::UnknownFailure),
530            2 => Some(Self::TimedOut),
531            3 => Some(Self::RemoteNotConnected),
532            4 => Some(Self::CommandNotImplemented),
533            5 => Some(Self::CommandRejected),
534            6 => Some(Self::CommandUnexpected),
535            7 => Some(Self::InvalidArguments),
536            8 => Some(Self::PacketEncoding),
537            9 => Some(Self::ProtocolError),
538            10 => Some(Self::ConnectionError),
539            11 => Some(Self::UnexpectedResponse),
540            _ => None,
541        }
542    }
544    #[inline]
545    pub const fn into_primitive(self) -> u32 {
546        self as u32
547    }
549    #[deprecated = "Strict enums should not use `is_unknown`"]
550    #[inline]
551    pub fn is_unknown(&self) -> bool {
552        false
553    }
556/// Defined by AVRCP 1.6.2 Appendix F (player application settings).
557#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
559pub enum Equalizer {
560    Off = 1,
561    On = 2,
564impl Equalizer {
565    #[inline]
566    pub fn from_primitive(prim: u8) -> Option<Self> {
567        match prim {
568            1 => Some(Self::Off),
569            2 => Some(Self::On),
570            _ => None,
571        }
572    }
574    #[inline]
575    pub const fn into_primitive(self) -> u8 {
576        self as u8
577    }
579    #[deprecated = "Strict enums should not use `is_unknown`"]
580    #[inline]
581    pub fn is_unknown(&self) -> bool {
582        false
583    }
586/// The folder type associated with a folder item.
587/// Defined by AVRCP 1.6.2 section
588#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
590pub enum FolderType {
591    Mixed = 0,
592    Titles = 1,
593    Albums = 2,
594    Artists = 3,
595    Genres = 4,
596    Playlists = 5,
597    Years = 6,
600impl FolderType {
601    #[inline]
602    pub fn from_primitive(prim: u8) -> Option<Self> {
603        match prim {
604            0 => Some(Self::Mixed),
605            1 => Some(Self::Titles),
606            2 => Some(Self::Albums),
607            3 => Some(Self::Artists),
608            4 => Some(Self::Genres),
609            5 => Some(Self::Playlists),
610            6 => Some(Self::Years),
611            _ => None,
612        }
613    }
615    #[inline]
616    pub const fn into_primitive(self) -> u8 {
617        self as u8
618    }
620    #[deprecated = "Strict enums should not use `is_unknown`"]
621    #[inline]
622    pub fn is_unknown(&self) -> bool {
623        false
624    }
627/// Defined by AVRCP 1.6.2 Appendix E (media attributes).
628/// 0x9-0xFFFFFFFF reserved for future use.
629#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
631pub enum MediaAttributeId {
632    Title = 1,
633    ArtistName = 2,
634    AlbumName = 3,
635    TrackNumber = 4,
636    TotalNumberOfTracks = 5,
637    Genre = 6,
638    PlayingTime = 7,
639    DefaultCoverArt = 8,
642impl MediaAttributeId {
643    #[inline]
644    pub fn from_primitive(prim: u32) -> Option<Self> {
645        match prim {
646            1 => Some(Self::Title),
647            2 => Some(Self::ArtistName),
648            3 => Some(Self::AlbumName),
649            4 => Some(Self::TrackNumber),
650            5 => Some(Self::TotalNumberOfTracks),
651            6 => Some(Self::Genre),
652            7 => Some(Self::PlayingTime),
653            8 => Some(Self::DefaultCoverArt),
654            _ => None,
655        }
656    }
658    #[inline]
659    pub const fn into_primitive(self) -> u32 {
660        self as u32
661    }
663    #[deprecated = "Strict enums should not use `is_unknown`"]
664    #[inline]
665    pub fn is_unknown(&self) -> bool {
666        false
667    }
670/// Type of a media element item.
671/// Defined by AVRCP 1.6.2 section
672#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
674pub enum MediaType {
675    Audio = 0,
676    Video = 1,
679impl MediaType {
680    #[inline]
681    pub fn from_primitive(prim: u8) -> Option<Self> {
682        match prim {
683            0 => Some(Self::Audio),
684            1 => Some(Self::Video),
685            _ => None,
686        }
687    }
689    #[inline]
690    pub const fn into_primitive(self) -> u8 {
691        self as u8
692    }
694    #[deprecated = "Strict enums should not use `is_unknown`"]
695    #[inline]
696    pub fn is_unknown(&self) -> bool {
697        false
698    }
701/// Defined by AVRCP 1.6.2 section 6.7.2 (RegisterNotification) and Appendix H.
702/// Style note: named exactly as they are in the specification with the "EVENT_" prefix.
703#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
705pub enum NotificationEvent {
706    PlaybackStatusChanged = 1,
707    TrackChanged = 2,
708    TrackReachedEnd = 3,
709    TrackReachedStart = 4,
710    TrackPosChanged = 5,
711    BattStatusChanged = 6,
712    SystemStatusChanged = 7,
713    PlayerApplicationSettingChanged = 8,
714    NowPlayingContentChanged = 9,
715    AvailablePlayersChanged = 10,
716    AddressedPlayerChanged = 11,
717    UidsChanged = 12,
718    VolumeChanged = 13,
721impl NotificationEvent {
722    #[inline]
723    pub fn from_primitive(prim: u8) -> Option<Self> {
724        match prim {
725            1 => Some(Self::PlaybackStatusChanged),
726            2 => Some(Self::TrackChanged),
727            3 => Some(Self::TrackReachedEnd),
728            4 => Some(Self::TrackReachedStart),
729            5 => Some(Self::TrackPosChanged),
730            6 => Some(Self::BattStatusChanged),
731            7 => Some(Self::SystemStatusChanged),
732            8 => Some(Self::PlayerApplicationSettingChanged),
733            9 => Some(Self::NowPlayingContentChanged),
734            10 => Some(Self::AvailablePlayersChanged),
735            11 => Some(Self::AddressedPlayerChanged),
736            12 => Some(Self::UidsChanged),
737            13 => Some(Self::VolumeChanged),
738            _ => None,
739        }
740    }
742    #[inline]
743    pub const fn into_primitive(self) -> u8 {
744        self as u8
745    }
747    #[deprecated = "Strict enums should not use `is_unknown`"]
748    #[inline]
749    pub fn is_unknown(&self) -> bool {
750        false
751    }
754/// Defined by AVRCP 1.6.2 section 6.7.2 (RegisterNotification).
756#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
758pub enum PlaybackStatus {
759    Stopped = 0,
760    Playing = 1,
761    Paused = 2,
762    FwdSeek = 3,
763    RevSeek = 4,
764    Error = 255,
767impl PlaybackStatus {
768    #[inline]
769    pub fn from_primitive(prim: u8) -> Option<Self> {
770        match prim {
771            0 => Some(Self::Stopped),
772            1 => Some(Self::Playing),
773            2 => Some(Self::Paused),
774            3 => Some(Self::FwdSeek),
775            4 => Some(Self::RevSeek),
776            255 => Some(Self::Error),
777            _ => None,
778        }
779    }
781    #[inline]
782    pub const fn into_primitive(self) -> u8 {
783        self as u8
784    }
786    #[deprecated = "Strict enums should not use `is_unknown`"]
787    #[inline]
788    pub fn is_unknown(&self) -> bool {
789        false
790    }
793/// 0x80 - 0xFF is reserved for custom player application settings.
794/// Defined by AVRCP 1.6.2 Appendix F (player application settings).
795#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
797pub enum PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId {
798    Equalizer = 1,
799    RepeatStatusMode = 2,
800    ShuffleMode = 3,
801    ScanMode = 4,
804impl PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId {
805    #[inline]
806    pub fn from_primitive(prim: u8) -> Option<Self> {
807        match prim {
808            1 => Some(Self::Equalizer),
809            2 => Some(Self::RepeatStatusMode),
810            3 => Some(Self::ShuffleMode),
811            4 => Some(Self::ScanMode),
812            _ => None,
813        }
814    }
816    #[inline]
817    pub const fn into_primitive(self) -> u8 {
818        self as u8
819    }
821    #[deprecated = "Strict enums should not use `is_unknown`"]
822    #[inline]
823    pub fn is_unknown(&self) -> bool {
824        false
825    }
828/// Defined by AVRCP 1.6.2 Appendix F (player application settings).
829#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
831pub enum RepeatStatusMode {
832    Off = 1,
833    SingleTrackRepeat = 2,
834    AllTrackRepeat = 3,
835    GroupRepeat = 4,
838impl RepeatStatusMode {
839    #[inline]
840    pub fn from_primitive(prim: u8) -> Option<Self> {
841        match prim {
842            1 => Some(Self::Off),
843            2 => Some(Self::SingleTrackRepeat),
844            3 => Some(Self::AllTrackRepeat),
845            4 => Some(Self::GroupRepeat),
846            _ => None,
847        }
848    }
850    #[inline]
851    pub const fn into_primitive(self) -> u8 {
852        self as u8
853    }
855    #[deprecated = "Strict enums should not use `is_unknown`"]
856    #[inline]
857    pub fn is_unknown(&self) -> bool {
858        false
859    }
862/// Defined by AVRCP 1.6.2 Appendix F (player application settings).
863#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
865pub enum ScanMode {
866    Off = 1,
867    AllTrackScan = 2,
868    GroupScan = 3,
871impl ScanMode {
872    #[inline]
873    pub fn from_primitive(prim: u8) -> Option<Self> {
874        match prim {
875            1 => Some(Self::Off),
876            2 => Some(Self::AllTrackScan),
877            3 => Some(Self::GroupScan),
878            _ => None,
879        }
880    }
882    #[inline]
883    pub const fn into_primitive(self) -> u8 {
884        self as u8
885    }
887    #[deprecated = "Strict enums should not use `is_unknown`"]
888    #[inline]
889    pub fn is_unknown(&self) -> bool {
890        false
891    }
894/// Defined by AVRCP 1.6.2 Appendix F (player application settings).
895#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
897pub enum ShuffleMode {
898    Off = 1,
899    AllTrackShuffle = 2,
900    GroupShuffle = 3,
903impl ShuffleMode {
904    #[inline]
905    pub fn from_primitive(prim: u8) -> Option<Self> {
906        match prim {
907            1 => Some(Self::Off),
908            2 => Some(Self::AllTrackShuffle),
909            3 => Some(Self::GroupShuffle),
910            _ => None,
911        }
912    }
914    #[inline]
915    pub const fn into_primitive(self) -> u8 {
916        self as u8
917    }
919    #[deprecated = "Strict enums should not use `is_unknown`"]
920    #[inline]
921    pub fn is_unknown(&self) -> bool {
922        false
923    }
926/// Defined by AVRCP 1.6.2 section 6.7.2 (RegisterNotification).
928#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
930pub enum SystemStatus {
931    PowerOn = 0,
932    PowerOff = 1,
933    Unplugged = 2,
936impl SystemStatus {
937    #[inline]
938    pub fn from_primitive(prim: u8) -> Option<Self> {
939        match prim {
940            0 => Some(Self::PowerOn),
941            1 => Some(Self::PowerOff),
942            2 => Some(Self::Unplugged),
943            _ => None,
944        }
945    }
947    #[inline]
948    pub const fn into_primitive(self) -> u8 {
949        self as u8
950    }
952    #[deprecated = "Strict enums should not use `is_unknown`"]
953    #[inline]
954    pub fn is_unknown(&self) -> bool {
955        false
956    }
959/// Status codes for AVRCP specific AV/C commands.
960/// Defined in AVRCP 1.6.2 section 6.15.3, Table 6.49.
961/// Style note: named exactly as they are in Table 6.49 with the "REJECTED_" prefix.
962#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
964pub enum TargetAvcError {
965    RejectedInvalidCommand = 0,
966    RejectedInvalidParameter = 1,
967    RejectedParameterContentError = 2,
968    RejectedInternalError = 3,
969    RejectedUidChanged = 5,
970    RejectedInvalidPlayerId = 17,
971    RejectedNoAvailablePlayers = 21,
972    RejectedAddressedPlayerChanged = 22,
975impl TargetAvcError {
976    #[inline]
977    pub fn from_primitive(prim: u32) -> Option<Self> {
978        match prim {
979            0 => Some(Self::RejectedInvalidCommand),
980            1 => Some(Self::RejectedInvalidParameter),
981            2 => Some(Self::RejectedParameterContentError),
982            3 => Some(Self::RejectedInternalError),
983            5 => Some(Self::RejectedUidChanged),
984            17 => Some(Self::RejectedInvalidPlayerId),
985            21 => Some(Self::RejectedNoAvailablePlayers),
986            22 => Some(Self::RejectedAddressedPlayerChanged),
987            _ => None,
988        }
989    }
991    #[inline]
992    pub const fn into_primitive(self) -> u32 {
993        self as u32
994    }
996    #[deprecated = "Strict enums should not use `is_unknown`"]
997    #[inline]
998    pub fn is_unknown(&self) -> bool {
999        false
1000    }
1003/// Status codes for passthrough responses received from the target.
1004#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
1006pub enum TargetPassthroughError {
1007    CommandNotImplemented = 1,
1008    CommandRejected = 2,
1011impl TargetPassthroughError {
1012    #[inline]
1013    pub fn from_primitive(prim: u32) -> Option<Self> {
1014        match prim {
1015            1 => Some(Self::CommandNotImplemented),
1016            2 => Some(Self::CommandRejected),
1017            _ => None,
1018        }
1019    }
1021    #[inline]
1022    pub const fn into_primitive(self) -> u32 {
1023        self as u32
1024    }
1026    #[deprecated = "Strict enums should not use `is_unknown`"]
1027    #[inline]
1028    pub fn is_unknown(&self) -> bool {
1029        false
1030    }
1033#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
1035pub struct AbsoluteVolumeHandlerGetCurrentVolumeResponse {
1036    pub volume: u8,
1039impl fidl::Persistable for AbsoluteVolumeHandlerGetCurrentVolumeResponse {}
1041#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
1043pub struct AbsoluteVolumeHandlerOnVolumeChangedResponse {
1044    pub new_volume: u8,
1047impl fidl::Persistable for AbsoluteVolumeHandlerOnVolumeChangedResponse {}
1049#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
1051pub struct AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSetVolumeRequest {
1052    pub requested_volume: u8,
1055impl fidl::Persistable for AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSetVolumeRequest {}
1057#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
1059pub struct AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSetVolumeResponse {
1060    pub set_volume: u8,
1063impl fidl::Persistable for AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSetVolumeResponse {}
1065/// The `AddressedPlayerId` is a unique identifier, assigned by AVRCP, for a media player.
1066/// This ID is only used for AVRCP purposes, and should not be interpreted as an
1067/// identification created, assigned, or used by MediaSession or any other API surfaces.
1069/// Defined in AVRCP 1.6, Section
1070#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
1072pub struct AddressedPlayerId {
1073    pub id: u16,
1076impl fidl::Persistable for AddressedPlayerId {}
1078#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
1079pub struct BrowseControllerChangePathRequest {
1080    pub path: Path,
1083impl fidl::Persistable for BrowseControllerChangePathRequest {}
1085#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
1086pub struct BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsRequest {
1087    pub start_index: u32,
1088    pub end_index: u32,
1089    pub attribute_option: AttributeRequestOption,
1092impl fidl::Persistable for BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsRequest {}
1094#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
1096pub struct BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsRequest {
1097    pub start_index: u32,
1098    pub end_index: u32,
1101impl fidl::Persistable for BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsRequest {}
1103#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
1104pub struct BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsRequest {
1105    pub start_index: u32,
1106    pub end_index: u32,
1107    pub attribute_option: AttributeRequestOption,
1110impl fidl::Persistable for BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsRequest {}
1112#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
1114pub struct BrowseControllerPlayFileSystemItemRequest {
1115    /// UID of folder or media element.
1116    pub uid: u64,
1119impl fidl::Persistable for BrowseControllerPlayFileSystemItemRequest {}
1121#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
1123pub struct BrowseControllerPlayNowPlayingItemRequest {
1124    pub uid: u64,
1127impl fidl::Persistable for BrowseControllerPlayNowPlayingItemRequest {}
1129#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
1131pub struct BrowseControllerSetBrowsedPlayerRequest {
1132    pub player_id: u16,
1135impl fidl::Persistable for BrowseControllerSetBrowsedPlayerRequest {}
1137#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
1139pub struct BrowseControllerChangePathResponse {
1140    pub num_items: u32,
1143impl fidl::Persistable for BrowseControllerChangePathResponse {}
1145#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
1146pub struct BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsResponse {
1147    pub items: Vec<FileSystemItem>,
1150impl fidl::Persistable for BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsResponse {}
1152#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
1153pub struct BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponse {
1154    pub items: Vec<MediaPlayerItem>,
1157impl fidl::Persistable for BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponse {}
1159#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
1160pub struct BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsResponse {
1161    pub items: Vec<MediaElementItem>,
1164impl fidl::Persistable for BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsResponse {}
1166#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
1167pub struct ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest {
1168    pub attribute_ids: Vec<PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId>,
1171impl fidl::Persistable for ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest {}
1173#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
1174pub struct ControllerInformBatteryStatusRequest {
1175    pub battery_status: BatteryStatus,
1178impl fidl::Persistable for ControllerInformBatteryStatusRequest {}
1180#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
1181pub struct ControllerOnNotificationRequest {
1182    pub timestamp: i64,
1183    pub notification: Notification,
1186impl fidl::Persistable for ControllerOnNotificationRequest {}
1188#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
1189pub struct ControllerSendCommandRequest {
1190    pub command: AvcPanelCommand,
1193impl fidl::Persistable for ControllerSendCommandRequest {}
1195#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
1197pub struct ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeRequest {
1198    pub requested_volume: u8,
1201impl fidl::Persistable for ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeRequest {}
1203#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
1205pub struct ControllerSetAddressedPlayerRequest {
1206    pub player_id: u16,
1209impl fidl::Persistable for ControllerSetAddressedPlayerRequest {}
1211#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
1212pub struct ControllerSetNotificationFilterRequest {
1213    pub notifications: Notifications,
1214    pub position_change_interval: u32,
1217impl fidl::Persistable for ControllerSetNotificationFilterRequest {}
1219#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
1220pub struct ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest {
1221    pub requested_settings: PlayerApplicationSettings,
1224impl fidl::Persistable for ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest {}
1226#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
1227pub struct ControllerGetMediaAttributesResponse {
1228    pub attributes: MediaAttributes,
1231impl fidl::Persistable for ControllerGetMediaAttributesResponse {}
1233#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
1234pub struct ControllerGetPlayStatusResponse {
1235    pub play_status: PlayStatus,
1238impl fidl::Persistable for ControllerGetPlayStatusResponse {}
1240#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
1241pub struct ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse {
1242    pub current_settings: PlayerApplicationSettings,
1245impl fidl::Persistable for ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse {}
1247#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
1249pub struct ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeResponse {
1250    pub set_volume: u8,
1253impl fidl::Persistable for ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeResponse {}
1255#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
1256pub struct ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse {
1257    pub set_settings: PlayerApplicationSettings,
1260impl fidl::Persistable for ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse {}
1262/// The custom attribute value and its description.
1263#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
1264pub struct CustomAttributeValue {
1265    pub description: String,
1266    pub value: u8,
1269impl fidl::Persistable for CustomAttributeValue {}
1271#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
1272pub struct Parent;
1274impl fidl::Persistable for Parent {}
1276#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
1277pub struct PeerManagerGetBrowseControllerForTargetRequest {
1278    pub peer_id: fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth::PeerId,
1279    pub client: fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BrowseControllerMarker>,
1282impl fidl::Standalone<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
1283    for PeerManagerGetBrowseControllerForTargetRequest
1287#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
1288pub struct PeerManagerGetControllerForTargetRequest {
1289    pub peer_id: fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth::PeerId,
1290    pub client: fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<ControllerMarker>,
1293impl fidl::Standalone<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
1294    for PeerManagerGetControllerForTargetRequest
1298#[derive(Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
1299pub struct PeerManagerRegisterTargetHandlerRequest {
1300    pub handler: fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<TargetHandlerMarker>,
1303impl fidl::Standalone<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
1304    for PeerManagerRegisterTargetHandlerRequest
1308#[derive(Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
1309pub struct PeerManagerSetAbsoluteVolumeHandlerRequest {
1310    pub handler: fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerMarker>,
1313impl fidl::Standalone<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
1314    for PeerManagerSetAbsoluteVolumeHandlerRequest
1318#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
1319pub struct TargetHandlerGetNotificationRequest {
1320    pub event_id: NotificationEvent,
1323impl fidl::Persistable for TargetHandlerGetNotificationRequest {}
1325#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
1326pub struct TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest {
1327    pub attribute_ids: Vec<PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId>,
1330impl fidl::Persistable for TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest {}
1332#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
1333pub struct TargetHandlerSendCommandRequest {
1334    pub command: AvcPanelCommand,
1335    pub pressed: bool,
1338impl fidl::Persistable for TargetHandlerSendCommandRequest {}
1340#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
1342pub struct TargetHandlerSetAddressedPlayerRequest {
1343    pub player_id: AddressedPlayerId,
1346impl fidl::Persistable for TargetHandlerSetAddressedPlayerRequest {}
1348#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
1349pub struct TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest {
1350    pub requested_settings: PlayerApplicationSettings,
1353impl fidl::Persistable for TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest {}
1355#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
1356pub struct TargetHandlerWatchNotificationRequest {
1357    pub event_id: NotificationEvent,
1358    pub current: Notification,
1359    pub pos_change_interval: u32,
1362impl fidl::Persistable for TargetHandlerWatchNotificationRequest {}
1364#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
1365pub struct TargetHandlerGetEventsSupportedResponse {
1366    pub notification_ids: Vec<NotificationEvent>,
1369impl fidl::Persistable for TargetHandlerGetEventsSupportedResponse {}
1371#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
1372pub struct TargetHandlerGetMediaAttributesResponse {
1373    pub attributes: MediaAttributes,
1376impl fidl::Persistable for TargetHandlerGetMediaAttributesResponse {}
1378#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
1379pub struct TargetHandlerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponse {
1380    pub items: Vec<MediaPlayerItem>,
1383impl fidl::Persistable for TargetHandlerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponse {}
1385#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
1386pub struct TargetHandlerGetNotificationResponse {
1387    pub current_value: Notification,
1390impl fidl::Persistable for TargetHandlerGetNotificationResponse {}
1392#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
1393pub struct TargetHandlerGetPlayStatusResponse {
1394    pub play_status: PlayStatus,
1397impl fidl::Persistable for TargetHandlerGetPlayStatusResponse {}
1399#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
1400pub struct TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse {
1401    pub current_settings: PlayerApplicationSettings,
1404impl fidl::Persistable for TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse {}
1406#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
1407pub struct TargetHandlerListPlayerApplicationSettingAttributesResponse {
1408    pub attributes: Vec<PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId>,
1411impl fidl::Persistable for TargetHandlerListPlayerApplicationSettingAttributesResponse {}
1413#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
1414pub struct TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse {
1415    pub set_settings: PlayerApplicationSettings,
1418impl fidl::Persistable for TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse {}
1420#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
1421pub struct TargetHandlerWatchNotificationResponse {
1422    pub new_value: Notification,
1425impl fidl::Persistable for TargetHandlerWatchNotificationResponse {}
1427/// Specification allowed player application settings.
1428/// Defined by AVRCP 1.6.2 Appendix F (player application settings).
1429#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
1430pub struct CustomPlayerApplicationSetting {
1431    /// The attribute id for the custom setting. Must be between 0x80-0xFF, as
1432    /// defined in AVRCP 1.6.2 Appendix F.
1433    pub attribute_id: Option<u8>,
1434    /// The string descriptor of the custom attribute.
1435    pub attribute_name: Option<String>,
1436    /// The possible values the custom attribute can take.
1437    pub possible_values: Option<Vec<CustomAttributeValue>>,
1438    /// The current value that the custom setting is set to.
1439    pub current_value: Option<u8>,
1440    #[doc(hidden)]
1441    pub __source_breaking: fidl::marker::SourceBreaking,
1444impl fidl::Persistable for CustomPlayerApplicationSetting {}
1446/// Response data for a browseable folder item.
1447/// Defined by AVRCP 1.6.2 section
1448#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
1449pub struct FolderItem {
1450    pub folder_uid: Option<u64>,
1451    pub folder_type: Option<FolderType>,
1452    pub is_playable: Option<bool>,
1453    pub displayable_name: Option<String>,
1454    #[doc(hidden)]
1455    pub __source_breaking: fidl::marker::SourceBreaking,
1458impl fidl::Persistable for FolderItem {}
1460/// Defined by AVRCP 1.6.2 Appendix E (media attributes).
1461#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
1462pub struct MediaAttributes {
1463    /// The title, song name, or content description.
1464    pub title: Option<String>,
1465    /// The artist, performer, or group.
1466    pub artist_name: Option<String>,
1467    /// The title of the source of media.
1468    pub album_name: Option<String>,
1469    /// The order number of the media on its original recording.
1470    pub track_number: Option<String>,
1471    /// The total number of tracks in the media.
1472    pub total_number_of_tracks: Option<String>,
1473    /// The category of composition of the media,
1474    pub genre: Option<String>,
1475    /// The length of the media in milliseconds (ms).
1476    pub playing_time: Option<String>,
1477    #[doc(hidden)]
1478    pub __source_breaking: fidl::marker::SourceBreaking,
1481impl fidl::Persistable for MediaAttributes {}
1483/// Response data for a browseable media element item.
1484/// Defined by AVRCP 1.6.2 section
1485#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
1486pub struct MediaElementItem {
1487    pub media_element_uid: Option<u64>,
1488    pub media_type: Option<MediaType>,
1489    pub displayable_name: Option<String>,
1490    pub attributes: Option<MediaAttributes>,
1491    #[doc(hidden)]
1492    pub __source_breaking: fidl::marker::SourceBreaking,
1495impl fidl::Persistable for MediaElementItem {}
1497/// Response data for the browseable items associated with a media player.
1498/// Defined by AVRCP 1.6.2 section
1499#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
1500pub struct MediaPlayerItem {
1501    pub player_id: Option<u16>,
1502    pub major_type: Option<MajorPlayerType>,
1503    pub sub_type: Option<PlayerSubType>,
1504    pub playback_status: Option<PlaybackStatus>,
1505    pub displayable_name: Option<String>,
1506    pub feature_bits: Option<PlayerFeatureBits>,
1507    pub feature_bits_ext: Option<PlayerFeatureBitsExt>,
1508    #[doc(hidden)]
1509    pub __source_breaking: fidl::marker::SourceBreaking,
1512impl fidl::Persistable for MediaPlayerItem {}
1514/// Event data from incoming target notifications.
1515/// Defined by AVRCP 1.6.2 Sec 6.7.2.
1516#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
1517pub struct Notification {
1518    /// `EVENT_PLAYBACK_STATUS_CHANGED` event data
1519    pub status: Option<PlaybackStatus>,
1520    /// `EVENT_TRACK_CHANGED` event data
1521    pub track_id: Option<u64>,
1522    /// `EVENT_TRACK_POS_CHANGED` event data
1523    pub pos: Option<u32>,
1524    /// `EVENT_BATT_STATUS_CHANGED` event data
1525    pub battery_status: Option<BatteryStatus>,
1526    /// `EVENT_SYSTEM_STATUS_CHANGED` event data
1527    pub system_status: Option<SystemStatus>,
1529    pub application_settings: Option<PlayerApplicationSettings>,
1530    /// `EVENT_ADDRESSED_PLAYER_CHANGED` event data
1531    pub player_id: Option<u16>,
1532    /// `EVENT_VOLUME_CHANGED` event data
1533    pub volume: Option<u8>,
1534    /// `CONNECTION_CHANGE` event data
1535    pub device_connected: Option<bool>,
1536    /// `AVAILABLE_PLAYERS_CHANGED` event data
1537    pub available_players_changed: Option<bool>,
1538    /// `ADDRESSED_PLAYER_CHANGED` event data
1539    pub addressed_player: Option<u16>,
1540    #[doc(hidden)]
1541    pub __source_breaking: fidl::marker::SourceBreaking,
1544impl fidl::Persistable for Notification {}
1546/// Status of currently playing media on the TG.
1547/// Defined by AVRCP 1.6.2 section 6.7.1, Table 6.29.
1548#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
1549pub struct PlayStatus {
1550    /// The total length of the currently playing media, in milliseconds.
1551    /// Optional, if the TG does not support song length.
1552    pub song_length: Option<u32>,
1553    /// The current position of the playing media, in milliseconds elapsed.
1554    /// Optional, if the TG does not support song position.
1555    pub song_position: Option<u32>,
1556    /// The playback status of the currently playing media.
1557    /// Mandatory, the TG must respond with a PlaybackStatus.
1558    pub playback_status: Option<PlaybackStatus>,
1559    #[doc(hidden)]
1560    pub __source_breaking: fidl::marker::SourceBreaking,
1563impl fidl::Persistable for PlayStatus {}
1565/// Defined by AVRCP 1.6.2 Appendix F (player application settings).
1566#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
1567pub struct PlayerApplicationSettings {
1568    /// The equalizer status of the remote target.
1569    pub equalizer: Option<Equalizer>,
1570    /// The repeat mode status of the remote target.
1571    pub repeat_status_mode: Option<RepeatStatusMode>,
1572    /// The shuffle mode status of the remote target.
1573    pub shuffle_mode: Option<ShuffleMode>,
1574    /// The scan mode status of the remote target.
1575    pub scan_mode: Option<ScanMode>,
1576    /// Custom settings that are specification allowed.
1577    pub custom_settings: Option<Vec<CustomPlayerApplicationSetting>>,
1578    #[doc(hidden)]
1579    pub __source_breaking: fidl::marker::SourceBreaking,
1582impl fidl::Persistable for PlayerApplicationSettings {}
1584/// Set `get_all` if we want all attributes of a media element item.
1585/// Set `attribute_list` if we want to get only the specified attributes.
1586/// If `get_all` is set to false, it will be treated as attribute request
1587/// with emtpy list of attribute IDs.
1588#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
1589pub enum AttributeRequestOption {
1590    GetAll(bool),
1591    AttributeList(Vec<MediaAttributeId>),
1594impl AttributeRequestOption {
1595    #[inline]
1596    pub fn ordinal(&self) -> u64 {
1597        match *self {
1598            Self::GetAll(_) => 1,
1599            Self::AttributeList(_) => 2,
1600        }
1601    }
1603    #[deprecated = "Strict unions should not use `is_unknown`"]
1604    #[inline]
1605    pub fn is_unknown(&self) -> bool {
1606        false
1607    }
1610impl fidl::Persistable for AttributeRequestOption {}
1612/// Items returned from GetFolderItems(Filesystem) may be either a folder or media element.
1613/// Defined by AVRCP 1.6.2 section
1614/// Only one of `folder` or `media_element` should be set.
1615#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
1616pub enum FileSystemItem {
1617    Folder(FolderItem),
1618    MediaElement(MediaElementItem),
1621impl FileSystemItem {
1622    #[inline]
1623    pub fn ordinal(&self) -> u64 {
1624        match *self {
1625            Self::Folder(_) => 1,
1626            Self::MediaElement(_) => 2,
1627        }
1628    }
1630    #[deprecated = "Strict unions should not use `is_unknown`"]
1631    #[inline]
1632    pub fn is_unknown(&self) -> bool {
1633        false
1634    }
1637impl fidl::Persistable for FileSystemItem {}
1639/// Relative path from the current directory.
1640/// As per AVRCP 1.6.2 Section, it either specifies a parent folder
1641/// for Folder Up direction or a child folder by its unique ID for Folder
1642/// Down direction.
1643#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
1644pub enum Path {
1645    Parent(Parent),
1646    ChildFolderUid(u64),
1647    #[doc(hidden)]
1648    __SourceBreaking {
1649        unknown_ordinal: u64,
1650    },
1653/// Pattern that matches an unknown `Path` member.
1655macro_rules! PathUnknown {
1656    () => {
1657        _
1658    };
1661// Custom PartialEq so that unknown variants are not equal to themselves.
1662impl PartialEq for Path {
1663    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
1664        match (self, other) {
1665            (Self::Parent(x), Self::Parent(y)) => *x == *y,
1666            (Self::ChildFolderUid(x), Self::ChildFolderUid(y)) => *x == *y,
1667            _ => false,
1668        }
1669    }
1672impl Path {
1673    #[inline]
1674    pub fn ordinal(&self) -> u64 {
1675        match *self {
1676            Self::Parent(_) => 1,
1677            Self::ChildFolderUid(_) => 2,
1678            Self::__SourceBreaking { unknown_ordinal } => unknown_ordinal,
1679        }
1680    }
1682    #[inline]
1683    pub fn unknown_variant_for_testing() -> Self {
1684        Self::__SourceBreaking { unknown_ordinal: 0 }
1685    }
1687    #[inline]
1688    pub fn is_unknown(&self) -> bool {
1689        match self {
1690            Self::__SourceBreaking { .. } => true,
1691            _ => false,
1692        }
1693    }
1696impl fidl::Persistable for Path {}
1698#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
1699pub struct AbsoluteVolumeHandlerMarker;
1701impl fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker for AbsoluteVolumeHandlerMarker {
1702    type Proxy = AbsoluteVolumeHandlerProxy;
1703    type RequestStream = AbsoluteVolumeHandlerRequestStream;
1704    #[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
1705    type SynchronousProxy = AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSynchronousProxy;
1707    const DEBUG_NAME: &'static str = "(anonymous) AbsoluteVolumeHandler";
1710pub trait AbsoluteVolumeHandlerProxyInterface: Send + Sync {
1711    type SetVolumeResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<u8, fidl::Error>> + Send;
1712    fn r#set_volume(&self, requested_volume: u8) -> Self::SetVolumeResponseFut;
1713    type OnVolumeChangedResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<u8, fidl::Error>> + Send;
1714    fn r#on_volume_changed(&self) -> Self::OnVolumeChangedResponseFut;
1715    type GetCurrentVolumeResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<u8, fidl::Error>> + Send;
1716    fn r#get_current_volume(&self) -> Self::GetCurrentVolumeResponseFut;
1719#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
1720pub struct AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSynchronousProxy {
1721    client: fidl::client::sync::Client,
1724#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
1725impl fidl::endpoints::SynchronousProxy for AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSynchronousProxy {
1726    type Proxy = AbsoluteVolumeHandlerProxy;
1727    type Protocol = AbsoluteVolumeHandlerMarker;
1729    fn from_channel(inner: fidl::Channel) -> Self {
1730        Self::new(inner)
1731    }
1733    fn into_channel(self) -> fidl::Channel {
1734        self.client.into_channel()
1735    }
1737    fn as_channel(&self) -> &fidl::Channel {
1738        self.client.as_channel()
1739    }
1742#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
1743impl AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSynchronousProxy {
1744    pub fn new(channel: fidl::Channel) -> Self {
1745        let protocol_name =
1746            <AbsoluteVolumeHandlerMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME;
1747        Self { client: fidl::client::sync::Client::new(channel, protocol_name) }
1748    }
1750    pub fn into_channel(self) -> fidl::Channel {
1751        self.client.into_channel()
1752    }
1754    /// Waits until an event arrives and returns it. It is safe for other
1755    /// threads to make concurrent requests while waiting for an event.
1756    pub fn wait_for_event(
1757        &self,
1758        deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
1759    ) -> Result<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerEvent, fidl::Error> {
1760        AbsoluteVolumeHandlerEvent::decode(self.client.wait_for_event(deadline)?)
1761    }
1763    /// Requests that the absolute volume of the player be changed.
1764    /// `requested_volume` is the requested volume by the peer.
1765    /// Returns the actual volume set locally by the handler.
1766    pub fn r#set_volume(
1767        &self,
1768        mut requested_volume: u8,
1769        ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
1770    ) -> Result<u8, fidl::Error> {
1771        let _response = self.client.send_query::<
1772            AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSetVolumeRequest,
1773            AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSetVolumeResponse,
1774        >(
1775            (requested_volume,),
1776            0x2796843ecbdecc65,
1777            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
1778            ___deadline,
1779        )?;
1780        Ok(_response.set_volume)
1781    }
1783    /// Returns latest volume of the handler to the AVRCP service. This function should return
1784    /// immediately on the first call and if the volume has changed since the last call to this
1785    /// function, otherwise it should only return when the volume has been changed.
1786    /// Multiple outstanding `OnVolumeChanged` requests can be made - all outstanding calls will
1787    /// return when the volume has been changed.
1788    pub fn r#on_volume_changed(
1789        &self,
1790        ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
1791    ) -> Result<u8, fidl::Error> {
1792        let _response = self.client.send_query::<
1793            fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
1794            AbsoluteVolumeHandlerOnVolumeChangedResponse,
1795        >(
1796            (),
1797            0x1a1f9cffd4f2a74,
1798            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
1799            ___deadline,
1800        )?;
1801        Ok(_response.new_volume)
1802    }
1804    /// Returns the current volume immediately.
1805    pub fn r#get_current_volume(
1806        &self,
1807        ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
1808    ) -> Result<u8, fidl::Error> {
1809        let _response = self.client.send_query::<
1810            fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
1811            AbsoluteVolumeHandlerGetCurrentVolumeResponse,
1812        >(
1813            (),
1814            0x6ae76e0c77ac35ff,
1815            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
1816            ___deadline,
1817        )?;
1818        Ok(_response.volume)
1819    }
1822#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
1823pub struct AbsoluteVolumeHandlerProxy {
1824    client: fidl::client::Client<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>,
1827impl fidl::endpoints::Proxy for AbsoluteVolumeHandlerProxy {
1828    type Protocol = AbsoluteVolumeHandlerMarker;
1830    fn from_channel(inner: ::fidl::AsyncChannel) -> Self {
1831        Self::new(inner)
1832    }
1834    fn into_channel(self) -> Result<::fidl::AsyncChannel, Self> {
1835        self.client.into_channel().map_err(|client| Self { client })
1836    }
1838    fn as_channel(&self) -> &::fidl::AsyncChannel {
1839        self.client.as_channel()
1840    }
1843impl AbsoluteVolumeHandlerProxy {
1844    /// Create a new Proxy for fuchsia.bluetooth.avrcp/AbsoluteVolumeHandler.
1845    pub fn new(channel: ::fidl::AsyncChannel) -> Self {
1846        let protocol_name =
1847            <AbsoluteVolumeHandlerMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME;
1848        Self { client: fidl::client::Client::new(channel, protocol_name) }
1849    }
1851    /// Get a Stream of events from the remote end of the protocol.
1852    ///
1853    /// # Panics
1854    ///
1855    /// Panics if the event stream was already taken.
1856    pub fn take_event_stream(&self) -> AbsoluteVolumeHandlerEventStream {
1857        AbsoluteVolumeHandlerEventStream { event_receiver: self.client.take_event_receiver() }
1858    }
1860    /// Requests that the absolute volume of the player be changed.
1861    /// `requested_volume` is the requested volume by the peer.
1862    /// Returns the actual volume set locally by the handler.
1863    pub fn r#set_volume(
1864        &self,
1865        mut requested_volume: u8,
1866    ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<u8, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect> {
1867        AbsoluteVolumeHandlerProxyInterface::r#set_volume(self, requested_volume)
1868    }
1870    /// Returns latest volume of the handler to the AVRCP service. This function should return
1871    /// immediately on the first call and if the volume has changed since the last call to this
1872    /// function, otherwise it should only return when the volume has been changed.
1873    /// Multiple outstanding `OnVolumeChanged` requests can be made - all outstanding calls will
1874    /// return when the volume has been changed.
1875    pub fn r#on_volume_changed(
1876        &self,
1877    ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<u8, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect> {
1878        AbsoluteVolumeHandlerProxyInterface::r#on_volume_changed(self)
1879    }
1881    /// Returns the current volume immediately.
1882    pub fn r#get_current_volume(
1883        &self,
1884    ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<u8, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect> {
1885        AbsoluteVolumeHandlerProxyInterface::r#get_current_volume(self)
1886    }
1889impl AbsoluteVolumeHandlerProxyInterface for AbsoluteVolumeHandlerProxy {
1890    type SetVolumeResponseFut =
1891        fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<u8, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>;
1892    fn r#set_volume(&self, mut requested_volume: u8) -> Self::SetVolumeResponseFut {
1893        fn _decode(
1894            mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
1895        ) -> Result<u8, fidl::Error> {
1896            let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
1897                AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSetVolumeResponse,
1898                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
1899                0x2796843ecbdecc65,
1900            >(_buf?)?;
1901            Ok(_response.set_volume)
1902        }
1903        self.client.send_query_and_decode::<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSetVolumeRequest, u8>(
1904            (requested_volume,),
1905            0x2796843ecbdecc65,
1906            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
1907            _decode,
1908        )
1909    }
1911    type OnVolumeChangedResponseFut =
1912        fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<u8, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>;
1913    fn r#on_volume_changed(&self) -> Self::OnVolumeChangedResponseFut {
1914        fn _decode(
1915            mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
1916        ) -> Result<u8, fidl::Error> {
1917            let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
1918                AbsoluteVolumeHandlerOnVolumeChangedResponse,
1919                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
1920                0x1a1f9cffd4f2a74,
1921            >(_buf?)?;
1922            Ok(_response.new_volume)
1923        }
1924        self.client.send_query_and_decode::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload, u8>(
1925            (),
1926            0x1a1f9cffd4f2a74,
1927            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
1928            _decode,
1929        )
1930    }
1932    type GetCurrentVolumeResponseFut =
1933        fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<u8, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>;
1934    fn r#get_current_volume(&self) -> Self::GetCurrentVolumeResponseFut {
1935        fn _decode(
1936            mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
1937        ) -> Result<u8, fidl::Error> {
1938            let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
1939                AbsoluteVolumeHandlerGetCurrentVolumeResponse,
1940                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
1941                0x6ae76e0c77ac35ff,
1942            >(_buf?)?;
1943            Ok(_response.volume)
1944        }
1945        self.client.send_query_and_decode::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload, u8>(
1946            (),
1947            0x6ae76e0c77ac35ff,
1948            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
1949            _decode,
1950        )
1951    }
1954pub struct AbsoluteVolumeHandlerEventStream {
1955    event_receiver: fidl::client::EventReceiver<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>,
1958impl std::marker::Unpin for AbsoluteVolumeHandlerEventStream {}
1960impl futures::stream::FusedStream for AbsoluteVolumeHandlerEventStream {
1961    fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool {
1962        self.event_receiver.is_terminated()
1963    }
1966impl futures::Stream for AbsoluteVolumeHandlerEventStream {
1967    type Item = Result<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerEvent, fidl::Error>;
1969    fn poll_next(
1970        mut self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
1971        cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
1972    ) -> std::task::Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
1973        match futures::ready!(futures::stream::StreamExt::poll_next_unpin(
1974            &mut self.event_receiver,
1975            cx
1976        )?) {
1977            Some(buf) => std::task::Poll::Ready(Some(AbsoluteVolumeHandlerEvent::decode(buf))),
1978            None => std::task::Poll::Ready(None),
1979        }
1980    }
1984pub enum AbsoluteVolumeHandlerEvent {}
1986impl AbsoluteVolumeHandlerEvent {
1987    /// Decodes a message buffer as a [`AbsoluteVolumeHandlerEvent`].
1988    fn decode(
1989        mut buf: <fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc,
1990    ) -> Result<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerEvent, fidl::Error> {
1991        let (bytes, _handles) = buf.split_mut();
1992        let (tx_header, _body_bytes) = fidl::encoding::decode_transaction_header(bytes)?;
1993        debug_assert_eq!(tx_header.tx_id, 0);
1994        match tx_header.ordinal {
1995            _ => Err(fidl::Error::UnknownOrdinal {
1996                ordinal: tx_header.ordinal,
1997                protocol_name:
1998                    <AbsoluteVolumeHandlerMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME,
1999            }),
2000        }
2001    }
2004/// A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.bluetooth.avrcp/AbsoluteVolumeHandler.
2005pub struct AbsoluteVolumeHandlerRequestStream {
2006    inner: std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>,
2007    is_terminated: bool,
2010impl std::marker::Unpin for AbsoluteVolumeHandlerRequestStream {}
2012impl futures::stream::FusedStream for AbsoluteVolumeHandlerRequestStream {
2013    fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool {
2014        self.is_terminated
2015    }
2018impl fidl::endpoints::RequestStream for AbsoluteVolumeHandlerRequestStream {
2019    type Protocol = AbsoluteVolumeHandlerMarker;
2020    type ControlHandle = AbsoluteVolumeHandlerControlHandle;
2022    fn from_channel(channel: ::fidl::AsyncChannel) -> Self {
2023        Self { inner: std::sync::Arc::new(fidl::ServeInner::new(channel)), is_terminated: false }
2024    }
2026    fn control_handle(&self) -> Self::ControlHandle {
2027        AbsoluteVolumeHandlerControlHandle { inner: self.inner.clone() }
2028    }
2030    fn into_inner(
2031        self,
2032    ) -> (::std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>, bool)
2033    {
2034        (self.inner, self.is_terminated)
2035    }
2037    fn from_inner(
2038        inner: std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>,
2039        is_terminated: bool,
2040    ) -> Self {
2041        Self { inner, is_terminated }
2042    }
2045impl futures::Stream for AbsoluteVolumeHandlerRequestStream {
2046    type Item = Result<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerRequest, fidl::Error>;
2048    fn poll_next(
2049        mut self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
2050        cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
2051    ) -> std::task::Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
2052        let this = &mut *self;
2053        if this.inner.check_shutdown(cx) {
2054            this.is_terminated = true;
2055            return std::task::Poll::Ready(None);
2056        }
2057        if this.is_terminated {
2058            panic!("polled AbsoluteVolumeHandlerRequestStream after completion");
2059        }
2060        fidl::encoding::with_tls_decode_buf::<_, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>(
2061            |bytes, handles| {
2062                match, bytes, handles) {
2063                    std::task::Poll::Ready(Ok(())) => {}
2064                    std::task::Poll::Pending => return std::task::Poll::Pending,
2065                    std::task::Poll::Ready(Err(zx_status::Status::PEER_CLOSED)) => {
2066                        this.is_terminated = true;
2067                        return std::task::Poll::Ready(None);
2068                    }
2069                    std::task::Poll::Ready(Err(e)) => {
2070                        return std::task::Poll::Ready(Some(Err(fidl::Error::ServerRequestRead(
2071                            e.into(),
2072                        ))))
2073                    }
2074                }
2076                // A message has been received from the channel
2077                let (header, _body_bytes) = fidl::encoding::decode_transaction_header(bytes)?;
2079                std::task::Poll::Ready(Some(match header.ordinal {
2080                0x2796843ecbdecc65 => {
2081                    header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
2082                    let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSetVolumeRequest, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect);
2083                    fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSetVolumeRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
2084                    let control_handle = AbsoluteVolumeHandlerControlHandle {
2085                        inner: this.inner.clone(),
2086                    };
2087                    Ok(AbsoluteVolumeHandlerRequest::SetVolume {requested_volume: req.requested_volume,
2089                        responder: AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSetVolumeResponder {
2090                            control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
2091                            tx_id: header.tx_id,
2092                        },
2093                    })
2094                }
2095                0x1a1f9cffd4f2a74 => {
2096                    header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
2097                    let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect);
2098                    fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
2099                    let control_handle = AbsoluteVolumeHandlerControlHandle {
2100                        inner: this.inner.clone(),
2101                    };
2102                    Ok(AbsoluteVolumeHandlerRequest::OnVolumeChanged {
2103                        responder: AbsoluteVolumeHandlerOnVolumeChangedResponder {
2104                            control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
2105                            tx_id: header.tx_id,
2106                        },
2107                    })
2108                }
2109                0x6ae76e0c77ac35ff => {
2110                    header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
2111                    let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect);
2112                    fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
2113                    let control_handle = AbsoluteVolumeHandlerControlHandle {
2114                        inner: this.inner.clone(),
2115                    };
2116                    Ok(AbsoluteVolumeHandlerRequest::GetCurrentVolume {
2117                        responder: AbsoluteVolumeHandlerGetCurrentVolumeResponder {
2118                            control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
2119                            tx_id: header.tx_id,
2120                        },
2121                    })
2122                }
2123                _ => Err(fidl::Error::UnknownOrdinal {
2124                    ordinal: header.ordinal,
2125                    protocol_name: <AbsoluteVolumeHandlerMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME,
2126                }),
2127            }))
2128            },
2129        )
2130    }
2133/// Handler for absolute volume requests from a remote peer. See AVRCP v 1.6.2 section 6.13.2.
2134/// Absolute volume is represented as a percentage using one byte with the most significant bit
2135/// reserved. 0% is represented as 0x0 and 100% as 0x7f. Volume should scaled between the
2136/// two values.
2138pub enum AbsoluteVolumeHandlerRequest {
2139    /// Requests that the absolute volume of the player be changed.
2140    /// `requested_volume` is the requested volume by the peer.
2141    /// Returns the actual volume set locally by the handler.
2142    SetVolume { requested_volume: u8, responder: AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSetVolumeResponder },
2143    /// Returns latest volume of the handler to the AVRCP service. This function should return
2144    /// immediately on the first call and if the volume has changed since the last call to this
2145    /// function, otherwise it should only return when the volume has been changed.
2146    /// Multiple outstanding `OnVolumeChanged` requests can be made - all outstanding calls will
2147    /// return when the volume has been changed.
2148    OnVolumeChanged { responder: AbsoluteVolumeHandlerOnVolumeChangedResponder },
2149    /// Returns the current volume immediately.
2150    GetCurrentVolume { responder: AbsoluteVolumeHandlerGetCurrentVolumeResponder },
2153impl AbsoluteVolumeHandlerRequest {
2154    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
2155    pub fn into_set_volume(self) -> Option<(u8, AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSetVolumeResponder)> {
2156        if let AbsoluteVolumeHandlerRequest::SetVolume { requested_volume, responder } = self {
2157            Some((requested_volume, responder))
2158        } else {
2159            None
2160        }
2161    }
2163    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
2164    pub fn into_on_volume_changed(self) -> Option<(AbsoluteVolumeHandlerOnVolumeChangedResponder)> {
2165        if let AbsoluteVolumeHandlerRequest::OnVolumeChanged { responder } = self {
2166            Some((responder))
2167        } else {
2168            None
2169        }
2170    }
2172    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
2173    pub fn into_get_current_volume(
2174        self,
2175    ) -> Option<(AbsoluteVolumeHandlerGetCurrentVolumeResponder)> {
2176        if let AbsoluteVolumeHandlerRequest::GetCurrentVolume { responder } = self {
2177            Some((responder))
2178        } else {
2179            None
2180        }
2181    }
2183    /// Name of the method defined in FIDL
2184    pub fn method_name(&self) -> &'static str {
2185        match *self {
2186            AbsoluteVolumeHandlerRequest::SetVolume { .. } => "set_volume",
2187            AbsoluteVolumeHandlerRequest::OnVolumeChanged { .. } => "on_volume_changed",
2188            AbsoluteVolumeHandlerRequest::GetCurrentVolume { .. } => "get_current_volume",
2189        }
2190    }
2193#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
2194pub struct AbsoluteVolumeHandlerControlHandle {
2195    inner: std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>,
2198impl fidl::endpoints::ControlHandle for AbsoluteVolumeHandlerControlHandle {
2199    fn shutdown(&self) {
2200        self.inner.shutdown()
2201    }
2202    fn shutdown_with_epitaph(&self, status: zx_status::Status) {
2203        self.inner.shutdown_with_epitaph(status)
2204    }
2206    fn is_closed(&self) -> bool {
2208    }
2209    fn on_closed(&self) -> fidl::OnSignalsRef<'_> {
2211    }
2213    #[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
2214    fn signal_peer(
2215        &self,
2216        clear_mask: zx::Signals,
2217        set_mask: zx::Signals,
2218    ) -> Result<(), zx_status::Status> {
2219        use fidl::Peered;
2220, set_mask)
2221    }
2224impl AbsoluteVolumeHandlerControlHandle {}
2226#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
2228pub struct AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSetVolumeResponder {
2229    control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerControlHandle>,
2230    tx_id: u32,
2233/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`AbsoluteVolumeHandlerControlHandle::shutdown`])
2234/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
2235/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
2236impl std::ops::Drop for AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSetVolumeResponder {
2237    fn drop(&mut self) {
2238        self.control_handle.shutdown();
2239        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
2240        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
2241    }
2244impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSetVolumeResponder {
2245    type ControlHandle = AbsoluteVolumeHandlerControlHandle;
2247    fn control_handle(&self) -> &AbsoluteVolumeHandlerControlHandle {
2248        &self.control_handle
2249    }
2251    fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
2252        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
2253        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
2254        // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
2255        std::mem::forget(self);
2256    }
2259impl AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSetVolumeResponder {
2260    /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
2261    ///
2262    /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
2263    pub fn send(self, mut set_volume: u8) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
2264        let _result = self.send_raw(set_volume);
2265        if _result.is_err() {
2266            self.control_handle.shutdown();
2267        }
2268        self.drop_without_shutdown();
2269        _result
2270    }
2272    /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
2273    pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(self, mut set_volume: u8) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
2274        let _result = self.send_raw(set_volume);
2275        self.drop_without_shutdown();
2276        _result
2277    }
2279    fn send_raw(&self, mut set_volume: u8) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
2280        self.control_handle.inner.send::<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSetVolumeResponse>(
2281            (set_volume,),
2282            self.tx_id,
2283            0x2796843ecbdecc65,
2284            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
2285        )
2286    }
2289#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
2291pub struct AbsoluteVolumeHandlerOnVolumeChangedResponder {
2292    control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerControlHandle>,
2293    tx_id: u32,
2296/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`AbsoluteVolumeHandlerControlHandle::shutdown`])
2297/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
2298/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
2299impl std::ops::Drop for AbsoluteVolumeHandlerOnVolumeChangedResponder {
2300    fn drop(&mut self) {
2301        self.control_handle.shutdown();
2302        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
2303        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
2304    }
2307impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for AbsoluteVolumeHandlerOnVolumeChangedResponder {
2308    type ControlHandle = AbsoluteVolumeHandlerControlHandle;
2310    fn control_handle(&self) -> &AbsoluteVolumeHandlerControlHandle {
2311        &self.control_handle
2312    }
2314    fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
2315        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
2316        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
2317        // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
2318        std::mem::forget(self);
2319    }
2322impl AbsoluteVolumeHandlerOnVolumeChangedResponder {
2323    /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
2324    ///
2325    /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
2326    pub fn send(self, mut new_volume: u8) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
2327        let _result = self.send_raw(new_volume);
2328        if _result.is_err() {
2329            self.control_handle.shutdown();
2330        }
2331        self.drop_without_shutdown();
2332        _result
2333    }
2335    /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
2336    pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(self, mut new_volume: u8) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
2337        let _result = self.send_raw(new_volume);
2338        self.drop_without_shutdown();
2339        _result
2340    }
2342    fn send_raw(&self, mut new_volume: u8) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
2343        self.control_handle.inner.send::<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerOnVolumeChangedResponse>(
2344            (new_volume,),
2345            self.tx_id,
2346            0x1a1f9cffd4f2a74,
2347            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
2348        )
2349    }
2352#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
2354pub struct AbsoluteVolumeHandlerGetCurrentVolumeResponder {
2355    control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerControlHandle>,
2356    tx_id: u32,
2359/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`AbsoluteVolumeHandlerControlHandle::shutdown`])
2360/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
2361/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
2362impl std::ops::Drop for AbsoluteVolumeHandlerGetCurrentVolumeResponder {
2363    fn drop(&mut self) {
2364        self.control_handle.shutdown();
2365        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
2366        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
2367    }
2370impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for AbsoluteVolumeHandlerGetCurrentVolumeResponder {
2371    type ControlHandle = AbsoluteVolumeHandlerControlHandle;
2373    fn control_handle(&self) -> &AbsoluteVolumeHandlerControlHandle {
2374        &self.control_handle
2375    }
2377    fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
2378        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
2379        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
2380        // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
2381        std::mem::forget(self);
2382    }
2385impl AbsoluteVolumeHandlerGetCurrentVolumeResponder {
2386    /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
2387    ///
2388    /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
2389    pub fn send(self, mut volume: u8) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
2390        let _result = self.send_raw(volume);
2391        if _result.is_err() {
2392            self.control_handle.shutdown();
2393        }
2394        self.drop_without_shutdown();
2395        _result
2396    }
2398    /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
2399    pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(self, mut volume: u8) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
2400        let _result = self.send_raw(volume);
2401        self.drop_without_shutdown();
2402        _result
2403    }
2405    fn send_raw(&self, mut volume: u8) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
2406        self.control_handle.inner.send::<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerGetCurrentVolumeResponse>(
2407            (volume,),
2408            self.tx_id,
2409            0x6ae76e0c77ac35ff,
2410            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
2411        )
2412    }
2415#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
2416pub struct BrowseControllerMarker;
2418impl fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker for BrowseControllerMarker {
2419    type Proxy = BrowseControllerProxy;
2420    type RequestStream = BrowseControllerRequestStream;
2421    #[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
2422    type SynchronousProxy = BrowseControllerSynchronousProxy;
2424    const DEBUG_NAME: &'static str = "(anonymous) BrowseController";
2426pub type BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsResult =
2427    Result<Vec<MediaPlayerItem>, BrowseControllerError>;
2428pub type BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsResult =
2429    Result<Vec<MediaElementItem>, BrowseControllerError>;
2430pub type BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsResult =
2431    Result<Vec<FileSystemItem>, BrowseControllerError>;
2432pub type BrowseControllerChangePathResult = Result<u32, BrowseControllerError>;
2433pub type BrowseControllerPlayFileSystemItemResult = Result<(), BrowseControllerError>;
2434pub type BrowseControllerPlayNowPlayingItemResult = Result<(), BrowseControllerError>;
2435pub type BrowseControllerSetBrowsedPlayerResult = Result<(), BrowseControllerError>;
2437pub trait BrowseControllerProxyInterface: Send + Sync {
2438    type GetMediaPlayerItemsResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsResult, fidl::Error>>
2439        + Send;
2440    fn r#get_media_player_items(
2441        &self,
2442        start_index: u32,
2443        end_index: u32,
2444    ) -> Self::GetMediaPlayerItemsResponseFut;
2445    type GetNowPlayingItemsResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsResult, fidl::Error>>
2446        + Send;
2447    fn r#get_now_playing_items(
2448        &self,
2449        start_index: u32,
2450        end_index: u32,
2451        attribute_option: &AttributeRequestOption,
2452    ) -> Self::GetNowPlayingItemsResponseFut;
2453    type GetFileSystemItemsResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsResult, fidl::Error>>
2454        + Send;
2455    fn r#get_file_system_items(
2456        &self,
2457        start_index: u32,
2458        end_index: u32,
2459        attribute_option: &AttributeRequestOption,
2460    ) -> Self::GetFileSystemItemsResponseFut;
2461    type ChangePathResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<BrowseControllerChangePathResult, fidl::Error>>
2462        + Send;
2463    fn r#change_path(&self, path: &Path) -> Self::ChangePathResponseFut;
2464    type PlayFileSystemItemResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<BrowseControllerPlayFileSystemItemResult, fidl::Error>>
2465        + Send;
2466    fn r#play_file_system_item(&self, uid: u64) -> Self::PlayFileSystemItemResponseFut;
2467    type PlayNowPlayingItemResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<BrowseControllerPlayNowPlayingItemResult, fidl::Error>>
2468        + Send;
2469    fn r#play_now_playing_item(&self, uid: u64) -> Self::PlayNowPlayingItemResponseFut;
2470    type SetBrowsedPlayerResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<BrowseControllerSetBrowsedPlayerResult, fidl::Error>>
2471        + Send;
2472    fn r#set_browsed_player(&self, player_id: u16) -> Self::SetBrowsedPlayerResponseFut;
2475#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
2476pub struct BrowseControllerSynchronousProxy {
2477    client: fidl::client::sync::Client,
2480#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
2481impl fidl::endpoints::SynchronousProxy for BrowseControllerSynchronousProxy {
2482    type Proxy = BrowseControllerProxy;
2483    type Protocol = BrowseControllerMarker;
2485    fn from_channel(inner: fidl::Channel) -> Self {
2486        Self::new(inner)
2487    }
2489    fn into_channel(self) -> fidl::Channel {
2490        self.client.into_channel()
2491    }
2493    fn as_channel(&self) -> &fidl::Channel {
2494        self.client.as_channel()
2495    }
2498#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
2499impl BrowseControllerSynchronousProxy {
2500    pub fn new(channel: fidl::Channel) -> Self {
2501        let protocol_name = <BrowseControllerMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME;
2502        Self { client: fidl::client::sync::Client::new(channel, protocol_name) }
2503    }
2505    pub fn into_channel(self) -> fidl::Channel {
2506        self.client.into_channel()
2507    }
2509    /// Waits until an event arrives and returns it. It is safe for other
2510    /// threads to make concurrent requests while waiting for an event.
2511    pub fn wait_for_event(
2512        &self,
2513        deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
2514    ) -> Result<BrowseControllerEvent, fidl::Error> {
2515        BrowseControllerEvent::decode(self.client.wait_for_event(deadline)?)
2516    }
2518    /// Used for GetFolderItems(MediaPlayerList).
2519    /// Gets the list of media players. End index is inclusive.
2520    pub fn r#get_media_player_items(
2521        &self,
2522        mut start_index: u32,
2523        mut end_index: u32,
2524        ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
2525    ) -> Result<BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsResult, fidl::Error> {
2526        let _response = self
2527            .client
2528            .send_query::<BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsRequest, fidl::encoding::ResultType<
2529                BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponse,
2530                BrowseControllerError,
2531            >>(
2532                (start_index, end_index),
2533                0x49c06d30a9aa02ba,
2534                fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
2535                ___deadline,
2536            )?;
2537        Ok(|x| x.items))
2538    }
2540    /// Used for GetFolderItems(NowPlayingList).
2541    /// Gets the list of items from the now playing list aka the queue of the
2542    /// addressed media player.
2543    /// + request `end_index` is inclusive.
2544    pub fn r#get_now_playing_items(
2545        &self,
2546        mut start_index: u32,
2547        mut end_index: u32,
2548        mut attribute_option: &AttributeRequestOption,
2549        ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
2550    ) -> Result<BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsResult, fidl::Error> {
2551        let _response = self
2552            .client
2553            .send_query::<BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsRequest, fidl::encoding::ResultType<
2554                BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsResponse,
2555                BrowseControllerError,
2556            >>(
2557                (start_index, end_index, attribute_option),
2558                0x35f5a88695b46cf7,
2559                fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
2560                ___deadline,
2561            )?;
2562        Ok(|x| x.items))
2563    }
2565    /// Used for GetFolderItems(MediaPlayerVirtualFilesystem).
2566    /// Gets the list of folder item/media element item.
2567    /// + request `end_index` is inclusive.
2568    pub fn r#get_file_system_items(
2569        &self,
2570        mut start_index: u32,
2571        mut end_index: u32,
2572        mut attribute_option: &AttributeRequestOption,
2573        ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
2574    ) -> Result<BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsResult, fidl::Error> {
2575        let _response = self
2576            .client
2577            .send_query::<BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsRequest, fidl::encoding::ResultType<
2578                BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsResponse,
2579                BrowseControllerError,
2580            >>(
2581                (start_index, end_index, attribute_option),
2582                0x5d1415aecee72133,
2583                fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
2584                ___deadline,
2585            )?;
2586        Ok(|x| x.items))
2587    }
2589    /// Used for ChangePath browse command.
2590    /// + request `path` dictates whether or not the direction will be Move Up
2591    ///   or Move down. If `path.parent` is set, direction will be Move Up. If
2592    ///   `path.child_folder_uid` is set, direction will be Move Down.
2593    pub fn r#change_path(
2594        &self,
2595        mut path: &Path,
2596        ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
2597    ) -> Result<BrowseControllerChangePathResult, fidl::Error> {
2598        let _response =
2599            self.client
2600                .send_query::<BrowseControllerChangePathRequest, fidl::encoding::ResultType<
2601                    BrowseControllerChangePathResponse,
2602                    BrowseControllerError,
2603                >>(
2604                    (path,),
2605                    0x2e0600579d43b51e,
2606                    fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
2607                    ___deadline,
2608                )?;
2609        Ok(|x| x.num_items))
2610    }
2612    ///  Used for PlayItem(FileSystem).
2613    pub fn r#play_file_system_item(
2614        &self,
2615        mut uid: u64,
2616        ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
2617    ) -> Result<BrowseControllerPlayFileSystemItemResult, fidl::Error> {
2618        let _response = self.client.send_query::<
2619            BrowseControllerPlayFileSystemItemRequest,
2620            fidl::encoding::ResultType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct, BrowseControllerError>,
2621        >(
2622            (uid,),
2623            0x57075115ce25cf16,
2624            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
2625            ___deadline,
2626        )?;
2627        Ok(|x| x))
2628    }
2630    ///  Used for PlayItem(NowPlayingList). Plays the specified item from the now playing
2631    /// list aka the queue of the addressed media player.
2632    pub fn r#play_now_playing_item(
2633        &self,
2634        mut uid: u64,
2635        ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
2636    ) -> Result<BrowseControllerPlayNowPlayingItemResult, fidl::Error> {
2637        let _response = self.client.send_query::<
2638            BrowseControllerPlayNowPlayingItemRequest,
2639            fidl::encoding::ResultType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct, BrowseControllerError>,
2640        >(
2641            (uid,),
2642            0x116e151d547fd2d7,
2643            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
2644            ___deadline,
2645        )?;
2646        Ok(|x| x))
2647    }
2649    /// Changes the addressed `player_id` on the target when multiple are supported.
2650    pub fn r#set_browsed_player(
2651        &self,
2652        mut player_id: u16,
2653        ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
2654    ) -> Result<BrowseControllerSetBrowsedPlayerResult, fidl::Error> {
2655        let _response = self.client.send_query::<
2656            BrowseControllerSetBrowsedPlayerRequest,
2657            fidl::encoding::ResultType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct, BrowseControllerError>,
2658        >(
2659            (player_id,),
2660            0x3e3256f57f8848da,
2661            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
2662            ___deadline,
2663        )?;
2664        Ok(|x| x))
2665    }
2668#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
2669pub struct BrowseControllerProxy {
2670    client: fidl::client::Client<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>,
2673impl fidl::endpoints::Proxy for BrowseControllerProxy {
2674    type Protocol = BrowseControllerMarker;
2676    fn from_channel(inner: ::fidl::AsyncChannel) -> Self {
2677        Self::new(inner)
2678    }
2680    fn into_channel(self) -> Result<::fidl::AsyncChannel, Self> {
2681        self.client.into_channel().map_err(|client| Self { client })
2682    }
2684    fn as_channel(&self) -> &::fidl::AsyncChannel {
2685        self.client.as_channel()
2686    }
2689impl BrowseControllerProxy {
2690    /// Create a new Proxy for fuchsia.bluetooth.avrcp/BrowseController.
2691    pub fn new(channel: ::fidl::AsyncChannel) -> Self {
2692        let protocol_name = <BrowseControllerMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME;
2693        Self { client: fidl::client::Client::new(channel, protocol_name) }
2694    }
2696    /// Get a Stream of events from the remote end of the protocol.
2697    ///
2698    /// # Panics
2699    ///
2700    /// Panics if the event stream was already taken.
2701    pub fn take_event_stream(&self) -> BrowseControllerEventStream {
2702        BrowseControllerEventStream { event_receiver: self.client.take_event_receiver() }
2703    }
2705    /// Used for GetFolderItems(MediaPlayerList).
2706    /// Gets the list of media players. End index is inclusive.
2707    pub fn r#get_media_player_items(
2708        &self,
2709        mut start_index: u32,
2710        mut end_index: u32,
2711    ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
2712        BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsResult,
2713        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
2714    > {
2715        BrowseControllerProxyInterface::r#get_media_player_items(self, start_index, end_index)
2716    }
2718    /// Used for GetFolderItems(NowPlayingList).
2719    /// Gets the list of items from the now playing list aka the queue of the
2720    /// addressed media player.
2721    /// + request `end_index` is inclusive.
2722    pub fn r#get_now_playing_items(
2723        &self,
2724        mut start_index: u32,
2725        mut end_index: u32,
2726        mut attribute_option: &AttributeRequestOption,
2727    ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
2728        BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsResult,
2729        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
2730    > {
2731        BrowseControllerProxyInterface::r#get_now_playing_items(
2732            self,
2733            start_index,
2734            end_index,
2735            attribute_option,
2736        )
2737    }
2739    /// Used for GetFolderItems(MediaPlayerVirtualFilesystem).
2740    /// Gets the list of folder item/media element item.
2741    /// + request `end_index` is inclusive.
2742    pub fn r#get_file_system_items(
2743        &self,
2744        mut start_index: u32,
2745        mut end_index: u32,
2746        mut attribute_option: &AttributeRequestOption,
2747    ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
2748        BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsResult,
2749        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
2750    > {
2751        BrowseControllerProxyInterface::r#get_file_system_items(
2752            self,
2753            start_index,
2754            end_index,
2755            attribute_option,
2756        )
2757    }
2759    /// Used for ChangePath browse command.
2760    /// + request `path` dictates whether or not the direction will be Move Up
2761    ///   or Move down. If `path.parent` is set, direction will be Move Up. If
2762    ///   `path.child_folder_uid` is set, direction will be Move Down.
2763    pub fn r#change_path(
2764        &self,
2765        mut path: &Path,
2766    ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
2767        BrowseControllerChangePathResult,
2768        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
2769    > {
2770        BrowseControllerProxyInterface::r#change_path(self, path)
2771    }
2773    ///  Used for PlayItem(FileSystem).
2774    pub fn r#play_file_system_item(
2775        &self,
2776        mut uid: u64,
2777    ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
2778        BrowseControllerPlayFileSystemItemResult,
2779        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
2780    > {
2781        BrowseControllerProxyInterface::r#play_file_system_item(self, uid)
2782    }
2784    ///  Used for PlayItem(NowPlayingList). Plays the specified item from the now playing
2785    /// list aka the queue of the addressed media player.
2786    pub fn r#play_now_playing_item(
2787        &self,
2788        mut uid: u64,
2789    ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
2790        BrowseControllerPlayNowPlayingItemResult,
2791        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
2792    > {
2793        BrowseControllerProxyInterface::r#play_now_playing_item(self, uid)
2794    }
2796    /// Changes the addressed `player_id` on the target when multiple are supported.
2797    pub fn r#set_browsed_player(
2798        &self,
2799        mut player_id: u16,
2800    ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
2801        BrowseControllerSetBrowsedPlayerResult,
2802        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
2803    > {
2804        BrowseControllerProxyInterface::r#set_browsed_player(self, player_id)
2805    }
2808impl BrowseControllerProxyInterface for BrowseControllerProxy {
2809    type GetMediaPlayerItemsResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
2810        BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsResult,
2811        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
2812    >;
2813    fn r#get_media_player_items(
2814        &self,
2815        mut start_index: u32,
2816        mut end_index: u32,
2817    ) -> Self::GetMediaPlayerItemsResponseFut {
2818        fn _decode(
2819            mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
2820        ) -> Result<BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsResult, fidl::Error> {
2821            let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
2822                fidl::encoding::ResultType<
2823                    BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponse,
2824                    BrowseControllerError,
2825                >,
2826                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
2827                0x49c06d30a9aa02ba,
2828            >(_buf?)?;
2829            Ok(|x| x.items))
2830        }
2831        self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
2832            BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsRequest,
2833            BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsResult,
2834        >(
2835            (start_index, end_index,),
2836            0x49c06d30a9aa02ba,
2837            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
2838            _decode,
2839        )
2840    }
2842    type GetNowPlayingItemsResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
2843        BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsResult,
2844        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
2845    >;
2846    fn r#get_now_playing_items(
2847        &self,
2848        mut start_index: u32,
2849        mut end_index: u32,
2850        mut attribute_option: &AttributeRequestOption,
2851    ) -> Self::GetNowPlayingItemsResponseFut {
2852        fn _decode(
2853            mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
2854        ) -> Result<BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsResult, fidl::Error> {
2855            let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
2856                fidl::encoding::ResultType<
2857                    BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsResponse,
2858                    BrowseControllerError,
2859                >,
2860                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
2861                0x35f5a88695b46cf7,
2862            >(_buf?)?;
2863            Ok(|x| x.items))
2864        }
2865        self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
2866            BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsRequest,
2867            BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsResult,
2868        >(
2869            (start_index, end_index, attribute_option,),
2870            0x35f5a88695b46cf7,
2871            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
2872            _decode,
2873        )
2874    }
2876    type GetFileSystemItemsResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
2877        BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsResult,
2878        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
2879    >;
2880    fn r#get_file_system_items(
2881        &self,
2882        mut start_index: u32,
2883        mut end_index: u32,
2884        mut attribute_option: &AttributeRequestOption,
2885    ) -> Self::GetFileSystemItemsResponseFut {
2886        fn _decode(
2887            mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
2888        ) -> Result<BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsResult, fidl::Error> {
2889            let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
2890                fidl::encoding::ResultType<
2891                    BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsResponse,
2892                    BrowseControllerError,
2893                >,
2894                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
2895                0x5d1415aecee72133,
2896            >(_buf?)?;
2897            Ok(|x| x.items))
2898        }
2899        self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
2900            BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsRequest,
2901            BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsResult,
2902        >(
2903            (start_index, end_index, attribute_option,),
2904            0x5d1415aecee72133,
2905            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
2906            _decode,
2907        )
2908    }
2910    type ChangePathResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
2911        BrowseControllerChangePathResult,
2912        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
2913    >;
2914    fn r#change_path(&self, mut path: &Path) -> Self::ChangePathResponseFut {
2915        fn _decode(
2916            mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
2917        ) -> Result<BrowseControllerChangePathResult, fidl::Error> {
2918            let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
2919                fidl::encoding::ResultType<
2920                    BrowseControllerChangePathResponse,
2921                    BrowseControllerError,
2922                >,
2923                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
2924                0x2e0600579d43b51e,
2925            >(_buf?)?;
2926            Ok(|x| x.num_items))
2927        }
2928        self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
2929            BrowseControllerChangePathRequest,
2930            BrowseControllerChangePathResult,
2931        >(
2932            (path,),
2933            0x2e0600579d43b51e,
2934            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
2935            _decode,
2936        )
2937    }
2939    type PlayFileSystemItemResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
2940        BrowseControllerPlayFileSystemItemResult,
2941        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
2942    >;
2943    fn r#play_file_system_item(&self, mut uid: u64) -> Self::PlayFileSystemItemResponseFut {
2944        fn _decode(
2945            mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
2946        ) -> Result<BrowseControllerPlayFileSystemItemResult, fidl::Error> {
2947            let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
2948                fidl::encoding::ResultType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct, BrowseControllerError>,
2949                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
2950                0x57075115ce25cf16,
2951            >(_buf?)?;
2952            Ok(|x| x))
2953        }
2954        self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
2955            BrowseControllerPlayFileSystemItemRequest,
2956            BrowseControllerPlayFileSystemItemResult,
2957        >(
2958            (uid,),
2959            0x57075115ce25cf16,
2960            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
2961            _decode,
2962        )
2963    }
2965    type PlayNowPlayingItemResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
2966        BrowseControllerPlayNowPlayingItemResult,
2967        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
2968    >;
2969    fn r#play_now_playing_item(&self, mut uid: u64) -> Self::PlayNowPlayingItemResponseFut {
2970        fn _decode(
2971            mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
2972        ) -> Result<BrowseControllerPlayNowPlayingItemResult, fidl::Error> {
2973            let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
2974                fidl::encoding::ResultType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct, BrowseControllerError>,
2975                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
2976                0x116e151d547fd2d7,
2977            >(_buf?)?;
2978            Ok(|x| x))
2979        }
2980        self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
2981            BrowseControllerPlayNowPlayingItemRequest,
2982            BrowseControllerPlayNowPlayingItemResult,
2983        >(
2984            (uid,),
2985            0x116e151d547fd2d7,
2986            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
2987            _decode,
2988        )
2989    }
2991    type SetBrowsedPlayerResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
2992        BrowseControllerSetBrowsedPlayerResult,
2993        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
2994    >;
2995    fn r#set_browsed_player(&self, mut player_id: u16) -> Self::SetBrowsedPlayerResponseFut {
2996        fn _decode(
2997            mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
2998        ) -> Result<BrowseControllerSetBrowsedPlayerResult, fidl::Error> {
2999            let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
3000                fidl::encoding::ResultType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct, BrowseControllerError>,
3001                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
3002                0x3e3256f57f8848da,
3003            >(_buf?)?;
3004            Ok(|x| x))
3005        }
3006        self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
3007            BrowseControllerSetBrowsedPlayerRequest,
3008            BrowseControllerSetBrowsedPlayerResult,
3009        >(
3010            (player_id,),
3011            0x3e3256f57f8848da,
3012            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
3013            _decode,
3014        )
3015    }
3018pub struct BrowseControllerEventStream {
3019    event_receiver: fidl::client::EventReceiver<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>,
3022impl std::marker::Unpin for BrowseControllerEventStream {}
3024impl futures::stream::FusedStream for BrowseControllerEventStream {
3025    fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool {
3026        self.event_receiver.is_terminated()
3027    }
3030impl futures::Stream for BrowseControllerEventStream {
3031    type Item = Result<BrowseControllerEvent, fidl::Error>;
3033    fn poll_next(
3034        mut self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
3035        cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
3036    ) -> std::task::Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
3037        match futures::ready!(futures::stream::StreamExt::poll_next_unpin(
3038            &mut self.event_receiver,
3039            cx
3040        )?) {
3041            Some(buf) => std::task::Poll::Ready(Some(BrowseControllerEvent::decode(buf))),
3042            None => std::task::Poll::Ready(None),
3043        }
3044    }
3048pub enum BrowseControllerEvent {}
3050impl BrowseControllerEvent {
3051    /// Decodes a message buffer as a [`BrowseControllerEvent`].
3052    fn decode(
3053        mut buf: <fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc,
3054    ) -> Result<BrowseControllerEvent, fidl::Error> {
3055        let (bytes, _handles) = buf.split_mut();
3056        let (tx_header, _body_bytes) = fidl::encoding::decode_transaction_header(bytes)?;
3057        debug_assert_eq!(tx_header.tx_id, 0);
3058        match tx_header.ordinal {
3059            _ => Err(fidl::Error::UnknownOrdinal {
3060                ordinal: tx_header.ordinal,
3061                protocol_name:
3062                    <BrowseControllerMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME,
3063            }),
3064        }
3065    }
3068/// A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.bluetooth.avrcp/BrowseController.
3069pub struct BrowseControllerRequestStream {
3070    inner: std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>,
3071    is_terminated: bool,
3074impl std::marker::Unpin for BrowseControllerRequestStream {}
3076impl futures::stream::FusedStream for BrowseControllerRequestStream {
3077    fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool {
3078        self.is_terminated
3079    }
3082impl fidl::endpoints::RequestStream for BrowseControllerRequestStream {
3083    type Protocol = BrowseControllerMarker;
3084    type ControlHandle = BrowseControllerControlHandle;
3086    fn from_channel(channel: ::fidl::AsyncChannel) -> Self {
3087        Self { inner: std::sync::Arc::new(fidl::ServeInner::new(channel)), is_terminated: false }
3088    }
3090    fn control_handle(&self) -> Self::ControlHandle {
3091        BrowseControllerControlHandle { inner: self.inner.clone() }
3092    }
3094    fn into_inner(
3095        self,
3096    ) -> (::std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>, bool)
3097    {
3098        (self.inner, self.is_terminated)
3099    }
3101    fn from_inner(
3102        inner: std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>,
3103        is_terminated: bool,
3104    ) -> Self {
3105        Self { inner, is_terminated }
3106    }
3109impl futures::Stream for BrowseControllerRequestStream {
3110    type Item = Result<BrowseControllerRequest, fidl::Error>;
3112    fn poll_next(
3113        mut self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
3114        cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
3115    ) -> std::task::Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
3116        let this = &mut *self;
3117        if this.inner.check_shutdown(cx) {
3118            this.is_terminated = true;
3119            return std::task::Poll::Ready(None);
3120        }
3121        if this.is_terminated {
3122            panic!("polled BrowseControllerRequestStream after completion");
3123        }
3124        fidl::encoding::with_tls_decode_buf::<_, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>(
3125            |bytes, handles| {
3126                match, bytes, handles) {
3127                    std::task::Poll::Ready(Ok(())) => {}
3128                    std::task::Poll::Pending => return std::task::Poll::Pending,
3129                    std::task::Poll::Ready(Err(zx_status::Status::PEER_CLOSED)) => {
3130                        this.is_terminated = true;
3131                        return std::task::Poll::Ready(None);
3132                    }
3133                    std::task::Poll::Ready(Err(e)) => {
3134                        return std::task::Poll::Ready(Some(Err(fidl::Error::ServerRequestRead(
3135                            e.into(),
3136                        ))))
3137                    }
3138                }
3140                // A message has been received from the channel
3141                let (header, _body_bytes) = fidl::encoding::decode_transaction_header(bytes)?;
3143                std::task::Poll::Ready(Some(match header.ordinal {
3144                    0x49c06d30a9aa02ba => {
3145                        header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
3146                        let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
3147                            BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsRequest,
3148                            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
3149                        );
3150                        fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
3151                        let control_handle =
3152                            BrowseControllerControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
3153                        Ok(BrowseControllerRequest::GetMediaPlayerItems {
3154                            start_index: req.start_index,
3155                            end_index: req.end_index,
3157                            responder: BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponder {
3158                                control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
3159                                tx_id: header.tx_id,
3160                            },
3161                        })
3162                    }
3163                    0x35f5a88695b46cf7 => {
3164                        header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
3165                        let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
3166                            BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsRequest,
3167                            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
3168                        );
3169                        fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
3170                        let control_handle =
3171                            BrowseControllerControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
3172                        Ok(BrowseControllerRequest::GetNowPlayingItems {
3173                            start_index: req.start_index,
3174                            end_index: req.end_index,
3175                            attribute_option: req.attribute_option,
3177                            responder: BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsResponder {
3178                                control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
3179                                tx_id: header.tx_id,
3180                            },
3181                        })
3182                    }
3183                    0x5d1415aecee72133 => {
3184                        header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
3185                        let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
3186                            BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsRequest,
3187                            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
3188                        );
3189                        fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
3190                        let control_handle =
3191                            BrowseControllerControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
3192                        Ok(BrowseControllerRequest::GetFileSystemItems {
3193                            start_index: req.start_index,
3194                            end_index: req.end_index,
3195                            attribute_option: req.attribute_option,
3197                            responder: BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsResponder {
3198                                control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
3199                                tx_id: header.tx_id,
3200                            },
3201                        })
3202                    }
3203                    0x2e0600579d43b51e => {
3204                        header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
3205                        let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
3206                            BrowseControllerChangePathRequest,
3207                            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
3208                        );
3209                        fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<BrowseControllerChangePathRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
3210                        let control_handle =
3211                            BrowseControllerControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
3212                        Ok(BrowseControllerRequest::ChangePath {
3213                            path: req.path,
3215                            responder: BrowseControllerChangePathResponder {
3216                                control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
3217                                tx_id: header.tx_id,
3218                            },
3219                        })
3220                    }
3221                    0x57075115ce25cf16 => {
3222                        header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
3223                        let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
3224                            BrowseControllerPlayFileSystemItemRequest,
3225                            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
3226                        );
3227                        fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<BrowseControllerPlayFileSystemItemRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
3228                        let control_handle =
3229                            BrowseControllerControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
3230                        Ok(BrowseControllerRequest::PlayFileSystemItem {
3231                            uid: req.uid,
3233                            responder: BrowseControllerPlayFileSystemItemResponder {
3234                                control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
3235                                tx_id: header.tx_id,
3236                            },
3237                        })
3238                    }
3239                    0x116e151d547fd2d7 => {
3240                        header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
3241                        let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
3242                            BrowseControllerPlayNowPlayingItemRequest,
3243                            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
3244                        );
3245                        fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<BrowseControllerPlayNowPlayingItemRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
3246                        let control_handle =
3247                            BrowseControllerControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
3248                        Ok(BrowseControllerRequest::PlayNowPlayingItem {
3249                            uid: req.uid,
3251                            responder: BrowseControllerPlayNowPlayingItemResponder {
3252                                control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
3253                                tx_id: header.tx_id,
3254                            },
3255                        })
3256                    }
3257                    0x3e3256f57f8848da => {
3258                        header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
3259                        let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
3260                            BrowseControllerSetBrowsedPlayerRequest,
3261                            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
3262                        );
3263                        fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<BrowseControllerSetBrowsedPlayerRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
3264                        let control_handle =
3265                            BrowseControllerControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
3266                        Ok(BrowseControllerRequest::SetBrowsedPlayer {
3267                            player_id: req.player_id,
3269                            responder: BrowseControllerSetBrowsedPlayerResponder {
3270                                control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
3271                                tx_id: header.tx_id,
3272                            },
3273                        })
3274                    }
3275                    _ => Err(fidl::Error::UnknownOrdinal {
3276                        ordinal: header.ordinal,
3277                        protocol_name:
3278                            <BrowseControllerMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME,
3279                    }),
3280                }))
3281            },
3282        )
3283    }
3286/// Client wrapper for local controller (CT) -> remote target (TG) AVCTP
3287/// connections between devices for browse related commands.
3289/// NOTE: a client is high level construct and does not represent a connection
3290/// with a device. Connections are internally managed and may be shared by
3291/// multiple clients. The actual connection may be opened on-demand after any
3292/// command here is called.
3294pub enum BrowseControllerRequest {
3295    /// Used for GetFolderItems(MediaPlayerList).
3296    /// Gets the list of media players. End index is inclusive.
3297    GetMediaPlayerItems {
3298        start_index: u32,
3299        end_index: u32,
3300        responder: BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponder,
3301    },
3302    /// Used for GetFolderItems(NowPlayingList).
3303    /// Gets the list of items from the now playing list aka the queue of the
3304    /// addressed media player.
3305    /// + request `end_index` is inclusive.
3306    GetNowPlayingItems {
3307        start_index: u32,
3308        end_index: u32,
3309        attribute_option: AttributeRequestOption,
3310        responder: BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsResponder,
3311    },
3312    /// Used for GetFolderItems(MediaPlayerVirtualFilesystem).
3313    /// Gets the list of folder item/media element item.
3314    /// + request `end_index` is inclusive.
3315    GetFileSystemItems {
3316        start_index: u32,
3317        end_index: u32,
3318        attribute_option: AttributeRequestOption,
3319        responder: BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsResponder,
3320    },
3321    /// Used for ChangePath browse command.
3322    /// + request `path` dictates whether or not the direction will be Move Up
3323    ///   or Move down. If `path.parent` is set, direction will be Move Up. If
3324    ///   `path.child_folder_uid` is set, direction will be Move Down.
3325    ChangePath { path: Path, responder: BrowseControllerChangePathResponder },
3326    ///  Used for PlayItem(FileSystem).
3327    PlayFileSystemItem { uid: u64, responder: BrowseControllerPlayFileSystemItemResponder },
3328    ///  Used for PlayItem(NowPlayingList). Plays the specified item from the now playing
3329    /// list aka the queue of the addressed media player.
3330    PlayNowPlayingItem { uid: u64, responder: BrowseControllerPlayNowPlayingItemResponder },
3331    /// Changes the addressed `player_id` on the target when multiple are supported.
3332    SetBrowsedPlayer { player_id: u16, responder: BrowseControllerSetBrowsedPlayerResponder },
3335impl BrowseControllerRequest {
3336    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
3337    pub fn into_get_media_player_items(
3338        self,
3339    ) -> Option<(u32, u32, BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponder)> {
3340        if let BrowseControllerRequest::GetMediaPlayerItems { start_index, end_index, responder } =
3341            self
3342        {
3343            Some((start_index, end_index, responder))
3344        } else {
3345            None
3346        }
3347    }
3349    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
3350    pub fn into_get_now_playing_items(
3351        self,
3352    ) -> Option<(u32, u32, AttributeRequestOption, BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsResponder)>
3353    {
3354        if let BrowseControllerRequest::GetNowPlayingItems {
3355            start_index,
3356            end_index,
3357            attribute_option,
3358            responder,
3359        } = self
3360        {
3361            Some((start_index, end_index, attribute_option, responder))
3362        } else {
3363            None
3364        }
3365    }
3367    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
3368    pub fn into_get_file_system_items(
3369        self,
3370    ) -> Option<(u32, u32, AttributeRequestOption, BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsResponder)>
3371    {
3372        if let BrowseControllerRequest::GetFileSystemItems {
3373            start_index,
3374            end_index,
3375            attribute_option,
3376            responder,
3377        } = self
3378        {
3379            Some((start_index, end_index, attribute_option, responder))
3380        } else {
3381            None
3382        }
3383    }
3385    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
3386    pub fn into_change_path(self) -> Option<(Path, BrowseControllerChangePathResponder)> {
3387        if let BrowseControllerRequest::ChangePath { path, responder } = self {
3388            Some((path, responder))
3389        } else {
3390            None
3391        }
3392    }
3394    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
3395    pub fn into_play_file_system_item(
3396        self,
3397    ) -> Option<(u64, BrowseControllerPlayFileSystemItemResponder)> {
3398        if let BrowseControllerRequest::PlayFileSystemItem { uid, responder } = self {
3399            Some((uid, responder))
3400        } else {
3401            None
3402        }
3403    }
3405    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
3406    pub fn into_play_now_playing_item(
3407        self,
3408    ) -> Option<(u64, BrowseControllerPlayNowPlayingItemResponder)> {
3409        if let BrowseControllerRequest::PlayNowPlayingItem { uid, responder } = self {
3410            Some((uid, responder))
3411        } else {
3412            None
3413        }
3414    }
3416    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
3417    pub fn into_set_browsed_player(
3418        self,
3419    ) -> Option<(u16, BrowseControllerSetBrowsedPlayerResponder)> {
3420        if let BrowseControllerRequest::SetBrowsedPlayer { player_id, responder } = self {
3421            Some((player_id, responder))
3422        } else {
3423            None
3424        }
3425    }
3427    /// Name of the method defined in FIDL
3428    pub fn method_name(&self) -> &'static str {
3429        match *self {
3430            BrowseControllerRequest::GetMediaPlayerItems { .. } => "get_media_player_items",
3431            BrowseControllerRequest::GetNowPlayingItems { .. } => "get_now_playing_items",
3432            BrowseControllerRequest::GetFileSystemItems { .. } => "get_file_system_items",
3433            BrowseControllerRequest::ChangePath { .. } => "change_path",
3434            BrowseControllerRequest::PlayFileSystemItem { .. } => "play_file_system_item",
3435            BrowseControllerRequest::PlayNowPlayingItem { .. } => "play_now_playing_item",
3436            BrowseControllerRequest::SetBrowsedPlayer { .. } => "set_browsed_player",
3437        }
3438    }
3441#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
3442pub struct BrowseControllerControlHandle {
3443    inner: std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>,
3446impl fidl::endpoints::ControlHandle for BrowseControllerControlHandle {
3447    fn shutdown(&self) {
3448        self.inner.shutdown()
3449    }
3450    fn shutdown_with_epitaph(&self, status: zx_status::Status) {
3451        self.inner.shutdown_with_epitaph(status)
3452    }
3454    fn is_closed(&self) -> bool {
3456    }
3457    fn on_closed(&self) -> fidl::OnSignalsRef<'_> {
3459    }
3461    #[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
3462    fn signal_peer(
3463        &self,
3464        clear_mask: zx::Signals,
3465        set_mask: zx::Signals,
3466    ) -> Result<(), zx_status::Status> {
3467        use fidl::Peered;
3468, set_mask)
3469    }
3472impl BrowseControllerControlHandle {}
3474#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
3476pub struct BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponder {
3477    control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<BrowseControllerControlHandle>,
3478    tx_id: u32,
3481/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`BrowseControllerControlHandle::shutdown`])
3482/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
3483/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
3484impl std::ops::Drop for BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponder {
3485    fn drop(&mut self) {
3486        self.control_handle.shutdown();
3487        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
3488        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
3489    }
3492impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponder {
3493    type ControlHandle = BrowseControllerControlHandle;
3495    fn control_handle(&self) -> &BrowseControllerControlHandle {
3496        &self.control_handle
3497    }
3499    fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
3500        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
3501        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
3502        // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
3503        std::mem::forget(self);
3504    }
3507impl BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponder {
3508    /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
3509    ///
3510    /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
3511    pub fn send(
3512        self,
3513        mut result: Result<&[MediaPlayerItem], BrowseControllerError>,
3514    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3515        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
3516        if _result.is_err() {
3517            self.control_handle.shutdown();
3518        }
3519        self.drop_without_shutdown();
3520        _result
3521    }
3523    /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
3524    pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
3525        self,
3526        mut result: Result<&[MediaPlayerItem], BrowseControllerError>,
3527    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3528        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
3529        self.drop_without_shutdown();
3530        _result
3531    }
3533    fn send_raw(
3534        &self,
3535        mut result: Result<&[MediaPlayerItem], BrowseControllerError>,
3536    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3537        self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::ResultType<
3538            BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponse,
3539            BrowseControllerError,
3540        >>(
3541  |items| (items,)),
3542            self.tx_id,
3543            0x49c06d30a9aa02ba,
3544            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
3545        )
3546    }
3549#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
3551pub struct BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsResponder {
3552    control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<BrowseControllerControlHandle>,
3553    tx_id: u32,
3556/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`BrowseControllerControlHandle::shutdown`])
3557/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
3558/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
3559impl std::ops::Drop for BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsResponder {
3560    fn drop(&mut self) {
3561        self.control_handle.shutdown();
3562        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
3563        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
3564    }
3567impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsResponder {
3568    type ControlHandle = BrowseControllerControlHandle;
3570    fn control_handle(&self) -> &BrowseControllerControlHandle {
3571        &self.control_handle
3572    }
3574    fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
3575        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
3576        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
3577        // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
3578        std::mem::forget(self);
3579    }
3582impl BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsResponder {
3583    /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
3584    ///
3585    /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
3586    pub fn send(
3587        self,
3588        mut result: Result<&[MediaElementItem], BrowseControllerError>,
3589    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3590        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
3591        if _result.is_err() {
3592            self.control_handle.shutdown();
3593        }
3594        self.drop_without_shutdown();
3595        _result
3596    }
3598    /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
3599    pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
3600        self,
3601        mut result: Result<&[MediaElementItem], BrowseControllerError>,
3602    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3603        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
3604        self.drop_without_shutdown();
3605        _result
3606    }
3608    fn send_raw(
3609        &self,
3610        mut result: Result<&[MediaElementItem], BrowseControllerError>,
3611    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3612        self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::ResultType<
3613            BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsResponse,
3614            BrowseControllerError,
3615        >>(
3616  |items| (items,)),
3617            self.tx_id,
3618            0x35f5a88695b46cf7,
3619            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
3620        )
3621    }
3624#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
3626pub struct BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsResponder {
3627    control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<BrowseControllerControlHandle>,
3628    tx_id: u32,
3631/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`BrowseControllerControlHandle::shutdown`])
3632/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
3633/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
3634impl std::ops::Drop for BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsResponder {
3635    fn drop(&mut self) {
3636        self.control_handle.shutdown();
3637        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
3638        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
3639    }
3642impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsResponder {
3643    type ControlHandle = BrowseControllerControlHandle;
3645    fn control_handle(&self) -> &BrowseControllerControlHandle {
3646        &self.control_handle
3647    }
3649    fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
3650        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
3651        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
3652        // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
3653        std::mem::forget(self);
3654    }
3657impl BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsResponder {
3658    /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
3659    ///
3660    /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
3661    pub fn send(
3662        self,
3663        mut result: Result<&[FileSystemItem], BrowseControllerError>,
3664    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3665        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
3666        if _result.is_err() {
3667            self.control_handle.shutdown();
3668        }
3669        self.drop_without_shutdown();
3670        _result
3671    }
3673    /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
3674    pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
3675        self,
3676        mut result: Result<&[FileSystemItem], BrowseControllerError>,
3677    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3678        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
3679        self.drop_without_shutdown();
3680        _result
3681    }
3683    fn send_raw(
3684        &self,
3685        mut result: Result<&[FileSystemItem], BrowseControllerError>,
3686    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3687        self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::ResultType<
3688            BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsResponse,
3689            BrowseControllerError,
3690        >>(
3691  |items| (items,)),
3692            self.tx_id,
3693            0x5d1415aecee72133,
3694            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
3695        )
3696    }
3699#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
3701pub struct BrowseControllerChangePathResponder {
3702    control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<BrowseControllerControlHandle>,
3703    tx_id: u32,
3706/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`BrowseControllerControlHandle::shutdown`])
3707/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
3708/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
3709impl std::ops::Drop for BrowseControllerChangePathResponder {
3710    fn drop(&mut self) {
3711        self.control_handle.shutdown();
3712        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
3713        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
3714    }
3717impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for BrowseControllerChangePathResponder {
3718    type ControlHandle = BrowseControllerControlHandle;
3720    fn control_handle(&self) -> &BrowseControllerControlHandle {
3721        &self.control_handle
3722    }
3724    fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
3725        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
3726        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
3727        // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
3728        std::mem::forget(self);
3729    }
3732impl BrowseControllerChangePathResponder {
3733    /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
3734    ///
3735    /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
3736    pub fn send(self, mut result: Result<u32, BrowseControllerError>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3737        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
3738        if _result.is_err() {
3739            self.control_handle.shutdown();
3740        }
3741        self.drop_without_shutdown();
3742        _result
3743    }
3745    /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
3746    pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
3747        self,
3748        mut result: Result<u32, BrowseControllerError>,
3749    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3750        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
3751        self.drop_without_shutdown();
3752        _result
3753    }
3755    fn send_raw(&self, mut result: Result<u32, BrowseControllerError>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3756        self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::ResultType<
3757            BrowseControllerChangePathResponse,
3758            BrowseControllerError,
3759        >>(
3760  |num_items| (num_items,)),
3761            self.tx_id,
3762            0x2e0600579d43b51e,
3763            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
3764        )
3765    }
3768#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
3770pub struct BrowseControllerPlayFileSystemItemResponder {
3771    control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<BrowseControllerControlHandle>,
3772    tx_id: u32,
3775/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`BrowseControllerControlHandle::shutdown`])
3776/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
3777/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
3778impl std::ops::Drop for BrowseControllerPlayFileSystemItemResponder {
3779    fn drop(&mut self) {
3780        self.control_handle.shutdown();
3781        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
3782        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
3783    }
3786impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for BrowseControllerPlayFileSystemItemResponder {
3787    type ControlHandle = BrowseControllerControlHandle;
3789    fn control_handle(&self) -> &BrowseControllerControlHandle {
3790        &self.control_handle
3791    }
3793    fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
3794        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
3795        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
3796        // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
3797        std::mem::forget(self);
3798    }
3801impl BrowseControllerPlayFileSystemItemResponder {
3802    /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
3803    ///
3804    /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
3805    pub fn send(self, mut result: Result<(), BrowseControllerError>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3806        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
3807        if _result.is_err() {
3808            self.control_handle.shutdown();
3809        }
3810        self.drop_without_shutdown();
3811        _result
3812    }
3814    /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
3815    pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
3816        self,
3817        mut result: Result<(), BrowseControllerError>,
3818    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3819        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
3820        self.drop_without_shutdown();
3821        _result
3822    }
3824    fn send_raw(&self, mut result: Result<(), BrowseControllerError>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3825        self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::ResultType<
3826            fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct,
3827            BrowseControllerError,
3828        >>(
3829            result,
3830            self.tx_id,
3831            0x57075115ce25cf16,
3832            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
3833        )
3834    }
3837#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
3839pub struct BrowseControllerPlayNowPlayingItemResponder {
3840    control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<BrowseControllerControlHandle>,
3841    tx_id: u32,
3844/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`BrowseControllerControlHandle::shutdown`])
3845/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
3846/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
3847impl std::ops::Drop for BrowseControllerPlayNowPlayingItemResponder {
3848    fn drop(&mut self) {
3849        self.control_handle.shutdown();
3850        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
3851        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
3852    }
3855impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for BrowseControllerPlayNowPlayingItemResponder {
3856    type ControlHandle = BrowseControllerControlHandle;
3858    fn control_handle(&self) -> &BrowseControllerControlHandle {
3859        &self.control_handle
3860    }
3862    fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
3863        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
3864        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
3865        // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
3866        std::mem::forget(self);
3867    }
3870impl BrowseControllerPlayNowPlayingItemResponder {
3871    /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
3872    ///
3873    /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
3874    pub fn send(self, mut result: Result<(), BrowseControllerError>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3875        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
3876        if _result.is_err() {
3877            self.control_handle.shutdown();
3878        }
3879        self.drop_without_shutdown();
3880        _result
3881    }
3883    /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
3884    pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
3885        self,
3886        mut result: Result<(), BrowseControllerError>,
3887    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3888        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
3889        self.drop_without_shutdown();
3890        _result
3891    }
3893    fn send_raw(&self, mut result: Result<(), BrowseControllerError>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3894        self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::ResultType<
3895            fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct,
3896            BrowseControllerError,
3897        >>(
3898            result,
3899            self.tx_id,
3900            0x116e151d547fd2d7,
3901            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
3902        )
3903    }
3906#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
3908pub struct BrowseControllerSetBrowsedPlayerResponder {
3909    control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<BrowseControllerControlHandle>,
3910    tx_id: u32,
3913/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`BrowseControllerControlHandle::shutdown`])
3914/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
3915/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
3916impl std::ops::Drop for BrowseControllerSetBrowsedPlayerResponder {
3917    fn drop(&mut self) {
3918        self.control_handle.shutdown();
3919        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
3920        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
3921    }
3924impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for BrowseControllerSetBrowsedPlayerResponder {
3925    type ControlHandle = BrowseControllerControlHandle;
3927    fn control_handle(&self) -> &BrowseControllerControlHandle {
3928        &self.control_handle
3929    }
3931    fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
3932        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
3933        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
3934        // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
3935        std::mem::forget(self);
3936    }
3939impl BrowseControllerSetBrowsedPlayerResponder {
3940    /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
3941    ///
3942    /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
3943    pub fn send(self, mut result: Result<(), BrowseControllerError>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3944        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
3945        if _result.is_err() {
3946            self.control_handle.shutdown();
3947        }
3948        self.drop_without_shutdown();
3949        _result
3950    }
3952    /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
3953    pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
3954        self,
3955        mut result: Result<(), BrowseControllerError>,
3956    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3957        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
3958        self.drop_without_shutdown();
3959        _result
3960    }
3962    fn send_raw(&self, mut result: Result<(), BrowseControllerError>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
3963        self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::ResultType<
3964            fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct,
3965            BrowseControllerError,
3966        >>(
3967            result,
3968            self.tx_id,
3969            0x3e3256f57f8848da,
3970            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
3971        )
3972    }
3975#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
3976pub struct ControllerMarker;
3978impl fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker for ControllerMarker {
3979    type Proxy = ControllerProxy;
3980    type RequestStream = ControllerRequestStream;
3981    #[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
3982    type SynchronousProxy = ControllerSynchronousProxy;
3984    const DEBUG_NAME: &'static str = "(anonymous) Controller";
3986pub type ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResult =
3987    Result<PlayerApplicationSettings, ControllerError>;
3988pub type ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResult =
3989    Result<PlayerApplicationSettings, ControllerError>;
3990pub type ControllerGetMediaAttributesResult = Result<MediaAttributes, ControllerError>;
3991pub type ControllerGetPlayStatusResult = Result<PlayStatus, ControllerError>;
3992pub type ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeResult = Result<u8, ControllerError>;
3993pub type ControllerInformBatteryStatusResult = Result<(), ControllerError>;
3994pub type ControllerSetAddressedPlayerResult = Result<(), ControllerError>;
3995pub type ControllerSendCommandResult = Result<(), ControllerError>;
3997pub trait ControllerProxyInterface: Send + Sync {
3998    type GetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponseFut: std::future::Future<
3999            Output = Result<ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResult, fidl::Error>,
4000        > + Send;
4001    fn r#get_player_application_settings(
4002        &self,
4003        attribute_ids: &[PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId],
4004    ) -> Self::GetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponseFut;
4005    type SetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponseFut: std::future::Future<
4006            Output = Result<ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResult, fidl::Error>,
4007        > + Send;
4008    fn r#set_player_application_settings(
4009        &self,
4010        requested_settings: &PlayerApplicationSettings,
4011    ) -> Self::SetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponseFut;
4012    type GetMediaAttributesResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<ControllerGetMediaAttributesResult, fidl::Error>>
4013        + Send;
4014    fn r#get_media_attributes(&self) -> Self::GetMediaAttributesResponseFut;
4015    type GetPlayStatusResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<ControllerGetPlayStatusResult, fidl::Error>>
4016        + Send;
4017    fn r#get_play_status(&self) -> Self::GetPlayStatusResponseFut;
4018    type SetAbsoluteVolumeResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeResult, fidl::Error>>
4019        + Send;
4020    fn r#set_absolute_volume(&self, requested_volume: u8) -> Self::SetAbsoluteVolumeResponseFut;
4021    type InformBatteryStatusResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<ControllerInformBatteryStatusResult, fidl::Error>>
4022        + Send;
4023    fn r#inform_battery_status(
4024        &self,
4025        battery_status: BatteryStatus,
4026    ) -> Self::InformBatteryStatusResponseFut;
4027    fn r#set_notification_filter(
4028        &self,
4029        notifications: Notifications,
4030        position_change_interval: u32,
4031    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
4032    fn r#notify_notification_handled(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>;
4033    type SetAddressedPlayerResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<ControllerSetAddressedPlayerResult, fidl::Error>>
4034        + Send;
4035    fn r#set_addressed_player(&self, player_id: u16) -> Self::SetAddressedPlayerResponseFut;
4036    type SendCommandResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<ControllerSendCommandResult, fidl::Error>>
4037        + Send;
4038    fn r#send_command(&self, command: AvcPanelCommand) -> Self::SendCommandResponseFut;
4041#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
4042pub struct ControllerSynchronousProxy {
4043    client: fidl::client::sync::Client,
4046#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
4047impl fidl::endpoints::SynchronousProxy for ControllerSynchronousProxy {
4048    type Proxy = ControllerProxy;
4049    type Protocol = ControllerMarker;
4051    fn from_channel(inner: fidl::Channel) -> Self {
4052        Self::new(inner)
4053    }
4055    fn into_channel(self) -> fidl::Channel {
4056        self.client.into_channel()
4057    }
4059    fn as_channel(&self) -> &fidl::Channel {
4060        self.client.as_channel()
4061    }
4064#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
4065impl ControllerSynchronousProxy {
4066    pub fn new(channel: fidl::Channel) -> Self {
4067        let protocol_name = <ControllerMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME;
4068        Self { client: fidl::client::sync::Client::new(channel, protocol_name) }
4069    }
4071    pub fn into_channel(self) -> fidl::Channel {
4072        self.client.into_channel()
4073    }
4075    /// Waits until an event arrives and returns it. It is safe for other
4076    /// threads to make concurrent requests while waiting for an event.
4077    pub fn wait_for_event(
4078        &self,
4079        deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
4080    ) -> Result<ControllerEvent, fidl::Error> {
4081        ControllerEvent::decode(self.client.wait_for_event(deadline)?)
4082    }
4084    /// Returns currently set player application setting values for the `attribute_ids`.
4085    /// If no `attribute_ids` are provided, this method will query the TG for all valid
4086    /// attribute ID's, and return the currently set player application setting values.
4087    pub fn r#get_player_application_settings(
4088        &self,
4089        mut attribute_ids: &[PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId],
4090        ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
4091    ) -> Result<ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResult, fidl::Error> {
4092        let _response = self
4093            .client
4094            .send_query::<ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest, fidl::encoding::ResultType<
4095                ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse,
4096                ControllerError,
4097            >>(
4098                (attribute_ids,),
4099                0x681de2da50670120,
4100                fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
4101                ___deadline,
4102            )?;
4103        Ok(|x| x.current_settings))
4104    }
4106    /// Sets the player application settings specified by `requested_settings`. Only
4107    /// settings specified in the input `requested_settings` will be overwritten.
4108    /// Returns the actual settings that were set.
4109    /// Settings provided in the `requested_settings` that are unsupported or unknown
4110    /// will not be set; the returned `set_settings` will include only the settings
4111    /// that were successfully set on the remote target.
4112    pub fn r#set_player_application_settings(
4113        &self,
4114        mut requested_settings: &PlayerApplicationSettings,
4115        ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
4116    ) -> Result<ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResult, fidl::Error> {
4117        let _response = self
4118            .client
4119            .send_query::<ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest, fidl::encoding::ResultType<
4120                ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse,
4121                ControllerError,
4122            >>(
4123                (requested_settings,),
4124                0x6a7c9689ea3a589a,
4125                fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
4126                ___deadline,
4127            )?;
4128        Ok(|x| x.set_settings))
4129    }
4131    /// Returns the currently playing media attributes.
4132    /// May send either the GetElementAttributes or GetItemAttributes command depending on what
4133    /// is supported.
4134    pub fn r#get_media_attributes(
4135        &self,
4136        ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
4137    ) -> Result<ControllerGetMediaAttributesResult, fidl::Error> {
4138        let _response =
4139            self.client.send_query::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload, fidl::encoding::ResultType<
4140                ControllerGetMediaAttributesResponse,
4141                ControllerError,
4142            >>(
4143                (),
4144                0x18bd14308ee3173d,
4145                fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
4146                ___deadline,
4147            )?;
4148        Ok(|x| x.attributes))
4149    }
4151    /// Returns the status of the currently playing media.
4152    pub fn r#get_play_status(
4153        &self,
4154        ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
4155    ) -> Result<ControllerGetPlayStatusResult, fidl::Error> {
4156        let _response =
4157            self.client.send_query::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload, fidl::encoding::ResultType<
4158                ControllerGetPlayStatusResponse,
4159                ControllerError,
4160            >>(
4161                (),
4162                0x120735bec709fc6d,
4163                fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
4164                ___deadline,
4165            )?;
4166        Ok(|x| x.play_status))
4167    }
4169    /// Request the absolute volume on the peer be changed. Returns the actual volume set by the
4170    /// peer. Values can range from 0x00 to 0x7F (with 100% volume being 0x7F). You may not get a
4171    /// volume changed notification event from the remote peer as result of changing this.
4172    pub fn r#set_absolute_volume(
4173        &self,
4174        mut requested_volume: u8,
4175        ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
4176    ) -> Result<ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeResult, fidl::Error> {
4177        let _response = self.client.send_query::<
4178            ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeRequest,
4179            fidl::encoding::ResultType<ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeResponse, ControllerError>,
4180        >(
4181            (requested_volume,),
4182            0x1b8d010e11d05957,
4183            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
4184            ___deadline,
4185        )?;
4186        Ok(|x| x.set_volume))
4187    }
4189    /// Inform target of the controller's battery level.
4190    pub fn r#inform_battery_status(
4191        &self,
4192        mut battery_status: BatteryStatus,
4193        ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
4194    ) -> Result<ControllerInformBatteryStatusResult, fidl::Error> {
4195        let _response = self.client.send_query::<
4196            ControllerInformBatteryStatusRequest,
4197            fidl::encoding::ResultType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct, ControllerError>,
4198        >(
4199            (battery_status,),
4200            0x11d54fbe9d12c44d,
4201            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
4202            ___deadline,
4203        )?;
4204        Ok(|x| x))
4205    }
4207    /// Filters notifications that will be received with [`OnNotification`]. Not all notifications
4208    /// are supported by all peers. Resetting the notification filter may trigger all requested
4209    /// notification types to post their current value to [`OnNotification`] immediately.
4210    ///
4211    /// The `position_change_interval` argument is used to set the interval in seconds that the
4212    /// controller client would like to be notified of `TRACK_POS_CHANGED` events.
4213    /// `position_change_interval` is ignored if `TRACK_POS` is not set. The position change interval
4214    /// is best effort and not a guarantee and events may arrive more frequently or less frequently
4215    /// than requested.
4216    pub fn r#set_notification_filter(
4217        &self,
4218        mut notifications: Notifications,
4219        mut position_change_interval: u32,
4220    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
4221        self.client.send::<ControllerSetNotificationFilterRequest>(
4222            (notifications, position_change_interval),
4223            0x4d8a327745ccd73b,
4224            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
4225        )
4226    }
4228    /// Call to acknowledge handling of a notification from [`OnNotification`].
4229    pub fn r#notify_notification_handled(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
4230        self.client.send::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(
4231            (),
4232            0x43d3e556557f3bc2,
4233            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
4234        )
4235    }
4237    /// Changes the addressed `player_id` on the target when multiple are supported.
4238    pub fn r#set_addressed_player(
4239        &self,
4240        mut player_id: u16,
4241        ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
4242    ) -> Result<ControllerSetAddressedPlayerResult, fidl::Error> {
4243        let _response = self.client.send_query::<
4244            ControllerSetAddressedPlayerRequest,
4245            fidl::encoding::ResultType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct, ControllerError>,
4246        >(
4247            (player_id,),
4248            0x7ffc261f10ee1da5,
4249            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
4250            ___deadline,
4251        )?;
4252        Ok(|x| x))
4253    }
4255    /// Send an AV\C passthrough key command. Sends both a key down and key up event.
4256    pub fn r#send_command(
4257        &self,
4258        mut command: AvcPanelCommand,
4259        ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
4260    ) -> Result<ControllerSendCommandResult, fidl::Error> {
4261        let _response = self.client.send_query::<
4262            ControllerSendCommandRequest,
4263            fidl::encoding::ResultType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct, ControllerError>,
4264        >(
4265            (command,),
4266            0x241324c56b5bc257,
4267            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
4268            ___deadline,
4269        )?;
4270        Ok(|x| x))
4271    }
4274#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
4275pub struct ControllerProxy {
4276    client: fidl::client::Client<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>,
4279impl fidl::endpoints::Proxy for ControllerProxy {
4280    type Protocol = ControllerMarker;
4282    fn from_channel(inner: ::fidl::AsyncChannel) -> Self {
4283        Self::new(inner)
4284    }
4286    fn into_channel(self) -> Result<::fidl::AsyncChannel, Self> {
4287        self.client.into_channel().map_err(|client| Self { client })
4288    }
4290    fn as_channel(&self) -> &::fidl::AsyncChannel {
4291        self.client.as_channel()
4292    }
4295impl ControllerProxy {
4296    /// Create a new Proxy for fuchsia.bluetooth.avrcp/Controller.
4297    pub fn new(channel: ::fidl::AsyncChannel) -> Self {
4298        let protocol_name = <ControllerMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME;
4299        Self { client: fidl::client::Client::new(channel, protocol_name) }
4300    }
4302    /// Get a Stream of events from the remote end of the protocol.
4303    ///
4304    /// # Panics
4305    ///
4306    /// Panics if the event stream was already taken.
4307    pub fn take_event_stream(&self) -> ControllerEventStream {
4308        ControllerEventStream { event_receiver: self.client.take_event_receiver() }
4309    }
4311    /// Returns currently set player application setting values for the `attribute_ids`.
4312    /// If no `attribute_ids` are provided, this method will query the TG for all valid
4313    /// attribute ID's, and return the currently set player application setting values.
4314    pub fn r#get_player_application_settings(
4315        &self,
4316        mut attribute_ids: &[PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId],
4317    ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
4318        ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResult,
4319        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
4320    > {
4321        ControllerProxyInterface::r#get_player_application_settings(self, attribute_ids)
4322    }
4324    /// Sets the player application settings specified by `requested_settings`. Only
4325    /// settings specified in the input `requested_settings` will be overwritten.
4326    /// Returns the actual settings that were set.
4327    /// Settings provided in the `requested_settings` that are unsupported or unknown
4328    /// will not be set; the returned `set_settings` will include only the settings
4329    /// that were successfully set on the remote target.
4330    pub fn r#set_player_application_settings(
4331        &self,
4332        mut requested_settings: &PlayerApplicationSettings,
4333    ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
4334        ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResult,
4335        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
4336    > {
4337        ControllerProxyInterface::r#set_player_application_settings(self, requested_settings)
4338    }
4340    /// Returns the currently playing media attributes.
4341    /// May send either the GetElementAttributes or GetItemAttributes command depending on what
4342    /// is supported.
4343    pub fn r#get_media_attributes(
4344        &self,
4345    ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
4346        ControllerGetMediaAttributesResult,
4347        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
4348    > {
4349        ControllerProxyInterface::r#get_media_attributes(self)
4350    }
4352    /// Returns the status of the currently playing media.
4353    pub fn r#get_play_status(
4354        &self,
4355    ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
4356        ControllerGetPlayStatusResult,
4357        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
4358    > {
4359        ControllerProxyInterface::r#get_play_status(self)
4360    }
4362    /// Request the absolute volume on the peer be changed. Returns the actual volume set by the
4363    /// peer. Values can range from 0x00 to 0x7F (with 100% volume being 0x7F). You may not get a
4364    /// volume changed notification event from the remote peer as result of changing this.
4365    pub fn r#set_absolute_volume(
4366        &self,
4367        mut requested_volume: u8,
4368    ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
4369        ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeResult,
4370        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
4371    > {
4372        ControllerProxyInterface::r#set_absolute_volume(self, requested_volume)
4373    }
4375    /// Inform target of the controller's battery level.
4376    pub fn r#inform_battery_status(
4377        &self,
4378        mut battery_status: BatteryStatus,
4379    ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
4380        ControllerInformBatteryStatusResult,
4381        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
4382    > {
4383        ControllerProxyInterface::r#inform_battery_status(self, battery_status)
4384    }
4386    /// Filters notifications that will be received with [`OnNotification`]. Not all notifications
4387    /// are supported by all peers. Resetting the notification filter may trigger all requested
4388    /// notification types to post their current value to [`OnNotification`] immediately.
4389    ///
4390    /// The `position_change_interval` argument is used to set the interval in seconds that the
4391    /// controller client would like to be notified of `TRACK_POS_CHANGED` events.
4392    /// `position_change_interval` is ignored if `TRACK_POS` is not set. The position change interval
4393    /// is best effort and not a guarantee and events may arrive more frequently or less frequently
4394    /// than requested.
4395    pub fn r#set_notification_filter(
4396        &self,
4397        mut notifications: Notifications,
4398        mut position_change_interval: u32,
4399    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
4400        ControllerProxyInterface::r#set_notification_filter(
4401            self,
4402            notifications,
4403            position_change_interval,
4404        )
4405    }
4407    /// Call to acknowledge handling of a notification from [`OnNotification`].
4408    pub fn r#notify_notification_handled(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
4409        ControllerProxyInterface::r#notify_notification_handled(self)
4410    }
4412    /// Changes the addressed `player_id` on the target when multiple are supported.
4413    pub fn r#set_addressed_player(
4414        &self,
4415        mut player_id: u16,
4416    ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
4417        ControllerSetAddressedPlayerResult,
4418        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
4419    > {
4420        ControllerProxyInterface::r#set_addressed_player(self, player_id)
4421    }
4423    /// Send an AV\C passthrough key command. Sends both a key down and key up event.
4424    pub fn r#send_command(
4425        &self,
4426        mut command: AvcPanelCommand,
4427    ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
4428        ControllerSendCommandResult,
4429        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
4430    > {
4431        ControllerProxyInterface::r#send_command(self, command)
4432    }
4435impl ControllerProxyInterface for ControllerProxy {
4436    type GetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
4437        ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResult,
4438        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
4439    >;
4440    fn r#get_player_application_settings(
4441        &self,
4442        mut attribute_ids: &[PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId],
4443    ) -> Self::GetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponseFut {
4444        fn _decode(
4445            mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
4446        ) -> Result<ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResult, fidl::Error> {
4447            let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
4448                fidl::encoding::ResultType<
4449                    ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse,
4450                    ControllerError,
4451                >,
4452                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
4453                0x681de2da50670120,
4454            >(_buf?)?;
4455            Ok(|x| x.current_settings))
4456        }
4457        self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
4458            ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest,
4459            ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResult,
4460        >(
4461            (attribute_ids,),
4462            0x681de2da50670120,
4463            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
4464            _decode,
4465        )
4466    }
4468    type SetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
4469        ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResult,
4470        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
4471    >;
4472    fn r#set_player_application_settings(
4473        &self,
4474        mut requested_settings: &PlayerApplicationSettings,
4475    ) -> Self::SetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponseFut {
4476        fn _decode(
4477            mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
4478        ) -> Result<ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResult, fidl::Error> {
4479            let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
4480                fidl::encoding::ResultType<
4481                    ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse,
4482                    ControllerError,
4483                >,
4484                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
4485                0x6a7c9689ea3a589a,
4486            >(_buf?)?;
4487            Ok(|x| x.set_settings))
4488        }
4489        self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
4490            ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest,
4491            ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResult,
4492        >(
4493            (requested_settings,),
4494            0x6a7c9689ea3a589a,
4495            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
4496            _decode,
4497        )
4498    }
4500    type GetMediaAttributesResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
4501        ControllerGetMediaAttributesResult,
4502        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
4503    >;
4504    fn r#get_media_attributes(&self) -> Self::GetMediaAttributesResponseFut {
4505        fn _decode(
4506            mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
4507        ) -> Result<ControllerGetMediaAttributesResult, fidl::Error> {
4508            let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
4509                fidl::encoding::ResultType<ControllerGetMediaAttributesResponse, ControllerError>,
4510                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
4511                0x18bd14308ee3173d,
4512            >(_buf?)?;
4513            Ok(|x| x.attributes))
4514        }
4515        self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
4516            fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
4517            ControllerGetMediaAttributesResult,
4518        >(
4519            (),
4520            0x18bd14308ee3173d,
4521            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
4522            _decode,
4523        )
4524    }
4526    type GetPlayStatusResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
4527        ControllerGetPlayStatusResult,
4528        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
4529    >;
4530    fn r#get_play_status(&self) -> Self::GetPlayStatusResponseFut {
4531        fn _decode(
4532            mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
4533        ) -> Result<ControllerGetPlayStatusResult, fidl::Error> {
4534            let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
4535                fidl::encoding::ResultType<ControllerGetPlayStatusResponse, ControllerError>,
4536                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
4537                0x120735bec709fc6d,
4538            >(_buf?)?;
4539            Ok(|x| x.play_status))
4540        }
4541        self.client
4542            .send_query_and_decode::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload, ControllerGetPlayStatusResult>(
4543                (),
4544                0x120735bec709fc6d,
4545                fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
4546                _decode,
4547            )
4548    }
4550    type SetAbsoluteVolumeResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
4551        ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeResult,
4552        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
4553    >;
4554    fn r#set_absolute_volume(
4555        &self,
4556        mut requested_volume: u8,
4557    ) -> Self::SetAbsoluteVolumeResponseFut {
4558        fn _decode(
4559            mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
4560        ) -> Result<ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeResult, fidl::Error> {
4561            let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
4562                fidl::encoding::ResultType<ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeResponse, ControllerError>,
4563                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
4564                0x1b8d010e11d05957,
4565            >(_buf?)?;
4566            Ok(|x| x.set_volume))
4567        }
4568        self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
4569            ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeRequest,
4570            ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeResult,
4571        >(
4572            (requested_volume,),
4573            0x1b8d010e11d05957,
4574            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
4575            _decode,
4576        )
4577    }
4579    type InformBatteryStatusResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
4580        ControllerInformBatteryStatusResult,
4581        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
4582    >;
4583    fn r#inform_battery_status(
4584        &self,
4585        mut battery_status: BatteryStatus,
4586    ) -> Self::InformBatteryStatusResponseFut {
4587        fn _decode(
4588            mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
4589        ) -> Result<ControllerInformBatteryStatusResult, fidl::Error> {
4590            let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
4591                fidl::encoding::ResultType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct, ControllerError>,
4592                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
4593                0x11d54fbe9d12c44d,
4594            >(_buf?)?;
4595            Ok(|x| x))
4596        }
4597        self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
4598            ControllerInformBatteryStatusRequest,
4599            ControllerInformBatteryStatusResult,
4600        >(
4601            (battery_status,),
4602            0x11d54fbe9d12c44d,
4603            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
4604            _decode,
4605        )
4606    }
4608    fn r#set_notification_filter(
4609        &self,
4610        mut notifications: Notifications,
4611        mut position_change_interval: u32,
4612    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
4613        self.client.send::<ControllerSetNotificationFilterRequest>(
4614            (notifications, position_change_interval),
4615            0x4d8a327745ccd73b,
4616            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
4617        )
4618    }
4620    fn r#notify_notification_handled(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
4621        self.client.send::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(
4622            (),
4623            0x43d3e556557f3bc2,
4624            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
4625        )
4626    }
4628    type SetAddressedPlayerResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
4629        ControllerSetAddressedPlayerResult,
4630        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
4631    >;
4632    fn r#set_addressed_player(&self, mut player_id: u16) -> Self::SetAddressedPlayerResponseFut {
4633        fn _decode(
4634            mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
4635        ) -> Result<ControllerSetAddressedPlayerResult, fidl::Error> {
4636            let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
4637                fidl::encoding::ResultType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct, ControllerError>,
4638                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
4639                0x7ffc261f10ee1da5,
4640            >(_buf?)?;
4641            Ok(|x| x))
4642        }
4643        self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
4644            ControllerSetAddressedPlayerRequest,
4645            ControllerSetAddressedPlayerResult,
4646        >(
4647            (player_id,),
4648            0x7ffc261f10ee1da5,
4649            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
4650            _decode,
4651        )
4652    }
4654    type SendCommandResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
4655        ControllerSendCommandResult,
4656        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
4657    >;
4658    fn r#send_command(&self, mut command: AvcPanelCommand) -> Self::SendCommandResponseFut {
4659        fn _decode(
4660            mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
4661        ) -> Result<ControllerSendCommandResult, fidl::Error> {
4662            let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
4663                fidl::encoding::ResultType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct, ControllerError>,
4664                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
4665                0x241324c56b5bc257,
4666            >(_buf?)?;
4667            Ok(|x| x))
4668        }
4669        self.client
4670            .send_query_and_decode::<ControllerSendCommandRequest, ControllerSendCommandResult>(
4671                (command,),
4672                0x241324c56b5bc257,
4673                fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
4674                _decode,
4675            )
4676    }
4679pub struct ControllerEventStream {
4680    event_receiver: fidl::client::EventReceiver<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>,
4683impl std::marker::Unpin for ControllerEventStream {}
4685impl futures::stream::FusedStream for ControllerEventStream {
4686    fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool {
4687        self.event_receiver.is_terminated()
4688    }
4691impl futures::Stream for ControllerEventStream {
4692    type Item = Result<ControllerEvent, fidl::Error>;
4694    fn poll_next(
4695        mut self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
4696        cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
4697    ) -> std::task::Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
4698        match futures::ready!(futures::stream::StreamExt::poll_next_unpin(
4699            &mut self.event_receiver,
4700            cx
4701        )?) {
4702            Some(buf) => std::task::Poll::Ready(Some(ControllerEvent::decode(buf))),
4703            None => std::task::Poll::Ready(None),
4704        }
4705    }
4709pub enum ControllerEvent {
4710    OnNotification { timestamp: i64, notification: Notification },
4713impl ControllerEvent {
4714    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
4715    pub fn into_on_notification(self) -> Option<(i64, Notification)> {
4716        if let ControllerEvent::OnNotification { timestamp, notification } = self {
4717            Some((timestamp, notification))
4718        } else {
4719            None
4720        }
4721    }
4723    /// Decodes a message buffer as a [`ControllerEvent`].
4724    fn decode(
4725        mut buf: <fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc,
4726    ) -> Result<ControllerEvent, fidl::Error> {
4727        let (bytes, _handles) = buf.split_mut();
4728        let (tx_header, _body_bytes) = fidl::encoding::decode_transaction_header(bytes)?;
4729        debug_assert_eq!(tx_header.tx_id, 0);
4730        match tx_header.ordinal {
4731            0x796259451db67281 => {
4732                let mut out = fidl::new_empty!(
4733                    ControllerOnNotificationRequest,
4734                    fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
4735                );
4736                fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<ControllerOnNotificationRequest>(&tx_header, _body_bytes, _handles, &mut out)?;
4737                Ok((ControllerEvent::OnNotification {
4738                    timestamp: out.timestamp,
4739                    notification: out.notification,
4740                }))
4741            }
4742            _ => Err(fidl::Error::UnknownOrdinal {
4743                ordinal: tx_header.ordinal,
4744                protocol_name: <ControllerMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME,
4745            }),
4746        }
4747    }
4750/// A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.bluetooth.avrcp/Controller.
4751pub struct ControllerRequestStream {
4752    inner: std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>,
4753    is_terminated: bool,
4756impl std::marker::Unpin for ControllerRequestStream {}
4758impl futures::stream::FusedStream for ControllerRequestStream {
4759    fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool {
4760        self.is_terminated
4761    }
4764impl fidl::endpoints::RequestStream for ControllerRequestStream {
4765    type Protocol = ControllerMarker;
4766    type ControlHandle = ControllerControlHandle;
4768    fn from_channel(channel: ::fidl::AsyncChannel) -> Self {
4769        Self { inner: std::sync::Arc::new(fidl::ServeInner::new(channel)), is_terminated: false }
4770    }
4772    fn control_handle(&self) -> Self::ControlHandle {
4773        ControllerControlHandle { inner: self.inner.clone() }
4774    }
4776    fn into_inner(
4777        self,
4778    ) -> (::std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>, bool)
4779    {
4780        (self.inner, self.is_terminated)
4781    }
4783    fn from_inner(
4784        inner: std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>,
4785        is_terminated: bool,
4786    ) -> Self {
4787        Self { inner, is_terminated }
4788    }
4791impl futures::Stream for ControllerRequestStream {
4792    type Item = Result<ControllerRequest, fidl::Error>;
4794    fn poll_next(
4795        mut self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
4796        cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
4797    ) -> std::task::Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
4798        let this = &mut *self;
4799        if this.inner.check_shutdown(cx) {
4800            this.is_terminated = true;
4801            return std::task::Poll::Ready(None);
4802        }
4803        if this.is_terminated {
4804            panic!("polled ControllerRequestStream after completion");
4805        }
4806        fidl::encoding::with_tls_decode_buf::<_, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>(
4807            |bytes, handles| {
4808                match, bytes, handles) {
4809                    std::task::Poll::Ready(Ok(())) => {}
4810                    std::task::Poll::Pending => return std::task::Poll::Pending,
4811                    std::task::Poll::Ready(Err(zx_status::Status::PEER_CLOSED)) => {
4812                        this.is_terminated = true;
4813                        return std::task::Poll::Ready(None);
4814                    }
4815                    std::task::Poll::Ready(Err(e)) => {
4816                        return std::task::Poll::Ready(Some(Err(fidl::Error::ServerRequestRead(
4817                            e.into(),
4818                        ))))
4819                    }
4820                }
4822                // A message has been received from the channel
4823                let (header, _body_bytes) = fidl::encoding::decode_transaction_header(bytes)?;
4825                std::task::Poll::Ready(Some(match header.ordinal {
4826                    0x681de2da50670120 => {
4827                        header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
4828                        let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
4829                            ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest,
4830                            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
4831                        );
4832                        fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
4833                        let control_handle = ControllerControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
4834                        Ok(ControllerRequest::GetPlayerApplicationSettings {
4835                            attribute_ids: req.attribute_ids,
4837                            responder: ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponder {
4838                                control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
4839                                tx_id: header.tx_id,
4840                            },
4841                        })
4842                    }
4843                    0x6a7c9689ea3a589a => {
4844                        header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
4845                        let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
4846                            ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest,
4847                            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
4848                        );
4849                        fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
4850                        let control_handle = ControllerControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
4851                        Ok(ControllerRequest::SetPlayerApplicationSettings {
4852                            requested_settings: req.requested_settings,
4854                            responder: ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponder {
4855                                control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
4856                                tx_id: header.tx_id,
4857                            },
4858                        })
4859                    }
4860                    0x18bd14308ee3173d => {
4861                        header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
4862                        let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
4863                            fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
4864                            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
4865                        );
4866                        fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
4867                        let control_handle = ControllerControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
4868                        Ok(ControllerRequest::GetMediaAttributes {
4869                            responder: ControllerGetMediaAttributesResponder {
4870                                control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
4871                                tx_id: header.tx_id,
4872                            },
4873                        })
4874                    }
4875                    0x120735bec709fc6d => {
4876                        header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
4877                        let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
4878                            fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
4879                            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
4880                        );
4881                        fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
4882                        let control_handle = ControllerControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
4883                        Ok(ControllerRequest::GetPlayStatus {
4884                            responder: ControllerGetPlayStatusResponder {
4885                                control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
4886                                tx_id: header.tx_id,
4887                            },
4888                        })
4889                    }
4890                    0x1b8d010e11d05957 => {
4891                        header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
4892                        let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
4893                            ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeRequest,
4894                            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
4895                        );
4896                        fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
4897                        let control_handle = ControllerControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
4898                        Ok(ControllerRequest::SetAbsoluteVolume {
4899                            requested_volume: req.requested_volume,
4901                            responder: ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeResponder {
4902                                control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
4903                                tx_id: header.tx_id,
4904                            },
4905                        })
4906                    }
4907                    0x11d54fbe9d12c44d => {
4908                        header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
4909                        let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
4910                            ControllerInformBatteryStatusRequest,
4911                            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
4912                        );
4913                        fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<ControllerInformBatteryStatusRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
4914                        let control_handle = ControllerControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
4915                        Ok(ControllerRequest::InformBatteryStatus {
4916                            battery_status: req.battery_status,
4918                            responder: ControllerInformBatteryStatusResponder {
4919                                control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
4920                                tx_id: header.tx_id,
4921                            },
4922                        })
4923                    }
4924                    0x4d8a327745ccd73b => {
4925                        header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
4926                        let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
4927                            ControllerSetNotificationFilterRequest,
4928                            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
4929                        );
4930                        fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<ControllerSetNotificationFilterRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
4931                        let control_handle = ControllerControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
4932                        Ok(ControllerRequest::SetNotificationFilter {
4933                            notifications: req.notifications,
4934                            position_change_interval: req.position_change_interval,
4936                            control_handle,
4937                        })
4938                    }
4939                    0x43d3e556557f3bc2 => {
4940                        header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::OneWay)?;
4941                        let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
4942                            fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
4943                            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
4944                        );
4945                        fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
4946                        let control_handle = ControllerControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
4947                        Ok(ControllerRequest::NotifyNotificationHandled { control_handle })
4948                    }
4949                    0x7ffc261f10ee1da5 => {
4950                        header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
4951                        let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
4952                            ControllerSetAddressedPlayerRequest,
4953                            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
4954                        );
4955                        fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<ControllerSetAddressedPlayerRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
4956                        let control_handle = ControllerControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
4957                        Ok(ControllerRequest::SetAddressedPlayer {
4958                            player_id: req.player_id,
4960                            responder: ControllerSetAddressedPlayerResponder {
4961                                control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
4962                                tx_id: header.tx_id,
4963                            },
4964                        })
4965                    }
4966                    0x241324c56b5bc257 => {
4967                        header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
4968                        let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
4969                            ControllerSendCommandRequest,
4970                            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
4971                        );
4972                        fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<ControllerSendCommandRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
4973                        let control_handle = ControllerControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
4974                        Ok(ControllerRequest::SendCommand {
4975                            command: req.command,
4977                            responder: ControllerSendCommandResponder {
4978                                control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
4979                                tx_id: header.tx_id,
4980                            },
4981                        })
4982                    }
4983                    _ => Err(fidl::Error::UnknownOrdinal {
4984                        ordinal: header.ordinal,
4985                        protocol_name:
4986                            <ControllerMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME,
4987                    }),
4988                }))
4989            },
4990        )
4991    }
4994/// Client wrapper for local controller (CT) -> remote target (TG) AVCTP
4995/// connections between devices for AV/C commands.
4997/// See `BrowseController` protocol note for more detailed explanation on
4998/// the purpose of this protocol.
5000pub enum ControllerRequest {
5001    /// Returns currently set player application setting values for the `attribute_ids`.
5002    /// If no `attribute_ids` are provided, this method will query the TG for all valid
5003    /// attribute ID's, and return the currently set player application setting values.
5004    GetPlayerApplicationSettings {
5005        attribute_ids: Vec<PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId>,
5006        responder: ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponder,
5007    },
5008    /// Sets the player application settings specified by `requested_settings`. Only
5009    /// settings specified in the input `requested_settings` will be overwritten.
5010    /// Returns the actual settings that were set.
5011    /// Settings provided in the `requested_settings` that are unsupported or unknown
5012    /// will not be set; the returned `set_settings` will include only the settings
5013    /// that were successfully set on the remote target.
5014    SetPlayerApplicationSettings {
5015        requested_settings: PlayerApplicationSettings,
5016        responder: ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponder,
5017    },
5018    /// Returns the currently playing media attributes.
5019    /// May send either the GetElementAttributes or GetItemAttributes command depending on what
5020    /// is supported.
5021    GetMediaAttributes { responder: ControllerGetMediaAttributesResponder },
5022    /// Returns the status of the currently playing media.
5023    GetPlayStatus { responder: ControllerGetPlayStatusResponder },
5024    /// Request the absolute volume on the peer be changed. Returns the actual volume set by the
5025    /// peer. Values can range from 0x00 to 0x7F (with 100% volume being 0x7F). You may not get a
5026    /// volume changed notification event from the remote peer as result of changing this.
5027    SetAbsoluteVolume { requested_volume: u8, responder: ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeResponder },
5028    /// Inform target of the controller's battery level.
5029    InformBatteryStatus {
5030        battery_status: BatteryStatus,
5031        responder: ControllerInformBatteryStatusResponder,
5032    },
5033    /// Filters notifications that will be received with [`OnNotification`]. Not all notifications
5034    /// are supported by all peers. Resetting the notification filter may trigger all requested
5035    /// notification types to post their current value to [`OnNotification`] immediately.
5036    ///
5037    /// The `position_change_interval` argument is used to set the interval in seconds that the
5038    /// controller client would like to be notified of `TRACK_POS_CHANGED` events.
5039    /// `position_change_interval` is ignored if `TRACK_POS` is not set. The position change interval
5040    /// is best effort and not a guarantee and events may arrive more frequently or less frequently
5041    /// than requested.
5042    SetNotificationFilter {
5043        notifications: Notifications,
5044        position_change_interval: u32,
5045        control_handle: ControllerControlHandle,
5046    },
5047    /// Call to acknowledge handling of a notification from [`OnNotification`].
5048    NotifyNotificationHandled { control_handle: ControllerControlHandle },
5049    /// Changes the addressed `player_id` on the target when multiple are supported.
5050    SetAddressedPlayer { player_id: u16, responder: ControllerSetAddressedPlayerResponder },
5051    /// Send an AV\C passthrough key command. Sends both a key down and key up event.
5052    SendCommand { command: AvcPanelCommand, responder: ControllerSendCommandResponder },
5055impl ControllerRequest {
5056    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
5057    pub fn into_get_player_application_settings(
5058        self,
5059    ) -> Option<(
5060        Vec<PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId>,
5061        ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponder,
5062    )> {
5063        if let ControllerRequest::GetPlayerApplicationSettings { attribute_ids, responder } = self {
5064            Some((attribute_ids, responder))
5065        } else {
5066            None
5067        }
5068    }
5070    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
5071    pub fn into_set_player_application_settings(
5072        self,
5073    ) -> Option<(PlayerApplicationSettings, ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponder)> {
5074        if let ControllerRequest::SetPlayerApplicationSettings { requested_settings, responder } =
5075            self
5076        {
5077            Some((requested_settings, responder))
5078        } else {
5079            None
5080        }
5081    }
5083    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
5084    pub fn into_get_media_attributes(self) -> Option<(ControllerGetMediaAttributesResponder)> {
5085        if let ControllerRequest::GetMediaAttributes { responder } = self {
5086            Some((responder))
5087        } else {
5088            None
5089        }
5090    }
5092    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
5093    pub fn into_get_play_status(self) -> Option<(ControllerGetPlayStatusResponder)> {
5094        if let ControllerRequest::GetPlayStatus { responder } = self {
5095            Some((responder))
5096        } else {
5097            None
5098        }
5099    }
5101    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
5102    pub fn into_set_absolute_volume(self) -> Option<(u8, ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeResponder)> {
5103        if let ControllerRequest::SetAbsoluteVolume { requested_volume, responder } = self {
5104            Some((requested_volume, responder))
5105        } else {
5106            None
5107        }
5108    }
5110    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
5111    pub fn into_inform_battery_status(
5112        self,
5113    ) -> Option<(BatteryStatus, ControllerInformBatteryStatusResponder)> {
5114        if let ControllerRequest::InformBatteryStatus { battery_status, responder } = self {
5115            Some((battery_status, responder))
5116        } else {
5117            None
5118        }
5119    }
5121    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
5122    pub fn into_set_notification_filter(
5123        self,
5124    ) -> Option<(Notifications, u32, ControllerControlHandle)> {
5125        if let ControllerRequest::SetNotificationFilter {
5126            notifications,
5127            position_change_interval,
5128            control_handle,
5129        } = self
5130        {
5131            Some((notifications, position_change_interval, control_handle))
5132        } else {
5133            None
5134        }
5135    }
5137    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
5138    pub fn into_notify_notification_handled(self) -> Option<(ControllerControlHandle)> {
5139        if let ControllerRequest::NotifyNotificationHandled { control_handle } = self {
5140            Some((control_handle))
5141        } else {
5142            None
5143        }
5144    }
5146    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
5147    pub fn into_set_addressed_player(self) -> Option<(u16, ControllerSetAddressedPlayerResponder)> {
5148        if let ControllerRequest::SetAddressedPlayer { player_id, responder } = self {
5149            Some((player_id, responder))
5150        } else {
5151            None
5152        }
5153    }
5155    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
5156    pub fn into_send_command(self) -> Option<(AvcPanelCommand, ControllerSendCommandResponder)> {
5157        if let ControllerRequest::SendCommand { command, responder } = self {
5158            Some((command, responder))
5159        } else {
5160            None
5161        }
5162    }
5164    /// Name of the method defined in FIDL
5165    pub fn method_name(&self) -> &'static str {
5166        match *self {
5167            ControllerRequest::GetPlayerApplicationSettings { .. } => {
5168                "get_player_application_settings"
5169            }
5170            ControllerRequest::SetPlayerApplicationSettings { .. } => {
5171                "set_player_application_settings"
5172            }
5173            ControllerRequest::GetMediaAttributes { .. } => "get_media_attributes",
5174            ControllerRequest::GetPlayStatus { .. } => "get_play_status",
5175            ControllerRequest::SetAbsoluteVolume { .. } => "set_absolute_volume",
5176            ControllerRequest::InformBatteryStatus { .. } => "inform_battery_status",
5177            ControllerRequest::SetNotificationFilter { .. } => "set_notification_filter",
5178            ControllerRequest::NotifyNotificationHandled { .. } => "notify_notification_handled",
5179            ControllerRequest::SetAddressedPlayer { .. } => "set_addressed_player",
5180            ControllerRequest::SendCommand { .. } => "send_command",
5181        }
5182    }
5185#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
5186pub struct ControllerControlHandle {
5187    inner: std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>,
5190impl fidl::endpoints::ControlHandle for ControllerControlHandle {
5191    fn shutdown(&self) {
5192        self.inner.shutdown()
5193    }
5194    fn shutdown_with_epitaph(&self, status: zx_status::Status) {
5195        self.inner.shutdown_with_epitaph(status)
5196    }
5198    fn is_closed(&self) -> bool {
5200    }
5201    fn on_closed(&self) -> fidl::OnSignalsRef<'_> {
5203    }
5205    #[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
5206    fn signal_peer(
5207        &self,
5208        clear_mask: zx::Signals,
5209        set_mask: zx::Signals,
5210    ) -> Result<(), zx_status::Status> {
5211        use fidl::Peered;
5212, set_mask)
5213    }
5216impl ControllerControlHandle {
5217    pub fn send_on_notification(
5218        &self,
5219        mut timestamp: i64,
5220        mut notification: &Notification,
5221    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5222        self.inner.send::<ControllerOnNotificationRequest>(
5223            (timestamp, notification),
5224            0,
5225            0x796259451db67281,
5226            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
5227        )
5228    }
5231#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
5233pub struct ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponder {
5234    control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<ControllerControlHandle>,
5235    tx_id: u32,
5238/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`ControllerControlHandle::shutdown`])
5239/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
5240/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
5241impl std::ops::Drop for ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponder {
5242    fn drop(&mut self) {
5243        self.control_handle.shutdown();
5244        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
5245        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
5246    }
5249impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponder {
5250    type ControlHandle = ControllerControlHandle;
5252    fn control_handle(&self) -> &ControllerControlHandle {
5253        &self.control_handle
5254    }
5256    fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
5257        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
5258        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
5259        // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
5260        std::mem::forget(self);
5261    }
5264impl ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponder {
5265    /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
5266    ///
5267    /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
5268    pub fn send(
5269        self,
5270        mut result: Result<&PlayerApplicationSettings, ControllerError>,
5271    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5272        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
5273        if _result.is_err() {
5274            self.control_handle.shutdown();
5275        }
5276        self.drop_without_shutdown();
5277        _result
5278    }
5280    /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
5281    pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
5282        self,
5283        mut result: Result<&PlayerApplicationSettings, ControllerError>,
5284    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5285        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
5286        self.drop_without_shutdown();
5287        _result
5288    }
5290    fn send_raw(
5291        &self,
5292        mut result: Result<&PlayerApplicationSettings, ControllerError>,
5293    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5294        self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::ResultType<
5295            ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse,
5296            ControllerError,
5297        >>(
5298  |current_settings| (current_settings,)),
5299            self.tx_id,
5300            0x681de2da50670120,
5301            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
5302        )
5303    }
5306#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
5308pub struct ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponder {
5309    control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<ControllerControlHandle>,
5310    tx_id: u32,
5313/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`ControllerControlHandle::shutdown`])
5314/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
5315/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
5316impl std::ops::Drop for ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponder {
5317    fn drop(&mut self) {
5318        self.control_handle.shutdown();
5319        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
5320        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
5321    }
5324impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponder {
5325    type ControlHandle = ControllerControlHandle;
5327    fn control_handle(&self) -> &ControllerControlHandle {
5328        &self.control_handle
5329    }
5331    fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
5332        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
5333        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
5334        // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
5335        std::mem::forget(self);
5336    }
5339impl ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponder {
5340    /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
5341    ///
5342    /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
5343    pub fn send(
5344        self,
5345        mut result: Result<&PlayerApplicationSettings, ControllerError>,
5346    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5347        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
5348        if _result.is_err() {
5349            self.control_handle.shutdown();
5350        }
5351        self.drop_without_shutdown();
5352        _result
5353    }
5355    /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
5356    pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
5357        self,
5358        mut result: Result<&PlayerApplicationSettings, ControllerError>,
5359    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5360        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
5361        self.drop_without_shutdown();
5362        _result
5363    }
5365    fn send_raw(
5366        &self,
5367        mut result: Result<&PlayerApplicationSettings, ControllerError>,
5368    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5369        self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::ResultType<
5370            ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse,
5371            ControllerError,
5372        >>(
5373  |set_settings| (set_settings,)),
5374            self.tx_id,
5375            0x6a7c9689ea3a589a,
5376            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
5377        )
5378    }
5381#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
5383pub struct ControllerGetMediaAttributesResponder {
5384    control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<ControllerControlHandle>,
5385    tx_id: u32,
5388/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`ControllerControlHandle::shutdown`])
5389/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
5390/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
5391impl std::ops::Drop for ControllerGetMediaAttributesResponder {
5392    fn drop(&mut self) {
5393        self.control_handle.shutdown();
5394        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
5395        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
5396    }
5399impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for ControllerGetMediaAttributesResponder {
5400    type ControlHandle = ControllerControlHandle;
5402    fn control_handle(&self) -> &ControllerControlHandle {
5403        &self.control_handle
5404    }
5406    fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
5407        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
5408        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
5409        // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
5410        std::mem::forget(self);
5411    }
5414impl ControllerGetMediaAttributesResponder {
5415    /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
5416    ///
5417    /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
5418    pub fn send(
5419        self,
5420        mut result: Result<&MediaAttributes, ControllerError>,
5421    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5422        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
5423        if _result.is_err() {
5424            self.control_handle.shutdown();
5425        }
5426        self.drop_without_shutdown();
5427        _result
5428    }
5430    /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
5431    pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
5432        self,
5433        mut result: Result<&MediaAttributes, ControllerError>,
5434    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5435        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
5436        self.drop_without_shutdown();
5437        _result
5438    }
5440    fn send_raw(
5441        &self,
5442        mut result: Result<&MediaAttributes, ControllerError>,
5443    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5444        self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::ResultType<
5445            ControllerGetMediaAttributesResponse,
5446            ControllerError,
5447        >>(
5448  |attributes| (attributes,)),
5449            self.tx_id,
5450            0x18bd14308ee3173d,
5451            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
5452        )
5453    }
5456#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
5458pub struct ControllerGetPlayStatusResponder {
5459    control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<ControllerControlHandle>,
5460    tx_id: u32,
5463/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`ControllerControlHandle::shutdown`])
5464/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
5465/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
5466impl std::ops::Drop for ControllerGetPlayStatusResponder {
5467    fn drop(&mut self) {
5468        self.control_handle.shutdown();
5469        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
5470        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
5471    }
5474impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for ControllerGetPlayStatusResponder {
5475    type ControlHandle = ControllerControlHandle;
5477    fn control_handle(&self) -> &ControllerControlHandle {
5478        &self.control_handle
5479    }
5481    fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
5482        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
5483        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
5484        // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
5485        std::mem::forget(self);
5486    }
5489impl ControllerGetPlayStatusResponder {
5490    /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
5491    ///
5492    /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
5493    pub fn send(self, mut result: Result<&PlayStatus, ControllerError>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5494        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
5495        if _result.is_err() {
5496            self.control_handle.shutdown();
5497        }
5498        self.drop_without_shutdown();
5499        _result
5500    }
5502    /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
5503    pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
5504        self,
5505        mut result: Result<&PlayStatus, ControllerError>,
5506    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5507        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
5508        self.drop_without_shutdown();
5509        _result
5510    }
5512    fn send_raw(
5513        &self,
5514        mut result: Result<&PlayStatus, ControllerError>,
5515    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5516        self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::ResultType<
5517            ControllerGetPlayStatusResponse,
5518            ControllerError,
5519        >>(
5520  |play_status| (play_status,)),
5521            self.tx_id,
5522            0x120735bec709fc6d,
5523            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
5524        )
5525    }
5528#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
5530pub struct ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeResponder {
5531    control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<ControllerControlHandle>,
5532    tx_id: u32,
5535/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`ControllerControlHandle::shutdown`])
5536/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
5537/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
5538impl std::ops::Drop for ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeResponder {
5539    fn drop(&mut self) {
5540        self.control_handle.shutdown();
5541        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
5542        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
5543    }
5546impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeResponder {
5547    type ControlHandle = ControllerControlHandle;
5549    fn control_handle(&self) -> &ControllerControlHandle {
5550        &self.control_handle
5551    }
5553    fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
5554        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
5555        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
5556        // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
5557        std::mem::forget(self);
5558    }
5561impl ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeResponder {
5562    /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
5563    ///
5564    /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
5565    pub fn send(self, mut result: Result<u8, ControllerError>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5566        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
5567        if _result.is_err() {
5568            self.control_handle.shutdown();
5569        }
5570        self.drop_without_shutdown();
5571        _result
5572    }
5574    /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
5575    pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
5576        self,
5577        mut result: Result<u8, ControllerError>,
5578    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5579        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
5580        self.drop_without_shutdown();
5581        _result
5582    }
5584    fn send_raw(&self, mut result: Result<u8, ControllerError>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5585        self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::ResultType<
5586            ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeResponse,
5587            ControllerError,
5588        >>(
5589  |set_volume| (set_volume,)),
5590            self.tx_id,
5591            0x1b8d010e11d05957,
5592            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
5593        )
5594    }
5597#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
5599pub struct ControllerInformBatteryStatusResponder {
5600    control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<ControllerControlHandle>,
5601    tx_id: u32,
5604/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`ControllerControlHandle::shutdown`])
5605/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
5606/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
5607impl std::ops::Drop for ControllerInformBatteryStatusResponder {
5608    fn drop(&mut self) {
5609        self.control_handle.shutdown();
5610        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
5611        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
5612    }
5615impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for ControllerInformBatteryStatusResponder {
5616    type ControlHandle = ControllerControlHandle;
5618    fn control_handle(&self) -> &ControllerControlHandle {
5619        &self.control_handle
5620    }
5622    fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
5623        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
5624        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
5625        // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
5626        std::mem::forget(self);
5627    }
5630impl ControllerInformBatteryStatusResponder {
5631    /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
5632    ///
5633    /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
5634    pub fn send(self, mut result: Result<(), ControllerError>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5635        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
5636        if _result.is_err() {
5637            self.control_handle.shutdown();
5638        }
5639        self.drop_without_shutdown();
5640        _result
5641    }
5643    /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
5644    pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
5645        self,
5646        mut result: Result<(), ControllerError>,
5647    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5648        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
5649        self.drop_without_shutdown();
5650        _result
5651    }
5653    fn send_raw(&self, mut result: Result<(), ControllerError>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5654        self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::ResultType<
5655            fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct,
5656            ControllerError,
5657        >>(
5658            result,
5659            self.tx_id,
5660            0x11d54fbe9d12c44d,
5661            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
5662        )
5663    }
5666#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
5668pub struct ControllerSetAddressedPlayerResponder {
5669    control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<ControllerControlHandle>,
5670    tx_id: u32,
5673/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`ControllerControlHandle::shutdown`])
5674/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
5675/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
5676impl std::ops::Drop for ControllerSetAddressedPlayerResponder {
5677    fn drop(&mut self) {
5678        self.control_handle.shutdown();
5679        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
5680        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
5681    }
5684impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for ControllerSetAddressedPlayerResponder {
5685    type ControlHandle = ControllerControlHandle;
5687    fn control_handle(&self) -> &ControllerControlHandle {
5688        &self.control_handle
5689    }
5691    fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
5692        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
5693        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
5694        // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
5695        std::mem::forget(self);
5696    }
5699impl ControllerSetAddressedPlayerResponder {
5700    /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
5701    ///
5702    /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
5703    pub fn send(self, mut result: Result<(), ControllerError>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5704        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
5705        if _result.is_err() {
5706            self.control_handle.shutdown();
5707        }
5708        self.drop_without_shutdown();
5709        _result
5710    }
5712    /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
5713    pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
5714        self,
5715        mut result: Result<(), ControllerError>,
5716    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5717        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
5718        self.drop_without_shutdown();
5719        _result
5720    }
5722    fn send_raw(&self, mut result: Result<(), ControllerError>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5723        self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::ResultType<
5724            fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct,
5725            ControllerError,
5726        >>(
5727            result,
5728            self.tx_id,
5729            0x7ffc261f10ee1da5,
5730            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
5731        )
5732    }
5735#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
5737pub struct ControllerSendCommandResponder {
5738    control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<ControllerControlHandle>,
5739    tx_id: u32,
5742/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`ControllerControlHandle::shutdown`])
5743/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
5744/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
5745impl std::ops::Drop for ControllerSendCommandResponder {
5746    fn drop(&mut self) {
5747        self.control_handle.shutdown();
5748        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
5749        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
5750    }
5753impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for ControllerSendCommandResponder {
5754    type ControlHandle = ControllerControlHandle;
5756    fn control_handle(&self) -> &ControllerControlHandle {
5757        &self.control_handle
5758    }
5760    fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
5761        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
5762        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
5763        // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
5764        std::mem::forget(self);
5765    }
5768impl ControllerSendCommandResponder {
5769    /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
5770    ///
5771    /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
5772    pub fn send(self, mut result: Result<(), ControllerError>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5773        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
5774        if _result.is_err() {
5775            self.control_handle.shutdown();
5776        }
5777        self.drop_without_shutdown();
5778        _result
5779    }
5781    /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
5782    pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
5783        self,
5784        mut result: Result<(), ControllerError>,
5785    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5786        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
5787        self.drop_without_shutdown();
5788        _result
5789    }
5791    fn send_raw(&self, mut result: Result<(), ControllerError>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
5792        self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::ResultType<
5793            fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct,
5794            ControllerError,
5795        >>(
5796            result,
5797            self.tx_id,
5798            0x241324c56b5bc257,
5799            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
5800        )
5801    }
5804#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
5805pub struct PeerManagerMarker;
5807impl fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker for PeerManagerMarker {
5808    type Proxy = PeerManagerProxy;
5809    type RequestStream = PeerManagerRequestStream;
5810    #[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
5811    type SynchronousProxy = PeerManagerSynchronousProxy;
5813    const DEBUG_NAME: &'static str = "fuchsia.bluetooth.avrcp.PeerManager";
5815impl fidl::endpoints::DiscoverableProtocolMarker for PeerManagerMarker {}
5816pub type PeerManagerGetBrowseControllerForTargetResult = Result<(), i32>;
5817pub type PeerManagerGetControllerForTargetResult = Result<(), i32>;
5818pub type PeerManagerSetAbsoluteVolumeHandlerResult = Result<(), i32>;
5819pub type PeerManagerRegisterTargetHandlerResult = Result<(), i32>;
5821pub trait PeerManagerProxyInterface: Send + Sync {
5822    type GetBrowseControllerForTargetResponseFut: std::future::Future<
5823            Output = Result<PeerManagerGetBrowseControllerForTargetResult, fidl::Error>,
5824        > + Send;
5825    fn r#get_browse_controller_for_target(
5826        &self,
5827        peer_id: &fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth::PeerId,
5828        client: fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BrowseControllerMarker>,
5829    ) -> Self::GetBrowseControllerForTargetResponseFut;
5830    type GetControllerForTargetResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<PeerManagerGetControllerForTargetResult, fidl::Error>>
5831        + Send;
5832    fn r#get_controller_for_target(
5833        &self,
5834        peer_id: &fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth::PeerId,
5835        client: fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<ControllerMarker>,
5836    ) -> Self::GetControllerForTargetResponseFut;
5837    type SetAbsoluteVolumeHandlerResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<PeerManagerSetAbsoluteVolumeHandlerResult, fidl::Error>>
5838        + Send;
5839    fn r#set_absolute_volume_handler(
5840        &self,
5841        handler: fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerMarker>,
5842    ) -> Self::SetAbsoluteVolumeHandlerResponseFut;
5843    type RegisterTargetHandlerResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<PeerManagerRegisterTargetHandlerResult, fidl::Error>>
5844        + Send;
5845    fn r#register_target_handler(
5846        &self,
5847        handler: fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<TargetHandlerMarker>,
5848    ) -> Self::RegisterTargetHandlerResponseFut;
5851#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
5852pub struct PeerManagerSynchronousProxy {
5853    client: fidl::client::sync::Client,
5856#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
5857impl fidl::endpoints::SynchronousProxy for PeerManagerSynchronousProxy {
5858    type Proxy = PeerManagerProxy;
5859    type Protocol = PeerManagerMarker;
5861    fn from_channel(inner: fidl::Channel) -> Self {
5862        Self::new(inner)
5863    }
5865    fn into_channel(self) -> fidl::Channel {
5866        self.client.into_channel()
5867    }
5869    fn as_channel(&self) -> &fidl::Channel {
5870        self.client.as_channel()
5871    }
5874#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
5875impl PeerManagerSynchronousProxy {
5876    pub fn new(channel: fidl::Channel) -> Self {
5877        let protocol_name = <PeerManagerMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME;
5878        Self { client: fidl::client::sync::Client::new(channel, protocol_name) }
5879    }
5881    pub fn into_channel(self) -> fidl::Channel {
5882        self.client.into_channel()
5883    }
5885    /// Waits until an event arrives and returns it. It is safe for other
5886    /// threads to make concurrent requests while waiting for an event.
5887    pub fn wait_for_event(
5888        &self,
5889        deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
5890    ) -> Result<PeerManagerEvent, fidl::Error> {
5891        PeerManagerEvent::decode(self.client.wait_for_event(deadline)?)
5892    }
5894    /// Returns a browse controller client to a remote target (TG) service at
5895    /// the peer specified by `peer_id`.
5896    pub fn r#get_browse_controller_for_target(
5897        &self,
5898        mut peer_id: &fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth::PeerId,
5899        mut client: fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BrowseControllerMarker>,
5900        ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
5901    ) -> Result<PeerManagerGetBrowseControllerForTargetResult, fidl::Error> {
5902        let _response = self.client.send_query::<
5903            PeerManagerGetBrowseControllerForTargetRequest,
5904            fidl::encoding::ResultType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct, i32>,
5905        >(
5906            (peer_id, client,),
5907            0x5b75bbb8d58a6d49,
5908            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
5909            ___deadline,
5910        )?;
5911        Ok(|x| x))
5912    }
5914    /// Returns a controller client to a remote target (TG) service at the peer specified by
5915    /// `peer_id`.
5916    pub fn r#get_controller_for_target(
5917        &self,
5918        mut peer_id: &fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth::PeerId,
5919        mut client: fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<ControllerMarker>,
5920        ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
5921    ) -> Result<PeerManagerGetControllerForTargetResult, fidl::Error> {
5922        let _response = self.client.send_query::<
5923            PeerManagerGetControllerForTargetRequest,
5924            fidl::encoding::ResultType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct, i32>,
5925        >(
5926            (peer_id, client,),
5927            0x25d36e51516bc3b4,
5928            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
5929            ___deadline,
5930        )?;
5931        Ok(|x| x))
5932    }
5934    /// Set the absolute volume handler.  Only one handler may be set  at at time.
5935    /// If a second handler is registered it will be dropped and an error will
5936    /// be returned.
5937    pub fn r#set_absolute_volume_handler(
5938        &self,
5939        mut handler: fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerMarker>,
5940        ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
5941    ) -> Result<PeerManagerSetAbsoluteVolumeHandlerResult, fidl::Error> {
5942        let _response = self.client.send_query::<
5943            PeerManagerSetAbsoluteVolumeHandlerRequest,
5944            fidl::encoding::ResultType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct, i32>,
5945        >(
5946            (handler,),
5947            0x39a465c63e9f918c,
5948            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
5949            ___deadline,
5950        )?;
5951        Ok(|x| x))
5952    }
5954    /// Sets an implementation of target handler that will vend delegates for each incoming
5955    /// remote TG -> local CT connections to handle the commands being sent by the remote TG.
5956    pub fn r#register_target_handler(
5957        &self,
5958        mut handler: fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<TargetHandlerMarker>,
5959        ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
5960    ) -> Result<PeerManagerRegisterTargetHandlerResult, fidl::Error> {
5961        let _response = self.client.send_query::<
5962            PeerManagerRegisterTargetHandlerRequest,
5963            fidl::encoding::ResultType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct, i32>,
5964        >(
5965            (handler,),
5966            0x4bc919acb791bdb3,
5967            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
5968            ___deadline,
5969        )?;
5970        Ok(|x| x))
5971    }
5974#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
5975pub struct PeerManagerProxy {
5976    client: fidl::client::Client<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>,
5979impl fidl::endpoints::Proxy for PeerManagerProxy {
5980    type Protocol = PeerManagerMarker;
5982    fn from_channel(inner: ::fidl::AsyncChannel) -> Self {
5983        Self::new(inner)
5984    }
5986    fn into_channel(self) -> Result<::fidl::AsyncChannel, Self> {
5987        self.client.into_channel().map_err(|client| Self { client })
5988    }
5990    fn as_channel(&self) -> &::fidl::AsyncChannel {
5991        self.client.as_channel()
5992    }
5995impl PeerManagerProxy {
5996    /// Create a new Proxy for fuchsia.bluetooth.avrcp/PeerManager.
5997    pub fn new(channel: ::fidl::AsyncChannel) -> Self {
5998        let protocol_name = <PeerManagerMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME;
5999        Self { client: fidl::client::Client::new(channel, protocol_name) }
6000    }
6002    /// Get a Stream of events from the remote end of the protocol.
6003    ///
6004    /// # Panics
6005    ///
6006    /// Panics if the event stream was already taken.
6007    pub fn take_event_stream(&self) -> PeerManagerEventStream {
6008        PeerManagerEventStream { event_receiver: self.client.take_event_receiver() }
6009    }
6011    /// Returns a browse controller client to a remote target (TG) service at
6012    /// the peer specified by `peer_id`.
6013    pub fn r#get_browse_controller_for_target(
6014        &self,
6015        mut peer_id: &fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth::PeerId,
6016        mut client: fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BrowseControllerMarker>,
6017    ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
6018        PeerManagerGetBrowseControllerForTargetResult,
6019        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
6020    > {
6021        PeerManagerProxyInterface::r#get_browse_controller_for_target(self, peer_id, client)
6022    }
6024    /// Returns a controller client to a remote target (TG) service at the peer specified by
6025    /// `peer_id`.
6026    pub fn r#get_controller_for_target(
6027        &self,
6028        mut peer_id: &fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth::PeerId,
6029        mut client: fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<ControllerMarker>,
6030    ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
6031        PeerManagerGetControllerForTargetResult,
6032        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
6033    > {
6034        PeerManagerProxyInterface::r#get_controller_for_target(self, peer_id, client)
6035    }
6037    /// Set the absolute volume handler.  Only one handler may be set  at at time.
6038    /// If a second handler is registered it will be dropped and an error will
6039    /// be returned.
6040    pub fn r#set_absolute_volume_handler(
6041        &self,
6042        mut handler: fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerMarker>,
6043    ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
6044        PeerManagerSetAbsoluteVolumeHandlerResult,
6045        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
6046    > {
6047        PeerManagerProxyInterface::r#set_absolute_volume_handler(self, handler)
6048    }
6050    /// Sets an implementation of target handler that will vend delegates for each incoming
6051    /// remote TG -> local CT connections to handle the commands being sent by the remote TG.
6052    pub fn r#register_target_handler(
6053        &self,
6054        mut handler: fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<TargetHandlerMarker>,
6055    ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
6056        PeerManagerRegisterTargetHandlerResult,
6057        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
6058    > {
6059        PeerManagerProxyInterface::r#register_target_handler(self, handler)
6060    }
6063impl PeerManagerProxyInterface for PeerManagerProxy {
6064    type GetBrowseControllerForTargetResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
6065        PeerManagerGetBrowseControllerForTargetResult,
6066        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
6067    >;
6068    fn r#get_browse_controller_for_target(
6069        &self,
6070        mut peer_id: &fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth::PeerId,
6071        mut client: fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BrowseControllerMarker>,
6072    ) -> Self::GetBrowseControllerForTargetResponseFut {
6073        fn _decode(
6074            mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
6075        ) -> Result<PeerManagerGetBrowseControllerForTargetResult, fidl::Error> {
6076            let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
6077                fidl::encoding::ResultType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct, i32>,
6078                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
6079                0x5b75bbb8d58a6d49,
6080            >(_buf?)?;
6081            Ok(|x| x))
6082        }
6083        self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
6084            PeerManagerGetBrowseControllerForTargetRequest,
6085            PeerManagerGetBrowseControllerForTargetResult,
6086        >(
6087            (peer_id, client,),
6088            0x5b75bbb8d58a6d49,
6089            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
6090            _decode,
6091        )
6092    }
6094    type GetControllerForTargetResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
6095        PeerManagerGetControllerForTargetResult,
6096        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
6097    >;
6098    fn r#get_controller_for_target(
6099        &self,
6100        mut peer_id: &fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth::PeerId,
6101        mut client: fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<ControllerMarker>,
6102    ) -> Self::GetControllerForTargetResponseFut {
6103        fn _decode(
6104            mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
6105        ) -> Result<PeerManagerGetControllerForTargetResult, fidl::Error> {
6106            let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
6107                fidl::encoding::ResultType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct, i32>,
6108                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
6109                0x25d36e51516bc3b4,
6110            >(_buf?)?;
6111            Ok(|x| x))
6112        }
6113        self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
6114            PeerManagerGetControllerForTargetRequest,
6115            PeerManagerGetControllerForTargetResult,
6116        >(
6117            (peer_id, client,),
6118            0x25d36e51516bc3b4,
6119            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
6120            _decode,
6121        )
6122    }
6124    type SetAbsoluteVolumeHandlerResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
6125        PeerManagerSetAbsoluteVolumeHandlerResult,
6126        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
6127    >;
6128    fn r#set_absolute_volume_handler(
6129        &self,
6130        mut handler: fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerMarker>,
6131    ) -> Self::SetAbsoluteVolumeHandlerResponseFut {
6132        fn _decode(
6133            mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
6134        ) -> Result<PeerManagerSetAbsoluteVolumeHandlerResult, fidl::Error> {
6135            let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
6136                fidl::encoding::ResultType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct, i32>,
6137                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
6138                0x39a465c63e9f918c,
6139            >(_buf?)?;
6140            Ok(|x| x))
6141        }
6142        self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
6143            PeerManagerSetAbsoluteVolumeHandlerRequest,
6144            PeerManagerSetAbsoluteVolumeHandlerResult,
6145        >(
6146            (handler,),
6147            0x39a465c63e9f918c,
6148            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
6149            _decode,
6150        )
6151    }
6153    type RegisterTargetHandlerResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
6154        PeerManagerRegisterTargetHandlerResult,
6155        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
6156    >;
6157    fn r#register_target_handler(
6158        &self,
6159        mut handler: fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<TargetHandlerMarker>,
6160    ) -> Self::RegisterTargetHandlerResponseFut {
6161        fn _decode(
6162            mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
6163        ) -> Result<PeerManagerRegisterTargetHandlerResult, fidl::Error> {
6164            let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
6165                fidl::encoding::ResultType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct, i32>,
6166                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
6167                0x4bc919acb791bdb3,
6168            >(_buf?)?;
6169            Ok(|x| x))
6170        }
6171        self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
6172            PeerManagerRegisterTargetHandlerRequest,
6173            PeerManagerRegisterTargetHandlerResult,
6174        >(
6175            (handler,),
6176            0x4bc919acb791bdb3,
6177            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
6178            _decode,
6179        )
6180    }
6183pub struct PeerManagerEventStream {
6184    event_receiver: fidl::client::EventReceiver<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>,
6187impl std::marker::Unpin for PeerManagerEventStream {}
6189impl futures::stream::FusedStream for PeerManagerEventStream {
6190    fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool {
6191        self.event_receiver.is_terminated()
6192    }
6195impl futures::Stream for PeerManagerEventStream {
6196    type Item = Result<PeerManagerEvent, fidl::Error>;
6198    fn poll_next(
6199        mut self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
6200        cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
6201    ) -> std::task::Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
6202        match futures::ready!(futures::stream::StreamExt::poll_next_unpin(
6203            &mut self.event_receiver,
6204            cx
6205        )?) {
6206            Some(buf) => std::task::Poll::Ready(Some(PeerManagerEvent::decode(buf))),
6207            None => std::task::Poll::Ready(None),
6208        }
6209    }
6213pub enum PeerManagerEvent {}
6215impl PeerManagerEvent {
6216    /// Decodes a message buffer as a [`PeerManagerEvent`].
6217    fn decode(
6218        mut buf: <fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc,
6219    ) -> Result<PeerManagerEvent, fidl::Error> {
6220        let (bytes, _handles) = buf.split_mut();
6221        let (tx_header, _body_bytes) = fidl::encoding::decode_transaction_header(bytes)?;
6222        debug_assert_eq!(tx_header.tx_id, 0);
6223        match tx_header.ordinal {
6224            _ => Err(fidl::Error::UnknownOrdinal {
6225                ordinal: tx_header.ordinal,
6226                protocol_name: <PeerManagerMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME,
6227            }),
6228        }
6229    }
6232/// A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.bluetooth.avrcp/PeerManager.
6233pub struct PeerManagerRequestStream {
6234    inner: std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>,
6235    is_terminated: bool,
6238impl std::marker::Unpin for PeerManagerRequestStream {}
6240impl futures::stream::FusedStream for PeerManagerRequestStream {
6241    fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool {
6242        self.is_terminated
6243    }
6246impl fidl::endpoints::RequestStream for PeerManagerRequestStream {
6247    type Protocol = PeerManagerMarker;
6248    type ControlHandle = PeerManagerControlHandle;
6250    fn from_channel(channel: ::fidl::AsyncChannel) -> Self {
6251        Self { inner: std::sync::Arc::new(fidl::ServeInner::new(channel)), is_terminated: false }
6252    }
6254    fn control_handle(&self) -> Self::ControlHandle {
6255        PeerManagerControlHandle { inner: self.inner.clone() }
6256    }
6258    fn into_inner(
6259        self,
6260    ) -> (::std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>, bool)
6261    {
6262        (self.inner, self.is_terminated)
6263    }
6265    fn from_inner(
6266        inner: std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>,
6267        is_terminated: bool,
6268    ) -> Self {
6269        Self { inner, is_terminated }
6270    }
6273impl futures::Stream for PeerManagerRequestStream {
6274    type Item = Result<PeerManagerRequest, fidl::Error>;
6276    fn poll_next(
6277        mut self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
6278        cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
6279    ) -> std::task::Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
6280        let this = &mut *self;
6281        if this.inner.check_shutdown(cx) {
6282            this.is_terminated = true;
6283            return std::task::Poll::Ready(None);
6284        }
6285        if this.is_terminated {
6286            panic!("polled PeerManagerRequestStream after completion");
6287        }
6288        fidl::encoding::with_tls_decode_buf::<_, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>(
6289            |bytes, handles| {
6290                match, bytes, handles) {
6291                    std::task::Poll::Ready(Ok(())) => {}
6292                    std::task::Poll::Pending => return std::task::Poll::Pending,
6293                    std::task::Poll::Ready(Err(zx_status::Status::PEER_CLOSED)) => {
6294                        this.is_terminated = true;
6295                        return std::task::Poll::Ready(None);
6296                    }
6297                    std::task::Poll::Ready(Err(e)) => {
6298                        return std::task::Poll::Ready(Some(Err(fidl::Error::ServerRequestRead(
6299                            e.into(),
6300                        ))))
6301                    }
6302                }
6304                // A message has been received from the channel
6305                let (header, _body_bytes) = fidl::encoding::decode_transaction_header(bytes)?;
6307                std::task::Poll::Ready(Some(match header.ordinal {
6308                    0x5b75bbb8d58a6d49 => {
6309                        header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
6310                        let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
6311                            PeerManagerGetBrowseControllerForTargetRequest,
6312                            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
6313                        );
6314                        fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<PeerManagerGetBrowseControllerForTargetRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
6315                        let control_handle = PeerManagerControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
6316                        Ok(PeerManagerRequest::GetBrowseControllerForTarget {
6317                            peer_id: req.peer_id,
6318                            client: req.client,
6320                            responder: PeerManagerGetBrowseControllerForTargetResponder {
6321                                control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
6322                                tx_id: header.tx_id,
6323                            },
6324                        })
6325                    }
6326                    0x25d36e51516bc3b4 => {
6327                        header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
6328                        let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
6329                            PeerManagerGetControllerForTargetRequest,
6330                            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
6331                        );
6332                        fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<PeerManagerGetControllerForTargetRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
6333                        let control_handle = PeerManagerControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
6334                        Ok(PeerManagerRequest::GetControllerForTarget {
6335                            peer_id: req.peer_id,
6336                            client: req.client,
6338                            responder: PeerManagerGetControllerForTargetResponder {
6339                                control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
6340                                tx_id: header.tx_id,
6341                            },
6342                        })
6343                    }
6344                    0x39a465c63e9f918c => {
6345                        header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
6346                        let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
6347                            PeerManagerSetAbsoluteVolumeHandlerRequest,
6348                            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
6349                        );
6350                        fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<PeerManagerSetAbsoluteVolumeHandlerRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
6351                        let control_handle = PeerManagerControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
6352                        Ok(PeerManagerRequest::SetAbsoluteVolumeHandler {
6353                            handler: req.handler,
6355                            responder: PeerManagerSetAbsoluteVolumeHandlerResponder {
6356                                control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
6357                                tx_id: header.tx_id,
6358                            },
6359                        })
6360                    }
6361                    0x4bc919acb791bdb3 => {
6362                        header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
6363                        let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
6364                            PeerManagerRegisterTargetHandlerRequest,
6365                            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
6366                        );
6367                        fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<PeerManagerRegisterTargetHandlerRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
6368                        let control_handle = PeerManagerControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
6369                        Ok(PeerManagerRequest::RegisterTargetHandler {
6370                            handler: req.handler,
6372                            responder: PeerManagerRegisterTargetHandlerResponder {
6373                                control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
6374                                tx_id: header.tx_id,
6375                            },
6376                        })
6377                    }
6378                    _ => Err(fidl::Error::UnknownOrdinal {
6379                        ordinal: header.ordinal,
6380                        protocol_name:
6381                            <PeerManagerMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME,
6382                    }),
6383                }))
6384            },
6385        )
6386    }
6390pub enum PeerManagerRequest {
6391    /// Returns a browse controller client to a remote target (TG) service at
6392    /// the peer specified by `peer_id`.
6393    GetBrowseControllerForTarget {
6394        peer_id: fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth::PeerId,
6395        client: fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BrowseControllerMarker>,
6396        responder: PeerManagerGetBrowseControllerForTargetResponder,
6397    },
6398    /// Returns a controller client to a remote target (TG) service at the peer specified by
6399    /// `peer_id`.
6400    GetControllerForTarget {
6401        peer_id: fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth::PeerId,
6402        client: fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<ControllerMarker>,
6403        responder: PeerManagerGetControllerForTargetResponder,
6404    },
6405    /// Set the absolute volume handler.  Only one handler may be set  at at time.
6406    /// If a second handler is registered it will be dropped and an error will
6407    /// be returned.
6408    SetAbsoluteVolumeHandler {
6409        handler: fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerMarker>,
6410        responder: PeerManagerSetAbsoluteVolumeHandlerResponder,
6411    },
6412    /// Sets an implementation of target handler that will vend delegates for each incoming
6413    /// remote TG -> local CT connections to handle the commands being sent by the remote TG.
6414    RegisterTargetHandler {
6415        handler: fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<TargetHandlerMarker>,
6416        responder: PeerManagerRegisterTargetHandlerResponder,
6417    },
6420impl PeerManagerRequest {
6421    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
6422    pub fn into_get_browse_controller_for_target(
6423        self,
6424    ) -> Option<(
6425        fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth::PeerId,
6426        fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BrowseControllerMarker>,
6427        PeerManagerGetBrowseControllerForTargetResponder,
6428    )> {
6429        if let PeerManagerRequest::GetBrowseControllerForTarget { peer_id, client, responder } =
6430            self
6431        {
6432            Some((peer_id, client, responder))
6433        } else {
6434            None
6435        }
6436    }
6438    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
6439    pub fn into_get_controller_for_target(
6440        self,
6441    ) -> Option<(
6442        fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth::PeerId,
6443        fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<ControllerMarker>,
6444        PeerManagerGetControllerForTargetResponder,
6445    )> {
6446        if let PeerManagerRequest::GetControllerForTarget { peer_id, client, responder } = self {
6447            Some((peer_id, client, responder))
6448        } else {
6449            None
6450        }
6451    }
6453    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
6454    pub fn into_set_absolute_volume_handler(
6455        self,
6456    ) -> Option<(
6457        fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerMarker>,
6458        PeerManagerSetAbsoluteVolumeHandlerResponder,
6459    )> {
6460        if let PeerManagerRequest::SetAbsoluteVolumeHandler { handler, responder } = self {
6461            Some((handler, responder))
6462        } else {
6463            None
6464        }
6465    }
6467    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
6468    pub fn into_register_target_handler(
6469        self,
6470    ) -> Option<(
6471        fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<TargetHandlerMarker>,
6472        PeerManagerRegisterTargetHandlerResponder,
6473    )> {
6474        if let PeerManagerRequest::RegisterTargetHandler { handler, responder } = self {
6475            Some((handler, responder))
6476        } else {
6477            None
6478        }
6479    }
6481    /// Name of the method defined in FIDL
6482    pub fn method_name(&self) -> &'static str {
6483        match *self {
6484            PeerManagerRequest::GetBrowseControllerForTarget { .. } => {
6485                "get_browse_controller_for_target"
6486            }
6487            PeerManagerRequest::GetControllerForTarget { .. } => "get_controller_for_target",
6488            PeerManagerRequest::SetAbsoluteVolumeHandler { .. } => "set_absolute_volume_handler",
6489            PeerManagerRequest::RegisterTargetHandler { .. } => "register_target_handler",
6490        }
6491    }
6494#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
6495pub struct PeerManagerControlHandle {
6496    inner: std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>,
6499impl fidl::endpoints::ControlHandle for PeerManagerControlHandle {
6500    fn shutdown(&self) {
6501        self.inner.shutdown()
6502    }
6503    fn shutdown_with_epitaph(&self, status: zx_status::Status) {
6504        self.inner.shutdown_with_epitaph(status)
6505    }
6507    fn is_closed(&self) -> bool {
6509    }
6510    fn on_closed(&self) -> fidl::OnSignalsRef<'_> {
6512    }
6514    #[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
6515    fn signal_peer(
6516        &self,
6517        clear_mask: zx::Signals,
6518        set_mask: zx::Signals,
6519    ) -> Result<(), zx_status::Status> {
6520        use fidl::Peered;
6521, set_mask)
6522    }
6525impl PeerManagerControlHandle {}
6527#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
6529pub struct PeerManagerGetBrowseControllerForTargetResponder {
6530    control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<PeerManagerControlHandle>,
6531    tx_id: u32,
6534/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`PeerManagerControlHandle::shutdown`])
6535/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
6536/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
6537impl std::ops::Drop for PeerManagerGetBrowseControllerForTargetResponder {
6538    fn drop(&mut self) {
6539        self.control_handle.shutdown();
6540        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
6541        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
6542    }
6545impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for PeerManagerGetBrowseControllerForTargetResponder {
6546    type ControlHandle = PeerManagerControlHandle;
6548    fn control_handle(&self) -> &PeerManagerControlHandle {
6549        &self.control_handle
6550    }
6552    fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
6553        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
6554        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
6555        // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
6556        std::mem::forget(self);
6557    }
6560impl PeerManagerGetBrowseControllerForTargetResponder {
6561    /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
6562    ///
6563    /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
6564    pub fn send(self, mut result: Result<(), i32>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
6565        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
6566        if _result.is_err() {
6567            self.control_handle.shutdown();
6568        }
6569        self.drop_without_shutdown();
6570        _result
6571    }
6573    /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
6574    pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(self, mut result: Result<(), i32>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
6575        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
6576        self.drop_without_shutdown();
6577        _result
6578    }
6580    fn send_raw(&self, mut result: Result<(), i32>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
6581        self.control_handle
6582            .inner
6583            .send::<fidl::encoding::ResultType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct, i32>>(
6584                result,
6585                self.tx_id,
6586                0x5b75bbb8d58a6d49,
6587                fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
6588            )
6589    }
6592#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
6594pub struct PeerManagerGetControllerForTargetResponder {
6595    control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<PeerManagerControlHandle>,
6596    tx_id: u32,
6599/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`PeerManagerControlHandle::shutdown`])
6600/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
6601/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
6602impl std::ops::Drop for PeerManagerGetControllerForTargetResponder {
6603    fn drop(&mut self) {
6604        self.control_handle.shutdown();
6605        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
6606        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
6607    }
6610impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for PeerManagerGetControllerForTargetResponder {
6611    type ControlHandle = PeerManagerControlHandle;
6613    fn control_handle(&self) -> &PeerManagerControlHandle {
6614        &self.control_handle
6615    }
6617    fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
6618        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
6619        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
6620        // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
6621        std::mem::forget(self);
6622    }
6625impl PeerManagerGetControllerForTargetResponder {
6626    /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
6627    ///
6628    /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
6629    pub fn send(self, mut result: Result<(), i32>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
6630        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
6631        if _result.is_err() {
6632            self.control_handle.shutdown();
6633        }
6634        self.drop_without_shutdown();
6635        _result
6636    }
6638    /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
6639    pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(self, mut result: Result<(), i32>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
6640        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
6641        self.drop_without_shutdown();
6642        _result
6643    }
6645    fn send_raw(&self, mut result: Result<(), i32>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
6646        self.control_handle
6647            .inner
6648            .send::<fidl::encoding::ResultType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct, i32>>(
6649                result,
6650                self.tx_id,
6651                0x25d36e51516bc3b4,
6652                fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
6653            )
6654    }
6657#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
6659pub struct PeerManagerSetAbsoluteVolumeHandlerResponder {
6660    control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<PeerManagerControlHandle>,
6661    tx_id: u32,
6664/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`PeerManagerControlHandle::shutdown`])
6665/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
6666/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
6667impl std::ops::Drop for PeerManagerSetAbsoluteVolumeHandlerResponder {
6668    fn drop(&mut self) {
6669        self.control_handle.shutdown();
6670        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
6671        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
6672    }
6675impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for PeerManagerSetAbsoluteVolumeHandlerResponder {
6676    type ControlHandle = PeerManagerControlHandle;
6678    fn control_handle(&self) -> &PeerManagerControlHandle {
6679        &self.control_handle
6680    }
6682    fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
6683        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
6684        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
6685        // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
6686        std::mem::forget(self);
6687    }
6690impl PeerManagerSetAbsoluteVolumeHandlerResponder {
6691    /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
6692    ///
6693    /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
6694    pub fn send(self, mut result: Result<(), i32>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
6695        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
6696        if _result.is_err() {
6697            self.control_handle.shutdown();
6698        }
6699        self.drop_without_shutdown();
6700        _result
6701    }
6703    /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
6704    pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(self, mut result: Result<(), i32>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
6705        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
6706        self.drop_without_shutdown();
6707        _result
6708    }
6710    fn send_raw(&self, mut result: Result<(), i32>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
6711        self.control_handle
6712            .inner
6713            .send::<fidl::encoding::ResultType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct, i32>>(
6714                result,
6715                self.tx_id,
6716                0x39a465c63e9f918c,
6717                fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
6718            )
6719    }
6722#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
6724pub struct PeerManagerRegisterTargetHandlerResponder {
6725    control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<PeerManagerControlHandle>,
6726    tx_id: u32,
6729/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`PeerManagerControlHandle::shutdown`])
6730/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
6731/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
6732impl std::ops::Drop for PeerManagerRegisterTargetHandlerResponder {
6733    fn drop(&mut self) {
6734        self.control_handle.shutdown();
6735        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
6736        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
6737    }
6740impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for PeerManagerRegisterTargetHandlerResponder {
6741    type ControlHandle = PeerManagerControlHandle;
6743    fn control_handle(&self) -> &PeerManagerControlHandle {
6744        &self.control_handle
6745    }
6747    fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
6748        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
6749        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
6750        // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
6751        std::mem::forget(self);
6752    }
6755impl PeerManagerRegisterTargetHandlerResponder {
6756    /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
6757    ///
6758    /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
6759    pub fn send(self, mut result: Result<(), i32>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
6760        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
6761        if _result.is_err() {
6762            self.control_handle.shutdown();
6763        }
6764        self.drop_without_shutdown();
6765        _result
6766    }
6768    /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
6769    pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(self, mut result: Result<(), i32>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
6770        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
6771        self.drop_without_shutdown();
6772        _result
6773    }
6775    fn send_raw(&self, mut result: Result<(), i32>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
6776        self.control_handle
6777            .inner
6778            .send::<fidl::encoding::ResultType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct, i32>>(
6779                result,
6780                self.tx_id,
6781                0x4bc919acb791bdb3,
6782                fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
6783            )
6784    }
6787#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
6788pub struct TargetHandlerMarker;
6790impl fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker for TargetHandlerMarker {
6791    type Proxy = TargetHandlerProxy;
6792    type RequestStream = TargetHandlerRequestStream;
6793    #[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
6794    type SynchronousProxy = TargetHandlerSynchronousProxy;
6796    const DEBUG_NAME: &'static str = "(anonymous) TargetHandler";
6798pub type TargetHandlerGetEventsSupportedResult = Result<Vec<NotificationEvent>, TargetAvcError>;
6799pub type TargetHandlerGetMediaAttributesResult = Result<MediaAttributes, TargetAvcError>;
6800pub type TargetHandlerGetPlayStatusResult = Result<PlayStatus, TargetAvcError>;
6801pub type TargetHandlerSendCommandResult = Result<(), TargetPassthroughError>;
6802pub type TargetHandlerListPlayerApplicationSettingAttributesResult =
6803    Result<Vec<PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId>, TargetAvcError>;
6804pub type TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResult =
6805    Result<PlayerApplicationSettings, TargetAvcError>;
6806pub type TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResult =
6807    Result<PlayerApplicationSettings, TargetAvcError>;
6808pub type TargetHandlerGetNotificationResult = Result<Notification, TargetAvcError>;
6809pub type TargetHandlerWatchNotificationResult = Result<Notification, TargetAvcError>;
6810pub type TargetHandlerSetAddressedPlayerResult = Result<(), TargetAvcError>;
6811pub type TargetHandlerGetMediaPlayerItemsResult = Result<Vec<MediaPlayerItem>, TargetAvcError>;
6813pub trait TargetHandlerProxyInterface: Send + Sync {
6814    type GetEventsSupportedResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<TargetHandlerGetEventsSupportedResult, fidl::Error>>
6815        + Send;
6816    fn r#get_events_supported(&self) -> Self::GetEventsSupportedResponseFut;
6817    type GetMediaAttributesResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<TargetHandlerGetMediaAttributesResult, fidl::Error>>
6818        + Send;
6819    fn r#get_media_attributes(&self) -> Self::GetMediaAttributesResponseFut;
6820    type GetPlayStatusResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<TargetHandlerGetPlayStatusResult, fidl::Error>>
6821        + Send;
6822    fn r#get_play_status(&self) -> Self::GetPlayStatusResponseFut;
6823    type SendCommandResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<TargetHandlerSendCommandResult, fidl::Error>>
6824        + Send;
6825    fn r#send_command(
6826        &self,
6827        command: AvcPanelCommand,
6828        pressed: bool,
6829    ) -> Self::SendCommandResponseFut;
6830    type ListPlayerApplicationSettingAttributesResponseFut: std::future::Future<
6831            Output = Result<TargetHandlerListPlayerApplicationSettingAttributesResult, fidl::Error>,
6832        > + Send;
6833    fn r#list_player_application_setting_attributes(
6834        &self,
6835    ) -> Self::ListPlayerApplicationSettingAttributesResponseFut;
6836    type GetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponseFut: std::future::Future<
6837            Output = Result<TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResult, fidl::Error>,
6838        > + Send;
6839    fn r#get_player_application_settings(
6840        &self,
6841        attribute_ids: &[PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId],
6842    ) -> Self::GetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponseFut;
6843    type SetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponseFut: std::future::Future<
6844            Output = Result<TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResult, fidl::Error>,
6845        > + Send;
6846    fn r#set_player_application_settings(
6847        &self,
6848        requested_settings: &PlayerApplicationSettings,
6849    ) -> Self::SetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponseFut;
6850    type GetNotificationResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<TargetHandlerGetNotificationResult, fidl::Error>>
6851        + Send;
6852    fn r#get_notification(&self, event_id: NotificationEvent) -> Self::GetNotificationResponseFut;
6853    type WatchNotificationResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<TargetHandlerWatchNotificationResult, fidl::Error>>
6854        + Send;
6855    fn r#watch_notification(
6856        &self,
6857        event_id: NotificationEvent,
6858        current: &Notification,
6859        pos_change_interval: u32,
6860    ) -> Self::WatchNotificationResponseFut;
6861    type SetAddressedPlayerResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<TargetHandlerSetAddressedPlayerResult, fidl::Error>>
6862        + Send;
6863    fn r#set_addressed_player(
6864        &self,
6865        player_id: &AddressedPlayerId,
6866    ) -> Self::SetAddressedPlayerResponseFut;
6867    type GetMediaPlayerItemsResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<TargetHandlerGetMediaPlayerItemsResult, fidl::Error>>
6868        + Send;
6869    fn r#get_media_player_items(&self) -> Self::GetMediaPlayerItemsResponseFut;
6872#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
6873pub struct TargetHandlerSynchronousProxy {
6874    client: fidl::client::sync::Client,
6877#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
6878impl fidl::endpoints::SynchronousProxy for TargetHandlerSynchronousProxy {
6879    type Proxy = TargetHandlerProxy;
6880    type Protocol = TargetHandlerMarker;
6882    fn from_channel(inner: fidl::Channel) -> Self {
6883        Self::new(inner)
6884    }
6886    fn into_channel(self) -> fidl::Channel {
6887        self.client.into_channel()
6888    }
6890    fn as_channel(&self) -> &fidl::Channel {
6891        self.client.as_channel()
6892    }
6895#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
6896impl TargetHandlerSynchronousProxy {
6897    pub fn new(channel: fidl::Channel) -> Self {
6898        let protocol_name = <TargetHandlerMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME;
6899        Self { client: fidl::client::sync::Client::new(channel, protocol_name) }
6900    }
6902    pub fn into_channel(self) -> fidl::Channel {
6903        self.client.into_channel()
6904    }
6906    /// Waits until an event arrives and returns it. It is safe for other
6907    /// threads to make concurrent requests while waiting for an event.
6908    pub fn wait_for_event(
6909        &self,
6910        deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
6911    ) -> Result<TargetHandlerEvent, fidl::Error> {
6912        TargetHandlerEvent::decode(self.client.wait_for_event(deadline)?)
6913    }
6915    /// Returns the event notification ids that are supported by the TG.
6916    pub fn r#get_events_supported(
6917        &self,
6918        ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
6919    ) -> Result<TargetHandlerGetEventsSupportedResult, fidl::Error> {
6920        let _response =
6921            self.client.send_query::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload, fidl::encoding::ResultType<
6922                TargetHandlerGetEventsSupportedResponse,
6923                TargetAvcError,
6924            >>(
6925                (),
6926                0x54bb8d817d5e1257,
6927                fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
6928                ___deadline,
6929            )?;
6930        Ok(|x| x.notification_ids))
6931    }
6933    /// Returns the currently playing media attributes.
6934    /// May send either the GetElementAttributes or GetItemAttributes command depending on what
6935    /// is supported.
6936    pub fn r#get_media_attributes(
6937        &self,
6938        ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
6939    ) -> Result<TargetHandlerGetMediaAttributesResult, fidl::Error> {
6940        let _response =
6941            self.client.send_query::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload, fidl::encoding::ResultType<
6942                TargetHandlerGetMediaAttributesResponse,
6943                TargetAvcError,
6944            >>(
6945                (),
6946                0x629f354d2805daf5,
6947                fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
6948                ___deadline,
6949            )?;
6950        Ok(|x| x.attributes))
6951    }
6953    /// Returns the status of the currently playing media.
6954    pub fn r#get_play_status(
6955        &self,
6956        ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
6957    ) -> Result<TargetHandlerGetPlayStatusResult, fidl::Error> {
6958        let _response =
6959            self.client.send_query::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload, fidl::encoding::ResultType<
6960                TargetHandlerGetPlayStatusResponse,
6961                TargetAvcError,
6962            >>(
6963                (),
6964                0x24a4816300e14d89,
6965                fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
6966                ___deadline,
6967            )?;
6968        Ok(|x| x.play_status))
6969    }
6971    /// Send an AV\C passthrough key command.
6972    /// If `key_pressed`, then the AV\C passthrough command shall be interpreted as a key
6973    /// press down event. Otherwise, the command shall be interpreted as a key release event.
6974    pub fn r#send_command(
6975        &self,
6976        mut command: AvcPanelCommand,
6977        mut pressed: bool,
6978        ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
6979    ) -> Result<TargetHandlerSendCommandResult, fidl::Error> {
6980        let _response =
6981            self.client.send_query::<TargetHandlerSendCommandRequest, fidl::encoding::ResultType<
6982                fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct,
6983                TargetPassthroughError,
6984            >>(
6985                (command, pressed),
6986                0x69e063a8f6ab7b87,
6987                fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
6988                ___deadline,
6989            )?;
6990        Ok(|x| x))
6991    }
6993    /// Request the target device to provide all the target supported player application
6994    /// setting attributes.
6995    pub fn r#list_player_application_setting_attributes(
6996        &self,
6997        ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
6998    ) -> Result<TargetHandlerListPlayerApplicationSettingAttributesResult, fidl::Error> {
6999        let _response =
7000            self.client.send_query::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload, fidl::encoding::ResultType<
7001                TargetHandlerListPlayerApplicationSettingAttributesResponse,
7002                TargetAvcError,
7003            >>(
7004                (), 0xdfa38da6a60b2, fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(), ___deadline
7005            )?;
7006        Ok(|x| x.attributes))
7007    }
7009    /// Returns currently set player application setting values for the `attribute_ids`.
7010    /// If no `attribute_ids` are provided, this method will query the TG for all valid
7011    /// attribute ID's, and return the currently set player application setting values.
7012    pub fn r#get_player_application_settings(
7013        &self,
7014        mut attribute_ids: &[PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId],
7015        ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
7016    ) -> Result<TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResult, fidl::Error> {
7017        let _response = self.client.send_query::<
7018            TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest,
7019            fidl::encoding::ResultType<TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse, TargetAvcError>,
7020        >(
7021            (attribute_ids,),
7022            0x4273f96bdb752751,
7023            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
7024            ___deadline,
7025        )?;
7026        Ok(|x| x.current_settings))
7027    }
7029    /// Sets the player application settings specified by `requested_settings`. Only
7030    /// settings specified in the input `requested_settings` will be overwritten.
7031    /// Returns the actual settings that were set.
7032    /// Settings provided in the `requested_settings` that are unsupported or unknown
7033    /// will not be set; and `SetPlayerApplicationSettings` will not return an error.
7034    /// Instead, the returned `set_settings` will include only the settings that were
7035    /// successfully set on the remote target.
7036    pub fn r#set_player_application_settings(
7037        &self,
7038        mut requested_settings: &PlayerApplicationSettings,
7039        ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
7040    ) -> Result<TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResult, fidl::Error> {
7041        let _response = self.client.send_query::<
7042            TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest,
7043            fidl::encoding::ResultType<TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse, TargetAvcError>,
7044        >(
7045            (requested_settings,),
7046            0x636dd18255e01998,
7047            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
7048            ___deadline,
7049        )?;
7050        Ok(|x| x.set_settings))
7051    }
7053    /// Returns the current value for the notification specified by `event_id`.
7054    pub fn r#get_notification(
7055        &self,
7056        mut event_id: NotificationEvent,
7057        ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
7058    ) -> Result<TargetHandlerGetNotificationResult, fidl::Error> {
7059        let _response = self.client.send_query::<
7060            TargetHandlerGetNotificationRequest,
7061            fidl::encoding::ResultType<TargetHandlerGetNotificationResponse, TargetAvcError>,
7062        >(
7063            (event_id,),
7064            0x60c7792539a032f1,
7065            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
7066            ___deadline,
7067        )?;
7068        Ok(|x| x.current_value))
7069    }
7071    /// Returns the changed value of the notification specified by 'event_id'.
7072    /// A changed value refers to any value that is different than the input parameter
7073    /// `current` Notification value.
7074    /// `WatchNotification` will not respond until the Notification value associated
7075    /// with `event_id` has changed from the `current` Notification.
7076    pub fn r#watch_notification(
7077        &self,
7078        mut event_id: NotificationEvent,
7079        mut current: &Notification,
7080        mut pos_change_interval: u32,
7081        ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
7082    ) -> Result<TargetHandlerWatchNotificationResult, fidl::Error> {
7083        let _response =
7084            self.client
7085                .send_query::<TargetHandlerWatchNotificationRequest, fidl::encoding::ResultType<
7086                    TargetHandlerWatchNotificationResponse,
7087                    TargetAvcError,
7088                >>(
7089                    (event_id, current, pos_change_interval),
7090                    0x2a513434cf256e5f,
7091                    fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
7092                    ___deadline,
7093                )?;
7094        Ok(|x| x.new_value))
7095    }
7097    /// Changes the addressed `player_id` on the target when multiple are supported.
7098    pub fn r#set_addressed_player(
7099        &self,
7100        mut player_id: &AddressedPlayerId,
7101        ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
7102    ) -> Result<TargetHandlerSetAddressedPlayerResult, fidl::Error> {
7103        let _response = self.client.send_query::<
7104            TargetHandlerSetAddressedPlayerRequest,
7105            fidl::encoding::ResultType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct, TargetAvcError>,
7106        >(
7107            (player_id,),
7108            0x6724ae8288c34d2f,
7109            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
7110            ___deadline,
7111        )?;
7112        Ok(|x| x))
7113    }
7115    /// Returns a list of media player information about the players on the target.
7116    pub fn r#get_media_player_items(
7117        &self,
7118        ___deadline: zx::MonotonicInstant,
7119    ) -> Result<TargetHandlerGetMediaPlayerItemsResult, fidl::Error> {
7120        let _response =
7121            self.client.send_query::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload, fidl::encoding::ResultType<
7122                TargetHandlerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponse,
7123                TargetAvcError,
7124            >>(
7125                (),
7126                0x736668f5aa3a8246,
7127                fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
7128                ___deadline,
7129            )?;
7130        Ok(|x| x.items))
7131    }
7134#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
7135pub struct TargetHandlerProxy {
7136    client: fidl::client::Client<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>,
7139impl fidl::endpoints::Proxy for TargetHandlerProxy {
7140    type Protocol = TargetHandlerMarker;
7142    fn from_channel(inner: ::fidl::AsyncChannel) -> Self {
7143        Self::new(inner)
7144    }
7146    fn into_channel(self) -> Result<::fidl::AsyncChannel, Self> {
7147        self.client.into_channel().map_err(|client| Self { client })
7148    }
7150    fn as_channel(&self) -> &::fidl::AsyncChannel {
7151        self.client.as_channel()
7152    }
7155impl TargetHandlerProxy {
7156    /// Create a new Proxy for fuchsia.bluetooth.avrcp/TargetHandler.
7157    pub fn new(channel: ::fidl::AsyncChannel) -> Self {
7158        let protocol_name = <TargetHandlerMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME;
7159        Self { client: fidl::client::Client::new(channel, protocol_name) }
7160    }
7162    /// Get a Stream of events from the remote end of the protocol.
7163    ///
7164    /// # Panics
7165    ///
7166    /// Panics if the event stream was already taken.
7167    pub fn take_event_stream(&self) -> TargetHandlerEventStream {
7168        TargetHandlerEventStream { event_receiver: self.client.take_event_receiver() }
7169    }
7171    /// Returns the event notification ids that are supported by the TG.
7172    pub fn r#get_events_supported(
7173        &self,
7174    ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
7175        TargetHandlerGetEventsSupportedResult,
7176        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7177    > {
7178        TargetHandlerProxyInterface::r#get_events_supported(self)
7179    }
7181    /// Returns the currently playing media attributes.
7182    /// May send either the GetElementAttributes or GetItemAttributes command depending on what
7183    /// is supported.
7184    pub fn r#get_media_attributes(
7185        &self,
7186    ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
7187        TargetHandlerGetMediaAttributesResult,
7188        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7189    > {
7190        TargetHandlerProxyInterface::r#get_media_attributes(self)
7191    }
7193    /// Returns the status of the currently playing media.
7194    pub fn r#get_play_status(
7195        &self,
7196    ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
7197        TargetHandlerGetPlayStatusResult,
7198        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7199    > {
7200        TargetHandlerProxyInterface::r#get_play_status(self)
7201    }
7203    /// Send an AV\C passthrough key command.
7204    /// If `key_pressed`, then the AV\C passthrough command shall be interpreted as a key
7205    /// press down event. Otherwise, the command shall be interpreted as a key release event.
7206    pub fn r#send_command(
7207        &self,
7208        mut command: AvcPanelCommand,
7209        mut pressed: bool,
7210    ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
7211        TargetHandlerSendCommandResult,
7212        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7213    > {
7214        TargetHandlerProxyInterface::r#send_command(self, command, pressed)
7215    }
7217    /// Request the target device to provide all the target supported player application
7218    /// setting attributes.
7219    pub fn r#list_player_application_setting_attributes(
7220        &self,
7221    ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
7222        TargetHandlerListPlayerApplicationSettingAttributesResult,
7223        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7224    > {
7225        TargetHandlerProxyInterface::r#list_player_application_setting_attributes(self)
7226    }
7228    /// Returns currently set player application setting values for the `attribute_ids`.
7229    /// If no `attribute_ids` are provided, this method will query the TG for all valid
7230    /// attribute ID's, and return the currently set player application setting values.
7231    pub fn r#get_player_application_settings(
7232        &self,
7233        mut attribute_ids: &[PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId],
7234    ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
7235        TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResult,
7236        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7237    > {
7238        TargetHandlerProxyInterface::r#get_player_application_settings(self, attribute_ids)
7239    }
7241    /// Sets the player application settings specified by `requested_settings`. Only
7242    /// settings specified in the input `requested_settings` will be overwritten.
7243    /// Returns the actual settings that were set.
7244    /// Settings provided in the `requested_settings` that are unsupported or unknown
7245    /// will not be set; and `SetPlayerApplicationSettings` will not return an error.
7246    /// Instead, the returned `set_settings` will include only the settings that were
7247    /// successfully set on the remote target.
7248    pub fn r#set_player_application_settings(
7249        &self,
7250        mut requested_settings: &PlayerApplicationSettings,
7251    ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
7252        TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResult,
7253        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7254    > {
7255        TargetHandlerProxyInterface::r#set_player_application_settings(self, requested_settings)
7256    }
7258    /// Returns the current value for the notification specified by `event_id`.
7259    pub fn r#get_notification(
7260        &self,
7261        mut event_id: NotificationEvent,
7262    ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
7263        TargetHandlerGetNotificationResult,
7264        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7265    > {
7266        TargetHandlerProxyInterface::r#get_notification(self, event_id)
7267    }
7269    /// Returns the changed value of the notification specified by 'event_id'.
7270    /// A changed value refers to any value that is different than the input parameter
7271    /// `current` Notification value.
7272    /// `WatchNotification` will not respond until the Notification value associated
7273    /// with `event_id` has changed from the `current` Notification.
7274    pub fn r#watch_notification(
7275        &self,
7276        mut event_id: NotificationEvent,
7277        mut current: &Notification,
7278        mut pos_change_interval: u32,
7279    ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
7280        TargetHandlerWatchNotificationResult,
7281        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7282    > {
7283        TargetHandlerProxyInterface::r#watch_notification(
7284            self,
7285            event_id,
7286            current,
7287            pos_change_interval,
7288        )
7289    }
7291    /// Changes the addressed `player_id` on the target when multiple are supported.
7292    pub fn r#set_addressed_player(
7293        &self,
7294        mut player_id: &AddressedPlayerId,
7295    ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
7296        TargetHandlerSetAddressedPlayerResult,
7297        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7298    > {
7299        TargetHandlerProxyInterface::r#set_addressed_player(self, player_id)
7300    }
7302    /// Returns a list of media player information about the players on the target.
7303    pub fn r#get_media_player_items(
7304        &self,
7305    ) -> fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
7306        TargetHandlerGetMediaPlayerItemsResult,
7307        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7308    > {
7309        TargetHandlerProxyInterface::r#get_media_player_items(self)
7310    }
7313impl TargetHandlerProxyInterface for TargetHandlerProxy {
7314    type GetEventsSupportedResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
7315        TargetHandlerGetEventsSupportedResult,
7316        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7317    >;
7318    fn r#get_events_supported(&self) -> Self::GetEventsSupportedResponseFut {
7319        fn _decode(
7320            mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
7321        ) -> Result<TargetHandlerGetEventsSupportedResult, fidl::Error> {
7322            let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
7323                fidl::encoding::ResultType<TargetHandlerGetEventsSupportedResponse, TargetAvcError>,
7324                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7325                0x54bb8d817d5e1257,
7326            >(_buf?)?;
7327            Ok(|x| x.notification_ids))
7328        }
7329        self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
7330            fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
7331            TargetHandlerGetEventsSupportedResult,
7332        >(
7333            (),
7334            0x54bb8d817d5e1257,
7335            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
7336            _decode,
7337        )
7338    }
7340    type GetMediaAttributesResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
7341        TargetHandlerGetMediaAttributesResult,
7342        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7343    >;
7344    fn r#get_media_attributes(&self) -> Self::GetMediaAttributesResponseFut {
7345        fn _decode(
7346            mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
7347        ) -> Result<TargetHandlerGetMediaAttributesResult, fidl::Error> {
7348            let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
7349                fidl::encoding::ResultType<TargetHandlerGetMediaAttributesResponse, TargetAvcError>,
7350                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7351                0x629f354d2805daf5,
7352            >(_buf?)?;
7353            Ok(|x| x.attributes))
7354        }
7355        self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
7356            fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
7357            TargetHandlerGetMediaAttributesResult,
7358        >(
7359            (),
7360            0x629f354d2805daf5,
7361            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
7362            _decode,
7363        )
7364    }
7366    type GetPlayStatusResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
7367        TargetHandlerGetPlayStatusResult,
7368        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7369    >;
7370    fn r#get_play_status(&self) -> Self::GetPlayStatusResponseFut {
7371        fn _decode(
7372            mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
7373        ) -> Result<TargetHandlerGetPlayStatusResult, fidl::Error> {
7374            let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
7375                fidl::encoding::ResultType<TargetHandlerGetPlayStatusResponse, TargetAvcError>,
7376                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7377                0x24a4816300e14d89,
7378            >(_buf?)?;
7379            Ok(|x| x.play_status))
7380        }
7381        self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
7382            fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
7383            TargetHandlerGetPlayStatusResult,
7384        >(
7385            (),
7386            0x24a4816300e14d89,
7387            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
7388            _decode,
7389        )
7390    }
7392    type SendCommandResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
7393        TargetHandlerSendCommandResult,
7394        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7395    >;
7396    fn r#send_command(
7397        &self,
7398        mut command: AvcPanelCommand,
7399        mut pressed: bool,
7400    ) -> Self::SendCommandResponseFut {
7401        fn _decode(
7402            mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
7403        ) -> Result<TargetHandlerSendCommandResult, fidl::Error> {
7404            let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
7405                fidl::encoding::ResultType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct, TargetPassthroughError>,
7406                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7407                0x69e063a8f6ab7b87,
7408            >(_buf?)?;
7409            Ok(|x| x))
7410        }
7411        self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
7412            TargetHandlerSendCommandRequest,
7413            TargetHandlerSendCommandResult,
7414        >(
7415            (command, pressed,),
7416            0x69e063a8f6ab7b87,
7417            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
7418            _decode,
7419        )
7420    }
7422    type ListPlayerApplicationSettingAttributesResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
7423        TargetHandlerListPlayerApplicationSettingAttributesResult,
7424        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7425    >;
7426    fn r#list_player_application_setting_attributes(
7427        &self,
7428    ) -> Self::ListPlayerApplicationSettingAttributesResponseFut {
7429        fn _decode(
7430            mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
7431        ) -> Result<TargetHandlerListPlayerApplicationSettingAttributesResult, fidl::Error>
7432        {
7433            let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
7434                fidl::encoding::ResultType<
7435                    TargetHandlerListPlayerApplicationSettingAttributesResponse,
7436                    TargetAvcError,
7437                >,
7438                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7439                0xdfa38da6a60b2,
7440            >(_buf?)?;
7441            Ok(|x| x.attributes))
7442        }
7443        self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
7444            fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
7445            TargetHandlerListPlayerApplicationSettingAttributesResult,
7446        >(
7447            (),
7448            0xdfa38da6a60b2,
7449            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
7450            _decode,
7451        )
7452    }
7454    type GetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
7455        TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResult,
7456        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7457    >;
7458    fn r#get_player_application_settings(
7459        &self,
7460        mut attribute_ids: &[PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId],
7461    ) -> Self::GetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponseFut {
7462        fn _decode(
7463            mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
7464        ) -> Result<TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResult, fidl::Error> {
7465            let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
7466                fidl::encoding::ResultType<
7467                    TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse,
7468                    TargetAvcError,
7469                >,
7470                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7471                0x4273f96bdb752751,
7472            >(_buf?)?;
7473            Ok(|x| x.current_settings))
7474        }
7475        self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
7476            TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest,
7477            TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResult,
7478        >(
7479            (attribute_ids,),
7480            0x4273f96bdb752751,
7481            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
7482            _decode,
7483        )
7484    }
7486    type SetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
7487        TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResult,
7488        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7489    >;
7490    fn r#set_player_application_settings(
7491        &self,
7492        mut requested_settings: &PlayerApplicationSettings,
7493    ) -> Self::SetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponseFut {
7494        fn _decode(
7495            mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
7496        ) -> Result<TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResult, fidl::Error> {
7497            let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
7498                fidl::encoding::ResultType<
7499                    TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse,
7500                    TargetAvcError,
7501                >,
7502                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7503                0x636dd18255e01998,
7504            >(_buf?)?;
7505            Ok(|x| x.set_settings))
7506        }
7507        self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
7508            TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest,
7509            TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResult,
7510        >(
7511            (requested_settings,),
7512            0x636dd18255e01998,
7513            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
7514            _decode,
7515        )
7516    }
7518    type GetNotificationResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
7519        TargetHandlerGetNotificationResult,
7520        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7521    >;
7522    fn r#get_notification(
7523        &self,
7524        mut event_id: NotificationEvent,
7525    ) -> Self::GetNotificationResponseFut {
7526        fn _decode(
7527            mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
7528        ) -> Result<TargetHandlerGetNotificationResult, fidl::Error> {
7529            let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
7530                fidl::encoding::ResultType<TargetHandlerGetNotificationResponse, TargetAvcError>,
7531                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7532                0x60c7792539a032f1,
7533            >(_buf?)?;
7534            Ok(|x| x.current_value))
7535        }
7536        self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
7537            TargetHandlerGetNotificationRequest,
7538            TargetHandlerGetNotificationResult,
7539        >(
7540            (event_id,),
7541            0x60c7792539a032f1,
7542            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
7543            _decode,
7544        )
7545    }
7547    type WatchNotificationResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
7548        TargetHandlerWatchNotificationResult,
7549        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7550    >;
7551    fn r#watch_notification(
7552        &self,
7553        mut event_id: NotificationEvent,
7554        mut current: &Notification,
7555        mut pos_change_interval: u32,
7556    ) -> Self::WatchNotificationResponseFut {
7557        fn _decode(
7558            mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
7559        ) -> Result<TargetHandlerWatchNotificationResult, fidl::Error> {
7560            let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
7561                fidl::encoding::ResultType<TargetHandlerWatchNotificationResponse, TargetAvcError>,
7562                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7563                0x2a513434cf256e5f,
7564            >(_buf?)?;
7565            Ok(|x| x.new_value))
7566        }
7567        self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
7568            TargetHandlerWatchNotificationRequest,
7569            TargetHandlerWatchNotificationResult,
7570        >(
7571            (event_id, current, pos_change_interval,),
7572            0x2a513434cf256e5f,
7573            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
7574            _decode,
7575        )
7576    }
7578    type SetAddressedPlayerResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
7579        TargetHandlerSetAddressedPlayerResult,
7580        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7581    >;
7582    fn r#set_addressed_player(
7583        &self,
7584        mut player_id: &AddressedPlayerId,
7585    ) -> Self::SetAddressedPlayerResponseFut {
7586        fn _decode(
7587            mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
7588        ) -> Result<TargetHandlerSetAddressedPlayerResult, fidl::Error> {
7589            let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
7590                fidl::encoding::ResultType<fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct, TargetAvcError>,
7591                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7592                0x6724ae8288c34d2f,
7593            >(_buf?)?;
7594            Ok(|x| x))
7595        }
7596        self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
7597            TargetHandlerSetAddressedPlayerRequest,
7598            TargetHandlerSetAddressedPlayerResult,
7599        >(
7600            (player_id,),
7601            0x6724ae8288c34d2f,
7602            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
7603            _decode,
7604        )
7605    }
7607    type GetMediaPlayerItemsResponseFut = fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<
7608        TargetHandlerGetMediaPlayerItemsResult,
7609        fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7610    >;
7611    fn r#get_media_player_items(&self) -> Self::GetMediaPlayerItemsResponseFut {
7612        fn _decode(
7613            mut _buf: Result<<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc, fidl::Error>,
7614        ) -> Result<TargetHandlerGetMediaPlayerItemsResult, fidl::Error> {
7615            let _response = fidl::client::decode_transaction_body::<
7616                fidl::encoding::ResultType<
7617                    TargetHandlerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponse,
7618                    TargetAvcError,
7619                >,
7620                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
7621                0x736668f5aa3a8246,
7622            >(_buf?)?;
7623            Ok(|x| x.items))
7624        }
7625        self.client.send_query_and_decode::<
7626            fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
7627            TargetHandlerGetMediaPlayerItemsResult,
7628        >(
7629            (),
7630            0x736668f5aa3a8246,
7631            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
7632            _decode,
7633        )
7634    }
7637pub struct TargetHandlerEventStream {
7638    event_receiver: fidl::client::EventReceiver<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>,
7641impl std::marker::Unpin for TargetHandlerEventStream {}
7643impl futures::stream::FusedStream for TargetHandlerEventStream {
7644    fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool {
7645        self.event_receiver.is_terminated()
7646    }
7649impl futures::Stream for TargetHandlerEventStream {
7650    type Item = Result<TargetHandlerEvent, fidl::Error>;
7652    fn poll_next(
7653        mut self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
7654        cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
7655    ) -> std::task::Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
7656        match futures::ready!(futures::stream::StreamExt::poll_next_unpin(
7657            &mut self.event_receiver,
7658            cx
7659        )?) {
7660            Some(buf) => std::task::Poll::Ready(Some(TargetHandlerEvent::decode(buf))),
7661            None => std::task::Poll::Ready(None),
7662        }
7663    }
7667pub enum TargetHandlerEvent {}
7669impl TargetHandlerEvent {
7670    /// Decodes a message buffer as a [`TargetHandlerEvent`].
7671    fn decode(
7672        mut buf: <fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect as fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>::MessageBufEtc,
7673    ) -> Result<TargetHandlerEvent, fidl::Error> {
7674        let (bytes, _handles) = buf.split_mut();
7675        let (tx_header, _body_bytes) = fidl::encoding::decode_transaction_header(bytes)?;
7676        debug_assert_eq!(tx_header.tx_id, 0);
7677        match tx_header.ordinal {
7678            _ => Err(fidl::Error::UnknownOrdinal {
7679                ordinal: tx_header.ordinal,
7680                protocol_name: <TargetHandlerMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME,
7681            }),
7682        }
7683    }
7686/// A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.bluetooth.avrcp/TargetHandler.
7687pub struct TargetHandlerRequestStream {
7688    inner: std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>,
7689    is_terminated: bool,
7692impl std::marker::Unpin for TargetHandlerRequestStream {}
7694impl futures::stream::FusedStream for TargetHandlerRequestStream {
7695    fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool {
7696        self.is_terminated
7697    }
7700impl fidl::endpoints::RequestStream for TargetHandlerRequestStream {
7701    type Protocol = TargetHandlerMarker;
7702    type ControlHandle = TargetHandlerControlHandle;
7704    fn from_channel(channel: ::fidl::AsyncChannel) -> Self {
7705        Self { inner: std::sync::Arc::new(fidl::ServeInner::new(channel)), is_terminated: false }
7706    }
7708    fn control_handle(&self) -> Self::ControlHandle {
7709        TargetHandlerControlHandle { inner: self.inner.clone() }
7710    }
7712    fn into_inner(
7713        self,
7714    ) -> (::std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>, bool)
7715    {
7716        (self.inner, self.is_terminated)
7717    }
7719    fn from_inner(
7720        inner: std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>,
7721        is_terminated: bool,
7722    ) -> Self {
7723        Self { inner, is_terminated }
7724    }
7727impl futures::Stream for TargetHandlerRequestStream {
7728    type Item = Result<TargetHandlerRequest, fidl::Error>;
7730    fn poll_next(
7731        mut self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
7732        cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
7733    ) -> std::task::Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
7734        let this = &mut *self;
7735        if this.inner.check_shutdown(cx) {
7736            this.is_terminated = true;
7737            return std::task::Poll::Ready(None);
7738        }
7739        if this.is_terminated {
7740            panic!("polled TargetHandlerRequestStream after completion");
7741        }
7742        fidl::encoding::with_tls_decode_buf::<_, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>(
7743            |bytes, handles| {
7744                match, bytes, handles) {
7745                    std::task::Poll::Ready(Ok(())) => {}
7746                    std::task::Poll::Pending => return std::task::Poll::Pending,
7747                    std::task::Poll::Ready(Err(zx_status::Status::PEER_CLOSED)) => {
7748                        this.is_terminated = true;
7749                        return std::task::Poll::Ready(None);
7750                    }
7751                    std::task::Poll::Ready(Err(e)) => {
7752                        return std::task::Poll::Ready(Some(Err(fidl::Error::ServerRequestRead(
7753                            e.into(),
7754                        ))))
7755                    }
7756                }
7758                // A message has been received from the channel
7759                let (header, _body_bytes) = fidl::encoding::decode_transaction_header(bytes)?;
7761                std::task::Poll::Ready(Some(match header.ordinal {
7762                    0x54bb8d817d5e1257 => {
7763                        header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
7764                        let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
7765                            fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
7766                            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
7767                        );
7768                        fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
7769                        let control_handle =
7770                            TargetHandlerControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
7771                        Ok(TargetHandlerRequest::GetEventsSupported {
7772                            responder: TargetHandlerGetEventsSupportedResponder {
7773                                control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
7774                                tx_id: header.tx_id,
7775                            },
7776                        })
7777                    }
7778                    0x629f354d2805daf5 => {
7779                        header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
7780                        let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
7781                            fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
7782                            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
7783                        );
7784                        fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
7785                        let control_handle =
7786                            TargetHandlerControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
7787                        Ok(TargetHandlerRequest::GetMediaAttributes {
7788                            responder: TargetHandlerGetMediaAttributesResponder {
7789                                control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
7790                                tx_id: header.tx_id,
7791                            },
7792                        })
7793                    }
7794                    0x24a4816300e14d89 => {
7795                        header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
7796                        let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
7797                            fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
7798                            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
7799                        );
7800                        fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
7801                        let control_handle =
7802                            TargetHandlerControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
7803                        Ok(TargetHandlerRequest::GetPlayStatus {
7804                            responder: TargetHandlerGetPlayStatusResponder {
7805                                control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
7806                                tx_id: header.tx_id,
7807                            },
7808                        })
7809                    }
7810                    0x69e063a8f6ab7b87 => {
7811                        header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
7812                        let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
7813                            TargetHandlerSendCommandRequest,
7814                            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
7815                        );
7816                        fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<TargetHandlerSendCommandRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
7817                        let control_handle =
7818                            TargetHandlerControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
7819                        Ok(TargetHandlerRequest::SendCommand {
7820                            command: req.command,
7821                            pressed: req.pressed,
7823                            responder: TargetHandlerSendCommandResponder {
7824                                control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
7825                                tx_id: header.tx_id,
7826                            },
7827                        })
7828                    }
7829                    0xdfa38da6a60b2 => {
7830                        header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
7831                        let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
7832                            fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
7833                            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
7834                        );
7835                        fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
7836                        let control_handle =
7837                            TargetHandlerControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
7838                        Ok(TargetHandlerRequest::ListPlayerApplicationSettingAttributes {
7839                            responder:
7840                                TargetHandlerListPlayerApplicationSettingAttributesResponder {
7841                                    control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
7842                                    tx_id: header.tx_id,
7843                                },
7844                        })
7845                    }
7846                    0x4273f96bdb752751 => {
7847                        header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
7848                        let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
7849                            TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest,
7850                            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
7851                        );
7852                        fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
7853                        let control_handle =
7854                            TargetHandlerControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
7855                        Ok(TargetHandlerRequest::GetPlayerApplicationSettings {
7856                            attribute_ids: req.attribute_ids,
7858                            responder: TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponder {
7859                                control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
7860                                tx_id: header.tx_id,
7861                            },
7862                        })
7863                    }
7864                    0x636dd18255e01998 => {
7865                        header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
7866                        let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
7867                            TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest,
7868                            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
7869                        );
7870                        fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
7871                        let control_handle =
7872                            TargetHandlerControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
7873                        Ok(TargetHandlerRequest::SetPlayerApplicationSettings {
7874                            requested_settings: req.requested_settings,
7876                            responder: TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponder {
7877                                control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
7878                                tx_id: header.tx_id,
7879                            },
7880                        })
7881                    }
7882                    0x60c7792539a032f1 => {
7883                        header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
7884                        let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
7885                            TargetHandlerGetNotificationRequest,
7886                            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
7887                        );
7888                        fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<TargetHandlerGetNotificationRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
7889                        let control_handle =
7890                            TargetHandlerControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
7891                        Ok(TargetHandlerRequest::GetNotification {
7892                            event_id: req.event_id,
7894                            responder: TargetHandlerGetNotificationResponder {
7895                                control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
7896                                tx_id: header.tx_id,
7897                            },
7898                        })
7899                    }
7900                    0x2a513434cf256e5f => {
7901                        header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
7902                        let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
7903                            TargetHandlerWatchNotificationRequest,
7904                            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
7905                        );
7906                        fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<TargetHandlerWatchNotificationRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
7907                        let control_handle =
7908                            TargetHandlerControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
7909                        Ok(TargetHandlerRequest::WatchNotification {
7910                            event_id: req.event_id,
7911                            current: req.current,
7912                            pos_change_interval: req.pos_change_interval,
7914                            responder: TargetHandlerWatchNotificationResponder {
7915                                control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
7916                                tx_id: header.tx_id,
7917                            },
7918                        })
7919                    }
7920                    0x6724ae8288c34d2f => {
7921                        header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
7922                        let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
7923                            TargetHandlerSetAddressedPlayerRequest,
7924                            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
7925                        );
7926                        fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<TargetHandlerSetAddressedPlayerRequest>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
7927                        let control_handle =
7928                            TargetHandlerControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
7929                        Ok(TargetHandlerRequest::SetAddressedPlayer {
7930                            player_id: req.player_id,
7932                            responder: TargetHandlerSetAddressedPlayerResponder {
7933                                control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
7934                                tx_id: header.tx_id,
7935                            },
7936                        })
7937                    }
7938                    0x736668f5aa3a8246 => {
7939                        header.validate_request_tx_id(fidl::MethodType::TwoWay)?;
7940                        let mut req = fidl::new_empty!(
7941                            fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload,
7942                            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
7943                        );
7944                        fidl::encoding::Decoder::<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::decode_into::<fidl::encoding::EmptyPayload>(&header, _body_bytes, handles, &mut req)?;
7945                        let control_handle =
7946                            TargetHandlerControlHandle { inner: this.inner.clone() };
7947                        Ok(TargetHandlerRequest::GetMediaPlayerItems {
7948                            responder: TargetHandlerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponder {
7949                                control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(control_handle),
7950                                tx_id: header.tx_id,
7951                            },
7952                        })
7953                    }
7954                    _ => Err(fidl::Error::UnknownOrdinal {
7955                        ordinal: header.ordinal,
7956                        protocol_name:
7957                            <TargetHandlerMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME,
7958                    }),
7959                }))
7960            },
7961        )
7962    }
7965/// Client wrapper for the local target.
7966/// A client is a high level construct and does not represent a connection with a device.
7968pub enum TargetHandlerRequest {
7969    /// Returns the event notification ids that are supported by the TG.
7970    GetEventsSupported { responder: TargetHandlerGetEventsSupportedResponder },
7971    /// Returns the currently playing media attributes.
7972    /// May send either the GetElementAttributes or GetItemAttributes command depending on what
7973    /// is supported.
7974    GetMediaAttributes { responder: TargetHandlerGetMediaAttributesResponder },
7975    /// Returns the status of the currently playing media.
7976    GetPlayStatus { responder: TargetHandlerGetPlayStatusResponder },
7977    /// Send an AV\C passthrough key command.
7978    /// If `key_pressed`, then the AV\C passthrough command shall be interpreted as a key
7979    /// press down event. Otherwise, the command shall be interpreted as a key release event.
7980    SendCommand {
7981        command: AvcPanelCommand,
7982        pressed: bool,
7983        responder: TargetHandlerSendCommandResponder,
7984    },
7985    /// Request the target device to provide all the target supported player application
7986    /// setting attributes.
7987    ListPlayerApplicationSettingAttributes {
7988        responder: TargetHandlerListPlayerApplicationSettingAttributesResponder,
7989    },
7990    /// Returns currently set player application setting values for the `attribute_ids`.
7991    /// If no `attribute_ids` are provided, this method will query the TG for all valid
7992    /// attribute ID's, and return the currently set player application setting values.
7993    GetPlayerApplicationSettings {
7994        attribute_ids: Vec<PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId>,
7995        responder: TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponder,
7996    },
7997    /// Sets the player application settings specified by `requested_settings`. Only
7998    /// settings specified in the input `requested_settings` will be overwritten.
7999    /// Returns the actual settings that were set.
8000    /// Settings provided in the `requested_settings` that are unsupported or unknown
8001    /// will not be set; and `SetPlayerApplicationSettings` will not return an error.
8002    /// Instead, the returned `set_settings` will include only the settings that were
8003    /// successfully set on the remote target.
8004    SetPlayerApplicationSettings {
8005        requested_settings: PlayerApplicationSettings,
8006        responder: TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponder,
8007    },
8008    /// Returns the current value for the notification specified by `event_id`.
8009    GetNotification {
8010        event_id: NotificationEvent,
8011        responder: TargetHandlerGetNotificationResponder,
8012    },
8013    /// Returns the changed value of the notification specified by 'event_id'.
8014    /// A changed value refers to any value that is different than the input parameter
8015    /// `current` Notification value.
8016    /// `WatchNotification` will not respond until the Notification value associated
8017    /// with `event_id` has changed from the `current` Notification.
8018    WatchNotification {
8019        event_id: NotificationEvent,
8020        current: Notification,
8021        pos_change_interval: u32,
8022        responder: TargetHandlerWatchNotificationResponder,
8023    },
8024    /// Changes the addressed `player_id` on the target when multiple are supported.
8025    SetAddressedPlayer {
8026        player_id: AddressedPlayerId,
8027        responder: TargetHandlerSetAddressedPlayerResponder,
8028    },
8029    /// Returns a list of media player information about the players on the target.
8030    GetMediaPlayerItems { responder: TargetHandlerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponder },
8033impl TargetHandlerRequest {
8034    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
8035    pub fn into_get_events_supported(self) -> Option<(TargetHandlerGetEventsSupportedResponder)> {
8036        if let TargetHandlerRequest::GetEventsSupported { responder } = self {
8037            Some((responder))
8038        } else {
8039            None
8040        }
8041    }
8043    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
8044    pub fn into_get_media_attributes(self) -> Option<(TargetHandlerGetMediaAttributesResponder)> {
8045        if let TargetHandlerRequest::GetMediaAttributes { responder } = self {
8046            Some((responder))
8047        } else {
8048            None
8049        }
8050    }
8052    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
8053    pub fn into_get_play_status(self) -> Option<(TargetHandlerGetPlayStatusResponder)> {
8054        if let TargetHandlerRequest::GetPlayStatus { responder } = self {
8055            Some((responder))
8056        } else {
8057            None
8058        }
8059    }
8061    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
8062    pub fn into_send_command(
8063        self,
8064    ) -> Option<(AvcPanelCommand, bool, TargetHandlerSendCommandResponder)> {
8065        if let TargetHandlerRequest::SendCommand { command, pressed, responder } = self {
8066            Some((command, pressed, responder))
8067        } else {
8068            None
8069        }
8070    }
8072    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
8073    pub fn into_list_player_application_setting_attributes(
8074        self,
8075    ) -> Option<(TargetHandlerListPlayerApplicationSettingAttributesResponder)> {
8076        if let TargetHandlerRequest::ListPlayerApplicationSettingAttributes { responder } = self {
8077            Some((responder))
8078        } else {
8079            None
8080        }
8081    }
8083    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
8084    pub fn into_get_player_application_settings(
8085        self,
8086    ) -> Option<(
8087        Vec<PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId>,
8088        TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponder,
8089    )> {
8090        if let TargetHandlerRequest::GetPlayerApplicationSettings { attribute_ids, responder } =
8091            self
8092        {
8093            Some((attribute_ids, responder))
8094        } else {
8095            None
8096        }
8097    }
8099    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
8100    pub fn into_set_player_application_settings(
8101        self,
8102    ) -> Option<(PlayerApplicationSettings, TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponder)>
8103    {
8104        if let TargetHandlerRequest::SetPlayerApplicationSettings {
8105            requested_settings,
8106            responder,
8107        } = self
8108        {
8109            Some((requested_settings, responder))
8110        } else {
8111            None
8112        }
8113    }
8115    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
8116    pub fn into_get_notification(
8117        self,
8118    ) -> Option<(NotificationEvent, TargetHandlerGetNotificationResponder)> {
8119        if let TargetHandlerRequest::GetNotification { event_id, responder } = self {
8120            Some((event_id, responder))
8121        } else {
8122            None
8123        }
8124    }
8126    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
8127    pub fn into_watch_notification(
8128        self,
8129    ) -> Option<(NotificationEvent, Notification, u32, TargetHandlerWatchNotificationResponder)>
8130    {
8131        if let TargetHandlerRequest::WatchNotification {
8132            event_id,
8133            current,
8134            pos_change_interval,
8135            responder,
8136        } = self
8137        {
8138            Some((event_id, current, pos_change_interval, responder))
8139        } else {
8140            None
8141        }
8142    }
8144    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
8145    pub fn into_set_addressed_player(
8146        self,
8147    ) -> Option<(AddressedPlayerId, TargetHandlerSetAddressedPlayerResponder)> {
8148        if let TargetHandlerRequest::SetAddressedPlayer { player_id, responder } = self {
8149            Some((player_id, responder))
8150        } else {
8151            None
8152        }
8153    }
8155    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
8156    pub fn into_get_media_player_items(
8157        self,
8158    ) -> Option<(TargetHandlerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponder)> {
8159        if let TargetHandlerRequest::GetMediaPlayerItems { responder } = self {
8160            Some((responder))
8161        } else {
8162            None
8163        }
8164    }
8166    /// Name of the method defined in FIDL
8167    pub fn method_name(&self) -> &'static str {
8168        match *self {
8169            TargetHandlerRequest::GetEventsSupported { .. } => "get_events_supported",
8170            TargetHandlerRequest::GetMediaAttributes { .. } => "get_media_attributes",
8171            TargetHandlerRequest::GetPlayStatus { .. } => "get_play_status",
8172            TargetHandlerRequest::SendCommand { .. } => "send_command",
8173            TargetHandlerRequest::ListPlayerApplicationSettingAttributes { .. } => {
8174                "list_player_application_setting_attributes"
8175            }
8176            TargetHandlerRequest::GetPlayerApplicationSettings { .. } => {
8177                "get_player_application_settings"
8178            }
8179            TargetHandlerRequest::SetPlayerApplicationSettings { .. } => {
8180                "set_player_application_settings"
8181            }
8182            TargetHandlerRequest::GetNotification { .. } => "get_notification",
8183            TargetHandlerRequest::WatchNotification { .. } => "watch_notification",
8184            TargetHandlerRequest::SetAddressedPlayer { .. } => "set_addressed_player",
8185            TargetHandlerRequest::GetMediaPlayerItems { .. } => "get_media_player_items",
8186        }
8187    }
8190#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
8191pub struct TargetHandlerControlHandle {
8192    inner: std::sync::Arc<fidl::ServeInner<fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>>,
8195impl fidl::endpoints::ControlHandle for TargetHandlerControlHandle {
8196    fn shutdown(&self) {
8197        self.inner.shutdown()
8198    }
8199    fn shutdown_with_epitaph(&self, status: zx_status::Status) {
8200        self.inner.shutdown_with_epitaph(status)
8201    }
8203    fn is_closed(&self) -> bool {
8205    }
8206    fn on_closed(&self) -> fidl::OnSignalsRef<'_> {
8208    }
8210    #[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
8211    fn signal_peer(
8212        &self,
8213        clear_mask: zx::Signals,
8214        set_mask: zx::Signals,
8215    ) -> Result<(), zx_status::Status> {
8216        use fidl::Peered;
8217, set_mask)
8218    }
8221impl TargetHandlerControlHandle {}
8223#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
8225pub struct TargetHandlerGetEventsSupportedResponder {
8226    control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<TargetHandlerControlHandle>,
8227    tx_id: u32,
8230/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`TargetHandlerControlHandle::shutdown`])
8231/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
8232/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
8233impl std::ops::Drop for TargetHandlerGetEventsSupportedResponder {
8234    fn drop(&mut self) {
8235        self.control_handle.shutdown();
8236        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
8237        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
8238    }
8241impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for TargetHandlerGetEventsSupportedResponder {
8242    type ControlHandle = TargetHandlerControlHandle;
8244    fn control_handle(&self) -> &TargetHandlerControlHandle {
8245        &self.control_handle
8246    }
8248    fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
8249        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
8250        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
8251        // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
8252        std::mem::forget(self);
8253    }
8256impl TargetHandlerGetEventsSupportedResponder {
8257    /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
8258    ///
8259    /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
8260    pub fn send(
8261        self,
8262        mut result: Result<&[NotificationEvent], TargetAvcError>,
8263    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8264        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
8265        if _result.is_err() {
8266            self.control_handle.shutdown();
8267        }
8268        self.drop_without_shutdown();
8269        _result
8270    }
8272    /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
8273    pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
8274        self,
8275        mut result: Result<&[NotificationEvent], TargetAvcError>,
8276    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8277        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
8278        self.drop_without_shutdown();
8279        _result
8280    }
8282    fn send_raw(
8283        &self,
8284        mut result: Result<&[NotificationEvent], TargetAvcError>,
8285    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8286        self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::ResultType<
8287            TargetHandlerGetEventsSupportedResponse,
8288            TargetAvcError,
8289        >>(
8290  |notification_ids| (notification_ids,)),
8291            self.tx_id,
8292            0x54bb8d817d5e1257,
8293            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
8294        )
8295    }
8298#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
8300pub struct TargetHandlerGetMediaAttributesResponder {
8301    control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<TargetHandlerControlHandle>,
8302    tx_id: u32,
8305/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`TargetHandlerControlHandle::shutdown`])
8306/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
8307/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
8308impl std::ops::Drop for TargetHandlerGetMediaAttributesResponder {
8309    fn drop(&mut self) {
8310        self.control_handle.shutdown();
8311        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
8312        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
8313    }
8316impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for TargetHandlerGetMediaAttributesResponder {
8317    type ControlHandle = TargetHandlerControlHandle;
8319    fn control_handle(&self) -> &TargetHandlerControlHandle {
8320        &self.control_handle
8321    }
8323    fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
8324        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
8325        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
8326        // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
8327        std::mem::forget(self);
8328    }
8331impl TargetHandlerGetMediaAttributesResponder {
8332    /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
8333    ///
8334    /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
8335    pub fn send(
8336        self,
8337        mut result: Result<&MediaAttributes, TargetAvcError>,
8338    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8339        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
8340        if _result.is_err() {
8341            self.control_handle.shutdown();
8342        }
8343        self.drop_without_shutdown();
8344        _result
8345    }
8347    /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
8348    pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
8349        self,
8350        mut result: Result<&MediaAttributes, TargetAvcError>,
8351    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8352        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
8353        self.drop_without_shutdown();
8354        _result
8355    }
8357    fn send_raw(
8358        &self,
8359        mut result: Result<&MediaAttributes, TargetAvcError>,
8360    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8361        self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::ResultType<
8362            TargetHandlerGetMediaAttributesResponse,
8363            TargetAvcError,
8364        >>(
8365  |attributes| (attributes,)),
8366            self.tx_id,
8367            0x629f354d2805daf5,
8368            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
8369        )
8370    }
8373#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
8375pub struct TargetHandlerGetPlayStatusResponder {
8376    control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<TargetHandlerControlHandle>,
8377    tx_id: u32,
8380/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`TargetHandlerControlHandle::shutdown`])
8381/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
8382/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
8383impl std::ops::Drop for TargetHandlerGetPlayStatusResponder {
8384    fn drop(&mut self) {
8385        self.control_handle.shutdown();
8386        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
8387        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
8388    }
8391impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for TargetHandlerGetPlayStatusResponder {
8392    type ControlHandle = TargetHandlerControlHandle;
8394    fn control_handle(&self) -> &TargetHandlerControlHandle {
8395        &self.control_handle
8396    }
8398    fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
8399        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
8400        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
8401        // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
8402        std::mem::forget(self);
8403    }
8406impl TargetHandlerGetPlayStatusResponder {
8407    /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
8408    ///
8409    /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
8410    pub fn send(self, mut result: Result<&PlayStatus, TargetAvcError>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8411        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
8412        if _result.is_err() {
8413            self.control_handle.shutdown();
8414        }
8415        self.drop_without_shutdown();
8416        _result
8417    }
8419    /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
8420    pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
8421        self,
8422        mut result: Result<&PlayStatus, TargetAvcError>,
8423    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8424        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
8425        self.drop_without_shutdown();
8426        _result
8427    }
8429    fn send_raw(&self, mut result: Result<&PlayStatus, TargetAvcError>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8430        self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::ResultType<
8431            TargetHandlerGetPlayStatusResponse,
8432            TargetAvcError,
8433        >>(
8434  |play_status| (play_status,)),
8435            self.tx_id,
8436            0x24a4816300e14d89,
8437            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
8438        )
8439    }
8442#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
8444pub struct TargetHandlerSendCommandResponder {
8445    control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<TargetHandlerControlHandle>,
8446    tx_id: u32,
8449/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`TargetHandlerControlHandle::shutdown`])
8450/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
8451/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
8452impl std::ops::Drop for TargetHandlerSendCommandResponder {
8453    fn drop(&mut self) {
8454        self.control_handle.shutdown();
8455        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
8456        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
8457    }
8460impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for TargetHandlerSendCommandResponder {
8461    type ControlHandle = TargetHandlerControlHandle;
8463    fn control_handle(&self) -> &TargetHandlerControlHandle {
8464        &self.control_handle
8465    }
8467    fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
8468        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
8469        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
8470        // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
8471        std::mem::forget(self);
8472    }
8475impl TargetHandlerSendCommandResponder {
8476    /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
8477    ///
8478    /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
8479    pub fn send(self, mut result: Result<(), TargetPassthroughError>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8480        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
8481        if _result.is_err() {
8482            self.control_handle.shutdown();
8483        }
8484        self.drop_without_shutdown();
8485        _result
8486    }
8488    /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
8489    pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
8490        self,
8491        mut result: Result<(), TargetPassthroughError>,
8492    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8493        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
8494        self.drop_without_shutdown();
8495        _result
8496    }
8498    fn send_raw(&self, mut result: Result<(), TargetPassthroughError>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8499        self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::ResultType<
8500            fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct,
8501            TargetPassthroughError,
8502        >>(
8503            result,
8504            self.tx_id,
8505            0x69e063a8f6ab7b87,
8506            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
8507        )
8508    }
8511#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
8513pub struct TargetHandlerListPlayerApplicationSettingAttributesResponder {
8514    control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<TargetHandlerControlHandle>,
8515    tx_id: u32,
8518/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`TargetHandlerControlHandle::shutdown`])
8519/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
8520/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
8521impl std::ops::Drop for TargetHandlerListPlayerApplicationSettingAttributesResponder {
8522    fn drop(&mut self) {
8523        self.control_handle.shutdown();
8524        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
8525        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
8526    }
8529impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for TargetHandlerListPlayerApplicationSettingAttributesResponder {
8530    type ControlHandle = TargetHandlerControlHandle;
8532    fn control_handle(&self) -> &TargetHandlerControlHandle {
8533        &self.control_handle
8534    }
8536    fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
8537        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
8538        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
8539        // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
8540        std::mem::forget(self);
8541    }
8544impl TargetHandlerListPlayerApplicationSettingAttributesResponder {
8545    /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
8546    ///
8547    /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
8548    pub fn send(
8549        self,
8550        mut result: Result<&[PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId], TargetAvcError>,
8551    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8552        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
8553        if _result.is_err() {
8554            self.control_handle.shutdown();
8555        }
8556        self.drop_without_shutdown();
8557        _result
8558    }
8560    /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
8561    pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
8562        self,
8563        mut result: Result<&[PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId], TargetAvcError>,
8564    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8565        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
8566        self.drop_without_shutdown();
8567        _result
8568    }
8570    fn send_raw(
8571        &self,
8572        mut result: Result<&[PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId], TargetAvcError>,
8573    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8574        self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::ResultType<
8575            TargetHandlerListPlayerApplicationSettingAttributesResponse,
8576            TargetAvcError,
8577        >>(
8578  |attributes| (attributes,)),
8579            self.tx_id,
8580            0xdfa38da6a60b2,
8581            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
8582        )
8583    }
8586#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
8588pub struct TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponder {
8589    control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<TargetHandlerControlHandle>,
8590    tx_id: u32,
8593/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`TargetHandlerControlHandle::shutdown`])
8594/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
8595/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
8596impl std::ops::Drop for TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponder {
8597    fn drop(&mut self) {
8598        self.control_handle.shutdown();
8599        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
8600        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
8601    }
8604impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponder {
8605    type ControlHandle = TargetHandlerControlHandle;
8607    fn control_handle(&self) -> &TargetHandlerControlHandle {
8608        &self.control_handle
8609    }
8611    fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
8612        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
8613        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
8614        // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
8615        std::mem::forget(self);
8616    }
8619impl TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponder {
8620    /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
8621    ///
8622    /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
8623    pub fn send(
8624        self,
8625        mut result: Result<&PlayerApplicationSettings, TargetAvcError>,
8626    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8627        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
8628        if _result.is_err() {
8629            self.control_handle.shutdown();
8630        }
8631        self.drop_without_shutdown();
8632        _result
8633    }
8635    /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
8636    pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
8637        self,
8638        mut result: Result<&PlayerApplicationSettings, TargetAvcError>,
8639    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8640        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
8641        self.drop_without_shutdown();
8642        _result
8643    }
8645    fn send_raw(
8646        &self,
8647        mut result: Result<&PlayerApplicationSettings, TargetAvcError>,
8648    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8649        self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::ResultType<
8650            TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse,
8651            TargetAvcError,
8652        >>(
8653  |current_settings| (current_settings,)),
8654            self.tx_id,
8655            0x4273f96bdb752751,
8656            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
8657        )
8658    }
8661#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
8663pub struct TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponder {
8664    control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<TargetHandlerControlHandle>,
8665    tx_id: u32,
8668/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`TargetHandlerControlHandle::shutdown`])
8669/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
8670/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
8671impl std::ops::Drop for TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponder {
8672    fn drop(&mut self) {
8673        self.control_handle.shutdown();
8674        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
8675        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
8676    }
8679impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponder {
8680    type ControlHandle = TargetHandlerControlHandle;
8682    fn control_handle(&self) -> &TargetHandlerControlHandle {
8683        &self.control_handle
8684    }
8686    fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
8687        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
8688        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
8689        // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
8690        std::mem::forget(self);
8691    }
8694impl TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponder {
8695    /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
8696    ///
8697    /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
8698    pub fn send(
8699        self,
8700        mut result: Result<&PlayerApplicationSettings, TargetAvcError>,
8701    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8702        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
8703        if _result.is_err() {
8704            self.control_handle.shutdown();
8705        }
8706        self.drop_without_shutdown();
8707        _result
8708    }
8710    /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
8711    pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
8712        self,
8713        mut result: Result<&PlayerApplicationSettings, TargetAvcError>,
8714    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8715        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
8716        self.drop_without_shutdown();
8717        _result
8718    }
8720    fn send_raw(
8721        &self,
8722        mut result: Result<&PlayerApplicationSettings, TargetAvcError>,
8723    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8724        self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::ResultType<
8725            TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse,
8726            TargetAvcError,
8727        >>(
8728  |set_settings| (set_settings,)),
8729            self.tx_id,
8730            0x636dd18255e01998,
8731            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
8732        )
8733    }
8736#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
8738pub struct TargetHandlerGetNotificationResponder {
8739    control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<TargetHandlerControlHandle>,
8740    tx_id: u32,
8743/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`TargetHandlerControlHandle::shutdown`])
8744/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
8745/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
8746impl std::ops::Drop for TargetHandlerGetNotificationResponder {
8747    fn drop(&mut self) {
8748        self.control_handle.shutdown();
8749        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
8750        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
8751    }
8754impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for TargetHandlerGetNotificationResponder {
8755    type ControlHandle = TargetHandlerControlHandle;
8757    fn control_handle(&self) -> &TargetHandlerControlHandle {
8758        &self.control_handle
8759    }
8761    fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
8762        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
8763        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
8764        // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
8765        std::mem::forget(self);
8766    }
8769impl TargetHandlerGetNotificationResponder {
8770    /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
8771    ///
8772    /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
8773    pub fn send(
8774        self,
8775        mut result: Result<&Notification, TargetAvcError>,
8776    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8777        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
8778        if _result.is_err() {
8779            self.control_handle.shutdown();
8780        }
8781        self.drop_without_shutdown();
8782        _result
8783    }
8785    /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
8786    pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
8787        self,
8788        mut result: Result<&Notification, TargetAvcError>,
8789    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8790        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
8791        self.drop_without_shutdown();
8792        _result
8793    }
8795    fn send_raw(
8796        &self,
8797        mut result: Result<&Notification, TargetAvcError>,
8798    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8799        self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::ResultType<
8800            TargetHandlerGetNotificationResponse,
8801            TargetAvcError,
8802        >>(
8803  |current_value| (current_value,)),
8804            self.tx_id,
8805            0x60c7792539a032f1,
8806            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
8807        )
8808    }
8811#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
8813pub struct TargetHandlerWatchNotificationResponder {
8814    control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<TargetHandlerControlHandle>,
8815    tx_id: u32,
8818/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`TargetHandlerControlHandle::shutdown`])
8819/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
8820/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
8821impl std::ops::Drop for TargetHandlerWatchNotificationResponder {
8822    fn drop(&mut self) {
8823        self.control_handle.shutdown();
8824        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
8825        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
8826    }
8829impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for TargetHandlerWatchNotificationResponder {
8830    type ControlHandle = TargetHandlerControlHandle;
8832    fn control_handle(&self) -> &TargetHandlerControlHandle {
8833        &self.control_handle
8834    }
8836    fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
8837        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
8838        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
8839        // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
8840        std::mem::forget(self);
8841    }
8844impl TargetHandlerWatchNotificationResponder {
8845    /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
8846    ///
8847    /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
8848    pub fn send(
8849        self,
8850        mut result: Result<&Notification, TargetAvcError>,
8851    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8852        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
8853        if _result.is_err() {
8854            self.control_handle.shutdown();
8855        }
8856        self.drop_without_shutdown();
8857        _result
8858    }
8860    /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
8861    pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
8862        self,
8863        mut result: Result<&Notification, TargetAvcError>,
8864    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8865        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
8866        self.drop_without_shutdown();
8867        _result
8868    }
8870    fn send_raw(
8871        &self,
8872        mut result: Result<&Notification, TargetAvcError>,
8873    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8874        self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::ResultType<
8875            TargetHandlerWatchNotificationResponse,
8876            TargetAvcError,
8877        >>(
8878  |new_value| (new_value,)),
8879            self.tx_id,
8880            0x2a513434cf256e5f,
8881            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
8882        )
8883    }
8886#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
8888pub struct TargetHandlerSetAddressedPlayerResponder {
8889    control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<TargetHandlerControlHandle>,
8890    tx_id: u32,
8893/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`TargetHandlerControlHandle::shutdown`])
8894/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
8895/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
8896impl std::ops::Drop for TargetHandlerSetAddressedPlayerResponder {
8897    fn drop(&mut self) {
8898        self.control_handle.shutdown();
8899        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
8900        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
8901    }
8904impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for TargetHandlerSetAddressedPlayerResponder {
8905    type ControlHandle = TargetHandlerControlHandle;
8907    fn control_handle(&self) -> &TargetHandlerControlHandle {
8908        &self.control_handle
8909    }
8911    fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
8912        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
8913        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
8914        // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
8915        std::mem::forget(self);
8916    }
8919impl TargetHandlerSetAddressedPlayerResponder {
8920    /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
8921    ///
8922    /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
8923    pub fn send(self, mut result: Result<(), TargetAvcError>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8924        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
8925        if _result.is_err() {
8926            self.control_handle.shutdown();
8927        }
8928        self.drop_without_shutdown();
8929        _result
8930    }
8932    /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
8933    pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
8934        self,
8935        mut result: Result<(), TargetAvcError>,
8936    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8937        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
8938        self.drop_without_shutdown();
8939        _result
8940    }
8942    fn send_raw(&self, mut result: Result<(), TargetAvcError>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8943        self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::ResultType<
8944            fidl::encoding::EmptyStruct,
8945            TargetAvcError,
8946        >>(
8947            result,
8948            self.tx_id,
8949            0x6724ae8288c34d2f,
8950            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
8951        )
8952    }
8955#[must_use = "FIDL methods require a response to be sent"]
8957pub struct TargetHandlerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponder {
8958    control_handle: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<TargetHandlerControlHandle>,
8959    tx_id: u32,
8962/// Set the the channel to be shutdown (see [`TargetHandlerControlHandle::shutdown`])
8963/// if the responder is dropped without sending a response, so that the client
8964/// doesn't hang. To prevent this behavior, call `drop_without_shutdown`.
8965impl std::ops::Drop for TargetHandlerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponder {
8966    fn drop(&mut self) {
8967        self.control_handle.shutdown();
8968        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again
8969        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
8970    }
8973impl fidl::endpoints::Responder for TargetHandlerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponder {
8974    type ControlHandle = TargetHandlerControlHandle;
8976    fn control_handle(&self) -> &TargetHandlerControlHandle {
8977        &self.control_handle
8978    }
8980    fn drop_without_shutdown(mut self) {
8981        // Safety: drops once, never accessed again due to mem::forget
8982        unsafe { std::mem::ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.control_handle) };
8983        // Prevent Drop from running (which would shut down the channel)
8984        std::mem::forget(self);
8985    }
8988impl TargetHandlerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponder {
8989    /// Sends a response to the FIDL transaction.
8990    ///
8991    /// Sets the channel to shutdown if an error occurs.
8992    pub fn send(
8993        self,
8994        mut result: Result<&[MediaPlayerItem], TargetAvcError>,
8995    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
8996        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
8997        if _result.is_err() {
8998            self.control_handle.shutdown();
8999        }
9000        self.drop_without_shutdown();
9001        _result
9002    }
9004    /// Similar to "send" but does not shutdown the channel if an error occurs.
9005    pub fn send_no_shutdown_on_err(
9006        self,
9007        mut result: Result<&[MediaPlayerItem], TargetAvcError>,
9008    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
9009        let _result = self.send_raw(result);
9010        self.drop_without_shutdown();
9011        _result
9012    }
9014    fn send_raw(
9015        &self,
9016        mut result: Result<&[MediaPlayerItem], TargetAvcError>,
9017    ) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
9018        self.control_handle.inner.send::<fidl::encoding::ResultType<
9019            TargetHandlerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponse,
9020            TargetAvcError,
9021        >>(
9022  |items| (items,)),
9023            self.tx_id,
9024            0x736668f5aa3a8246,
9025            fidl::encoding::DynamicFlags::empty(),
9026        )
9027    }
9030mod internal {
9031    use super::*;
9032    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for MajorPlayerType {
9033        type Owned = Self;
9035        #[inline(always)]
9036        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
9037            1
9038        }
9040        #[inline(always)]
9041        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
9042            1
9043        }
9044    }
9046    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for MajorPlayerType {
9047        type Borrowed<'a> = Self;
9048        #[inline(always)]
9049        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
9050            *value
9051        }
9052    }
9054    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Encode<Self, D>
9055        for MajorPlayerType
9056    {
9057        #[inline]
9058        unsafe fn encode(
9059            self,
9060            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
9061            offset: usize,
9062            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
9063        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
9064            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
9065            if self.bits() & Self::all().bits() != self.bits() {
9066                return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidBitsValue);
9067            }
9068            encoder.write_num(self.bits(), offset);
9069            Ok(())
9070        }
9071    }
9073    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D> for MajorPlayerType {
9074        #[inline(always)]
9075        fn new_empty() -> Self {
9076            Self::empty()
9077        }
9079        #[inline]
9080        unsafe fn decode(
9081            &mut self,
9082            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
9083            offset: usize,
9084            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
9085        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
9086            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
9087            let prim = decoder.read_num::<u8>(offset);
9088            *self = Self::from_bits(prim).ok_or(fidl::Error::InvalidBitsValue)?;
9089            Ok(())
9090        }
9091    }
9092    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for Notifications {
9093        type Owned = Self;
9095        #[inline(always)]
9096        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
9097            4
9098        }
9100        #[inline(always)]
9101        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
9102            4
9103        }
9104    }
9106    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for Notifications {
9107        type Borrowed<'a> = Self;
9108        #[inline(always)]
9109        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
9110            *value
9111        }
9112    }
9114    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Encode<Self, D> for Notifications {
9115        #[inline]
9116        unsafe fn encode(
9117            self,
9118            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
9119            offset: usize,
9120            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
9121        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
9122            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
9123            if self.bits() & Self::all().bits() != self.bits() {
9124                return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidBitsValue);
9125            }
9126            encoder.write_num(self.bits(), offset);
9127            Ok(())
9128        }
9129    }
9131    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D> for Notifications {
9132        #[inline(always)]
9133        fn new_empty() -> Self {
9134            Self::empty()
9135        }
9137        #[inline]
9138        unsafe fn decode(
9139            &mut self,
9140            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
9141            offset: usize,
9142            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
9143        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
9144            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
9145            let prim = decoder.read_num::<u32>(offset);
9146            *self = Self::from_bits(prim).ok_or(fidl::Error::InvalidBitsValue)?;
9147            Ok(())
9148        }
9149    }
9150    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for PlayerFeatureBits {
9151        type Owned = Self;
9153        #[inline(always)]
9154        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
9155            8
9156        }
9158        #[inline(always)]
9159        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
9160            8
9161        }
9162    }
9164    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for PlayerFeatureBits {
9165        type Borrowed<'a> = Self;
9166        #[inline(always)]
9167        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
9168            *value
9169        }
9170    }
9172    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Encode<Self, D>
9173        for PlayerFeatureBits
9174    {
9175        #[inline]
9176        unsafe fn encode(
9177            self,
9178            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
9179            offset: usize,
9180            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
9181        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
9182            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
9183            if self.bits() & Self::all().bits() != self.bits() {
9184                return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidBitsValue);
9185            }
9186            encoder.write_num(self.bits(), offset);
9187            Ok(())
9188        }
9189    }
9191    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D> for PlayerFeatureBits {
9192        #[inline(always)]
9193        fn new_empty() -> Self {
9194            Self::empty()
9195        }
9197        #[inline]
9198        unsafe fn decode(
9199            &mut self,
9200            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
9201            offset: usize,
9202            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
9203        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
9204            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
9205            let prim = decoder.read_num::<u64>(offset);
9206            *self = Self::from_bits(prim).ok_or(fidl::Error::InvalidBitsValue)?;
9207            Ok(())
9208        }
9209    }
9210    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for PlayerFeatureBitsExt {
9211        type Owned = Self;
9213        #[inline(always)]
9214        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
9215            8
9216        }
9218        #[inline(always)]
9219        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
9220            8
9221        }
9222    }
9224    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for PlayerFeatureBitsExt {
9225        type Borrowed<'a> = Self;
9226        #[inline(always)]
9227        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
9228            *value
9229        }
9230    }
9232    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Encode<Self, D>
9233        for PlayerFeatureBitsExt
9234    {
9235        #[inline]
9236        unsafe fn encode(
9237            self,
9238            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
9239            offset: usize,
9240            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
9241        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
9242            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
9243            if self.bits() & Self::all().bits() != self.bits() {
9244                return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidBitsValue);
9245            }
9246            encoder.write_num(self.bits(), offset);
9247            Ok(())
9248        }
9249    }
9251    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D> for PlayerFeatureBitsExt {
9252        #[inline(always)]
9253        fn new_empty() -> Self {
9254            Self::empty()
9255        }
9257        #[inline]
9258        unsafe fn decode(
9259            &mut self,
9260            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
9261            offset: usize,
9262            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
9263        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
9264            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
9265            let prim = decoder.read_num::<u64>(offset);
9266            *self = Self::from_bits(prim).ok_or(fidl::Error::InvalidBitsValue)?;
9267            Ok(())
9268        }
9269    }
9270    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for PlayerSubType {
9271        type Owned = Self;
9273        #[inline(always)]
9274        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
9275            4
9276        }
9278        #[inline(always)]
9279        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
9280            4
9281        }
9282    }
9284    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for PlayerSubType {
9285        type Borrowed<'a> = Self;
9286        #[inline(always)]
9287        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
9288            *value
9289        }
9290    }
9292    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Encode<Self, D> for PlayerSubType {
9293        #[inline]
9294        unsafe fn encode(
9295            self,
9296            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
9297            offset: usize,
9298            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
9299        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
9300            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
9301            if self.bits() & Self::all().bits() != self.bits() {
9302                return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidBitsValue);
9303            }
9304            encoder.write_num(self.bits(), offset);
9305            Ok(())
9306        }
9307    }
9309    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D> for PlayerSubType {
9310        #[inline(always)]
9311        fn new_empty() -> Self {
9312            Self::empty()
9313        }
9315        #[inline]
9316        unsafe fn decode(
9317            &mut self,
9318            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
9319            offset: usize,
9320            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
9321        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
9322            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
9323            let prim = decoder.read_num::<u32>(offset);
9324            *self = Self::from_bits(prim).ok_or(fidl::Error::InvalidBitsValue)?;
9325            Ok(())
9326        }
9327    }
9328    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for AvcPanelCommand {
9329        type Owned = Self;
9331        #[inline(always)]
9332        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
9333            std::mem::align_of::<u8>()
9334        }
9336        #[inline(always)]
9337        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
9338            std::mem::size_of::<u8>()
9339        }
9341        #[inline(always)]
9342        fn encode_is_copy() -> bool {
9343            true
9344        }
9346        #[inline(always)]
9347        fn decode_is_copy() -> bool {
9348            false
9349        }
9350    }
9352    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for AvcPanelCommand {
9353        type Borrowed<'a> = Self;
9354        #[inline(always)]
9355        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
9356            *value
9357        }
9358    }
9360    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Encode<Self, D>
9361        for AvcPanelCommand
9362    {
9363        #[inline]
9364        unsafe fn encode(
9365            self,
9366            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
9367            offset: usize,
9368            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
9369        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
9370            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
9371            encoder.write_num(self.into_primitive(), offset);
9372            Ok(())
9373        }
9374    }
9376    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D> for AvcPanelCommand {
9377        #[inline(always)]
9378        fn new_empty() -> Self {
9379            Self::Select
9380        }
9382        #[inline]
9383        unsafe fn decode(
9384            &mut self,
9385            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
9386            offset: usize,
9387            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
9388        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
9389            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
9390            let prim = decoder.read_num::<u8>(offset);
9392            *self = Self::from_primitive(prim).ok_or(fidl::Error::InvalidEnumValue)?;
9393            Ok(())
9394        }
9395    }
9396    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for BatteryStatus {
9397        type Owned = Self;
9399        #[inline(always)]
9400        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
9401            std::mem::align_of::<u8>()
9402        }
9404        #[inline(always)]
9405        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
9406            std::mem::size_of::<u8>()
9407        }
9409        #[inline(always)]
9410        fn encode_is_copy() -> bool {
9411            true
9412        }
9414        #[inline(always)]
9415        fn decode_is_copy() -> bool {
9416            false
9417        }
9418    }
9420    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for BatteryStatus {
9421        type Borrowed<'a> = Self;
9422        #[inline(always)]
9423        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
9424            *value
9425        }
9426    }
9428    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Encode<Self, D> for BatteryStatus {
9429        #[inline]
9430        unsafe fn encode(
9431            self,
9432            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
9433            offset: usize,
9434            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
9435        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
9436            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
9437            encoder.write_num(self.into_primitive(), offset);
9438            Ok(())
9439        }
9440    }
9442    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D> for BatteryStatus {
9443        #[inline(always)]
9444        fn new_empty() -> Self {
9445            Self::Normal
9446        }
9448        #[inline]
9449        unsafe fn decode(
9450            &mut self,
9451            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
9452            offset: usize,
9453            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
9454        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
9455            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
9456            let prim = decoder.read_num::<u8>(offset);
9458            *self = Self::from_primitive(prim).ok_or(fidl::Error::InvalidEnumValue)?;
9459            Ok(())
9460        }
9461    }
9462    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for BrowseControllerError {
9463        type Owned = Self;
9465        #[inline(always)]
9466        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
9467            std::mem::align_of::<u32>()
9468        }
9470        #[inline(always)]
9471        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
9472            std::mem::size_of::<u32>()
9473        }
9475        #[inline(always)]
9476        fn encode_is_copy() -> bool {
9477            true
9478        }
9480        #[inline(always)]
9481        fn decode_is_copy() -> bool {
9482            false
9483        }
9484    }
9486    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for BrowseControllerError {
9487        type Borrowed<'a> = Self;
9488        #[inline(always)]
9489        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
9490            *value
9491        }
9492    }
9494    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Encode<Self, D>
9495        for BrowseControllerError
9496    {
9497        #[inline]
9498        unsafe fn encode(
9499            self,
9500            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
9501            offset: usize,
9502            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
9503        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
9504            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
9505            encoder.write_num(self.into_primitive(), offset);
9506            Ok(())
9507        }
9508    }
9510    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D> for BrowseControllerError {
9511        #[inline(always)]
9512        fn new_empty() -> Self {
9513            Self::UnknownFailure
9514        }
9516        #[inline]
9517        unsafe fn decode(
9518            &mut self,
9519            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
9520            offset: usize,
9521            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
9522        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
9523            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
9524            let prim = decoder.read_num::<u32>(offset);
9526            *self = Self::from_primitive(prim).ok_or(fidl::Error::InvalidEnumValue)?;
9527            Ok(())
9528        }
9529    }
9530    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for ControllerError {
9531        type Owned = Self;
9533        #[inline(always)]
9534        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
9535            std::mem::align_of::<u32>()
9536        }
9538        #[inline(always)]
9539        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
9540            std::mem::size_of::<u32>()
9541        }
9543        #[inline(always)]
9544        fn encode_is_copy() -> bool {
9545            true
9546        }
9548        #[inline(always)]
9549        fn decode_is_copy() -> bool {
9550            false
9551        }
9552    }
9554    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for ControllerError {
9555        type Borrowed<'a> = Self;
9556        #[inline(always)]
9557        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
9558            *value
9559        }
9560    }
9562    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Encode<Self, D>
9563        for ControllerError
9564    {
9565        #[inline]
9566        unsafe fn encode(
9567            self,
9568            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
9569            offset: usize,
9570            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
9571        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
9572            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
9573            encoder.write_num(self.into_primitive(), offset);
9574            Ok(())
9575        }
9576    }
9578    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D> for ControllerError {
9579        #[inline(always)]
9580        fn new_empty() -> Self {
9581            Self::UnknownFailure
9582        }
9584        #[inline]
9585        unsafe fn decode(
9586            &mut self,
9587            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
9588            offset: usize,
9589            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
9590        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
9591            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
9592            let prim = decoder.read_num::<u32>(offset);
9594            *self = Self::from_primitive(prim).ok_or(fidl::Error::InvalidEnumValue)?;
9595            Ok(())
9596        }
9597    }
9598    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for Equalizer {
9599        type Owned = Self;
9601        #[inline(always)]
9602        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
9603            std::mem::align_of::<u8>()
9604        }
9606        #[inline(always)]
9607        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
9608            std::mem::size_of::<u8>()
9609        }
9611        #[inline(always)]
9612        fn encode_is_copy() -> bool {
9613            true
9614        }
9616        #[inline(always)]
9617        fn decode_is_copy() -> bool {
9618            false
9619        }
9620    }
9622    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for Equalizer {
9623        type Borrowed<'a> = Self;
9624        #[inline(always)]
9625        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
9626            *value
9627        }
9628    }
9630    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Encode<Self, D> for Equalizer {
9631        #[inline]
9632        unsafe fn encode(
9633            self,
9634            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
9635            offset: usize,
9636            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
9637        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
9638            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
9639            encoder.write_num(self.into_primitive(), offset);
9640            Ok(())
9641        }
9642    }
9644    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D> for Equalizer {
9645        #[inline(always)]
9646        fn new_empty() -> Self {
9647            Self::Off
9648        }
9650        #[inline]
9651        unsafe fn decode(
9652            &mut self,
9653            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
9654            offset: usize,
9655            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
9656        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
9657            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
9658            let prim = decoder.read_num::<u8>(offset);
9660            *self = Self::from_primitive(prim).ok_or(fidl::Error::InvalidEnumValue)?;
9661            Ok(())
9662        }
9663    }
9664    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for FolderType {
9665        type Owned = Self;
9667        #[inline(always)]
9668        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
9669            std::mem::align_of::<u8>()
9670        }
9672        #[inline(always)]
9673        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
9674            std::mem::size_of::<u8>()
9675        }
9677        #[inline(always)]
9678        fn encode_is_copy() -> bool {
9679            true
9680        }
9682        #[inline(always)]
9683        fn decode_is_copy() -> bool {
9684            false
9685        }
9686    }
9688    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for FolderType {
9689        type Borrowed<'a> = Self;
9690        #[inline(always)]
9691        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
9692            *value
9693        }
9694    }
9696    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Encode<Self, D> for FolderType {
9697        #[inline]
9698        unsafe fn encode(
9699            self,
9700            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
9701            offset: usize,
9702            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
9703        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
9704            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
9705            encoder.write_num(self.into_primitive(), offset);
9706            Ok(())
9707        }
9708    }
9710    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D> for FolderType {
9711        #[inline(always)]
9712        fn new_empty() -> Self {
9713            Self::Mixed
9714        }
9716        #[inline]
9717        unsafe fn decode(
9718            &mut self,
9719            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
9720            offset: usize,
9721            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
9722        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
9723            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
9724            let prim = decoder.read_num::<u8>(offset);
9726            *self = Self::from_primitive(prim).ok_or(fidl::Error::InvalidEnumValue)?;
9727            Ok(())
9728        }
9729    }
9730    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for MediaAttributeId {
9731        type Owned = Self;
9733        #[inline(always)]
9734        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
9735            std::mem::align_of::<u32>()
9736        }
9738        #[inline(always)]
9739        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
9740            std::mem::size_of::<u32>()
9741        }
9743        #[inline(always)]
9744        fn encode_is_copy() -> bool {
9745            true
9746        }
9748        #[inline(always)]
9749        fn decode_is_copy() -> bool {
9750            false
9751        }
9752    }
9754    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for MediaAttributeId {
9755        type Borrowed<'a> = Self;
9756        #[inline(always)]
9757        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
9758            *value
9759        }
9760    }
9762    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Encode<Self, D>
9763        for MediaAttributeId
9764    {
9765        #[inline]
9766        unsafe fn encode(
9767            self,
9768            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
9769            offset: usize,
9770            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
9771        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
9772            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
9773            encoder.write_num(self.into_primitive(), offset);
9774            Ok(())
9775        }
9776    }
9778    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D> for MediaAttributeId {
9779        #[inline(always)]
9780        fn new_empty() -> Self {
9781            Self::Title
9782        }
9784        #[inline]
9785        unsafe fn decode(
9786            &mut self,
9787            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
9788            offset: usize,
9789            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
9790        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
9791            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
9792            let prim = decoder.read_num::<u32>(offset);
9794            *self = Self::from_primitive(prim).ok_or(fidl::Error::InvalidEnumValue)?;
9795            Ok(())
9796        }
9797    }
9798    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for MediaType {
9799        type Owned = Self;
9801        #[inline(always)]
9802        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
9803            std::mem::align_of::<u8>()
9804        }
9806        #[inline(always)]
9807        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
9808            std::mem::size_of::<u8>()
9809        }
9811        #[inline(always)]
9812        fn encode_is_copy() -> bool {
9813            true
9814        }
9816        #[inline(always)]
9817        fn decode_is_copy() -> bool {
9818            false
9819        }
9820    }
9822    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for MediaType {
9823        type Borrowed<'a> = Self;
9824        #[inline(always)]
9825        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
9826            *value
9827        }
9828    }
9830    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Encode<Self, D> for MediaType {
9831        #[inline]
9832        unsafe fn encode(
9833            self,
9834            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
9835            offset: usize,
9836            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
9837        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
9838            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
9839            encoder.write_num(self.into_primitive(), offset);
9840            Ok(())
9841        }
9842    }
9844    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D> for MediaType {
9845        #[inline(always)]
9846        fn new_empty() -> Self {
9847            Self::Audio
9848        }
9850        #[inline]
9851        unsafe fn decode(
9852            &mut self,
9853            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
9854            offset: usize,
9855            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
9856        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
9857            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
9858            let prim = decoder.read_num::<u8>(offset);
9860            *self = Self::from_primitive(prim).ok_or(fidl::Error::InvalidEnumValue)?;
9861            Ok(())
9862        }
9863    }
9864    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for NotificationEvent {
9865        type Owned = Self;
9867        #[inline(always)]
9868        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
9869            std::mem::align_of::<u8>()
9870        }
9872        #[inline(always)]
9873        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
9874            std::mem::size_of::<u8>()
9875        }
9877        #[inline(always)]
9878        fn encode_is_copy() -> bool {
9879            true
9880        }
9882        #[inline(always)]
9883        fn decode_is_copy() -> bool {
9884            false
9885        }
9886    }
9888    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for NotificationEvent {
9889        type Borrowed<'a> = Self;
9890        #[inline(always)]
9891        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
9892            *value
9893        }
9894    }
9896    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Encode<Self, D>
9897        for NotificationEvent
9898    {
9899        #[inline]
9900        unsafe fn encode(
9901            self,
9902            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
9903            offset: usize,
9904            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
9905        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
9906            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
9907            encoder.write_num(self.into_primitive(), offset);
9908            Ok(())
9909        }
9910    }
9912    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D> for NotificationEvent {
9913        #[inline(always)]
9914        fn new_empty() -> Self {
9915            Self::PlaybackStatusChanged
9916        }
9918        #[inline]
9919        unsafe fn decode(
9920            &mut self,
9921            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
9922            offset: usize,
9923            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
9924        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
9925            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
9926            let prim = decoder.read_num::<u8>(offset);
9928            *self = Self::from_primitive(prim).ok_or(fidl::Error::InvalidEnumValue)?;
9929            Ok(())
9930        }
9931    }
9932    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for PlaybackStatus {
9933        type Owned = Self;
9935        #[inline(always)]
9936        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
9937            std::mem::align_of::<u8>()
9938        }
9940        #[inline(always)]
9941        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
9942            std::mem::size_of::<u8>()
9943        }
9945        #[inline(always)]
9946        fn encode_is_copy() -> bool {
9947            true
9948        }
9950        #[inline(always)]
9951        fn decode_is_copy() -> bool {
9952            false
9953        }
9954    }
9956    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for PlaybackStatus {
9957        type Borrowed<'a> = Self;
9958        #[inline(always)]
9959        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
9960            *value
9961        }
9962    }
9964    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Encode<Self, D> for PlaybackStatus {
9965        #[inline]
9966        unsafe fn encode(
9967            self,
9968            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
9969            offset: usize,
9970            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
9971        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
9972            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
9973            encoder.write_num(self.into_primitive(), offset);
9974            Ok(())
9975        }
9976    }
9978    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D> for PlaybackStatus {
9979        #[inline(always)]
9980        fn new_empty() -> Self {
9981            Self::Stopped
9982        }
9984        #[inline]
9985        unsafe fn decode(
9986            &mut self,
9987            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
9988            offset: usize,
9989            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
9990        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
9991            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
9992            let prim = decoder.read_num::<u8>(offset);
9994            *self = Self::from_primitive(prim).ok_or(fidl::Error::InvalidEnumValue)?;
9995            Ok(())
9996        }
9997    }
9998    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId {
9999        type Owned = Self;
10001        #[inline(always)]
10002        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
10003            std::mem::align_of::<u8>()
10004        }
10006        #[inline(always)]
10007        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
10008            std::mem::size_of::<u8>()
10009        }
10011        #[inline(always)]
10012        fn encode_is_copy() -> bool {
10013            true
10014        }
10016        #[inline(always)]
10017        fn decode_is_copy() -> bool {
10018            false
10019        }
10020    }
10022    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId {
10023        type Borrowed<'a> = Self;
10024        #[inline(always)]
10025        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
10026            *value
10027        }
10028    }
10030    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Encode<Self, D>
10031        for PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId
10032    {
10033        #[inline]
10034        unsafe fn encode(
10035            self,
10036            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
10037            offset: usize,
10038            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
10039        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
10040            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
10041            encoder.write_num(self.into_primitive(), offset);
10042            Ok(())
10043        }
10044    }
10046    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
10047        for PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId
10048    {
10049        #[inline(always)]
10050        fn new_empty() -> Self {
10051            Self::Equalizer
10052        }
10054        #[inline]
10055        unsafe fn decode(
10056            &mut self,
10057            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
10058            offset: usize,
10059            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
10060        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
10061            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
10062            let prim = decoder.read_num::<u8>(offset);
10064            *self = Self::from_primitive(prim).ok_or(fidl::Error::InvalidEnumValue)?;
10065            Ok(())
10066        }
10067    }
10068    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for RepeatStatusMode {
10069        type Owned = Self;
10071        #[inline(always)]
10072        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
10073            std::mem::align_of::<u8>()
10074        }
10076        #[inline(always)]
10077        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
10078            std::mem::size_of::<u8>()
10079        }
10081        #[inline(always)]
10082        fn encode_is_copy() -> bool {
10083            true
10084        }
10086        #[inline(always)]
10087        fn decode_is_copy() -> bool {
10088            false
10089        }
10090    }
10092    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for RepeatStatusMode {
10093        type Borrowed<'a> = Self;
10094        #[inline(always)]
10095        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
10096            *value
10097        }
10098    }
10100    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Encode<Self, D>
10101        for RepeatStatusMode
10102    {
10103        #[inline]
10104        unsafe fn encode(
10105            self,
10106            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
10107            offset: usize,
10108            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
10109        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
10110            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
10111            encoder.write_num(self.into_primitive(), offset);
10112            Ok(())
10113        }
10114    }
10116    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D> for RepeatStatusMode {
10117        #[inline(always)]
10118        fn new_empty() -> Self {
10119            Self::Off
10120        }
10122        #[inline]
10123        unsafe fn decode(
10124            &mut self,
10125            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
10126            offset: usize,
10127            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
10128        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
10129            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
10130            let prim = decoder.read_num::<u8>(offset);
10132            *self = Self::from_primitive(prim).ok_or(fidl::Error::InvalidEnumValue)?;
10133            Ok(())
10134        }
10135    }
10136    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for ScanMode {
10137        type Owned = Self;
10139        #[inline(always)]
10140        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
10141            std::mem::align_of::<u8>()
10142        }
10144        #[inline(always)]
10145        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
10146            std::mem::size_of::<u8>()
10147        }
10149        #[inline(always)]
10150        fn encode_is_copy() -> bool {
10151            true
10152        }
10154        #[inline(always)]
10155        fn decode_is_copy() -> bool {
10156            false
10157        }
10158    }
10160    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for ScanMode {
10161        type Borrowed<'a> = Self;
10162        #[inline(always)]
10163        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
10164            *value
10165        }
10166    }
10168    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Encode<Self, D> for ScanMode {
10169        #[inline]
10170        unsafe fn encode(
10171            self,
10172            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
10173            offset: usize,
10174            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
10175        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
10176            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
10177            encoder.write_num(self.into_primitive(), offset);
10178            Ok(())
10179        }
10180    }
10182    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D> for ScanMode {
10183        #[inline(always)]
10184        fn new_empty() -> Self {
10185            Self::Off
10186        }
10188        #[inline]
10189        unsafe fn decode(
10190            &mut self,
10191            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
10192            offset: usize,
10193            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
10194        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
10195            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
10196            let prim = decoder.read_num::<u8>(offset);
10198            *self = Self::from_primitive(prim).ok_or(fidl::Error::InvalidEnumValue)?;
10199            Ok(())
10200        }
10201    }
10202    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for ShuffleMode {
10203        type Owned = Self;
10205        #[inline(always)]
10206        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
10207            std::mem::align_of::<u8>()
10208        }
10210        #[inline(always)]
10211        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
10212            std::mem::size_of::<u8>()
10213        }
10215        #[inline(always)]
10216        fn encode_is_copy() -> bool {
10217            true
10218        }
10220        #[inline(always)]
10221        fn decode_is_copy() -> bool {
10222            false
10223        }
10224    }
10226    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for ShuffleMode {
10227        type Borrowed<'a> = Self;
10228        #[inline(always)]
10229        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
10230            *value
10231        }
10232    }
10234    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Encode<Self, D> for ShuffleMode {
10235        #[inline]
10236        unsafe fn encode(
10237            self,
10238            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
10239            offset: usize,
10240            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
10241        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
10242            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
10243            encoder.write_num(self.into_primitive(), offset);
10244            Ok(())
10245        }
10246    }
10248    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D> for ShuffleMode {
10249        #[inline(always)]
10250        fn new_empty() -> Self {
10251            Self::Off
10252        }
10254        #[inline]
10255        unsafe fn decode(
10256            &mut self,
10257            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
10258            offset: usize,
10259            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
10260        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
10261            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
10262            let prim = decoder.read_num::<u8>(offset);
10264            *self = Self::from_primitive(prim).ok_or(fidl::Error::InvalidEnumValue)?;
10265            Ok(())
10266        }
10267    }
10268    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for SystemStatus {
10269        type Owned = Self;
10271        #[inline(always)]
10272        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
10273            std::mem::align_of::<u8>()
10274        }
10276        #[inline(always)]
10277        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
10278            std::mem::size_of::<u8>()
10279        }
10281        #[inline(always)]
10282        fn encode_is_copy() -> bool {
10283            true
10284        }
10286        #[inline(always)]
10287        fn decode_is_copy() -> bool {
10288            false
10289        }
10290    }
10292    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for SystemStatus {
10293        type Borrowed<'a> = Self;
10294        #[inline(always)]
10295        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
10296            *value
10297        }
10298    }
10300    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Encode<Self, D> for SystemStatus {
10301        #[inline]
10302        unsafe fn encode(
10303            self,
10304            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
10305            offset: usize,
10306            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
10307        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
10308            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
10309            encoder.write_num(self.into_primitive(), offset);
10310            Ok(())
10311        }
10312    }
10314    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D> for SystemStatus {
10315        #[inline(always)]
10316        fn new_empty() -> Self {
10317            Self::PowerOn
10318        }
10320        #[inline]
10321        unsafe fn decode(
10322            &mut self,
10323            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
10324            offset: usize,
10325            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
10326        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
10327            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
10328            let prim = decoder.read_num::<u8>(offset);
10330            *self = Self::from_primitive(prim).ok_or(fidl::Error::InvalidEnumValue)?;
10331            Ok(())
10332        }
10333    }
10334    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for TargetAvcError {
10335        type Owned = Self;
10337        #[inline(always)]
10338        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
10339            std::mem::align_of::<u32>()
10340        }
10342        #[inline(always)]
10343        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
10344            std::mem::size_of::<u32>()
10345        }
10347        #[inline(always)]
10348        fn encode_is_copy() -> bool {
10349            true
10350        }
10352        #[inline(always)]
10353        fn decode_is_copy() -> bool {
10354            false
10355        }
10356    }
10358    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for TargetAvcError {
10359        type Borrowed<'a> = Self;
10360        #[inline(always)]
10361        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
10362            *value
10363        }
10364    }
10366    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Encode<Self, D> for TargetAvcError {
10367        #[inline]
10368        unsafe fn encode(
10369            self,
10370            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
10371            offset: usize,
10372            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
10373        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
10374            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
10375            encoder.write_num(self.into_primitive(), offset);
10376            Ok(())
10377        }
10378    }
10380    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D> for TargetAvcError {
10381        #[inline(always)]
10382        fn new_empty() -> Self {
10383            Self::RejectedInvalidCommand
10384        }
10386        #[inline]
10387        unsafe fn decode(
10388            &mut self,
10389            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
10390            offset: usize,
10391            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
10392        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
10393            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
10394            let prim = decoder.read_num::<u32>(offset);
10396            *self = Self::from_primitive(prim).ok_or(fidl::Error::InvalidEnumValue)?;
10397            Ok(())
10398        }
10399    }
10400    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for TargetPassthroughError {
10401        type Owned = Self;
10403        #[inline(always)]
10404        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
10405            std::mem::align_of::<u32>()
10406        }
10408        #[inline(always)]
10409        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
10410            std::mem::size_of::<u32>()
10411        }
10413        #[inline(always)]
10414        fn encode_is_copy() -> bool {
10415            true
10416        }
10418        #[inline(always)]
10419        fn decode_is_copy() -> bool {
10420            false
10421        }
10422    }
10424    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for TargetPassthroughError {
10425        type Borrowed<'a> = Self;
10426        #[inline(always)]
10427        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
10428            *value
10429        }
10430    }
10432    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Encode<Self, D>
10433        for TargetPassthroughError
10434    {
10435        #[inline]
10436        unsafe fn encode(
10437            self,
10438            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
10439            offset: usize,
10440            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
10441        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
10442            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
10443            encoder.write_num(self.into_primitive(), offset);
10444            Ok(())
10445        }
10446    }
10448    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
10449        for TargetPassthroughError
10450    {
10451        #[inline(always)]
10452        fn new_empty() -> Self {
10453            Self::CommandNotImplemented
10454        }
10456        #[inline]
10457        unsafe fn decode(
10458            &mut self,
10459            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
10460            offset: usize,
10461            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
10462        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
10463            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
10464            let prim = decoder.read_num::<u32>(offset);
10466            *self = Self::from_primitive(prim).ok_or(fidl::Error::InvalidEnumValue)?;
10467            Ok(())
10468        }
10469    }
10471    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for AbsoluteVolumeHandlerGetCurrentVolumeResponse {
10472        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
10473        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
10474            value
10475        }
10476    }
10478    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for AbsoluteVolumeHandlerGetCurrentVolumeResponse {
10479        type Owned = Self;
10481        #[inline(always)]
10482        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
10483            1
10484        }
10486        #[inline(always)]
10487        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
10488            1
10489        }
10490        #[inline(always)]
10491        fn encode_is_copy() -> bool {
10492            true
10493        }
10495        #[inline(always)]
10496        fn decode_is_copy() -> bool {
10497            true
10498        }
10499    }
10501    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
10502        fidl::encoding::Encode<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerGetCurrentVolumeResponse, D>
10503        for &AbsoluteVolumeHandlerGetCurrentVolumeResponse
10504    {
10505        #[inline]
10506        unsafe fn encode(
10507            self,
10508            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
10509            offset: usize,
10510            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
10511        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
10512            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerGetCurrentVolumeResponse>(offset);
10513            unsafe {
10514                // Copy the object into the buffer.
10515                let buf_ptr = encoder.buf.as_mut_ptr().add(offset);
10516                (buf_ptr as *mut AbsoluteVolumeHandlerGetCurrentVolumeResponse).write_unaligned(
10517                    (self as *const AbsoluteVolumeHandlerGetCurrentVolumeResponse).read(),
10518                );
10519                // Zero out padding regions. Unlike `fidl_struct_impl_noncopy!`, this must be
10520                // done second because the memcpy will write garbage to these bytes.
10521            }
10522            Ok(())
10523        }
10524    }
10525    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect, T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<u8, D>>
10526        fidl::encoding::Encode<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerGetCurrentVolumeResponse, D> for (T0,)
10527    {
10528        #[inline]
10529        unsafe fn encode(
10530            self,
10531            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
10532            offset: usize,
10533            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
10534        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
10535            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerGetCurrentVolumeResponse>(offset);
10536            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
10537            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
10538            // Write the fields.
10539            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
10540            Ok(())
10541        }
10542    }
10544    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
10545        for AbsoluteVolumeHandlerGetCurrentVolumeResponse
10546    {
10547        #[inline(always)]
10548        fn new_empty() -> Self {
10549            Self { volume: fidl::new_empty!(u8, D) }
10550        }
10552        #[inline]
10553        unsafe fn decode(
10554            &mut self,
10555            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
10556            offset: usize,
10557            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
10558        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
10559            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
10560            let buf_ptr = unsafe { decoder.buf.as_ptr().add(offset) };
10561            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
10562            // Copy from the buffer into the object.
10563            unsafe {
10564                std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(buf_ptr, self as *mut Self as *mut u8, 1);
10565            }
10566            Ok(())
10567        }
10568    }
10570    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for AbsoluteVolumeHandlerOnVolumeChangedResponse {
10571        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
10572        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
10573            value
10574        }
10575    }
10577    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for AbsoluteVolumeHandlerOnVolumeChangedResponse {
10578        type Owned = Self;
10580        #[inline(always)]
10581        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
10582            1
10583        }
10585        #[inline(always)]
10586        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
10587            1
10588        }
10589        #[inline(always)]
10590        fn encode_is_copy() -> bool {
10591            true
10592        }
10594        #[inline(always)]
10595        fn decode_is_copy() -> bool {
10596            true
10597        }
10598    }
10600    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
10601        fidl::encoding::Encode<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerOnVolumeChangedResponse, D>
10602        for &AbsoluteVolumeHandlerOnVolumeChangedResponse
10603    {
10604        #[inline]
10605        unsafe fn encode(
10606            self,
10607            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
10608            offset: usize,
10609            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
10610        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
10611            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerOnVolumeChangedResponse>(offset);
10612            unsafe {
10613                // Copy the object into the buffer.
10614                let buf_ptr = encoder.buf.as_mut_ptr().add(offset);
10615                (buf_ptr as *mut AbsoluteVolumeHandlerOnVolumeChangedResponse).write_unaligned(
10616                    (self as *const AbsoluteVolumeHandlerOnVolumeChangedResponse).read(),
10617                );
10618                // Zero out padding regions. Unlike `fidl_struct_impl_noncopy!`, this must be
10619                // done second because the memcpy will write garbage to these bytes.
10620            }
10621            Ok(())
10622        }
10623    }
10624    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect, T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<u8, D>>
10625        fidl::encoding::Encode<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerOnVolumeChangedResponse, D> for (T0,)
10626    {
10627        #[inline]
10628        unsafe fn encode(
10629            self,
10630            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
10631            offset: usize,
10632            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
10633        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
10634            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerOnVolumeChangedResponse>(offset);
10635            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
10636            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
10637            // Write the fields.
10638            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
10639            Ok(())
10640        }
10641    }
10643    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
10644        for AbsoluteVolumeHandlerOnVolumeChangedResponse
10645    {
10646        #[inline(always)]
10647        fn new_empty() -> Self {
10648            Self { new_volume: fidl::new_empty!(u8, D) }
10649        }
10651        #[inline]
10652        unsafe fn decode(
10653            &mut self,
10654            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
10655            offset: usize,
10656            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
10657        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
10658            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
10659            let buf_ptr = unsafe { decoder.buf.as_ptr().add(offset) };
10660            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
10661            // Copy from the buffer into the object.
10662            unsafe {
10663                std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(buf_ptr, self as *mut Self as *mut u8, 1);
10664            }
10665            Ok(())
10666        }
10667    }
10669    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSetVolumeRequest {
10670        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
10671        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
10672            value
10673        }
10674    }
10676    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSetVolumeRequest {
10677        type Owned = Self;
10679        #[inline(always)]
10680        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
10681            1
10682        }
10684        #[inline(always)]
10685        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
10686            1
10687        }
10688        #[inline(always)]
10689        fn encode_is_copy() -> bool {
10690            true
10691        }
10693        #[inline(always)]
10694        fn decode_is_copy() -> bool {
10695            true
10696        }
10697    }
10699    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
10700        fidl::encoding::Encode<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSetVolumeRequest, D>
10701        for &AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSetVolumeRequest
10702    {
10703        #[inline]
10704        unsafe fn encode(
10705            self,
10706            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
10707            offset: usize,
10708            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
10709        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
10710            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSetVolumeRequest>(offset);
10711            unsafe {
10712                // Copy the object into the buffer.
10713                let buf_ptr = encoder.buf.as_mut_ptr().add(offset);
10714                (buf_ptr as *mut AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSetVolumeRequest)
10715                    .write_unaligned((self as *const AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSetVolumeRequest).read());
10716                // Zero out padding regions. Unlike `fidl_struct_impl_noncopy!`, this must be
10717                // done second because the memcpy will write garbage to these bytes.
10718            }
10719            Ok(())
10720        }
10721    }
10722    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect, T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<u8, D>>
10723        fidl::encoding::Encode<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSetVolumeRequest, D> for (T0,)
10724    {
10725        #[inline]
10726        unsafe fn encode(
10727            self,
10728            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
10729            offset: usize,
10730            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
10731        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
10732            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSetVolumeRequest>(offset);
10733            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
10734            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
10735            // Write the fields.
10736            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
10737            Ok(())
10738        }
10739    }
10741    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
10742        for AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSetVolumeRequest
10743    {
10744        #[inline(always)]
10745        fn new_empty() -> Self {
10746            Self { requested_volume: fidl::new_empty!(u8, D) }
10747        }
10749        #[inline]
10750        unsafe fn decode(
10751            &mut self,
10752            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
10753            offset: usize,
10754            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
10755        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
10756            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
10757            let buf_ptr = unsafe { decoder.buf.as_ptr().add(offset) };
10758            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
10759            // Copy from the buffer into the object.
10760            unsafe {
10761                std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(buf_ptr, self as *mut Self as *mut u8, 1);
10762            }
10763            Ok(())
10764        }
10765    }
10767    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSetVolumeResponse {
10768        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
10769        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
10770            value
10771        }
10772    }
10774    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSetVolumeResponse {
10775        type Owned = Self;
10777        #[inline(always)]
10778        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
10779            1
10780        }
10782        #[inline(always)]
10783        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
10784            1
10785        }
10786        #[inline(always)]
10787        fn encode_is_copy() -> bool {
10788            true
10789        }
10791        #[inline(always)]
10792        fn decode_is_copy() -> bool {
10793            true
10794        }
10795    }
10797    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
10798        fidl::encoding::Encode<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSetVolumeResponse, D>
10799        for &AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSetVolumeResponse
10800    {
10801        #[inline]
10802        unsafe fn encode(
10803            self,
10804            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
10805            offset: usize,
10806            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
10807        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
10808            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSetVolumeResponse>(offset);
10809            unsafe {
10810                // Copy the object into the buffer.
10811                let buf_ptr = encoder.buf.as_mut_ptr().add(offset);
10812                (buf_ptr as *mut AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSetVolumeResponse).write_unaligned(
10813                    (self as *const AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSetVolumeResponse).read(),
10814                );
10815                // Zero out padding regions. Unlike `fidl_struct_impl_noncopy!`, this must be
10816                // done second because the memcpy will write garbage to these bytes.
10817            }
10818            Ok(())
10819        }
10820    }
10821    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect, T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<u8, D>>
10822        fidl::encoding::Encode<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSetVolumeResponse, D> for (T0,)
10823    {
10824        #[inline]
10825        unsafe fn encode(
10826            self,
10827            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
10828            offset: usize,
10829            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
10830        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
10831            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSetVolumeResponse>(offset);
10832            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
10833            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
10834            // Write the fields.
10835            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
10836            Ok(())
10837        }
10838    }
10840    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
10841        for AbsoluteVolumeHandlerSetVolumeResponse
10842    {
10843        #[inline(always)]
10844        fn new_empty() -> Self {
10845            Self { set_volume: fidl::new_empty!(u8, D) }
10846        }
10848        #[inline]
10849        unsafe fn decode(
10850            &mut self,
10851            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
10852            offset: usize,
10853            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
10854        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
10855            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
10856            let buf_ptr = unsafe { decoder.buf.as_ptr().add(offset) };
10857            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
10858            // Copy from the buffer into the object.
10859            unsafe {
10860                std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(buf_ptr, self as *mut Self as *mut u8, 1);
10861            }
10862            Ok(())
10863        }
10864    }
10866    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for AddressedPlayerId {
10867        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
10868        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
10869            value
10870        }
10871    }
10873    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for AddressedPlayerId {
10874        type Owned = Self;
10876        #[inline(always)]
10877        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
10878            2
10879        }
10881        #[inline(always)]
10882        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
10883            2
10884        }
10885        #[inline(always)]
10886        fn encode_is_copy() -> bool {
10887            true
10888        }
10890        #[inline(always)]
10891        fn decode_is_copy() -> bool {
10892            true
10893        }
10894    }
10896    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Encode<AddressedPlayerId, D>
10897        for &AddressedPlayerId
10898    {
10899        #[inline]
10900        unsafe fn encode(
10901            self,
10902            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
10903            offset: usize,
10904            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
10905        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
10906            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<AddressedPlayerId>(offset);
10907            unsafe {
10908                // Copy the object into the buffer.
10909                let buf_ptr = encoder.buf.as_mut_ptr().add(offset);
10910                (buf_ptr as *mut AddressedPlayerId)
10911                    .write_unaligned((self as *const AddressedPlayerId).read());
10912                // Zero out padding regions. Unlike `fidl_struct_impl_noncopy!`, this must be
10913                // done second because the memcpy will write garbage to these bytes.
10914            }
10915            Ok(())
10916        }
10917    }
10918    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect, T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<u16, D>>
10919        fidl::encoding::Encode<AddressedPlayerId, D> for (T0,)
10920    {
10921        #[inline]
10922        unsafe fn encode(
10923            self,
10924            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
10925            offset: usize,
10926            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
10927        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
10928            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<AddressedPlayerId>(offset);
10929            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
10930            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
10931            // Write the fields.
10932            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
10933            Ok(())
10934        }
10935    }
10937    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D> for AddressedPlayerId {
10938        #[inline(always)]
10939        fn new_empty() -> Self {
10940            Self { id: fidl::new_empty!(u16, D) }
10941        }
10943        #[inline]
10944        unsafe fn decode(
10945            &mut self,
10946            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
10947            offset: usize,
10948            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
10949        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
10950            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
10951            let buf_ptr = unsafe { decoder.buf.as_ptr().add(offset) };
10952            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
10953            // Copy from the buffer into the object.
10954            unsafe {
10955                std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(buf_ptr, self as *mut Self as *mut u8, 2);
10956            }
10957            Ok(())
10958        }
10959    }
10961    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for BrowseControllerChangePathRequest {
10962        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
10963        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
10964            value
10965        }
10966    }
10968    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for BrowseControllerChangePathRequest {
10969        type Owned = Self;
10971        #[inline(always)]
10972        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
10973            8
10974        }
10976        #[inline(always)]
10977        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
10978            16
10979        }
10980    }
10982    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
10983        fidl::encoding::Encode<BrowseControllerChangePathRequest, D>
10984        for &BrowseControllerChangePathRequest
10985    {
10986        #[inline]
10987        unsafe fn encode(
10988            self,
10989            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
10990            offset: usize,
10991            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
10992        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
10993            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<BrowseControllerChangePathRequest>(offset);
10994            // Delegate to tuple encoding.
10995            fidl::encoding::Encode::<BrowseControllerChangePathRequest, D>::encode(
10996                (<Path as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(&self.path),),
10997                encoder,
10998                offset,
10999                _depth,
11000            )
11001        }
11002    }
11003    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect, T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<Path, D>>
11004        fidl::encoding::Encode<BrowseControllerChangePathRequest, D> for (T0,)
11005    {
11006        #[inline]
11007        unsafe fn encode(
11008            self,
11009            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
11010            offset: usize,
11011            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
11012        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
11013            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<BrowseControllerChangePathRequest>(offset);
11014            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
11015            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
11016            // Write the fields.
11017            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
11018            Ok(())
11019        }
11020    }
11022    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
11023        for BrowseControllerChangePathRequest
11024    {
11025        #[inline(always)]
11026        fn new_empty() -> Self {
11027            Self { path: fidl::new_empty!(Path, D) }
11028        }
11030        #[inline]
11031        unsafe fn decode(
11032            &mut self,
11033            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
11034            offset: usize,
11035            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
11036        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
11037            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
11038            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
11039            fidl::decode!(Path, D, &mut self.path, decoder, offset + 0, _depth)?;
11040            Ok(())
11041        }
11042    }
11044    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsRequest {
11045        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
11046        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
11047            value
11048        }
11049    }
11051    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsRequest {
11052        type Owned = Self;
11054        #[inline(always)]
11055        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
11056            8
11057        }
11059        #[inline(always)]
11060        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
11061            24
11062        }
11063    }
11065    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
11066        fidl::encoding::Encode<BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsRequest, D>
11067        for &BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsRequest
11068    {
11069        #[inline]
11070        unsafe fn encode(
11071            self,
11072            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
11073            offset: usize,
11074            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
11075        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
11076            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsRequest>(offset);
11077            // Delegate to tuple encoding.
11078            fidl::encoding::Encode::<BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsRequest, D>::encode(
11079                (
11080                    <u32 as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(&self.start_index),
11081                    <u32 as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(&self.end_index),
11082                    <AttributeRequestOption as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(
11083                        &self.attribute_option,
11084                    ),
11085                ),
11086                encoder,
11087                offset,
11088                _depth,
11089            )
11090        }
11091    }
11092    unsafe impl<
11093            D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect,
11094            T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<u32, D>,
11095            T1: fidl::encoding::Encode<u32, D>,
11096            T2: fidl::encoding::Encode<AttributeRequestOption, D>,
11097        > fidl::encoding::Encode<BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsRequest, D> for (T0, T1, T2)
11098    {
11099        #[inline]
11100        unsafe fn encode(
11101            self,
11102            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
11103            offset: usize,
11104            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
11105        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
11106            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsRequest>(offset);
11107            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
11108            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
11109            // Write the fields.
11110            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
11111            self.1.encode(encoder, offset + 4, depth)?;
11112            self.2.encode(encoder, offset + 8, depth)?;
11113            Ok(())
11114        }
11115    }
11117    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
11118        for BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsRequest
11119    {
11120        #[inline(always)]
11121        fn new_empty() -> Self {
11122            Self {
11123                start_index: fidl::new_empty!(u32, D),
11124                end_index: fidl::new_empty!(u32, D),
11125                attribute_option: fidl::new_empty!(AttributeRequestOption, D),
11126            }
11127        }
11129        #[inline]
11130        unsafe fn decode(
11131            &mut self,
11132            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
11133            offset: usize,
11134            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
11135        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
11136            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
11137            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
11138            fidl::decode!(u32, D, &mut self.start_index, decoder, offset + 0, _depth)?;
11139            fidl::decode!(u32, D, &mut self.end_index, decoder, offset + 4, _depth)?;
11140            fidl::decode!(
11141                AttributeRequestOption,
11142                D,
11143                &mut self.attribute_option,
11144                decoder,
11145                offset + 8,
11146                _depth
11147            )?;
11148            Ok(())
11149        }
11150    }
11152    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsRequest {
11153        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
11154        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
11155            value
11156        }
11157    }
11159    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsRequest {
11160        type Owned = Self;
11162        #[inline(always)]
11163        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
11164            4
11165        }
11167        #[inline(always)]
11168        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
11169            8
11170        }
11171        #[inline(always)]
11172        fn encode_is_copy() -> bool {
11173            true
11174        }
11176        #[inline(always)]
11177        fn decode_is_copy() -> bool {
11178            true
11179        }
11180    }
11182    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
11183        fidl::encoding::Encode<BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsRequest, D>
11184        for &BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsRequest
11185    {
11186        #[inline]
11187        unsafe fn encode(
11188            self,
11189            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
11190            offset: usize,
11191            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
11192        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
11193            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsRequest>(offset);
11194            unsafe {
11195                // Copy the object into the buffer.
11196                let buf_ptr = encoder.buf.as_mut_ptr().add(offset);
11197                (buf_ptr as *mut BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsRequest).write_unaligned(
11198                    (self as *const BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsRequest).read(),
11199                );
11200                // Zero out padding regions. Unlike `fidl_struct_impl_noncopy!`, this must be
11201                // done second because the memcpy will write garbage to these bytes.
11202            }
11203            Ok(())
11204        }
11205    }
11206    unsafe impl<
11207            D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect,
11208            T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<u32, D>,
11209            T1: fidl::encoding::Encode<u32, D>,
11210        > fidl::encoding::Encode<BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsRequest, D> for (T0, T1)
11211    {
11212        #[inline]
11213        unsafe fn encode(
11214            self,
11215            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
11216            offset: usize,
11217            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
11218        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
11219            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsRequest>(offset);
11220            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
11221            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
11222            // Write the fields.
11223            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
11224            self.1.encode(encoder, offset + 4, depth)?;
11225            Ok(())
11226        }
11227    }
11229    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
11230        for BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsRequest
11231    {
11232        #[inline(always)]
11233        fn new_empty() -> Self {
11234            Self { start_index: fidl::new_empty!(u32, D), end_index: fidl::new_empty!(u32, D) }
11235        }
11237        #[inline]
11238        unsafe fn decode(
11239            &mut self,
11240            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
11241            offset: usize,
11242            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
11243        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
11244            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
11245            let buf_ptr = unsafe { decoder.buf.as_ptr().add(offset) };
11246            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
11247            // Copy from the buffer into the object.
11248            unsafe {
11249                std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(buf_ptr, self as *mut Self as *mut u8, 8);
11250            }
11251            Ok(())
11252        }
11253    }
11255    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsRequest {
11256        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
11257        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
11258            value
11259        }
11260    }
11262    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsRequest {
11263        type Owned = Self;
11265        #[inline(always)]
11266        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
11267            8
11268        }
11270        #[inline(always)]
11271        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
11272            24
11273        }
11274    }
11276    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
11277        fidl::encoding::Encode<BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsRequest, D>
11278        for &BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsRequest
11279    {
11280        #[inline]
11281        unsafe fn encode(
11282            self,
11283            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
11284            offset: usize,
11285            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
11286        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
11287            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsRequest>(offset);
11288            // Delegate to tuple encoding.
11289            fidl::encoding::Encode::<BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsRequest, D>::encode(
11290                (
11291                    <u32 as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(&self.start_index),
11292                    <u32 as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(&self.end_index),
11293                    <AttributeRequestOption as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(
11294                        &self.attribute_option,
11295                    ),
11296                ),
11297                encoder,
11298                offset,
11299                _depth,
11300            )
11301        }
11302    }
11303    unsafe impl<
11304            D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect,
11305            T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<u32, D>,
11306            T1: fidl::encoding::Encode<u32, D>,
11307            T2: fidl::encoding::Encode<AttributeRequestOption, D>,
11308        > fidl::encoding::Encode<BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsRequest, D> for (T0, T1, T2)
11309    {
11310        #[inline]
11311        unsafe fn encode(
11312            self,
11313            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
11314            offset: usize,
11315            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
11316        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
11317            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsRequest>(offset);
11318            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
11319            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
11320            // Write the fields.
11321            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
11322            self.1.encode(encoder, offset + 4, depth)?;
11323            self.2.encode(encoder, offset + 8, depth)?;
11324            Ok(())
11325        }
11326    }
11328    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
11329        for BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsRequest
11330    {
11331        #[inline(always)]
11332        fn new_empty() -> Self {
11333            Self {
11334                start_index: fidl::new_empty!(u32, D),
11335                end_index: fidl::new_empty!(u32, D),
11336                attribute_option: fidl::new_empty!(AttributeRequestOption, D),
11337            }
11338        }
11340        #[inline]
11341        unsafe fn decode(
11342            &mut self,
11343            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
11344            offset: usize,
11345            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
11346        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
11347            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
11348            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
11349            fidl::decode!(u32, D, &mut self.start_index, decoder, offset + 0, _depth)?;
11350            fidl::decode!(u32, D, &mut self.end_index, decoder, offset + 4, _depth)?;
11351            fidl::decode!(
11352                AttributeRequestOption,
11353                D,
11354                &mut self.attribute_option,
11355                decoder,
11356                offset + 8,
11357                _depth
11358            )?;
11359            Ok(())
11360        }
11361    }
11363    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for BrowseControllerPlayFileSystemItemRequest {
11364        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
11365        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
11366            value
11367        }
11368    }
11370    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for BrowseControllerPlayFileSystemItemRequest {
11371        type Owned = Self;
11373        #[inline(always)]
11374        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
11375            8
11376        }
11378        #[inline(always)]
11379        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
11380            8
11381        }
11382        #[inline(always)]
11383        fn encode_is_copy() -> bool {
11384            true
11385        }
11387        #[inline(always)]
11388        fn decode_is_copy() -> bool {
11389            true
11390        }
11391    }
11393    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
11394        fidl::encoding::Encode<BrowseControllerPlayFileSystemItemRequest, D>
11395        for &BrowseControllerPlayFileSystemItemRequest
11396    {
11397        #[inline]
11398        unsafe fn encode(
11399            self,
11400            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
11401            offset: usize,
11402            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
11403        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
11404            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<BrowseControllerPlayFileSystemItemRequest>(offset);
11405            unsafe {
11406                // Copy the object into the buffer.
11407                let buf_ptr = encoder.buf.as_mut_ptr().add(offset);
11408                (buf_ptr as *mut BrowseControllerPlayFileSystemItemRequest).write_unaligned(
11409                    (self as *const BrowseControllerPlayFileSystemItemRequest).read(),
11410                );
11411                // Zero out padding regions. Unlike `fidl_struct_impl_noncopy!`, this must be
11412                // done second because the memcpy will write garbage to these bytes.
11413            }
11414            Ok(())
11415        }
11416    }
11417    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect, T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<u64, D>>
11418        fidl::encoding::Encode<BrowseControllerPlayFileSystemItemRequest, D> for (T0,)
11419    {
11420        #[inline]
11421        unsafe fn encode(
11422            self,
11423            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
11424            offset: usize,
11425            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
11426        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
11427            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<BrowseControllerPlayFileSystemItemRequest>(offset);
11428            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
11429            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
11430            // Write the fields.
11431            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
11432            Ok(())
11433        }
11434    }
11436    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
11437        for BrowseControllerPlayFileSystemItemRequest
11438    {
11439        #[inline(always)]
11440        fn new_empty() -> Self {
11441            Self { uid: fidl::new_empty!(u64, D) }
11442        }
11444        #[inline]
11445        unsafe fn decode(
11446            &mut self,
11447            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
11448            offset: usize,
11449            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
11450        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
11451            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
11452            let buf_ptr = unsafe { decoder.buf.as_ptr().add(offset) };
11453            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
11454            // Copy from the buffer into the object.
11455            unsafe {
11456                std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(buf_ptr, self as *mut Self as *mut u8, 8);
11457            }
11458            Ok(())
11459        }
11460    }
11462    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for BrowseControllerPlayNowPlayingItemRequest {
11463        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
11464        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
11465            value
11466        }
11467    }
11469    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for BrowseControllerPlayNowPlayingItemRequest {
11470        type Owned = Self;
11472        #[inline(always)]
11473        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
11474            8
11475        }
11477        #[inline(always)]
11478        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
11479            8
11480        }
11481        #[inline(always)]
11482        fn encode_is_copy() -> bool {
11483            true
11484        }
11486        #[inline(always)]
11487        fn decode_is_copy() -> bool {
11488            true
11489        }
11490    }
11492    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
11493        fidl::encoding::Encode<BrowseControllerPlayNowPlayingItemRequest, D>
11494        for &BrowseControllerPlayNowPlayingItemRequest
11495    {
11496        #[inline]
11497        unsafe fn encode(
11498            self,
11499            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
11500            offset: usize,
11501            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
11502        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
11503            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<BrowseControllerPlayNowPlayingItemRequest>(offset);
11504            unsafe {
11505                // Copy the object into the buffer.
11506                let buf_ptr = encoder.buf.as_mut_ptr().add(offset);
11507                (buf_ptr as *mut BrowseControllerPlayNowPlayingItemRequest).write_unaligned(
11508                    (self as *const BrowseControllerPlayNowPlayingItemRequest).read(),
11509                );
11510                // Zero out padding regions. Unlike `fidl_struct_impl_noncopy!`, this must be
11511                // done second because the memcpy will write garbage to these bytes.
11512            }
11513            Ok(())
11514        }
11515    }
11516    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect, T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<u64, D>>
11517        fidl::encoding::Encode<BrowseControllerPlayNowPlayingItemRequest, D> for (T0,)
11518    {
11519        #[inline]
11520        unsafe fn encode(
11521            self,
11522            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
11523            offset: usize,
11524            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
11525        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
11526            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<BrowseControllerPlayNowPlayingItemRequest>(offset);
11527            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
11528            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
11529            // Write the fields.
11530            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
11531            Ok(())
11532        }
11533    }
11535    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
11536        for BrowseControllerPlayNowPlayingItemRequest
11537    {
11538        #[inline(always)]
11539        fn new_empty() -> Self {
11540            Self { uid: fidl::new_empty!(u64, D) }
11541        }
11543        #[inline]
11544        unsafe fn decode(
11545            &mut self,
11546            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
11547            offset: usize,
11548            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
11549        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
11550            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
11551            let buf_ptr = unsafe { decoder.buf.as_ptr().add(offset) };
11552            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
11553            // Copy from the buffer into the object.
11554            unsafe {
11555                std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(buf_ptr, self as *mut Self as *mut u8, 8);
11556            }
11557            Ok(())
11558        }
11559    }
11561    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for BrowseControllerSetBrowsedPlayerRequest {
11562        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
11563        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
11564            value
11565        }
11566    }
11568    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for BrowseControllerSetBrowsedPlayerRequest {
11569        type Owned = Self;
11571        #[inline(always)]
11572        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
11573            2
11574        }
11576        #[inline(always)]
11577        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
11578            2
11579        }
11580        #[inline(always)]
11581        fn encode_is_copy() -> bool {
11582            true
11583        }
11585        #[inline(always)]
11586        fn decode_is_copy() -> bool {
11587            true
11588        }
11589    }
11591    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
11592        fidl::encoding::Encode<BrowseControllerSetBrowsedPlayerRequest, D>
11593        for &BrowseControllerSetBrowsedPlayerRequest
11594    {
11595        #[inline]
11596        unsafe fn encode(
11597            self,
11598            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
11599            offset: usize,
11600            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
11601        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
11602            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<BrowseControllerSetBrowsedPlayerRequest>(offset);
11603            unsafe {
11604                // Copy the object into the buffer.
11605                let buf_ptr = encoder.buf.as_mut_ptr().add(offset);
11606                (buf_ptr as *mut BrowseControllerSetBrowsedPlayerRequest).write_unaligned(
11607                    (self as *const BrowseControllerSetBrowsedPlayerRequest).read(),
11608                );
11609                // Zero out padding regions. Unlike `fidl_struct_impl_noncopy!`, this must be
11610                // done second because the memcpy will write garbage to these bytes.
11611            }
11612            Ok(())
11613        }
11614    }
11615    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect, T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<u16, D>>
11616        fidl::encoding::Encode<BrowseControllerSetBrowsedPlayerRequest, D> for (T0,)
11617    {
11618        #[inline]
11619        unsafe fn encode(
11620            self,
11621            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
11622            offset: usize,
11623            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
11624        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
11625            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<BrowseControllerSetBrowsedPlayerRequest>(offset);
11626            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
11627            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
11628            // Write the fields.
11629            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
11630            Ok(())
11631        }
11632    }
11634    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
11635        for BrowseControllerSetBrowsedPlayerRequest
11636    {
11637        #[inline(always)]
11638        fn new_empty() -> Self {
11639            Self { player_id: fidl::new_empty!(u16, D) }
11640        }
11642        #[inline]
11643        unsafe fn decode(
11644            &mut self,
11645            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
11646            offset: usize,
11647            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
11648        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
11649            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
11650            let buf_ptr = unsafe { decoder.buf.as_ptr().add(offset) };
11651            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
11652            // Copy from the buffer into the object.
11653            unsafe {
11654                std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(buf_ptr, self as *mut Self as *mut u8, 2);
11655            }
11656            Ok(())
11657        }
11658    }
11660    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for BrowseControllerChangePathResponse {
11661        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
11662        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
11663            value
11664        }
11665    }
11667    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for BrowseControllerChangePathResponse {
11668        type Owned = Self;
11670        #[inline(always)]
11671        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
11672            4
11673        }
11675        #[inline(always)]
11676        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
11677            4
11678        }
11679        #[inline(always)]
11680        fn encode_is_copy() -> bool {
11681            true
11682        }
11684        #[inline(always)]
11685        fn decode_is_copy() -> bool {
11686            true
11687        }
11688    }
11690    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
11691        fidl::encoding::Encode<BrowseControllerChangePathResponse, D>
11692        for &BrowseControllerChangePathResponse
11693    {
11694        #[inline]
11695        unsafe fn encode(
11696            self,
11697            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
11698            offset: usize,
11699            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
11700        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
11701            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<BrowseControllerChangePathResponse>(offset);
11702            unsafe {
11703                // Copy the object into the buffer.
11704                let buf_ptr = encoder.buf.as_mut_ptr().add(offset);
11705                (buf_ptr as *mut BrowseControllerChangePathResponse)
11706                    .write_unaligned((self as *const BrowseControllerChangePathResponse).read());
11707                // Zero out padding regions. Unlike `fidl_struct_impl_noncopy!`, this must be
11708                // done second because the memcpy will write garbage to these bytes.
11709            }
11710            Ok(())
11711        }
11712    }
11713    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect, T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<u32, D>>
11714        fidl::encoding::Encode<BrowseControllerChangePathResponse, D> for (T0,)
11715    {
11716        #[inline]
11717        unsafe fn encode(
11718            self,
11719            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
11720            offset: usize,
11721            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
11722        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
11723            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<BrowseControllerChangePathResponse>(offset);
11724            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
11725            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
11726            // Write the fields.
11727            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
11728            Ok(())
11729        }
11730    }
11732    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
11733        for BrowseControllerChangePathResponse
11734    {
11735        #[inline(always)]
11736        fn new_empty() -> Self {
11737            Self { num_items: fidl::new_empty!(u32, D) }
11738        }
11740        #[inline]
11741        unsafe fn decode(
11742            &mut self,
11743            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
11744            offset: usize,
11745            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
11746        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
11747            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
11748            let buf_ptr = unsafe { decoder.buf.as_ptr().add(offset) };
11749            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
11750            // Copy from the buffer into the object.
11751            unsafe {
11752                std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(buf_ptr, self as *mut Self as *mut u8, 4);
11753            }
11754            Ok(())
11755        }
11756    }
11758    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsResponse {
11759        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
11760        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
11761            value
11762        }
11763    }
11765    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsResponse {
11766        type Owned = Self;
11768        #[inline(always)]
11769        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
11770            8
11771        }
11773        #[inline(always)]
11774        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
11775            16
11776        }
11777    }
11779    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
11780        fidl::encoding::Encode<BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsResponse, D>
11781        for &BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsResponse
11782    {
11783        #[inline]
11784        unsafe fn encode(
11785            self,
11786            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
11787            offset: usize,
11788            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
11789        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
11790            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsResponse>(offset);
11791            // Delegate to tuple encoding.
11792            fidl::encoding::Encode::<BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsResponse, D>::encode(
11793                (
11794                    <fidl::encoding::Vector<FileSystemItem, 16> as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(&self.items),
11795                ),
11796                encoder, offset, _depth
11797            )
11798        }
11799    }
11800    unsafe impl<
11801            D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect,
11802            T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<fidl::encoding::Vector<FileSystemItem, 16>, D>,
11803        > fidl::encoding::Encode<BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsResponse, D> for (T0,)
11804    {
11805        #[inline]
11806        unsafe fn encode(
11807            self,
11808            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
11809            offset: usize,
11810            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
11811        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
11812            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsResponse>(offset);
11813            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
11814            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
11815            // Write the fields.
11816            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
11817            Ok(())
11818        }
11819    }
11821    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
11822        for BrowseControllerGetFileSystemItemsResponse
11823    {
11824        #[inline(always)]
11825        fn new_empty() -> Self {
11826            Self { items: fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::Vector<FileSystemItem, 16>, D) }
11827        }
11829        #[inline]
11830        unsafe fn decode(
11831            &mut self,
11832            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
11833            offset: usize,
11834            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
11835        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
11836            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
11837            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
11838            fidl::decode!(fidl::encoding::Vector<FileSystemItem, 16>, D, &mut self.items, decoder, offset + 0, _depth)?;
11839            Ok(())
11840        }
11841    }
11843    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponse {
11844        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
11845        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
11846            value
11847        }
11848    }
11850    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponse {
11851        type Owned = Self;
11853        #[inline(always)]
11854        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
11855            8
11856        }
11858        #[inline(always)]
11859        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
11860            16
11861        }
11862    }
11864    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
11865        fidl::encoding::Encode<BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponse, D>
11866        for &BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponse
11867    {
11868        #[inline]
11869        unsafe fn encode(
11870            self,
11871            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
11872            offset: usize,
11873            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
11874        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
11875            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponse>(offset);
11876            // Delegate to tuple encoding.
11877            fidl::encoding::Encode::<BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponse, D>::encode(
11878                (
11879                    <fidl::encoding::Vector<MediaPlayerItem, 16> as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(&self.items),
11880                ),
11881                encoder, offset, _depth
11882            )
11883        }
11884    }
11885    unsafe impl<
11886            D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect,
11887            T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<fidl::encoding::Vector<MediaPlayerItem, 16>, D>,
11888        > fidl::encoding::Encode<BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponse, D> for (T0,)
11889    {
11890        #[inline]
11891        unsafe fn encode(
11892            self,
11893            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
11894            offset: usize,
11895            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
11896        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
11897            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponse>(offset);
11898            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
11899            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
11900            // Write the fields.
11901            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
11902            Ok(())
11903        }
11904    }
11906    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
11907        for BrowseControllerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponse
11908    {
11909        #[inline(always)]
11910        fn new_empty() -> Self {
11911            Self { items: fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::Vector<MediaPlayerItem, 16>, D) }
11912        }
11914        #[inline]
11915        unsafe fn decode(
11916            &mut self,
11917            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
11918            offset: usize,
11919            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
11920        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
11921            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
11922            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
11923            fidl::decode!(fidl::encoding::Vector<MediaPlayerItem, 16>, D, &mut self.items, decoder, offset + 0, _depth)?;
11924            Ok(())
11925        }
11926    }
11928    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsResponse {
11929        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
11930        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
11931            value
11932        }
11933    }
11935    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsResponse {
11936        type Owned = Self;
11938        #[inline(always)]
11939        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
11940            8
11941        }
11943        #[inline(always)]
11944        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
11945            16
11946        }
11947    }
11949    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
11950        fidl::encoding::Encode<BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsResponse, D>
11951        for &BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsResponse
11952    {
11953        #[inline]
11954        unsafe fn encode(
11955            self,
11956            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
11957            offset: usize,
11958            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
11959        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
11960            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsResponse>(offset);
11961            // Delegate to tuple encoding.
11962            fidl::encoding::Encode::<BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsResponse, D>::encode(
11963                (
11964                    <fidl::encoding::Vector<MediaElementItem, 16> as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(&self.items),
11965                ),
11966                encoder, offset, _depth
11967            )
11968        }
11969    }
11970    unsafe impl<
11971            D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect,
11972            T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<fidl::encoding::Vector<MediaElementItem, 16>, D>,
11973        > fidl::encoding::Encode<BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsResponse, D> for (T0,)
11974    {
11975        #[inline]
11976        unsafe fn encode(
11977            self,
11978            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
11979            offset: usize,
11980            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
11981        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
11982            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsResponse>(offset);
11983            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
11984            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
11985            // Write the fields.
11986            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
11987            Ok(())
11988        }
11989    }
11991    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
11992        for BrowseControllerGetNowPlayingItemsResponse
11993    {
11994        #[inline(always)]
11995        fn new_empty() -> Self {
11996            Self { items: fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::Vector<MediaElementItem, 16>, D) }
11997        }
11999        #[inline]
12000        unsafe fn decode(
12001            &mut self,
12002            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
12003            offset: usize,
12004            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
12005        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
12006            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
12007            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
12008            fidl::decode!(fidl::encoding::Vector<MediaElementItem, 16>, D, &mut self.items, decoder, offset + 0, _depth)?;
12009            Ok(())
12010        }
12011    }
12013    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest {
12014        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
12015        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
12016            value
12017        }
12018    }
12020    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest {
12021        type Owned = Self;
12023        #[inline(always)]
12024        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
12025            8
12026        }
12028        #[inline(always)]
12029        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
12030            16
12031        }
12032    }
12034    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
12035        fidl::encoding::Encode<ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest, D>
12036        for &ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest
12037    {
12038        #[inline]
12039        unsafe fn encode(
12040            self,
12041            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
12042            offset: usize,
12043            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
12044        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
12045            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest>(offset);
12046            // Delegate to tuple encoding.
12047            fidl::encoding::Encode::<ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest, D>::encode(
12048                (
12049                    <fidl::encoding::Vector<PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId, 131> as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(&self.attribute_ids),
12050                ),
12051                encoder, offset, _depth
12052            )
12053        }
12054    }
12055    unsafe impl<
12056            D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect,
12057            T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<
12058                fidl::encoding::Vector<PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId, 131>,
12059                D,
12060            >,
12061        > fidl::encoding::Encode<ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest, D> for (T0,)
12062    {
12063        #[inline]
12064        unsafe fn encode(
12065            self,
12066            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
12067            offset: usize,
12068            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
12069        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
12070            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest>(offset);
12071            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
12072            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
12073            // Write the fields.
12074            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
12075            Ok(())
12076        }
12077    }
12079    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
12080        for ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest
12081    {
12082        #[inline(always)]
12083        fn new_empty() -> Self {
12084            Self {
12085                attribute_ids: fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::Vector<PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId, 131>, D),
12086            }
12087        }
12089        #[inline]
12090        unsafe fn decode(
12091            &mut self,
12092            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
12093            offset: usize,
12094            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
12095        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
12096            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
12097            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
12098            fidl::decode!(fidl::encoding::Vector<PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId, 131>, D, &mut self.attribute_ids, decoder, offset + 0, _depth)?;
12099            Ok(())
12100        }
12101    }
12103    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for ControllerInformBatteryStatusRequest {
12104        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
12105        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
12106            value
12107        }
12108    }
12110    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for ControllerInformBatteryStatusRequest {
12111        type Owned = Self;
12113        #[inline(always)]
12114        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
12115            1
12116        }
12118        #[inline(always)]
12119        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
12120            1
12121        }
12122    }
12124    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
12125        fidl::encoding::Encode<ControllerInformBatteryStatusRequest, D>
12126        for &ControllerInformBatteryStatusRequest
12127    {
12128        #[inline]
12129        unsafe fn encode(
12130            self,
12131            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
12132            offset: usize,
12133            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
12134        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
12135            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<ControllerInformBatteryStatusRequest>(offset);
12136            // Delegate to tuple encoding.
12137            fidl::encoding::Encode::<ControllerInformBatteryStatusRequest, D>::encode(
12138                (<BatteryStatus as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(&self.battery_status),),
12139                encoder,
12140                offset,
12141                _depth,
12142            )
12143        }
12144    }
12145    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect, T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<BatteryStatus, D>>
12146        fidl::encoding::Encode<ControllerInformBatteryStatusRequest, D> for (T0,)
12147    {
12148        #[inline]
12149        unsafe fn encode(
12150            self,
12151            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
12152            offset: usize,
12153            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
12154        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
12155            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<ControllerInformBatteryStatusRequest>(offset);
12156            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
12157            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
12158            // Write the fields.
12159            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
12160            Ok(())
12161        }
12162    }
12164    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
12165        for ControllerInformBatteryStatusRequest
12166    {
12167        #[inline(always)]
12168        fn new_empty() -> Self {
12169            Self { battery_status: fidl::new_empty!(BatteryStatus, D) }
12170        }
12172        #[inline]
12173        unsafe fn decode(
12174            &mut self,
12175            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
12176            offset: usize,
12177            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
12178        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
12179            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
12180            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
12181            fidl::decode!(BatteryStatus, D, &mut self.battery_status, decoder, offset + 0, _depth)?;
12182            Ok(())
12183        }
12184    }
12186    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for ControllerOnNotificationRequest {
12187        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
12188        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
12189            value
12190        }
12191    }
12193    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for ControllerOnNotificationRequest {
12194        type Owned = Self;
12196        #[inline(always)]
12197        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
12198            8
12199        }
12201        #[inline(always)]
12202        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
12203            24
12204        }
12205    }
12207    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
12208        fidl::encoding::Encode<ControllerOnNotificationRequest, D>
12209        for &ControllerOnNotificationRequest
12210    {
12211        #[inline]
12212        unsafe fn encode(
12213            self,
12214            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
12215            offset: usize,
12216            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
12217        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
12218            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<ControllerOnNotificationRequest>(offset);
12219            // Delegate to tuple encoding.
12220            fidl::encoding::Encode::<ControllerOnNotificationRequest, D>::encode(
12221                (
12222                    <i64 as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(&self.timestamp),
12223                    <Notification as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(&self.notification),
12224                ),
12225                encoder,
12226                offset,
12227                _depth,
12228            )
12229        }
12230    }
12231    unsafe impl<
12232            D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect,
12233            T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<i64, D>,
12234            T1: fidl::encoding::Encode<Notification, D>,
12235        > fidl::encoding::Encode<ControllerOnNotificationRequest, D> for (T0, T1)
12236    {
12237        #[inline]
12238        unsafe fn encode(
12239            self,
12240            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
12241            offset: usize,
12242            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
12243        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
12244            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<ControllerOnNotificationRequest>(offset);
12245            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
12246            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
12247            // Write the fields.
12248            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
12249            self.1.encode(encoder, offset + 8, depth)?;
12250            Ok(())
12251        }
12252    }
12254    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
12255        for ControllerOnNotificationRequest
12256    {
12257        #[inline(always)]
12258        fn new_empty() -> Self {
12259            Self {
12260                timestamp: fidl::new_empty!(i64, D),
12261                notification: fidl::new_empty!(Notification, D),
12262            }
12263        }
12265        #[inline]
12266        unsafe fn decode(
12267            &mut self,
12268            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
12269            offset: usize,
12270            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
12271        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
12272            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
12273            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
12274            fidl::decode!(i64, D, &mut self.timestamp, decoder, offset + 0, _depth)?;
12275            fidl::decode!(Notification, D, &mut self.notification, decoder, offset + 8, _depth)?;
12276            Ok(())
12277        }
12278    }
12280    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for ControllerSendCommandRequest {
12281        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
12282        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
12283            value
12284        }
12285    }
12287    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for ControllerSendCommandRequest {
12288        type Owned = Self;
12290        #[inline(always)]
12291        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
12292            1
12293        }
12295        #[inline(always)]
12296        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
12297            1
12298        }
12299    }
12301    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
12302        fidl::encoding::Encode<ControllerSendCommandRequest, D> for &ControllerSendCommandRequest
12303    {
12304        #[inline]
12305        unsafe fn encode(
12306            self,
12307            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
12308            offset: usize,
12309            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
12310        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
12311            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<ControllerSendCommandRequest>(offset);
12312            // Delegate to tuple encoding.
12313            fidl::encoding::Encode::<ControllerSendCommandRequest, D>::encode(
12314                (<AvcPanelCommand as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(&self.command),),
12315                encoder,
12316                offset,
12317                _depth,
12318            )
12319        }
12320    }
12321    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect, T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<AvcPanelCommand, D>>
12322        fidl::encoding::Encode<ControllerSendCommandRequest, D> for (T0,)
12323    {
12324        #[inline]
12325        unsafe fn encode(
12326            self,
12327            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
12328            offset: usize,
12329            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
12330        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
12331            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<ControllerSendCommandRequest>(offset);
12332            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
12333            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
12334            // Write the fields.
12335            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
12336            Ok(())
12337        }
12338    }
12340    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
12341        for ControllerSendCommandRequest
12342    {
12343        #[inline(always)]
12344        fn new_empty() -> Self {
12345            Self { command: fidl::new_empty!(AvcPanelCommand, D) }
12346        }
12348        #[inline]
12349        unsafe fn decode(
12350            &mut self,
12351            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
12352            offset: usize,
12353            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
12354        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
12355            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
12356            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
12357            fidl::decode!(AvcPanelCommand, D, &mut self.command, decoder, offset + 0, _depth)?;
12358            Ok(())
12359        }
12360    }
12362    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeRequest {
12363        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
12364        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
12365            value
12366        }
12367    }
12369    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeRequest {
12370        type Owned = Self;
12372        #[inline(always)]
12373        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
12374            1
12375        }
12377        #[inline(always)]
12378        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
12379            1
12380        }
12381        #[inline(always)]
12382        fn encode_is_copy() -> bool {
12383            true
12384        }
12386        #[inline(always)]
12387        fn decode_is_copy() -> bool {
12388            true
12389        }
12390    }
12392    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
12393        fidl::encoding::Encode<ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeRequest, D>
12394        for &ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeRequest
12395    {
12396        #[inline]
12397        unsafe fn encode(
12398            self,
12399            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
12400            offset: usize,
12401            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
12402        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
12403            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeRequest>(offset);
12404            unsafe {
12405                // Copy the object into the buffer.
12406                let buf_ptr = encoder.buf.as_mut_ptr().add(offset);
12407                (buf_ptr as *mut ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeRequest)
12408                    .write_unaligned((self as *const ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeRequest).read());
12409                // Zero out padding regions. Unlike `fidl_struct_impl_noncopy!`, this must be
12410                // done second because the memcpy will write garbage to these bytes.
12411            }
12412            Ok(())
12413        }
12414    }
12415    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect, T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<u8, D>>
12416        fidl::encoding::Encode<ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeRequest, D> for (T0,)
12417    {
12418        #[inline]
12419        unsafe fn encode(
12420            self,
12421            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
12422            offset: usize,
12423            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
12424        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
12425            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeRequest>(offset);
12426            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
12427            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
12428            // Write the fields.
12429            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
12430            Ok(())
12431        }
12432    }
12434    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
12435        for ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeRequest
12436    {
12437        #[inline(always)]
12438        fn new_empty() -> Self {
12439            Self { requested_volume: fidl::new_empty!(u8, D) }
12440        }
12442        #[inline]
12443        unsafe fn decode(
12444            &mut self,
12445            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
12446            offset: usize,
12447            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
12448        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
12449            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
12450            let buf_ptr = unsafe { decoder.buf.as_ptr().add(offset) };
12451            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
12452            // Copy from the buffer into the object.
12453            unsafe {
12454                std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(buf_ptr, self as *mut Self as *mut u8, 1);
12455            }
12456            Ok(())
12457        }
12458    }
12460    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for ControllerSetAddressedPlayerRequest {
12461        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
12462        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
12463            value
12464        }
12465    }
12467    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for ControllerSetAddressedPlayerRequest {
12468        type Owned = Self;
12470        #[inline(always)]
12471        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
12472            2
12473        }
12475        #[inline(always)]
12476        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
12477            2
12478        }
12479        #[inline(always)]
12480        fn encode_is_copy() -> bool {
12481            true
12482        }
12484        #[inline(always)]
12485        fn decode_is_copy() -> bool {
12486            true
12487        }
12488    }
12490    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
12491        fidl::encoding::Encode<ControllerSetAddressedPlayerRequest, D>
12492        for &ControllerSetAddressedPlayerRequest
12493    {
12494        #[inline]
12495        unsafe fn encode(
12496            self,
12497            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
12498            offset: usize,
12499            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
12500        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
12501            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<ControllerSetAddressedPlayerRequest>(offset);
12502            unsafe {
12503                // Copy the object into the buffer.
12504                let buf_ptr = encoder.buf.as_mut_ptr().add(offset);
12505                (buf_ptr as *mut ControllerSetAddressedPlayerRequest)
12506                    .write_unaligned((self as *const ControllerSetAddressedPlayerRequest).read());
12507                // Zero out padding regions. Unlike `fidl_struct_impl_noncopy!`, this must be
12508                // done second because the memcpy will write garbage to these bytes.
12509            }
12510            Ok(())
12511        }
12512    }
12513    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect, T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<u16, D>>
12514        fidl::encoding::Encode<ControllerSetAddressedPlayerRequest, D> for (T0,)
12515    {
12516        #[inline]
12517        unsafe fn encode(
12518            self,
12519            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
12520            offset: usize,
12521            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
12522        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
12523            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<ControllerSetAddressedPlayerRequest>(offset);
12524            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
12525            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
12526            // Write the fields.
12527            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
12528            Ok(())
12529        }
12530    }
12532    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
12533        for ControllerSetAddressedPlayerRequest
12534    {
12535        #[inline(always)]
12536        fn new_empty() -> Self {
12537            Self { player_id: fidl::new_empty!(u16, D) }
12538        }
12540        #[inline]
12541        unsafe fn decode(
12542            &mut self,
12543            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
12544            offset: usize,
12545            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
12546        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
12547            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
12548            let buf_ptr = unsafe { decoder.buf.as_ptr().add(offset) };
12549            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
12550            // Copy from the buffer into the object.
12551            unsafe {
12552                std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(buf_ptr, self as *mut Self as *mut u8, 2);
12553            }
12554            Ok(())
12555        }
12556    }
12558    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for ControllerSetNotificationFilterRequest {
12559        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
12560        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
12561            value
12562        }
12563    }
12565    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for ControllerSetNotificationFilterRequest {
12566        type Owned = Self;
12568        #[inline(always)]
12569        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
12570            4
12571        }
12573        #[inline(always)]
12574        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
12575            8
12576        }
12577    }
12579    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
12580        fidl::encoding::Encode<ControllerSetNotificationFilterRequest, D>
12581        for &ControllerSetNotificationFilterRequest
12582    {
12583        #[inline]
12584        unsafe fn encode(
12585            self,
12586            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
12587            offset: usize,
12588            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
12589        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
12590            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<ControllerSetNotificationFilterRequest>(offset);
12591            // Delegate to tuple encoding.
12592            fidl::encoding::Encode::<ControllerSetNotificationFilterRequest, D>::encode(
12593                (
12594                    <Notifications as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(&self.notifications),
12595                    <u32 as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(
12596                        &self.position_change_interval,
12597                    ),
12598                ),
12599                encoder,
12600                offset,
12601                _depth,
12602            )
12603        }
12604    }
12605    unsafe impl<
12606            D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect,
12607            T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<Notifications, D>,
12608            T1: fidl::encoding::Encode<u32, D>,
12609        > fidl::encoding::Encode<ControllerSetNotificationFilterRequest, D> for (T0, T1)
12610    {
12611        #[inline]
12612        unsafe fn encode(
12613            self,
12614            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
12615            offset: usize,
12616            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
12617        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
12618            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<ControllerSetNotificationFilterRequest>(offset);
12619            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
12620            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
12621            // Write the fields.
12622            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
12623            self.1.encode(encoder, offset + 4, depth)?;
12624            Ok(())
12625        }
12626    }
12628    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
12629        for ControllerSetNotificationFilterRequest
12630    {
12631        #[inline(always)]
12632        fn new_empty() -> Self {
12633            Self {
12634                notifications: fidl::new_empty!(Notifications, D),
12635                position_change_interval: fidl::new_empty!(u32, D),
12636            }
12637        }
12639        #[inline]
12640        unsafe fn decode(
12641            &mut self,
12642            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
12643            offset: usize,
12644            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
12645        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
12646            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
12647            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
12648            fidl::decode!(Notifications, D, &mut self.notifications, decoder, offset + 0, _depth)?;
12649            fidl::decode!(u32, D, &mut self.position_change_interval, decoder, offset + 4, _depth)?;
12650            Ok(())
12651        }
12652    }
12654    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest {
12655        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
12656        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
12657            value
12658        }
12659    }
12661    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest {
12662        type Owned = Self;
12664        #[inline(always)]
12665        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
12666            8
12667        }
12669        #[inline(always)]
12670        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
12671            16
12672        }
12673    }
12675    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
12676        fidl::encoding::Encode<ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest, D>
12677        for &ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest
12678    {
12679        #[inline]
12680        unsafe fn encode(
12681            self,
12682            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
12683            offset: usize,
12684            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
12685        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
12686            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest>(offset);
12687            // Delegate to tuple encoding.
12688            fidl::encoding::Encode::<ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest, D>::encode(
12689                (<PlayerApplicationSettings as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(
12690                    &self.requested_settings,
12691                ),),
12692                encoder,
12693                offset,
12694                _depth,
12695            )
12696        }
12697    }
12698    unsafe impl<
12699            D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect,
12700            T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<PlayerApplicationSettings, D>,
12701        > fidl::encoding::Encode<ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest, D> for (T0,)
12702    {
12703        #[inline]
12704        unsafe fn encode(
12705            self,
12706            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
12707            offset: usize,
12708            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
12709        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
12710            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest>(offset);
12711            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
12712            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
12713            // Write the fields.
12714            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
12715            Ok(())
12716        }
12717    }
12719    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
12720        for ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest
12721    {
12722        #[inline(always)]
12723        fn new_empty() -> Self {
12724            Self { requested_settings: fidl::new_empty!(PlayerApplicationSettings, D) }
12725        }
12727        #[inline]
12728        unsafe fn decode(
12729            &mut self,
12730            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
12731            offset: usize,
12732            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
12733        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
12734            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
12735            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
12736            fidl::decode!(
12737                PlayerApplicationSettings,
12738                D,
12739                &mut self.requested_settings,
12740                decoder,
12741                offset + 0,
12742                _depth
12743            )?;
12744            Ok(())
12745        }
12746    }
12748    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for ControllerGetMediaAttributesResponse {
12749        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
12750        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
12751            value
12752        }
12753    }
12755    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for ControllerGetMediaAttributesResponse {
12756        type Owned = Self;
12758        #[inline(always)]
12759        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
12760            8
12761        }
12763        #[inline(always)]
12764        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
12765            16
12766        }
12767    }
12769    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
12770        fidl::encoding::Encode<ControllerGetMediaAttributesResponse, D>
12771        for &ControllerGetMediaAttributesResponse
12772    {
12773        #[inline]
12774        unsafe fn encode(
12775            self,
12776            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
12777            offset: usize,
12778            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
12779        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
12780            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<ControllerGetMediaAttributesResponse>(offset);
12781            // Delegate to tuple encoding.
12782            fidl::encoding::Encode::<ControllerGetMediaAttributesResponse, D>::encode(
12783                (<MediaAttributes as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(&self.attributes),),
12784                encoder,
12785                offset,
12786                _depth,
12787            )
12788        }
12789    }
12790    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect, T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<MediaAttributes, D>>
12791        fidl::encoding::Encode<ControllerGetMediaAttributesResponse, D> for (T0,)
12792    {
12793        #[inline]
12794        unsafe fn encode(
12795            self,
12796            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
12797            offset: usize,
12798            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
12799        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
12800            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<ControllerGetMediaAttributesResponse>(offset);
12801            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
12802            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
12803            // Write the fields.
12804            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
12805            Ok(())
12806        }
12807    }
12809    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
12810        for ControllerGetMediaAttributesResponse
12811    {
12812        #[inline(always)]
12813        fn new_empty() -> Self {
12814            Self { attributes: fidl::new_empty!(MediaAttributes, D) }
12815        }
12817        #[inline]
12818        unsafe fn decode(
12819            &mut self,
12820            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
12821            offset: usize,
12822            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
12823        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
12824            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
12825            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
12826            fidl::decode!(MediaAttributes, D, &mut self.attributes, decoder, offset + 0, _depth)?;
12827            Ok(())
12828        }
12829    }
12831    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for ControllerGetPlayStatusResponse {
12832        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
12833        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
12834            value
12835        }
12836    }
12838    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for ControllerGetPlayStatusResponse {
12839        type Owned = Self;
12841        #[inline(always)]
12842        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
12843            8
12844        }
12846        #[inline(always)]
12847        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
12848            16
12849        }
12850    }
12852    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
12853        fidl::encoding::Encode<ControllerGetPlayStatusResponse, D>
12854        for &ControllerGetPlayStatusResponse
12855    {
12856        #[inline]
12857        unsafe fn encode(
12858            self,
12859            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
12860            offset: usize,
12861            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
12862        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
12863            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<ControllerGetPlayStatusResponse>(offset);
12864            // Delegate to tuple encoding.
12865            fidl::encoding::Encode::<ControllerGetPlayStatusResponse, D>::encode(
12866                (<PlayStatus as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(&self.play_status),),
12867                encoder,
12868                offset,
12869                _depth,
12870            )
12871        }
12872    }
12873    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect, T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<PlayStatus, D>>
12874        fidl::encoding::Encode<ControllerGetPlayStatusResponse, D> for (T0,)
12875    {
12876        #[inline]
12877        unsafe fn encode(
12878            self,
12879            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
12880            offset: usize,
12881            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
12882        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
12883            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<ControllerGetPlayStatusResponse>(offset);
12884            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
12885            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
12886            // Write the fields.
12887            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
12888            Ok(())
12889        }
12890    }
12892    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
12893        for ControllerGetPlayStatusResponse
12894    {
12895        #[inline(always)]
12896        fn new_empty() -> Self {
12897            Self { play_status: fidl::new_empty!(PlayStatus, D) }
12898        }
12900        #[inline]
12901        unsafe fn decode(
12902            &mut self,
12903            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
12904            offset: usize,
12905            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
12906        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
12907            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
12908            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
12909            fidl::decode!(PlayStatus, D, &mut self.play_status, decoder, offset + 0, _depth)?;
12910            Ok(())
12911        }
12912    }
12914    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse {
12915        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
12916        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
12917            value
12918        }
12919    }
12921    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse {
12922        type Owned = Self;
12924        #[inline(always)]
12925        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
12926            8
12927        }
12929        #[inline(always)]
12930        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
12931            16
12932        }
12933    }
12935    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
12936        fidl::encoding::Encode<ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse, D>
12937        for &ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse
12938    {
12939        #[inline]
12940        unsafe fn encode(
12941            self,
12942            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
12943            offset: usize,
12944            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
12945        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
12946            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse>(offset);
12947            // Delegate to tuple encoding.
12948            fidl::encoding::Encode::<ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse, D>::encode(
12949                (<PlayerApplicationSettings as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(
12950                    &self.current_settings,
12951                ),),
12952                encoder,
12953                offset,
12954                _depth,
12955            )
12956        }
12957    }
12958    unsafe impl<
12959            D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect,
12960            T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<PlayerApplicationSettings, D>,
12961        > fidl::encoding::Encode<ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse, D> for (T0,)
12962    {
12963        #[inline]
12964        unsafe fn encode(
12965            self,
12966            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
12967            offset: usize,
12968            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
12969        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
12970            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse>(offset);
12971            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
12972            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
12973            // Write the fields.
12974            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
12975            Ok(())
12976        }
12977    }
12979    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
12980        for ControllerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse
12981    {
12982        #[inline(always)]
12983        fn new_empty() -> Self {
12984            Self { current_settings: fidl::new_empty!(PlayerApplicationSettings, D) }
12985        }
12987        #[inline]
12988        unsafe fn decode(
12989            &mut self,
12990            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
12991            offset: usize,
12992            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
12993        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
12994            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
12995            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
12996            fidl::decode!(
12997                PlayerApplicationSettings,
12998                D,
12999                &mut self.current_settings,
13000                decoder,
13001                offset + 0,
13002                _depth
13003            )?;
13004            Ok(())
13005        }
13006    }
13008    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeResponse {
13009        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
13010        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
13011            value
13012        }
13013    }
13015    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeResponse {
13016        type Owned = Self;
13018        #[inline(always)]
13019        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
13020            1
13021        }
13023        #[inline(always)]
13024        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
13025            1
13026        }
13027        #[inline(always)]
13028        fn encode_is_copy() -> bool {
13029            true
13030        }
13032        #[inline(always)]
13033        fn decode_is_copy() -> bool {
13034            true
13035        }
13036    }
13038    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
13039        fidl::encoding::Encode<ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeResponse, D>
13040        for &ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeResponse
13041    {
13042        #[inline]
13043        unsafe fn encode(
13044            self,
13045            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
13046            offset: usize,
13047            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
13048        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
13049            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeResponse>(offset);
13050            unsafe {
13051                // Copy the object into the buffer.
13052                let buf_ptr = encoder.buf.as_mut_ptr().add(offset);
13053                (buf_ptr as *mut ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeResponse)
13054                    .write_unaligned((self as *const ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeResponse).read());
13055                // Zero out padding regions. Unlike `fidl_struct_impl_noncopy!`, this must be
13056                // done second because the memcpy will write garbage to these bytes.
13057            }
13058            Ok(())
13059        }
13060    }
13061    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect, T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<u8, D>>
13062        fidl::encoding::Encode<ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeResponse, D> for (T0,)
13063    {
13064        #[inline]
13065        unsafe fn encode(
13066            self,
13067            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
13068            offset: usize,
13069            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
13070        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
13071            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeResponse>(offset);
13072            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
13073            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
13074            // Write the fields.
13075            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
13076            Ok(())
13077        }
13078    }
13080    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
13081        for ControllerSetAbsoluteVolumeResponse
13082    {
13083        #[inline(always)]
13084        fn new_empty() -> Self {
13085            Self { set_volume: fidl::new_empty!(u8, D) }
13086        }
13088        #[inline]
13089        unsafe fn decode(
13090            &mut self,
13091            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
13092            offset: usize,
13093            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
13094        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
13095            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
13096            let buf_ptr = unsafe { decoder.buf.as_ptr().add(offset) };
13097            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
13098            // Copy from the buffer into the object.
13099            unsafe {
13100                std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(buf_ptr, self as *mut Self as *mut u8, 1);
13101            }
13102            Ok(())
13103        }
13104    }
13106    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse {
13107        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
13108        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
13109            value
13110        }
13111    }
13113    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse {
13114        type Owned = Self;
13116        #[inline(always)]
13117        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
13118            8
13119        }
13121        #[inline(always)]
13122        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
13123            16
13124        }
13125    }
13127    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
13128        fidl::encoding::Encode<ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse, D>
13129        for &ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse
13130    {
13131        #[inline]
13132        unsafe fn encode(
13133            self,
13134            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
13135            offset: usize,
13136            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
13137        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
13138            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse>(offset);
13139            // Delegate to tuple encoding.
13140            fidl::encoding::Encode::<ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse, D>::encode(
13141                (<PlayerApplicationSettings as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(
13142                    &self.set_settings,
13143                ),),
13144                encoder,
13145                offset,
13146                _depth,
13147            )
13148        }
13149    }
13150    unsafe impl<
13151            D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect,
13152            T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<PlayerApplicationSettings, D>,
13153        > fidl::encoding::Encode<ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse, D> for (T0,)
13154    {
13155        #[inline]
13156        unsafe fn encode(
13157            self,
13158            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
13159            offset: usize,
13160            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
13161        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
13162            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse>(offset);
13163            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
13164            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
13165            // Write the fields.
13166            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
13167            Ok(())
13168        }
13169    }
13171    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
13172        for ControllerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse
13173    {
13174        #[inline(always)]
13175        fn new_empty() -> Self {
13176            Self { set_settings: fidl::new_empty!(PlayerApplicationSettings, D) }
13177        }
13179        #[inline]
13180        unsafe fn decode(
13181            &mut self,
13182            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
13183            offset: usize,
13184            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
13185        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
13186            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
13187            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
13188            fidl::decode!(
13189                PlayerApplicationSettings,
13190                D,
13191                &mut self.set_settings,
13192                decoder,
13193                offset + 0,
13194                _depth
13195            )?;
13196            Ok(())
13197        }
13198    }
13200    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for CustomAttributeValue {
13201        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
13202        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
13203            value
13204        }
13205    }
13207    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for CustomAttributeValue {
13208        type Owned = Self;
13210        #[inline(always)]
13211        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
13212            8
13213        }
13215        #[inline(always)]
13216        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
13217            24
13218        }
13219    }
13221    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Encode<CustomAttributeValue, D>
13222        for &CustomAttributeValue
13223    {
13224        #[inline]
13225        unsafe fn encode(
13226            self,
13227            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
13228            offset: usize,
13229            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
13230        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
13231            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<CustomAttributeValue>(offset);
13232            // Delegate to tuple encoding.
13233            fidl::encoding::Encode::<CustomAttributeValue, D>::encode(
13234                (
13235                    <fidl::encoding::BoundedString<255> as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(
13236                        &self.description,
13237                    ),
13238                    <u8 as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(&self.value),
13239                ),
13240                encoder,
13241                offset,
13242                _depth,
13243            )
13244        }
13245    }
13246    unsafe impl<
13247            D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect,
13248            T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<fidl::encoding::BoundedString<255>, D>,
13249            T1: fidl::encoding::Encode<u8, D>,
13250        > fidl::encoding::Encode<CustomAttributeValue, D> for (T0, T1)
13251    {
13252        #[inline]
13253        unsafe fn encode(
13254            self,
13255            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
13256            offset: usize,
13257            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
13258        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
13259            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<CustomAttributeValue>(offset);
13260            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
13261            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
13262            unsafe {
13263                let ptr = encoder.buf.as_mut_ptr().add(offset).offset(16);
13264                (ptr as *mut u64).write_unaligned(0);
13265            }
13266            // Write the fields.
13267            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
13268            self.1.encode(encoder, offset + 16, depth)?;
13269            Ok(())
13270        }
13271    }
13273    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D> for CustomAttributeValue {
13274        #[inline(always)]
13275        fn new_empty() -> Self {
13276            Self {
13277                description: fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::BoundedString<255>, D),
13278                value: fidl::new_empty!(u8, D),
13279            }
13280        }
13282        #[inline]
13283        unsafe fn decode(
13284            &mut self,
13285            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
13286            offset: usize,
13287            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
13288        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
13289            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
13290            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
13291            let ptr = unsafe { decoder.buf.as_ptr().add(offset).offset(16) };
13292            let padval = unsafe { (ptr as *const u64).read_unaligned() };
13293            let mask = 0xffffffffffffff00u64;
13294            let maskedval = padval & mask;
13295            if maskedval != 0 {
13296                return Err(fidl::Error::NonZeroPadding {
13297                    padding_start: offset + 16 + ((mask as u64).trailing_zeros() / 8) as usize,
13298                });
13299            }
13300            fidl::decode!(
13301                fidl::encoding::BoundedString<255>,
13302                D,
13303                &mut self.description,
13304                decoder,
13305                offset + 0,
13306                _depth
13307            )?;
13308            fidl::decode!(u8, D, &mut self.value, decoder, offset + 16, _depth)?;
13309            Ok(())
13310        }
13311    }
13313    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for Parent {
13314        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
13315        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
13316            value
13317        }
13318    }
13320    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for Parent {
13321        type Owned = Self;
13323        #[inline(always)]
13324        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
13325            1
13326        }
13328        #[inline(always)]
13329        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
13330            1
13331        }
13332    }
13334    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Encode<Parent, D> for &Parent {
13335        #[inline]
13336        unsafe fn encode(
13337            self,
13338            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
13339            offset: usize,
13340            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
13341        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
13342            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<Parent>(offset);
13343            encoder.write_num(0u8, offset);
13344            Ok(())
13345        }
13346    }
13348    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D> for Parent {
13349        #[inline(always)]
13350        fn new_empty() -> Self {
13351            Self
13352        }
13354        #[inline]
13355        unsafe fn decode(
13356            &mut self,
13357            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
13358            offset: usize,
13359            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
13360        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
13361            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
13362            match decoder.read_num::<u8>(offset) {
13363                0 => Ok(()),
13364                _ => Err(fidl::Error::Invalid),
13365            }
13366        }
13367    }
13369    impl fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker for PeerManagerGetBrowseControllerForTargetRequest {
13370        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a mut Self;
13371        fn take_or_borrow<'a>(
13372            value: &'a mut <Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned,
13373        ) -> Self::Borrowed<'a> {
13374            value
13375        }
13376    }
13378    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for PeerManagerGetBrowseControllerForTargetRequest {
13379        type Owned = Self;
13381        #[inline(always)]
13382        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
13383            8
13384        }
13386        #[inline(always)]
13387        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
13388            16
13389        }
13390    }
13392    unsafe impl
13393        fidl::encoding::Encode<
13394            PeerManagerGetBrowseControllerForTargetRequest,
13395            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13396        > for &mut PeerManagerGetBrowseControllerForTargetRequest
13397    {
13398        #[inline]
13399        unsafe fn encode(
13400            self,
13401            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<
13402                '_,
13403                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13404            >,
13405            offset: usize,
13406            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
13407        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
13408            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<PeerManagerGetBrowseControllerForTargetRequest>(offset);
13409            // Delegate to tuple encoding.
13410            fidl::encoding::Encode::<PeerManagerGetBrowseControllerForTargetRequest, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::encode(
13411                (
13412                    <fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth::PeerId as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(&self.peer_id),
13413                    <fidl::encoding::Endpoint<fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BrowseControllerMarker>> as fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker>::take_or_borrow(&mut self.client),
13414                ),
13415                encoder, offset, _depth
13416            )
13417        }
13418    }
13419    unsafe impl<
13420            T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<
13421                fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth::PeerId,
13422                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13423            >,
13424            T1: fidl::encoding::Encode<
13425                fidl::encoding::Endpoint<fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BrowseControllerMarker>>,
13426                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13427            >,
13428        >
13429        fidl::encoding::Encode<
13430            PeerManagerGetBrowseControllerForTargetRequest,
13431            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13432        > for (T0, T1)
13433    {
13434        #[inline]
13435        unsafe fn encode(
13436            self,
13437            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<
13438                '_,
13439                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13440            >,
13441            offset: usize,
13442            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
13443        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
13444            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<PeerManagerGetBrowseControllerForTargetRequest>(offset);
13445            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
13446            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
13447            unsafe {
13448                let ptr = encoder.buf.as_mut_ptr().add(offset).offset(8);
13449                (ptr as *mut u64).write_unaligned(0);
13450            }
13451            // Write the fields.
13452            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
13453            self.1.encode(encoder, offset + 8, depth)?;
13454            Ok(())
13455        }
13456    }
13458    impl fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
13459        for PeerManagerGetBrowseControllerForTargetRequest
13460    {
13461        #[inline(always)]
13462        fn new_empty() -> Self {
13463            Self {
13464                peer_id: fidl::new_empty!(
13465                    fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth::PeerId,
13466                    fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
13467                ),
13468                client: fidl::new_empty!(
13469                    fidl::encoding::Endpoint<fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BrowseControllerMarker>>,
13470                    fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
13471                ),
13472            }
13473        }
13475        #[inline]
13476        unsafe fn decode(
13477            &mut self,
13478            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<
13479                '_,
13480                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13481            >,
13482            offset: usize,
13483            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
13484        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
13485            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
13486            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
13487            let ptr = unsafe { decoder.buf.as_ptr().add(offset).offset(8) };
13488            let padval = unsafe { (ptr as *const u64).read_unaligned() };
13489            let mask = 0xffffffff00000000u64;
13490            let maskedval = padval & mask;
13491            if maskedval != 0 {
13492                return Err(fidl::Error::NonZeroPadding {
13493                    padding_start: offset + 8 + ((mask as u64).trailing_zeros() / 8) as usize,
13494                });
13495            }
13496            fidl::decode!(
13497                fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth::PeerId,
13498                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13499                &mut self.peer_id,
13500                decoder,
13501                offset + 0,
13502                _depth
13503            )?;
13504            fidl::decode!(
13505                fidl::encoding::Endpoint<fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<BrowseControllerMarker>>,
13506                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13507                &mut self.client,
13508                decoder,
13509                offset + 8,
13510                _depth
13511            )?;
13512            Ok(())
13513        }
13514    }
13516    impl fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker for PeerManagerGetControllerForTargetRequest {
13517        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a mut Self;
13518        fn take_or_borrow<'a>(
13519            value: &'a mut <Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned,
13520        ) -> Self::Borrowed<'a> {
13521            value
13522        }
13523    }
13525    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for PeerManagerGetControllerForTargetRequest {
13526        type Owned = Self;
13528        #[inline(always)]
13529        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
13530            8
13531        }
13533        #[inline(always)]
13534        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
13535            16
13536        }
13537    }
13539    unsafe impl
13540        fidl::encoding::Encode<
13541            PeerManagerGetControllerForTargetRequest,
13542            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13543        > for &mut PeerManagerGetControllerForTargetRequest
13544    {
13545        #[inline]
13546        unsafe fn encode(
13547            self,
13548            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<
13549                '_,
13550                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13551            >,
13552            offset: usize,
13553            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
13554        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
13555            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<PeerManagerGetControllerForTargetRequest>(offset);
13556            // Delegate to tuple encoding.
13557            fidl::encoding::Encode::<PeerManagerGetControllerForTargetRequest, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::encode(
13558                (
13559                    <fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth::PeerId as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(&self.peer_id),
13560                    <fidl::encoding::Endpoint<fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<ControllerMarker>> as fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker>::take_or_borrow(&mut self.client),
13561                ),
13562                encoder, offset, _depth
13563            )
13564        }
13565    }
13566    unsafe impl<
13567            T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<
13568                fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth::PeerId,
13569                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13570            >,
13571            T1: fidl::encoding::Encode<
13572                fidl::encoding::Endpoint<fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<ControllerMarker>>,
13573                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13574            >,
13575        >
13576        fidl::encoding::Encode<
13577            PeerManagerGetControllerForTargetRequest,
13578            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13579        > for (T0, T1)
13580    {
13581        #[inline]
13582        unsafe fn encode(
13583            self,
13584            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<
13585                '_,
13586                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13587            >,
13588            offset: usize,
13589            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
13590        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
13591            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<PeerManagerGetControllerForTargetRequest>(offset);
13592            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
13593            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
13594            unsafe {
13595                let ptr = encoder.buf.as_mut_ptr().add(offset).offset(8);
13596                (ptr as *mut u64).write_unaligned(0);
13597            }
13598            // Write the fields.
13599            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
13600            self.1.encode(encoder, offset + 8, depth)?;
13601            Ok(())
13602        }
13603    }
13605    impl fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
13606        for PeerManagerGetControllerForTargetRequest
13607    {
13608        #[inline(always)]
13609        fn new_empty() -> Self {
13610            Self {
13611                peer_id: fidl::new_empty!(
13612                    fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth::PeerId,
13613                    fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
13614                ),
13615                client: fidl::new_empty!(
13616                    fidl::encoding::Endpoint<fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<ControllerMarker>>,
13617                    fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
13618                ),
13619            }
13620        }
13622        #[inline]
13623        unsafe fn decode(
13624            &mut self,
13625            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<
13626                '_,
13627                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13628            >,
13629            offset: usize,
13630            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
13631        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
13632            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
13633            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
13634            let ptr = unsafe { decoder.buf.as_ptr().add(offset).offset(8) };
13635            let padval = unsafe { (ptr as *const u64).read_unaligned() };
13636            let mask = 0xffffffff00000000u64;
13637            let maskedval = padval & mask;
13638            if maskedval != 0 {
13639                return Err(fidl::Error::NonZeroPadding {
13640                    padding_start: offset + 8 + ((mask as u64).trailing_zeros() / 8) as usize,
13641                });
13642            }
13643            fidl::decode!(
13644                fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth::PeerId,
13645                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13646                &mut self.peer_id,
13647                decoder,
13648                offset + 0,
13649                _depth
13650            )?;
13651            fidl::decode!(
13652                fidl::encoding::Endpoint<fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<ControllerMarker>>,
13653                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13654                &mut self.client,
13655                decoder,
13656                offset + 8,
13657                _depth
13658            )?;
13659            Ok(())
13660        }
13661    }
13663    impl fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker for PeerManagerRegisterTargetHandlerRequest {
13664        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a mut Self;
13665        fn take_or_borrow<'a>(
13666            value: &'a mut <Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned,
13667        ) -> Self::Borrowed<'a> {
13668            value
13669        }
13670    }
13672    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for PeerManagerRegisterTargetHandlerRequest {
13673        type Owned = Self;
13675        #[inline(always)]
13676        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
13677            4
13678        }
13680        #[inline(always)]
13681        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
13682            4
13683        }
13684    }
13686    unsafe impl
13687        fidl::encoding::Encode<
13688            PeerManagerRegisterTargetHandlerRequest,
13689            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13690        > for &mut PeerManagerRegisterTargetHandlerRequest
13691    {
13692        #[inline]
13693        unsafe fn encode(
13694            self,
13695            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<
13696                '_,
13697                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13698            >,
13699            offset: usize,
13700            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
13701        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
13702            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<PeerManagerRegisterTargetHandlerRequest>(offset);
13703            // Delegate to tuple encoding.
13704            fidl::encoding::Encode::<PeerManagerRegisterTargetHandlerRequest, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>::encode(
13705                (
13706                    <fidl::encoding::Endpoint<fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<TargetHandlerMarker>> as fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker>::take_or_borrow(&mut self.handler),
13707                ),
13708                encoder, offset, _depth
13709            )
13710        }
13711    }
13712    unsafe impl<
13713            T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<
13714                fidl::encoding::Endpoint<fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<TargetHandlerMarker>>,
13715                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13716            >,
13717        >
13718        fidl::encoding::Encode<
13719            PeerManagerRegisterTargetHandlerRequest,
13720            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13721        > for (T0,)
13722    {
13723        #[inline]
13724        unsafe fn encode(
13725            self,
13726            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<
13727                '_,
13728                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13729            >,
13730            offset: usize,
13731            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
13732        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
13733            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<PeerManagerRegisterTargetHandlerRequest>(offset);
13734            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
13735            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
13736            // Write the fields.
13737            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
13738            Ok(())
13739        }
13740    }
13742    impl fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
13743        for PeerManagerRegisterTargetHandlerRequest
13744    {
13745        #[inline(always)]
13746        fn new_empty() -> Self {
13747            Self {
13748                handler: fidl::new_empty!(
13749                    fidl::encoding::Endpoint<fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<TargetHandlerMarker>>,
13750                    fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
13751                ),
13752            }
13753        }
13755        #[inline]
13756        unsafe fn decode(
13757            &mut self,
13758            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<
13759                '_,
13760                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13761            >,
13762            offset: usize,
13763            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
13764        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
13765            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
13766            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
13767            fidl::decode!(
13768                fidl::encoding::Endpoint<fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<TargetHandlerMarker>>,
13769                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13770                &mut self.handler,
13771                decoder,
13772                offset + 0,
13773                _depth
13774            )?;
13775            Ok(())
13776        }
13777    }
13779    impl fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker for PeerManagerSetAbsoluteVolumeHandlerRequest {
13780        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a mut Self;
13781        fn take_or_borrow<'a>(
13782            value: &'a mut <Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned,
13783        ) -> Self::Borrowed<'a> {
13784            value
13785        }
13786    }
13788    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for PeerManagerSetAbsoluteVolumeHandlerRequest {
13789        type Owned = Self;
13791        #[inline(always)]
13792        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
13793            4
13794        }
13796        #[inline(always)]
13797        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
13798            4
13799        }
13800    }
13802    unsafe impl
13803        fidl::encoding::Encode<
13804            PeerManagerSetAbsoluteVolumeHandlerRequest,
13805            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13806        > for &mut PeerManagerSetAbsoluteVolumeHandlerRequest
13807    {
13808        #[inline]
13809        unsafe fn encode(
13810            self,
13811            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<
13812                '_,
13813                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13814            >,
13815            offset: usize,
13816            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
13817        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
13818            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<PeerManagerSetAbsoluteVolumeHandlerRequest>(offset);
13819            // Delegate to tuple encoding.
13820            fidl::encoding::Encode::<
13821                PeerManagerSetAbsoluteVolumeHandlerRequest,
13822                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13823            >::encode(
13824                (
13825                    <fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
13826                        fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerMarker>,
13827                    > as fidl::encoding::ResourceTypeMarker>::take_or_borrow(
13828                        &mut self.handler
13829                    ),
13830                ),
13831                encoder,
13832                offset,
13833                _depth,
13834            )
13835        }
13836    }
13837    unsafe impl<
13838            T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<
13839                fidl::encoding::Endpoint<fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerMarker>>,
13840                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13841            >,
13842        >
13843        fidl::encoding::Encode<
13844            PeerManagerSetAbsoluteVolumeHandlerRequest,
13845            fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13846        > for (T0,)
13847    {
13848        #[inline]
13849        unsafe fn encode(
13850            self,
13851            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<
13852                '_,
13853                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13854            >,
13855            offset: usize,
13856            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
13857        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
13858            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<PeerManagerSetAbsoluteVolumeHandlerRequest>(offset);
13859            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
13860            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
13861            // Write the fields.
13862            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
13863            Ok(())
13864        }
13865    }
13867    impl fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect>
13868        for PeerManagerSetAbsoluteVolumeHandlerRequest
13869    {
13870        #[inline(always)]
13871        fn new_empty() -> Self {
13872            Self {
13873                handler: fidl::new_empty!(
13874                    fidl::encoding::Endpoint<
13875                        fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerMarker>,
13876                    >,
13877                    fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect
13878                ),
13879            }
13880        }
13882        #[inline]
13883        unsafe fn decode(
13884            &mut self,
13885            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<
13886                '_,
13887                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13888            >,
13889            offset: usize,
13890            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
13891        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
13892            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
13893            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
13894            fidl::decode!(
13895                fidl::encoding::Endpoint<fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<AbsoluteVolumeHandlerMarker>>,
13896                fidl::encoding::DefaultFuchsiaResourceDialect,
13897                &mut self.handler,
13898                decoder,
13899                offset + 0,
13900                _depth
13901            )?;
13902            Ok(())
13903        }
13904    }
13906    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for TargetHandlerGetNotificationRequest {
13907        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
13908        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
13909            value
13910        }
13911    }
13913    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for TargetHandlerGetNotificationRequest {
13914        type Owned = Self;
13916        #[inline(always)]
13917        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
13918            1
13919        }
13921        #[inline(always)]
13922        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
13923            1
13924        }
13925    }
13927    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
13928        fidl::encoding::Encode<TargetHandlerGetNotificationRequest, D>
13929        for &TargetHandlerGetNotificationRequest
13930    {
13931        #[inline]
13932        unsafe fn encode(
13933            self,
13934            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
13935            offset: usize,
13936            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
13937        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
13938            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<TargetHandlerGetNotificationRequest>(offset);
13939            // Delegate to tuple encoding.
13940            fidl::encoding::Encode::<TargetHandlerGetNotificationRequest, D>::encode(
13941                (<NotificationEvent as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(&self.event_id),),
13942                encoder,
13943                offset,
13944                _depth,
13945            )
13946        }
13947    }
13948    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect, T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<NotificationEvent, D>>
13949        fidl::encoding::Encode<TargetHandlerGetNotificationRequest, D> for (T0,)
13950    {
13951        #[inline]
13952        unsafe fn encode(
13953            self,
13954            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
13955            offset: usize,
13956            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
13957        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
13958            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<TargetHandlerGetNotificationRequest>(offset);
13959            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
13960            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
13961            // Write the fields.
13962            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
13963            Ok(())
13964        }
13965    }
13967    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
13968        for TargetHandlerGetNotificationRequest
13969    {
13970        #[inline(always)]
13971        fn new_empty() -> Self {
13972            Self { event_id: fidl::new_empty!(NotificationEvent, D) }
13973        }
13975        #[inline]
13976        unsafe fn decode(
13977            &mut self,
13978            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
13979            offset: usize,
13980            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
13981        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
13982            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
13983            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
13984            fidl::decode!(NotificationEvent, D, &mut self.event_id, decoder, offset + 0, _depth)?;
13985            Ok(())
13986        }
13987    }
13989    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest {
13990        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
13991        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
13992            value
13993        }
13994    }
13996    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest {
13997        type Owned = Self;
13999        #[inline(always)]
14000        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
14001            8
14002        }
14004        #[inline(always)]
14005        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
14006            16
14007        }
14008    }
14010    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
14011        fidl::encoding::Encode<TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest, D>
14012        for &TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest
14013    {
14014        #[inline]
14015        unsafe fn encode(
14016            self,
14017            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
14018            offset: usize,
14019            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
14020        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
14021            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest>(offset);
14022            // Delegate to tuple encoding.
14023            fidl::encoding::Encode::<TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest, D>::encode(
14024                (
14025                    <fidl::encoding::Vector<PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId, 131> as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(&self.attribute_ids),
14026                ),
14027                encoder, offset, _depth
14028            )
14029        }
14030    }
14031    unsafe impl<
14032            D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect,
14033            T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<
14034                fidl::encoding::Vector<PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId, 131>,
14035                D,
14036            >,
14037        > fidl::encoding::Encode<TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest, D> for (T0,)
14038    {
14039        #[inline]
14040        unsafe fn encode(
14041            self,
14042            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
14043            offset: usize,
14044            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
14045        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
14046            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest>(offset);
14047            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
14048            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
14049            // Write the fields.
14050            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
14051            Ok(())
14052        }
14053    }
14055    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
14056        for TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest
14057    {
14058        #[inline(always)]
14059        fn new_empty() -> Self {
14060            Self {
14061                attribute_ids: fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::Vector<PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId, 131>, D),
14062            }
14063        }
14065        #[inline]
14066        unsafe fn decode(
14067            &mut self,
14068            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
14069            offset: usize,
14070            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
14071        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
14072            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
14073            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
14074            fidl::decode!(fidl::encoding::Vector<PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId, 131>, D, &mut self.attribute_ids, decoder, offset + 0, _depth)?;
14075            Ok(())
14076        }
14077    }
14079    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for TargetHandlerSendCommandRequest {
14080        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
14081        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
14082            value
14083        }
14084    }
14086    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for TargetHandlerSendCommandRequest {
14087        type Owned = Self;
14089        #[inline(always)]
14090        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
14091            1
14092        }
14094        #[inline(always)]
14095        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
14096            2
14097        }
14098    }
14100    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
14101        fidl::encoding::Encode<TargetHandlerSendCommandRequest, D>
14102        for &TargetHandlerSendCommandRequest
14103    {
14104        #[inline]
14105        unsafe fn encode(
14106            self,
14107            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
14108            offset: usize,
14109            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
14110        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
14111            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<TargetHandlerSendCommandRequest>(offset);
14112            // Delegate to tuple encoding.
14113            fidl::encoding::Encode::<TargetHandlerSendCommandRequest, D>::encode(
14114                (
14115                    <AvcPanelCommand as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(&self.command),
14116                    <bool as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(&self.pressed),
14117                ),
14118                encoder,
14119                offset,
14120                _depth,
14121            )
14122        }
14123    }
14124    unsafe impl<
14125            D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect,
14126            T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<AvcPanelCommand, D>,
14127            T1: fidl::encoding::Encode<bool, D>,
14128        > fidl::encoding::Encode<TargetHandlerSendCommandRequest, D> for (T0, T1)
14129    {
14130        #[inline]
14131        unsafe fn encode(
14132            self,
14133            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
14134            offset: usize,
14135            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
14136        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
14137            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<TargetHandlerSendCommandRequest>(offset);
14138            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
14139            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
14140            // Write the fields.
14141            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
14142            self.1.encode(encoder, offset + 1, depth)?;
14143            Ok(())
14144        }
14145    }
14147    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
14148        for TargetHandlerSendCommandRequest
14149    {
14150        #[inline(always)]
14151        fn new_empty() -> Self {
14152            Self {
14153                command: fidl::new_empty!(AvcPanelCommand, D),
14154                pressed: fidl::new_empty!(bool, D),
14155            }
14156        }
14158        #[inline]
14159        unsafe fn decode(
14160            &mut self,
14161            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
14162            offset: usize,
14163            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
14164        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
14165            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
14166            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
14167            fidl::decode!(AvcPanelCommand, D, &mut self.command, decoder, offset + 0, _depth)?;
14168            fidl::decode!(bool, D, &mut self.pressed, decoder, offset + 1, _depth)?;
14169            Ok(())
14170        }
14171    }
14173    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for TargetHandlerSetAddressedPlayerRequest {
14174        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
14175        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
14176            value
14177        }
14178    }
14180    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for TargetHandlerSetAddressedPlayerRequest {
14181        type Owned = Self;
14183        #[inline(always)]
14184        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
14185            2
14186        }
14188        #[inline(always)]
14189        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
14190            2
14191        }
14192        #[inline(always)]
14193        fn encode_is_copy() -> bool {
14194            true
14195        }
14197        #[inline(always)]
14198        fn decode_is_copy() -> bool {
14199            true
14200        }
14201    }
14203    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
14204        fidl::encoding::Encode<TargetHandlerSetAddressedPlayerRequest, D>
14205        for &TargetHandlerSetAddressedPlayerRequest
14206    {
14207        #[inline]
14208        unsafe fn encode(
14209            self,
14210            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
14211            offset: usize,
14212            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
14213        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
14214            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<TargetHandlerSetAddressedPlayerRequest>(offset);
14215            unsafe {
14216                // Copy the object into the buffer.
14217                let buf_ptr = encoder.buf.as_mut_ptr().add(offset);
14218                (buf_ptr as *mut TargetHandlerSetAddressedPlayerRequest).write_unaligned(
14219                    (self as *const TargetHandlerSetAddressedPlayerRequest).read(),
14220                );
14221                // Zero out padding regions. Unlike `fidl_struct_impl_noncopy!`, this must be
14222                // done second because the memcpy will write garbage to these bytes.
14223            }
14224            Ok(())
14225        }
14226    }
14227    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect, T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<AddressedPlayerId, D>>
14228        fidl::encoding::Encode<TargetHandlerSetAddressedPlayerRequest, D> for (T0,)
14229    {
14230        #[inline]
14231        unsafe fn encode(
14232            self,
14233            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
14234            offset: usize,
14235            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
14236        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
14237            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<TargetHandlerSetAddressedPlayerRequest>(offset);
14238            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
14239            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
14240            // Write the fields.
14241            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
14242            Ok(())
14243        }
14244    }
14246    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
14247        for TargetHandlerSetAddressedPlayerRequest
14248    {
14249        #[inline(always)]
14250        fn new_empty() -> Self {
14251            Self { player_id: fidl::new_empty!(AddressedPlayerId, D) }
14252        }
14254        #[inline]
14255        unsafe fn decode(
14256            &mut self,
14257            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
14258            offset: usize,
14259            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
14260        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
14261            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
14262            let buf_ptr = unsafe { decoder.buf.as_ptr().add(offset) };
14263            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
14264            // Copy from the buffer into the object.
14265            unsafe {
14266                std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(buf_ptr, self as *mut Self as *mut u8, 2);
14267            }
14268            Ok(())
14269        }
14270    }
14272    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest {
14273        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
14274        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
14275            value
14276        }
14277    }
14279    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest {
14280        type Owned = Self;
14282        #[inline(always)]
14283        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
14284            8
14285        }
14287        #[inline(always)]
14288        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
14289            16
14290        }
14291    }
14293    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
14294        fidl::encoding::Encode<TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest, D>
14295        for &TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest
14296    {
14297        #[inline]
14298        unsafe fn encode(
14299            self,
14300            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
14301            offset: usize,
14302            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
14303        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
14304            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest>(offset);
14305            // Delegate to tuple encoding.
14306            fidl::encoding::Encode::<TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest, D>::encode(
14307                (<PlayerApplicationSettings as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(
14308                    &self.requested_settings,
14309                ),),
14310                encoder,
14311                offset,
14312                _depth,
14313            )
14314        }
14315    }
14316    unsafe impl<
14317            D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect,
14318            T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<PlayerApplicationSettings, D>,
14319        > fidl::encoding::Encode<TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest, D> for (T0,)
14320    {
14321        #[inline]
14322        unsafe fn encode(
14323            self,
14324            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
14325            offset: usize,
14326            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
14327        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
14328            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest>(offset);
14329            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
14330            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
14331            // Write the fields.
14332            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
14333            Ok(())
14334        }
14335    }
14337    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
14338        for TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsRequest
14339    {
14340        #[inline(always)]
14341        fn new_empty() -> Self {
14342            Self { requested_settings: fidl::new_empty!(PlayerApplicationSettings, D) }
14343        }
14345        #[inline]
14346        unsafe fn decode(
14347            &mut self,
14348            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
14349            offset: usize,
14350            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
14351        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
14352            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
14353            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
14354            fidl::decode!(
14355                PlayerApplicationSettings,
14356                D,
14357                &mut self.requested_settings,
14358                decoder,
14359                offset + 0,
14360                _depth
14361            )?;
14362            Ok(())
14363        }
14364    }
14366    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for TargetHandlerWatchNotificationRequest {
14367        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
14368        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
14369            value
14370        }
14371    }
14373    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for TargetHandlerWatchNotificationRequest {
14374        type Owned = Self;
14376        #[inline(always)]
14377        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
14378            8
14379        }
14381        #[inline(always)]
14382        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
14383            32
14384        }
14385    }
14387    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
14388        fidl::encoding::Encode<TargetHandlerWatchNotificationRequest, D>
14389        for &TargetHandlerWatchNotificationRequest
14390    {
14391        #[inline]
14392        unsafe fn encode(
14393            self,
14394            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
14395            offset: usize,
14396            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
14397        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
14398            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<TargetHandlerWatchNotificationRequest>(offset);
14399            // Delegate to tuple encoding.
14400            fidl::encoding::Encode::<TargetHandlerWatchNotificationRequest, D>::encode(
14401                (
14402                    <NotificationEvent as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(&self.event_id),
14403                    <Notification as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(&self.current),
14404                    <u32 as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(&self.pos_change_interval),
14405                ),
14406                encoder,
14407                offset,
14408                _depth,
14409            )
14410        }
14411    }
14412    unsafe impl<
14413            D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect,
14414            T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<NotificationEvent, D>,
14415            T1: fidl::encoding::Encode<Notification, D>,
14416            T2: fidl::encoding::Encode<u32, D>,
14417        > fidl::encoding::Encode<TargetHandlerWatchNotificationRequest, D> for (T0, T1, T2)
14418    {
14419        #[inline]
14420        unsafe fn encode(
14421            self,
14422            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
14423            offset: usize,
14424            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
14425        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
14426            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<TargetHandlerWatchNotificationRequest>(offset);
14427            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
14428            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
14429            unsafe {
14430                let ptr = encoder.buf.as_mut_ptr().add(offset).offset(0);
14431                (ptr as *mut u64).write_unaligned(0);
14432            }
14433            unsafe {
14434                let ptr = encoder.buf.as_mut_ptr().add(offset).offset(24);
14435                (ptr as *mut u64).write_unaligned(0);
14436            }
14437            // Write the fields.
14438            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
14439            self.1.encode(encoder, offset + 8, depth)?;
14440            self.2.encode(encoder, offset + 24, depth)?;
14441            Ok(())
14442        }
14443    }
14445    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
14446        for TargetHandlerWatchNotificationRequest
14447    {
14448        #[inline(always)]
14449        fn new_empty() -> Self {
14450            Self {
14451                event_id: fidl::new_empty!(NotificationEvent, D),
14452                current: fidl::new_empty!(Notification, D),
14453                pos_change_interval: fidl::new_empty!(u32, D),
14454            }
14455        }
14457        #[inline]
14458        unsafe fn decode(
14459            &mut self,
14460            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
14461            offset: usize,
14462            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
14463        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
14464            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
14465            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
14466            let ptr = unsafe { decoder.buf.as_ptr().add(offset).offset(0) };
14467            let padval = unsafe { (ptr as *const u64).read_unaligned() };
14468            let mask = 0xffffffffffffff00u64;
14469            let maskedval = padval & mask;
14470            if maskedval != 0 {
14471                return Err(fidl::Error::NonZeroPadding {
14472                    padding_start: offset + 0 + ((mask as u64).trailing_zeros() / 8) as usize,
14473                });
14474            }
14475            let ptr = unsafe { decoder.buf.as_ptr().add(offset).offset(24) };
14476            let padval = unsafe { (ptr as *const u64).read_unaligned() };
14477            let mask = 0xffffffff00000000u64;
14478            let maskedval = padval & mask;
14479            if maskedval != 0 {
14480                return Err(fidl::Error::NonZeroPadding {
14481                    padding_start: offset + 24 + ((mask as u64).trailing_zeros() / 8) as usize,
14482                });
14483            }
14484            fidl::decode!(NotificationEvent, D, &mut self.event_id, decoder, offset + 0, _depth)?;
14485            fidl::decode!(Notification, D, &mut self.current, decoder, offset + 8, _depth)?;
14486            fidl::decode!(u32, D, &mut self.pos_change_interval, decoder, offset + 24, _depth)?;
14487            Ok(())
14488        }
14489    }
14491    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for TargetHandlerGetEventsSupportedResponse {
14492        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
14493        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
14494            value
14495        }
14496    }
14498    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for TargetHandlerGetEventsSupportedResponse {
14499        type Owned = Self;
14501        #[inline(always)]
14502        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
14503            8
14504        }
14506        #[inline(always)]
14507        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
14508            16
14509        }
14510    }
14512    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
14513        fidl::encoding::Encode<TargetHandlerGetEventsSupportedResponse, D>
14514        for &TargetHandlerGetEventsSupportedResponse
14515    {
14516        #[inline]
14517        unsafe fn encode(
14518            self,
14519            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
14520            offset: usize,
14521            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
14522        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
14523            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<TargetHandlerGetEventsSupportedResponse>(offset);
14524            // Delegate to tuple encoding.
14525            fidl::encoding::Encode::<TargetHandlerGetEventsSupportedResponse, D>::encode(
14526                (
14527                    <fidl::encoding::Vector<NotificationEvent, 255> as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(&self.notification_ids),
14528                ),
14529                encoder, offset, _depth
14530            )
14531        }
14532    }
14533    unsafe impl<
14534            D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect,
14535            T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<fidl::encoding::Vector<NotificationEvent, 255>, D>,
14536        > fidl::encoding::Encode<TargetHandlerGetEventsSupportedResponse, D> for (T0,)
14537    {
14538        #[inline]
14539        unsafe fn encode(
14540            self,
14541            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
14542            offset: usize,
14543            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
14544        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
14545            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<TargetHandlerGetEventsSupportedResponse>(offset);
14546            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
14547            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
14548            // Write the fields.
14549            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
14550            Ok(())
14551        }
14552    }
14554    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
14555        for TargetHandlerGetEventsSupportedResponse
14556    {
14557        #[inline(always)]
14558        fn new_empty() -> Self {
14559            Self {
14560                notification_ids: fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::Vector<NotificationEvent, 255>, D),
14561            }
14562        }
14564        #[inline]
14565        unsafe fn decode(
14566            &mut self,
14567            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
14568            offset: usize,
14569            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
14570        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
14571            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
14572            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
14573            fidl::decode!(fidl::encoding::Vector<NotificationEvent, 255>, D, &mut self.notification_ids, decoder, offset + 0, _depth)?;
14574            Ok(())
14575        }
14576    }
14578    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for TargetHandlerGetMediaAttributesResponse {
14579        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
14580        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
14581            value
14582        }
14583    }
14585    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for TargetHandlerGetMediaAttributesResponse {
14586        type Owned = Self;
14588        #[inline(always)]
14589        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
14590            8
14591        }
14593        #[inline(always)]
14594        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
14595            16
14596        }
14597    }
14599    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
14600        fidl::encoding::Encode<TargetHandlerGetMediaAttributesResponse, D>
14601        for &TargetHandlerGetMediaAttributesResponse
14602    {
14603        #[inline]
14604        unsafe fn encode(
14605            self,
14606            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
14607            offset: usize,
14608            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
14609        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
14610            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<TargetHandlerGetMediaAttributesResponse>(offset);
14611            // Delegate to tuple encoding.
14612            fidl::encoding::Encode::<TargetHandlerGetMediaAttributesResponse, D>::encode(
14613                (<MediaAttributes as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(&self.attributes),),
14614                encoder,
14615                offset,
14616                _depth,
14617            )
14618        }
14619    }
14620    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect, T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<MediaAttributes, D>>
14621        fidl::encoding::Encode<TargetHandlerGetMediaAttributesResponse, D> for (T0,)
14622    {
14623        #[inline]
14624        unsafe fn encode(
14625            self,
14626            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
14627            offset: usize,
14628            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
14629        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
14630            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<TargetHandlerGetMediaAttributesResponse>(offset);
14631            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
14632            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
14633            // Write the fields.
14634            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
14635            Ok(())
14636        }
14637    }
14639    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
14640        for TargetHandlerGetMediaAttributesResponse
14641    {
14642        #[inline(always)]
14643        fn new_empty() -> Self {
14644            Self { attributes: fidl::new_empty!(MediaAttributes, D) }
14645        }
14647        #[inline]
14648        unsafe fn decode(
14649            &mut self,
14650            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
14651            offset: usize,
14652            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
14653        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
14654            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
14655            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
14656            fidl::decode!(MediaAttributes, D, &mut self.attributes, decoder, offset + 0, _depth)?;
14657            Ok(())
14658        }
14659    }
14661    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for TargetHandlerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponse {
14662        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
14663        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
14664            value
14665        }
14666    }
14668    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for TargetHandlerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponse {
14669        type Owned = Self;
14671        #[inline(always)]
14672        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
14673            8
14674        }
14676        #[inline(always)]
14677        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
14678            16
14679        }
14680    }
14682    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
14683        fidl::encoding::Encode<TargetHandlerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponse, D>
14684        for &TargetHandlerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponse
14685    {
14686        #[inline]
14687        unsafe fn encode(
14688            self,
14689            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
14690            offset: usize,
14691            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
14692        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
14693            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<TargetHandlerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponse>(offset);
14694            // Delegate to tuple encoding.
14695            fidl::encoding::Encode::<TargetHandlerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponse, D>::encode(
14696                (
14697                    <fidl::encoding::Vector<MediaPlayerItem, 16> as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(&self.items),
14698                ),
14699                encoder, offset, _depth
14700            )
14701        }
14702    }
14703    unsafe impl<
14704            D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect,
14705            T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<fidl::encoding::Vector<MediaPlayerItem, 16>, D>,
14706        > fidl::encoding::Encode<TargetHandlerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponse, D> for (T0,)
14707    {
14708        #[inline]
14709        unsafe fn encode(
14710            self,
14711            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
14712            offset: usize,
14713            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
14714        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
14715            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<TargetHandlerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponse>(offset);
14716            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
14717            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
14718            // Write the fields.
14719            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
14720            Ok(())
14721        }
14722    }
14724    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
14725        for TargetHandlerGetMediaPlayerItemsResponse
14726    {
14727        #[inline(always)]
14728        fn new_empty() -> Self {
14729            Self { items: fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::Vector<MediaPlayerItem, 16>, D) }
14730        }
14732        #[inline]
14733        unsafe fn decode(
14734            &mut self,
14735            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
14736            offset: usize,
14737            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
14738        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
14739            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
14740            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
14741            fidl::decode!(fidl::encoding::Vector<MediaPlayerItem, 16>, D, &mut self.items, decoder, offset + 0, _depth)?;
14742            Ok(())
14743        }
14744    }
14746    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for TargetHandlerGetNotificationResponse {
14747        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
14748        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
14749            value
14750        }
14751    }
14753    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for TargetHandlerGetNotificationResponse {
14754        type Owned = Self;
14756        #[inline(always)]
14757        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
14758            8
14759        }
14761        #[inline(always)]
14762        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
14763            16
14764        }
14765    }
14767    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
14768        fidl::encoding::Encode<TargetHandlerGetNotificationResponse, D>
14769        for &TargetHandlerGetNotificationResponse
14770    {
14771        #[inline]
14772        unsafe fn encode(
14773            self,
14774            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
14775            offset: usize,
14776            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
14777        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
14778            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<TargetHandlerGetNotificationResponse>(offset);
14779            // Delegate to tuple encoding.
14780            fidl::encoding::Encode::<TargetHandlerGetNotificationResponse, D>::encode(
14781                (<Notification as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(&self.current_value),),
14782                encoder,
14783                offset,
14784                _depth,
14785            )
14786        }
14787    }
14788    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect, T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<Notification, D>>
14789        fidl::encoding::Encode<TargetHandlerGetNotificationResponse, D> for (T0,)
14790    {
14791        #[inline]
14792        unsafe fn encode(
14793            self,
14794            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
14795            offset: usize,
14796            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
14797        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
14798            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<TargetHandlerGetNotificationResponse>(offset);
14799            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
14800            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
14801            // Write the fields.
14802            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
14803            Ok(())
14804        }
14805    }
14807    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
14808        for TargetHandlerGetNotificationResponse
14809    {
14810        #[inline(always)]
14811        fn new_empty() -> Self {
14812            Self { current_value: fidl::new_empty!(Notification, D) }
14813        }
14815        #[inline]
14816        unsafe fn decode(
14817            &mut self,
14818            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
14819            offset: usize,
14820            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
14821        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
14822            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
14823            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
14824            fidl::decode!(Notification, D, &mut self.current_value, decoder, offset + 0, _depth)?;
14825            Ok(())
14826        }
14827    }
14829    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for TargetHandlerGetPlayStatusResponse {
14830        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
14831        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
14832            value
14833        }
14834    }
14836    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for TargetHandlerGetPlayStatusResponse {
14837        type Owned = Self;
14839        #[inline(always)]
14840        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
14841            8
14842        }
14844        #[inline(always)]
14845        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
14846            16
14847        }
14848    }
14850    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
14851        fidl::encoding::Encode<TargetHandlerGetPlayStatusResponse, D>
14852        for &TargetHandlerGetPlayStatusResponse
14853    {
14854        #[inline]
14855        unsafe fn encode(
14856            self,
14857            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
14858            offset: usize,
14859            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
14860        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
14861            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<TargetHandlerGetPlayStatusResponse>(offset);
14862            // Delegate to tuple encoding.
14863            fidl::encoding::Encode::<TargetHandlerGetPlayStatusResponse, D>::encode(
14864                (<PlayStatus as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(&self.play_status),),
14865                encoder,
14866                offset,
14867                _depth,
14868            )
14869        }
14870    }
14871    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect, T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<PlayStatus, D>>
14872        fidl::encoding::Encode<TargetHandlerGetPlayStatusResponse, D> for (T0,)
14873    {
14874        #[inline]
14875        unsafe fn encode(
14876            self,
14877            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
14878            offset: usize,
14879            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
14880        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
14881            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<TargetHandlerGetPlayStatusResponse>(offset);
14882            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
14883            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
14884            // Write the fields.
14885            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
14886            Ok(())
14887        }
14888    }
14890    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
14891        for TargetHandlerGetPlayStatusResponse
14892    {
14893        #[inline(always)]
14894        fn new_empty() -> Self {
14895            Self { play_status: fidl::new_empty!(PlayStatus, D) }
14896        }
14898        #[inline]
14899        unsafe fn decode(
14900            &mut self,
14901            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
14902            offset: usize,
14903            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
14904        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
14905            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
14906            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
14907            fidl::decode!(PlayStatus, D, &mut self.play_status, decoder, offset + 0, _depth)?;
14908            Ok(())
14909        }
14910    }
14912    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse {
14913        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
14914        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
14915            value
14916        }
14917    }
14919    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse {
14920        type Owned = Self;
14922        #[inline(always)]
14923        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
14924            8
14925        }
14927        #[inline(always)]
14928        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
14929            16
14930        }
14931    }
14933    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
14934        fidl::encoding::Encode<TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse, D>
14935        for &TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse
14936    {
14937        #[inline]
14938        unsafe fn encode(
14939            self,
14940            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
14941            offset: usize,
14942            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
14943        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
14944            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse>(offset);
14945            // Delegate to tuple encoding.
14946            fidl::encoding::Encode::<TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse, D>::encode(
14947                (<PlayerApplicationSettings as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(
14948                    &self.current_settings,
14949                ),),
14950                encoder,
14951                offset,
14952                _depth,
14953            )
14954        }
14955    }
14956    unsafe impl<
14957            D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect,
14958            T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<PlayerApplicationSettings, D>,
14959        > fidl::encoding::Encode<TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse, D> for (T0,)
14960    {
14961        #[inline]
14962        unsafe fn encode(
14963            self,
14964            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
14965            offset: usize,
14966            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
14967        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
14968            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse>(offset);
14969            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
14970            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
14971            // Write the fields.
14972            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
14973            Ok(())
14974        }
14975    }
14977    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
14978        for TargetHandlerGetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse
14979    {
14980        #[inline(always)]
14981        fn new_empty() -> Self {
14982            Self { current_settings: fidl::new_empty!(PlayerApplicationSettings, D) }
14983        }
14985        #[inline]
14986        unsafe fn decode(
14987            &mut self,
14988            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
14989            offset: usize,
14990            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
14991        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
14992            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
14993            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
14994            fidl::decode!(
14995                PlayerApplicationSettings,
14996                D,
14997                &mut self.current_settings,
14998                decoder,
14999                offset + 0,
15000                _depth
15001            )?;
15002            Ok(())
15003        }
15004    }
15006    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker
15007        for TargetHandlerListPlayerApplicationSettingAttributesResponse
15008    {
15009        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
15010        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
15011            value
15012        }
15013    }
15015    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker
15016        for TargetHandlerListPlayerApplicationSettingAttributesResponse
15017    {
15018        type Owned = Self;
15020        #[inline(always)]
15021        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
15022            8
15023        }
15025        #[inline(always)]
15026        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
15027            16
15028        }
15029    }
15031    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
15032        fidl::encoding::Encode<TargetHandlerListPlayerApplicationSettingAttributesResponse, D>
15033        for &TargetHandlerListPlayerApplicationSettingAttributesResponse
15034    {
15035        #[inline]
15036        unsafe fn encode(
15037            self,
15038            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
15039            offset: usize,
15040            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
15041        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
15042            encoder
15043                .debug_check_bounds::<TargetHandlerListPlayerApplicationSettingAttributesResponse>(
15044                    offset,
15045                );
15046            // Delegate to tuple encoding.
15047            fidl::encoding::Encode::<TargetHandlerListPlayerApplicationSettingAttributesResponse, D>::encode(
15048                (
15049                    <fidl::encoding::Vector<PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId, 131> as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(&self.attributes),
15050                ),
15051                encoder, offset, _depth
15052            )
15053        }
15054    }
15055    unsafe impl<
15056            D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect,
15057            T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<
15058                fidl::encoding::Vector<PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId, 131>,
15059                D,
15060            >,
15061        > fidl::encoding::Encode<TargetHandlerListPlayerApplicationSettingAttributesResponse, D>
15062        for (T0,)
15063    {
15064        #[inline]
15065        unsafe fn encode(
15066            self,
15067            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
15068            offset: usize,
15069            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
15070        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
15071            encoder
15072                .debug_check_bounds::<TargetHandlerListPlayerApplicationSettingAttributesResponse>(
15073                    offset,
15074                );
15075            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
15076            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
15077            // Write the fields.
15078            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
15079            Ok(())
15080        }
15081    }
15083    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
15084        for TargetHandlerListPlayerApplicationSettingAttributesResponse
15085    {
15086        #[inline(always)]
15087        fn new_empty() -> Self {
15088            Self {
15089                attributes: fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::Vector<PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId, 131>, D),
15090            }
15091        }
15093        #[inline]
15094        unsafe fn decode(
15095            &mut self,
15096            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
15097            offset: usize,
15098            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
15099        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
15100            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
15101            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
15102            fidl::decode!(fidl::encoding::Vector<PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId, 131>, D, &mut self.attributes, decoder, offset + 0, _depth)?;
15103            Ok(())
15104        }
15105    }
15107    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse {
15108        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
15109        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
15110            value
15111        }
15112    }
15114    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse {
15115        type Owned = Self;
15117        #[inline(always)]
15118        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
15119            8
15120        }
15122        #[inline(always)]
15123        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
15124            16
15125        }
15126    }
15128    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
15129        fidl::encoding::Encode<TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse, D>
15130        for &TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse
15131    {
15132        #[inline]
15133        unsafe fn encode(
15134            self,
15135            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
15136            offset: usize,
15137            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
15138        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
15139            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse>(offset);
15140            // Delegate to tuple encoding.
15141            fidl::encoding::Encode::<TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse, D>::encode(
15142                (<PlayerApplicationSettings as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(
15143                    &self.set_settings,
15144                ),),
15145                encoder,
15146                offset,
15147                _depth,
15148            )
15149        }
15150    }
15151    unsafe impl<
15152            D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect,
15153            T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<PlayerApplicationSettings, D>,
15154        > fidl::encoding::Encode<TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse, D> for (T0,)
15155    {
15156        #[inline]
15157        unsafe fn encode(
15158            self,
15159            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
15160            offset: usize,
15161            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
15162        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
15163            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse>(offset);
15164            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
15165            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
15166            // Write the fields.
15167            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
15168            Ok(())
15169        }
15170    }
15172    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
15173        for TargetHandlerSetPlayerApplicationSettingsResponse
15174    {
15175        #[inline(always)]
15176        fn new_empty() -> Self {
15177            Self { set_settings: fidl::new_empty!(PlayerApplicationSettings, D) }
15178        }
15180        #[inline]
15181        unsafe fn decode(
15182            &mut self,
15183            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
15184            offset: usize,
15185            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
15186        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
15187            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
15188            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
15189            fidl::decode!(
15190                PlayerApplicationSettings,
15191                D,
15192                &mut self.set_settings,
15193                decoder,
15194                offset + 0,
15195                _depth
15196            )?;
15197            Ok(())
15198        }
15199    }
15201    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for TargetHandlerWatchNotificationResponse {
15202        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
15203        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
15204            value
15205        }
15206    }
15208    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for TargetHandlerWatchNotificationResponse {
15209        type Owned = Self;
15211        #[inline(always)]
15212        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
15213            8
15214        }
15216        #[inline(always)]
15217        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
15218            16
15219        }
15220    }
15222    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
15223        fidl::encoding::Encode<TargetHandlerWatchNotificationResponse, D>
15224        for &TargetHandlerWatchNotificationResponse
15225    {
15226        #[inline]
15227        unsafe fn encode(
15228            self,
15229            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
15230            offset: usize,
15231            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
15232        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
15233            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<TargetHandlerWatchNotificationResponse>(offset);
15234            // Delegate to tuple encoding.
15235            fidl::encoding::Encode::<TargetHandlerWatchNotificationResponse, D>::encode(
15236                (<Notification as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(&self.new_value),),
15237                encoder,
15238                offset,
15239                _depth,
15240            )
15241        }
15242    }
15243    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect, T0: fidl::encoding::Encode<Notification, D>>
15244        fidl::encoding::Encode<TargetHandlerWatchNotificationResponse, D> for (T0,)
15245    {
15246        #[inline]
15247        unsafe fn encode(
15248            self,
15249            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
15250            offset: usize,
15251            depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
15252        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
15253            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<TargetHandlerWatchNotificationResponse>(offset);
15254            // Zero out padding regions. There's no need to apply masks
15255            // because the unmasked parts will be overwritten by fields.
15256            // Write the fields.
15257            self.0.encode(encoder, offset + 0, depth)?;
15258            Ok(())
15259        }
15260    }
15262    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
15263        for TargetHandlerWatchNotificationResponse
15264    {
15265        #[inline(always)]
15266        fn new_empty() -> Self {
15267            Self { new_value: fidl::new_empty!(Notification, D) }
15268        }
15270        #[inline]
15271        unsafe fn decode(
15272            &mut self,
15273            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
15274            offset: usize,
15275            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
15276        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
15277            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
15278            // Verify that padding bytes are zero.
15279            fidl::decode!(Notification, D, &mut self.new_value, decoder, offset + 0, _depth)?;
15280            Ok(())
15281        }
15282    }
15284    impl CustomPlayerApplicationSetting {
15285        #[inline(always)]
15286        fn max_ordinal_present(&self) -> u64 {
15287            if let Some(_) = self.current_value {
15288                return 4;
15289            }
15290            if let Some(_) = self.possible_values {
15291                return 3;
15292            }
15293            if let Some(_) = self.attribute_name {
15294                return 2;
15295            }
15296            if let Some(_) = self.attribute_id {
15297                return 1;
15298            }
15299            0
15300        }
15301    }
15303    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for CustomPlayerApplicationSetting {
15304        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
15305        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
15306            value
15307        }
15308    }
15310    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for CustomPlayerApplicationSetting {
15311        type Owned = Self;
15313        #[inline(always)]
15314        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
15315            8
15316        }
15318        #[inline(always)]
15319        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
15320            16
15321        }
15322    }
15324    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
15325        fidl::encoding::Encode<CustomPlayerApplicationSetting, D>
15326        for &CustomPlayerApplicationSetting
15327    {
15328        unsafe fn encode(
15329            self,
15330            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
15331            offset: usize,
15332            mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
15333        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
15334            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<CustomPlayerApplicationSetting>(offset);
15335            // Vector header
15336            let max_ordinal: u64 = self.max_ordinal_present();
15337            encoder.write_num(max_ordinal, offset);
15338            encoder.write_num(fidl::encoding::ALLOC_PRESENT_U64, offset + 8);
15339            // Calling encoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
15340            if max_ordinal == 0 {
15341                return Ok(());
15342            }
15343            depth.increment()?;
15344            let envelope_size = 8;
15345            let bytes_len = max_ordinal as usize * envelope_size;
15346            #[allow(unused_variables)]
15347            let offset = encoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len);
15348            let mut _prev_end_offset: usize = 0;
15349            if 1 > max_ordinal {
15350                return Ok(());
15351            }
15353            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
15354            // are envelope_size bytes.
15355            let cur_offset: usize = (1 - 1) * envelope_size;
15357            // Zero reserved fields.
15358            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
15360            // Safety:
15361            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
15362            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
15363            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
15364            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<u8, D>(
15365                self.attribute_id.as_ref().map(<u8 as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
15366                encoder,
15367                offset + cur_offset,
15368                depth,
15369            )?;
15371            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
15372            if 2 > max_ordinal {
15373                return Ok(());
15374            }
15376            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
15377            // are envelope_size bytes.
15378            let cur_offset: usize = (2 - 1) * envelope_size;
15380            // Zero reserved fields.
15381            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
15383            // Safety:
15384            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
15385            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
15386            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
15387            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<fidl::encoding::BoundedString<255>, D>(
15388                self.attribute_name.as_ref().map(
15389                    <fidl::encoding::BoundedString<255> as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow,
15390                ),
15391                encoder,
15392                offset + cur_offset,
15393                depth,
15394            )?;
15396            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
15397            if 3 > max_ordinal {
15398                return Ok(());
15399            }
15401            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
15402            // are envelope_size bytes.
15403            let cur_offset: usize = (3 - 1) * envelope_size;
15405            // Zero reserved fields.
15406            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
15408            // Safety:
15409            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
15410            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
15411            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
15412            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<fidl::encoding::Vector<CustomAttributeValue, 255>, D>(
15413            self.possible_values.as_ref().map(<fidl::encoding::Vector<CustomAttributeValue, 255> as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
15414            encoder, offset + cur_offset, depth
15415        )?;
15417            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
15418            if 4 > max_ordinal {
15419                return Ok(());
15420            }
15422            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
15423            // are envelope_size bytes.
15424            let cur_offset: usize = (4 - 1) * envelope_size;
15426            // Zero reserved fields.
15427            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
15429            // Safety:
15430            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
15431            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
15432            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
15433            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<u8, D>(
15434                self.current_value.as_ref().map(<u8 as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
15435                encoder,
15436                offset + cur_offset,
15437                depth,
15438            )?;
15440            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
15442            Ok(())
15443        }
15444    }
15446    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
15447        for CustomPlayerApplicationSetting
15448    {
15449        #[inline(always)]
15450        fn new_empty() -> Self {
15451            Self::default()
15452        }
15454        unsafe fn decode(
15455            &mut self,
15456            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
15457            offset: usize,
15458            mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
15459        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
15460            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
15461            let len = match fidl::encoding::decode_vector_header(decoder, offset)? {
15462                None => return Err(fidl::Error::NotNullable),
15463                Some(len) => len,
15464            };
15465            // Calling decoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
15466            if len == 0 {
15467                return Ok(());
15468            };
15469            depth.increment()?;
15470            let envelope_size = 8;
15471            let bytes_len = len * envelope_size;
15472            let offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len)?;
15473            // Decode the envelope for each type.
15474            let mut _next_ordinal_to_read = 0;
15475            let mut next_offset = offset;
15476            let end_offset = offset + bytes_len;
15477            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
15478            if next_offset >= end_offset {
15479                return Ok(());
15480            }
15482            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
15483            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 1 {
15484                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
15485                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
15486                next_offset += envelope_size;
15487            }
15489            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
15490            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
15491            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
15492                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
15493            {
15494                let member_inline_size =
15495                    <u8 as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
15496                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
15497                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
15498                }
15499                let inner_offset;
15500                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
15501                if inlined {
15502                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
15503                    inner_offset = next_offset;
15504                } else {
15505                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
15506                    inner_depth.increment()?;
15507                }
15508                let val_ref = self.attribute_id.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(u8, D));
15509                fidl::decode!(u8, D, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
15510                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
15511                {
15512                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
15513                }
15514                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
15515                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
15516                }
15517            }
15519            next_offset += envelope_size;
15520            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
15521            if next_offset >= end_offset {
15522                return Ok(());
15523            }
15525            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
15526            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 2 {
15527                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
15528                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
15529                next_offset += envelope_size;
15530            }
15532            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
15533            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
15534            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
15535                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
15536            {
15537                let member_inline_size =
15538                    <fidl::encoding::BoundedString<255> as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(
15539                        decoder.context,
15540                    );
15541                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
15542                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
15543                }
15544                let inner_offset;
15545                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
15546                if inlined {
15547                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
15548                    inner_offset = next_offset;
15549                } else {
15550                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
15551                    inner_depth.increment()?;
15552                }
15553                let val_ref = self
15554                    .attribute_name
15555                    .get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::BoundedString<255>, D));
15556                fidl::decode!(
15557                    fidl::encoding::BoundedString<255>,
15558                    D,
15559                    val_ref,
15560                    decoder,
15561                    inner_offset,
15562                    inner_depth
15563                )?;
15564                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
15565                {
15566                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
15567                }
15568                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
15569                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
15570                }
15571            }
15573            next_offset += envelope_size;
15574            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
15575            if next_offset >= end_offset {
15576                return Ok(());
15577            }
15579            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
15580            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 3 {
15581                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
15582                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
15583                next_offset += envelope_size;
15584            }
15586            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
15587            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
15588            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
15589                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
15590            {
15591                let member_inline_size = <fidl::encoding::Vector<CustomAttributeValue, 255> as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
15592                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
15593                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
15594                }
15595                let inner_offset;
15596                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
15597                if inlined {
15598                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
15599                    inner_offset = next_offset;
15600                } else {
15601                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
15602                    inner_depth.increment()?;
15603                }
15604                let val_ref = self.possible_values.get_or_insert_with(
15605                    || fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::Vector<CustomAttributeValue, 255>, D),
15606                );
15607                fidl::decode!(fidl::encoding::Vector<CustomAttributeValue, 255>, D, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
15608                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
15609                {
15610                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
15611                }
15612                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
15613                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
15614                }
15615            }
15617            next_offset += envelope_size;
15618            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
15619            if next_offset >= end_offset {
15620                return Ok(());
15621            }
15623            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
15624            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 4 {
15625                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
15626                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
15627                next_offset += envelope_size;
15628            }
15630            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
15631            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
15632            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
15633                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
15634            {
15635                let member_inline_size =
15636                    <u8 as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
15637                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
15638                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
15639                }
15640                let inner_offset;
15641                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
15642                if inlined {
15643                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
15644                    inner_offset = next_offset;
15645                } else {
15646                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
15647                    inner_depth.increment()?;
15648                }
15649                let val_ref = self.current_value.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(u8, D));
15650                fidl::decode!(u8, D, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
15651                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
15652                {
15653                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
15654                }
15655                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
15656                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
15657                }
15658            }
15660            next_offset += envelope_size;
15662            // Decode the remaining unknown envelopes.
15663            while next_offset < end_offset {
15664                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
15665                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
15666                next_offset += envelope_size;
15667            }
15669            Ok(())
15670        }
15671    }
15673    impl FolderItem {
15674        #[inline(always)]
15675        fn max_ordinal_present(&self) -> u64 {
15676            if let Some(_) = self.displayable_name {
15677                return 4;
15678            }
15679            if let Some(_) = self.is_playable {
15680                return 3;
15681            }
15682            if let Some(_) = self.folder_type {
15683                return 2;
15684            }
15685            if let Some(_) = self.folder_uid {
15686                return 1;
15687            }
15688            0
15689        }
15690    }
15692    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for FolderItem {
15693        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
15694        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
15695            value
15696        }
15697    }
15699    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for FolderItem {
15700        type Owned = Self;
15702        #[inline(always)]
15703        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
15704            8
15705        }
15707        #[inline(always)]
15708        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
15709            16
15710        }
15711    }
15713    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Encode<FolderItem, D>
15714        for &FolderItem
15715    {
15716        unsafe fn encode(
15717            self,
15718            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
15719            offset: usize,
15720            mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
15721        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
15722            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<FolderItem>(offset);
15723            // Vector header
15724            let max_ordinal: u64 = self.max_ordinal_present();
15725            encoder.write_num(max_ordinal, offset);
15726            encoder.write_num(fidl::encoding::ALLOC_PRESENT_U64, offset + 8);
15727            // Calling encoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
15728            if max_ordinal == 0 {
15729                return Ok(());
15730            }
15731            depth.increment()?;
15732            let envelope_size = 8;
15733            let bytes_len = max_ordinal as usize * envelope_size;
15734            #[allow(unused_variables)]
15735            let offset = encoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len);
15736            let mut _prev_end_offset: usize = 0;
15737            if 1 > max_ordinal {
15738                return Ok(());
15739            }
15741            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
15742            // are envelope_size bytes.
15743            let cur_offset: usize = (1 - 1) * envelope_size;
15745            // Zero reserved fields.
15746            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
15748            // Safety:
15749            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
15750            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
15751            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
15752            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<u64, D>(
15753                self.folder_uid.as_ref().map(<u64 as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
15754                encoder,
15755                offset + cur_offset,
15756                depth,
15757            )?;
15759            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
15760            if 2 > max_ordinal {
15761                return Ok(());
15762            }
15764            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
15765            // are envelope_size bytes.
15766            let cur_offset: usize = (2 - 1) * envelope_size;
15768            // Zero reserved fields.
15769            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
15771            // Safety:
15772            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
15773            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
15774            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
15775            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<FolderType, D>(
15776                self.folder_type
15777                    .as_ref()
15778                    .map(<FolderType as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
15779                encoder,
15780                offset + cur_offset,
15781                depth,
15782            )?;
15784            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
15785            if 3 > max_ordinal {
15786                return Ok(());
15787            }
15789            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
15790            // are envelope_size bytes.
15791            let cur_offset: usize = (3 - 1) * envelope_size;
15793            // Zero reserved fields.
15794            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
15796            // Safety:
15797            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
15798            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
15799            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
15800            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<bool, D>(
15801                self.is_playable.as_ref().map(<bool as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
15802                encoder,
15803                offset + cur_offset,
15804                depth,
15805            )?;
15807            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
15808            if 4 > max_ordinal {
15809                return Ok(());
15810            }
15812            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
15813            // are envelope_size bytes.
15814            let cur_offset: usize = (4 - 1) * envelope_size;
15816            // Zero reserved fields.
15817            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
15819            // Safety:
15820            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
15821            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
15822            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
15823            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<fidl::encoding::BoundedString<255>, D>(
15824                self.displayable_name.as_ref().map(
15825                    <fidl::encoding::BoundedString<255> as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow,
15826                ),
15827                encoder,
15828                offset + cur_offset,
15829                depth,
15830            )?;
15832            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
15834            Ok(())
15835        }
15836    }
15838    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D> for FolderItem {
15839        #[inline(always)]
15840        fn new_empty() -> Self {
15841            Self::default()
15842        }
15844        unsafe fn decode(
15845            &mut self,
15846            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
15847            offset: usize,
15848            mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
15849        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
15850            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
15851            let len = match fidl::encoding::decode_vector_header(decoder, offset)? {
15852                None => return Err(fidl::Error::NotNullable),
15853                Some(len) => len,
15854            };
15855            // Calling decoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
15856            if len == 0 {
15857                return Ok(());
15858            };
15859            depth.increment()?;
15860            let envelope_size = 8;
15861            let bytes_len = len * envelope_size;
15862            let offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len)?;
15863            // Decode the envelope for each type.
15864            let mut _next_ordinal_to_read = 0;
15865            let mut next_offset = offset;
15866            let end_offset = offset + bytes_len;
15867            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
15868            if next_offset >= end_offset {
15869                return Ok(());
15870            }
15872            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
15873            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 1 {
15874                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
15875                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
15876                next_offset += envelope_size;
15877            }
15879            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
15880            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
15881            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
15882                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
15883            {
15884                let member_inline_size =
15885                    <u64 as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
15886                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
15887                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
15888                }
15889                let inner_offset;
15890                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
15891                if inlined {
15892                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
15893                    inner_offset = next_offset;
15894                } else {
15895                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
15896                    inner_depth.increment()?;
15897                }
15898                let val_ref = self.folder_uid.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(u64, D));
15899                fidl::decode!(u64, D, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
15900                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
15901                {
15902                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
15903                }
15904                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
15905                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
15906                }
15907            }
15909            next_offset += envelope_size;
15910            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
15911            if next_offset >= end_offset {
15912                return Ok(());
15913            }
15915            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
15916            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 2 {
15917                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
15918                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
15919                next_offset += envelope_size;
15920            }
15922            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
15923            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
15924            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
15925                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
15926            {
15927                let member_inline_size =
15928                    <FolderType as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
15929                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
15930                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
15931                }
15932                let inner_offset;
15933                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
15934                if inlined {
15935                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
15936                    inner_offset = next_offset;
15937                } else {
15938                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
15939                    inner_depth.increment()?;
15940                }
15941                let val_ref =
15942                    self.folder_type.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(FolderType, D));
15943                fidl::decode!(FolderType, D, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
15944                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
15945                {
15946                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
15947                }
15948                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
15949                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
15950                }
15951            }
15953            next_offset += envelope_size;
15954            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
15955            if next_offset >= end_offset {
15956                return Ok(());
15957            }
15959            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
15960            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 3 {
15961                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
15962                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
15963                next_offset += envelope_size;
15964            }
15966            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
15967            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
15968            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
15969                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
15970            {
15971                let member_inline_size =
15972                    <bool as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
15973                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
15974                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
15975                }
15976                let inner_offset;
15977                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
15978                if inlined {
15979                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
15980                    inner_offset = next_offset;
15981                } else {
15982                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
15983                    inner_depth.increment()?;
15984                }
15985                let val_ref = self.is_playable.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(bool, D));
15986                fidl::decode!(bool, D, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
15987                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
15988                {
15989                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
15990                }
15991                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
15992                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
15993                }
15994            }
15996            next_offset += envelope_size;
15997            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
15998            if next_offset >= end_offset {
15999                return Ok(());
16000            }
16002            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
16003            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 4 {
16004                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
16005                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
16006                next_offset += envelope_size;
16007            }
16009            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
16010            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
16011            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
16012                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
16013            {
16014                let member_inline_size =
16015                    <fidl::encoding::BoundedString<255> as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(
16016                        decoder.context,
16017                    );
16018                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
16019                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
16020                }
16021                let inner_offset;
16022                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
16023                if inlined {
16024                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
16025                    inner_offset = next_offset;
16026                } else {
16027                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
16028                    inner_depth.increment()?;
16029                }
16030                let val_ref = self
16031                    .displayable_name
16032                    .get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::BoundedString<255>, D));
16033                fidl::decode!(
16034                    fidl::encoding::BoundedString<255>,
16035                    D,
16036                    val_ref,
16037                    decoder,
16038                    inner_offset,
16039                    inner_depth
16040                )?;
16041                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
16042                {
16043                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
16044                }
16045                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
16046                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
16047                }
16048            }
16050            next_offset += envelope_size;
16052            // Decode the remaining unknown envelopes.
16053            while next_offset < end_offset {
16054                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
16055                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
16056                next_offset += envelope_size;
16057            }
16059            Ok(())
16060        }
16061    }
16063    impl MediaAttributes {
16064        #[inline(always)]
16065        fn max_ordinal_present(&self) -> u64 {
16066            if let Some(_) = self.playing_time {
16067                return 7;
16068            }
16069            if let Some(_) = self.genre {
16070                return 6;
16071            }
16072            if let Some(_) = self.total_number_of_tracks {
16073                return 5;
16074            }
16075            if let Some(_) = self.track_number {
16076                return 4;
16077            }
16078            if let Some(_) = self.album_name {
16079                return 3;
16080            }
16081            if let Some(_) = self.artist_name {
16082                return 2;
16083            }
16084            if let Some(_) = self.title {
16085                return 1;
16086            }
16087            0
16088        }
16089    }
16091    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for MediaAttributes {
16092        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
16093        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
16094            value
16095        }
16096    }
16098    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for MediaAttributes {
16099        type Owned = Self;
16101        #[inline(always)]
16102        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
16103            8
16104        }
16106        #[inline(always)]
16107        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
16108            16
16109        }
16110    }
16112    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Encode<MediaAttributes, D>
16113        for &MediaAttributes
16114    {
16115        unsafe fn encode(
16116            self,
16117            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
16118            offset: usize,
16119            mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
16120        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
16121            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<MediaAttributes>(offset);
16122            // Vector header
16123            let max_ordinal: u64 = self.max_ordinal_present();
16124            encoder.write_num(max_ordinal, offset);
16125            encoder.write_num(fidl::encoding::ALLOC_PRESENT_U64, offset + 8);
16126            // Calling encoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
16127            if max_ordinal == 0 {
16128                return Ok(());
16129            }
16130            depth.increment()?;
16131            let envelope_size = 8;
16132            let bytes_len = max_ordinal as usize * envelope_size;
16133            #[allow(unused_variables)]
16134            let offset = encoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len);
16135            let mut _prev_end_offset: usize = 0;
16136            if 1 > max_ordinal {
16137                return Ok(());
16138            }
16140            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
16141            // are envelope_size bytes.
16142            let cur_offset: usize = (1 - 1) * envelope_size;
16144            // Zero reserved fields.
16145            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
16147            // Safety:
16148            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
16149            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
16150            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
16151            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<fidl::encoding::BoundedString<65535>, D>(
16152            self.title.as_ref().map(<fidl::encoding::BoundedString<65535> as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
16153            encoder, offset + cur_offset, depth
16154        )?;
16156            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
16157            if 2 > max_ordinal {
16158                return Ok(());
16159            }
16161            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
16162            // are envelope_size bytes.
16163            let cur_offset: usize = (2 - 1) * envelope_size;
16165            // Zero reserved fields.
16166            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
16168            // Safety:
16169            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
16170            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
16171            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
16172            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<fidl::encoding::BoundedString<65535>, D>(
16173            self.artist_name.as_ref().map(<fidl::encoding::BoundedString<65535> as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
16174            encoder, offset + cur_offset, depth
16175        )?;
16177            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
16178            if 3 > max_ordinal {
16179                return Ok(());
16180            }
16182            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
16183            // are envelope_size bytes.
16184            let cur_offset: usize = (3 - 1) * envelope_size;
16186            // Zero reserved fields.
16187            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
16189            // Safety:
16190            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
16191            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
16192            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
16193            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<fidl::encoding::BoundedString<65535>, D>(
16194            self.album_name.as_ref().map(<fidl::encoding::BoundedString<65535> as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
16195            encoder, offset + cur_offset, depth
16196        )?;
16198            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
16199            if 4 > max_ordinal {
16200                return Ok(());
16201            }
16203            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
16204            // are envelope_size bytes.
16205            let cur_offset: usize = (4 - 1) * envelope_size;
16207            // Zero reserved fields.
16208            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
16210            // Safety:
16211            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
16212            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
16213            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
16214            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<fidl::encoding::BoundedString<65535>, D>(
16215            self.track_number.as_ref().map(<fidl::encoding::BoundedString<65535> as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
16216            encoder, offset + cur_offset, depth
16217        )?;
16219            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
16220            if 5 > max_ordinal {
16221                return Ok(());
16222            }
16224            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
16225            // are envelope_size bytes.
16226            let cur_offset: usize = (5 - 1) * envelope_size;
16228            // Zero reserved fields.
16229            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
16231            // Safety:
16232            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
16233            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
16234            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
16235            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<fidl::encoding::BoundedString<65535>, D>(
16236            self.total_number_of_tracks.as_ref().map(<fidl::encoding::BoundedString<65535> as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
16237            encoder, offset + cur_offset, depth
16238        )?;
16240            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
16241            if 6 > max_ordinal {
16242                return Ok(());
16243            }
16245            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
16246            // are envelope_size bytes.
16247            let cur_offset: usize = (6 - 1) * envelope_size;
16249            // Zero reserved fields.
16250            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
16252            // Safety:
16253            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
16254            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
16255            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
16256            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<fidl::encoding::BoundedString<65535>, D>(
16257            self.genre.as_ref().map(<fidl::encoding::BoundedString<65535> as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
16258            encoder, offset + cur_offset, depth
16259        )?;
16261            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
16262            if 7 > max_ordinal {
16263                return Ok(());
16264            }
16266            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
16267            // are envelope_size bytes.
16268            let cur_offset: usize = (7 - 1) * envelope_size;
16270            // Zero reserved fields.
16271            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
16273            // Safety:
16274            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
16275            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
16276            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
16277            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<fidl::encoding::BoundedString<65535>, D>(
16278            self.playing_time.as_ref().map(<fidl::encoding::BoundedString<65535> as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
16279            encoder, offset + cur_offset, depth
16280        )?;
16282            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
16284            Ok(())
16285        }
16286    }
16288    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D> for MediaAttributes {
16289        #[inline(always)]
16290        fn new_empty() -> Self {
16291            Self::default()
16292        }
16294        unsafe fn decode(
16295            &mut self,
16296            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
16297            offset: usize,
16298            mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
16299        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
16300            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
16301            let len = match fidl::encoding::decode_vector_header(decoder, offset)? {
16302                None => return Err(fidl::Error::NotNullable),
16303                Some(len) => len,
16304            };
16305            // Calling decoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
16306            if len == 0 {
16307                return Ok(());
16308            };
16309            depth.increment()?;
16310            let envelope_size = 8;
16311            let bytes_len = len * envelope_size;
16312            let offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len)?;
16313            // Decode the envelope for each type.
16314            let mut _next_ordinal_to_read = 0;
16315            let mut next_offset = offset;
16316            let end_offset = offset + bytes_len;
16317            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
16318            if next_offset >= end_offset {
16319                return Ok(());
16320            }
16322            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
16323            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 1 {
16324                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
16325                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
16326                next_offset += envelope_size;
16327            }
16329            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
16330            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
16331            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
16332                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
16333            {
16334                let member_inline_size = <fidl::encoding::BoundedString<65535> as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
16335                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
16336                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
16337                }
16338                let inner_offset;
16339                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
16340                if inlined {
16341                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
16342                    inner_offset = next_offset;
16343                } else {
16344                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
16345                    inner_depth.increment()?;
16346                }
16347                let val_ref = self.title.get_or_insert_with(|| {
16348                    fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::BoundedString<65535>, D)
16349                });
16350                fidl::decode!(
16351                    fidl::encoding::BoundedString<65535>,
16352                    D,
16353                    val_ref,
16354                    decoder,
16355                    inner_offset,
16356                    inner_depth
16357                )?;
16358                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
16359                {
16360                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
16361                }
16362                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
16363                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
16364                }
16365            }
16367            next_offset += envelope_size;
16368            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
16369            if next_offset >= end_offset {
16370                return Ok(());
16371            }
16373            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
16374            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 2 {
16375                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
16376                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
16377                next_offset += envelope_size;
16378            }
16380            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
16381            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
16382            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
16383                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
16384            {
16385                let member_inline_size = <fidl::encoding::BoundedString<65535> as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
16386                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
16387                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
16388                }
16389                let inner_offset;
16390                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
16391                if inlined {
16392                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
16393                    inner_offset = next_offset;
16394                } else {
16395                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
16396                    inner_depth.increment()?;
16397                }
16398                let val_ref = self.artist_name.get_or_insert_with(|| {
16399                    fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::BoundedString<65535>, D)
16400                });
16401                fidl::decode!(
16402                    fidl::encoding::BoundedString<65535>,
16403                    D,
16404                    val_ref,
16405                    decoder,
16406                    inner_offset,
16407                    inner_depth
16408                )?;
16409                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
16410                {
16411                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
16412                }
16413                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
16414                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
16415                }
16416            }
16418            next_offset += envelope_size;
16419            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
16420            if next_offset >= end_offset {
16421                return Ok(());
16422            }
16424            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
16425            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 3 {
16426                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
16427                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
16428                next_offset += envelope_size;
16429            }
16431            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
16432            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
16433            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
16434                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
16435            {
16436                let member_inline_size = <fidl::encoding::BoundedString<65535> as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
16437                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
16438                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
16439                }
16440                let inner_offset;
16441                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
16442                if inlined {
16443                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
16444                    inner_offset = next_offset;
16445                } else {
16446                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
16447                    inner_depth.increment()?;
16448                }
16449                let val_ref = self.album_name.get_or_insert_with(|| {
16450                    fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::BoundedString<65535>, D)
16451                });
16452                fidl::decode!(
16453                    fidl::encoding::BoundedString<65535>,
16454                    D,
16455                    val_ref,
16456                    decoder,
16457                    inner_offset,
16458                    inner_depth
16459                )?;
16460                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
16461                {
16462                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
16463                }
16464                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
16465                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
16466                }
16467            }
16469            next_offset += envelope_size;
16470            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
16471            if next_offset >= end_offset {
16472                return Ok(());
16473            }
16475            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
16476            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 4 {
16477                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
16478                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
16479                next_offset += envelope_size;
16480            }
16482            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
16483            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
16484            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
16485                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
16486            {
16487                let member_inline_size = <fidl::encoding::BoundedString<65535> as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
16488                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
16489                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
16490                }
16491                let inner_offset;
16492                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
16493                if inlined {
16494                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
16495                    inner_offset = next_offset;
16496                } else {
16497                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
16498                    inner_depth.increment()?;
16499                }
16500                let val_ref = self.track_number.get_or_insert_with(|| {
16501                    fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::BoundedString<65535>, D)
16502                });
16503                fidl::decode!(
16504                    fidl::encoding::BoundedString<65535>,
16505                    D,
16506                    val_ref,
16507                    decoder,
16508                    inner_offset,
16509                    inner_depth
16510                )?;
16511                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
16512                {
16513                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
16514                }
16515                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
16516                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
16517                }
16518            }
16520            next_offset += envelope_size;
16521            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
16522            if next_offset >= end_offset {
16523                return Ok(());
16524            }
16526            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
16527            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 5 {
16528                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
16529                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
16530                next_offset += envelope_size;
16531            }
16533            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
16534            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
16535            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
16536                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
16537            {
16538                let member_inline_size = <fidl::encoding::BoundedString<65535> as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
16539                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
16540                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
16541                }
16542                let inner_offset;
16543                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
16544                if inlined {
16545                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
16546                    inner_offset = next_offset;
16547                } else {
16548                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
16549                    inner_depth.increment()?;
16550                }
16551                let val_ref = self.total_number_of_tracks.get_or_insert_with(|| {
16552                    fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::BoundedString<65535>, D)
16553                });
16554                fidl::decode!(
16555                    fidl::encoding::BoundedString<65535>,
16556                    D,
16557                    val_ref,
16558                    decoder,
16559                    inner_offset,
16560                    inner_depth
16561                )?;
16562                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
16563                {
16564                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
16565                }
16566                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
16567                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
16568                }
16569            }
16571            next_offset += envelope_size;
16572            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
16573            if next_offset >= end_offset {
16574                return Ok(());
16575            }
16577            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
16578            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 6 {
16579                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
16580                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
16581                next_offset += envelope_size;
16582            }
16584            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
16585            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
16586            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
16587                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
16588            {
16589                let member_inline_size = <fidl::encoding::BoundedString<65535> as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
16590                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
16591                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
16592                }
16593                let inner_offset;
16594                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
16595                if inlined {
16596                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
16597                    inner_offset = next_offset;
16598                } else {
16599                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
16600                    inner_depth.increment()?;
16601                }
16602                let val_ref = self.genre.get_or_insert_with(|| {
16603                    fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::BoundedString<65535>, D)
16604                });
16605                fidl::decode!(
16606                    fidl::encoding::BoundedString<65535>,
16607                    D,
16608                    val_ref,
16609                    decoder,
16610                    inner_offset,
16611                    inner_depth
16612                )?;
16613                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
16614                {
16615                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
16616                }
16617                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
16618                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
16619                }
16620            }
16622            next_offset += envelope_size;
16623            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
16624            if next_offset >= end_offset {
16625                return Ok(());
16626            }
16628            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
16629            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 7 {
16630                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
16631                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
16632                next_offset += envelope_size;
16633            }
16635            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
16636            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
16637            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
16638                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
16639            {
16640                let member_inline_size = <fidl::encoding::BoundedString<65535> as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
16641                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
16642                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
16643                }
16644                let inner_offset;
16645                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
16646                if inlined {
16647                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
16648                    inner_offset = next_offset;
16649                } else {
16650                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
16651                    inner_depth.increment()?;
16652                }
16653                let val_ref = self.playing_time.get_or_insert_with(|| {
16654                    fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::BoundedString<65535>, D)
16655                });
16656                fidl::decode!(
16657                    fidl::encoding::BoundedString<65535>,
16658                    D,
16659                    val_ref,
16660                    decoder,
16661                    inner_offset,
16662                    inner_depth
16663                )?;
16664                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
16665                {
16666                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
16667                }
16668                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
16669                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
16670                }
16671            }
16673            next_offset += envelope_size;
16675            // Decode the remaining unknown envelopes.
16676            while next_offset < end_offset {
16677                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
16678                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
16679                next_offset += envelope_size;
16680            }
16682            Ok(())
16683        }
16684    }
16686    impl MediaElementItem {
16687        #[inline(always)]
16688        fn max_ordinal_present(&self) -> u64 {
16689            if let Some(_) = self.attributes {
16690                return 4;
16691            }
16692            if let Some(_) = self.displayable_name {
16693                return 3;
16694            }
16695            if let Some(_) = self.media_type {
16696                return 2;
16697            }
16698            if let Some(_) = self.media_element_uid {
16699                return 1;
16700            }
16701            0
16702        }
16703    }
16705    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for MediaElementItem {
16706        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
16707        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
16708            value
16709        }
16710    }
16712    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for MediaElementItem {
16713        type Owned = Self;
16715        #[inline(always)]
16716        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
16717            8
16718        }
16720        #[inline(always)]
16721        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
16722            16
16723        }
16724    }
16726    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Encode<MediaElementItem, D>
16727        for &MediaElementItem
16728    {
16729        unsafe fn encode(
16730            self,
16731            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
16732            offset: usize,
16733            mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
16734        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
16735            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<MediaElementItem>(offset);
16736            // Vector header
16737            let max_ordinal: u64 = self.max_ordinal_present();
16738            encoder.write_num(max_ordinal, offset);
16739            encoder.write_num(fidl::encoding::ALLOC_PRESENT_U64, offset + 8);
16740            // Calling encoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
16741            if max_ordinal == 0 {
16742                return Ok(());
16743            }
16744            depth.increment()?;
16745            let envelope_size = 8;
16746            let bytes_len = max_ordinal as usize * envelope_size;
16747            #[allow(unused_variables)]
16748            let offset = encoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len);
16749            let mut _prev_end_offset: usize = 0;
16750            if 1 > max_ordinal {
16751                return Ok(());
16752            }
16754            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
16755            // are envelope_size bytes.
16756            let cur_offset: usize = (1 - 1) * envelope_size;
16758            // Zero reserved fields.
16759            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
16761            // Safety:
16762            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
16763            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
16764            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
16765            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<u64, D>(
16766                self.media_element_uid
16767                    .as_ref()
16768                    .map(<u64 as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
16769                encoder,
16770                offset + cur_offset,
16771                depth,
16772            )?;
16774            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
16775            if 2 > max_ordinal {
16776                return Ok(());
16777            }
16779            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
16780            // are envelope_size bytes.
16781            let cur_offset: usize = (2 - 1) * envelope_size;
16783            // Zero reserved fields.
16784            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
16786            // Safety:
16787            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
16788            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
16789            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
16790            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<MediaType, D>(
16791                self.media_type
16792                    .as_ref()
16793                    .map(<MediaType as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
16794                encoder,
16795                offset + cur_offset,
16796                depth,
16797            )?;
16799            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
16800            if 3 > max_ordinal {
16801                return Ok(());
16802            }
16804            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
16805            // are envelope_size bytes.
16806            let cur_offset: usize = (3 - 1) * envelope_size;
16808            // Zero reserved fields.
16809            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
16811            // Safety:
16812            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
16813            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
16814            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
16815            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<fidl::encoding::BoundedString<255>, D>(
16816                self.displayable_name.as_ref().map(
16817                    <fidl::encoding::BoundedString<255> as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow,
16818                ),
16819                encoder,
16820                offset + cur_offset,
16821                depth,
16822            )?;
16824            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
16825            if 4 > max_ordinal {
16826                return Ok(());
16827            }
16829            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
16830            // are envelope_size bytes.
16831            let cur_offset: usize = (4 - 1) * envelope_size;
16833            // Zero reserved fields.
16834            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
16836            // Safety:
16837            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
16838            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
16839            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
16840            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<MediaAttributes, D>(
16841                self.attributes
16842                    .as_ref()
16843                    .map(<MediaAttributes as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
16844                encoder,
16845                offset + cur_offset,
16846                depth,
16847            )?;
16849            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
16851            Ok(())
16852        }
16853    }
16855    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D> for MediaElementItem {
16856        #[inline(always)]
16857        fn new_empty() -> Self {
16858            Self::default()
16859        }
16861        unsafe fn decode(
16862            &mut self,
16863            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
16864            offset: usize,
16865            mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
16866        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
16867            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
16868            let len = match fidl::encoding::decode_vector_header(decoder, offset)? {
16869                None => return Err(fidl::Error::NotNullable),
16870                Some(len) => len,
16871            };
16872            // Calling decoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
16873            if len == 0 {
16874                return Ok(());
16875            };
16876            depth.increment()?;
16877            let envelope_size = 8;
16878            let bytes_len = len * envelope_size;
16879            let offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len)?;
16880            // Decode the envelope for each type.
16881            let mut _next_ordinal_to_read = 0;
16882            let mut next_offset = offset;
16883            let end_offset = offset + bytes_len;
16884            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
16885            if next_offset >= end_offset {
16886                return Ok(());
16887            }
16889            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
16890            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 1 {
16891                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
16892                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
16893                next_offset += envelope_size;
16894            }
16896            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
16897            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
16898            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
16899                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
16900            {
16901                let member_inline_size =
16902                    <u64 as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
16903                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
16904                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
16905                }
16906                let inner_offset;
16907                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
16908                if inlined {
16909                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
16910                    inner_offset = next_offset;
16911                } else {
16912                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
16913                    inner_depth.increment()?;
16914                }
16915                let val_ref =
16916                    self.media_element_uid.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(u64, D));
16917                fidl::decode!(u64, D, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
16918                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
16919                {
16920                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
16921                }
16922                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
16923                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
16924                }
16925            }
16927            next_offset += envelope_size;
16928            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
16929            if next_offset >= end_offset {
16930                return Ok(());
16931            }
16933            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
16934            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 2 {
16935                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
16936                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
16937                next_offset += envelope_size;
16938            }
16940            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
16941            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
16942            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
16943                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
16944            {
16945                let member_inline_size =
16946                    <MediaType as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
16947                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
16948                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
16949                }
16950                let inner_offset;
16951                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
16952                if inlined {
16953                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
16954                    inner_offset = next_offset;
16955                } else {
16956                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
16957                    inner_depth.increment()?;
16958                }
16959                let val_ref = self.media_type.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(MediaType, D));
16960                fidl::decode!(MediaType, D, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
16961                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
16962                {
16963                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
16964                }
16965                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
16966                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
16967                }
16968            }
16970            next_offset += envelope_size;
16971            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
16972            if next_offset >= end_offset {
16973                return Ok(());
16974            }
16976            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
16977            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 3 {
16978                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
16979                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
16980                next_offset += envelope_size;
16981            }
16983            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
16984            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
16985            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
16986                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
16987            {
16988                let member_inline_size =
16989                    <fidl::encoding::BoundedString<255> as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(
16990                        decoder.context,
16991                    );
16992                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
16993                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
16994                }
16995                let inner_offset;
16996                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
16997                if inlined {
16998                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
16999                    inner_offset = next_offset;
17000                } else {
17001                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
17002                    inner_depth.increment()?;
17003                }
17004                let val_ref = self
17005                    .displayable_name
17006                    .get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::BoundedString<255>, D));
17007                fidl::decode!(
17008                    fidl::encoding::BoundedString<255>,
17009                    D,
17010                    val_ref,
17011                    decoder,
17012                    inner_offset,
17013                    inner_depth
17014                )?;
17015                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
17016                {
17017                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
17018                }
17019                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
17020                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
17021                }
17022            }
17024            next_offset += envelope_size;
17025            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
17026            if next_offset >= end_offset {
17027                return Ok(());
17028            }
17030            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
17031            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 4 {
17032                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
17033                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
17034                next_offset += envelope_size;
17035            }
17037            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
17038            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
17039            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
17040                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
17041            {
17042                let member_inline_size =
17043                    <MediaAttributes as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
17044                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
17045                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
17046                }
17047                let inner_offset;
17048                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
17049                if inlined {
17050                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
17051                    inner_offset = next_offset;
17052                } else {
17053                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
17054                    inner_depth.increment()?;
17055                }
17056                let val_ref =
17057                    self.attributes.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(MediaAttributes, D));
17058                fidl::decode!(MediaAttributes, D, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
17059                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
17060                {
17061                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
17062                }
17063                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
17064                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
17065                }
17066            }
17068            next_offset += envelope_size;
17070            // Decode the remaining unknown envelopes.
17071            while next_offset < end_offset {
17072                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
17073                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
17074                next_offset += envelope_size;
17075            }
17077            Ok(())
17078        }
17079    }
17081    impl MediaPlayerItem {
17082        #[inline(always)]
17083        fn max_ordinal_present(&self) -> u64 {
17084            if let Some(_) = self.feature_bits_ext {
17085                return 7;
17086            }
17087            if let Some(_) = self.feature_bits {
17088                return 6;
17089            }
17090            if let Some(_) = self.displayable_name {
17091                return 5;
17092            }
17093            if let Some(_) = self.playback_status {
17094                return 4;
17095            }
17096            if let Some(_) = self.sub_type {
17097                return 3;
17098            }
17099            if let Some(_) = self.major_type {
17100                return 2;
17101            }
17102            if let Some(_) = self.player_id {
17103                return 1;
17104            }
17105            0
17106        }
17107    }
17109    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for MediaPlayerItem {
17110        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
17111        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
17112            value
17113        }
17114    }
17116    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for MediaPlayerItem {
17117        type Owned = Self;
17119        #[inline(always)]
17120        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
17121            8
17122        }
17124        #[inline(always)]
17125        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
17126            16
17127        }
17128    }
17130    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Encode<MediaPlayerItem, D>
17131        for &MediaPlayerItem
17132    {
17133        unsafe fn encode(
17134            self,
17135            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
17136            offset: usize,
17137            mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
17138        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
17139            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<MediaPlayerItem>(offset);
17140            // Vector header
17141            let max_ordinal: u64 = self.max_ordinal_present();
17142            encoder.write_num(max_ordinal, offset);
17143            encoder.write_num(fidl::encoding::ALLOC_PRESENT_U64, offset + 8);
17144            // Calling encoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
17145            if max_ordinal == 0 {
17146                return Ok(());
17147            }
17148            depth.increment()?;
17149            let envelope_size = 8;
17150            let bytes_len = max_ordinal as usize * envelope_size;
17151            #[allow(unused_variables)]
17152            let offset = encoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len);
17153            let mut _prev_end_offset: usize = 0;
17154            if 1 > max_ordinal {
17155                return Ok(());
17156            }
17158            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
17159            // are envelope_size bytes.
17160            let cur_offset: usize = (1 - 1) * envelope_size;
17162            // Zero reserved fields.
17163            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
17165            // Safety:
17166            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
17167            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
17168            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
17169            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<u16, D>(
17170                self.player_id.as_ref().map(<u16 as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
17171                encoder,
17172                offset + cur_offset,
17173                depth,
17174            )?;
17176            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
17177            if 2 > max_ordinal {
17178                return Ok(());
17179            }
17181            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
17182            // are envelope_size bytes.
17183            let cur_offset: usize = (2 - 1) * envelope_size;
17185            // Zero reserved fields.
17186            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
17188            // Safety:
17189            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
17190            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
17191            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
17192            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<MajorPlayerType, D>(
17193                self.major_type
17194                    .as_ref()
17195                    .map(<MajorPlayerType as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
17196                encoder,
17197                offset + cur_offset,
17198                depth,
17199            )?;
17201            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
17202            if 3 > max_ordinal {
17203                return Ok(());
17204            }
17206            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
17207            // are envelope_size bytes.
17208            let cur_offset: usize = (3 - 1) * envelope_size;
17210            // Zero reserved fields.
17211            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
17213            // Safety:
17214            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
17215            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
17216            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
17217            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<PlayerSubType, D>(
17218                self.sub_type
17219                    .as_ref()
17220                    .map(<PlayerSubType as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
17221                encoder,
17222                offset + cur_offset,
17223                depth,
17224            )?;
17226            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
17227            if 4 > max_ordinal {
17228                return Ok(());
17229            }
17231            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
17232            // are envelope_size bytes.
17233            let cur_offset: usize = (4 - 1) * envelope_size;
17235            // Zero reserved fields.
17236            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
17238            // Safety:
17239            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
17240            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
17241            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
17242            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<PlaybackStatus, D>(
17243                self.playback_status
17244                    .as_ref()
17245                    .map(<PlaybackStatus as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
17246                encoder,
17247                offset + cur_offset,
17248                depth,
17249            )?;
17251            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
17252            if 5 > max_ordinal {
17253                return Ok(());
17254            }
17256            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
17257            // are envelope_size bytes.
17258            let cur_offset: usize = (5 - 1) * envelope_size;
17260            // Zero reserved fields.
17261            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
17263            // Safety:
17264            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
17265            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
17266            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
17267            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<fidl::encoding::BoundedString<255>, D>(
17268                self.displayable_name.as_ref().map(
17269                    <fidl::encoding::BoundedString<255> as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow,
17270                ),
17271                encoder,
17272                offset + cur_offset,
17273                depth,
17274            )?;
17276            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
17277            if 6 > max_ordinal {
17278                return Ok(());
17279            }
17281            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
17282            // are envelope_size bytes.
17283            let cur_offset: usize = (6 - 1) * envelope_size;
17285            // Zero reserved fields.
17286            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
17288            // Safety:
17289            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
17290            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
17291            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
17292            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<PlayerFeatureBits, D>(
17293                self.feature_bits
17294                    .as_ref()
17295                    .map(<PlayerFeatureBits as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
17296                encoder,
17297                offset + cur_offset,
17298                depth,
17299            )?;
17301            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
17302            if 7 > max_ordinal {
17303                return Ok(());
17304            }
17306            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
17307            // are envelope_size bytes.
17308            let cur_offset: usize = (7 - 1) * envelope_size;
17310            // Zero reserved fields.
17311            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
17313            // Safety:
17314            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
17315            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
17316            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
17317            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<PlayerFeatureBitsExt, D>(
17318                self.feature_bits_ext
17319                    .as_ref()
17320                    .map(<PlayerFeatureBitsExt as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
17321                encoder,
17322                offset + cur_offset,
17323                depth,
17324            )?;
17326            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
17328            Ok(())
17329        }
17330    }
17332    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D> for MediaPlayerItem {
17333        #[inline(always)]
17334        fn new_empty() -> Self {
17335            Self::default()
17336        }
17338        unsafe fn decode(
17339            &mut self,
17340            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
17341            offset: usize,
17342            mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
17343        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
17344            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
17345            let len = match fidl::encoding::decode_vector_header(decoder, offset)? {
17346                None => return Err(fidl::Error::NotNullable),
17347                Some(len) => len,
17348            };
17349            // Calling decoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
17350            if len == 0 {
17351                return Ok(());
17352            };
17353            depth.increment()?;
17354            let envelope_size = 8;
17355            let bytes_len = len * envelope_size;
17356            let offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len)?;
17357            // Decode the envelope for each type.
17358            let mut _next_ordinal_to_read = 0;
17359            let mut next_offset = offset;
17360            let end_offset = offset + bytes_len;
17361            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
17362            if next_offset >= end_offset {
17363                return Ok(());
17364            }
17366            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
17367            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 1 {
17368                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
17369                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
17370                next_offset += envelope_size;
17371            }
17373            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
17374            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
17375            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
17376                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
17377            {
17378                let member_inline_size =
17379                    <u16 as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
17380                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
17381                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
17382                }
17383                let inner_offset;
17384                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
17385                if inlined {
17386                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
17387                    inner_offset = next_offset;
17388                } else {
17389                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
17390                    inner_depth.increment()?;
17391                }
17392                let val_ref = self.player_id.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(u16, D));
17393                fidl::decode!(u16, D, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
17394                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
17395                {
17396                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
17397                }
17398                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
17399                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
17400                }
17401            }
17403            next_offset += envelope_size;
17404            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
17405            if next_offset >= end_offset {
17406                return Ok(());
17407            }
17409            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
17410            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 2 {
17411                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
17412                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
17413                next_offset += envelope_size;
17414            }
17416            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
17417            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
17418            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
17419                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
17420            {
17421                let member_inline_size =
17422                    <MajorPlayerType as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
17423                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
17424                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
17425                }
17426                let inner_offset;
17427                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
17428                if inlined {
17429                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
17430                    inner_offset = next_offset;
17431                } else {
17432                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
17433                    inner_depth.increment()?;
17434                }
17435                let val_ref =
17436                    self.major_type.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(MajorPlayerType, D));
17437                fidl::decode!(MajorPlayerType, D, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
17438                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
17439                {
17440                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
17441                }
17442                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
17443                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
17444                }
17445            }
17447            next_offset += envelope_size;
17448            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
17449            if next_offset >= end_offset {
17450                return Ok(());
17451            }
17453            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
17454            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 3 {
17455                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
17456                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
17457                next_offset += envelope_size;
17458            }
17460            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
17461            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
17462            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
17463                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
17464            {
17465                let member_inline_size =
17466                    <PlayerSubType as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
17467                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
17468                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
17469                }
17470                let inner_offset;
17471                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
17472                if inlined {
17473                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
17474                    inner_offset = next_offset;
17475                } else {
17476                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
17477                    inner_depth.increment()?;
17478                }
17479                let val_ref =
17480                    self.sub_type.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(PlayerSubType, D));
17481                fidl::decode!(PlayerSubType, D, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
17482                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
17483                {
17484                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
17485                }
17486                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
17487                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
17488                }
17489            }
17491            next_offset += envelope_size;
17492            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
17493            if next_offset >= end_offset {
17494                return Ok(());
17495            }
17497            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
17498            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 4 {
17499                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
17500                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
17501                next_offset += envelope_size;
17502            }
17504            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
17505            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
17506            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
17507                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
17508            {
17509                let member_inline_size =
17510                    <PlaybackStatus as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
17511                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
17512                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
17513                }
17514                let inner_offset;
17515                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
17516                if inlined {
17517                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
17518                    inner_offset = next_offset;
17519                } else {
17520                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
17521                    inner_depth.increment()?;
17522                }
17523                let val_ref =
17524                    self.playback_status.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(PlaybackStatus, D));
17525                fidl::decode!(PlaybackStatus, D, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
17526                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
17527                {
17528                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
17529                }
17530                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
17531                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
17532                }
17533            }
17535            next_offset += envelope_size;
17536            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
17537            if next_offset >= end_offset {
17538                return Ok(());
17539            }
17541            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
17542            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 5 {
17543                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
17544                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
17545                next_offset += envelope_size;
17546            }
17548            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
17549            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
17550            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
17551                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
17552            {
17553                let member_inline_size =
17554                    <fidl::encoding::BoundedString<255> as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(
17555                        decoder.context,
17556                    );
17557                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
17558                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
17559                }
17560                let inner_offset;
17561                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
17562                if inlined {
17563                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
17564                    inner_offset = next_offset;
17565                } else {
17566                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
17567                    inner_depth.increment()?;
17568                }
17569                let val_ref = self
17570                    .displayable_name
17571                    .get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::BoundedString<255>, D));
17572                fidl::decode!(
17573                    fidl::encoding::BoundedString<255>,
17574                    D,
17575                    val_ref,
17576                    decoder,
17577                    inner_offset,
17578                    inner_depth
17579                )?;
17580                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
17581                {
17582                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
17583                }
17584                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
17585                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
17586                }
17587            }
17589            next_offset += envelope_size;
17590            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
17591            if next_offset >= end_offset {
17592                return Ok(());
17593            }
17595            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
17596            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 6 {
17597                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
17598                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
17599                next_offset += envelope_size;
17600            }
17602            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
17603            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
17604            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
17605                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
17606            {
17607                let member_inline_size =
17608                    <PlayerFeatureBits as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
17609                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
17610                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
17611                }
17612                let inner_offset;
17613                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
17614                if inlined {
17615                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
17616                    inner_offset = next_offset;
17617                } else {
17618                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
17619                    inner_depth.increment()?;
17620                }
17621                let val_ref =
17622                    self.feature_bits.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(PlayerFeatureBits, D));
17623                fidl::decode!(PlayerFeatureBits, D, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
17624                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
17625                {
17626                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
17627                }
17628                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
17629                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
17630                }
17631            }
17633            next_offset += envelope_size;
17634            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
17635            if next_offset >= end_offset {
17636                return Ok(());
17637            }
17639            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
17640            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 7 {
17641                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
17642                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
17643                next_offset += envelope_size;
17644            }
17646            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
17647            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
17648            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
17649                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
17650            {
17651                let member_inline_size =
17652                    <PlayerFeatureBitsExt as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(
17653                        decoder.context,
17654                    );
17655                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
17656                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
17657                }
17658                let inner_offset;
17659                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
17660                if inlined {
17661                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
17662                    inner_offset = next_offset;
17663                } else {
17664                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
17665                    inner_depth.increment()?;
17666                }
17667                let val_ref = self
17668                    .feature_bits_ext
17669                    .get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(PlayerFeatureBitsExt, D));
17670                fidl::decode!(
17671                    PlayerFeatureBitsExt,
17672                    D,
17673                    val_ref,
17674                    decoder,
17675                    inner_offset,
17676                    inner_depth
17677                )?;
17678                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
17679                {
17680                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
17681                }
17682                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
17683                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
17684                }
17685            }
17687            next_offset += envelope_size;
17689            // Decode the remaining unknown envelopes.
17690            while next_offset < end_offset {
17691                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
17692                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
17693                next_offset += envelope_size;
17694            }
17696            Ok(())
17697        }
17698    }
17700    impl Notification {
17701        #[inline(always)]
17702        fn max_ordinal_present(&self) -> u64 {
17703            if let Some(_) = self.addressed_player {
17704                return 11;
17705            }
17706            if let Some(_) = self.available_players_changed {
17707                return 10;
17708            }
17709            if let Some(_) = self.device_connected {
17710                return 9;
17711            }
17712            if let Some(_) = self.volume {
17713                return 8;
17714            }
17715            if let Some(_) = self.player_id {
17716                return 7;
17717            }
17718            if let Some(_) = self.application_settings {
17719                return 6;
17720            }
17721            if let Some(_) = self.system_status {
17722                return 5;
17723            }
17724            if let Some(_) = self.battery_status {
17725                return 4;
17726            }
17727            if let Some(_) = self.pos {
17728                return 3;
17729            }
17730            if let Some(_) = self.track_id {
17731                return 2;
17732            }
17733            if let Some(_) = self.status {
17734                return 1;
17735            }
17736            0
17737        }
17738    }
17740    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for Notification {
17741        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
17742        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
17743            value
17744        }
17745    }
17747    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for Notification {
17748        type Owned = Self;
17750        #[inline(always)]
17751        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
17752            8
17753        }
17755        #[inline(always)]
17756        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
17757            16
17758        }
17759    }
17761    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Encode<Notification, D>
17762        for &Notification
17763    {
17764        unsafe fn encode(
17765            self,
17766            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
17767            offset: usize,
17768            mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
17769        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
17770            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<Notification>(offset);
17771            // Vector header
17772            let max_ordinal: u64 = self.max_ordinal_present();
17773            encoder.write_num(max_ordinal, offset);
17774            encoder.write_num(fidl::encoding::ALLOC_PRESENT_U64, offset + 8);
17775            // Calling encoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
17776            if max_ordinal == 0 {
17777                return Ok(());
17778            }
17779            depth.increment()?;
17780            let envelope_size = 8;
17781            let bytes_len = max_ordinal as usize * envelope_size;
17782            #[allow(unused_variables)]
17783            let offset = encoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len);
17784            let mut _prev_end_offset: usize = 0;
17785            if 1 > max_ordinal {
17786                return Ok(());
17787            }
17789            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
17790            // are envelope_size bytes.
17791            let cur_offset: usize = (1 - 1) * envelope_size;
17793            // Zero reserved fields.
17794            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
17796            // Safety:
17797            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
17798            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
17799            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
17800            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<PlaybackStatus, D>(
17801                self.status
17802                    .as_ref()
17803                    .map(<PlaybackStatus as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
17804                encoder,
17805                offset + cur_offset,
17806                depth,
17807            )?;
17809            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
17810            if 2 > max_ordinal {
17811                return Ok(());
17812            }
17814            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
17815            // are envelope_size bytes.
17816            let cur_offset: usize = (2 - 1) * envelope_size;
17818            // Zero reserved fields.
17819            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
17821            // Safety:
17822            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
17823            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
17824            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
17825            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<u64, D>(
17826                self.track_id.as_ref().map(<u64 as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
17827                encoder,
17828                offset + cur_offset,
17829                depth,
17830            )?;
17832            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
17833            if 3 > max_ordinal {
17834                return Ok(());
17835            }
17837            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
17838            // are envelope_size bytes.
17839            let cur_offset: usize = (3 - 1) * envelope_size;
17841            // Zero reserved fields.
17842            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
17844            // Safety:
17845            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
17846            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
17847            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
17848            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<u32, D>(
17849                self.pos.as_ref().map(<u32 as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
17850                encoder,
17851                offset + cur_offset,
17852                depth,
17853            )?;
17855            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
17856            if 4 > max_ordinal {
17857                return Ok(());
17858            }
17860            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
17861            // are envelope_size bytes.
17862            let cur_offset: usize = (4 - 1) * envelope_size;
17864            // Zero reserved fields.
17865            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
17867            // Safety:
17868            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
17869            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
17870            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
17871            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<BatteryStatus, D>(
17872                self.battery_status
17873                    .as_ref()
17874                    .map(<BatteryStatus as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
17875                encoder,
17876                offset + cur_offset,
17877                depth,
17878            )?;
17880            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
17881            if 5 > max_ordinal {
17882                return Ok(());
17883            }
17885            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
17886            // are envelope_size bytes.
17887            let cur_offset: usize = (5 - 1) * envelope_size;
17889            // Zero reserved fields.
17890            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
17892            // Safety:
17893            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
17894            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
17895            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
17896            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<SystemStatus, D>(
17897                self.system_status
17898                    .as_ref()
17899                    .map(<SystemStatus as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
17900                encoder,
17901                offset + cur_offset,
17902                depth,
17903            )?;
17905            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
17906            if 6 > max_ordinal {
17907                return Ok(());
17908            }
17910            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
17911            // are envelope_size bytes.
17912            let cur_offset: usize = (6 - 1) * envelope_size;
17914            // Zero reserved fields.
17915            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
17917            // Safety:
17918            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
17919            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
17920            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
17921            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<PlayerApplicationSettings, D>(
17922                self.application_settings
17923                    .as_ref()
17924                    .map(<PlayerApplicationSettings as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
17925                encoder,
17926                offset + cur_offset,
17927                depth,
17928            )?;
17930            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
17931            if 7 > max_ordinal {
17932                return Ok(());
17933            }
17935            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
17936            // are envelope_size bytes.
17937            let cur_offset: usize = (7 - 1) * envelope_size;
17939            // Zero reserved fields.
17940            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
17942            // Safety:
17943            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
17944            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
17945            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
17946            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<u16, D>(
17947                self.player_id.as_ref().map(<u16 as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
17948                encoder,
17949                offset + cur_offset,
17950                depth,
17951            )?;
17953            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
17954            if 8 > max_ordinal {
17955                return Ok(());
17956            }
17958            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
17959            // are envelope_size bytes.
17960            let cur_offset: usize = (8 - 1) * envelope_size;
17962            // Zero reserved fields.
17963            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
17965            // Safety:
17966            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
17967            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
17968            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
17969            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<u8, D>(
17970                self.volume.as_ref().map(<u8 as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
17971                encoder,
17972                offset + cur_offset,
17973                depth,
17974            )?;
17976            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
17977            if 9 > max_ordinal {
17978                return Ok(());
17979            }
17981            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
17982            // are envelope_size bytes.
17983            let cur_offset: usize = (9 - 1) * envelope_size;
17985            // Zero reserved fields.
17986            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
17988            // Safety:
17989            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
17990            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
17991            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
17992            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<bool, D>(
17993                self.device_connected
17994                    .as_ref()
17995                    .map(<bool as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
17996                encoder,
17997                offset + cur_offset,
17998                depth,
17999            )?;
18001            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
18002            if 10 > max_ordinal {
18003                return Ok(());
18004            }
18006            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
18007            // are envelope_size bytes.
18008            let cur_offset: usize = (10 - 1) * envelope_size;
18010            // Zero reserved fields.
18011            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
18013            // Safety:
18014            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
18015            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
18016            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
18017            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<bool, D>(
18018                self.available_players_changed
18019                    .as_ref()
18020                    .map(<bool as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
18021                encoder,
18022                offset + cur_offset,
18023                depth,
18024            )?;
18026            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
18027            if 11 > max_ordinal {
18028                return Ok(());
18029            }
18031            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
18032            // are envelope_size bytes.
18033            let cur_offset: usize = (11 - 1) * envelope_size;
18035            // Zero reserved fields.
18036            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
18038            // Safety:
18039            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
18040            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
18041            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
18042            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<u16, D>(
18043                self.addressed_player
18044                    .as_ref()
18045                    .map(<u16 as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
18046                encoder,
18047                offset + cur_offset,
18048                depth,
18049            )?;
18051            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
18053            Ok(())
18054        }
18055    }
18057    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D> for Notification {
18058        #[inline(always)]
18059        fn new_empty() -> Self {
18060            Self::default()
18061        }
18063        unsafe fn decode(
18064            &mut self,
18065            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
18066            offset: usize,
18067            mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
18068        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
18069            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
18070            let len = match fidl::encoding::decode_vector_header(decoder, offset)? {
18071                None => return Err(fidl::Error::NotNullable),
18072                Some(len) => len,
18073            };
18074            // Calling decoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
18075            if len == 0 {
18076                return Ok(());
18077            };
18078            depth.increment()?;
18079            let envelope_size = 8;
18080            let bytes_len = len * envelope_size;
18081            let offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len)?;
18082            // Decode the envelope for each type.
18083            let mut _next_ordinal_to_read = 0;
18084            let mut next_offset = offset;
18085            let end_offset = offset + bytes_len;
18086            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18087            if next_offset >= end_offset {
18088                return Ok(());
18089            }
18091            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
18092            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 1 {
18093                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
18094                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18095                next_offset += envelope_size;
18096            }
18098            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
18099            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
18100            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
18101                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
18102            {
18103                let member_inline_size =
18104                    <PlaybackStatus as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
18105                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
18106                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
18107                }
18108                let inner_offset;
18109                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
18110                if inlined {
18111                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
18112                    inner_offset = next_offset;
18113                } else {
18114                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
18115                    inner_depth.increment()?;
18116                }
18117                let val_ref =
18118                    self.status.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(PlaybackStatus, D));
18119                fidl::decode!(PlaybackStatus, D, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
18120                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
18121                {
18122                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
18123                }
18124                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
18125                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
18126                }
18127            }
18129            next_offset += envelope_size;
18130            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18131            if next_offset >= end_offset {
18132                return Ok(());
18133            }
18135            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
18136            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 2 {
18137                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
18138                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18139                next_offset += envelope_size;
18140            }
18142            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
18143            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
18144            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
18145                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
18146            {
18147                let member_inline_size =
18148                    <u64 as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
18149                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
18150                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
18151                }
18152                let inner_offset;
18153                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
18154                if inlined {
18155                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
18156                    inner_offset = next_offset;
18157                } else {
18158                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
18159                    inner_depth.increment()?;
18160                }
18161                let val_ref = self.track_id.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(u64, D));
18162                fidl::decode!(u64, D, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
18163                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
18164                {
18165                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
18166                }
18167                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
18168                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
18169                }
18170            }
18172            next_offset += envelope_size;
18173            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18174            if next_offset >= end_offset {
18175                return Ok(());
18176            }
18178            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
18179            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 3 {
18180                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
18181                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18182                next_offset += envelope_size;
18183            }
18185            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
18186            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
18187            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
18188                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
18189            {
18190                let member_inline_size =
18191                    <u32 as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
18192                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
18193                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
18194                }
18195                let inner_offset;
18196                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
18197                if inlined {
18198                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
18199                    inner_offset = next_offset;
18200                } else {
18201                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
18202                    inner_depth.increment()?;
18203                }
18204                let val_ref = self.pos.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(u32, D));
18205                fidl::decode!(u32, D, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
18206                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
18207                {
18208                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
18209                }
18210                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
18211                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
18212                }
18213            }
18215            next_offset += envelope_size;
18216            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18217            if next_offset >= end_offset {
18218                return Ok(());
18219            }
18221            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
18222            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 4 {
18223                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
18224                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18225                next_offset += envelope_size;
18226            }
18228            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
18229            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
18230            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
18231                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
18232            {
18233                let member_inline_size =
18234                    <BatteryStatus as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
18235                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
18236                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
18237                }
18238                let inner_offset;
18239                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
18240                if inlined {
18241                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
18242                    inner_offset = next_offset;
18243                } else {
18244                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
18245                    inner_depth.increment()?;
18246                }
18247                let val_ref =
18248                    self.battery_status.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(BatteryStatus, D));
18249                fidl::decode!(BatteryStatus, D, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
18250                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
18251                {
18252                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
18253                }
18254                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
18255                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
18256                }
18257            }
18259            next_offset += envelope_size;
18260            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18261            if next_offset >= end_offset {
18262                return Ok(());
18263            }
18265            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
18266            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 5 {
18267                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
18268                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18269                next_offset += envelope_size;
18270            }
18272            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
18273            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
18274            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
18275                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
18276            {
18277                let member_inline_size =
18278                    <SystemStatus as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
18279                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
18280                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
18281                }
18282                let inner_offset;
18283                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
18284                if inlined {
18285                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
18286                    inner_offset = next_offset;
18287                } else {
18288                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
18289                    inner_depth.increment()?;
18290                }
18291                let val_ref =
18292                    self.system_status.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(SystemStatus, D));
18293                fidl::decode!(SystemStatus, D, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
18294                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
18295                {
18296                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
18297                }
18298                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
18299                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
18300                }
18301            }
18303            next_offset += envelope_size;
18304            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18305            if next_offset >= end_offset {
18306                return Ok(());
18307            }
18309            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
18310            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 6 {
18311                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
18312                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18313                next_offset += envelope_size;
18314            }
18316            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
18317            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
18318            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
18319                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
18320            {
18321                let member_inline_size =
18322                    <PlayerApplicationSettings as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(
18323                        decoder.context,
18324                    );
18325                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
18326                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
18327                }
18328                let inner_offset;
18329                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
18330                if inlined {
18331                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
18332                    inner_offset = next_offset;
18333                } else {
18334                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
18335                    inner_depth.increment()?;
18336                }
18337                let val_ref = self
18338                    .application_settings
18339                    .get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(PlayerApplicationSettings, D));
18340                fidl::decode!(
18341                    PlayerApplicationSettings,
18342                    D,
18343                    val_ref,
18344                    decoder,
18345                    inner_offset,
18346                    inner_depth
18347                )?;
18348                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
18349                {
18350                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
18351                }
18352                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
18353                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
18354                }
18355            }
18357            next_offset += envelope_size;
18358            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18359            if next_offset >= end_offset {
18360                return Ok(());
18361            }
18363            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
18364            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 7 {
18365                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
18366                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18367                next_offset += envelope_size;
18368            }
18370            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
18371            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
18372            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
18373                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
18374            {
18375                let member_inline_size =
18376                    <u16 as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
18377                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
18378                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
18379                }
18380                let inner_offset;
18381                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
18382                if inlined {
18383                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
18384                    inner_offset = next_offset;
18385                } else {
18386                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
18387                    inner_depth.increment()?;
18388                }
18389                let val_ref = self.player_id.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(u16, D));
18390                fidl::decode!(u16, D, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
18391                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
18392                {
18393                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
18394                }
18395                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
18396                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
18397                }
18398            }
18400            next_offset += envelope_size;
18401            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18402            if next_offset >= end_offset {
18403                return Ok(());
18404            }
18406            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
18407            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 8 {
18408                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
18409                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18410                next_offset += envelope_size;
18411            }
18413            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
18414            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
18415            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
18416                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
18417            {
18418                let member_inline_size =
18419                    <u8 as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
18420                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
18421                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
18422                }
18423                let inner_offset;
18424                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
18425                if inlined {
18426                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
18427                    inner_offset = next_offset;
18428                } else {
18429                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
18430                    inner_depth.increment()?;
18431                }
18432                let val_ref = self.volume.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(u8, D));
18433                fidl::decode!(u8, D, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
18434                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
18435                {
18436                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
18437                }
18438                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
18439                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
18440                }
18441            }
18443            next_offset += envelope_size;
18444            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18445            if next_offset >= end_offset {
18446                return Ok(());
18447            }
18449            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
18450            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 9 {
18451                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
18452                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18453                next_offset += envelope_size;
18454            }
18456            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
18457            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
18458            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
18459                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
18460            {
18461                let member_inline_size =
18462                    <bool as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
18463                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
18464                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
18465                }
18466                let inner_offset;
18467                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
18468                if inlined {
18469                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
18470                    inner_offset = next_offset;
18471                } else {
18472                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
18473                    inner_depth.increment()?;
18474                }
18475                let val_ref =
18476                    self.device_connected.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(bool, D));
18477                fidl::decode!(bool, D, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
18478                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
18479                {
18480                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
18481                }
18482                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
18483                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
18484                }
18485            }
18487            next_offset += envelope_size;
18488            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18489            if next_offset >= end_offset {
18490                return Ok(());
18491            }
18493            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
18494            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 10 {
18495                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
18496                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18497                next_offset += envelope_size;
18498            }
18500            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
18501            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
18502            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
18503                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
18504            {
18505                let member_inline_size =
18506                    <bool as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
18507                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
18508                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
18509                }
18510                let inner_offset;
18511                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
18512                if inlined {
18513                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
18514                    inner_offset = next_offset;
18515                } else {
18516                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
18517                    inner_depth.increment()?;
18518                }
18519                let val_ref =
18520                    self.available_players_changed.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(bool, D));
18521                fidl::decode!(bool, D, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
18522                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
18523                {
18524                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
18525                }
18526                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
18527                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
18528                }
18529            }
18531            next_offset += envelope_size;
18532            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18533            if next_offset >= end_offset {
18534                return Ok(());
18535            }
18537            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
18538            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 11 {
18539                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
18540                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18541                next_offset += envelope_size;
18542            }
18544            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
18545            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
18546            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
18547                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
18548            {
18549                let member_inline_size =
18550                    <u16 as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
18551                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
18552                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
18553                }
18554                let inner_offset;
18555                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
18556                if inlined {
18557                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
18558                    inner_offset = next_offset;
18559                } else {
18560                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
18561                    inner_depth.increment()?;
18562                }
18563                let val_ref = self.addressed_player.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(u16, D));
18564                fidl::decode!(u16, D, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
18565                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
18566                {
18567                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
18568                }
18569                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
18570                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
18571                }
18572            }
18574            next_offset += envelope_size;
18576            // Decode the remaining unknown envelopes.
18577            while next_offset < end_offset {
18578                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18579                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
18580                next_offset += envelope_size;
18581            }
18583            Ok(())
18584        }
18585    }
18587    impl PlayStatus {
18588        #[inline(always)]
18589        fn max_ordinal_present(&self) -> u64 {
18590            if let Some(_) = self.playback_status {
18591                return 3;
18592            }
18593            if let Some(_) = self.song_position {
18594                return 2;
18595            }
18596            if let Some(_) = self.song_length {
18597                return 1;
18598            }
18599            0
18600        }
18601    }
18603    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for PlayStatus {
18604        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
18605        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
18606            value
18607        }
18608    }
18610    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for PlayStatus {
18611        type Owned = Self;
18613        #[inline(always)]
18614        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
18615            8
18616        }
18618        #[inline(always)]
18619        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
18620            16
18621        }
18622    }
18624    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Encode<PlayStatus, D>
18625        for &PlayStatus
18626    {
18627        unsafe fn encode(
18628            self,
18629            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
18630            offset: usize,
18631            mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
18632        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
18633            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<PlayStatus>(offset);
18634            // Vector header
18635            let max_ordinal: u64 = self.max_ordinal_present();
18636            encoder.write_num(max_ordinal, offset);
18637            encoder.write_num(fidl::encoding::ALLOC_PRESENT_U64, offset + 8);
18638            // Calling encoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
18639            if max_ordinal == 0 {
18640                return Ok(());
18641            }
18642            depth.increment()?;
18643            let envelope_size = 8;
18644            let bytes_len = max_ordinal as usize * envelope_size;
18645            #[allow(unused_variables)]
18646            let offset = encoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len);
18647            let mut _prev_end_offset: usize = 0;
18648            if 1 > max_ordinal {
18649                return Ok(());
18650            }
18652            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
18653            // are envelope_size bytes.
18654            let cur_offset: usize = (1 - 1) * envelope_size;
18656            // Zero reserved fields.
18657            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
18659            // Safety:
18660            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
18661            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
18662            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
18663            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<u32, D>(
18664                self.song_length.as_ref().map(<u32 as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
18665                encoder,
18666                offset + cur_offset,
18667                depth,
18668            )?;
18670            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
18671            if 2 > max_ordinal {
18672                return Ok(());
18673            }
18675            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
18676            // are envelope_size bytes.
18677            let cur_offset: usize = (2 - 1) * envelope_size;
18679            // Zero reserved fields.
18680            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
18682            // Safety:
18683            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
18684            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
18685            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
18686            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<u32, D>(
18687                self.song_position.as_ref().map(<u32 as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
18688                encoder,
18689                offset + cur_offset,
18690                depth,
18691            )?;
18693            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
18694            if 3 > max_ordinal {
18695                return Ok(());
18696            }
18698            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
18699            // are envelope_size bytes.
18700            let cur_offset: usize = (3 - 1) * envelope_size;
18702            // Zero reserved fields.
18703            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
18705            // Safety:
18706            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
18707            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
18708            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
18709            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<PlaybackStatus, D>(
18710                self.playback_status
18711                    .as_ref()
18712                    .map(<PlaybackStatus as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
18713                encoder,
18714                offset + cur_offset,
18715                depth,
18716            )?;
18718            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
18720            Ok(())
18721        }
18722    }
18724    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D> for PlayStatus {
18725        #[inline(always)]
18726        fn new_empty() -> Self {
18727            Self::default()
18728        }
18730        unsafe fn decode(
18731            &mut self,
18732            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
18733            offset: usize,
18734            mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
18735        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
18736            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
18737            let len = match fidl::encoding::decode_vector_header(decoder, offset)? {
18738                None => return Err(fidl::Error::NotNullable),
18739                Some(len) => len,
18740            };
18741            // Calling decoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
18742            if len == 0 {
18743                return Ok(());
18744            };
18745            depth.increment()?;
18746            let envelope_size = 8;
18747            let bytes_len = len * envelope_size;
18748            let offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len)?;
18749            // Decode the envelope for each type.
18750            let mut _next_ordinal_to_read = 0;
18751            let mut next_offset = offset;
18752            let end_offset = offset + bytes_len;
18753            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18754            if next_offset >= end_offset {
18755                return Ok(());
18756            }
18758            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
18759            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 1 {
18760                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
18761                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18762                next_offset += envelope_size;
18763            }
18765            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
18766            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
18767            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
18768                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
18769            {
18770                let member_inline_size =
18771                    <u32 as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
18772                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
18773                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
18774                }
18775                let inner_offset;
18776                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
18777                if inlined {
18778                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
18779                    inner_offset = next_offset;
18780                } else {
18781                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
18782                    inner_depth.increment()?;
18783                }
18784                let val_ref = self.song_length.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(u32, D));
18785                fidl::decode!(u32, D, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
18786                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
18787                {
18788                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
18789                }
18790                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
18791                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
18792                }
18793            }
18795            next_offset += envelope_size;
18796            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18797            if next_offset >= end_offset {
18798                return Ok(());
18799            }
18801            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
18802            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 2 {
18803                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
18804                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18805                next_offset += envelope_size;
18806            }
18808            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
18809            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
18810            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
18811                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
18812            {
18813                let member_inline_size =
18814                    <u32 as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
18815                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
18816                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
18817                }
18818                let inner_offset;
18819                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
18820                if inlined {
18821                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
18822                    inner_offset = next_offset;
18823                } else {
18824                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
18825                    inner_depth.increment()?;
18826                }
18827                let val_ref = self.song_position.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(u32, D));
18828                fidl::decode!(u32, D, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
18829                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
18830                {
18831                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
18832                }
18833                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
18834                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
18835                }
18836            }
18838            next_offset += envelope_size;
18839            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18840            if next_offset >= end_offset {
18841                return Ok(());
18842            }
18844            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
18845            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 3 {
18846                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
18847                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18848                next_offset += envelope_size;
18849            }
18851            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
18852            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
18853            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
18854                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
18855            {
18856                let member_inline_size =
18857                    <PlaybackStatus as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
18858                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
18859                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
18860                }
18861                let inner_offset;
18862                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
18863                if inlined {
18864                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
18865                    inner_offset = next_offset;
18866                } else {
18867                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
18868                    inner_depth.increment()?;
18869                }
18870                let val_ref =
18871                    self.playback_status.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(PlaybackStatus, D));
18872                fidl::decode!(PlaybackStatus, D, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
18873                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
18874                {
18875                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
18876                }
18877                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
18878                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
18879                }
18880            }
18882            next_offset += envelope_size;
18884            // Decode the remaining unknown envelopes.
18885            while next_offset < end_offset {
18886                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
18887                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
18888                next_offset += envelope_size;
18889            }
18891            Ok(())
18892        }
18893    }
18895    impl PlayerApplicationSettings {
18896        #[inline(always)]
18897        fn max_ordinal_present(&self) -> u64 {
18898            if let Some(_) = self.custom_settings {
18899                return 5;
18900            }
18901            if let Some(_) = self.scan_mode {
18902                return 4;
18903            }
18904            if let Some(_) = self.shuffle_mode {
18905                return 3;
18906            }
18907            if let Some(_) = self.repeat_status_mode {
18908                return 2;
18909            }
18910            if let Some(_) = self.equalizer {
18911                return 1;
18912            }
18913            0
18914        }
18915    }
18917    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for PlayerApplicationSettings {
18918        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
18919        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
18920            value
18921        }
18922    }
18924    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for PlayerApplicationSettings {
18925        type Owned = Self;
18927        #[inline(always)]
18928        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
18929            8
18930        }
18932        #[inline(always)]
18933        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
18934            16
18935        }
18936    }
18938    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
18939        fidl::encoding::Encode<PlayerApplicationSettings, D> for &PlayerApplicationSettings
18940    {
18941        unsafe fn encode(
18942            self,
18943            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
18944            offset: usize,
18945            mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
18946        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
18947            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<PlayerApplicationSettings>(offset);
18948            // Vector header
18949            let max_ordinal: u64 = self.max_ordinal_present();
18950            encoder.write_num(max_ordinal, offset);
18951            encoder.write_num(fidl::encoding::ALLOC_PRESENT_U64, offset + 8);
18952            // Calling encoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
18953            if max_ordinal == 0 {
18954                return Ok(());
18955            }
18956            depth.increment()?;
18957            let envelope_size = 8;
18958            let bytes_len = max_ordinal as usize * envelope_size;
18959            #[allow(unused_variables)]
18960            let offset = encoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len);
18961            let mut _prev_end_offset: usize = 0;
18962            if 1 > max_ordinal {
18963                return Ok(());
18964            }
18966            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
18967            // are envelope_size bytes.
18968            let cur_offset: usize = (1 - 1) * envelope_size;
18970            // Zero reserved fields.
18971            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
18973            // Safety:
18974            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
18975            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
18976            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
18977            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<Equalizer, D>(
18978                self.equalizer.as_ref().map(<Equalizer as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
18979                encoder,
18980                offset + cur_offset,
18981                depth,
18982            )?;
18984            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
18985            if 2 > max_ordinal {
18986                return Ok(());
18987            }
18989            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
18990            // are envelope_size bytes.
18991            let cur_offset: usize = (2 - 1) * envelope_size;
18993            // Zero reserved fields.
18994            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
18996            // Safety:
18997            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
18998            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
18999            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
19000            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<RepeatStatusMode, D>(
19001                self.repeat_status_mode
19002                    .as_ref()
19003                    .map(<RepeatStatusMode as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
19004                encoder,
19005                offset + cur_offset,
19006                depth,
19007            )?;
19009            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
19010            if 3 > max_ordinal {
19011                return Ok(());
19012            }
19014            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
19015            // are envelope_size bytes.
19016            let cur_offset: usize = (3 - 1) * envelope_size;
19018            // Zero reserved fields.
19019            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
19021            // Safety:
19022            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
19023            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
19024            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
19025            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<ShuffleMode, D>(
19026                self.shuffle_mode
19027                    .as_ref()
19028                    .map(<ShuffleMode as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
19029                encoder,
19030                offset + cur_offset,
19031                depth,
19032            )?;
19034            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
19035            if 4 > max_ordinal {
19036                return Ok(());
19037            }
19039            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
19040            // are envelope_size bytes.
19041            let cur_offset: usize = (4 - 1) * envelope_size;
19043            // Zero reserved fields.
19044            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
19046            // Safety:
19047            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
19048            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
19049            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
19050            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<ScanMode, D>(
19051                self.scan_mode.as_ref().map(<ScanMode as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
19052                encoder,
19053                offset + cur_offset,
19054                depth,
19055            )?;
19057            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
19058            if 5 > max_ordinal {
19059                return Ok(());
19060            }
19062            // Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*envelope_size, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes
19063            // are envelope_size bytes.
19064            let cur_offset: usize = (5 - 1) * envelope_size;
19066            // Zero reserved fields.
19067            encoder.padding(offset + _prev_end_offset, cur_offset - _prev_end_offset);
19069            // Safety:
19070            // - bytes_len is calculated to fit envelope_size*max(member.ordinal).
19071            // - Since cur_offset is envelope_size*(member.ordinal - 1) and the envelope takes
19072            //   envelope_size bytes, there is always sufficient room.
19073            fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope_optional::<fidl::encoding::Vector<CustomPlayerApplicationSetting, 127>, D>(
19074            self.custom_settings.as_ref().map(<fidl::encoding::Vector<CustomPlayerApplicationSetting, 127> as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow),
19075            encoder, offset + cur_offset, depth
19076        )?;
19078            _prev_end_offset = cur_offset + envelope_size;
19080            Ok(())
19081        }
19082    }
19084    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
19085        for PlayerApplicationSettings
19086    {
19087        #[inline(always)]
19088        fn new_empty() -> Self {
19089            Self::default()
19090        }
19092        unsafe fn decode(
19093            &mut self,
19094            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
19095            offset: usize,
19096            mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
19097        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
19098            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
19099            let len = match fidl::encoding::decode_vector_header(decoder, offset)? {
19100                None => return Err(fidl::Error::NotNullable),
19101                Some(len) => len,
19102            };
19103            // Calling decoder.out_of_line_offset(0) is not allowed.
19104            if len == 0 {
19105                return Ok(());
19106            };
19107            depth.increment()?;
19108            let envelope_size = 8;
19109            let bytes_len = len * envelope_size;
19110            let offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(bytes_len)?;
19111            // Decode the envelope for each type.
19112            let mut _next_ordinal_to_read = 0;
19113            let mut next_offset = offset;
19114            let end_offset = offset + bytes_len;
19115            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
19116            if next_offset >= end_offset {
19117                return Ok(());
19118            }
19120            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
19121            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 1 {
19122                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
19123                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
19124                next_offset += envelope_size;
19125            }
19127            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
19128            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
19129            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
19130                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
19131            {
19132                let member_inline_size =
19133                    <Equalizer as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
19134                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
19135                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
19136                }
19137                let inner_offset;
19138                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
19139                if inlined {
19140                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
19141                    inner_offset = next_offset;
19142                } else {
19143                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
19144                    inner_depth.increment()?;
19145                }
19146                let val_ref = self.equalizer.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(Equalizer, D));
19147                fidl::decode!(Equalizer, D, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
19148                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
19149                {
19150                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
19151                }
19152                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
19153                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
19154                }
19155            }
19157            next_offset += envelope_size;
19158            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
19159            if next_offset >= end_offset {
19160                return Ok(());
19161            }
19163            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
19164            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 2 {
19165                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
19166                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
19167                next_offset += envelope_size;
19168            }
19170            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
19171            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
19172            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
19173                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
19174            {
19175                let member_inline_size =
19176                    <RepeatStatusMode as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
19177                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
19178                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
19179                }
19180                let inner_offset;
19181                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
19182                if inlined {
19183                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
19184                    inner_offset = next_offset;
19185                } else {
19186                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
19187                    inner_depth.increment()?;
19188                }
19189                let val_ref = self
19190                    .repeat_status_mode
19191                    .get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(RepeatStatusMode, D));
19192                fidl::decode!(RepeatStatusMode, D, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
19193                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
19194                {
19195                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
19196                }
19197                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
19198                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
19199                }
19200            }
19202            next_offset += envelope_size;
19203            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
19204            if next_offset >= end_offset {
19205                return Ok(());
19206            }
19208            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
19209            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 3 {
19210                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
19211                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
19212                next_offset += envelope_size;
19213            }
19215            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
19216            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
19217            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
19218                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
19219            {
19220                let member_inline_size =
19221                    <ShuffleMode as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
19222                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
19223                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
19224                }
19225                let inner_offset;
19226                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
19227                if inlined {
19228                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
19229                    inner_offset = next_offset;
19230                } else {
19231                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
19232                    inner_depth.increment()?;
19233                }
19234                let val_ref =
19235                    self.shuffle_mode.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(ShuffleMode, D));
19236                fidl::decode!(ShuffleMode, D, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
19237                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
19238                {
19239                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
19240                }
19241                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
19242                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
19243                }
19244            }
19246            next_offset += envelope_size;
19247            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
19248            if next_offset >= end_offset {
19249                return Ok(());
19250            }
19252            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
19253            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 4 {
19254                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
19255                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
19256                next_offset += envelope_size;
19257            }
19259            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
19260            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
19261            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
19262                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
19263            {
19264                let member_inline_size =
19265                    <ScanMode as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context);
19266                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
19267                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
19268                }
19269                let inner_offset;
19270                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
19271                if inlined {
19272                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
19273                    inner_offset = next_offset;
19274                } else {
19275                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
19276                    inner_depth.increment()?;
19277                }
19278                let val_ref = self.scan_mode.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(ScanMode, D));
19279                fidl::decode!(ScanMode, D, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
19280                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
19281                {
19282                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
19283                }
19284                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
19285                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
19286                }
19287            }
19289            next_offset += envelope_size;
19290            _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
19291            if next_offset >= end_offset {
19292                return Ok(());
19293            }
19295            // Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
19296            while _next_ordinal_to_read < 5 {
19297                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
19298                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
19299                next_offset += envelope_size;
19300            }
19302            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
19303            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
19304            if let Some((inlined, num_bytes, num_handles)) =
19305                fidl::encoding::decode_envelope_header(decoder, next_offset)?
19306            {
19307                let member_inline_size = <fidl::encoding::Vector<
19308                    CustomPlayerApplicationSetting,
19309                    127,
19310                > as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(
19311                    decoder.context
19312                );
19313                if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
19314                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
19315                }
19316                let inner_offset;
19317                let mut inner_depth = depth.clone();
19318                if inlined {
19319                    decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(next_offset, member_inline_size)?;
19320                    inner_offset = next_offset;
19321                } else {
19322                    inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
19323                    inner_depth.increment()?;
19324                }
19325                let val_ref =
19326                self.custom_settings.get_or_insert_with(|| fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::Vector<CustomPlayerApplicationSetting, 127>, D));
19327                fidl::decode!(fidl::encoding::Vector<CustomPlayerApplicationSetting, 127>, D, val_ref, decoder, inner_offset, inner_depth)?;
19328                if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)
19329                {
19330                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
19331                }
19332                if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
19333                    return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
19334                }
19335            }
19337            next_offset += envelope_size;
19339            // Decode the remaining unknown envelopes.
19340            while next_offset < end_offset {
19341                _next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
19342                fidl::encoding::decode_unknown_envelope(decoder, next_offset, depth)?;
19343                next_offset += envelope_size;
19344            }
19346            Ok(())
19347        }
19348    }
19350    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for AttributeRequestOption {
19351        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
19352        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
19353            value
19354        }
19355    }
19357    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for AttributeRequestOption {
19358        type Owned = Self;
19360        #[inline(always)]
19361        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
19362            8
19363        }
19365        #[inline(always)]
19366        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
19367            16
19368        }
19369    }
19371    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect>
19372        fidl::encoding::Encode<AttributeRequestOption, D> for &AttributeRequestOption
19373    {
19374        #[inline]
19375        unsafe fn encode(
19376            self,
19377            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
19378            offset: usize,
19379            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
19380        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
19381            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<AttributeRequestOption>(offset);
19382            encoder.write_num::<u64>(self.ordinal(), offset);
19383            match self {
19384            AttributeRequestOption::GetAll(ref val) => {
19385                fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope::<bool, D>(
19386                    <bool as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(val),
19387                    encoder, offset + 8, _depth
19388                )
19389            }
19390            AttributeRequestOption::AttributeList(ref val) => {
19391                fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope::<fidl::encoding::Vector<MediaAttributeId, 8>, D>(
19392                    <fidl::encoding::Vector<MediaAttributeId, 8> as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(val),
19393                    encoder, offset + 8, _depth
19394                )
19395            }
19396        }
19397        }
19398    }
19400    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D>
19401        for AttributeRequestOption
19402    {
19403        #[inline(always)]
19404        fn new_empty() -> Self {
19405            Self::GetAll(fidl::new_empty!(bool, D))
19406        }
19408        #[inline]
19409        unsafe fn decode(
19410            &mut self,
19411            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
19412            offset: usize,
19413            mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
19414        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
19415            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
19416            #[allow(unused_variables)]
19417            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
19418            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
19419            let (ordinal, inlined, num_bytes, num_handles) =
19420                fidl::encoding::decode_union_inline_portion(decoder, offset)?;
19422            let member_inline_size = match ordinal {
19423            1 => <bool as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context),
19424            2 => <fidl::encoding::Vector<MediaAttributeId, 8> as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context),
19425            _ => return Err(fidl::Error::UnknownUnionTag),
19426        };
19428            if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
19429                return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
19430            }
19431            let _inner_offset;
19432            if inlined {
19433                decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(offset + 8, member_inline_size)?;
19434                _inner_offset = offset + 8;
19435            } else {
19436                depth.increment()?;
19437                _inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
19438            }
19439            match ordinal {
19440                1 => {
19441                    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
19442                    if let AttributeRequestOption::GetAll(_) = self {
19443                        // Do nothing, read the value into the object
19444                    } else {
19445                        // Initialize `self` to the right variant
19446                        *self = AttributeRequestOption::GetAll(fidl::new_empty!(bool, D));
19447                    }
19448                    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
19449                    if let AttributeRequestOption::GetAll(ref mut val) = self {
19450                        fidl::decode!(bool, D, val, decoder, _inner_offset, depth)?;
19451                    } else {
19452                        unreachable!()
19453                    }
19454                }
19455                2 => {
19456                    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
19457                    if let AttributeRequestOption::AttributeList(_) = self {
19458                        // Do nothing, read the value into the object
19459                    } else {
19460                        // Initialize `self` to the right variant
19461                        *self = AttributeRequestOption::AttributeList(
19462                            fidl::new_empty!(fidl::encoding::Vector<MediaAttributeId, 8>, D),
19463                        );
19464                    }
19465                    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
19466                    if let AttributeRequestOption::AttributeList(ref mut val) = self {
19467                        fidl::decode!(fidl::encoding::Vector<MediaAttributeId, 8>, D, val, decoder, _inner_offset, depth)?;
19468                    } else {
19469                        unreachable!()
19470                    }
19471                }
19472                ordinal => panic!("unexpected ordinal {:?}", ordinal),
19473            }
19474            if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize) {
19475                return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
19476            }
19477            if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
19478                return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
19479            }
19480            Ok(())
19481        }
19482    }
19484    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for FileSystemItem {
19485        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
19486        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
19487            value
19488        }
19489    }
19491    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for FileSystemItem {
19492        type Owned = Self;
19494        #[inline(always)]
19495        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
19496            8
19497        }
19499        #[inline(always)]
19500        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
19501            16
19502        }
19503    }
19505    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Encode<FileSystemItem, D>
19506        for &FileSystemItem
19507    {
19508        #[inline]
19509        unsafe fn encode(
19510            self,
19511            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
19512            offset: usize,
19513            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
19514        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
19515            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<FileSystemItem>(offset);
19516            encoder.write_num::<u64>(self.ordinal(), offset);
19517            match self {
19518                FileSystemItem::Folder(ref val) => {
19519                    fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope::<FolderItem, D>(
19520                        <FolderItem as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(val),
19521                        encoder,
19522                        offset + 8,
19523                        _depth,
19524                    )
19525                }
19526                FileSystemItem::MediaElement(ref val) => {
19527                    fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope::<MediaElementItem, D>(
19528                        <MediaElementItem as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(val),
19529                        encoder,
19530                        offset + 8,
19531                        _depth,
19532                    )
19533                }
19534            }
19535        }
19536    }
19538    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D> for FileSystemItem {
19539        #[inline(always)]
19540        fn new_empty() -> Self {
19541            Self::Folder(fidl::new_empty!(FolderItem, D))
19542        }
19544        #[inline]
19545        unsafe fn decode(
19546            &mut self,
19547            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
19548            offset: usize,
19549            mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
19550        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
19551            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
19552            #[allow(unused_variables)]
19553            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
19554            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
19555            let (ordinal, inlined, num_bytes, num_handles) =
19556                fidl::encoding::decode_union_inline_portion(decoder, offset)?;
19558            let member_inline_size = match ordinal {
19559                1 => <FolderItem as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context),
19560                2 => <MediaElementItem as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context),
19561                _ => return Err(fidl::Error::UnknownUnionTag),
19562            };
19564            if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
19565                return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
19566            }
19567            let _inner_offset;
19568            if inlined {
19569                decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(offset + 8, member_inline_size)?;
19570                _inner_offset = offset + 8;
19571            } else {
19572                depth.increment()?;
19573                _inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
19574            }
19575            match ordinal {
19576                1 => {
19577                    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
19578                    if let FileSystemItem::Folder(_) = self {
19579                        // Do nothing, read the value into the object
19580                    } else {
19581                        // Initialize `self` to the right variant
19582                        *self = FileSystemItem::Folder(fidl::new_empty!(FolderItem, D));
19583                    }
19584                    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
19585                    if let FileSystemItem::Folder(ref mut val) = self {
19586                        fidl::decode!(FolderItem, D, val, decoder, _inner_offset, depth)?;
19587                    } else {
19588                        unreachable!()
19589                    }
19590                }
19591                2 => {
19592                    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
19593                    if let FileSystemItem::MediaElement(_) = self {
19594                        // Do nothing, read the value into the object
19595                    } else {
19596                        // Initialize `self` to the right variant
19597                        *self = FileSystemItem::MediaElement(fidl::new_empty!(MediaElementItem, D));
19598                    }
19599                    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
19600                    if let FileSystemItem::MediaElement(ref mut val) = self {
19601                        fidl::decode!(MediaElementItem, D, val, decoder, _inner_offset, depth)?;
19602                    } else {
19603                        unreachable!()
19604                    }
19605                }
19606                ordinal => panic!("unexpected ordinal {:?}", ordinal),
19607            }
19608            if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize) {
19609                return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
19610            }
19611            if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
19612                return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
19613            }
19614            Ok(())
19615        }
19616    }
19618    impl fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker for Path {
19619        type Borrowed<'a> = &'a Self;
19620        fn borrow(value: &<Self as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::Owned) -> Self::Borrowed<'_> {
19621            value
19622        }
19623    }
19625    unsafe impl fidl::encoding::TypeMarker for Path {
19626        type Owned = Self;
19628        #[inline(always)]
19629        fn inline_align(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
19630            8
19631        }
19633        #[inline(always)]
19634        fn inline_size(_context: fidl::encoding::Context) -> usize {
19635            16
19636        }
19637    }
19639    unsafe impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Encode<Path, D> for &Path {
19640        #[inline]
19641        unsafe fn encode(
19642            self,
19643            encoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Encoder<'_, D>,
19644            offset: usize,
19645            _depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
19646        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
19647            encoder.debug_check_bounds::<Path>(offset);
19648            encoder.write_num::<u64>(self.ordinal(), offset);
19649            match self {
19650                Path::Parent(ref val) => fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope::<Parent, D>(
19651                    <Parent as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(val),
19652                    encoder,
19653                    offset + 8,
19654                    _depth,
19655                ),
19656                Path::ChildFolderUid(ref val) => fidl::encoding::encode_in_envelope::<u64, D>(
19657                    <u64 as fidl::encoding::ValueTypeMarker>::borrow(val),
19658                    encoder,
19659                    offset + 8,
19660                    _depth,
19661                ),
19662                Path::__SourceBreaking { .. } => Err(fidl::Error::UnknownUnionTag),
19663            }
19664        }
19665    }
19667    impl<D: fidl::encoding::ResourceDialect> fidl::encoding::Decode<Self, D> for Path {
19668        #[inline(always)]
19669        fn new_empty() -> Self {
19670            Self::__SourceBreaking { unknown_ordinal: 0 }
19671        }
19673        #[inline]
19674        unsafe fn decode(
19675            &mut self,
19676            decoder: &mut fidl::encoding::Decoder<'_, D>,
19677            offset: usize,
19678            mut depth: fidl::encoding::Depth,
19679        ) -> fidl::Result<()> {
19680            decoder.debug_check_bounds::<Self>(offset);
19681            #[allow(unused_variables)]
19682            let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
19683            let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
19684            let (ordinal, inlined, num_bytes, num_handles) =
19685                fidl::encoding::decode_union_inline_portion(decoder, offset)?;
19687            let member_inline_size = match ordinal {
19688                1 => <Parent as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context),
19689                2 => <u64 as fidl::encoding::TypeMarker>::inline_size(decoder.context),
19690                0 => return Err(fidl::Error::UnknownUnionTag),
19691                _ => num_bytes as usize,
19692            };
19694            if inlined != (member_inline_size <= 4) {
19695                return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidInlineBitInEnvelope);
19696            }
19697            let _inner_offset;
19698            if inlined {
19699                decoder.check_inline_envelope_padding(offset + 8, member_inline_size)?;
19700                _inner_offset = offset + 8;
19701            } else {
19702                depth.increment()?;
19703                _inner_offset = decoder.out_of_line_offset(member_inline_size)?;
19704            }
19705            match ordinal {
19706                1 => {
19707                    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
19708                    if let Path::Parent(_) = self {
19709                        // Do nothing, read the value into the object
19710                    } else {
19711                        // Initialize `self` to the right variant
19712                        *self = Path::Parent(fidl::new_empty!(Parent, D));
19713                    }
19714                    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
19715                    if let Path::Parent(ref mut val) = self {
19716                        fidl::decode!(Parent, D, val, decoder, _inner_offset, depth)?;
19717                    } else {
19718                        unreachable!()
19719                    }
19720                }
19721                2 => {
19722                    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
19723                    if let Path::ChildFolderUid(_) = self {
19724                        // Do nothing, read the value into the object
19725                    } else {
19726                        // Initialize `self` to the right variant
19727                        *self = Path::ChildFolderUid(fidl::new_empty!(u64, D));
19728                    }
19729                    #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)]
19730                    if let Path::ChildFolderUid(ref mut val) = self {
19731                        fidl::decode!(u64, D, val, decoder, _inner_offset, depth)?;
19732                    } else {
19733                        unreachable!()
19734                    }
19735                }
19736                #[allow(deprecated)]
19737                ordinal => {
19738                    for _ in 0..num_handles {
19739                        decoder.drop_next_handle()?;
19740                    }
19741                    *self = Path::__SourceBreaking { unknown_ordinal: ordinal };
19742                }
19743            }
19744            if !inlined && decoder.next_out_of_line() != next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize) {
19745                return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumBytesInEnvelope);
19746            }
19747            if handles_before != decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize) {
19748                return Err(fidl::Error::InvalidNumHandlesInEnvelope);
19749            }
19750            Ok(())
19751        }
19752    }