1// See the README in this directory for an explanation of the Teddy algorithm.
3use std::cmp;
4use std::collections::BTreeMap;
5use std::fmt;
7use crate::packed::pattern::{PatternID, Patterns};
8use crate::packed::teddy::Teddy;
10/// A builder for constructing a Teddy matcher.
12/// The builder primarily permits fine grained configuration of the Teddy
13/// matcher. Most options are made only available for testing/benchmarking
14/// purposes. In reality, options are automatically determined by the nature
15/// and number of patterns given to the builder.
16#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
17pub struct Builder {
18 /// When none, this is automatically determined. Otherwise, `false` means
19 /// slim Teddy is used (8 buckets) and `true` means fat Teddy is used
20 /// (16 buckets). Fat Teddy requires AVX2, so if that CPU feature isn't
21 /// available and Fat Teddy was requested, no matcher will be built.
22 fat: Option<bool>,
23 /// When none, this is automatically determined. Otherwise, `false` means
24 /// that 128-bit vectors will be used (up to SSSE3 instructions) where as
25 /// `true` means that 256-bit vectors will be used. As with `fat`, if
26 /// 256-bit vectors are requested and they aren't available, then a
27 /// searcher will not be built.
28 avx: Option<bool>,
31impl Default for Builder {
32 fn default() -> Builder {
33 Builder::new()
34 }
37impl Builder {
38 /// Create a new builder for configuring a Teddy matcher.
39 pub fn new() -> Builder {
40 Builder { fat: None, avx: None }
41 }
43 /// Build a matcher for the set of patterns given. If a matcher could not
44 /// be built, then `None` is returned.
45 ///
46 /// Generally, a matcher isn't built if the necessary CPU features aren't
47 /// available, an unsupported target or if the searcher is believed to be
48 /// slower than standard techniques (i.e., if there are too many literals).
49 pub fn build(&self, patterns: &Patterns) -> Option<Teddy> {
50 self.build_imp(patterns)
51 }
53 /// Require the use of Fat (true) or Slim (false) Teddy. Fat Teddy uses
54 /// 16 buckets where as Slim Teddy uses 8 buckets. More buckets are useful
55 /// for a larger set of literals.
56 ///
57 /// `None` is the default, which results in an automatic selection based
58 /// on the number of literals and available CPU features.
59 pub fn fat(&mut self, yes: Option<bool>) -> &mut Builder {
60 self.fat = yes;
61 self
62 }
64 /// Request the use of 256-bit vectors (true) or 128-bit vectors (false).
65 /// Generally, a larger vector size is better since it either permits
66 /// matching more patterns or matching more bytes in the haystack at once.
67 ///
68 /// `None` is the default, which results in an automatic selection based on
69 /// the number of literals and available CPU features.
70 pub fn avx(&mut self, yes: Option<bool>) -> &mut Builder {
71 self.avx = yes;
72 self
73 }
75 fn build_imp(&self, patterns: &Patterns) -> Option<Teddy> {
76 use crate::packed::teddy::runtime;
78 // Most of the logic here is just about selecting the optimal settings,
79 // or perhaps even rejecting construction altogether. The choices
80 // we have are: fat (avx only) or not, ssse3 or avx2, and how many
81 // patterns we allow ourselves to search. Additionally, for testing
82 // and benchmarking, we permit callers to try to "force" a setting,
83 // and if the setting isn't allowed (e.g., forcing AVX when AVX isn't
84 // available), then we bail and return nothing.
86 if patterns.len() > 64 {
87 return None;
88 }
89 let has_ssse3 = is_x86_feature_detected!("ssse3");
90 let has_avx = is_x86_feature_detected!("avx2");
91 let avx = if self.avx == Some(true) {
92 if !has_avx {
93 return None;
94 }
95 true
96 } else if self.avx == Some(false) {
97 if !has_ssse3 {
98 return None;
99 }
100 false
101 } else if !has_ssse3 && !has_avx {
102 return None;
103 } else {
104 has_avx
105 };
106 let fat = match self.fat {
107 None => avx && patterns.len() > 32,
108 Some(false) => false,
109 Some(true) if !avx => return None,
110 Some(true) => true,
111 };
113 let mut compiler = Compiler::new(patterns, fat);
114 compiler.compile();
115 let Compiler { buckets, masks, .. } = compiler;
116 // SAFETY: It is required that the builder only produce Teddy matchers
117 // that are allowed to run on the current CPU, since we later assume
118 // that the presence of (for example) TeddySlim1Mask256 means it is
119 // safe to call functions marked with the `avx2` target feature.
120 match (masks.len(), avx, fat) {
121 (1, false, _) => Some(Teddy {
122 buckets,
123 max_pattern_id: patterns.max_pattern_id(),
124 exec: runtime::Exec::TeddySlim1Mask128(
125 runtime::TeddySlim1Mask128 {
126 mask1: runtime::Mask128::new(masks[0]),
127 },
128 ),
129 }),
130 (1, true, false) => Some(Teddy {
131 buckets,
132 max_pattern_id: patterns.max_pattern_id(),
133 exec: runtime::Exec::TeddySlim1Mask256(
134 runtime::TeddySlim1Mask256 {
135 mask1: runtime::Mask256::new(masks[0]),
136 },
137 ),
138 }),
139 (1, true, true) => Some(Teddy {
140 buckets,
141 max_pattern_id: patterns.max_pattern_id(),
142 exec: runtime::Exec::TeddyFat1Mask256(
143 runtime::TeddyFat1Mask256 {
144 mask1: runtime::Mask256::new(masks[0]),
145 },
146 ),
147 }),
148 (2, false, _) => Some(Teddy {
149 buckets,
150 max_pattern_id: patterns.max_pattern_id(),
151 exec: runtime::Exec::TeddySlim2Mask128(
152 runtime::TeddySlim2Mask128 {
153 mask1: runtime::Mask128::new(masks[0]),
154 mask2: runtime::Mask128::new(masks[1]),
155 },
156 ),
157 }),
158 (2, true, false) => Some(Teddy {
159 buckets,
160 max_pattern_id: patterns.max_pattern_id(),
161 exec: runtime::Exec::TeddySlim2Mask256(
162 runtime::TeddySlim2Mask256 {
163 mask1: runtime::Mask256::new(masks[0]),
164 mask2: runtime::Mask256::new(masks[1]),
165 },
166 ),
167 }),
168 (2, true, true) => Some(Teddy {
169 buckets,
170 max_pattern_id: patterns.max_pattern_id(),
171 exec: runtime::Exec::TeddyFat2Mask256(
172 runtime::TeddyFat2Mask256 {
173 mask1: runtime::Mask256::new(masks[0]),
174 mask2: runtime::Mask256::new(masks[1]),
175 },
176 ),
177 }),
178 (3, false, _) => Some(Teddy {
179 buckets,
180 max_pattern_id: patterns.max_pattern_id(),
181 exec: runtime::Exec::TeddySlim3Mask128(
182 runtime::TeddySlim3Mask128 {
183 mask1: runtime::Mask128::new(masks[0]),
184 mask2: runtime::Mask128::new(masks[1]),
185 mask3: runtime::Mask128::new(masks[2]),
186 },
187 ),
188 }),
189 (3, true, false) => Some(Teddy {
190 buckets,
191 max_pattern_id: patterns.max_pattern_id(),
192 exec: runtime::Exec::TeddySlim3Mask256(
193 runtime::TeddySlim3Mask256 {
194 mask1: runtime::Mask256::new(masks[0]),
195 mask2: runtime::Mask256::new(masks[1]),
196 mask3: runtime::Mask256::new(masks[2]),
197 },
198 ),
199 }),
200 (3, true, true) => Some(Teddy {
201 buckets,
202 max_pattern_id: patterns.max_pattern_id(),
203 exec: runtime::Exec::TeddyFat3Mask256(
204 runtime::TeddyFat3Mask256 {
205 mask1: runtime::Mask256::new(masks[0]),
206 mask2: runtime::Mask256::new(masks[1]),
207 mask3: runtime::Mask256::new(masks[2]),
208 },
209 ),
210 }),
211 _ => unreachable!(),
212 }
213 }
216/// A compiler is in charge of allocating patterns into buckets and generating
217/// the masks necessary for searching.
219struct Compiler<'p> {
220 patterns: &'p Patterns,
221 buckets: Vec<Vec<PatternID>>,
222 masks: Vec<Mask>,
225impl<'p> Compiler<'p> {
226 /// Create a new Teddy compiler for the given patterns. If `fat` is true,
227 /// then 16 buckets will be used instead of 8.
228 ///
229 /// This panics if any of the patterns given are empty.
230 fn new(patterns: &'p Patterns, fat: bool) -> Compiler<'p> {
231 let mask_len = cmp::min(3, patterns.minimum_len());
232 assert!(1 <= mask_len && mask_len <= 3);
234 Compiler {
235 patterns,
236 buckets: vec![vec![]; if fat { 16 } else { 8 }],
237 masks: vec![Mask::default(); mask_len],
238 }
239 }
241 /// Compile the patterns in this compiler into buckets and masks.
242 fn compile(&mut self) {
243 let mut lonibble_to_bucket: BTreeMap<Vec<u8>, usize> = BTreeMap::new();
244 for (id, pattern) in self.patterns.iter() {
245 // We try to be slightly clever in how we assign patterns into
246 // buckets. Generally speaking, we want patterns with the same
247 // prefix to be in the same bucket, since it minimizes the amount
248 // of time we spend churning through buckets in the verification
249 // step.
250 //
251 // So we could assign patterns with the same N-prefix (where N
252 // is the size of the mask, which is one of {1, 2, 3}) to the
253 // same bucket. However, case insensitive searches are fairly
254 // common, so we'd for example, ideally want to treat `abc` and
255 // `ABC` as if they shared the same prefix. ASCII has the nice
256 // property that the lower 4 bits of A and a are the same, so we
257 // therefore group patterns with the same low-nybbe-N-prefix into
258 // the same bucket.
259 //
260 // MOREOVER, this is actually necessary for correctness! In
261 // particular, by grouping patterns with the same prefix into the
262 // same bucket, we ensure that we preserve correct leftmost-first
263 // and leftmost-longest match semantics. In addition to the fact
264 // that `patterns.iter()` iterates in the correct order, this
265 // guarantees that all possible ambiguous matches will occur in
266 // the same bucket. The verification routine could be adjusted to
267 // support correct leftmost match semantics regardless of bucket
268 // allocation, but that results in a performance hit. It's much
269 // nicer to be able to just stop as soon as a match is found.
270 let lonybs = pattern.low_nybbles(self.masks.len());
271 if let Some(&bucket) = lonibble_to_bucket.get(&lonybs) {
272 self.buckets[bucket].push(id);
273 } else {
274 // N.B. We assign buckets in reverse because it shouldn't have
275 // any influence on performance, but it does make it harder to
276 // get leftmost match semantics accidentally correct.
277 let bucket = (self.buckets.len() - 1)
278 - (id as usize % self.buckets.len());
279 self.buckets[bucket].push(id);
280 lonibble_to_bucket.insert(lonybs, bucket);
281 }
282 }
283 for (bucket_index, bucket) in self.buckets.iter().enumerate() {
284 for &pat_id in bucket {
285 let pat = self.patterns.get(pat_id);
286 for (i, mask) in self.masks.iter_mut().enumerate() {
287 if self.buckets.len() == 8 {
288 mask.add_slim(bucket_index as u8, pat.bytes()[i]);
289 } else {
290 mask.add_fat(bucket_index as u8, pat.bytes()[i]);
291 }
292 }
293 }
294 }
295 }
298impl<'p> fmt::Debug for Compiler<'p> {
299 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
300 let mut buckets = vec![vec![]; self.buckets.len()];
301 for (i, bucket) in self.buckets.iter().enumerate() {
302 for &patid in bucket {
303 buckets[i].push(self.patterns.get(patid));
304 }
305 }
306 f.debug_struct("Compiler")
307 .field("buckets", &buckets)
308 .field("masks", &self.masks)
309 .finish()
310 }
313/// Mask represents the low and high nybble masks that will be used during
314/// search. Each mask is 32 bytes wide, although only the first 16 bytes are
315/// used for the SSSE3 runtime.
317/// Each byte in the mask corresponds to a 8-bit bitset, where bit `i` is set
318/// if and only if the corresponding nybble is in the ith bucket. The index of
319/// the byte (0-15, inclusive) corresponds to the nybble.
321/// Each mask is used as the target of a shuffle, where the indices for the
322/// shuffle are taken from the haystack. AND'ing the shuffles for both the
323/// low and high masks together also results in 8-bit bitsets, but where bit
324/// `i` is set if and only if the correspond *byte* is in the ith bucket.
326/// During compilation, masks are just arrays. But during search, these masks
327/// are represented as 128-bit or 256-bit vectors.
329/// (See the README is this directory for more details.)
330#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default)]
331pub struct Mask {
332 lo: [u8; 32],
333 hi: [u8; 32],
336impl Mask {
337 /// Update this mask by adding the given byte to the given bucket. The
338 /// given bucket must be in the range 0-7.
339 ///
340 /// This is for "slim" Teddy, where there are only 8 buckets.
341 fn add_slim(&mut self, bucket: u8, byte: u8) {
342 assert!(bucket < 8);
344 let byte_lo = (byte & 0xF) as usize;
345 let byte_hi = ((byte >> 4) & 0xF) as usize;
346 // When using 256-bit vectors, we need to set this bucket assignment in
347 // the low and high 128-bit portions of the mask. This allows us to
348 // process 32 bytes at a time. Namely, AVX2 shuffles operate on each
349 // of the 128-bit lanes, rather than the full 256-bit vector at once.
350 self.lo[byte_lo] |= 1 << bucket;
351 self.lo[byte_lo + 16] |= 1 << bucket;
352 self.hi[byte_hi] |= 1 << bucket;
353 self.hi[byte_hi + 16] |= 1 << bucket;
354 }
356 /// Update this mask by adding the given byte to the given bucket. The
357 /// given bucket must be in the range 0-15.
358 ///
359 /// This is for "fat" Teddy, where there are 16 buckets.
360 fn add_fat(&mut self, bucket: u8, byte: u8) {
361 assert!(bucket < 16);
363 let byte_lo = (byte & 0xF) as usize;
364 let byte_hi = ((byte >> 4) & 0xF) as usize;
365 // Unlike slim teddy, fat teddy only works with AVX2. For fat teddy,
366 // the high 128 bits of our mask correspond to buckets 8-15, while the
367 // low 128 bits correspond to buckets 0-7.
368 if bucket < 8 {
369 self.lo[byte_lo] |= 1 << bucket;
370 self.hi[byte_hi] |= 1 << bucket;
371 } else {
372 self.lo[byte_lo + 16] |= 1 << (bucket % 8);
373 self.hi[byte_hi + 16] |= 1 << (bucket % 8);
374 }
375 }
377 /// Return the low 128 bits of the low-nybble mask.
378 pub fn lo128(&self) -> [u8; 16] {
379 let mut tmp = [0; 16];
380 tmp.copy_from_slice(&self.lo[..16]);
381 tmp
382 }
384 /// Return the full low-nybble mask.
385 pub fn lo256(&self) -> [u8; 32] {
386 self.lo
387 }
389 /// Return the low 128 bits of the high-nybble mask.
390 pub fn hi128(&self) -> [u8; 16] {
391 let mut tmp = [0; 16];
392 tmp.copy_from_slice(&self.hi[..16]);
393 tmp
394 }
396 /// Return the full high-nybble mask.
397 pub fn hi256(&self) -> [u8; 32] {
398 self.hi
399 }
402impl fmt::Debug for Mask {
403 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
404 let (mut parts_lo, mut parts_hi) = (vec![], vec![]);
405 for i in 0..32 {
406 parts_lo.push(format!("{:02}: {:08b}", i, self.lo[i]));
407 parts_hi.push(format!("{:02}: {:08b}", i, self.hi[i]));
408 }
409 f.debug_struct("Mask")
410 .field("lo", &parts_lo)
411 .field("hi", &parts_hi)
412 .finish()
413 }