
1// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5use crate::boringssl::{self, Bignum, BignumCtx, EcGroup, EcGroupId, EcGroupParams, EcPoint};
6use crate::internal::{FiniteCyclicGroup, SaeParameters};
7use crate::PweMethod;
8use anyhow::{bail, Error};
9use ieee80211::MacAddr;
10use log::warn;
11use num::integer::Integer;
12use num::ToPrimitive;
14/// An elliptic curve group to be used as the finite cyclic group for SAE.
15pub struct Group {
16    id: EcGroupId,
17    group: EcGroup,
18    bn_ctx: BignumCtx,
21impl Group {
22    /// Construct a new FCG using the curve parameters specified by the given ID
23    /// for underlying operations.
24    pub fn new(ec_group: EcGroupId) -> Result<Self, Error> {
25        Ok(Self { id: ec_group.clone(), group: EcGroup::new(ec_group)?, bn_ctx: BignumCtx::new()? })
26    }
29/// Concatenates two MAC addresses in canonical order (largest one first)
30fn concat_mac_addrs(sta_a_mac: &MacAddr, sta_b_mac: &MacAddr) -> Vec<u8> {
31    let mut result: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(sta_a_mac.len() + sta_b_mac.len());
32    match sta_a_mac.cmp(sta_b_mac) {
33        std::cmp::Ordering::Less => {
34            result.extend_from_slice(sta_b_mac.as_slice());
35            result.extend_from_slice(sta_a_mac.as_slice());
36        }
37        _ => {
38            result.extend_from_slice(sta_a_mac.as_slice());
39            result.extend_from_slice(sta_b_mac.as_slice());
40        }
41    };
43    result
46// The minimum number of times we must attempt to generate a PWE to avoid timing attacks.
47// IEEE Std 802.11-2016 states that this number should be high enough that the
48// probability of not finding a PWE is "sufficiently small". For a given odd prime modulus, there
49// are (p + 1) / 2 quadratic residues. This means that for large p, there's a ~50% chance of
50// finding a residue on each PWE iteration, so the probability of exceeding our number of iters is
51// (1/2)^MIN_PWE_ITER. At 50 iterations, that's about 1 in 80 quadrillion... Seems sufficient.
52const MIN_PWE_ITER: u8 = 50;
53const KDF_LABEL: &'static str = "SAE Hunting and Pecking";
55/// Computes the left side of an elliptic curve equation, y^2 = x^3 + ax + b mod p
56fn compute_y_squared(x: &Bignum, curve: &EcGroupParams, ctx: &BignumCtx) -> Result<Bignum, Error> {
57    // x^3 mod p
58    let y = x.mod_exp(&Bignum::new_from_u64(3)?, &curve.p, ctx)?;
59    // x^3 + ax mod p
60    let y = y.mod_add(&curve.a.mod_mul(&x, &curve.p, ctx)?, &curve.p, ctx)?;
61    // x^3 + ax + b mod p
62    y.mod_add(&curve.b, &curve.p, ctx)
65#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
66enum LegendreSymbol {
67    QuadResidue,
68    NonQuadResidue,
69    ZeroCongruent,
72/// Computes (a | p), as defined by https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legendre_symbol.
73fn legendre(a: &Bignum, p: &Bignum, ctx: &BignumCtx) -> Result<LegendreSymbol, Error> {
74    let exp = p.sub(Bignum::one()?)?.rshift1()?;
75    let res = a.mod_exp(&exp, p, ctx)?;
76    if res.is_one() {
77        Ok(LegendreSymbol::QuadResidue)
78    } else if res.is_zero() {
79        Ok(LegendreSymbol::ZeroCongruent)
80    } else {
81        Ok(LegendreSymbol::NonQuadResidue)
82    }
85/// Returns a random tuple of (quadratic residue, non quadratic residue) mod p.
86fn generate_qr_and_qnr(p: &Bignum, ctx: &BignumCtx) -> Result<(Bignum, Bignum), Error> {
87    // Randomly selected values have a roughly 50% chance of being quadratic residues or
88    // non-residues, so both of these loops will always terminate quickly.
89    let mut qr = Bignum::rand(p)?;
90    while legendre(&qr, p, ctx)? != LegendreSymbol::QuadResidue {
91        qr = Bignum::rand(p)?;
92    }
94    let mut qnr = Bignum::rand(p)?;
95    while legendre(&qnr, p, ctx)? != LegendreSymbol::NonQuadResidue {
96        qnr = Bignum::rand(p)?;
97    }
99    Ok((qr, qnr))
102/// IEEE 802.11-2016
103/// Uses the given quadratic residue and non-quadratic residue to determine whether the given value
104/// is also a residue, without leaving potential timing attacks.
105fn is_quadratic_residue_blind(
106    v: &Bignum,
107    p: &Bignum,
108    qr: &Bignum,
109    qnr: &Bignum,
110    ctx: &BignumCtx,
111) -> Result<bool, Error> {
112    // r = (random() mod (p - 1)) + 1
113    let r = Bignum::rand(&p.sub(Bignum::one()?)?)?.add(Bignum::one()?)?;
114    let num = v.mod_mul(&r, p, ctx)?.mod_mul(&r, p, ctx)?;
115    if num.is_odd() {
116        let num = num.mod_mul(qr, p, ctx)?;
117        Ok(legendre(&num, p, ctx)? == LegendreSymbol::QuadResidue)
118    } else {
119        let num = num.mod_mul(qnr, p, ctx)?;
120        Ok(legendre(&num, p, ctx)? == LegendreSymbol::NonQuadResidue)
121    }
124impl Group {
125    // IEEE Std 802.11-2020
126    fn generate_pwe_loop(&self, params: &SaeParameters) -> Result<EcPoint, Error> {
127        if params.password_id.is_some() {
128            // IEEE Std 802.11-2020
129            bail!("Password ID cannot be used with looping PWE generation");
130        }
132        let group_params = self.group.get_params(&self.bn_ctx)?;
133        let length = group_params.p.bits();
134        let p_vec = group_params.p.to_be_vec(group_params.p.len());
135        let (qr, qnr) = generate_qr_and_qnr(&group_params.p, &self.bn_ctx)?;
136        // Our loop will set these two values.
137        let mut x: Option<Bignum> = None;
138        let mut save: Option<Vec<u8>> = None;
140        let mut counter = 1;
141        while counter <= MIN_PWE_ITER || x.is_none() {
142            let pwd_seed = {
143                let salt = concat_mac_addrs(&params.sta_a_mac, &params.sta_b_mac);
144                let mut ikm = params.password.clone();
145                ikm.push(counter as u8);
146                params.hmac.hkdf_extract(&salt[..], &ikm[..])
147            };
148            let pwd_value =
149                params.hmac.kdf_hash_length(&pwd_seed[..], KDF_LABEL, &p_vec[..], length);
150            // This is a candidate value for our PWE x-coord. We now determine whether or not it
151            // has all of our desired properties to form a PWE.
152            let pwd_value = Bignum::new_from_slice(&pwd_value[..])?;
153            if pwd_value < group_params.p {
154                let y_squared = compute_y_squared(&pwd_value, &group_params, &self.bn_ctx)?;
155                if is_quadratic_residue_blind(&y_squared, &group_params.p, &qr, &qnr, &self.bn_ctx)?
156                {
157                    // We have a valid x coord for our PWE! Save it if it's the first we've found.
158                    if x.is_none() {
159                        x = Some(pwd_value);
160                        save = Some(pwd_seed);
161                    }
162                }
163            }
164            counter += 1;
165        }
167        // x and save are now guaranteed to contain values.
168        let x = x.unwrap();
169        let save = save.unwrap();
171        // Finally compute the PWE.
172        let y_squared = compute_y_squared(&x, &group_params, &self.bn_ctx)?;
173        let mut y = y_squared.mod_sqrt(&group_params.p, &self.bn_ctx)?;
174        // Use (p - y) if the LSB of save is not equal to the LSB of y.
175        if save[save.len() - 1].is_odd() != y.is_odd() {
176            y = group_params.p.copy()?.sub(y)?;
177        }
178        EcPoint::new_from_affine_coords(x, y, &self.group, &self.bn_ctx)
179    }
181    /// draft-irtf-cfrg-hash-to-curve-11 F.2, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4
182    /// Returns the parameters to the SSWU map-to-curve function.  z is the curve-specific parameter,
183    /// given in the IRTC memo; c1 and c2 are derived parameters.
184    fn generate_sswu_z_c1_c2(&self) -> Result<(Bignum, Bignum, Bignum), Error> {
185        let group_params = self.group.get_params(&self.bn_ctx)?;
186        let z = match self.id {
187            EcGroupId::P256 => Bignum::new_from_u64(10)?.set_negative(),
188            EcGroupId::P384 => Bignum::new_from_u64(12)?.set_negative(),
189            EcGroupId::P521 => Bignum::new_from_u64(4)?.set_negative(),
190        };
191        let c1 = group_params
192            .b
193            .mod_mul(
194                &group_params.a.mod_inverse(&group_params.p, &self.bn_ctx)?,
195                &group_params.p,
196                &self.bn_ctx,
197            )?
198            .set_negative();
199        let c2 = z.mod_inverse(&group_params.p, &self.bn_ctx)?.set_negative();
200        Ok((z, c1, c2))
201    }
203    /// draft-irtf-cfrg-hash-to-curve-11 F.2
204    /// Implements the Simplified Shallue-van de Woestijne-Ulas map-to-curve function, for any curve
205    /// in the form:
206    ///     y^2 = g(x) = x^3 + A * x + B
207    /// over GF(p) where A != 0 and B != 0.  We use the straight-line version from draft 11 since it
208    /// more straightforward to implement here.
209    ///
210    /// Parameters are defined as following:
211    ///     u: pwd-value specified in IEEE Std 802.11-2020
212    ///     z, c1, c2: Constants specific to a given elliptic curve. Use generate_sswu_z_c1_c2
213    ///     qr, qnr: Random values generated by generate_qr_and_qnr
214    /// z, c1, c2, qr and qnr are passed here to avoid extra work when calling calculate_sswu
215    /// multiple times.
216    // TODO(https://fxbug.dev/42173568): implement this using only constant-time Bignum operations.
217    fn calculate_sswu(
218        &self,
219        u: &Bignum,
220        z: &Bignum,
221        c1: &Bignum,
222        c2: &Bignum,
223        qr: &Bignum,
224        qnr: &Bignum,
225    ) -> Result<EcPoint, Error> {
226        let group_params = self.group.get_params(&self.bn_ctx)?;
227        let p = &group_params.p;
228        let p_2 = p.sub(Bignum::new_from_u64(2)?)?;
230        let tv1 = z.mod_mul(&u.mod_square(p, &self.bn_ctx)?, p, &self.bn_ctx)?; // tv1 = z * u^2
231        let tv2 = tv1.mod_square(p, &self.bn_ctx)?; // tv2 = tv1^2
232        let x1 = tv1.mod_add(&tv2, p, &self.bn_ctx)?; // x1 = tv + tv2
233        let x1 = x1.mod_exp(&p_2, p, &self.bn_ctx)?; // x1 = inv0(x1)
234        let e1 = x1.is_zero(); // e1 = x1 == 0
235        let x1 = x1.mod_add(&Bignum::one()?, p, &self.bn_ctx)?; // x1 = x1 + 1
236        let x1 = if e1 { c2 } else { &x1 }; // x1 = CMOV(x1, c2, e1)
237        let x1 = x1.mod_mul(c1, p, &self.bn_ctx)?; // x1 = x1 * c1
238        let gx1 = x1.mod_square(&group_params.p, &self.bn_ctx)?; // gx1 = x1^2
239        let gx1 = gx1.mod_add(&group_params.a, p, &self.bn_ctx)?; // gx1 = gx1 + A
240        let gx1 = gx1.mod_mul(&x1, p, &self.bn_ctx)?; // gx1 = gx1 * x1
241        let gx1 = gx1.mod_add(&group_params.b, p, &self.bn_ctx)?; // gx1 = gx1 + B
242        let x2 = tv1.mod_mul(&x1, p, &self.bn_ctx)?; // x2 = tv1 * x1
243        let tv2 = tv1.mod_mul(&tv2, p, &self.bn_ctx)?; // tv2 = tv1 * tv2
244        let gx2 = gx1.mod_mul(&tv2, p, &self.bn_ctx)?; // gx2 = gx1 * tv2
245        let e2 = is_quadratic_residue_blind(&gx1, p, qr, qnr, &self.bn_ctx)?; // e2 = is_square(gx1)
246        let x = if e2 { x1 } else { x2 }; // x = CMOV(x2, x1, e2)
247        let y2 = if e2 { gx1 } else { gx2 }; // y2 = CMOV(gx2, gx1, e2)
248        let y = y2.mod_sqrt(p, &self.bn_ctx)?; // y = sqrt(y2)
249        let e3 = u.is_odd() == y.is_odd(); // e3 = sgn0(u) == sgn0(y) (is_odd() in GF(p))
250        let negative_y = p.sub(y.copy()?)?.mod_nonnegative(p, &self.bn_ctx)?;
251        let y = if e3 { y } else { negative_y }; // y = CMOV(-y, y, e3)
253        EcPoint::new_from_affine_coords(x, y, &self.group, &self.bn_ctx)
254    }
256    /// IEEE Std 802.11-2020
257    /// Returns the secret PT used to generate the PWE.
258    fn generate_pt(&self, params: &SaeParameters) -> Result<EcPoint, Error> {
259        let group_params = self.group.get_params(&self.bn_ctx)?;
260        let p = &group_params.p;
261        let len = p.len() + (p.len() / 2);
263        let mut password_with_id = params.password.clone();
264        match &params.password_id {
265            Some(password_id) => password_with_id.extend_from_slice(&password_id),
266            _ => (),
267        };
268        let pwd_seed = params.hmac.hkdf_extract(&params.ssid, &password_with_id);
270        let (z, c1, c2) = self.generate_sswu_z_c1_c2()?;
271        let (qr, qnr) = generate_qr_and_qnr(p, &self.bn_ctx)?;
273        let pwd_value_1 = params.hmac.hkdf_expand(&pwd_seed, "SAE Hash to Element u1 P1", len);
274        let u1 = Bignum::new_from_slice(&pwd_value_1)?;
275        let u1 = u1.mod_nonnegative(p, &self.bn_ctx)?;
276        let p1 = self.calculate_sswu(&u1, &z, &c1, &c2, &qr, &qnr)?;
278        let pwd_value_2 = params.hmac.hkdf_expand(&pwd_seed, "SAE Hash to Element u2 P2", len);
279        let u2 = Bignum::new_from_slice(&pwd_value_2)?;
280        let u2 = u2.mod_nonnegative(p, &self.bn_ctx)?;
281        let p2 = self.calculate_sswu(&u2, &z, &c1, &c1, &qr, &qnr)?;
283        self.elem_op(&p1, &p2)
284    }
286    // IEEE Std 802.11-2020
287    fn generate_pwe_direct(&self, params: &SaeParameters) -> Result<EcPoint, Error> {
288        // The secret element pt is used for each connection on this SSID and password, and could
289        // potentially be cached and reused.  However, in actual use we generate a new Group
290        // instance for each call to generate_pwe(), so we do not do any caching here.
291        let pt = self.generate_pt(params)?;
293        // Now generate the PWE from the PT and MAC addresses.
294        let salt = vec![0u8; params.hmac.bits() / 8];
295        let ikm = concat_mac_addrs(&params.sta_a_mac, &params.sta_b_mac);
296        let val = Bignum::new_from_slice(&params.hmac.hkdf_extract(&salt, &ikm))?;
297        let val = val
298            .mod_nonnegative(
299                &self.group.get_order(&self.bn_ctx)?.sub(Bignum::one()?)?,
300                &self.bn_ctx,
301            )?
302            .add(Bignum::one()?)?;
304        self.scalar_op(&val, &pt)
305    }
308impl FiniteCyclicGroup for Group {
309    type Element = boringssl::EcPoint;
311    fn group_id(&self) -> u16 {
312        self.id.to_u16().unwrap()
313    }
315    fn generate_pwe(&self, params: &SaeParameters) -> Result<Self::Element, Error> {
316        match params.pwe_method {
317            PweMethod::Loop => self.generate_pwe_loop(params),
318            PweMethod::Direct => self.generate_pwe_direct(params),
319        }
320    }
322    fn scalar_op(&self, scalar: &Bignum, element: &Self::Element) -> Result<Self::Element, Error> {
323        element.mul(&self.group, &scalar, &self.bn_ctx)
324    }
326    fn elem_op(
327        &self,
328        element1: &Self::Element,
329        element2: &Self::Element,
330    ) -> Result<Self::Element, Error> {
331        element1.add(&self.group, &element2, &self.bn_ctx)
332    }
334    fn inverse_op(&self, element: Self::Element) -> Result<Self::Element, Error> {
335        element.invert(&self.group, &self.bn_ctx)
336    }
338    fn order(&self) -> Result<Bignum, Error> {
339        self.group.get_order(&self.bn_ctx)
340    }
342    fn map_to_secret_value(&self, element: &Self::Element) -> Result<Option<Vec<u8>>, Error> {
343        // IEEE Std 802.11-2016 (end of section)
344        if element.is_point_at_infinity(&self.group) {
345            Ok(None)
346        } else {
347            let group_params = self.group.get_params(&self.bn_ctx)?;
348            let (x, _y) = element.to_affine_coords(&self.group, &self.bn_ctx)?;
349            Ok(Some(x.to_be_vec(group_params.p.len())))
350        }
351    }
353    // IEEE Std 802.11-2016
354    fn element_to_octets(&self, element: &Self::Element) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> {
355        let group_params = self.group.get_params(&self.bn_ctx)?;
356        let length = group_params.p.len();
357        let (x, y) = element.to_affine_coords(&self.group, &self.bn_ctx)?;
358        let mut res = x.to_be_vec(length);
359        res.append(&mut y.to_be_vec(length));
360        Ok(res)
361    }
363    // IEEE Std 802.11-2016
364    fn element_from_octets(&self, octets: &[u8]) -> Result<Option<Self::Element>, Error> {
365        let group_params = self.group.get_params(&self.bn_ctx)?;
366        let length = group_params.p.len();
367        if octets.len() != length * 2 {
368            warn!("element_from_octets called with wrong number of octets");
369            return Ok(None);
370        }
371        let x = Bignum::new_from_slice(&octets[0..length])?;
372        let y = Bignum::new_from_slice(&octets[length..])?;
373        Ok(EcPoint::new_from_affine_coords(x, y, &self.group, &self.bn_ctx).ok())
374    }
378mod tests {
379    use super::*;
380    use crate::hmac_utils::HmacUtilsImpl;
381    use ieee80211::{MacAddr, Ssid};
382    use lazy_static::lazy_static;
383    use mundane::hash::Sha256;
384    use std::convert::TryFrom;
386    #[derive(Debug)]
387    struct SswuTestVector {
388        curve: EcGroupId,
389        u: &'static str,
390        q_x: &'static str,
391        q_y: &'static str,
392    }
394    // IEEE Std 802.11-2020 J.10
395    // SAE test vectors (common)
396    const TEST_GROUP: EcGroupId = EcGroupId::P256;
397    const TEST_SSID: &'static str = "byteme";
398    const TEST_PWD: &'static str = "mekmitasdigoat";
399    const TEST_PWD_ID: &'static str = "psk4internet";
401    // IEEE Std 802.11-2020 J.10
402    // Test vectors for looping PWE generation
403    lazy_static! {
404        static ref TEST_LOOP_STA_A: MacAddr = MacAddr::from([0x4d, 0x3f, 0x2f, 0xff, 0xe3, 0x87]);
405        static ref TEST_LOOP_STA_B: MacAddr = MacAddr::from([0xa5, 0xd8, 0xaa, 0x95, 0x8e, 0x3c]);
406    }
407    const TEST_LOOP_PWE_X: &'static str =
408        "da6eb7b06a1ac5624974f90afdd6a8e9d5722634cf987c34defc91a9874e5658";
409    const TEST_LOOP_PWE_Y: &'static str =
410        "f4fefd130bd5be08fe68af3e4a290272ec065fd3671f3c25bf8ec419ddc9b822";
412    // IEEE Std 802.11-2020 J.10
413    // Test vectors for direct PWE generation
414    lazy_static! {
415        static ref TEST_DIRECT_STA_A: MacAddr = MacAddr::from([0x00, 0x09, 0x5b, 0x66, 0xec, 0x1e]);
416        static ref TEST_DIRECT_STA_B: MacAddr = MacAddr::from([0x00, 0x0b, 0x6b, 0xd9, 0x02, 0x46]);
417    }
418    const TEST_DIRECT_Z: &'static str =
419        "ffffffff00000001000000000000000000000000fffffffffffffffffffffff5";
420    const TEST_DIRECT_C1: &'static str =
421        "73976747e368dbf83bf93f1c7cdd823ecc5f023b441be5a76944bebf629b756e";
422    const TEST_DIRECT_C2: &'static str =
423        "e666666580000000e666666666666666666666674ccccccccccccccccccccccc";
424    const TEST_DIRECT_U1: &'static str =
425        "dc941bc3c6a2b4948b6c61d55590ecb1f0c51c4b1bebaff677e593698d5a53c6";
426    const TEST_DIRECT_U2: &'static str =
427        "1b8375a518bc21396ad6a65e5597e0bf80d793b6d66e2534a6e7dfe3ee22616f";
428    const TEST_DIRECT_P1_X: &'static str =
429        "a07c260764a13445ff8cd97c5acc644e7119bde51bad42583eed6f4109639e6b";
430    const TEST_DIRECT_P1_Y: &'static str =
431        "3bdc8df0d32337936c74df604933a454142251c53c576c0351b28deaf9428d7e";
432    const TEST_DIRECT_P2_X: &'static str =
433        "72cd2a967a837fea5051f0133db46227775ba09f7b6dfb99ae7a8ef22c7d34a0";
434    const TEST_DIRECT_P2_Y: &'static str =
435        "864390d797d352b368d311af515bde116fe54459fec867ee18a8a1619ca3ff59";
436    const TEST_DIRECT_PT_X: &'static str =
437        "b6e38c98750c684b5d17c3d8c9a4100b39931279187ca6cced5f37ef46ddfa97";
438    const TEST_DIRECT_PT_Y: &'static str =
439        "5687e972e50f73e3898861e7edad21bea7d5f622df88243bb804920ae8e647fa";
440    const TEST_DIRECT_PWE_X: &'static str =
441        "c93049b9e64000f848201649e999f2b5c22dea69b5632c9df4d633b8aa1f6c1e";
442    const TEST_DIRECT_PWE_Y: &'static str =
443        "73634e94b53d82e7383a8d258199d9dc1a5ee8269d060382ccbf33e614ff59a0";
445    // draft-irtf-cfrg-hash-to-curve-11 J.1.1, J.2.1, J.3.1
446    // Test vectors for SSWU on various curves.
447    const TEST_SSWU_CURVES: &'static [SswuTestVector] = &[
448        SswuTestVector {
449            curve: EcGroupId::P256,
450            u: "ad5342c66a6dd0ff080df1da0ea1c04b96e0330dd89406465eeba11582515009",
451            q_x: "ab640a12220d3ff283510ff3f4b1953d09fad35795140b1c5d64f313967934d5",
452            q_y: "dccb558863804a881d4fff3455716c836cef230e5209594ddd33d85c565b19b1",
453        },
454        SswuTestVector {
455            curve: EcGroupId::P256,
456            u: "8c0f1d43204bd6f6ea70ae8013070a1518b43873bcd850aafa0a9e220e2eea5a",
457            q_x: "51cce63c50d972a6e51c61334f0f4875c9ac1cd2d3238412f84e31da7d980ef5",
458            q_y: "b45d1a36d00ad90e5ec7840a60a4de411917fbe7c82c3949a6e699e5a1b66aac",
459        },
460        SswuTestVector {
461            curve: EcGroupId::P256,
462            u: "afe47f2ea2b10465cc26ac403194dfb68b7f5ee865cda61e9f3e07a537220af1",
463            q_x: "5219ad0ddef3cc49b714145e91b2f7de6ce0a7a7dc7406c7726c7e373c58cb48",
464            q_y: "7950144e52d30acbec7b624c203b1996c99617d0b61c2442354301b191d93ecf",
465        },
466        SswuTestVector {
467            curve: EcGroupId::P256,
468            u: "379a27833b0bfe6f7bdca08e1e83c760bf9a338ab335542704edcd69ce9e46e0",
469            q_x: "019b7cb4efcfeaf39f738fe638e31d375ad6837f58a852d032ff60c69ee3875f",
470            q_y: "589a62d2b22357fed5449bc38065b760095ebe6aeac84b01156ee4252715446e",
471        },
472        SswuTestVector {
473            curve: EcGroupId::P384,
474            u: "425c1d0b099ffa6c15069b08299e6e21a204e08c2a0627f5afc24215d19e45bc\
475                47d70da5972ff77e33f176b5e18e8485",
476            q_x: "4589af7986491d42b7ee23726c57abeade65c7b8eba12d07fbce48065a01a78c\
477                  4b018c739034d9fabc2c4ef6176c7c40",
478            q_y: "5b2985027c29802bf2afdb8a3c95fa655ad3189a2118209bd285d420268bf71e\
479                  610c9533e3f4f438ba4b64f66f6fbed9",
480        },
481        SswuTestVector {
482            curve: EcGroupId::P384,
483            u: "cbefdd543ed48b5a9bbbd460f559d23b388aa72157279ba02069231881eb2a94\
484                7d887a5b1e0a6173bc92a5700f679a14",
485            q_x: "cbd6c34a12a266b447b444b303d577cd5d61e3c0af19d4676ababb470bb79574\
486                  1ebf167caa9f0910a4fcc899134596d7",
487            q_y: "63df08d5d3aa8090cbb94222b34aad35e1b11414d3aef8f1a26205c81b4d15bb\
488                  be4faf25d77924705bf09afd8812d2f0",
489        },
490        SswuTestVector {
491            curve: EcGroupId::P521,
492            u: "01e5f09974e5724f25286763f00ce76238c7a6e03dc396600350ee2c4135fb17\
493                dc555be99a4a4bae0fd303d4f66d984ed7b6a3ba386093752a855d26d559d69e\
494                7e9e",
495            q_x: "00b70ae99b6339fffac19cb9bfde2098b84f75e50ac1e80d6acb954e4534af5f\
496                  0e9c4a5b8a9c10317b8e6421574bae2b133b4f2b8c6ce4b3063da1d91d34fa2b\
497                  3a3c",
498            q_y: "007f368d98a4ddbf381fb354de40e44b19e43bb11a1278759f4ea7b485e1b6db\
499                  33e750507c071250e3e443c1aaed61f2c28541bb54b1b456843eda1eb15ec2a9\
500                  b36e",
501        },
502        SswuTestVector {
503            curve: EcGroupId::P521,
504            u: "00ae593b42ca2ef93ac488e9e09a5fe5a2f6fb330d18913734ff602f2a761fca\
505                af5f596e790bcc572c9140ec03f6cccc38f767f1c1975a0b4d70b392d95a0c72\
506                78aa",
507            q_x: "01143d0e9cddcdacd6a9aafe1bcf8d218c0afc45d4451239e821f5d2a56df92b\
508                  e942660b532b2aa59a9c635ae6b30e803c45a6ac871432452e685d661cd41cf6\
509                  7214",
510            q_y: "00ff75515df265e996d702a5380defffab1a6d2bc232234c7bcffa433cd8aa79\
511                  1fbc8dcf667f08818bffa739ae25773b32073213cae9a0f2a917a0b1301a242d\
512                  da0c",
513        },
514    ];
516    // Generated by a run of generate_qr_and_qnr()
517    const TEST_DIRECT_QR: &'static str =
518        "22d92ad59d5e2681443903612413e0da06650cf2ec4278fd1f4308418a2041b0";
519    const TEST_DIRECT_QNR: &'static str =
520        "07204a4749c26085a78cea57031524c21575d114d71f0e2ca7d742d7d99fdbe6";
522    fn make_group() -> Group {
523        let group = boringssl::EcGroup::new(TEST_GROUP).unwrap();
524        let bn_ctx = boringssl::BignumCtx::new().unwrap();
525        Group { id: TEST_GROUP, group, bn_ctx }
526    }
528    fn bn(value: u64) -> Bignum {
529        Bignum::new_from_u64(value).unwrap()
530    }
532    #[test]
533    fn get_group_id() {
534        let group = make_group();
535        assert_eq!(group.group_id(), TEST_GROUP.to_u16().unwrap());
536    }
538    #[test]
539    fn generate_pwe_loop() {
540        let group = make_group();
541        let group_params = group.group.get_params(&group.bn_ctx).unwrap();
542        let params = SaeParameters {
543            hmac: Box::new(HmacUtilsImpl::<Sha256>::new()),
544            pwe_method: PweMethod::Loop,
545            ssid: Ssid::try_from(TEST_SSID).unwrap(),
546            password: Vec::from(TEST_PWD),
547            password_id: None,
548            sta_a_mac: *TEST_LOOP_STA_A,
549            sta_b_mac: *TEST_LOOP_STA_B,
550        };
551        let pwe = group.generate_pwe(&params).unwrap();
552        let (x, y) = pwe.to_affine_coords(&group.group, &group.bn_ctx).unwrap();
553        assert_eq!(x.to_be_vec(group_params.p.len()), hex::decode(TEST_LOOP_PWE_X).unwrap());
554        assert_eq!(y.to_be_vec(group_params.p.len()), hex::decode(TEST_LOOP_PWE_Y).unwrap());
556        // The PWE should not change depending on the order of mac addresses.
557        let params =
558            SaeParameters { sta_a_mac: *TEST_LOOP_STA_B, sta_b_mac: *TEST_LOOP_STA_A, ..params };
559        let pwe = group.generate_pwe(&params).unwrap();
560        let (x, y) = pwe.to_affine_coords(&group.group, &group.bn_ctx).unwrap();
561        assert_eq!(x.to_be_vec(group_params.p.len()), hex::decode(TEST_LOOP_PWE_X).unwrap());
562        assert_eq!(y.to_be_vec(group_params.p.len()), hex::decode(TEST_LOOP_PWE_Y).unwrap());
563    }
565    #[test]
566    fn generate_pwe_direct() {
567        let group = make_group();
568        let group_params = group.group.get_params(&group.bn_ctx).unwrap();
569        let params = SaeParameters {
570            hmac: Box::new(HmacUtilsImpl::<Sha256>::new()),
571            pwe_method: PweMethod::Direct,
572            ssid: Ssid::try_from(TEST_SSID).unwrap(),
573            password: Vec::from(TEST_PWD),
574            password_id: Some(Vec::from(TEST_PWD_ID)),
575            sta_a_mac: *TEST_DIRECT_STA_A,
576            sta_b_mac: *TEST_DIRECT_STA_B,
577        };
578        let pwe = group.generate_pwe(&params).unwrap();
579        let (x, y) = pwe.to_affine_coords(&group.group, &group.bn_ctx).unwrap();
580        assert_eq!(x.to_be_vec(group_params.p.len()), hex::decode(TEST_DIRECT_PWE_X).unwrap());
581        assert_eq!(y.to_be_vec(group_params.p.len()), hex::decode(TEST_DIRECT_PWE_Y).unwrap());
583        // The PWE should not change depending on the order of mac addresses.
584        let params = SaeParameters {
585            sta_a_mac: *TEST_DIRECT_STA_B,
586            sta_b_mac: *TEST_DIRECT_STA_A,
587            ..params
588        };
589        let pwe = group.generate_pwe(&params).unwrap();
590        let (x, y) = pwe.to_affine_coords(&group.group, &group.bn_ctx).unwrap();
591        assert_eq!(x.to_be_vec(group_params.p.len()), hex::decode(TEST_DIRECT_PWE_X).unwrap());
592        assert_eq!(y.to_be_vec(group_params.p.len()), hex::decode(TEST_DIRECT_PWE_Y).unwrap());
593    }
595    #[test]
596    fn generate_pwe_loop_no_pwd_id() {
597        let group = make_group();
598        let params = SaeParameters {
599            hmac: Box::new(HmacUtilsImpl::<Sha256>::new()),
600            pwe_method: PweMethod::Loop,
601            ssid: Ssid::try_from(TEST_SSID).unwrap(),
602            password: Vec::from(TEST_PWD),
603            password_id: Some(Vec::from(TEST_PWD_ID)),
604            sta_a_mac: *TEST_LOOP_STA_A,
605            sta_b_mac: *TEST_LOOP_STA_B,
606        };
607        let pwe = group.generate_pwe(&params);
608        // IEEE Std 802.11-2020: password ID cannot be used with PWE generation by looping
609        assert!(pwe.is_err());
610    }
612    #[test]
613    fn test_legendre() {
614        // Test cases from the table in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legendre_symbol
615        let ctx = BignumCtx::new().unwrap();
616        assert_eq!(legendre(&bn(13), &bn(23), &ctx).unwrap(), LegendreSymbol::QuadResidue);
617        assert_eq!(legendre(&bn(19), &bn(23), &ctx).unwrap(), LegendreSymbol::NonQuadResidue);
618        assert_eq!(legendre(&bn(26), &bn(13), &ctx).unwrap(), LegendreSymbol::ZeroCongruent);
619    }
621    #[test]
622    fn generate_qr_qnr() {
623        // With prime 3, the only possible qr is 1 and qnr is 2.
624        let ctx = BignumCtx::new().unwrap();
625        let (qr, qnr) = generate_qr_and_qnr(&bn(3), &ctx).unwrap();
626        assert_eq!(qr, bn(1));
627        assert_eq!(qnr, bn(2));
628    }
630    #[test]
631    fn quadratic_residue_blind() {
632        // Test cases from the table in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legendre_symbol
633        let qr_table = [
634            false, true, false, false, true, false, true, false, false, true, true, false, false,
635            false, true, true, true, true, false, true, false, true, true, true, true, true, true,
636            false, false, true, false,
637        ];
638        let prime = bn(67);
639        let ctx = BignumCtx::new().unwrap();
640        let (qr, qnr) = generate_qr_and_qnr(&prime, &ctx).unwrap();
641        qr_table.iter().enumerate().for_each(|(i, _is_residue)| {
642            assert_eq!(
643                qr_table[i],
644                is_quadratic_residue_blind(&bn(i as u64), &prime, &qr, &qnr, &ctx).unwrap()
645            )
646        });
647    }
649    #[test]
650    fn calculate_sswu() {
651        // Fixed test vectors and intermediates from IEEE Std 802.11-2020
652        {
653            let group = make_group();
654            let group_params = group.group.get_params(&group.bn_ctx).unwrap();
655            let p = &group_params.p;
657            let z = Bignum::new_from_slice(&hex::decode(TEST_DIRECT_Z).unwrap()).unwrap();
658            let c1 = Bignum::new_from_slice(&hex::decode(TEST_DIRECT_C1).unwrap()).unwrap();
659            let c2 = Bignum::new_from_slice(&hex::decode(TEST_DIRECT_C2).unwrap()).unwrap();
660            let qr = Bignum::new_from_slice(&hex::decode(TEST_DIRECT_QR).unwrap()).unwrap();
661            let qnr = Bignum::new_from_slice(&hex::decode(TEST_DIRECT_QNR).unwrap()).unwrap();
663            let u1 = Bignum::new_from_slice(&hex::decode(TEST_DIRECT_U1).unwrap()).unwrap();
664            let p1 = group.calculate_sswu(&u1, &z, &c1, &c2, &qr, &qnr).unwrap();
665            let (p1_x, p1_y) = p1.to_affine_coords(&group.group, &group.bn_ctx).unwrap();
666            assert_eq!(hex::encode(p1_x.to_be_vec(p.len())), TEST_DIRECT_P1_X);
667            assert_eq!(hex::encode(p1_y.to_be_vec(p.len())), TEST_DIRECT_P1_Y);
669            let u2 = Bignum::new_from_slice(&hex::decode(TEST_DIRECT_U2).unwrap()).unwrap();
670            let p2 = group.calculate_sswu(&u2, &z, &c1, &c2, &qr, &qnr).unwrap();
671            let (p2_x, p2_y) = p2.to_affine_coords(&group.group, &group.bn_ctx).unwrap();
672            assert_eq!(hex::encode(p2_x.to_be_vec(p.len())), TEST_DIRECT_P2_X);
673            assert_eq!(hex::encode(p2_y.to_be_vec(p.len())), TEST_DIRECT_P2_Y);
674        }
676        // SSWU test vectors from draft-irtf-cfrg-hash-to-curve-11
677        for vector in TEST_SSWU_CURVES {
678            let group = boringssl::EcGroup::new(vector.curve).unwrap();
679            let bn_ctx = boringssl::BignumCtx::new().unwrap();
680            let group = Group { id: vector.curve, group, bn_ctx };
681            let group_params = group.group.get_params(&group.bn_ctx).unwrap();
682            let p = &group_params.p;
684            let (z, c1, c2) = group.generate_sswu_z_c1_c2().unwrap();
685            let (qr, qnr) = generate_qr_and_qnr(p, &group.bn_ctx).unwrap();
686            let u = Bignum::new_from_slice(&hex::decode(vector.u).unwrap()).unwrap();
687            let (q_x, q_y) = group
688                .calculate_sswu(&u, &z, &c1, &c2, &qr, &qnr)
689                .unwrap()
690                .to_affine_coords(&group.group, &group.bn_ctx)
691                .unwrap();
692            assert_eq!(
693                hex::encode(q_x.to_be_vec(p.len())),
694                vector.q_x,
695                "test vector: {:?}",
696                vector
697            );
698            assert_eq!(
699                hex::encode(q_y.to_be_vec(p.len())),
700                vector.q_y,
701                "test vector: {:?}",
702                vector
703            );
704        }
705    }
707    #[test]
708    fn generate_pt() {
709        let group = make_group();
710        let params = SaeParameters {
711            hmac: Box::new(HmacUtilsImpl::<Sha256>::new()),
712            pwe_method: PweMethod::Direct,
713            ssid: Ssid::try_from(TEST_SSID).unwrap(),
714            password: Vec::from(TEST_PWD),
715            password_id: Some(Vec::from(TEST_PWD_ID)),
716            sta_a_mac: *TEST_DIRECT_STA_A,
717            sta_b_mac: *TEST_DIRECT_STA_B,
718        };
720        let pt = group.generate_pt(&params).unwrap();
721        let (pt_x, pt_y) = pt.to_affine_coords(&group.group, &group.bn_ctx).unwrap();
722        assert_eq!(hex::encode(pt_x.to_be_vec(0)), TEST_DIRECT_PT_X);
723        assert_eq!(hex::encode(pt_y.to_be_vec(0)), TEST_DIRECT_PT_Y);
724    }
726    #[test]
727    fn test_element_to_octets() {
728        let x = Bignum::new_from_slice(&hex::decode(TEST_LOOP_PWE_X).unwrap()).unwrap();
729        let y = Bignum::new_from_slice(&hex::decode(TEST_LOOP_PWE_Y).unwrap()).unwrap();
730        let group = make_group();
731        let element = EcPoint::new_from_affine_coords(x, y, &group.group, &group.bn_ctx).unwrap();
733        let octets = group.element_to_octets(&element).unwrap();
734        let mut expected = hex::decode(TEST_LOOP_PWE_X).unwrap();
735        expected.extend_from_slice(&hex::decode(TEST_LOOP_PWE_Y).unwrap());
736        assert_eq!(octets, expected);
737    }
739    #[test]
740    fn test_element_to_octets_padding() {
741        let group = make_group();
742        let params = group.group.get_params(&group.bn_ctx).unwrap();
743        // We compute a point on the curve with a short x coordinate -- the
744        // generated octets should still be 64 in length, zero padded.
745        let x = bn(0xffffffff);
746        let y = compute_y_squared(&x, &params, &group.bn_ctx)
747            .unwrap()
748            .mod_sqrt(&params.p, &group.bn_ctx)
749            .unwrap();
750        let element = EcPoint::new_from_affine_coords(x, y, &group.group, &group.bn_ctx).unwrap();
752        let octets = group.element_to_octets(&element).unwrap();
753        let mut expected_x = vec![0x00; 28];
754        expected_x.extend_from_slice(&[0xff; 4]);
755        assert_eq!(octets.len(), 64);
756        assert_eq!(&octets[0..32], &expected_x[0..32]);
757    }
759    #[test]
760    fn test_element_from_octets() {
761        let mut octets = hex::decode(TEST_LOOP_PWE_X).unwrap();
762        octets.extend_from_slice(&hex::decode(TEST_LOOP_PWE_Y).unwrap());
763        let group = make_group();
764        let element = group.element_from_octets(&octets).unwrap();
765        assert!(element.is_some());
766        let element = element.unwrap();
768        let expected_x = Bignum::new_from_slice(&hex::decode(TEST_LOOP_PWE_X).unwrap()).unwrap();
769        let expected_y = Bignum::new_from_slice(&hex::decode(TEST_LOOP_PWE_Y).unwrap()).unwrap();
770        let (x, y) = element.to_affine_coords(&group.group, &group.bn_ctx).unwrap();
772        assert_eq!(x, expected_x);
773        assert_eq!(y, expected_y);
774    }
776    #[test]
777    fn test_element_from_octets_padded() {
778        let mut octets = hex::decode(TEST_LOOP_PWE_X).unwrap();
779        octets.extend_from_slice(&hex::decode(TEST_LOOP_PWE_Y).unwrap());
780        octets.extend_from_slice(&[0xff; 10]);
781        let group = make_group();
782        let element = group.element_from_octets(&octets).unwrap();
783        assert!(element.is_none());
784    }
786    #[test]
787    fn test_element_from_octets_truncated() {
788        let mut octets = hex::decode(TEST_LOOP_PWE_X).unwrap();
789        octets.extend_from_slice(&hex::decode(TEST_LOOP_PWE_Y).unwrap());
790        octets.truncate(octets.len() - 10);
791        let group = make_group();
792        let element = group.element_from_octets(&octets).unwrap();
793        assert!(element.is_none());
794    }
796    #[test]
797    fn test_element_from_octets_bad_point() {
798        let mut octets = hex::decode(TEST_LOOP_PWE_X).unwrap();
799        octets.extend_from_slice(&hex::decode(TEST_LOOP_PWE_Y).unwrap());
800        let idx = octets.len() - 1;
801        octets[idx] += 1; // This is no longer the right Y value for this X.
802        let group = make_group();
803        let element = group.element_from_octets(&octets).unwrap();
804        assert!(element.is_none());
805    }