
1//! Synchronization primitives for one-time evaluation.
3use crate::{
4    atomic::{AtomicU8, Ordering},
5    RelaxStrategy, Spin,
7use core::{cell::UnsafeCell, fmt, marker::PhantomData, mem::MaybeUninit};
9/// A primitive that provides lazy one-time initialization.
11/// Unlike its `std::sync` equivalent, this is generalized such that the closure returns a
12/// value to be stored by the [`Once`] (`std::sync::Once` can be trivially emulated with
13/// `Once`).
15/// Because [`Once::new`] is `const`, this primitive may be used to safely initialize statics.
17/// # Examples
19/// ```
20/// use spin;
22/// static START: spin::Once = spin::Once::new();
24/// START.call_once(|| {
25///     // run initialization here
26/// });
27/// ```
28pub struct Once<T = (), R = Spin> {
29    phantom: PhantomData<R>,
30    status: AtomicStatus,
31    data: UnsafeCell<MaybeUninit<T>>,
34impl<T, R> Default for Once<T, R> {
35    fn default() -> Self {
36        Self::new()
37    }
40impl<T: fmt::Debug, R> fmt::Debug for Once<T, R> {
41    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
42        match self.get() {
43            Some(s) => write!(f, "Once {{ data: ")
44                .and_then(|()| s.fmt(f))
45                .and_then(|()| write!(f, "}}")),
46            None => write!(f, "Once {{ <uninitialized> }}"),
47        }
48    }
51// Same unsafe impls as `std::sync::RwLock`, because this also allows for
52// concurrent reads.
53unsafe impl<T: Send + Sync, R> Sync for Once<T, R> {}
54unsafe impl<T: Send, R> Send for Once<T, R> {}
56mod status {
57    use super::*;
59    // SAFETY: This structure has an invariant, namely that the inner atomic u8 must *always* have
60    // a value for which there exists a valid Status. This means that users of this API must only
61    // be allowed to load and store `Status`es.
62    #[repr(transparent)]
63    pub struct AtomicStatus(AtomicU8);
65    // Four states that a Once can be in, encoded into the lower bits of `status` in
66    // the Once structure.
67    #[repr(u8)]
68    #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
69    pub enum Status {
70        Incomplete = 0x00,
71        Running = 0x01,
72        Complete = 0x02,
73        Panicked = 0x03,
74    }
75    impl Status {
76        // Construct a status from an inner u8 integer.
77        //
78        // # Safety
79        //
80        // For this to be safe, the inner number must have a valid corresponding enum variant.
81        unsafe fn new_unchecked(inner: u8) -> Self {
82            core::mem::transmute(inner)
83        }
84    }
86    impl AtomicStatus {
87        #[inline(always)]
88        pub const fn new(status: Status) -> Self {
89            // SAFETY: We got the value directly from status, so transmuting back is fine.
90            Self(AtomicU8::new(status as u8))
91        }
92        #[inline(always)]
93        pub fn load(&self, ordering: Ordering) -> Status {
94            // SAFETY: We know that the inner integer must have been constructed from a Status in
95            // the first place.
96            unsafe { Status::new_unchecked(self.0.load(ordering)) }
97        }
98        #[inline(always)]
99        pub fn store(&self, status: Status, ordering: Ordering) {
100            // SAFETY: While not directly unsafe, this is safe because the value was retrieved from
101            // a status, thus making transmutation safe.
102            self.0.store(status as u8, ordering);
103        }
104        #[inline(always)]
105        pub fn compare_exchange(
106            &self,
107            old: Status,
108            new: Status,
109            success: Ordering,
110            failure: Ordering,
111        ) -> Result<Status, Status> {
112            match self
113                .0
114                .compare_exchange(old as u8, new as u8, success, failure)
115            {
116                // SAFETY: A compare exchange will always return a value that was later stored into
117                // the atomic u8, but due to the invariant that it must be a valid Status, we know
118                // that both Ok(_) and Err(_) will be safely transmutable.
119                Ok(ok) => Ok(unsafe { Status::new_unchecked(ok) }),
120                Err(err) => Err(unsafe { Status::new_unchecked(err) }),
121            }
122        }
123        #[inline(always)]
124        pub fn get_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Status {
125            // SAFETY: Since we know that the u8 inside must be a valid Status, we can safely cast
126            // it to a &mut Status.
127            unsafe { &mut *((self.0.get_mut() as *mut u8).cast::<Status>()) }
128        }
129    }
131use self::status::{AtomicStatus, Status};
133impl<T, R: RelaxStrategy> Once<T, R> {
134    /// Performs an initialization routine once and only once. The given closure
135    /// will be executed if this is the first time `call_once` has been called,
136    /// and otherwise the routine will *not* be invoked.
137    ///
138    /// This method will block the calling thread if another initialization
139    /// routine is currently running.
140    ///
141    /// When this function returns, it is guaranteed that some initialization
142    /// has run and completed (it may not be the closure specified). The
143    /// returned pointer will point to the result from the closure that was
144    /// run.
145    ///
146    /// # Panics
147    ///
148    /// This function will panic if the [`Once`] previously panicked while attempting
149    /// to initialize. This is similar to the poisoning behaviour of `std::sync`'s
150    /// primitives.
151    ///
152    /// # Examples
153    ///
154    /// ```
155    /// use spin;
156    ///
157    /// static INIT: spin::Once<usize> = spin::Once::new();
158    ///
159    /// fn get_cached_val() -> usize {
160    ///     *INIT.call_once(expensive_computation)
161    /// }
162    ///
163    /// fn expensive_computation() -> usize {
164    ///     // ...
165    /// # 2
166    /// }
167    /// ```
168    pub fn call_once<F: FnOnce() -> T>(&self, f: F) -> &T {
169        match self.try_call_once(|| Ok::<T, core::convert::Infallible>(f())) {
170            Ok(x) => x,
171            Err(void) => match void {},
172        }
173    }
175    /// This method is similar to `call_once`, but allows the given closure to
176    /// fail, and lets the `Once` in a uninitialized state if it does.
177    ///
178    /// This method will block the calling thread if another initialization
179    /// routine is currently running.
180    ///
181    /// When this function returns without error, it is guaranteed that some
182    /// initialization has run and completed (it may not be the closure
183    /// specified). The returned reference will point to the result from the
184    /// closure that was run.
185    ///
186    /// # Panics
187    ///
188    /// This function will panic if the [`Once`] previously panicked while attempting
189    /// to initialize. This is similar to the poisoning behaviour of `std::sync`'s
190    /// primitives.
191    ///
192    /// # Examples
193    ///
194    /// ```
195    /// use spin;
196    ///
197    /// static INIT: spin::Once<usize> = spin::Once::new();
198    ///
199    /// fn get_cached_val() -> Result<usize, String> {
200    ///     INIT.try_call_once(expensive_fallible_computation).map(|x| *x)
201    /// }
202    ///
203    /// fn expensive_fallible_computation() -> Result<usize, String> {
204    ///     // ...
205    /// # Ok(2)
206    /// }
207    /// ```
208    pub fn try_call_once<F: FnOnce() -> Result<T, E>, E>(&self, f: F) -> Result<&T, E> {
209        if let Some(value) = self.get() {
210            Ok(value)
211        } else {
212            self.try_call_once_slow(f)
213        }
214    }
216    #[cold]
217    fn try_call_once_slow<F: FnOnce() -> Result<T, E>, E>(&self, f: F) -> Result<&T, E> {
218        loop {
219            let xchg = self.status.compare_exchange(
220                Status::Incomplete,
221                Status::Running,
222                Ordering::Acquire,
223                Ordering::Acquire,
224            );
226            match xchg {
227                Ok(_must_be_state_incomplete) => {
228                    // Impl is defined after the match for readability
229                }
230                Err(Status::Panicked) => panic!("Once panicked"),
231                Err(Status::Running) => match self.poll() {
232                    Some(v) => return Ok(v),
233                    None => continue,
234                },
235                Err(Status::Complete) => {
236                    return Ok(unsafe {
237                        // SAFETY: The status is Complete
238                        self.force_get()
239                    });
240                }
241                Err(Status::Incomplete) => {
242                    // The compare_exchange failed, so this shouldn't ever be reached,
243                    // however if we decide to switch to compare_exchange_weak it will
244                    // be safer to leave this here than hit an unreachable
245                    continue;
246                }
247            }
249            // The compare-exchange succeeded, so we shall initialize it.
251            // We use a guard (Finish) to catch panics caused by builder
252            let finish = Finish {
253                status: &self.status,
254            };
255            let val = match f() {
256                Ok(val) => val,
257                Err(err) => {
258                    // If an error occurs, clean up everything and leave.
259                    core::mem::forget(finish);
260                    self.status.store(Status::Incomplete, Ordering::Release);
261                    return Err(err);
262                }
263            };
264            unsafe {
265                // SAFETY:
266                // `UnsafeCell`/deref: currently the only accessor, mutably
267                // and immutably by cas exclusion.
268                // `write`: pointer comes from `MaybeUninit`.
269                (*self.data.get()).as_mut_ptr().write(val);
270            };
271            // If there were to be a panic with unwind enabled, the code would
272            // short-circuit and never reach the point where it writes the inner data.
273            // The destructor for Finish will run, and poison the Once to ensure that other
274            // threads accessing it do not exhibit unwanted behavior, if there were to be
275            // any inconsistency in data structures caused by the panicking thread.
276            //
277            // However, f() is expected in the general case not to panic. In that case, we
278            // simply forget the guard, bypassing its destructor. We could theoretically
279            // clear a flag instead, but this eliminates the call to the destructor at
280            // compile time, and unconditionally poisons during an eventual panic, if
281            // unwinding is enabled.
282            core::mem::forget(finish);
284            // SAFETY: Release is required here, so that all memory accesses done in the
285            // closure when initializing, become visible to other threads that perform Acquire
286            // loads.
287            //
288            // And, we also know that the changes this thread has done will not magically
289            // disappear from our cache, so it does not need to be AcqRel.
290            self.status.store(Status::Complete, Ordering::Release);
292            // This next line is mainly an optimization.
293            return unsafe { Ok(self.force_get()) };
294        }
295    }
297    /// Spins until the [`Once`] contains a value.
298    ///
299    /// Note that in releases prior to `0.7`, this function had the behaviour of [`Once::poll`].
300    ///
301    /// # Panics
302    ///
303    /// This function will panic if the [`Once`] previously panicked while attempting
304    /// to initialize. This is similar to the poisoning behaviour of `std::sync`'s
305    /// primitives.
306    pub fn wait(&self) -> &T {
307        loop {
308            match self.poll() {
309                Some(x) => break x,
310                None => R::relax(),
311            }
312        }
313    }
315    /// Like [`Once::get`], but will spin if the [`Once`] is in the process of being
316    /// initialized. If initialization has not even begun, `None` will be returned.
317    ///
318    /// Note that in releases prior to `0.7`, this function was named `wait`.
319    ///
320    /// # Panics
321    ///
322    /// This function will panic if the [`Once`] previously panicked while attempting
323    /// to initialize. This is similar to the poisoning behaviour of `std::sync`'s
324    /// primitives.
325    pub fn poll(&self) -> Option<&T> {
326        loop {
327            // SAFETY: Acquire is safe here, because if the status is COMPLETE, then we want to make
328            // sure that all memory accessed done while initializing that value, are visible when
329            // we return a reference to the inner data after this load.
330            match self.status.load(Ordering::Acquire) {
331                Status::Incomplete => return None,
332                Status::Running => R::relax(), // We spin
333                Status::Complete => return Some(unsafe { self.force_get() }),
334                Status::Panicked => panic!("Once previously poisoned by a panicked"),
335            }
336        }
337    }
340impl<T, R> Once<T, R> {
341    /// Initialization constant of [`Once`].
342    #[allow(clippy::declare_interior_mutable_const)]
343    pub const INIT: Self = Self {
344        phantom: PhantomData,
345        status: AtomicStatus::new(Status::Incomplete),
346        data: UnsafeCell::new(MaybeUninit::uninit()),
347    };
349    /// Creates a new [`Once`].
350    pub const fn new() -> Self {
351        Self::INIT
352    }
354    /// Creates a new initialized [`Once`].
355    pub const fn initialized(data: T) -> Self {
356        Self {
357            phantom: PhantomData,
358            status: AtomicStatus::new(Status::Complete),
359            data: UnsafeCell::new(MaybeUninit::new(data)),
360        }
361    }
363    /// Retrieve a pointer to the inner data.
364    ///
365    /// While this method itself is safe, accessing the pointer before the [`Once`] has been
366    /// initialized is UB, unless this method has already been written to from a pointer coming
367    /// from this method.
368    pub fn as_mut_ptr(&self) -> *mut T {
369        // SAFETY:
370        // * MaybeUninit<T> always has exactly the same layout as T
371        self.data.get().cast::<T>()
372    }
374    /// Get a reference to the initialized instance. Must only be called once COMPLETE.
375    unsafe fn force_get(&self) -> &T {
376        // SAFETY:
377        // * `UnsafeCell`/inner deref: data never changes again
378        // * `MaybeUninit`/outer deref: data was initialized
379        &*(*self.data.get()).as_ptr()
380    }
382    /// Get a reference to the initialized instance. Must only be called once COMPLETE.
383    unsafe fn force_get_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
384        // SAFETY:
385        // * `UnsafeCell`/inner deref: data never changes again
386        // * `MaybeUninit`/outer deref: data was initialized
387        &mut *(*self.data.get()).as_mut_ptr()
388    }
390    /// Get a reference to the initialized instance. Must only be called once COMPLETE.
391    unsafe fn force_into_inner(self) -> T {
392        // SAFETY:
393        // * `UnsafeCell`/inner deref: data never changes again
394        // * `MaybeUninit`/outer deref: data was initialized
395        (*self.data.get()).as_ptr().read()
396    }
398    /// Returns a reference to the inner value if the [`Once`] has been initialized.
399    pub fn get(&self) -> Option<&T> {
400        // SAFETY: Just as with `poll`, Acquire is safe here because we want to be able to see the
401        // nonatomic stores done when initializing, once we have loaded and checked the status.
402        match self.status.load(Ordering::Acquire) {
403            Status::Complete => Some(unsafe { self.force_get() }),
404            _ => None,
405        }
406    }
408    /// Returns a reference to the inner value on the unchecked assumption that the  [`Once`] has been initialized.
409    ///
410    /// # Safety
411    ///
412    /// This is *extremely* unsafe if the `Once` has not already been initialized because a reference to uninitialized
413    /// memory will be returned, immediately triggering undefined behaviour (even if the reference goes unused).
414    /// However, this can be useful in some instances for exposing the `Once` to FFI or when the overhead of atomically
415    /// checking initialization is unacceptable and the `Once` has already been initialized.
416    pub unsafe fn get_unchecked(&self) -> &T {
417        debug_assert_eq!(
418            self.status.load(Ordering::SeqCst),
419            Status::Complete,
420            "Attempted to access an uninitialized Once. If this was run without debug checks, this would be undefined behaviour. This is a serious bug and you must fix it.",
421        );
422        self.force_get()
423    }
425    /// Returns a mutable reference to the inner value if the [`Once`] has been initialized.
426    ///
427    /// Because this method requires a mutable reference to the [`Once`], no synchronization
428    /// overhead is required to access the inner value. In effect, it is zero-cost.
429    pub fn get_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T> {
430        match *self.status.get_mut() {
431            Status::Complete => Some(unsafe { self.force_get_mut() }),
432            _ => None,
433        }
434    }
436    /// Returns a mutable reference to the inner value
437    ///
438    /// # Safety
439    ///
440    /// This is *extremely* unsafe if the `Once` has not already been initialized because a reference to uninitialized
441    /// memory will be returned, immediately triggering undefined behaviour (even if the reference goes unused).
442    /// However, this can be useful in some instances for exposing the `Once` to FFI or when the overhead of atomically
443    /// checking initialization is unacceptable and the `Once` has already been initialized.
444    pub unsafe fn get_mut_unchecked(&mut self) -> &mut T {
445        debug_assert_eq!(
446            self.status.load(Ordering::SeqCst),
447            Status::Complete,
448            "Attempted to access an unintialized Once.  If this was to run without debug checks, this would be undefined behavior.  This is a serious bug and you must fix it.",
449        );
450        self.force_get_mut()
451    }
453    /// Returns a the inner value if the [`Once`] has been initialized.
454    ///
455    /// Because this method requires ownership of the [`Once`], no synchronization overhead
456    /// is required to access the inner value. In effect, it is zero-cost.
457    pub fn try_into_inner(mut self) -> Option<T> {
458        match *self.status.get_mut() {
459            Status::Complete => Some(unsafe { self.force_into_inner() }),
460            _ => None,
461        }
462    }
464    /// Returns a the inner value if the [`Once`] has been initialized.  
465    /// # Safety
466    ///
467    /// This is *extremely* unsafe if the `Once` has not already been initialized because a reference to uninitialized
468    /// memory will be returned, immediately triggering undefined behaviour (even if the reference goes unused)
469    /// This can be useful, if `Once` has already been initialized, and you want to bypass an
470    /// option check.
471    pub unsafe fn into_inner_unchecked(self) -> T {
472        debug_assert_eq!(
473            self.status.load(Ordering::SeqCst),
474            Status::Complete,
475            "Attempted to access an unintialized Once.  If this was to run without debug checks, this would be undefined behavior.  This is a serious bug and you must fix it.",
476        );
477        self.force_into_inner()
478    }
480    /// Checks whether the value has been initialized.
481    ///
482    /// This is done using [`Acquire`](core::sync::atomic::Ordering::Acquire) ordering, and
483    /// therefore it is safe to access the value directly via
484    /// [`get_unchecked`](Self::get_unchecked) if this returns true.
485    pub fn is_completed(&self) -> bool {
486        // TODO: Add a similar variant for Relaxed?
487        self.status.load(Ordering::Acquire) == Status::Complete
488    }
491impl<T, R> From<T> for Once<T, R> {
492    fn from(data: T) -> Self {
493        Self::initialized(data)
494    }
497impl<T, R> Drop for Once<T, R> {
498    fn drop(&mut self) {
499        // No need to do any atomic access here, we have &mut!
500        if *self.status.get_mut() == Status::Complete {
501            unsafe {
502                //TODO: Use MaybeUninit::assume_init_drop once stabilised
503                core::ptr::drop_in_place((*self.data.get()).as_mut_ptr());
504            }
505        }
506    }
509struct Finish<'a> {
510    status: &'a AtomicStatus,
513impl<'a> Drop for Finish<'a> {
514    fn drop(&mut self) {
515        // While using Relaxed here would most likely not be an issue, we use SeqCst anyway.
516        // This is mainly because panics are not meant to be fast at all, but also because if
517        // there were to be a compiler bug which reorders accesses within the same thread,
518        // where it should not, we want to be sure that the panic really is handled, and does
519        // not cause additional problems. SeqCst will therefore help guarding against such
520        // bugs.
521        self.status.store(Status::Panicked, Ordering::SeqCst);
522    }
526mod tests {
527    use std::prelude::v1::*;
529    use std::sync::atomic::AtomicU32;
530    use std::sync::mpsc::channel;
531    use std::sync::Arc;
532    use std::thread;
534    use super::*;
536    #[test]
537    fn smoke_once() {
538        static O: Once = Once::new();
539        let mut a = 0;
540        O.call_once(|| a += 1);
541        assert_eq!(a, 1);
542        O.call_once(|| a += 1);
543        assert_eq!(a, 1);
544    }
546    #[test]
547    fn smoke_once_value() {
548        static O: Once<usize> = Once::new();
549        let a = O.call_once(|| 1);
550        assert_eq!(*a, 1);
551        let b = O.call_once(|| 2);
552        assert_eq!(*b, 1);
553    }
555    #[test]
556    fn stampede_once() {
557        static O: Once = Once::new();
558        static mut RUN: bool = false;
560        let (tx, rx) = channel();
561        let mut ts = Vec::new();
562        for _ in 0..10 {
563            let tx = tx.clone();
564            ts.push(thread::spawn(move || {
565                for _ in 0..4 {
566                    thread::yield_now()
567                }
568                unsafe {
569                    O.call_once(|| {
570                        assert!(!RUN);
571                        RUN = true;
572                    });
573                    assert!(RUN);
574                }
575                tx.send(()).unwrap();
576            }));
577        }
579        unsafe {
580            O.call_once(|| {
581                assert!(!RUN);
582                RUN = true;
583            });
584            assert!(RUN);
585        }
587        for _ in 0..10 {
588            rx.recv().unwrap();
589        }
591        for t in ts {
592            t.join().unwrap();
593        }
594    }
596    #[test]
597    fn get() {
598        static INIT: Once<usize> = Once::new();
600        assert!(INIT.get().is_none());
601        INIT.call_once(|| 2);
602        assert_eq!(INIT.get().map(|r| *r), Some(2));
603    }
605    #[test]
606    fn get_no_wait() {
607        static INIT: Once<usize> = Once::new();
609        assert!(INIT.get().is_none());
610        let t = thread::spawn(move || {
611            INIT.call_once(|| {
612                thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(3));
613                42
614            });
615        });
616        assert!(INIT.get().is_none());
618        t.join().unwrap();
619    }
621    #[test]
622    fn poll() {
623        static INIT: Once<usize> = Once::new();
625        assert!(INIT.poll().is_none());
626        INIT.call_once(|| 3);
627        assert_eq!(INIT.poll().map(|r| *r), Some(3));
628    }
630    #[test]
631    fn wait() {
632        static INIT: Once<usize> = Once::new();
634        let t = std::thread::spawn(|| {
635            assert_eq!(*INIT.wait(), 3);
636            assert!(INIT.is_completed());
637        });
639        for _ in 0..4 {
640            thread::yield_now()
641        }
643        assert!(INIT.poll().is_none());
644        INIT.call_once(|| 3);
646        t.join().unwrap();
647    }
649    #[test]
650    fn panic() {
651        use std::panic;
653        static INIT: Once = Once::new();
655        // poison the once
656        let t = panic::catch_unwind(|| {
657            INIT.call_once(|| panic!());
658        });
659        assert!(t.is_err());
661        // poisoning propagates
662        let t = panic::catch_unwind(|| {
663            INIT.call_once(|| {});
664        });
665        assert!(t.is_err());
666    }
668    #[test]
669    fn init_constant() {
670        static O: Once = Once::INIT;
671        let mut a = 0;
672        O.call_once(|| a += 1);
673        assert_eq!(a, 1);
674        O.call_once(|| a += 1);
675        assert_eq!(a, 1);
676    }
678    static mut CALLED: bool = false;
680    struct DropTest {}
682    impl Drop for DropTest {
683        fn drop(&mut self) {
684            unsafe {
685                CALLED = true;
686            }
687        }
688    }
690    #[test]
691    fn try_call_once_err() {
692        let once = Once::<_, Spin>::new();
693        let shared = Arc::new((once, AtomicU32::new(0)));
695        let (tx, rx) = channel();
697        let t0 = {
698            let shared = shared.clone();
699            thread::spawn(move || {
700                let (once, called) = &*shared;
702                once.try_call_once(|| {
703                    called.fetch_add(1, Ordering::AcqRel);
704                    tx.send(()).unwrap();
705                    thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(50));
706                    Err(())
707                })
708                .ok();
709            })
710        };
712        let t1 = {
713            let shared = shared.clone();
714            thread::spawn(move || {
715                rx.recv().unwrap();
716                let (once, called) = &*shared;
717                assert_eq!(
718                    called.load(Ordering::Acquire),
719                    1,
720                    "leader thread did not run first"
721                );
723                once.call_once(|| {
724                    called.fetch_add(1, Ordering::AcqRel);
725                });
726            })
727        };
729        t0.join().unwrap();
730        t1.join().unwrap();
732        assert_eq!(shared.1.load(Ordering::Acquire), 2);
733    }
735    // This is sort of two test cases, but if we write them as separate test methods
736    // they can be executed concurrently and then fail some small fraction of the
737    // time.
738    #[test]
739    fn drop_occurs_and_skip_uninit_drop() {
740        unsafe {
741            CALLED = false;
742        }
744        {
745            let once = Once::<_>::new();
746            once.call_once(|| DropTest {});
747        }
749        assert!(unsafe { CALLED });
750        // Now test that we skip drops for the uninitialized case.
751        unsafe {
752            CALLED = false;
753        }
755        let once = Once::<DropTest>::new();
756        drop(once);
758        assert!(unsafe { !CALLED });
759    }
761    #[test]
762    fn call_once_test() {
763        for _ in 0..20 {
764            use std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize;
765            use std::sync::Arc;
766            use std::time::Duration;
767            let share = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0));
768            let once = Arc::new(Once::<_, Spin>::new());
769            let mut hs = Vec::new();
770            for _ in 0..8 {
771                let h = thread::spawn({
772                    let share = share.clone();
773                    let once = once.clone();
774                    move || {
775                        thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(10));
776                        once.call_once(|| {
777                            share.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
778                        });
779                    }
780                });
781                hs.push(h);
782            }
783            for h in hs {
784                h.join().unwrap();
785            }
786            assert_eq!(1, share.load(Ordering::SeqCst));
787        }
788    }