
1// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5//! Networking types and operations.
7//! This crate defines types and operations useful for operating with various
8//! network protocols. Some general utilities are defined in the crate root,
9//! while protocol-specific operations are defined in their own modules.
11//! # Witness types
13//! This crate makes heavy use of the "witness type" pattern. A witness type is
14//! one whose existence "bears witness" to a particular property. For example,
15//! the [`UnicastAddr`] type wraps an existing address and guarantees that it
16//! is unicast.
18//! There are a few components to a witness type.
20//! First, each property is encoded in a trait. For example, the
21//! [`UnicastAddress`] trait is implemented by any address type which can be
22//! unicast. The [`is_unicast`] method is used to determine whether a given
23//! instance is unicast.
25//! Second, a witness type wraps an address. For example, `UnicastAddr<A>` can
26//! be used with any `A: UnicastAddress`. There are two ways to obtain an
27//! instance of a witness type. Some constants are constructed as witness types
28//! at compile time, and so provide a static guarantee of the witnessed property
29//! (e.g., [`Ipv6::LOOPBACK_IPV6_ADDRESS`] is a `UnicastAddr`). Otherwise, an
30//! instance can be constructed fallibly at runtime. For example,
31//! [`UnicastAddr::new`] accepts an `A` and returns an `Option<UnicastAddr<A>>`,
32//! returning `Some` if the address passes the `is_unicast` check, and `None`
33//! otherwise.
35//! Finally, each witness type implements the [`Witness`] trait, which allows
36//! code to be written which is generic over which witness type is used.
38//! Witness types enable a variety of operations which are only valid on certain
39//! types of addresses. For example, a multicast MAC address can be derived from
40//! a multicast IPv6 address, so the `MulticastAddr<Mac>` type implements
41//! `From<MulticastAddr<Ipv6Addr>>`. Similarly, given an [`Ipv6Addr`], the
42//! [`to_solicited_node_address`] method can be used to construct the address's
43//! solicited-node address, which is a `MulticastAddr<Ipv6Addr>`. Combining
44//! these, it's possible to take an `Ipv6Addr` and compute the solicited node
45//! address's multicast MAC address without performing any runtime validation:
47//! ```rust
48//! # use net_types::ethernet::Mac;
49//! # use net_types::ip::Ipv6Addr;
50//! # use net_types::MulticastAddr;
51//! fn to_solicited_node_multicast_mac(addr: &Ipv6Addr) -> MulticastAddr<Mac> {
52//!     addr.to_solicited_node_address().into()
53//! }
54//! ```
56//! # Naming Conventions
58//! When both types and traits exist which represent the same concept, the
59//! traits will be given a full name - such as [`IpAddress`] or
60//! [`UnicastAddress`] - while the types will be given an abbreviated name -
61//! such as [`IpAddr`], [`Ipv4Addr`], [`Ipv6Addr`], or [`UnicastAddr`].
63//! [`is_unicast`]: crate::UnicastAddress::is_unicast
64//! [`Ipv6::LOOPBACK_IPV6_ADDRESS`]: crate::ip::Ipv6::LOOPBACK_IPV6_ADDRESS
65//! [`to_solicited_node_address`]: crate::ip::Ipv6Addr::to_solicited_node_address
66//! [`IpAddress`]: crate::ip::IpAddress
67//! [`IpAddr`]: crate::ip::IpAddr
68//! [`Ipv4Addr`]: crate::ip::Ipv4Addr
69//! [`Ipv6Addr`]: crate::ip::Ipv6Addr
72#![cfg_attr(all(not(feature = "std"), not(test)), no_std)]
74pub mod ethernet;
75pub mod ip;
77use core::fmt::{self, Debug, Display, Formatter};
78use core::ops::Deref;
80use crate::ip::{GenericOverIp, Ip, IpAddress, IpInvariant, IpVersionMarker};
82mod sealed {
83    // Used to ensure that certain traits cannot be implemented by anyone
84    // outside this crate, such as the Ip and IpAddress traits.
85    pub trait Sealed {}
88/// A type which is a witness to some property about an address.
90/// A type which implements `Witness<A>` wraps an address of type `A` and
91/// guarantees some property about the wrapped address. It is implemented by
92/// [`SpecifiedAddr`], [`UnicastAddr`], [`MulticastAddr`], [`LinkLocalAddr`],
93/// and [`NonMappedAddr`].
94pub trait Witness<A>: AsRef<A> + Sized + sealed::Sealed {
95    /// Constructs a new witness type.
96    ///
97    /// `new` returns `None` if `addr` does not satisfy the property guaranteed
98    /// by `Self`.
99    fn new(addr: A) -> Option<Self>;
101    /// Constructs a new witness type without checking to see if `addr` actually
102    /// satisfies the required property.
103    ///
104    /// # Safety
105    ///
106    /// It is up to the caller to make sure that `addr` satisfies the required
107    /// property in order to avoid breaking the guarantees of this trait.
108    unsafe fn new_unchecked(addr: A) -> Self;
110    /// Constructs a new witness type from an existing witness type.
111    ///
112    /// `from_witness(witness)` is equivalent to `new(witness.into_addr())`.
113    fn from_witness<W: Witness<A>>(addr: W) -> Option<Self> {
114        Self::new(addr.into_addr())
115    }
117    // In a previous version of this code, we did `fn get(self) -> A where Self:
118    // Copy` (taking `self` by value and using `where Self: Copy`). That felt
119    // marginally cleaner, but it turns out that there are cases in which the
120    // user only has access to a reference and still wants to be able to call
121    // `get` without having to do the ugly `(*addr).get()`.
123    /// Gets a copy of the address.
124    #[inline]
125    fn get(&self) -> A
126    where
127        A: Copy,
128    {
129        *self.as_ref()
130    }
132    /// Consumes this witness and returns the contained `A`.
133    ///
134    /// If `A: Copy`, prefer [`get`] instead of `into_addr`. `get` is idiomatic
135    /// for wrapper types which which wrap `Copy` types (e.g., see
136    /// [`NonZeroUsize::get`] or [`Cell::get`]). `into_xxx` methods are
137    /// idiomatic only when `self` must be consumed by value because the wrapped
138    /// value is not `Copy` (e.g., see [`Cell::into_inner`]).
139    ///
140    /// [`get`]: Witness::get
141    /// [`NonZeroUsize::get`]: core::num::NonZeroUsize::get
142    /// [`Cell::get`]: core::cell::Cell::get
143    /// [`Cell::into_inner`]: core::cell::Cell::into_inner
144    fn into_addr(self) -> A;
146    /// Transposes this witness type with another witness type layered inside of
147    /// it.
148    /// (e.g. UnicastAddr<SpecifiedAddr<T>> -> SpecifiedAddr<UnicastAddr<T>>)
149    fn transpose<T>(self) -> A::Map<Self::Map<T>>
150    where
151        Self: TransposableWitness<A>,
152        A: TransposableWitness<T>,
153        Self::Map<T>: Witness<T>,
154        A::Map<Self::Map<T>>: Witness<Self::Map<T>>,
155    {
156        let middle = self.into_addr();
157        let innermost = middle.into_addr();
158        unsafe {
159            // SAFETY: We're transposing two witness layers, so we know that the
160            // inner address upheld both invariants that are witnessed.
161            let new_middle = Self::Map::<T>::new_unchecked(innermost);
162            A::Map::<Self::Map<T>>::new_unchecked(new_middle)
163        }
164    }
167/// Witness types that can be transposed with other witness wrapper types.
168// Technically, this could be merged directly into the `Witness` trait rather
169// than exist as a separate trait. However, this ends up impeding type
170// inference, as the trait solver gets confused by the existence of `Witness`
171// impls both for single wrapper layers (`SpecifiedAddr<T>` impls `Witness<T>`)
172// and for nested wrappers (`UnicastAddr<SpecifiedAddr<T>>` also impls
173// `Witness<T>`). Since `transpose` is most useful for swapping single-layer
174// `Witness` impls nested within each other, we only want to impl
175// `TransposableWitness` for one wrapper layer at a time, which allows type
176// inference to work properly.
177pub trait TransposableWitness<A>: Witness<A> {
178    /// Maps the type wrapped by this witness.
179    type Map<T>;
182// NOTE: The "witness" types UnicastAddr, MulticastAddr, and LinkLocalAddr -
183// which provide the invariant that the value they contain is a unicast,
184// multicast, or link-local address, respectively - cannot actually guarantee
185// this property without certain promises from the implementations of the
186// UnicastAddress, MulticastAddress, and LinkLocalAddress traits that they rely
187// on. In particular, the values must be "immutable" in the sense that, given
188// only immutable references to the values, nothing about the values can change
189// such that the "unicast-ness", "multicast-ness" or "link-local-ness" of the
190// values change. Since the UnicastAddress, MulticastAddress, and
191// LinkLocalAddress traits are not unsafe traits, it would be unsound for unsafe
192// code to rely for its soundness on this behavior. For a more in-depth
193// discussion of why this isn't possible without an explicit opt-in on the part
194// of the trait implementor, see this forum thread:
197/// Implements a trait for a witness type.
199/// `impl_trait_for_witness` implements `$trait` for `$witness<A>` if `A:
200/// $trait`.
201macro_rules! impl_trait_for_witness {
202    ($trait:ident, $method:ident, $witness:ident) => {
203        impl<A: $trait> $trait for $witness<A> {
204            fn $method(&self) -> bool {
205                self.0.$method()
206            }
207        }
208    };
211/// Implements a trait with an associated type for a witness type.
213/// `impl_trait_with_associated_type_for_witness` implements `$trait` with
214/// associated type `$type` for `$witness<A>` if `A: $trait`.
215macro_rules! impl_trait_with_associated_type_for_witness {
216    ($trait:ident, $method:ident, $type:ident, $witness:ident) => {
217        impl<A: $trait> $trait for $witness<A> {
218            type $type = A::$type;
219            fn $method(&self) -> Self::$type {
220                self.0.$method()
221            }
222        }
223    };
226/// Addresses that can be specified.
228/// `SpecifiedAddress` is implemented by address types for which some values are
229/// considered [unspecified] addresses. Unspecified addresses are usually not
230/// legal to be used in actual network traffic, and are only meant to represent
231/// the lack of any defined address. The exact meaning of the unspecified
232/// address often varies by context. For example, the IPv4 address and
233/// the IPv6 address :: can be used, in the context of creating a listening
234/// socket on systems that use the BSD sockets API, to listen on all local IP
235/// addresses rather than a particular one.
237/// [unspecified]:
238pub trait SpecifiedAddress {
239    /// Is this a specified address?
240    ///
241    /// `is_specified` must maintain the invariant that, if it is called twice
242    /// on the same object, and in between those two calls, no code has operated
243    /// on a mutable reference to that object, both calls will return the same
244    /// value. This property is required in order to implement
245    /// [`SpecifiedAddr`]. Note that, since this is not an `unsafe` trait,
246    /// `unsafe` code may NOT rely on this property for its soundness. However,
247    /// code MAY rely on this property for its correctness.
248    fn is_specified(&self) -> bool;
251impl_trait_for_witness!(SpecifiedAddress, is_specified, UnicastAddr);
252impl_trait_for_witness!(SpecifiedAddress, is_specified, MulticastAddr);
253impl_trait_for_witness!(SpecifiedAddress, is_specified, BroadcastAddr);
254impl_trait_for_witness!(SpecifiedAddress, is_specified, LinkLocalAddr);
255impl_trait_for_witness!(SpecifiedAddress, is_specified, NonMappedAddr);
257/// Addresses that can be unicast.
259/// `UnicastAddress` is implemented by address types for which some values are
260/// considered [unicast] addresses. Unicast addresses are used to identify a
261/// single network node, as opposed to broadcast and multicast addresses, which
262/// identify a group of nodes.
264/// `UnicastAddress` is only implemented for addresses whose unicast-ness can be
265/// determined by looking only at the address itself (this is notably not true
266/// for IPv4 addresses, which can be considered broadcast addresses depending on
267/// the subnet in which they are used).
269/// [unicast]:
270pub trait UnicastAddress {
271    /// Is this a unicast address?
272    ///
273    /// `is_unicast` must maintain the invariant that, if it is called twice on
274    /// the same object, and in between those two calls, no code has operated on
275    /// a mutable reference to that object, both calls will return the same
276    /// value. This property is required in order to implement [`UnicastAddr`].
277    /// Note that, since this is not an `unsafe` trait, `unsafe` code may NOT
278    /// rely on this property for its soundness. However, code MAY rely on this
279    /// property for its correctness.
280    ///
281    /// If this type also implements [`SpecifiedAddress`], then `a.is_unicast()`
282    /// implies `a.is_specified()`.
283    fn is_unicast(&self) -> bool;
286impl_trait_for_witness!(UnicastAddress, is_unicast, SpecifiedAddr);
287impl_trait_for_witness!(UnicastAddress, is_unicast, MulticastAddr);
288impl_trait_for_witness!(UnicastAddress, is_unicast, BroadcastAddr);
289impl_trait_for_witness!(UnicastAddress, is_unicast, LinkLocalAddr);
290impl_trait_for_witness!(UnicastAddress, is_unicast, NonMappedAddr);
292/// Addresses that can be multicast.
294/// `MulticastAddress` is implemented by address types for which some values are
295/// considered [multicast] addresses. Multicast addresses are used to identify a
296/// group of multiple network nodes, as opposed to unicast addresses, which
297/// identify a single node, or broadcast addresses, which identify all the nodes
298/// in some region of a network.
300/// [multicast]:
301pub trait MulticastAddress {
302    /// Is this a multicast address?
303    ///
304    /// `is_multicast` must maintain the invariant that, if it is called twice
305    /// on the same object, and in between those two calls, no code has operated
306    /// on a mutable reference to that object, both calls will return the same
307    /// value. This property is required in order to implement
308    /// [`MulticastAddr`]. Note that, since this is not an `unsafe` trait,
309    /// `unsafe` code may NOT rely on this property for its soundness. However,
310    /// code MAY rely on this property for its correctness.
311    ///
312    /// If this type also implements [`SpecifiedAddress`], then
313    /// `a.is_multicast()` implies `a.is_specified()`.
314    fn is_multicast(&self) -> bool;
316    /// Is this a non-multicast address? The inverse of `is_multicast()`.
317    fn is_non_multicast(&self) -> bool {
318        !self.is_multicast()
319    }
322impl_trait_for_witness!(MulticastAddress, is_multicast, SpecifiedAddr);
323impl_trait_for_witness!(MulticastAddress, is_multicast, UnicastAddr);
324impl_trait_for_witness!(MulticastAddress, is_multicast, BroadcastAddr);
325impl_trait_for_witness!(MulticastAddress, is_multicast, LinkLocalAddr);
326impl_trait_for_witness!(MulticastAddress, is_multicast, NonMappedAddr);
328/// Addresses that can be broadcast.
330/// `BroadcastAddress` is implemented by address types for which some values are
331/// considered [broadcast] addresses. Broadcast addresses are used to identify
332/// all the nodes in some region of a network, as opposed to unicast addresses,
333/// which identify a single node, or multicast addresses, which identify a group
334/// of nodes (not necessarily all of them).
336/// [broadcast]:
337pub trait BroadcastAddress {
338    /// Is this a broadcast address?
339    ///
340    /// If this type also implements [`SpecifiedAddress`], then
341    /// `a.is_broadcast()` implies `a.is_specified()`.
342    fn is_broadcast(&self) -> bool;
345impl_trait_for_witness!(BroadcastAddress, is_broadcast, SpecifiedAddr);
346impl_trait_for_witness!(BroadcastAddress, is_broadcast, UnicastAddr);
347impl_trait_for_witness!(BroadcastAddress, is_broadcast, MulticastAddr);
348impl_trait_for_witness!(BroadcastAddress, is_broadcast, LinkLocalAddr);
349impl_trait_for_witness!(BroadcastAddress, is_broadcast, NonMappedAddr);
351/// Addresses that can be a link-local.
353/// `LinkLocalAddress` is implemented by address types for which some values are
354/// considered [link-local] addresses. Link-local addresses are used for
355/// communication within a network segment, as opposed to global/public
356/// addresses which may be used for communication across networks.
358/// `LinkLocalAddress` is only implemented for addresses whose link-local-ness
359/// can be determined by looking only at the address itself.
361/// [link-local]:
362pub trait LinkLocalAddress {
363    /// Is this a link-local address?
364    ///
365    /// `is_link_local` must maintain the invariant that, if it is called twice
366    /// on the same object, and in between those two calls, no code has operated
367    /// on a mutable reference to that object, both calls will return the same
368    /// value. This property is required in order to implement
369    /// [`LinkLocalAddr`]. Note that, since this is not an `unsafe` trait,
370    /// `unsafe` code may NOT rely on this property for its soundness. However,
371    /// code MAY rely on this property for its correctness.
372    ///
373    /// If this type also implements [`SpecifiedAddress`], then
374    /// `a.is_link_local()` implies `a.is_specified()`.
375    fn is_link_local(&self) -> bool;
378impl_trait_for_witness!(LinkLocalAddress, is_link_local, SpecifiedAddr);
379impl_trait_for_witness!(LinkLocalAddress, is_link_local, UnicastAddr);
380impl_trait_for_witness!(LinkLocalAddress, is_link_local, MulticastAddr);
381impl_trait_for_witness!(LinkLocalAddress, is_link_local, BroadcastAddr);
382impl_trait_for_witness!(LinkLocalAddress, is_link_local, NonMappedAddr);
384/// A scope used by [`ScopeableAddress`]. See that trait's documentation for
385/// more information.
387/// `Scope` is implemented for `()`. No addresses with the `()` scope can ever
388/// have an associated zone (in other words, `().can_have_zone()` always returns
389/// `false`).
390pub trait Scope {
391    /// Can addresses in this scope have an associated zone?
392    fn can_have_zone(&self) -> bool;
395impl Scope for () {
396    fn can_have_zone(&self) -> bool {
397        false
398    }
401/// An address that can be tied to some scope identifier.
403/// `ScopeableAddress` is implemented by address types for which some values can
404/// have extra scoping information attached. Notably, some IPv6 addresses
405/// belonging to a particular scope class require extra metadata to identify the
406/// scope identifier or "zone". The zone is typically the networking interface
407/// identifier.
409/// Address types which are never in any identified scope may still implement
410/// `ScopeableAddress` by setting the associated `Scope` type to `()`, which has
411/// the effect of ensuring that a zone can never be associated with an address
412/// (since the implementation of [`Scope::can_have_zone`] for `()` always
413/// returns `false`).
414pub trait ScopeableAddress {
415    /// The type of all non-global scopes.
416    type Scope: Scope;
418    /// The scope of this address.
419    ///
420    /// `scope` must maintain the invariant that, if it is called twice on the
421    /// same object, and in between those two calls, no code has operated on a
422    /// mutable reference to that object, both calls will return the same value.
423    /// This property is required in order to implement [`AddrAndZone`]. Note
424    /// that, since this is not an `unsafe` trait, `unsafe` code may NOT rely on
425    /// this property for its soundness. However, code MAY rely on this property
426    /// for its correctness.
427    ///
428    /// If this type also implements [`SpecifiedAddress`] then
429    /// `a.scope().can_have_zone()` implies `a.is_specified()`, since
430    /// unspecified addresses are always global, and the global scope cannot
431    /// have a zone.
432    fn scope(&self) -> Self::Scope;
435impl_trait_with_associated_type_for_witness!(ScopeableAddress, scope, Scope, SpecifiedAddr);
436impl_trait_with_associated_type_for_witness!(ScopeableAddress, scope, Scope, UnicastAddr);
437impl_trait_with_associated_type_for_witness!(ScopeableAddress, scope, Scope, MulticastAddr);
438impl_trait_with_associated_type_for_witness!(ScopeableAddress, scope, Scope, BroadcastAddr);
439impl_trait_with_associated_type_for_witness!(ScopeableAddress, scope, Scope, LinkLocalAddr);
440impl_trait_with_associated_type_for_witness!(ScopeableAddress, scope, Scope, NonMappedAddr);
442/// An address that may represent an address from another addressing scheme.
444/// `MappedAddress` is implemented by address types that can map another
445/// addressing scheme. Notably, IPv6 addresses, which may represent an IPv4
446/// address using the IPv4-mapped-Ipv6 subnet (e.g. ::FFFF:0:0/96).
448/// Address types which cannot be used to represent another addressing scheme
449/// can still implement `MappedAddress` by treating all addresses as
450/// non-mapped.
451pub trait MappedAddress {
452    /// Is this a non-mapped address?
453    fn is_non_mapped(&self) -> bool;
456impl_trait_for_witness!(MappedAddress, is_non_mapped, SpecifiedAddr);
457impl_trait_for_witness!(MappedAddress, is_non_mapped, UnicastAddr);
458impl_trait_for_witness!(MappedAddress, is_non_mapped, MulticastAddr);
459impl_trait_for_witness!(MappedAddress, is_non_mapped, BroadcastAddr);
460impl_trait_for_witness!(MappedAddress, is_non_mapped, LinkLocalAddr);
462macro_rules! doc_comment {
463    ($x:expr, $($tt:tt)*) => {
464        #[doc = $x]
465        $($tt)*
466    };
469/// Define a witness type and implement methods and traits for it.
471/// - `$type` is the type's name
472/// - `$adj` is a string literal representing the adjective used to describe
473///   addresses of this type for documentation purposes (e.g., "specified",
474///   "unicast", etc)
475/// - `$trait` is the name of the trait associated with the property to be
476///   witnessed
477/// - `$method` is the method on `$trait` which determines whether the property
478///   holds (e.g., `is_specified`)
479macro_rules! impl_witness {
480    ($type:ident, $adj:literal, $trait:ident, $method:ident) => {
481        doc_comment! {
482        concat!("An address which is guaranteed to be ", $adj, ".
484`", stringify!($type), "` wraps an address of type `A` and guarantees that it is
485a ", $adj, " address. Note that this guarantee is contingent on a correct
486implementation of the [`", stringify!($trait), "`] trait. Since that trait is
487not `unsafe`, `unsafe` code may NOT rely on this guarantee for its soundness."),
488            #[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
489            pub struct $type<A>(A);
490        }
492        impl<A: $trait> $type<A> {
493            // NOTE(joshlf): It may seem odd to include `new` and `from_witness`
494            // constructors here when they already exists on the `Witness`
495            // trait, which this type implements. The reason we do this is that,
496            // since many of these types implement the `Witness` trait multiple
497            // times (e.g., `Witness<A> for LinkLocalAddr<A>` and `Witness<A>
498            // for LinkLocalAddr<MulticastAddr<A>`), if we didn't provide these
499            // constructors, callers invoking `Foo::new` or `Foo::from_witness`
500            // would need to `use` the `Witness` trait, and the compiler often
501            // doesn't have enough information to figure out which `Witness`
502            // implementation is meant in a given situation. This, in turn,
503            // requires a lot of boilerplate type annotations on the part of
504            // users. Providing these constructors helps alleviate this problem.
506            doc_comment! {
507                concat!("Constructs a new `", stringify!($type), "`.
509`new` returns `None` if `!addr.", stringify!($method), "()`."),
510                #[inline]
511                pub fn new(addr: A) -> Option<$type<A>> {
512                    if !addr.$method() {
513                        return None;
514                    }
515                    Some($type(addr))
516                }
517            }
519            doc_comment! {
520                concat!("Constructs a new `", stringify!($type), "` from a
521witness type.
523`from_witness(witness)` is equivalent to `new(witness.into_addr())`."),
524                pub fn from_witness<W: Witness<A>>(addr: W) -> Option<$type<A>> {
525                    $type::new(addr.into_addr())
526                }
527            }
528        }
530        // TODO( Once traits
531        // other than `Sized` are supported for const fns, move this into the
532        // block with the `A: $trait` bound.
533        impl<A> $type<A> {
534            doc_comment! {
535                concat!("Constructs a new `", stringify!($type), "` without
536checking to see if `addr` is actually ", $adj, ".
538# Safety
540It is up to the caller to make sure that `addr` is ", $adj, " to avoid breaking
541the guarantees of `", stringify!($type), "`. See [`", stringify!($type), "`] for
542more details."),
543                pub const unsafe fn new_unchecked(addr: A) -> $type<A> {
544                    $type(addr)
545                }
546            }
547        }
549        impl<A> sealed::Sealed for $type<A> {}
550        impl<A: $trait> Witness<A> for $type<A> {
551            fn new(addr: A) -> Option<$type<A>> {
552                $type::new(addr)
553            }
555            unsafe fn new_unchecked(addr: A) -> $type<A> {
556                $type(addr)
557            }
559            #[inline]
560            fn into_addr(self) -> A {
561                self.0
562            }
563        }
565        impl<A: $trait> TransposableWitness<A> for $type<A> {
566            type Map<T> = $type<T>;
567        }
569        impl<A: $trait> AsRef<$type<A>> for $type<A> {
570            fn as_ref(&self) -> &$type<A> {
571                self
572            }
573        }
575        impl<A: $trait> AsRef<A> for $type<A> {
576            fn as_ref(&self) -> &A {
577                &self.0
578            }
579        }
581        impl<A: $trait> Deref for $type<A> {
582            type Target = A;
584            #[inline]
585            fn deref(&self) -> &A {
586                &self.0
587            }
588        }
590        impl<A: Display> Display for $type<A> {
591            #[inline]
592            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
593                self.0.fmt(f)
594            }
595        }
597        // Witness types help provide type safety for the compiler. The things
598        // they witness should be evident from seeing the contained type so we
599        // save some characters and offer a passthrough Debug impl.
600        impl<A: Debug> Debug for $type<A> {
601            #[inline]
602            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
603                self.0.fmt(f)
604            }
605        }
606    };
609/// Implements an `into_specified` method on the witness type `$type`.
611/// - `$trait` is the name of the trait associated with the witnessed property
612/// - `$method` is the method on `$trait` which determines whether the property
613///   holds (e.g., `is_unicast`)
615/// An `into_specified` method is predicated on the witnessed property implying
616/// that the address is also specified (e.g., `UnicastAddress::is_unicast`
617/// implies `SpecifiedAddress::is_specified`).
618macro_rules! impl_into_specified {
619    ($type:ident, $trait:ident, $method:ident) => {
620        impl<A: $trait + SpecifiedAddress> $type<A> {
621            doc_comment! {
622                concat!("Converts this `", stringify!($type), "` into a
625[`", stringify!($trait), "::", stringify!($method), "`] implies
626[`SpecifiedAddress::is_specified`], so all `", stringify!($type), "`s are
627guaranteed to be specified, so this conversion is infallible."),
628                #[inline]
629                pub fn into_specified(self) -> SpecifiedAddr<A> {
630                    SpecifiedAddr(self.0)
631                }
632            }
633        }
635        impl<A: $trait + SpecifiedAddress> From<$type<A>> for SpecifiedAddr<A> {
636            fn from(addr: $type<A>) -> SpecifiedAddr<A> {
637                addr.into_specified()
638            }
639        }
640    };
643/// Implements [`Witness`] for a nested witness type.
645/// Accepted Formats:
646/// * `impl_nested_witness!(trait1, type1, trait2, type2)`
647///     Implements `Witness<A>` for `type1<type2<A>>`.
648/// * `impl_nested_witness!(trait1, type1, trait2, type2, trait3, type3)`
649///     Implements `Witness<A>` for `type1<type2<type3<A>>>`.
651/// Due to the nature of combinatorix, it is not advised to use this macro
652/// for all possible combinations of nested witnesses, only those that are
653/// actually instantiated in code.
654macro_rules! impl_nested_witness {
655    ($trait1:ident, $type1:ident, $trait2:ident, $type2:ident) => {
656        impl<A: $trait1 + $trait2> Witness<A> for $type1<$type2<A>> {
657            #[inline]
658            fn new(addr: A) -> Option<$type1<$type2<A>>> {
659                $type2::new(addr).and_then(Witness::<$type2<A>>::new)
660            }
662            unsafe fn new_unchecked(addr: A) -> $type1<$type2<A>> {
663                $type1($type2(addr))
664            }
666            #[inline]
667            fn into_addr(self) -> A {
668                self.0.into_addr()
669            }
670        }
672        impl<A: $trait1 + $trait2> AsRef<A> for $type1<$type2<A>> {
673            fn as_ref(&self) -> &A {
674                &self.0 .0
675            }
676        }
677    };
678    ($trait1:ident, $type1:ident, $trait2:ident, $type2:ident, $trait3:ident, $type3:ident) => {
679        impl<A: $trait1 + $trait2 + $trait3> Witness<A> for $type1<$type2<$type3<A>>> {
680            #[inline]
681            fn new(addr: A) -> Option<$type1<$type2<$type3<A>>>> {
682                $type3::new(addr).and_then(Witness::<$type3<A>>::new)
683            }
685            unsafe fn new_unchecked(addr: A) -> $type1<$type2<$type3<A>>> {
686                $type1($type2($type3(addr)))
687            }
689            #[inline]
690            fn into_addr(self) -> A {
691                self.0.into_addr()
692            }
693        }
695        impl<A: $trait1 + $trait2 + $trait3> AsRef<A> for $type1<$type2<$type3<A>>> {
696            fn as_ref(&self) -> &A {
697                &self.0 .0
698            }
699        }
700    };
703/// Implements `From<T> or SpecifiedAddr<A>` where `T` is the nested witness.
705/// Accepted Formats:
706/// * `impl_into_specified_for_nested_witness!(trait1, type1, trait2, type2)`
707///     Implements `From<type1<type2<A>>> for SpecifiedAddr<A>`.
708/// * `impl_nested_witness!(trait1, type1, trait2, type2, trait3, type3)`
709///     Implements `From<type1<type2<type3<<A>>>> for SpecifiedAddr<A>`.
711/// Due to the nature of combinatorix, it is not advised to use this macro
712/// for all possible combinations of nested witnesses, only those that are
713/// actually instantiated in code.
714macro_rules! impl_into_specified_for_nested_witness {
715    ($trait1:ident, $type1:ident, $trait2:ident, $type2:ident) => {
716        impl<A: $trait1 + $trait2 + SpecifiedAddress> From<$type1<$type2<A>>> for SpecifiedAddr<A> {
717            fn from(addr: $type1<$type2<A>>) -> SpecifiedAddr<A> {
718                SpecifiedAddr(addr.into_addr())
719            }
720        }
721    };
722    ($trait1:ident, $type1:ident, $trait2:ident, $type2:ident, $trait3:ident, $type3:ident) => {
723        impl<A: $trait1 + $trait2 + $trait3 + SpecifiedAddress> From<$type1<$type2<$type3<A>>>>
724            for SpecifiedAddr<A>
725        {
726            fn from(addr: $type1<$type2<$type3<A>>>) -> SpecifiedAddr<A> {
727                SpecifiedAddr(addr.into_addr())
728            }
729        }
730    };
733/// Implements `TryFrom<$from_ty<A>> for $into_ty<A>`
734macro_rules! impl_try_from_witness {
735    (@inner [$from_ty:ident: $from_trait:ident], [$into_ty:ident: $into_trait:ident]) => {
736        impl<A: $from_trait + $into_trait> TryFrom<$from_ty<A>> for $into_ty<A> {
737            type Error = ();
738            fn try_from(addr: $from_ty<A>) -> Result<$into_ty<A>, ()> {
739                Witness::<A>::from_witness(addr).ok_or(())
740            }
741        }
742    };
743    ([$from_ty:ident: $from_trait:ident], $([$into_ty:ident: $into_trait:ident]),*) => {
744        $(
745            impl_try_from_witness!(@inner [$from_ty: $from_trait], [$into_ty: $into_trait]);
746        )*
747    }
750// SpecifiedAddr
751impl_witness!(SpecifiedAddr, "specified", SpecifiedAddress, is_specified);
753    [SpecifiedAddr: SpecifiedAddress],
754    [UnicastAddr: UnicastAddress],
755    [MulticastAddr: MulticastAddress],
756    [BroadcastAddr: BroadcastAddress],
757    [LinkLocalAddr: LinkLocalAddress],
758    [LinkLocalUnicastAddr: LinkLocalUnicastAddress],
759    [LinkLocalMulticastAddr: LinkLocalMulticastAddress],
760    [LinkLocalBroadcastAddr: LinkLocalBroadcastAddress],
761    [NonMappedAddr: MappedAddress]
764// UnicastAddr
765impl_witness!(UnicastAddr, "unicast", UnicastAddress, is_unicast);
766impl_into_specified!(UnicastAddr, UnicastAddress, is_unicast);
767impl_nested_witness!(UnicastAddress, UnicastAddr, LinkLocalAddress, LinkLocalAddr);
768impl_nested_witness!(UnicastAddress, UnicastAddr, MappedAddress, NonMappedAddr);
770    UnicastAddress,
771    UnicastAddr,
772    LinkLocalAddress,
773    LinkLocalAddr
775impl_into_specified_for_nested_witness!(UnicastAddress, UnicastAddr, MappedAddress, NonMappedAddr);
777    [UnicastAddr: UnicastAddress],
778    [MulticastAddr: MulticastAddress],
779    [BroadcastAddr: BroadcastAddress],
780    [LinkLocalAddr: LinkLocalAddress],
781    [LinkLocalMulticastAddr: LinkLocalMulticastAddress],
782    [LinkLocalBroadcastAddr: LinkLocalBroadcastAddress],
783    [NonMappedAddr: MappedAddress]
786// MulticastAddr
787impl_witness!(MulticastAddr, "multicast", MulticastAddress, is_multicast);
788impl_into_specified!(MulticastAddr, MulticastAddress, is_multicast);
789impl_nested_witness!(MulticastAddress, MulticastAddr, LinkLocalAddress, LinkLocalAddr);
790impl_nested_witness!(MulticastAddress, MulticastAddr, MappedAddress, NonMappedAddr);
792    MulticastAddress,
793    MulticastAddr,
794    LinkLocalAddress,
795    LinkLocalAddr
798    MulticastAddress,
799    MulticastAddr,
800    MappedAddress,
801    NonMappedAddr
804    [MulticastAddr: MulticastAddress],
805    [UnicastAddr: UnicastAddress],
806    [BroadcastAddr: BroadcastAddress],
807    [LinkLocalAddr: LinkLocalAddress],
808    [LinkLocalUnicastAddr: LinkLocalUnicastAddress],
809    [LinkLocalBroadcastAddr: LinkLocalBroadcastAddress],
810    [NonMappedAddr: MappedAddress]
813impl<A: MulticastAddress + MappedAddress> MulticastAddr<A> {
814    /// Wraps `self` in the [`NonMappedAddr`] witness type.
815    pub fn non_mapped(self) -> NonMappedAddr<MulticastAddr<A>> {
816        // Safety: IPv4 addresses cannot be mapped. For IPv6 addresses, the
817        // multicast subnet (FF00::/8) and the ipv4-mapped-ipv6 address space
818        // (::FFFF:0000:0000/96) are disjoint: presence in the multicast subnet
819        // implies absence from the ipv4-mapped-ipv6 address space.
820        unsafe { NonMappedAddr::new_unchecked(self) }
821    }
824// NonMulticastAddr - An address known to not be multicast.
826// Note this type is similar to `UnicastAddr`, but not identical: all
827// `UnicastAddr' can also be `NonMulticastAddr`, but not all `NonMulticastAddr`
828// can be `UnicastAddr`. E.g. an IPv4 Broadcast Addr is non-multicast but not
829// unicast.
830impl_witness!(NonMulticastAddr, "non-multicast", MulticastAddress, is_non_multicast);
831impl_nested_witness!(MulticastAddress, NonMulticastAddr, SpecifiedAddress, SpecifiedAddr);
832impl_nested_witness!(MulticastAddress, NonMulticastAddr, UnicastAddress, UnicastAddr);
833impl_nested_witness!(MulticastAddress, NonMulticastAddr, BroadcastAddress, BroadcastAddr);
834impl_nested_witness!(MulticastAddress, NonMulticastAddr, MappedAddress, NonMappedAddr);
835// NB: Implement nested witness to a depth of three, only for the types that are
836// actually used by consumers of this library.
838    MulticastAddress,
839    NonMulticastAddr,
840    MappedAddress,
841    NonMappedAddr,
842    SpecifiedAddress,
843    SpecifiedAddr
846    MulticastAddress,
847    NonMulticastAddr,
848    MappedAddress,
849    NonMappedAddr,
850    SpecifiedAddress,
851    SpecifiedAddr
854// BroadcastAddr
855impl_witness!(BroadcastAddr, "broadcast", BroadcastAddress, is_broadcast);
856impl_into_specified!(BroadcastAddr, BroadcastAddress, is_broadcast);
857impl_nested_witness!(BroadcastAddress, BroadcastAddr, LinkLocalAddress, LinkLocalAddr);
858impl_nested_witness!(BroadcastAddress, BroadcastAddr, MappedAddress, NonMappedAddr);
860    BroadcastAddress,
861    BroadcastAddr,
862    LinkLocalAddress,
863    LinkLocalAddr
866    BroadcastAddress,
867    BroadcastAddr,
868    MappedAddress,
869    NonMappedAddr
872    [BroadcastAddr: BroadcastAddress],
873    [UnicastAddr: UnicastAddress],
874    [MulticastAddr: MulticastAddress],
875    [LinkLocalAddr: LinkLocalAddress],
876    [LinkLocalUnicastAddr: LinkLocalUnicastAddress],
877    [LinkLocalMulticastAddr: LinkLocalMulticastAddress],
878    [NonMappedAddr: MappedAddress]
881// LinkLocalAddr
882impl_witness!(LinkLocalAddr, "link-local", LinkLocalAddress, is_link_local);
883impl_into_specified!(LinkLocalAddr, LinkLocalAddress, is_link_local);
884impl_nested_witness!(LinkLocalAddress, LinkLocalAddr, UnicastAddress, UnicastAddr);
885impl_nested_witness!(LinkLocalAddress, LinkLocalAddr, MulticastAddress, MulticastAddr);
886impl_nested_witness!(LinkLocalAddress, LinkLocalAddr, BroadcastAddress, BroadcastAddr);
887impl_nested_witness!(LinkLocalAddress, LinkLocalAddr, MappedAddress, NonMappedAddr);
889    LinkLocalAddress,
890    LinkLocalAddr,
891    UnicastAddress,
892    UnicastAddr
895    LinkLocalAddress,
896    LinkLocalAddr,
897    MulticastAddress,
898    MulticastAddr
901    LinkLocalAddress,
902    LinkLocalAddr,
903    BroadcastAddress,
904    BroadcastAddr
907    LinkLocalAddress,
908    LinkLocalAddr,
909    MappedAddress,
910    NonMappedAddr
913    [LinkLocalAddr: LinkLocalAddress],
914    [UnicastAddr: UnicastAddress],
915    [MulticastAddr: MulticastAddress],
916    [BroadcastAddr: BroadcastAddress],
917    [NonMappedAddr: MappedAddress]
920// NonMappedAddr
921impl_witness!(NonMappedAddr, "non_mapped", MappedAddress, is_non_mapped);
922impl_nested_witness!(MappedAddress, NonMappedAddr, SpecifiedAddress, SpecifiedAddr);
923impl_nested_witness!(MappedAddress, NonMappedAddr, UnicastAddress, UnicastAddr);
924impl_nested_witness!(MappedAddress, NonMappedAddr, MulticastAddress, MulticastAddr);
925impl_nested_witness!(MappedAddress, NonMappedAddr, BroadcastAddress, BroadcastAddr);
926impl_nested_witness!(MappedAddress, NonMappedAddr, LinkLocalAddress, LinkLocalAddr);
928    MappedAddress,
929    NonMappedAddr,
930    SpecifiedAddress,
931    SpecifiedAddr
933impl_into_specified_for_nested_witness!(MappedAddress, NonMappedAddr, UnicastAddress, UnicastAddr);
935    MappedAddress,
936    NonMappedAddr,
937    MulticastAddress,
938    MulticastAddr
941    MappedAddress,
942    NonMappedAddr,
943    BroadcastAddress,
944    BroadcastAddr
947    MappedAddress,
948    NonMappedAddr,
949    LinkLocalAddress,
950    LinkLocalAddr
953    [NonMappedAddr: MappedAddress],
954    [SpecifiedAddr: SpecifiedAddress],
955    [UnicastAddr: UnicastAddress],
956    [MulticastAddr: MulticastAddress],
957    [BroadcastAddr: BroadcastAddress],
958    [LinkLocalAddr: LinkLocalAddress],
959    [LinkLocalUnicastAddr: LinkLocalUnicastAddress],
960    [LinkLocalMulticastAddr: LinkLocalMulticastAddress],
961    [LinkLocalBroadcastAddr: LinkLocalBroadcastAddress]
964// NOTE(joshlf): We provide these type aliases both for convenience and also to
965// steer users towards these types and away from `UnicastAddr<LinkLocalAddr<A>>`
966// and `MulticastAddr<LinkLocalAddr<A>>`, which are also valid. The reason we
967// still implement `Witness<A>` for those types is that user code may contain
968// generic contexts (e.g., some code with `UnicastAddr<A>`, and other code which
969// wishes to supply `A = LinkLocalAddr<AA>`), and we want to support that use
970// case.
972/// An address that can be link-local and unicast.
974/// `LinkLocalUnicastAddress` is a shorthand for `LinkLocalAddress +
975/// UnicastAddress`.
976pub trait LinkLocalUnicastAddress: LinkLocalAddress + UnicastAddress {}
977impl<A: LinkLocalAddress + UnicastAddress> LinkLocalUnicastAddress for A {}
979/// An address that can be link-local and multicast.
981/// `LinkLocalMulticastAddress` is a shorthand for `LinkLocalAddress +
982/// MulticastAddress`.
983pub trait LinkLocalMulticastAddress: LinkLocalAddress + MulticastAddress {}
984impl<A: LinkLocalAddress + MulticastAddress> LinkLocalMulticastAddress for A {}
986/// An address that can be link-local and broadcast.
988/// `LinkLocalBroadcastAddress` is a shorthand for `LinkLocalAddress +
989/// BroadcastAddress`.
990pub trait LinkLocalBroadcastAddress: LinkLocalAddress + BroadcastAddress {}
991impl<A: LinkLocalAddress + BroadcastAddress> LinkLocalBroadcastAddress for A {}
993/// A link-local unicast address.
994pub type LinkLocalUnicastAddr<A> = LinkLocalAddr<UnicastAddr<A>>;
996/// A link-local multicast address.
997pub type LinkLocalMulticastAddr<A> = LinkLocalAddr<MulticastAddr<A>>;
999/// A link-local broadcast address.
1000pub type LinkLocalBroadcastAddr<A> = LinkLocalAddr<BroadcastAddr<A>>;
1003    [LinkLocalUnicastAddr: LinkLocalUnicastAddress],
1004    [UnicastAddr: UnicastAddress],
1005    [MulticastAddr: MulticastAddress],
1006    [LinkLocalAddr: LinkLocalAddress],
1007    [LinkLocalMulticastAddr: LinkLocalMulticastAddress],
1008    [LinkLocalBroadcastAddr: LinkLocalBroadcastAddress]
1011    [LinkLocalMulticastAddr: LinkLocalMulticastAddress],
1012    [UnicastAddr: UnicastAddress],
1013    [MulticastAddr: MulticastAddress],
1014    [LinkLocalAddr: LinkLocalAddress],
1015    [LinkLocalUnicastAddr: LinkLocalUnicastAddress],
1016    [LinkLocalBroadcastAddr: LinkLocalBroadcastAddress]
1019    [LinkLocalBroadcastAddr: LinkLocalBroadcastAddress],
1020    [UnicastAddr: UnicastAddress],
1021    [MulticastAddr: MulticastAddress],
1022    [LinkLocalAddr: LinkLocalAddress],
1023    [LinkLocalUnicastAddr: LinkLocalUnicastAddress],
1024    [LinkLocalMulticastAddr: LinkLocalMulticastAddress]
1027/// A witness type for an address and a scope zone.
1029/// `AddrAndZone` carries an address that *may* have a scope, alongside the
1030/// particular zone of that scope. The zone is also referred to as a "scope
1031/// identifier" in some systems (such as Linux).
1033/// Note that although `AddrAndZone` acts as a witness type, it does not
1034/// implement [`Witness`] since it carries both the address and scoping
1035/// information, and not only the witnessed address.
1036#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
1037pub struct AddrAndZone<A, Z>(A, Z);
1039impl<A: ScopeableAddress, Z> AddrAndZone<A, Z> {
1040    /// Constructs a new `AddrAndZone`, returning `Some` only if the provided
1041    /// `addr`'s scope can have a zone (`addr.scope().can_have_zone()`).
1042    pub fn new(addr: A, zone: Z) -> Option<Self> {
1043        if addr.scope().can_have_zone() {
1044            Some(Self(addr, zone))
1045        } else {
1046            None
1047        }
1048    }
1051impl<A: ScopeableAddress + IpAddress, Z> AddrAndZone<A, Z> {
1052    /// Constructs a new `AddrAndZone`, returning `Some` only if the provided
1053    /// `addr`'s scope can have a zone (`addr.scope().can_have_zone()`) and
1054    /// `addr` is not a loopback address.
1055    pub fn new_not_loopback(addr: A, zone: Z) -> Option<Self> {
1056        if addr.scope().can_have_zone() && !addr.is_loopback() {
1057            Some(Self(addr, zone))
1058        } else {
1059            None
1060        }
1061    }
1064impl<A, Z> AddrAndZone<A, Z> {
1065    /// Constructs a new `AddrAndZone` without checking to see if `addr`'s scope
1066    /// can have a zone.
1067    ///
1068    /// # Safety
1069    ///
1070    /// It is up to the caller to make sure that `addr`'s scope can have a zone
1071    /// to avoid breaking the guarantees of `AddrAndZone`.
1072    #[inline]
1073    pub const unsafe fn new_unchecked(addr: A, zone: Z) -> Self {
1074        Self(addr, zone)
1075    }
1077    /// Consumes this `AddrAndZone`, returning the address and zone separately.
1078    pub fn into_addr_scope_id(self) -> (A, Z) {
1079        let AddrAndZone(addr, zone) = self;
1080        (addr, zone)
1081    }
1083    /// Translates the zone identifier using the provided function.
1084    pub fn map_zone<Y>(self, f: impl FnOnce(Z) -> Y) -> AddrAndZone<A, Y> {
1085        let AddrAndZone(addr, zone) = self;
1086        AddrAndZone(addr, f(zone))
1087    }
1089    /// Translates the address using `f`.
1090    pub fn map_addr<B>(self, f: impl FnOnce(A) -> B) -> AddrAndZone<B, Z> {
1091        let Self(addr, zone) = self;
1092        AddrAndZone(f(addr), zone)
1093    }
1095    /// Attempts to translate the zone identifier using the provided function.
1096    pub fn try_map_zone<Y, E>(
1097        self,
1098        f: impl FnOnce(Z) -> Result<Y, E>,
1099    ) -> Result<AddrAndZone<A, Y>, E> {
1100        let AddrAndZone(addr, zone) = self;
1101        f(zone).map(|zone| AddrAndZone(addr, zone))
1102    }
1104    /// Accesses the addr for this `AddrAndZone`.
1105    pub fn addr(&self) -> A
1106    where
1107        A: Copy,
1108    {
1109        let AddrAndZone(addr, _zone) = self;
1110        *addr
1111    }
1113    /// Converts from `AddrAndZone<A, Z>` to `AddrAndZone<&A, &Z>`.
1114    pub fn as_ref(&self) -> AddrAndZone<&A, &Z> {
1115        let Self(addr, zone) = self;
1116        AddrAndZone(addr, zone)
1117    }
1120impl<A: Display, Z: Display> Display for AddrAndZone<A, Z> {
1121    #[inline]
1122    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
1123        write!(f, "{}%{}", self.0, self.1)
1124    }
1127impl<A, Z> sealed::Sealed for AddrAndZone<A, Z> {}
1129impl<A: SpecifiedAddress, Z> From<AddrAndZone<SpecifiedAddr<A>, Z>> for AddrAndZone<A, Z> {
1130    fn from(AddrAndZone(addr, zone): AddrAndZone<SpecifiedAddr<A>, Z>) -> Self {
1131        Self(addr.into_addr(), zone)
1132    }
1135/// An address that may have an associated scope zone.
1137#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
1138pub enum ZonedAddr<A, Z> {
1139    Unzoned(A),
1140    Zoned(AddrAndZone<A, Z>),
1143impl<A: Display, Z: Display> Display for ZonedAddr<A, Z> {
1144    #[inline]
1145    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
1146        match self {
1147            Self::Unzoned(addr) => write!(f, "{addr}"),
1148            Self::Zoned(addr_and_zone) => write!(f, "{addr_and_zone}"),
1149        }
1150    }
1153impl<A, Z> ZonedAddr<A, Z> {
1154    /// Decomposes this `ZonedAddr` into an addr and an optional scope zone.
1155    pub fn into_addr_zone(self) -> (A, Option<Z>) {
1156        match self {
1157            ZonedAddr::Unzoned(addr) => (addr, None),
1158            ZonedAddr::Zoned(scope_and_zone) => {
1159                let (addr, zone) = scope_and_zone.into_addr_scope_id();
1160                (addr, Some(zone))
1161            }
1162        }
1163    }
1165    /// Accesses the addr for this `ZonedAddr`.
1166    pub fn addr(&self) -> A
1167    where
1168        A: Copy,
1169    {
1170        match self {
1171            ZonedAddr::Unzoned(addr) => *addr,
1172            ZonedAddr::Zoned(addr_and_zone) => addr_and_zone.addr(),
1173        }
1174    }
1176    /// Translates the zone identifier using the provided function.
1177    pub fn map_zone<Y>(self, f: impl FnOnce(Z) -> Y) -> ZonedAddr<A, Y> {
1178        match self {
1179            ZonedAddr::Unzoned(u) => ZonedAddr::Unzoned(u),
1180            ZonedAddr::Zoned(z) => ZonedAddr::Zoned(z.map_zone(f)),
1181        }
1182    }
1184    /// Translates the address using `f`.
1185    pub fn map_addr<B>(self, f: impl FnOnce(A) -> B) -> ZonedAddr<B, Z> {
1186        match self {
1187            Self::Unzoned(u) => ZonedAddr::Unzoned(f(u)),
1188            Self::Zoned(z) => ZonedAddr::Zoned(z.map_addr(f)),
1189        }
1190    }
1192    /// Converts from `&ZonedAddr<A, Z>` to `ZonedAddr<&A, &Z>`.
1193    pub fn as_ref(&self) -> ZonedAddr<&A, &Z> {
1194        match self {
1195            Self::Unzoned(u) => ZonedAddr::Unzoned(u),
1196            Self::Zoned(z) => ZonedAddr::Zoned(z.as_ref()),
1197        }
1198    }
1201impl<A: ScopeableAddress, Z> ZonedAddr<A, Z> {
1202    /// Creates a new `ZonedAddr` with the provided optional scope zone.
1203    ///
1204    /// If `zone` is `None`, [`ZonedAddr::Unzoned`] is returned. Otherwise, a
1205    /// [`ZonedAddr::Zoned`] is returned only if the provided `addr`'s scope can
1206    /// have a zone (`addr.scope().can_have_zone()`).
1207    pub fn new(addr: A, zone: Option<Z>) -> Option<Self> {
1208        match zone {
1209            Some(zone) => AddrAndZone::new(addr, zone).map(ZonedAddr::Zoned),
1210            None => Some(ZonedAddr::Unzoned(addr)),
1211        }
1212    }
1215impl<A: IpAddress + ScopeableAddress, Z: Clone> ZonedAddr<A, Z> {
1216    /// Creates a [`ZonedAddr::Zoned`] iff `addr` can have a zone and is not
1217    /// loopback.
1218    ///
1219    /// `get_zone` is only called if the address needs a zone.
1220    pub fn new_zoned_if_necessary(addr: A, get_zone: impl FnOnce() -> Z) -> Self {
1221        match AddrAndZone::new_not_loopback(addr, ()) {
1222            Some(addr_and_zone) => Self::Zoned(addr_and_zone.map_zone(move |()| get_zone())),
1223            None => Self::Unzoned(addr),
1224        }
1225    }
1228impl<A: ScopeableAddress<Scope = ()>, Z> ZonedAddr<A, Z> {
1229    /// Retrieves the addr for this `ZonedAddr` when the `Scope` is `()`.
1230    ///
1231    /// `()` is a known implementation that never allows `AddrAndZone` to be
1232    /// constructed so we can safely drop the zone information.
1233    pub fn into_unzoned(self) -> A {
1234        match self {
1235            ZonedAddr::Unzoned(u) => u,
1236            ZonedAddr::Zoned(_z) => unreachable!(),
1237        }
1238    }
1241impl<A, Z> From<AddrAndZone<A, Z>> for ZonedAddr<A, Z> {
1242    fn from(a: AddrAndZone<A, Z>) -> Self {
1243        Self::Zoned(a)
1244    }
1247impl<A: SpecifiedAddress, Z> From<ZonedAddr<SpecifiedAddr<A>, Z>> for ZonedAddr<A, Z> {
1248    fn from(zoned_addr: ZonedAddr<SpecifiedAddr<A>, Z>) -> Self {
1249        match zoned_addr {
1250            ZonedAddr::Unzoned(a) => Self::Unzoned(a.into_addr()),
1251            ZonedAddr::Zoned(z) => Self::Zoned(z.into()),
1252        }
1253    }
1256impl<A, I: Ip> GenericOverIp<I> for SpecifiedAddr<A> {
1257    type Type = SpecifiedAddr<I::Addr>;
1260impl<A: IpAddress, I: Ip> GenericOverIp<I> for MulticastAddr<A> {
1261    type Type = MulticastAddr<I::Addr>;
1264impl<A: GenericOverIp<I>, I: Ip, Z> GenericOverIp<I> for ZonedAddr<A, Z> {
1265    type Type = ZonedAddr<A::Type, Z>;
1268impl<A: GenericOverIp<I>, I: Ip, Z> GenericOverIp<I> for AddrAndZone<A, Z> {
1269    type Type = AddrAndZone<A::Type, Z>;
1272/// Provides a `Display` implementation for printing an address and a port.
1273#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
1274pub struct AddrAndPortFormatter<A, P, I: Ip> {
1275    addr: A,
1276    port: P,
1277    _marker: IpVersionMarker<I>,
1280impl<A, P, I: Ip> AddrAndPortFormatter<A, P, I> {
1281    /// Construct a new `AddrAndPortFormatter`.
1282    pub fn new(addr: A, port: P) -> Self {
1283        Self { addr, port, _marker: IpVersionMarker::new() }
1284    }
1287impl<A: Display, P: Display, I: Ip> Display for AddrAndPortFormatter<A, P, I> {
1288    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
1289        let Self { addr, port, _marker } = self;
1290        let IpInvariant(result) = I::map_ip(
1291            IpInvariant((addr, port, f)),
1292            |IpInvariant((addr, port, f))| IpInvariant(write!(f, "{}:{}", addr, port)),
1293            |IpInvariant((addr, port, f))| IpInvariant(write!(f, "[{}]:{}", addr, port)),
1294        );
1295        result
1296    }
1300mod tests {
1301    use super::*;
1303    #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
1304    enum Address {
1305        Unspecified,
1306        GlobalUnicast,
1307        GlobalMulticast,
1308        GlobalBroadcast,
1309        LinkLocalUnicast,
1310        LinkLocalMulticast,
1311        LinkLocalBroadcast,
1312        MappedUnicast,
1313        MappedMulticast,
1314        MappedBroadcast,
1315    }
1317    impl SpecifiedAddress for Address {
1318        fn is_specified(&self) -> bool {
1319            *self != Address::Unspecified
1320        }
1321    }
1323    impl UnicastAddress for Address {
1324        fn is_unicast(&self) -> bool {
1325            use Address::*;
1326            match self {
1327                GlobalUnicast | LinkLocalUnicast | MappedUnicast => true,
1328                Unspecified | GlobalMulticast | GlobalBroadcast | LinkLocalMulticast
1329                | LinkLocalBroadcast | MappedMulticast | MappedBroadcast => false,
1330            }
1331        }
1332    }
1334    impl MulticastAddress for Address {
1335        fn is_multicast(&self) -> bool {
1336            use Address::*;
1337            match self {
1338                GlobalMulticast | LinkLocalMulticast | MappedMulticast => true,
1339                Unspecified | GlobalUnicast | GlobalBroadcast | LinkLocalUnicast
1340                | MappedUnicast | MappedBroadcast | LinkLocalBroadcast => false,
1341            }
1342        }
1343    }
1345    impl BroadcastAddress for Address {
1346        fn is_broadcast(&self) -> bool {
1347            use Address::*;
1348            match self {
1349                GlobalBroadcast | LinkLocalBroadcast | MappedBroadcast => true,
1350                Unspecified | GlobalUnicast | GlobalMulticast | LinkLocalUnicast
1351                | MappedUnicast | MappedMulticast | LinkLocalMulticast => false,
1352            }
1353        }
1354    }
1356    impl LinkLocalAddress for Address {
1357        fn is_link_local(&self) -> bool {
1358            use Address::*;
1359            match self {
1360                LinkLocalUnicast | LinkLocalMulticast | LinkLocalBroadcast => true,
1361                Unspecified | GlobalUnicast | GlobalMulticast | GlobalBroadcast | MappedUnicast
1362                | MappedBroadcast | MappedMulticast => false,
1363            }
1364        }
1365    }
1367    impl MappedAddress for Address {
1368        fn is_non_mapped(&self) -> bool {
1369            use Address::*;
1370            match self {
1371                MappedUnicast | MappedBroadcast | MappedMulticast => false,
1372                Unspecified | GlobalUnicast | GlobalMulticast | GlobalBroadcast
1373                | LinkLocalUnicast | LinkLocalMulticast | LinkLocalBroadcast => true,
1374            }
1375        }
1376    }
1378    #[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
1379    enum AddressScope {
1380        LinkLocal,
1381        Global,
1382    }
1384    impl Scope for AddressScope {
1385        fn can_have_zone(&self) -> bool {
1386            matches!(self, AddressScope::LinkLocal)
1387        }
1388    }
1390    impl ScopeableAddress for Address {
1391        type Scope = AddressScope;
1393        fn scope(&self) -> AddressScope {
1394            if self.is_link_local() {
1395                AddressScope::LinkLocal
1396            } else {
1397                AddressScope::Global
1398            }
1399        }
1400    }
1402    #[test]
1403    fn specified_addr() {
1404        assert_eq!(
1405            SpecifiedAddr::new(Address::GlobalUnicast),
1406            Some(SpecifiedAddr(Address::GlobalUnicast))
1407        );
1408        assert_eq!(SpecifiedAddr::new(Address::Unspecified), None);
1409    }
1411    #[test]
1412    fn unicast_addr() {
1413        assert_eq!(
1414            UnicastAddr::new(Address::GlobalUnicast),
1415            Some(UnicastAddr(Address::GlobalUnicast))
1416        );
1417        assert_eq!(UnicastAddr::new(Address::GlobalMulticast), None);
1418        assert_eq!(
1419            unsafe { UnicastAddr::new_unchecked(Address::GlobalUnicast) },
1420            UnicastAddr(Address::GlobalUnicast)
1421        );
1422    }
1424    #[test]
1425    fn multicast_addr() {
1426        assert_eq!(
1427            MulticastAddr::new(Address::GlobalMulticast),
1428            Some(MulticastAddr(Address::GlobalMulticast))
1429        );
1430        assert_eq!(MulticastAddr::new(Address::GlobalUnicast), None);
1431        assert_eq!(
1432            unsafe { MulticastAddr::new_unchecked(Address::GlobalMulticast) },
1433            MulticastAddr(Address::GlobalMulticast)
1434        );
1435    }
1437    #[test]
1438    fn broadcast_addr() {
1439        assert_eq!(
1440            BroadcastAddr::new(Address::GlobalBroadcast),
1441            Some(BroadcastAddr(Address::GlobalBroadcast))
1442        );
1443        assert_eq!(BroadcastAddr::new(Address::GlobalUnicast), None);
1444        assert_eq!(
1445            unsafe { BroadcastAddr::new_unchecked(Address::GlobalBroadcast) },
1446            BroadcastAddr(Address::GlobalBroadcast)
1447        );
1448    }
1450    #[test]
1451    fn link_local_addr() {
1452        assert_eq!(
1453            LinkLocalAddr::new(Address::LinkLocalUnicast),
1454            Some(LinkLocalAddr(Address::LinkLocalUnicast))
1455        );
1456        assert_eq!(LinkLocalAddr::new(Address::GlobalMulticast), None);
1457        assert_eq!(
1458            unsafe { LinkLocalAddr::new_unchecked(Address::LinkLocalUnicast) },
1459            LinkLocalAddr(Address::LinkLocalUnicast)
1460        );
1461    }
1463    #[test]
1464    fn non_mapped_addr() {
1465        assert_eq!(
1466            NonMappedAddr::new(Address::LinkLocalUnicast),
1467            Some(NonMappedAddr(Address::LinkLocalUnicast))
1468        );
1469        assert_eq!(NonMappedAddr::new(Address::MappedUnicast), None);
1470        assert_eq!(
1471            NonMappedAddr::new(Address::LinkLocalMulticast),
1472            Some(NonMappedAddr(Address::LinkLocalMulticast))
1473        );
1474        assert_eq!(NonMappedAddr::new(Address::MappedMulticast), None);
1475        assert_eq!(
1476            NonMappedAddr::new(Address::LinkLocalBroadcast),
1477            Some(NonMappedAddr(Address::LinkLocalBroadcast))
1478        );
1479        assert_eq!(NonMappedAddr::new(Address::MappedBroadcast), None);
1480    }
1482    macro_rules! test_nested {
1483        ($outer:ident, $inner:ident, $($input:ident => $output:expr,)*) => {
1484            $(
1485                assert_eq!($inner::new(Address::$input).and_then($outer::new), $output);
1486            )*
1487        };
1488    }
1490    #[test]
1491    fn nested_link_local() {
1492        // Test UnicastAddr<LinkLocalAddr>, MulticastAddr<LinkLocalAddr>,
1493        // BroadcastAddr<LinkLocalAddr>, LinkLocalAddr<UnicastAddr>,
1494        // LinkLocalAddr<MulticastAddr>, LinkLocalAddr<BroadcastAddr>.
1496        // Unicast
1497        test_nested!(
1498            UnicastAddr,
1499            LinkLocalAddr,
1500            Unspecified => None,
1501            GlobalUnicast => None,
1502            GlobalMulticast => None,
1503            LinkLocalUnicast => Some(UnicastAddr(LinkLocalAddr(Address::LinkLocalUnicast))),
1504            LinkLocalMulticast => None,
1505            LinkLocalBroadcast => None,
1506        );
1508        // Multicast
1509        test_nested!(
1510            MulticastAddr,
1511            LinkLocalAddr,
1512            Unspecified => None,
1513            GlobalUnicast => None,
1514            GlobalMulticast => None,
1515            LinkLocalUnicast => None,
1516            LinkLocalMulticast => Some(MulticastAddr(LinkLocalAddr(Address::LinkLocalMulticast))),
1517            LinkLocalBroadcast => None,
1518        );
1520        // Broadcast
1521        test_nested!(
1522            BroadcastAddr,
1523            LinkLocalAddr,
1524            Unspecified => None,
1525            GlobalUnicast => None,
1526            GlobalMulticast => None,
1527            LinkLocalUnicast => None,
1528            LinkLocalMulticast => None,
1529            LinkLocalBroadcast => Some(BroadcastAddr(LinkLocalAddr(Address::LinkLocalBroadcast))),
1530        );
1532        // Link-local
1533        test_nested!(
1534            LinkLocalAddr,
1535            UnicastAddr,
1536            Unspecified => None,
1537            GlobalUnicast => None,
1538            GlobalMulticast => None,
1539            LinkLocalUnicast => Some(LinkLocalAddr(UnicastAddr(Address::LinkLocalUnicast))),
1540            LinkLocalMulticast => None,
1541            LinkLocalBroadcast => None,
1542        );
1543        test_nested!(
1544            LinkLocalAddr,
1545            MulticastAddr,
1546            Unspecified => None,
1547            GlobalUnicast => None,
1548            GlobalMulticast => None,
1549            LinkLocalUnicast => None,
1550            LinkLocalMulticast => Some(LinkLocalAddr(MulticastAddr(Address::LinkLocalMulticast))),
1551            LinkLocalBroadcast => None,
1552        );
1553        test_nested!(
1554            LinkLocalAddr,
1555            BroadcastAddr,
1556            Unspecified => None,
1557            GlobalUnicast => None,
1558            GlobalMulticast => None,
1559            LinkLocalUnicast => None,
1560            LinkLocalMulticast => None,
1561            LinkLocalBroadcast => Some(LinkLocalAddr(BroadcastAddr(Address::LinkLocalBroadcast))),
1562        );
1563    }
1565    #[test]
1566    fn nested_non_mapped() {
1567        // Test:
1568        //   UnicastAddr<NonMappedAddr>, NonMappedAddr<UnicastAddr>,
1569        //   MulticastAddr<NonMappedAddr>, NonMappedAddr<MulticastAddr>,
1570        //   BroadcastAddr<NonMappedAddr>, NonMappedAddr<BroadcastAddr>,
1572        // Unicast
1573        test_nested!(
1574            UnicastAddr,
1575            NonMappedAddr,
1576            Unspecified => None,
1577            LinkLocalUnicast => Some(UnicastAddr(NonMappedAddr(Address::LinkLocalUnicast))),
1578            LinkLocalMulticast => None,
1579            LinkLocalBroadcast => None,
1580            MappedUnicast => None,
1581            MappedMulticast => None,
1582            MappedBroadcast => None,
1583        );
1585        // Multicast
1586        test_nested!(
1587            MulticastAddr,
1588            NonMappedAddr,
1589            Unspecified => None,
1590            LinkLocalUnicast => None,
1591            LinkLocalMulticast => Some(MulticastAddr(NonMappedAddr(Address::LinkLocalMulticast))),
1592            LinkLocalBroadcast => None,
1593            MappedUnicast => None,
1594            MappedMulticast => None,
1595            MappedBroadcast => None,
1596        );
1598        // Broadcast
1599        test_nested!(
1600            BroadcastAddr,
1601            NonMappedAddr,
1602            Unspecified => None,
1603            LinkLocalUnicast => None,
1604            LinkLocalMulticast => None,
1605            LinkLocalBroadcast => Some(BroadcastAddr(NonMappedAddr(Address::LinkLocalBroadcast))),
1606            MappedUnicast => None,
1607            MappedMulticast => None,
1608            MappedBroadcast => None,
1609        );
1611        // non-mapped
1612        test_nested!(
1613            NonMappedAddr,
1614            UnicastAddr,
1615            Unspecified => None,
1616            LinkLocalUnicast => Some(NonMappedAddr(UnicastAddr(Address::LinkLocalUnicast))),
1617            LinkLocalMulticast => None,
1618            LinkLocalBroadcast => None,
1619            MappedUnicast => None,
1620            MappedMulticast => None,
1621            MappedBroadcast => None,
1622        );
1623        test_nested!(
1624            NonMappedAddr,
1625            MulticastAddr,
1626            Unspecified => None,
1627            LinkLocalUnicast => None,
1628            LinkLocalMulticast => Some(NonMappedAddr(MulticastAddr(Address::LinkLocalMulticast))),
1629            LinkLocalBroadcast => None,
1630            MappedUnicast => None,
1631            MappedMulticast => None,
1632            MappedBroadcast => None,
1633        );
1634        test_nested!(
1635            NonMappedAddr,
1636            BroadcastAddr,
1637            Unspecified => None,
1638            LinkLocalUnicast => None,
1639            LinkLocalMulticast => None,
1640            LinkLocalBroadcast => Some(NonMappedAddr(BroadcastAddr(Address::LinkLocalBroadcast))),
1641            MappedUnicast => None,
1642            MappedMulticast => None,
1643            MappedBroadcast => None,
1644        );
1645    }
1647    #[test]
1648    fn addr_and_zone() {
1649        let addr_and_zone = AddrAndZone::new(Address::LinkLocalUnicast, ());
1650        assert_eq!(addr_and_zone, Some(AddrAndZone(Address::LinkLocalUnicast, ())));
1651        assert_eq!(addr_and_zone.unwrap().into_addr_scope_id(), (Address::LinkLocalUnicast, ()));
1652        assert_eq!(AddrAndZone::new(Address::GlobalUnicast, ()), None);
1653        assert_eq!(
1654            unsafe { AddrAndZone::new_unchecked(Address::LinkLocalUnicast, ()) },
1655            AddrAndZone(Address::LinkLocalUnicast, ())
1656        );
1657    }
1659    #[test]
1660    fn addr_and_zone_map_zone() {
1661        let addr_and_zone = AddrAndZone::new(Address::LinkLocalUnicast, 65).unwrap();
1662        assert_eq!(
1663            addr_and_zone.map_zone(|x| char::from_u32(x).unwrap()),
1664            AddrAndZone::new(Address::LinkLocalUnicast, 'A').unwrap()
1665        );
1666    }
1668    #[test]
1669    fn addr_and_zone_try_map_zone() {
1670        let addr_and_zone = AddrAndZone::new(Address::LinkLocalUnicast, 32).unwrap();
1671        assert_eq!(
1672            addr_and_zone.try_map_zone(|x| Ok::<_, ()>(x + 1)),
1673            Ok(AddrAndZone::new(Address::LinkLocalUnicast, 33).unwrap())
1674        );
1676        let addr_and_zone = AddrAndZone::new(Address::LinkLocalUnicast, 32).unwrap();
1677        assert_eq!(addr_and_zone.try_map_zone(|x| Err::<i32, _>(x - 1)), Err(31),);
1678    }
1680    #[test]
1681    fn scoped_address() {
1682        // Type alias to help the compiler when the scope type can't be
1683        // inferred.
1684        type ZonedAddr = crate::ZonedAddr<Address, ()>;
1685        assert_eq!(
1686            ZonedAddr::new(Address::GlobalUnicast, None),
1687            Some(ZonedAddr::Unzoned(Address::GlobalUnicast))
1688        );
1689        assert_eq!(
1690            ZonedAddr::new(Address::Unspecified, None).unwrap().into_addr_zone(),
1691            (Address::Unspecified, None)
1692        );
1693        assert_eq!(
1694            ZonedAddr::new(Address::LinkLocalUnicast, None),
1695            Some(ZonedAddr::Unzoned(Address::LinkLocalUnicast))
1696        );
1697        assert_eq!(ZonedAddr::new(Address::GlobalUnicast, Some(())), None);
1698        assert_eq!(ZonedAddr::new(Address::Unspecified, Some(())), None);
1699        assert_eq!(
1700            ZonedAddr::new(Address::LinkLocalUnicast, Some(())),
1701            Some(ZonedAddr::Zoned(AddrAndZone(Address::LinkLocalUnicast, ())))
1702        );
1704        assert_eq!(
1705            ZonedAddr::new(Address::GlobalUnicast, None).unwrap().into_addr_zone(),
1706            (Address::GlobalUnicast, None)
1707        );
1708        assert_eq!(
1709            ZonedAddr::new(Address::LinkLocalUnicast, Some(())).unwrap().into_addr_zone(),
1710            (Address::LinkLocalUnicast, Some(()))
1711        );
1712    }
1714    #[test]
1715    fn transpose_with_fully_qualified_types() {
1716        let addr: SpecifiedAddr<NonMappedAddr<Address>> =
1717            <NonMappedAddr<SpecifiedAddr<Address>> as Witness<SpecifiedAddr<Address>>>::transpose::<
1718                Address,
1719            >(
1720                NonMappedAddr::new(
1721                    SpecifiedAddr::new(Address::LinkLocalUnicast)
1722                        .expect("should be specified addr"),
1723                )
1724                .expect("should be non-mapped addr"),
1725            );
1726        assert_eq!(
1727            addr,
1728            SpecifiedAddr::new(
1729                NonMappedAddr::new(Address::LinkLocalUnicast).expect("should be non-mapped addr")
1730            )
1731            .expect("should be specified addr")
1732        )
1733    }
1735    #[test]
1736    fn transpose_with_inferred_types() {
1737        assert_eq!(
1738            NonMappedAddr::new(
1739                SpecifiedAddr::new(Address::LinkLocalUnicast).expect("should be specified addr")
1740            )
1741            .expect("should be non-mapped addr")
1742            .transpose(),
1743            SpecifiedAddr::new(
1744                NonMappedAddr::new(Address::LinkLocalUnicast).expect("should be non-mapped addr")
1745            )
1746            .expect("should be specified addr")
1747        )
1748    }