1// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5use core::ops::{Range, RangeBounds};
7use zerocopy::{SplitByteSlice, SplitByteSliceMut};
9use crate::{canonicalize_range, take_back, take_back_mut, take_front, take_front_mut};
11/// A wrapper for a sequence of byte slices.
13/// `FragmentedByteSlice` shares its underlying memory with the slice it was
14/// constructed from and, as a result, operations on a `FragmentedByteSlice` may
15/// mutate the backing slice.
16#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
17pub struct FragmentedByteSlice<'a, B: SplitByteSlice>(&'a mut [B]);
19/// A single byte slice fragment in a [`FragmentedByteSlice`].
20pub trait Fragment: SplitByteSlice {
21 /// Takes `n` bytes from the front of this fragment.
22 ///
23 /// After a call to `take_front(n)`, the fragment is `n` bytes shorter.
24 ///
25 /// # Panics
26 ///
27 /// Panics if `n` is larger than the length of this `ByteSlice`.
28 fn take_front(&mut self, n: usize) -> Self;
30 /// Takes `n` bytes from the back of this fragment.
31 ///
32 /// After a call to `take_back(n)`, the fragment is `n` bytes shorter.
33 ///
34 /// # Panics
35 ///
36 /// Panics if `n` is larger than the length of this `ByteSlice`.
37 fn take_back(&mut self, n: usize) -> Self;
39 /// Constructs a new empty `Fragment`.
40 fn empty() -> Self;
43/// A type that can produce a `FragmentedByteSlice` view of itself.
44pub trait AsFragmentedByteSlice<B: Fragment> {
45 /// Generates a `FragmentedByteSlice` view of `self`.
46 fn as_fragmented_byte_slice(&mut self) -> FragmentedByteSlice<'_, B>;
49impl<O, B> AsFragmentedByteSlice<B> for O
51 B: Fragment,
52 O: AsMut<[B]>,
54 fn as_fragmented_byte_slice(&mut self) -> FragmentedByteSlice<'_, B> {
55 FragmentedByteSlice::new(self.as_mut())
56 }
59impl<'a> Fragment for &'a [u8] {
60 fn take_front(&mut self, n: usize) -> Self {
61 take_front(self, n)
62 }
64 fn take_back(&mut self, n: usize) -> Self {
65 take_back(self, n)
66 }
68 fn empty() -> Self {
69 &[]
70 }
73impl<'a> Fragment for &'a mut [u8] {
74 fn take_front(&mut self, n: usize) -> Self {
75 take_front_mut(self, n)
76 }
78 fn take_back(&mut self, n: usize) -> Self {
79 take_back_mut(self, n)
80 }
82 fn empty() -> Self {
83 &mut []
84 }
87impl<'a, B: 'a + Fragment> FragmentedByteSlice<'a, B> {
88 /// Constructs a new `FragmentedByteSlice` from `bytes`.
89 ///
90 /// It is important to note that `FragmentedByteSlice` takes a mutable
91 /// reference to a backing slice. Operations on the `FragmentedByteSlice`
92 /// may mutate `bytes` as an optimization to avoid extra allocations.
93 ///
94 /// Users are encouraged to treat slices used to construct
95 /// `FragmentedByteSlice`s as if they are not owned anymore and only serve
96 /// as (usually temporary) backing for a `FragmentedByteSlice`.
97 pub fn new(bytes: &'a mut [B]) -> Self {
98 Self(bytes)
99 }
101 /// Constructs a new empty `FragmentedByteSlice`.
102 pub fn new_empty() -> Self {
103 Self(&mut [])
104 }
106 /// Gets the total length, in bytes, of this `FragmentedByteSlice`.
107 pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
108 // TODO(brunodalbo) explore if caching the total length in a
109 // FragmentedByteSlice could be a worthy performance optimization.
110 self.0.iter().map(|x| x.len()).sum()
111 }
113 /// Returns `true` if the `FragmentedByteSlice` is empty.
114 pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
115 self.len() == 0
116 }
118 /// Slices this `FragmentedByteSlice`, reducing it to only the bytes within
119 /// `range`.
120 ///
121 /// `slice` will mutate the backing slice by dropping or shrinking fragments
122 /// as necessary so the overall composition matches the requested `range`.
123 /// The returned `FragmentedByteSlice` uses the same (albeit possibly
124 /// modified) backing mutable slice reference as `self`.
125 ///
126 /// # Panics
127 ///
128 /// Panics if the provided `range` is not within the bounds of this
129 /// `FragmentedByteSlice`, or if the range is nonsensical (the end precedes
130 /// the start).
131 pub fn slice<R>(self, range: R) -> Self
132 where
133 R: RangeBounds<usize>,
134 {
135 let len = self.len();
136 let range = canonicalize_range(len, &range);
137 let mut bytes = self.0;
138 // c is the amount of bytes we need to discard from the beginning of the
139 // fragments.
140 let mut c = range.start;
141 while c != 0 {
142 let first = &mut bytes[0];
143 if first.len() > c {
144 // if the first fragment contains more than c bytes, just take
145 // c bytes out of its front and we're done.
146 let _: B = first.take_front(c);
147 break;
148 } else {
149 // otherwise, just account for the first fragment's entire
150 // length and drop it.
151 c -= first.len();
152 bytes = &mut bytes[1..];
153 }
154 }
155 // c is the amount of bytes we need to discard from the end of the
156 // fragments.
157 let mut c = len - range.end;
158 while c != 0 {
159 let idx = bytes.len() - 1;
160 let last = &mut bytes[idx];
161 if last.len() > c {
162 // if the last fragment contains more than c bytes, just take
163 // c bytes out of its back and we're done.
164 let _: B = last.take_back(c);
165 break;
166 } else {
167 // otherwise, just account for the last fragment's entire length
168 // and drop it.
169 c -= last.len();
170 bytes = &mut bytes[..idx];
171 }
172 }
173 Self(bytes)
174 }
176 /// Checks whether the contents of this `FragmentedByteSlice` are equal to
177 /// the contents of `other`.
178 pub fn eq_slice(&self, mut other: &[u8]) -> bool {
179 for x in self.0.iter() {
180 let x = x.as_ref();
181 if other.len() < x.len() || !x.eq(&other[..x.len()]) {
182 return false;
183 }
184 other = &other[x.len()..];
185 }
186 other.is_empty()
187 }
189 /// Iterates over all the bytes in this `FragmentedByteSlice`.
190 pub fn iter(&self) -> impl '_ + Iterator<Item = u8> {
191 self.0.iter().map(|x| x.iter()).flatten().copied()
192 }
194 /// Iterates over the fragments of this `FragmentedByteSlice`.
195 pub fn iter_fragments(&'a self) -> impl 'a + Iterator<Item = &'a [u8]> + Clone {
196 self.0.iter().map(|x| x.as_ref())
197 }
199 /// Copies all the bytes in `self` into the contiguous slice `dst`.
200 ///
201 /// # Panics
202 ///
203 /// Panics if `dst.len() != self.len()`.
204 pub fn copy_into_slice(&self, mut dst: &mut [u8]) {
205 for p in self.0.iter() {
206 let (tgt, nxt) = dst.split_at_mut(p.len());
207 tgt.copy_from_slice(p.as_ref());
208 dst = nxt;
209 }
210 assert_eq!(dst.len(), 0);
211 }
213 /// Returns a flattened version of this buffer, copying its contents into a
214 /// [`Vec`].
215 pub fn to_flattened_vec(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
216 let mut out = Vec::with_capacity(self.len());
217 for x in self.0.iter() {
218 out.extend_from_slice(x);
219 }
220 out
221 }
223 /// Creates an index tuple from a linear index `idx`.
224 ///
225 /// `get_index` creates a tuple index `(slice, byte)` where `slice` is the
226 /// index in the backing slice of slices and `byte` is the byte index in the
227 /// slice at `self.0[slice]` where `(slice, byte)` represents the `idx`th
228 /// byte in this `FragmentedByteSlice`.
229 ///
230 /// # Panics
231 ///
232 /// Panics if `idx` is out of bounds.
233 fn get_index(&self, mut idx: usize) -> (usize, usize) {
234 let mut a = 0;
235 while self.0[a].len() <= idx || self.0[a].len() == 0 {
236 idx -= self.0[a].len();
237 a += 1;
238 }
239 (a, idx)
240 }
242 /// Increments the index tuple `idx`.
243 ///
244 /// Increments the index tuple `idx` (see
245 /// [`FragmentedByteSlice::get_index`]) so it references the next byte.
246 /// `increment_index` will stop incrementing and just return a slice index
247 /// equal to the length of the backing slice if `idx` can't be incremented
248 /// anymore.
249 fn increment_index(&self, idx: &mut (usize, usize)) {
250 if self.0[idx.0].len() > (idx.1 + 1) {
251 idx.1 += 1;
252 } else {
253 idx.0 += 1;
254 // skip any empty slices:
255 while idx.0 < self.0.len() && self.0[idx.0].len() == 0 {
256 idx.0 += 1;
257 }
258 idx.1 = 0;
259 }
260 }
262 /// Decrements the index tuple `idx`.
263 ///
264 /// Decrements the index tuple `idx` (see
265 /// [`FragmentedByteSlice::get_index`]) so it references the previous byte.
266 /// `decrement_index` will wrap around to an invalid out of bounds index
267 /// (slice index is equal to the length of the backing slice) if `idx` is
268 /// pointing to the `0`th byte.
269 fn decrement_index(&self, idx: &mut (usize, usize)) {
270 if idx.1 == 0 {
271 if idx.0 == 0 {
272 idx.0 = self.0.len();
273 idx.1 = 0;
274 return;
275 }
276 idx.0 -= 1;
277 // skip any empty slices:
278 while idx.0 != 0 && self.0[idx.0].len() == 0 {
279 idx.0 -= 1;
280 }
281 if self.0[idx.0].len() != 0 {
282 idx.1 = self.0[idx.0].len() - 1;
283 } else {
284 idx.0 = self.0.len();
285 idx.1 = 0;
286 }
287 } else {
288 idx.1 -= 1;
289 }
290 }
292 /// Tries to convert this `FragmentedByteSlice` into a contiguous one.
293 ///
294 /// Returns `Ok` if `self`'s backing storage contains 0 or 1 byte slices,
295 /// and `Err` otherwise.
296 ///
297 /// If `self`'s backing storage contains 1 byte slice, that byte slice will
298 /// be replaced with an empty byte slice, and the original used to construct
299 /// the return value.
300 pub fn try_into_contiguous(self) -> Result<B, Self> {
301 if self.0.is_empty() {
302 Ok(B::empty())
303 } else if self.0.len() == 1 {
304 Ok(std::mem::replace(&mut self.0[0], B::empty()))
305 } else {
306 Err(self)
307 }
308 }
310 /// Tries to get a contiguous reference to this `FragmentedByteSlice`.
311 ///
312 /// Returns `Some` if `self`'s backing storage contains 0 or 1 byte slices,
313 /// and `None` otherwise.
314 pub fn try_get_contiguous(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {
315 match &self.0 {
316 [] => Some(&[]),
317 [slc] => Some(slc),
318 _ => None,
319 }
320 }
322 /// Tries to split this `FragmentedByteSlice` into a contiguous prefix, a
323 /// (possibly fragmented) body, and a contiguous suffix.
324 ///
325 /// Returns `None` if it isn't possible to form a contiguous prefix and
326 /// suffix with the provided `range`.
327 ///
328 /// # Panics
329 ///
330 /// Panics if the range is out of bounds, or if the range is nonsensical
331 /// (the end precedes the start).
332 pub fn try_split_contiguous<R>(self, range: R) -> Option<(B, Self, B)>
333 where
334 R: RangeBounds<usize>,
335 {
336 let len = self.len();
337 let range = canonicalize_range(len, &range);
338 if len == 0 && range.start == 0 && range.end == 0 {
339 // If own length is zero and the requested body range is an empty
340 // body start at zero, avoid returning None in the call to
341 // last_mut() below.
342 return Some((B::empty(), FragmentedByteSlice(&mut []), B::empty()));
343 }
345 // take foot first, because if we have a single fragment, taking head
346 // first will mess with the index calculations.
348 let foot = self.0.last_mut()?;
349 let take = len - range.end;
350 if foot.len() < take {
351 return None;
352 }
353 let foot = foot.take_back(take);
355 let head = self.0.first_mut()?;
356 if head.len() < range.start {
357 return None;
358 }
359 let head = head.take_front(range.start);
361 Some((head, self, foot))
362 }
365impl<'a, B: 'a + SplitByteSliceMut + Fragment> FragmentedByteSlice<'a, B> {
366 /// Iterates over mutable references to all the bytes in this
367 /// `FragmentedByteSlice`.
368 pub fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> impl '_ + Iterator<Item = &'_ mut u8> {
369 self.0.iter_mut().map(|x| x.iter_mut()).flatten()
370 }
372 /// Copies all the bytes in `src` to `self`.
373 ///
374 /// # Panics
375 ///
376 /// Panics if `self.len() != src.len()`.
377 pub fn copy_from_slice(&mut self, mut src: &[u8]) {
378 for p in self.0.iter_mut() {
379 let (cur, nxt) = src.split_at(p.len());
380 p.as_mut().copy_from_slice(cur);
381 src = nxt;
382 }
383 assert_eq!(src.len(), 0);
384 }
386 /// Copies all the bytes from another `FragmentedByteSlice` `other` into
387 /// `self`.
388 ///
389 /// # Panics
390 ///
391 /// Panics if `self.len() != other.len()`.
392 pub fn copy_from<BB>(&mut self, other: &FragmentedByteSlice<'_, BB>)
393 where
394 BB: SplitByteSlice,
395 {
396 // keep an iterator over the fragments in other.
397 let mut oth = other.0.iter().map(|z| z.as_ref());
398 // op is the current fragment in other we're copying from.
399 let mut op =;
400 for part in self.0.iter_mut() {
401 // p is the current fragment in self we're feeding bytes into.
402 let mut p = part.as_mut();
403 // iterate until this fragment is all consumed.
404 while !p.is_empty() {
405 // skip any empty slices in other.
406 while op.unwrap().is_empty() {
407 op =;
408 }
409 // get the current fragment in other.
410 let k = op.unwrap();
411 if k.len() <= p.len() {
412 // if k does not have enough bytes to fill p, copy what we
413 // can, change p to the region that hasn't been updated, and
414 // then fetch the next fragment from other.
415 let (dst, nxt) = p.split_at_mut(k.len());
416 dst.copy_from_slice(k.as_ref());
417 p = nxt;
418 op =;
419 } else {
420 // Otherwise, copy the p.len() first bytes from k, and
421 // modify op to keep the rest of the bytes in k.
422 let (src, nxt) = k.split_at(p.len());
423 p.copy_from_slice(src.as_ref());
424 op = Some(nxt);
425 // break from loop, p had all its bytes copied.
426 break;
427 }
428 }
429 }
430 // If anything is left in our iterator, panic if it isn't an empty slice
431 // since the lengths must match.
432 while let Some(v) = op {
433 assert_eq!(v.len(), 0);
434 op =;
435 }
436 }
438 /// Copies elements from one part of the `FragmentedByteSlice` to another
439 /// part of itself.
440 ///
441 /// `src` is the range within `self` to copy from. `dst` is the starting
442 /// index of the range within `self` to copy to, which will have the same
443 /// length as `src`. The two ranges may overlap. The ends of the two ranges
444 /// must be less than or equal to `self.len()`.
445 ///
446 /// # Panics
447 ///
448 /// Panics if either the source or destination range is out of bounds, or if
449 /// `src` is nonsensical (its end precedes its start).
450 pub fn copy_within<R: RangeBounds<usize>>(&mut self, src: R, dst: usize) {
451 let Range { start, end } = canonicalize_range(self.len(), &src);
452 assert!(end >= start);
453 let len = end - start;
454 if start == dst || len == 0 {
455 // no work to do
456 } else if start > dst {
457 // copy front to back
458 let mut start = self.get_index(start);
459 let mut dst = self.get_index(dst);
460 for _ in 0..len {
461 self.0[dst.0][dst.1] = self.0[start.0][start.1];
462 self.increment_index(&mut start);
463 self.increment_index(&mut dst);
464 }
465 } else {
466 // copy back to front
467 let mut start = self.get_index(end - 1);
468 let mut dst = self.get_index(dst + len - 1);
469 for _ in 0..len {
470 self.0[dst.0][dst.1] = self.0[start.0][start.1];
471 self.decrement_index(&mut start);
472 self.decrement_index(&mut dst);
473 }
474 }
475 }
477 /// Attempts to get a contiguous mutable reference to this
478 /// `FragmentedByteSlice`.
479 ///
480 /// Returns `Some` if this `FragmentedByteSlice` is a single contiguous part
481 /// (or is empty). Returns `None` otherwise.
482 pub fn try_get_contiguous_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut [u8]> {
483 match &mut self.0 {
484 [] => Some(&mut []),
485 [slc] => Some(slc),
486 _ => None,
487 }
488 }
491/// A [`FragmentedByteSlice`] backed by immutable byte slices.
492pub type FragmentedBytes<'a, 'b> = FragmentedByteSlice<'a, &'b [u8]>;
493/// A [`FragmentedByteSlice`] backed by mutable byte slices.
494pub type FragmentedBytesMut<'a, 'b> = FragmentedByteSlice<'a, &'b mut [u8]>;
497mod tests {
498 use super::*;
500 /// Calls `f` with all the possible three way slicings of a non-mutable
501 /// buffer containing `[1,2,3,4,5]` (including cases with empty slices).
502 fn with_fragments<F: for<'a, 'b> FnMut(FragmentedBytes<'a, 'b>)>(mut f: F) {
503 let buff = [1_u8, 2, 3, 4, 5];
504 for i in 0..buff.len() {
505 for j in i..buff.len() {
506 let (a, x) = buff.split_at(i);
507 let (b, c) = x.split_at(j - i);
508 let mut frags = [a, b, c];
509 f(frags.as_fragmented_byte_slice());
510 }
511 }
512 }
514 /// Calls `f` with all the possible three way slicings of a non-mutable
515 /// buffer containing `[1,2,3,4,5]` (including cases with empty slices).
516 fn with_fragments_mut<F: for<'a, 'b> FnMut(FragmentedBytesMut<'a, 'b>)>(mut f: F) {
517 let buff = [1_u8, 2, 3, 4, 5];
518 for i in 0..buff.len() {
519 for j in i..buff.len() {
520 let mut buff = [1_u8, 2, 3, 4, 5];
521 let (a, x) = buff.split_at_mut(i);
522 let (b, c) = x.split_at_mut(j - i);
523 let mut frags = [a, b, c];
524 f(frags.as_fragmented_byte_slice());
525 }
526 }
527 }
529 #[test]
530 fn test_iter() {
531 // check iterator over different fragment permutations.
532 with_fragments(|bytes| {
533 let mut iter = bytes.iter();
534 for i in 1_u8..6 {
535 assert_eq!(, i);
536 }
537 assert!(;
538 assert!(;
539 });
540 }
542 #[test]
543 fn test_eq() {
544 // check equality over different fragment permutations.
545 with_fragments(|bytes| {
546 assert!(bytes.eq_slice([1_u8, 2, 3, 4, 5].as_ref()));
547 assert!(!bytes.eq_slice([1_u8, 2, 3, 4].as_ref()));
548 assert!(!bytes.eq_slice([1_u8, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].as_ref()));
549 assert!(!bytes.eq_slice(&[]));
550 });
552 // check equality for the empty slice case.
553 let bytes = FragmentedBytes::new_empty();
554 assert!(!bytes.eq_slice([1_u8, 2, 3, 4, 5].as_ref()));
555 assert!(bytes.eq_slice(&[]));
556 }
558 #[test]
559 fn test_slice() {
560 // test all valid ranges with all possible permutations of a three way
561 // slice.
562 for i in 0..6 {
563 for j in i..6 {
564 with_fragments(|bytes| {
565 let range = bytes.slice(i..j);
566 let x = [1_u8, 2, 3, 4, 5];
567 assert_eq!(&range.to_flattened_vec()[..], &x[i..j], "{}..{}", i, j);
568 });
569 }
570 }
571 }
573 #[test]
574 #[should_panic]
575 fn test_slice_out_of_range() {
576 // check that slicing out of range will panic
577 with_fragments(|bytes| {
578 let _ = bytes.slice(0..15);
579 });
580 }
582 #[test]
583 #[should_panic]
584 fn test_copy_into_slice_too_big() {
585 // check that copy_into_slice panics for different lengths.
586 with_fragments(|bytes| {
587 let mut slice = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
588 bytes.copy_into_slice(&mut slice[..]);
589 });
590 }
592 #[test]
593 #[should_panic]
594 fn test_copy_into_slice_too_small() {
595 // check that copy_into_slice panics for different lengths.
596 with_fragments(|bytes| {
597 let mut slice = [1, 2];
598 bytes.copy_into_slice(&mut slice[..]);
599 });
600 }
602 #[test]
603 fn test_copy_into_slice() {
604 // try copy_into_slice with all different fragment permutations.
605 with_fragments(|bytes| {
606 let mut slice = [0; 5];
607 bytes.copy_into_slice(&mut slice[..]);
608 assert_eq!(slice, &[1, 2, 3, 4, 5][..]);
609 });
610 }
612 #[test]
613 #[should_panic]
614 fn test_copy_from_slice_too_big() {
615 // check that copy_from_slice panics for different lengths.
616 with_fragments_mut(|mut bytes| {
617 let slice = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
618 bytes.copy_from_slice(&slice[..]);
619 });
620 }
622 #[test]
623 #[should_panic]
624 fn test_copy_from_slice_too_small() {
625 // check that copy_from_slice panics for different lengths.
626 with_fragments_mut(|mut bytes| {
627 let slice = [1, 2, 3];
628 bytes.copy_from_slice(&slice[..]);
629 });
630 }
632 #[test]
633 fn test_copy_from_slice() {
634 // test copy_from_slice with all fragment permutations.
635 with_fragments_mut(|mut bytes| {
636 let slice = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];
637 bytes.copy_from_slice(&slice[..]);
638 assert_eq!(&bytes.to_flattened_vec()[..], &slice[..]);
639 });
640 }
642 #[test]
643 fn test_copy_from() {
644 // test copying from another FragmentedByteSlice, going over all
645 // fragment permutations for both src and dst.
646 with_fragments(|src| {
647 with_fragments_mut(|mut dst| {
648 // zer-out dst
649 dst.copy_from_slice(&[0; 5][..]);
650 dst.copy_from(&src);
651 assert_eq!(&dst.to_flattened_vec()[..], &[1_u8, 2, 3, 4, 5][..]);
652 })
653 });
654 }
656 #[test]
657 #[should_panic]
658 fn test_copy_from_too_long() {
659 // copying from another FragmentedByteSlice should panic if the lengths
660 // differ.
661 let mut a = [0; 2];
662 let mut b = [0; 2];
663 let mut frags = [a.as_mut(), b.as_mut()];
664 with_fragments(|src| {
665 frags.as_fragmented_byte_slice().copy_from(&src);
666 });
667 }
669 #[test]
670 #[should_panic]
671 fn test_copy_from_too_short() {
672 // copying from another FragmentedByteSlice should panic if the lengths
673 // differ.
674 let mut a = [0; 5];
675 let mut b = [0; 2];
676 let mut frags = [a.as_mut(), b.as_mut()];
677 with_fragments(|src| {
678 frags.as_fragmented_byte_slice().copy_from(&src);
679 });
680 }
682 #[test]
683 fn test_indexing() {
684 // Test the internal indexing functions over all fragment permutations.
685 with_fragments(|bytes| {
686 for i in 0..5 {
687 // check that get_index addresses the expected byte.
688 let mut idx = bytes.get_index(i);
689 assert_eq!(bytes.0[idx.0][idx.1], (i + 1) as u8);
691 // check that we can increase it correctly until the end of the
692 // buffer.
693 for j in 1..(6 - i - 1) {
694 bytes.increment_index(&mut idx);
695 assert_eq!(bytes.0[idx.0][idx.1], (i + j + 1) as u8);
696 }
698 // fetch the same index again.
699 let mut idx = bytes.get_index(i);
700 assert_eq!(bytes.0[idx.0][idx.1], (i + 1) as u8);
702 // check that we can decrease it correctly until the beginning
703 // of the buffer.
704 for j in 1..=i {
705 bytes.decrement_index(&mut idx);
706 assert_eq!(bytes.0[idx.0][idx.1], (i - j + 1) as u8);
707 }
708 }
709 });
710 }
712 #[test]
713 fn test_copy_within() {
714 with_fragments_mut(|mut bytes| {
715 // copy last half to beginning:
716 bytes.copy_within(3..5, 0);
717 assert_eq!(&bytes.to_flattened_vec()[..], &[4, 5, 3, 4, 5]);
718 });
719 with_fragments_mut(|mut bytes| {
720 // copy first half to end:
721 bytes.copy_within(0..2, 3);
722 assert_eq!(&bytes.to_flattened_vec()[..], &[1, 2, 3, 1, 2]);
723 });
724 }
726 #[test]
727 #[should_panic]
728 fn test_copy_within_src_out_of_bounds() {
729 with_fragments_mut(|mut bytes| {
730 // try to copy out of bounds
731 bytes.copy_within(3..15, 0);
732 });
733 }
735 #[test]
736 #[should_panic]
737 fn test_copy_within_dst_out_of_bounds() {
738 with_fragments_mut(|mut bytes| {
739 // try to copy out of bounds
740 bytes.copy_within(3..5, 15);
741 });
742 }
744 #[test]
745 #[should_panic]
746 fn test_copy_within_bad_range() {
747 with_fragments_mut(|mut bytes| {
748 // pass a bad range (end before start)
749 #[allow(clippy::reversed_empty_ranges)]
750 bytes.copy_within(5..3, 0);
751 });
752 }
754 #[test]
755 fn test_get_contiguous() {
756 // If we have fragments, get_contiguous should fail:
757 with_fragments_mut(|mut bytes| {
758 assert!(bytes.try_get_contiguous().is_none());
759 assert!(bytes.try_get_contiguous_mut().is_none());
760 assert!(bytes.try_into_contiguous().is_err());
761 });
763 // otherwise we should be able to get the contiguous bytes:
764 let mut single = [1_u8, 2, 3, 4, 5];
765 let mut single = [&mut single[..]];
766 let mut single = single.as_fragmented_byte_slice();
767 assert_eq!(single.try_get_contiguous().unwrap(), &[1, 2, 3, 4, 5][..]);
768 assert_eq!(single.try_get_contiguous_mut().unwrap(), &[1, 2, 3, 4, 5][..]);
769 assert_eq!(single.try_into_contiguous().unwrap(), &[1, 2, 3, 4, 5][..]);
770 }
772 #[test]
773 fn test_split_contiguous() {
774 let data = [1_u8, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
776 // try with a single continuous slice
777 let mut refs = [&data[..]];
778 let frag = refs.as_fragmented_byte_slice();
779 let (head, body, foot) = frag.try_split_contiguous(2..4).unwrap();
780 assert_eq!(head, &data[..2]);
781 assert_eq!(&body.to_flattened_vec()[..], &data[2..4]);
782 assert_eq!(foot, &data[4..]);
784 // try splitting just part of the header
785 let mut refs = [&data[0..3], &data[3..]];
786 let frag = refs.as_fragmented_byte_slice();
787 let (head, body, foot) = frag.try_split_contiguous(2..6).unwrap();
788 assert_eq!(head, &data[..2]);
789 assert_eq!(&body.to_flattened_vec()[..], &data[2..]);
790 assert!(foot.is_empty());
792 // try splitting just part of the footer
793 let mut refs = [&data[0..3], &data[3..]];
794 let frag = refs.as_fragmented_byte_slice();
795 let (head, body, foot) = frag.try_split_contiguous(..4).unwrap();
796 assert!(head.is_empty());
797 assert_eq!(&body.to_flattened_vec()[..], &data[..4]);
798 assert_eq!(foot, &data[4..]);
800 // try completely extracting both:
801 let mut refs = [&data[0..3], &data[3..]];
802 let frag = refs.as_fragmented_byte_slice();
803 let (head, body, foot) = frag.try_split_contiguous(3..3).unwrap();
804 assert_eq!(head, &data[0..3]);
805 assert_eq!(body.len(), 0);
806 assert_eq!(foot, &data[3..]);
808 // try getting contiguous bytes from an empty FragmentedByteSlice:
809 let frag = FragmentedBytes::new_empty();
810 let (head, body, foot) = frag.try_split_contiguous(..).unwrap();
811 assert!(head.is_empty());
812 assert!(body.is_empty());
813 assert!(foot.is_empty());
814 }
816 #[test]
817 #[should_panic]
818 fn test_split_contiguous_out_of_bounds() {
819 let data = [1_u8, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
820 let mut refs = [&data[..]];
821 let frag = refs.as_fragmented_byte_slice();
822 let _ = frag.try_split_contiguous(2..8);
823 }
825 #[test]
826 fn test_empty() {
827 // Can create empty FragmentedByteSlices with no fragments or with one
828 // empty fragment.
829 // is_empty should return true for both cases.
830 let empty = FragmentedByteSlice::<&'static [u8]>::new_empty();
831 assert!(empty.is_empty());
832 let empty = [0_u8; 0];
833 let mut empty = [&empty[..]];
834 let empty = empty.as_fragmented_byte_slice();
835 assert!(empty.is_empty());
836 }