1// Copyright 2018 Developers of the Rand project.
3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
4// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
5// <LICENSE-MIT or https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
6// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
7// except according to those terms.
9// Based on jitterentropy-library, http://www.chronox.de/jent.html.
10// Copyright Stephan Mueller <smueller@chronox.de>, 2014 - 2017.
12// With permission from Stephan Mueller to relicense the Rust translation under
13// the MIT license.
15//! Non-physical true random number generator based on timing jitter.
17//! This is a true random number generator, as opposed to pseudo-random
18//! generators. Random numbers generated by `JitterRng` can be seen as fresh
19//! entropy. A consequence is that it is orders of magnitude slower than `OsRng`
20//! and PRNGs (about 10<sup>3</sup>..10<sup>6</sup> slower).
22//! There are very few situations where using this RNG is appropriate. Only very
23//! few applications require true entropy. A normal PRNG can be statistically
24//! indistinguishable, and a cryptographic PRNG should also be as impossible to
25//! predict.
27//! Use of `JitterRng` is recommended for initializing cryptographic PRNGs when
28//! `OsRng` is not available.
30//! `JitterRng` can be used without the standard library, but not conveniently,
31//! you must provide a high-precision timer and carefully have to follow the
32//! instructions of [`JitterRng::new_with_timer`].
34//! This implementation is based on [Jitterentropy] version 2.1.0.
36//! Note: There is no accurate timer available on WASM platforms, to help
37//! prevent fingerprinting or timing side-channel attacks. Therefore
38//! [`JitterRng::new()`] is not available on WASM. It is also unavailable
39//! with disabled `std` feature.
41//! [Jitterentropy]: http://www.chronox.de/jent.html
43#![doc(html_logo_url = "https://www.rust-lang.org/logos/rust-logo-128x128-blk.png",
44 html_favicon_url = "https://www.rust-lang.org/favicon.ico",
45 html_root_url = "https://rust-random.github.io/rand/")]
49#![doc(test(attr(allow(unused_variables), deny(warnings))))]
51// Note: the C implementation of `Jitterentropy` relies on being compiled
52// without optimizations. This implementation goes through lengths to make the
53// compiler not optimize out code which does influence timing jitter, but is
54// technically dead code.
56pub extern crate rand_core;
57#[cfg(feature = "std")]
58extern crate std;
59#[cfg(feature = "log")]
60#[macro_use] extern crate log;
61#[cfg(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "ios"))]
62extern crate libc;
63#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
64extern crate winapi;
67#[cfg(not(feature = "log"))]
68#[macro_use] mod dummy_log;
69#[cfg(feature = "std")]
70mod platform;
71mod error;
73use rand_core::{RngCore, CryptoRng, Error, impls};
74pub use error::TimerError;
76use core::{fmt, mem, ptr};
77#[cfg(feature = "std")]
78use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT, Ordering};
80const MEMORY_BLOCKS: usize = 64;
81const MEMORY_BLOCKSIZE: usize = 32;
84/// A true random number generator based on jitter in the CPU execution time,
85/// and jitter in memory access time.
86pub struct JitterRng {
87 data: u64, // Actual random number
88 // Number of rounds to run the entropy collector per 64 bits
89 rounds: u8,
90 // Timer used by `measure_jitter`
91 timer: fn() -> u64,
92 // Memory for the Memory Access noise source
93 mem_prev_index: u16,
94 // Make `next_u32` not waste 32 bits
95 data_half_used: bool,
98// Note: `JitterRng` maintains a small 64-bit entropy pool. With every
99// `generate` 64 new bits should be integrated in the pool. If a round of
100// `generate` were to collect less than the expected 64 bit, then the returned
101// value, and the new state of the entropy pool, would be in some way related to
102// the initial state. It is therefore better if the initial state of the entropy
103// pool is different on each call to `generate`. This has a few implications:
104// - `generate` should be called once before using `JitterRng` to produce the
105// first usable value (this is done by default in `new`);
106// - We do not zero the entropy pool after generating a result. The reference
107// implementation also does not support zeroing, but recommends generating a
108// new value without using it if you want to protect a previously generated
109// 'secret' value from someone inspecting the memory;
110// - Implementing `Clone` seems acceptable, as it would not cause the systematic
111// bias a constant might cause. Only instead of one value that could be
112// potentially related to the same initial state, there are now two.
114// Entropy collector state.
115// These values are not necessary to preserve across runs.
116struct EcState {
117 // Previous time stamp to determine the timer delta
118 prev_time: u64,
119 // Deltas used for the stuck test
120 last_delta: i32,
121 last_delta2: i32,
122 // Memory for the Memory Access noise source
123 mem: [u8; MEMORY_SIZE],
126impl EcState {
127 // Stuck test by checking the:
128 // - 1st derivation of the jitter measurement (time delta)
129 // - 2nd derivation of the jitter measurement (delta of time deltas)
130 // - 3rd derivation of the jitter measurement (delta of delta of time
131 // deltas)
132 //
133 // All values must always be non-zero.
134 // This test is a heuristic to see whether the last measurement holds
135 // entropy.
136 fn stuck(&mut self, current_delta: i32) -> bool {
137 let delta2 = self.last_delta - current_delta;
138 let delta3 = delta2 - self.last_delta2;
140 self.last_delta = current_delta;
141 self.last_delta2 = delta2;
143 current_delta == 0 || delta2 == 0 || delta3 == 0
144 }
147// Custom Debug implementation that does not expose the internal state
148impl fmt::Debug for JitterRng {
149 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
150 write!(f, "JitterRng {{}}")
151 }
154impl Clone for JitterRng {
155 fn clone(&self) -> JitterRng {
156 JitterRng {
157 data: self.data,
158 rounds: self.rounds,
159 timer: self.timer,
160 mem_prev_index: self.mem_prev_index,
161 // The 32 bits that may still be unused from the previous round are
162 // for the original to use, not for the clone.
163 data_half_used: false,
164 }
165 }
168// Initialise to zero; must be positive
169#[cfg(all(feature = "std", not(target_arch = "wasm32")))]
172impl JitterRng {
173 /// Create a new `JitterRng`. Makes use of `std::time` for a timer, or a
174 /// platform-specific function with higher accuracy if necessary and
175 /// available.
176 ///
177 /// During initialization CPU execution timing jitter is measured a few
178 /// hundred times. If this does not pass basic quality tests, an error is
179 /// returned. The test result is cached to make subsequent calls faster.
180 #[cfg(all(feature = "std", not(target_arch = "wasm32")))]
181 pub fn new() -> Result<JitterRng, TimerError> {
182 if cfg!(target_arch = "wasm32") {
183 return Err(TimerError::NoTimer);
184 }
185 let mut state = JitterRng::new_with_timer(platform::get_nstime);
186 let mut rounds = JITTER_ROUNDS.load(Ordering::Relaxed) as u8;
187 if rounds == 0 {
188 // No result yet: run test.
189 // This allows the timer test to run multiple times; we don't care.
190 rounds = state.test_timer()?;
191 JITTER_ROUNDS.store(rounds as usize, Ordering::Relaxed);
192 info!("JitterRng: using {} rounds per u64 output", rounds);
193 }
194 state.set_rounds(rounds);
196 // Fill `data` with a non-zero value.
197 state.gen_entropy();
198 Ok(state)
199 }
201 /// Create a new `JitterRng`.
202 /// A custom timer can be supplied, making it possible to use `JitterRng` in
203 /// `no_std` environments.
204 ///
205 /// The timer must have nanosecond precision.
206 ///
207 /// This method is more low-level than `new()`. It is the responsibility of
208 /// the caller to run [`test_timer`] before using any numbers generated with
209 /// `JitterRng`, and optionally call [`set_rounds`]. Also it is important to
210 /// consume at least one `u64` before using the first result to initialize
211 /// the entropy collection pool.
212 ///
213 /// # Example
214 ///
215 /// ```
216 /// # use rand_jitter::rand_core::{RngCore, Error};
217 /// use rand_jitter::JitterRng;
218 ///
219 /// # fn try_inner() -> Result<(), Error> {
220 /// fn get_nstime() -> u64 {
221 /// use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};
222 ///
223 /// let dur = SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap();
224 /// // The correct way to calculate the current time is
225 /// // `dur.as_secs() * 1_000_000_000 + dur.subsec_nanos() as u64`
226 /// // But this is faster, and the difference in terms of entropy is
227 /// // negligible (log2(10^9) == 29.9).
228 /// dur.as_secs() << 30 | dur.subsec_nanos() as u64
229 /// }
230 ///
231 /// let mut rng = JitterRng::new_with_timer(get_nstime);
232 /// let rounds = rng.test_timer()?;
233 /// rng.set_rounds(rounds); // optional
234 /// let _ = rng.next_u64();
235 ///
236 /// // Ready for use
237 /// let v: u64 = rng.next_u64();
238 /// # Ok(())
239 /// # }
240 ///
241 /// # let _ = try_inner();
242 /// ```
243 ///
244 /// [`test_timer`]: JitterRng::test_timer
245 /// [`set_rounds`]: JitterRng::set_rounds
246 pub fn new_with_timer(timer: fn() -> u64) -> JitterRng {
247 JitterRng {
248 data: 0,
249 rounds: 64,
250 timer,
251 mem_prev_index: 0,
252 data_half_used: false,
253 }
254 }
256 /// Configures how many rounds are used to generate each 64-bit value.
257 /// This must be greater than zero, and has a big impact on performance
258 /// and output quality.
259 ///
260 /// [`new_with_timer`] conservatively uses 64 rounds, but often less rounds
261 /// can be used. The `test_timer()` function returns the minimum number of
262 /// rounds required for full strength (platform dependent), so one may use
263 /// `rng.set_rounds(rng.test_timer()?);` or cache the value.
264 ///
265 /// [`new_with_timer`]: JitterRng::new_with_timer
266 pub fn set_rounds(&mut self, rounds: u8) {
267 assert!(rounds > 0);
268 self.rounds = rounds;
269 }
271 // Calculate a random loop count used for the next round of an entropy
272 // collection, based on bits from a fresh value from the timer.
273 //
274 // The timer is folded to produce a number that contains at most `n_bits`
275 // bits.
276 //
277 // Note: A constant should be added to the resulting random loop count to
278 // prevent loops that run 0 times.
279 #[inline(never)]
280 fn random_loop_cnt(&mut self, n_bits: u32) -> u32 {
281 let mut rounds = 0;
283 let mut time = (self.timer)();
284 // Mix with the current state of the random number balance the random
285 // loop counter a bit more.
286 time ^= self.data;
288 // We fold the time value as much as possible to ensure that as many
289 // bits of the time stamp are included as possible.
290 let folds = (64 + n_bits - 1) / n_bits;
291 let mask = (1 << n_bits) - 1;
292 for _ in 0..folds {
293 rounds ^= time & mask;
294 time >>= n_bits;
295 }
297 rounds as u32
298 }
300 // CPU jitter noise source
301 // Noise source based on the CPU execution time jitter
302 //
303 // This function injects the individual bits of the time value into the
304 // entropy pool using an LFSR.
305 //
306 // The code is deliberately inefficient with respect to the bit shifting.
307 // This function not only acts as folding operation, but this function's
308 // execution is used to measure the CPU execution time jitter. Any change to
309 // the loop in this function implies that careful retesting must be done.
310 #[inline(never)]
311 fn lfsr_time(&mut self, time: u64, var_rounds: bool) {
312 fn lfsr(mut data: u64, time: u64) -> u64{
313 for i in 1..65 {
314 let mut tmp = time << (64 - i);
315 tmp >>= 64 - 1;
317 // Fibonacci LSFR with polynomial of
318 // x^64 + x^61 + x^56 + x^31 + x^28 + x^23 + 1 which is
319 // primitive according to
320 // http://poincare.matf.bg.ac.rs/~ezivkovm/publications/primpol1.pdf
321 // (the shift values are the polynomial values minus one
322 // due to counting bits from 0 to 63). As the current
323 // position is always the LSB, the polynomial only needs
324 // to shift data in from the left without wrap.
325 data ^= tmp;
326 data ^= (data >> 63) & 1;
327 data ^= (data >> 60) & 1;
328 data ^= (data >> 55) & 1;
329 data ^= (data >> 30) & 1;
330 data ^= (data >> 27) & 1;
331 data ^= (data >> 22) & 1;
332 data = data.rotate_left(1);
333 }
334 data
335 }
337 // Note: in the reference implementation only the last round effects
338 // `self.data`, all the other results are ignored. To make sure the
339 // other rounds are not optimised out, we first run all but the last
340 // round on a throw-away value instead of the real `self.data`.
341 let mut lfsr_loop_cnt = 0;
342 if var_rounds { lfsr_loop_cnt = self.random_loop_cnt(4) };
344 let mut throw_away: u64 = 0;
345 for _ in 0..lfsr_loop_cnt {
346 throw_away = lfsr(throw_away, time);
347 }
348 black_box(throw_away);
350 self.data = lfsr(self.data, time);
351 }
353 // Memory Access noise source
354 // This is a noise source based on variations in memory access times
355 //
356 // This function performs memory accesses which will add to the timing
357 // variations due to an unknown amount of CPU wait states that need to be
358 // added when accessing memory. The memory size should be larger than the L1
359 // caches as outlined in the documentation and the associated testing.
360 //
361 // The L1 cache has a very high bandwidth, albeit its access rate is usually
362 // slower than accessing CPU registers. Therefore, L1 accesses only add
363 // minimal variations as the CPU has hardly to wait. Starting with L2,
364 // significant variations are added because L2 typically does not belong to
365 // the CPU any more and therefore a wider range of CPU wait states is
366 // necessary for accesses. L3 and real memory accesses have even a wider
367 // range of wait states. However, to reliably access either L3 or memory,
368 // the `self.mem` memory must be quite large which is usually not desirable.
369 #[inline(never)]
370 fn memaccess(&mut self, mem: &mut [u8; MEMORY_SIZE], var_rounds: bool) {
371 let mut acc_loop_cnt = 128;
372 if var_rounds { acc_loop_cnt += self.random_loop_cnt(4) };
374 let mut index = self.mem_prev_index as usize;
375 for _ in 0..acc_loop_cnt {
376 // Addition of memblocksize - 1 to index with wrap around logic to
377 // ensure that every memory location is hit evenly.
378 // The modulus also allows the compiler to remove the indexing
379 // bounds check.
380 index = (index + MEMORY_BLOCKSIZE - 1) % MEMORY_SIZE;
382 // memory access: just add 1 to one byte
383 // memory access implies read from and write to memory location
384 mem[index] = mem[index].wrapping_add(1);
385 }
386 self.mem_prev_index = index as u16;
387 }
389 // This is the heart of the entropy generation: calculate time deltas and
390 // use the CPU jitter in the time deltas. The jitter is injected into the
391 // entropy pool.
392 //
393 // Ensure that `ec.prev_time` is primed before using the output of this
394 // function. This can be done by calling this function and not using its
395 // result.
396 fn measure_jitter(&mut self, ec: &mut EcState) -> Option<()> {
397 // Invoke one noise source before time measurement to add variations
398 self.memaccess(&mut ec.mem, true);
400 // Get time stamp and calculate time delta to previous
401 // invocation to measure the timing variations
402 let time = (self.timer)();
403 // Note: wrapping_sub combined with a cast to `i64` generates a correct
404 // delta, even in the unlikely case this is a timer that is not strictly
405 // monotonic.
406 let current_delta = time.wrapping_sub(ec.prev_time) as i64 as i32;
407 ec.prev_time = time;
409 // Call the next noise source which also injects the data
410 self.lfsr_time(current_delta as u64, true);
412 // Check whether we have a stuck measurement (i.e. does the last
413 // measurement holds entropy?).
414 if ec.stuck(current_delta) { return None };
416 // Rotate the data buffer by a prime number (any odd number would
417 // do) to ensure that every bit position of the input time stamp
418 // has an even chance of being merged with a bit position in the
419 // entropy pool. We do not use one here as the adjacent bits in
420 // successive time deltas may have some form of dependency. The
421 // chosen value of 7 implies that the low 7 bits of the next
422 // time delta value is concatenated with the current time delta.
423 self.data = self.data.rotate_left(7);
425 Some(())
426 }
428 // Shuffle the pool a bit by mixing some value with a bijective function
429 // (XOR) into the pool.
430 //
431 // The function generates a mixer value that depends on the bits set and
432 // the location of the set bits in the random number generated by the
433 // entropy source. Therefore, based on the generated random number, this
434 // mixer value can have 2^64 different values. That mixer value is
435 // initialized with the first two SHA-1 constants. After obtaining the
436 // mixer value, it is XORed into the random number.
437 //
438 // The mixer value is not assumed to contain any entropy. But due to the
439 // XOR operation, it can also not destroy any entropy present in the
440 // entropy pool.
441 #[inline(never)]
442 fn stir_pool(&mut self) {
443 // This constant is derived from the first two 32 bit initialization
444 // vectors of SHA-1 as defined in FIPS 180-4 section 5.3.1
445 // The order does not really matter as we do not rely on the specific
446 // numbers. We just pick the SHA-1 constants as they have a good mix of
447 // bit set and unset.
448 const CONSTANT: u64 = 0x67452301efcdab89;
450 // The start value of the mixer variable is derived from the third
451 // and fourth 32 bit initialization vector of SHA-1 as defined in
452 // FIPS 180-4 section 5.3.1
453 let mut mixer = 0x98badcfe10325476;
455 // This is a constant time function to prevent leaking timing
456 // information about the random number.
457 // The normal code is:
458 // ```
459 // for i in 0..64 {
460 // if ((self.data >> i) & 1) == 1 { mixer ^= CONSTANT; }
461 // }
462 // ```
463 // This is a bit fragile, as LLVM really wants to use branches here, and
464 // we rely on it to not recognise the opportunity.
465 for i in 0..64 {
466 let apply = (self.data >> i) & 1;
467 let mask = !apply.wrapping_sub(1);
468 mixer ^= CONSTANT & mask;
469 mixer = mixer.rotate_left(1);
470 }
472 self.data ^= mixer;
473 }
475 fn gen_entropy(&mut self) -> u64 {
476 trace!("JitterRng: collecting entropy");
478 // Prime `ec.prev_time`, and run the noice sources to make sure the
479 // first loop round collects the expected entropy.
480 let mut ec = EcState {
481 prev_time: (self.timer)(),
482 last_delta: 0,
483 last_delta2: 0,
484 mem: [0; MEMORY_SIZE],
485 };
486 let _ = self.measure_jitter(&mut ec);
488 for _ in 0..self.rounds {
489 // If a stuck measurement is received, repeat measurement
490 // Note: we do not guard against an infinite loop, that would mean
491 // the timer suddenly became broken.
492 while self.measure_jitter(&mut ec).is_none() {}
493 }
495 // Do a single read from `self.mem` to make sure the Memory Access noise
496 // source is not optimised out.
497 black_box(ec.mem[0]);
499 self.stir_pool();
500 self.data
501 }
503 /// Basic quality tests on the timer, by measuring CPU timing jitter a few
504 /// hundred times.
505 ///
506 /// If succesful, this will return the estimated number of rounds necessary
507 /// to collect 64 bits of entropy. Otherwise a [`TimerError`] with the cause
508 /// of the failure will be returned.
509 pub fn test_timer(&mut self) -> Result<u8, TimerError> {
510 debug!("JitterRng: testing timer ...");
511 // We could add a check for system capabilities such as `clock_getres`
512 // or check for `CONFIG_X86_TSC`, but it does not make much sense as the
513 // following sanity checks verify that we have a high-resolution timer.
515 let mut delta_sum = 0;
516 let mut old_delta = 0;
518 let mut time_backwards = 0;
519 let mut count_mod = 0;
520 let mut count_stuck = 0;
522 let mut ec = EcState {
523 prev_time: (self.timer)(),
524 last_delta: 0,
525 last_delta2: 0,
526 mem: [0; MEMORY_SIZE],
527 };
529 // TESTLOOPCOUNT needs some loops to identify edge systems.
530 // 100 is definitely too little.
531 const TESTLOOPCOUNT: u64 = 300;
532 const CLEARCACHE: u64 = 100;
534 for i in 0..(CLEARCACHE + TESTLOOPCOUNT) {
535 // Measure time delta of core entropy collection logic
536 let time = (self.timer)();
537 self.memaccess(&mut ec.mem, true);
538 self.lfsr_time(time, true);
539 let time2 = (self.timer)();
541 // Test whether timer works
542 if time == 0 || time2 == 0 {
543 return Err(TimerError::NoTimer);
544 }
545 let delta = time2.wrapping_sub(time) as i64 as i32;
547 // Test whether timer is fine grained enough to provide delta even
548 // when called shortly after each other -- this implies that we also
549 // have a high resolution timer
550 if delta == 0 {
551 return Err(TimerError::CoarseTimer);
552 }
554 // Up to here we did not modify any variable that will be
555 // evaluated later, but we already performed some work. Thus we
556 // already have had an impact on the caches, branch prediction,
557 // etc. with the goal to clear it to get the worst case
558 // measurements.
559 if i < CLEARCACHE { continue; }
561 if ec.stuck(delta) { count_stuck += 1; }
563 // Test whether we have an increasing timer.
564 if !(time2 > time) { time_backwards += 1; }
566 // Count the number of times the counter increases in steps of 100ns
567 // or greater.
568 if (delta % 100) == 0 { count_mod += 1; }
570 // Ensure that we have a varying delta timer which is necessary for
571 // the calculation of entropy -- perform this check only after the
572 // first loop is executed as we need to prime the old_delta value
573 delta_sum += (delta - old_delta).abs() as u64;
574 old_delta = delta;
575 }
577 // Do a single read from `self.mem` to make sure the Memory Access noise
578 // source is not optimised out.
579 black_box(ec.mem[0]);
581 // We allow the time to run backwards for up to three times.
582 // This can happen if the clock is being adjusted by NTP operations.
583 // If such an operation just happens to interfere with our test, it
584 // should not fail. The value of 3 should cover the NTP case being
585 // performed during our test run.
586 if time_backwards > 3 {
587 return Err(TimerError::NotMonotonic);
588 }
590 // Test that the available amount of entropy per round does not get to
591 // low. We expect 1 bit of entropy per round as a reasonable minimum
592 // (although less is possible, it means the collector loop has to run
593 // much more often).
594 // `assert!(delta_average >= log2(1))`
595 // `assert!(delta_sum / TESTLOOPCOUNT >= 1)`
596 // `assert!(delta_sum >= TESTLOOPCOUNT)`
597 if delta_sum < TESTLOOPCOUNT {
598 return Err(TimerError::TinyVariantions);
599 }
601 // Ensure that we have variations in the time stamp below 100 for at
602 // least 10% of all checks -- on some platforms, the counter increments
603 // in multiples of 100, but not always
604 if count_mod > (TESTLOOPCOUNT * 9 / 10) {
605 return Err(TimerError::CoarseTimer);
606 }
608 // If we have more than 90% stuck results, then this Jitter RNG is
609 // likely to not work well.
610 if count_stuck > (TESTLOOPCOUNT * 9 / 10) {
611 return Err(TimerError::TooManyStuck);
612 }
614 // Estimate the number of `measure_jitter` rounds necessary for 64 bits
615 // of entropy.
616 //
617 // We don't try very hard to come up with a good estimate of the
618 // available bits of entropy per round here for two reasons:
619 // 1. Simple estimates of the available bits (like Shannon entropy) are
620 // too optimistic.
621 // 2. Unless we want to waste a lot of time during intialization, there
622 // only a small number of samples are available.
623 //
624 // Therefore we use a very simple and conservative estimate:
625 // `let bits_of_entropy = log2(delta_average) / 2`.
626 //
627 // The number of rounds `measure_jitter` should run to collect 64 bits
628 // of entropy is `64 / bits_of_entropy`.
629 let delta_average = delta_sum / TESTLOOPCOUNT;
631 if delta_average >= 16 {
632 let log2 = 64 - delta_average.leading_zeros();
633 // Do something similar to roundup(64/(log2/2)):
634 Ok( ((64u32 * 2 + log2 - 1) / log2) as u8)
635 } else {
636 // For values < 16 the rounding error becomes too large, use a
637 // lookup table.
638 // Values 0 and 1 are invalid, and filtered out by the
639 // `delta_sum < TESTLOOPCOUNT` test above.
640 let log2_lookup = [0, 0, 128, 81, 64, 56, 50, 46,
641 43, 41, 39, 38, 36, 35, 34, 33];
642 Ok(log2_lookup[delta_average as usize])
643 }
644 }
646 /// Statistical test: return the timer delta of one normal run of the
647 /// `JitterRng` entropy collector.
648 ///
649 /// Setting `var_rounds` to `true` will execute the memory access and the
650 /// CPU jitter noice sources a variable amount of times (just like a real
651 /// `JitterRng` round).
652 ///
653 /// Setting `var_rounds` to `false` will execute the noice sources the
654 /// minimal number of times. This can be used to measure the minimum amount
655 /// of entropy one round of the entropy collector can collect in the worst
656 /// case.
657 ///
658 /// See this crate's README on how to use `timer_stats` to test the quality
659 /// of `JitterRng`.
660 pub fn timer_stats(&mut self, var_rounds: bool) -> i64 {
661 let mut mem = [0; MEMORY_SIZE];
663 let time = (self.timer)();
664 self.memaccess(&mut mem, var_rounds);
665 self.lfsr_time(time, var_rounds);
666 let time2 = (self.timer)();
667 time2.wrapping_sub(time) as i64
668 }
671// A function that is opaque to the optimizer to assist in avoiding dead-code
672// elimination. Taken from `bencher`.
673fn black_box<T>(dummy: T) -> T {
674 unsafe {
675 let ret = ptr::read_volatile(&dummy);
676 mem::forget(dummy);
677 ret
678 }
681impl RngCore for JitterRng {
682 fn next_u32(&mut self) -> u32 {
683 // We want to use both parts of the generated entropy
684 if self.data_half_used {
685 self.data_half_used = false;
686 (self.data >> 32) as u32
687 } else {
688 self.data = self.next_u64();
689 self.data_half_used = true;
690 self.data as u32
691 }
692 }
694 fn next_u64(&mut self) -> u64 {
695 self.data_half_used = false;
696 self.gen_entropy()
697 }
699 fn fill_bytes(&mut self, dest: &mut [u8]) {
700 // Fill using `next_u32`. This is faster for filling small slices (four
701 // bytes or less), while the overhead is negligible.
702 //
703 // This is done especially for wrappers that implement `next_u32`
704 // themselves via `fill_bytes`.
705 impls::fill_bytes_via_next(self, dest)
706 }
708 fn try_fill_bytes(&mut self, dest: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
709 Ok(self.fill_bytes(dest))
710 }
713impl CryptoRng for JitterRng {}