
1// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5use crate::integrity::{self, integrity_algorithm};
6use crate::key::exchange::Key;
7use crate::keywrap::{self, keywrap_algorithm};
9use crate::{rsn_ensure, Error, ProtectionInfo};
10use anyhow::{anyhow, ensure};
11use fidl_fuchsia_wlan_mlme::SaeFrame;
12use wlan_common::ie::rsn::akm::Akm;
13use wlan_common::ie::rsn::cipher::{Cipher, CIPHER_BIP_CMAC_128, GROUP_CIPHER_SUITE, TKIP};
14use wlan_common::ie::rsn::rsne::{RsnCapabilities, Rsne};
15use wlan_common::ie::wpa::WpaIe;
16use zerocopy::SplitByteSlice;
18pub mod esssa;
20pub mod test_util;
22#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
23pub enum ProtectionType {
24    LegacyWpa1,
25    Rsne,
29pub enum IgtkSupport {
30    Unsupported,
31    Capable,
32    Required,
35#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
36pub struct NegotiatedProtection {
37    pub group_data: Cipher,
38    pub pairwise: Cipher,
39    pub group_mgmt: Option<Cipher>,
40    pub akm: Akm,
41    pub mic_size: u16,
42    pub protection_type: ProtectionType,
43    // Some networks carry RSN capabilities.
44    // To construct a valid RSNE, these capabilities must be tracked.
45    caps: Option<RsnCapabilities>,
48impl NegotiatedProtection {
49    pub fn from_protection(protection: &ProtectionInfo) -> Result<Self, anyhow::Error> {
50        match protection {
51            ProtectionInfo::Rsne(rsne) => Self::from_rsne(rsne),
52            ProtectionInfo::LegacyWpa(wpa) => Self::from_legacy_wpa(wpa),
53        }
54    }
56    fn key_descriptor_version(&self) -> u16 {
57        let key_descriptor_type = match self.protection_type {
58            ProtectionType::LegacyWpa1 => eapol::KeyDescriptor::LEGACY_WPA1,
59            ProtectionType::Rsne => eapol::KeyDescriptor::IEEE802DOT11,
60        };
61        derive_key_descriptor_version(key_descriptor_type, self)
62    }
64    #[allow(clippy::result_large_err, reason = "mass allow for https://fxbug.dev/381896734")]
65    pub fn integrity_algorithm(&self) -> Result<Box<dyn integrity::Algorithm>, Error> {
66        integrity_algorithm(self.key_descriptor_version(), &self.akm)
67            .ok_or(Error::UnknownIntegrityAlgorithm)
68    }
70    #[allow(clippy::result_large_err, reason = "mass allow for https://fxbug.dev/381896734")]
71    pub fn keywrap_algorithm(&self) -> Result<Box<dyn keywrap::Algorithm>, Error> {
72        keywrap_algorithm(self.key_descriptor_version(), &self.akm)
73            .ok_or(Error::UnknownKeywrapAlgorithm)
74    }
76    /// Validates this RSNE contains only one of each cipher type and only one AKM with
77    /// a defined number of MIC bytes, and produces a corresponding negotiated protection scheme.
78    pub fn from_rsne(rsne: &Rsne) -> Result<Self, anyhow::Error> {
79        rsne.ensure_valid_s_rsne()
80            .map_err(|e| anyhow!(e).context(Error::InvalidNegotiatedProtection))?;
82        // The following assignments will all succeed because ensure_valid_s_rsne() did
83        // not return a Result::Err.
84        let group_data = rsne.group_data_cipher_suite.as_ref().unwrap();
85        let pairwise = &rsne.pairwise_cipher_suites[0];
86        let akm = &rsne.akm_suites[0];
87        let mic_size = akm.mic_bytes();
88        let mic_size = mic_size.unwrap();
90        Ok(Self {
91            group_data: group_data.clone(),
92            pairwise: pairwise.clone(),
93            group_mgmt: rsne.group_mgmt_cipher_suite.clone(),
94            akm: akm.clone(),
95            mic_size,
96            protection_type: ProtectionType::Rsne,
97            caps: rsne.rsn_capabilities.clone(),
98        })
99    }
101    /// Validates that this WPA1 element contains only one of each cipher type and one AKM, and
102    /// produces a corresponding negotiated protection scheme.
103    pub fn from_legacy_wpa(wpa: &WpaIe) -> Result<Self, anyhow::Error> {
104        ensure!(wpa.unicast_cipher_list.len() == 1, Error::InvalidNegotiatedProtection);
105        ensure!(wpa.akm_list.len() == 1, Error::InvalidNegotiatedProtection);
106        let akm = wpa.akm_list[0].clone();
107        let mic_size = akm.mic_bytes().ok_or(Error::InvalidNegotiatedProtection)?;
108        let group_data = wpa.multicast_cipher.clone();
109        let pairwise = wpa.unicast_cipher_list[0].clone();
110        Ok(Self {
111            group_data,
112            pairwise,
113            group_mgmt: None,
114            akm,
115            mic_size,
116            protection_type: ProtectionType::LegacyWpa1,
117            caps: None,
118        })
119    }
121    /// Converts this NegotiatedProtection into a ProtectionInfo that may be written into 802.11
122    /// frames.
123    pub fn to_full_protection(&self) -> ProtectionInfo {
124        match self.protection_type {
125            ProtectionType::Rsne => ProtectionInfo::Rsne(Rsne {
126                group_data_cipher_suite: Some(self.group_data.clone()),
127                pairwise_cipher_suites: vec![self.pairwise.clone()],
128                group_mgmt_cipher_suite: self.group_mgmt.clone(),
129                akm_suites: vec![self.akm.clone()],
130                rsn_capabilities: self.caps.clone(),
131                ..Default::default()
132            }),
133            ProtectionType::LegacyWpa1 => ProtectionInfo::LegacyWpa(WpaIe {
134                multicast_cipher: self.group_data.clone(),
135                unicast_cipher_list: vec![self.pairwise.clone()],
136                akm_list: vec![self.akm.clone()],
137            }),
138        }
139    }
141    pub fn igtk_support(&self) -> IgtkSupport {
142        match &self.caps {
143            Some(caps) => {
144                if caps.mgmt_frame_protection_req() {
145                    IgtkSupport::Required
146                } else if caps.mgmt_frame_protection_cap() {
147                    IgtkSupport::Capable
148                } else {
149                    IgtkSupport::Unsupported
150                }
151            }
152            None => IgtkSupport::Unsupported,
153        }
154    }
156    pub fn group_mgmt_cipher(&self) -> Cipher {
157        // IEEE Std. 802.11-2016 BIP_CMAC_128 is the default if not specified.
158        self.group_mgmt.clone().unwrap_or(CIPHER_BIP_CMAC_128)
159    }
162/// Wraps an EAPOL key frame to enforces successful decryption before the frame can be used.
163pub struct EncryptedKeyData<B: SplitByteSlice>(eapol::KeyFrameRx<B>);
165impl<B: SplitByteSlice> EncryptedKeyData<B> {
166    #[allow(clippy::result_large_err, reason = "mass allow for https://fxbug.dev/381896734")]
167    /// Yields a tuple of the captured EAPOL Key frame and its decrypted key data if encryption
168    /// was successful. Otherwise, an Error is returned.
169    pub fn decrypt(
170        self,
171        kek: &[u8],
172        protection: &NegotiatedProtection,
173    ) -> Result<(eapol::KeyFrameRx<B>, Vec<u8>), Error> {
174        let key_data = protection.keywrap_algorithm()?.unwrap_key(
175            kek,
176            &self.0.key_frame_fields.key_iv,
177            &self.0.key_data[..],
178        )?;
179        Ok((self.0, key_data))
180    }
183/// Wraps an EAPOL key frame to enforce successful MIC verification before the frame can be used.
185pub struct WithUnverifiedMic<B: SplitByteSlice>(eapol::KeyFrameRx<B>);
187impl<B: SplitByteSlice> WithUnverifiedMic<B> {
188    #[allow(clippy::result_large_err, reason = "mass allow for https://fxbug.dev/381896734")]
189    /// Yields the captured EAPOL Key frame if the MIC was successfully verified.
190    /// The Key frame is wrapped to enforce decryption of potentially encrypted key data.
191    /// Returns an Error if the MIC is invalid.
192    pub fn verify_mic(
193        self,
194        kck: &[u8],
195        protection: &NegotiatedProtection,
196    ) -> Result<UnverifiedKeyData<B>, Error> {
197        // IEEE Std 802.11-2016, 12.7.2 h)
198        // IEEE Std 802.11-2016, 12.7.2 b.6)
199        let mic_bytes = protection.akm.mic_bytes().ok_or(Error::UnsupportedAkmSuite)?;
200        rsn_ensure!(self.0.key_mic.len() == mic_bytes as usize, Error::InvalidMicSize);
202        // If a MIC is set but the PTK was not yet derived, the MIC cannot be verified.
203        let buf = self.0.to_bytes(true);
204        let valid_mic =
205            protection.integrity_algorithm()?.verify(kck, &buf[..], &self.0.key_mic[..]);
206        rsn_ensure!(valid_mic, Error::InvalidMic);
208        if self.0.key_frame_fields.key_info().encrypted_key_data() {
209            Ok(UnverifiedKeyData::Encrypted(EncryptedKeyData(self.0)))
210        } else {
211            Ok(UnverifiedKeyData::NotEncrypted(self.0))
212        }
213    }
216/// Carries an EAPOL Key frame and requires MIC verification if the MIC bit of the frame's info
217/// field is set.
218pub enum UnverifiedKeyData<B: SplitByteSlice> {
219    Encrypted(EncryptedKeyData<B>),
220    NotEncrypted(eapol::KeyFrameRx<B>),
223/// EAPOL Key frames carried in this struct comply with IEEE Std 802.11-2016, 12.7.2.
224/// Neither the Key Frame's MIC nor its key data were verified at this point.
226pub enum Dot11VerifiedKeyFrame<B: SplitByteSlice> {
227    WithUnverifiedMic(WithUnverifiedMic<B>),
228    WithoutMic(eapol::KeyFrameRx<B>),
231impl<B: SplitByteSlice> Dot11VerifiedKeyFrame<B> {
232    // [`key_replay_counter`] is the current value of the Key Replay Counter[1] in either the
233    // Supplicant or Authenticator. The Supplicant initializes its Key Replay Counter to 0 and
234    // updates the counter to the counter value contained in each valid message from the
235    // Authenticator. The Authenticator initializes its Key Replay Counter to 0 and updates
236    // the counter to the counter value contained in each message the Authenticator sends.
237    //
238    // [1]: IEEE 802.11-2016 12.7.2 EAPOL-Key frames
239    #[allow(clippy::result_large_err, reason = "mass allow for https://fxbug.dev/381896734")]
240    pub fn from_frame(
241        frame: eapol::KeyFrameRx<B>,
242        role: &Role,
243        protection: &NegotiatedProtection,
244        key_replay_counter: u64,
245    ) -> Result<Dot11VerifiedKeyFrame<B>, Error> {
246        let sender = match role {
247            Role::Supplicant => Role::Authenticator,
248            Role::Authenticator => Role::Supplicant,
249        };
251        // IEEE Std 802.11-2016, 12.7.2 a)
252        // IEEE Std 802.1X-2010, 11.9
253        let key_descriptor = match frame.key_frame_fields.descriptor_type {
254            eapol::KeyDescriptor::IEEE802DOT11 => eapol::KeyDescriptor::IEEE802DOT11,
255            eapol::KeyDescriptor::LEGACY_WPA1
256                if protection.protection_type == ProtectionType::LegacyWpa1 =>
257            {
258                eapol::KeyDescriptor::LEGACY_WPA1
259            }
260            eapol::KeyDescriptor::RC4 => {
261                return Err(Error::InvalidKeyDescriptor(
262                    frame.key_frame_fields.descriptor_type,
263                    eapol::KeyDescriptor::IEEE802DOT11,
264                )
265                .into())
266            }
267            // Invalid value.
268            _ => {
269                return Err(
270                    Error::UnsupportedKeyDescriptor(frame.key_frame_fields.descriptor_type).into()
271                )
272            }
273        };
275        // IEEE Std 802.11-2016, 12.7.2 b.1)
276        let frame_key_descriptor_version =
277            frame.key_frame_fields.key_info().key_descriptor_version();
278        let expected_version = derive_key_descriptor_version(key_descriptor, protection);
279        rsn_ensure!(
280            frame_key_descriptor_version == expected_version,
281            Error::UnsupportedKeyDescriptorVersion(frame_key_descriptor_version)
282        );
284        // IEEE Std 802.11-2016, 12.7.2 b.2)
285        // IEEE Std 802.11-2016, 12.7.2 b.4)
286        match frame.key_frame_fields.key_info().key_type() {
287            eapol::KeyType::PAIRWISE => {}
288            eapol::KeyType::GROUP_SMK => {
289                // IEEE Std 802.11-2016, 12.7.2 b.4 ii)
290                rsn_ensure!(
291                    !frame.key_frame_fields.key_info().install(),
292                    Error::InvalidInstallBitGroupSmkHandshake
293                );
294            }
295        };
297        // IEEE Std 802.11-2016, 12.7.2 b.5)
298        if let Role::Supplicant = sender {
299            rsn_ensure!(
300                !frame.key_frame_fields.key_info().key_ack(),
301                Error::InvalidKeyAckBitSupplicant
302            );
303        }
305        // IEEE Std 802.11-2016, 12.7.2 b.6)
306        // IEEE Std 802.11-2016, 12.7.2 b.7)
307        // MIC and Secure bit depend on specific key-exchange methods and can not be verified now.
308        // More specifically, there are frames which can carry a MIC or secure bit but are required
309        // to compute the PTK and/or GTK and thus cannot be verified up-front.
311        // IEEE Std 802.11-2016, 12.7.2 b.8)
312        if let Role::Authenticator = sender {
313            rsn_ensure!(
314                !frame.key_frame_fields.key_info().error(),
315                Error::InvalidErrorBitAuthenticator
316            );
317        }
319        // IEEE Std 802.11-2016, 12.7.2 b.9)
320        if let Role::Authenticator = sender {
321            rsn_ensure!(
322                !frame.key_frame_fields.key_info().request(),
323                Error::InvalidRequestBitAuthenticator
324            );
325        }
327        // IEEE Std 802.11-2016, 12.7.2 b.10)
328        // Encrypted key data is validated at the end once all other validations succeeded.
330        // IEEE Std 802.11-2016, 12.7.2 b.11)
331        rsn_ensure!(
332            !frame.key_frame_fields.key_info().smk_message(),
333            Error::SmkHandshakeNotSupported
334        );
336        // IEEE Std 802.11-2016, 12.7.2 c)
337        match frame.key_frame_fields.key_info().key_type() {
338            eapol::KeyType::PAIRWISE => match sender {
339                // IEEE is somewhat vague on what is expected from the frame's key_len field.
340                // IEEE Std 802.11-2016, 12.7.2 c) requires the key_len to match the PTK's
341                // length, while all handshakes defined in IEEE such as
342                // 4-Way Handshake ( and Group Key Handshake ( explicitly require
343                // a value of 0 for frames sent by the Supplicant.
344                // Not all vendors follow the latter requirement, such as Apple with iOS.
345                // To improve interoperability, a value of 0 or the pairwise temporal key length is
346                // allowed for frames sent by the Supplicant.
347                Role::Supplicant if frame.key_frame_fields.key_len.to_native() != 0 => {
348                    let tk_len =
349                        protection.pairwise.tk_bytes().ok_or(Error::UnsupportedCipherSuite)?;
350                    rsn_ensure!(
351                        frame.key_frame_fields.key_len.to_native() == tk_len.into(),
352                        Error::InvalidKeyLength(
353                            frame.key_frame_fields.key_len.to_native().into(),
354                            tk_len.into()
355                        )
356                    );
357                }
358                // Authenticator must use the pairwise cipher's key length.
359                Role::Authenticator => {
360                    let tk_len: usize =
361                        protection.pairwise.tk_bytes().ok_or(Error::UnsupportedCipherSuite)?.into();
362                    rsn_ensure!(
363                        usize::from(frame.key_frame_fields.key_len.to_native()) == tk_len,
364                        Error::InvalidKeyLength(
365                            frame.key_frame_fields.key_len.to_native().into(),
366                            tk_len
367                        )
368                    );
369                }
370                _ => {}
371            },
372            // IEEE Std 802.11-2016, 12.7.2 c) does not specify the expected value for frames
373            // involved in exchanging the GTK. Thus, leave validation and enforcement of this
374            // requirement to the selected key exchange method.
375            eapol::KeyType::GROUP_SMK => {}
376        };
378        if key_replay_counter > 0 {
379            match sender {
380                // Supplicant responds to messages from the Authenticator with the same
381                // key replay counter.
382                Role::Supplicant => {
383                    rsn_ensure!(
384                        frame.key_frame_fields.key_replay_counter.to_native() >= key_replay_counter,
385                        Error::InvalidKeyReplayCounter(
386                            frame.key_frame_fields.key_replay_counter.to_native(),
387                            key_replay_counter
388                        )
389                    );
390                }
391                // Authenticator must send messages with a strictly larger key replay counter.
392                //
393                // TODO(b/310698434): This logic only runs upon receipt of messages. It seems
394                // that an Authenticator should actually verify the current Key Replay Counter
395                // is equal to the Key Replay Counter value received.
396                Role::Authenticator => {
397                    rsn_ensure!(
398                        frame.key_frame_fields.key_replay_counter.to_native() > key_replay_counter,
399                        Error::InvalidKeyReplayCounter(
400                            frame.key_frame_fields.key_replay_counter.to_native(),
401                            key_replay_counter
402                        )
403                    );
404                }
405            }
406        }
408        // IEEE Std 802.11-2016, 12.7.2
409        // Encrypted Key Data bit requires MIC bit to be set for all 802.11 handshakes.
410        if frame.key_frame_fields.key_info().encrypted_key_data() {
411            rsn_ensure!(
412                frame.key_frame_fields.key_info().key_mic(),
413                Error::InvalidMicBitForEncryptedKeyData
414            );
415        }
417        // IEEE Std 802.11-2016, 12.7.2, e)
418        // Validation is specific for the selected key exchange method.
420        // IEEE Std 802.11-2016, 12.7.2, f)
421        // Validation is specific for the selected key exchange method.
423        // IEEE Std 802.11-2016, 12.7.2, g)
424        // Validation is specific for the selected key exchange method.
426        // IEEE Std 802.11-2016, 12.7.2 h)
427        // IEEE Std 802.11-2016, 12.7.2 b.6)
428        // See explanation for IEEE Std 802.11-2016, 12.7.2 b.7) why the MIC cannot be verified
429        // here.
431        // IEEE Std 802.11-2016, 12.7.2 i) & j)
432        // IEEE Std 802.11-2016, 12.7.2 b.10)
433        // Validation is enforced by KeyFrame parser.
435        if frame.key_frame_fields.key_info().key_mic() {
436            Ok(Dot11VerifiedKeyFrame::WithUnverifiedMic(WithUnverifiedMic(frame)))
437        } else {
438            Ok(Dot11VerifiedKeyFrame::WithoutMic(frame))
439        }
440    }
442    /// CAUTION: Returns the underlying frame without verifying its MIC or encrypted key data if
443    /// either one is present.
444    /// Only use this if you know what you are doing.
445    pub fn unsafe_get_raw(&self) -> &eapol::KeyFrameRx<B> {
446        match self {
447            Dot11VerifiedKeyFrame::WithUnverifiedMic(WithUnverifiedMic(frame)) => frame,
448            Dot11VerifiedKeyFrame::WithoutMic(frame) => frame,
449        }
450    }
453/// IEEE Std 802.11-2016, 12.7.2 b.1)
454/// Key Descriptor Version is based on the negotiated AKM, Pairwise- and Group Cipher suite.
455pub fn derive_key_descriptor_version(
456    key_descriptor_type: eapol::KeyDescriptor,
457    protection: &NegotiatedProtection,
458) -> u16 {
459    let akm = &protection.akm;
460    let pairwise = &protection.pairwise;
462    if !akm.has_known_algorithm() || !pairwise.has_known_usage() {
463        return 0;
464    }
466    match akm.suite_type {
467        1 | 2 => match key_descriptor_type {
468            eapol::KeyDescriptor::RC4 => match pairwise.suite_type {
469                TKIP | GROUP_CIPHER_SUITE => 1,
470                _ => 0,
471            },
472            eapol::KeyDescriptor::IEEE802DOT11 | eapol::KeyDescriptor::LEGACY_WPA1 => {
473                if pairwise.suite_type == TKIP || pairwise.suite_type == GROUP_CIPHER_SUITE {
474                    1
475                } else if pairwise.is_enhanced() || protection.group_data.is_enhanced() {
476                    2
477                } else {
478                    0
479                }
480            }
481            _ => 0,
482        },
483        // Interestingly, IEEE 802.11 does not specify any pairwise- or group cipher
484        // requirements for these AKMs.
485        3..=6 => 3,
486        _ => 0,
487    }
490#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
491pub enum Role {
492    Authenticator,
493    Supplicant,
496#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
497pub enum SecAssocStatus {
498    WrongPassword,
499    PmkSaEstablished,
500    EssSaEstablished,
503#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
504pub enum AuthRejectedReason {
505    /// Unable to generate a PMK with the peer.
506    AuthFailed,
507    /// The peer never responded or sent too many invalid responses.
508    TooManyRetries,
509    /// Association took too long, and the PMKSA has expired.
510    PmksaExpired,
513#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
514pub enum AuthStatus {
515    Success,
516    Rejected(AuthRejectedReason),
517    InternalError,
520#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
521pub enum SecAssocUpdate {
522    TxEapolKeyFrame {
523        frame: eapol::KeyFrameBuf,
524        // Indicates whether we expect that our peer in the EAPOL exchange will send us a
525        // response to this frame. If so, we must also schedule a timeout for the response.
526        expect_response: bool,
527    },
528    Key(Key),
529    Status(SecAssocStatus),
530    // These values are used to handle SAE exchanges.
531    TxSaeFrame(SaeFrame),
532    SaeAuthStatus(AuthStatus),
533    ScheduleSaeTimeout(u64),
536pub type UpdateSink = Vec<SecAssocUpdate>;
539mod tests {
540    use super::*;
541    use wlan_common::assert_variant;
542    use wlan_common::ie::rsn::akm::{self, AKM_PSK};
543    use wlan_common::ie::rsn::cipher::{self, CIPHER_CCMP_128, CIPHER_GCMP_256};
544    use wlan_common::ie::rsn::fake_wpa2_s_rsne;
546    #[test]
547    fn test_negotiated_protection_from_rsne() {
548        let rsne = Rsne {
549            group_data_cipher_suite: Some(CIPHER_GCMP_256),
550            pairwise_cipher_suites: vec![CIPHER_CCMP_128],
551            akm_suites: vec![AKM_PSK],
552            ..Default::default()
553        };
554        NegotiatedProtection::from_rsne(&rsne).expect("error, could not create negotiated RSNE");
556        let rsne = Rsne::wpa3_rsne();
557        NegotiatedProtection::from_rsne(&rsne).expect("error, could not create negotiated RSNE");
559        let rsne = Rsne {
560            pairwise_cipher_suites: vec![CIPHER_CCMP_128],
561            akm_suites: vec![AKM_PSK],
562            ..Default::default()
563        };
564        NegotiatedProtection::from_rsne(&rsne).expect_err("error, created negotiated RSNE");
566        let rsne = Rsne {
567            group_data_cipher_suite: Some(CIPHER_CCMP_128),
568            akm_suites: vec![AKM_PSK],
569            ..Default::default()
570        };
571        NegotiatedProtection::from_rsne(&rsne).expect_err("error, created negotiated RSNE");
573        let rsne = Rsne {
574            group_data_cipher_suite: Some(CIPHER_CCMP_128),
575            pairwise_cipher_suites: vec![CIPHER_CCMP_128],
576            ..Default::default()
577        };
578        NegotiatedProtection::from_rsne(&rsne).expect_err("error, created negotiated RSNE");
579    }
581    // IEEE requires the key length to be zeroed in the 4-Way Handshake but some vendors send the
582    // pairwise cipher's key length instead. The requirement was relaxed to improve
583    // interoperability,
584    #[test]
585    fn test_supplicant_sends_zeroed_and_non_zeroed_key_length() {
586        let protection = NegotiatedProtection::from_rsne(&fake_wpa2_s_rsne())
587            .expect("could not derive negotiated RSNE");
588        let mut env = test_util::FourwayTestEnv::new(test_util::HandshakeKind::Wpa2, 1, 3);
590        // Use arbitrarily chosen key_replay_counter.
591        let msg1 = env.initiate(11.into());
592        let (msg2_base, ptk) = env.send_msg1_to_supplicant(msg1.keyframe(), 11.into());
594        // IEEE 802.11 compliant key length.
595        let mut buf = vec![];
596        let mut msg2 = msg2_base.copy_keyframe_mut(&mut buf);
597        msg2.key_frame_fields.key_len.set_from_native(0);
598        env.finalize_key_frame(&mut msg2, Some(ptk.kck()));
599        let result = Dot11VerifiedKeyFrame::from_frame(msg2, &Role::Authenticator, &protection, 12);
600        assert!(result.is_ok(), "failed verifying message: {}", result.unwrap_err());
602        // Use CCMP-128 key length. Not officially IEEE 802.11 compliant but relaxed for
603        // interoperability.
604        let mut buf = vec![];
605        let mut msg2 = msg2_base.copy_keyframe_mut(&mut buf);
606        msg2.key_frame_fields.key_len.set_from_native(16);
607        env.finalize_key_frame(&mut msg2, Some(ptk.kck()));
608        let result = Dot11VerifiedKeyFrame::from_frame(msg2, &Role::Authenticator, &protection, 12);
609        assert!(result.is_ok(), "failed verifying message: {}", result.unwrap_err());
610    }
612    // Fuchsia requires EAPOL frames sent from the Supplicant to contain a key length of either 0 or
613    // the PTK's length.
614    #[test]
615    fn test_supplicant_sends_random_key_length() {
616        let mut env = test_util::FourwayTestEnv::new(test_util::HandshakeKind::Wpa2, 1, 3);
618        // Use arbitrarily chosen key_replay_counter.
619        let msg1 = env.initiate(12.into());
620        let (msg2, ptk) = env.send_msg1_to_supplicant(msg1.keyframe(), 12.into());
621        let mut buf = vec![];
622        let mut msg2 = msg2.copy_keyframe_mut(&mut buf);
624        msg2.key_frame_fields.key_len.set_from_native(29);
625        env.finalize_key_frame(&mut msg2, Some(ptk.kck()));
627        let protection = NegotiatedProtection::from_rsne(&fake_wpa2_s_rsne())
628            .expect("could not derive negotiated RSNE");
629        let result = Dot11VerifiedKeyFrame::from_frame(msg2, &Role::Authenticator, &protection, 12);
630        assert!(result.is_err(), "successfully verified illegal message");
631    }
633    #[test]
634    fn test_to_rsne() {
635        let rsne = Rsne::wpa2_rsne();
636        let negotiated_protection = NegotiatedProtection::from_rsne(&rsne)
637            .expect("error, could not create negotiated RSNE")
638            .to_full_protection();
639        assert_variant!(negotiated_protection, ProtectionInfo::Rsne(actual_protection) => {
640            assert_eq!(actual_protection, rsne);
641        });
642    }
644    #[test]
645    fn test_to_legacy_wpa() {
646        let wpa_ie = make_wpa(Some(cipher::TKIP), vec![cipher::TKIP], vec![akm::PSK]);
647        let negotiated_protection = NegotiatedProtection::from_legacy_wpa(&wpa_ie)
648            .expect("error, could not create negotiated WPA")
649            .to_full_protection();
650        assert_variant!(negotiated_protection, ProtectionInfo::LegacyWpa(actual_protection) => {
651            assert_eq!(actual_protection, wpa_ie);
652        });
653    }
655    #[test]
656    fn test_igtk_support() {
657        // Standard WPA3 RSNE requires MFP.
658        let rsne = Rsne::wpa3_rsne();
659        let negotiated_protection =
660            NegotiatedProtection::from_rsne(&rsne).expect("Could not create negotiated RSNE");
661        assert_variant!(negotiated_protection.igtk_support(), IgtkSupport::Required);
662        assert_eq!(negotiated_protection.group_mgmt_cipher(), CIPHER_BIP_CMAC_128);
664        // Mixed mode RSNE is compatible with MFP.
665        let mut rsne = Rsne::wpa3_rsne();
666        rsne.rsn_capabilities.replace(RsnCapabilities(0).with_mgmt_frame_protection_cap(true));
667        let negotiated_protection =
668            NegotiatedProtection::from_rsne(&rsne).expect("Could not create negotiated RSNE");
669        assert_variant!(negotiated_protection.igtk_support(), IgtkSupport::Capable);
671        // WPA2 RSNE doesn't support MFP.
672        let rsne = Rsne::wpa2_rsne();
673        let negotiated_protection =
674            NegotiatedProtection::from_rsne(&rsne).expect("Could not create negotiated RSNE");
675        assert_variant!(negotiated_protection.igtk_support(), IgtkSupport::Unsupported);
676    }
678    #[test]
679    fn test_default_igtk_cipher() {
680        let mut rsne = Rsne::wpa3_rsne();
681        rsne.group_mgmt_cipher_suite.take(); // Default to BIP_CMAC_128.
682        let negotiated_protection =
683            NegotiatedProtection::from_rsne(&rsne).expect("Could not create negotiated RSNE");
684        assert_variant!(negotiated_protection.igtk_support(), IgtkSupport::Required);
685        assert_eq!(negotiated_protection.group_mgmt_cipher(), CIPHER_BIP_CMAC_128);
686    }
688    fn make_wpa(unicast: Option<u8>, multicast: Vec<u8>, akms: Vec<u8>) -> WpaIe {
689        WpaIe {
690            multicast_cipher: unicast
691                .map(cipher::Cipher::new_dot11)
692                .expect("failed to make wpa ie!"),
693            unicast_cipher_list: multicast.into_iter().map(cipher::Cipher::new_dot11).collect(),
694            akm_list: akms.into_iter().map(akm::Akm::new_dot11).collect(),
695        }
696    }