1//! Contains namespace manipulation types and functions.
3use std::iter::{Map, Rev};
4use std::collections::btree_map::{BTreeMap, Entry};
5use std::collections::btree_map::Iter as Entries;
6use std::collections::HashSet;
7use std::slice::Iter;
9/// Designates prefix for namespace definitions.
11/// See [Namespaces in XML][namespace] spec for more information.
13/// [namespace]: http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-names/#ns-decl
14pub const NS_XMLNS_PREFIX: &'static str = "xmlns";
16/// Designates the standard URI for `xmlns` prefix.
18/// See [A Namespace Name for xmlns Attributes][1] for more information.
20/// [namespace]: http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/
21pub const NS_XMLNS_URI: &'static str = "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/";
23/// Designates prefix for a namespace containing several special predefined attributes.
25/// See [2.10 White Space handling][1], [2.1 Language Identification][2],
26/// [XML Base specification][3] and [xml:id specification][4] for more information.
28/// [1]: http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#sec-white-space
29/// [2]: http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#sec-lang-tag
30/// [3]: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlbase/
31/// [4]: http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-id/
32pub const NS_XML_PREFIX: &'static str = "xml";
34/// Designates the standard URI for `xml` prefix.
36/// See `NS_XML_PREFIX` documentation for more information.
37pub const NS_XML_URI: &'static str = "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace";
39/// Designates the absence of prefix in a qualified name.
41/// This constant should be used to define or query default namespace which should be used
42/// for element or attribute names without prefix. For example, if a namespace mapping
43/// at a particular point in the document contains correspondence like
45/// ```none
46/// NS_NO_PREFIX --> urn:some:namespace
47/// ```
49/// then all names declared without an explicit prefix `urn:some:namespace` is assumed as
50/// a namespace URI.
52/// By default empty prefix corresponds to absence of namespace, but this can change either
53/// when writing an XML document (manually) or when reading an XML document (based on namespace
54/// declarations).
55pub const NS_NO_PREFIX: &'static str = "";
57/// Designates an empty namespace URI, which is equivalent to absence of namespace.
59/// This constant should not usually be used directly; it is used to designate that
60/// empty prefix corresponds to absent namespace in `NamespaceStack` instances created with
61/// `NamespaceStack::default()`. Therefore, it can be used to restore `NS_NO_PREFIX` mapping
62/// in a namespace back to its default value.
63pub const NS_EMPTY_URI: &'static str = "";
65/// Namespace is a map from prefixes to namespace URIs.
67/// No prefix (i.e. default namespace) is designated by `NS_NO_PREFIX` constant.
68#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug)]
69pub struct Namespace(pub BTreeMap<String, String>);
71impl Namespace {
72 /// Returns an empty namespace.
73 #[inline]
74 pub fn empty() -> Namespace { Namespace(BTreeMap::new()) }
76 /// Checks whether this namespace is empty.
77 #[inline]
78 pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
79 self.0.is_empty()
80 }
82 /// Checks whether this namespace is essentially empty, that is, it does not contain
83 /// anything but default mappings.
84 pub fn is_essentially_empty(&self) -> bool {
85 // a shortcut for a namespace which is definitely not empty
86 if self.0.len() > 3 { return false; }
88 self.0.iter().all(|(k, v)| match (&**k, &**v) {
89 (NS_NO_PREFIX, NS_EMPTY_URI) => true,
91 (NS_XML_PREFIX, NS_XML_URI) => true,
92 _ => false
93 })
94 }
96 /// Checks whether this namespace mapping contains the given prefix.
97 ///
98 /// # Parameters
99 /// * `prefix` --- namespace prefix.
100 ///
101 /// # Return value
102 /// `true` if this namespace contains the given prefix, `false` otherwise.
103 #[inline]
104 pub fn contains<P: ?Sized+AsRef<str>>(&self, prefix: &P) -> bool {
105 self.0.contains_key(prefix.as_ref())
106 }
108 /// Puts a mapping into this namespace.
109 ///
110 /// This method does not override any already existing mappings.
111 ///
112 /// Returns a boolean flag indicating whether the map already contained
113 /// the given prefix.
114 ///
115 /// # Parameters
116 /// * `prefix` --- namespace prefix;
117 /// * `uri` --- namespace URI.
118 ///
119 /// # Return value
120 /// `true` if `prefix` has been inserted successfully; `false` if the `prefix`
121 /// was already present in the namespace.
122 pub fn put<P, U>(&mut self, prefix: P, uri: U) -> bool
123 where P: Into<String>, U: Into<String>
124 {
125 match self.0.entry(prefix.into()) {
126 Entry::Occupied(_) => false,
127 Entry::Vacant(ve) => {
128 ve.insert(uri.into());
129 true
130 }
131 }
132 }
134 /// Puts a mapping into this namespace forcefully.
135 ///
136 /// This method, unlike `put()`, does replace an already existing mapping.
137 ///
138 /// Returns previous URI which was assigned to the given prefix, if it is present.
139 ///
140 /// # Parameters
141 /// * `prefix` --- namespace prefix;
142 /// * `uri` --- namespace URI.
143 ///
144 /// # Return value
145 /// `Some(uri)` with `uri` being a previous URI assigned to the `prefix`, or
146 /// `None` if such prefix was not present in the namespace before.
147 pub fn force_put<P, U>(&mut self, prefix: P, uri: U) -> Option<String>
148 where P: Into<String>, U: Into<String>
149 {
150 self.0.insert(prefix.into(), uri.into())
151 }
153 /// Queries the namespace for the given prefix.
154 ///
155 /// # Parameters
156 /// * `prefix` --- namespace prefix.
157 ///
158 /// # Return value
159 /// Namespace URI corresponding to the given prefix, if it is present.
160 pub fn get<'a, P: ?Sized+AsRef<str>>(&'a self, prefix: &P) -> Option<&'a str> {
161 self.0.get(prefix.as_ref()).map(|s| &**s)
162 }
165/// An alias for iterator type for namespace mappings contained in a namespace.
166pub type NamespaceMappings<'a> = Map<
167 Entries<'a, String, String>,
168 for<'b> fn((&'b String, &'b String)) -> UriMapping<'b>
171impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a Namespace {
172 type Item = UriMapping<'a>;
173 type IntoIter = NamespaceMappings<'a>;
175 fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
176 fn mapper<'a>((prefix, uri): (&'a String, &'a String)) -> UriMapping<'a> {
177 (&*prefix, &*uri)
178 }
179 self.0.iter().map(mapper)
180 }
183/// Namespace stack is a sequence of namespaces.
185/// Namespace stack is used to represent cumulative namespace consisting of
186/// combined namespaces from nested elements.
187#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
188pub struct NamespaceStack(pub Vec<Namespace>);
190impl NamespaceStack {
191 /// Returns an empty namespace stack.
192 #[inline]
193 pub fn empty() -> NamespaceStack { NamespaceStack(Vec::with_capacity(2)) }
195 /// Returns a namespace stack with default items in it.
196 ///
197 /// Default items are the following:
198 ///
199 /// * `xml` → `http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace`;
200 /// * `xmlns` → `http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/`.
201 #[inline]
202 pub fn default() -> NamespaceStack {
203 let mut nst = NamespaceStack::empty();
204 nst.push_empty();
205 // xml namespace
206 nst.put(NS_XML_PREFIX, NS_XML_URI);
207 // xmlns namespace
209 // empty namespace
210 nst.put(NS_NO_PREFIX, NS_EMPTY_URI);
211 nst
212 }
214 /// Adds an empty namespace to the top of this stack.
215 #[inline]
216 pub fn push_empty(&mut self) -> &mut NamespaceStack {
217 self.0.push(Namespace::empty());
218 self
219 }
221 /// Removes the topmost namespace in this stack.
222 ///
223 /// Panics if the stack is empty.
224 #[inline]
225 pub fn pop(&mut self) -> Namespace {
226 self.0.pop().unwrap()
227 }
229 /// Removes the topmost namespace in this stack.
230 ///
231 /// Returns `Some(namespace)` if this stack is not empty and `None` otherwise.
232 #[inline]
233 pub fn try_pop(&mut self) -> Option<Namespace> {
234 self.0.pop()
235 }
237 /// Borrows the topmost namespace mutably, leaving the stack intact.
238 ///
239 /// Panics if the stack is empty.
240 #[inline]
241 pub fn peek_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Namespace {
242 self.0.last_mut().unwrap()
243 }
245 /// Borrows the topmost namespace immutably, leaving the stack intact.
246 ///
247 /// Panics if the stack is empty.
248 #[inline]
249 pub fn peek(&self) -> &Namespace {
250 self.0.last().unwrap()
251 }
253 /// Puts a mapping into the topmost namespace if this stack does not already contain one.
254 ///
255 /// Returns a boolean flag indicating whether the insertion has completed successfully.
256 /// Note that both key and value are matched and the mapping is inserted if either
257 /// namespace prefix is not already mapped, or if it is mapped, but to a different URI.
258 ///
259 /// # Parameters
260 /// * `prefix` --- namespace prefix;
261 /// * `uri` --- namespace URI.
262 ///
263 /// # Return value
264 /// `true` if `prefix` has been inserted successfully; `false` if the `prefix`
265 /// was already present in the namespace stack.
266 pub fn put_checked<P, U>(&mut self, prefix: P, uri: U) -> bool
267 where P: Into<String> + AsRef<str>,
268 U: Into<String> + AsRef<str>
269 {
270 if self.0.iter().any(|ns| ns.get(&prefix) == Some(uri.as_ref())) {
271 false
272 } else {
273 self.put(prefix, uri);
274 true
275 }
276 }
278 /// Puts a mapping into the topmost namespace in this stack.
279 ///
280 /// This method does not override a mapping in the topmost namespace if it is
281 /// already present, however, it does not depend on other namespaces in the stack,
282 /// so it is possible to put a mapping which is present in lower namespaces.
283 ///
284 /// Returns a boolean flag indicating whether the insertion has completed successfully.
285 ///
286 /// # Parameters
287 /// * `prefix` --- namespace prefix;
288 /// * `uri` --- namespace URI.
289 ///
290 /// # Return value
291 /// `true` if `prefix` has been inserted successfully; `false` if the `prefix`
292 /// was already present in the namespace.
293 #[inline]
294 pub fn put<P, U>(&mut self, prefix: P, uri: U) -> bool
295 where P: Into<String>, U: Into<String>
296 {
297 self.0.last_mut().unwrap().put(prefix, uri)
298 }
300 /// Performs a search for the given prefix in the whole stack.
301 ///
302 /// This method walks the stack from top to bottom, querying each namespace
303 /// in order for the given prefix. If none of the namespaces contains the prefix,
304 /// `None` is returned.
305 ///
306 /// # Parameters
307 /// * `prefix` --- namespace prefix.
308 #[inline]
309 pub fn get<'a, P: ?Sized+AsRef<str>>(&'a self, prefix: &P) -> Option<&'a str> {
310 let prefix = prefix.as_ref();
311 for ns in self.0.iter().rev() {
312 match ns.get(prefix) {
313 None => {},
314 r => return r,
315 }
316 }
317 None
318 }
320 /// Combines this stack of namespaces into a single namespace.
321 ///
322 /// Namespaces are combined in left-to-right order, that is, rightmost namespace
323 /// elements take priority over leftmost ones.
324 pub fn squash(&self) -> Namespace {
325 let mut result = BTreeMap::new();
326 for ns in self.0.iter() {
327 result.extend(ns.0.iter().map(|(k, v)| (k.clone(), v.clone())));
328 }
329 Namespace(result)
330 }
332 /// Returns an object which implements `Extend` using `put_checked()` instead of `put()`.
333 ///
334 /// See `CheckedTarget` for more information.
335 #[inline]
336 pub fn checked_target(&mut self) -> CheckedTarget {
337 CheckedTarget(self)
338 }
340 /// Returns an iterator over all mappings in this namespace stack.
341 #[inline]
342 pub fn iter(&self) -> NamespaceStackMappings {
343 self.into_iter()
344 }
347/// An iterator over mappings from prefixes to URIs in a namespace stack.
349/// # Example
350/// ```
351/// # use xml::namespace::NamespaceStack;
352/// let mut nst = NamespaceStack::empty();
353/// nst.push_empty();
354/// nst.put("a", "urn:A");
355/// nst.put("b", "urn:B");
356/// nst.push_empty();
357/// nst.put("c", "urn:C");
359/// assert_eq!(vec![("c", "urn:C"), ("a", "urn:A"), ("b", "urn:B")], nst.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>());
360/// ```
361pub struct NamespaceStackMappings<'a> {
362 namespaces: Rev<Iter<'a, Namespace>>,
363 current_namespace: Option<NamespaceMappings<'a>>,
364 used_keys: HashSet<&'a str>
367impl<'a> NamespaceStackMappings<'a> {
368 fn go_to_next_namespace(&mut self) -> bool {
369 self.current_namespace = self.namespaces.next().map(|ns| ns.into_iter());
370 self.current_namespace.is_some()
371 }
374impl<'a> Iterator for NamespaceStackMappings<'a> {
375 type Item = UriMapping<'a>;
377 fn next(&mut self) -> Option<UriMapping<'a>> {
378 // If there is no current namespace and no next namespace, we're finished
379 if self.current_namespace.is_none() && !self.go_to_next_namespace() {
380 return None;
381 }
382 let next_item = self.current_namespace.as_mut().unwrap().next();
384 match next_item {
385 // There is an element in the current namespace
386 Some((k, v)) => if self.used_keys.contains(&k) {
387 // If the current key is used, go to the next one
388 self.next()
389 } else {
390 // Otherwise insert the current key to the set of used keys and
391 // return the mapping
392 self.used_keys.insert(k);
393 Some((k, v))
394 },
395 // Current namespace is exhausted
396 None => if self.go_to_next_namespace() {
397 // If there is next namespace, continue from it
398 self.next()
399 } else {
400 // No next namespace, exiting
401 None
402 }
403 }
404 }
407impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a NamespaceStack {
408 type Item = UriMapping<'a>;
409 type IntoIter = NamespaceStackMappings<'a>;
411 fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
412 NamespaceStackMappings {
413 namespaces: self.0.iter().rev(),
414 current_namespace: None,
415 used_keys: HashSet::new()
416 }
417 }
420/// A type alias for a pair of `(prefix, uri)` values returned by namespace iterators.
421pub type UriMapping<'a> = (&'a str, &'a str);
423impl<'a> Extend<UriMapping<'a>> for Namespace {
424 fn extend<T>(&mut self, iterable: T) where T: IntoIterator<Item=UriMapping<'a>> {
425 for (prefix, uri) in iterable {
426 self.put(prefix, uri);
427 }
428 }
431impl<'a> Extend<UriMapping<'a>> for NamespaceStack {
432 fn extend<T>(&mut self, iterable: T) where T: IntoIterator<Item=UriMapping<'a>> {
433 for (prefix, uri) in iterable {
434 self.put(prefix, uri);
435 }
436 }
439/// A wrapper around `NamespaceStack` which implements `Extend` using `put_checked()`.
441/// # Example
443/// ```
444/// # use xml::namespace::NamespaceStack;
446/// let mut nst = NamespaceStack::empty();
447/// nst.push_empty();
448/// nst.put("a", "urn:A");
449/// nst.put("b", "urn:B");
450/// nst.push_empty();
451/// nst.put("c", "urn:C");
453/// nst.checked_target().extend(vec![("a", "urn:Z"), ("b", "urn:B"), ("c", "urn:Y"), ("d", "urn:D")]);
454/// assert_eq!(
455/// vec![("a", "urn:Z"), ("c", "urn:C"), ("d", "urn:D"), ("b", "urn:B")],
456/// nst.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>()
457/// );
458/// ```
460/// Compare:
462/// ```
463/// # use xml::namespace::NamespaceStack;
464/// # let mut nst = NamespaceStack::empty();
465/// # nst.push_empty();
466/// # nst.put("a", "urn:A");
467/// # nst.put("b", "urn:B");
468/// # nst.push_empty();
469/// # nst.put("c", "urn:C");
471/// nst.extend(vec![("a", "urn:Z"), ("b", "urn:B"), ("c", "urn:Y"), ("d", "urn:D")]);
472/// assert_eq!(
473/// vec![("a", "urn:Z"), ("b", "urn:B"), ("c", "urn:C"), ("d", "urn:D")],
474/// nst.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>()
475/// );
476/// ```
477pub struct CheckedTarget<'a>(&'a mut NamespaceStack);
479impl<'a, 'b> Extend<UriMapping<'b>> for CheckedTarget<'a> {
480 fn extend<T>(&mut self, iterable: T) where T: IntoIterator<Item=UriMapping<'b>> {
481 for (prefix, uri) in iterable {
482 self.0.put_checked(prefix, uri);
483 }
484 }